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Shepherd of the Pines

Lutheran Church
Street NW
Rice, MN
Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home/Study Phone: 363-1323


Church Website:

For Christians, we are entering into one of the most celebrative
times of the year as we remember and celebrate the greatest gift ever
given. Our Lord gave the gift of His Son Jesus through whom we
receive so many wonderful gifts for time and for eternity. In Jesus we
have the wonderful gifts of eternal life, membership in God's forever
family now with forgiveness of sins, deliverance from the destructive
powers of sin, death and the devil, and heaven as our home. Listen to
what Romans 8:31-32 tells us, "What, then, shall we say in response to
this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His
own Son, but gave Him up for us all - how will He not also, along with
Him, graciously give us all things?"
This year as we begin the journey to the manger, we will reflect on
the gifts of God to us in Jesus as we look more closely at some of the
wonderful Christmas Carols that we love to sing and their messages to
us. Enjoy celebrating the greatest gift of all - Father God's gift of Jesus
Christ to all mankind; so that all could be saved by grace through faith
in Jesus Christ and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Understanding and receiving God's Christmas gifts to us will transform
our lives forever!
God bless you as you enjoy this Christmas season,
Pastor Bob

Angels Among Us
When God wants to speak and deal with us, said Martin Luther, He
does not avail Himself of an angel but of parents, or the pastor, or of our
neighbor. Never underestimate how powerfully God can use you in
the life of a child, a church member, a friend or a stranger. The Hebrew

word for angel also means messenger. You may be specially chosen to
deliver to someone the message of Gods love or guidance. Listen intently
for what God would have you share with others, then do so faithfully and

Board of Lay Ministry

Pending Approval Minutes
November 19, 2015

BOLM members present: Brent Betker, Deb Erdmann, Curt Kvamme, Keith Hackett, Keith Peterson, Sarah
Anderson, Tim Neutz, Wayne Johnson, Pastor Bob.
Meeting was called to order by President Brent Betker at 6:33 pm. Pastor Bob opened the meeting with prayer.
Mission statement was read by Wayne Johnson.
Acts Chapter 17 was read and discussed.
The Treasurers report was reviewed. Curt explained that he has done some cleanup on the designated funds and
found a noisy offering that had not been distributed to the Rice Area Food Shelf. He sent the missed offering to
the food shelf in October. There was continued discussion on whether or not the Sunday School Mission funds
had been sent to the orphanage at the end of last school year. Curt will review information from the credit card
account to see if it shows up. Motion made to accept the report by Keith Peterson, seconded by Deb Erdmann.
Motion carried. The BOLM reviewed the budget to be presented at the annual congregational meeting. It is
comparable in size to last years budget in total. Keith Hackett moved to approve the budget as printed. Tim
Neutz seconded and the motion carried.
Properties Report: Keith Peterson reported that the bids are almost complete for the work to the kitchen. The
committee is pursuing new bids on electrical and will meet yet this week to finalize plans before the annual
meeting on Sunday. Estimated costs will come in around $55,000. A motion was made by Sarah Anderson that
the BOLM suggests that the funds come from the general fund for this expense if it is approved by the
congregation. Deb Erdmann seconded the motion and the motion carried. Concrete has been sealed in the front
of the church. Heather Statz visited Bridge of Harmony in Alexandria and received a great price ($600) on a new
keyboard for the congregation that had the electronic abilities she wants for the praise band. Two new speakers
have been installed at the back of the church. The power strip at the back of the church should be turned on first
and the one at the front of the church should be turned on second.
Secretarys report was read. It was noted that the BOLM reviewed Chapter 16 of Acts last month, not Chapter 14
as the minutes read. Motion made to accept the report by Keith Peterson, seconded by Wayne Johnson. Motion
Old Business:
Copier Keith Hackett made a motion to approve the lease of a copier from Coordinated Business Systems
instead of the previous agreement with Marlin. Deb Erdmann seconded the motion and the motion carried. The
new copier is here and the old copier has been shipped back.
Salem Christian Fellowship: The BOLM would still like to see Pastor Hesham come to speak to our congregation.
Pastor Bob is pursuing dates that would work in 2016.

