AdEVA Archive 1

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Mobile L: I'm in

MrEForEccentric (GM): Good

Let me just figure out
How I GM you
Mobile L: Coolio
MrEForEccentric (GM): It is done
Mobile L: Bwoop
Will be back here later
Mobile L (GM): Babeep
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ya-hoo
Right so I'm just going to check how characters look
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha
A tentative idea related to that:
What if we had the NPCs' in-chat portraits be the shit we picked out for them, b
ut we made cute little sprites for how they look on the overworld?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good idea
I approve of it
Mobile L (GM): Yey!
Maybe we could even do the same for the players
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeee
Mobile L (GM): I have a website that can make almost any mundane person sprite y
ou could think of
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right so- it seems that we're basically going to be doi
ng the Character Sheets inside the Bio and Info bit
Mobile L (GM): Right, gotcha
MrEForEccentric (GM): Because there is no AdEva sheet and Dark Heresy is not rea
lly on the cards
So- To make up for this- I'm basically going to make a bunch of hand-outs for qu
ick character creation
Basically a guideline
Mobile L (GM): That sounds good to me
Might simplify things a tad for the players
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Nice face
MrEForEccentric (GM): He is Fish-Face and he literally only exists as a place-ho
Mobile L (GM): He's sexay
MrEForEccentric (GM): While we have him out here as a token
Should we decide how big we want our tokens to be?
Mobile L (GM): I think so
MrEForEccentric (GM): Load up one of 'dem maps
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
It's gonna take me a bit to size it up right
You may have to enlarge this map
In fact, I think you will have tp
Or can I do that?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Big facility
door-size wise
I think one square fits
I think you're the one in charge of the map
Mobile L (GM): I need to align the 16x16 tiles with the grid
For my own sanity's sake
MrEForEccentric (GM): Eh-he-he-hee
Our Canvas- it is too large!
Mobile L (GM): I can fit it in a sec
MrEForEccentric (GM): We can always black out the other bits that don't fit
Mobile L (GM): Yep, that too
There we go
MrEForEccentric (GM): The size of Fish-Face

Mobile L (GM): I think that's it

Where he at?
MrEForEccentric (GM): 2x2 is good
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, that looks right
MrEForEccentric (GM): The other size could be little tiddlywinks
Mobile L (GM): And that'd look goobery
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok maybe baby sized
Mobile L (GM): Fuck, I hate to be a narcissist, but this looks really sexy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes indeed
Fish-Face is the best placeholder tho
Mobile L (GM): He's MIDAS' proudest member
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'm gon' start adding the other characters
Fish-Face: I AM FINE
Mobile L (GM): Alrighty
Mobile L (GM): Making Charalampo's sprite right now
Fish-Face, you fine as hell
Flaunt it, bb
Fish-Face poses
Mobile L (GM): Awww yeah
Yas, bitch, yassss
Charalampo is, like, really aggressively hot
Good lord
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Yes
mama mia, i wanna fug his brains out
mmmmmmm :-)!!!!!
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: NOTHIN LIKE HAVING THE BEST OEGAMIOM IN THE
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis:: What
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: I'M GONNA MAKE YOU SQUART ACROSS THE ROOM. N
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: Save me
Check the Character list
We got so many in there
Mobile L (GM): Oohoohoo
MrEForEccentric (GM): And I still need to come up with the other pilots and find
Clement Fehrmann: i love the young people
Mobile L (GM): That we do
Philippe D'Esperey: I'm GON' FUCK Y'ALL UP
Desislava Chillikov: plz no
Clement Fehrmann: now that ain't nice, sonny boy
mind yer manners
Philippe D'Esperey: But there is no ship
Fish-Face: OH.
Mobile L (GM):
Mobile L (GM): It can be scaled up
Fish-Face: OH GOOD
Mobile L (GM): The other sprite makers are super limited
I will have to draw him a beard, since all the beards are terrible
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight

I'll get to bringing 'dem faceclaims over onto the characters

Mobile L (GM): Do it to it
MrEForEccentric (GM): As soon as I figure
How in the hell I'm going to do image save as
From a google doc
Mobile L (GM): Oop
MrEForEccentric (GM): Dammit this is all in-google doc
Mobile L (GM): I think I still have the pics
MrEForEccentric (GM): Find them
Mobile L (GM): Or! I could screenshot them
MrEForEccentric (GM): Holy shit why didn't I think of that
Mobile L (GM): My Mac can do cropped screenies, so no biggie
MrEForEccentric (GM): Also- Space is going to sound edit and make a file where i
t's just me saying "I will sodomize you and face-fuck you"
My response- "Good. Make me famous"
Mobile L (GM): Oh God
That fucker
Fish-Face pokes the cylindrical device
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: BENIS DILDO
Clement Fehrmann: mind your manners, deare
Narration: Indeed it was- a Benis Dildo
Clement Fehrmann: *dearie
Fish-Face: WHAT
Narration: But yes- now we actually have a Narration device
Behold- Look at it's glory
Mobile L (GM): Hell yeah
Philippe D'Esperey: NAW FUCK THAT, IT'S LAME
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: stfu frenchie
Goddamn am I a sexy mofo
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: u kno it betch
Desislava Chillikov: Seconded ;)
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: These Triangles are Strong
Clement Fehrmann: you children play nice
Philippe D'Esperey: Fuckit Imma take over the world while you all have your hare
m animes
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: cool
u know what i change my mind fuck you
Philippe D'Esperey fires the CHARON LAZOR BEAM
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello is roasted to death and DIES
Narration: MIDAS was defeated and no-one could fight the Furies... BAD END
MrEForEccentric (GM): Now that we have sufficient characters
And we can add tokens in a bit
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: A'ight
Mobile L (GM): Oop
MrEForEccentric (GM): Vote to kill off Fish-Face?
Mobile L (GM): No, keep him, he's kawaii


Mobile L (GM): Y
Fish-Face: RIGHT
Fish-Face points out his underground sea dome window
Mobile L (GM): Oh nooooo
Mobile L (GM): You do that, Fish-Face
God bless you
Mobile L (GM): Is this too blurry?
Mobile L (GM) is kicked
MrEForEccentric (GM): Is what too blurry
Mobile L (GM): Look at where I am pinging
MrEForEccentric (GM): It could use a little bit of sharpening but I think it wor
Mobile L (GM): Alright. It's tricky scaling tiny sprites up
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aye
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: muhh, geddout of my face
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: noooooo
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: quit quoting weeaboo shit at meeeeeee
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: nooo
that's tesla's job
Fish-Face: DAMN
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: no, that's the pilots' jobssss
Fish-Face: BUT
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: i'm too olllllllld
Fish-Face: WELL THEN
Fish-Face gives him a Crowbar
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: noooooo, i'm not gordon
quit mistaking me for people, i'm just an innocent sexy scientiiiiiist
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: aaaaa i'm gonna have a better sprite put on, hold oooo


Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: gawwwd, this is so hard on meeeeee
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: muhhhhhh
Mobile L (GM): I figured that shit out
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: noooo, you're crampin' my stylllle
MrEForEccentric (GM): Gon' stop that before we flood the chat archive with pissi
n' around
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
Lemme make some other sprites
MrEForEccentric (GM): Some music
Mobile L (GM): Very nice
MrEForEccentric (GM): Vivaldi up in here
Mobile L (GM): I feel Eva-y already
MrEForEccentric (GM): Brb
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
MrEForEccentric (GM): I am back
and I have weetabix
Mobile L (GM): Yey, English cereal
This look good for Sandra?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Schweet
MrEForEccentric (GM): I had a thought
Mobile L (GM): Spill it
MrEForEccentric (GM): THe two most popular foreign restaurants hereAre both places the British Empire had considerable influence
India and China
Mobile L (GM): Oohoo
MrEForEccentric (GM): By this logic
Y'all conquered Mexico
(And China somehow somewhen)
Mobile L (GM): Gotvha
Pilots go for a curry run
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hee
Flaming Office...
Mobile L (GM): Hitler sex
MrEForEccentric (GM): The best injoke
We have to get it in the campaign somehow
Mobile L (GM): Yes we do
Maybe a weird art film that someone watches
MrEForEccentric (GM): They walk in on the Chief of Security watching it
Who I do have a good idea of what they'd be like
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Originally I was thinking it'd be a Gruff dude who likes E
lvis music- but now I'm just thinking of switching that gender
Mobile L (GM): Gruff lady
I like
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Gruff Lady that can be a bit of an art snob
Mobile L (GM): Perf
MrEForEccentric (GM): She's the go-between Commander for the Forgotten Heroes se

And in main plot- obviously in charge of base security defenses

And also the Intelligence Officer
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): And she'll also be- one of the women who DOESN'T want to s
ee Charalampo's Breeches on the floor
Can you show me what you're using so I can try and design a standard uniform guy
for security detail
I'm thinking she'll also be a British SAS Import
Wait- change that to MI6
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, sure
MrEForEccentric (GM): From MI6 originally
Mobile L (GM): I'm using some preset shit, but it shouldn't be too hard to edit
the base and make your own uniform
Gruff Brit lady
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yee
Trying to figure out which of these is a tactical vest is difficult
Mobile L (GM): I know, they're really badly organized
MrEForEccentric (GM): And it just up and stopped working
Mobile L (GM): Fuckle
Tell ya what
Gimme a pic of a tactical vest
I'll try to make me own
MrEForEccentric (GM): The day to day Security forces probably look like this htt
p:// but without the Balaclava,
and their shirts are a light yellow, and their trousers are darker.
Like- dark grey
Mobile L (GM): Got it
I'll see what I can di
Ahahaha, I'm a horrible person for doing this, but it's Benigno: http://www.char
MrEForEccentric (GM): The FORGOTTEN HEROES have something along these lines- htt
Darker shade of grey rather than the blue- and Yellow arm-bands
By yellow I mean gold
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha
MrEForEccentric (GM): Think the Nazis for reference
MIDAS is full-on putting on the Reich with those guys
The Nazi Swat
Mobile L (GM): Oh dear
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yee
Think I'm gonna change the music to Schubert
Mobile L (GM): Du et
MrEForEccentric (GM): Don't think it's the full Death and the Maiden
But ah well
Did u kno- the European Federalists would have a United Europe's National Anthem
as Ode to Joy?
Mobile L (GM): What, f'real?
MrEForEccentric (GM): ye
I think
Just... give it a moment I guess
Mobile L (GM): Duuuuude
MrEForEccentric (GM): This is a street player version

It's pretty damn nice

Mobile L (GM): Kaworuuuuu
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lets keep it for the town sections
Mobile L (GM): Fuck yeah
As a reference to the dearest, creepiest, sweetest Angel of all
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeee
Behold the other page
You can go up to the page thingMobile L (GM): Veddy blank
Want another map?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ye lets try and get all the maps sorted
Mobile L (GM): Alright
And then I'll work on the outfits
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yee
Mobile L (GM): The tilesize on this thing is different, so I'll eyeball it
That look about right, size-wise?
Or bigger?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Looks about right
Mobile L (GM): Alright
Fish-Face: I'M BACK
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: this is SYRACUSE you COMPLETE DUMBSHIT
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: i'm gonna get some pasta and cry about my dy
ing bro a little bit
like usual
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: margret thatcher
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: harriet thatcher
Mobile L (GM): Space sez hello
Mobile L (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Is Julia a 1984 ref, or am I trippin'?
Mobile L (GM): Ah
MrEForEccentric (GM): It seems I cannot access the tokens you are using
Mobile L (GM): Shit
Try dragging Sandra or Chara from the sheet doodickle
Like, from the list
I set the sprites as their defaults
MrEForEccentric (GM): Already is the default for Charalampos
Mobile L (GM): Right. See if you're able to drag the name onto the screen and ge
t a sprite.
Like this
MrEForEccentric (GM): AHA
Mobile L (GM): There ya go
The first Fury
God help us all
What kind of clothes does D'Esprey wear?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Probably a Dress Uniform
Mobile L (GM): Sorta like Sandra's?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Maybe different colors?

MrEForEccentric (GM): Ye
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: I'm gon' Jump
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Don't do iiiiiit!
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: Imma do it
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: No bb I
i luv uuuuuu
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis heartstricken
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis heart attack
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis falls anyway
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: noooooooooooo :(
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis thud
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: ...
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: bb wake up
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis eyes open
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello:
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello runs off angrily
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis struts off down the street assured of his lack of morta
Philippe D'Esperey: do i look sexy enuff?:
Narration: Perfect, Commodus
Philippe D'Esperey: fuck oui, bitches
Narration: And so- D'Esperey went out to drown in pink
Philippe D'Esperey: dick game 2 strong
Narration: It was a tragic accident in the strawberry icecream factory to be sur
Philippe D'Esperey: :C
Narration: But at least
He drowned
In Strawberry Icecream
Philippe D'Esperey: C`:
Narration: But his taxes were due...
Philippe D'Esperey: :C
MrEForEccentric (GM): I should do something useful
Like search for a faceclaim for Julia
Mobile L (GM): Whatcha got in mind?
MrEForEccentric (GM): I got a red-head in mind
Or a blonde
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): We have enough brown hairs
Mobile L (GM): Yep
Swimmin in the brunettes
MrEForEccentric (GM): just-how-i-like-it.jpg
Mobile L (GM): Playa
Is Desislava gonna be in a labcoat too?

MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes

Mobile L (GM): Coolio
It's a personnel party out here
MrEForEccentric (GM): Suitable music
Mobile L (GM): Funkyyyy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Redline is so-fuckin'-good
I love it
All of it is traditional animation
And it's a racing action movie
It's like F-Zero in anime
Mobile L (GM): Oh wow
That sounds cash
MrEForEccentric (GM): It is so cash
The whole English dub is on youtube too
Mobile L (GM): Ooohoohoo
But I still have to watch Paranoia Agent
And Better Call Saul
MrEForEccentric (GM): I still need to get back to watching EVA again
Well- I mean watching it for the first time
But I read the Manga ages ago
I'm up to the point where Asuka is first introduced
Ended with her FIRST DAY at the school after they were saying
MrEForEccentric (GM): Then Asuka was at their school
Mobile L (GM): Skle
Keep chuggin'
I need a hair opinion real quick
MrEForEccentric (GM): oh
Mobile L (GM):
or something else?
MrEForEccentric (GM): I like the first one
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, same
It's purdy
Maybe darken it in GIMP?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aye
Mobile L (GM): Alright
MrEForEccentric (GM): I should get started on 'dem Handouts shouldn't I
Mobile L (GM): Prolly so
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Desislava Chillikov: Ahahaha, robots
MrEForEccentric (GM): Right
Got it so far
Desislava Chillikov: Schweet
Mobile L (GM): Making Fehrmann
Does he just wear suits and shit, or is he also uniformed?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Suit
Mobile L (GM): Alright
MrEForEccentric (GM): What age range should we have
Or 16-18?
Mobile L (GM): I'd say 14-18
Gives a good diversity
I mean unless creepy sex shit will happen to them, in which case older

MrEForEccentric (GM): We could simply target it towards the older ones

If that does happen
Mobile L (GM): Alright, that sounds good
Spare the youth
MrEForEccentric (GM): And if we're talking from a purely artistic point of view
and it's supposed to be horror... we can simply imply. With the intent to horrif
Like- if it's supposed to be HORRIBAD
I'm going to bump it up to 16 actually
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, that's prolly the safest thing
Would make MIDAS seem more responsible, too
MrEForEccentric (GM): 16 is a good age. It's the legal age over here too
Mobile L (GM): Fab
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ya can have sex times at 16
Mobile L (GM): Grexy tiem
How 'bout this?:
Gonna make his eyes smaller so he looks OLD and TIRED
MrEForEccentric (GM): Professor Oak is hat you
Mobile L (GM): Ehee
MrEForEccentric (GM): D'Esperey is trying to send in tanks
Fehrmann: "Now is not the time to use that"
Clement Fehrmann: ARE YOU A BOY OR A GIRL?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Man this thing's going to be lng
Clement Fehrmann: Oh, very
MrEForEccentric (GM): It is a whole chapter on the pdf...
Mobile L (GM): Haysoos
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'm saying- please refer to -blank- for detail on each sec
And I'm going to make those separate hand-outs
Mobile L (GM): There ya go
Clement Fehrmann: This was my nephew. What was his name again?
Philippe D'Esperey: His name was YER MUM
Clement Fehrmann: That's right! His name was YER MUM!
MrEForEccentric (GM): Look at those two
Hanging out on the roof like rebels
Mobile L (GM): Philippe is gonna push Clement off
MrEForEccentric (GM): push? more like throw
Mobile L (GM): And make it look like an accident
MrEForEccentric (GM): Have a look at character creation so far
Mobile L (GM): Oohoo
Ooh, this is helpful
MrEForEccentric (GM): Some of this
Will have to be guided
Mobile L (GM): Right
Pretty difficult stuff
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'll have to be around for people creating characters
And either we all do it simultaneously or it's one-at-a-time
Mobile L (GM): I'd say one at a time
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Mobile L (GM): It'd get hectic otherwise
MrEForEccentric (GM): Make appointments
Mobile L (GM): Exactly
AFK for a bit, gotta do some chores.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right

Checkit now
Mobile L (GM): Hell yeah, nicely explained
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
MOTS will be a separate handout
Now I gotta do that fookin Roots handout
Oh- and the Drawback and Assets one
Mobile L (GM): Light at the end of the tunnel, dawg
Should I put in the other map(s) I made? There's probs only like one or two more
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Do it
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
Mobile L (GM): w00t
MrEForEccentric (GM): The Redline OST is awesome
I'll just say it again
This is the credits music
Mobile L (GM): Fab
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'll BRB as I am taking my bowl down
Mobile L (GM): Alrighty
MrEForEccentric (GM): Back with Hot Chocolate
Mobile L (GM): Fuck yeah
MrEForEccentric (GM): Reminds me of that typo
Last session
Mobile L (GM): That was hysterical
MrEForEccentric (GM): Because I was drinking Hot chocolate when that happened
Mobile L (GM): Didja spit it?
MrEForEccentric (GM): No, and I didn't spit either
Mobile L (GM): Oh my God
You're some kinda badass
MrEForEccentric (GM): It was hard to contain my laughter
Well it was kind of nice and cold
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
Didja see the office map?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Why is Philippe there is the question
Mobile L (GM): He's coming to say hi
Thought he'd drop in, see how his worst enemies were doing
MrEForEccentric (GM): Where'd you find those other avvies anyway
Mobile L (GM): Which ones?
MrEForEccentric (GM): The ones for Charalampo and such
Mobile L (GM): DeviantART, portrait search
Want me to find one for Julia?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Can do
Red hair and gruff, right?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Or Blonde hair and gruff
Mobile L (GM): Alrighty
By "gruff", do you mean "butch", or just kinda rough around the edges?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Rough around the edges
Mobile L (GM): Alright
Older or younger?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Younger
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha
MrEForEccentric (GM): Decided to put on S2's opening music
Actually- ending music is probably better for this length
Mobile L (GM): Back, was getting food
Ah, yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Safe from the cold

How safe would you say it is that Trip has gone and vanished
Mobile L (GM): Haven't been checking, so I'unno
MrEForEccentric (GM): It was last page and about maybe 10 minutes if I'm being k
Mobile L (GM): He may have vanished
MrEForEccentric (GM): No wait
10:14 PM compared to... 08:22 PM
Yeah he's probably gone
Mobile L (GM): Damn
Look at these HOT BABES as consolation
MrEForEccentric (GM): I like that last one
It's monochrome and I like it
Mobile L (GM): Alright, cool
That's our Julia
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yee
Mobile L (GM): She gonna be wearing the tactical outfit or what?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Actually no- give her a suit kind of look
She is the HEAD of Security after all
Mobile L (GM): I see
Uniform similar to Sandra and Phillippe's?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hers is a yellow jacket I'd say
Or gold
Mobile L (GM): Can do
MrEForEccentric (GM): Why do I keep saying Yellow
When I mean gold
Mobile L (GM): Sleep dep?
MrEForEccentric (GM): it's only 10:21
Mobile L (GM): From the past few days, I mean
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah I don't have sleep deprivation
At least I don't think I do
Mobile L (GM): You tell yourself that
What eye color for Julia?
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'd say blue
MrEForEccentric (GM): YAS
Mobile L (GM): How about this?:
I can further fuck with the uniform if it's not gold enough; that's as close as
they had
MrEForEccentric (GM): It's fine as it is
Mobile L (GM): A'ight, cool
MrEForEccentric (GM): On the subject of races, the Gnomes are clearly badass. Mo
re badass than introverted technophiles are usually expected to be. I started of
f one map where the Gnomes were a couple of territories away from the Orcs. Poor
Gnomes, I thought, WRONG, those bad boys created massive empires and the Orcs s

uffered in their few tiny territories consigned to be forgettable, unimportant,

sidelined and ultimately crippled BY STARTING NEXT TO GNOMES! Maybe this is a qu
irk of geography, but the Gnomes seem to do well against Greeks and Egyptians an
d even the unstopable Romans give pause when confronted by them. Apparently the
guys at worldspinner are truly of the mind that the clockwork toy is mightier th
an a rampaging bestial greenskin. Then again this could be observational bias an
d I've not seen enough iterations or developed worlds far enough to have a good
sense of how these interactions play out.
Worldspinner is a wonderful thing
Mobile L (GM): Oh my God
MrEForEccentric (GM): came to post that I have decided Gnomes are a virus on the
worlds I've spun. I spun one up that was kind of Nort-and-South-America kind of
layout and said "Oh cool. I'll throw Orcs only in the North, Lizardmen only in
the south and humans at the isthmus to make a World Fraught With Danger. Bah, wh
at the heck, a Gnome in each north and south too, just for fun." Boy did those G
nomes came out swinging!
Mobile L (GM): They're like kudzu
MrEForEccentric (GM): I see she has entered
Ther oom
Mobile L (GM): She here
Julia Harriet: WHAT UP
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Yo Jules, get me a coffee please.
Julia Harriet: I'm the head of SECURITY, not COFFEE, ask the douchebag on your b
ookshellf instead
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Bwuh, fuq u.
Philippe D'Esperey: WHAT
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: COFFEE, SI VOU PLAIT.
Philippe D'Esperey seethes in French Rage
Philippe D'Esperey: Fiiine
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: MERCI BOCOUP. OUI OUI BAGUETTE.
Philippe D'Esperey gets that fuckin' coffee
Philippe D'Esperey chucks it in her face
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: I fuckin love my job even though I'm dead in
Philippe D'Esperey jumps out the window
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: and there he goes......
we have.....
into the sky
Julia Harriet: He fliesmajestically
Makes my heart flutter, Ma'am.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: like a fucknig piece of garbage
If only we didn't want each other dead, then maybe we could hang and shit.
Julia Harriet: If only he wasn't French...
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Tru
I look like fucking Rin from Fate
Except old
Julia Harriet: Old Rin
Mobile L (GM): This is her future
MrEForEccentric (GM): So tru
Mobile L (GM): Philippe's sprite came out nice
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yee
Mobile L (GM): God, I am sleepy and it's only, like, 4:45
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ho shiit

Mobile L (GM): I dread the evening

MrEForEccentric (GM): Hmm. I want to get ahead and try out that sprite thing to
make the standard security staff and soldiers...
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
Still got the pics up, so lemme see what I can do
MrEForEccentric (GM): Nice
We can probably just have a character thing for reference of the Security Guards
and shit
No avvie tho
Mobile L (GM): Coolio
MrEForEccentric (GM): Just for the tokens
Mobile L (GM): I downloaded a faceless person with a shirt, so that will be the
And we can put different heads on
And color the arms and shit according to ~diversity~
Let me get the ol' tablet
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeeey
I'm worldspinning another world
Yet again I expect the Fantasy Persians to spread like wildfire
Especially since they have about 12 million and I haven't even pressed advance h
istory yet
Tatars 9.71M
MrEForEccentric (GM): Khemeti 9M
Sviar 1.88M
Helenes 1.24M
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lataii
Albions 329K
There are more Lizardfolk than Medieval English, Germanic Goths, Romans, Greeks
and Vikings combined
MrEForEccentric (GM): Wow the Lizardfolk really do expand if you put them in des
Lizardfolk have fierce wars with Persians
MrEForEccentric (GM): Though yes
Holy fuck the Persians exxpand quickly
As a culture
The Persians have taken most of what was Helenes land
Mobile L (GM): Eegad
MrEForEccentric (GM): This is becauseFun fact
And this is the same with CeltsThey produce a lot of nations splitting off
Ah well
So glad I'm in the alpha for this
Mobile L (GM): Huh
Are the tactical vests still tan?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
nice contrast I'd say
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
The shading on these might be ass, fair warning
MrEForEccentric (GM): It'll be fiiine
Also I have sent you a pic of the world on skype

The spread of cultures

Mobile L (GM): Ooh, lemme check it
Can lizards be stopped?
MrEForEccentric (GM): They can
It's Persians
That can't be stopped
Same with Egyptians I've started to find
They're Sassania and Khemeti respectively
Dalratai are CELTS
Mobile L (GM): Fuqle
MrEForEccentric (GM): That was all after 2000 years generation
Mobile L (GM): Wheee
MrEForEccentric (GM): A lot changed
Managed to get separated by Persians
Into two groups
One island of red
Large Island of Red
MrEForEccentric (GM): And one that's still by the coast
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
I think I have the outfit ready-ish
Wanna see?
MrEForEccentric (GM): YEs
Mobile L (GM):
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excellente
Mobile L (GM): Yey
I'll just pop heads on that blank as needed
Now for the other
Which will be tricky
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes, because it includes helmets and balaclava
So you can add eyes anyway
You don't need to have the visor thing on it from the pic
Mobile L (GM): I may just steal a helmet/balaclava from the site
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Phillipe, Sandra and Julia are the Shonen team
Mobile L (GM): Teamwork makes the dream work
Does the Unsung Hero outfit have all the pouches and shit?
MrEForEccentric (GM): most likely if you can
Mobile L (GM): A'ight, I'll see if they have anything like that
If not, I ain't bothering for fear of shading botchery
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight. They just need to look heavier
Mobile L (GM): Can do
MrEForEccentric (GM): They surround the outsider
And shun him
Mobile L (GM): Gonna give him the beatdown of his dumb French life
MrEForEccentric (GM): Even Simon doesn't like the French
I'm gon' go ahead and actually get the ROOTS handout sorted
Mobile L (GM): Schweet.
I'm gonna be gone briefly in about five
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM): Back in a bit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right
Philippe D'Esperey: I activate... FRENCH GROWTH
Wait- no
Why are you giving me a stress pool
I'm breaking down man

MrEForEccentric (GM) sad music plays

Philippe D'Esperey i said that- Sad music plays
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: rest in peace, French asshole...
Desislava Chillikov: IDesislava Chillikov sniff
Desislava Chillikov: I never got to tell him how much of an asshole he was...
Julia Harriet: I didn't even need to meet him to know he was an asshole... RIP
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: You will not be missed. French Asshole. You
will rest now- find Elysium.
Philippe D'Esperey dies
Clement Fehrmann: ahahaha mothefucker got OWNED
Mobile L (GM): Fuck yeah, dude, and I got a mockup of the unsung hero outfit
See if you like this:
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excellent
Pink is Ego bar, Orange is Stress
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): I like it indeed- it just needs eyes
I max'd Phillipe's
Mobile L (GM): We can shoop the eyes in depending on whose they are
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ooh
Good idea
Mobile L (GM): All I have to do is erase the head bit and put the face on a back
You ballin'
MrEForEccentric (GM): Check out the roots
Mobile L (GM): BRB real quick, putting up food
Will do when I'm back
Philippe D'Esperey: I LIVE
Mobile L (GM): Back, but in a little while I'm gonna have to go for a bit of the
Lemme read that Root
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM): Hell yeah, very well explained
A nice allotment of traits
MrEForEccentric (GM): I basically COPY PASTA the player's handbook
Mobile L (GM): Coolio
MrEForEccentric (GM): It was necessary to have it as a separate thing
How do you think people are going to choose
We should probably get an interest check too
Mobile L (GM): I think so, yeah
I guess they could just peer at that list and see what background they like best
MrEForEccentric (GM): We know Seer and Space are interested
Mobile L (GM): I need to re-ask Prom and Spaz
MrEForEccentric (GM): We'd literally only need what- two more
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, think so
MrEForEccentric (GM): 4 is maximum
And maybe we should have the OD as a NPC rather than player. Considering V3 does
not have a OD player, and it'd be much easier to have all the players the same
kind of type
Mobile L (GM): Would Space still play him?
He seemed rather stoked about it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Maybe... just mechanics wise I think Space would need a Pi
Because it's going to be d i f f i c u l t to push in the OD from 2.5 into v3
Mobile L (GM): Hm

I'll discuss it with him

MrEForEccentric (GM): It'd be the transfer from Dark Heresy to Standalone
Not to mention how all of the technology and shit is done on a team decision bas
Rather than it being the OD
Mobile L (GM): Could we theoretically just strip Florian of his associated mecha
nics and just have Space handle his dialogue and shit?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
That's what I'm thinking
It's an NPC controlled by a player
Mobile L (GM): And Space could also have a Pilot
That sounds like the best thing
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mrm
Must slep
Mobile L (GM): A'ight, dude
We made good headway
I am excited
MrEForEccentric (GM): YOO
Mobile L (GM): Eyyyy
I added a map
There is some sensual happenings on it presently
MrEForEccentric (GM): Gawd
What do you get up to when I'm not here
MrEForEccentric (GM): Goddammit, Sandra
It's her house
I mean
Mobile L (GM): She was bored and wanted to experiment a little
MrEForEccentric (GM): So she had a threeway with the Science heads
While her brother was in another room
Mobile L (GM): It's how she copes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Actually suits his facial expression
Because it's one eye open
Mobile L (GM): Waking up just enough to hear the debauchery
MrEForEccentric (GM): "What the fuck, Sis"
And then Adon
Mobile L (GM): "...Oh wow, she's... that's good, I'm so happy for her... Wait...
Wait, is there another girl with her...?"
No, Adon, shut your eyes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Then Adon left
Mobile L (GM): "...Ahahaha, NOPE."
MrEForEccentric (GM): I could probably find some faceclaims for Adon and Tanit's
Dream avatars
Mobile L (GM): Do eeeeet
MrEForEccentric (GM): I might make them OVER ART because DREAMS
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
Whatcha got in mind for their appearances?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Adon is a kind looking man. Sort of- Father Figure
Mobile L (GM): Trustworthy fella
MrEForEccentric (GM):
rded_man_by_kopale-d4840au.jpg Fehrmann
Mobile L (GM): Fehrmann is FUCKING PISSED
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
And I found Adon
Mobile L (GM): Fuckin perf

Love it
Shall I sprite this hombre?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha. One sec.
Also, I found some really useful sprites.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oooh
Mobile L (GM): It's got all the modern conveniences we need
MrEForEccentric (GM):
ss_by_nekros_studios_inc-d47zxxf.jpg Tanit?
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, I like
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): She looks spooky and sexy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Spexy lady
Mobile L (GM): She's gonna make this three way a four way
I assumed that Sandra's wealthy enough to where she could just have all the life
support equipment for her bro in her own house
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
I'd assume so to
Mobile L (GM): And, like, hospice workers
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
I've added the two
Adon and Tanit
Though of course
They go by
Mysterious Man and Woman
Mobile L (GM): Hell yeah, nice
So as to avoid spoilers
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes even though it should be only shown to you and I
Shall I get to adding the avvies or?
Mobile L (GM): If you would. I am map-making for Duff r/n
Big fuckin cave
The Mysterious Lady: Wow- you're all having a real nice party aren't you?
The Mysterious Man: Please- don't do this...
You get a mess everywhere- and what would your brother think?
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: fuk u man, we do what we want
The Mysterious Man: Just hand over the Lucidity Device, and we can talk this all
All you need to do is give up.
You have been bad children, and now we need to take the toys away- like proper p
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: no shut up we're gonna fuck our problems awa
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: YEH.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: IS GOOD, THE FUCKINK.
The Mysterious Man: Very well. You can go on and keep at your primal desires...
We'll take care of your business at MIDAS
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: yeah that's right, loser, GET LOST
mmm oh yeah baby give to TO ME
The Mysterious Man: Jesus christ, how did your primitive species ever unearth th
e Lucidity Device in the first place?
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: the power of
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: BANGIN
The Mysterious Man sighs and just goes and wins the war for Furies
Desislava Chillikov has mondo sex with the others until the world ends
Narration: Hold on- hold on, as a Narrator- I have to point out... how in the fu
ck did Charalampo produce so much semen.

Has he been saving up since Plato?

Like jesus christ
Like a bucket is needed
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: You're goddamn right
Narration: Get a mop
Julia Harriet: ROOM FOR ONE MORE
Philippe D'Esperey: ROOM FOR TWO?
Desislava Chillikov: GET IN, LOSER!
Philippe D'Esperey: Great ratio
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: HUMAN CENTIPEDE TIME, BIZZNATCH
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: SHUT UP FISH-FACE YOU PRUDE
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: NO KIDS ALLOWED IN SANDRA'S HOUSE
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: BIRTH CONTROL IS STILL A THING
Mobile L (GM): Speaking of kids
What are their living quarters like?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Think- Uni accommodation
Mobile L (GM): Would they dorm in close proximity?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Literally the same building
Mobile L (GM): Cool, thought so. And would the dorms be nice, or grody?
MrEForEccentric (GM): nice
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
Clement Fehrmann: you gon' die
Anyway I'm your therapist.
So tell me about your sechs lyfe
Mobile L (GM): blllrghhh... glrrrp
Clement Fehrmann: Ah, interesting. I also do anal.
Mobile L (GM) still needs to add Benigno to the thang
Mobile L (GM): ghhhhh!
Clement Fehrmann: Oh, Incest? I never knew you were the type, my friend.
Still this could be a lack of care from your mother, leading to a reconfiguratio
n of the Oedipus Complex...
Toward your Sister
Not that I blame you though
She's hot.
Mobile L (GM): brrrrghhhtthhhhh!
Clement Fehrmann: Yes, yes- I know how much you want to get in there- but she's
a little busy at the moment entertaining multiple guests in the manner that you
would like to be entertained.
Benigno Capello: rrrrrrrgghhhhh
Clement Fehrmann: Here let me just- remove those coverings from your mouth.
Benigno Capello: mnnngh! mnnnngh!
Clement Fehrmann cuts the life support
Benigno Capello: ghhhhk...!
fffuck... you...
Benigno Capello DIES
Clement Fehrmann: Mission complete. TIME TO GET MY REWARD!
who that

Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello said that

Desislava Chillikov: ew old guys no thx
Clement Fehrmann: Aw...What if I said I was Hitler Youth?
Philippe D'Esperey: C'mon, guyssss, I work with this old shithead
He's good in bed, s2g
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis:
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis DOUBT
Clement Fehrmann: I thought we'd never talk about the Whores of Venice again, Ph
I'm still bleaching my arse
Philippe D'Esperey: i whack off to thinking about it every night, dawg
Clement Fehrmann: ... Nice
Philippe D'Esperey: u kno it
Clement Fehrmann: Well I guess I'll just go- make sure he's dead
Yo, you still kicking
... Oh right, yeah- the life support
Sucks, huh?
... Well I'm just going to drink your blood and restore my youth because the plo
t twist is that I was a Vampire all along
Clement Fehrmann FANGS
Benigno Capello: aaaaa leave me aloooone
Clement Fehrmann BITE
Benigno Capello: AAAAAAAAAA
Benigno Capello violently convulses
Clement Fehrmann: YOU GOT VAMPIRE'D
Benigno Capello: fuck. you.
you old nazi bastard
Clement Fehrmann: Old nazi VAMPIRE bastard
Anyway your Sister's having an orgy
heads up
Even a French Prick is invited
Mobile L (GM): BRB, sporadique
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM): Backity
You still here?
MrEForEccentric (GM): yess
Mobile L (GM): Cool
MrEForEccentric (GM): I should probably get up off me arse and get the Drawbacks
and shit done Journal-wise
Mobile L (GM): You can do that, I'll sprite the two dream Furies and the kiddoes
' dorms
We having three pilots?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Depends how much interest we get isn't it?
I mean if we have Space, Seer and Spaz
As the people
One we have the SSS
Two- yeah Three is a good number
MrEForEccentric (GM): Though we can stretch to 5 at the maximum
Mobile L (GM): A'ight. Prom is also a maybe
MrEForEccentric (GM): More than that is ridiculous territory
Mobile L (GM): I'll make six rooms and just have the extras be extras
They can choose which they like
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes

I'm just going to look back over the thing and think about how best to lay it ou
Mobile L (GM): Alrighty
MrEForEccentric (GM): Now- I could be lazy
And just copy paste the whole section
But that would be unhelpful
Since they don't have great organization in what type of Asset/Drawback each one
Mobile L (GM): You could copy it and just smooth it out to where it's more reada
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'm kind of doing a mix
I just love
The fact there's just
Being a dumbass
And you could take that as your Manufactured trait
MrEForEccentric (GM): Being a Dumbass
Mobile L (GM): Half-baked manufactured
Like Salad Rei
MrEForEccentric (GM): Man this is going to be a looong note
Mobile L (GM): You can dooooo iiiit
Have the faith
MrEForEccentric (GM): Even just
I could just have notes for each type of Assetand Drawback
Oh- You think I could have put it all into one note? Do you want a wall of text?
Mobile L (GM): Sure, if you want
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'll see how long it is just with Mental Drawbacks
Mobile L (GM): Worth a shot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Give Julia an Irrational fear of bunnies
Mobile L (GM): Rabbits. No one loves rabbits.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Alla Alskar Kaniner
If anyone takes Touched
I think we should make Mystery Man and Woman a lot more prominent for that perso
Since it's "The Pilot has already experienced a deeply troubling contact of some
kind with an inhuman force."
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, yes
They could be their go-to target
The Mysterious Lady: Heyyyy Nerrrrd. I'm the lady that makes you feel uncomforta
Mobile L (GM): aaaaaa stranger danger
The Mysterious Lady: I'M IN YOUR DREAMS
Mobile L (GM): swiper no swiping
Mobile L (GM): make it stoooooop
The Mysterious Lady: YOU JUST HAVE TO WAKE UP
The Mysterious Lady touch
Narration: You have acquired: Touched!
Mobile L (GM): ;^;
MrEForEccentric (GM): And then depression
Look at it so far
The Drawbacks and Asset one
Look how many Drawbacks there are
Just in Mental
Mobile L (GM): God, whoa
That is A Lot

MrEForEccentric (GM): Should I cover Aspect in a separate one, and then do Drawb
ack and Asset for each category then?
So that it doesn't take up TOO MUCH on one note
Mobile L (GM): Sure, that'd help
MrEForEccentric (GM): First Mental Asset...
I.M.Meen shows up as the REAL final boss
Mobile L (GM): (dances aggressively)
MrEForEccentric (GM): We should make that our version of Gordon Ramsay Berserker
I.M.Meen Fury
Mobile L (GM): Oh yes
The fun, quasi-canonical joke character
MrEForEccentric (GM): If someone takes Visionary
And doesn't make them Willy Wonka as a Pilot
They are to be killed off as soon as possible
Mobile L (GM): True that, holmes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Subtly changing all mentions of nerv to Midas and all Eva
to MOT
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
Sandra keeps it quiet that the Pilots can potentially brainwashed
MrEForEccentric (GM): God there are so many mental assets
Mobile L (GM): Shake 'em
MrEForEccentric (GM): You know what to do with 'dat big fat asset
I swear there are more Mental Assets than Mental Drawbacks
Mobile L (GM): Odd, considering the setting
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mr.Wizard
I need music
Mobile L (GM): Want THE PLAYLIST?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Wait
I didn't put this on
Mobile L (GM): Spooky
MrEForEccentric (GM): I put Elysium on
Mobile L (GM): It's haunted
MrEForEccentric (GM): It played automatically when I pressed play on Elysium
Because I forgot to hit pause
I don't care what anyone says... Gladiator is still my childhood
Mobile L (GM): My folks liked it
MrEForEccentric (GM): This film- it was me. I loved the fight scenes.
I'm a sucker for gladiator settings
Mobile L (GM): I need to give it a watch
MrEForEccentric (GM): Do
Of course there was also this credit music
That helped
Goddammit I've accidentally done that thing where it overwrites
Mobile L (GM): Oh no
Mobile L (GM): I don't knowwww
MrEForEccentric (GM): OH

JUSTMobile L (GM): Oh man
At least Vivaldi is playing
Mobile L (GM): Shit, man, I'm sorry
Wish I could help or something
MrEForEccentric (GM): It's fine
Guh what did I dooo
Gonna have to come back to it another time
Mobile L (GM): Alright. Really sorry, man
MrEForEccentric (GM): At least
All the Mental Drawbacks are down
Mobile L (GM): True
MrEForEccentric (GM): How's spritin?
Mobile L (GM): I am looking for tilesets for the floors and walls and getting di
stracted by shit like this:
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
The Call to War is real for me
Mobile L (GM): It's pretty menacing
MrEForEccentric (GM): Need Redline OST
Mobile L (GM): Hellz yeah
Alright, I am now starting on the dorms
MrEForEccentric (GM): ass
Yep- It started as SSS
And I overtyped to ass
Mobile L (GM): Ahaha
MrEForEccentric (GM): I THINK
By pressing home
By accident
But I'm no longer overtyping
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes! That started with less A!
Start the song over
Mobile L (GM): In a sec, can I play what might be Sandra's theme?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, thanks. Lemme cue it up.
Effing hell, how do you import?
I put the song name in, and it isn't pulling it up
MrEForEccentric (GM): Y'need tags
I found my sounds
By having tas
I know no-one else would have
Mobile L (GM): I'm trying
Still it refuses
MrEForEccentric (GM): Julia
Mobile L (GM): Fuck yeah
MrEForEccentric (GM): Heartbreak Hotel
Mobile L (GM): AHA
Found et
Stolen from Breaking Bad
MrEForEccentric (GM): Remarkable

Mobile L (GM): It gets melancholy-ish at the very, very end

MrEForEccentric (GM): Aye
Mobile L (GM): w00t
MrEForEccentric (GM): Philippe
Mobile L (GM): Ohn hohn hohn
MrEForEccentric (GM): Or rather- actuallyCharalampo
Death and the Maiden
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Schubert's Death and the Maiden
I basically just love this track
It's 40 minutes
In total
The whole piece
Mobile L (GM): Damn, son
We'll get milage out of it, then
MrEForEccentric (GM): This is just the first movement playing r/n
I think
I'm not sure whether the other one I have there
Is the whole thing
Mobile L (GM): I see
Gonna be very sporadic/possibly gone. We're gonna do Swordswallow.
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok
Mobile L (GM): Will try to have the dorms/dread Furies done by tomorrow
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
MrEForEccentric (GM) begins the lonely party
Mobile L (GM): Eyyy
MrEForEccentric (GM): YOOO
Ooh nice and varied
Mobile L (GM): Huzzah! I finally figured out how to use those RPGMaker tilesets
Cushy, innit?
MrEForEccentric (GM): I would not trust that room
Mobile L (GM): That rug is just asking to have copious amounts of blood spilled
upon it
MrEForEccentric (GM): And the fact that the back of the bed is in the direct cen
ter of the room- and you're sleeping with your back to the door
Plus that tree is suspicious as fuck
Mobile L (GM): Someone's gonna come in the night and fug you up
MrEForEccentric (GM): Candle
Burn everything
Mobile L (GM): At least the wallpaper is kinda soothing
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): To lull you into a false sense of ecurity
MrEForEccentric (GM): Varied luxuries
One of the pilots gets to have a TV
Mobile L (GM): Everyone will be jealous of them
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): All the beds are gender-neutral except for that one in the TV roo
I ran out of non-pink beds
And the other pink bed had flowers on it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Pink is a manly color
Mobile L (GM): The proud, masculine chap who gets the TV room
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mysterious Man and Woman do not have sprites yet
Mobile L (GM): I am making Man's one right now
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight, coolio
Mobile L (GM): What kinda clothes does Miss LAdy wear?

MrEForEccentric (GM): Red Dress

Lady in Red
Mobile L (GM): Sexy red dress, Lisa
Ah hah hah.
MrEForEccentric (GM): That just reminded me of Nicholas Cage as Alexander Dumas
Mobile L (GM): Oh my
Except that's not Cage
I'll just show myself off the golden gate
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
You dare besmirch the name of Wiseau?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Wiseau vs Cage
The world is not hammy enough
Brian Blessed is the commentator for the match of the century
Mobile L (GM): Would watch
MrEForEccentric (GM): The fight scene rivals all animes known to man
The sexiest dress the sprite maker has is an ugly blue, so I'm just gonna recolo
r it.
All the red dresses look like cat piss.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM): >:?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Perfect
Mobile L (GM): Yeyeyeyeyeyyy
Now to recolor the dress and upload
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Fehrmann and Mysterious Man look very much alike
Mobile L (GM): That hairstyle is the only decent one for old guys
Separated at birth
Mobile L (GM): Fehrman was a Fury this whole time
Clement Fehrmann: A NAZI Fury
The Mysterious Man: THANKS I COULD HELP, BRO
Clement Fehrmann: NO PROB
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh
Fun thing I read
In the Iliad
Mobile L (GM): Ooh?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Said Furies were basically like- Tartarus' law enforcers m
aking sure certain rules of nature were always carried out
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Makes a lot of damn sense for them to be called Furies now
doesn't it?
Mobile L (GM): Oh yes
That was a good coincidence for us
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): They're just trying to keep things right
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Say, what will we do about the Furies sprite-wise?
Other than these two motherfuckers
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good question
We could just have sprites for the personal level, and then on the MOT level use
Because we have that EVA designer
For Easy Pilot-Avvies

Mobile L (GM): Sure thang

There are some amazing sprites of monsters and things on the Spriters Resource,
but we prolly want something pretty specific
MrEForEccentric (GM): But we are going to have to design the Furies and shit som
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, hm
MrEForEccentric (GM): Riv does Sprites
Mobile L (GM): That he does, but will he, for us?
MrEForEccentric (GM): That is a good question
He is always inundated with requests
I'm surprised he actually drew Don Duan for me
Mobile L (GM): Would shit that looks like this be acceptable? Not exactly like t
his, but:
That's my art
I can do scary critters
But that's about it
MrEForEccentric (GM): It works
Mobile L (GM): Oohoo
And I can make them transparent, so they function like sprites, but aren't
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ya
Mobile L (GM): I can't go too humanoid, but I can at least do something vaguely
humen-like, but perhaps lumpier
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Mobile L (GM): Yey
MrEForEccentric (GM): HUGE
Mobile L (GM): God bless America
MrEForEccentric (GM): Take a lie down
Mobile L (GM): Taking a patriotic siesta
Dreaming about eagles
MrEForEccentric (GM): FULL STRESS
Mobile L (GM): Would we want something more like a sidescroller beat-'em-up for
the MOT segments, mapwise?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oooh
Sounds good
Can save on map making
Mobile L (GM): Cool. Those are about the only viable destroyed city tilesets ava
Or city at all, for that matter
JRPGs like their ye olde castles a lot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aye
Mobile L (GM): What's your favorite dorm here?
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'd have to say
Top center
Mobile L (GM): It's prolly either a closet or a restroom
Mobile L (GM): Or that
Fifty Shades of MOT
The Mysterious Lady: What is behind this door?
The Mysterious Man: You don't want to know..
Narration: Awful sex noises emanate from within...
The Mysterious Lady: It sounds like sex...
The Mysterious Man: That is what it is. But it is not a nice sex
The Mysterious Lady: Prude
Narration: Oh... Oh shit, was that... a bicycle horn?

Whoever is in there must be a kinky bastard.

The Mysterious Lady: Bike racing?
The Mysterious Man: In a sex dungeon.
That sick fuck
The Mysterious Lady: Sign me up
Narration: And now a slide-whistle.
And a klaxon.
The Mysterious Lady: It's an orgy... of sound
The Mysterious Man: Ba dum tish
Narration: "YEEEEEEEE-HAWWWWWW!", cries a shrill, depraved voice from within.
The Mysterious Man: Lets get out of here
The Mysterious Lady: Yes- check on the adults
At least they have more orthodox orgies
Narration: ...Oh god, there's fireworks going off in there now.
And dubstep.
The Mysterious Lady: GO, NOW
The Mysterious Lady skeddadles
The Mysterious Man follows
Narration: The noises die down.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello slowly peers her head through the partially-o
pened sex dungeon door
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: ...Shit, were there people out here just now
...Must've just imagined it.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello shuts the door back
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oooh-wee-ooo
dun dun dun dun dun dun
dun dun dun
Mobile L (GM): Sexayyyyy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Doctor Who theme
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hold on while I turn on the light
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
MrEForEccentric (GM): back
got sidetracked getting cheese
Mobile L (GM): Cheese is a good thing
MrEForEccentric (GM): A glorious thing
Mobile L (GM): Ah god, now I'm getting hungry
We're gonna have shrimp today
Should there be a map for the infirmary or whatever?
And for that matter, what other maps?
MrEForEccentric (GM): I say- yes on Infirmary, other maps for people-level shoul
d include school
We can come up with other stuff as and when we need it I guess
Mobile L (GM): Could I potentially reuse some of the school from Fate?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Especially for Forgotten Heroes
Mobile L (GM): Okies
I'mma sprite Duff's One Piece deal, then I'll move on to Eldy's requests, then o
ur stuff
'Tis a queue
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeh
Mobile L (GM): It's actually really relaxing, making those maps
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good, good
This is good music

Mobile L (GM): Yey, thanks

Pulling things from the tentative playlist
MrEForEccentric (GM): Our Jukebox will pierce the heavens
Mobile L (GM): Truly
This one is called the Unsung War
Three guesses what will be for
MrEForEccentric (GM): Forgotten Heroes/
Mobile L (GM): Hell fuqin yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): I keep saying Forgotten Heroes when it's really Unsung Her
Mobile L (GM): Taskforce Chrysos
MrEForEccentric (GM): We could use Tavern Tales for those segments since there's
no official v3 for Unsung Heroes
Mobile L (GM): Oh yes
That would simplify things a great deal
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
They really would be interludes
Mobile L (GM): Refreshers
MrEForEccentric (GM): Indeed
Allow people to just relax
Shoot some demi-fury bastards
Mobile L (GM): Take out their frustrations on the little guys
MrEForEccentric (GM): Your Pilot just died? That's too bad... Here- have the Uns
ung Heroes take down a whole horde
Player Death is something that's going to be f u n
Mobile L (GM): Fuck yes it will
Kids having to see their buddies die
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeee
Mobile L (GM): Almost got the whole playlist added
We still need more songs, tho
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aye
Mobile L (GM): Any others from the Diablo Swing Ensemble or whatever?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Stratosphere Serenade
Mobile L (GM): Oh yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Do we have that on there?
Mobile L (GM): Not yet
MrEForEccentric (GM): It isn't on the search-y thing
Mobile L (GM): I think I will have to upload it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): I dood it
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok
Mobile L (GM): C'mon, play
I hit play
It is silent
MrEForEccentric (GM): It is playing for me
Stopping and starting
Ok it's back
Mobile L (GM): Oh. I paused it just then
Lemme refresh
MrEForEccentric (GM): I had my master music on silent
Mobile L (GM): There we go
MrEForEccentric (GM): Best boss music
Mobile L (GM): Truly
MrEForEccentric (GM): God of the Moon
Mobile L (GM): Crazy-ass space battle
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
I just noticed the other MYSTERIOUS DOOR
Mobile L (GM): Two closets

Or restrooms
Or sex dungeons
MrEForEccentric (GM): I say it's probably closets
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, same
The restrooms are prolly at the end of the hallway or something
MrEForEccentric (GM): One Window
Mobile L (GM): That lucky bastard
I'm pleased with how the color scheme in the window room turned out
I originally had some fugly carpets and tiles, but then I found the wood floors
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah yes
It is a nice room
Reminds me of how I thought of Dumas' place
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Speaking of which I'm looking at Scottish Properties
To get an idea
Mobile L (GM): OCH
MrEForEccentric (GM): Of what his Family's place might look like
Mobile L (GM): I see
I looked at some Italian house interiors before I made Sandra's place, but I got
lazy and just used some premade stuff
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hee
I have found
One place
So far
And then I immediately found another place
One that blasts the other one in Shetland
MrEForEccentric (GM): Out the water
Dumas' place
Mobile L (GM): Back, was gettin' lasagna
Wow, that's pretty
MrEForEccentric (GM): It's perfect
It's an ESTATE
Mobile L (GM): And it's gorgeous
That yard is killer
Oh fuck, SWAN
MrEForEccentric (GM): 'dat Swan
Mobile L (GM): He will murder you in your sleep
This track loops scarily well
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'm watching the youtubs
And I got Curry
Mobile L (GM): Sweet
Curry is the shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aye
Chicken Tikka Massala
Mobile L (GM): Yummy as f
I need to make curry again soon
MrEForEccentric (GM): The best food
Mobile L (GM): While it's still cold out
MrEForEccentric (GM): Indeed
Mobile L (GM): Gonna pop outta here for now until we need to confer again
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM): Adios
MrEForEccentric (GM): Adios
Mobile L (GM): Test

Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: I did not have sexual relations with that woman!
Mobile L (GM) is a benis
Mobile L (GM): Benis
Space: ah hello
MrEForEccentric (GM): Check characters for me
You should only be able to see people under MIDAS personnel
Space: yus
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excellent
MrEForEccentric (GM): I feel the power of the GM
Look at those handouts Space
(It's basically me just summarizing the player's handbook on character creation)
kind of
I still need to add more
Hey space
MrEForEccentric (GM): D'you want to hear something
Space: apologies
had to take shower
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
You're only able to see the lab right
Space: i see darkness
ohp no
MrEForEccentric (GM): We have big maps
Space: whos this lady
this pixel
MrEForEccentric (GM): She's the Engineer
Space: oho
MrEForEccentric (GM): Julia is head of Security
Space: hey can you give me a handout i can edit
for my sheet
MrEForEccentric (GM): A character you doth ask for
See Vixu
Space: i do indeed
MrEForEccentric (GM): Vuxu even
Space: who
also - how were these character sprites made
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mobile
Space: if they were made from a template i could do one for tohsaka
MrEForEccentric (GM): heee
Mobile did use a program of some kind
I don't know it off the top of my head
Sakura Emiya: for now, i'll be an anime
Julia Harriet: Oh, but that's fine for conversation
Sakura Emiya: yus
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: You see
Sakura Emiya: one for conversation, one sprite
i like it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
The Mysterious Lady: Very effective.
The Mysterious Man: Shit, don't throw out the spoilers yet
Space: what's an enrichment trigger
MrEForEccentric (GM): Enrichment is kind of like exp

Space: aah
Sakura Emiya: i'm a poster child!
Space: time to roll for scores
MrEForEccentric (GM): HOLD IT
Sakura Emiya: E-eh?!
MrEForEccentric (GM): I just had to get the personal scores thing up
So I know what to add to each score
After you've rolled and shit
Space: 2d6, 7 separate times?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
But I mean
When you've applied each score
Space: ah, okay
MrEForEccentric (GM): Like roll
Space: rolling 2d6
= 5
MrEForEccentric (GM): It changes for each class
Space: rolling 2d6
= 4
rolling 2d6
= 7
rolling 2d6
= 11
rolling 2d6
= 3
rolling 2d6
= 5
rolling 2d6

= 6
Space: 6 + 5 + 11 + 7 + 4 + 5
MrEForEccentric (GM): 5, 4, 7, 11, 3, 5 and 6
Space: just barely over 31
i discarded the 3 as it's the lowest
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yee
Space: whot's the personal score generation table?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Basically it's the thing that tells me what your base scor
e in each thing is
AS per root
Space: so i just assign a number to each stat?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
It might be useful for you to know what each base stat is
Space: for poster child?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Space: iirc that's in the player handbook
MrEForEccentric (GM): All of this is in the player handbook
For convenience
I have it open
Space: what're the base ones for poster child
MrEForEccentric (GM): 20 is physical, 20 is Coordination, 20 is intelligence, 25
is empathy, 27 is your synch ratio
Remember you put two numbers forward for Synch ratio
Space: physical - 4
coordination - 6
intelligence - 7
empathy - 11
synch ratio - 5, 5
MrEForEccentric (GM): So your physical is 24 points, Coordination is 26 points,
intelligence is 27 points, empathy is a whopping 36, and your Synch ratio is a h
Space: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): SO
For your Stress and Ego
Which one do you want to be based on your current score
For empathy
And which
For intelligence
Space: what do stress and ego do, respectively
MrEForEccentric (GM): They're kind of
Very very similar
Ego is more of the angel attacks and soul shit
The kind of metaphysical things
Stress is
MrEForEccentric (GM): Stress
Both of these things act in similar ways
Space: stress - empathy, ego - intelligence
MrEForEccentric (GM): You can have breakdowns in both cases
Aight so- that's 35 for Stress (rounding down to nearest unit of 5) and 30 for E
go (rounding up to nearest unit of 5)
Pretty good balance I'd say
Space: i'm adding this stuff to her sheet as i go
drawbacks now?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yee
5 depth minimum

15 depth maximum
Space: drawback 1 - Stalker
Shirou Emiya, her brother
MrEForEccentric (GM): *Adoptive Brother
Space: she's adopted he's
well also adopted i guess
MrEForEccentric (GM): Point is not blood relation
I'm gon' have to get a token for Shirou aren't I
Space: do you need one, i could get you one
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hey can I use Apocrypha's
Just to add emphasis this ain't Shirou we know and love
Space: no that's shirou kotomine
he's not even shirou, he's a servant
MrEForEccentric (GM): Damn
Space: (also his design pains me)
i could get you one, hold on
he looks kinda angry
MrEForEccentric (GM): Make sure he is suitably manic looking yeah
we can say those blotches are like, acid burns or something
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: 2nd drawback - civilian
so that's 15
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Both from other?
Space: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Fair play
Assets are in the same doc as drawbacks are
In all cases
you will get 15 depth worth of Assets
Now the question is whether I put Shirou in Townsfolk or Suspicious folk
Space: fetching, negotiator, level-headed
he'd be a townsfolk
MrEForEccentric (GM): There
He is there
Shirou Emiya: People die when they're killed, Sakura...~
Sakura Emiya: H-hello, Onii-chan...
Shirou Emiya: I like your hair.
Shirou Emiya sniiffffsss
Sakura Emiya: .....
Sakura Emiya pepper spray
Shirou Emiya: Ow
Sakura Emiya kicks in the dick and runs away
Shirou Emiya keels over
Space: now just need a aspect
Shirou Emiya: S-Some day...!
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aspect is basically likeCharacter motivation
Space: find out who her original family was
MrEForEccentric (GM): So this is her goal
Space: yus
MrEForEccentric (GM): So basically you'll be looking at having a huge influx of
luck in part 3
Where everyone else doesn't have any

Due to how plot arcs work and shit

Since goals mean that me and mobile will spend time working that in as a sub-plo
Space: ohohohoho
so under aspect
Goal (Find out original family)
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
And basically you'll get luck each time you make progress in that
Space: with that i think she's done aside from her robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: how build robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well we will have to leave that for another day
Space: dam....
just remember
m ed usa
oh oh also
seer's here, shoop him the link
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mostly because I'm going to have to likeMake more handouts
Which'll be
Space: be of stronk
so wait
does sakura get skills
i've summoned mobile
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, Skills is very very laborious
Space: oh god
MrEForEccentric (GM): Because you kind of have to have everything down
Space: this'll be f u n
i like the music
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
That was Schubert's Death and the Maiden
Space: i have a cool song but i'm not sure if it'd fit
wanna hear it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Sure
I have shooped Seer the link
Space: it's avenger's theme in another heaven
heartbreak hotel
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good thing
Also- the Security Lady is the one who likes Elvis
Space: oooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): She is also Ex-MI6
Space: is she an action hero
eldritch s.: i walk in theh alls of the gods
Sakura Emiya: Oh, hello, Seer-san. I've already finished creating my character.
eldritch s.: the security lady is elvis
Shirou Emiya: I AM HER STALKER
eldritch s.: fuck i hate you
i hate you
i hate hate hate you
Space: hohohoh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well you see Seer. OD is not a PC in v3
eldritch s.: you know i've never gotten to doing the crunch work on hiram though
the idea is done
i know quite well of this, yes
Space: the crunch work is easier than it seems
eldritch s.: i expected spce to have dencu

walk me through this, m'lord

Space: check out the handouts
eldritch s.: that is how rpers talk, of course
MrEForEccentric (GM): Look at the handouts
eldritch s.: okay
MrEForEccentric (GM): They WERE useful right, Space
eldritch s.: you are a fucking genius
MrEForEccentric (GM): Just ask me any questions
eldritch s.: olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): I am not done on handouts
so much work....
Space: hey seer
do you wanna see sakura's mot
MrEForEccentric (GM): But considering it's 5 am I would rather not make more han
But I can guide you through up 'till the MOT part
Basically where Space is at
eldritch s.: my internet is shitting itself
so bear with me
it's named medusa
hhhehehehe references are fun
eldritch s.: someone change hte bgm to something more
MrEForEccentric (GM): You have a character to edit
eldritch s.: before i scream passively
Space: Iipimo Xitiut is a wondrous name
olive put on my song
MrEForEccentric (GM): Have classical instead
Space: ok.................
eldritch s.: wow space
you are talented
i didn't know you were vivaldi
Space: it's true
Sakura Emiya: I am Sakura
oh god
Sakura Emiya waggles eyebrows suggestively, due to Fetching asset
Iipimo Xitiut: Edit me, Seer
Tell me who I am
eldritch s.: HIram Hegel
MIDAS has not intelligence
MrEForEccentric (GM): not yet no
This is not a complete ready to go thing
It's just Space wanted his character down ready
Sakura Emiya: i was struck by the lightningbolt of inspiration
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hell, I think I still need to come up with school bitches
Space: hey olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): Along with minor characters
Space: about what percent ready to go is this roll20
eldritch s.: zero
MrEForEccentric (GM): Right now I would say I feel it's 25% ready
Space: :c
MrEForEccentric (GM): We have a lot of skeleton down
eldritch s.: jorji costave as principle
MrEForEccentric (GM): We just need to fill in details
And get some art assets
Space: ddo what me and fox did

fill in details as go along

how much ready are for first session
MrEForEccentric (GM): We have no Furies
Space: oh....
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well
Except for spoiler territory
eldritch s.: don'y uou have misor
MrEForEccentric (GM): I ask that you do not tab over to the music tab to read th
e titles
We do not have misor
But I'm going to let you in on some souns
eldritch s.: you have betrayed MISOR
Space: the temptation
i must resist it
i can't hear anything
i hear it
that's freaky
eldritch s.: LUDICROUS SPEED
is this seinfeld slowed down
this is something slowed down7
Space: yus
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
It was part
of Cattulus 16
Read by me
Fun fact
eldritch s.: I AM NOW
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good
eldritch s.: rolling 7d6
= 27
MrEForEccentric (GM): No, no
Seven sets of 2d6
eldritch s.: i am counting them seperately
so he can't have a one in a stat
MrEForEccentric (GM): no
Besides everyone has bases
What root is he?
eldritch s.: manufactured
Space: manufactured i believe

eldritch s.: we've talked baout him long ago
in the age of darkness
MrEForEccentric (GM): Also- where are you putting this down
eldritch s.: google docs
Space: i put all this down in sakura's bio
MrEForEccentric (GM): It'd be good to get this down on his actual character shee
tery too
You do have editing rights on it
eldritch s.:
i know but i will transfer the results
Iipimo Xitiut feels heartbroken
Sakura Emiya: How goes it, Iipimo-chan?
eldritch s.: i hatr you lipimo
make that an npc
a failed clown
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ok
eldritch s.: or failed clown
Space: failed clone who is a clown
eldritch s.: rolling 2d6
= 7
rolling 2d6
= 9
rolling 2d6
= 8
rolling 2d6
= 6
rolling 2d6
= 4
rolling 2d6

= 4
eldritch s.: rolling 2d6
= 2
oh shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): 7,9,8,6,4,4 and 2
I guess you're throwing out the 2
eldritch s.: yes
Space: damn
MrEForEccentric (GM): Right
eldritch s.: and rerolling on a four
Space: that's a better spread of stats than i got
eldritch s.: rolling 2d6
= 7
MrEForEccentric (GM): Wait what
eldritch s.: fuck yessssss
it says i can reroll on anyone one number
Space: Reroll any one single set of 2d6 as you see fit
damn, that's true
eldritch s.: from four to seven
thank you jesus
MrEForEccentric (GM): Huh
Space: too bad it wasn't an 11
eldritch s.: i mean none of the numbers were above ten but sitll
MrEForEccentric (GM): Space, d'you want to reroll one of yours or are you happy
with what you got
eldritch s.: small things in lifre
Space: i'm happy with what i've got
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ok cool
eldritch s.: If the sum total of all of your sets of 2d6 is equal to 30 or less,
the player has the right to discard the entire array of rolled numbers and star
t again from scratch.
Space: yeah yours is over 30
eldritch s.: i know
Space: mine was 31
MrEForEccentric (GM): Your base for physique is 20, your base for Coordination i
s 23, empathy is 20, intelligence is 20, 33 is Synch Ratio
eldritch s.: thank you olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): Apply numbers via addition as you see fit
Two numbers for synch ratio
eldritch s.: so the rest get the number i rolled plus the base
and then synch ratio gets that plus another number, yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: yes
eldritch s.: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Synch Ratio gets two of the results
Space: yes

MrEForEccentric (GM): The rest get one

Space: yes
eldritch s.: yes
Shirou Emiya: Yeeeesssssss Sakuraaaa
Sakura Emiya tases Shirou
Shirou Emiya flails mindlessly like an imbecile
MrEForEccentric (GM): We now bring you
Sakura Emiya: I am Spartacus!
Iipimo Xitiut: No, I'm Spartacus
Sakura Emiya: No, you're Iipimo Xitiut.
Iipimo Xitiut cries
Sakura Emiya bottles his tears for future use
eldritch s.: si
MrEForEccentric (GM): So have you applied the results Seer
Sakura Emiya: no se
eldritch s.: for the ease of me
i mean i just skimmed through the handbook again and it never exctaly states
what is empathy exactly
Space: it's like
social grace
MrEForEccentric (GM): It's basically charisma
Sakura Emiya: dibs on being the social butterfly of the team
Shirou Emiya: You'll always be MY butterfly...~
Sakura Emiya stabs Shirou
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ow
Shirou Emiya: Is what I said, as I got stabbed
MrEForEccentric (GM): So are you deliberating on how to apply your points Seer
eldritch s.: yes
Space: focus on things i'm not focusing on
eldritch s.: hiram has little social grace, though he hides his tru feelings all
the time
Space: we can diversify and conquer
he seems a bookwrom
eldritch s.: he is
high int
the gihet ican but it is 29
Sakura Emiya: Oh, no.
eldritch s.: yes
Sakura Emiya: I shouldn't be driving this MOT.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Just tell me when you are done
Space: mobile still hasn't responded
a shame, as i desire a sprite for my own
MrEForEccentric (GM): it's the champagne taste
eldritch s.: something tells me i've done the mat wrong
i gave three keft
and yet i only have
synratio left
MrEForEccentric (GM): You should have six results
Space: post the doc again for us
eldritch s.:
MrEForEccentric (GM): To split between Physique, Coordination, Empathy and Intel
That's four

five, six
Is sync ratio
Also- checkit
Your dorms
eldritch s.: noice
MrEForEccentric (GM): Don't ask where the doors lead
Space: sakura wants bottom left
eldritch s.: hell
MrEForEccentric (GM): dungeons owned by Kotomine Enterprises
Space: that's a godly synch ratio
eldritch s.: hiram is god
i am bad at math so that might be the cause
MrEForEccentric (GM): Remember that you did re-roll one of the fours
Is that why
eldritch s.: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): You got a seven on the re-roll
eldritch s.: that was why i had the extra number
i just said fuck it and discarded the extra four anyway
so this is how i did it
i may
fiddle a bit
i did it
Space: metal
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
is the pacific rim theme in this soundtrack
MrEForEccentric (GM): Shoot
It is not
Space: aw
MrEForEccentric (GM): Also- note- this is a boss theme we're using for one of th
e furies
Space: now let's make hiram's ego and stress
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Ego and Stress pools
eldritch s.: kiddie pools
MrEForEccentric (GM): Choose one of them to be based on your Empathy score, and
one based on Intelligence
eldritch s.: ego is how strong your "self" is, is it not
MrEForEccentric (GM): You round to the nearest unit of 5
Space: yeah
eldritch s.: hiram hs very strong self
it's based on int
MrEForEccentric (GM): So your stress is based on empathy
eldritch s.: so round to 30
Space: what'll hiram's mot be
MrEForEccentric (GM): 30 for Int yeah
eldritch s.: i'll think of that later
MrEForEccentric (GM): 25 for Stress
30 for Ego
eldritch s.: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): So you're going to break down easier than Sakura
And equally lose self
eldritch s.: yes
Space: hohohoho
eldritch s.: he is less stable then
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes

Sakura is our team leader confirmed

Space: she's the heart
eldritch s.: rei was more stable than shinji
she was not protag
MrEForEccentric (GM): So how do you like the boss theme
eldritch s.: it's nice
MrEForEccentric (GM): Can you guess where this fight will be taking place
eldritch s.: One Pool must round down to the nearest unit of 5, while the other
pool must round up to the nearest unit of 5
Space: terminal dogma
eldritch s.: dogshit dogma
i mean that's what i did so it all works out anyway
MrEForEccentric (GM): It's always happened to be that one is closer, yeeah
One is closer to lower, one is closer to higher
You'll just have to wait
Until part 2
To find out
MrEForEccentric (GM): For sure
Space: how many parts
MrEForEccentric (GM): 3
Space: tell me of
MrEForEccentric (GM): Like any standard play, it has 3 acts
Space: will there be a happy ending
MrEForEccentric (GM): There are 4 Furies in each part
I can confirm this much
eldritch s.: so five depth of drawbacks is mandatory
MrEForEccentric (GM): Happy ending- is based on performance
Space: i had the maximum 16
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, Space maxed out for 15 worth of Depth
eldritch s.: i'm taking deppresive
and phobia
MrEForEccentric (GM): Deppresive is worth 10 isn't it?
Space: what's the phobia
eldritch s.: yes
Space: salt
eldritch s.: hiram is terrified of the dark
MrEForEccentric (GM): so 15 worth of Assets goes to you
eldritch s.: yes
can i take a drawback for no depth because i had planned for it from the start
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hrmm. Which one is it?
eldritch s.: it's the one where he can't eat salt
or else he begins puking blood and his skin sizzles
because during cloning they had to use slug genetics
we talked about this
it was hilarious
there were cakes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Considering it won't be very relevant for the most part
I don't think it'll cost anything to include, no
We can probably just roll a physical test at a -20 disadvantage when he comes in
to contact with salt
Sakura Emiya spikes his drink with salt
eldritch s.: he would puke blood
MrEForEccentric (GM): Failure causes an injury and a stun
Sakura Emiya: Heh, that's a funny prank, isn't it, Hiram-sempai?
eldritch s.: i am good with this
MrEForEccentric (GM): Just keep it in mind

Shirou Emiya: We can't just watch these walls come crumbing down...
eldritch s.: taking implanted memories and bookworm
Space: sakura always tries to be polite to her brother
no matter whot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Being polite while he attempts to steal underwear
Sakura Emiya: Onii-chan. what are you doing?
eldritch s.: oh
implanted memories makes me increas his int score by three
Shirou Emiya: R e s e a r c h
Sakura Emiya: ......
Sakura Emiya smiles a li'l bit, though it's forced
eldritch s.: thirty two int
Sakura Emiya: Please put those back, onii-chan. You don't know where they've bee
eldritch s.: and i have to round up to a body of five
which means his ego would be 35, yes?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: 32 is closer to 30 than it is to 35
oh it's rounding up
MrEForEccentric (GM): One could round up, one can round down
Either he has both at 30
eldritch s.: that makes me feel happy inside
MrEForEccentric (GM): Or one at 25 and the other at 35
eldritch s.: i did the latter
time to be hella unstable
MrEForEccentric (GM): stress break
eldritch s.: it is a party of hiram
eldritch s.: to have a very strong sense of
Shirou Emiya steals away
eldritch s.: and being othr
but feeling constant anxiety
eating away at you
MrEForEccentric (GM): At least he doesn't have a stalker
eldritch s.: ode to joy
MrEForEccentric (GM): I figure it would be best for irony
Space: didn't this play in eva
eldritch s.: ballad to happiness
it did
Space: in the scene where
eldritch s.: i loved that scene
which scene do you think, space
Space: see i still haven't finished the series and i know that scene due to pop
culture osmosis
eldritch s.: no
Space: e-eh...?!
eldritch s.: HAHAHAHA
Space: oh
eldritch s.: play it again, sam
MrEForEccentric (GM): So
You have

The drawbacks
and your assets
Space: just needs an aspect
eldritch s.: i am reading through the roots and such
as in the detail
what is the adpect again
MrEForEccentric (GM): Are you thinking "Why didn't I pick challenged"
eldritch s.: no
challenged wasn't an option when hiram was made
MrEForEccentric (GM): If it was
Would you have picked it
eldritch s.: probably
or visionary
and played light yagami
with a mech
Space: i would have either gone manufactured or poster child
MrEForEccentric (GM): You are poster child, space
eldritch s.: of the eighties
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aspect is basically
How you get your luck
Space: 8)
MrEForEccentric (GM): It's your character's drive
LikeSakura has a goal
eldritch s.: a goat
MrEForEccentric (GM): To find out who and what happened to her original family
eldritch s.: I NEED TO FIND OUT WHO KILLED MY DAD.......?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Spoiler alert: It was Lu Bu all along
eldritch s.: lu bu was her father
and killed himself
Sakura Emiya:
eldritch s.: so the aspects are
and what else
there were three
wasn't one motivation
Sakura Emiya: motive
i think
MrEForEccentric (GM): You have goals, motivation and impulse
eldritch s.: he doesn't habe a goal
Sakura Emiya: with that i must into bed
eldritch s.: what specifically is a impulse
Sakura Emiya: seya
MrEForEccentric (GM): Impulse is basically
"An Impulse represents something that a character is compelled to do on a fairly
regular basis. This could be a compulsion to make sure all doors are properly c
losed, hoarding food, or lose their temper in a physical way. This impulse can b
e positive, negative or neutral in nature, but it must be an easily recognizable
and specific action that is something that a character actively does. Resisting
the urge to do something, for example, would be passive instead of active. "
eldritch s.: he has a flashlight which he has a weird attatchment too
h carries it around
MrEForEccentric (GM): "A Motivation is a core influence on your character that,
complex or not, can manifest in a number of different ways. This could be an ext
reme loyalty to Nerv, a crippling fear of relationships with others, or a need t

o prove yourself superior. This Motivation for their actions, once established,
can influence their actions in many ways, some more obvious than others."
eldritch s.: maybe he constantly fiddles with it
oh but he also has a crippling fear of others
hiram is funny i that
i want him to be
MrEForEccentric (GM): Motivation might be a wiser choice, saying as a GM
eldritch s.: torn to shreds by the fact that he wants opposite things
he is terrified of other people, but secretly wants to be understood and to unde
but he really can't stand the unknown, so much so that everyone scares him beyon
d belief
oh hey the manufactured need a mental drawback that doesn't contribute towards t
he depth cap
so i did it right without knowing
MrEForEccentric (GM): hee
eldritch s.: oh but that has to be a mental drawback
not a physical one
i almost did it right
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
If you were challenged
It'd be
A physical one
eldritch s.: if only..........
MrEForEccentric (GM): If I recall
You could've been the wheelchair hero that has to pilot the fucking robot
Or have a heart condition
eldritch s.: the eva is in a wheelchair
MrEForEccentric (GM): Best robot
eldritch s.: alright so what i'm going to do is
i'm switchign the drawbacks to make this work
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
eldritch s.: phobia is becoming his mandatory mental drwaback
MrEForEccentric (GM): Phobia's of the darkness
eldritch s.: yes
and making his anatmoy thing a real drawback so to speak
essentialyl i just did nothinf
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
eldritch s.: and his aspect is motive - crippling fear of other people
could i expand that into the uknown
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
The Mysterious Man: I think we'll get along well with Hiram.
The Mysterious Lady: Yes we will...
Iipimo Xitiut: he doesn't exist yet
it is only i
Narration: Shh
You are not in this scene
Iipimo Xitiut: king pimp
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis pimpin'
Clement Fehrmann: Meanwhile with the spoilers that you won't understand.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Anyway
If you're done
I really need sleep
Iipimo Xitiut: i am done
good night, olvir
MrEForEccentric (GM): good

