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Research-In-Progress Report

Section 1
The effects of the Syrian refugee crisis on the lives of its youth have not only impacted their
psychological stability and overall well-being, but it has also destroyed their chances at a
childhood, an education, and a safe environment within the confines of their culture and their
Section 2
"UNHCR Stories from Syrian Refugees." UNHCR Stories from Syrian Refugees. The UN
Refugee Agency, n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.
<>. This is an extremely useful website for
my topic and my research because it holds unique and exclusive stories of individual
Syrian refugees. There are different voices that are coming from an uncommon blend of
refugees- there are adults, elderly, and most importantly, youth voices. The stories that
are told are unique and special to each refugee and they hold information that is valuable
to my research. The stories range from the journeys across oceans, the political situation
in Syria, and the conflict that is taking place. This source relates to my topic because it
contains stories from youth and children. Their viewpoints and perspectives are unique
because they are told through much younger eyes. My topic is focusing on the impact that
the refugee crisis had on Syria's youth and what the conflict in Syria had on its children.
This site has stories from youth and children that will provide me answers to these
questions. This is source is undoubtedly credible because it is published by a United
Nations branch-the refugee agency. The United Nations is well known to release
information and resources about facts, numbers, and real-life events and news. Therefore,
this source is trusted to have credible and accurate information.

Reem Zaitoon
Research-In-Progress Report

UNHCR: Total Number of Syrian Refugees Exceeds Four Million for First Time. UNHCR
News. The UN Refugee Agency, n.d. Web.11 Oct. 2015.
<>. This source is made up of various statistics
and figures that give ample information of the effects of the Syrian refugee crisis on
different age groups. It shows which gender suffered more fatalities and which age group
of children and adults had the highest death tolls. It also contains information about the
risks and dangers the refugees were aware of when they left their homes, which is crucial
information towards my topic. This source is useful for my work because it provides me
with facts and figures that I can input in my paper as an argument for credibility. This
source relates to my topic because it is dedicated solely to how many people died in each
age group. I am analyzing the effects of the crisis on just youths, so the information that
the source holds about youth deaths is important for my research. This source is credible
because it is published by the UN refugee agency, which is dedicated to getting
wholesome, accurate facts to the public.
"Voices of Syria's Youth: What It's like to Grow up as a Refugee." Mercy Corps. Mercy Corps,
20 June 2014. Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <>. This source is also a
compilation of the stories and recounts of Syrian youth and children, except this one is
about what it is like growing up in war-stricken Syria and the struggles that children and
youth had to face due to the war. This source relates to my topic because it has stories
about what it is like to grow up in an unsafe and scary environment. I think that the story
of an unsafe and violent country is told differently when told through a child or a young
person. Therefore, this source is valuable to my topic. This source is credible because it is

Reem Zaitoon
Research-In-Progress Report

run by a nonprofit organization that is rooted in saving lives and raising awareness for
humanitarian causes.
"Mitigating the Impact of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on Jordanian Vulnerable Host
Communities." UNDP in Jordan. United Nations Development Programme, 2013. Web.
11 Oct. 2015.
mitigating-the-impact-of-the-syrian-refugee-crisis-on-jordanian-.html>. This source is
about improving the situation for refugees that are in dangerous and unsafe situations. It
has information about the public and private efforts being made n order to mitigate the
fear and uncertainty that many of the refugees are feeling. This source relates to my topic
because it shares the efforts that being made to help the refugees. This is relevant to my
topic because I need to have research pertaining to the relief efforts in order to better
understand the refugee situations. This source is credible because it was released by a
special UN program that specializes in relief and rescue efforts for refugees. It provided
nothing but facts and nonprofit work for the betterment of Syria's refugees.
UNICEF, 2015. Print. This source is a compiled report on the access to education that
Syrian refugee children have. It contains data on the regions that education is accessible
and where it is not. This source relates to my topic because it has to do with one of the
key points of my research, which is the availability and the change in the levels of
education for Syrian children. This source is credible because it was compiled by workers
of UNICEF, which is a respectable and world renowned group for humanitarian work.

Reem Zaitoon
Research-In-Progress Report

Hopwood, Derek. Syria 1945-1986: Politics and Society. London: Unwin Hyman, 1988. Print.
This source is about the politics and the way the society was between 1945 and 1986.
This source is relevant to my topic because it provides the background research necessary
to understand the political and societal fabric of Syria. I need to understand these aspects
of the country so that I can better understand the reasons for conflict today. This source is
credible because it was written by a professor who specializes in Middle Eastern conflicts
and politics, Derek Hopwood.
"New Initiative Launched to Better Understand Future Learning Needs of Syrian Refugee Youth
| Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization." New
Initiative Launched to Better Understand Future Learning Needs of Syrian Refugee
Youth | Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
UNESCO, 2015. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.
ian_refugee_youth/>. This source discusses how the general population and those
working for humanitarian efforts can better understand the future learning needs of
Syrian youth. This source is vital for my topic because it centers on the key point of
education and learning needs for the youth. The Syrian war has undoubtedly shaken the
educational system of Syria and this source focuses in on those needs. This source is
credible because it was written and founded by an entire board of people by the
organization UNESCO. UNESCO is a famous organization known for its target in
children's needs.

Reem Zaitoon
Research-In-Progress Report

Ayres, Sabra. "In a Struggling Balkan Economy, Smuggling Is Good Business." In Struggling
Balkans, Smuggling Is Good Business. Aljazeera America, 10 Oct. 2015. Web. 11 Oct.
2015. <>. This source goes into depth about the smuggling that
occurs within Syria and the business that is being made out of smuggling people out of
the country. This source is relevant to my topic because it helps me understand the
conflicts within the country and how they affect the movement of refugees out of Syria.
This source is credible because it was published by one of the most accurate news
publishers: Aljazeera. Aljazeera specializes in humanitarian news articles and is known
for its accuracy.
"Syrian Civil War | Syrian History." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica,
2015. Web. 11 Oct. 2015. <>. This
source is an excellent summary and analysis of the events of the Syrian civil war. It
provides ample information about the issues that are faced in Syria because of the war,
such as bombings and street violence. This source relates to my topic because it provides
information about the effects of the war and also the causes of it. This source is credible
because it was written by an online encyclopedia that is known to have accurate and
credible information that can't be modified by users.
"Syria Profile - Overview - BBC News." BBC News. BBC News, 25 June 2015. Web. 11 Oct.
2015. <>. This source is about
the Syrian politics and the overview of their effects on war in Syria. The politics in Syria
contributed to the conflagration of war. This source relates to my topic because it
contains information that I need to answer the question of political affects and

Reem Zaitoon
Research-In-Progress Report

participation. This source is credible because it was published by BBC News, a news
station known to produce and cover events accurately and in a timely way.
Section 3
I still need to do more research on how the youth are affected in terms of their childhood and
their psychological well-being. I focused a lot on educational research on the youth and
how the conflict affected them in that aspect, but I need to focus more on other aspects. I
also would like to incorporate more facts and statistics in order to increase my credibility
in the paper and to improve my argument. The best feedback would be in the areas of
presentation. How should I present this paper? Should I present it in a narrative or an
informative way? I would like to know which way is the most successful to deliver my

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