LCMS support letter: The BOLM reviewed a request to send money to a scholarship fund for LCMS seminary
students. There was no interest in sending money at this time.
Peter Keyes contractual Outreach work: The BOLM reviewed his latest visit to the congregation and noted that
his message did not contain his vision for how he would fit into our congregation as he was not prepared to do
this. The BOLM will try to clarify this during the annual meeting.
Reclaiming Our Nations Biblical Heritage: Pastor Bob shared that 65 churches from the surrounding 5 counties
have been invited to the event. The event will be held at the church on November 30 th from 6:45pm to 8:45pm.
Pastor Bob is also planning monthly newsletter articles related to this topic.
Jubilee Team: The Jubilee team would like to thank the BOLM for supporting the FPU program and the
celebration last Sunday. We plan to have another class in January. We have purchased more kits than we have
used and it is possible that Dawns church will be interested in them.
MCBI: Tim Neutz shared that December 21st will be the day sponsored by Shepherd of the Pines. Listen and
enjoy to 91.5FM and 102.7FM!
New Business:
Worship Shepherd Schedule was reviewed through December 20th. Next BOLM meeting will be December 17 th
at 6:30 pm.
Jessica Funt has requested to transfer out to Bethany Lutheran in Ramey. Keith Hackett moved to grant this
request, Keith Peterson seconded. Motion carried. We wish Jessica the best in her new church home.
Peter Keyes son Nathan is working with Youth With a Mission and is in need of funds. He wrote a letter
containing his plans to remain in the country if he can collect the funds he needs. Sarah Anderson made a motion
to send Nathan $500 from mission money. Wayne Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Worship Team Leader: One member has applied for the position; two others have come forward with interest.
The BOLM will start an interview process to help prayerfully discern the best candidate for the position.
Interviews are planned for our December meeting.
Call Committee: Brent reported that the group met with Pastor Finnern and reviewed the profiles of ten
candidates on Tuesday night. The committee narrowed the list to four names to contact to see if they are
interested in going through the call process. The next step will be background checks. The committee discussed
putting together a packet of information about SOTP and the surrounding communities for candidates to review
during the interview process. Wayne Johnson brought up that he had heard that a member of the committee felt
the process was being rushed.
Property insurance: Brent passed on papers requesting that the new copier be added to the property insurance.
Keith Peterson will follow up with Ron Bulthuis regarding this.
District giving form for 2016: Pastor Bob and Brent signed the form that will be filled out by Curt after the
budget is approved at the annual meeting to send to the District.
Annual Meeting preparations: The BOLM reviewed the agenda for the annual meeting. There was discussion on
how many communicant members are needed for a quorum. There are two accepted nominations for BOLM
elections. There were to additional nominations, these members are not eligible based on the guidelines of our
Crusade Choir: A letter was shared requesting funds for their Christmas concert. Several of our members are
participants in this choir. Wayne Johnson made a motion to send $100 to the Crusade Choir. Deb Erdman
seconded the motion, motion carried.
Pastors comments: A thank you card was passed around from Pastor Bob for the appreciation gifts and card.

Leaders comments: Keith Hackett encouraged the BOLM members to continue to speak their opinions, so that
the group can move forward with unified consensus.
Motion was made by Keith Hackett to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Deb Erdmann. Motion carried. Meeting
adjourned at 9:40 pm.
Closed with prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Sarah Anderson, BOLM Secretary

Our church offers fifth graders the opportunity

to participate in Holy Communion after taking
Early Communion classes.
This year First
Communion classes will be offered in two sessions
from 2:00pm to 5:00pm on Sunday afternoons,
January 25th and February 8th. Then we will have a
special recognition of our First Communicants in our Sunday service on
February 22nd. One parent is asked to attend the classes with the student.
Both parents are welcome to attend if they wish. If your child is older than
fifth grade and would like to attend the class they are also welcome. If your
child is planning to attend the class please call Pastor Bob (393-4295)
so that we can have enough materials available. Please bring your Sunday
school Bible and a highlighter to the classes.

Christmas Readers and Ushers Needed!! There are sign up

sheets on the counter in the church lobby for the Christmas Eve
3:00pm, 5:00pm and 9:00pm services. If you are willing to
read a scripture during one of the Christmas Eve services please
take a copy of the reading for you to practice and read through
prior to the service.
We have been praying for our church
family each week as we go through
our church directory from A to Z. As
you go about your daily tasks lift a
prayer for the family of the week as the Lord brings
them to mind.
In December we will be praying for:
December 6 - James & Tracy Corrow
December 13 - Keith & Kathy Craft
Child: Kendal
December 20 - Clarence Dase
December 27 - Mike & Susan Dase
Child: Patrick Dullinger


December distribution
Is Thursday,
December 3rd,
at the Old Village Hall

We will be taking up
our noisy offering on
20 , for Rice Area Quilters.
Thank you for your support and
your generous donations!
There is a sign-up sheet on the

counter in the church lobby for

those interested in taking the Dave
Ramsey, Financial Peace University
classes this January. We would ask
you to put the day and time that
would work best for you as we are
able, we will try to offer a class that
meets the needs of the most popular
times. We would like to offer the 9
week class beginning the week of
January 10th. Childcare can be
provided as needed - please indicate
this need on the sign-up sheet. Youll
learn to take control of your money,
invest for the future, and experience
Gods blessings in your finances. The
cost is $100 for a couple or for single
persons. The church is offering a $50
rebate for those who complete the 9
week course. For more info, please
feel free to talk to Pastor Bob.

as we look at one of the

Christmas carols. When we
sing them, what are we
really singing about?