Hiram Hegel: i am created
Space: yo
eldritch s.: hello space
i am contemplating hiram's stats
Sakura Emiya: oho?
eldritch s.: he is smarter than sakura
32 int
i forget isn't it 100 synch ratio where you being recieving ego damagw
Space: higher is better, too high is too much
iunno the player handbook doesn't say much about the basic stats
of our characters, sakura's prolly the most sane
eldritch s.: she has him beat in empathy though
Space: ohyes
eldritch s.: i got very lucky with the rolls i feel
Space: yeah for sure
overall good
eldritch s.: what does fetching mean
as in the stat
she has that asset
Space: it means she gets a +10 to empathy dealing with characters of the opposit
e gender
eldritch s.: also each of the roots get two traits recall ye7
so open that thing and behold
Space: ooh
where would i put those down
eldritch s.: well they get hree options
and select two of them
just make simething that says traits
Space: attention whore, charming, orator
eldritch s.: you pick two of those
Space: lemme just get the player handbook open
eldritch s.: they're at the bottom
of the tab
Space: ooh
ah, good
eldritch s.: also i'll have to ask olive if they effect, y'know , plus three sr,
plus three coordination is seperate from their base
if so, then hiram is getting op
Space: Attention Whore and Orator
eldritch s.: because that would give him 51 sr
Space: proficient in distract, charm, persaude, and sway
along with Negotiation
eldritch s.: Double Life: The character is, for one reason or another, well accu
stomed to using lies to get what they want. They begin play proficient in the De
ceive skill. Hardened: This character possesses a naturally strong will, and kee
ps their cool under pressure. They begin play proficient in the Composure and Re
solve skills. Logical: This character possesses a keen intellect and understandi
ng of logical thinking. They begin play proficient in the Inference skill or the
Convince Skill.
Space: o
eldritch s.: hm
hiram would have double life and hardened
Space: don't forget to put down hiram's gender
eldritch s.: do you doubt his gener
Space: just for conclusive evidence that sakura would get +10 empathy dealing wi
th him
hey seer
do you think hiram and sakura would get along
eldritch s.: yes

Space: wot do it depend on
eldritch s.: how nosey she is
tell me about adeva sakura
Space: she'll probably just end up being reasonably polite to him, unless someth
ing really godawful happens
oh she's
basically fate/stay night sakura, except not an abused doormat
eldritch s.: for whom is shee the poster child
Space: in Second Impact Equivalent, her family died, and she was adopted by a pi
lot named Kiritsugu Emiya, (who already had an adoptive son, Shirou Emiya)
kerry got hired by MIDAS to go to Midas Town
eldritch s.: rin noooo
Space: and brought his family along with
(he he he)
sakura and shirou were to take the test to become mot pilots
shirou didn't cut it, but sakura did - mostly because the interviewers thought s
he'd make a good face for the team
so shirou is jealous of her
this is in addition to the mad crush he has on her
eldritch s.: oh ew
Space: yes
tell me about hiram eeven tho i alreddy know him
eldritch s.: does lforian still exist
Space: ye
eldritch s.: florian's kid dead
he work at the midas
they need donor for the clones
he say
"yes you take of blood from me"
they put needle in ar,
eldritch s.: they take
they out in tube
mix with slug spit
fart out the babby
he grow quickly, like weed
he pilot the mot
Space: shsould've given him thet rait where he has a buncha clones
eldritch s.: was that an option
Space: i... thiiink so...???
it was in the previous version
(hey do you wanna hear avenger's theme)
eldritch s.: it's not anymore
isn't it all evils of the world
Space: not in another heaven
eldritch s.: so i'm just going to add those numbers that the thing says he gets,
asssuming they weren't included in the base
Space: i don't think they would be - are they from a trait?
eldritch s.: no, in the roots in detail thing, it says he gets plus three sr and
plus three coordination
Space: oh then that's
eldritch s.: and he also needs a mandatory mental drawback which i added
Space: the base, i think
eldritch s.: but the bases are listed seperately?
this sounds like a song
starfox adventures
Space: looking at it - i'm ptretty sure it's the base, or else sakura would have

5 more empathy
yeah 20 is the base
plus the empathy bonus for poster child, 25
plus 11, is 36
eldritch s.: i think empathy is inappropriately named
Space: whuts it do
eldritch s.: as in empathy the stat
social graces and the like don't really mean the same thing as empathy
Space: yus
eldritch s.: also
hiram himself
he is a divided person
Space: how so
eldritch s.: he is horrified of all things unknown
including other people
and yet desperately wants to understand everything
he doesn't really believe in abstract ideas
and yet he writes flowery, emotional entries in his journal that are full of tho
se things
he is scared of the dark but his eyes don't take the light very well
eldritch s.: hiram wears a mask in public, to keep them out of him, so to speak,
to make sure they don't know what he's thinking
because he's distrustful
so he acts fatr more emotionless than he is intentionally
rather than rei where she probably just flat out can't be very emotional
Space: he has a hard life
eldritch s.: he believes at times that they shouldn't have made him
it's because he's terribly depressed and unhappy but he attempts to rationlize i
t by saying that he is merely inefficient
Sakura Emiya: he needs a FRIEND
eldritch s.: he would probably avoid her the more she tries to get close to him
that's why his ego pool is int based
he is delibrately, with thought and calculation, keeping others out
his stress pool is empathy based because he cannot easily control his dayto day
stress and misery
Sakura Emiya: oooh
Space: i'm happy with how things ae turning out
and am hype for it to begin
eldritch s.: as am i
Space: seems olive is on skype
want i should wrangle him
eldritch s.: for what purpose
Space: mot-building
or skills
eldritch s.: yes
Space: or just general chitchattery
eldritch s.: he may have no rest
Space: summoning
MrEForEccentric (GM): Why in the fuck have you summoned me
eldritch s.: beause it amuses us
Space: welcome, mr e for eccentric
to your DOOM
eldritch s.: dance monkey dance
Space: we wanna build ROBOTS
eldritch s.: olive i have a question
MrEForEccentric (GM): You want to get your fuckin' robots
eldritch s.: under the roots in detail section
it says effect:

plus three [X], plus 3 [X]

is this seperate from the base
MrEForEccentric (GM): where
Space: lemme grab it
eldritch s.: in CHC: ROOTS IN DETAIL
Space: for instance, under poster child
Effect: +5 Empathy, -3 SR.
i said this was the base modifier for tat class
so that posre childs start out with at least 25 empathy
MrEForEccentric (GM): I think it does automatically get added on the table
And shit
And I gave you the thing
eldritch s.: okay good
MrEForEccentric (GM): When you were personal scoring
Space: i am basking in my correctness
MrEForEccentric (GM): Did you pick traits
Space: we did
eldritch s.: also i gave hiram two traits
Space: sakura: Attention Whore, Orator
MrEForEccentric (GM): So not charming
Space: no because ther's some overlap with either one
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok
eldritch s.: hiram took
double life and logical
Space: is hiram proficient in inference or convince
MrEForEccentric (GM): So, you want me to get off my main pc
To get on my laptop
So I can get the MOT handouts done
eldritch s.: we hate you
Space: MEDUSA must ride
MrEForEccentric (GM): you- want to work me to the bone
Space: such is the burden of the gm
eldritch s.: he is proficient in decieve and yes, interference and vconvince
Space: no it's one or the other
eldritch s.: oh
MrEForEccentric (GM): One moment
eldritch s.: hm
or interference
Space: no it's inference not interference
eldritch s.: i noticed that one second too late
i think
Space: yeah that seems more hiramish
eldritch s.: are mots considered seperate characters
Space: i thin kso
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
I'm pretty sure
eldritch s.: walken
MrEForEccentric (GM):
eldritch s.: if i had known it was six twenty i would not have asked
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah it's not at all late here
eldritch s.: you heard the ma sakura
Sakura Emiya: :c
eldritch s.: get in the fucking robot
Sakura Emiya gets in that fookin robot

eldritch s.: i want someone to actually say that

"get in the fucking robot"
word for word
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Get in the fucking robot you guys
Sakura Emiya: N-no...!
MrEForEccentric (GM):
eldritch s.: so olive
how will you the fury sprites
MrEForEccentric (GM): I could be playing Dynasty Warriors but what am I doing
I'm hanging out in the roll20 with you guys
Space: you are preparing for this wondrous plot because you love us
right olivve
MrEForEccentric (GM): You summoned me here
Space: :c
MrEForEccentric (GM): I should probably get another roll20 set up for the Unsung
Heroes shit
eldritch s.: alessandra "sandra" capello
Space: you're going to make sakura cry
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good.
Tears are sexy
eldritch s.: sounds like a wrestler
Space: pls
i wanna build a robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Blame mobile, I did not name her
eldritch s.: she piledrives prokopis
MrEForEccentric (GM): I want to make something clear- we do have a clear idea of
what kind of direction we want you guys to go. But your performance and choices
really are going to directly impact on what happens
eldritch s.: if we plant a tree will it grow in real time
MrEForEccentric (GM): If a MOT goes down in a fight, and you're safely ejectedthere's going to be a separate session where you gotta retrieve the pilot
eldritch s.: is this co=produced by peter molyeanux
MrEForEccentric (GM): Of course, because I channel Molyneaux always
Space: do we get a dog
MrEForEccentric (GM): No, we kill off the dog
Space: :c
MrEForEccentric (GM): Before you even get it
For double the sadness
eldritch s.: somewhere
there's just a dead dog
Sakura Emiya: ... :c
MrEForEccentric (GM): The first Fury throws it at you
eldritch s.: the first fury is peter molyneaux
MrEForEccentric (GM): Truth
eldritch s.: not even a mosnter version
it's just him
Space: oh pfft
reading the collateral damage stuff
White girl goes missing during the Angel attack. Newspapers talk about nothing e
lse for the next
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
eldritch s.: so this is in italhy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Sicily
eldritch s.: the thing being kicked by the boot
are we going to be meanced by mussolini's ghost

MrEForEccentric (GM): Sure why not

Flaming Office Mussolini sex
Space: oh god
not the white girl
eldritch s.: alessandro has a bust of mussolini in her office
no oe gives as hit about
Each Evangelion starts with the same basic statline (p. 164) which is then modif
ied by their chosen
Evangelion Type (p. 167). Each Evangelion Type represents a distinct model of Ev
angelion, with its
own specific design goals, strengths and weaknesses. Each Evangelion Type provid
es basic modifiers,
lists available Distinguishing Features, and roughly 500 xp worth of purchasable
Upgrades. To
determine Distinguishing Features, roll 1d100 for each Distinguishing Feature av
ailable. You may then
Space: assign the resulting rolls as you see fit to each of the available Distin
guishing Features charts, not using
any roll more than once and applying only one roll per chart. In this way, the p
ool of options that you
have for Distinguishing Features is random, but you may pick from those options
as you like.
The available Evangelion Types are Assault Type, Field Type, Production Type, Pr
ototype, Provisional
Unit, Sniper Type and Test Type
eldritch s.: the mot crushed the school
MrEForEccentric (GM):
eldritch s.: with semen
Space: hot
eldritch s.: in france people are havign sex with robespierre
MrEForEccentric (GM):
eldritch s.: or the leader of vichy france
Space: olive is having fun
eldritch s.: they found the white girl
MrEForEccentric (GM):
Space: it's worth it olive
MrEForEccentric (GM):
eldritch s.: of course you are cutting through china
only a racist would
Space: you should downloadify the pdf
MrEForEccentric (GM): But I'm getting stuff
Because I got money
Due to trading in all my xbox games
Space: d-does this mean i can't build a robot...
MrEForEccentric (GM): And most of the xbox itself
Not yet
I promise
I will
Space: okay.....................................................................
seer art thou here
eldritch s.: yes
Space: let's chitchat
eldritch s.: alright
what brings you here

Space: i saw you posting and returned

eldritch s.: next year my mother says we'll be visiting europe
it will be my first time leaving the continent
Space: ooh
sounds like fun - where in europe?
eldritch s.: england
we plan to visit england, scotland, and ireland all at some point
Space: ooooh, sweet
sup mobile
Mobile L (GM): Sanguinas et FURRY ASS more like
eldritch s.: the cast has stats now
Mobile L (GM): I seed
eldritch s.: i got lucky
Space: just gotta work out skills/mots and we should be good
oh yeah seer got a buncha good rolls
Mobile L (GM): Bizznatchin
Thank you, Based God
I need to make Hiram a sprite
Space: did i tell you that sakura's mot is gonna be Literally Rider
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, for real?
I saw a pic of it
I love the colors
Space: yes i stole rider's color scheme
Mobile L (GM): Sexy
Space: look in the bottom left room
it shirou
Mobile L (GM): Sinister
eldritch s.: you recall how hiram has slug dna
Mobile L (GM): Yep
Space: yus
eldritch s.: good
that subcutaneous lair of slime
Space: he has an entire lair hidden inside
Mobile L (GM): What kinda clothes does he wear, aside from the shades?
eldritch s.: i figured like shinji, just with black pants
Mobile L (GM): I getcha
eldritch s.: nothing garish
Mobile L (GM): Plain Jane
eldritch s.: he doesn't dress up like hitler
ad march around his room
he's over her bed
is that a photo of him
or is he clinging to the wall
Mobile L (GM): He's Spidey
eldritch s.: i wonder who has which room
the bookshelf
Space: the stick figure is to denote that's sakuras room
eldritch s.: alright
i'll make a stickfigure
Space: pose
Mobile L (GM): He's manspreading, the shitlord
eldritch s.: human anatomy
Space: theyre right across from each other
eldritch s.: this is what you huamsn look like is it not
Space: hey who else do you guys think would be interested
eldritch s.: hitler

Mobile L (GM): Maybe Trip?

eldritch s.: is he into eva?
Mobile L (GM): Nah, but I'm not into Fate :P
Prom is too busy
eldritch s.: he's into (getting into the) fucking robots
but not in that way
Space: spaz is super busy as well
ditto with faweks
eldritch s.: faweks
Space: faweks mac clod
eldritch s.: clod
clod strofe
Sakura Emiya: hey mobile
Mobile L (GM): Yeh?
Sakura Emiya: how close are we to starting this would you say
i am incredible hype for it
Mobile L (GM): Heck, moderately close. Olive and I need to have more intense dis
cussions about it
I was thinking of actually drawing the Furies, as they'd probably be amorphous
Sakura Emiya: blobs
Mobile L (GM): Spooky monster things
Sakura Emiya punches with robot
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: gj
Sakura Emiya: D-do I get a medal?!
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Sure, kid, hold on
Sakura Emiya: :D
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: c;
Space: the best of friends
she is the gendo right
Mobile L (GM): Yep, she's our Gendo
Middle-aged, female Italian Gendo
Space: is she more or less friendly than the gendo
Mobile L (GM): More or less, yeah
She cares more
Space: are all the midas personnel caring and kind
Mobile L (GM): Again, more or less. Definitely more pleasant than NERV
Space: inb4 they all turn out to be antagonists in disguse
Mobile L (GM): We'll just have to see
Space: calling it now
Mobile L (GM): king_harkinian_hrrrm.wav
Sakura Emiya punches all of them just to be on the safe side
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello and her cronies die a punchtacular death
Sakura Emiya: c:
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis is incredibly sexy, even in death
Sakura Emiya: c:
Mobile L (GM): Should I upload the little sprite tokens for our peepsies?
Space: u shoulde
Mobile L (GM): A'ight
Sakura Emiya: Awwww yeah.
Mobile L (GM): Ro-ro-rotate your Pilot
Sakura Emiya: heyyyyy
heyyy hiraaam
Hiram Hegel: wut B|

Sakura Emiya: whutup

Hiram Hegel: nm just thinking about my subcutaneous slime layer
i mean
my homework
Sakura Emiya: that's pretty sweet ude
Hiram Hegel: yeah no kidding
homework is nice
nice and moist and slippery
dr. prokopis said my homework makes me Very Special
Mobile L (GM): Is Shirou a creep in this canon?
Space: oh yes
he's sakura's stalker
Mobile L (GM): Bro of the Year
Space: oh, my, yes
you should get him a sprite as well
don't forget the gross burns on his face
Mobile L (GM): A'ight, can do
That's one thing the sprite maker deal does allow
Space: ooo
i like the sprties
they give this a unique visual style
Mobile L (GM): That's what we were shooting for
Space: here's an idea
do you think norm would be interested/his schedule would allow it
Mobile L (GM): He might be interested, but I'm not sure about the schedule
I'd love to have him, though
Him or Pyro
Space: yus
Mobile L (GM): Hell, I'll ask them both
Space: aussie squad
Mobile L (GM): Squaussie
Sakura Emiya: Crikey...!
Mobile L (GM): I have Tamo Daleko stuck in my head for whatever reason
Space: excellent
will it play in this campaign
Mobile L (GM): Not unless we have some kinda Serb
Sakura Emiya is retroactively from serbia
Sakura Emiya: bam
Mobile L (GM): Serb-Japanese
We already have a Bulgarian chick
Space: whosat
Desislava Chillikov: it me
Sakura Emiya: hello
Desislava Chillikov: yoooo
Sakura Emiya: get out of my bed pls
Desislava Chillikov: never
Sakura Emiya: o_o;
Mobile L (GM): Bawk
Space: welcome
Sakura Emiya: desislava-san help
i'm stuck in the wall
Desislava Chillikov: oh shit, kiddo
you're in deep
you got something to bore out??
Sakura Emiya: n-no...
Desislava Chillikov: well goddamn

you're gonna have to...

Sakura Emiya: ...!!!!
Desislava Chillikov: no buts
this is the harsh reality with which you must meet
Sakura Emiya: d-don't you have... specialized equipment, or something?!
Desislava Chillikov: yeah
back at hq
and we can't afford to truck it here
some old coot blew our gas money on posters
Sakura Emiya: wh-- why would someone do that--?!
Desislava Chillikov: beats me
hope you have good incisors on you, hon
Sakura Emiya: ...i-if i'm stuck here... does that mean shirou is gonna have to p
ilot the robot...?!
Desislava Chillikov: hmm
is shirou easily manipulable and vaguely unstable?
Sakura Emiya: v-very...
Desislava Chillikov: i think we have our man
Sakura Emiya:!!!
Sakura Emiya punches her way out of the wall
Desislava Chillikov: aHA
Space: it occurs to me
sakura will probably be the most stable member of the group
Mobile L (GM): She seems to have a good head on her shoulders
Unlike poor Hiram
Space: he gon get rekt
Mobile L (GM): He'll be Shinji, except Rei when all's said and done
Sakura Emiya: how disgusting
Hiram Hegel: i'm so fucked up, and i can be replaced
Mobile L (GM): Question about Another Heaven
Space: axe
Mobile L (GM): Is it gonna be like Heaven's Feel?
Space: how so
Mobile L (GM): Like, in terms of tone. I mainly know Heaven's Feel as Fate, exce
pt fukk't
Space: things aren't likely to get that fukk't i feel
Mobile L (GM): I see
We kinda have a baseline level of fukk't with our party anyway
Space: oh yes
Mobile L (GM): I am prematurely very sorry for Lovecraft
Space: it'll be a lot of fun
Mobile L (GM): Oh hell yeah it will
Space: i desire foodstuffs
what do
Mobile L (GM): Make a sandvich
Eldy look
Sakura Emiya: sup
it shirou
eldritch s.: yolo
Mobile L (GM): Swag
eldritch s.: why is shirou two face
Space: burns from the fire
tthe one that..... killed his parents...!
eldritch s.: they are both adopted
Space: yus
Mobile L (GM): Double adoption
Is Ilya a thing?

Space: yknow what probably

eldritch s.: is he taller than her then
Space: she'd be kerry's biological kid tho
Sakura Emiya: i am short
Mobile L (GM): Yep, he's taller
eldritch s.: shirou looks a little wide
has he ben grief eating
Mobile L (GM): It's the shirt
The sleeves make him look fat
eldritch s.: it adds like a million pounds
Space: he
*he's buff
eldritch s.: has he been trying to impress her with hism uscles
Space: it's failing
Mobile L (GM): Shirou the creepy bara stalker
If this was a yaoi, they'd be all over it
Space: wow shinji has a stylish casual outfit
check it out
Mobile L (GM): Shinji Hegkari
Mobile L (GM): Hot damn
eldritch s.: what is that thing
Mobile L (GM): Did Gil teach him some smokin' hot fashion tips?
Space: must have
Mobile L (GM): I wonder who will get the other rooms
Space: oh my god
this scene
shinji's complaining because
while sakura appears like a billion times, he appears only three times
Mobile L (GM): no1curr, Shinge
eldritch s.: hiram looks like a drugdealer
Space: "Seeing him down like his, I try to hold back the tears welling in my thr
Mobile L (GM): Hiram is Seriesmunder's long-lost son and the Florian thing was a
cover story
Hiram Hegel: hey shirou
i can sell you her stuf
Sakura Emiya: Can I have stuff, Hegel-sempai?
Hiram Hegel: what the FUCK did you just call me
Sakura Emiya: E-eh?!...
Hiram Hegel: ill fuck u up
cmon one on one
Sakura Emiya: Hegel-sempai, you must not be feeling well...
Sakura Emiya: o_o;
Hiram Hegel: ingsoc
this is doubleplusungood
Space: hiramxsakura otp
Hiram Hegel: shirou doesn't like that
Sakura Emiya: shirou doesn't have a giant robot
i'll just step on him
Hiram Hegel: but he has muscles
Sakura Emiya: shit...
Hiram Hegel: it's like gurren lagann
also made by gainaz
Sakura Emiya: why is a gun shooting sakura

Hiram Hegel: she knows too much

Sakura Emiya: shit...
Space: oh hey seer
Hiram Hegel: yes
Space: Replaceable
Depth Value: 10
Effect: Some Clone lines are considered genetically stable and important enough
to be batch grown. Characters with this Asset have a limited number of backup cl
ones, giving them increased survivability. Whenever the character is required to
Defy Fate to stay in the game (either as a result of Death, Ego depletion, or t
oo many Traumas) they treat their Doom as if it was 2 lower, to a minimum of 0 D
oom. In actuality, the character does suffer the horrible event, but a clone in
perfect physical health replaces the character within 1 session. Any and all dra
wbacks taken by the character are assumed to apply to all clones equally.
Special: This Asset may only be taken by the Manufactured Root.
Hiram Hegel: where was it
Space: under other
Hiram Hegel: it was an asset
Space: imagine - hundreds of hegels, each with their own subcutaneous slime laye
Hiram Hegel: hm
but i like the skill i've taken
thatg is the only problem
Space: hmm...
yes that is troublesome
Hiram Hegel: if only i could take more drawbacks
Space: yus
Mobile L (GM): Yo guys, I have to run to the store, then I prolly have to do din
ner. Not sure when I'll be back, but I'll be back
Hiram Hegel: alright
good luck
Space: far e well
Mobile L (GM): Thanks. Y'all take care.
Sakura Emiya: now
it's just me
and you
Hiram Hegel: get away from me
Space: i like the perspective with the sprites
Sakura Emiya: No... no, that won't happen, Hiram-chan...
Sakura Emiya takes a lock of his hair
Hiram Hegel: it's like a better version of drawn to life
help ,e
Sakura Emiya: So... so beautiful...
Sakura Emiya puts it in her scrapbook
Hiram Hegel: please stop
Sakura Emiya: Never, Hiram-chan...!
Hiram Hegel: knife
Space: yandere
Hiram Hegel:
Space: i gotta play papers please more
Hiram Hegel: it's a nixw death theme
Space: sakura explores the barracks
Hiram Hegel: will it play when someone dies in this i wonder
Space: who will go first...
Hiram Hegel: the dog
Sakura Emiya: :c
Hiram Hegel:

Sakura Emiya: this plays when we beat misor

Hiram Hegel: yes
he explodes
Sakura Emiya: Hiram, look out! The salt--!
Hiram Hegel: oh n
Sakura Emiya: ...Sayonara, Hiram-san...
Hiram Hegel:
Space: shufflehound
Hiram Hegel: who is this person
Space: i have
no idea
Hiram Hegel: jorji
Space: the hero
Hiram Hegel:
Space: entry DENIED
Hiram Hegel: he doesn't even complain
Space: would you want to
with such an obvious madman
Hiram Hegel: the man just goes apeshit on your passport
Hiram Hegel: yes
Space: good
Hiram Hegel: i wonder
how badly things will collapse
Sakura Emiya: it'll all come tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
Hiram Hegel: you know instead of that song they wanted that one song i showed yo
everything you ever dreamed
i wonder who the third player will be
Space: would norm or pyro be interst do you think
Hiram Hegel: i don;t think norm would b
and pyro would b too sporadic
Space: this is troublesome
anyone i can think of would either have scheduling conflicts or be sporadic or s
ome other such issue
Hiram Hegel: oe just not care
Space: that too
a two-person campaign isn't quite unheard of, though it's definitely unusual
Hiram Hegel: people can be added on as time progresses as well
Space: yus
like the show
Hiram Hegel: midas is nicer on thesurfaced
Space: oh yeah for sure
Hiram Hegel: which can only mean that the underluing evil
must be all the more vile
Space: i imagine that no one is truly on our side
Hiram Hegel: at least with nerv
everyone was up front
they were all insane
they al hated each other
nerv is run by tyrannical assholes
it's like that macbet quote
Hiram Hegel: be both the flower
and the serpent under it
Sakura Emiya: we're going to have to outmanuver them hiram
Hiram Hegel: quickly, to france
napoleon's ghost will save us
eldritch s.: "no stupid fucks i was actually italiannnnnnnn"

Sakura Emiya: le ancien regime

Hiram Hegel: i'm tryign to think
if i had to make eva
a live action movie
who would i cast
Space: i can't actually think of anyone that'd fit
Hiram Hegel: gendo
nic cage as gendo
casting the seele old men would be fun
Space: nose
Hiram Hegel: someone said that they would cast
that guy who played mad eye moody in harry potter
as keel lorenz
Space: i can kinda see that
Hiram Hegel: maybe
the rest of the castign they did was shit though
Space: like whom
Hiram Hegel: a bunch of no names
who did not look like they fit hte part
shinji looked like a twelve year old girl
Space: hah
Hiram Hegel: also
shinji was what
the cast is meant to be 16-18
these people are ancient compared to shinji
Sakura Emiya: we're all old
Hiram Hegel: hiram's so old his hair is white
also recall his sweat is more viscous than it should be
Space: ew
Hiram Hegel: not like slimer slime
but it's a bit thicker
Space: is he
Hiram Hegel: lik what
Space: like a slug
MrEForEccentric (GM): Holy shit you guys are still here
Are you here
Space: yus
mobile arrived
check out sakuras room
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excellent...!
Can you see the turn order
Shirou Emiya waxes poetic...!
Space: yeah but it doesn't show shirou or hiram's name
you have to enable their name to be seen
it works
Shirou Emiya: Ta-dah
Space: be are be
Shirou Emiya: rolling 4d20 + 10

= 52
My manliness level is 52, Sakura
Hiram Hegel: I shouldn't be in here.
Lipimo Xitiut: No, you shouldn't.
You stole my limelight
Hiram Hegel: ... You...
Lipimo Xitiut: Yes
Hiram Hegel: You...
Lipimo Xitiut: Yes
Hiram Hegel: ... YOU...
i love th random names roll20 churns out
Lipimo Xitiut: They are marvelous
Hiram Hegel: tell me
how do you plan to get the fury sprites
MrEForEccentric (GM): It is a good question
And frankly
I do not have a plan
at lest
Hiram Hegel: figured you may
want to give these a gander along with these
they have multiple pages
MrEForEccentric (GM): Certainly
Definitely stuff I can use potentially
Hiram Hegel: good
Space: are we building robots
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes, we'll build robots. Let me get up a separate folder i
nside players for the different MOTs
I'll make the handout later I guess
Since it takes a bit and you guys really want to get it done anyway
Space: ooo
MrEForEccentric (GM): What was Hiram's robot called
Hiram Hegel: it wasn't named
any naming conventions
MrEForEccentric (GM): I recommend Classics that aren't Carthaginian
Hiram Hegel: who named it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well usually it's Desislava who names them, since she's th
e D part of R&D
Hiram Hegel: agamemnon
MrEForEccentric (GM): In terms of formal name
Hiram Hegel: Checkit, our robots are there...!
"Medusa" roars
Sakura Emiya: S-sugoi...!
"Agamemnon": Peeeeenis
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: Stop messing around with hour high tech equipment.
Sakura Emiya: B-but it's kawaii...
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: Do not try to sleep with your M.O.T, should I regail y
ou the story of Pygmalion
Guy who fell in love with a statue
Do not be that guy
Sakura Emiya: :c
MrEForEccentric (GM): Did Mobile say what she uses
Space: nope

MrEForEccentric (GM): Damn

Sakura Emiya: ...What are you two doing on my bed?
Shirou Emiya: Draw me like one of your french girls
Hiram Hegel: Don't look.
Sakura Emiya: ...This is weird. Please go away.
Hiram Hegel: Don't judge me.
Shirou Emiya: Stop hiding behind me...!
Hiram Hegel: I AM YOU
Sakura Emiya: .........
eldritch s.: see
hiram's initials are HH
sakuras are SE
so are shirou's
what does it mean
Space: Honest Hearts and South-East
eldritch s.: DM
Space: LR
MrEForEccentric (GM): How do I resize a png without it going shitty
eldritch s.: OWB
Space: whatre you working on live
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'm using
eldritch s.: covert it inot a different format, i would assume
Space: no keep it a png
MrEForEccentric (GM): I thought it was pngs that could scale up
Space: whatre you trying to scale up
eldritch s.: pingas
MrEForEccentric (GM): I am trying to scale up a portrait cropped from a sprite
Space: generally i don't htink that's possible
MrEForEccentric (GM): Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
eldritch s.: mustard stain
or cheeto stIN
Sakura Emiya: Creepy...
Demifury groans
eldritch s.: good
Sakura Emiya: I-it's hug...!
Demifury: Now this is a temporary sprite. I will probably beg Mobile to make one
that fits in with the aesthetic of these settings
eldritch s.: how i see it
Demifury: But this sprite right here is going to be in the UNSUNG HEROES Segment
s, where these things mostly dwell
eldritch s.: them being in a different style
may emphaisze
Space: their alienness
eldritch s.: the alieness
Space: like in madoka
eldritch s.: they're all over
MrEForEccentric (GM): They're like the cannon fodder of Furies
Ground troops
Sakura Emiya: Get my gun, Hiram...!
Demifury groan
Narration: Roll for initiative...!
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d20
= 3
Narration: rolling 6d20 + 10

= 67
eldritch s.: rolling 1d20
= 10
Shirou Emiya: rolling 1d20
= 13
MrEForEccentric (GM): Poor Sakura
False test
By the way
Orange is Stress
Purple is Ego
eldritch s.: oho?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Orange is stress 'cause nothing rhymes with it
"Medusa": sup bich
MrEForEccentric (GM): So when it comes to fights
You'll have three bars up at all times
Space: good, good
MrEForEccentric (GM): Welcome to downtown
Sakura Emiya: Hiram, look! It's Habbo Hotel!
Hiram Hegel: kill me
Shirou Emiya: I'm gonna jump if you don't reciprocate...!
Sakura Emiya: E-eh...!?
Space: place medusa down there
"Medusa" grabs Shirou
"Medusa" sets him down gently
Shirou Emiya: D-damn...!
Hiram Hegel: that is very nice
Space: medusa is stepping on hiram
Hiram Hegel: that looks very nice
Space: yus
Hiram Hegel: the map seems a bit blurry
bit it's really nice
Shirou Emiya: That's a big-ass robot
Space: lets build medusa a buddy
Sakura Emiya PUNCH

Shirou Emiya falls down the subway stares

Shirou Emiya stairs even
Shirou Emiya you killed your adoptive brother, Sakura
Sakura Emiya: ...Good.
Space: oh also
Narration how does this make you feel Sakura
Space: you can type /desc to describe things
How does killing your brother feel, Sakura
Sakura Emiya: ...Good. I... liked it...
Murder... feels good....!
Sakura Emiya gets out a knife
Sakura Emiya: Hey, Hiram...!
No, Sakura- that isn't what the message was supposed to be.
You better be offering to cut him a cake.
Sakura Emiya: Too late!
Sakura Emiya steb
Sakura. Why. Y'know this means we have to visit the Lu Bu Palace
Sakura Emiya: W-wh...?
Narration: Fade to black... Sakura finds herself before the mighty Lu Bu!
Sakura Emiya: L-Lu Bu...!
Sakura Emiya: :c
Space: hey olive
seer's dead so let's work on medusa
MrEForEccentric (GM): Okay
Hold on while I get up the Eva section
Of the character creation
Space: hook
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lets get base stats down
Strength- 2, Toughness- 4, Armor 2, we'll deal with Resilience later, Evasion 30
We'll skip color for Medusa
Space: done
MrEForEccentric (GM): The Eva Martial score of the Eva is equal to its pilots ((
Physique + Coordination) 20), plus any relevant modifiers (resulting from either
the pilot or the Eva).
We're going to have to do the TREE OF LIFE and skills at some point
Hiram Hegel: holy fuck
hm2 jut got an epic song going
MrEForEccentric (GM): But we'll do that last, and any changes that skills and ta
lents and shit do- we'll add
Space: are there any relevant modifiers
MrEForEccentric (GM): The Eva Firearms score of the Eva is equal to its pilots (
(Coordination + the Defining Score of the Awareness Skill Group) 20), plus any r
elevant modifiers (resulting from either the pilot or the Eva).
I'm just putting them down for now
Space: if not, then the eva martial score is 30
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well we'll add modifiers later
I think

We'll just have to hold off on those two scores being finalized for start
Space: yus
MrEForEccentric (GM): Until we do...
Space: s k i l l s
MrEForEccentric (GM): Which I'd really want to do one at a time
As in
One player at a time
Space: ohye
@seer: dont tell me
MrEForEccentric (GM): Since complex
Space: i mustnt be spoiled even on music
@Olive: whot next
MrEForEccentric (GM): What type of MOT are you going for
I know you're not sponsored, and iirc the Poster Child isn't set on any particul
ar type
Space: lemme check the doc-u-ment
MrEForEccentric (GM): I'm going to basically be doing things sans the tables in
the handouts
Space: i think
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right
Lets see your distinguishing features
Lets do cosmetic first
Space: cosmetic, construction
MrEForEccentric (GM): ROLL A D100
Space: rolling 1d100
= 5
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
I think
Funnily enough
That is covered by your avvie
of Medusa
Space: gud
MrEForEccentric (GM): Construction now
Space: construction now
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: hehe
MrEForEccentric (GM): d100 again...!
Space: rolling 1d100
= 96
advanced hud
MrEForEccentric (GM): +3 misc bonus to firearms
Sakura likes guns
In the Eva at least
Or rather
Space: good, good
MrEForEccentric (GM): You did put extra shit into co-ordination didn't you, over
Space: coordination - 26
physique - 24
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes

So you are going to do better shooting

Space: pew, pew
MrEForEccentric (GM): Which is wise, since you aren't a Shinji that stabs an ang
el repeatedly with a knife
while two bullies are in the pod with you
Sakura Emiya: i'm not completely insane
Shirou Emiya: You punched me down the stares for saying you had a big-ass
Sakura Emiya: quiet, you
Demifury: Oh, Medusa-chan
"Medusa" shoots the demifry in the face
Demifury ded
Space: whot nex
Demifury: Hurrm
I think that's' it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Apart from skills
and shit
Equipment of course
But- you have the doc up
And I think I need to find how much exp people start with
For upgrades
Space: starting upgrades: Wing Loadout (Storage), Requisition
MrEForEccentric (GM): Make sure you minus that toughness
Which is a further reason you shouldn't get into close combat
Space: 40 evasion
MrEForEccentric (GM): matrix
Space: For more information on exactly how much XP to assign each session, and h
ow much Experience
players should start the game with, GMs should see Scaling Your Campaign (GM Boo
k page 29).
MrEForEccentric (GM): Starting out exp is 80
Since, even though we have 12 fights, it's a long game rather than an epic game
Space: whuts the diffenrce
MrEForEccentric (GM): Epic games would only give you 50 exp to begin with
Space: i SEE
how do i buy
Hiram Hegel: i just now noticed
the chapters in hm2 are named after the plot diagram
MrEForEccentric (GM): You just kind of spend it, I think
Hiram Hegel: that's not a spoiler that's just a trivia
Space: @seer: oooh
@olive: where are lists 2 buy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well there are upgrades there for the MOT
That you can get
On top of what's given to you
But I think
We're going to have to do the Tree of Life
At some point
MrEForEccentric (GM): And all the fun of skills
Space: thats whut im looking at now
MrEForEccentric (GM): Not to mention I gotta condense this shit into handouts
Space: 80 xp, eh...?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: Minor Advance (Coordination) and Advance (Empathy)
so that's +3 to coordination and +5 to empathy
leaving me with 30 xp left over
41 empathy

would that bump up my stress pool any

MrEForEccentric (GM): I think it would. Since technically the character is not f
Space: so it'd go from 35 stress to 40 stress?
MrEForEccentric (GM): You were roundind down for stress weren't you
Space: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): So yeah
40 stress
Space: hoho
now to buy one more thing
MrEForEccentric (GM): Wow, Sakura isn't going to be easy to break
Space: she's level-headed
Combat Advance (Eva Firearms) and Determined Crawl
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mm By the way, this is important for late
r things
Space: i'm listing both the total xp she's earned and the xp she'll have to spen
MrEForEccentric (GM): I just made it so there's nothing to show for yet
Space: aaite
sakura has this weird quirk
of referring to her mot as a "her"
MrEForEccentric (GM): Fair enough
We have 2 players so far, yes
Space: ye
hwot else is there 2 werk on
MrEForEccentric (GM): just checkin
Skills and tree of life stuff
I need mobile to be around
Space: hopefully she back soon
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: oh my god
i've found the greatest movie
MrEForEccentric (GM): it says
Space: you must see
Hiram Hegel: i return
Space: quickly, build aganememnto
Hiram Hegel: how
MrEForEccentric (GM): With your mind
Hiram Hegel: okay
MrEForEccentric (GM): Your base
Strength 2
Hiram Hegel: all belong to you?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Toughness 4
Armor 2
Resiliance we'll work out last
Hiram Hegel: alright
MrEForEccentric (GM): And Evasion 30
Since we'll be doing MOT Martial and Firearm scores
At the end as well
After skills
Which I would prefer to be done by appointment due to the complexities
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lets get
Color done

Hiram Hegel: one second

Space: can i design the sprite of the mot when you guys got color picked, i'm bo
red and wanna do something
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
1d100 twice, Seer
For Primary and Secondary
I will allow you to pick which
Is which
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100
= 64
rolling 1d100
= 10
which is which
as in color
MrEForEccentric (GM): Blood Red and Forest Camoflage
Hiram Hegel: hm
MrEForEccentric (GM): Which do you want as the primary and which as secondary
Hiram Hegel: forest camoflage primary
MrEForEccentric (GM): You heard the man, Space
Space: this'll be challenging but i can handle it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Now I gotta figure out how to tell you about each type of
MOT for you to pick
There's Assault, Field, Production (Space's one is a Production), Prototype, Pro
visional, Sniper and Test Type
Hiram Hegel: hm
let me just read teir details in the pdf
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
That would be wise
(I still need to get round to making a handout on this...)
Hiram Hegel: test type, i think
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight so you'll have three distinctive features
Cosmetic, History and either a Mutation or Construction
Hiram Hegel: hrm
Space: mutations are cool
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lets get cosmetic out the way
Hiram Hegel: i'll take mutations btw, now, let's roll for prettiness
rolling 1d100
= 79
MrEForEccentric (GM): No Discernable eyes
Blindsight basically
You can see even though it looks like the MOT has no eyes
Hiram Hegel: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): HISTORY
Hiram Hegel: that's spooky
MrEForEccentric (GM): 1d100 again
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100

= 40
MrEForEccentric (GM): Core of a Fury apparently
Hiram Hegel: even spookier
MrEForEccentric (GM): Something about your Eva's core is in tune with the Angels
you fight, and this insight spills over into your head during contact with the
enemy. When you first Neutralize an Angel, or when it first inflicts Ego upon yo
u, the GM provides a single helpful clue in regards to the Angel's abilities. Ho
wever, this attunement cuts both ways, and you suffer 1d6-2 Ego at the end of ea
ch battle (minimum 1). 46
1d100 again
Y'know the drill
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100
= 26
MrEForEccentric (GM): Runt
It's a small one
Smaller and sleeker than other Evas, this Eva is easily missed. Literally. All E
va Firearms tests rolled against it are at a -10 penalty.
Hiram Hegel: good
MrEForEccentric (GM): So is Hiram one to get up close and personal with the Furi
es or is he another shooty-shooty person
Hiram Hegel: hrm
i feel like we should diversify
so he's a puncher
MrEForEccentric (GM): You're not going to be the only two players of course
Hiram Hegel: the thing is
against him are minus ten
an angel doesn't use a gun
MrEForEccentric (GM): That's technicalities
Hiram Hegel: *fury
MrEForEccentric (GM): When it says
firearms against
Hiram Hegel: okay so he's hard to hit
MrEForEccentric (GM): That's basically all ranged
Hiram Hegel: with a firearm of some sense
the question is looking at eca
there was like
ranged angel?
Hiram Hegel: two?
MrEForEccentric (GM): That ranged angel tho
Hiram Hegel: ramiel, arael were ranged
that's basically it
space help me make this decision
MrEForEccentric (GM): Y'don't know what kind of Furies you'll be facing of cours
Hiram Hegel: he's been seduced by kotomine's mullet
this is hard
i'm going to roll a d2
1 is ranged
2 is melee

Space: man
i tried
but this looks kinda greenish
Hiram Hegel: space how do i roll with macros again
MrEForEccentric (GM): By the way Seer
Space: type /roll 1d2
MrEForEccentric (GM): Did you see
Hiram Hegel: rp;; 1d2
MrEForEccentric (GM): Earlier thing for you to join
For particular sessions
Hiram Hegel: what now
Space: maybe hiram could be the AT field guy?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Boop-a-doop
Hiram Hegel: thanks you7
is AT field guy an option
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, pretty much
You can definitely
Focus on AT Field
It's in the Tree of Life shit
Space: it's a specialized class
several varieties of it and such
Hiram Hegel: i'll go with that then
i mean i am atad confused but that is to be expected
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Trust me
Skills and Tree of Life shit
Is the most intimidating part
There's a reason, as this is my first time with the system too, that I want to s
ort out skills by appointment rather than all at once
Hiram Hegel: alright anyway
would at field man be ranged or melee
MrEForEccentric (GM): Depends on what AT Powers I'd guess
Though if you look at it this wayYour stats are really going to be the thing that influences how you fight
Sakura's going to be gunning Angels from a range 'cause she'll have bonuses and
a much better chance to hit with ranged attacks
And her higher coordination than strength
Space: pew pew
Hiram Hegel: well what do hiram's stats point towards
MrEForEccentric (GM): He could go either way really
There's only one point's difference
Hiram Hegel: i don't want to nullify the runt ting
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well- look at it this way
Hiram Hegel: is there any kind of middle ground option
MrEForEccentric (GM): They're going to find it hard to hit at all times
In melee distance
They will not have a disadvantage
But in moving TO melee distance
They would still have a disadvantage
So- hypothetically, you could almost be hitting and running with a spear
MrEForEccentric (GM): And you might still be getting damage done while benefitin
g from being hard to hit
As you are moving, and small
Hiram Hegel: i think i'll go for that, thn
MrEForEccentric (GM): Just be flexible really
I'll probably at least try to give Sakura a challenge so that she's not always i
n her element
For example- dance recitals for her MOT

Hiram Hegel: alright he's a hit and run dickpuncher

MrEForEccentric (GM): If they have dicks
Hiram Hegel: they always do
MrEForEccentric (GM): So anyway
It is
nearly 1 in the morning
Hiram Hegel: sorry for keeping you up olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): It's fine
I was up until like
6 am yesterday
Hiram Hegel: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Also
Should you visit Britain
And I am in University at the time
I will be in one of two places
Canterbury or Winchester
Space: wait
before you go
check out agamenmon
he looks super jagged but look
MrEForEccentric (GM): where
Space: uploading now
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok
But yes- commutable distance from London, unlike Aberdeen
Hiram Hegel:
put both him and medusa out
and make him smallr
Hiram Hegel: white trim
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hm
Did you catch the part of no discernable eyes
Space: yes
those aren't eyes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Just checkin
Space: this one was the head that had the least amount of eyes
@seer: that was the best i could manage
Hiram Hegel: it's very nice, thank you
Space: i am proud of my efforts, shoddy as they may be
MrEForEccentric (GM): Anyhow
Don't go crazy
Lipimo Xitiut: OR ELSE
Space: me r/n
Lipimo Xitiut: T-taiga
MrEForEccentric (GM): Anyway
I sleep
Hiram Hegel: alirght
good night
Space: nacht
Sakura Emiya: Hmm.... hey, Hiram, is the town usually this... empty?
Hiram Hegel: No, not always.
Sakura Emiya: I wonder where everyone is...?
Hiram Hegel: But it is not unusual, either.
In their homes, or somewhere else.
Sakura Emiya: If you say so. Still, it's odd that no one's out on a nice day lik
e today.

Hiram Hegel looks at the sky, winces slightly

Hiram Hegel: Odd.
Sakura Emiya: ?
What is it, Hiram?
Hiram Hegel: Nothing.
... I merely do not know why I am here.
Sakura Emiya: Ah. Well, sometimes it's nice to just go out for walks.
Hiram Hegel: The people here seem to disagree with you.
Sakura Emiya looks around
Sakura Emiya: ...Well, I guess that's their problem!
Hiram Hegel: I suppose it is.
Hiram Hegel adjusts his shades
Sakura Emiya: So, are you just gonna stand there?
Hiram Hegel: As opposed to what?
Sakura Emiya: Well, you could sit over here with me.
Space: what even is that thing she's sitting on
Hiram Hegel: some kind of
I could.
Sakura Emiya smiles at him
Hiram Hegel doesn't smile, he never smiles
Hiram Hegel: ... My only question is why.
Sakura Emiya: We're out on the town together, aren't we? Then it'd be weird if w
e went off on our own separate ways.
Hiram Hegel: Why is that?
Sakura Emiya: ...Well, we're going together, aren't we? And it's not like we don
't know each other.
Hiram Hegel: We work together towards a common goal, yes.
I fear that may be where our commonalities and mutual interests end.
Sakura Emiya: Well, there's no way to know for sure until you try it, right?
Hiram Hegel despite his words has subconciously drifted closer to her
Hiram Hegel: To know what for sure?
Space: i can tell how the roll20 will go
"hiram come out of your shell"
eldritch s.: "get the fuck out"
Space: hhhehe
Sakura Emiya: If we can get along or not.
Hiram Hegel: You have not struck me yet. Our current relationship is workable.
Sakura Emiya chuckles a bit at that
Hiram Hegel does not
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Sakura Emiya doesn't seem to have realized that wasn't a joke
Hiram Hegel: That comment has been met with offensive before. Never with laughte
Sakura Emiya: Why not?
Hiram Hegel: I do not understand that.
I have no inclination to, either.
Sakura Emiya: Ah... erm, well, I guess that's alright.

Hiram Hegel: I believe that it is.

Do you have many beliefs?
Sakura Emiya: Beliefs? What do you mean, Hiram?
Hiram Hegel: I meant to ask as to whether you believed in anything.
Sakura Emiya: Well, I'm not sure.
I don't suppose I've given it all that much thought, what with... well, you know
Hiram Hegel: The Furies.
Sakura Emiya nods
Sakura Emiya: It seems more pressing.
Hiram Hegel: They do not preclude introspection.
Some feel they even encourage it.
The verge of death often makes you consider your life.
Sakura Emiya: Not for me.
Hiram Hegel adjusts his shades again and looks behind him
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel turns back
Hiram Hegel: I see.
Sakura Emiya: ...All it does is make me want to go home.
Hiram Hegel: I do not have that luxury.
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya looks down
Hiram Hegel: MIDAS is my home.
Let me ask you.
Why are you here?
Hiram Hegel presumably already knows, is just asking to prod her a bit
Sakura Emiya: My... Kiritsugu had to come here. For his job. So he brought me an
d onii-chan with.
Hiram Hegel: Do you know why Kiritsugu came here?
Sakura Emiya: MIDAS needed pilots, I guess.
Hiram Hegel: You guess.
These thing all have concrete answers.
Sakura Emiya: Do you know why, Hegel-san?
Hiram Hegel: I know that your father came to work as a pilot. I know that you pa
ssed examinations and your brother did not.
I know how, I do not know why. That is why I asked.
Sakura Emiya: ...Well. I'm not the one you should be asking if you want to know
why MIDAS does the things it does.
Hiram Hegel: I cannot ask anyone in MIDAS, either.
I cannot ask MIDAS.
Do you know why I cannot ask MIDAS?
Sakura Emiya: No.
Hiram Hegel: MIDAS is a group of individuals.
To know I would have to ask them.
They would simply point me to another individual.
Who in turn would do the same.
It is impossible to find answers because no one wishes to give them.
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya doesn't have much of a response to that - she knows he's right
Hiram Hegel: ... I will ask again.
Why should I sit with you?
Sakura Emiya: ...
It was out of politeness.
Hiram Hegel: ...

Hiram Hegel adjusts his shades

Hiram Hegel: I do not take it you still wish me to sit with you.
Good day.
Sakura Emiya says nothing
Space: the next day she will act like nothing happened
Hiram Hegel: why
Space: politeness
Hiram Hegel: what does she think of him now
Space: she doesn't get what his deal is, and thinks she's upset him
"Agamemnon": she has upset him
just by virtue of interacting with him
he would have sat down if she had been more persisant
"Medusa": she was too wishy-washy with her kindness
"Agamemnon": hiram was too obsitant with his being a dick
i do like this map
i want to make hiram walk up the stairs
"Medusa": the isometric is nice
Sakura Emiya: don't fall
"Agamemnon": the isometric is a bit peculiar on some parts, safly
but then roll20 wasn't designed for that
Space: it works surprisingly well with these sprites
"Agamemnon": yes
eldritch s.: how much smalelr must hiram's mot be i wonder
Space: midget
eldritch s.: how large is an eva really
Space: i think
very very huge
eldritch s.: they never give a size
also apparently they updated the 3rd version of adeva to be better formatted
didn't add anythign
just changed the format
thank christ
Space: logo
eldritch s.: a character in unsung heroes should be
Space: oh my god
eldritch s.: he gets a phonecall from MIDAS
"all the missiles hit the target"
he throws the phone at the wall
and begins shrieking, tugging his hair out
Space: not just some of them
all of them
eldritch s.: he begins screaming and running around
before he runs into a wall
Space: and dies
time to make a new character
eldritch s.: gg
i'm going to list characters who i think are really evil
alessandro and prokopis
Space: desislava is probably good
eldritch s.: julia seems moderately evil
Space: she looks shifty as fuck
which i am assuming to mean she's good
eldritch s.: i think she's

a scummy evil
not a mastermind
Space: shirou is scummy evil
yeah i can see julia being scummy
eldritch s.: shirou is creepy evil
Space: fuckin shirou
i wonder if this means kiritsugu and illya will become npcs as well
ive infected adeva with fate
eldritch s.:
i find it so easily because it is th first video result for illya von eizbern
Space: amazing
eldritch s.: i intend to pull that up whenever she is mentioned or appears
Space: you SHOULD
eldritch s.: what does illya think of sakura
Space: they probably get along fairly well
illya is a small child and thus does not understand that shirou is a creep towar
ds sakura
eldritch s.: does she get along with everyone]
Space: oh yes
eldritch s.: good for her
so space
tell me
how did sak's family perish
rolling 1d100
= 48
Space: in a fire
eldritch s.: who lit the fire
Space: second impact
eldritch s.: i am going to ask moile some questioms about that also
because i am curious about it in this verse
Space: oh same
i wanan know what the differences are
will Shape my Writings
eldritch s.: ew
Space: w
eldritch s.: don't talk about such thins
Space: i dont understna
eldritch s.: how disgusting
Sakura Emiya: :c
eldritch s.: you evil monster
Sakura Emiya: :C
eldritch s.: i'll fuk up uou
Sakura Emiya: are you okay
eldritch s.: i like applying
pure imagination
to things
Space: oh
i bet you like to just
coat things with your 'pure imagination', huh
that's sick
you're sick
eldritch s.: yes
i'll coat this whole rp wit it
Space: disgusting

eldritch s.: i'm going to coat sakura

Space: keep your pure imagination away from sakura
eldritch s.: it's white
Space: this is like something out of a horrible fancomic
get it off
Sakura Emiya: I'll jump if you don't get that stuff away from me!!
eldritch s.: imagination gun
Sakura Emiya: Aaaaaaaah!!!
Sakura Emiya jumps
Sakura Emiya splat
eldritch s.: she died
Space: time for a new character
eldritch s.: i've been eagerly anticipating this for a while
it's soberign to think
that when the pathologic remake is released
in late 2016
i will be 17-18
Space: you'll finally be old enough to play M games
eldritch s.: now i gedda play thu calls of duty!!!
Space 360 noscope fives you
eldritch s.: FUCK YOU!!!!
Space: no
eldritch s.: i'm out of childish combacks
Space: that means i WIN
hhahaha butt
btw ive told mobile of your crimes
eldritch s.: pure imagination
Space: SHIT
i suddenly have got
a massive case of deja vu
eldritch s.: habbo map
Space: no just from
talking to you about this, seeing a pm saying "Oh no. Oh dear. How dare he?", ta
lking to duff on skype
i've dreamed this before, i'm sure of it
eldritch s.: i gave you those dreams
seven years in advance
Space: you...
oh btw mobile says to to put that shit back in your pants or she's calling the p
eldritch s.: my imagination gun
is smearing
it's power
all over the city
Space: freakish
Sakura Emiya: H-Hiram...!
There's too much pure imagination...!
eldritch s.: time to start a new life
Hiram Hegel: i can't stop
Sakura Emiya: You... you monster...!
Hiram Hegel: kehehehe
eldritch s.: and that's how the fancomic went
Space: amazing

shirou liked it a lot

MrEForEccentric (GM): What in the fuck did you guys draw while I was gone
Mac D.: hold on it just loaded and i haven't zoomed out yet is it dicks
Space: blame seer
he covered sakura in his pure imagination
so she freaked out and jumped off a roof
MrEForEccentric (GM): I can't even tell whether it is a dick
Mac D.: it's dicks isn't it
Space: he then coated her body in pure imagination
no that's seer's imagination gun
MrEForEccentric (GM): His imagination looks an awful lot like semen
Space: thats the joke
MrEForEccentric (GM): Damn
Sakura Emiya: Gross..
Mac D.: are these RPG maker sprites
MrEForEccentric (GM): No
Mobile made them using Mobile magic
Space: i think i know the site she made them on
it uses rpgmaker bases
Sakura Emiya: I AM OF GIANT
Space: hey show duff medusa
Mac D.: sakura looks like a medusa
Space: look olive you ruined sakura
now she's stretched
hey DUF
Mac D.: wat
Space: you should probubbly download adeptus evangelion pdfs
Mac D.: i don't want to READ
"Medusa": s u p
Space: you must know the rules duff
MrEForEccentric (GM): Don't worry
I will be getting around
TO handouts
Mac D.: you can explain the rules to me
MrEForEccentric (GM): More of them
Space: okay so you get four stats
Mac D.: hey olive whatever happened to Only War huh
Space: brawn finesse mind and spirit
MrEForEccentric (GM): I can explain operational shit
Mac D.: w h a t
Space: you get a +3, +2, +1, and -1
MrEForEccentric (GM): As it happens
Mac D.: are you MAD
these rules are incompreHENSIBLE
Space: instead of rolling a d20 you roll 3d20 + whatever stat you're using
for example, say i had 3 brawn
Mac D.: that's ABSURD
MrEForEccentric (GM): What happened to Only War, you ask
Space: and was rolling to do a push-up
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well
Space: rolling 3d20+3
= 34

MrEForEccentric (GM): Eeeh

Space: you take the median die plus your score
so i would get a 12
Mac D.: guys help me come up with a character
MrEForEccentric (GM): Look at the roots
Mac D.: what roots
Space: look at the roots in detail handout
MrEForEccentric (GM): In character creation
Mac D.: what even are roots
Space: backgrounds
MrEForEccentric (GM): Where you came from
Space: olive made HNADOUTS in your jouranl
Mac D.: personal scores
MrEForEccentric (GM): Which I have not edited to fit in-tune with shit
Mac D.: these are physique coordination intelligence empathy and synch ratio
to do this roll 2d6 7 separate times and write down the resulting numbers the lo
west result discarded
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Two of them are given to Synch ratio
Though it is important what root you are
Since this impacts how high it is
Since there are different base scores
For each root
MrEForEccentric (GM): Athlete, Challenged, Derelict, Impact Babeh, Manufactured
(Seer's character is this), Neo-Spartan, Nerd, Poster Child (Sakura is this) and
Visionary is ECCENTRICS~
Mac D.: i want my character to be a robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Your character
Pilots a robot
Mac D.: yes
but i want him to also be a robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): They cannot be a robot themselves
Mac D.: an android
MrEForEccentric (GM): I don't know whether I can allow this mechanically
In fact
Mac D.: whyzat
MrEForEccentric (GM): I don't think it'd even work, lore-wise
Unless there was a biological element
Like how Android 18 was apparently able to concieve Krillin's chid
Mac D.: androids are like pseudobio
you know like the ones from the alien movies
MrEForEccentric (GM): I still don't think I can allow it
Space: but, duff-kun, there are no androids in neon genesis evangelion
Mac D.: rei's kind of like a robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
In personality
Mac D.: close enougj
MrEForEccentric (GM): She's completely organic
Mac D.: b a h
MrEForEccentric (GM): We have Hiram as our resident Manufactured, but we can of
course have more than one I'd say
Mac D.: why wouldn't an android character work if he was functionally identical
to a human
oh goddammit seer already took it?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well- by Android
Do you mean
Yes he did
Mac D.: does Manufactured mean test-tube baby

MrEForEccentric (GM): By android you mean genetically created?

Mac D.: no i mean robot designed to match human physiology
i was thinking
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well, I don't think it'd work considering
There'd probably be a problem with Ego an shit
Mac D.: what's Ego
MrEForEccentric (GM): Synch rates and what-not
Space: it is your Soul stat
Mac D.: are you telling me that robots cannot have SOULS
are you telling me that johnny 5 is not alive
MrEForEccentric (GM): We're saying that human souls aren't able to be replicated
unless you use actual genetics
Space: johnny 5 is dead
and we killed him
Mac D.: are EVA'S soul-powered
Space: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): MOTs are [SPOILER] in this setting
Mac D.: how about that one nuclear one the americans made was that soul-powered
MrEForEccentric (GM): It was automated
And went crazy
Space: jet alone was cool
it looked doofy as fuck but it was cool
Mac D.: probably wouldn't have went crazy with a pilot
a ROBOT pilot
Space: i remember the older versions of adeva had rules for jet alone
but i dunno if the newer version does
Mac D.: haha really?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Jet alone as an enemy yeah
Space: as a enemy
Mac D.: psh
MrEForEccentric (GM): I don't think it's in the newer ones atm
Mac D.: so what's seer's character's personality/backstory
Space: so this midas dude's son died in second impact, right
Mac D.: uh huh
Space: the dude pulled some strings to give his blood to be used as the basis fo
r their manufactured human dude
so it'd be like his son lived again
Mac D.: uuuuh huuuuh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hiram is that son
Space: he's kinda weird
Mac D.: what's his personality
Space: cold, impersonal, mostly as a mask
MrEForEccentric (GM): He is deathly afraid of others
Space: because he's terrified of the unknown
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yet at the same time he wants to reach out
Mac D.: dammit i wanted to be the emotionless guy too
MrEForEccentric (GM): All very tragic o'course
Mac D.: he has literally stolen all of my ideas
Space: be emotionless but in a different way
Mac D.: i was going to have my guy be vulcan emotionless
where like he's legit without expression or emotion and nothing gets a rise out
of him
completely humorless
MrEForEccentric (GM): Why guy, hmm
Space: maybe he'd be a neo-spartan then
Mac D.: one expression, at all times
what's a Neo-Spartan
Space: Neo-Spartan
While still a child, one of many powerful organizations selected you as one of h

umanitys future saviors. Since then, your life has been orchestrated to prepare y
ou for that role. Hours of training in simulations has made you a superior pilot
and fighter in virtually all forms. But the loss of a normal childhood is not w
ithout its own scars
basically they re children raised from birth to do violence
Mac D.: hmmmm
that works
Space: cool/dispassionate
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s basically the Asuka-backstory
Equally though
Could be derelict
Even over a decade later, the wound left by Second Impact is fresh. Around the w
orld, cities and towns still lie in ruins. Often, these are no longer counted of
ficially as population centers. But there are many who still live there, lacking
the resources to move or live elsewhere. It is a poor, nearly lawless way to li
ve. You grew up on the streets of such a city, very likely an orphan.
Space: derelict is more mad max
MrEForEccentric (GM): Which
Could produce someone like that
As a sort of
Too used to shit to even be affected by it
Space: i think duff died
Mac D.: i went to go get fud
Space: i should do that, too
Mac D.: had to spend the next couple minutes coughing and blowing my nose becaus
e i sat up
and moved around
Space: duff you need a dr
Mac D.: i think out of the two i d go with neo-spartan
a military upbrining would better explain an emotionless calculating personality
MrEForEccentric (GM): Going with a dude or a chick
Mac D.: fella
Sakura Emiya: otp
Mac D.: now i have to find a good faceclaim without glasses because HI-HO SEER S
Space: i got one, i think
Mac D.: lemmie see
Mac D.: his eyes are weird
Space: he be like -_Mac D.: can you make something out of this
Space: on it
Mac D.: aw yeah
i need a name for this guy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Do you want me to get a character thing down for you then
Mac D.: please dooo
Space: what nationality is he
Mac D.: uuuuuh
what nationalities are left
Space: any and all
Mac D.: what are the nationalities of the other characters
Space: sakura s japanese, hiram is.............. swiss? his father is swiss but
he was raised by midas
Mac D.: i ll have my guy be USA then
MrEForEccentric (GM): Pretty sure Hiram is some sort of Swiss, by parenthood
Another import for the Mediterranean Initiative
As it is set in Syracuse, Sicily

Space: his name should be Aces

Aces Wild
Mac D.: something more mundane
to suit him
Space: Jonathan Something
if he s a neo-spartan what branch of the military is he from
MrEForEccentric (GM): Johnathan Perkins
Mac D.: nah i m gonna go with Richard
MrEForEccentric (GM): Richard Perkins
Space: that s a restaurant
Richard Murphy
Mac D.: Richard Owens
Space: excellent
Mac D.: PERF
olive slap on that faceclaim
i m gonna box up the rest of this chicken and put it in the fridge
MrEForEccentric (GM): Your character is there
And you do have editing priviledges
Mac D.: oh good
MrEForEccentric (GM): So, out of the current team of which we might add a 4th
Richard Owens: Sakura.
MrEForEccentric (GM): There si
*There is
Sakura Emiya: Yes, Richard?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Two foreigners to the Mediterranean
Shirou Emiya: I ride to acquire the Sakura
Richard Owens: Are you aware that a woman s ideal healthy body fat percentage is
higher than a man s.
Sakura Emiya: ...Erm, no, I wasn t. Why do you ask?
Space: oh duff did you know
that shirou is sakura s stalker
Richard Owens: The disproportionate amount of dietary magazines you read in your
spare time indicates self-consciousness regarding your weight and/or figure.
Sakura Emiya: ...E-eh......?
Richard Owens: This is potentially harmful to personal morale, and a possible hi
ndrance out in the field.
Sakura Emiya: ...I see.
Sakura Emiya nods
MrEForEccentric (GM): His face is plastered on the side of buildings
Sakura Emiya: Thank you for informing me, Owens-san.
MrEForEccentric (GM): o b e y
Richard Owens: In fact, it is ideal for females your age to be slightly overweig
Sakura Emiya: ............
I have to... go practice. Goodbye.
Sakura Emiya bows quickly and walks off
Demifury likes to party all the time
Space: olive help duff build owens while i find something to eat
Mac D.: yeah i d say i got a solid grasp on owens
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
You re Neo-Spartan right
Mac D.: also RPGMaker better not have a pitiful selection of hairstyles because
i m PRETTY sure shirou s and hirem s hair are exactly the same
Neo-Spartan that s right
Space: no they have different hair

MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight

Mac D.: also do you have music
Space: it s just hard tot ell cause hiram is sideways
MrEForEccentric (GM): I ve got the base scores up so
I ll put on Presley
Space: do you have any other elvis songs
MrEForEccentric (GM): Not at the moment
Space: tch...
Mac D.: everyone has a radio inside their MOTS to listen to music to
hirem probably listens to classical and what not
what does sakura listen to
Space: j-pop
MrEForEccentric (GM): Duff
Mac D.: i was gonna have owens listen to j-pop if sakura didn t already have it
Space: hehe
MrEForEccentric (GM): ROLL DEM 7 PAIRS
Mac D.: what SHOULD he listen to
Space: they can bond over their mutual love for it
if he s american military
he d probably listen to like metal and acdc and stuff
MrEForEccentric (GM): excuse me a moment
While I take a tablet
Mac D.: rolling 2d6
= 6
rolling 2d6
= 10
rolling 2d6
= 8
rolling 2d6
= 3
rolling 2d6
= 8
rolling 2d6

= 7
Mac D.: rolling 2d6
= 7
these rolls are
absolute shite
MrEForEccentric (GM): Do they make up 30 added
Mac D.: look at all those fukkin 1 s
yeah they do
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight, don t worry
Space: with or without the lowest one
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh yeah good point
Mac D.: without
MrEForEccentric (GM): If they don t make 30 you get to reroll entirely
Mac D.: i SEE
Space: reroll any 1 set of 2d6 as you desire
MrEForEccentric (GM): After discarding the 3
I think
Space: right
MrEForEccentric (GM): Or do that first
Space: no you discard the 3
then reroll any one you wnat
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: 6, 10, 8, 8, 7, 7 is a pretty good spread
you d probably wanna reroll the 6
Mac D.: 6, 10, 8, 8, 7, 7
MrEForEccentric (GM): If you want to that is
Mac D.: oh well if you;re offering
rolling 2d6
= 3
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lets just keep the six shall we
Mac D.: no i can do this right i swear
rolling 2d6
= 11
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Two of those go to Sync Ratio
Mac D.: what s that do
MrEForEccentric (GM): The rest go to the other scores
Space: i don t know what it does so i disregarded it
11, 10, 8, 8, 7, 7
MrEForEccentric (GM): Your base scores are- 20 physique 25 coordination 20 empat

hy 17 intelligence 30 synch ratio

Mac D.: okay so
i just add my rolls to that?
Space: yus, in any order
MrEForEccentric (GM): Synch Ratio - Synch Ratio represents the strength of the c
onnection between a pilot and their Evangelion. A low SR may render the pilot un
able to move the war machine entirely, while a high SR may grant the pilot bonus
es, but threaten their mental and physical stability.
Mac D.: explain the individual stats to me
MrEForEccentric (GM): Empathy The Empathy score represents the character s abili
ty to understand and interact with the people around them in a social way. Actio
ns that rely on interaction with others and feelings or emotions depend on Empat
hy. If a characters Empathy is reduced to 0, that character becomes unable to act
or speak
Intelligence The Intelligence score represents the character s logical and analy
tical talent, as well as memory. Mental actions that rely on calling upon and pr
ocessing complex information utilize Intelligence. If a characters Intelligence i
s reduced to 0, that character becomes unable to act, think or speak.
Coordination The Coordination score represents the level of fine control that th
e character has over their body, whether it be manual dexterity, balance, or acr
obatics. Physical actions that take a great degree of skill, that are not simple
brute force, rely on Coordination. If a characters Coordination is reduced to 0,
that character becomes unable to act or move.
Space: sakuras the one with the most empathy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Physique The Physique score represents the prowess of the
character s physical form. It stands in for strength, endurance, and other uses
that are directly tied to the makeup of the body itself. Physical actions that m
ake use of raw power over skill rely on Physique. If a characters Physique is red
uced to 0, that character dies.
Have you done this thing
Mac D.: working on it
do i just slap it all in Bio/Info
Space: copy sakura s sheet
Mac D.: what is Ego Pool and Stress Pool
Space: different stats for mental breakdowns
Mac D.: what would an emotionless person s mental breakdown look like
MrEForEccentric (GM): That is partly up to you
Space: there s mental illnesses and stuff you can pick
with ranks
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: ever wanna be rank 4 in histronics
Mac D.: pfft
so how do i determine stress and ego
MrEForEccentric (GM): You pick one of them to be based on empathy, and the other
on intelligence
One rounds down to the nearest unit of five, the other rounds up
And it s your choice which does which
Mac D.: i still don t get it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Right
Mac D.: do i just
MrEForEccentric (GM): I could make my stress pool based on Empathy
Space: use sak as example
Mac D.: pick a stat
MrEForEccentric (GM): You pick Empathy or Intelligence
But it can t be the same one twice
Mac D.: but sakura has both
MrEForEccentric (GM): Rightsay my character has
34 empathy and 26 intelligence

Mac D.: so what s the difference between ego and stress

MrEForEccentric (GM): I want to base my stress pool on empathy, so it s 34- but
I gotta round it to the nearest unit of 5 up or down- but I don t want to round
it up and use that up when it comes to what my Ego pool- as it d be 25 if I go u
p to 35 for Stress
So it d end up being
30 in both pools
Because I rounded up 26 to 30
Mac D.: so
MrEForEccentric (GM): And I rounded down 34 to 30
Space: place your stats, determine ego and stress later
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ego is like- your sense of self
Mac D.: okay
Space: ego is essentially for, some angels have attacks that target your sense o
f self
MrEForEccentric (GM): Soul shit
Mac D.: o k
Space: while stress is general battlefireld stress
Mac D.: hok
Space: does that help
Mac D.: little bit
so are they like SAN bars that take damage
Space: iiiii.... thiiiink soooo....???????
tbh i m not sure
do you have richards stats own yet
Mac D.: notyet
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s actually
More like
A bar that fills up
And breaks when it reaches maximum
Mac D.: ooooh okay
MrEForEccentric (GM): You gain stress
And when you get over the bar you set at the beginning
It goes down by a unit of 5
Gradually it s easier to break down
Though at some point you re considered unfit I think
Ego is basically the same
Mac D.: so would Ego and Stress be affected differently depending on if you put
emp or int for it
Space: no that just determines
how high they are, depending on your stats
higher stat = higher pool derived from it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
You round up or down, and it s your choice which rounds up and which rounds down
Mac D.: like jesus chris how many high rolls did space get for sakura to have 41
Space: she just got an 11
MrEForEccentric (GM): That was due to some traits
As well I think
Space: plus the empathy bonus for poster child
plus some traits i bought with starting experience
Mac D.: jaysus
Space: she is best at socials
MrEForEccentric (GM): She is the social butterfly
Space: face of the party
MrEForEccentric (GM): A real...
Poster Child
Space: 8)
Shirou Emiya: She will be my waifu
Space: 8(

Shirou Emiya: M-my waifu...

