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Teuku Umar. He was born in 1854 (the date and the month is not recorded)
in Meulaboh, West Aceh, Indonesia. He is a national hero who had led the
guerrilla war in Aceh since 1873 until 1899. Grandpa Uma is Minangkabau
descent, namely Datuk Makdum Sati ever credited to the Sultan of Aceh. Datuk
Makdum Sati had two sons, namely Nantan Faithful and Ahmad Mahmud. Teuku
Ahmad Mahmud is the father of Teuku Umar.
When war broke out in 1873 aceh Teuku Umar participate struggling with
other Acehnese fighters, although he was only menginjak19 year. At first he
struggled in the village itself and then dilanjukan to West Aceh. At this age, Teuku
Umar has also been appointed as keuchik (village head) in the Power Meulaboh.
Teuku Umar personality since childhood is known as a smart, brave, and
sometimes liked fighting with peers.He also possesses a hard and unyielding in
the face of all the problems. Teuku Umar was never assigned the formal
education. However, he is capable of being a strong leader, intelligent, and
Teuku Umar Marriage is not all done. When he was the age of 20 years old,
married to Teuku Umar With Nyak Sofiah, children uleebalang Glumpang. To
increase the degree itself, Teuku Umar and then married again with Nyak
Malighai, daughter of Commander Sagi Mukim XXV. Since that time, he began
using his Teuku. In 1880, married the widow Teuku Umar With Cut Nyak Dien,
daughter of his uncle. Actually Cut Nyak Dien already has a husband (Teuku
Ibrahim Lamnga) but had died in June 1978 in the war against the Dutch in the
GLE Tarun.After that, Cut Nyak Dien meets and falls in love with Uma. Both then
struggled with launching attacks on Dutch posts in Krueng. The result is a
marriage of two girls named Cut Xylophone who was born in the camp because
their parents are struggling in the battlefield.
Dutch troops had come to terms with Teuku Umar in 1883. One year later
(in 1884) war broke out again between the two. In 1893, Uma and then search for
a strategy on how he can get weapons from the enemy (the Netherlands). Finally,
Teuku Umar pretending to be a stooge (accomplice) Dutch. His wife, Cut Nyak
Dien ever got confused, embarrassed, and angry over her husband's
decision. Governor Van Teijn at that time also intend to use the Teuku Umar as a

way to win the hearts of the people of Aceh. Teuku Umar then entered military
service. The involvement, on January 1, 1894, Uma was awarded the title of Hero
of Johan and allowed to form its own army legium totaling 250 troops with
When joined with the Dutch, Teuku Umar was never subdue Aceh defense
outposts. The war was conducted by Teuku Umar pretend. Because, before Teuku
Umar has notified in advance to the fighters in Aceh. As compensation for his
success, Uma requests to add 17 people commanders and 120 soldiers, including
a Pangleot as his right hand finally granted by Governor Deykerhorf who replaced
Governor Ban Teijn.
On March 30, 1896, Teuku Umar and then get out of military service with
the Dutch troops and their 800 guns, 25,000 bullets, 500 kg of ammunition, and 18
000 dollars cash. With the growing strength, Teuku Umar along with 15 people
turning back to defend the people of Aceh. Tactics and strategies are very astute
war were intended to fool the Dutch forces at that time were very strong and very
difficult to overcome. At the time, the struggle Teuku Umar supported Teuku Polem
Commander Muhammad Daud who was with 400 people involved face the Dutch
attack. In the battle, as many as 25 people were killed and 190 people injured in
the Netherlands.
Governor Deykerhorf feel hurt by the tactics undertaken Teuku Umar. Van
Heutsz ordered to deploy massive force to capture Teuku Umar. Sudden attack to
the Melaboh causing Teuku Umar was shot and killed on the battlefield, namely in
Kampung Mugo, inland tanggal10 Meulaboh on February 1899.
Since childhood, Teuku Umar actually have thoughts that are often difficult
to understand by his friends. When growing up was thinking also remains
elusive. As has been reviewed above that Teuku Umar tactics that pretend to be
henchmen Netherlands is a form of "complexity" of thought in itself. Various
commentators appear to understand Teuku Umar thinking about tactics such
pretense. However, it is certain that the tactics and strategies are valued very
telling in the face of the onslaught of Dutch colonial troops and weapons that have
very complete. Teuku Umar "negative way" one should not be done so long as to
achieve "positive goal". If traced in the context of contemporary thought, thinking it
sounds closer to communism which also justifies any means. Teuku Umar fighting
spirit in the face of Dutch colonialism, which in turn encourages such thinking.

Teuku Umar's work can be a success in the face of the enemy himself. For
example, on June 14, 1886, Teuku Umar CENTON Hok had attacked the ship,
owned by the Dutch. The ship was successfully controlled forces Teuku
Umar. Ship captain, Hans (from Denmark) killed and handed over to the Dutch
ship ransom of 25,000 ringgit. Courage is greatly admired by the people of
Aceh. Other work is a form of Teuku Umar success when getting a lot of weapons
as a result of his betrayal of the Netherlands.
Based on Presidential Decree. 087/TK/1973 dated 6 November 1973,
Teuku Umar was awarded the title of National Hero. Teuku Umar name is also
immortalized as the name of the street in some areas in the country, one of which
was the famous located in Menteng, Central Jakarta. In addition, the name is also
immortalized as the name of a field in Meulaboh, West Aceh.

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