Wildcat Rumble: LGMS 7th Graders Tour Georgia Coast

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Volume 11, Issue 2




November 2015

LGMS 7th Graders Tour Georgia Coast
By Olivia Ruiz

Upcoming Events:

Thanksgiving break


Scoliosis screening


Latte Chats, 9-11 am



Literacy Days county



2nd TAG payment due

Fun in the sun!

In November, 7th grade went to St.Simon's Island two days. The trip was a long ride and it was
very exhausting. I was asleep for the whole time. We arrived at 5:00 pm. Right when we got of
the bus we were all shuffled straight to the cafeteria building and we ate dinner. For dinner we
had chicken,and mashed potatoes, and mac-n-cheese, and a roll with green beans. After that we
went to our cabins. The cabins were air conditioned, and there were 7 bunk beds and two bath
When we were all rested, we all woke up at 5:30 am and we all went to this building called the
Brown Center. We were assigned our camp leader, who was Ms. Kerissa, and our group was
called the sting rays. Our group chant was "SEA
We went to our class room and it was the called
Gator Tales where we learned about reptiles. We
got to touch some snakes and a baby
alligator! Ms. Foster said the trip would teach us
about wild life and plant life, and we did. It was a
lot of fun!

Team building!

Page 2

Are Gender Stereotypes


Read more student
blogs on social
issues and current

Really Necessary?
By Edward Keener
For those who do not know, gender stereotypes are roles that people think both genders should follow (guys should play sports, girls
need to wear dresses, and paint their nails, etc.). This article is going
to center around why we need to disband this way of thinking
The first thing that I'm going to cover about gender roles is how
sexist this is for both genders. Just because someone is a girl
doesn't mean she has to love texting, shopping, or just the color pink,
and just because someone is a guy doesn't mean he should have to
play sports, have short hair, or have to like sports in general
(Personally, I hate all forms of physical activities). This is sexist, because it sets unfair boundaries on what we can do without being.
A great example is that if a girl wants to play football and have
short hair, she will get judged for acting like a boy, and we can simply
reverse this and say a boy wants to have long hair, and wear makeup he is going to be called girly (lets be realright now he will be
called gay) because of gender roles.
So why cant we should just disband what we would consider socially acceptable for both genders forever? If a girl likes sports, or a
guy likes fashion its their opinion and likewise, should be respected
because, after all, its not like they are bothering you in any way,
shape, or form by just being themselves.
Lets say you are at a BBQ and you like hamburgers, and one of
the attendees likes hot dogs. Does it really bother you to the point
you are going to bully them? Of course not! So why cant we just let
people be who they are without forcing societys expectations on
them against their will. Have an open mind about things; not everyone likes the same thing.

Congratulations to LGMS Literacy Days Participants!

Congratulations to the following students, who will represent LGMS at the Henry County
Literacy Days competition:
Writing: Kelly Kight (8), Gianna Curra (7), and Kimberly Thomas (6)
Poetry Recitation: Leo Orellana (8), Destiny Estrada (7), and Grace Ivey (6)
Drama: Emma Gower, Karizma Munoz, Cierra Chatman, Gianna Curry, Courtney White,
Courtnee Tabacchi, Catherine Brockman, Ahava Murray, and Ryleigh Mann

Page 3

Leaving a Legacy
By Madelynn Guy
Students at LGMS are having more and more opportunities to create and produce unique projects in their classes. For example, 7th grade language arts classes has recently finished working
on their Leaving a Legacy projects. It is called "Who I Am?". Their goal is to create a visual representation of something to describe themselves. Some people created collages or PowerPoints, the
most artistic kids even created their own self portrait. We took some cool pictures of the some of
the ones we found interesting. These students have done outstanding work on this project and we
can't wait to see more from them!

LGMS Science Fair

By Cmiah Williams and Jakayla Pope
Two of our reporters spoke with Mrs. Holt about the upcoming science fair December 10.
Q: What are your expectations for the science fair?
A: That students participate and learn from project based learning [PBL] how they can contribute to the
body of knowledge.
Q: What type of experiments will they do?
A: Most students are doing controlled experiments that include a control and variable.
Q:Do your students have a choice between science fair and the National History Day?
A: Yes they do have a choice. Students are doing research for one or the other in language arts and
then completing their project for either science or social studies.
Q: What do you think is the most important thing that you want your students to know about the science
A: The use of science inquiry and to learn to think more critically.

My Visit to Georgia Tech

By Jared Stowe (guest reporter)
Locust Grove
Middle School
3315 South Ola Rd.
Locust Grove, GA

Summer Baker
Staff Writers
Kelly Ekuka
Madelynn Guy
Isabella Jackson
Edward Keener
Jakayla Pope
Madison Rimmer
Olivia Ruiz
Kelly Underwood
Cmiah Williams
Ms. Gardner

Recently I went on a field

trip to one of Georgias best
colleges on a tour. Georgia
Tech is a very nice engineering college. Georgia Tech is
a public college. It is in the
ACC, and a division 1 college. The average tuition
cost for Georgia Tech is
My favorite thing I saw was
the student recreation center. In there they had a nice size gym, a swimming pool, and a waterslide.
One neat thing about the building is that is where the Olympics was held
in 1966. Many students were there. There was a very cool vibe in that
building also, including the gym and food places and the music.
During the tour the tour guides gave us hints on how to get in to a college like GA Tech. They said we would need to be a well-rounded student.
That means you have at least As and Bs in a decent amount of AP or
Honors classes, as well as take part in extra-curricular activities (sports,
clubs, etc.).
The campus itself was very cool. We saw huge buildings, sculptures, a
recreation center, and a food court. We also went to The Varsity afterwards. The food was very good. I got a pound burger with bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese on it, along with a mountain of fries. After the
burger and fries I got chocolate ice cream. I could not think of a better way
to end off an amazing trip than going to an amazing restaurant.

Cost per issue:

50 cents
The student recreation center is complete with a swimming pool, gym, and a
mini food court. This is where the Summer Olympics in 1996 were hosted.

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