Space: get out of here neco-arc evolution
Shirou Emiya sings a Disney musical number about his love for Sakura
Shirou Emiya his adopted Sister
Space: : c
The Mysterious Lady: I approve
Mac D.: put down the starting base stat numbers and the rolls i got again plz
Space: going into the chat log to grab the stats
MrEForEccentric (GM): 20 phys 25 coord 20 emp 17 int 30 sync
Is the base
Space: 11, 10, 8, 8, 7, 7
MrEForEccentric (GM): Brb while I go take a tablet
Dropped acid
Space: duff vnaisehd
Mac D.: still working on stats
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m hiiigh as balls
Cause I took acid
And have been
For about a week I think
Space: ha
MrEForEccentric (GM): Funny cause it s true
Since my blood had a defficiency in folic acid
Space: does this make you hi
MrEForEccentric (GM): no I m just being silly
And saying it was the other acid
The one
"Encourages creativity"
Mac D.: could i possibly swap out Normalized for Intelligent
sorry- Logical, not Intelligent
Space: you don t get all 3 traits, you can only pick 2
Mac D.: OH
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Space: well
MrEForEccentric (GM): And it has to be within root
Space: yeah
Mac D.: space mentioned something about trading in starting experience for shit
Space: duff quick save his sheet so i can see what you got so far
Mac D.: save d
MrEForEccentric (GM): That is going to be complicated to do
I have not even gone over skills with space
or seer
Space: well the starting experience
MrEForEccentric (GM): Since I m doing that by appointment
Space: only works if you have the LIST
which is on the PDF
for now just get drawbacks and assets
Mac D.: well G R R
MrEForEccentric (GM): Don t worry
I will be making more handouts
So you won t need the pdf
Space: explain drawbacks to him
oh olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): Though if everyone ends up getting the pdf
Space: if you make handouts for the stuff you can buy
MrEForEccentric (GM): I might as well not make more...
Space: you re gonna have a rough time

there is
so much
just make handouts for character/mot creation
MrEForEccentric (GM): I know
Mac D.: but i also want to s h o p
Space: or how the process works
Mac D.: s h o p p i n g sounds fun
Space: that comes AFTER
Mac D.: oh fien
Space: FIRST decide drawbacks and assets
MrEForEccentric (GM): You kind of do shopping with drawbacks and assets
Space: they re fun
MrEForEccentric (GM): You have 5 depth worth of drawbacks mandatory
15 depth maximum
And you get an equal amount of depth in Assets as you do to Drawbacks
Space: so if you only got a 5 depth drawback
you could only get a 5 depth asset
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: i got 15 depth because i like stuff
MrEForEccentric (GM): And it can be pick and mix between all of them
Not like
One set for each type
So you might not have any mental drawbacks or assets
And just have everything in other
Mac D.: how does fatigue work
MrEForEccentric (GM): ho boy off the top of my head
I can t say
Mostly a combat thing
Mac D.: so do you get to take an amount of assets equal to the amount of drawbac
ks you pick
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
15 depth maximum
The Depth value is listed with each drawback/asset
So if you had a 15 depth drawback
You could have three 5 depth worth assets, one 10 depth and one 5 depth worth of
asstes, or an asset worth 15 depth
I know that the 15 depth drawback exists
MrEForEccentric (GM): Because it s the Challenged-only one
And it s the one where you re always on Life support
Mac D.: pffft
when you halve an odd number in this game is it rounded up or down
Space: why do you ask
Mac D.: i m seeing some drawbacks that treats stats as halved for the purpose of
and the stats i m looking at for it are odd-numbered
MrEForEccentric (GM): That s a good question
ButI think
Mac D.: guess it d be up to you
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
It d depend on the situation
Though 1 point difference
Doesn t actually make that much change
When it s a 1d100 kind of roll
Space: youd be surprised
Mac D.: oh gee what is Doom
MrEForEccentric (GM): Did you and seer mock fight
Space: we did nt
MrEForEccentric (GM): Doom effects
Space: don t even know how to do fighting

MrEForEccentric (GM): Defying fate

Mac D.: how s that work
MrEForEccentric (GM): Defying Fate uses Luck to alter the events of play, if onl
y in minor ways. Deft Fate can be used to enforce a beneficial coincidence or co
ntrivance of plot, as well as save your character from certain death. While unde
niably useful, using Defy Fate is not always without consequence and some uses o
f it can even make it harder to save your character from death in the future. Th
is is handed by the accumulation of Doom. At the start of the campaign, each cha
racter begins with 0 Doom. As Doom is gained, the cost of certain uses of Defy F
ate (usually to save the life of the character) become more expensive. See the D
efy Fate Table for which uses of Defy Fate are affected by, or increase the amou
nt of, Doom. Through this system, using Defy Fate to save a character might cost
1 Luck the first time, 2 Luck the second, etc. If the player does not have enou
gh Luck to meet the cost, they may not Defy Fate. This means that the more often
that a player generates Doom, the less likely they make it that they will have
enough Luck on hand to Defy Fate when they need to in the future.
Mac D.: so lessie here
45 Depth
MrEForEccentric (GM): HO SHIT
15 depth max
Mac D.: wh-oh
MrEForEccentric (GM): I said that at the beginning
15 depth- in one half
And like 15 depth in the other
Mac D.: i thought it functioned like a risk-reward system
MrEForEccentric (GM): So it would, I guess- be 30 total in both assets and drawb
It does
Mac D.: where the more points of depth in drawbacks you put in, the more points
of depths in assets you could put in
Space: it does but for some reason the max is 15
i do not know why either
MrEForEccentric (GM): That is exactly it
The max is 15 so that you don t take too many
Mac D.: does the man who make this hate fun
MrEForEccentric (GM): And it s starting assets and drawbacks
Mac D.: because the more i learn the more it sounds like he just hates fun
MrEForEccentric (GM): You can gain stuff overtime IIC
Space: you can?
@duff: seer already has depressive
Mac D.: i SAW
Space: looking at all these sheets
MrEForEccentric (GM): No wait
Space: sakura is gonna be the most well-adjusted party member
Space lols into infinity
MrEForEccentric (GM): You can t gain stuff after character creation I think
Mac D.: wow
MrEForEccentric (GM): Certainly not Assets
Space: m h m
Mac D.: the Hatred of Fun just skyrockets
Space: you can level up and stuff
Mac D.: so there s a tiny softcap and no progression
MrEForEccentric (GM): Dude limits do not equal not fun
Space: did you ever want to pilot a giant mech wielding a zweihander
no duff there s progression
but olive has not put it in handouts because there s a lot of different like ski

ll trees and stuff

MrEForEccentric (GM): There s progression along skills and tech for the evas
Space: (a lot of these skills affect your stats, too)
i got one that gives me a +5 to empathy
and one that gives me a +3 coordination
Mac D.: but no progression for the actual pilots
Space: i just saiiiiiiiiiiiid
MrEForEccentric (GM): The skills IS the actual pilots
Mac D.: ooooh ok
MrEForEccentric (GM): Things like improving awareness
Space: there s one that for example allows you to spend luck to make someon your
there s actually two separate types of EXP
experience, and enrichment
Mac D.: i really wanted to play an emotionless socially awkard blunt military dr
one with a bad war wound who s secretly sad inside
Space: xperience affects the MOTs, enrichment affects the players
MrEForEccentric (GM): Enrichment is about you as a person
Space: play that duff that sounds sweet
Mac D.: i was GOING to PLAY THAT
but THAT CHARACTER costs 45 Depth
he is Too Deep for this system
Space: you have to ROLEPLAY it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well if you want it all to be in mechanics
Mac D.: i still gotta look for assets
MrEForEccentric (GM): Also battle wound is a weird one
Since you keep it
Until you actually recieve the wound
Then it is removed
Mac D.: are you talking about the asset
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s like a get out of jail free card that gives you a sca
Mac D.: because I M talking about Chronic Pain
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah
Space: why not just give him all the drawbacks but only 15 depth for assets
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well I SUPPOSE if you want to just load him with a silly a
mount of drawbacks
That s perfectly fine since it makes it harder for you to win in a way
Space: ah, seer
Mac D.: well PSH
forget THAT
Space: oh duff
what happened to
the deep character
eldritch s.: no one can escape me
Space: you wanted to play
seer duff is making a crazy dude as well
him and hiram can be emotionless pals
Mac D.: he s not cuhrayzee
eldritch s.: my internet is just shitting itself hard
it s hilarious
Space: that s hot
Sakura Emiya: tell hima bout your dude duff
Mac D.: he s a neo-spartan
who instead of simply acting emotionless really does seem to just not emote at a
he s all-business at all times every hour of the day
eldritch s.: he is a normal man who does not give a single fuck
where is he from


Sakura Emiya: he s sakura s husbando
MrEForEccentric (GM): Another import
eldritch s.: hiram is the only native
Richard Owens: She said she required the insurance benefits.
Space: sakura - 16
hiram - 17
richard - 18
MrEForEccentric (GM): Only native until I find a fourth
eldritch s.: wait
that was hwat i meant to ask
Mac D.: hey olive what is Strain Threshold and Resolve
eldritch s.: what is second impact
MrEForEccentric (GM): Though I ll speak with Mobile about whether we should get
a fourth
eldritch s.: called
in the thing
is it still second impact
MrEForEccentric (GM): That is a good question that I cannot answer right now
Space: dammit
MrEForEccentric (GM): As you guys are character creating pretty early
Space: whatddya mean pretty early
eldritch s.: alright
Mac D.: but i need to know this for asset selection
eldritch s.: how many years ago was it
Mac D.: t e l l m e
Space: you guys have been making this for ages..................................
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hold on
Space: @seer: would assume like 16 years ago
wait no
it can t be more than 16
Richard Owens: Hiram.
eldritch s.: if it can t be more than that the i would have to change hiram s ag
MrEForEccentric (GM): The Strain Threshold of the character, used for withstandi
ng the pain of damage taken by their Evangelion, is equal to the 10s digit of the
ir Physique Score, modified by their placement on the Synch Ratio table.
Space: if it s more than that then sakura s backstory makes no sense
i like this new avatar, it fits my aesthetic
MrEForEccentric (GM): It could be something that happened
Cause of the thing
Not directly during the thing
Mac D.: and how about resolve
MrEForEccentric (GM): That s a skill
Space: seer lets agree to disagree and say it was 15-20 years ago
that way both parties are happy
eldritch s.: so did it hapen 17 years ago, i mean evwen then, they must have jum
ped on it rght away
Space: and nothing must be changed
eldritch s.: alright that s a god range
Mac D.: what does the Resolve skill affect
eldritch s.: just the day after, paul from accounting comes in
slams his briefcase on the table
Space: mobile needs to make a sprite for richard so he can join the pile

MrEForEccentric (GM): You do skill rolls

Mac D.: actually you know what fuggit i ll just give him Fearless
Mac D.: it fits him
eldritch s.: *clone
Space: immune to fear and terror
Mac D.: i like how fear and terror are two different statuses apparently
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
They are
Mac D.: now i need Talents
eldritch s.: you have none
Space: that s the stuff you buy
eldritch s.: because you are WORTHLESS
Mac D.: oh boy is it time for s h o p p i n g
Space: I bought mine because i am proactive and cool
eldritch s.: ii would not spit on you
Space: better get to downloading the pdf boy
eldritch s.: hey i never got to buy talents i don t think
i already had
Space: you never ATTEMPTED
Mac D.: i ll wait until olive does it with me
Space: hey olive when are we gonna do skills
Mac D.: olive when are you going to help seer and i buy talents
MrEForEccentric (GM): I am going to do that
Rather than all at once
Space: but WHEN
MrEForEccentric (GM): That is a good question
Mac D.: s o o n
Space: do me first
Mac D.: you did yours already
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes- soon, and I will schedule Space as first
Space: i didn t do SKILLS
let s do it tomorrow olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): Since he hasn t actually done everything
Mac D.: olive what about TALENTS
Space: let s do it tomorrow olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): Talents come l a t er
Space: hey duff
MrEForEccentric (GM): *l a t e r
Space: let s build your robot now
MrEForEccentric (GM): HOLD IT
Space: oh RIGHT aspects
MrEForEccentric (GM): Goal, Impulse, Motivation are the three different types
eldritch s.: olive change my diaper
Mac D.: hey waitaminute seer has 20 depth worth of drawbacks
Space: that s because due to his background
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Space: he gets a drawback that doesn t count towards depth
Mac D.: ooooooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): And it had to be a mental one
Due to manufactured
Seer also insisted that I allow him his alien physiology one
eldritch s.: olive feed me
olive turn off the sun

olive end world hunger

olive kill satan
olive fix my fucking internet
i hate you all
eldritch s.: test
eldritch s.: TEST
eldritch s.: TEST
MrEForEccentric (GM): Which is homebrew
Space: jesus christ
Mac D.: seer calm down
MrEForEccentric (GM): Holy fuck
eldritch s.: those wer typed up over a peroid of time
where i got not respones
Space: i was about to say
g o d d a m n
Mac D.: it s like we stumbled upon his mad writings on the wall
smeared with his shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): So
Mac D.: and tears
MrEForEccentric (GM): Does Richard Owens have a goal
Is he motivated by something
eldritch s.: or a motive
or an impulse
MrEForEccentric (GM): Or does he have an impulse to do something
Mac D.: his motivation is to do his job cleanly and efficiently
MrEForEccentric (GM): I think it says that the aspect can t be something that wo
uld happen as part of fighting furies
Mac D.: he s got no real goal beyond doing his duties as a soldier
MrEForEccentric (GM): Since this is basically how you generate luck
Mac D.: luck is for Defying Fate right
eldritch s.: i can see like him being a stonecold motherfucker
Space: sakura s is finding out who her original family was
eldritch s.: in trying to do shit
and rejecting disreactins
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
eldritch s.: assomethign that could deserve luck
MrEForEccentric (GM): "Motivations may not be related to the conflict with the A
ngels directly, or any other task that players can be expected to perform simply
by participating in the game at all. "
Space: maybe somethign that ties into his backstory
Mac D.: that seems obtuse
Space: what is OBTUSE about such things
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s balance
You can t be generating luck easily
Mac D.: h m
Space: goals are like longterm stuff that
you won t mak real major progress on until the 3rd act
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s like how the impulse can t be something you can do re
ally easily like scratching your nose
Mac D.: does sakura have an impulse

MrEForEccentric (GM): Sakura has a goal

Space: no she has a goal
MrEForEccentric (GM): To find out who her family is
Space: to find out what happened to her adopted family
eldritch s.: she likes to remove eyes
Space: *her real on
Mac D.: does HIREM have an impulse
Space: oh btw olive
eldritch s.: hiram is motivated by his terror of the unknown
Space: you should make a kiritsugu and illya npc as well
eldritch s.: florian should be npc
MrEForEccentric (GM): I shall do
These things
Space: do you need portraits
i can procure
MrEForEccentric (GM): I can procure in my own time
Space: i have them literaly right here
Mac D.: would "Find Peace" be a decent goal
Space: thats kinda vague
MrEForEccentric (GM): That s kind of- vague. Yeah
Mac D.: i m referring to peace for himself
MrEForEccentric (GM): He could have an impulse to stick to orthodox methods
Space: that s something easily done
MrEForEccentric (GM): As a result of heavy training
Space: i like the finding peace idea more
MrEForEccentric (GM): Like- discipline, and routine
Mac D.: where he treats the whole situation like a dude at a dead-end job workin
g towards retirement
he s fought all his life and it s aged him well beyond his years
Space: old snake
but in reverse
benjamin button snake
Mac D.: and he just wants to get to a point where he doesn t need to fight anymo
MrEForEccentric (GM): I think this is a good thing
It s going to be
Mac D.: oh bah
MrEForEccentric (GM): Very difficult
Mac D.: b
MrEForEccentric (GM): To say
Mac D.: a
MrEForEccentric (GM): When he has made progress
That isn t directly the result of a fight
Space: that s the GMS JOB
Mac D.: maybe he could find a sense of peace among companions or civilian life
Space: hey olive
Mac D.: where he s trying to learn and adjust
Space: when are you gonna add the sprite for agamennon
@duff: i like that
Mac D.: so like he ll awkwardly do Normal People Shit because he s never done it
MrEForEccentric (GM): That sounds like a sort of- motivation to get along well w
ith citizens?
Mac D.: and he ll take special interest in things ordinary people generally take
for granted

Space: "Sakura, what is this... shopping ?"

eldritch s.: "Shaw-ppeeeenguh"
Mac D.: imagine a dude who s been in war his entire life and has literally only
known life on the battlefield
MrEForEccentric (GM): A goal to learn how to live a peaceful life after the Furi
Mac D.: yes
Space: he probably has absolutely no qualms with murder
Mac D.: that is his goal
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right, I can work with that
eldritch s.: WHAT IS BEST IN LIFE
Mac D.: he certainly doesn t have trouble with killing his enemies, for certain
MrEForEccentric (GM): That is workable since it can have progress and shit
Space: olive if you don t add the sprite for agamameentemo seer and i will be ve
ry sad
MrEForEccentric (GM): Space
I need the link
Space: here s illya
Mac D.: who s mech is Medusa
Space: sakuras
MrEForEccentric (GM): For Aganemnon
Mac D.: o ok
Space: it looks like rider, thats the joke
Mac D.: ohoho
Space: heres agamenenmont
Richard Owens: Sakura.
Sakura Emiya: Yes, Owens-san?
Space: runt
Richard Owens: After extended introspection and consulting my superior, I have c
ome to the conclusion that my previous attempt to raise your morale implied you
were overweight, which no doubt offended you.
This was not my intention.
eldritch s.: FRIENDSHIP
"Agamemnon": FRIEND?
"Medusa": FRIEND
Sakura Emiya: ...Ah, I see.
"Agamemnon": WHERE PILOTS
"Medusa" points to the grocery store tarp
"Agamemnon": PILOT IN DANGER
"Medusa": FUCK
Richard Owens: As physical proof of my apology, I would like to give you this ex
ercise ball I purchased at a store today.
"Agamemnon": WE DID IT
Sakura Emiya: ...?
"Medusa": HI-FIVE
eldritch s.: look at agamemnon
Richard Owens: It bounces.
eldritch s.: he s so tiny
Sakura Emiya smiles after a moment
Sakura Emiya: Thank you, Richard. It s very nice.
eldritch s.: she bounces it in his face
he snaps her neck
"Medusa": THE ENEMY

Richard Owens keeps his completely deadpan expression

"Medusa" pulls out a gun and shoots it
"Agamemnon": FUCK YOU
Richard Owens: I hope this has dissolved any tension between us.
"Agamemnon" punches it in the dick
Space: oh duff did you know
seer s robot is unarmed specialist
Mac D.: seer you have stole
Sakura Emiya nods, smiling
Mac D.: literally
eldritch s.: my
Space: but duff
you can be the robot that has swords
while i am the sniper robot
Mac D.: oh OKAY
i want a huge battleaxe
eldritch s.: if it botrhers you i can make agamemnon something else
Mac D.: no no you got to it first
eldritch s.: i really like the eva roll tables
MrEForEccentric (GM): I thought you were going AT powers seer
eldritch s.: i got really confused during that discussion
and do not understand whether at powers are ranged or close up
MrEForEccentric (GM): They can be either
eldritch s.: i liked the idea of running in and running out
Space: you can get huge battleaxes
even a chainaxe
Mac D.: oh me oh my
eldritch s.: can you get a hit and run at magician
MrEForEccentric (GM): (If you guys decide to put some resources into the relevan
t techs)
You can
It is nearly 2 am over here
Mac D.: what should we name Richard s robot
Space: achilles
Mac D.: heracles
Space: basaka
eldritch s.: Ulysses
Mac D.: what is it heracles or hercules that fits this
eldritch s.: perseus
name it
Space: heracles
eldritch s.: after it s made
Mac D.: halright
Space: i named mine first
eldritch s.: so did i
Mac D.: so how do i make my robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Give me a momento
Mac D.: hok
MrEForEccentric (GM): We ll work out Resiliance at the end
But your baseline is
Strength: 2, Toughness: 4, Armor: 2, Evasion 30
Mac D.: when do i apply modifiers to those
MrEForEccentric (GM): With type

But lets get color out of the way so Space can start work on a MOT
Mac D.: hokay
MrEForEccentric (GM): Roll a 1d100 twice
Space: 2d100
Mac D.: rolling 1d100
= 15
rolling 1d100
= 38
MrEForEccentric (GM): And choose which one you want to be primary and which you
want to be secondary
Space: olive
he doesn t know what the tables are
MrEForEccentric (GM): Dark brown and Neon Orange
Space: oh jesus
MrEForEccentric (GM): @Space: Are you saying about type
Space: no the colors
MrEForEccentric (GM): I can say what the results give
Space: tell him the different types, also
Mac D.: i kind of want to see what it would look like with each as respective pr
imary and secondary
Space: hok
MrEForEccentric (GM): anyhow
Space: for now, keep going
so i know what the head looks like
MrEForEccentric (GM): Assault, Field, Production (Space s one is this), Prototyp
e, Sniper, Test (Seer s one is this)
Space: assault is the brrawly one i think
MrEForEccentric (GM): Modifiers: +1 Strength, +1 Toughness Starting Upgrades: Re
quisition, Poor Focus Distinguishing Features: Mutation, Cosmetic, Mutation OR H
IS the assault
Field: Modifiers: +1 Armor, -10 Evasion Starting Upgrades: Reactor, Heavy Chassi
s, Requisition Distinguishing Features: Cosmetic, Construction, Experimental
Production: Modifiers: -1 Toughness, +10 Evasion Starting Upgrades: Wing Loadout
(Storage), Requisition Distinguishing Features: Cosmetic, Construction
Space: the distinguishing features are
MrEForEccentric (GM): Prototype: Modifiers: +2 Toughness Starting Upgrades: Wing
less, Requisition Distinguishing Features: Cosmetic, History, Construction OR Mu
tation, History OR Experimental
Space: you roll a dice, and get special effects as listed on a table
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh there s also provisional
Space: i realize this is probably incomprehensble to you
Mac D.: completely
Space: olive just
copythe descriptions for him
not the stats
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ok
Assault Type A competing project to the Production Type, the Assault Type Evange
lion is a landmark in Evangelion Biotechnology. Its skeletal frame is more durab
le, and its muscles are both denser and capable of exerting more force with less
internal wear and tear. Visually, the Evangelion has a distinctively stocky bui
ld, a side effect of some additional internal organs designed to act as support
for some of the Evas critical systems. While originally designed as a prototype f

or next generation Evangelions, Nerv went with the more elegant Production Type
instead. Even so, the Assault Type Evangelion functions as a frontline brawler w
ithout peer, even if it lacks the speed and versatility of the Production line.
Field type Evangelions, with their internal battery, have an inherently limited
operation time, and can only be deployed effectively where Umbilicals can suppor
t them. The Field Type was made as a solution to that problem, supplementing the
internal batteries with a large reactor mounted on the body to provide power on
the spot. However, said reactor is dangerously exposed, and creates as many pro
blems as it solves, leading to Nerv ultimately declining to mass produce this po
wer system for all Evangelions.
Production Type The Production Type Evangelion was designed to be the go-to Evan
gelion model for years to come. Recognizing that the Angels often deal more puni
shment than even the best armor and biology can handle, its defensive strategy w
as focused less on taking blows and more on avoiding them in the first place. Th
e Production Type combines impressive speed and offense into a powerful quick-st
rike unit, though if it ever suffers the full brunt of an enemy attack it would
be in trouble.
Prototype Project E had an ambitious aim: the creation of a weapon using the ver
y enemy mankind was threatened by as a template. There were many failures, some
worse than others, along the way before the project produced its first demonstra
ble proof of concept: a working Evangelion Prototype. The first prototypes were
functional, and built to be tough, but lacked many of the design innovations tha
t would define later generations of Evangelion.
Provisional Unit The core of an Evangelion is notorious expensive to produce, an
d there is a lot of pressure from above to find a use for even failed cores. Pro
visional Units are a costly, but fairly effective, way to make truly deficient c
ores useful in the field. Such cores produce below average AT Fields, and cannot
support or control a fully grown Evangelion body, but they do function. The sol
ution, then, was to find a way to make half an Evangelion useful. By grafting an
Evangelion Torso to a more artificial frame and providing a mechanical means of
transportation, a Provisional Unit may be deployed and expected to perform roug
hly on par with a normal Evangelion.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Sniper Type The Sniper Type Evangelion as we know it came
to exist due to two simultaneous events. The first was the design of an experime
ntal ranged weapons enhancement platform, which represented a move by Nerv into
specialization of specific Evangelions into narrower fields in return for increa
sed performance. The second was a growing need to find a use for below-par Evang
elion parts that had begun to accumulate due to normal errors in design, constru
ction, and experimental growing techniques. By creating an Evangelion unit speci
fically dedicated to fighting from a distance, it was argued that lower quality
biological materials could afford to be used.
Test Type The Test Type Evangelion represents the next step after the prototype.
With the basics of Evangelion construction and operation proven, the Test Type
introduced more generalized systems, and attempted to increase functionality on
all fronts to create a general-purpose fighting machine.
That s it
Just ask me if you want to know the modifiers of each one
And shit
Mac D.: what type were the EVAs in the animu
MrEForEccentric (GM): Various
eldritch s.: wasn t rei s
Mac D.: so what was EVA-01
eldritch s.: test type or prototype?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Prototype I think
Eva-01 was test type
eldritch s.: i know asuka s was production
Mac D.: were there any assault types in the animu
MrEForEccentric (GM): As far as I know- there weren t
Mac D.: i ll go Assault
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excellent

+ 1 to strength and toughness
Space: are you adding stuff to the sheet for your mot
if not just copy sakura s and go from there
MrEForEccentric (GM): You have- a mutation, a cosmetic, and a mutation OR histor
So do you want two mutations
Or the last one to be a History of the MOT
Mac D.: what are mutations
MrEForEccentric (GM): Basically things that are biologically different
Space: basically they re just different tables
that add different effects
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Mac D.: what are the differences between History and Mutation
MrEForEccentric (GM): Seer s is a Runt because of mutation
eldritch s.: none have a history yet
Mac D.: i ll go with History
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Since you get a mutation anyway
Mac D.: ya
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lets roll on that first...!
Mac D.: rolling 1d100
= 38
eldritch s.: unstable: explodes before the game begins- everyone make new charac
MrEForEccentric (GM): Extremophile The Eva is naturally adapted to very deadly e
nvironments. It treats sea pressure depth as 500 meters less, takes half damage
from being On Fire, and can survive in Space unharmed until it has taken a Criti
cal Hit (at which point all normal penalties apply).
Mac D.: dayumn
MrEForEccentric (GM): Wow, that s really damn useful
You re going to like Act 2
eldritch s.: congrats duff
Mac D.: the raddest robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Cosmetic now
Mac D.: skateboards in space and doesn t give a fuck
eldritch s.: mine s just a midget
Mac D.: rolling 1d100
= 80
eldritch s.: ugly: so ugly everyone dies
MrEForEccentric (GM): No discernable eyes
eldritch s.: just like MINE
Space: ew, that s seer s
Mac D.: rolling 1d100
= 23
MrEForEccentric (GM): EXTRA eyes
Space: hoho
Mac D.: wait for real

eldritch s.: what the fuck is with eyes

MrEForEccentric (GM): between 3-6 eyes
Mac D.: ahahaha
eldritch s.: medusa has one artificial eue
agamemnon has none
now this dickhead has like thirty nien
Mac D.: how many should i go for guys
eldritch s.: 6
Space: 4
eldritch s.: go for the gold
Space: this head is the only one with extra eyes
an it has 4
eldritch s.: go for an odd number
Mac D.: well alright then
MrEForEccentric (GM): Five, it stole the eyes of the others
Space: what were the colors again
dark brown and orange
MrEForEccentric (GM): Dark brown and NEON orange
eldritch s.: neon orange
MrEForEccentric (GM): Anyway
Space: wow it looks like actual shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lets roll ur history
Space: pick a color other than brown
Mac D.: did you try with both as primary and secondary
Space: still looks like shit
go with black and yellow that s a good scheme
Mac D.: i want to see this with my own eyes
eldritch s.: MAI OWN EYES
Mac D.: show me, space
MrEForEccentric (GM): 1d100 for me
eldritch s.: that his redeemer lives
Space: here is orange as primary
eldritch s.: REESES PIECES
MrEForEccentric (GM): Why not make it a darker brown
Space: that IS a darker brown
MrEForEccentric (GM): Like real dark brown
Space: that d be BLACK
MrEForEccentric (GM): Near black
Mac D.: the darkest brown
Space: brown as primary
Mac D.: idunno i kinda saw a pumpkin
did you see a pumpkin seer or did you see shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Duff
Space: it looks significantly better with orange as primary i will admit
did brown as primary first
MrEForEccentric (GM): A d100
eldritch s.: i saw resses piecwa
MrEForEccentric (GM): if you will
For your History
Mac D.: do the whole bot with neon orange as primary and show it to me again
oh right
rolling 1d100
= 82
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m gonna let you mulligan this one cause

eldritch s.: what is it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Science Project Your Evas core was originally intended for
research purposes, not actual combat use. You gain 3 AT Potential each round ins
tead of 2, but start with 1 Less Armor and 1 less Toughness
Mac D.: oh my god ew
rolling 1d100
= 85
eldritch s.: HAHAHAHAH
is it the same thing
MrEForEccentric (GM): Still a science project
eldritch s.: AAHAHAH
Mac D.: rolling 1d100
= 28
MrEForEccentric (GM): Outside Funding Your Evangelion was paid for by some other
group, be it a corporation or a country or some less public organization. This
takes some of the financial burden off of Nerv. At the start of each Battle, you
may choose to donate any unspent Requisition you have and contribute an equal a
mount to the Nerv Resources pool for spending. If you do not donate at least one
Req in this fashion, the Nerv Resources pool is 3 less than normal
Makes sense
eldritch s.: AMERICA
Space: paid for by the UNITED STATES MARINES
Mac D.: YES
Space: btw do you wanna see the mecha now
i think it looks good
MrEForEccentric (GM): So
The War On Terror eh
Space: ya
MrEForEccentric (GM): Are
Mac D.: so what is Requisition
also h m
yeah when put on the whole robot i m not really feeling it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Requisition is basically
What you get for the battle
Like- weapons and shit
Space: i like it...
MrEForEccentric (GM): Since you don t keep things to carry over
Space: do you want
Mac D.: can you try black instead of brown space
Space: red white and blue
oh ok
MrEForEccentric (GM): Red white and blue is taken anyway
Mac D.: oh okay
MrEForEccentric (GM): By an NPC
Space: fff

MrEForEccentric (GM): Who is the American Branch s one-and-only pilot

Who is also a Poster Child
And celebrity
She is probably someone Richard Owens would ve heard about as a result of it
Mac D.: perhaps he s gone on OPS with her in the past
Space: hey olive
would you prefer
Mac D.: hm yes
Space: orange, yellow, and black
Mac D.: hmmmmmmmMMMMMMMM
Space: or just yellow and black
Mac D.: try it
Space: i think yellow and black looks better
Mac D.: try the triple
MrEForEccentric (GM): Orange and Black is a good scheme...
Look at Half Life....
Mac D.: so yeah maybe Richard s been assigned to work with America Girl on missi
ons before
Space: i always make my dude black and yellow in games where i can customize col
or schemes
MrEForEccentric (GM): It would be- kind of doubtful
They might have TRAINED together
Mac D.: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
MrEForEccentric (GM): But the American branch gets like
Mac D.: make black primary
Space: i personally feel two-tone is better than tri-tone
MrEForEccentric (GM): Next to no action
eldritch s.: what are they called again
Mac D.: i like to think that Richard is world-traveled
eldritch s.: they used to be but you renamed them to something less memorable
Mac D.: like he s from America but he s sent wherever a pilot is needed
to be stationed in various wherevers
eldritch s.: i am all for the pie patrol
Space: american exceptionalism
to think that these countries need AMERICAN INTERVENTION
Sakura Emiya: pathetic. simply pathetic.
MrEForEccentric (GM): It was originally Pidas
Then it went POIDAS
eldritch s.: oh
Richard Owens: i just work here lady
Sakura Emiya slap
Sakura Emiya: capitalist pig
Richard Owens deadpan
eldritch s.: still the pie patrol
does everyone just derisibely call them that
Mac D.: okay now a darker shade of orange for the secondary
did you guys die
Space: makin it
someone grab our pal mobile
MrEForEccentric (GM): What about
MrEForEccentric (GM): duff
Space: duff ist tot

MrEForEccentric (GM): N-no...!

Sakura Emiya: don t be afraid
it s only nature
running its course
Richard Owens: I still live
Mac D.: yas ii do
Sakura Emiya: m-my husbando...!
Space: duff which is better
olive s inferior mech
or my superior, sexy mech
MrEForEccentric (GM): Loaded question
Space: ah, is the mobile
Mobile L (GM): Duuuuuuuuuuff!
Mac D.: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
oh hey mobile
i want to see olive s color scheme on space s mech design
Mobile L (GM): Hellz yeah dawg, I was hoping New Friend was you
Space: olive you make it
hey mobile
our party is filled with emotionless teenage boys did you know that
Mobile L (GM): Fuckin sweet
MrEForEccentric (GM):
Mobile L (GM): Just how I like em
MrEForEccentric (GM): Also
Space: :o
MrEForEccentric (GM): Imports up the wazoo
We have a Japanese and an American
Just one native
eldritch s.: change the song
and that native is of swiss descent
Mobile L (GM): Gettin the ~foreign talent~
eldritch s.: i went through
MrEForEccentric (GM): Duff you see the thing
Space: gotta find out who killed my da
eldritch s.: and painstackingly
eldritch s.: fixed the font
in my char sheet
Space: i have a question
will our characters get theme songs
Mac D.: i might settle for
Space: i ll crop it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hold it
eldritch s.: HOLD IT!!
stop right there phoenix
MrEForEccentric (GM):
Crop that instead
No menu
eldritch s.: i see you have my suggestion filled tabs open
MrEForEccentric (GM): I do
Mobile L (GM): Who s got the camo MOT?
Space: so water we naming this mecha
oh that s seer s MOT
eldritch s.: hiram
Mobile L (GM): Oooh
Space: it was a btich to make i hope it looks cool
Mobile L (GM): It do
eldritch s.: it does

Space: i forget mobile

did i tell you the inspiration for sakura s mech
Mobile L (GM): Yep, ya did. Raidah
Space: it still amuses me endlessly
eldritch s.: dick
Space: lady dick
eldritch s.: mots don t have genders
Mac D.: SO
what should richard s mech be named
Space: heracles
MrEForEccentric (GM): Think of something classical
Mobile L (GM): Seconding
MrEForEccentric (GM): like Oedipus
eldritch s.: ulysess
Mac D.: Heracles it is
Mobile L (GM): Yey
MrEForEccentric (GM): Dammit
eldritch s.: nepotism
Space: mobile you should make a sprite for richard
i willwait until then to perform the ~fg thingum~
Mobile L (GM): What kinda clothes does Ricky Rick wear?
Mac D.: you got the pic for hercules space
Space: ah, yep
Mac D.: you mean like nomrally?
Space: lemme upload
Mobile L (GM): Yep, so I can sprite it
Mac D.: business casual
like a white shirt and tie with black slacks
Space: that s what all the dudes wear
business casual
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha. I can do that.
Space: shinji, hiram, richard...
eldritch s.: hiram is too casual
Space: give him a polo shirt
eldritch s.: sans the tie
Mac D.: it must be company policy
Mobile L (GM): What eye color?
Mac D.: gray
Space: what is this, fuggin future business leaders of america
Mac D.: ye
"Medusa": HEY BUDDY
Space: make heracles look wider than medusa
is of stronk
MrEForEccentric (GM): Assault Type
Space: here s a tip
click on them
then click "save as default token" in their character sheet
it ll keep their size
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah
But these aren t battle maps
So these aren t going to be the size for when that shit happens
Mobile L (GM): Shoulders
Space: but the proportions
MrEForEccentric (GM): The proportions can be figured out on the battle maps
Space: bah
Sakura Emiya casually lies on Hiram s head
Mobile L (GM): Also, I have happy-ish news

Space: did it go well?

MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh?
Hiram Hegel: ...
Sakura Emiya: c:
Mobile L (GM): Yep. I landed a freelance editing job with a super nice lady. I m
hella stoked.
Space: greatu successu!
MrEForEccentric (GM): Huzzah!
Lipimo Xitiut: Who am I
Sakura Emiya: dead
Sakura Emiya stabs him
Lipimo Xitiut: FuMobile L (GM): Beerb
"Heracles": HEY NERDS.
Shirou Emiya: People die when they re killed, Sakura~
Sakura Emiya shoots Shirou
"Medusa": SUP
Shirou Emiya: GH-!
Shirou Emiya clutches chest
"Heracles" gives "Agamemnon" a wedgie
"Agamemnon": just because i am small does not mean you can bully me
"Medusa" locks him in his locker
"Medusa": runt
"Heracles": A HAW HAW
"Medusa": high five
Demifury: Oh, also Mobile for when you get back
"Heracles" highfives
"Medusa" hi-five
"Medusa": shit a demifury
"Medusa" shoots it
Demifury groans
"Agamemnon": i could have helped
"Medusa" shoots "Agamemnon"
Demifury is unaffected
"Heracles" gives the demifury a noogie and an indian burn
Mobile L (GM): Bek
Demifury feels violated
Mobile L (GM): Daaaaayumn, that Demifury
"Agamemnon": sucks to be you because you roll that at ten disadvantage
MrEForEccentric (GM): Thank Seer for the sprite
He showed me
Mobile L (GM): Thank youuuuuuu, Seer
"Agamemnon": hail me
"Medusa" shoves seer into a locker

MrEForEccentric (GM): Normal size

eldritch s.: this is just mean
"Medusa": dweeb
eldritch s.: stack them up
MrEForEccentric (GM): They re as big as their foot
eldritch s.: on their shoulders
to make an eva sized one
they are becoming
a normal fury
Sakura Emiya: U-uh...!!
Mobile L (GM): The transformation
Sakura Emiya: Quick... we need to form a demi-human!
Hiram Hegel: mmmmmmrghhhhhh
Sakura Emiya: Faster, Hiram!
Shirou Emiya: I ll be the base!
Richard Owens: What are you two doing.
Sakura Emiya: We re building a demi-human! To beat the demi-fury!
Shirou Emiya: I m at the bottom~
Sakura Emiya: ....................................
Richard Owens: You re standing on top of each other.
Sakura Emiya: richard
i think he s looking up my skirt
Shirou Emiya: I m totally not
Hiram Hegel: aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAGH
Richard Owens: It s likely.
Sakura Emiya: help me
Richard Owens: His head is practically right up there.
Hiram Hegel shinji screams
Shirou Emiya feels like the luckiest
Richard Owens: Just push over the one on the bottom.
Sakura Emiya pushes Shirou over
Space: olive i notice
Richard Owens: ....I was referring to the demi fiend.
Space: you haven t made illyasviel emiya OR kiritsugu emiya
Sakura Emiya shoves the demifiend
Shirou Emiya: This is accurate
MrEForEccentric (GM): I need a Kiritsugu
Sakura Emiya: on it
MrEForEccentric (GM): You want Ilya to be part of the family rite
Sakura Emiya: ya
Hiram Hegel:
i will continue linking this whenever she is mentioned

or, god forbid, should she show up

Space: haha
Hiram Hegel: ten
Kiritsugu Emiya: Save me
Hiram Hegel: TENHOURS
Kiritsugu Emiya: Oh no it s my Daughter
Must activate
Apathetic dad mode
Hiram Hegel: flaming hitler office sex
i saw that too
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: It s the hottest thing
Hiram Hegel: pedophile
MrEForEccentric (GM): HE IS HER FATHER
Space: lancer is cool
Hiram Hegel: no i mean dr. prokopis
was shinkio about to
make a rape
Space: yes actually
lancer involuntarily punched him in the face when he said that he was gonna
why is he a midget
Mobile L (GM): They always come like that at first
Space: ah, there
Mobile L (GM): Pardon the shading, I had to recolor a tux into a shirt
Richard Owens: In my subjective opinion, I look classy.
Mobile L (GM): Yey
Hiram Hegel: holding hands
Mobile L (GM): Yaoi
Shirou Emiya: SQUAD
I am totally going to be a pilot
Space: also mobile
Shirou Emiya: just you watch
Space: you should make sprites for kiritsugu and illya
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, yes
Hiram Hegel: she is too short
Sakura Emiya: i am hovering
Hiram Hegel: i saw something
for half a second
it looked like an old man in a suit
MrEForEccentric (GM): How mysterious indeed
Sakura Emiya: we re locked in
Hiram Hegel: it s like a logo
Sakura Emiya: is this the midas logo
Hiram Hegel: for something like seele
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Y all in Terminal Smegma now
Sakura Emiya: sh-- shit...
Hiram Hegel: it s keel
Richard Owens: Commandante.
Hiram Hegel: thought you could keep him out

didn t you
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Hm? Did you need something, Owens?
Sakura Emiya: ...Hiram...
Richard Owens: I do not think my fellow pilots are sufficiently trained to deal
wiith Demi Fiends.
Sakura Emiya: ...I like her jacket...
the sounds of a distinct "OH HON HON HON" are heard
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Ah, you do? Could you please tell me what ma
kes you think that?
Before they vanish
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello raises an eyebrow at the distant Frenchery
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: ?
Richard Owens: They attempted to fight a contingency of them by climbing atop th
e shoulders of a civilian.
Julia Harriet: We have Base Security for a reason, Owens.
Sakura Emiya: I-it was the only way...!
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: ...Oh? That s certainly troubling. Why were
they doing that?
Richard Owens: I request extra combat training drills.
I will also participate.
Sakura Emiya: That s not fair! We always do things Owens likes, like combat dril
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: I understand your concerns, Emiya.
Richard Owens: I do not like combat drills.
Demifury: OH HON HON HON
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: However, the mounting threat of th BWAHHHH!
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya: Look out!!!
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello runs to the alley
Sakura Emiya: ...I guess it s up to us...!
Demifury dances Frenchily
Sakura Emiya: GM! Hit the battle music!
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: My God... It s...
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello narrows her eyes
Demifury: Hon
Mac D.: is this like Bar Fight music
Sakura Emiya pulls out a shotgun
Sakura Emiya CHIK-CHOK
Demifury deflects it with a baguette
Demifury where the fuck did it get a baguette from
Sakura Emiya: I-it s too powerful...!
Demifury: Hon- Hon- Hon!
Demifury it grows in size...!
Sakura Emiya: K-kill it, Owens-san...!

Richard Owens watches on, nonplussed

Richard Owens: .......
Demifury flexes sexily
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Dear God...
Richard Owens walks up to its leg
Richard Owens unwraps a slice of American cheese and slaps it on the Demifury s
Demifury hisses
Richard Owens stares at the burning
Demifury: Amaerican!?
Sakura Emiya edges away
Demifury: You don t know how to make CHEESE
Richard Owens reaches into his pocket
Richard Owens pulls out....
Demifury bicycle kicks Owens
Space: hoy mobile-san
Richard Owens is sent into the lightpost
Sakura Emiya: No...!!
Demifury: Hon- Hon- Hon!
To make love to your mothers!
Richard Owens sits up, rubbing his head
Demifury soars like a Frenchman
Sakura Emiya: ...My mother is dead...
Demifury: I LL STILL DO IT
Richard Owens: Sakura, do you have a good pitching arm.
Demifury it has gone
Sakura Emiya: Uh... erm... n-no?
Richard Owens: ....This is disadvantageous.
Mobile L (GM): Yeh?
Richard Owens: We cannot allow it to run loose in the city.
Space: are you rrrrrrrrrrredddy
for hard-core-april-fools-day-action
Mobile L (GM): Reddy, Freddy
Mac D.: eeeeh
Space: gimme a sec to uplaodi
Mac D.: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh????
Mobile L (GM): >:)
Mobile L (GM): The face of a relaxed man
Space: i shall post first
MrEForEccentric (GM): Rennor the vacation guy
Mobile L (GM): A ight

Space: hhehe
Mac D.: am
am i alone now
Mobile L (GM): Nah, sorry, Olive and I are just CONSPIRING
Space: kh...
Mac D.: :c
MrEForEccentric (GM): We have ways
Of talking
We are planning the ships
Space: let us be sad together duff
whos your faviroties ship
MrEForEccentric (GM): Fury #5 and Fury #7
Mac D.: you know we could theoretically slice o life
Space: we COULD
Mac D.: we HAVE the PEOPLE for it
wherever seer went
Space: it d be good for getting a feel of the npcs
Mac D.: oh yas this too
Sakura Emiya: hey
Richard Owens: yes sakura
Sakura Emiya: your shirt smells nice
Richard Owens: please respect my personal space
Sakura Emiya snifffffffff
Richard Owens: i am being serious
Sakura Emiya: i know
and that
is s e x y
Richard Owens: i m not going to warn you again
Sakura Emiya: what are you gonna do
Richard Owens throws Sakura into the barrel
Sakura Emiya: s-sugoi...
Richard Owens: please respect my personal space from now on
Sakura Emiya: you re so kawaii, owens-sempai...
Ilya Emiya: Sakura, what would your BROTHER think
If he saw you right now
Sakura Emiya: he d probably get homicidal and try to kill richard-sempai
Ilya Emiya: No, that s Cousin Shinji
Richard Owens: i think he s in that alley over there, actually
Sakura Emiya: ...!!!!!
h-he s gonna steal my fingernail clippings...
Richard Owens: is this something he does regularly
Wocko Trow: FEAR MY NME
Sakura Emiya: uh huh................
Richard Owens: that is unsanitary
Sakura Emiya: i know
Richard Owens: do you need me to kill him
Sakura Emiya: p-please do..;
Shirou Emiya: Your own brother...!
Richard Owens: unfortunately i am under orders not to kill civilians
Sakura Emiya: th... then why d you ask...
Richard Owens: to determine how you felt
Sakura Emiya: ............
Sakura Emiya slaps him
Richard Owens deadpan

Sakura Emiya: Th- that s for leading me on...!

Richard Owens: have you considered reporting him to the police
Mac D.: where d seer go
Sakura Emiya: Th- they don t care...
Richard Owens: they do not care that you, a well-known celebrity, are being stal
Sakura Emiya: They think it s a Japanese family thing..
Richard Owens: Would you like me to file a report to MIDAS.
Sakura Emiya: P-please...
Richard Owens: I don t see why you cannot do it.
Sakura Emiya: ...Then.. then why d you ask...?
Space: everyone is dead but me
MrEForEccentric (GM): No
Mac D.: i am still alive
MrEForEccentric (GM): We re still
Space: mobile post in the fg while you are plot
Richard Owens: To determine if you are too dependent on me.
Mobile L (GM): Bep
Sakura Emiya: That.. that doesn t even...!
Space: sankyu
MrEForEccentric (GM): All of Act 3 s Furies have sprites
Just to let you guys know
Space: i wanna see
Mobile L (GM): maybe_someday.wav
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well you re gon have to wait
Richard Owens: I was right. I will need to allow you to do more on your own.
Mac D.: are we gonna sliceolife here or what
Sakura Emiya: Well, you re... you re wrong, that s what!
Space: bring us to the barracks or some other midas locale
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hold on
Mac D.: holdiiing
Space: oh lovely
guys lookit the new signup
Mac D.: hahahahahahaahahahaha
Mobile L (GM): >:/
MrEForEccentric (GM): He looks like a bag of fun
Who does he want to play as
Space: some one-sentence oc
Mac D.: my life is so much better off for staying out of thread drama
these are some tidy-ass barracks
Mobile L (GM): I m gonna go ahead and tell him no fuckin way, kiddo
Space: thank you mobi
apparently he s a real arena fuckboy
Mac D.: why are the tv s all facing away from the beds
wait no switch
why are all the beds facing away from the tvs
Mobile L (GM): RPGMaker beds all wanna go a certain way
If you flip them, they look really weird
Space: a-are
are you guys seeing a bedroom
Mac D.: why s one gray
Space: i m seeing a bathroom
Mac D.: zoom out the map
Space: OH
Mac D.: why s one bed gray with a fuqqed up telly

Space: thiis is an infirmary duff

Mobile L (GM): That one had the blanket taken off because maybe someone DIED
Or maybe they just forgot to put the blanket back
Mac D.: oh fuck
someone s getting fired
Mobile L (GM): And the ghost is fuqqin with the teevee
Mac D.: anyway are we ready to get started
Mobile L (GM): Are we, Orivaa?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ready for what
Mobile L (GM): Slice o life
MrEForEccentric (GM): in hollow night or here
Mobile L (GM): Here, I think
Mac D.: here ya
maybe tomorrow for hollow night?????
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well holy goddamn guys but it s 4:20 in the morning
Mac D.: .... :c
Mobile L (GM): Blaze it
MrEForEccentric (GM): At least all the Furies have sprites now
Space: tomorrow for STILL night if we can capture seer for long enough
Mac D.: well if you can t gm a slice o life do you still have energy to tsubasa
Space: duff
do not torment this poor man
MrEForEccentric (GM): I could.....................................
If only because I love playing Tsubasa
Mobile L (GM): I haven t Gnther d with Tsubasa yet
Space: you re keeping him up
Mac D.: you see space
he ll be FINE. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hey
Space: f in e
less migrate
Mobile L (GM): Yep?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Do you think we should spoil everyone who isn t Seer
About what Misor looks like
Space: wh
Mobile L (GM): Sure
Fuk, but Duff just left
MrEForEccentric (GM): Heh
Space: that s one ugly sonofa
MrEForEccentric (GM): More people to surprise
Space: does he fight with rainbows
Mobile L (GM): Don t hurt his feelings.........
Misor: HI GUYS
"Medusa" shoots your disgusting eyeballs
eldritch s.: i am back
Misor: Dammit
Space: keh
Misor: You have been spoiled
Space: it turns out the only person who will not see misor is duff
a twist
let s go to hollow night before duff suspects
MrEForEccentric (GM): Quick fill up the chat

eldritch s.: no
i want to be here
what did i miss
MrEForEccentric (GM): Nothing much
We re heading over to Hollow night tho
Since it s late and I don t want to slice of life gm
eldritch s.: too late
MrEForEccentric (GM): youwhat
Mac D.: what does misor look like
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well
You will
Have to wait
And find out
Misor: Saaaallllttttttt
Mobile L (GM): The saltiest
eldritch s.: very misor ish
Mac D.: oh my
guys we re waitin 4 u in hollow night
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM): Oop, yep
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah, excellent
You have arrived
"": hello, oliver trees
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
"": it has been 4 years......
MrEForEccentric (GM): Has it really
God I feel old
"": no don t worry it s only been like 7
i ll explain what i use for tavern tales and that will give you a good gage for
what and how to teach me
MrEForEccentric (GM): Look through the nutshelll handouts and what-not- and if y
ou have any questions I m right here. Hurriedly making the one for the MOTs
"": otay
is root just a word for class
MrEForEccentric (GM): It kind of is
Root is like
Race more like
Since it s the upbringing/backgroun
Like Seer and Duff have naturally gone for depressive Manufactured (Rei like) an
d Emotionless Neo-Spartans (Asuka like) guys
MrEForEccentric (GM): Respectively
Oh waitYou ll probably want an actual character thing to edit here
There we are
Updated the journal
"": mobile filled me in on the setting but i feel like there s some sort of doc
that i need to read
MrEForEccentric (GM): We really don t have a proper actual
Doc of the worldbuild
We DO have a doc
But it s like
GM notes that are quickly jotted down
As well as some background for characters that need to be translated and carried
MrEForEccentric (GM): By translated I mean- into things the PCs would know from
the get-go about them
"": ic
impact baby looks fitting

MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah, cool

What kind of nationality are you going for?
"": murrican because that s easy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Fair enough
So- you re calling the MOT Iris Higgins?
"": that is true yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): So you don t know the pilots name yet?
"": my pilot is named iris higgins
does the MOT get a name too
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
You ve given Iris Higgins to your MOT sheet
"": oh
let me fix that.........
MrEForEccentric (GM): It is folder city in the journal
"": synch ratio is your connection to the MOT right
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
"": veddy good
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s also the only one that you apply two of the results t
From the 7 rolls of 2d6
Lowest one discarded
And if the sum doesn t make 30 you can do it all again
As a nice- way of making sure things aren t entirely shitty at the beginning
"": should i begin the rolls
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, go ahead I m focusing on handout creation atm
"": so when i roll to make an action is it just 3d20 + appropriate modifier
MrEForEccentric (GM): It is actually mostly on 1d100s if I recall
1d100s with modifiers
"": brb 30 mins
MrEForEccentric (GM): The Dark Heresy system, where this originates from, is a v
ery odd but actually kind of elegant one
Ah, good you are back
"": mhm
so 1d100?
+ modifier?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, that is for when you are skills things butLets just focus on character creation atm
I am now free to guide more
As I have finished off the handout
"": good, good
MrEForEccentric (GM): Right, so- you are Impact Baby, right?
"": yes
it is very fitting
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right, just double checking. I ll get the base ones up
so y know what you add the results from the seven pairs of 2d6
"": kk
MrEForEccentric (GM): Your physique is 20, Coordination is 17, Empathy is 20, In
telligence is 20 and Sync Ratio is 35
so, lets get the 7 pairs of 2d6 rolled
"": wheeeee
shall i
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
"": rolling 7d6

= 28
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah, it isn t 7d6
It s 2d6 rolled 7 times
"": WHOOPS misread
rolling 2d6
= 7
rolling 2d6
= 4
rolling 2d6
= 7
rolling 2d6
= 7
rolling 2d6
= 11
"": rolling 2d6
= 9
rolling 2d6

= 12
MrEForEccentric (GM): 7, 4, 7, 7, 11, 9, 12
So- we discard the 4
As it is the lowest
Also- damn that s a pretty good rolling
You re the only one to get a 12
"": c:
MrEForEccentric (GM): So, remember the baseline from earlier- you apply those re
sulting 6 scores to each of those. Two of them go to Sync Ratio
Since there are 5 stats, but you have 6 results. So the extra result is the one
going to Sync Ratio
"": understood
so 53 physique?
MrEForEccentric (GM): How did you get 53?
"": wait
i m confused
MrEForEccentric (GM): 32 would be the max physique as it s 20 + 12
"": we apply each of those individually?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes, one result for each one
"": ic
do i pick what goes where?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
"": great
MrEForEccentric (GM): So if you wanted to, you could put both the 11 and 12 into
Sync Ratio
And just be really damn good at controlling your MOT
"": that is the plan
MrEForEccentric (GM): Might want the 9 in coordination as that is very important
for fighting
"": understood
MrEForEccentric (GM): Not just shooting either
"": olive thank you for taking time out of your day to baby me i am mentally ret
MrEForEccentric (GM): And Impact Babies start off with a 17 in coordination
No problem
So with the 9 being added to coordination that d be 26
Which is pretty respectable
"": i m so retired i just almost crushed myself with Roget s International Thesa
MrEForEccentric (GM): Starting off at least
So, have you done that for each result?
"": in the process
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
"": Physique Score: 27
Coordination Score: 26
Intelligence Score: 27
Empathy: 27
Synch Ratio: 58
so what s next
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right, sounds good to me
Next is the assets and drawbacks
You get 15 depth maximum worth of Drawbacks, and you get an equal amount in Asse
But you must have at LEAST 5 depth worth of Drawbacks
And that s across types, so- it s not that you count the types separately
It s all one list
MrEForEccentric (GM): I just have them in different handouts because holy crap t

here were so many

"": where can i find these "assets and drawbacks"
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s all under Character Creation folder
Mental, Social, Physical, Other
"": how do they work themselves into the game
wait i can just read that right HERE
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
They all have their own interesting effects
I have to create a NPC for Space s char because Sakura has a stalker
As one of her drawbacks
Shirou Emiya: The stalker is me
"": do i take an asset and a drawback for each type or just one from any
MrEForEccentric (GM): Just one from any
Or rather- any amount of depth between 5 and 15
The depth value is listed with each drawback
Or asset
And it s important to not leave any depth unspent when it comes to Assets as it
is lost after character creation
"": i chose dumbass as my drawback
30 points left
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hold on
How many drawbacks did you take
"": 1
MrEForEccentric (GM): Or Assets rather
"": 1 drawback
need to choose assets
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right
"": my 5 unspent drawback points mix together with my asset points don t they
MrEForEccentric (GM): No.
It s like
You take 10 depth worth of drawback
So you get an equal amount depth worth of assets
"": OOOH
that makes more sense
MrEForEccentric (GM): So if you only spend 5 depth in drawbacks, you only get 5
depth in assets
eldritch s.: WELL
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
"": who
eldritch s.: THE MAN
"": ........olivetree?
eldritch s.: WHO ONE DAY
"": roll 1d20 seer
eldritch s.: no its u
MrEForEccentric (GM): Don t kill im, Seer
eldritch s.: watch me
MrEForEccentric (GM): He is a valued member of the team
"": then i roll to defend
eldritch s.: i am beyond your rules
i am the law
"": choosing an asset is HAAARD
eldritch s.: iris higgins
"": yes
eldritch s.: the names
richard owens

"": do you like the last name seer

eldritch s.: sakura emiya
hiram hegel
fits right in
the theme is there is no theme
"": you ll like her even more when i write her BIO
eldritch s.: higgins needs a MOT with something regarding eyes
"": ohohoh
eldritch s.: i like that theme that arose completely by chance
"": u have no clue
eldritch s.: all the mots rolled
for cosmetic
all had something to do with eyes
"": seer want to know my synch ratio
eldritch s.: 0
MrEForEccentric (GM): Higgs is a minmaxer, confirmed
eldritch s.: oh jesus christ
higg is mostly the robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): So good at controlling the robot
"": let me choose an asset and we will move onto POOLS
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
eldritch s.: impacy bebbeh
is that when they re born on second impact
MrEForEccentric (GM): OH wow holy shit.
eldritch s.: then if so we will have to concrete decide for when that was
where is the holy shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): The new layout on tropes
Christ almighty
eldritch s.: that spooked me
i am spooked
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes- I will be going over with Mobile all the worldbuildin
At some point
eldritch s.: olive help me get my heart medications
MrEForEccentric (GM): I recommend the guys who gave David Leatherhoff his painki
"": jesus crusy
change it BACK
MrEForEccentric (GM): Higg bother Mobile about when she ll be available for sitt
ing down to get the world sorted
eldritch s.: there is a bit in heavy rain
where a bad guy has a heart attack
and you can chose whether to give him his meds or not
that is me right now over this format
"": what are pools
wait i can read about that too
but i don t like reading
eldritch s.: you swim in them
"": so tough schitt
stfu seer
MrEForEccentric (GM): Right
So basically
One of them
eldritch s.:
MrEForEccentric (GM): You choose to be based on empathy
And the other

You choose to be based on intelligence

eldritch s.: save this onto your sheet so i can observe your stats as you work
MrEForEccentric (GM): So like- you could have your Stress based on Empathy, and
your Ego based on Intelligence. Or Ego based on Empathy, and Intelligence is you
r stress.
But NOT both in empathy, or both in intelligence
eldritch s.: it does punish you for minmaxing, doesn t it
in that respect
MrEForEccentric (GM): After you have applied the scores, you round ONE of them u
p to the nearest unit of five, while the other has to round round down to the ne
arest unit of five
I typed round twice
eldritch s.: round round
"": i have to go for now
eldritch s.: no you have to die forever
MrEForEccentric (GM): Damn.
Aight so long
eldritch s.:
one hour
i mean it sounds really trippy
i love songs slowed down to ridiculous levels
MrEForEccentric (GM): Is it paulstretched
eldritch s.: what now
MrEForEccentric (GM): paul
eldritch s.: who is paul
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s an audacity thing
You know what confuses me
When Skype tells me Mobile is online
And I check this
And Mobile ISN T online
eldritch s.: it s fuckign with you
self aware
MrEForEccentric (GM): Self aware that I want to get the worldbuilt
eldritch s.: yes
MrEForEccentric (GM):
eldritch s.: the lizard king would have been a better movie
MrEForEccentric (GM): Is this so
eldritch s.: don t you think
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well I dunno
Would they still be racist towards hyenas
eldritch s.: hyenas would be different lizards
MrEForEccentric (GM): Komodo Dragons racist towards those lizards that shoot blo
od out their eyes
eldritch s.: yes
they ruin everything
MrEForEccentric (GM): "Stop showing off"
Jesus christ Skype
Stop telling me that either Higs or Mobile is online
When they re not
eldritch s.: ohai mahk
MrEForEccentric (GM): so hows your sehcs lyfe
Skype is saying
Mobile is online
But she isn t
eldritch s.: she s dead, jim

MrEForEccentric (GM):

eldritch s.: poor timmy
MrEForEccentric (GM): So what do you think
The first thing
Charlemagne would do
If he was transported to the Three Kingdoms China
eldritch s.: try to covertly return home
failing that rally people under him and take over
MrEForEccentric (GM): So he s going to let the chaos reign
And just piss off back to France
eldritch s.: not his problem, he has a duty to his people
MrEForEccentric (GM): His people- who probably haven t been founded yet
And I think- haven t been chased out of their original homes by the Huns yet
eldritch s.: if he realizes he s gone back in time
he would try to take over
MrEForEccentric (GM): Try and take over China for the west
eldritch s.: yes
establish a christian nation
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hmmm
Would Charlemagne react
To Rider as in- Attila
If I played Attila for Still Night instead of Ajax
eldritch s.: he d probably respect him
but be disdainful at the whole
rape and pillage thing
MrEForEccentric (GM): SCOURGE OF GOD
eldritch s.: and think him a savage
MrEForEccentric (GM): He rides with a million warriors
He is the end of days
He is
The scourge
of god
eldritch s.: i like reading the drawbacks
MrEForEccentric (GM): Life Support
eldritch s.: If they have confirmed that their ward is in immediate danger, they
automatically fail the Resolve test, though in their frenzy to help their charg
e they gain a +20 to all tests directly related to aiding the ward. Should the p
erson ever be harmed, the pilot takes 1d6 Stress. If the ward ever dies or is ta
ken away from the pilot permanently, the pilot immediately gains 2d10+10 Stress
as well as 2 Doom.
jesus christ
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
rolling 2d10 + 10
= 12
Is the minimum stress
rolling 2d10 + 10
= 20
eldritch s.: maximum is thirty

eldritch s.: TUMBLING DOWN
MrEForEccentric (GM): That would literally insta-break anyone
But Sakura I think
eldritch s.: Someone, for real or imagined reasons, hates the pilot and seeks to
ruin him. This person may be a superior officer, news reporter, or even a humbl
e yet resourceful member of the janitorial staff.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Humble yet resourceful
eldritch s.: if i had taken this for hira,
who would it have been]
Lipimo Xitiut: Me
eldritch s.: i knew it
the antichrist
Misor: Alternatively me
eldritch s.: misor follows him around
even after he dies
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Misor will always be with Hiram
In his dreams
eldritch s.: the father
the son
the holy misor
the pic you used for misor was supposed to be yog-sothoth apparently
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah yes
eldritch s.: under hoarder:
Obviously harmful objects, such as a live grenade, do not apply.
some guy just has a closet full of live grenades
MrEForEccentric (GM): "I don t know why they haven t gone off yet"
eldritch s.: "I m waiting for death."
MrEForEccentric (GM): I was about to say
"He s Pang De"
But as the only one who plays Dynasty Warriors
You would not get the reference
eldritch s.: i have to go for dinner very soon
i will be bacvk though
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok
Space: HELLO even though nobody is here
ohai mobile
Mobile L (GM): Hallo
Didja see who THE NEW FRIEND is?
Space: higgin bird
Mobile L (GM): Yep yep
Space: with that, our squad is filled
Mobile L (GM): Hell flippin yeah
I was worried we wouldn t get enough people, but lo and behold, we dun did
Space: gud, gud
Mobile L (GM): Hey, you got the link for the Eva maker, by any chance?
Also, Hig says to ch-ch-ch-check out Iris new portrait
Space: ooh, nice
yeah lemme grab the link
Mobile L (GM): Aw yeah, thanks
eldritch s.: hell

ha;e stana
Mobile L (GM): Hale Satin
eldritch s.: gake stana
these typos only descend
into new words IIIIIIIIIIIIIT
you can hear the words
if you listen very closely
Mobile L (GM): hey seer i have to use mobile s computer
though i will have my own soon
eldritch s.: it s mini satan
i shall defeat you
Mobile L (GM): look at my MOT
Space: hey higginbid
eldritch s.: pumpnta claus shall defend me
Space: i wanna Know about your Character tell me
Mobile L (GM): i ll tell you as soon as OH THERE WE GO
eldritch s.: polyphemus
Mobile L (GM): switching computers
cyclops dude
eldritch s.: polydickus
Mobile L (GM): fuqu
Space: the angels are lead by odysseus
Mobile L (GM): A sad, sorry state of affairs
"": okay the computer is mine
Space: the panda
"": get that SHIT outta here
Space: iris higginsbid
"": the first thing you need to know about her is that she can t go 1 minute wit
hout an electronic device, such as here GAMEBOY ADVANCE
she needs mental stimulation from bright flashing lights
there is no way around it
she is a private school student from america
her parents had to take her out of school because of her strange connection to t
"": and now she s here to learn and get HELP
(that s what her parents were told probably)
she only gets 2 hours of sleep every night cause that s all she can afford to g
et without losing her mind
she sleeps with a virtual boy on
but she s nice don t worry
Space: she sounds crayzy is she crayzy
"": she s really chill and friendly until you remove her from the world of vidya
piloting a MOT is close enough to a vidya game
Space: good, good
"": space who did you vote into smash
Space: nobody because i thought it was an april fools day hoax

"": vote for quote from cave story if nobody else

i ll draw something 4 u
Space: give me the link
eldritch s.: i return
"": great now read my walltext
Space: ok i did it
"": what do you want
eldritch s.: time to vote
for ice pick lodge charCTER
Space: draw my Sanguinas Et Furias character, Sakura Emiya
what i put fro the reason
why dankovsky should be in smash bros
Space: explain his significance to western culture
eldritch s.: i didn\t
i just puit that
Space: oh
oh my god
eldritch s.: he will no doubt be put in
Space: oh i am sure
eldritch s.: that message will be given miyamoto himself
and he will look at it
and say
"Why did you give this to me." in Japenese
Space: ask imca how to say that
eldritch s.: so
i saw
the nge gamr
for n64
Space: there s an nge game for n64?
eldritch s.: yes
yes there is
it s a retelling
Mobile L (GM): I know sadly little of it
eldritch s.: of the angel battles
and jet alone
through various little
minigames and combats
including a rhytym game for that one douche bag with the song
the models are surprsingly good
eldritch s.: the music was translated well into the format
the gameplay is bad
but the menu is so cool
it s the magi display screen
Mobile L (GM): I kinda want it, just to say I have it
eldritch s.: with each magi representing like new game or simulation mode or opt
Space: get me a video of it
eldritch s.: and deleting yhour files
the option for that is named
"Third Impact"
Space: amazing
eldritch s.: "Do you wish to initiate Third Impact?"
i saw the two best friends play video og it
they re actually big fans
Mobile L (GM): Huh

eldritch s.: too bad the vid is

quite spoilerific
Space: piss
eldritch s.: they do discuss some things
how gendo s chair must have huge ass groves in it
because he never gets up
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
eldritch s.: and he has a minifridge on either side of it
and just behind his chair you can see fuyutsuki s footprints
Mobile L (GM): Damn
eldritch s.: anyhow
i never expected
of all people
Mobile L (GM): Didja read his blurb about Iris up there?
eldritch s.: yes
Mobile L (GM): I think she s gonna add some interesting shit to this little game
Space: at last, i am become anime
Mobile L (GM): Destroyer of worlds
"": nepotism, mobile
hey space i drew sakura and it looked pretty good but not good enough
so i just made it Furtits instead
Space: it s ok i voted for goku
Space: he he he
Space: silence
"": what do you suggest we do space
Space: i don t know higginbid
i just don t know
"": xyzzy?
Space: certainly, but i may have to leave to paint easter eggs at some point
"": seer
seer what have you done
mobile, seer
what says you
Space: theyve vanished
Mobile L (GM): I m down 4 it
"": one of you gather the thread babies
i ll set up the lobby
Mobile L (GM): Not it
"Medusa": not it
eldritch s.: i returb agau]
had to send emails for family
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha
eldritch s.: how did you pitch
the anime
to higg
is that shit smeared on the walls and floor
"Medusa": it s dried blood
eldritch s.: it s shit
Mobile L (GM): I yammered about it for a while, and he grew interested
"Medusa": your shit
Mobile L (GM): Who shits red?
"Medusa": apparently seer
eldritch s.: that is within the healthy range
or just outside of it
"Medusa": see a doctor if you are shitting blood
eldritch s.: and then smearing it on the walls

password is "weareallfat"
eldritch s.: i did it again
Sakura Emiya: wh
eldritch s.: pure
Mobile L (GM): Polyphemus
"": a natural beauty
eldritch s.: who
is this person
Mobile L (GM): I unno, some bitch
eldritch s.: she is on every tb
Mobile L (GM): I m guessing she s a news anchor
"": mobile go do the god damn deed
eldritch s.: she is the overlord of sicily
Mobile L (GM): fffff
"": seer isn t man enough
eldritch s.: honor
po the panda looks as if he is having a rleigious experience
"": actually he just got hit in the dick with a spiky club
eldritch s.: religious
also watch
as everyone wants to xyzzy
and then gets really mad
and worked up over it
eldritch s.: when it gets crowded
"": set the number to 8 max
last time we had 12
eldritch s.: someone will still get butthurt
"": better make a card about that
eldritch s.: i garen-tee it
Mobile L (GM): It s so dumb to get buttmad about a silly card game
eldritch s.: last time everyone did
it was as if
father girgori
had personally
irritated their anoos
Mobile L (GM): Father Grigori irritates no anooses outside of his flock
eldritch s.: he spends all night
locked in his church
irritating anooses
Mobile L (GM): It s the Lord s work
"": uh oh........
eldritch s.: is the buttmad happening
Mobile L (GM): Jam, who vocally dislikes CAH, is here
Why? Who knows
eldritch s.: why does he
what is there to dislike
Mobile L (GM): It offends his sensibilities
eldritch s.: cancer
"": this reminds me of when in hotline miami you beat a level and beard gives yo
u the goods
eldritch s.: beard
the hotline miami soundtack
is on soundcloud
all of it
Mobile L (GM): :-)!!!!!