November 29 - What Child Is

December 6 - O Little Town of
December 13 - While Shepherds
Their Flocks By
December 20 8:00am Childrens Christmas
10:30am Silent Night
Christmas Eve Services:
3:00pm - Away
In A Manger
5:00pm - Away
In A Manger
9:00pm - O
Holy Night Service of
Readings, Carols & Holy

Advent is coming!
November 29th is the first
Sunday in Advent. This year
will focus on some of the
wonderful Christmas hymns
that we have been gifted to
sing. Each service we will
focus on the Biblical message
God has for us, His people,

December 27 - Hark! The Herald

Angels Sing

they raise funds to attend the

Dare2Share event in February.

The Call Committee has reached the next

phase in the call process, we have 2 names
nomination box to send in to the District
Office, they will begin the process of
collecting more names to send to us,
approximately within the next 6-8 weeks
we'll have that information. From that point,
we'll have to narrow the list of names down
to just a few to begin the next steps of
preparing for interviews. The Call
Committee would like to ask you all to be in
prayer alongside us in this process. We need
the prayers of the entire family to gracefully
walk out this journey, to hear the Lord's
voice and to be obedient to His plans. Its
much more fun to pray with God than
merely to pray to Him. - See more at:

The SOTP Youth

Group is once
again selling
calendars for
2016! Please check out the display
table set up in the fellowship hall OR
contact one of our youth. The
calendars are $7 and well worth the
price! Please help support our youth as

A Toys for Tots box is located in

the lobby of the church for
anyone to donate. The
program is looking
for new toys with
an approx. value
children ages newborn to 16. Each
child will receive at least one $10.00
gift, and depending on donations,
may receive additional smaller gifts.
This program has been active in the
Central MN area for many years, and
furnishes toys to nearly 3000 children
each Christmas.
All toys are
distributed through the Catholic
Charities Emergency Services. If you
know of families or individuals who
are in need of toys or other service
during the Holiday Season, have them
call the United Way 211 or 800-5437709 for an appropriate referral.
United Way does not provide any
services, but will direct people to the
help they need. Please have your
items to the church by Friday,
December 11th! Thank you!

We will be placing our order for poinsettias to

decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. If you are
interested in purchasing one please fill out a
form. They are located on the counter in the
church lobby. Checks should be made out to:
Plants in the memo line. Payment is required
with your order. The deadline for ordering is
DECEMBER 13th. Thank you!! We ask that you
leave your plant(s) at church for all the Christmas
services and take the plant with your name tag
only. If you have any questions call Joanny at

Reclaiming Our Nations Biblical Heritage

Each month I am going to put an article under the above heading for us as Bible believing
Christians to be aware of and apply to our lives and our countrys need to base what we do
on Biblical morality. Here is a challenge to us from Bill Bright:
Citizenship in a free country is a blessing from God. Our great system on self-government
assures every Christian a voice in the affairs of the nation. God wants us to do His will in
government, just as in the church and in the home.
But have we disobeyed our Lord? Have we ceased to be the salt of the earth and the
light of the world, as Christ has commanded? As we do, results that the moral fiber of America
is rotting away and our priceless freedom is in grave jeopardy. Atheism is penetrating every
area of our national life. America is faced with the greatest crisis in history. We are in danger of
losing our nation by default, and with it our individual freedoms and possibly our very lives.
If that should happen, our opportunity to help fulfill the Great Commission throughout the
United States and the world will also be lost. And hundreds of millions will never have an
opportunity to receive our Savior.
Edmund Burke said, All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
nothing. America is the last stronghold of freedom on earth and citizens who are dedicated to
god are the only resource for the preservation of our freedoms, including the freedom to serve
It has been reliably estimated that more than half of the people of the United States profess
faith in Jesus Christ. Even a small percentage of us can be used of God to set this nation on a new
course of righteousness for His glory.

Faith in our Lord implies obligation and duty to serve Him in all areas of life including
citizenship. As we prepare for an important election coming November 2016, let us ask our Lord
to guide us in being godly citizens. Here are our Five Duties as a Christian Citizen framed in
five questions.
1. Do I pray faithfully for a spiritual revival to sweep America?

2. Am I a registered voter, and do I encourage other Christians to register?

3. Am I making a serious effort, along with my Christian friends, to become
4. Am I actively involved in helping to select and elect godly candidates?
5. Do I vote faithfully in every election for the best godly candidates, regardless of party?