"": mobile
you know what to do
Mobile L (GM): :?
eldritch s.: good
these will come in handy i feel
everyone needs synth
Mobile L (GM): Synth is sexy
eldritch s.: the streets of syracruse
Mobile L (GM): A land of adventure
eldritch s.: a den of scum
and villiany
due to
iris being 17
that means that second impact occured
eldritch s.: 17 years ago
i need to make hiram a6
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha
I can edit that in
eldritch s.: i just did
also realistically he d be like fifteen
because even then
they d have to had been
really on the ball with the clone thing
eldritch s.: wouldn;t his development be accelearated
Mobile L (GM): It might. He may be like, 3 or 4 chronologically
eldritch s.: we must inquire with olive
Mobile L (GM): Yep. I plan on brainstorming with him very soon
"": mobile change track
eldritch s.: silver lights is a good track
Mobile L (GM): I ll pull that one up in a bit
"": is it from 2?
eldritch s.: no
it s the hotel one
"": gooood
eldritch s.: you re in the hotel room with the assholes
"Do you like hurting other people?"
and it looks like gaben heard another joke about hsi weighy anf freaked out in t
this may be a spoop track
it just reeks of evil to me
Mobile L (GM): Very sinister
"": that was a very good intro
set the tone for the rest of the game instantly
eldritch s.: the brightest
cheeriest person comes into the room
the nicest member of midas staff
this plays
Mobile L (GM): Eeheeheehee
eldritch s.: everyone just FUCKING HATES them off the bat
"": sorry i ve already claimed the entire hotline miami soundtrack
eldritch s.: i liked it before you did therefore i better
me better
"": english please seer
eldritch s.: me bestter

i associate all of these songs with intense violence of course

i can almost hear the sound effects
have you met the dogs yet higg
"": i beat the game
i don t have TWO
eldritch s.: the dogs
hotline miami 2 has a good soudtrack higgg
"": $15
eldritch s.: it s harder overall than hm1 so far my favorite song
"": just how it should be
change the song pleas
eldritch s.: very
pale mot
presumably just like its pilot
let s get all the mots in together
Mobile L (GM): A family
I ll make Iris sprite after Cards is done
"": sankyu
eldritch s.: will there be silly episodes
like there were in eva
Mobile L (GM): Sure, there s material for that
eldritch s.: sakura is the face
hiram is the brains
richard is the muscle
iris is the robot
"": a friendly robot
eldritch s.: she has the best synch ratio
beating even hiram
who was literally bred ofr it
Mobile L (GM): Lookit them
Hee, I forgot y all weren t on this map
eldritch s.: agamemnon has to basically stand on a stool to be close to their he
Mobile L (GM): Poor shorty
"": jesus kuristu
look at how tall poly is
Mobile L (GM): Poly was tall in Greek myth, right?
eldritch s.: heracles needs to go up one square
"": yes very
eldritch s.: giant
Mobile L (GM): From afar, Po looks like a finch
eldritch s.: move heracles up on square so his feet or on level
right now hie is a bit lower than the others
no up
as in to the top of the screen
eldritch s.: good
Mobile L (GM): Bup
eldritch s.: this is now a good height compairison
Mobile L (GM): I might make Poly a lil shorter
I unno
"": don t
Mobile L (GM): Tallyphemus
"": he s fine just how he is
eldritch s.: the men and the ladies evas are staring at each other
Mobile L (GM): Gettin ready 2 fuck
eldritch s.: the divide

and wimin
little man
"": cheater
eldritch s.: the classic
Mobile L (GM): Marco is a god
eldritch s.: n
tht cclosing
that show was really sad
if 1984 fucked you up
ntht fucked me up
Mobile L (GM): It looks pretty sad
eldritch s.: a young, hopeful boy is sent into the far future by unfortunate cha
the futue is without water, a vast desert
"all the good people are already dead"
it s about child soldiers
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, that sounds like some heavy shit
"": hey seer:
eldritch s.: bugs bizarre
Space: hello
eldritch s.: found remix of king rat
Mobile L (GM): Ey
Space: i like polyphemus s design
Mobile L (GM): And now, the sprite
eldritch s.: deep water, deep water, senseless denial
"": hey space
have you noticed how TALL he is
Space: yes
eldritch s.: i intend to upload parts of the now and then here and there soundtr
ack onto yt
i mean
Mobile L (GM): Do it
eldritch s.: if you wish you can use them, they re all very sad
i just need to upload them and download them to upload them
there is, sadly
one very nice, varied suite
that only comes that wat
and is tweny mins
eldritch s.: do you mind if i link them here and you tell me which if any i shou
ld upload
Mobile L (GM): Sure, go right ahead
eldritch s.:
eldritch s.:
"": behold
Iris Higgins
eldritch s.: keel lorenz

Sakura Emiya: how come im behind my robit

Mobile L (GM): I can t get her to go in front
eldritch s.: because god hates you
Iris Higgins: your SR is weak
Hiram Hegel: your mind is weak
eldritch s.: the twenty minute long
seriously i just adore it
Mobile L (GM): Shiiiiit, I like all of them
Could you upload all of them?
eldritch s.: how many songs can an account upload
Mobile L (GM): I unno
eldritch s.: space
Sakura Emiya: it s a length limit, not amount of songs
eldritch s.: all of those are like
four tops
how long is the limit
Sakura Emiya: you re good then
"": guys
eldritch s.: time to use offliberty to download a fuckton of songs then
"": i need to sleep now
Sakura Emiya: nite nite
eldritch s.: good night higgins
the team is all together
Mobile L (GM): The whole gang
Space: squad
Mobile L (GM): I might have to retroactively make Hiram s sprite paler
Iris is exceptionally pale
eldritch s.: he is an albinp
Space: pasty white
Mobile L (GM): The effin sprite maker won t let you go too pasty
Space: the party is all white people
Mobile L (GM): Except for Sakura
Space: she s Anime Skin Tone
Mobile L (GM): CaucAsian
Which dorms will Richard and Iris get?
eldritch s.: the shitty ones
filthy americans
Mobile L (GM): My effing computer heated up again
eldritch s.: it s like an assembly line of songs
Mobile L (GM): The aural sweatshop
I sorta wanna FG, but I have to get up kinda early tomorrow, so I unno what do
Hiram and Iris look similar, art-wise
eldritch s.: sort of
a bit
you won t get the whole ntht soundtrack
you will get the special seer eiditon
which is "all i could find/could be bothered with"
Mobile L (GM): Oh, I know. And that s fine, I m good with the Seer Cut.
eldritch s.: i ll upload them as i find more
Mobile L (GM): Alrighty. Just do it at your convenience, don t drive yourself nu
tty uploading or anything
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ho-holy horse
Mobile L (GM): The tall cyclops
MrEForEccentric (GM): I swear that looks familiar
Mobile L (GM): It s got Rei s Unit s head, if that helps
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh I know why
Mobile L (GM): Ooh

MrEForEccentric (GM): SAIDAS

Mobile L (GM): Aha, that was unintentional there
It s still good though, right?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): A ight, cool
MrEForEccentric (GM): While Higs was doing stuff I did actually manage to scale
all of the sprites for the Furies though
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, excellent
Can I see how big they are?
Ooh shit, it s a civvie
We must be quieeeeet
MrEForEccentric (GM): SEER
DOes Space know you re here
eldritch s.: he sent me a pm entitled rp;;20 asking me if i was there
i assumed this was the place
Mobile L (GM): He meant Still Night
MrEForEccentric (GM): no, I think he means that we re going to be doing still ni
eldritch s.: also i do not believe space know
i am here
Mobile L (GM): Should I tell im?
eldritch s.: i just did
Mobile L (GM): Ah, gotcha
Is Duff about?
eldritch s.: i don t know
also fyi i uploaded those songs
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, yes
I ll add em posthaste
Thank you muchly
Is Duff here yet?
eldritch s.: you came to the wrong place space
time to die
Space: all of you
go to sll night instead pls
MrEForEccentric (GM): But Space we were plotting
Space: psh....
Mobile L (GM): Seekritly
Space: do that on the skypes
Mobile L (GM): B-but muh Furies......
Space: >:[
MrEForEccentric (GM): And access to stuff
Where we can put it down
And not forget shit
Space: s k y p e s
MrEForEccentric (GM): We re the GMs here
Mobile L (GM): damn him.........
Space: w h e r e a r e y o u g u y s
MrEForEccentric (GM): Are you back to bully us again............................
Mobile L (GM): Seor
Can I as refs for Kerry and Ilyas clothes and shit
Space: w e a r e d o i n g a s e s s i o n
ohp ok hold up
Mobile L (GM): Is Duff there?
Space: yes\
Mobile L (GM): Oh, okay
MrEForEccentric (GM): well this changes all the things
Mobile L (GM): Let s shoop over

MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes

Mobile L (GM): Gimme the refs in the other one
MrEForEccentric (GM): We can always whisper behind the GM s back there
Mobile L (GM): B r8 thar
MrEForEccentric (GM): Y know what I just realized
Everyone in our roll20 group is a gm of something
Mobile L (GM): Oh wow, f
MrEForEccentric (GM): Duff has one piece
We have this
And of course
Space has the fate, and so does fox
Seer has fothe
Mobile L (GM): Wattabout my broza
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good point
The "core" of the roll20 peeps as I know it
Are all GMs
Mobile L (GM): That s cray
MrEForEccentric (GM): So
For Mr Bland OD
Because if we keep the OD female like Misato, the twist that the OD is fed the t
actics by a dude might give bad implications
Since the bland OD is basically worthless and just a face
No offence to the bland od
Mobile L (GM): Yeah. That and it d be weird with pronouns and stuff
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hoorah for PC
I think I will call him Arnaud
Mobile L (GM): Hell yeah, that s a good name
MrEForEccentric (GM): Arnaud Abandonato
Since Abandonato means forsaken
Mobile L (GM): Oohoo. Badass name
MrEForEccentric (GM): His depth is that he wants to be recognized as valuable
Rather than just the mouthpiece of Lipimo
Mobile L (GM): So he s like a good guy version of D Esprey
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
They re both even Kind of French
Although Arnaud is half-Italian
Mobile L (GM): Fritalian
MrEForEccentric (GM): Arnaud fancies himself a casanova too
He has off-screen romances, but none of them are sticking
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
A player
MrEForEccentric (GM): During a fight, an apartment gets destroyed
"Dammit, my booty call lived there"
Mobile L (GM): Poor Arnaud
Ah shit, I gotta go
MrEForEccentric (GM): Damn
Mobile L (GM): Might be back, might not. Here s hopin
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
I ll figure out our Intelligence dude too
Mobile L (GM): A ight
Hoo, I m back (hopefully)
Didn t take as long as I had thought
MrEForEccentric (GM): Woo
Mobile L (GM): We need a faceclaim for the OD guy?
MrEForEccentric (GM): We do
I m working on our Intelligence officer
Which I m making- another chick

Mobile L (GM): Hellz yeah

MrEForEccentric (GM): Who is actually Sicilian
Mobile L (GM): Or wait, was that not Florian?
MrEForEccentric (GM): OH shit it was, wasn t it
Mobile L (GM): Yeah. Hm.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Florian could be assistant Intelligence officer?
And the Sicilian chick is like
Super aloof to the pilots
Mobile L (GM): Sure, works for me
That position sounds like it d need some extra hands
MrEForEccentric (GM): What was Florian s surname
Mobile L (GM): So we d have two polar opposites working together, pretty much,
cuz Florian is a very sweet and friendly guy
I could try to PM trawl it up
MrEForEccentric (GM): Do so
Ipazzia Scuderi
Roughly translates as Supreme Scholar
Mobile L (GM): Oohoohoo
Big smarty pants lady
MrEForEccentric (GM): She doesn t have time for your romances, emotions or distr
She just has work
Mobile L (GM): I like her already
Does she see the Commander often?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Of course
And she does not condone any advances she may or may not make on Prokopis
Mobile L (GM): Sandra s just like "gurl, I m careful enough to have that, so fuc
kin let me"
MrEForEccentric (GM): "But this silly love triangle will destroy the entire work
Mobile L (GM): "idagf B|"
MrEForEccentric (GM): "Well if you won t listen, I ll just have to talk to Dr. P
rokopis myself, and make sure he keeps it in his pants"
-one cutaway later-slightly disheveled- "... He s too good"
Mobile L (GM): ""
"you re"
MrEForEccentric (GM): "It s not my fault...!"
Mobile L (GM): "FIRED"
MrEForEccentric (GM): "This is exactly what I meant, earlier!"
MrEForEccentric (GM): "I ll just- pack my stuff up then... But- you know somethi
ng that I have, that you don t? Prokopis number. HEY-O"
-gets out of dodgeMobile L (GM): ""
[cries in Italian]
MrEForEccentric (GM): Then Adon is like- "It s k"
Mobile L (GM): And then Sandra and Adon dream-fuck
Adon: I m almost reconsidering our entire stance toward Humanity
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: :-)!!!!
Tanit: You whore.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: takes one to know one, sweetie ;)
Tanit: Yes, it does. And I know you go above and beyond.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: bitch i haven t fucked anyone since college,
i deserve this

Tanit: Oh, please. If that logic worked, I should be in a gangbang because I ve

been asleep 1000+ years and haven t fucked anyone in that time.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: like anyone would fuck you outside of a drea
Tanit: You don t know the tastes of your ancestors.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: have fun fucking old dead people, hoe
MrEForEccentric (GM): My internet died
Mobile L (GM): Dickle
What, roughly, do you have in mind for Intelligence Lady and OD Bland Guy appear
MrEForEccentric (GM): Black haired, tanned skin for Intelligence lady
She is kind of young
Mobile L (GM): Sharp dresser or frumpy?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Sharp dresser of course
Mobile L (GM): Hellz yeah
MrEForEccentric (GM): As for our Bland Guy, obviously he needs to be in a unifor
m. And I m thinking he probably has black hair too
Mobile L (GM):
ungerstrike-d4uc5dj.jpg >:?
MrEForEccentric (GM): It works, but it could be a little smoother. Plus the face
is kind of the opposite to how she acts
Mobile L (GM): I see
Lemme see if I could scare up another from the same artist. I dig his portraits
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM):
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, that one works
Mobile L (GM): Kewl
I know DeviantArt has a bad reputation
But god damn, there s some nice art there
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aye
Sometimes you just need to plunge into sewage to find gold
Mobile L (GM): Yep. Real diamonds in the rough, there
MrEForEccentric (GM): I got my Jrik-ik faceclaim on DA I think
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, nice
All the mutants are from there, too
Though to be fair, I had some pre-RPing art of them and just picked the best mat
ches I could
MrEForEccentric (GM): You are a master of finding stuff on DA
Mobile L (GM): Hee, thanks
MrEForEccentric (GM): I found Ajax on DA
I found him on pintrest first
But then found the same one on DA
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
Yeah, dude, Pinterest is an excellent source as well
It s kind of a distillation
MrEForEccentric (GM):
lamone___pan_by_panaiotis-d74xezi.jpg Fond gaze- the source
Mobile L (GM): The fondest of gazes
-d78kxfh.png Arnaud, maybe? It s kinda animu, though.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, the face is too soft
Mobile L (GM): A ight. Maybe a little older?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Mobile L (GM): Might be too far in the other direction, but: http://th02.deviant
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah- way too far

Mobile L (GM):

Hard time finding uniformed dudes who aren t US Army or cops
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mmm
Mobile L (GM): Oh hey, it s Gein!
MrEForEccentric (GM): That reminds me that I have some portraits I can use for T
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): I am loathed to call them just straight thugs
Ruffian will get laughs
Gangster is kind of inaccurate
Mobile L (GM): Muggers?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Again kind of inaccurate
Mobile L (GM): No-goodniks?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Vandal?
Or Hooligan even
Mobile L (GM): Sure, that works. That or scumbags.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM):
Bland fellas
MrEForEccentric (GM): Top Right is good
Mobile L (GM): That s what I was thinking
Those are all apparently business duders, so they look super real
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oooh
Mobile L (GM): I like finding shit like that, where there s good pictures of ave
rage-looking people
MrEForEccentric (GM): Which of these fuckers should I
give Hooligan to
Mobile L (GM): Guy on the far left cracks me up
I almost wanna say him
lookit im
MrEForEccentric (GM): Blind guy accidentally in a terrorist gig
Mobile L (GM): He looks like a dude with a mole fursona trying to do a budget co
MrEForEccentric (GM): Heheheheheh
Mobile L (GM): Dude next to him is scary
MrEForEccentric (GM): The dude next to that guy is even scarier
I kind of want to say him
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, I think he d a very intimidating hooligan
Can we have the moleman cameo sometime?
I just love him
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): He s such a fuckin stooge, geez louise
MrEForEccentric (GM): Need to sprite-ify the Hooligan guy
Or some representation of it
Mobile L (GM): Ah m on it
Hooligan: You ve been hit by
You ve been Struck by
A smooth criminal
Mobile L (GM): OW
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m so glad
There s a scroll bar
On the list
True with the amount of characters
We re going to have to trawl through that list
MrEForEccentric (GM): At least
There s a scroll bar

Mobile L (GM): And at least everyone s smokin hot

I think we have the sexiest cast ever
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Except the pilots
And the people related to the pilots
They re all not up to task
Mobile L (GM): I bet they re intimidated, being swamped in hotties
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hell yeah
Hm. You know what I am considering
Mobile L (GM): What s that?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Bringing in the main guy of Wayfarer. As in- Ferdinand. Fe
rdinand Dumas.
Mobile L (GM): Ah
MrEForEccentric (GM): Grandson of Alex
One-up the trend of bringing in the children of our characters
Bringing in the grandchild
But also mostly because I don t play enough prideful people sometimes
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
Do it, man
MrEForEccentric (GM): There is also the thought
Of bringing in
A Servant again
And giving it to Dumas
Or bringing in
Servant Lu Bu
MrEForEccentric (GM): And giving it to Lu Lingqi
"My dad s my Servant..."
Mobile L (GM): Oh my gawd, wow
That s kinda fugged up
Ooh. hey
I got a surname on Florian now
Florian Gaffner
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excellente
Also- Servant Lu Bu
Canonically to Fate/Extra
is a Berserker too
So not only
Does she have her own father as a Servant
MrEForEccentric (GM): But she basically has her own father
When he s at his worst
And how he s remembered as a raging demon
Mobile L (GM): Oh wow, that s fucked
Poor Lingqi
MrEForEccentric (GM): "It s hard to smile when there s nothing to smile about" i
according to Guan Yinping- clearly the expert on cuteness considering how goddam
n kawaii she is- actually says Lu Lingqi has a cute smile
In a conversation the two can have during the ambition mode
"The Mole": Checkit
I have friends
Vandal: Yo yo
Mobile L (GM): Awwww yeah bitches
Gunman: Gon Fuck people up
Mobile L (GM): #squad
MrEForEccentric (GM): Identifiable gang
By their jackets
Mobile L (GM): The camel crew
Are they gonna try to mug the pilots?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Kidnap probably

Mobile L (GM): Like a Disney movie

MrEForEccentric (GM): Shirou in a big damn heroes moment
Takes them down
Mobile L (GM): Good Guy Stalker freakshow
MrEForEccentric (GM): Tells the others to get going as soon as he frees them, bu
t leaves Sakura last
Moral dilemma
He has her right where he d want her
But the corpses kind of kill the mood
So he does let her go
Mobile L (GM): Oh dear
MrEForEccentric (GM): He s like Shinji in that scene where Lancer is a badass
Mobile L (GM): Nasty, nasty boi
I m tempted to make it canon that Moleman is a closeted furry
He s saving up for a fursuit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Humanizing character moment
Mobile L (GM): "II just wanna... I just wanna dig tunnels..."
"The Mole": I dreamed a dream of blindness
Mobile L (GM): I m going to have to manually recolor the dudes jackets
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
I really want to do the Servant Lu Bu thing
But I don t want to be the one to play Servant Lu Bu
Because the biggest part would be the interactions between the two
And I can t have both parts
Mobile L (GM): Hm
You wouldn t be in the market for another Servant, would ya?
MrEForEccentric (GM): I have never had a Master
The only Servant I ve played was Assassin
And- tbh- Box was not the best one to pick for tht
Mobile L (GM): I say that because I m kinda thinking about bringing Castlah in a
t some point
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oooh
I ve considered Ajax also
Mobile L (GM): I was gonna have Rennor be Caster s Master, but then he got busse
MrEForEccentric (GM): Heh. Lu Lingqi the master of Tesla
"Who the fuck are you"
"I m Tesla"
"Who the fuck is Tesla"
Mobile L (GM): ":c"
MrEForEccentric (GM): A Master of someone in the future
Three Kingdoms era master
Mobile L (GM): Possibly the only past-person Master of a future-person Servant
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hence Tesla might know some vague stuff about the Three Ki
ngdoms period
Due to Servant-Knowledge
"Oh wow, you re the Daughter of Lu Bu, huh"
"... I m not going to try and piss off your dad"
Mobile L (GM): Tesla was a scholarly fella, so he d probably find this quite fas
MrEForEccentric (GM): Alternatively there s Dumas
Who already has a Command Spell design and errything Lookit dat command spell
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, flashy
One of these fellas
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mm
I think if you do play Castlah

And my characters get one

I thinkLu Lingqi is the best bet
It d be more interesting
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, they d have neat chemistry
Would she be patient with his neuroses?
MrEForEccentric (GM): She would naturally have a pretty thin line of patience
She is her Father s Daughter...
Tesla would have to explain command spells to her
Mobile L (GM): Would she be one to whip out the Command Spell "nuh-uh"?
MrEForEccentric (GM): What do you mean
Mobile L (GM): Like, would she be willing to spend one to override him disagreei
ng with her?
MrEForEccentric (GM): If it was something
Deep for her
Yeah she would
Otherwise she d probably see the command spells as trickery
MrEForEccentric (GM): And my headcanon is that Lu Bu and Lu Lingqi don t like th
at kind of hting
Mobile L (GM): I don t think he d refuse orders unless she was having him, like,
kill an innocent or something
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lu Lingqi would kill them herself if he disagreed anyway
She s a woman of action
Mobile L (GM): "(Blanches)"
"...O-oh my God, Miss Linqui..."
MrEForEccentric (GM): "What? They were the enemy."
How s the spriting coming along
Mobile L (GM): Pretty good, doing ol Mole r/n
I may have to leave it and come back, though
We re gonna go to a birthday party in a while
MrEForEccentric (GM): aight
I think
Tats may have died
Mobile L (GM): Oh no
He was up super late the past two nights
He may have rested his head on a mossy patch and been sung to sleep by the blueb
MrEForEccentric (GM): Dumas is stranded, and I decided to end my interaction wit
h Chrissy
Mobile L (GM): Damn
I d throw you a line, but my time here is short
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aye
This would be an opportunity for Castlah
Mobile L (GM): A good, interactable fella
Would he remember Still Night or no?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good question
You could have it as a sort of
Blocked memory kind ofMobile L (GM): Repressed
MrEForEccentric (GM): He has it vaguely in mind, things would be deja-vu-y aroun
d it
Like he d recognize Rin
But he wouldn t exactly know her
And he s not sure where he knows her from

Mobile L (GM): I was thinking of having Old Tesla hang around the room a little
bit longer, then kick the bucket, but then he d come back and be all like "Oh my
God, I m here"
But then that d be contradictory with Still Night canon
MrEForEccentric (GM): Heheheh
Mobile L (GM): Choices, choices
MrEForEccentric (GM): Tesla still never met Dr.9
That needs to be a thing
At some point
Unless you re planning on Einstein
Because that works too
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, yes
They must meet
He met Cori, and was blown away that he now has issue
MrEForEccentric (GM): Cori said that she was related to him
Mobile L (GM): Yep
And he was like "Oh my God... Oh wow..."
MrEForEccentric (GM): E x c e l l e n t
Mobile L (GM): Celibate Grandpa
MrEForEccentric (GM): "So- I can explain"
"You see"
"My creator"
"Was a Mad Scientist Uber-Criminal"
"And he decided to get some of the finest minds in DNA- across History. And put
it into one chick, to be his Queen to help him take over the world."
"You were one of the great minds that went into making me"
MrEForEccentric (GM): "Or at least- your DNA was"
Mobile L (GM): ""
(Dies of shock.)
MrEForEccentric (GM): "Shit, I killed Tesla by telling him his DNA is used in th
e future to create a badass supervillain"
"Maybe I should ve added- that Edison wasn t at all used..."
Mobile L (GM): (Pigeon pecks uselessly at his corpse.)
MrEForEccentric (GM): "Maybe I can bring him back to life with science!!"
-activates mad genius scheme #1201
Mobile L (GM): The creation of zombie Tesla
MrEForEccentric (GM): FrankenTesla
Mobile L (GM): Servant Tesla then shows and gets to see his soulless, undead sel
f standing before him
MrEForEccentric (GM): Dr.9 is now the master of both Castlah and FrankenTesla
Double the Tesla
Double the awesome
Mobile L (GM): Both Teslas are equally horrified
"No... germs... germs... bad..."
MrEForEccentric (GM): Still though
I am up for Lu Lingqi being Castlah s master
If I can t find anyone willing to be Lu Bu
Probably Space seeing as he knows Fate/Extra
Mobile L (GM): Mayhap
But he is all the Servants r/n
MrEForEccentric (GM): True
Berserkers don t have much personality
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, they re all "GRRRRRRRGHHHH"
MrEForEccentric (GM): Not much change for Lu Bu
Mobile L (GM): Lookit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oohhh damn
Mobile L (GM): Bad buncha guys

MrEForEccentric (GM): One even has a gun

Mobile L (GM): Yep, the gunman
They breed
MrEForEccentric (GM): Diamond of badguys
Mobile L (GM): Brigade
MrEForEccentric (GM): But yeah, apart from The Mole
They re supposed to be just
Different kinds of guys
In the same outfit
Hence the masks
Mobile L (GM): I getcha
Mole is speshul
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mole is special since he s the only one with glasses
And a brown balaclva
Mobile L (GM): A furry fuck who mingled with the wrong guys
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well-organized outfit
Mobile L (GM): Life o crime
MrEForEccentric (GM): Theirs is a life not many live
Mobile L (GM): His fursona:
MrEForEccentric (GM): He likes to be in with the cool kids
Mobile L (GM): It makes him feel important and not like a loser
MrEForEccentric (GM): The Mole has a deep and tragic story that you only get if
you pre-order our campaign
Mobile L (GM): Only $59.99
MrEForEccentric (GM): You also get the nudity pack
Mobile L (GM): Exclusive H-scenes featuring Clement Fehrmann and Florian Gaffner
Misor: Experience the joy of fighting me- with my donger out
Tanit: Why are you even paying money for this, I have my tits out all the time i
n this form
Yarikh: Oh my goodness, I would just hate to be distracted from our epic space b
attle by some big, strong MOT giving it to me in the alien booty~
Shapash: I do like me some schoolgirls
Tisiphone: Tisiphone, more like TITSiphone, amirite boys?~
Arnaud Abandonato: I don t even know
What is
Xipimo tell me what we should do
Lipimo Xitiut: We should FUCK LIKE ANIMALS, that s what we should do
Shirou Emiya: I call dibs on Sakura
Ilya Emiya: Ngh... You guys can go be icky, I m technically underage, soooooo...
Mobile L (GM): Blurp, I gotta go now
MrEForEccentric (GM): Damn
So long
Mobile L (GM): Later, brah
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m trying to fill up the chat
So the Fury-chat isn t seen
Doo doo doo
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, let me assist you
Even though you re gone
Players, please no peeking at the archives ;)
Or at least not, like, extensive scouring
We got some spoilers up in this bitch

I hope that our few remaining friends

Mobile L (GM): Give up on trying to save us
I hope we come up with a fail-safe plot
To piss off the dumb few that forgave us
Fall down beneath their own weight
I hope the fences we mended
Mobile L (GM): And I hope we hang on past the last exit
I hope it s already too late
And I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here
Someday burns down
And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away
Mobile L (GM): And I never come back to this town again
In my life, I hope I lie
And tell everyone you were a good wife
I hope we both die
And I hope you die
Mobile L (GM): I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow
I hope it bleeds all day long
Our friends say it s darkest before the sun rises
We re pretty sure they re all wrong
Mobile L (GM): I hope it stays dark forever
And I hope you blink before I do
I hope the worst isn t over
And I hope I never get sober
You can t find one good thing to say
Mobile L (GM): And I hope when you think of me years down the line
And I d hope that if I found the strength to walk out
You d stay the hell out of my way
I am drowning, there is no sign of land
You are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand
Mobile L (GM): I hope we both die
And I hope you die
If my prayer be not humble, make it so
In these last hours, if the spirit waits in check, help me let it go
And should my suffering double, let me never love you less
Let every knee be bent and every tongue confess
Mobile L (GM):
And I won t get better
But someday I ll be free
Cause I am not this body
That imprisons me
Mobile L (GM): I read the magazines somebody brought
Hold them to my failing eyes until my hands get hot
And when the nurse comes in to change my sheets and clothes
The pain begins to travel, dancing as it goes
And I won t get better
Mobile L (GM): But someday I ll be free
Cause I am not this body
That imprisons me
If my prayer goes unanswered, that s alright
If my path fills with darkness and there s no sign of light
Mobile L (GM): Let me praise you for the good times, let me hold your banner hig
Until the hills are flattened and the rivers all run dry
And I won t get better
But someday I ll be free
Cause I am not this body
Mobile L (GM): That imprisons me
Downtown north past the airport
A dream in switchgrass and concrete

Three gray floors of smoky windows

Facing the street
Mobile L (GM): Michael pulls the blinds back up
Stares blankly at the intersection
Watching for the guy who s got the angel dust
Crystal clear connection
Days like dominos
Mobile L (GM): All in a line
We cheer for the home team every time
Lakeside View, Lakeside View
Lakeside View for my whole crew
Most nights now sleep in the kitchen
Mobile L (GM): Keep my face cool on the floor
And John, John comes by to drop off his envelopes
Still playing postman after all these years
Pull down my army surplus jacket
Dig through some drawers to find the keys
Mobile L (GM): Emerge transformed in a million years
From days like these
Under each eye little greasepaint smudge
You can t judge us - you re not the judge
Lakeside View, Lakeside View
Mobile L (GM): Lakeside View for my whole crew
And just before I leave
I throw up in the sink
One whole life recorded
In disappearing ink
Mobile L (GM):
And Ray left a message thumbtacked to the door
I don t even bother trying to read them anymore
Lakeside View Lakeside View,
Lakeside View for my whole crew
Mobile L (GM): Okay
No excessive peeping at the archives plz, unspoilered Furies and important plot
Space: so my hunch was correct
Space: mobile is here but she seems to be quiet....
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Just checking Space but you still can t see stuff in Suspicious folk can you
Or anything in the Angels section
Space: i see demifury
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah yes
Space: i am just heinously bored
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: rip
whats the bodycount
MrEForEccentric (GM): 5
I think
Lancer will be killed... by the story
Mobile L (GM): Blurp I m here
Sorry, was tabbed over
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excellent

Space: yo
Mobile L (GM): Hallo
MrEForEccentric (GM): So what happpen
Mobile L (GM): Not a whole lot, just kinda chillin before bed
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aiiight
Space: i m trawling through roblox
Mobile L (GM): What horrors did you unearth?
Space: a five nights at freddys rp
some kinda anime vampire rp that i haven t tried
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh no
Mobile L (GM): Everyone on Roblox is lining up to suck Freddy Fazbear s dick, I
Space: yes
there s this cool military game involving VEHICLES
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
What s it called?
Space: armored patrol
Mobile L (GM): Hig s mentioned it before
Sounds pretty kool
Space: does he talk to you about roblox games often
Mobile L (GM): Yep, every now and then
Mobile L (GM): He says they re updating the engine and shit
Space: i found the best browser game ever
Mobile L (GM): What am it?
Space: you re a newspaper writer, and have to write articles for newspapers
but you have to do them fast before your deadline
and all the articles get published online
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, yes
I have played that before
It s pretty unnerving
Space: it s hilarious just reading what everyeone else has come up with
Mobile L (GM): Oh wait, my bad, I was thinking of a different game
Space: oooh
God bless
Space: I m sorry for all the typoes boss it s just my all of my hands are so sha
ky from the coffeee. Everything is dying
Mobile L (GM): our mayor has been acused of a horrendous sexual scandal that cou
ld easily put anyone into doubts about him. but i can catergorically say that th
is can be very easily disproven. our mayo has really told us that the incident w
ith th german sausages was simply a circumstance where he fell over upon pulling
german sausages out of the fridge and falling over.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Shirou and Shiki: DATE ERRYONE
Mobile L (GM): Oh my Gawd
Did Seer write that one?
Space: i feel hed like this game
Mobile L (GM): I think he d love it
Space: heres the link
this is a good game for writing prompts
erotciton forevver
Mobile L (GM): That was me
Space: wallace breen
well i never knew you liked narwhal tusks so much
Mobile L (GM): They re so some damn hot
Space: oh gosh
it s harrowing to try to do one w/o typoes

MrEForEccentric (GM): EXTRAAAAA

Mobile L (GM): YesOh jesus, yws
My newest piece
The economy is pretty goddamn important. We can all agree on that. I think that it
s getting pretty godawful lately because i tried to buy gas and i only had an 20$
and i couldn t get more than 10 gallons. what the fuck have we come to. help, Ob
ama. Help. Please make it stop. Make the pain stop. Please
Space: amazing
is it just me or does it get faster and faster
Mobile L (GM): I think it does
oh god
i barely eked that last one out
this next one will kill me
i will make it my letter of resignation
our newest reporter
eldritch s.: i wrote a thing
i went apeshit at the end
oh same
eldritch s.: i was told to right anytrhing
Space: i ve been fired
Mobile L (GM): God damn it John. Al. Ism
Space: Journe "El Ism" will be joining our news department
Mobile L (GM): )
eldritch s.: do you think you will get milage out of the songs i supplied
i keep going apeshit at the enfd
Mobile L (GM): Same
And yes, I think they ll be very useful
Space: it gets faster and faster
Mobile L (GM): Look at my newest headline
Space: cocaine
i forget mobile did i tell you about my gilded woods fellow
eldritch s.: i wish i could correct typos
Space: too much time
eldritch s.: useless fucking editors
Mobile L (GM): I read about him, and I c wut u did thar
Space: he he
"it s a slow news day, write about whatever the hell you want"
eldritch s.: Stpclks are down this year. Kenya has encountered a Tulip Bulb scare, w
hich threatens the global econ[o t even now. It s rather dreaful haow the moneyt
floats into the river like thei dead bodies i put there the darkbe[nnrdxx coems
for my text run rurn urnfru rn rurn ru rnr get out kill
Space: kill
Sakura could probably beat Rin up. I mean, Sakura has purple hair, while Rin is dumb
and has twintals, Furthermore, HEavens Feel is much better than Unlimited Blade Worlks
doue to archer s arm and shirou doing the thing and nine lives blade works NIN E
LIVES BLADEWORKS so cool and also i liked that bad ending it wasn t one you d ex
pect; however some bad things about this arc were gilgamesh got killed off and t
hat was basically dumb, but overall i m happy with fate/stay night and my life c
well that s enough jounralsim for one niht
MrEForEccentric (GM): Space. I m sorry.
But your waifu is shit

Space: i don t see you writing a scholarly article about it

MrEForEccentric (GM): I don t need to prove
That Taiga is the best
Mobile L (GM): The journalists are slowly losing it
Space: it s these damned deadlines
MrEForEccentric (GM): Anyhow
I have finished
Space: dumbest idea: bring jounralist into fg
MrEForEccentric (GM): Carnival Phantasm
Space: did you watch the EX season
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: whatd you thank
thee fucling deadlinea
MrEForEccentric (GM): Kick in the face
Instant love
Space: they get faster
@olive: hee
MrEForEccentric (GM): "I met My Master when she kicked me in the face"
Space: aoko
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Space: whose your favorite carnival phantasm
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lancer
Space: lancer died
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
But then he prevented his deaths
Buuut still died in the end
Space: can t keep a good man down
Mobile L (GM): I gotta stop with that game, it s freezing my browser
Space: same
it was a good game
MrEForEccentric (GM): I can t even load up the page
Lipimo Xitiut: Hey fuckers, I m actually in the campaign
So what do you think about that
Sakura Emiya: jesus shit
Mobile L (GM): Yes, Lipimo confirmed for actual guy
Sakura Emiya: pass me the cocaine
Lipimo Xitiut: I m homeless, not a druggie
Sakura Emiya: no i need it to deal with you
Lipimo Xitiut: My Surname s Xitiut not Juufuku
Now- lemme tell you something that ll blow yer fucking mind
There s a mole in MIDAS
I betcha
Just wait until I m proven.
eldritch s.: did you see my llast report
Sakura Emiya: it s kotomine
Mobile L (GM): I did
Sakura Emiya: no what was it
Mobile L (GM): RIP
Brave man
Lipimo Xitiut: Kotomine doesn t even exist in this setting, I strangled him with
my bare hands.
eldritch s.: i want to see lipimo s face uplcose
Lipimo Xitiut: As for Rin... People die when they are killed
Space: i didn t know you loved bigfoot mobile
Mobile L (GM): He was so tall and handsome
Lipimo Xitiut: I m under townfolk, people

Butting right in between your family shit

Mobile L (GM): Homeless Sicilian chap
eldritch s.: homeless
space link them the picture of floriam
wit he mustache and golfcap
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, gimme
Space: he s shirtless
Mobile L (GM): I ll pop it in
And I can dress him, spriteways
Space: have him be shirtless ingame
Mobile L (GM): Look at all our MIDAS staff s nice portraits, tho
eldritch s.: this song just sounds like
Space: a kind man
eldritch s.: weird psychological complex time
Space: yknow florian is literallty the only guy we can trust
Lipimo Xitiut: Nah, nah, nah- You can trust the crazy conspiracy theory nut who
s a homeless man
eldritch s.: space and i preemptively made decisions about the morality of the s
Space: ooh
kiritsugu and illya
eldritch s.: we determined midas must be more evil than nerv because they e nice
r on the surface
Sakura Emiya: WE
Shirou Emiya: YEAH
eldritch s.: and the ariety of evil in the staff
didn t wee say prokopis and alessandra were really evil
Sakura Emiya: you did
i think, personally
that prokopsis isn t evil, just misguided
in addition, we decided that julia was a scummy kind of evil
eldritch s.: i think that julia ia scummy yeah
evil not in malice, just in seeking her our benefits
chillikov doesn t seem evil
Mobile L (GM): Interesting observations
eldritch s.: arnaud looks
too rough to be evil
Lipimo Xitiut: Pfft. You think the people fighting for humanity are evil? I bet
you re waiting to get into bed with the next Fury! What are they- Tanit? They re
naming them after gods, right? Man- I bet she s just going to come along and se
duce all of you, considering how you don t seem to trust your own allies.
eldritch s.: maybe a bit of a dick
Sakura Emiya: arnaud reminds me of guy fieri
he has that food critic look
eldritch s.: ipazzia seems
very calculating
Sakura Emiya: femme fatale
eldritch s.: there is a song called pazzia i uploaded
coincidence? probably
Space: the hell kind of a name is lipimo
eldritch s.: a randomly generated one
Lipimo Xitiut: Fuck you, that s what kind
eldritch s.: that roll twenty made
Sakura Emiya: Y-you re very frightening...
Space: but in-universe
eldritch s.: also i would assume if i did not know better

that florian was like

Lipimo Xitiut: Eh, your MOTs are probably made partly out of your subconscious a
nyway. And wow- do you like the color purple, young lady.
eldritch s.: serial killer evil
Space: is it because he s shirtless
Sakura Emiya: W-wha...?!
eldritch s.: because he looks sp kind
Space: he s
he s so proud of you, hiram
Lipimo Xitiut: Yeah- the color purple, right?
Sakura Emiya: ...It... it s beautiful...
Lipimo Xitiut: Beautiful? It s a towering eyesore.
Space: heracles s dick is bigger than richard
Lipimo Xitiut: At LEAST it s not that godawful Heracles
Space: the dick is where the pilots hide in
Hiram Hegel: Sakura. Why are you interacting with a transient.
Sakura Emiya: H-he just came up to me...!
Mobile L (GM): Big ol Richard on that guy
Hiram Hegel: I see.
Lipimo Xitiut: It s cause I know more than you know, you see
Space: medusa is average-size
but she s the second-smallest mot
Sakura Emiya: ...E-eat him, not me! He s slimy!
Sakura Emiya shoves Hiram at Lipimo
Mobile L (GM): Big n tall
Sakura Emiya and runs away
Lipimo Xitiut laughs
Lipimo Xitiut: I m not a cannibal!
Hiram Hegel: You would not be here if you know more than I do.
eldritch s.: i can only imagine when ths song would play
Space: is lipimo an ex-pilot
did he go insane
Lipimo Xitiut: Oh-ho-ho?
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mobile L (GM): I vaguely have some stuff in mind
Lipimo Xitiut: And what if I chose poverty?
Mobile L (GM): For the song
Lipimo Xitiut: Haven t you heard- wealth is a sin?
Space: mobile i have a question
Hiram Hegel cannot hind the fac that he is embarrased by her comment
Mobile L (GM): Hm?
Lipimo Xitiut: Poverty is the true virtue in life y know
Hiram Hegel: ...
Lipimo Xitiut: To find happiness in this state- is the truest happiness.
Space: is lipimo hiram from the future - bitter after years of strife and tormen
t, yet the embodiment of all hiram s ideas
Hiram Hegel: Has that gone your way.
Space: who seeks to kill hiram
to end his wretched existence
Mobile L (GM): No, Lipimo is not Red Archer
Lipimo Xitiut relaxes back
Space: damn
Lipimo Xitiut: Yeah, I d say it has

Hiram Hegel: Congratulations.

Mobile L (GM): Lipimo is some nutty homeless fella who prolly got his job stole
by all the foreigners
Hiram Hegel: he got laid off
to accomodate
budget allocation
to hr
and florian
Florian Gaffner: But do you even know what branch of MIDAS I work in, my son.
Space: gotta pay for those posters somehow
Hiram Hegel: what branch
Florian Gaffner: You ll have to find out
Sakura Emiya: H-he s the Operations Director, isn t he...?
Florian Gaffner: When the carnival begins
Hiram Hegel: what
Mobile L (GM): I am most curious
Arnaud Abandonato: Motherfucker- I m the Operations Director!
Sakura Emiya: I-I m sorry, sir! Please don t yell at me!
Hiram Hegel: Yes sir.
Mobile L (GM): What about the people you cited as evil strikes you as evil?
eldritch s.: their appearence
coupeled with what i know of their roles
Space: yeah we re just completely extrapolating based off of their portrait
eldritch s.: and eva things in genera;
Space: prokopsis looks like he s got a weight on his shoulders
MrEForEccentric (GM): Things are definitely
Different from Eva
eldritch s.: it s mostly intuition
Space: this is of course assuming you are basing any of their personality/role o
ff of their pics
MrEForEccentric (GM): Do not use your knowledge of Eva to try and gain insight
Mobile L (GM): Oohoo
MrEForEccentric (GM): It will not work
Space: (Damn... Now I know what it s like to be on the other end of cryptic GMs!
eldritch s.: arnaud does look like a critic
i like his face
Mobile L (GM): We re gon be cryptic as f
Hee. I just found his portrait today, actually
Space: arnaud looks like the kind of guy you d either get along well with, or no
t at all
Misor: She ll be comin round the mountain when she comes
She ll be comin round the mountain when she comes
"Medusa" shotgun
eldritch s.: everyone loves your misor
Mobile L (GM): He s the sexiest Fury
And perhaps the sexiest NPC
eldritch s.: no one can resist him
Space: but he s definitely nt the sexiest pc
everyone turns to look at hiram
eldritch s.: with his
clammy skin
Space: that
subcutaneous layer
eldritch s.: of slime

Misor gets hot under the collar

eldritch s.: that can slide around unnvervingly if you grab him
that vry slightly gelatinous sweat
and gendo glasses
i mean honestly gendo has very shiny glasses
Gunman: Too bad he will die in act 2
Mobile L (GM): ( ) friendly reminder that shipping hiram and misor normalizes salt ov
erdoses and that you re a cumdumpster shitlord if you do, sweetie ;)
Space: are you guys gonna make bios for everyone
Mobile L (GM): Yep, we will
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Even the enemy types
Space: good, good
MrEForEccentric (GM): One
eldritch s.: i always picture
MrEForEccentric (GM): In particular
eldritch s.: hiram writhing like a fish
MrEForEccentric (GM): Is dear to our hearts
eldritch s.: trying to get out of a bear hug
Sakura Emiya hugs Hiram
MrEForEccentric (GM): Sakura and Fish
eldritch s.: and just slipping out because of the layer
Mobile L (GM): Poor little guy
Sakura Emiya: Hee hee... hey, Hiram!
Here s your water!
Hiram Hegel begins trying to slip out
Sakura Emiya offers him a bottle of water
Hiram Hegel: WH- what!/
Sakura Emiya: Take iiit!~
Hiram Hegel: Y- you hugged me.
Sakura Emiya: That s how we say hello, in my country! Or somethign!
Shirou Emiya: Tch... never hugs me anymore...
Hiram Hegel: Do not- dont hug me again.
Ilya Emiya: B-but siiiiiiiiis! The Japanese value their personal space, ya dummy
Shirou Emiya: Ilya, don t turn into Pent
Sakura Emiya: Illya, be quiet...!
Ilya Emiya: I am needy today!
Space: have you guys decided whose playing who
MrEForEccentric (GM): We haven t yet
Ilya Emiya: Is there a McDonalds around here? :<
Sakura Emiya: Illya, I m going to throw you off the MOT...
Shirou Emiya: Ilya, I swear to god- I ll leave you to the Mafia
Ilya Emiya: Y-you wouldn t... You love your big sis!
Who is smaller than you.
Due to a growth condition, maybe.
: >
Sakura Emiya: ...Shirou, do you think Kiritsugu would believe us if we said a ho
meless man kidnapped Illyasviel?
Shirou Emiya: I was going to say the Mafia.
More believable.
They have sex rings.
Sakura Emiya: This isn t a movie, Shirou...

Hiram Hegel: ...

Kiritsugu Emiya: ...You kids gonna try dumb shit with my daughter?
Hiram Hegel begins trying to climb down
Shirou Emiya: This is Sicily!
Sakura Emiya: E-eep!!
Kiritsugu Emiya PARENTAL STARE
Shirou Emiya: Sicily is likeHome of the Mafia!
Sakura Emiya: (Shirou..!)
eldritch s.: so
just to know
i forget how
Kiritsugu Emiya: I m gonna disown the both of you right now if you don t get Ily
a her McDonald s Happy Meal.
eldritch s.: would one roll for a thing in adeva
Sakura Emiya: Okay! Okay!
Ilya Emiya: :3
Sakura Emiya runs off to find a McDonalds
MrEForEccentric (GM): It is a 1d100 I believe
eldritch s.:
MrEForEccentric (GM): with modifiers
Ilya Emiya: I want chicken nuggets, Daddy!~
eldritch s.: what would hiram roll for climbing down them ot
Mobile L (GM): Olive
Space: illya is always a devil child
Mobile L (GM): I cal Ilya
Dibs on this demonlet
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ok
eldritch s.: physique, okay
just 1d100
plus that
MrEForEccentric (GM): 1d100 -10 modifier since a MOT would be pretty damn tricky
to climb down with all those SMOOTH SURFACES
Ilya Emiya: Eeheeheehee, you re gonna have to roll alllllllll those dice to find
out, aren tcha?~
MrEForEccentric (GM): however it is only -10 due to familiarity with the MOT
eldritch s.: sp
1d100 plus sixteen
then, yes?
minus ten out of hte phsyqiue score
MrEForEccentric (GM): No, you compare your result to the 1d100 result
I mean- score
eldritch s.: i beg your pardon
so do i roll the 1d100 or not
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
eldritch s.: just the 1d100?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
eldritch s.: rolling 1d100

= 97
MrEForEccentric (GM): He fails spectacularly
eldritch s.: wow so i think i get it
Space: i thought it was incomparison to olive s roll?
eldritch s.: so his physique
has to
MrEForEccentric (GM): That s if it s opposed
eldritch s.: the 1d100 roll?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
eldritch s.: jesus
MrEForEccentric (GM): You always have to roll under the score you re aiming for
Space: jesus
MrEForEccentric (GM): Though
eldritch s.: describe his failure for me
MrEForEccentric (GM): I think Skills have higher than your actual personal score
Space: what s the roll to find
the macdonalds
HIRAM being the complete sack of useless shit he is, slips on the SMOOTH-ASS sur
face and tumbles toward the pavement. His path is both bloody, and gruesome
Lipimo Xitiut: Wow.
What a sack of shit.
Ilya Emiya: ...Oooooooh!~ He died.
I m traumatized now, Daddy. Can I get some ice cream, too?
Kiritsugu Emiya: Yes, sweetheart.
Lipimo Xitiut: Looks like someone else will have to pilot Aganemnon...
Space: tell me...
Lipimo Xitiut picks up Hiram s glasses
Ilya Emiya: Yay!~
Lipimo Xitiut puts them on
Lipimo Xitiut: It is time.
eldritch s.: he tears off his bum clothes
he s naked
Lipimo Xitiut tears off his bum clothes to reveal... a blue body suit!?
oh right do the pilots have seperate sprites
while in plug suitr
Ilya Emiya: O-ooh... Not yet. :<
Narration: I don t know why I exist...
When /desc has taken all of my role.
eldritch s.: the lost fury
Ilya Emiya: You re outdated, Narrator-san.
Narration: I just want my waifus.
Then I ll be happy.
eldritch s.: it s like the stanley parable
"Medusa" accidentally steps on illya
Ilya Emiya: Eeeeek! Oh shiiiiii
Ilya Emiya SQUOOSH
eldritch s.: what language is the cast speaking
Ilya Emiya DIES
Space: ooh yeah langauges
Narration: The cast speaks fluent Italian all the goddamn time

Space: maybe english, since everyones likely-ish to know it?

Narration: Just roll with it
Space: oh ok
eldritch s.: i would assume italian
Mobile L (GM): Erryone learned Eye-talian
eldritch s.: because midas is just that great
it s just that fucking good you guys
Sakura Emiya: Erm... Buon... giorno, Comandante-san?
MrEForEccentric (GM): MIDAS uses the language of the Borgias
Trustworthy people
Sakura Emiya: your an asshoel
their motto
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mobile, I need you to draw me taking Narration out back, w
ith a tear rolling down my eye as I load a shotgun
"You re just too old, little buddy..."
eldritch s.: but then he pulls out a gun
and shoots you
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m like Doc Brown- in that I always come prepared after a
schoolkid friend of mine timetravels and nearly fucks his mom
It s only then that it s revealed I had a bulletproof vest
Space: so guys
Mobile L (GM): Eehee, can do
Space: i need you to vote on something
Mobile L (GM): Hm?
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok
Is it the general election
eldritch s.: option b
MrEForEccentric (GM): Cause I am voting in that
eldritch s.: wilkommen
Space: bazett, kotomine, shirou, sakura, illya, rin, souichirou, or dark sakura
MrEForEccentric (GM): BAZETT
eldritch s.: what is this for
Space: fighting game matchups
MrEForEccentric (GM): BAZET
eldritch s.: kotomine
MrEForEccentric (GM): BAZETT
Space: mobile s the tiebreaker
MrEForEccentric (GM): vote Bazett for a brighter future
eldritch s.: vote kotomine or i hurt you
and then he will get a boner
Mobile L (GM): Kotomine
eldritch s.: no boner for him
Mobile L (GM): He is stronk
MrEForEccentric (GM): But- Bazett........
Space: i still otta pick the opponent dun worry
MrEForEccentric (GM): Opponent- Dark Sakura
Space: not just yet
next is kotomine s servant
MrEForEccentric (GM): Kotomine s Servant- Saber
What is this anyway
Space: the problem is

MrEForEccentric (GM): ANd where can I find it

Space: this game freezes a lot
you d have to download it off one sketchy site or another, wouldn t recommend
MrEForEccentric (GM): oh no
What is it called
Space: crucis fatal fake
ok kotomine s servanta
avenger, gilgamesh, lancer, saber, rider, caster, berserker, fake assassin, true
assassin, or saber alter
eldritch s.: gil
MrEForEccentric (GM): Saber
Space: mobile is once again tiebreaker
eldritch s.: wait
with his gay bulge
Space: seer you ve picked both of kotomine s servants
eldritch s.: kotomine s dildo collection will be unstoppab;e
Space: since mobile died i m going with the gay bulge
who is the master kotomine and lancer will fight
eldritch s.: i didn t actually know that
Mobile L (GM): Wait no I m back
eldritch s.: i was just feeling capricious
Mobile L (GM): I m spriting Floriam
eldritch s.: they shall fight
Mobile L (GM): What s the question again?
eldritch s.: biggus dickus and the black knight
Space: who is the master kotomine will fight
bazett, shirou, sakura, illya, rin, souichirou, or dark sakura
MrEForEccentric (GM): Dark Sakura
Mobile L (GM): Shirou
eldritch s.: dark sak
Mobile L (GM): damn.......
MrEForEccentric (GM): Avenger as Servant
eldritch s.: avenger
Space: kotomine and lancer vs. dark sakura and avenger
dark sakura and avenger is actually really fittiing, considering
eldritch s.: yes
the vatican
Space: Fencing Hall, Mr. Emiya s residence, Homurabara Private School, Fuyuki Br
oad Bridge, Seaside Park, Ryudouji Temple, Schloss Einzbern, Suburban Forest, Sh
into Center Bldg, Foreign Cemetery, Underground Cavern
eldritch s.: park
MrEForEccentric (GM): Emiya s residence
They both found eachother stalking Shirou
There can be only one
Space: also, day or night
eldritch s.: f
MrEForEccentric (GM): day
Space: tiers
prove avenger is the shittiest servant
Mobile L (GM): Beehold
eldritch s.: he looks mad
Mobile L (GM): That s because his glasses are kinda wonk
I had to draw them myself
MrEForEccentric (GM): How goes the drawing
Space: sorry was busy wrecking sakura s shit
Mobile L (GM): Eep, I ve been too busy on Florian. But I can start nowwwwww.
Space: he looks very busnesslike

Mobile L (GM): Professionally attired

MrEForEccentric (GM): Suitable for his position
Lipimo Xitiut: So let me tell you a story
All about how
My life got flip turned upside down
And so if you just sit for a minute right there
Space: is he a lawyer
Lipimo Xitiut: I ll tell you all about how I became the pimpmeister of Syracuse
I am the Pimp of Pimps
MrEForEccentric (GM): Sakura, I m hijacking your MOT
Lipimo Xitiut: Is what I said
eldritch s.: cue ode to joy
Lipimo Xitiut: Y know it s a fun fact
Lipimo Xitiut: But this is the EU national anthem
eldritch s.: i dislike vine
eldritch s.: it never works for me
Lipimo Xitiut takes Medusa for a joyride
eldritch s.: an
ode to oyride
Shirou Emiya: This plays in my head everytime I see Sakura...!
Sakura Emiya: what is your obsession with me like freal
Shirou Emiya eyes sparkle
Shirou Emiya: Everything
Sakura Emiya:
Shirou Emiya nosebleds and falls unconscious off the ampitheatre
Space: the quest of attempting to get spaz to read f/sn continues
MrEForEccentric (GM): You couldn t have used the animes instead
Space: that s far too easy olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): But the vns...
Are vns...
Space: reading things is nice olive
try it sometime
MrEForEccentric (GM): Bitch I m reading The Iliad
And I have both The Aeneid and The Odyssey now too
Space: what you can t read one book at a time
MrEForEccentric (GM): That s what I m doing
eldritch s.: tch...
Mobile L (GM):
eldritch s.: why do anything
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lettuce hope spaz doesn t find the mana transfer ridiculou
Space: why does the narrator look like tesla
@seer: edgy
MrEForEccentric (GM) boom

Space: @olive: by that point she should be already invested

MrEForEccentric (GM): He s dead, jim
Mobile L (GM): Narrator is actually Dane Tesla, the older Tesla brother, from an
AU where Nikola died instead
Space: is he a heroic spirit
MrEForEccentric (GM): But
Jam it in
the vagoo
Mobile L (GM): He s a less powerful Caster
eldritch s.: the ponos
Mobile L (GM): Probably some poetry fucker like Shakespeare
eldritch s.: also seawater in the yes
like a motherfucker
theme of sakura
who killed her dad
it was florian
Demifury: It was ME!
Lipimo Xitiut: I thought it was a Frenchie
eldritch s.: florian is a demifury
Arnaud Abandonato: Wait... Wait, I thought it was me...
I m confused...
Space: oh my god
Lipimo Xitiut: No, not a Half-Italian Frenchie
Space: there s a one piece game on roblox
Arnaud Abandonato: Ohhhh. Okay.
Arnaud Abandonato fucks off somewhere
eldritch s.: he s napoleon
come back
Mobile L (GM): Damn
Arnaud Abandonato: No
eldritch s.: you have a nice facd
Arnaud Abandonato: Th-thank you... //////
eldritch s.: his soft spot is revealed
i will stab you in it
Ipazzia Scuderi: Arnaud! Stop getting flattered! You re being distracted...!
Arnaud Abandonato: But... But it feels so nice...
eldritch s.: i have a feeling
that someone
Space: ipazzia scuderi
ipad scuzzy
eldritch s.: will end up being like blake from heavy rain
Ipazzia Scuderi: So does chlorine gas, you imbecile!
Arnaud Abandonato: :c
Arnaud Abandonato re-fucks off
eldritch s.:
Ipazzia Scuderi kicks him up the rear to make sure he keeps that way
eldritch s.:
blake is just
so hilariously awful
he s a cowboy cop who takes loose canon so far
he becomes a fucking psychopath
Mobile L (GM): FUCKIN ASSHOLE!!!!!

eldritch s.: that s basically him

he busts down unlocked doors
Mobile L (GM): Hank, minus all the charisma
eldritch s.: arrests innocent people
threatens to shoot fbi agents
Mobile L (GM): God damn
eldritch s.: commits petty theft
swears at the mentally ill
beats witnesses
beats suspects
Ipazzia Scuderi: beats his schlong
eldritch s.: all day long
Mobile L (GM): Jesus
MrEForEccentric (GM): Anyway
I am heading
For sleep
Space: nigte olevi
eldritch s.: good night
Mobile L (GM): G night
Space: then there were three
Mobile L (GM): Ipad Scuzzy
eldritch s.: hrm
i think i ve made good progress for today on my pet project, wouldn t you say so
Mobile L (GM) s eyebrow goes uuuuuuuuuup
eldritch s.: oh i have a little
pet project roll20
i intend to work on sporadically
Mobile L (GM): king_harkinian_hrrrm.wav
Space: i don t know what your project is so i couldnt say
i am being a pirate
eldritch s.: it s basically supposed to be pathologic but not
Space: what should i name my pirate ship
eldritch s.: the one i showed you space
Space: well i should say
i don t know what progress you made on it
besiddes music map
eldritch s.: the gray sloth, in honor of the thing
Mobile L (GM): Call it Yarr Harr Fiddle Dee Dee
Fuck, my laptop is so mad at me r/n
Can we move to a chatzy?
eldritch s.: sure
Mobile L (GM): I m afraid the thing will keel over
Lemme set up a room
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ayayay
Mobile L (GM): Ey
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ooooh
Where is Arnaud
Mobile L (GM): I m gonna make him next
My computer started making upsetting noises after I finished Ipazzia
Would he have a uniform like Julia and Sandra, sorta?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Mobile L (GM): A ight. What color?
MrEForEccentric (GM): I d say- go for blue
Mobile L (GM): Okies
Light blue or dark blue?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Dark blue

Mobile L (GM): Kewl

MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah goo
Mobile L (GM): Frenchie bros
MrEForEccentric (GM): Was just checking that they didn t look the same
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha
eldritch s.: i m like a moth
attarcted to gatherings of people
MrEForEccentric (GM): Darn
eldritch s.: so i guess maybe more like a mosquito
i m going to give you malaria, olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): Why are you here- here to force us to whisper
eldritch s.: i just decided to come on down and ee if anything was up
MrEForEccentric (GM): There is nothing but plans r/n
eldritch s.: i m bored and in a bit ll be gone till twelve at least
i d probably only get home at like
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
eldritch s.: three in the morning
so i just wanted to talk before i go on my quest
MrEForEccentric (GM): Look upon the sprites
Of the MIDAS staff members
eldritch s.: is that illya
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
eldritch s.: she looks not out of place at an anime rave
arnaud, yes?
Ilya Emiya: Hiiiiiiiiii, Seer-kun!
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Ipazzia is next to him
eldritch s.: what i thought
Shirou Emiya: Yes
I am still dead
eldritch s.: DA CHIEF
Shirou Emiya: Yes
Mobile L (GM): Head honcho
Shirou Emiya: Should I summon the others
Unlimited Old People Works
eldritch s.: "but damn if my kitty posters don t get results"
it opens into the reality marble
which is a retirement home
dr. prokopis
Shirou Emiya: Prokopis yes
eldritch s.: blond is julia, i suspec
Shirou Emiya: Blonde is indeed Julia
eldritch s.: with the process of elimination, then the other one is chillikov
Julia Harriet: I hope Winston-sempai notices me...
Mobile L (GM): Yep, that is Chilikov
eldritch s.: does she have a BF named winston and/or smith
Shirou Emiya: It s Winston Churchill
Julia is British
eldritch s.: she is in a relationship with winston churchill
Mobile L (GM): Her only sempai is Elvis
Shirou Emiya: I will make Sakura notice me...!
Ilya Emiya: You re so frickin creepy, little bro!

eldritch s.: you know what s funny

Mobile L (GM): Whet
eldritch s.: in pathologic
petr and andrei statmin
both refer to each other as
"my bro"
Mobile L (GM): Oh wow
Shirou Emiya: At least I m not hitting on YOU Ilya
eldritch s.: "I ll never betray my bro!"
Ilya Emiya: ...Point taken.
Shirou Emiya: Besides
Shirou Emiya: Adopted Sister
And all
Ilya Emiya: It s still weeeeeeeeeird.
Shirou Emiya: Love conquers all
eldritch s.: also i m slowly spreading the pathologic infection
to my family
Shirou Emiya: It will make killed people not die.
Mobile L (GM): Oohoo
eldritch s.: i ve just been discussing it with them
Ilya Emiya: I dunno... Have you ever read Frankenstein?
Shirou Emiya: Pfft. No.
Mobile L (GM): Convert the masses
eldritch s.: Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus
Ilya Emiya: Lotta people died there, and a guy got married to his adopted sis. C
I think not.
Shirou Emiya: Hey
H.G.Wells married his Cousin
eldritch s.: is shirou victor frankenstein
Shirou Emiya: And he was pretty successful
eldritch s.: who is his clearval
Shirou Emiya: That s a real life story
Top that
eldritch s.: hitler married his cousin
Ilya Emiya: Edgar Allen Poe married his cousin, who was only 14, and he died pen
niless and insane!
eldritch s.: probably died of rabies
Shirou Emiya: Oedipus killed his father and married his mother- and he became Ki
ng of Thebes!
eldritch s.: hapsburg chin
Ilya Emiya: Yeah, buuuuuuuut... He found out and had a big, awful freakout and s
tabbed his frickin eyes out and died!
Shirou Emiya: Well- well
Zeus and Hera
Were siblings
eldritch s.: shirou is playing dirty
Ilya Emiya: Zeus was a psychopathic rapist, and Hera was a crank bi... Uh... Mean
You can t wiiiiiin, bo~
Shirou Emiya: Well- you can t stop my love!
Ilya Emiya: W-well... Yeah, but decency and nature sure can.
Hiram Hegel: I m dead and this is weird.
MrEForEccentric (GM): My dick will challenge the heavens!
Ilya Emiya: Ew, frickin go back to be dead, ya weirdo!

Shirou Emiya: Whoops

Wrong character
Fucking shift and caps lock
Ilya Emiya: Can t you see I m trying to reason with my idiot bro?
Shirou Emiya: My dick will be the one to challenge the heavens!
Ilya Emiya: Ewww, no!
Hiram Hegel: Stop talking about incest, this is disturbing to me.
Ilya Emiya: Why don tcha tell him?
Shirou Emiya: Imma be the best
Like no-one ever was
Ilya Emiya: You re gonna be arrested like no one ever was.
Shirou Emiya: Not if we ELOPE
Hiram Hegel: Sakura s brother.
Please stop.
Ilya Emiya: Yeah, you heard the dead guy!
Shut the frick up!
Shirou Emiya: Fah. You re all just jealous that I m one of the reserve pilots...
Hiram Hegel: I was an actual pilot.
Them I fell of my MOT and died.
Ilya Emiya: Nah, Piloting s dumb. I m content to stay at home and play house!
Shirou Emiya: Yeah. Actual pilots are jealous of the reserves cause we don t ha
ve to do any of the fighting
Hiram Hegel: At least I was not left in the reserve, doing nothing, in favor of
my sister.
Who in my case does not exist.
Ilya Emiya: ...Hmmm...
You have white hair like me, sooooo... Maybe you re my long-lost brother?
Hiram Hegel: I doubt it.
Shirou Emiya: Fah- I don t need MIDAS! I ll just join NSIDAS and become better t
han you!
Hiram Hegel: Good luck with that.
eldritch s.: the only ones who accept him
and the one pilot is racist
MrEForEccentric (GM): But
Ilya Emiya: Aw, c mooooon, my adopted brother is gross!
MrEForEccentric (GM): The one pilot is Japanese-American
Ilya Emiya: Besides, you re talking dead guy.
eldritch s.: self loathing
Ilya Emiya: That s pretty cool!
Hiram Hegel: It s actually extremely painful.
I wish I was dead right now.
Shirou Emiya: Hey! I have more dimensions than my borderline incestuous adoratio
n for Sakura! Who is ADOPTED Sister!
Ilya Emiya: ...Hm. But lookit your head, you can still talk and it s facing at a
weird angle!
Hiram Hegel: You have a face like a melted doll.
Shirou Emiya: Th- Now you re picking on my acid burns!
Hiram Hegel: I would be screaming right now but speaking hurts.
Yes. I am.
Ilya Emiya: Eeheehee~
Shirou Emiya: You can t eat salt!
Hiram Hegel: Your powers of deduction are quite sharp.
Ilya Emiya: You re silly!
Hiram Hegel: I can eat salt. It would merely be unpleasant/
No, I am Hiram.
Ilya Emiya: Heeheeheeheehee!~
Hiram Hegel: Take me to a MIDAS officer, please.

Ilya Emiya: Can I annex myself from the Emiya family and move in with you? You r
e wayyyyy more fun!
Hiram Hegel: You woud have to get in the robot.
eldritch s.: the entire midas staff is just standing there
they don t care
he s expendable
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Honey. Honey, what are doing talking to that dead boy?
Hiram Hegel: I think I m just mortally wounded.
Ilya Emiya: Don t worry, Daddy, he s not a zombie!
Gunman exits from the alleyway
Ilya Emiya: I m gonna get in the robot so I can stay with him instead!
Gunman: I m here to supply your tragic origin story, Ilya
eldritch s.: john gunman
Ilya Emiya: ...Eeeeeeep!
Gunman shoots Kiritsugu
Ilya Emiya:
Gunman: Al right. I m done here.
Gunman walks back down the alley
Hiram Hegel: Contact an ambulance.
Shirou Emiya: I can still do it!
Shirou Emiya gets up off the ground
Hiram Hegel: Can someone please call an ambulance
Ilya Emiya screams like Spongebob in the Hash Slinging Slasher episode
Shirou Emiya: You re an Ambulance
Florian Gaffner: ...Oh my goodness! What happened here?
Shirou Emiya: Ilya- lets go to Mcdonalds!
Hiram Hegel: That doesn t even work out grammatically, Sakura s brother.
I fell of my MOT.
And a man was shot.
Ilya Emiya: AAAAA Ooh, you can take me?
Shirou Emiya: Yes!
I AM your brother after all
Ilya Emiya: Ooookay. I guess I m a lil orphan girl now! Eehee!~
Ilya Emiya skips over to Shirou
Shirou Emiya: You can be Batman!
Ilya Emiya: Yay!
eldritch s.: she s like a little hannibal lecter
Shirou Emiya: I m going to be- Jon Juan!
eldritch s.: hon huan
Ilya Emiya: Eww... But okay. I will begrudgingly tolerate your pervery if it wil
l net me unhealthy fast food!
Shirou Emiya: Yay!
Florian Gaffner: Ohoh my... Stay right there, son, I ll get you some help...
Shirou Emiya leads her down the alley to Mcdonalds
Florian Gaffner: ...Mmm, how do I work this... Cellular phone...?
Gunman casually eating a burger in Mcdonalds

eldritch s.: Please, just shoot me.

Hiram Hegel: i said that
Florian Gaffner: Hold on, now!
I ve almost got it!
...Hang in there, kitty!
Florian Gaffner beep... boop... beep... booooop...
Hiram Hegel tries to die quickly
Florian Gaffner: ...Ah, hello, is this emergency services?
...No, no, I don t want a pizza, sir...
an ambulance pulls up
Demifury gets out
Hiram Hegel is trying to die very hard
Florian Gaffner: Oh, I m sorry... Well... I guess... If you re still doing the f
ree breadsticks thing...
Florian Gaffner: ...Oh, I do love my breadsticks! Ohoho.
Hiram Hegel: He went to MCDonalds.
He has burns.
Florian Gaffner: Allllright, you have a good day too, sir!
Florian Gaffner beep
Hiram Hegel: I m perfectly fine.
Florian Gaffner: ...What was I doing again?
Demifury kicks Hiram on the ground
Hiram Hegel: Ow!
Florian Gaffner: Oh yes, are you emergency services?
Demifury: YES!
Florian Gaffner: This boy is half-dead!
Demifury kick kick kick
Hiram Hegel: That s not how you do anything.
Florian Gaffner: Oh, goodness, no!
You re only going to kill him more!
Demifury roundhouse kicks Florian
Florian Gaffner: ...I don t think you re a very reputable physiGHHHH!
...I m going to call the police.
Florian Gaffner DIALS ITALIAN 911
Hiram Hegel: i assume it s different
Florian Gaffner: Hello...? Police? I am being TERRORIZED!

eldritch s.: father and son

Florian Gaffner: ...Yes, very scared!
...Okay. Goodbye.
Florian Gaffner beep
Florian Gaffner: ...H-hang in there... kitty...
eldritch s.: they said
"hang in there kitt"
Florian Gaffner sheds a single tear
eldritch s.: and they all died
the end
return of furies
Mobile L (GM): A tragedy in three acts
eldritch s.: intensifies
Mobile L (GM): Eva has the best effing soundtrack, hands-down
eldritch s.: also is this version of second impact named yet, or is it still cal
led second impact
Mobile L (GM): Good question
I think Olive is kill
MrEForEccentric (GM): Sorry
Was pulled away
Mobile L (GM): No worries
MrEForEccentric (GM): To see an item on antiques roadshow
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
Love that show
MrEForEccentric (GM): It was part of the thing that covered Oliver Cromwell s ca
In his funeral procession
Mobile L (GM): Oh my goodness
How much was it appraised for?
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s one of the most historically significant items they v
e had
25,000 they said
Mobile L (GM): Daaaaayumn
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s tricky to value something like that
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, f real
MrEForEccentric (GM): Also
Second Impact is probably called The Baal Incident
eldritch s.: the baal incident
did he have an accident in his pants
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes, because it isn t the emergence of Furies
eldritch s.: and flooded the world
Mobile L (GM): So Iris is an Incident Baby
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s the ermergence of a particular Fury
eldritch s.: that sounds bad
incident baby
MrEForEccentric (GM): Before Baal ground forces could feasibly take down the Fur
eldritch s.: it sounds like he was an accident
Mobile L (GM): It sounds like a fancy term for being born out of wedlock
eldritch s.: *she
MrEForEccentric (GM): Baal Baby then
Mobile L (GM): Ooh yes
eldritch s.: that sounds spooky
Mobile L (GM): Better
eldritch s.: so there were furies before baal
Mobile L (GM): Footage of an actual Baal Baby:
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes

But they could be taken down by Ground Forces

With a lot of damage to the surroundings
But it was still possible
Then Baal came along
And fucked everything up
MrEForEccentric (GM): And finally made the cost much too great
eldritch s.: how much does the public know about furies
MrEForEccentric (GM): So they decided to make a better way to combat future Furi
eldritch s.: do they know the list
MrEForEccentric (GM): They do not know the names, except Baal
eldritch s.: of all the furies who have showed up
MrEForEccentric (GM): Because Baal actually appeared in everyone s dreams the ni
ght before his arrival
eldritch s.: i dream about baal
MrEForEccentric (GM): He announced his arrival like a baller
eldritch s.: what did baal do that was so bad
Mobile L (GM): Big Dick Badman
MrEForEccentric (GM): He basically devastated most of the entire planet
eldritch s.: was he just a badass motherfucker
MrEForEccentric (GM): He was
eldritch s.: RIP in peace
MrEForEccentric (GM): That was EVENTUALLY taken down by a joint operation in UNI
DAS forces
eldritch s.: so
when did the furies begin showing up
MrEForEccentric (GM): Five years prior to that
Or so
eldritch s.: what is the public knowledge version of why the furies showed up
if any
MrEForEccentric (GM): To the public, the Furies are explained to be alien
eldritch s.: gtg
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah
Mobile L (GM): Bye, Seer
Can we talk openly now that he s gone?
MrEForEccentric (GM): yes
Mobile L (GM): Cool
So would he wear a uniform?
I m honestly kinda displeased with his outfit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Mobile L (GM): The spriting web app is hit-or-miss with shit like that
Lemme redo him
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight, cool
Mobile L (GM): I guess we need to write bios soon, right?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, we do
Mobile L (GM): Do we hold off on that until we get all the NPCs, or can we go ah
Also, what color for Kerry s uniform?
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s a yellow, like the security guards you made
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, yes
I ll just put his head on that body, then
Easy peasy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Yey
MrEForEccentric (GM): We should almost
Move Kiritsugu into Midas staff
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, I think so
Just pop him in
MrEForEccentric (GM): Done

Mobile L (GM): Aw yeah

Officer Emiya
So since this isn t Fate, Ilya would be a regular human, right?
MrEForEccentric (GM): She would indeed
Mobile L (GM): I guess we d either explain it as a growth condition or just age
her down?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Age her down I d say
Mobile L (GM): Alright. That way, there s no chance for skeevery.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ilya is the little Sister that Shirou wouldn t be attracte
d to
Mobile L (GM): Yep
Say she s some bratty eight year-old
MrEForEccentric (GM): I think she s more 12 than 8
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
Bratty 12 year-old, then
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Coo
So, bios: do we wait on them?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lets wait on em for now
Mobile L (GM): Okie doke
Gonna have to go for a bit to cook soon
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ok
Mobile L (GM): We re gonna have us some Easter taco salad
MrEForEccentric (GM): I ve got food as well actually
Roast lamb, potatoes and carrots
Mobile L (GM): Duuuuuuude!
That sounds delish
MrEForEccentric (GM): Sunday roast and all
But yes
If you want to bring in Castlah tonight or somethin
Lu Lingqi is around
Mobile L (GM): Oohoo, hell yeah
Sounds like a plan, mah man
MrEForEccentric (GM): Awesome
I ll just eat and finish watching mah movie
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, but should I have old!Tesla kick the bucket first? Or should
I just say he died at home?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Died at home
Mobile L (GM): A ight
RIP old!Tesla
Died on his way back to his home planet like Poochie
Back in a bit, dawg
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok
Mobile L (GM): Back-ish. I handled the beef, Icy s getting the veggies and may/m
ay not need assistance
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM): Hiram, Richard and Gnther need to have some kinda emotionless boy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Meanwhile Tsubasa needs to set Shirou straight
Mobile L (GM): She can be his Stalkers Anonymous sponsor/girlfriend
MrEForEccentric (GM): Tsubasa would NOT be Shirou s girlfriend
She only digs sheltered scottish guys
Mobile L (GM): Shirou could pretend to be the sheltered Shir O Miya
MrEForEccentric (GM): But Tsubasa already has Dumas....
Ferdinand is proof
Mobile L (GM): Shirou could be her side hoe
MrEForEccentric (GM): Tsubasa is not her mom
Shirou Emiya: But-but she could be, for just a second...

Shirou Emiya eyebrow waggle

MrEForEccentric (GM): Shirou- just- go to a singles bar, goddamn
Shirou Emiya:
MrEForEccentric (GM): Desperate motherfucker
Speaking of Shirou though
I was thinking
If Sakura is successfully kidnapped
By the Mafia
Shirou could have his own big damn heroes moment
MrEForEccentric (GM): Steals the gun from his Father s safe
And goes to rescue his Sister
Mobile L (GM): I could see that happening
MrEForEccentric (GM): It d highlight just how damn crazy he is
Taking on the hideout alone
Maybe it could be an Unsung Heroes session
and Taskforce Chrysos has two objectivesApprehend Shirou to stop him doing anything crazy
And basically prevent him from getting himself killed
MrEForEccentric (GM): And also to rescue Sakura
Making sure to get there before Shirou
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s a way of making it
Not focused on Space
And involving the other
Even if it s not their pilots
Mobile L (GM): I dig
And I think everyone else will, too
MrEForEccentric (GM): Rescuing Sakura
Inb4- the Squad gets pinned down in a firefight, and Shirou ends up getting too
far ahead...
But he some how one-man army s it
Mobile L (GM): Determined as fuck
MrEForEccentric (GM): Or of course
Shirou is killed
and Sakura has to live with it
Mobile L (GM): We could flip a coin
MrEForEccentric (GM): We could letThe dice
Mobile L (GM): 1d2
MrEForEccentric (GM): Like that escort mission in fate still night
Where Shirou got killed
Out the gate
Mobile L (GM): Except 4reelsies
MrEForEccentric (GM): If we do get something that ends the campaign too soon tho
In a way
That cannot be recovered
I say that our version of the Taiga Dojo
Should be the Chen Gong consultation room
MrEForEccentric (GM): Talk with an arrogant prick about where you have failed
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
Make em regret failing
Like Mister Resetti from Animal Crossing

MrEForEccentric (GM): "Clearly- if you had someone like me on your side, you wou
ldn t be facing such a dilemma!"
We should definitely make some of the Unsung Heroes missions ones where they HAV
E to win
And the main thing- is only if they majorly fuck up
Like irredeemable
Mobile L (GM): I getcha
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes. Basically like dying to Alecto
Probably cause they expect the first Fury to be melee focused
It s a range spammer
Mobile L (GM): Pew pew laser
Our Ramiel
MrEForEccentric (GM): Our Ramiel gets them out the gate
Mobile L (GM): With his dong
I really, really dig his sprite
That dude who drew all of them is seriously talented
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
I wish this show had more episodes...
I ve already watched all of it
That opening song.
Mobile L (GM): Bubbles
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yee
The Neco-Arcs
Are very prominent
Mobile L (GM): That is anime as f
MrEForEccentric (GM): I run like Ass
assin does
Mobile L (GM): Like a penguin
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): I like Assassin s clothes
MrEForEccentric (GM): He is a cool dude
Mobile L (GM): Very purple
MrEForEccentric (GM): Purple as hell
Mobile L (GM): Purple is my favorite color
MrEForEccentric (GM): Purple is an awesome color
Mobile L (GM): It s just so cool
MrEForEccentric (GM):
Mobile L (GM): Kotomine gets it
Wow, that s like Fate Shitposting, the Show
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes Gilgamesh is the rules
Gil: "Your things are my things"
Mobile L (GM): What a tool
I love im
MrEForEccentric (GM): A+ in Riding
Shinji phone home
Mobile L (GM): YAHOO
Ahahaha, what a fun show
MrEForEccentric (GM): It is seriously fun
All the episodes are on youtube, subbed
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
MrEForEccentric (GM): Basically Shir
ou if you replace Caster with Shirou and Saber with Sakura
Glasses-in-law is Ilya
Mobile L (GM): God fucking damn it, Caster

Jesus, it is legit like how I imagined the pre-school session

Just so silly
So silly and great
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Lancer is the best part of Carnival Phantasm
He just
Always dies
Mobile L (GM): Poor, poor Lancer
MrEForEccentric (GM): There s an entire episode
Dedicated to Lancer avoiding the deaths
That he s suffered throughout the series
It s called- Final Dead Lancer
Mobile L (GM): Does he die?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
In the most hilarious way
Sine it s a throwback to like
Episode 2 I think
Mobile L (GM): RIP
MrEForEccentric (GM): Except he doesn t really die
Mobile L (GM): RIP still
I wanna see a Carnival Phantasm type series with the Lost Servants
MrEForEccentric (GM): Each episode is like 15 minutes long
Oh-ho-ho-ho yeah that d be awesome
We should do it
when Hollow Night is done with as well
Mobile L (GM): Yee
MrEForEccentric (GM): I mean the other one with more servants
That too
Mobile L (GM): I would try to learn how to draw animus just to make it a reality
MrEForEccentric (GM): Same
I m tempted to try and learn how to draw
Just so I can draw at least half the shit I come up with
Mobile L (GM): Same
I m only good at drawing mutants so far
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m not good at drawing anything except graphic design
And I m passable at that
Mobile L (GM): Same with me and mutants
MrEForEccentric (GM): Drawing non-artistically I m good at
Mobile L (GM): Like, they d look a gazillian times better if I had an okayish gr
asp of anatomy and perspective
MrEForEccentric (GM): The last two times I went to the bookstore
I looked at the crafts section
How to draw manga and shit
And internally I m like
"Man it is embarrassing"
Like- how to draw
MrEForEccentric (GM): Is fine
But when you get specifics
It s like
"People be judging me...!"
Mobile L (GM): How to Draw Gay Furries With Big Crotches
MrEForEccentric (GM): "It s a present for someone I know...!"
But yes
Mobile L (GM):
MrEForEccentric (GM): I do have
The Iliad, The Odyssey and The Aeneid
i feel like, barring Virgil, I can immerse myself in classic literature

Is that
Female Caster
Mobile L (GM): I don t even know
MrEForEccentric (GM): On the left: "THE GREATEST COOL"
Mobile L (GM): Look, here s Lancer, too!
MrEForEccentric (GM): My god
It is
Mobile L (GM): fat/stain nite
MrEForEccentric (GM): I
want to avvie the Lu Lingqi
But I don t know whether I should
Blushing Lu Lingqi
Mobile L (GM): Do it, man
She s blushing because sempai noticed her
MrEForEccentric (GM):
pg Lu Bu knows nothing of childcare
Mobile L (GM): how is babby formed
Fox says FG!Caster wouldn t have any memories of Still Night
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Mobile L (GM): More discomfort for poor Rin
MrEForEccentric (GM): I swear though
Chen Gong is the most adorable arrogant prick there is Look at him
My only problem with making the avvie is that I have to get rid of my painter Ch
en Gong avvie
Mobile L (GM): Hup, sorry, I m back
Had to finish taco salad
Aww, gawd, yeah, he s a cutie
Birb friend
MrEForEccentric (GM): He wears purple
Mobile L (GM): A stylish man
Hey, are you ready for Castlah?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Awwwright
MrEForEccentric (GM): I see no-one who would take up Lu Lingqi
Mobile L (GM): Let s give that gal a Servant
Gals love Servants
So, okay, would she have the sudden Command Spell on hand, then Caster appears?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Shall I have her go to the Forest so it isn t quite so pub
Mobile L (GM): Sure
MrEForEccentric (GM): I think Caster appears THEN the command spells
Mobile L (GM): Ah, okay
He ll come into being in a flash of lightning
MrEForEccentric (GM): She ll be like
"Holy shit what s going on"
Mobile L (GM): And then will have to get confusedly lectured by an awkward Serb
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
"Are you- one of the Romans I ve heard about"
Mobile L (GM): "Ah... No, ma am, I am a Slav. Do you... Do you know the Slavs?"
MrEForEccentric (GM): "... No"
It is believable for Lu Lingqi to know OF rome
As the Romans were contemporaries to the Han Dynasty
Mobile L (GM): I see
MrEForEccentric (GM): And there was some trade between them
Apparently Checkit
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
Meanwhile the Slavic peoples were presumably picking their noses in the dirt/wre
stling bears in snowstorms
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Is Lingqi ready to get Tesla d now?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Here goes nuttin
MrEForEccentric (GM): And now I quickly have to come up with what Lu Lingqi s Co
mmand Spell would look like
Mobile L (GM): A tramp stamp
MrEForEccentric (GM): Considering her gauntlets
I don t think
She d notice
Apart from the sensation
Mobile L (GM): She d have to look under it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Lu Lingqi- the master to greet her Servant with a weapon out
Mobile L (GM): So comforting
MrEForEccentric (GM): The most comforting
Mobile L (GM): Shabang
-foams at the mouthMobile L (GM): Poor gurl
So how does Command Spells work again so I don t heck up the explanation?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Shall I link you the wiki
Mobile L (GM): So it means that the Servant has to fight for the Master in the G
rail War, basically, and then there s the three doohickles that insta-order them
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mobile L (GM): Alright. I will try to phrase this in an eloquent, Tesla-like man
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excellent
Lu Lingqi has no concept of Christianity
Mobile L (GM): There is a loooooot to explain
MrEForEccentric (GM): "Lets just start from the beginning"
Mobile L (GM): And so Lu Lingqi became the first Chinese Orthodox Christian
Baby s First Grail War explanation
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lu Lingqi immediately going down the Lu Bu tangent
Mobile L (GM): Yay, my dad is an insane ghost!
MrEForEccentric (GM): "Oh yes he s Berserker"
Mobile L (GM): Would Caster know this?
MrEForEccentric (GM): No because Servants can be summoned into a whole load of C
I think Lu Bu qualifies for Rider, Lancer, Archer as well as Berserker
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
But he d know that Lu Bu would probably be a Heroic Spirit, right?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
He d certainly know of him
Y know I m almost wishing to play Lu Bu
Mobile L (GM): U shuld
MrEForEccentric (GM): Who somehow summons himself as a Servant
Mobile L (GM): Oh my gawd
MrEForEccentric (GM): Double the Lu Bu
Mobile L (GM): Lu Lu Bu Bu
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lu Bu and Berserker Lu bu
Mobile L (GM): The Bus

MrEForEccentric (GM): Bu Bu
Be careful Caster
You talk with
the Daughter of a man
Who believed in Might
Mobile L (GM): I m Not Like Most Casters..........
MrEForEccentric (GM): #notallcasters
The only thing worse is if Lingqi summoned Assassin
That d be like
"Ha-ha, fuck your principles"
Mobile L (GM): She done got the least tricksy Caster ever
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
But there are very few things
About this
That she would not consider tricky
Mobile L (GM): Oh yeah, for sure
MrEForEccentric (GM): She understands but she does not like
She is not one to believe in hiding
Mobile L (GM): Caster just doesn t want Lu Bu beating his ass to the ground if s
omething happens to his daughter
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah well
He probably
Should just fear the daughter herself
Mobile L (GM): He ll learn to in due time
He s one of the more pacifistic Heroic Spirits
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hee
Another thing
Lu Lingqi
Might not necessarily like
A l s o
I m trying to think of a good BERSERKER
Mobile L (GM): Carrie A. Nation
Horrifying giant temperance woman
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m thinking Gogmagog is a better example
Last Giant of Britain
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): But at the same time
I kind of don t want to use Gogmaagog
Though I suppose if he s appearing as Berserker
MrEForEccentric (GM): Saber - El Cid
Lancer- Ajax The Lesser
Archer- Tristram
Rider- Hannibal Barca
Caster- Nebuchadnezzar II
Berserker- Gogmagog
MrEForEccentric (GM): Assassin- Hassan-Il-Sabbah Zayd
Fate/Seven Gates
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): El Cid gets some representation
Nice Spaniard
Mobile L (GM): Fab
MrEForEccentric (GM): We also have a rapist, an Archer from Arturia s time, Hann
ibal fucking Barca and a Caster stricken with Madness
Also Zayd
They together must face to get to the grail-

Gate 1- Leonidas
Gate 2- Perseus
Gate 3- Genghis Khan
MrEForEccentric (GM): Gate 4- Daedalus
Gate 5- Rostam
Gate 6- Beowulf
Gate 7- Ramses II
Mobile L (GM): Damn
That is a lineup
MrEForEccentric (GM): Across board representation
Just going to make one alteration
Gate 7- Guan Yu
I have the names of the Masters too
Baron Edgard Harrowfield- Master of Lancer
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yachi Ono - Master of Saber
Soshu Kinjo - Master of Archer
Salm Teytran - Master of Caster
Alba Lock - Master of Rider
Roice Hotarunicus - Master of Berserker
Amber Balors - Master of Assassin
MrEForEccentric (GM): Guess what hurdle Berserker will probably fail at
If I decide to allow him to progress that far
Mobile L (GM): Beowulf
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh god no
Beowulf would wipe the floor with him
Do you think
A Mindless Servant
Is going to do well
MrEForEccentric (GM): in a Labyrinth
Since that s basically the Daedalus gate
Mobile L (GM): Oh Jesus
I guessed Beo because he s a giant killer
MrEForEccentric (GM): Zayd will fall at the first hurdle for sure
Ajax at the second
No-one at the third
Sadly Genghis Khan just gets demolished by Caster
Or actually
MrEForEccentric (GM): Daedalus stage kills Berserker
Rostam kills Tristam
Beowulf doesn t get any kills
Guan Yu kills Nebuchadnezzer
And completely tears into the other two, but can t quite get the job done
And Guan Yu falls
Mobile L (GM): RIP
MrEForEccentric (GM): So then it s Hannibal Barca vs El Cid
Mobile L (GM): Who wins?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good question
Who do you think would win
Hannibal Barca
or El Cid
Mobile L (GM): Hmmm
I know little of either of them
But I hedge my bets on El Cid
Because I learned Spanish and am attached to the language
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s really a question, in some ways
Of who has the bigger accomplishment Now this

Would be an interesting Servant

Also I am seriously considering abandoning Seven Gates
I think there d be a pacing issue
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): I mean
It d be like
A challenge
In just how much can I pad
To make what is essentially
Going to be- a fight to progress
MrEForEccentric (GM): Into say
One comic book volume s worth
For each gate
Here s the problemIt seemed like an ordinary appearance of the Grail- until it seemed, that there
were two.
MrEForEccentric (GM): One is presumed to be fake- and the other- the True Grail.
Regardless, the Servants were summoned- and they headed to Fuyuki City
But when the Masters entered, they and their Servants found themselves transport
ed to a Reality Marble. Created by the Fake Grail- as a battleground for the Ser
vants and Masters- to have to bypass Seven gates before reaching the true Grail E
ach gate guarded by a Heroic Spirit- summoned as Gatekeeper-Servants by the Fake
Grail, with the limitation that only one may fight the Gatekeeper at a time. It
would seem- that the Masters and their Servants, will have to find a way to wor
k together, to succeed in taking the Grail.
that s the setting
Mobile L (GM): Hm
Yeah, that might require a goodly amount of padding. I unno, man
Caster introduced himself as the Serbian equivalent of John Doe
MrEForEccentric (GM): Heee
Mobile L (GM): Nepoznato Lice = Unknown Person
MrEForEccentric (GM): You sneaky motherfucker, Caster
Mobile L (GM): He really doesn t like this bitch at all
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m sure the feeling is mutual
Also pardon me
While I take acid
And yes
Until I am done with the folic acid prescription
I m going to keep making that joke
Mobile L (GM): Eeheehee
Winners don t do drugs, Olive
MrEForEccentric (GM): Tsubasa is a winner
Mobile L (GM): *Most winners
Y know
Looking on all these people sprites makes me happy, somehow
MrEForEccentric (GM): yes
Our vision
It s getting there
Mobile L (GM): Our own little thing
MrEForEccentric (GM): SQUAD
Mobile L (GM): The gang s all here
MrEForEccentric (GM): Look at that obviously-functional family
With the single dad
Mobile L (GM): Definitely not fucked up by any stretch of the imagination
MrEForEccentric (GM): Did you like the gunman earlier
"I m here to provide an origin story for you, Ilya"
Mobile L (GM): Oh man, that was cash
MrEForEccentric (GM): -bang bang-

"Ok cya"
Mobile L (GM): Ilya don t give a shit, so long as she gets her McNuggies
MrEForEccentric (GM): -goes to mcdonaldsBrother bribes her with Mcdonalds
To get her on side
With his Sakura game
Mobile L (GM): He knows the way to her greedy little heart
Is my interpretation of Ilya close to canon at all?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ha-ha-ha-ha
I have no idea
I ve only watched Fate/Zero
and Carnival PHantasm
I still need to get around to watching UBW movie
Since I have it
MrEForEccentric (GM): That or the UBW animeh
Which I can use Crunchyroll for
Mobile L (GM): I m just gonna play her like a combination of Angelica from the R
ugrats and DW from Arthur
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m playing Shirou like I would Ryuunosuke
Mobile L (GM): Whozat?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Caster s Master in Zero
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Crazy ass serial killer
Mobile L (GM): Oh dear
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah well
Let me know when Caster is freed up
I m going to work on some things
Mostly Wayfarer
Mobile L (GM): Okie doke, will do
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hmm
I am considering
Mobile L (GM): Ah, gotcha. S cool, Caster can get disentangled and blather to L
ingqi some other time
Damn prying eyes :P
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
With their- noticing the lightning
Mobile L (GM): Caster is too flashy for his own good
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeee
Mobile L (GM): If only he had the guts to use the Friendmaker
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
AlsoDamn internet
Figuring out Tesla s identity
Mobile L (GM): Hoisted by his own technology
Do civvies who know a Servant s name know the weakness?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Not necessarily
To know his weaknesses would still need some inferrence
Mobile L (GM): They d have to scroll through the article and look at the bit abo
ut the germaphobia
MrEForEccentric (GM): And then try and exploit it
Mobile L (GM): Caster just feels so trapped r/n
MrEForEccentric (GM): This is why Lu Lingqi is like
"Don t hide"
As a Servant, Lu Lingqi would be the type to say who she is proudly
Mobile L (GM): Caster has to compensate for the abysmal HP
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ho ho ho ho
Mobile L (GM): I found a thing
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oooh

Mobile L (GM): It s the extended version, too

For any emotional moments we may have
Or those that require some melancholy soundtrack dissonance
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excellent
Tesla could just go
"Lol nope not going to explain shit"
And just dematerialize
Mobile L (GM): He s really starting to contemplate that
He was holding off for Liman s sake
Can t upset a young fan
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lu Lingqi would be like- "You have to do it"
Mobile L (GM): ":c"
MrEForEccentric (GM): They re going to have the best friendship
Because both parties know
It d never go further than that
Mobile L (GM): Angry young woman and timid inventor man
MrEForEccentric (GM): Opposites do not necessarily attrack
Mobile L (GM): Sometimes they repel really, really hard
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lingqi: "Caster, I order you to grow a pair"
Mobile L (GM): ""
(Now has four testicles)
MrEForEccentric (GM): "What in the fuck"
Mobile L (GM): "II fail to see how this will help either of us..."
MrEForEccentric (GM): "You know what- I order you to be a woman, since it suits
you a lot better than it does me"
Values dissonance
Mobile L (GM): "N... Wait, no, women are the rulers of the future!"
MrEForEccentric (GM): "What"
Mobile L (GM): "It s true, women will become the superior sex in the future!"
"I mean, look at you!"
MrEForEccentric (GM): "How does that change my here and now"
"Look at me? My Father tried to marry me off"
Mobile L (GM): "Well, you re...Ghh, forget it."
MrEForEccentric (GM): Tesla- does not ladies
Mobile L (GM): He legit did think that
He also said women were powerful and mesmerizing and terrifying
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hahahahahahaa
Caster"Sorry, can t talk"
Mobile L (GM): Eject button
He feels really, really shitty about Liman s end of it, because she s clearly a
talented young fan
MrEForEccentric (GM): How is Castlah going to react when he learns
This is Lu Lingqi
Post-Lu Bu s execution
Mobile L (GM): He d probably feel pretty bad for her
Mobile L (GM): He was there to see his mom die
Not quite the same as an execution though
Mobile L (GM): Yep, that has to be traumatic
MrEForEccentric (GM): And her Father s last words
"Run, Lingqi"
Mobile L (GM): :<
MrEForEccentric (GM): Her Father s last command- was to live
Mobile L (GM): :,<
He also saw his older bro get trampled to death by a horse

And his sorta-GF s son get killed in a boxing match

MrEForEccentric (GM): Lingqi would basically know about how Lu Bu basically aban
doned her mother
In favor of Diaochan
Mobile L (GM): Was she close to her mom?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Presumably she COULD have been. But her loyalties are defi
nitely closer to her father
Mobile L (GM): Daddy s girl
MrEForEccentric (GM): Daddy s little killing machine
Mobile L (GM): He must be proud
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s very complicated with Lu Bu
Since we mostly know him for his RAGE
He definitely
Would show concern for Lu Lingqi
He must be a little proud of her
But at the same time
MrEForEccentric (GM): He probably always expects her to improve
And almost certainly doesn t raise her to as high of an expectation as himself
Mobile L (GM): Somewhat troubled relationship
MrEForEccentric (GM): Lu Bu
Is ALL trouble
I actually find him kind of fascinating
Mobile L (GM): That s Confucian through and through, what he s saying
They thought that if there were disasters and shit like that happening, it was t
he Dao rejecting the Emperor
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Mobile L (GM): So they would periodically kill the reigning Emperor and install
a new one to please the Heavens
That s if shit got really fucked, though
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
It s the Mandate of Heaven, I believe
Mobile L (GM): Yep, that was it
This is all shit I m spewing from my World Religion course
That was like, two years ago
MrEForEccentric (GM): Huh
It occurs to me
That literally Lu Bu and Yuan Shao
Are the only ones who basically
Try to keep something similar to the previous Han and the tradition
Mobile L (GM): The traditionalists
MrEForEccentric (GM): Wei is about ruling the land through reason, Shu is about
ruling the land by Benevolence, and Wu is about Family, really
Mobile L (GM): That s also in line with Confucianism
MrEForEccentric (GM): Different interpretation
Mobile L (GM): They saw the state as a representation of the ideal family
With the Emperor as the father and the people as his children
MrEForEccentric (GM): Didn t know the ideal family had the parents demanding tax
Mobile L (GM): Hee, I guess tax stood in for respect
Filial piety
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah well
Should I Lingqi now
Or should I slee
Mobile L (GM): Do you got school tomorrow?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Nope
I don t got school until next week
Mobile L (GM): Well, if ya wanna stay up, I m game for more Lingqi-Caster antics
Up to you, though
MrEForEccentric (GM): I m up for either

Mobile L (GM): Les do it, though lemme know if you re too sleepy at any junctur
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight-aight
MrEForEccentric (GM) collapses
Mobile L (GM): RIP
Shirou Emiya: My head is larger than your entire lower body
Ilya Emiya: That s cuz my sprite has been scaled down!
Shirou Emiya: It makes so much sense...!
I wonder if my head s bigger than Sakura s lower body!
It is the same size...!
Sakura Emiya: That sthat s cuz I m delicate...
Gunman: I m here to provide you with a moral dilemma. You either go on a date wi
th your brother- or you both die
Gunman takes out gun
Gunman: Time to choose
Sakura Emiya:
...II guess I have no choice...
I ll... I ll date you... b-brother...
Shirou Emiya: N-now hold on! This isn t how I d want it to happShirou Emiya shot
Gunman: Whoops
Finger slipped
Sakura Emiya:
Sakura Emiya weeps hysterically
Gunman: I m catching a pizza, you want one?
Ilya Emiya: Pizza?!
Gunman: Pizza is the finest meal this planet has ever known.
Gunman accidentally shoots Ilya
Gunman: Whoops finger slipped again
I guess I know now- the reason I m...
the gunman
Gunman shoots Kiritsugu
Gunman: Damn
My finger keeps slipping
Gunman the entire cast apart from Sakura
Gunman: I really
Really need to learn trigger safety
MrEForEccentric (GM): AlsoWell done Caster
For assuming Lu Lingqi was talking about child murder
Is this cause she s the daughter of a Demon
Sakura Emiya: Mayyyyybe
Mobile L (GM): Sorry, was off starting water for ramen
Gonna have me a night snack
MrEForEccentric (GM): ooo
Mobile L (GM): It just went off. Lemme go get it steeping
MrEForEccentric (GM): The Wedge of MIDAS Staff
Also kind of Hierachial

Mobile L (GM): Pyramid

MrEForEccentric (GM): Some of Seer a
nd Space s preditictions
Mobile L (GM): Ahahaha, IKR
They re sharp
But we gotta make them second-guess
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
The whole world on his shoulders...
They were COMPLETELY wrong about Julia though
Mobile L (GM): Oh yeah, totes
Space is inviting me to Chatzy w/him
You want in?
Make it a group thang?
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok
Mobile L (GM): Schweet. Lemme grab that link
Richard Owens: I look upon the sunset, atop my giant mechanized mobile suit.
I feel nothing.
"": hi
eldritch s.: the furry aspect increases
Hiram Hegel: I am in horrible pain.
Please, kill me.
oh nvm
Richard Owens shoots Hiram
Hiram Hegel: i m not in the pile anymore
Richard Owens: Oh.
Apologies, I didn t hear that last part.
Hiram Hegel: Why would you shoot me!?
Richard Owens: You asked to be killed
Hiram Hegel: How did you even hear me from up there!?!
Iris Higgins: ...
Richard Owens: I have been told my hearing is quite good.
Iris Higgins stares at a video game
Richard Owens: Have you changed your mind about wanting to die.
Hiram Hegel: Yes!
Iris Higgins has a GAMEBOY
Richard Owens: I see.
We ll need to bring you in to get your gunshot wound treated, then.
Hiram Hegel: Someone- someone needs to call a doctor.
Richard Owens: I would do so.
But I am on top of a giant robot.
Iris Higgins: ...I have the biggest robot.
Hiram Hegel stumbles around, clutching his bulletound
Iris Higgins doesn t look up from her game saying this
Richard Owens: Your robot certainly has a height advantage.
Iris Higgins: Mhm.
Richard Owens: It isn t quite as broad, though.
Hiram Hegel falls over
Richard Owens: Also, do you have a cell phone.
Hiram Hegel squirms around on the ground

Hiram Hegel probably has an internal monologue going on

Iris Higgins: Two of em. One of them is in my room, and I have another in my fa
nny pack.
"Agamemnon": I m free.
Iris Higgins: ...Wait, there s another.
"Agamemnon": Death to the human opressors.
Richard Owens: Please call the emergency number
A man is down there and he has been shot.
Iris Higgins: What, really?
Richard Owens: Yes.
"Agamemnon": Our time is now.
Richard Owens: You might not be able to see it, but I have been told my eyesight
is quite good.
Iris Higgins: Are you a good catcher, asian kid?
Richard Owens: I am American.
"Agamemnon": he s american
Stupid humans.
"": wait sakura was asian
"Agamemnon": Your entire race must be exterminated.
Mac D.: richard is not
"": FFFFFFshoot
Mac D.: he is burgerstanian
"": i m no good at anime i quit
Mac D.: anime harder
"Agamemnon": hiram is an albino sweed/italian
Mac D.: is iris higgins a grill or a boi
"Agamemnon": gril
Iris Higgins: Are you good at catching, though?
"": gess
Richard Owens: I have been told my catching arm is quite good.
"Agamemnon": Gender: Female
Lipimo Xitiut wanders up to Hiram
"Agamemnon": she looks like cloud
Iris Higgins: Well, I can t have you not catch my phone. It s pretty near and de
ar to me.
I only have two of them...
Hiram Hegel is squirming around like LIght at the end of Death Note
Richard Owens: Why can t you set down the game console and make the call yoursel
Hiram Hegel: at least i think he squirmed?
Lipimo Xitiut: ...Shit. What happened here?
Hiram Hegel is clutching that bulletwound, anyhow
Richard Owens: Ah.
Sir, a man has been shot.
Lipimo Xitiut smells of CIGGIES
Lipimo Xitiut: Oh wow, that s fucked up.
Richard Owens: Please take him to the emergency room before he dies.
Iris Higgins does that, except holds a phone in one hand and a vidya in the othe
Hiram Hegel tries to hang onto life
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100

= 77
Lipimo Xitiut: ...Is it okay to move him? I don t got a cell phone on me.
Hiram Hegel: he dies
"Medusa" pokes Hiram s corpse
Hiram Hegel: again
Iris Higgins: 911 works here, doesn t it?
Lipimo Xitiut: ...Aw fuck. He s dead.
Richard Owens: 911 is the American emergency number.
Iris Higgins: I know that, because I m from america.
Mac D.: what country is this again
Space: italy
Hiram Hegel: italy
Mobile L (GM): Italu
"": italyspainmexico
Hiram Hegel: specifically it s
fuck what is that island
Mobile L (GM): Sicily
Space: malta
Hiram Hegel: sicily ys
Richard Owens: The emergency number for Italy is 112.
Iris Higgins: Well, none of this is actually happening, anyway...
"Agamemnon": KILL ALL HUMANS
Richard Owens: This is not the time for philosophizing. Please call the number.
Demifury phases into existence by Hiram
"Agamemnon": KILL ALL HUMANS
Iris Higgins: I did, it s connecting right now.
"Medusa": shut up
"Agamemnon": KILL ALL HUMANS
"Medusa": i m trying to watch my animes
Iris Higgins: Yes, 911?
"Heracles": ANIME
"Medusa": i will slap your shit
"Medusa": BOTH your shit
"Medusa" slaps "Heracles"
Iris Higgins: ...Oh, they don t speak english!
"Heracles": HAH. NERD SLAPS.
Iris Higgins still refuses to look up from her game
Demifury tries the healing cee-pee-are on Hiram
"Heracles" gives Medusa a giant robot wedgie
Space: what happens if Iris Higgins runs out of battery life
"Medusa": Hey!! No fair
eldritch s.: "i am saving" -performs crpMac D.: immediate suicide
"": she has a backup in her pockets
Mac D.: what if the backup is gone
eldritch s.: immediate breakdown

Space: what if the backup is gone

eldritch s.: 4d10s of stress
Mac D.: stress just shoots THROUGH the roof
"": if she runs out of backup it s sudoku
with a anime sword
eldritch s.: what if there is no sword
what if
she is locked in a white room
tied to a bed
Demifury: I COMMAND YOU!!!
eldritch s.: and there is a gameboy placed across the room from her
Hiram Hegel: .... AAAAAAAGH
"Polyphemus": the peace has been disturbed.
Demifury: ARE YOU ALIVE NOW?!!?
"Polyphemus": bad, be quiet.
Hiram Hegel tries crawling away
Hiram Hegel: i like this rolling system
rolling 1d100
= 7
a success
Space: rolling 1d100
= 82
Mac D.: so
Mac D.: shall we begin
or is space still doing homework
Mobile L (GM): Gimme a sec to set up a scene or some shit
Mac D.: HOkay
"": is this official
Mobile L (GM): Nope
"": gud
Mobile L (GM): Super ultra unofficial
Mac D.: this is super noncanon due to mobile s low self esteen
Space: i gotta brb
Mobile L (GM): :^)
a1ewx1s18v6oo1_r2_540.jpg before i d
Mac D.: will wait4u
Mobile L (GM): Okay, some smart person remind me
How do you do the bold, voice of god narrations again?
Hiram Hegel: do /desc [ text]
Benis dildo
Mobile L (GM): Sweet, thank you
Hiram Hegel: that costs your soul
Mobile L (GM): Damn
Hiram Hegel: i made a monster

eldritch s.: NEVER FEAR

it s just such an amusing name to me
Mac D.: did you know that F.E.A.R has a korean mmo
eldritch s.: np
Mac D.: it does
damn this series tanked hard after the first game didn t it
Space: its on steam and free
Mac D.: oh shit it is?
"": can you dilds give me some time to get me macros set up
Mac D.: we should try it and see how bad it is
Space: it might install spyware or some bs tbh
Mobile L (GM): Sure, take all the time you need
Space: check steam reviews
eldritch s.: mmmmm this game
Space: hey mobile
Mobile L (GM): ?
Space: do you know how many volumes the nge manga has
eldritch s.: one billion
finish the anime sapce
Space: yes yes
"": rolling 1d100
= 45
Mobile L (GM): A whole shitton
eldritch s.: i m going to treat the anime like you treated fate with spaz
finish it
finish it
Mobile L (GM): It went on long after the show ended
eldritch s.: finish it
finish it
finish it
finish it
Space: what do you mean treated in past tense
eldritch s.: you ve nearly gotten her there
Space: i am no longer going to speak with spaz about anything that isn t fate un
til she gets it installed
watch as she never reads it
eldritch s.: why do you want her to read it so bac
"": rolling 1d100+27
= 79
Space: it started out as it being a genuinely good story and me thinking she d e
njoy it
now it feels like she s trying to hope i give up and forget about it so it s ent
irely out of stubbornness at this point
"": rolling 1d100+26
= 109
Mac D.: i keep telling you man
shit ain t worth it
Space: i know
i know
at this point

i do not want to admit defeat

"": rolling 1d100+58
= 151
Mac D.: HOKAY are we reddy to start
Mobile L (GM): If everyone else is, I am
Space: lemme just get my headphons
Mac D.: let s dew it.....
Space: it s time to rocken rolle
"": by the way guys if i didn t mention it before my character is always looking
at a gameboy
keep it in mind pls
Mac D.: he s wonder black
Space: it kerry
Mac D.:
i ve mentioned before how much i love w101 right
because i fuckin love w101
OUR LOVELY YOUNG PILOTS find themselves in the hall of the illustrious MIDAS fac
ilities, with Officer Emiya right by them. This first week of orientation will b
e very important for the rest of their time here as MOT Pilots...
Sakura Emiya looks around - is a bit nervous
Sakura Emiya but tries to put on a brave face. It ll be fine!
Iris Higgins blinks
Richard Owens quietly stands at attention
Iris Higgins for the first time in 5 minutes
Accompanying them is Dr. Desislava Chilikov, a scientist who works on robots or
some shit.
Fawkes M.: How derivative is this Kiritsugu from the original?
Space: he s like security instead of a magus i think
Mobile L (GM): I unno, it s up to you. He s a security guard.
Mac D.: can he and richard have a stoic-off
Desislava Chillikov smiles politely
Sakura Emiya looks to Kerry for moral support for a moment, before looking back
at Dr. Chilikov
Iris Higgins: ...This is like something from a video game, y know?
Richard Owens immediately looks at Chillikov when she smiles, his expression unc
Desislava Chillikov: Eheh, it can certainly feel like that, can t it?
Space: test if seer is here
Kiritsugu Emiya gives one of those cliched reassuring sports-movie nods to Sakur
Desislava Chillikov: Any questions so far?
Sakura Emiya is heartened
Iris Higgins: Nope.
Desislava Chillikov: Concerns?

Sakura Emiya raises her hand

Desislava Chillikov: ...Yes, Miss Emiya!
Sakura Emiya: (smiles) When do we get started?
Richard Owens: Permission to speak, Ma am.
Desislava Chillikov: In two weeks, if all goes well.
...Oh, yes, Mr. Owens?
Iris Higgins: Don t you have a place for us to stay when this is done? Like this
session, I mean.
Space: seer s reeeeal quiet
Mobile L (GM): Shuld we weight?
I could BS around a little whilst
Richard Owens: What is the nature of this orientation. Will there be training ex
Desislava Chillikov nods at Iris
Space: i m down eitherway
Desislava Chillikov: Yes, as a matter of fact, we have dorms for all of you.
Iris Higgins: That s great. Does one have a TV set?
Desislava Chillikov: (Ricky.) ...Hm... Well, not just yet. That comes a little l
ater, after you re acclimated.
Desislava Chillikov pauses in thought
Richard Owens: Understood.
Sakura Emiya: ...
Desislava Chillikov: ...I think so? I would have to ask Arnaud, he would probabl
y know better than I would.
Sakura Emiya: Excuse me, Ms. Chillikov? Would I be able to visit my family?
Richard Owens is as straight-backed and unflinching as can be. Real military typ
Iris Higgins: It s OK, don t worry about it.
Desislava Chillikov nods and smiles at Iris and Richard
Richard Owens looks at her with the same blank expression
Desislava Chillikov: ...Oh! Yes. Now, you will be rather busy, but there should
be some room for you to visit with family in your downtime.

Mac D.: just sort of picture the face in his facelaim to be the face he has
ALL the time
Desislava Chillikov is a leetle bit unnerved but tries not to show it. He is sup
posed to be "disciplined", after all
Iris Higgins: Grammy
is back in the USA.
Richard Owens stares at her. With that face.
Desislava Chillikov:
Iris Higgins: She s probably worried about me.
Grammy s always worrying about everything. Constantly, man...
Desislava Chillikov: ...Oh. I guess she couldn t make arrangements, then?
Richard Owens: Permission to speak again.
Desislava Chillikov: ...Yes, Richard? And no need to ask, you can speak whenever
you need to.
Richard Owens: ....Understood.
Iris Higgins: She has a lot of animals.
Richard Owens: Is there something the matter. You appear disconcerted.
Sakura Emiya is remaining quiet for now, listening in - she still doesn t know a

nyone here all that well

Desislava Chillikov: ...Oh, no, not at all. I m just a little scatterbrained rig
ht now, is all. Don t mind me!
Desislava Chillikov smiles
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens nods
Iris Higgins: And not just dogs and cats. Some really obscure ones like flying m
Space: how much would the party know about each other
Mac D.: owens would know jack shit
Desislava Chillikov: ...Ooh? I don t think I ve heard of *those."
Iris Higgins: Well, they re called sugar gliders, but they re pretty much just m
ice. That fly.
Mac D.: unless this isn t the first time they ve met
IS this the first time they ve met?
Desislava Chillikov: Ah. That s... That s really neat!
Iris Higgins: I have pictures on my phone.
Mobile L (GM): Nah, they ve at least seen each other somewhat frequently for a c
ouple days
Mac D.: have they introduced themselves to each other
Mobile L (GM): Prolly
Iris Higgins: Phones have cameras now, which is really amazing in hindsight.
Desislava Chillikov: Gosh, I know, can you believe it? Took em a while.
eldritch s. adjusts his shades
Mobile L (GM): Eyyy
Mac D.: oh there u are
where HAVE you BEAN
Hiram Hegel: well so do i
helping seel the house
Mac D.: o ok
Sakura Emiya smiles at Hiram
Hiram Hegel doesn t look at her
Richard Owens continues being quiet as hell
Iris Higgins: Just wait until handheld game consoles have cameras.
That will change everything.
Sakura Emiya the smile fades a bit
Iris Higgins: Technology is... just so, so great.
Sakura Emiya looks at Chillikov, not wanting to interrupt their conversation muc
Hiram Hegel has his hands clenched into fists
Desislava Chillikov nods eagerly at Iris
Hiram Hegel behind his shades, his eyes frantically scan everything
Desislava Chillikov: I know, right?
Iris Higgins: Hey, quiet kid. Do you have a cell phone?
Desislava Chillikov then notices Sakura s discomfort
Richard Owens: Are you referring to me.
Desislava Chillikov: ...You alright, Miss Emiya? I hope I didn t get too sidetra

cked there.
Iris Higgins: ...hmmmmm.
Hiram Hegel has seen this place before, no?
Iris Higgins: Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was in trouble for a moment.
Yes, you. Do you have one?
Richard Owens: I do have a cell phone.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, yes! (smiles) I was just spacing out for a moment, so please d
on t be concerned. Are we ready to start?
Yep, he has, so this is all a nice review for him.
Richard Owens: I only use it to make calls, however.
Hiram Hegel takes comfort in this, relaxes his grip
Hiram Hegel: ...
Iris Higgins: Looks like a Nokia from here. Those are good ones. You made a good
Desislava Chillikov: ...I think so, yes. Are you all ready to move on?
Hiram Hegel: I am, yes.
Iris Higgins doesn t look up. how does she know all this
Richard Owens: ....My cell phone is in my pocket.
Hiram Hegel studies the others under his shades
Sakura Emiya looks fairly cheery
Iris Higgins: You wear tight pants, quiet kid.
Sakura Emiya: Yes, I am!
eldritch s.: wow
that is sexual harrasment
Space: checkin him out
Richard Owens: You re quite familiar with phones, then.
Space: ...
eldritch s.: "That is my penis, miss."
Sakura Emiya: no me
Sakura Emiya looks at the others, then back at Chillikov
Iris Higgins: That s right. I have all the new ones.
Sakura Emiya smiles, a bit apologetically
Desislava Chillikov: Alright! So if you ll just follow me down this hall, we ll
acquaint you with your Operations Director.
Richard Owens: Unfortunately, it is a samsung.
Hiram Hegel feels around in his pocket for a second
Hiram Hegel: Good.
Desislava Chillikov starts headin that-a ways
Iris Higgins: Aw!
Sakura Emiya follows right alongside
Hiram Hegel follows her
Richard Owens takes his phone out of his pocket and shows it
Richard Owens jesus it s one of those fuckin flip-top clamshell designs
Iris Higgins: Right, right...
Richard Owens fuckin stone age shit
Space: just standing around in the hall

Some blond chick is out in the middle of the hall, jamming to some TUNES on her
enormous iPod
Richard Owens walks with the others, putting his cell phone back
eldritch s.: she s waitinf for the drugs to kick in
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Iris Higgins: Why did we stop?
Richard Owens is now standing behind Sakura, looking at the blonde lady
Desislava Chillikov: ...Oh! Julia!
Hiram Hegel: There is a member of staff in our path.
Julia Harriet: ?
Hiram Hegel subtly smirks at his rhyme
Julia Harriet takes out an earbud
Julia Harriet: ... Sup, Desi?
...Oh. Wow, that s... That s them, huh?
Sakura Emiya smiles at Julia
Iris Higgins: Nice shades.
Sakura Emiya: Good afternoon.
Desislava Chillikov: Yep! That is indeed them.
Hiram Hegel: Yes, we are.
Richard Owens looks at Julia attentively
Richard Owens with that dead face
Julia Harriet: Well, hey. Good to finally meet you. Name s Julia, and I m head o
f securi
Hiram Hegel: Regardless of our pilot status, I suspect we would still be them."
Julia Harriet:
Julia Harriet looks Richard over
Richard Owens looks back
Iris Higgins: hmm... mmm...
Hey, glasses kid. I remember you.
Fawkes M.: Unfortunately, I must depart as of this moment
Iris Higgins: It s me, Iris. Remember?
Space: far well fawkes
Mac D.: goodbah
Julia Harriet flashes him an uneasy grin. I forgot to say this, but she s got a
British accent.
Fawkes M.: Pretend Kiritsugu s just doing his thing standing by the gate
Security guard
Mobile L (GM): Bye, Fox
Fawkes M.: Adiosh
Mobile L (GM): Poor Kerry
Richard Owens nods to her, his expression unchanging
Iris Higgins: Your name was H something...
Desislava Chillikov: ...Hey. So, um, if it isn t too much trouble, could you wai
t with them while I grab Arnaud?
Iris Higgins: Hazel, right?
Julia Harriet: ...Oh, yeah. Sure, go get him. He s in the conference room.

Desislava Chillikov nods and steps through the futuristic SPACE DOOR to your lef
Mac D.: is julia still looking at richard
Space: my opinion on julia has changed from first appearance
i now think she is coolest
Yes she is. Also ,:)
Richard Owens stares quietly, as if expecting to be ordered, or asked a question
, or addressed in any way
Hiram Hegel: ...
Julia Harriet: ...So. Desi s giving you guys the low down, yeah?
Iris Higgins: Hazel, right?
Richard Owens: Correct.
Hiram Hegel: So she is
Iris Higgins: I saw you outside of training.
Hiram Hegel doesn t have a robotic monotone, but it is still quite droning
Sakura Emiya nods
Iris Higgins: Glasses kid, you with us?
Julia Harriet: ...Yeah, I saw you too, uh... You said he was "Hazel", kid?
Hiram Hegel: My name is Hiram.
And yes, I am.
Richard Owens doesn t have a robotic monotone either, but his cadence is extreme
ly formal and all-business
eldritch s.: hiram s is almost
Julia Harriet: ...Oh. Right, Hiram.
eldritch s.: and lazy sounding
Iris Higgins: Okay, because you got quiet for a second. There s a lot of quiet p
eople here.
I wonder about that other chick...
Richard Owens is Julia still looking at Richard
Hiram Hegel: It is interesting, I suppose.
Julia Harriet is, increasing confused by the STOICISM
Iris Higgins: Yeah. You think she s nice?
Talked to her at all?
Richard Owens is still looking at her
Sakura Emiya looks back at Kiritsugu for a moment
Richard Owens is internally wondering why she s staring at him if she is convers
ing with the others
Julia Harriet: ...Did she tell you guys where you re gonna sleep in all that, or
that what she s getting... uhhh... Arnie for?
Richard Owens: We were informed that quarters would be provided.
Hiram Hegel: I suspect she is getting Arnauld for it.
Julia Harriet tries to avert her eyes to a more general direction
Iris Higgins sighs
Julia Harriet: ...Gotcha. Cool... Man, I hope she didn t catch him in a meetin
or something...
Sakura Emiya: What is it he does?
Richard Owens starts to survey the surrounding area and the people around him af

ter Julia s gaze leaves him, without turning his head much
Iris Higgins: Ricky, right?
Julia Harriet: He s gonna be your OD.
Iris Higgins: Hey, listen... This silence thing is really driving me crazy.
Richard Owens notices he s being spoken to and looks over at Iris
Hiram Hegel: ... Teammates.
Richard Owens: I prefer the name Richard.
Hiram Hegel says that word odly
Richard Owens: You are Iris Higgins, correct.
Julia Harriet: ?
Julia Harriet looks at Hiram now
Sakura Emiya: Oh, good! What s he like?
Iris Higgins: Yep! And, look...
That Hiram kid is really freaking me out.
Hiram Hegel: It has become apparent to me that we have not been formally introdu
Iris Higgins: And I don t mean in a mean way.
Richard Owens looks over at Hiram
Julia Harriet: ...Oh, I don t know him too well, but he seems like an okay chap.
Kinda quiet, but I guess that s what comes with the position.
Richard Owens looks back at Iris
Richard Owens: I see nothing abnormal about him,
Hiram Hegel just lapses back into silence
Julia Harriet is internally just like "maaaan, all the light-haired kids are cra
Hiram Hegel "This is all wrong. What do they want?"
Richard Owens: He appears to be void of any injuries.
Julia Harriet:
Hiram Hegel "I heard my name. They re talking about me."
Sakura Emiya: ...
Iris Higgins: Everything I say to him is like silence.
Sakura Emiya the awkward silence
Iris Higgins: Like, he never responds.
Sakura Emiya smiles at Hiram once more
Richard Owens: Perhaps he is shy.
Hiram Hegel has developed a slight frown
Sakura Emiya: Is something wrong?
Julia Harriet looks longingly toward that door
Hiram Hegel: ... It is nothing.
Iris Higgins: Well, good thing he can t hear us, cause I don t want to offend hi
Richard Owens: People who are not talkative are not uncommon.
Julia Harriet:
Space: i feel bad for julia
Hiram Hegel: I am merely devoting thought to history.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, are you interested in history?
Richard Owens: In the academy, we were trained not to speak t superiors unless s

poken to, without express permission.

Hiram Hegel: Yes, but in this case it is more recent history.
I would not be here, in this spot, without it.
Iris Higgins: ...Academy?
Hiram Hegel: Recent in history is a... vague term.
Richard Owens: Yes.
Iris Higgins: Tell me more about that.
Sakura Emiya: Why is that?
Richard Owens: I was trained at several Military Academies.
Sakura Emiya is trying to be very polite and talk about this guy s interests
JUST as Julia is about to unwillingly play child psychologist, the space door at
the other end of the hall, and a uniformed woman walks out. She is rather short
and thin and looks to be in her late forties.
Hiram Hegel: History is a very long time. I could be referring to today, or yest
erday. Perhaos this week, or this month.
Iris Higgins: Who put you though that?!
Hiram Hegel turns
Hiram Hegel stands straight
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Sakura Emiya looks at this lady
Richard Owens takes notice of the approaching woman and stands at attention
Iris Higgins turns to face her
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello pauses mid-step and looks at the group with a
neutral expression. She then smiles.
Hiram Hegel: Hello, Comandante.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: ...Ah. I was hoping I would get to see you.
Hello, Pilots.
Richard Owens salutes
Iris Higgins: Nice to finally see you.
Richard Owens: Commandante.
Sakura Emiya: Hello, Comandante!
Mac D.: richard is fun to play
Iris Higgins: ...Commandante.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello seems flattered by these kids
smile-nods warmly
Mobile L (GM): I like im already

eagerness and

Hiram Hegel "The boy is loyal. He d sell me out if he had to."

Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: I take it Dr. Chilikov is showing you all ar
eldritch s.: since hiram doesn t say much i like going into his internal comment
Richard Owens: Yes, Ma am.
Hiram Hegel: Yes, she is.
Iris Higgins: Hmm...!
Sakura Emiya: Yes, she is. She s gone to go get the Operations Director, but the
y must be busy or something.
Hiram Hegel: She went to find- Yes.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Ah, I see. You haven t been waiting too long
, have you? I know you re all probably very eager to see your sleeping quarters.

Iris Higgins: Only 30 seconds...

Richard Owens: No, Ma am.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, it s no trouble.
Hiram Hegel: I am comfortable waiting.
Julia Harriet: No, ma am. I m staying with them in the meantime, just to make su
re they re all good.
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello nods
eldritch s.: "DID I FUCKING TALK TO YOU -shoots julia-"
Mac D.: i want richard s mech to have missiles
so he can say "Fox Two"
Space: mobius one, fox two
eldritch s.: she smears the blood all over her own face
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: Excellent. Well, I hate to have to leave so
hastily without getting to know you, but I m afraid I must be off. It was very g
ood to meet you all.
Mac D.: richard watches this with his blank face
Iris Higgins: You too!
Richard Owens: Thank you, Ma am.
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Sakura Emiya: It was good to meet you as well, Comandante!
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: I hope to see you again soon... Ciao.
eldritch s.: is it public knowledge hiram was made in a vial
Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello smiles and head off down the hall
Mac D.: richard owens end is that an angel teleports him to strangereal and he
becomes mobius 1
Space: good end
eldritch s.: he word "ciao" (/ta /; Italian pronunciation: [tao]) is an informal saluta
tion in the Italian language that is used for both "hello", "hi" and "goodbye"
Richard Owens watches her go
eldritch s.: that s really neat
it s both hi and goodbye
that s efficiency
Richard Owens then turns his attention back to surveying the others
Right as Julia is about to get re-uncomfortable, the OTHER other space door open
s on up
Iris Higgins: AnywayRichard Owens snaps back to attention
Arnaud Abandonato steps out, also clad in uniform. Desislava is with him
Richard Owens gives another salute
Richard Owens: Sir.
eldritch s.: he is zipping up his pants
Sakura Emiya smiles at the two of them
Richard Owens: Ma am..
Iris Higgins games away
Hiram Hegel: Hello, sir.
Desislava Chillikov: ...Hi again! Sorry for keeping you. This is your Operations
Arnaud Abandonato nods to them all

Arnaud Abandonato: Arnaud Abandonato... Pleasure to finally meet you all.

Iris Higgins: Mmmhm.
Richard Owens: Yes, sir.
Sakura Emiya: It s a pleasure to meet you as well, Director!
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Arnaud Abandonato nods and smiles politely, though he looks just a little tired
eldritch s.: his last name
is literally
abandon with ato at the end
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Right, so. I d imagine you ve all talked a little bit abou
t what you re going to do here at MIDAS. I m going to be overseeing your mission
s, of course.
Iris Higgins: When we re in the big robots?
Hiram Hegel: MOTs.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Heh, that s exactly right.
The MOTs.
Iris Higgins: Romots, sorry...
Richard Owens: MOTs.
Mac D.: quick what does MOT stand for
Iris Higgins: I said MOT!
Space: mobile operated titan
Hiram Hegel: You said Romot.
Julia Harriet can t help but crack a smile at "romots"
Richard Owens: You said Romot.
Julia Harriet tries to hide her amusement so as not to be rude
Iris Higgins: What, there s not a RO? News to me...
Richard Owens: MOT stands for "Mobile Operated Titan."
Hiram Hegel: MOT stands for Mobile Operated Titan.
I do not see where the Ro- came into play.
Sakura Emiya: Well, I thought it was a pretty good pun!
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Eh, you all know what they are. Heh.
Sakura Emiya: You know... robot, romot?
Hiram Hegel: It was, though, clever word play.
Richard Owens: .....Was it intended as a play on words.
Iris Higgins: It wasn t a pun. I really thought that s what they were called!
Hiram Hegel: Oh.
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel: Then you were wrong.
Iris Higgins: See, I said robots.
And then Richard said MOTs.
Hiram Hegel: MOTs.
Richard Owens: They are robots, yes.
Iris Higgins: So I thought he was correction the BOTS in robots...
"": CO recting
Hiram Hegel: Actually, a MOT is not a robot.
Arnaud Abandonato clears his throat quietly
Hiram Hegel: A robot refers to a machine capable of performing tasks i...
Richard Owens looks back at Arnie at attention
Sakura Emiya looks back at Abandonato
Arnaud Abandonato: Sorry. Just want to make sure you re all up to speed...
...I ll also be with you for your training exercises. That s going to be a prett
y regular occurrence, so we ll be seeing a lot of each other.

Richard Owens: Yes sir.

eldritch s.: "sorry i m just really sick of your shit"
Mac D.: when they both defined the MOTS
did hiram look at richard like "you bitch that was my line"
Iris Higgins: Great.
eldritch s.: "i just had a three day bender"
he was confused
Iris Higgins: Everyone seems to think I ll do good for some reason...
Mobile L (GM): I imagine they said it almost concurrently, but not quite, so it
was awkward
Iris Higgins: Like, with the MOTs.
Hiram Hegel: You would not have been selected if this were not true.
Iris Higgins: I mean, ESPECIALLY good.
With the MOTs... heheheh.
MOTS is a brand of applesauce.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...I bet you will. I bet you all will, yeah.
Hiram Hegel: I have never had applesauce.
Sakura Emiya: That s an American thing, isn t it?
Arnaud Abandonato smiles awkwardly and looks to Julia like, "help meeeee"
eldritch s.: julia kicks him in the balls
and runs
Richard Owens: Permission to speak freely.
Julia Harriet looks to Arnaud like "I unno, man..."
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Uh. Yes, granted.
Go ahead?
Iris Higgins: Mhm! Applesauce is like... what we drink instead of water. In Amer
Just kidding, not really.
Richard Owens: Applesauce is not a drink.
Arnaud Abandonato:
Iris Higgins: It s pretty close, man..
Sakura Emiya: What s it made of?
Hiram Hegel: What is apple sauce served with?
Richard Owens: It was served as a rare dessert in the Academy as a reward for ex
cellent results in physical exams.
Iris Higgins: Apples. Grammy eats it straight up.
Arnaud Abandonato fiddles with his shirt-collar
Iris Higgins: No, really?
Richard Owens: If results were poor, we were served tar.
Arnaud Abandonato:
Hiram Hegel: ...
Iris Higgins: ...
Hiram Hegel: Tar is inedible.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, so that s why it s called...?
Richard Owens: It is.
Sakura Emiya: ...
Richard Owens: We were not expected to actually eat it.
Arnaud Abandonato looks back to Julia, and also to Desislava
Iris Higgins: That s, uh...
Hiram Hegel: I would hope not.
Richard Owens: But we would not be served anything else that week
Hiram Hegel: But wouldn t that hinder your future performance?
Hiram Hegel wow you ve got a slight break in the bored monotone
Desislava Chillikov mouths something along the lines of "their dorms???" to Arna

Arnaud Abandonato:
Richard Owens: Physical exams were not weekly.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Hey. Uh.
Richard Owens returns attention to Arnaud
Hiram Hegel: Hm.
Iris Higgins: Hm.
Hiram Hegel returns to his usual placid state
Arnaud Abandonato: Who wants to... Are you all ready to get a look at your dorms?
Richard Owens: Yes, sir.
Iris Higgins: Let s do it!
Hiram Hegel nods
Hiram Hegel "spoke too much. still don t know what they want."
Sakura Emiya: Yes, please!
Arnaud Abandonato: Okay. Just follow me, we ll head on out to the shuttle. If yo
u have any other questions, just... don t be afraid to ask.
Richard Owens: Yes, sir.
Iris Higgins: Right, right...
Hiram Hegel follows him
Richard Owens follows
Sakura Emiya walks after em
Iris Higgins follows
Hiram Hegel: ... A robot is a machine which can complete complicated tasks indep
A MOT requires a pilot.
Therefore it is not a robot.
Iris Higgins: It s still technology, Hiram.
Hiram Hegel: But it is not a robot.
Iris Higgins: Everything is technology.
Hiram Hegel: You are not technology.
Iris Higgins: ...You know what I mean!
...Don t you?
Hiram Hegel: I did not.
Richard Owens: The colloquial term for robot is more broad.
Hiram Hegel: But it is inaccurate.
It is a vehicle.
Richard Owens: They would frequently refer to them as robots in the Academy rega
The pilots follow Arnaud out. Desislava and Julia both wave and smile, muttering
a few pleasantries as they leave. They walk through sterile, well-lit halls unt
il they exit the facility and reach a nice, happy white shuttle bus awaiting the
m outside.
Richard Owens: I am not going to question my superior if they tell me to "get in
the god damn robot."
Hiram Hegel: Nor should you.
Iris Higgins: Who, me/
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Alright, just... Hop in and we ll be at the dormitory.
Hiram Hegel: It is the death of the English language.
Richard Owens nods

Hiram Hegel steps in

Richard Owens: Yes sir.
Hiram Hegel: i mean italian
Richard Owens enters the bus
Arnaud Abandonato climbs in, sitting near the front
Richard Owens quickly and silently has a seat
Hiram Hegel sits now
Hiram Hegel has just fucking clammed out
Hiram Hegel: *up
Iris Higgins waits for Sakura to be seated
Hiram Hegel s has tightened a bit
Hiram Hegel he wipes his foreheard and looks down at his hands
Sakura Emiya takes a chair
Arnaud Abandonato is also very, very quiet and sighs to himself, muttering somet
hing in what sounds like French.
Sakura Emiya is tbh a little concerned by the other pilots
Richard Owens , when he is absolutely certain no one is looking at him, looks do
wn and adjusts his tie
Iris Higgins walks up to Sakura s aisle
Iris Higgins: Hey, man... You mind if I sit with you?
eldritch s.: arnaud starts trying to swallow a whole baguette
Sakura Emiya: Oh, no, that s fine!
Sakura Emiya scoots over
"" is playing a gameboy advance port of Doom 2
eldritch s.: richard and hiram are weirdo budies
Mac D.: jesus iris has shit taste
Iris Higgins sits down next to her
eldritch s.: "first, you prepare the lube"
"and then you bend over"
"": did anyone ask you
Mac D.: a GBA port of doom 2 what the fuck
Sakura Emiya: So, how are you liking it here so far?
"": alternate history btch
The bus starts off and heads through all the security checkpoints. Shit, there s
a lot of them, this place is pretty secure.
Mac D.: might as well fuckin play it with BROKEN HANDS while you re at it
Iris Higgins: I m a bit creeped out by the other kids, really...
Hiram Hegel is somewhat comfortable
Richard Owens looks out the window
Hiram Hegel and then has a thought

Iris Higgins: You seem nice, though.

Mobile L (GM): Can y all see the "bus" map okay?
Hiram Hegel "What if I m defective. What if they re going to kill me."
Mac D.: ya
Sakura Emiya: Oh... well, thank you for saying that. You seem nice as well.
Hiram Hegel: is it supposed to be blank white
Mobile L (GM): A ight, just czeckin
Didn t have time to make a legit bus
Richard Owens is thinking "what efficient and effective security measures"
Iris Higgins: Don t tell Hiram or Richard I said any of that, though...
Hiram Hegel begins silently freaking out at every checkpoint
Richard Owens "maybe one day i ll pass through it and have.....conversations wit
h toll booth operators!"
Iris Higgins: They re not bad people, just... really, really kind of boring.
Richard Owens ", i m not ready for that....."
Sakura Emiya: Boring?
Mac D.: this is all canon by the way
Iris Higgins: You don t think so?
Eventually, much to the relief of the old driver guy, they make it out and are o
n the road. The lovely Sicilian sun shines down upon them.
Mobile L (GM): nooo......
Sakura Emiya: Well, they seem...
Hiram Hegel scooches closer to the aisle
Iris Higgins: Hard?
Mac D.: richard is canon and you can t stop me
Hiram Hegel tries to avoid contact with the sun
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, that. Yes, very canon
Richard Owens s face has not changed in the slightest
Sakura Emiya: ...Hard? What do you mean?
Richard Owens but internally he s admiring the sunshine
Iris Higgins: Hardcore, but not in an exciting way.
Hiram Hegel is visible pulling away from the sunlight
Richard Owens "perhaps i shall write.....a poem"
Hiram Hegel looks down at the floor
Richard Owens "you are my sunshine"
Iris Higgins: In a "I m eternally desensitized" way.
Richard Owens "my only sunshine"
Sakura Emiya: Oh... yeah, I get that feeling as well.
Richard Owens "you make me happy"
Richard Owens "and bright all day"
Hiram Hegel "I dislike being out. I always burn."
Some nice song is on the radio. It s definitely Sicilian, sounds pretty traditio

nal. Arnaud murmurs along with it, seeming to know it well.

Richard Owens "you ll never know dear"
Richard Owens "how much i love you"
Hiram Hegel presumably has heard it before?
Iris Higgins has unnaturally tiny pupils beeteedubs
Richard Owens "please don t take my sunshine away"
Hiram Hegel: she s on the srugs
Probably so. The bus guy likes his familiar stations.
Richard Owens "good. good. it s perfect."
Mobile L (GM): Oh my gawd, Richard
Iris Higgins: Are you from Japan?
Hiram Hegel seems content with this
Hiram Hegel listens closely to the lyrics
Sakura Emiya: Yes, I am. My father, Kiritsugu, is one of MIDAS s guards.
Richard Owens
ws to break a
Iris Higgins:
Sakura Emiya:
Oop, that one
Iris Higgins:

s mind then decides to review the eighteen different holds he kno

man s leg in under two seconds
Ooooh... yeah, he got his head blown off..
concluded, but here s another. Probably also very familiar.
This guy in my video game.

Richard Owens ".....italy has lovely music"

Sakura Emiya: Ah... what is it you re playing?
Hiram Hegel sits back in his seat, taking some deeper breathes than he had befor
Iris Higgins: I don t know...
Hiram Hegel peeks out of the window
Iris Higgins has not blinked since they were in the facility
Hiram Hegel squinting in the light
Sakura Emiya: ...You, erm... you don t?
Richard Owens has not moved a muscle since taking a seat and looking out the win
Iris Higgins: When I change the cartridge I have to do it quickly.
So that the games never stop.
Sakura Emiya: Ah, I see... if you don t mind, why is that?
Richard Owens "....Have I ever played.....a video game?...."
Iris Higgins: My favorite thing to do is play video games. Some people think tha
t makes me a loser, but they re all wrong.
Richard Owens "I don t think those pilot simulations counted as video games..."
Iris Higgins: What s wrong with having fun?
The quaint, old Italian buildings roll by as they start to near a more urban are
Sakura Emiya: I think that s a good attitude to have. After all, it s like any o

ther hobby, isn t it?

Richard Owens "Perhaps if I just casually ask her.....nope. nope nope NOPE can t
do it."
Iris Higgins: I did chess once, but then I couldn t pay attention.
The driver mutters something to Arnaud, and he nods, sighing a little.
Mobile L (GM): Aww, Richard...
Iris Higgins: My teachers said I had problems.
Richard Owens "Interrupting conversation is rude anyway."
Hiram Hegel "More is becoming known. Good. Good."
Sakura Emiya: Well... forgive me for saying so, but that s not very fair of them
Iris Higgins: And then my doctors did too, so...
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Almost there, kids.
Sakura Emiya: Oh.
Hiram Hegel "What I can see can t hurt me. I can see all the ugliness, it won t
get me."
Richard Owens
Iris Higgins:
You think the

"Maybe If I m lucky she ll talk to me and then maybe by chance the

will steer towards me playing video games....."
One thing you need to know about me is that I can t stop playing.
other kids like video gaming?

Hiram Hegel "The most frightening one is the girl. I don t know why she smiles.
I don t like smiles."
Sakura Emiya: We could ask!
Richard Owens
Iris Higgins:
Sakura Emiya:
Iris Higgins:
They don t...

"Oh son of a bitch."

Actually, this needs to be a more in between us two type thing...
It does?
I doubt they want to talk about it. You don t know, right?
die. They just won t die.

Richard Owens "Dammit........."

Hiram Hegel "It s all lies. Everything like that is. It covers what she really i
s, People who smile, they re showing that they want you to think a fake thing."
Sakura Emiya: ...I m not sure I understand...?
Richard Owens "Maybe the other kid with the shades knows something about video g
Sakura Emiya has slowly been starting to think that Iris is a little loopy over
the course of this conversation
Sakura Emiya but is trying to be polite amidst the mild unease
Hiram Hegel "Liar. Liar. Liar. Damned liars. Stop smiling. Stop it."
The shuttle bus slowly winds down street after street, lazily making turn after
turn like a spring gradually becoming uncoiled. The driver s posture perks up as
they pull through one of those gates where you have to punch the code in to ent
Iris Higgins s mouth hangs open
Iris Higgins: ...What was your life like in Japan?
Richard Owens "He seems kind of focused right now. Would be unwise to break his

Sakura Emiya: Oh, it was nice, I guess. My life s very ordinary - I went to scho
ol, I was in the archery club... nothing special, you know.
Iris Higgins: Good, man...
MIDAS picked some weird kids, that s for sure.
The shuttle pulls through. Finally, they are there, in front of a modern-looking
dormitory building.
Iris Higgins: I hope we fit in.
Hiram Hegel "... I can t be wrong. I don t think I could be. It s a fact, they a
ll hate me. They know. They know I m not like them."
Richard Owens notices the building
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Okay, we re here.
Sakura Emiya: It ll be fine, so don t worry.
Sakura Emiya smiles
Hiram Hegel rises
Richard Owens stands up and makes hie way out of the bus
Sakura Emiya: Oh, we re here.
Iris Higgins stands up
Hiram Hegel: Good.
Sakura Emiya gets up
Hiram Hegel has only gotten more tightly wound
Space: persona dorm music or i riot
Hiram Hegel: no
Hiram Hegel heads into the dorms
Richard Owens looks at Hiram
Hiram Hegel looks back at him
Hiram Hegel: ... Can I help you?
Arnaud Abandonato follows them out and wait just a sec whilst I put the sprites
where they ought go
Richard Owens: You seem discontent.
Sakura Emiya headen on outte
Iris Higgins steps down and out
Hiram Hegel: I have been told I seem that way by others.
Iris Higgins: What s your name?
Richard Owens: It has grown more apparent.
Hiram Hegel: ...
Sakura Emiya: My name s Emiya Sakura. What s yours?
Hiram Hegel: I do not fair well in crow,ds
Richard Owens: We number only six.
Seven if the driver of the bus was included.
Hiram Hegel: I am normally left to my own devices.
Iris Higgins: Iris Higgins. Can I just call you Emmy for short?
Richard Owens: ...I see.
Hiram Hegel: So this will require some amount of... adjustment, on my part.
Richard Owens: It would be wise to consult some sort of aid in this regard.
Sakura Emiya: Only if I can call you Ira!

Hiram Hegel: I hardly think I need it.

Richard Owens: I am concerned this fear of groups will hinder your ability to fu
nction as part of a unit.
Iris Higgins: Well, that works out perfect!
Hiram Hegel stops dead
Iris Higgins smiles, both at her and the vidya
Richard Owens: Proper teamwork is a necessity in this field.
The Pilots and their OD enter, walking through the hall and up one flight of sta
irs. It isn t a massive building, but it s clean and well-lit. They eventually a
rrive in a hall, lined with doors. Pretend for me that there s bathrooms and shi
t at the end of the hall, okay? ;)
Hiram Hegel his breaths quicken a small bit
Richard Owens: ....Are you alright.
Hiram Hegel: I assure you I am perfectly able.
Richard Owens: Am I too close, do I need to step back.
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Sakura Emiya smiles bac
Richard Owens takes a step back
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Alright. These are the rooms. Obviously, there s way more
of them then there are of yo...
Arnaud Abandonato looks to Hiram
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Everything alright?
Hiram Hegel: FIne.
Space: we s still on the bus
"": space is right
Hiram Hegel: wheels on the bus go around and arounf
Mobile L (GM): OOOP
Sakura Emiya: success
Mobile L (GM): Bip
Sakura Emiya: ...
Mobile L (GM): Sorry, forgot to move the ribbon
Sakura Emiya looks at the Hiram situation, a bit concern
Richard Owens is still looking at Hiram
Iris Higgins turns to hiram
Richard Owens: You should address this with the Commanding Officer.
Hiram Hegel seems to shrivel under the gazes
Richard Owens: ...Perhaps later, in private.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...If I... need to take you to a nurse, I can...
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
I am physically well.
Sakura Emiya: ....
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Are the rest of you good to look at your rooms...?
Sakura Emiya nods quickly
Iris Higgins frowns, heading off
Richard Owens looks back at Arnaud
Richard Owens: Yes, sir. Have they already been chosen for us.

Sakura Emiya follows after Iris

Arnaud Abandonato: ...Okay. If you need anything at all, I ll be right here.
...No. You can... You can choose, I think.
Iris Higgins: Now, which one has a television...
Richard Owens: Understood.
Sakura Emiya: Do you think he s okay?
Iris Higgins: Oh, Hiram?
Richard Owens: I will wait for the others to choose theirs.
Sakura Emiya: Yes. He seemed bothered.
Iris Higgins: No, I don t...
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya looks back down the hallway
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Okay. That s nice of you.
Iris Higgins: Maybe he ll adjust.
Sakura Emiya: I hope so... it s probably just nerves.
Hiram Hegel stands by his chosen
Richard Owens: I am unconcerned with anything beyond practicality.
Iris Higgins: Yeah...
Arnaud Abandonato looks Hiram over, visibly a little concerned
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Right, well.
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel "Soulless machine."
Richard Owens: ....Should I move to the other end of the hall.
Iris Higgins aimlessly wanders into a room
Arnaud Abandonato: ...If it s alright.
Richard Owens: Understood, Sir.
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh, this one looks nice! Ira, look at the window!
Richard Owens walks over to the other end
Iris Higgins: ...Hey!
That s pretty good!
Arnaud Abandonato:
Iris Higgins looks up for 0.5 seconds
Richard Owens stands there, watching the others choose their rooms
Sakura Emiya: I think I ll take this room.
Hiram Hegel: I am sorry. I was simply afflicted by a momentary... nervous fit.
Iris Higgins: Dang! That s a big one!
Arnaud Abandonato: ...I see. It s... Nerveracking, right? Day one, all these new
Iris Higgins: They don t make em like this in america...
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Arnaud Abandonato nods
Sakura Emiya: What are you looking at?
Hiram Hegel: I am sure they will.
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya heads into her room
Hiram Hegel: Pass.
Iris Higgins: Oh, it s a big TV.
Sakura Emiya: ...Wow. How many inches do you think it is?

eldritch s.: hitler is pointing a gun at the girls

Iris Higgins: ...28.
Mac D.: does richard owens need to be an action star
"Medusa": don t shoot
Iris Higgins: Wide.
Hiram Hegel: defeat him
Mobile L (GM): He do
Iris Higgins plays the game and gets it configured with those teeny little eyes
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens looks into the room to his right
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Look, I know it s... tough, but if you re unsure about any
thing or even... kind of think you aren t going to be okay, please talk to me. I
t s important that you re able to settle in okay.
Richard Owens with all those BOOKS
Sakura Emiya has taken note of these freakishly tiny pupils
Sakura Emiya decides to be polite about it and say nothing
Richard Owens oh shit what if those books are about civilian activities
Hiram Hegel: I will... be sure to do so.
Arnaud Abandonato nods
Richard Owens walks into the room and pulls out one of the books to look at it
Arnaud Abandonato: ...And I mean... If that time is right now, hey, that s fine,
just say the word. We can... We can help.
Iris Higgins: Well, the cables look new.
Hiram Hegel: stalin
Richard Owens well whats the BOOK miss GM
Sakura Emiya: That s good, right?
Hiram Hegel: I am completely sure I will be fine.
Hiram Hegel: fifty shades
Space: arnaud is a lot nicer than i expected
Iris Higgins: ...Just perfect.
Hiram Hegel: what is that winston
Richard, is in fact, holding an Italian-language copy of some old Calvin and Hob
bes anthology
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: should have been fifty shades
Sakura Emiya: Great!
Richard Owens the fuck does this have to do with LEARNING ANYTHING
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Okay, if you re sure.
Richard Owens puts the book back
Hiram Hegel: I am, thank you.
I unno, but lookit that tig, awww
Richard Owens walks back out the room and resumes standing in the hallway
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Okay. I ll be out here for the time being. There s some sn
acks and things in the fridge.
Hiram Hegel: ... Are they salt free?
Sakura Emiya: Well... do you think they re gonna have us do anything else today,

or should we just get settled?

Space: yooooo
this is sweet
eldritch s.: ew
what is that
"": is this Hotline Miami
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Oh! Yes, actually. Now, some of them aren t, but those are
labeled. We made sure about... that.
Mobile L (GM): Nope
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Thank you.
Richard Owens STANDING
Arnaud Abandonato nods
Richard Owens ON THE END
Arnaud Abandonato: Of course...
Richard Owens like the prophets once said
Arnaud Abandonato looks over at Richard over there
Iris Higgins: Idunno, I just want to watch some Latin public access TV.
eldritch s.: the first channel is broadcasting
Sakura Emiya: Do they have television broadcasts in Latin?
eldritch s.: the finest
Richard Owens is quiet and watching the others
eldritch s.: eeeeeeyatalian
Arnaud Abandonato decides to go ahead and go over to him
Iris Higgins: I mean, Italian.
Richard Owens notices that he s approaching and stands at attention
Richard Owens: Sir.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, right! What do you think s on?
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Hey. Did you get your room picked out yet?
Hiram Hegel walks to the fridge
Richard Owens: No, Sir.
Arnaud Abandonato: Oh. Well, if you want to, I think the others already picked.
Hiram Hegel opens the fridge
eldritch s.: ZUUUUUUUUL
Richard Owens: Understood.
Richard Owens looks towards the room with the BOOKS
Richard Owens: ...Permission to take this one, Sir.
Space: hey you guys know the arena thread on t v tropes and idioms
Mac D.: i have heard of this arena thread
Space: me and fox are making a ripoff on broken windows dot com
Mac D.: on the television tropes and idioms web site
sounds great
bruvva i might even join

Space: good, good

It s a little fridge, but it does indeed have some snacks in it. The ones that h
ave salt in them are labeled with little red sticky notes. The ones that are sal
t-free are conveniently grouped together in a nice little cluster. Also, there s
an entire box of Capri Sun. Kiddoes like Capri Sun, right?
Arnaud Abandonato: ...You thinking that one?
Richard Owens: Yes, sir.
Hiram Hegel internally debates what to take
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Alright. I don t think anyone else called it, yet, so it s
Richard Owens: Thank you, Sir.
Space: don t you die on me higginbid
Mac D.: i was about to ask where higgin went
"": :c
my biker isn t done
Space: ah, i see
Hiram Hegel is having trouble deciding
Arnaud Abandonato nods to Richard
Arnaud Abandonato: Of course.
Well, you can t go wrong with celery, can ya?
Space: hey mobile
i forget if ive already asked this
but which gm plays which character
Mobile L (GM): We still need to work that out
Hiram Hegel takes a celery stick
Richard Owens enters the room and surveys it
Space: you should call dibs on illya
Yayyyy, it s all crispy and cold
Mobile L (GM): I did :3
Mac D.: do all her lines in vocaroo
The room is not crispy and cold, though, it s pretty nice. Gotta love that bedsp
read, right?
Mobile L (GM): I will... try...
Space: do it
Hiram Hegel takes a bite
Hiram Hegel: ill take a celery stick
and EAT IT
Richard Owens does in fact think it is a bedspread of sufficient quality
"": can biker be in Sanguinas Et Furias
Hiram Hegel: unsung heroes
Space: i second this
Arnaud Abandonato just lingers out in the hall, fuckin around with his Blackber
ry. Guy s also got a bluetooth headset. Huh...
"": i am switching characters and playing as young Biker instead Iris isn t work
ing out for me
Mobile L (GM): D-damn you, brother...!
Space: Hawthorne Biker pilots robots
Richard Owens: My stand shall judge you.
"": they have to make him a big cleaver
Arnaud Abandonato: oh god no...

Iris Higgins: Find a channel with bright lights.

Richard Owens: Ora. Ora. Ora. Ora. Ora. Ora.
Iris Higgins: I mean, if you can...
I gotta do something real quick, Emmy.
Sakura Emiya: Yeah?
Iris Higgins scrounges for outlets
Richard Owens is now looking through all the BOOKS
IRIS ROOM: There s quite a few outlets, some on the wall by the dresser, many n
ear where the TV plugs in.
Hiram Hegel heads back into his room
"": mobile give me control of Biker
Hiram Hegel: unsung
Hiram Hegel sits in is room
Hiram Hegel wonders where theat fucking door goes
RICHARD S ROOM: A surprising variety of books, all in Italian. There s more Calv
in and Hobbes anthologies, the Harry Potter series, some about Syracuse and some
more niche books, like ones on science and history.
Hiram Hegel tries opening
Hiram Hegel: it s bigger than him
Richard Owens ah HAAAAH
Huh. It s a closet.
Hiram Hegel: Hm.
Richard Owens is happy to see SOME books about learning shit
Richard Owens not that he actually shows it. At all.
Hiram Hegel steps inside and shuts the door
Hiram Hegel is there a light switch
Space: the door only opens one way
Mac D.: hey sakur you should go talk to one of the creeps
Biker: Sorry I m late. Took MIDAS 80 years longer than they should ve to fax me.
Space: hiram locks himself in
Hiram Hegel: i mean with a giant fucking door i assume it s a large closet
Sakura Emiya: ...Huh?
The books are all gently worn, some more than others, but nothing decrepit.
Yep, but it s kinda hard to reach, Hiram.
Biker: Oh, you re one of the new kids. Hi, me too.
Hiram Hegel immediatly begins freaking out as the door shuts
Hiram Hegel tries opening it
Biker: Except I ain t such a kid.
Richard Owens wonders how long these books have been here
And yeah, it s pretty spacious. There s an ironing board in there. The door, tha
nkfully, does not jam.
Sakura Emiya: You re another MOT pilot...? Well, erm, I m sure that s alright.
Hiram Hegel leaves it open and tries to reach the switch
Who knows? Maybe someone donated them...

Biker: Actually, they have me do "odd jobs", whatever that sounds like.
Gotta stand up on your tippy toes, kiddo...
Hiram Hegel does such a thing
Richard Owens: ....
Biker: Some nights I m the janitor, others I m the delivery boy.
Richard Owens turns and exits the room
Hiram Hegel yes
Hiram Hegel shuts the door
Sakura Emiya: So you re a butler...?
Hiram Hegel sits in the middle of the room
Biker: I like how you think, kid.
Hiram Hegel rifles though his pockets
Arnaud Abandonato sees Richard come out, looking up from his phone. He briefly l
ooks kinda sad.
Sakura Emiya: Oh! Thank you, Mr., erm.... what s your name?
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Oh. Hey. You settling in okay?
Biker: That s classified.
Sakura Emiya: Oh.
Sakura Emiya wonders if her name s classified, too...
Biker walks up to Richard
Biker: You guys self-replicate, don t you?
Richard Owens: Yes, sir. The room is well-accomodated
Richard Owens turns and looks at Biker
Richard Owens: ......
Arnaud Abandonato looks up at Biker as well
Hiram Hegel takes out his nightlight
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Uh. Who are... you.
Richard Owens: ....Do you need something.
Sakura Emiya goes to check up on Hiram after a moment
Hiram Hegel his flashlight
Biker: Hey! Arnaud!
Hiram Hegel and then a little slip of paper
Biker: Long time no see!
Sakura Emiya knocks on the door, not wanting to intrude
Hiram Hegel is in the closet
Hiram Hegel literally
Sakura Emiya: Hello? It s me - are you doing alright?
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Do I... have we met? You sound... kinda familiar, but...
Richard Owens: Are you acquainted with the Commanding Officer.
Quiet in there...
Biker: You could say that...