Worship Shepherds
December 6 Brent Betker
December 13 Tim Neutz
December 20 Sarah Anderson
December 24 3:00pm Wayne Johnson
5:00pm Ketih Hackett
9:00pm Curt Kvamme
December 27 Keith Peterson

December 6

8:00am Keith & Evie Kirchner

10:30am Pat & Carol Rolph

December 13

8:00am Keith & Roxanne Peterson

10:30am Rich & Robin Hemple

December 20

8:00am Kevin & Janet Maleska

10:30am Steve & Roxann Ree

December 27

8:00am Randy & Donna Klaphake

10:30am Troy & Deb Popp

December 6

December 13

December 20

8:00am Janet Maleska

10:30am Howard Forer
8:00am Jeff Ramey
10:30am Carol Trinklein
8:00am Jordie Stay
10:30am Judy Hackett

December 27

8:00am Cameron Schroeder

10:30am Sandie Resch

December 6

Jay & Leah Saldana

December 13

Jeff & Joanny Ramey

December 20

Jordie Stay

December 27

Joyce Saldana

Dennis Arntson, Laurie Madoll,
Keith Kirchner, Ron Bulthuis
If it is your turn to serve fellowship, please bring some
treats to share and arrive early to help set up. If your
name is first on the list, please arrive 30 minutes prior to
the 8:00am service to make coffee. The directions for
making coffee are posted on the bulletin board in the
kitchen. When you serve fellowship, please plan on
serving coffee and treats and cleaning up the kitchen
after the first service. The others serving with you would
appreciate it!
December 6 K. Kirchner, R. Brutcher, B. Betker,
J. Hendrickson, S. Douvier/J. Johnson
December 13 K. Peterson, R. Weinand, S. Manea,
C. Kvamme, K. Warzecha
December 20 DJ Janski, D. Perleberg, M. Popp,
S. Arickx, Hanebuth/Gunderson
December 27 VOLUNTEERS

Mary Bulthuis, Jen Ollman,

Roxanne Peterson, Juli Popp


December 6 - Micah 5:1-5

Luke 1:39-55

December 6

December 13 - I Timothy 1:14-17

Luke 2:8-20

8:00am Samantha Dubbin

10:30am Matthew Neutz

December 13

8:00am Bill Paradeis

10:30am Denise Leahy

December 20

8:00am Donovan Elyea

10:30am Noah Ellefson

December 27

8:00am Samantha Dubbin

10:30am Matthew Neutz

December 20 - Isaiah 7:14

Luke 1:26-28 & 2:1-7
December 27 - Revelation 5:1-12
Luke 2:8-20




Jesus Was Born For...

Bob Trinklein, Pastor

Church Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home Study: 320-363-1323
Church Website:
Brent Betker, President 584-8170, Deb Erdmann, 393-4279, Keith Hackett, 393-4531, Keith Peterson, Vice-President 292-4007,
Curt Kvamme, Treas. 393-3353, Sarah Anderson, Secretary 267-2628, Tim Neutz, 393-3386, Wayne Johnson 253-9020
Keith Peterson, Church Properties 253-4623
Brenda Hackett - Small Group Team Leader, _________________ - Worship Team Leader, Maria Traut - Service Team Leader
In case of church cancellation due to bad weather listen to, 98 COUNTRY 98.1, SPIRIT 92.9, KCLD 104.7, WJON 1240,
or call the church office and listen to the message.

Shepherd of the Pines Mission Statement: Connecting People to GodTo Othersand To Service
The purpose of this congregation is mandated for us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as found in the words of the Great
Commission (Matthew 28), namely first of all to Go. To leave our walls of refuge, going into all the world, comprising of our families
and neighbors. We plan to achieve our purpose by identifying persons with whom we are particularly well-equipped to serve and reach
with the challenge of becoming Disciples of Christ.
Second, to Make Disciples or in the words of St Paul, To equip the saints (Ephesians 4:12). This is to be understood as helping
people to live the Christian life here on earth. Preparing and encouraging young and old alike to find and to use their God given gifts
and abilities for the extension of His Kingdom, and to grow in fervent love for God and for others.
Thirdly, to Baptize as commanded by Jesus Himself. As God reaches down to mankind with His means of grace, He would have us
baptize His people, bringing them into His family and Kingdom, granting to them life, forgiveness of sins, and eternal salvation.
And lastly, to continue steadfast in His Word, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. A continued
zeal for the study of His Word, the Bible, is necessary for the growth of any Christian congregation. Thus, the Word of God will be
taught and studied in full measure and His Word shall be the rule and norm of this congregations faith and life.
To that end, our every effort and energy will be used in motivating, training, and putting to use our time, and talents and treasures
to Make Disciples.

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