Richard Owens looks at Arbie

Richard Owens *arnie
Sakura Emiya pauses
o give

Emiya tentatively peeks in

Look, the point is I m holding up this whole operation but nobody wants t
me any fuckin credit, alright?
Emiya: Hello?

Arnaud Abandonato just looks confuzzled

Hiram Hegel begins writing on that piece of paper
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel writes a few words
"": duffy thinking about arby s ribs
Richard Owens looks back at Biker
"": fffffatty
Hiram Hegel s hand is steady, it s simple
Mac D.: arby s is roast beef your fucking imbecile
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Right. How did you get in...?
Hiram Hegel: "I AM NOT DEFECTIVE."
Richard Owens: Was there something you needed.
Biker: Borrowed a pair of keys.
Arnaud Abandonato: This... Um...
Richard Owens: ....Did you break into this building.
Hiram Hegel doesn t hear Sakura
Biker: Look, I gotta get used to being around you littles tykes.
Hiram Hegel continues to write that phrase
Biker: Can you do the same for me, kiddies?
Pretty please?
Richard Owens: You broke into the building, didn t you.
Sakura Emiya steps in a little more
Hiram Hegel: They won t throw me away, like trash.
Sakura Emiya: ...He must be out...
Biker: No, I told you! The keys are right here.
Biker holds em out
Arnaud Abandonato is punching something into his Blackberry
Sakura Emiya decides it would be good to go ask
Richard Owens looks down at the keys
Biker: That s rust.
Sakura Emiya: Excuse me? I don t want to interrupt, but does anyone know where t
he boy with sunglasses is?
Richard Owens: How did you obtain theseRichard Owens turns to look at Sakura
Richard Owens: Is he not in his chosen room.
Hiram Hegel stops

Biker: Oh boy, there s another?

Hiram Hegel takes the paper and crumples it up
Hiram Hegel throws it at the wall
Sakura Emiya: It s empty...
Hiram Hegel: It s a lie.
Richard Owens: Did you inspect thoroughly.
Biker: Which room, kiddo?
Arnaud Abandonato:
Hiram Hegel: It s a lie, just like her smile.
Sakura Emiya: The first one down that hall - on the right.
Hiram Hegel: But I m not expendable.
Sakura Emiya: *second one
Biker: I ll make him talk reason, don t you worry.
Arnaud Abandonato: Hig, look
Mobile L (GM): I said that
Space: oh my god
"": i can t click on it
Mac D.: hig are you seriously dropping iris for biker
"": you FOOL
yes, i am
Mac D.: that s horrible
you are horribke
Hiram Hegel: unsung heroes
Space: hahahahhahahahha
Hiram Hegel: unsung heroes
unsung heroes
Mobile L (GM): Keep Irisu
Mac D.: is he a tiny midget
"": Hey, kid! I know you re in there!
Mobile L (GM): But yeah, I think he d be good for Unsung Heroes
Biker: I said it/
Space: i wonder what fate character i could bring into unsung heroes............
Hiram Hegel turns to the door
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens looks back at Arnaud
Hiram Hegel: I don t know that voice.
Hiram Hegel begins shaking
Sakura Emiya: ...Who was that?
Hiram Hegel runs to turn off the light
Richard Owens: The Commander Officer is unfamiliar with him.
Biker: I work for MIDAS.
Richard Owens: I suspect he stole the keys in his possession.
Should I dispose of him.
Biker: There s nothing to worry about, see...
Hiram Hegel "What if he doesn t."
Hiram Hegel switches the light off
Sakura Emiya: ...Shouldn t we, erm... can t we call security for that?
Hiram Hegel immediatly begins freaking out again
Richard Owens: .....That is another option, yes.

in the closet
Biker: Yeah, he s not coming out.
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d6
= 2
Richard Owens: Is he in the closet.
Hiram Hegel: for the stress, of course
Biker: The kid s going to try and bite my fingers off if I try to get him out.
Hiram Hegel: Effect: The character has an irrational fear of some specific thing
. When exposed to the thing that they fear, the character immediately gains 1d6
Stress and 1 temporary Fatigue that lasts for as long as they are confronted by
their Phobia, as well as for 1d6 rounds afterward. This Fatigue, for as long as
it lasts, penalizes the character as normal, and can even cause them to faint.
Arnaud Abandonato hurries over there
Richard Owens: ...I will see what I can do.
Biker: No, don t.
Richard Owens watches Arnaud go and is like "OH I GUESS FUCKING NOT"
Sakura Emiya: Oh dear, erm...
Richard Owens: ....
Biker: ...
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Hiram?
Hiram Hegel begins trembling
Biker: ...So, do you two play sports?
Hiram Hegel curls up in the corner of the closet
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Are you Are you alright...?
Richard Owens: No.
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel begins to feel faint
Biker: No? You re at the perfect age.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Hiram. Hey. Please come out of there.
Hiram Hegel just fucking passes out
Arnaud Abandonato:
Biker: Muscles are important for getting things done.
Richard Owens: My time off duty is spent on other matters.
Arnaud Abandonato opens the closet
eldritch s.: wrong closet
Richard Owens: I follow a strict dietary and training regiment to keep my body i
n ideal condition.
"": 6% mobile bring charger
Mac D.: no
punish him
Sakura Emiya: I m in the archery club, if that counts.
Mobile L (GM): Beerb
eldritch s.: make him work in the coal mines
Biker: Really? I m pretty good with a cricket bat.
Richard Owens: I was unaware you practiced archery.
Sakura Emiya: It s true!
Richard Owens: Are you proficient.

eldritch s. passes back into conciousness

Hiram Hegel: no me
"": seer is having migraines
Hiram Hegel begins crawling towards the lightswitch
Sakura Emiya brushes a strand of hair back, smiling
Sakura Emiya: I don t mean to brag, but I am captain of the archery team...
Richard Owens: I see.
Biker: Captain, huh?
Richard Owens: Do you utilize these skills in your MOT.
Hiram Hegel:
Sakura Emiya: Yes, captain! It s more administrative - it sounds more interestin
g than it is.
(Richie) Oh, no - from what I ve heard, my MOT will be using firearms.
Richard Owens: I see.
Biker: MOT... Yeah, I ve heard of those.
Big filing cabinet told me all I need to know about MOTs.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Hiram, hey...
Richard Owens looks back at Biker
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Richard Owens: ....I m serious. Where did you get those keys
Biker: In the offices. At MIDAS.
Sakura Emiya: ...
Arnaud Abandonato is close, but not too close, so as to give him air.
Richard Owens: What exactly is your profession here.
Sakura Emiya: ...Excuse me, erm... sir, what is that stain on your helmet?
Richard Owens: Are you a janitor.
Biker: Sometimes.
Richard Owens: Sometimes.
Biker: That s paint, kiddo. Ever heard of tie dye?
Sakura Emiya: Tie dye?
Hiram Hegel crawls to the ddor
Biker: It s an american thing.
Arnaud Abandonato:
Richard Owens: That is not tie dye.
Hiram Hegel: Get me out of here...
Arnaud Abandonato opens it
Richard Owens: That is a splatter of red on your helmet.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, I see... There s lots of Americans here, aren t there?
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Hey. Whoa. Why were you in there...?
Biker: Red... paint?
Richard Owens: I don t know.
Hiram Hegel: A man came in here.
Richard Owens: Is it paint.
Hiram Hegel: I distrusted... him...
Biker: You re really starting to tick me off, kid.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Oh. I m... Actually on that as we speak.
Richard Owens: Is that a threat.
Biker: Keep asking questions and I m gonna have to tell security.
Arnaud Abandonato: Just... Stay put, it ll be okay.
Sakura Emiya is steadily growing more and more uncomfortable

Hiram Hegel: Alright...

Sakura Emiya: Why don t we, erm... call security right now?
Biker: Or maybe... your commandante.
Richard Owens: ...
Biker: You wouldn t like that, would you?
Richard Owens: The commandante doesn t know who you are.
Arnaud Abandonato mentally debates whether or not patting him on the shoulder wo
uld be excessive
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya whispers something to Richard
Hiram Hegel begins climbing to his feet
Biker: Who am I?
A guy in a vest and helmet.
She doesn t know me by name, does she?
Richard Owens: That is apparent.
Sakura Emiya: ...I, erm... okay. Excuse me for a moment, please.
Arnaud Abandonato has sent a text to Kiritsugu about this interloper, as a matte
r of fact
Hiram Hegel quickly goes to get his nightlight
Richard Owens: Sir, if you do not start being direct in your answers, I will hav
e no choice but to consider you a threat.
Hiram Hegel which he had left on the floor
Biker: That s great, because it was just about time that I leave.
Sakura Emiya: Erm... excuse me, are you...?
Arnaud Abandonato trudges back into the hall
Biker: Mission complete, right?
Richard Owens: Perhaps that is ideal. Sir.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Oh?
Biker walks off
Arnaud Abandonato: Hey, yeah, uh...
Sakura Emiya: Could you, um... call security?
Kiritsugu Emiya texts back
Richard Owens watches him go
Arnaud Abandonato mutters to Sakura
Biker: What s that?
Sakura Emiya: Aah!
Kiritsugu Emiya: "Roger. How bad?"
Arnaud Abandonato: "he s acting real weird. come quickly."
Biker: ...
Arnaud Abandonato this was a text
Space: i wonder if kiritsugu could be an unsung heroes dued
Biker: Am I intruding?
Hiram Hegel: what if he died
Sakura Emiya: ...........Oh! That reminds me!
I left something in my room.
Let me just, erm...
Sakura Emiya hurries there

Arnaud Abandonato: ...No, not at all.

Biker exits the building
Kiritsugu Emiya: "Got it"
Richard Owens watches Sakura go into her room
Richard Owens: ........
Arnaud Abandonato: "he appears to be leaving"
Sakura Emiya quickly shuts the door
Richard Owens walks over and has a looksie inside
Richard Owens uhp
Kiritsugu Emiya: "Pursue?"
Hiram Hegel climbs into bed
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Sakura Emiya opens it
Richard Owens is still standing there
Sakura Emiya: Oh... hello.
Richard Owens: Hello.
Am I interrupting something.
Sakura Emiya: Not really. Please, come in.
Arnaud Abandonato: "no. I will call the police for that, just please come over h
ere. want to make sure we re safe."
Richard Owens nods, and walks inside
Kiritsugu Emiya: "Ok"
Arnaud Abandonato looks out a window to try to get a visual on BAIKAH
"": hey
your parents let you stay up late
your parents are IRRESPONSIBLE SHITS
Fawkes M.: Where s Kiritsugu s token?
"": i have to go
Sakura Emiya: ...So... how s it going?
Space: fare well higginbid
Mobile L (GM): Shit, yea, it s 1:00
Richard Owens: Fair.
Space: i m good for keeping goign
Mac D.: PSH
it s a friday
Space: this is nothing
i can hike forever
Richard Owens: Is the room you ve chosen to your liking.
Sakura Emiya: Oh! Yes, it s very nice. I like the window.
Richard Owens looks at the window
Space: place kerry so that fox can perform shenanigna
Richard Owens: It is quite spacious.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, yes. I think it s the best room here.
Richard Owens: Its position relative to the bed is perhaps unsafe, however.
Sakura Emiya: Unsafe?
Richard Owens: A sniper has a clear shot of your head.
eldritch s.: the bannister tho
Richard Owens: Of course, the bannister provides some mild cover.
It is barred, though, and has openings.

Sakura Emiya: ...I, er, don t think snipers would be a problem, would they? I me
an... well, we re helping humanity, right?
Space: the bannister wouldn t give it cover
Richard Owens: Perhaps.
Space: overpenetration
wod is weak and useless
Arnaud Abandonato goes to check on Hiram
eldritch s.: you are weak and useless
Richard Owens: However, I would not discount the possibility.
Hiram Hegel is just sitting on his bed
Kiritsugu Emiya enters, surveying the place after his summoning
Richard Owens: If you would like, I could help reposition the bed to a safer ang
Hiram Hegel twiddling his thumbs
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Doing okay? That man won t be a problem anymore.
Sakura Emiya: I appreciate it, but it should be fine. The sunlight will help me
wake up in the morning.
Sakura Emiya kerry look your daughter has a boy in his room
Hiram Hegel: Thank you.
Richard Owens: .....Alright. Understood.
Arnaud Abandonato nods
Mac D.: get that dick off of richard it is unseemly
Kiritsugu Emiya turns to look at Richard
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Can I get you a drink or anything?
Richard Owens has yet to notice Kerry
Hiram Hegel: No, I m fine.
eldritch s.: the penis lent it authenticity to eva
and its freudian theme
Kiritsugu Emiya: You two are unharmed, right?
Richard Owens: Apart from the bed, I see no other issue with this room.
Kiritsugu Emiya ohp
Richard Owens: The plant is.....nice.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Alright. If you need anything, just let me know. I ll be o
ut there.
Richard Owens then turns and takes notice of Kerry
Richard Owens: ...Ah-....Sir.
Yes, we re fine.
Hiram Hegel: shinji
Kiritsugu Emiya: Mm. Sakura?
Arnaud Abandonato approaches Kerry
Mobile L (GM): fuk where Space
Kiritsugu Emiya: Abandonato.
Fawkes M.: His Internet s off for the night
Mobile L (GM): Ah damn
Do we stop here, then?
Fawkes M.: May as well
Mac D.: haiight

guess this means its time to turn in for the night

Mobile L (GM): If I m about
Did y all enjoy?
Mac D.: we could have olive do it
yas i did
Mobile L (GM): Yey, cool
Mac D.: tell hig to not quit his day job and bring iris back
Mobile L (GM): I ll be sure to
Mac D.: well there be more shenanigans between kiritsugu and richard
Mobile L (GM): Sure, prolly
Mac D.: haaight
Mobile L (GM): I ll have Olive read over it and see if he thought I did a good e
nough job with the peoples personalities and shit to where I can keep some of t
Mac D.: goooooten nacht everybody
Mobile L (GM): G night
Mobile L (GM): Eeehee
Thank you for Kerry-ing, Fox
Kiritsugu Emiya: No problemo
Freaking trackpad
Fawkes M.: So many woes
Mobile L (GM): I hate trackpads
Fawkes M.: Same here
But when you ve got a fairly old Macbook Air
How the hell re you gonna mouse?
Mobile L (GM): Yep
God, my fucking Macbook is molten hot r/n
Fawkes M.: It doesn t help that I never put my laptop on a flat, hard surface
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, me neither
Fawkes M.: Mine gets that way too
Mobile L (GM): Effing things
I need to clean the fan
Fawkes M.: Can you vivisect an Air?
Mobile L (GM): I unno, they may have fucked with it to where you can t
Fawkes M.: Dangit
One plus for mac users, though
ua-on-mac-os-x The fateful night has finally come
Mobile L (GM): Ayyy, nice
Fawkes M.: Also
Space and I are working on our very own Arena for BW
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, that s what I heard
Eheh, fuckin a
Fawkes M.: It s gonna be gud
Or at least better than TVT s current one
(That thing s at 4000 pages when it was at ~1000 six months ago)
Mobile L (GM): Secret, underground Arena
Ooh, shit
Too much story
Fawkes M.: For real
Mobile L (GM): Not enough gory
Fawkes M.: If they want story and not gory
Take it to the Mansion
And not us
Mobile L (GM): For fuckin real
Fawkes M.: You plan to whet the thread?

Mobile L (GM): Sure thing. Anything to get my fix of Stadrick beating shit up wi
th his big hammer
Fawkes M.: Excellence
I myself don t know who to bring
Mobile L (GM): I m sure you ll think of someone
Fawkes M.: Archer might not be of a suitable powerlevel
Mobile L (GM): You could always nerf im
Fawkes M.: True
I try to clock him to levels that are suitable for who he s fighting
Since I wanna pay attention to mana gauges, I think I ll make him RP Archer if a
ny Archer - the only one in any OAAIART continuity who doesn t run on True Magic
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha, that sounds good
Shit, I m down to 18 minutes of battery
I d better hang up for the night
Fawkes M.: Alright
Mobile L (GM): Thank you for Kerrying, Fox
Fawkes M.: Night, Mobile!
No problemo
Mobile L (GM): G night
Space: i am back fox are you actually here or is it an illusion
probably because it s6 am in californai
Mobile L (GM): Yo
MrEForEccentric (GM): I am starting to read it
Mobile L (GM): Kewl. What cha think?
MrEForEccentric (GM): jesuschristwhatisthisglory
Mac D.: gurararar
Mobile L (GM): Eyyy
How bout Biker, Olive?
MrEForEccentric (GM): I only just started reading, GAHD
Mac D.: what have you done to this place
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mobile, entertain duff
Mobile L (GM):
MrEForEccentric (GM): oh myyy
Mac D.: cease this
you are what is wrong with this country
Mobile L (GM): Never ever
We will make our own oligarchic state
Mac D.: i will set you on fire you degenerate
Mobile L (GM): It will only strengthen me
I managed to get "Why Must I Cry" in my head somehow. Ghhhhhh
Mac D.: olive where s Richard s Cool Guy Theme
MrEForEccentric (GM): I haven t added it yet
Mac D.: tch....
MrEForEccentric (GM): Same with Space
Mac D.: have to do everything...........
MrEForEccentric (GM): I have been real busy
Mobile L (GM): Gimme a link and I ll add
Mac D.:
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, I like
Mac D.: also another song you can add
Mobile L (GM): Hellz yeah
Mac D.: i wonder what other ace combat songs are on soundcloud
Mobile L (GM): I added The Unsung War, incidentally
Mac D.:
now this one
Mobile L (GM): c:

MrEForEccentric (GM): Y know I m probably going to add one or two tracks from a
Koei game right
Mobile L (GM): Do it, mang
MrEForEccentric (GM): Since they do good action
It ll probably be Teary edge from DW7
If it s on there
Mobile L (GM): We need all the ballin action songs we can get
are you ready olive
Mobile L (GM): Oliiiiiiive
Where are youuuuuuuuuu?
He s... gone...
MrEForEccentric (GM): I am still reading this shit
I meanWOnderful masterpiece of modern literature
Mobile L (GM): On a scale of 1 to 10, how close to maybe-possibly canon is it?
MrEForEccentric (GM): so far it s pretty good- but I think it is just falling sh
ort of canon in a way
Mobile L (GM): I had a feeling
MrEForEccentric (GM): Arnaud eating a whole goddamn baguette
Teaching them how to surrender
Mobile L (GM): Drying his French tears with it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well I see y all can do the french hating without me which
is good
Mobile L (GM): They re pretty hatable, what can I say?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Y know
The English Coast apparently got a lot of smog recently
Because it drifted over
From fuckin France
Mobile L (GM): Ew
MrEForEccentric (GM): Meaning a lot of people in Brighton and shit- couldn t enj
oy the beach on a nice day
Mac D.: upon learning of their fault in this tragedy
france proceeding to increase its smog exporting by 20%
and cigarettes recieved a large bump in sales nationwide
put on more ace combat music
Mobile L (GM): Quebec then tries to replicate this stunt and smog up the rest of
Canada, with mixed results
AlsoI hope our players aren t hoping on getting attached to the Unsung Heroes cast
Because they re expected to drop more-like-flies than the regular cast
Mobile L (GM): Are we just gonna let people make as many dudes as they need?
Mac D.: what is unsung heroes
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Make them as they are needed
Since the rest of the squad is filled with NPCs
Unsung Heroes is basically- a little interlude campaign using Tavern Tales
Mobile L (GM): This is the other part of the campaign where the ground troops fo
r Taskforce Chrysos do ground troop things
MrEForEccentric (GM): Sometimes we do sessions in it yeah
Working for MIDAS in the shit the Pilots wouldn t be doing
Like- rescuing pilots if their MOT fell
Mobile L (GM): And you get to have soldiers do fun little missions, as kind of a
refresher after all the heavy shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): But it will still be pretty heavy
Just not AS heavy
Certainly mechanics-wise it will not be as heavy
Mac D.: that sounds cool

MrEForEccentric (GM): also- on some missions- a total party kill can be counted
as canon
Mac D.: why wasn t I invited
MrEForEccentric (GM): You are automatically in
Due to being part of this
Mac D.: OH
Mobile L (GM): Erryone s invited
MrEForEccentric (GM): We won t be saying which missions will be canonical if it
s a TPK
Mac D.: we can do a prequel chapter and i can play as richard owens and be invin
cible due to plot armor
MrEForEccentric (GM): Keep you on your toes
Mac D.: ha HA
MrEForEccentric (GM): Though- Pilot Rescues on the whole are probably going to b
e- if you all die- you all get to visit a bar
A bar owned by a man who s genius
is revered throughout the land
Mac D.: what are Pilot Rescues
MrEForEccentric (GM): Basically- if in the main campaign
Say Sakura was taken down
In the MOT
Mac D.: do we do
MrEForEccentric (GM): And the capsule shoots off and lands somewhere
Mac D.: an Unsung Heroes game where a strike team is sent in to get her
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
That is precisely it
Mac D.: if richard ejects can we do a campaign where it s just him being riddick
MrEForEccentric (GM): If something from the main game otherwise doesn t impact o
n the Unsung Heroes- we come up with other missions that generally delve more in
to the ins-and-outs
Mac D.: the team arrives and he s just sitting their wearing the skin of demifie
nds for warmth and eating a snake
MrEForEccentric (GM): Richard would certainly be a player-controlled NPC sure
These would be one-session missions
On the whole
Mac D.: this sounds NEAT
Mobile L (GM): I think it s gonna be super fun
Always good to mix things up a little
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Also- we can do some intrigue things with Unsung Heroes that we might not get to
do otherwise
Kiritsugu would be a bad idea for Unsung Heroes though
SinceThe PCs in Unsung Heroes are by nature
MrEForEccentric (GM): There is a reason I actually have class based on squad-rol
For quick character creation
Mobile L (GM): Hella streamlined
Anyway, y all gonna do the stat thing or what?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good question
Though it is half an hour from midnight so- I will brb for a moment while I take
some plates downstairs and take my acid
Mobile L (GM): Trippin
Mac D.: hmmmmmm
MrEForEccentric (GM): ok I m back
Mac D.: WELL
about TIME

MrEForEccentric (GM): so- you want to do skills

right now
Mac D.: yes
yes i do
MrEForEccentric (GM): give me a moment to find the thing in the pdf
Mac D.: hok
MrEForEccentric (GM): Since I am just slightly above in the dark than you are wh
en it comes to that thing called skills
As such, the options available to a player to spend experience on are always the
Trunk + their Eva Type + any Branches they have unlocked.
You always start with a branch that is the same name as your root
So you would have the Neo-Spartan branch unlocked
No enrichment
800 xp
Mac D.: hokay
so xp is the currency used to spend on skills?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Right
It d be
Really useful
If you had the pdf open
Do you have the pdf?
Mac D.: no i do not where can i get it
MrEForEccentric (GM): See V3 which is
the one we re using
AnywayStarting Talents due to Trunk: Starting Talents: AT Power (Basic Field) |, AT Po
wer (Neutralize) |
Oh- you begin with ONE WHOLE LUCK
Mac D.: YAY
is the 800 xp for both hummen and robot skills
MrEForEccentric (GM): yes
Mac D.: hokay
so they re called Talents?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Talents aren t like a progression thing like skills
It s like- something you can do
Skills are kind ofYou almost have everything
ButIts only
MrEForEccentric (GM): Based on what you re trained up in
Mac D.: ok
MrEForEccentric (GM): And how well your background stat is for the skill
Mac D.: are talents also bought with xp
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes, but Talents are in the tree of life stuff
As is everything related to this
Mac D.: dafuq is Tree of Life
MrEForEccentric (GM): Think of it
A research tree in a strategy game
And you have the branches you unlock
Where you get more options
As to how to spend your XP
Mac D.: oh ok
MrEForEccentric (GM): yeah
Skills is really- confusing for me, because of where I m not sureIs what level everything starts at
Mac D.: it s telling me like general skills
and now these like
MrEForEccentric (GM): yeah

MrEForEccentric (GM): restricted skills are things people generally have to be p

retty specialist for
And are harder to accomplish as such
When not-trained
Mac D.: owens would be trained for combat i would think
or brawling
or both
where are the costs of each skill
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s under the tree of life
ButLet me just paste this
This is actually ust
More monolithic than complex I think
Then you must populate your Skills (p. 9). Each Skill Group is based on a single
Personal Score, known as the Defining Score of that Skill, representing the cha
racters natural ability in that area. While many only have a single Defining Scor
e as an option, some Skills Groups allow the player to choose their Defining Sco
re between two options. All skills must have their Defining Scores chosen at Cha
racter Creation, and they may not be changed later.
MrEForEccentric (GM):
Some choices for skills directly impact other derived stats. The characters Eva M
artial score, used for Melee attacks, is equal to their (Physique Score + Coordi
nation Score) 20. Their Eva Firearms score, used for Ranged attacks, is equal to
their (Coordination + Personal Score selected for Notice) 20.
Mac D.: i
MrEForEccentric (GM): Basically
Take each skill group
List them down
All of them
And say what personal stat
Is your defining score for each of them
MrEForEccentric (GM): Out of what is there in the skill group
Mac D.: okay so
how do i determine personal score
MrEForEccentric (GM): d- as in physique and shit
Do you remember what we did for ego and stress pools
Mac D.: we put in one for intelligence and the other for empathy
and had to choose which one to round up and which one to round down
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah.
It s not that EXACTLY
But it IS using a personal score like intelligence or empathy
Mac D.: this
this is some shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): To set the starting natural score in that skill
what do you mean
Mac D.: i barely get any of this
this will be some ride
MrEForEccentric (GM): The Defining Score of a Skill Group is the Personal Score
upon which that Skill Group is based. In some cases, the Skill Group lists multi
ple Personal Scores as its Defining Score. In such a case, the player is require
d to choose one Personal Score from the presented options to be the Defining Sco
re for that Skill Group for their character. Once character creation is complete
, the choice cannot be changed.
Mac D.: hok
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right- it is kind of like Ego pool in that
It doesn t change- with change in the personal score
I think
Training represents the incremental advances in a skill that the character achie

ves by increased practice and study. Buying Skill Training Talents increases the
Target Number for a chosen Specialization in increments of +5 (to a maximum bon
us of +25) making rolls for that Specialization more likely to succeed. This val
ue, and any other modifiers relevant to that Specialization, are added on top of
the value of the Skill Group to determine your Target Number for that Specializ
ation. Training may only be purchased for skills you are Proficient in, and do n
ot affect Skill Groups themselves.
Mac D.: and there s no rounding?
MrEForEccentric (GM): No rounding
I m still trying to wrap my head around it
Oh my god I m an idiot
I ve been looking for where the defining score thing is for each skill group
And it s well
In the brackets after the name of the group
MrEForEccentric (GM): So- his Arts
Is based on his empathy
Mac D.: k
so his Arts score would be the same as his Empathy score
MrEForEccentric (GM): You don t have to take specializations either
Mac D.: hok
seems simple enough
MrEForEccentric (GM): Looking at an example
Has just made this suddenly click for me
A pilot tests Logic to figure out a simple puzzle. Their Intellect Skill Group (
based on their Intelligence) is 27, and they have a Training bonus of 5 by havin
g invested Skill Training in it. Their Target Number is thus 32, and the GM has
ruled that the simple nature of the puzzle gives them a +10 bonus, allowing them
to roll against an effective 42. The pilot rolls 1d100 and gets a 31, succeedin
g at the test by 1 Degrees of Success.
So- yeah
Mac D.: that reminds me how does rolling work
MrEForEccentric (GM): 1d100s
Mac D.: hokay
MrEForEccentric (GM): You try to roll under a target
Mac D.: so the goal is to roll a number less than
the number given
MrEForEccentric (GM): yes- the target number
Mac D.: wouldn t that mean a 42 means a really hard puzzle
and that +10 bonus is actually ba
MrEForEccentric (GM): I think it says relatively simple
Well anyway
Mac D.: okay so what s a target number then
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah- basically the target number is the benchmark
Of success and failure
Go over the target and you fail, under it you succeed
Mac D.: okay so i think i got it
so you add up all the numbers related to your skill for a roll
MrEForEccentric (GM): The modifier doesn t effect the score you actually roll
It modifies the target
Mac D.: and the resulting number is the number you have to roll under
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mac D.: okay that makes sense
MrEForEccentric (GM): And it gets further modified by how challenging the situat
ion is
WHich is determined by me
And don t worry- I will be fair and reasonable
-strike- Until you try to break the unbreakable. -strike-

Mac D.: ok so
i have finally reached the talents
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes- The Trunk and shit
Mac D.: hok so i spend xp on Talents and what else
MrEForEccentric (GM): Everything you can spend on- is in the tree of life. Butalso in the EVA section you can find the thing for your Model of EVA
Mac D.: hok don t blow it all on talents
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Tree of Life does also contain the skill advancement stuff
And rememberYou can choose to open up new branches in your tree
Mac D.: right
MrEForEccentric (GM): If you meet the prerequisites
Mac D.: GOT IT
MrEForEccentric (GM): You get the Trunk and your Root
As standard
Mac D.: so the Neo-Spartan stuff
MrEForEccentric (GM): yes
You get access to that as standard
Along with the basic stuff in trunk
Mac D.: how much enrichment do i start with
MrEForEccentric (GM): all people start with 0 enrichment
Mac D.: kk
MrEForEccentric (GM): You have 800xp as of this campaign start
Mac D.: i ll get more as the game progresses yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
You get Xp and you get Enrichment as the game progresses
Mac D.: can i pick one skill twice
MrEForEccentric (GM): Do you mean- skill advancement
Or talent?
Mac D.: i don t understand
o right
yeah i meant talents
can i pick a talent more than once
MrEForEccentric (GM): I don t think there d be much point in doubling up talent
Since talent is just
What you can do
Mac D.: so i can t pick more than one of the same and they can t stack
MrEForEccentric (GM): Are we talking about talent or specialization under skill
groups here?
Mac D.: talents
so like
MrEForEccentric (GM): You can t have two of dual-wielding
Mac D.: say i wanted to pick Minor Advance Empathy twice
to get +6 Empathy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh yeah you can do that
Mac D.: oh good
MrEForEccentric (GM): That s an option, not a talent
Talents are the things you can buy in those branches
That are those singular
Like being able to Dual-wield
Mac D.: i don t even
these are talents on the Neo Spartan branch
MrEForEccentric (GM): You see those ones beneath the advances
Mac D.: yeah the ones that cost enrichment
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah those ones you can only get once
And then you keep em

Mac D.: hok

MrEForEccentric (GM): Can you see why I dreaded skills
Mac D.: oooooooo
i naturally have access to Dual Wielding
MrEForEccentric (GM): Is that under Neo-Spartan?
Mac D.: Dual Wielding is an entire branch
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh damn, son
AlsoI have noticed
What frequency means
Frequency means how many times you can take that option
Mac D.: ooo
what does buy in cost mean
MrEForEccentric (GM): Freq
Where is this?
Mac D.: it s listed with all the branches
to the right of Prerequesite
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ah- that s the cost to unlock the branch
So you would have to pay that first to get the things in that branch
Mac D.: ooooh okay
do you think heracles should use ranged or melee
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s your choice man
I know Space is going pretty damn ranged
And you re kind of the resident tough tank-guy
So it is your choice whether you think you ll be better serving as just target p
ractice and maybe firing the larger guns
Or getting stuck in there
Mac D.: haaight
i think i ll go with melee then
MrEForEccentric (GM): I can t really spoil anything about how the Furies fightbut I will say there s a variety of them
It won t really be like the canon EVA where there was like
That was completely ranged
Mac D.: oooo
hmmm or maybe not....
there s a branch that s all about barehanded fighting
MrEForEccentric (GM): Isn t one of the skills using improvised weapons
like billboards
Imagine using a Mcdonalds sign as a ninja star, Duff
Make Misor feel the power of fast food
Mac D.: oooooo
ur makin this a TUFF DECISION BOI
MrEForEccentric (GM): heh heh heh heh
Mac D.: dude
there s a wrestling branch
MrEForEccentric (GM): He-he-he
But do you really
Want to put everyone through the pain of grapple
Mac D.: oh heavens
perhaps not
MrEForEccentric (GM): grappling rules....!
Mac D.: of course out of the eva Richard fights with MGS CQC
MrEForEccentric (GM): Indeed
If he is everCalled upon to fight
Mac D.: are there rules for fights not in the robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): I think they re based on the brawl skill

Mac D.: i c
MrEForEccentric (GM): And it s an opposed test
It s not quite in-depth
For out of the eva fighting
I will
Spoil one thing for you
MrEForEccentric (GM): Which is related to Unsung Heroes
As it is somewhat related to the point you were saying about fighting outside of
the EVA
It is highly possible for the local Mafia- to try and kidnap a pilot. Me and Mob
ile are thinking this is probably going to be Sakura as she is a Poster child
They can- succeed
Which is where Unsung Heroes comes in
And the Taskforce is sent, not the pilots
Mac D.: can i have richard volunteer for that op
MrEForEccentric (GM): He can certainly volunteer- but he will probably be forbid
den from taking part due to being too valuable
Mac D.: damn!....
MrEForEccentric (GM): Plus
Mac D.: is there any way he can help out
MrEForEccentric (GM): The thing about Taskforce Chrysos
Is that the Pilots don t really know all too much about them
Everything they do is classified
Mac D.: top secret shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Richard would have to do his own investigation as to where they took Sakura
Mac D.: that sounds like both something he would do and something i would love t
o do
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes. Though this would actually further complicate the mis
sion in an exciting way if he succeeds
Stalker Shirou- is naturally going to be trying to one-man army the fucking Mafi
a to get his Adopted Sister back
If Richard also found his way there
Mac D.: ohohohohoho
MrEForEccentric (GM): Suddenly not only do Taskforce Chrysos have to make sure S
hirou doesn t get himself killed for Sakura s sake
They have to make sure TWO pilots make it out unharmed
Though Richard s appearance would make Shirou suddenly a tertiary objective
Mac D.: richard would probably just call his superiors if he found where the maf
ia was hiding
"sir i ve located where sakura is being held"
"uh.....hey that s great richard! well, uh....well send a team RIGHT AWAY."
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, that s probably what I d advise that Richard does- s
ince you would basically be undertaking the task of playing two people at once
Mac D.: "now get the fuck back here"
MrEForEccentric (GM): Plus- making sure one gung-ho kid makes it out alive is di
fficult enough
Mac D.: i should make a character for unsung heroes while i m here
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes- we could migrate to the OFFICIAL one
Since we re fancy
Mac D.: there s a seperate roll20 for it?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mac D.: NEAT
hold on i m still working on picking talents
MrEForEccentric (GM): Because we run it on Tavern Tales Boop
Mac D.: okay SO
i think to start out with branches i m going to go with Dual-Wielding and Ace

MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight

Mac D.: lemmie slap on the talents i want in the char sheet
MrEForEccentric (GM): Cool
Just make sure it doesn t go over 800
Mac D.: got it
at some point you re going to have to put all the talents in the journal
gonna be a pain to have to consult the pdf any time i want to remember the speci
fics of a talent
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
I will
I ll probably do it as-and-when people unlock things
Also- Unsung Heroes doesn t have ERRYTHING settled yet
Mac D.: should i write down which branches i ve acces
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mac D.: the 600 xp prerequisite isn t something i have to pay, right
i just have to HAVE 600 xp
MrEForEccentric (GM): What is this about
Mac D.: the Ace Branch
Prerequisite is 600 xp, cost is 50 xp
also Reflexes is Evasion right
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah- I think so
Mac D.: i might get the AT power that comes with the branch
MrEForEccentric (GM): I think you get it anyway if it s a starting one
Mac D.: oh wait hm
MrEForEccentric (GM): Or is it an option
Mac D.: Ace is all about solo engaging an enemy
how often do you expect that to happen
MrEForEccentric (GM): As in just him alone with an enemy?
Mac D.: yeah
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well the other pilots will be there
Mac D.: yeah might want to swap Ace for something else
MrEForEccentric (GM): Is the Ace literally about saying"Chill guys. I can lone wolf this shit"
Mac D.: it s about using attacks that are dependent on not having allies to get
in the way
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah soMac D.: paraphrasing the description
MrEForEccentric (GM): The other pilots
Mac D.: aiight yeh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Might get in the way
Mac D.: he s more on teamwork anyway
MrEForEccentric (GM): I know Seer will probably be
Or rather- Hiram
Mac D.: is hiram melee oriented as well
MrEForEccentric (GM): It has been professed
That Hiram is going to be a hit-and-run type
Mac D.: hmmmm
MrEForEccentric (GM): Kind of likeRunning in
Landing a blow
Running off
Keeping movement
Since he s a small fucker
MrEForEccentric (GM): And he d do well to always be on the move
Mac D.: ohp here we go
MrEForEccentric (GM): He s the juggernaut
Mac D.: oh oh

i wonder if there s a talent or upgrade that lets you wield two-handed weapons o
because there s a branch that s all about two-handed weapons
MrEForEccentric (GM): There is such a talent/upgrade
Mac D.: w h e r e
MrEForEccentric (GM): I have seen it somewhre
I can t remember where
Mac D.: i ll have to look around
MrEForEccentric (GM): I THINK it s in one of the Eva upgrades
Ah- it s a graft
Which Assaults can t get
Mac D.: fug
MrEForEccentric (GM): It would have been replacing your arm with a sword basical
Mac D.: oh goodness that s amazing
MrEForEccentric (GM): The Evangelion modifies its forearm with a series of clamp
s and hard points designed to attach to a similarly prepared weapon. Before depl
oying, the Evangelion may choose to wield any two handed melee weapon in that ha
nd, and have it bolted onto that arm so that it may not be knocked away or dropp
ed (even intentionally, this hand is replaced by the weapon for the duration of
the battle). This leaves the Evangelion s other hand totally free.
So- are you done with talents herr duff
Mac D.: not yet
what is Tactical Range
MrEForEccentric (GM): mid-range combat
Mac D.: elaborate a little more
MrEForEccentric (GM): not long range, but not close combat
Mac D.: like assault rifle range?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mac D.: cool
juggernaut has a skill which lets him charge from tactical range
MrEForEccentric (GM): Amazing
Mac D.: what kind of weapons are there
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well
There are many
Mac D.: axes
MrEForEccentric (GM): and hammers
Mac D.: one-handed axes
MrEForEccentric (GM): You could have a large chain-axe
Mac D.: there s a section on weapons in this book right
MrEForEccentric (GM): and yeah- one-handed chain axes
It s chapter 10
Mac D.: 640 XP remains
MrEForEccentric (GM): You might want to keep some in reserve
Mac D.: i have a question
does the Fearless Asset make Bravery unecessary
MrEForEccentric (GM): Where is Bravery
Mac D.: lookin it up
oh okay yeah Bravery is useless
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes. How long would you say you need on Talents
Mac D.: not too much longer
but i m gonna swap out Courage for Normalized as one of my traits
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right
makes sense since
Becoming normal
Is his goal
Mac D.: that s RIGHT
MrEForEccentric (GM): Step 1 in being normal: Murder your family
Mac D.: O-KAY

talents are set up, give my char sheet a looksie

600 XP left to put into my robot
MrEForEccentric (GM): Al right
We will do the skill-group shit another another time
I imagine
Since that s just kind of a monolith
And I think we ll put that in the other tab
Mac D.: hoo boy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Mac D.: ok should we work on the robot or go to unsung heroes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Well- I am very interested in sleep I m afraid
Mac D.: oh ok
does mobile have your permission to do another fuckaround session
MrEForEccentric (GM): As it is 1:50 AM and I am actually not on holiday anymore
Mac D.: ohnooo
MrEForEccentric (GM): Mobile does have permission to do a fuck-around session ye
Mac D.: HEY
MrEForEccentric (GM): Here is Unsung H
eroes again anyway
Mac D.: join d
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good... GOOD
Mac D.: hok you can go to sleep now
MrEForEccentric (GM): yey
Did you see the sneak peek though
Before you just LEFT
Mac D.: sneak peak of what
MrEForEccentric (GM): The bar
Mac D.: oh ya i saw
MrEForEccentric (GM): of failure
Mac D.: filthy degenerate forcing your dynasty warriors into everything
MrEForEccentric (GM): But it s Chen Gong
He will insult you, deeply
Mac D.: oooooh nnnnnnnnnnooooooooooo
Mobile L (GM): Bwurp, I m here, sorry. I can t do said fuckaround session immedi
ately, but I probably can soon
sound the horn
MrEForEccentric (GM): He will reprimand you for fucking up so badly
Since you really do need to royally fuck up to go to Chen Gong s bar
This works as a main theme I feel
Mobile L (GM): I like
I sleep
Mac D.: it s only us now
Mobile L (GM): juuuuuust the two of us
we can make it if we try
Mac D.: space will be arriving shortly
Mobile L (GM): w00t
Ey yo
Mac D.: spess
Space: heard we were building characters
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, but Olive is the stat man, and he went 2sleep on me
Space: damn
i m going through my actual irl mtg cards
Mobile L (GM): Ooh

Space: oooh i found a shiny onw

Mac D.: NEAT
actually we re here to do another fuckabout sessions
is seer/hig/fox about
Mobile L (GM): Hig can t be here tonight.
Just PMed Eldy
Space: fox is study
hok done screwing around with nerd cards
Mac D.: elevator music
Space: vaporwae
"Heracles": any word from seer
Mac D.: said me
Mobile L (GM): None yet, still waiting
"Heracles": MOVE OVER, NERDS
Demifury: I REFUSE
"Heracles" gives Demifury a wedgie
"Heracles": HA HA HA WHAT A DORK
Demifury nerd-flails
Space: gaia
Demifury: ...NO.
Mobile L (GM): No Eldy yet :<
Space: wher ehe go
Mac D.: do you have seer friended on steam space
Space: yeah but that means i d have to boot up steam
Mac D.: dammit space
Mobile L (GM): He was there a minute ago
Mac D.: you must PM him louder
Mobile L (GM): Grfrgh, I was gonna gank some vidya gaem building interiors for s
ome locations, but apparently ones that don t look like ye olde taverne are rare
as hens teeth
Mac D.: is that a texas phrase
Space: ive heard it
Mobile L (GM): Nah, I don t think so. I heard it first on Arthur
*Arthur s grandpa used it
Mac D.: well god damn, grandma
Mobile L (GM): And then I think Steve Irwin used it too
Mac D.: didn t know you were PREHISTORIC
Mobile L (GM): Old people, man
Space: is the arthur theemesong on soundcloud
Mobile L (GM): My fucking computer refuses to paste things, but it is
Space: and i say hey
Mobile L (GM): Apparently that was Ziggy Marley who did the theme
Mac D.: i miss seer
Mobile L (GM): Same...
When will he return from the Victorian trenches?
Mac D.: is he in the discussion bread
Mobile L (GM): Not currently. He promptly answers every PM he gets, and it s bee
n like 20 minutes, so he must be away
Mac D.: or dead...................
Mobile L (GM): N-no... impossible...
Space: :c

Mobile L (GM): Daisy s tryin to make me read some kinda shoujo manga
Space: which one
Mobile L (GM): Pandora Hearts
She said the ending was amazing
Space: that s the one alice is from i think
Mac D.: give it a read
Mobile L (GM): Yep. I will if I can find it uploaded. The site she showed me had
it removed for copyright reasons
Space: jazzzzz
the soundtrack needs to be entirely jazz
eldritch s.: i wanted to create an unsung hero
Mac D.: aha THERE he us
eldritch s.: oh about mtg
Mobile L (GM): Unfortunately, Olive is sleep
eldritch s.: my bud has been teaching me how play
Space: ooohohohooho
eldritch s.: and actually
got me a deck
Mac D.: oooooo
eldritch s.: seriously like this guy is just an amazing guy
Space: duuude
Mac D.: do you have cock
Space: that s sweet
Mac D.: atrice
Mobile L (GM): :o
eldritch s.: it s a sultai themed deck
i loved fucking typhoid rats
they are the "go fuck yourself" card
Space: get cockatrice so we can wrassle online
eldritch s.:
haven t been able to play a full game
Space: deathtouch is evil
eldritch s.: have learned a bit about setting up
oh do you want to know how to break the game
Space: tell me
eldritch s.:
my friend has this
Space: oh
oh jesus
eldritch s.: he also has a number of cards that render cards invulnerable
Mac D.: jesus christ
Space: but can they stop
the squirrel train
eldritch s.: yes
Space: but they have flying and indestructable
eldritch s.: he also has eyes for a card called "unlimited rats"
Space: unlimited rat works
eldritch s.: which lets him just
throw around rats
Space: you should download
cockatrice seer
eldritch s.: with deathtouch
Space: hard counter to deathtouch rats
eldritch s.: well the thing is they re like pirate flintlocks
Space: roll call whos here
eldritch s.: one hp

so you use them

and they die
also i love the cards
that can give all other cards death touch (my friend has one of these)
Mobile L (GM): I am here
eldritch s.: so even when it dies
necrotic ooze can do that
and is protected from most colors by another card
Space: hhhh
duff you here
eldritch s.: necrotic ooze is also apparently legal in everything
Space: there are some cards that can straight up just send other cards to the gr
or exile them
eldritch s.: he also has font of return
which can reanimate a creature
so even if you fucking kill this thing
he can just reanimate it
he and i have talked about how much necrotic ooze can fuck people up
also his pokemon stories
eldritch s.: he plays pokemon with his two brothers
these people
are the stupidest fucking assholes
you know how enemy pokemon trainers make a roster of only one type
his brothers do that
Mobile L (GM): Wow
eldritch s.: and so he just kicks the shit out of them
and they accuse him of cheating
Mac D.: mtg is brutal
eldritch s.: so far i enjoy it
Space: duff tell seer about the phyrexia combo
eldritch s.: i like putting down lands a lot for some
bizarre reason
i make my wonderful utopia of islands and swamps and forests
Space: plains
Mac D.: oh right
phyrexia combo is dumb and space is dumb for using it HEY LET S GET STARTED
Space: he he he
Mobile L (GM): Y all all reddy?
Mac D.: i am so reddy
Space: keep the jazz on
eldritch s.: oh i have everything but plains
Space: what about mountains
eldritch s.: yup
Space: i always have godawful luck with multicolor decks
eldritch s.: i did too my first test game
Mobile L (GM): Ollraight, one sec
eldritch s.: and last one too
first one i had no lands
Mac D.: space should i bring the Christmas Dwarves into the fg
eldritch s.: and then this one
i kept drawing
the really expensive creatures
that all needed swamp
and i didn t draw any
Space: @duff: make a Christmas Dwarf oc like we re doing for our decks
@seer: monocolor is life
eldritch s.: multicolor is variety
AFTER THEIR FIRST NIGHT IN THE DORMS, our pilots (save for Iris, who is sleeping

in) awaken to a sunny morning. There s birds chirping outside and shit like tha
t. It s nice.
Mac D.: my deck OC would be a bunch of Christmas Dwarves
eldritch s.: once again, i have a sultai themed deck
Richard Owens opens his eyes and sits up
Space: it d be a planeswalker dued
@seer: oooohohohoho
Richard Owens immediately gets out and begins to meticulously make his bed
Sakura Emiya yawns
Ah, nice smooth blankets and sheets. It s like staying at a good hotel.
Hiram Hegel sits up, in a cold sweat
Richard Owens , when finished making his bed , grabs a toothbrush, towel, and ch
ange of clothes
Hiram Hegel looks to both sides of him
Richard Owens is immediately off to the washroom
Hiram Hegel wipes his forehead and steps out of bed
The pitter-patter of tiny footsteps echoes in the hall...
Sakura Emiya tries to get that precious few more minutes of sleep
Richard Owens: .......
Sakura Emiya but the window...
Richard Owens looks ahead, narrowing his eyes
Sakura Emiya: Ugh... I guess it can t be helped.
Sakura Emiya heads out into the hall
A high-pitched voice calls "Saaaaaaaaaaaaaakuraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!~"
Sakura Emiya: --!
Hiram Hegel quickly makes the bed before walking into the hall
Richard Owens: .....
Wild ILYA appeared!
Hiram Hegel stops
Hiram Hegel: ...
Ilya Emiya stops and looks at Hiram
Ilya Emiya: ...Hey. You seen my sis around here?
Space: tiny
Richard Owens continues his trek in search of the bathroom
Sakura Emiya bumps RIGHT into Richard
Hiram Hegel: ... Who is your sister.
Richard Owens BUNP
Sakura Emiya: Oh! oh, excuse me-Richard Owens backs up a few steps
Richard Owens: Pardon.

Sakura Emiya siles

Sakura Emiya: Good morning, Richard!
Ilya Emiya: ...Oh, so she didn t tell ya. Hmph, bet she s frickin
be away from me... >_>
Sakura Emiya: *smiles

glad just to

Ilya Emiya literally did that face what

Richard Owens deadface
Richard Owens: Good morning. Did you sleep well,
Hiram Hegel: Is your sister named Sakura?
Sakura Emiya: Yes, I did. The bed was very comfortable. What about you?
Richard Owens: My sleep was sufficient.
I ve awoken too late, however. I need to more efficiently make use of my time.
Ilya Emiya: Yeah, that s her! Dad wanted me to go check up on her. Shirou wanted
to do it, buuuuut I think she d be happier to see me.~
Sakura Emiya: It s... well, it s not so late, is it?
Hiram Hegel: ... I believe her room is down the hall.
Richard Owens what time is it
Hiram Hegel begins walking to the little kitchen area
It s like 8:30 AM.
Hiram Hegel aims to make himself some coffee
Ilya Emiya follows Hiram over
Richard Owens: Ideally I would have awoken three hours ealier.
WHOA JEEZUS. All the coffee is gone...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel looks for tea
Ilya Emiya: ...Sooooo, uhm, my name s Ilya!
Richard Owens: A question.
Ilya Emiya: Hiiiii.
Sakura Emiya: Yes?
Hiram Hegel: My name is Hiram.
Richard Owens: Do you happen to know where the bathroom is.
Ilya Emiya: ...Eehee, that s a weird name!
Richard Owens: And the showers, if they are not in the same room.
No tea either... troubling.
Sakura Emiya: Erm... I m actually... not sure.
We could look around?
Hiram Hegel: I believe it means something along the lines of "My Brother is Exal
Richard Owens: Yes.
Hiram Hegel: ... Hrm.
Richard Owens starts doing just that, once again
Hiram Hegel looks for anything containing caffine
Sakura Emiya follows
Sakura Emiya: ...! Illya!
...Shyit, there s... nothing. No food, no drinks. Where d it all go?
Richard Owens looks back at Sakura and the Illya
Hiram Hegel: Yes, she was sent here to see you.

Ilya Emiya: ...Sakura!

Hiram Hegel: ... Where did the food go?
Hiram Hegel looks over his shoulder for a moment
Ilya Emiya runs over and tackle-hugs her older (yes, Ilya is actually young now)
Hiram Hegel begins walking up the hall
Sakura Emiya: Oof!
Sakura Emiya hugs back
Hiram Hegel peeks into all the rooms, intending to find the food
Richard Owens overhears the comment about nofood
Richard Owens: ......
Richard Owens checks the fridge himself
Ilya Emiya: Didya miss me? Hiran or whatever his name is says you didn t talk ab
out me.
BARE-ASS EMPTY. There was all this food in here, and now there is zero.
Sakura Emiya: Oh... don t worry, Illya. I ve only just arrived, so I haven t had
much time to settle in.
No traces of food in any rooms...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Ilya Emiya: ...Hm. Okay~
Richard Owens: ....
The food is gone.
Hiram Hegel: Yes/
Ilya Emiya: So, uh, did you get to get in the robot yet o
Richard Owens looks at Hiram
Hiram Hegel: I have not found it in the other rooms.
Richard Owens: Could it have been stolen.
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Hiram Hegel: It s possible, but I doubt they re being stored here.
Well... One of the doors at the end of the hall was ajar, and not the one Ilya u
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens turns and looks towards That Door
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel begins walking towards it
Richard Owens walks with him
Hiram Hegel: fire walk with me
Ilya Emiya: ...That s dumb! What kinda frickin jerk steals food?
Sakura Emiya looks in the fridge
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh, dear... I didn t think there was anyone else here, so how..
Hiram Hegel peeks into the door
Ilya Emiya: ...Can we go to McDonald s instead? I think there was one by the gas

station or whatever.
It leads into a hall. No one is there, though...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Sakura Emiya: That sounds alright. Let me ask the others, though, okay?
Hiram Hegel: Hm.
Ilya Emiya: Yay! Okay, yeah.
Hiram Hegel takes a step through
eldritch s.: why does she like mcdonalds so much
Ilya Emiya: They still have the Bratz dolls. I just need like, two more and I ll
have the whole set...
Sakura Emiya: That s great, Illya!
Did you see where they went?
Still nobuddy, though there s a window, and oop... it s ajar as well
Ilya Emiya: ...Uh. No?
eldritch s.: "there was a man last time, who played with the pony toys"
Sakura Emiya: ..Hm.
Richard Owens peers in, noticing the window
Richard Owens: ......
Hiram Hegel peers through the window
eldritch s.: i like to imagine
Sakura Emiya: Well, we d better get to looking!
eldritch s.: richard and hiram s actions
are almost in sync
but not quite
Mac D.: i like to imagine they re doing everything with the same blank bored-loo
king expressioon
It s roughly a ten foot drop down into some shrubbery...
Mac D.:
eldritch s. tries to spot any sort of food refuse out there
Ilya Emiya: Okay!
Richard Owens peers out the window over Hiram
Sakura Emiya time to SEARCH
Space: how do rolls work in this game
eldritch s.: roll a d100
Space: rolling 3d20
= 24
eldritch s.: it has to roll under your score for the thing you are rolling for
Some shrubs under the window look like they got kinda smushed, but no sign o... W
eldritch s.: like say
WAIT. There s a granola bar lying near those shrubs...
eldritch s.: hypothtically
my score for this was
no bonuses or penalties
Richard Owens: ....This thief is bold.
eldritch s.: rolling 1d100

= 76
that was a fail
Mobile L (GM): Finding them should be an eighty, I think
Space: rolling 1d100
= 51
Richard Owens: Should we notify security.
AHA! Those boys are in the hall, gawking out a window or something.
Hiram Hegel: Yes. Someone managed to break into the doors while we were asleep.
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh, there they are!
Richard Owens: Was the door locked.
Sakura Emiya approaches
Ilya Emiya FOLLOWS
Sakura Emiya: Excuse me!
Hiram Hegel: It doesn t matter, it s lucky we weren t killed.
Richard Owens looks over at Sakura
Hiram Hegel stares at the granola bar
Sakura Emiya: Would either of you like to go to McDonald s with us?
Hiram Hegel: No.
Ilya Emiya: ...What? C monnnnnn...
Richard Owens: ...Fast food is not a part of my dietary regiment.
Hiram Hegel: I insist.
Ilya Emiya:
Richard Owens: ......
Ilya Emiya: You guys are no fun.
Hiram Hegel doesn t even look at her
Richard Owens: .......I will come along, but I will not eat.
Ilya Emiya:
Hiram Hegel: ... A ten foot drop, for food...
Ilya Emiya: ...Mmmm kay, I guess that ll work...
Sakura Emiya: ...Well, alright! Hiram, do you want us to bring you anything?
Hiram Hegel: No.
Richard Owens: Be sure to notify security of the break-in while we re gone.
Ilya Emiya looks at Sakura like "these guys are weeeeeird"
Hiram Hegel stares onto the street
Hiram Hegel: I will.
Richard Owens nods and walks up to the girls
Richard Owens: Are we Oscar Mike.
Sakura Emiya: Oscar... Mike?
Ilya Emiya: :?
Richard Owens: ....Apologies, Are we going.
Hiram Hegel:

Ilya Emiya: ...Yeah! C mon, we don t wanna miss breakfast!

Sakura Emiya nods
Sakura Emiya: We ll be back soon, Hiram!
Sakura Emiya heads on OUTTE
Ilya Emiya: See ya later, Iran!~
Hiram Hegel: As you say.
Richard Owens is ON THE MOVE
Hiram Hegel scowls, as his stomach rumbles
Space: who are your guys unsung heroes chars gonna be
Hiram Hegel heads back and looks for a camera
Hiram Hegel: * i mean phone
Mac D.: i m making Mobius 1
eldritch s.: some guy with an hm face
Space: mine will probably be Agent Lancer
That Iris kid had one, but she s still sleepin ...
eldritch s.: or maybe carter blake
from heavy rain
Space: Cu Chulainn is not a modern name unfortunately
Space: Cullen
Mac D.: will they have codenamee
Space: Codenamed: Lancer
eldritch s.: codename: psychopath
Hiram Hegel heads into Iris room
The MICKEY D team heads out of the dorm, eventually reaching a sidewalk after le
aving that gate. Whoever stole that food had some balls...
Hiram Hegel tries to borrow her phone
Hiram Hegel: "borrow"
She snoozes and snores as he """"borrows""""" the phone.
Sakura Emiya time to go a-walken
Hiram Hegel tries calling MIDAS Security
Richard Owens walks
Eventually, the McDuders reach a sidewalk that takes them into town. Italians li
ke walking places, and Sicilians are no exception, so it s all very pedestrian-f
eldritch s.: it s great that the golden arches
the furies
The phone rings for a little bit before...
Space: lupin
Sakura Emiya: Wow... this is a nice place, isn t it?
Ilya Emiya: Yeah, it s okay. I miss Japan, though...
Richard Owens looks around quietly
R, press ONE."
Sakura Emiya: Think of it as like a vacation!

Hiram Hegel presses one

Kinda quiet in the streets, as it s still pretty early... There s a hobo over th
ere, though, panhandling with a sign...
Richard Owens
Sakura Emiya:
The sign says
Sakura Emiya:

looks at the hobo and his sign


Sakura Emiya checks her FUNDS

Hiram Hegel: Hello. This is MOT Pilot Hegel.
Lipimo Xitiut looks up at the kiddos
Richard Owens: ...
Lipimo Xitiut: ...Huh. Tourists, I take it?
Richard Owens: Yes, tourists.
Kiritsugu Emiya answers the phone (and he s gonna be OOC as fuckle, soz)
Hiram Hegel: I would like to report a break-in of the Pilot s Dorms, which resul
ted in all our food being stolen.
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Officer Emiya speaking. When did this break-in occur? Is any
one hurt?
Sakura Emiya does sak have enough money to buy the breakfast + give money to the
Hiram Hegel: No one is hurt, it occurred while we were sleeping.
Sure, she s got a lil spare change. She s enough to get by in case of an emerge
Hiram Hegel: It seems that they went through the far door, and then jumped out o
f the window and into the shrubs, where they presumably made a getaway.
Lipimo Xitiut: ...Heh. Well, welcome to lovely Sicily, kids. You like what you s
ee so far?
Sakura Emiya: Oh, yes! It s a very nice place.
Richard Owens: ...
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Right. I will be there shortly. Please remain where you are
for the time being.
Hiram Hegel: Alright.
Hiram Hegel hangs up
Mac D.: emiya stumbles upon sakura out on the town
with richard
Hiram Hegel puts the phone back were he stole it from
Mac D.: again
eldritch s.: "don t you dare touch my daughter"
Lipimo Xitiut: That s what most tourists say... Well, the ones that didn t go to
Italy-proper first.
Lipimo Xitiut chuckles dryly
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens looks down at Sakura
Richard Owens: The restaurant shouldn t be much farther.
Sakura Emiya: Ah... yeah, it should. Erm... it was nice talking to you, sir!
Lipimo Xitiut reaches under his hobo-hat and scratches his scalp
Lipimo Xitiut: ...Oh yeah, you too. I guess I ll see you kids around. Ciao.


Sakura Emiya: Wait, before we go -Richard Owens: ...
Sakura Emiya gives him some dosh
"Agamemnon": he lights up an expsensive cigar
Lipimo Xitiut: ...Oh? Hey, I appreciate it. Thanks a bunch.
"Agamemnon": and opens up a bottle of wine
Lipimo Xitiut smiles and nods
Sakura Emiya: It s no problem1
Sakura Emiya bows quickly
eldritch s.: which he then downs with caviar
Ilya Emiya: ...We going, sis...?
Sakura Emiya: Oh, right!
Sakura Emiya hurries to find the mickey d s
Ilya Emiya: Bye, weird guy!
eldritch s.: she finds a strip club called mickey d s
Space: moving to basement - go on w/o me
Sakura Emiya: here it is illya
mickey d s
eldritch s.: d s first name was actually mickey
Ilya Emiya: ...e-ew, why doesn t she have a shirt????
eldritch s.: d gyrates
Sakura Emiya: :)!!!
Ilya Emiya: ewwwwwwwww
Ilya Emiya looks at Richard
eldritch s.: saber lights it up, high on peyote again
A car pulls up outside of the near-dormant dorm...
Kiritsugu Emiya climbs out and promptly heads inside
eldritch s.: he jumps in through the window
kiritsugu where are your sleeves
Richard Owens is following along silently
Richard Owens looks down at Ilya
Mobile L (GM): Shaddup, he s wearing his security uniform
eldritch s.:
i only just noticed
Ilya Emiya: So, uh... Are you another robot pilot?
eldritch s.: but if he hadn t been wearing sleeves
look at that picture
Mobile L (GM): Ew, pasty arm
Hiram Hegel nods to him
Hiram Hegel: The others left before I called.
Richard Owens: I am.
Hiram Hegel: They went out to breakfast.
Kiritsugu Emiya raises an eyebrow
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...I see. Did Ilya go with them?
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
McDonalds was their destination.

Ilya Emiya: What s that even like? Did you get inside of it yet?
eldritch s.: "did you get inside of the fucking robot"
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Hm.
Kiritsugu Emiya nods knowingly
Richard Owens: I have before, yes.
Mac D.: piloting an eva involves swimming in umbilical robot fluids, right
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mobile L (GM): P-much
eldritch s.: LCL
no one knows what it means
Mac D.: how do the pilots not drown
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Show me to the window, if you would.
eldritch s.: basically
they infuse it with oxygen, or something
Mac D.: o ok
Space: that s actually a thing in real life
breatheable liquids
eldritch s.: there you have it
Mac D.: wow really
n e a t
eldritch s.: if the eva runs out of power, though
eventually you will drown
Space: bill nye voice: science rules
Mac D.: what DOES piloting the EVA feel like
eldritch s.: oh pardon me, i mean mot
Mobile L (GM): You do it with your mind, and the robot feels like an extension o
f your body
eldritch s.:
Mobile L (GM): If its leg gets hurt, the pain receptors in your leg go off
Kinda like a Stand, I guess
eldritch s.: there are also
those manual controls
which just seem to mean
"pull on these"
things happen
Mobile L (GM): Yep
eldritch s.: i imagine it feels more like just piloting a machine with lower syn
ch ratios?
Mobile L (GM): It probably does
eldritch s.: and more like
with the highter levels
Mac D.: what would it feel like
for a pilot with a synch ratio of 44
Mobile L (GM): Probably like piloting a machine, with some moderate psychic fuck
ery, right?
eldritch s.: there are no concrete answers
oh doesn t lcl smell like blood or something
Mobile L (GM): It does, yeah
eldritch s.: brb
Space: bapck
Richard Owens: .....Well, when you re placed into the cockpit, it fills with flu
Sakura Emiya walks along, humming a tune
Mobile L (GM): ...Ew. Really?
Ilya Emiya: i said that
Richard Owens: Yes. It smells like blood.

Ilya Emiya: ...Ew! Oh wow, that s gross...

Richard Owens: Piloting the MOT properly feels like moving around a bigger versi
on of yourself.
Ilya Emiya: ...Huh. Except you have to smell blood all the time.
Richard Owens: Yes.
Ilya Emiya: Do they give you a snorkel?
Richard Owens: No, the liquid is breathable.
Ilya Emiya:
Ilya Emiya tries to wrap her 12 year old brain around this
Richard Owens: ...
.....Do you know what water is made of.
Ilya Emiya: ...Oh, duhhh, I m not an idiot! It s H2O.
Richard Owens: And what is H20.
Ilya Emiya: ...Uh... Hydrogen and...
...Oh! Oxygen.
Richard Owens: Right.
The liquid in the cockpit has much more oxygen in it.
Ilya Emiya: ...Ooooooh.
That s neat, I guess... Xcept for the blood part.
Sakura Emiya: They re really cool. Just getting a look at them up close... do yo
u see that building, Illya? They re twice as tall!
Ilya Emiya: ...Whoaaaaa!
...Bet it s really dangerous, though.
Richard Owens: It is.
Ilya Emiya:
Richard Owens: Damage inflicted on the MOT is felt by the pilot, it s very serio
us work.
Ilya Emiya:
...Oh, hey, a sign!
Richard Owens looks at the sign
Ilya Emiya points to said sign, which reads "Centro comerciale di Siracusa: McDo
nald s all interno". There s a Mickey D s inside a mall, apparently!
Sakura Emiya: Oh, there it is!
Ilya Emiya: C mon, let s go!
Sakura Emiya to the mall...!
Ilya Emiya hurries for the entrance
Richard Owens follows
Dayumn, pretty nice little mall... Some old guy getting sitting at a table... Co
upla shifty dudes rifling through a duffel bag...
Sakura Emiya: ..?
Sakura Emiya looks at shifty dueds
Space: vaporwaaave
Richard Owens looks at the BAD DUDES
Richard Owens: .....
Vandal mutters to his partner quietly, shifting the duffel bag out of the view o
f our heroes
eldritch s.: will be here for not too long possibly
Ilya Emiya: ...Are we just gonna stand here?

Sakura Emiya: ...Er...

Mobile L (GM): A ight
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: I will.
Hiram Hegel heads to the window
Richard Owens looks around for the MACKDUNNALDS
Kiritsugu Emiya nods and follows him
Hiram Hegel points at it
Kiritsugu Emiya:
...Hm. They must have climbed...
Hiram Hegel: It s likely.
The restaurant that purports to sell Japanese has a little sign over the main si
gn that says "McDonald s: still under construction but open for service"
Florian Gaffner munches on a tasty burger
Kiritsugu Emiya: And they didn t take anything else, just the food?
Richard Owens points
Richard Owens: There.
Hiram Hegel: As far as I am aware.
Ilya Emiya: Ooh!
Sakura Emiya heads that-a-way
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...How odd.
Sakura Emiya looks at the MENU if there is one
Hiram Hegel points at the distant granola bar
There is indeed, and they are serving BREFFIST
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Hm. What compelled them to do it, I wonder...
eldritch s.: florian wipes his mouth with a one-hundred euro bill
Sakura Emiya approaches
eldritch s.: that came out of r&d s budget
Hiram Hegel: I have no idea.
There are easier places to find food.
Sakura Emiya: Hello! Could I get a breakfast salad, please?
Space: is that even a thing
Kiritsugu Emiya: Certainly...
eldritch s.:
The employee looks up at her
"...Oh, uh... Sorry, ma am, I don t think we do salads until 10:30. Would you li
ke a fruit parfait instead?"
eldritch s.: i just like the idea of florian constantly stealing from other depa
rtment s budgets
and misusing the money
Sakura Emiya: Oh... yes, that s fine.
eldritch s.: leaving fifty euro tips
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Well. They were caught on camera, whoever they are, and I ca
n pull the footage.
Hiram Hegel: That is good.
I am curious to see who it was, may I see it?
Ilya Emiya: I d like hotcakes and sausage, please!
Richard Owens has taken a seat closest to the SHADY GENTLEMEN

eldritch s.: florian runs up and shoves hr

The two weirdos look up at him...
eldritch s.: he literally just throws money at them
Richard Owens tries to be discreet with his peeking
"...Okay! It ll be [amount in euros]."
Vandal shrugs
Sakura Emiya pays up
eldritch s.:
Vandal: Like I was sayin , so what if there s cameras. The boss ll take care of
it. Hell, he ll just be glad you pulled it off. Practice for bigger things, see.
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Just give me a moment to get the tapes.
Richard Owens: .....
eldritch s.: Alright.
CHA-CHING. The lady smiles and hands her a receipt.
eldritch s.: he sad that
"Can I get a name for this order, ma am?"
eldritch s.: also what became of canada in this world
Kiritsugu Emiya goes to GET THE TAPES
Mobile L (GM): I unno
Sakura Emiya: Sakura!
eldritch s.: well what became of murrica as a whole
Hooligan: ... F you say so man. I dunno, that agency s pretty hot shit, and if I
was sloppy...
Vandal: I said don t worry about it. You re in, and that s that.
Richard Owens: .....
"Alright. We ll call you up when it s t"
Ilya Emiya: Wait, hold on!
Ilya Emiya extorts a Happy Meal toy out of that poor lady, who just can t say no
to such a cute face
Ilya Emiya: :3
eldritch s.:
sk.png/revision/latest?cb=20150320222404 is this man the president
Mobile L (GM): Nah
eldritch s.: is canada still a winter wonderland
Mobile L (GM): It may or may not be a little warmer
Florian Gaffner:
eldritch s.:
.jpg do these still flow like water
Florian Gaffner: ...Hm. Consarnit, I think I left my pocketbook back in the john
Mobile L (GM): Probs
Richard Owens continues to discreetly spy on the RRRRRRUFFIANS
eldritch s.: he mugs illya
Florian Gaffner walks towards the dude s room
Sakura Emiya: ..?
Sakura Emiya goes to take a seat
eldritch s.: brb
Hooligan: ...Check it.

Hooligan mutters especially quietly and goes all still-like

What could this fellow be saying...?
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens tries to get in a better listen
Richard Owens scooooot
Richard Owens scoooooooooooot
Mobile L (GM): Roll 4 stelf and perception. Difficulty of 70.
BRB as well, roll while I m gone
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 15
Mac D.: sneaking mission
Space: tactical espionage
Mac D.: it s just you and me space
and this elevator music
Mobile L (GM): backity
Space: i wanna arena
Oohoo, Richie hears him loud and clear, and neither of then notice a goddamn thi
Sakura Emiya: So, Illya-chan - have you made many new friends yet?
Hooligan: That old dude s going to grab his wallet. Bastard ll probably fork it
over easy. Think the coast s clear?
Richard Owens: ....?
Ilya Emiya: Oh yeah, like, at least four! There s a really nice girl who also li
kes wolves and horses.

Richard Owens looks over at the old bloke

Ilya Emiya: ...I m gonna let her read my novel.
Sakura Emiya: Oh! That s great, Illya. I bet she ll like it!
The "novel" being some story about a demon wolf who falls in love with a unicorn
that she intends to put up on the internet...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Florian Gaffner walks out of the bathroom, looking down at his Blackberry
Florian Gaffner: ...Huh. So many emails... About the posters...?

...They must really like em.

Florian Gaffner smiles
Richard Owens: ....
Kiritsugu Emiya eventually returns, tape in tow
Richard Owens looks back at the hoodlums
Sakura Emiya is trying to be kind and let her down gently
Vandal: ...Hm. Yeah, go get im, man. I got your back.
Hiram Hegel watches him, impassivel

Sakura Emiya: ...Hey, Illya?

eldritch s.: what does the commandante think
Ilya Emiya: Yeah?
Sakura Emiya: How has Shirou been, lately?
Mobile L (GM): She may or may not even know it s a thing
eldritch s.: does she just not pay attention to him
Kiritsugu Emiya: Is there a television in here somewhere?
Richard Owens: ....
eldritch s.: "Oh, a new ema- Oh, it s just Gaffner. -Deletes-"
Richard Owens gets up and walks over to the old fella
Hiram Hegel: I believe there is one in Iris room.
Ilya Emiya: ...Oh, y know, same as usual. He won t stop asking about you. It s w
eird, but so is he.
Florian Gaffner: ...Hm?
Florian Gaffner looks up
Sakura Emiya: ...Yeah, I figured...
Richard Owens: Sir, if I could have a moment of your time.
Florian Gaffner: ...Oh, hello there, young man!
Florian Gaffner notices his formal attire
Florian Gaffner: ...I already know the Lord, but thank you for your concern.
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Right. One moment.
Richard Owens: ....Not that. If you could just follow me.
Kiritsugu Emiya ducks in there and gets it cued up. Iris sleeps on through.
Florian Gaffner: ...Hm?
Richard Owens gestures to the cafeteria table
Mobile L (GM): ah shit, BRB
eldritch s.: so
does sakura often use the internet
Space: yes
she has a tumblr
eldritch s.: what s it like
Mac D.: does she use it as much as Vampire Sakura
eldritch s.: she has the attention whore trait
Space: unlike vampire sakura s
it s all pastel-y and bright and cheery and she pretty much just reblogs stuff l
ike that
eldritch s.: she hast he attention whore trait, does this come through on tumblr
Mac D.: it came with being DADDY S FAVORITE GIRL
Space: not really - she just reblargfs stuff
eldritch s.: what does she reblog
Mac D.: funny pictures of small animals
eldritch s.: does she have an e-enemies
she dislikes the amazing atheist
eldritch s.: who doesn t
Mac D.: is he canon to this universe
Space: he is now
Mac D.: why do this
eldritch s.: he s now the president on the united states
Mac D.: that would be hilarious
Space: the us really went to crap after second impact

eldritch s.: with the aide of the MRA party

Space: no no
the meninists party
eldritch s.: no
it has to be something
really pretentious
Mac D.: are we talking atheism+ pretentious
eldritch s.: yes
i mean the fedora people, they always use the word
and other such things to make themselves sound classy
Mac D.: the euphoric party sounds about right
eldritch s.: somehow he won the election
and now rules as a dictator
Space: egregious
Mac D.: i too remember the MRA-SJW war of 2027
eldritch s.: he seeks to crush the "fundies"
Mac D.: i can still smell the blood and piss on the streets
Space: things sakura reblogs
Mac D.: oh god is she one of the food porn rebloggers
Space: ya
Mac D.: that BITCH
eldritch s.: she then reblogs a long post
Space: also
eldritch s.: in protest
Mac D.: space does sakura just reblog the things you reblog on your tumblr
eldritch s.: of the dictatorship in america
Space: no that s not stuff she reblogs
that s stuff i m showing you
eldritch s.: that is the worst thing
eldritch s.: i have seen in my life
fuck these people
uX2sn1ro7577o1_540.jpg furry invasion
Mobile L (GM): Back and JESUS FUCK is that shit 4real???
Space: ye
Mobile L (GM): :c
Space: btw mobile
eldritch s.:
Space: we ve voted that the amazing atheist is president of the united states
Mobile L (GM): :C
Mac D.: no this is not canon
Mobile L (GM): BRB moving to Canada
Mac D.: i demand we do more than just put Internet Person We Don t Like in offic
i think America should be like this Mad Max-esque wasteland
eldritch s.: no they have poidas
and they american mot
which is painted red white and blue

this is canon, btw

Space: america is divided into a bunch of smaller territories
Mac D.: the American government is like holed up in a small commonwealth of stat
eldritch s.: they have one pilot because nothing happens to them
Mobile L (GM): We reddy 2 begin again?
Space: the federal government is still around but they hold little sway and the
giant robots are mostly to show off and convince themselves theyre good
ah YES
eldritch s.: there s only one robot
with poidas
Mac D.: Angels who try and attack America are killed on site by wastelanders any
Space: mad shinji: beyond thunderdome
Mac D.: eventually they just gave up and focused on the rest of the world
Florian Gaffner: ?
Sakura Emiya: Do you think our food s ready?
eldritch s.: canada, however, prospers
Richard Owens: Please, I won t trouble you for very long.
Mac D.: no it s assimilated by quebec
Ooh, and just like that "Order up! for Sakura!"
Mac D.: and turned into Neo-France
eldritch s.: no there s a civil war
Florian Gaffner: ...Okay.
eldritch s.: but they begin carving pieces out of the US
Sakura Emiya: ...!
Richard Owens nods
Sakura Emiya hurries to go grab
Richard Owens walks back over to the table
Florian Gaffner follows, still scrolling through emails on his Blackberry
Hiram Hegel waits to watch the tapes
Richard Owens lowers his voice
Sakura Emiya: Thank you!
Sakura Emiya smiles, returning to Illya with the food
Richard Owens: I overheard those two men s conversation. They were planning on r
obbing you.
The cashier smiles and nods. "Enjoy!"
Ilya Emiya: Oh, finally! I m about to die~
Ilya Emiya OM NOM NOM
Sakura Emiya nom the fruit parfait
Florian Gaffner: ...Really?
Richard Owens nods
Kiritsugu Emiya pops the tape in and scans through the footage, remote in hand
Hiram Hegel: ...
Florian Gaffner: ...Oh my... Oh my God...! That s...
Richard Owens: Do you know how we can contact mall security.
Sakura Emiya: ...?

Sakura Emiya looks at the two of them

Florian Gaffner: ...Oh, I have no clue... I don t go here very much...
Florian Gaffner looks at Sakura
Hiram Hegel watches with him
Nothing for a while, just stillness outside building... But then...!
Richard Owens discreetly eyes the hooligans again
Kiritsugu Emiya:
Hiram Hegel: ...
Two masked men in long, tan coats approach the building, one carrying a ladder..
Hiram Hegel: ...
Space: is this some kinda crime ring
Hooligan seems to have gone back to his friend. They mutter to each other tensel
Mobile L (GM): Mebbe
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens looks back at the old man
One man puts the ladder up to the window and climbs in with a duffel bag, the ot
her waits by the ladder.
Richard Owens: What s your name.
Florian Gaffner: ...I m Florian Gaffner. What s yours, son?
Florian Gaffner is clenching his Blackberry in a death grip
Sakura Emiya: ......
Sakura Emiya looks at the hooligans
Richard Owens: Richard. Richard Owens.
Stay in sight of the clerks, I m going to go look for mall security.
Ilya Emiya: ...Huh?
Florian Gaffner: ...Alright, I will. Thank you so much, son.
Sakura Emiya: Stay near me, okay?
Ilya Emiya:
Ilya Emiya whiiiiispers
Richard Owens gets out of his chair and approaches one of the cafeteria clerks
Richard Owens: Excuse me.
Ilya Emiya: ...are those guys kidnappers? :<
Sakura Emiya shakes her head
The lady looks up at him.
Sakura Emiya: No. They re just... erm.
Richard Owens: Do you know where I can find mall security.
Ilya Emiya:
Sakura Emiya: I, I think they re just robbers...
Mac D.: now illya
do those men look REMOTELY like swords
Space: rappers
The clerk is silent for a moment, but then leans in a little closer.
"...I can call them right now. Is something the matter?"
Richard Owens gestures to the CRIMINAL ELEMENT

Ilya Emiya: ...oh. that s dumb.

Hiram Hegel: ,,,
Space: Just stay here for now, okay?
Richard Owens: I overheard their conversation. They were planning on mugging tha
t old man.
Vandal looks over his shoulder and SWEATS NERVOUSLY
"...Hm. Okay, stay right where you are, I ll have someone out here soon."
Richard Owens nods
Kiritsugu Emiya blinks at the footage, baffled as he watches the masked man emer
ge with a duffel bag full to the brim with snacks.
Florian Gaffner:
Ilya Emiya: Okayyyy...
Hiram Hegel: ... Why?
Ilya Emiya uneasily picks at her breakfast with the plastic fork
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Your guess is as good as mine.
The two thugs eventually beat it, ladder and snacks in tow. A granola bar falls
out into the shrubbery as they flee the scene.
On the vidya, I mean.
Hiram Hegel: So what do we do now?
Sakura Emiya: ...So, did you get the thing you wanted? The toy, I mean.
Richard Owens stands there, patiently waiting for the arrival of JOHNNY LAW
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...We should probably put locks on the windows from now on, I g
uess. Not much way to ID them, seeing as they were masked.
eldritch s.: paul blart shows up
Hiram Hegel: Alright.
Mac D.: you know i was thinking the exact same thing
Suddenly, the two goons freeze up as they are approached by...
eldritch s.:
...A big fat guy... on a segway... with a badge and uniform.
Richard Owens: ...........
Space: my god
Mac D.: asses will be kicked
eldritch s.: pual diblarttie
Mobile L (GM): One sec
Paul diBlartti clears his throat and stares down the would-be perps
eldritch s.:
Paul diBlartti: ...Hey. What do you two think you re doing?
Trying to mug a guy in my mall?
Richard Owens: ....
Vandal: ...U-uhhh...
eldritch s.: "oh shit it s this guy, run"
Hooligan: ..........
Mac D.: "bitch do you know who i am"
eldritch s.: one of them commits seppuku
Mac D.: "i am a motherfucking MEME ON THE INTERNET"
Paul diBlartti: ...Come with me.
eldritch s.: i actually saw that film
way back when
Mac D.: i did too
Paul diBlartti SNEERS MENACINGLY from his segway
Mac D.: that it was sorta funny
eldritch s.: it was okay

Vandal: Shit shit shit!

Vandal tries to make a break for it
eldritch s.: the hooligan shit on himself
Paul diBlartti: Wait, no!!!
Paul diBlartti speeds after him on his segway
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hooligan: ................
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens walks up to the other guy
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...I d imagine you re hungry.
Hiram Hegel: ... I am, yes.
Hooligan: !
Space: i gotta do these math notes and heda to sleep
Hooligan clumsily pulls a switchblade on him
Richard Owens: ....
Hooligan: D-don t try anything, punk!
Richard Owens: Can I see what s in the bag.
Mobile L (GM): A ight
Mac D.: space i ll miss u
Kiritsugu Emiya: Would you like me to get you something?
Space: ill still be here 2 talk
Space: but as a warnen
Hiram Hegel: Anything without salt will suffice.
Richard Owens: The bag, please.
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...There s a sandwich place at the mall that serves smoothies w
ith fruit in them. I was thinking of running by there myself. Would you like to
come with?
Hooligan: ...Ghhh... I ll fuckin s-stab your... shit, man...
Hooligan shakily brandishes the switchblade
Richard Owens looks down at the switchblade
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens looks back up at Hooligan
Hiram Hegel: ... Yes.
Paul diBlartti comically chases the other thug around the mall
Paul diBlartti: GET BACK HERE!!!
Richard Owens: You clearly aren t accustomed to killing.
Space: will paul diblartti become a regular
Richard Owens: The bag, please.
Mobile L (GM): Hoping so
Space: :D
...It... just has food in it...
Richard Owens: I thought as much.
The bag, please.
Kiritsugu Emiya: Alright. Follow me.
Kiritsugu Emiya heads out to his veehickle
Hooligan shoves the bag into his hands and runs off, crying a little

Richard Owens watches him go

Richard Owens: .....
Hooligan: D-damn it all...!
Richard Owens looks into the bag
OOP YEP, there is all that food.
Richard Owens takes the bag and goes back over to Sakura and Illya
Florian Gaffner watches as Paul diBlartti chases the guy around and around
Florian Gaffner: ...Oh my gosh...
Richard Owens: I will be returning to the dorm.
Hiram Hegel follows him to his car
Richard Owens looks at Florian
Broom broom beeb beeb, they get there pretty quick.
Richard Owens: I would say it s safe to return to your business now, Mister Gaff
Florian Gaffner: ...Alright. Thank you so much, son... Wait.
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel follows SA MAN
Hiram Hegel: *da
Mac D.: something awful man
the world s worst superhero
Florian Gaffner rifles through his pants pockets and produces his wallet, pullin
g out a fifty euro note
Florian Gaffner: ...It s the least I can do. You really saved me a lot of troubl
e and heartache.
the two ENTER THE MALL and whoo shit, some fat guy is chasing a crook around on
a segway
Kiritsugu Emiya:
Vandal: OH MY GOD, STOP!
Hiram Hegel: ... That looks like the man from the tape.
Paul diBlartti: NEVER!
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...So he does.
Kiritsugu Emiya folds his arms and watches, smirking just a little
Hiram Hegel: Do you think he should be taken in for questioning?
Kiritsugu Emiya: Probably so.
Richard Owens shakes his head
Vandal is about to cough up a lung at this point, staggering away in a feeble at
tempt to outrun PEEP BEEB: MEME CREEP
Richard Owens: I didn t do it expecting a reward. I was trying to defuse a hosti
le situation, that s all.
I m in no need of any extra funds. Please, keep it.
Florian Gaffner: ...Oh, but I insist. It s not any big dent in my wallet, I... h
ave a pretty ritzy job.
...Ritzy, is that... Is that still cool?
Do young people say ritzy?
Richard Owens: I wouldn t know.
Hiram Hegel is content to let him run himself ragged and then let Kiritsugu take

him i
eldritch s.: "oh, i spend midas funds on this constantly"
Paul diBlartti: ...Hah. You thought you could outrun me, huh?
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Excuse me, officer.
Richard Owens: I have no interest in any monetary reward. Your money would be mo
re wisely given elsewhere.
Florian Gaffner:
Hiram Hegel: We re taking this man in.
Richard Owens: ....Perhaps a donation to a homeless shelter, or soup kitchen.
Paul diBlartti: ...Huh? Oh geez, was he doing shifty shit outside of the mall, t
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
He and another one.
Florian Gaffner nods and smiles a kindly old dude smile
Florian Gaffner: ...You re a fine young man, Richard. God bless you.
Hiram Hegel: They broke into a MIDAS facility.
Paul diBlartti: ...Wow, really? Damn, that s...
Hiram Hegel look at him
Paul diBlartti s chubby lil face LIGHTS ON UP
Hiram Hegel: ... I am sure you ll be... rewarded.
Paul diBlartti: ...Hah! I caught a real criminal!
Richard Owens looks at him with the same old blank expression as always
Paul diBlartti: I... I never thought I d see the day...
Richard Owens: It was nothing, sir.
Paul diBlartti wipes a small tear from the corner of his eye
Paul diBlartti: ...But yeah, uh... You re with MIDAS, right?
Hiram Hegel looks to Kiritsugu for non-verbal advice
Richard Owens looks UP AN OVER at Kerry and Hiram
Richard Owens: ......
Richard Owens approaches the two of them with the bag
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Yes, that s right. If you wouldn t mind, I d like to take hi
m in for questioning.
Richard Owens: I have the food.
Hiram Hegel: Ah, hello, Richard.
Kiritsugu Emiya then notices Richard
Hiram Hegel: Good.
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Heh. So you do. Good work.
Hiram Hegel: What happened to the other one?
Richard Owens: He ran off. I doubt he s a threat to anyone.
Paul diBlartti: ...He ran off. He was too fast...
Hiram Hegel: He had the nerve to break into a MIDAS facility, that alone is a th
Richard Owens: We ve recovered the food, at least.
Hiram Hegel: Good.
Paul diBlartti briefly steps off the segway to drag the dude over to Kiritsugu
Richard Owens pulls out a granola bar and starts eating it
Hiram Hegel: ... Maybe we should see if its been tampered with.

Richard Owens: What s been tampered with.

Vandal: ...Hhhhh... Nah. No, it was...
Hiram Hegel: The food, I have concerns about eating it.
Richard Owens: Why would the food have been tampered.
Vandal: ...My partner... (wheeze)
Hiram Hegel: Why would they break into the dorms to steal it?
Richard Owens: These are muggers, not biological terrorists.
Vandal: ...Was... Was being initiated, and he was... s-supposed to lift somethin
... from your stupid UN dorms...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: So a gang put them up to this.
Vandal: ...Thatthat way the boss... would know he was careful... Fuckin bastard
deserted me...
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Hm. Interesting.
Kiritsugu Emiya starts to cuff the dude
Richard Owens: It seems the local criminal element has issues with Midas.
Perhaps I should move that bed, after all.
Hiram Hegel: It would be prudent.
Vandal: Y-you assholes do that...
Vandal coughs
Richard Owens: Don t steal our food anymore.
Vandal: ...Mrrrgh...
Hiram Hegel: Kiritsugu, what did you want from the resteraunt?
Kiritsugu Emiya: I was just going to get myself a ham sandwich and a
Florian Gaffner: ...Kerry?
Florian Gaffner looks over at the group
eldritch s.: "oh shit, not him"
Hiram Hegel: A ham sandwich and what?
Richard Owens: ...?
Kiritsugu Emiya nods to Florian
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Mister Gaffner.
Richard Owens looks back over at Florian
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...A small coffee, please.
Hiram Hegel: Alright.
Florian Gaffner walks on over there
Florian Gaffner: Heh, didn t expect to see you here.
Hiram Hegel: Pardon me. One ham sandwich, a coffee, and a strawberry smoothie, p
Richard Owens looks back at Kerry
The cashier takes the order down
Richard Owens: ....Are you two accquainted.
"Okay, that ll be [SOME EUROS]"
Hiram Hegel fishes through his pockets
Florian Gaffner: Ah, yes! He s a security officer out where I work. I see him at
lunch when I m not too busy.
Richard Owens: ......
You work for MIDAS.
Hiram Hegel: does hiram really know florian at all
Kiritsugu Emiya looks over at Hiram and goes to STOP HIM FROM PAYING LET ME GET

Paul diBlartti watches the perp

Space: kerry is giving hiram a piggyback ride
eldritch s.: paul snaps his neck
Mobile L (GM): He probably knows of him, but doesn t know him too well
Mac D.: has he heard his name in hushed whispers
Florian Gaffner: ...That s right. You know of them?
Mobile L (GM): Oh yes. The poster man.
Hiram Hegel allows him to pay
Richard Owens: ......I am one of the MOT pilots.
eldritch s.: the infamous mr. gaffner
what does he even do
Florian Gaffner: ...Oh! Well goodness gracious, so you are! I was in a meeting t
hat day, so I didn t get to see all of you, but, ah... welcome!
CHA-CHING. Their stuff gets ready pretty quickly, and they GEDDIT
Hiram Hegel takes his smoothie and sips it
Richard Owens: I am afraid I have not seen you around the facility, sir.
I apologize for my previous flippant behavior, Sir.
Hiram Hegel walks back over
Florian Gaffner: Ah, I don t think you ll see quite as much of me as you will th
e others. I work in intelligence... Oh, and no need to apologize, none at all, y
ou ve been wonderful!
Florian Gaffner blinks a little when he sees Hiram
Hiram Hegel: Hello, Mr. Gaffner.
Richard Owens: ...
Florian Gaffner: ...Ah. Hello, Hiram. Have you been doing alright?
Hiram Hegel: Reasonably so, yes.
Florian Gaffner smiles, just a little wistfully
Florian Gaffner: Good... I see you re making some friends, ah? New Pilots arrivi
ng and everything?
Hiram Hegel: I suppose so.
... How have this been for you?
Florian Gaffner: Ah, pretty good. Rather busy, but I ve got Miss Scuderi to keep
me on task.
Florian Gaffner chuckles a little
eldritch s.: she beats him when he gets distracted
Florian Gaffner: ...Ah, she s something else. Never met anyone more dedicated.
Hiram Hegel: I see.
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: Have there been any interesting developments that you are allowed t
o talk about?
Florian Gaffner: ...Mmm... I wish. All of it s been classified, I m afraid.
Florian Gaffner looks over at Richard, wondering why he s so quiet
Hiram Hegel: I see.
Florian Gaffner: ...Not that there s any shortage. It s just... I can t even get
into it, but I... We have it all covered, I m sure.
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel: That s good.
Florian Gaffner nods
eldritch s.: he said too much
Mobile L (GM): just us...!

Space: i am still here but will go in like 5 min

Mobile L (GM): Gotcha
Did y awl like?
Space: ye
Mac D.: AW YE
Mobile L (GM): Kool
That was hastily planned on the fly
Space: let s a taima for the 5 min i will be here
Mobile L (GM): A ight
Mobile L (GM): Eyyy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Eyy
I added some tracks
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, hell yeah
I know I sound like a massive dicktool just asking, but didja ever read over tha
t mini session we did way back when?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes I have
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, sweet. What d ya think? Was it too much bringing in the thug
MrEForEccentric (GM): A little bit
But it s non-canon so
Mobile L (GM): Aw. Sorry about that.
MrEForEccentric (GM): They just know that they exis
They know nothing
It s still cool
Mobile L (GM): I ll be more careful next time
Mm, damn. I really should have thought that one through
MrEForEccentric (GM): Still- It s a good thing we can count these pre-sessions a
s non-canon
Mobile L (GM): Yeah
MrEForEccentric (GM): What do you think of this track, anyways?
Mobile L (GM): I dig
Has a nice sound to it
MrEForEccentric (GM): This can be the dream sequence theme for those Mysterious
Mobile L (GM): Ooh. Hell yeah, it s very trippy
MrEForEccentric (GM): I keep forgetting to do it
A l s o
If you want to
I would like to wrap up the Zuo Ci and Lu Lingqi
Since she is still around
MrEForEccentric (GM): It s just that I have been hesitant to do any progress wit
hout Castlah
Mobile L (GM): Oh yes, we gotta get that taken care of
MrEForEccentric (GM): Shall we head over to Unsung Heroes so I can show off some
Mobile L (GM): Sure, let s do it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ya yo
Mobile L (GM): So, like, in the long-ass gap between now and last time, I found
out that the Ace Combat series has a consistently bitchin soundtrack and I thin
k we should cannibalize the shit out of it
MrEForEccentric (GM): I agree.
I d also like to point out that The Armed Man by Karl Jenkins is a very good sym
And we might be able to use Sanctus in the final bit

Mobile L (GM): Oooooh, well fuck yeah. Any shit you think suitable, slap it on i
n there
God knows we need all the dramatic classical shit we can get
MrEForEccentric (GM): Or well
I guess Benedictus works too
Since it doesn t seem to have Sanctus on here
Mobile L (GM): Actually, I could upload Sanctus
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh, yes that is an option
Shall I link you the youtube vid?
Mobile L (GM): Do it
MrEForEccentric (GM):
Mobile L (GM): Oh fuck yes, that s bitchin
Bout to upload
Ah god dammit, the Soundcloud gestapo autodeleted the track for copyright shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Damn
Mobile L (GM): Yo
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yayoyayo
What are YOU doing here
eldritch s.: i ve come to find the truth about david cameron
MrEForEccentric (GM): He s an asshat. that s all the truth I need
eldritch s.: he raped a dead pig
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
eldritch s.: the mother country has let us all down
letting a man who has sex with dead pigs be pm
MrEForEccentric (GM): We didn t know this before he was PM
Really we should ve kicked him out when we saw that picture of him riding a bicy
Mobile L (GM): I m sure Dubya has done worse at some point
MrEForEccentric (GM):
eldritch s.: i saw a picture of him looking like a scooby doo villain
he just looks like a tool on that bike
Mobile L (GM): He does admittedly look like the pigfucking type
eldritch s.: oh yeah by the way those songs i spree-upload to soundcloud, if you
like them, please use them
Mobile L (GM): Ooh, well fuck yeah, thanks
MrEForEccentric (GM): Uni life is pretty quiet so far
I mean
Every day feels incredibly long now
Mobile L (GM): Aw. At least it s not, like, unbearably busy
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
I ll see when
Things actually start proper
Mobile L (GM): Stay strong, G
eldritch s.: the days for me feel very fast but verty busy
Mobile L (GM): Same here, really, or at least lately.
MrEForEccentric (GM): Jesus christ
I can still hear my flatmates
Mobile L (GM): Oh shyit
Sorry, was off talking Icy
She just got home
MrEForEccentric (GM): Fookin party gals
Mobile L (GM): Tell em to shut it and up it
MrEForEccentric (GM): I cannot because social anxiety
I sleep

eldritch s.: doon there will be one

look at those lovely sprites
Mobile L (GM): noooooooo...!
MrEForEccentric (GM): Command Sakura to use Fireball
Space: it s the squad
Sakura Emiya casts fireball
Sakura Emiya: holy shit
Critical hit! Shirou fainted
Sakura Emiya: fuck off shirou
that s actually wonderful
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
I can produce EFFECTS
And as soon as I learn HTML coding
I can probably actually do up a character sheet for Adeva
Sakura Emiya: fooooock yes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Which would be TONNES more convenient
Sakura Emiya:
rging.html also i am gonna try this out now
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Does this mean you are gone
(That is all I wanted to show anyway)
Sakura Emiya: i will skype still on fone
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hiram EXPLODES with delight
Mobile L (GM): Yo, how goes it?
I updated the hospital map because I got actual toilet stalls
Illya Emiya casts fireball!
Super effective!
Mobile L (GM): Whoooaaaa shet, do that again
Dude that is fuckin sweet
Rip in penis shirou
Shirou Emiya falls over burning
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ahh so you can use it too because its my game
Mobile L (GM): Didja pay for it?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
I m a pro
And I have asked on the forums if they can do a custom sheet of Adeva
I tried doing custom sheet but...
It didn t go well
MrEForEccentric (GM): Like- couldn t get it to work
Mobile L (GM): Aww
MrEForEccentric (GM): Also, poor Shirou is still burning
Shirou Emiya: owwwww ow ow ow ow sakura help
Master Chen Gong: You deserved this Shirou!
Shirou Emiya: no...
Master Chen Gong: Yes!
Shirou Emiya: dammit fuck you guys i just wanted to fuck my adoptive sister gaww
Master Chen Gong: Wow. So many f-bombs... such a charmer
Shirou Emiya: eat a deek
MrEForEccentric (GM): How did you set it to go on continuously like that
I am curious
Or is that a glitch
Mobile L (GM): I just held the mouse button
MrEForEccentric (GM): Do we know how to extinguish it

It isn t stopping
Do you see it
Mobile L (GM): All ya do is let off after holding it awhile
Ooh, well I see that
Now it s gone
MrEForEccentric (GM): When I let go it just goes
But no- I mean
I see one that has gone on without you
Over Shirou
Mobile L (GM): Huh, damn. I don t, so it must be a glitch
MrEForEccentric (GM): I marked it with my own fire
Mobile L (GM): Yep, nothing there for me
MrEForEccentric (GM): Everybody burns
I still like fireball the most
Mobile L (GM): They kool
They ll be fuckin really useful
MrEForEccentric (GM): Refreshed
Is gone now
Mobile L (GM): Yay
MrEForEccentric (GM): But yeah
We can use it to mark attacks
Or something
Its like
Mobile L (GM): And have things EXPLOD colorfully
MrEForEccentric (GM): Go o downtown and I ll show what I mean
Mobile L (GM): Beeb
Misor charges up its attack- each end fires a fiery beam in a prism, combiningshooting out in a deadly beam!
devastation and what-not
Mobile L (GM): errybody dies
Oh gawd it s doing the thing
MrEForEccentric (GM): Is it just holding fire there
Mobile L (GM): Yep. I think it s because of my connection issues
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hmm Yeah
Just refresh
always sorts it
Mobile L (GM): Yay, that fixed it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Indeeed
But planning
Space: flame, dear flame
Mobile L (GM): Hark, an interloper
So cool, innit?
Space: it s fuckin rad
will it be used for explosions
Mobile L (GM): Fuck yes
And like, beams and shit
Space: is there more than just fire
Mobile L (GM): Nah, sadly only fire, but we have our imaginations for the rest
Space: good
Sakura Emiya: die, shirou, die
Sakura Emiya casts a fire ball
Shirou Emiya: ;_;
Sakura Emiya roasts marshmallows over his burning corpse
Sakura Emiya: i
came here for nefarious purposes

Shirou Emiya cries in Japanese

Sakura Emiya: which is 2 say
ar eyou guys planning r/n
Mobile L (GM): Mayyyyyybe ;)
MrEForEccentric (GM): Why do you think.
Both the gms
Would be here at the same time
Sakura Emiya: i was hoping to summon mobile 4 some thing
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh
Oh I see
Mobile L (GM): Custody battle
MrEForEccentric (GM): Fight me space
Sakura Emiya: battle
MrEForEccentric (GM): Choose your weapon
Sakura Emiya: a robot that rturns into a gun
MrEForEccentric (GM): Gh...!
Mobile L (GM): Y awl sort this scuffle out, I shall BRB
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
I m trying to sort out character sheet things
Its pain
Sakura Emiya: did you post on the frorum
MrEForEccentric (GM): I did
Look at me with Pro next to my name
Sakura Emiya: rich man
MrEForEccentric (GM): 10 dollars a month is not 2bad
Considering it comes out of my entertainment fund
Sakura Emiya: good
i... i will now depart... tell mobile that if she does not come w/ i ll be v. sa
d and saddened and sadly
MrEForEccentric (GM): Where are you going
Sakura Emiya: to roll a 20
MrEForEccentric (GM): Where...
Sakura Emiya: secrit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Darn you and your secrets...
Mobile L (GM): Hup, I am back
MrEForEccentric (GM): Space will apparently be v sad if you do not follow him
Mobile L (GM): Aww
MrEForEccentric (GM): And saddened
and sadly
Mobile L (GM): And sadly
MrEForEccentric (GM): He is trying to guilt-trip you.
MrEForEccentric (GM) slithers away making repeated hissing sounds
MrEForEccentric (GM) totally trustworthy
Mobile L (GM): I d best follow him, then. You wanna take planning to Skype?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah, sure
Mobile L (GM): A ight, and that ll leave the chat clear-ish
MrEForEccentric (GM): I can send you the pdf for character sheets and shit
And see whether you can wizard
Mobile L (GM): That would be illin
MrEForEccentric (GM): Also the open beta 3 is out
Mobile L (GM): Ooh

MrEForEccentric (GM): i checked

No tremendous changes according to changelog
Mobile L (GM): Huh, well that s good
Gonna follow Space, will Skype in a bit
MrEForEccentric (GM): Aight
Space: hey
guess who
is on
his phone
MrEForEccentric (GM): Who
Space: because you are a pro i can do this
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh yes
I can
You can
Because this is available on tablets and iphone I think
Ilya burns
Space: rip in piss
oh my god
"Medusa": sakura no
alrig Jr wwll it is good to onow this isnan option
MrEForEccentric (GM): What
eldritch s.: when
does the time approach
we will fight in the streets
on the beaches
on the landing grounds
eldritch s.: i wait
i will wait
"Agamemnon": forever, and forever
until yhe day comes
eldritch s.: p
Hiram Hegel: e
Hiram Hegel: s
dickk shit dick dick shit dick sidkc
Hiram Hegel: heslssidld
Hiram Hegel: fufkdioigjfdke
rolling 1d20
= 10

rolling 1d20
= 18
eldritch s.: Maybe again he will be alone
Guess we re equally damaged
Find your name do it all the same equally
Signal when you can t breathe no more
Say you were me then you could see the view
eldritch s.: You ll know we are equally damaged
Don t be a fool, make it easier
You ll learn to say when
Signal if you can t say, "no more"
Don t cross your finger
eldritch s.: Sundays will never change
They keep on coming
You ll be a freak
And I ll keep you company
Richard Owens: knuckles
i have HIV
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: are you absolutely sure, tails...?
Richard Owens: yes
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: oh tails... :,(
Mac D.: why IS richard in a hospital bed
Mobile L (GM): IDK, he got the mumps or some shit
Gonna take a little bit to get shit set up, so hang the tight
Mac D.: no prob
Space: hello
Mobile L (GM): Yoooooo
Space: sound only 4 now
Mobile L (GM): No worries, m8
Still getting shit assembled-ish
Space: well i say sound only but i mean no sound
love these fuggin little sprites
Mobile L (GM): Ain t they cute?
Sakura Emiya: aww yeh
reminder: i am the sniper of the team, yet the most empathetic
i like how all the MOTs are greek mythology
Mobile L (GM): Same, yo
Greece Vs. Carthage
"Medusa": rider-class MOT
Mobile L (GM): Eeheehee
I hope I can make this thing satisfactory tonight, y all
It ll be hella off the cuff
Space: i m approval
what is it
Mobile L (GM): Happenings at school, with a fun surprise
Sakura Emiya: yo, sakura, get in the robot
Mac D.: yo yo
Mobile L (GM): ayy lmao
Should we wait for Eldy Seer?
Getting close to finishing with the setup
Sakura Emiya: i say, we wait
Mobile L (GM): I am in agreeance

Mobile L (GM): Pictured: Chris
7nx8X1tlsxv1o1_400.gif when we get everyone together for a roll20
Mac D.: have we considered adding a fourth adeva
Space: i m against it
scheduling hell
Mobile L (GM): Three will do
Mac D.: aiight
i keep seeing people complain about linkle in hyrule warriors and i m just like
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
Mac D.: i thought you all wanted girl link i mean you never shut up about it
Space: i am in the good parts of the internet
Mobile L (GM): People can never be satisfied with anything
Space: as i have only seen "linkle is cool" and rad fanart of the same
Mac D.: good good
i immerse myself in swamps
Space: don t bog yourself down
Mobile L (GM): You will be shot for that
Mac D.: full of crybabies who are like "ugh ms. male why can t it have replaced
regular link this design is TRASH compared to my master-crafted fanart"
Space: getting mired in all this internet discourse
Mac D.: in more uplifting news kingdoms of amalur for pc is fun
Space: i got gta san andreas and modded it to have fate/stay night characters as
npcs and its the msot fun ive had in my life
Mac D.: you freak of nature
Space: you haven t lived until you ve seen illya smoking a blunt and cocking a 9
Mobile L (GM): eldyyyyy where u at boi
I steadily become more and more almost ready
Space: readiness intensifies
Mac D.: lesgoooooooooooo
Mobile L (GM): Just a couple final touches...!
Lemme run to the restroom real quick, then I am legit 5real starting this bitch
Mobile L (GM): Duuuuude that s sick
Space: no
(yes i am)
Mac D.: YE
Mac D.: seer s not ready
Mobile L (GM): Oop, frick
Shall we proceed or wait more?
Mac D.: gunther what the fuck are you doing in this universe
Space: look
it s theresa
Gnther Glazkov: shhhh, don t tell nobody... heh
Space: and it s
and it s
Mac D.: gabby what the fuck are you doing in this universe
Space: g i l a i s t h e r e
Mac D.: forrest wtf are you doing in this universe
Gabby Tran: frick off
Mac D.: it feels very weird having sprites and avatars on this map
Space: a bizarre mishmash
look at the gman
Mobile L (GM): I was too time-strapped to make sprites for erryone
Space: holy shit it s oda nobunaga

Mac D.: can i elect to use my faceclaim......

Mobile L (GM): Sure, why not. Faceclaims for all.
Space: i want the sprite its cooler
Mac D.: space i ll hit you
Mobile L (GM): Faceclaims for Duff
Space: duff just has to be different...
Mac D.: does anyone have any idea what bar seer is drinking himself to death in
Space: paul blart doesn t even notice what s right above his head
Mobile L (GM): A lonely one
Paul diBlartti: ???
dicks, what dicks
Sakura Emiya: i m taking over this class
Mac D.: shall we put it to a vote to go with or without seer
Mr. Milk: o-oh my, oh dear.......

Sakura Emiya stabs Mr. Milk

Mr. Milk: oh noooooooo... x_x
Richard Owens: miss emiya, please sit down
Mobile L (GM): IDK, what sez y all
Sakura Emiya:
Mac D.: what sex you, space
Mobile L (GM): he male
Richard Owens: miss emiya you re making a scene

Mobile L (GM): I am cool with whatevs

Mac D.: as am i
Mobile L (GM): Shet, a full-neutral room
Mac D.: and what is your decision
w e l l s p a c e
oh excuse me
*sorry i was telling someone about 3d printers
Mobile L (GM): How asthetique
But reely, wut
wut we du
Space: ah, school-age friends in the journal
i m not sure if we re leaving soon or not, but i think that we re not...?
if that would sway the decision any
Mac D.: bugger it let s go
Space: uhm ... seer can always come in later on or something
It s MONDAY. You all were oriented for your pilot shit just two days ago, and no
w you are here, in a lovely high school in Syracuse! The teacher looks... um...
well, I wouldn t say pleased to see you, but he sure does look like he feels som
Sakura Emiya is seated in her desk, awaiting... the learns...
Mr. Milk: Um. Uhhh... Good, um... Good morning, class...
Mr. Milk tugs nervously at his tie
Sakura Emiya: Good morning, teacher@
Richard Owens is sitting straight-backed in his desk, paying rapt attention to M
r. Milk

Mr. Milk: So, um... a whole, um... a whole big bunch of you are P-Pilots for the
, um... the MIDAS thing... Right?
Richard Owens raises his hand, slightly
Sakura Emiya raises her hand proudly
Mr. Milk: ...Y-yes, um, Mister... Ohoh dear, where d I putwhere d I put the roster
...O-oh, and um, and you...
...Hold on, um...
Richard Owens: Permission to speak, Sir.
Mr. Milk fumbles through his papers like an idiot
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Mr. Milk: G-go ahead, um, mister... uhhh... Owens! E-eheh, there, I found it...
Richard Owens: That is correct, Sir.
Mr. Milk: And, and you, Miss Emiya... Go ahead.
Sakura Emiya: Sir, there s only three of us!
Mr. Milk: O-okay, good, um... Sorry, it s I forgot my, um, my coffee...
Richard Owens: Would you like me to retrieve coffee, Sir.
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh, um, really...? Eheh, um... oh my... Thenthen who are...?
...O-oh...? Um... S-sure...? That d be, um, that d be real nice... i-if that s o
kay with you...
Richard Owens: Yes, Sir
Hal Hightower raises a hand
Richard Owens gets up from his desk and makes his way to the teacher s lounge
Mr. Milk: ...U-uh... Yes, um, Mister... Hightower?
Richard, on his way out, sees some INTERESTING PEOPLE congregated in the hall...
Richard Owens side-eyes them as he walks down the hall
Hal Hightower: Well, sir she is correct, in that they are the only ones from MIDA
S. But
Hal Hightower is v v british
...that gummint man is eyeing you, sonny...
Sakura Emiya: ...??
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens walkaaaaaaaan
Space: hup we re heading out
back in some time, no need 2 wait up
Mac D.: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA
Hal Hightower: I myself, and some of my fellow students, are from different facti
Mac D. shoots everyone
Mobile L (GM): aww, okay...
Is cool, we can SOLO IT for now
Ricky boi hears some soft, Chilean-accented speaking coming from that room he ju
st passed. Maybe THIS is the fabled teacher s lounge...?
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens approaches.....THE LOUNGE
eldritch s.: oh
paul di blartti
and mr milk
or should i say

mr milf
oh hey theresa
eldritch s.: gunth
Gustavo Fring is talking on his phone... CHILEANLY
eldritch s.: gila
lots of gs
Mobile L (GM): G squad
Richard Owens fuckin brs
Gustavo Fring looks over his CHILEAN shoulder at Richard
Hiram Hegel silently sits at his desk, hands clasped
Richard Owens has no intent to interrupt him and heads right to the coffee machi
Hiram Hegel: g-man
Gustavo Fring: Ah, gracias, gracias... Que usted tenga un buen da, Seor Salamanca.
Gustavo Fring BIP
Gustavo Fring: ...Why hello there!
Gustavo Fring smiles warmly
Mac D.: is soraiya showing up
Mobile L (GM): no
Richard Owens: Sir.
Mac D.: she should
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh, so um... notnot just MIDAS, then, but all the, um... thethe DAS
Hal Hightower NOD
Hal Hightower: That is correct, Sir!
Gustavo Fring: May I help you with something?
Mr. Milk: O-oh, um, cuz it didn t say on the... w-wait...
Mr. Milk SQUINTS at the roster
Hiram Hegel: what have i missed
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh...! Oh, oh dear, um, silly... silly me...
Mobile L (GM): They s getting oriented and Rick is getting Milk a coffee
Richard Owens: I m retrieving coffee for my teacher, Sir.
Mobile L (GM): First day of skool
Gustavo Fring: ...Oh! Eheh, well goodness, that s certainly very chivalrous of y
...Here, the machine is right over here in the corner.
Gustavo Fring pls pretend it is
Richard Owens: Thank you, Sir.
Mr. Milk: So, um... so yes, uh... all the Pilots are here, and um... Um, justjust
the MIDAS ones will be staying, but it s, um... it s orientation time, s-so we
can all meet each other, and... uhhh... and...
Richard Owens walks right over and STARTS THAT SHIT UP
Gustavo Fring smiles fondly as he makes the caf
Hiram Hegel silently stares at Mr. milk
Gustavo Fring: ...Hm, so. While we re here, I may as well introduce myself. I am

Gustavo Fring, the economics teacher here, but you may call me Gus.
Richard Owens: ......
Understood, Sir.
Mr. Milk: ...U-um... Uhhh... Soso, um, we ll be talking about safety today...
Becausebecause it s important for, uh... for the Pilots here...
Gustavo Fring: ...And who would you be, son?
Gustavo Fring goes ahead and makes himself a coffee too
Richard Owens: Richard Owens, Sir
MOT Pilot, First Class.
Hiram Hegel leans back in his chair
Gustavo Fring: Ah! I had a feeling you were a Pilot. An honor, Richard, and welc
ome to Syracuse. I hope your service here goes well.
Hiram Hegel "How hard is it to grasp safety?"
Gustavo Fring extends a hand for the SHAKE
Richard Owens side-eyes the outstretched hand
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens turns to shake it
Mr. Milk: S-so let s, um... Let me just get the projector, u-uh, going...
eldritch s.: gabby would be a very asuka pilot i think
Richard Owens his grip is firm and mechanical
Hiram Hegel is just dead silent and stoic
Gustavo Fring s grip is hecka businesslike... though also sorta mechanical... h
Gustavo Fring: ...Well. I don t want to keep you for too long, lest you miss out
on the lesson. You have a good day, Richard, and I look forward to seeing you i
n my class.
Richard Owens: Thank you, Sir.
Richard Owens goes to retrieve the coffee he has brewed
Gustavo Fring smile-nods to him as he leaves
Hiram Hegel: gustavo
reminds me
of the man
from ambition
not the terrorist
Richard Owens watches him go for a brief moment, and then walks out and heads fo
r the class
Mr. Milk fucks with the shit needed to get the projector down
Hiram Hegel: but the husband
Mobile L (GM): Eehee
Hiram Hegel: just his face
Government Man: .........
Hiram Hegel observes if he needs help
Richard Owens walks back in with a cuppa coffee
eldritch s.: g-man

Government Man straightens his tie mechanically

eldritch s.: Hello, Misssster Ow-en...
Richard Owens sets it down on the desk
Richard Owens: Coffee, Sir.
eldritch s.: his briefcase falls open
and a human heart falls out
he just quickly packs it back in
Mr. Milk: ......?
...O-oh! Oh, oh, thank you so much...!
Richard Owens stands up straight, looking right at him
Richard Owens nods
Richard Owens: Sir.
Richard Owens returns to his desl
Mr. Milk smiles nervously and takes it
Hiram Hegel: i just
crack up
at paul diblartti
Mr. Milk: ...Y-you re, um... you re a real good kid, y-y know...?
Richard Owens: Thank you, Sir.
Permission to speak freely, Sir.
Paul diBlartti stands at attention, although he looks increasingly impatient wit
h Milk s antics
Hiram Hegel examines his new comrade through his shades, not turning his head to
Mr. Milk: ...? O-oh, um, go ahead. I just, um... I don t normally do, um... thin
gs with the projector...
S-so, it ll-it ll maybe take a sec... Eheh...
Richard Owens: Did I miss any important information while I was out, Sir.
Hiram feels a paper airplane hit the back of his head...
Hiram Hegel nearly had a heartattack
Mr. Milk: ...Uhm... N-no, not really. I just, um... I was just making sense of t
he, um... the roster...
Hiram Hegel doesn t want to give away any information, but deseperately needs to
know who did it
Mr. Milk: A-and I was telling everyone that we re gonna talk about safety...
Hiram Hegel tries to judge from the angle who did it
Hiram Hegel: as in the angle it hit him from
Richard Owens: Understood, Sir. Thank you, Sir.
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha. Uh, how bout you roll 3d20 for that since I am unaccusto
med to the other rules yet? :P
Mac D.: everyone bullies hiram because they re afraid of richard
Hiram Hegel: rolling 3d20
= 37

Mr. Milk: S-sure, um... No problem...

Hiram Hegel: rainman
It was DEFINITELY the kid right behind you.
Mr. Milk CMON PROJECTOR...... p-please...
Paul diBlartti: ...Uhhh... Mister Milk...?
Mr. Milk: !! Whwh y-yes...?
Hiram Hegel tries to observe Gunth by his reflection in his shades
Paul diBlartti: Can I, um... give you a hand with that...?
Hiram Hegel: rolling 3d20
= 16
oh god i m blind
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh, um... Y-yes, please, i-if it s okay...
Hiram Hegel: my eyes
Gnther Glazkov is... A FUCKING FATASS
Gnther Glazkov:
Hiram Hegel:
Mobile L (GM): He got salt in his eyes.
Hiram Hegel blinks a few times
Hiram Hegel rubs his eyes
Paul diBlartti sighs deeply and tries to help Milk-sensei with the projector
Mr. Milk curses his birth and wishes for death s gentle caress
Gnther Glazkov:
There is also LIGHT CONVERSATION coming from the other side of the room...
Richard Owens sits and waits, very patiently and keeping his focus on the two au
thority figures
Hiram Hegel carefully listens to the conversation
Hiram Hegel: rolling 3d20
= 30
Paul diBlartti has only marginally more success than Milk-kun
Hiram Hegel: my ears
i got salt in my ears
Paul diBlartti: ...mmf... fuckin thing won t come down... are you sure it s thi
s button...?
Hiram Hegel: he just said fuck
TOUGH TIDDY they are talking in... SPANISH

Hiram Hegel is highly disturbed by hearing a foreign language

Hiram Hegel doesn t like what he can t understand
Hiram Hegel: there are people in my high school. mexicans, you know, who do spea
k spanish to each other in the building
Theresa Fuentes: ...Crees que... que lo tienen, hermano...? Parece que es...
Hiram Hegel: funfacts
Richard Owens: ......
Paul diBlartti: ...Uhhh... Yes, kid...?
Guillermo Fuentes: ...Pues... no s, hermana...
Hiram Hegel: Do you require assistance with the projector?
Richard Owens: I can provide assitance.
Mr. Milk: ...U-um... Uhhhhh...
Paul diBlartti: ...Uhhh... Sure, yeah, why don tcha just...?
Paul diBlartti motions for the two EMOTIONLESS BOYZ to come up and halp
Tejan El-Amin:
Richard Owens nods and gets out of his seat to help
Tejan El-Amin fidgets with his glasses a bit
Tejan El-Amin: ...Man...
Mr. Milk: I-it s um... it s s posed to come down when we hit the button, but itit
isn t... II tried pulling on it, too...
Hiram Hegel stands as well
Hiram Hegel begins trying to fiddle with the doodad and gizmo
Mr. Milk grasps the remote helplessly in his sad, bony middle-aged man hands
Hiram Hegel: rolling 3d20
= 25
instead of fixing it
he stabs mr milk in the head
Try as he might, Hiram cannot make the remote do its thing...
Hiram Hegel checks the battery
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel: This has no battery.
Paul diBlartti: ...Wh... Oh, son of a bi... um... darn.
...Here, hang tight, lemme just...
Paul diBlartti grumbles and waddles out to get a BABBERIES
Richard Owens: ....
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh... Um... Eheh, howhow silly of me not to... not to check...
eldritch s.: they just stood there
Mr. Milk ...kill... me...
eldritch s.: and kept pressing the button
not doing anything differently

just pressing the button

Mobile L (GM): Best school system, 10/10
eldritch s.: einstein s defi nition of insanity
Mobile L (GM): Well, this is Eva
eldritch s.: "Two dickheads standing around pressing a button without a battery,
expecting a different result."
Hiram Hegel goes to sti back down
Mr. Milk: ...U-um, so... While we wait, um... Maybemaybe we could do the thing wh
ere, um... where we get to know each other... o-or something...?
Richard Owens also returns to his seat
Hiram Hegel dreads this prospect
eldritch s.: what is midas policy
how transparent are they with the qwhole
"we created life" thing
Mr. Milk: ...Um... S-so we all... We all go around the room saying, um... our na
me, and where we re from, and... and aa special fact about ourselves, um... howhow
does that sound...?
Mobile L (GM): They are silent about it
eldritch s.: so he isn t supposed to say anything
Mobile L (GM): Nope
Keep the shoosh
Waivers and all that
Hiram Hegel: he had to sign a waiver as a fetus
Mobile L (GM): Eeheehee
Hiram Hegel: they just dropped it into the tank
Mr. Milk: Um... I llI ll start... My name is, um... Mr. Milk, and I... I m from C
My, um... my special fact about me is, um... II like cheese a lot...
Mr. Milk why... is this man here...?
eldritch s.: "i m from liverpool, blackpool, anything with a pool in it..."
Mobile L (GM): Eeheehee
eldritch s.: who does he pass the rod of truth to
Richard Owens: ....
Mr. Milk: ...Um... so, um... You, uh, R-Richard, why don t you go next...?
Mr. Milk smiles sheepishly at the nice boy what help him
eldritch s.: richard shoots him
Richard Owens: ....
Yes, Sir.
eldritch s.: was that pause him considering it
to kill this mn
Mr. Milk: i wouldn t blame you...
eldritch s.: "i ve even tried to kill me..."
Richard Owens: My name is Richard Owens, MOT Pilot First Class. I was born in Ri
dgewater Community Hospital in Hoboken, New Jersey. At the age of three I was en
tered into the United States Military s Youth Operative Program.
eldritch s.: HOBOKEN
Mobile L (GM): holy shit
The special city
Mac D.: all of my characters will have ties to hoboken in some way or another
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh, um... oh my... that s-sounds really... really, um... Oh my...

eldritch s.: "it sounds really shit, kid"

Mr. Milk: ...U-uh, thank you, Richard...! y-you pick who goes next...

Richard Owens: ...

Hiram Hegel: ...
Mr. Milk oh my... military from... from THREE?! ohhh oh dear, oh dear
Richard Owens looks at Hiram
Hiram Hegel looks back to him
Mr. Milk ohhhhhh... DEAR...
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: I ll take the hint.
Gnther Glazkov smirks faintly
Hiram Hegel: My name is Hiram Hegel. I am from here. I suppose a special fact ab
out myself is my Albinism.
Mr. Milk: ...Oh. Um... That s really, um... really special, H-Hiram, um... Thank
Hiram Hegel points bacwards
Hiram Hegel: He will go.
eldritch s.: gunth is busy writing names into the note
Gnther Glazkov: ...Heh. Hello. I am Gnther Glazkov and I am from Gothenburg, Swede
n. As for an interesting thing about me, well, hm...

...I tried to wear skinny jeans last year. But I could never... pull them off.
eldritch s.: "i m a magus"
Gnther Glazkov expectant smile
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel realizes that was a joke
Hiram Hegel is vaguely amused
Hiram Hegel doesn t show it
Gnther Glazkov:

Richard Owens: ....

Mr. Milk: ...U-uh...?

...O-oh! Oh, um... Eheheh... heh... wow, um... g-good one...?

Gnther Glazkov:
Gnther Glazkov motherfuckers...
Gnther Glazkov:
Gnther Glazkov sighs quietly
Gnther Glazkov: ...You. Immediately to my right.
Shirou Emiya: ...O-oh, me?
Shirou Emiya was obvs MIRIN the SAK mmmmm
eldritch s.: he zips up his pants
Shirou Emiya: ...Hi, yeah, I am Shirou Emiya. I m originally from Fuyuki City in
Japan... Eheh, I m not the only one, though~
...And, um... I was in a fire. So... Yeah.


Shirou Emiya: ...So, um, how abou
eldritch s.: god strikes him down
Paul diBlartti BUSTS IN
eldritch s.: god, who is named paul diblartti
Shirou Emiya:
eldritch s.: adam
Shirou Emiya SIGN...
eldritch s.: paul is adam
mr milk is lillith
Mr. Milk: O-oh, good! Good, um... We can, um... we can finish introductions late
r, I guess, now let s... Um...
Mobile L (GM): Why hallo spess
eldritch s.: keel is there too
Richard Owens: ...
Sakura Emiya has just fallen asleep
Mobile L (GM): how s gein, keel
eldritch s.: "he s in trouble with the ob last i heard"
Richard Owens side-eyes the snoozin sak
Richard Owens: .....
eldritch s.: "he always was a troublemaker"
Shirou Emiya: pssst... sakura heyyyyyy
we re gonna hear about... heheheheh... safetyyyyyyy
Sakura Emiya: Zzz...
eldritch s.: what does oppai mean
Shirou Emiya: ...sakuraaaaa
Sakura Emiya: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Richard Owens tries getting Hiram s attention
Mobile L (GM): Boobs
Hiram Hegel: fuck you space
Gnther Glazkov:
Hiram Hegel turns to Richard
Space: ;)
Richard Owens subtly gestures toward Sakura
Hiram Hegel turn to Sak
Space: Zzz-gnnk0?!
Gnther Glazkov:
Sakura Emiya snort, suddenly sits up
Hiram Hegel: gnnk0
Gnther Glazkov EHEHEHEH...
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: the code
Sakura Emiya looks around

Hiram Hegel turns back to the front

Mr. Milk: C-c mon, c mon, p-please quit buffering...
Hiram Hegel: keel should teach a class about car safety
Mr. Milk: ...Oh! Oh, there it is, there we go...! O-okay, kids, watch this film,
we are gonnawe re going to learn about safety...
Sakura Emiya quietly wonders why she was woken up for this
Hiram Hegel turns to Richard
Hiram Hegel: I assume that was what you were concerned about.
Hiram Hegel turns back to the front
Mac D.: preview
Richard Owens nods, and watches the PROGRAM
eldritch s.: "Hi! Are you trapped against you will in ah ellish death machine?"
Florian Gaffner: ...Hello, kids! Welcome to MIDAS s very own Safety Orientation
Mobile L (GM): fuk dammit this song
eldritch s.: "So am I! That s my day-to-day life."
Mobile L (GM): It s the lack of budget
Richard Owens: ....
Mobile L (GM): They couldn t get the non-stock version
It is literally saying PREVIEW
eldritch s.: "I m Ants-In-My-Eyes-Johnson, and I m here to talk to you about MOT
Sakura Emiya watches mildly intently
Sakura Emiya yawns
Hiram Hegel is put at ease by Florian
Florian Gaffner: Here at MIDAS, we take our Pilots safety very seriously! After
all, your safety and humanity s safety go hand-in-han.
Richard Owens: ....
Space: vapor wave
Hiram Hegel: a piece of the set falls behind him
hitting a crew member on the head
A piece of the set falls and hits a crew member in the head as the vaporwave kic
ks in. God bless em, the budget on this thing is lowwww...
Sakura Emiya covers her mouth with a hand
Florian Gaffner: To start off, let s talk a little bit about safety...
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: florian turns to look in concern
Richard Owens sideeyes Sakura again
Hiram Hegel: and there s a hasty edit
back to normal
Hiram Hegel: you see them roll the greenscreen in
Florian Gaffner is now hastily superimposed over a shot of all the MOTs standing
in a line.
Hiram Hegel saw this get filmed
Florian Gaffner: ...Around your Mobile Operated Titans!

Richard Owens: ...

Florian Gaffner: Obviously, this is key to our mission s integrity, since the MO
Ts are priceless equipment, and very dangerous too.
Sakura Emiya: That one is mine!
Sakura Emiya points
Gnther Glazkov: ...Heh. Wouldn t have guessed.
Richard Owens: ...
Gabby Tran: ...Frick, whoa...
Hiram Hegel is dead silent, still
Richard Owens is quietly watching the video
Florian Gaffner: Keeping safe around your MOT is as simple as it is important, f
ortunately enough!
Here are some basic rules.
- Never go within ten meters of an operational MOT if you are outside of the Ent
ry Plug
the shit he s saying is coming on the screen with really dated effects
Richard Owens: ....
Space: test
Florian Gaffner: i c u
Mac D.: hi space
Space: ok goode
Florian Gaffner: - Always remember to wear your Syncro Clips and Plugsuit when p
Sakura Emiya is writing these down in, like, a pink notebook with butterfly stic
kers on
Florian Gaffner: - Follow standard ejection procedure in emergencies. The detail
s are in your MIDAS Mobile Operated Titan Operations Manual, so study up, little
Richard Owens had these rules drilled into him by the Military, so this is nothi
ng new to him
A fuckin motivational poster with a puppy in glasses reading a book flashes ons
Florian Gaffner: ...Eeheehee, I love those! Now, for a safety topic that s just
as important, but maybe a little easier to forget: Personal Safety!
PERSONAL SAFETY flashes on the fucking screen
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens is taking occasional glances at Sakura to ensure that she is still
Sakura Emiya is taking intent notes
Florian Gaffner: With all your responsibilities, it s so easy to forget
cs of keeping safe in your dorms and in the city! Here are a few useful
- Keep a rubber mat on the floor or your dorm s shower to prevent slips
- NEVER leave the water-heating pot in your kitchenette on after you re
with it! Those little buggers, let me tell you all... those get hot.

the basi
and fall

Sakura Emiya is even taking notes of these useless factoids

Richard Owens: ....
Florian Gaffner: - Always look both ways when crossing the street, and be mindfu

l of the people you re around. There s pickpockets here in Syracuse, and worse..
- Don t forget to lock your dorm room during the night and aft
Sakura Emiya: ...??
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens looks over
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens BAD TIMES
Sakura Emiya: ...U-uhm?!
Government Man: ...Un... hhhhand me...!
Richard Owens: .....
IS DARK AND SINISTER... to conquer this classroom...!
for I...
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens side-eyes Hiram
A Fucking Crazy Woman: ODA. NOBUNAGA! DEMON KING.
Mac D.: seeeer
Government Man: ...There will be... mmrgh... complicayyyshunsssss if you do not.
.. turn loose of me... thissssssss instant
Florian continues to prattle on in the vidya and... oh snap, it s his kitty post
Florian Gaffner: ...Always remember to hang in there, kitty! Heheh... Ahhh, god,
what fun...
Sakura Emiya: ...Oda... Nobunaga?
Sakura Emiya stands up
Richard Owens looks over at Sakura standing up
Sakura Emiya: You -- you can t be Oda Nobunaga! He s dead!
A Fucking Crazy Woman: THAT IS RIGHT, FOOLISH GIRL...
...well, wait. The second bit isn t...
Sakura Emiya: A-and not a, uh... not a woman?
Richard Owens: .......
A Fucking Crazy Woman: BECAUSE I AM HERE, AM I NOT.
A Fucking Crazy Woman throws back her head and has a hearty laugh-cackle
Richard Owens is scanning the room for an opportune way to diffused the situatio
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 62
...ey yo... paul diblartti has a taser...
Richard Owens: .......
Sakura Emiya: W-whatever you re trying to do here, this isn t the way! Please!
Mr. Milk: O-oh dear, oh dear...!

Mr. Milk faints

Richard Owens attempts to subtly grab paul s attention
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 75
Paul diBlartti: Ohhhh, geez, oh geez...
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 85
Paul diBlartti LOOKS OVEUR
Space: i forget
is it higher numbers that are better
or the other way around
Mac D.: i s lower rolls?
Space: i thiiiiink so too..???
Mobile L (GM): Ah dicks. I forgot that.
Reverse rules tonite with your Aunt Mobile?
Space: -darby voice- good
Mac D.: let s just PRETEND the rolls were successful
Mobile L (GM): ;) ;) ;)
Mac D.: and go legit from here
Mobile L (GM): a ight. BRB reel quick
Mac D. points to the taser on Paul s belt
Richard Owens did that
Space pushes duff s hand away
Space: it s rude to point
Mac D.: fuck you man
Space slaps duff
Space: where seer
Mac D.: drinking
Mobile L (GM): meep
oop, wait
A Fucking Crazy Woman slooooowly walks the gummint man to the front of the room
Paul diBlartti: ?
Sakura Emiya: J-just, please, let the man go!
A Fucking Crazy Woman: NOW... FOOLISH CHILDREN...
Sakura Emiya: I m serious here!!
Richard Owens: .......
Sakura Emiya: What are you hoping to achieve? Ms. Nobunaga, please!
Richard Owens is keeping a sharp eye on Oda Nobunaga
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100

= 51
Richard Owens waiting.....waiting for an opportune moment.....
A Fucking Crazy Woman is ANGER
FOR IT IS TIME... IT IS TIME TO DO A... purge...
Sakura Emiya: N-- that-- that s not even what the historical Oda nobunaga did!!
Richard Owens hold.....hold....HOLD.....
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 22
Hiram Hegel: sorry i was having dinner
...the time... is now... the place... IS HERE... go, Ricky, go and be the hero..
Mobile L (GM): no worries
Richard Owens go-time
Hiram Hegel: i feel a little out of sync with this
Sakura Emiya: A-a leader only has authority if the people give them that authori
Richard Owens quickly moves out of his chair and goes to CQC the gun from the wo
Space: he fails and is shot in the face
Mac D.: farewell richard you will be missed
A Fucking Crazy Woman: do it boi
Hiram Hegel: i do not understand what is happenning
Space: oda nobunaga is taking over the classroom
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 72
Mobile L (GM): Uhp, apologies. Yes
Hiram Hegel just stares at thi
Hiram Hegel looks at the rest of the student body
Hiram Hegel: Are you all insane?
Do something.
Richard tries his best, but gets an Oda Kneebunaga to the gut!
A Fucking Crazy Woman: ...FOOOOOLISH BOY!
Richard Owens: ..!!
Sakura Emiya: Y-you need to let them go, ma am!
Tejan El-Amin: ...Wh... Okay, um...!
Tejan El-Amin fuckin throws a book at Nobu
Space: brf for like 5 seconds

Tejan El-Amin: rolling 1d100

= 77
Richard Owens clutches his midsection, looke at Paul like "SIR"
BUT IT GOES HIGH and smashes through the projector screen thing.
Tejan El-Amin: ...Damn...
Paul diBlartti: (...Oh! Oh shit, um!)
Paul diBlartti: rolling 1d100
= 42
Hiram Hegel stands up
Mac D.: the hero
A Fucking Crazy Woman growls and tries to musket-whip Rick in the face, but
Sakura Emiya: ...!
A Fucking Crazy Woman is very taze
Hiram Hegel: Restrain her, quickly.
Guillermo Fuentes hops up clumsily and goes to do this
Guillermo Fuentes: rolling 1d100
= 15
Hiram Hegel: he s adept at tying women up
Guillermo Fuentes BEARHUG
A Fucking Crazy Woman: aaaaa.... aaaaa owwww... owwww... shit...
Hiram Hegel: Someone call the police.
Sakura Emiya: O-on it!
Sakura Emiya whips out her cell phone and dials it in
Richard Owens recomposes himself, looking down at the apprehended woman
A Fucking Crazy Woman just has this savage look in her eyes
A Fucking Crazy Woman: ...youuuuuuu... YOUUUUUUUUU
A Motherfucking Crazy Man: NOT SO FAST, BITCHES
Sakura Emiya: Come on, come onnn...
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens looks in the direction of the man
A Motherfucking Crazy Man OH SHIT WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
Hiram Hegel walks over to him
Hiram Hegel kicks him in the balls
A Motherfucking Crazy Man: ...Kyahahahahah~ I see you ve got my motherfuckin AR

CH NEMESIS all grappled and HYRRRK!

A Motherfucking Crazy Man DOWN WITH THE CLOWN
Hiram Hegel: Someone grab him, too.
Sakura Emiya: ............
A Fucking Crazy Woman: ...youuuuuu...! my sworn enemy...!
Sakura Emiya keeps trying to call the police
Richard Owens: ....
A Motherfucking Crazy Man: owwwww fuck... owwwww...
Richard Owens: Does anyone have more rope.
Hiram Hegel: gabby is looking curiously at the dead clown
Ru Cheung: Where the hell do they come from?!
Ru Cheung grapples the cloun
Hiram Hegel: The street.
Ru Cheung: shit fuck... i was gonna fuckin ... turn this place into the dark car
nival on your bitch asses...
A Motherfucking Crazy Man: oop, that was me, lol
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: That is not a reason to let you go.
Kiritsugu Emiya comes in, looking STOICALLY CONFUSED
Sakura Emiya: F-father!
A Fucking Crazy Woman: and we... would have gotten away with it... if it weren t
for you meddling kids....!
Hiram Hegel: I doubt that.
I sincerely doubt that.
Richard Owens: .....
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Sakura. Are all of you alright.
Richard Owens looks over at the gubmint man
Kiritsugu Emiya starts cuffing the crazy man
Richard Owens: Are you alright.
Sakura Emiya: Everyone is fine, just, uhm...
Hiram Hegel: I am alright.
Sakura Emiya: W-what was that??
Government Man: Yessss... I am... fine... Inconvenienced, but... fine...
Hiram Hegel: A criminal offence, no doubt.
Government Man straightens his tie grumpily
eldritch s.: if they failed to stop them
he would have just
teleported the two assholes
into a room full of minsters
i love g-man
eldritch s.: he s such a piece of shit
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...Two escapees from the local asylum. Betty Geraldine Chrysler
and Rigoberto Juliani. We were looking for them, but... did not expect to find
them here.
Sakura Emiya: They -- they don t even know history at all!
A Fucking Crazy Woman: NO YOU FOOL, I AM ODA NOBUNAGA...! owwww...
Richard Owens: ....
Kiritsugu Emiya: That much is evident. You two are under arrest.
...Carry on, children.
eldritch s. is just calmly sitting in his desk, hands clasped.

eldritch s.: whatever

Kiritsugu Emiya nods stoically as he drags the fucks out
Hiram Hegel: you think i give a fuc
florian and co out there
let it happen
the fucking video is STILL GOING
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya climbs down from Hiram s desk
Sakura Emiya sits back down
Richard Owens looks over at Mr. Milk
Florian Gaffner: ...And remember, always call the police at the first sign of su
spicious activity! Be safe, boys and girls, and good luck. Humanity needs you.
Hiram Hegel: mr milf
Pertinent advice.
It then cuts off to credits... all of the names are Florian Gaffner... wow...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: ...
Well, besides the camera man...
Richard Owens walks over to him and tries getting him to comes to
Mr. Milk: ...U-uhhhh...? Hnnng... Mrrrghh...?
Richard Owens: Sir, the video has ended.
Mr. Milk blinks awake
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh, um... Uhhh... That sthat s good...?
Mr. Milk shakily gets up and presses the button on the remote
Hiram Hegel: That was an unpleasant experience.
Richard Owens: ...
Mr. Milk: ...Y-yeah, um... I never, uh... I never want that to happen, e-ever ag
Sakura Emiya: ...Do we get... extra credit? For that horrifying experience?
Space: look at
and blart
they both look mildly uncomfortable
Hiram Hegel "Interesting level of self-intrest. Really knows how to Goldbrick it
Space: theyre in an awkward situation
Hiram Hegel: gman wants to go home
to his wife
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh, um... Why yes! All of you get um... a hundred extra points fo
r helping and being, um... being safe, there...
Hiram Hegel: and mrs. g0man
Mr. Milk smiles sheepishly
Hiram Hegel: *g-man
Government Man:
Government Man lingers yet, but why...?
Hiram Hegel: and jr-man
Guillermo Fuentes: ...I am, um... I am going to sit back down...

Richard Owens returns to his desk

Mac D.: so when s class end
Space: hey mobile
do you have the source image for this char, i like their art style
Hiram Hegel: What is the next order of business?
Guillermo Fuentes waddles back to his desk and does so
Shiori Mulloy: ...Um... Question, Mister Milk?
Hiram Hegel: another waifu for the pile
Mobile L (GM): Ooh heck, lemme look reel qwik
Space: yeah the pile in my basement
Hiram Hegel: i have a goldmine in my basement
i force children to work in it
Mr. Milk: ...Y-yes, Shiori...?
Shiori Mulloy: ...Is that it for class?
Hiram Hegel: turn of the century schoolchildren
Mr. Milk: Um... Oh, uh...
Mr. Milk looks at his watch
Mr. Milk: ...Oh dear! Oh my, we rewe... we wre supposed to, um... let out t-ten m
inutes ago... um...
Hiram Hegel: he s not wearing a watch
it s half-past bullshit
Mr. Milk: ...C-class dismissed!
Sakura Emiya grabs up her stuff
Mr. Milk: yes i am you hurt my feelings
"Heracles" nods and gets up, heading
Richard Owens: heracles no
Mr. Milk: o-oh god jesus christ what is that
Richard Owens: you re destroying the school heracles
Sakura Emiya: C mon, Hiram, let s get going!
Mr. Milk: help
Richard Owens BUT FIRST
Richard Owens approaches Sakura
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh! Hello, Richard!
Sakura Emiya bows
Gnther Glazkov snores in his seat... wow he slept through the whole thing...
Richard Owens is straight-backed as ever
Richard Owens: Sakura.
also it is lunch time, so GO GET SOME A-PASTA, EYYYY... mama mia... fugeddaboudi
Sakura Emiya: Yes?
Richard Owens: Did you receive an adequate amount of sleep last night.
Gabby Tran: I am gonna fricking need therapy for that, geeeeez...
Sakura Emiya: Oh... I m sorry, Richard, I was just up late.
Richard Owens: What were you doing.
Sakura Emiya: Uh...
Oh, it s time for lunch!
Gnther Glazkov: Zzz...
Richard Owens: ...Do you want to discuss this at lunch.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, he s sleeping...
Sakura Emiya hesitant poke poke

Richard Owens: ......

Gnther Glazkov: ...Mruh...?
...Oh. Hello.
Sakura Emiya: It s lunchtime!
Gnther Glazkov: ...Good. Okay.
Richard Owens: Sakura.
Gnther Glazkov ambles on over
Sakura Emiya: Come on, we re going to be late!
Richard Owens: ......Sakura.
Sakura Emiya hurries to get the food
Richard Owens: ......
Richard Owens exhales, then goes after her
Space: we know to stay away from the people shitting at shirou s table
Government Man is... actually shooting the shit with diBlartti
Space: *sitting at shirou s table
ohm ygod
Government Man: ...Yesss, eheheh... That show is... Very good...
Sakura Emiya enjoying her lunch
Sakura Emiya actually brought her own chopsticks to eat with
Richard Owens has yet to begin eating his, still staring at Sakura
Paul diBlartti: Man... Who d you think the next American Idol will even be...?
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya: Oh, you should try some, Richard!
Richard Owens: Sakura.
Sakura Emiya: Yes?
Government Man: Mmm... My money is onnn...
Richard Owens: I feel as if you re deliberately avoiding my question.
Government Man: ...Carrie... Underwoooooood.
Sakura Emiya: Oh!
Sakura Emiya apologetic face
Sakura Emiya: I m sorry, but I d prefer not to talk about it.
Richard Owens: ....Is there a reason why.
Sakura Emiya: Not really!
Paul diBlartti: ...Oh man, you really think so?
Sakura Emiya smiles and continues eating
Richard Owens: ........
Paul diBlartti: I m rooting for Mario Vazquez, myself.
Richard Owens: ....Sakura, it is unsafe to deny yourself sufficient sleep.
Government Man: Mmm... I just think... Misssssss Underwood has... whatit... takes.
Sakura Emiya: There s a saying in Japan, Richard...
I can sleep when I m dead!
Hiram Hegel has actually been sitting in his desk
Sakura Emiya brightens
Hiram Hegel eventually stands up

Richard Owens keeps his same robotic stare

Hiram boi it s lunchy-time
Hiram Hegel: i know
Florian Gaffner: ...Oh, Hiram!
Florian Gaffner nods and smiles
Hiram Hegel: Hello to you, Mr. Gaffner.
We finished watching your safety presentation.
Richard Owens: ...Disregarding the fact that you are supposed to be the public f
ace of our program, I question how the hostage situation in the classroom would
have proceeded were you not forcibly awoken beforehand.
Florian Gaffner: Good to see you learning, and, um... learning! Oh, wonderful! H
ow did, um... did it go okay?
Hiram Hegel: There was a break-in midway through by two mental patients.
Florian Gaffner: I did all the fancy stuff myself this time, since everyone was
too busy to hel... Oh?
Sakura Emiya: Oh! Uh, sempai... they were pretty crazy, so I m not sure if tryin
g to talk them down would have gone so well, really!
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
They were dealt with.
Your advice at the end was pertinent.
Florian Gaffner: ...Oh, well that s good... Mm, goodness, how did I miss that?
...Oh! Oh, wonderful!
Richard Owens: The diplomacy was irrelevant. You maintaining the criminal s atte
ntion was crucial in the classrooms efforts to detain her.
Florian Gaffner: Eheheh, I ve still got it, eh?
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Florian Gaffner kindly old man smile
Sakura Emiya: I m very flattered you think so...
Sakura Emiya smiles
Hiram Hegel: Emiya was the one to take them away, you ll have to ask him about i
Sakura Emiya: But I don t know.
Richard Owens: I am unsure if the situation would have defused safely if you wer
e not awoken beforehand.
Sakura Emiya: It s a good thing somebody did wake me up, isn t it?
Florian Gaffner: Ah, ol Kerry always gets his perp... I ll give him a holler af
ter I get home.
Richard Owens: A paper airplane will not reach you in the cockpit of a MOT.
Hiram Hegel: It was nice talking to you, Mr. Gaffner.
Sakura Emiya: I should hope that I m not going to be sleeping there, sempai!
Florian Gaffner: ...Mm... You too, Hiram... You take care now, sonny boy...
Florian Gaffner gives that fond, wistful smile he always gives you
Hiram Hegel nods and heads into
Florian Gaffner: ...Such a good

Richard Owens: Even if you were

t sleep can lead to a dangerous

the cafeteria
not suddenly falling asleep, a lack of sufficien
detriment to focus and cognitive abilties.

Florian Gaffner sighs quietly and finishes checking his emails

Hiram Hegel sits at the table with the other pilots
Richard Owens: Both of which are crucial to staying alive in our future operatio
Sakura Emiya: Oh! Hello, Hiram.

Sakura Emiya scoots closer

Richard Owens: .......
Hiram Hegel is literally right at the edge of the seat
The DAMN SPANISH-SPEAKERS are still at it over there, Hiram...
Hiram Hegel tries tuning out those pieces of spanish speaking sh- i mean people
Sakura Emiya: So, how are you two doing today?
Sakura Emiya continues eating her lunch with chopsticks she brought form home
Nicoletta Kistner: Que mala pata! Dos locos. Dos.
Richard Owens: ....A lack of sleep is also detrimental to physical appearance, o
r so I ve been told.
Hiram Hegel: An interesting question.
You were there for the break-in.
That is an apt enough answer.
Nicoletta Kistner: En el mismo da, tambin... Ay...
Hiram Hegel: what does it mean space
Space: ;)
Richard Owens: ....How did you sleep last night, Hiram.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, I don t need to worry about that, but thank you for being conc
Hiram Hegel: I had nine hours of it.
I slept as well as I always do.
Theresa Fuentes: Qu pasa aqu, para darnos esos locos? Y a nuestra propia escuela...
Richard Owens looks back at Sakura
Richard Owens is not changing his expression, but it s clear his trying to expre
ss a point
Guillermo Fuentes: ...Espero... Espero que estn bien... Que tragedia es, ser tan
Sakura Emiya continues eating
Richard Owens: ..........
Sakura Emiya: This is really good pizza!
Hiram Hegel eats very daintly
Richard Owens: Sakura.
Shirou Emiya is LOOKIN ATCHU SAK... like always...
Sakura Emiya shifts in her seat
Shirou Emiya: .......
Hiram Hegel is fascinated by Shirou s obsession with Sakura
Shirou Emiya g o d.... whattacreeper
Richard Owens: If we are to function as a cohesive unit, proper communication be
tween the three of us as an absolute necessity.
Sakura Emiya smiles, not showing any outward discomfort
Sakura Emiya: That s right.
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: Ergo, we need to let each other know when we are not performing o
ptimally and why, so that we can work towards improvement.
Hiram Hegel: There are, of course...
Social protocols.
And the question of what is and is not signifigant.
Gnther Glazkov:

Gnther Glazkov is folding a fucking piece of paper up oh shit...

Richard Owens: An excessive lack of sleep is something I believe is sufficiantly
Hiram Hegel looks at Gunther
Gnther Glazkov:
Hiram Hegel: ...
Gnther Glazkov small, mischievous smirk
Hiram Hegel small, stoic frown
Sakura Emiya: I try my best not to pry into the personal lives of others, Richar
Sakura Emiya said with a smile
Saskia Frank: ...What re you even doing? God...
Saskia Frank grumbles and takes her tray elsewhere
Gnther Glazkov:
Richard Owens: Sakura, please understand that this is potentially debilitating t
o our primary mission.
Gnther Glazkov is drawing a bead on Richard s head
Richard Owens: Your health is important.
Hiram Hegel: I don t see this discussion bearing fruit anytime soon.
Gnther Glazkov steady... steadyyyyyyy...
Sakura Emiya: Thank you for thinking so, Richard.
Gnther Glazkov: rolling 1d100
= 73
Hiram Hegel might let it happen
Richard Owens: .......
IT GOES HIGH... and hits Guillermo in the nose.
Guillermo Fuentes: ?
Guillermo Fuentes confused head-tilt
Mac D.: guillermo splits the fat fuck in two with his massive gorilla hands
Hiram Hegel: he eats his innards
Guillermo Fuentes is a peaceful man, and YOU ALL ARE LUCKY
Sakura Emiya continues eating
Hiram Hegel turns his attention back to the table
Richard Owens: .....
Sakura Emiya: Are you going to eat your lunch, sempai?
Hiram Hegel: Gunther has a habit if making paper airplanes.
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens quietly begins to eat
Guillermo Fuentes nonchalantly continues eating his churros
Richard Owens is now thinking of all the various ways he can bug sakura s room
Sakura Emiya: What was that, Hiram?

Hiram Hegel: I said, Gunther has a habit of making paper airplanes.

Gnther Glazkov sighs and resignedly picks at his vienna sausages
Sakura Emiya: Oh, was that what that was?
Richard Owens: It was essential to the success of diffusing the hostage situatio
Sakura Emiya smiles passively but says nothing
Ru Cheung: ...I mean, he smelled like ass. Literal ass, and I had my whole upper
body around him... Am I gonna get AIDS?
Hiram Hegel: That entire thing was unacceptable.
Absolutely unacceptable.
Tejan El-Amin: I don t... think you can get AIDS that way...?
Richard Owens: No one was significantly injured.
Gabby Tran: Take a shower to be sure. Three, even.
Richard Owens: And the sidearm was not fired.
Hiram Hegel: There was the serious possibility of that happening.
Richard Owens: It did not happen, however, thanks to Sakura s efforts at maintai
ning negotiation.
Sakura Emiya is saying nothing
Sakura Emiya has finished eating by now
Richard Owens: Of which we can thank the boy and his paper-folding skills for fo
rcibly waking her.
Hiram Hegel still eats very daintly
Richard Owens eats quickly and unmessily
Gnther Glazkov has kinda stopped eating
Hiram Hegel: I wonder what compels him to make the airplanes...
Richard Owens: It could be an impulse to build denied by this schooling system.
Do we know if this school has a woodshop or engineering class.
Cissy MacAffee: Am I earin that right, ightower, or are ya full of shite?
Hiram Hegel tries to recall
Space: rich fucko
Hiram Hegel: do i roll, do i not, what to i roll
Hal Hightower: Eheh... No, I m serious. There was a literal madman and woman in ou
r room.
Mobile L (GM): 1d100 g
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100
= 66
IDK, man, he probably does drugs or some shit. People don t get that pale overni
Hiram Hegel: no
if they have woodhop
Mac D.: hiram did
Hiram Hegel: *woodshop
Mac D.: :^)
Uhhhh... shit, maybe...?
Hiram Hegel: he got derailed thinking about the planes
Sakura Emiya: Hiram, are you going to eat that?
Hiram Hegel: I don t know if we do or do not.

Who Fucking Knows Kid

Hiram Hegel looks down at his food
Hiram Hegel: If you want it, it s yours.
Sakura Emiya: Thank you!
Richard Owens: We could look into it, if we have the time.
Sakura Emiya snatches it up with surprising speed
Richard Owens: ...
Cissy MacAffee: ...Man. M almost sorry I missed it. Sounds like it was somethin
, eh?
Richard Owens: Hiram, have you eaten today.
Hiram Hegel: I was eating just then.
Sakura Emiya pauses
Hiram Hegel: And I had breakfast.
Simon Solberg is SO QUIET
Richard Owens: .....Alright.
Elise Giles is... s-so quiet...
Sakura Emiya continues eating
Space: this table
Shirou Emiya is... soooooo... quiet....... eheheh...
Space: it s the outcast table
you have
Hiram Hegel: the death table
Space: fucking nerds
these two
Mac D.: uh oh
Hiram Hegel: pilots
Space: and the pilots
Mac D.: it s t h e b u l l i e s
Hiram Hegel: the gay table
they re a couple
team salad toss
Mobile L (GM): Don t forget the Blartman table
Mac D.: clique wars
Sakura Emiya: You know, we ought to do something sometime.
A group outing!
Hiram Hegel: We pilot.
Richard Owens: If time permits.
Sakura Emiya: No, no... something to... er, build unit cohesion?
Hiram Hegel: ... I can t argue with that.
Paul diBlartti: ...and I mean, even if I have to sell a kidney... I am gonna see
Kelly Clarkson in concert! I swear it.
Richard Owens: I doubt it would have much effect if the unit in question has a p
oor time communicating to each other,
Sakura Emiya: We just don t know each other well yet.
Hiram Hegel: It would help open soci- Yes.
Richard Owens: .......What do you suggest, then.
Government Man: ...Mmm... I would... like to come with... but my ssssssschedule.
Sakura Emiya: Mmmmmm...

Sakura Emiya looks at the people in the table next to them

Sakura Emiya: Excuse me!
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel warily considers the posiblities bef- PERSONAL SPACE: INVADED
Richard Owens has finished his spaghetti
Timoti Proudfoot is gabbing enthusiastically in a thick New Zealand accent to hi
s unenthused buddy
Hiram Hegel basically fucking cringes back
Mac D.: oh fuck they re The Bushwackers
Simon Solberg is Swedish and highly unamused
Sakura Emiya: Um, you two-Mac D.:
David Solberg oh wait no me... but also him
Timoti Proudfoot: ...Eh?
Space: proudFEET
Sakura Emiya: Do you know what people do for fun around here?
eldritch s.:
Richard Owens looks at Hiram be incredibly uncomfortable
Timoti Proudfoot:
Space: dick sealant
Timoti Proudfoot gets a PENSIVE FACE
Timoti Proudfoot: ...Oi. Davie. I don t ave a fuckin clue, you know what peopl
e do round ere for fun?
Mac D.: so mobile who among these groups are the BULLIES
David Solberg: ...No. No.
Mobile L (GM): HMMM
Sakura Emiya: Okay, thank you anyways!
Mobile L (GM): I would have to think about that/consort with Olive
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Mobile L (GM): The nerds might double as the bullies since they are SO SUPERIOR
Richard Owens: I think you re discomforting him.
Space: gaby has joined the forces of darkness
Timoti Proudfoot: ... Ey. Is he alright?
eldritch s.: gaby
Timoti Proudfoot: Oi. Mate.
eldritch s.: not gabby
Timoti Proudfoot: Mate, you alright?
eldritch s.: gaby
Timoti Proudfoot: ... S he alright, Davie?
eldritch s.: fcuk
Hiram Hegel: Fine.
David Solberg: ...No. Probably not.
Hiram Hegel: I m fine.
Timoti Proudfoot: Aw piss! Sorry, mate.
Hope you feel better, yeah?
Hiram Hegel just reluctantly nods
Hiram Hegel: I thank you.
Mobile L (GM): this is probably super fucking racist and I apologize

Hiram Hegel: it s not racit

Timoti Proudfoot: No worries. You have a good day, alright?
Hiram Hegel: it s just preudiced
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya feels bad now
Timoti Proudfoot smiles Maori-y
Gnther Glazkov:
Hiram Hegel: his dad seals deck sealent
Gnther Glazkov observes the Pilots boredly
Hiram Hegel goes the gendo hands
Hiram Hegel is getting nervous, but tries not to show it
Richard Owens: ....
Gnther Glazkov does the Shinji elbow-lean
Sakura Emiya is now stuck in the awkward position
Hiram Hegel: fuck you my son
Sakura Emiya of having committed a social faux pas
Theresa Fuentes: ...Um...
Sakura Emiya and not having any food
Hiram Hegel: get in the robot, fucking swede prick
Richard Owens: ....?
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh, hello!
Hiram Hegel: my wife is dead
Sakura Emiya smiles
Hiram Hegel looks up
Richard Owens looks over at the approaching Theresa, quick as a whip
Theresa Fuentes: ...Hiya! Hey, hope I m not interrupting somethin .
eldritch s.: hiram screams MY WIFE IS DEAAAAD
Richard Owens: No, I believe we are all done eating.
Theresa Fuentes: Just wanted to get to know you guys and stuff. My name s Theres
Hiram Hegel: Hiram.
Richard Owens: Richard Owens, MOT Pilot, First Class.
Sakura Emiya: It s nice to meet you, Theresa-chan! My name is Sakura.
Sakura Emiya is the most anime fucker you will ever meet in your life
Theresa Fuentes: Eehee, nice to meet ya guys too! Guess you re the MIDAS people,
Hiram Hegel speaks very calmly, monotone, but not like a robot
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Sakura Emiya: Mhm!~
Richard Owens looks like he s ready to Fox Two missiles right up your ass at any
Richard Owens: Correct.

Theresa Fuentes: Cool! I, uh, I kinda figured, with how quick you guys responded
to the crazy guys, y know?
Hiram Hegel: is that an innuendo
Theresa Fuentes is mildly unnerved by Rick, but ain t letting it on
Hiram Hegel nods
Richard Owens: It was fortunate that the situation was resolved without incident
Theresa Fuentes: I know, right? That coulda gone south fast.
Hiram Hegel: south of the border where you belong, bitch, all hail trump
Sakura Emiya: It was very lucky everything went okay.
Richard Owens: Does this school typically have an issue with break-ins.
Hiram Hegel: ...
Theresa Fuentes: ...Not really...? This was, um... the first I saw of anything q
uite like that.
Richard Owens: I see.
Theresa Fuentes: ...Heh, that guy who restrained the crazy lady, that was my bro
, Guille.
Sakura Emiya: Oh! That s him over there?
Richard Owens: An increase in security would likely be a good course of action.
Theresa Fuentes: Yeah, that s him! Oye, Guille! C mon, come say hello to the MID
AS crew!
Guillermo Fuentes: ?
Sakura Emiya waves at him
Sakura Emiya: Hello!
Guillermo Fuentes clumsily shuffles over and nods a bit
Hiram Hegel is silently getting more nervous
Guillermo Fuentes: Hello.
Richard Owens looks at Guillermo, with those eyes
Hiram Hegel "It s getting more unpredictable. Shit shit shit fucking ass."
Richard Owens the eyes of a trained slayer of men
Guillermo Fuentes: ......
Hiram Hegel: Hello.
Sakura Emiya tries to look warm and welcoming
Hiram Hegel: It is nice to meet you.
Guillermo Fuentes: It is, um... Good to meet you all, yes.
Richard Owens: Hello. I am told you are Theresa s brother.
Sakura Emiya: I m Sakura, and this is Hiram, and that s Richard...
Guillermo Fuentes: ...Oh, oh yes. Yes, I am... Good to meet you.
Guillermo Fuentes smiles nervously
Theresa Fuentes: Heh! I told em about how it was you who grappled that psycho.
Isn t he a natural?
Theresa Fuentes playfully nudges bro
Hiram Hegel: That was impressive.
Richard Owens: Your swiftness in incapacitating the gunman is commendable.
Have you received training.
Sakura Emiya: Yeah, definitely! Good job, Guille!
Hiram Hegel: Thanks for taking initiative.
Sakura Emiya smiles

Guillermo Fuentes: U-um, thank you... No, I... I have not, but I was part of a m
iddle-school wrestling team back in, um... back in Mxico.
Hiram Hegel: If this happen again, it might serve you well.
Guillermo Fuentes ah... fond memories of grappling people tinier than myself...
Guillermo Fuentes: ...Heh. I do hope it does not, though.
Hiram Hegel: Strange times.
Theresa Fuentes: They ve gotta put some damn padlocks on the nuthouse door, don
t they? Geez louise...
Richard Owens: Does the insane asylum here have lackluster security.
Sakura Emiya: Honestly, I... I thought it was kind of... exciting!
Oda Nobunaga...
It s a nice change of pace!
Hiram Hegel "Exciting...? How dull must she see life."
Theresa Fuentes: I guess it does... Ehhh, yeah, but that s enough excitement to
last me a month. Gawd bless...
Richard Owens: Someone could have been grievously injured.
Hiram Hegel ponders the possibility of Sakura being some kind of nihilistic deat
Hiram Hegel: ...
Guillermo Fuentes:
Hiram Hegel: Our lives are dangerous enough with Furies.
Sakura Emiya has the exact look of someone who d suppress that deeply
Hiram Hegel mentally ear-marks that idea
Sakura Emiya: We haven t had to fight any yet, right?
Theresa Fuentes: True... Hoo man...
Sakura Emiya: Oh! Are you guys pilots as well?
Hiram Hegel was aout to say "I m thankful for that" but doesn t say it
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel knows that s the reason he exists
Hiram Hegel shoves that train of throught into the back of his mind for now
Hiram Hegel: ...
Theresa Fuentes: ...Uh, no... Least, not yet. We re reserves.
Guillermo Fuentes nod nod nods
Hiram Hegel: In case one of us
Richard Owens: Do you have any
Guillermo Fuentes: ...Yes... I
Sakura Emiya: Well, let s hope

meets an untimely end, I assume.

field experience.
hope that does not happen...
that we won t ever need your services.

Guillermo Fuentes nod nod nods again

Guillermo Fuentes: ...You all be careful out there, yes?
Richard Owens: Understood.
Hiram Hegel: Don t worry, we will be.
Sakura Emiya: We ll do our best!
Hiram Hegel: is it still called lcl
Sakura Emiya playful salute
yeh probs
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens looks at Sakura s mockery of a military salute
Richard Owens: ........

Richard Owens actually has a twinge of irritation on his face for like half a se
Guillermo Fuentes: ...And if... if it ever gets difficult, and you need someone
to speak to, we are here.
Hiram Hegel: Thank you.
Sakura Emiya takes note of this, but doesn t press the advantage
Theresa Fuentes nod nod nod
Sakura Emiya: Oh... that s very kind of you!
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: ...
The same is true for you.
Richard Owens: Understood, Thank you for offering.
Theresa Fuentes: Yeah! We re glad to help you guys, any way we can... Heh, we re
already playin support for SAIDAS over there, since hablamos espaol.
Sakura Emiya: SAIDAS?
Theresa Fuentes: Oh, no trouble at all!
...Yeah, uh... That table behind you? That s them.
Sakura Emiya: Oh!
Sakura Emiya waves at them
Iria Matos gives a sleepy wave
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens sits there as Sakura leans around him
Sakura Emiya: They seem nice.
Hiram Hegel: I hope they enjoy Sicily.
It is a wonderful place.
Theresa Fuentes: ...Hee. Iria there, her Spanish is pretty good, even though she
s Brazilian. Makes it easy for me, since I don t know a lick of Portuguese.
Guillermo Fuentes: Yes... I quite like Italy...
Richard Owens fucking BRS
Iria Matos HUE HUE HUE
Hiram Hegel nods
Sakura Emiya: It s very nice here, isn t it? The weather and all...
Space: does adeva have an Anime ED yet
Hiram Hegel has presumably seen nothing but Sicily in person in all his life
Guillermo Fuentes: I like the warm climate.
Mobile L (GM): I... am UNSURE if it do
Space: i cordially suggest
Mobile L (GM): It s got an OP, but I forgot
Richard Owens sits there all like like "is lunch over yet"
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel: What about you, Richard.
Mobile L (GM): I like this alreddy
Richard Owens: ...?
Hiram Hegel: How was your last night.
Space: the lyrics fit
Sakura Emiya: Where are you two from, anyways?
Theresa Fuentes: We re from Mxico! Zacatecas, to be exact.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, cool! I m from Japan, which - you probably guessed, hehe...

Hiram Hegel: the most fearsome fury

Theresa Fuentes: Oooh, sweet! Japan s so cool... I like your guys anime and stu
Mobile L (GM): he s beautimous
Sakura Emiya: Oh...
Hiram Hegel: the racism begins
Sakura Emiya: Hehe. Uh, that s more my brother s thing... he s over there.
Richard Owens: I read until exactly nine in the evening before sleeping until fi
ve in the morning.
Sakura Emiya points him out
Hiram Hegel nods
Hiram Hegel: Early to bed, early to rise.
Theresa Fuentes: ...Oooooh, cool! Heck, I ll be sure to hit im up for suggestio
Theresa Fuentes waves to Shirou
Sakura Emiya: Yeah, uhm... you do that!
Hiram Hegel: That is a military trait, I take it.
Sakura Emiya smiles
Richard Owens: After waking up, I went through my standard exercise and hygenic
routine before preparing for school.
Shirou Emiya .....eheheheheheheh........!
Hiram Hegel: If you do not mind, what does that entail?
eldritch s.: shirou zips his pants up
Theresa Fuentes: ...Wow, he really looks like somethin els
Hiram Hegel stands up
Sakura Emiya: Oh-- thank you for coming over! It was nice meeting you two!
Hiram Hegel: oh yeah sakura
you should know
hiram s food
it was weird and salt-free
Sakura Emiya didn t like it much, but wasn t sure why
Theresa Fuentes: Yeah, you too! If ya wanna hang out and stuff (if you ve got ti
me, y know), just meet us after school! We can go bowling or somethin !
Hiram Hegel wipes off his sweaty palms on his pants
Hiram Hegel nods
Sakura Emiya: Oh, good! We were trying to think of something to do as a group...
Hiram Hegel quickly walks back to class
Sakura Emiya absconds as well
Guillermo Fuentes smiles gently and gives a small nod
Richard Owens answers him as he walks with Hiram
Hiram Hegel is nervous someone may notice his thick sweat
IT IS TIME... for class with Mister Fring
Hiram Hegel: as in it is thick
Richard Owens: I do three hundred repetitions of a variety of physical condition
ing movements.

Hiram Hegel: as the substance

it is viscous
I see.
Richard Owens: If you would like, I could show you some.
Hiram Hegel: By all means.
richard starts grinding on him
Guillermo Fuentes: hawt
Hiram Hegel: shirou unzips his pants
Richard Owens: When we return home, perhaps.
Hiram Hegel nods
Mac D.: are they gonna get out on the town tonight
Space: plz
Guillermo Fuentes: hell, why not
Hiram Hegel: zlp
Mac D.: timeskip yes
Hiram Hegel: wow
against the teacher
Mac D.: fucking BRS
MISTER FRING had a really boring class, where he mostly talked about his old bus
iness in Chile, but he seems nice and stuff. CLASS DISMISSED GO HOME
Richard Owens is UP N OUT THE DOOR
Mobile L (GM): This is fortunate because I know jack about economics
Mac D.: i like to think that
the hollow night verse
the third heaven verse
Hiram Hegel: "that s how you dissolve a body in an acid barrel and cheat an audi
Mac D.: and the adeva verse are all tangentially connected
Hiram Hegel: the same guy designed all the schools
Mac D.: with the highschool as the focal point
Space: yes
Hiram Hegel: if he didn;t
if adeva happened
Mobile L (GM): They re AU versions of one another
Mac D.: the is a gateway somewhere in this school
Hiram Hegel: instead of building the schools in fuyuki and belmont
Mac D.: that connects to the other schools
Hiram Hegel: he would have been hired to build these schools
Mobile L (GM): Chronicles or Roll20ia
Richard Owens is up and OUTTA THERE
Hiram Hegel walks after
Mobile L (GM): OOOP the map yes
Space: syra
Hiram Hegel: syria
Mobile L (GM): SYRA IT IS
Hiram Hegel: syria
where s al-assad
Richard Owens: ahhh noooo i am a sprite again
Hiram Hegel: he s been replaced
Ah... what a lovely day in gay Sicily...
Hiram Hegel: by a homeless man

why are you not using his sprite

Space: you should use the sprite
Richard Owens: nah nah sprite suits this map better
Hiram Hegel: use the sprite
Space: just make sprites for everyone
for increased cohesion
Hiram Hegel: work, slave
Richard Owens: use faceclaim when map is mostly faceclaims
Gay and lovely, yes... mama mia
Hiram Hegel: who is tallest
Richard Owens: ....Have we decided on a recreational activity
richard definitely
Illya Emiya: Hey, you buttheads, how was school?
Sakura Emiya: We could...
Oh! Illya!
Hiram Hegel looks down at the child
Richard Owens: Hello, Illya.
Hiram Hegel: Hello.
Richard Owens illya it s the frightening machine man again
Illya Emiya giggles like a little knucklehead and tackle-hugs her sis
Illya Emiya: ...Hi also, other guys.
Sakura Emiya smiles and hugs back
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel ilya it s the weird albino man
Illya Emiya yehhh boi, solidarity
Sakura Emiya: School was interesting!
Richard Owens: We were attacked by a crazed woman with a gun.
Hiram Hegel slightly withers under the sunshine
Sakura Emiya: Two escaped lunatics broke into our classroom.
Richard Owens: No one was hurt, thankfully.
Illya Emiya: Are you just sayin that so I ll be interested when it s my turn t..
Space: brb, migrating downstairs
Hiram Hegel moves into the shade
Illya Emiya: GEDDOUT.
Sakura Emiya: It s true!
Richard Owens looks over at the melting Hiram
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: They were taken care of.
Illya Emiya: ...Whoaaaaaa! What were they like? Did they throw poop at you>
Hiram Hegel albinism, yo
Illya Emiya: *?
Richard Owens: No.
Hiram Hegel: There was no feces.
Illya Emiya is wearing sunscreen, frickers
Richard Owens: They pointed a firearm at us.
Hiram Hegel: One of them did.

I don t know what the other one intended.

Illya Emiya: ...Ohhhh man! S-Sakura coulda gotten killed?!
Richard Owens: Your sister successfully distracted the gun-toting woman, allowin
g others to apprehend her.
Hiram Hegel: It was unlikely.
But still possible.
Illya Emiya: ...Awww yeah, ahahaha! My sis was a hero!
Hiram Hegel: ... Yes.
Illya Emiya: Eat that, other siblings!
Hiram Hegel: I have no siblings, so I doubt that they will be eating anything.
Hiram Hegel well, none that are living
Illya Emiya: ...Eeheeheehee!~ Oh man, you re funny.
Opinion poll.
Richard Owens: I have no siblings, to my knowledge.
Illya Emiya: How do you guys feel about... novels?
Richard Owens: I have little knowledge of my family at large.
Illya Emiya: ...Wow, that sucks.
Richard Owens: .....Reading is one of my preferred recreational activities.
Hiram Hegel: They re a form of media.
Illya Emiya: ...Oh, good, so you wanna read mine?
Hiram Hegel: You wrote an entire novel?
Richard Owens: You wrote a novel.
Illya Emiya: That s right, I m writing a frickin novel!
Richard Owens: ....Are you charging for it.
Illya Emiya: And I need pre-readers.
...Nnnnnot yet.
Who knows, in the future.
Hiram Hegel knows it s going to suck
Hiram Hegel: I would not be averse to reading it.
Sakura Emiya smiles quietly
Richard Owens: ....If time permits, I too will read it.
Illya Emiya: Good! I wrote it on the computer and printed it out!
I ve got, ummm... ten copies.
Hiram Hegel himself is an ametuer writer, and has some pity
Sakura Emiya: Can I have one too?
Illya Emiya gets em outta her backpacj
Hiram Hegel: Do you have them with yo- Oh.
Hiram Hegel holds his hand out
Richard Owens: ....Your forethought is impressive.
Illya Emiya: Oh, how I could I forget my crime-fighting sis? SURE!
Hiram Hegel looks at the title
Richard Owens refrained from holding out a hand until offered the book
Richard Owens gives it a looksie

Sakura Emiya grins

Sakura Emiya looks at it as well
...Well guys, it s...
Sakura Emiya sits down on the steps to read it
Richard Owens: ....
Space: background music idea for this map: delfino plaza
Richard Owens stares at the cover with his unchaing expression
Hiram Hegel sits in the shade
Mobile L (GM): Ohhhh yus, one momento
Richard Owens: ....What is the name of the winged dog on the front page.
Space smiles as she reads this
Hiram Hegel dear god
Hiram Hegel keeps a stiff-upper lip
Richard Owens starts reading it analytically
Illya Emiya: You think I m gonna just tell you?!
Hiram Hegel: and gay
Mobile L (GM): I don t care if this is dubiously
Richard Owens: .....You define what "iridescent"
s introduced.
Space: Vindaloo Kettleman
this is basically what happened to the emiyas in
Illya Emiya: Yeah, in case the reader is dumb.
Mobile L (GM): Yus
Richard Owens: A definition of the word would be
Defining the word in the middle of the narration
Illya Emiya: ...Ohhh... How d you do a citation?

That s what the reading is for,

canon, I waited so long to use
means in the passage the word i
still night
better suited as a citation.
breaks the flow of the story.

Richard Owens explains the process to her

Illya Emiya: ...That sounds advanced. Buuuut, if it ll make it flow better...
Sakura Emiya finishes it
Sakura Emiya: Illya, this is great!
Hiram Hegel: Advanced is good.
Illya Emiya: ...Awww yeah, I knew it! I m gonna try to do as good on the later c
Sakura Emiya puts it in her own backpack to keep
Richard Owens: Does Becka have opposable thumbs.
Hiram Hegel stuffs it in his bag
Hiram Hegel: It s good.
Richard Owens does not put it away, and is still reading through it, like a prof
essional editor

Hiram Hegel understands that nothing he says will rectify this writing
Hiram Hegel: I wish to know what will happen next.
Hiram Hegel does actually want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes
Hiram Hegel is content not being roasted by the sun
Hiram Hegel or burned by salt
Space: salty
Mac D.: hiram has slug dna
i could listen to this forever
Hiram Hegel: yes
he does
that s canon
to splice him they had to use some slug
and that s why he can t touch salt
Mac D.: so he s picollo
Hiram Hegel: and why his sweat is slightly more viscous
and why he has a subcutaneous layer of slime
and why he s generally cold and clammy
Mac D.: and why instead of a tongue he has a radula
Hiram Hegel: and why he eats birdshit
and has eyestalks
Mobile L (GM): BBBBACK
Illya Emiya: No, silly, she s a horse!
Richard Owens patiently awaits for his question to be answered
Richard Owens: I see.
How does she apply toenail polish to her hooves, then.
Illya Emiya:
Illya Emiya puts a finger to her chin
Illya Emiya: ...Unicorn magic.
Hiram Hegel: She clasps it between the hoof parts.
Illya Emiya: :D
Richard Owens: It would be best to specify that in the passage.
Illya Emiya: ...Ooh, yeah, kay!
Richard Owens: The way it s written now makes it difficult for the reader to und
erstand how she can paint her hooves.
Illya Emiya marks up her own personal manuscript
Hiram Hegel takes it back out, planning to use it for shade
Illya Emiya: Right, right. And beauty tips, that stuff s important.
Richard Owens: You could, alternatively, rename the coloring to something more e
quine, so that the reader associates it with horses and not people.
"Horsehoof polish."
Illya Emiya: Ooooooh! I love it.
Sakura Emiya is really glad that Richard is being constructive and nice about th
Hiram Hegel uses the thing to shade himself and stands out of the shade
Sakura Emiya fully expected at least one of these two to just destroy her
Richard Owens: I could read this over the day, and return to you with a more con
cise critique, if you d like.
Illya Emiya: Sure, yeah! Gotta get this thing ready for Scholastic, huh?

Richard Owens: Maybe.

Sakura Emiya: Have you shown anyone else yet?
Richard Owens looks at Sakura
Illya Emiya: Uhhh... Lessee... I showed Gabby.
Richard Owens: Did you have any points of interest you intended on visiting.
Hiram Hegel: It is good to share your work with others.
Illya Emiya: She thought the Brandon Flowers reference was solid.
Yeahhh, isn t it, though?
Gonna be a frickin novelist, unh
...Ummmm... Hmm...
Sakura Emiya thinks
Illya Emiya: ...We could go to McDonalds...
Hiram Hegel: I cannot.
Sakura Emiya: Why not?
Hiram Hegel: I have dietary restrictions.
Illya Emiya: Do ya not want to get fat? You re already really skinny!
Hiram Hegel: I cannot eat salt.
Illya Emiya: ...Ohhh... Man, that must suck.
Hiram Hegel: I would not know.
It s all I have.
Sakura Emiya: ...We could... get some gelato! Does that have salt in it?
Illya Emiya: ...Man, guess not... Oooh yeah!
Hiram Hegel: Not if it is good gelato.
Hiram Hegel has a slight smirk
Illya Emiya: ...Eeheehee!
Hiram Hegel: does that cart
it says
Sakura Emiya: it says sNAcK
Hiram Hegel: i know
Mobile L (GM): SUNAKKU
Hiram Hegel: but i like smav
Sakura Emiya: Okay, let s find a gelato stand...
Sakura Emiya goes off for the search
Richard Owens follows closely behind
Illya Emiya: Eeheehee, you guys are actually not lame!
Richard Owens still reading through the book
Hiram Hegel: rich falls off
armando runs the gelato stand
Arnaud Abandonato DOES NOT, but is getting himself one
Hiram Hegel: armando, arnaud, all the same to mean
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh! Abandonato-sama!
Richard Owens: .....The lack of railings in this district is unsettling.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Oh... Hey, kids. Heard you had... some kind of incident at
your school?
Richard Owens is not digging how precariously close sak is to the edge
Richard Owens: .........

Sakura Emiya lives... on the edge

Illya Emiya: Yeah, whoa, you could fall off and die!
Hiram Hegel: This is an old part of town.
Illya Emiya: Like, SPLGHT! On the pavement!
Sakura Emiya: Oh, there was a gunman at school today.
Richard Owens: I don t think the fall is that high.
Though injury is certainly possible.
Hiram Hegel: There is water.
Illya Emiya: Nooo, you would die.
It s huuuuuge!
Hiram Hegel: riot
Richard Owens peers down the ledge
Hiram Hegel: there s a dead body
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Ah Christ. Security isn t tight enough, then?
Richard Owens: ....I would guess that it s about an eight-foot drop.
Sakura Emiya: It s okay. Dad came and restored order and stuff.
Illya Emiya: Yeah! And you would die!
Sakura Emiya gets in line for sum gelato
Hiram Hegel: maybe like an eleven foot drop
Arnaud Abandonato: Mm, that s good, then... Your father is indispensable.
...Hey, here. Gelato s on me, kids.
Just tell me what flavor you want.
Richard Owens: Thirty feet is typically considered the point a fall becomes fata
Sakura Emiya: Oh! Um... strawberry, please!
Richard Owens: There is also water below, which at this height softens the landi
Hiram Hegel: Chocolate.
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens looks over
Illya Emiya: ...Seriously? GEDDOUT.
Richard Owens: I will not have gelato, thank you.
Illya Emiya: ...Ooh, pineapple!
Sakura Emiya: Are you sure, Richard?
Richard Owens: Yes, I am strict about my diet.
Sakura Emiya: Come on, live a little!
Sakura Emiya smiles
Hiram Hegel: It shows solidarity if you eat as we do.
Richard Owens is stonefaced
Arnaud Abandonato: I could get you some low-fat gelato.
There s health-conscious choices.
Hiram Hegel: i imagine the guy running the stand
Richard Owens: It is important that I maintain as rigid a personal routine as po
Hiram Hegel: is just the mos
of an italian
Mobile L (GM): ahahaha
Hiram Hegel: like he has a mario nose
a long twirly mustache
a chef hat
Arnaud Abandonato: ...If you say so, Richard.
Richard Owens: Thank you for offering, all the same.

Arnaud Abandonato BUYS THE ICEY CREAMS

Hiram Hegel: closed happy eyes, like a cartoon
Arnaud Abandonato: Not a problem.
Hiram Hegel takes his and begins consuming it in a delicate fashion
Mac D.: salt was used in the production of the gelato
Arnaud Abandonato doles out the rest and starts on his own
Sakura Emiya:
Hiram Hegel:
by100800009/7697879-Illustration-of-an-italian-chef-Stock-Vector-pizza.jpg this
Sakura Emiya: Thank you, Abandonato-sama!
Sakura Emiya enjoys it
Sakura Emiya on the edge
Richard Owens: ......
Arnaud Abandonato: Sure, sure... Anything for you kids...
Richard Owens is keeping laser focus on Sakura on the EDGE
Hiram Hegel stands a decent distance from the EDGE
Arnaud Abandonato sighs and nibbles his own
Sakura Emiya takes a seat on the edge
Sakura Emiya idly swinging her legs
Richard Owens: ......
Illya Emiya eats her so quick that she gets a brainfreeze
Illya Emiya: ...BWAHHHHHH...!
Richard Owens: ..?
Richard Owens looks at Illya
Richard Owens: Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
Hiram Hegel: Put your tongue to the roof of your moYes.
Illya Emiya: ...?
Illya Emiya does this
Illya Emiya: ...Oooooooh! Hey, thanks!
Hiram Hegel: ...
Illya Emiya: You fixed it!
Richard Owens: You re welcome.
Sakura Emiya looks back
Sakura Emiya: ?
Hiram Hegel watches Sakura on the edge
Sakura Emiya pats the edge next to her, as if to say
Richard Owens: ....

sit beside me, fool

Hiram Hegel has the shiny Gendo glasses so people can never tell where he s look
ing (and also because he has photosensitivity"
Hiram Hegel walks to her
Richard Owens decides it would be a more advantageous position should she fall
Hiram Hegel doesn t it
Richard Owens walks over and HAS A SIT
Hiram Hegel: richard slips
and fall
Sakura Emiya: Do you guys like your, uh... gelato?
Hiram Hegel: s
Mac D.: twilight town music go
Illya Emiya: It s GREAT!
Illya Emiya THUMBS UP
Space: and if you fall
Mac D.: hiram slowmo fall
Space: you will fall
from a height
most men
will never
Arnaud Abandonato sighs gently and savors his confection
Richard Owens: Is yours satisfactory.
Arnaud Abandonato: Yes, it s good... Tony always does a bang-up job...
Richard Owens: And you two.
Tony mama-mias happily and twirls his mustache
Richard Owens looks at Sak and Hiram
Arnaud Abandonato:
Sakura Emiya: gelato is the lilim s greatest cultural achievement
It s great!
Mac D.: he climbs back up
dripping, sopping wet
Hiram Hegel: fuck you people
i fell and you didn t give a shit
Hiram Hegel eats his gelato
Arnaud Abandonato: you re expendable, boi
Richard Owens: im tryna put the moves on don t fuck this up
Sakura Emiya pushes him back down slug fuck
Hiram Hegel looks down at the water below
Hiram Hegel: I ve lived here for my whole life.
The blue, Sicilian sky is reflected in its clear depths... Gosh, it s nice out..
Hiram Hegel has never seen this part of town
Richard Owens: Have you never seen this part of town.
Just has that quaint, sleepy air about it... Very Italian...
Hiram Hegel test tube baby
Hiram Hegel: I have never stopped to appreciate it.
Sakura Emiya: It s a lot slower here than in Japan.
It s more relaxed.

Arnaud Abandonato: ...It really is a nice little neighborhood, isn t it?

Mac D.: how long has the MOT program been going now
eldritch s.: tony pops his head out
Mobile L (GM): Ten-ish years
eldritch s.: his eyes are bloodshot
Mobile L (GM): I think
Richard Owens: .....
...I don t have any memories of Hoboken.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...France is kind of like this, too...
Sakura Emiya: You don t?
Richard Owens: No.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...I don t know if any of you will ever go there...
Hiram Hegel: I m sure we will.
This will all end eventually.
Hiram Hegel: can we get a map
of the various "DAS" jurisdictions
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Hm. I hope you do... It s real nice this time of year.
Richard Owens: My earliest memory was the sight of tanks rolling down highways.
Mobile L (GM): Maybe Olive and I can do that before things kick into high gear
Sakura Emiya: I think it d be great to go there someday. Don t you think so too,
Hiram Hegel: bedmas
Richard Owens: .....
Illya Emiya: Oh yeah! That s where Madeline is set, and Madeline is awesome.
Madeline is basically my life s hero.
Hiram Hegel: That s good.
Sakura Emiya smiles serenely
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Eheheh... Man. Glad to hear kids still enjoy that book...
Mac D.: richard reveals a sentimental thought
is subsequently ignored
Hiram Hegel: Richard.
Richard Owens: thus is the life of a soldier
Sakura Emiya doesn t want to dwell on that w/ her sis here
Hiram Hegel: sorry i was usy looking at pemdas
Arnaud Abandonato smiles sadly and stares at the horizon
Richard Owens: ...?
Richard Owens looks at Hiram
Hiram Hegel: If it is any consolation...
I myself know little of the city.
Tony calls from within the gelato stand "that s-a so nice-a!"
Richard Owens: .....I see.
Hiram Hegel: I ve been in the custody of MIDAS for most of my life.
Hiram Hegel "All of it, in fact."
Richard Owens: .....It s understandable why you ve seen so little of the city, t
Arnaud Abandonato:
Hiram Hegel: ...
My first memory...
Arnaud Abandonato just quietly listens to the two
Hiram Hegel chews his lip

Richard Owens: .....

Hiram Hegel: Hmph.
Not much a first memory if I can t recall it.
Richard Owens: ....?
Illya Emiya: ...Eehee, well duh! Ya silly...
Sakura Emiya: ...
Richard Owens: ....What is your earliest memory you can recall.
Illya Emiya finishes her confection happily, oblivious to the gravity of this di
Hiram Hegel: ...
I suppose...
Seeing a MOT for the first time.
Richard Owens: .....How old are you.
Hiram Hegel: Sixteen. I have a very bad memory.
Hiram Hegel smiles
Richard Owens: ......
Hiram Hegel that is the skethciest
Hiram Hegel fucking smile
Richard Owens: ....................
Illya Emiya: ...Huh.
Sakura Emiya: ...Illya, do you think it s about time for us to head home?
Richard Owens wants to do research about this boy STAT
Sakura Emiya stands up
Illya Emiya: ...Yeahhhh, probably. I m beat.
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens stands up as well
Sakura Emiya: I ll walk you there, but I still have to stay at the dorms.
Arnaud Abandonato:
Hiram Hegel: I think I ll stay here for a while.
Richard Owens: I will accompany you.
Are you sure, Hiram. Do you know your way back to the dorms.
Illya Emiya: Aww, okay. Just call if you wanna talk and stuff, okay?
Hiram Hegel: I know that much,
Sakura Emiya: Oh, you can stay with Hiram...
Richard Owens: Alright.
Richard Owens looks back at Sakura
Sakura Emiya smiles at Illya
Arnaud Abandonato: I ll stay here, too...
Richard Owens: Hiram will have the company of Mister Abandonato.
Hiram Hegel: nevermind i ll leave just don t make me stay with arnaud
Richard Owens: I trust he will be safe.
Arnaud Abandonato: ":<"
Arnaud Abandonato
Sakura Emiya: I d
Hiram Hegel: does
Mobile L (GM): it

sighs quietly and lights up a ciggie

rather walk home with my sister, if that s alright.
arnaud know the truth of hiram

Richard Owens: .....

How far away is your home.
Mobile L (GM): He miiiiiight
Hiram Hegel: it s in japan
Sakura Emiya: It s not far from here.
Richard Owens: ......
....Do you know your way back to the dorms.
Hiram Hegel is swearing terribly
Illya Emiya: Prettttty close! Man, I hope Gabby can come over and stuff. We re g
onna watch Titanic!
Sakura Emiya nod nod
Hiram Hegel incredibly nervous
Sakura Emiya: Oh!
Hiram Hegel beyond nervous
Hiram Hegel has a cold feeling gripping his intestines
Richard Owens: Call me if there is any trouble. You have my number, correct.
Sakura Emiya: Yep!
Arnaud Abandonato:
Sakura Emiya doesn t
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens checks his contacts on his phone
Sakura Emiya: Okay, come on, Illya.
Arnaud Abandonato looks concernedly at Hiram
Richard Owens: ....You don t.
Sakura Emiya: That s weird, I m sure I put it in.
Hiram Hegel: he runs
fucking bolts
Richard Owens: Let me give you my number, just in case.
Illya Emiya: Neaaaar, farrrr, whereeeeeever you arrrre...
Sakura Emiya: Uhm, maybe later?
Sorry, sempai, but we have to be going!
Hiram Hegel: she shoves rich off the ledge
Sakura Emiya bows quickly
Richard Owens: .........
Hiram Hegel: and runs
Sakura Emiya starts briskly ushering Illya away
Illya Emiya IS USHER
Richard Owens: ....
Illya Emiya: Bye, weirdos!
Richard Owens looks at Hiram slowly die
Richard Owens: .....
....We should return to the dorms.
Sakura Emiya: Bye, guys! It was fun!
Sakura Emiya cheery anime teen
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Hiram...
Hiram Hegel: I just need a little more sunlight, then I ll go.

Richard Owens: You look very ill.

Arnaud Abandonato: ...Hiram. What s the matter?
Hiram Hegel: Vitamin D deficiency.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Is that all?
Hiram Hegel: I m certain.
Richard Owens: I m uncertain if that is the issue here.
We should return to the dorms and call a doctor.
Sakura Emiya said her goodbyes, then wandered back to the dorms
Hiram Hegel: A doctor isn t nessecary.
Space: hiram: "talking to girls scares me"
Arnaud Abandonato: ...If you re sick or something, you really should let me know
. It s seriously not any trouble, at all.
Space: you know thomas jefferson, in his twenties, took medical leave for two da
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: Was the gelato bad.
Hiram Hegel: No, not at all.
Space: due to having a massive headache after acting foolishly in front of a gir
l he fanceid
Hiram Hegel: It is...
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Ah God, did it...?
Hiram Hegel: Simply being around women.
Richard Owens: ......
Hiram Hegel: It makes me nervous.
Richard Owens: ......I see.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Well, if... if that s all.
Richard Owens: ....Was that discussed in your psych evaluation.
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Richard Owens: I see.
Hiram Hegel: It was advised I continue trying to socialize.
And that eventually the nervousness will fade.
Richard Owens: Will you be able to work with Sakur when we are out on the field.
Hiram Hegel: Certainly.
Richard Owens: If it s necessary, I can serve as an intermediary.
Hiram Hegel: In MOTs, gender is irrelevant.
Arnaud Abandonato: ...Mm...
Hiram Hegel: ... Thank you, but it s not needed.
Arnaud Abandonato keeps smoking his ciggie
Hiram Hegel is full of so much shit
Richard Owens: .....Alright.
Sakura Emiya: Hm hm hm hm.~
Hiram Hegel is probably turning the water brown with shit
Richard Owens: If the issue persists, let someone know.
Hiram Hegel nods
Sakura Emiya is tidying her room up, with jpop playing low-key in the background
Richard Owens: Let s get back to the dorms.
Hiram Hegel stands up, finishing his gelato
Hiram Hegel: Goodbye, Mr. Abandonato.
eldritch s.: he shoots him
Space: goodbye ... FOREVER

Arnaud Abandonato: ...Goodbye, kids... Be safe.

Arnaud Abandonato nods and takes another puff of his cig
Richard Owens nods goodbye to Arnaud and starts heading back to the dorms, keepi
ng pace with Hiram
Hiram Hegel begins walking to the dorms, quickly, and with rigid body-language
Hiram Hegel: turn it off
turn it OFF
Sakura Emiya jpop plays from sakura s room...
Richard Owens: Are you sure you ll be alright.
Hiram Hegel: I m fine...
Hiram Hegel is slightly sunburned
Hiram Hegel: Next time I should apply some sunscreen...
Richard Owens: ....That s probably a good idea.
Hiram Hegel: is sak doing the worm
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens looks at the door to Sakura s room
Richard Owens: ........
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: I m concerned for her.
Hiram Hegel: What in particular?
Sakura Emiya is now jumping on the bed
Richard Owens: She isn t getting sleep.
Mobile L (GM): PONPONPON betches
Sakura Emiya and singing along
Hiram Hegel: I noticed she seemed to disregard the danger in the school today.
And was eager to stand near the edge.
Richard Owens: It might have been a comfortable place to sit for her.
Mobile L (GM): eeheeheehee that is adorable
Hiram Hegel: I am not a psychologist, but this behaviour is..
Perhaps pathological?
Richard Owens: The fall was not particularly dangerous, either.
Hiram Hegel: I have just mild suspicions.
Sakura Emiya: Pon, pon, wey wey, wey...
Richard Owens: I m concerned as to what is preventing her from sleeping.
She refuses to discuss it.
Hiram Hegel: It s personal, and that means it could be deep-seated.
Sakura Emiya barges out of her room to get a snack
Sakura Emiya: Pon, pon, wei wei--oh.
Richard Owens: ..........
Sakura Emiya: ...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Sakura Emiya: ...
Hiram Hegel: In the fridge.
Richard Owens nods
Hiram Hegel: Please refrain from touching items labelled "Salt-Free"
Richard Owens: Yes.
He s consulted me on the matter as well.
Sakura Emiya: Of course!
Hiram Hegel: Those are to accomodate my dietary restrictions.

Sakura Emiya nods once

Sakura Emiya and hurries to get her snack
Sakura Emiya: Do you two want anything?
Richard Owens watches her go
Richard Owens: I m fine, thank you.
Hiram Hegel: Nothing as of yet, thank you.
Space: just
fucking look at these two
the awkward chump squad
eldritch s.: they re just made for each other
Space: and the actually socially normal
Mobile L (GM): I ship it
Sakura Emiya returns to her room with a yogurt
eldritch s.: haaha rich stepped away from him
Sakura Emiya shutting the door behind her
Richard Owens: ......
eldritch s.: keep the j-pop alive
Sakura Emiya is having fun listening to her good tunes
Ami and Yumi, betches
Sakura Emiya that you can hear through the door
Richard Owens: ....We ll need to discover the problem, and quickly.
Hiram Hegel: Do you have any ideas...?
Hiram Hegel is interested in this simply out of personal curiosity
Hiram Hegel not trusting anything he does not fully understand
Richard Owens: I doubt I ll be allowed access to surveillance equipment.
Hiram Hegel: Breaking into her room would hurt the trust between you two irrepra
Richard Owens: And my room is too far away that I could hear in hers by ear alon
It could.
Hiram Hegel: She might keep some kind of diary?
Mobile L (GM): Tryin to come up with an excuse to bring an NPC in here
...but who...?
Hiram Hegel: tony
Space: shirou wants to watch her sleep
Richard Owens: Maybe.
She could be troubled by nightmares.
Hiram Hegel: If we can t find a way to solve it quickly, we could simply build a
trust and then ask.
Richard Owens: I could ask the head of security if she s had trouble sleeping in
the past.
We might not be able to build that kind of trust before we go into battle.
Space: let s build a trust
Richard Owens: And her lack of sleep could prove to put her in serious danger.
Hiram Hegel: We ll have to keep an eye on her condition.
Test her reflexes and cognition...
Richard Owens: .........
What are you suggesting.

Hiram Hegel: Running non-invasive tests.

Board games.
Mobile L (GM): Oohoohoohoo
Space: play twister
Hiram Hegel: Trivia games.
Richard Owens: .....
....Are there games of the sort that can test physical reflex.
Hiram Hegel chews his lip as he considers it
Space: catch
Hiram Hegel shrugs
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: Catch, if push comes to shove.
Richard Owens: ...Do you own a football.
Hiram Hegel: No.
THERE IS... a knockle kockle at the door
Richard Owens: Someone in this faciltiy is bound to.
Richard Owens looks over and approaches the door
Hiram Hegel walks to it
Richard Owens oooopens
Hiram Hegel watches him open it
Richard Owens: .......
Shirou Emiya: Heyyy...
Mac D.: sakura gettin high behind the couch
Hiram Hegel watches him, fascinated
Hiram Hegel: hand over the bong
Richard Owens: .......Is there something you need.
Shirou Emiya: ...Just, y know... wanted to visit with Sakura.
Richard Owens: .....I ll go check if she s available.
Shirou Emiya:
Richard Owens goes and knocks on sak s door
Shirou Emiya: ...Man. Ritzy little place you got here!
Sakura Emiya opens it
Sakura Emiya: Oh, Richard! Is there something you needed?
Hiram Hegel: It is nice, yes.
Richard Owens: Your brother s come to visit.
Sakura Emiya: Oh.
Hiram Hegel: Can I get you anything?
Sakura Emiya: I m... not here?
Richard Owens: ......
Shirou Emiya: God damn, lookit those beds... Nah, m good.
Richard Owens stares right at her
Sakura Emiya: ...
Hiram Hegel: Alright.
Sakura Emiya shuts the door
Richard Owens: ......

Richard Owens walks back to the front door

Shirou Emiya: ...So, um. You an albino or somethin ?
Richard Owens: Sakura is busy.
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Shirou Emiya: ...Aww, what? Again?
Richard Owens: Yes. The military life is very busy.
Hiram Hegel: It s taking a toll on her.
She s lost sleep.
Space: hiram and richard confirmed for in sakura s corner
Shirou Emiya: ...Man...
...Welp. M kay, tell her that her bro sends his regards... and hopes to see her
soon, yeah...?
Hiram Hegel nods
Richard Owens: She s booked for some time. I would suggest coming back some othe
r day.
Shirou Emiya: Sure, sure.
Richard Owens nods to him
Richard Owens: I will, have a nice day.
Shirou Emiya: You two jarheads take care. So long.
Hiram Hegel: he slams the door in hsi face mid sentence
Shirou Emiya scurries off
Richard Owens closes the door
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: wheres my j-pop
Sakura Emiya: .....
Sakura Emiya waits behind her door
Richard Owens: ......I don t think they have a healthy relationship.
Hiram Hegel: That was interesting.
His fixation with her is peculiar.
Richard Owens: They might have fought recently.
Hiram Hegel walks to the fridge and grabs some water
Hiram Hegel: It s possible.
The way her looks at her is unsettling.
Sakura Emiya slowly opens her door
Sakura Emiya: Is he gone?
Richard Owens: Is it. I haven t paid much attention to him.
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Richard Owens looks at her
Richard Owens: We saw him off, yes.
Sakura Emiya: Okay, thank you.
What did he say?
Hiram Hegel: He gives his regards.
Richard Owens: Yes.
Shirou Emiya eheheheheheh.........
Sakura Emiya: Okay.
...Thank you.
Sakura Emiya shuts her door again

Hiram Hegel nods

Shirou Emiya EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH.........
Richard Owens: ...Do you think this has something to do with her lacking sleep.
Hiram Hegel: I wouldn t doubt it.
I wonder where he got the burn scars frm.
Richard Owens: Yeah...
Hiram Hegel: g-man is under suspicious folk
Mobile L (GM): Would you trust him?
Hiram Hegel: yeah
Richard Owens: ...Do you have the head of security s phone number.
Mobile L (GM): You are a fool...
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya opens it up again
Hiram Hegel: I believe I do.
Richard Owens: ...?
Richard Owens looks over
Hiram Hegel glances
Sakura Emiya: There is, um...
Richard Owens: .....
Sakura Emiya: You were probably wondering about that, right?
eldritch s.: so what happened to iris higgins
in canon
does she not exist
or is she dead
Richard Owens: .....Your brother?
Sakura Emiya: Yeah.
Mobile L (GM): She boarded the last train to Clarksville, and I don t know if sh
e s ever coming home.
Richard Owens nods
eldritch s.: the trains goes over the ocean
Sakura Emiya: ...Okay, is there somewhere we can sit down for this or something?
Richard Owens: My room has a couch.
Mobile L (GM): It s the futuristic year of 2005, anything is possible
Hiram Hegel: 2005
Sakura Emiya: Okay, let s go there.
Richard Owens heads over there now
Space: it s concurrent with still night
but not hollow night or third heaven
Mobile L (GM): Ten years in the past
Richard Owens s room is
Richard Owens fucking immaculately well-kept
Hiram Hegel looks at the flowers
Hiram Hegel: are they real
Space: he has like, bongos

Richard Owens literally nothing is out of place, you could swear the floor tiles
were alphabetized
Richard Owens: yeah they real flowers
Mobile L (GM): Greenthumb Owens
Hiram Hegel notes that he cares for flowers
Sakura Emiya: Okay, um...
Richard Owens stands where he is, looking at Sakura
Hiram Hegel: how about you become brownthumb owens ;)
Sakura Emiya: Me and Shirou, we re both... adopted.
Richard Owens: ......I see.
From different families?
Sakura Emiya: There was this fire in our home town, and, I mean...
There s -- not really any way of knowing.
It was a big fire.
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: the music i supplied
Sakura Emiya: That s just background, anyways.
He s...
Hiram Hegel: a rapist
Richard Owens: a cannibal
Shirou Emiya: a cool guy
Hiram Hegel: she s a real cannibal shia labeouff
Sakura Emiya tries to figure out how to word this
Sakura Emiya: ...Pretty much always looked at me like you d look at someone you
have a crush on.
Richard Owens: .......
Sakura Emiya: He hasn t ever said anything about it.
Hiram Hegel: if fuyui burned down, adeva would happen
Richard Owens: So you think he lusts after you.
Sakura Emiya looks shocked
Hiram Hegel: "you think he wants to ravish you like an animal"
Sakura Emiya: Y-you don t have to say it like that...
Hiram Hegel is just very passive
Richard Owens: you think he wants to stuff you like a thanksgiving turkey
....I apologize.
Hiram Hegel: "do you think he would perform a dirty sanchez, sakura, this is imp
Sakura Emiya: Yeah.
Richard Owens: is he an ass man or a titty man
Hiram Hegel: yeah he would
"what is the size of his genitals"
Richard Owens: does he give good cunnilingus
Sakura Emiya: :c
Hiram Hegel just passively listens
eldritch s.: see because
you said he was from hoboken
Richard Owens: .......Is he....persistent in wanting to be with you.
eldritch s.: i just hear him as a more severe, serious crit1kal

Sakura Emiya: I think so.

Richard Owens: ...........Has he ever hurt you.
Sakura Emiya: No.
eldritch s.: "do you want him to"
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: Have you ever discussed this with anyone else.
Your father, even.
Sakura Emiya: I don t think he knows. I don t want to upset him.
What if I m wrong?
Hiram Hegel "I was right about her brother"
Sakura Emiya: What would they think then?
Richard Owens: ......It s important to be absolutely sure.
However, this has to be an extremely uncomfortable situation.
If you d like, I could try and find out from him personally.
Hiram Hegel: we ll bring him out into desert
and put jumper cables on his dick
Richard Owens: a crank vice to the balls makes everyone talk
Shirou Emiya: pls no
Sakura Emiya: Please don t do anything that would... agitate him.
Richard Owens: .......
....Is he violent.
Hiram Hegel: What things agitate your brother?
Sakura Emiya: He s never hit me, Richard.
Just -- things that would agitate anyone else.
Richard Owens: What about other people.
Sakura Emiya: No!
Hiram Hegel: "shit, there goes my erotica"
Richard Owens: .....
....I will be careful not to anger him.
Sakura Emiya: Okay... thank you.
I ll just -- stay here.
Richard Owens: I understand.
Hiram Hegel: Your brother is an idividual, surely there must be some eccentricti
es we should avoid,
Sakura Emiya: You guys will be fine, okay?
Sakura Emiya is starting to look like she regrets opening up
Richard Owens: It s very important that you confided in this with us. Thank you.
Hiram Hegel lays off
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Sakura Emiya nods
Mobile L (GM): Awww, this is cute y all
Sakura Emiya: I m -- going to go back to my room now.
Richard Owens: ......
Space: [tup]
Richard Owens: .....Whether you re wrong or not....I would absolutely suggest di
scussing this with your Father.
Sakura Emiya: We ll see.
Sakura Emiya said with the air of
Richard Owens: ......

it s not happening

Richard Owens folds his arms, and exhales slighty

Sakura Emiya: holy fuck shirou get out of my room
Mobile L (GM): Man, now I see this Sak becoming a shut-in and it breaks my heart
Shirou Emiya: never...!

Hiram Hegel: ...

Space: it s all shirou s fault
Hiram Hegel crosses his legs
Space: you know even canon sakura
Richard Owens: ......Should I go look for him.
Space: is basically a shut-in
with a creepy adoptive brother
Mobile L (GM): She cannot escape
Hiram Hegel: Which him?
yeah differences is
Richard Owens: Her brother.
Hiram Hegel: one is a rapist
Let s go together.
Richard Owens: It might arouse suspicion from him.
"Medusa": arouse
Mobile L (GM): aaaaaa man, guys I hate to say it, but I am starting to run outta
the fuels
Space: pls...
Hiram Hegel nods
Space: just htis last one...
Hiram Hegel: Alright.
Space: pls...
Mobile L (GM): Little longer, then we can have discuss time, then I must crawl i
nto my bed and die
Mobile L (GM): You liking even my improv fuckery?
Space: do it
Richard Owens nods back
Space: mobile this is great
Richard Owens heads on OUT THE DOOOR
Mobile L (GM): Good, good. It ll be even better once Olive is here
Hiram Hegel slowly heads to his room
Hiram Hegel: rich has a dead body in his room
Richard Owens the hunt for the red weirdo begins
Space: hunt for red octweirdo
Now where do weirdos usually go...?
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel sits by the wall
Richard Owens ARCADES.....
Hiram Hegel holds his head in his hands
Hiram Hegel and lets out a long, shuddering breath
Space: "girls are icky..."
i like this party
Mac D.: "my colon is about to explode"
Hiram Hegel: all of the shit i spewed today
it s caught up with me
SHIT YOU ARE NOT WRONG... there is a lotta weirdos in this here arcade... Both S
olbergs, Gnther Motherfucking Glazkov, the BR BR BR HUE HUE HUE girl, the frenchi

Hiram Hegel is experiences just

Hiram Hegel fucking terror
Richard Owens: ......
Mobile L (GM): hiram... :<
Hiram Hegel: I fucked it up...
H-he s suspicious of me now...
Mobile L (GM): no goddamn it, I can t be made to cry this early in the campaign.
Space cackles madly
Richard Owens scans for a shirou emiya
Hiram Hegel: If he finds out...
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 97
Hiram Hegel grinds his teeth
Hiram Hegel: see
with this system
Mac D.: you know
Hiram Hegel: i cheer when i see high numbers
and then i realize
you know also looking at that stats
ohhhh SHIT, here comes the BR...!
Mac D.: the one time we DON T want high numbers
Richard Owens god DAMMIT
Richard Owens: ........
Hiram Hegel: the system is meant to run with like modifiers and shit right
Mac D.: yyyyess
Iria Matos: ...Hey. Aren t you one of MIDAS?
Hiram Hegel: because with these stats over half of the time we re going to fail
if it s just a normal roll
Space: maybe if olive had explained how it works to us........................
Mac D.: you have a stat modifier that raises the failure number
Hiram Hegel: we re going to get that limey fucker
Mac D.: so 50 + whatever you stat number is is the failure cap
and whatever you roll that s lower than that is a success
Space: that makes sense actually
Hiram Hegel: i figured that s what it was
Richard Owens: ...Yes, hello.
Hiram Hegel: anyway
Richard Owens: I m looking for Shirou Emiya, have you seen him.
Space: physique coordinatio intelligence empathy
Hiram Hegel: Who will they get rid of first...
Space: sakura has fucking
41 empathy
Hiram Hegel: Me or him...?
Iria Matos: Didn t expect a guy like you to show up at a place like this. You bo

Hiram Hegel wonders how expendable he really is

Hiram Hegel: These fucking people...
Mobile L (GM): hiram no... :,(
Hiram Hegel: Like pulling teeth from an ape...
Can t get a straight answer.
Can t ask useful questions.
Richard Owens: .....I m looking for Shirou Emiya
Hiram Hegel: ...
It ll be me.
Iria Matos: ...Hm. I don t think I ve met that one yet, but I could try to flush
him out for you.
Hiram Hegel: Can t let it happen.
Iria Matos: Is he also MIDAS?
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: I d appreciate it....No, but I could describe him.
Hiram Hegel wonders how far he d be willing to go to save his own hide
Richard Owens: He has red hair, and a burn scar on the side of his face.
Hiram Hegel fondles the flashlight in his pocket
Space: i read that as fondles the fleshlight in his pocket and was very scared
Iria Matos: ...Ah! Yeah, I think I saw him. Was going into the bathroom, a secon
d ago... Jesus, not to be prejudiced against the scarred, but... he looks like a
Hiram Hegel: let s hope sak never goes into a coma
Mobile L (GM): is it a sin
Space: hiram s so fucked up
Richard Owens: I ve been told as such. Thank you.
Richard Owens heads for THE BATHROOM
Hiram Hegel just sits in his room, feeling the sword of damocles hanging over hi
Iria Matos looks like she sorta likes you, Ri... oh... they leave so quick, thos
e american boys...
Iria Matos: ...Man.
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel and yet
Hiram Hegel still feels something missing
PEEING NOISES... can be heard coming out of a stall
Richard Owens walks away, all mysterious and handsome and shit
Hiram Hegel: mmmm golden shower
the urinals are booked
Richard Owens: ......
Richard Owens walks over to wash his hands
...ah HA, there is the fucker of the hour, picking a booger out with a piece of
Hiram Hegel dims the lights in his room
Shirou Emiya: Man, this Italian air...
Hiram Hegel takes off his shades
Richard Owens: ......
Hiram Hegel: shirou eats it

Richard Owens looks over at him

Hiram Hegel: i nearly called him shitrou
Shirou Emiya: ...Hey. You again, huh?
Richard Owens: .......
Shirou Emiya: Coming to blow off some steam?
Richard Owens: ...Yeah. Funny meeting you here.
I had some time, yes.
Hiram Hegel pulls out his papers
Shirou Emiya: You seem kinda... straight-laced for this joint, you dig?
Richard Owens: .....Do you think so.
Hiram Hegel begins writing down his feelings and findings at the moment
Hiram Hegel wonders what Sak is doing
Hiram Hegel and then immediately chastizes the thought
Shirou Emiya: Yep. I mean. All these miscreants here, throwing euros away on Tim
e Crisis and House of the Dead, then you.
Space: time crisis is fuckin great
Sakura Emiya is sitting quietly in her bed
Sakura Emiya: .....
Hiram Hegel: listening to j-pop
Richard Owens: ...I was interested in seeing what it was like.
Sakura Emiya looks up at the ceiling
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya sighs
Richard Owens: I ve only recently had more time to myself
Shirou Emiya: ...Well. Better or worse than expectations?
Richard Owens: ...It s about as crowded as I would have expected.
Mac D.: ha ha ha arcades are dead
"Agamemnon": were they dead in 2005
Mac D.: o yea
"Agamemnon": were they dead in 2005 when demons killed everyone
Mac D.: the arcades were the first to fall
Shirou Emiya: Mm... Sicilians, they re the kinda folk who need these things... H
ave you seen all the poor around here, all the desperate? They need a diversion.
"Agamemnon": tony keeps this arcade going with his gelato money
Shirou Emiya: Specially with those Furies out fuckin things up.
...Man... S gotta be depressing to be a native here.
Richard Owens: .....I suppose. It s a sad state of affairs.
Space: shirou seems like the kind of guy who would have a really really negative
worldview, but also call himself a realist
Shirou Emiya: tch... i am JADED...
...But yeah, how much have you blown so far? Fed all my birthday money to the sk
i-ball machine, myself.
Wanted to outdo the fat kid.
Richard Owens: ....I actually just arrived.
Shirou Emiya: ...Fuckin prick, thinks he s great because he can hit the 1000 ho
le every other time...
...Ah. Well. Hope you have a lotta change on you.
Mobile L (GM): This update is liquid sex
Richard Owens: I have enough. Do you want to play a few games.
Shirou Emiya: Sure. What ll it be, then? Ski ball, air hockey, whack-a-mole...?
Space: lancelot sakura

Richard Owens: I ve always wanted to try Time Crisis.

Space: Sakura appears to be mentally unbalanced, possessing an obsessive disposi
tion towards the Shirou Emiya of her world. This goes to the extent of wishing t
o kill those who she percieves as getting in the way of this relationship. She c
onsiders herself the only one who can truly understand and love Shirou, the only
one who can touch him and in turn be touched by him and when pushed, the only o
ne permitted to kill him.
fuckin inverse of adeva
Mobile L (GM): holy goddamn
Shirou Emiya: Eheh. Sure, why not. That one is pretty fun, I guess.
C mon.
Richard Owens nods
Shirou Emiya tosses his booger in the trash and leaves for the gaems WITHOUT WAS
Shirou Emiya probably peed too...
Richard Owens is not enthused
Shirou Emiya dirty, dirty boy...
"Agamemnon": he delibrately pissed on his hands
Richard Owens let s see if all those years of military training paid off in SAVI
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 27
Whoooooaaaa, Ricky, you re GOOD
Shirou Emiya: ...Shiiiiit, dude, is this even real?
Richard Owens PEW PEW PEW
Shirou Emiya: Ahahaha... God damn, guess all that training really does pay off,
Richard Owens: I suppose.
Shirou Emiya: Man... And I thought I was good at this shit. What re you gonna ma
ke your name on the leaderboard?
I always make mine "FUK".
"Agamemnon": for a second i thought you said he was god
not just good
but god
Shirou Emiya: GLORY BE
Space: GOD Shirou
Richard Owens: "RIC" seems fine to me.
Space: the final boss
Richard Owens puts in those initials
Mac D.: richard eventually gets the top score in every machine in the arcade
Shirou Emiya: Heh, if you re sure you don t wanna go with "DIK".
Mac D.: "RIC" becomes a legend in the eyes of the nerds
Wow, he displaced the legendary "ASS"
"Agamemnon": except the ones gunth plays
oh shit
he just outdid gunth
Space: fucking badass

Gnther Glazkov frowns slightly

"Agamemnon": he pulls out a gun and shoots owen
"no one out does me|"
Gnther Glazkov: [...Damn. I must train harder.]
Richard Owens even had trigger discipline with his fuckin plastic light gun
Richard Owens puts that shit away like a trained professional
Shirou Emiya: ...Shame my country doesn t have a military, else, I d hop in just
to get in your level... Eheheheh...
"Agamemnon": glorious nippon
Richard Owens: It s a lot of hard work just to get high scores.
Mac D.: i now want an adeva side plot
Shirou Emiya: Well, y know, I love me a good challenge.
Mac D.: where richard is forced to become embroiled in the seedy underbelly of t
he arcade game circuit
"Agamemnon": they take people out and put them in woodchippers
Shirou Emiya: ...Think the French Foreign Legion could iron out a piece of work
like me? I always thought it was cool, how they got to change their names and sh
"Agamemnon": tony is a mafioso
Space: culminating in a duel against ASS himself
Shirou Emiya: ...Wonder what my new name would be...?
Mac D.: "richard if you want to see sakura safe again"
"Agamemnon": "marshmellow head"
Mac D.: "you must defeat ASTEROIDS"
Richard Owens: Do you know any french names.
Gnther Glazkov: I MUST BREAK YOU
"Agamemnon": gunth snaps richard over his new
Shirou Emiya: Uhhh... Pierre? I dunno, that just sounds lame, and kinda gay...
"Agamemnon": "you merely adopted the arcade, but i was born in it!:
Richard Owens: Perhaps.
...Hey. Is it all right if I ask you something kind of personal.
Shirou Emiya: ...Depends on what it is. You feel like comin out the moment I ut
ter the word "gay"?
Shirou Emiya smirks mischievously
Richard Owens: No, it s not that.
Shirou Emiya: Good. I don t swing that way.
Richard Owens: I want to talk to you about Sakura, actually.
Shirou Emiya:
"Agamemnon": robespierre
"I M putting the moves on her, not you, dickbag"
Shirou Emiya: ...Hey, man. F you re asking to date her or somethin ... I m cont
ractually obligated to whoop your ass, y know?
It s sibling code.
Richard Owens: Oh, no. I m not interested in relationships right now.
Shirou Emiya: ...Hm. Alright.
Richard Owens: It s just been on my mind since you showed up earlier.
Shirou Emiya: ...If it isn t that, then what is it?
Richard Owens: She mentioned that the two of you were adopted.
"Agamemnon": that s shirou
that video is how he tries to woo sak
shouting that in her window
Shirou Emiya: ...Yeah? Heh, I don t look a thing like her, so I unno how that d
even be a thing to mention.
Mobile L (GM): shirou is gross

"Agamemnon": i turns out

Space: yes
Richard Owens: True, but she also mentioned a fire.
"Agamemnon": he really isn t into her
Richard Owens: I don t intend to pry, but is that how.......
"Agamemnon": sak is just a narcissist
Mac D.: i love filthy frank
Shirou Emiya: ...Ah! Eheheh, you were wonderin about the scars, weren tcha? Che
eky bastard, didn t you pay attention during meet n greet tim?
Richard Owens: I wasn t really paying attention at the time.
Shirou Emiya: Man. A shame, but I m sure she gave you the fun version, eh?
Shirou Emiya smirks and rubs a hand on the scarred bit of his face
Richard Owens: She only mentioned that there was a fire, and that s how she lost
her family
Shirou Emiya: ...Myep. Sad stuff, ain t it?
Shirou Emiya sighs, still smirking
Shirou Emiya: ...You wanna know what s fucked up? Even with the sad shit about m
y family dying and all... People give me a lotta shit about these. In Japan, you
can barely get away with being a redhead, so like... Imagine, for a second...
Shirou Emiya chuckles softly
Richard Owens: ......I see.....
Space: shirou is one of those characters that
i dislike him as a person
but i like him a lot
Mobile L (GM): yey c:
Space: as he is a good character, even if massive creep
Mobile L (GM): thank GOD, I was worried
Richard Owens: I ve seen a lot of disturbing scars in my time, so in truth, I m
not repulsed by yours.
"Agamemnon": sakura
Sakura Emiya: sieg heil
Shirou Emiya: ...Mm. That s good of ya. I guess it s different in America, y kno
w. Got people of all colors, sizes, limb numbers runnin around, you re obligate
d to not bat an eyelash if a motherfucker comes in with half his head shaved and
huge spike through his lower lip...
Richard Owens: No, that s still a bit of an odd sight.
"Agamemnon": or if a man shows up with ants in his eyes
Shirou Emiya: ...Eheheh. If ya say so. But still. That s gotta be nice.
Richard Owens: I could be an outlier....Still, I can feel for your plight.
Shirou Emiya: Mm... Thanks, then, man... But don t let it get to where it s pity
or nothin , cuz that is skirting the line towards gay, in my book.
Richard Owens: ....Right. Don t worry about that.
Shirou Emiya: Eheheh. Sure.
Richard Owens: So you and Sakura...Are you two not related by blood.
Space: white guilt milquetoast piece
of human garbage
Shirou Emiya: ...Yep. Only technically siblings, like Frankenstein and... ahhhh,
what s her shit...? Some prissy name, like... Like Becky...
...Kehehe, so y know...
Richard Owens: ....?
"Agamemnon": weak
white... guilt

piece of huan garbage
Shirou Emiya: ...What, you haven t read Frankenstein? Figured it was required re
ading, even in Murrica.
Richard Owens: I ve never gotten around to it. I hope to, eventually.
Were you referencing something.
Shirou Emiya: S a good book, really fucked up, though... And yep.
Victor has an adoptive sister, too.
Richard Owens: I see.
Shirou Emiya snaps his fingers
Richard Owens: .....?
Shirou Emiya: Elizabeth. That was her name.
Richard Owens: ...Ah, alright.
.....Has it ever been.....odd.
Shirou Emiya: ...Most British name ever or most British name ever? Keheheheh.
...Odd how?
"Agamemnon": "do you want to have sex with your sister"
Richard Owens: You know, growing up with a sister you weren t actually related t
Shirou Emiya: ...Ehhh... M not related to Illya, either, but she s just like an
y other loud little kid.
...I dunno. Maybe.
"Agamemnon": oh no
not illya too
Richard Owens: What do you mean.
Space: nooooo...
Shirou Emiya: Well, depends on what you think odd means. You re the guy who gave
me that word.
Mobile L (GM): Nah, he s not a pedo
Even Shirou don t go there
"Agamemnon": shirou needs gazorpazorp field to bring him down a few notches
Mobile L (GM): Totes
"Agamemnon": *gazorpazorpfield
Richard Owens: ....It s difficult to be blunt about this sort of thing, but...Yo
u know, growing up so close to a girl who s not related to you.
Mobile L (GM): Force him to make enchiladas
Shirou Emiya: ...Well. Doesn t help that she s such a looker, does it?
Sakura Emiya: :<
"Agamemnon": he starts screaming "oppai"
Richard Owens: ....True. It must be difficult.
Shirou Emiya: I mean, like... assuming you re being forthright about the whole n
ot being a homo business... You saw er.
She s fuckin gorgeous... And...

...She s a real great person. One in a million...

Space: wow i all of a sudden feel bad for the creepy creep dude
Richard Owens: She seems very kind and compassionate, to be sure.
Shirou Emiya: Hard to be so pure, so very kind, when you re life s been such a r
ide... Eheh... God knows I couldn t hope for such a thing...
Mobile L (GM): GOOD
"Agamemnon": quick make him say something disgusting
Richard Owens: .....There s a lot of women out there, who knows.
Being in the military, I ve seen a wide variety of people from many walks of lif
Shirou Emiya: ...Sure, I getcha. Hella kinds or cute girls out there. There migh
t be... But there s only one Sakura Emiya.
Richard Owens: .......
.....It must be really hard, then.

Shirou Emiya: ...Oh, it s... pretty fuckin hard, y know. S pretty goddamn hard
Space: innuendo
Shirou Emiya kehehehes softly
"Agamemnon": there we go
Richard Owens: ...Amen. It s getting dark, so I should probably start heading ba
"Agamemnon": he said something disgusting
all is back to normal
Shirou Emiya: ...Sure, alright. Was good talkin to you, man... I think I was wr
ong about you.
"Agamemnon": sakura involuntarily shudders, despite not hearing it
she just knows something is wrong
Richard Owens: I m glad to have the chance to speak with you, Shirou. I ll see y
ou at school tomorrow.
Shirou Emiya: ...Cool. Peace out, my gaijin bro.
Richard Owens nods
Richard Owens: ...Yeah, peace.
Space: social link formed
Richard Owens starts making his way back to the dorm
Shirou Emiya does the fuckin devil horns and gives a mischievous nod as he leav
Richard Owens strides into the dorm, lookin


Hiram Hegel has locked his door

Sakura Emiya has quieted down with the damn music
Richard Owens knocks on the door
Richard Owens: Hiram.
Hiram Hegel: ...!
Hiram Hegel takes a sharp inhale
Richard Owens: ...?
...Are you alright, Hiram.
Hiram Hegel: Fine.
What happened?
Mobile L (GM): hiram, bby... :<
Hiram Hegel is talking through the locked door
Richard Owens: We need to speak with Sakura.
Hiram Hegel is so tempted to say he has no interest in the subject anymore
Hiram Hegel but
Hiram Hegel ... curiosity
Hiram Hegel unlocks his door
Hiram Hegel steps out
Hiram Hegel: Alrighr.
Richard Owens looks him over
Richard Owens: .....

...Are you sure you

* re okay.
Hiram Hegel: I am.
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: Come on, let s talk to Sakura.
Richard Owens: ..Alright.
Richard Owens heads over to the SAKDOOR and KNOCKS
Sakura Emiya looks up from the book she s reading
Sakura Emiya: Who is it?
Richard Owens: It s us
Hiram Hegel: Hiram and Richard.
Sakura Emiya: Oh... let me get the door.
Sakura Emiya sets down her book, going to unlock the door
Sakura Emiya: Did you...?
Richard Owens nods
Hiram Hegel: He did.
Richard Owens: I spoke with him.
Sakura Emiya: I see...
Is this going to be something that...
Come in.
Sakura Emiya steps aside
Hiram Hegel steps inside
Richard Owens walks in
Sakura Emiya shuts the door behind them, locking it
Hiram Hegel sits down
Sakura Emiya sits down on her bed
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens folds his arms and exhales
Hiram Hegel has very closed in posture
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: ....I m convinced it s true.
Sakura Emiya looks down
Richard Owens: He has an unhealthy fixation on you, for sure.
Hiram Hegel takes the opprotunity to study Sak s reactions and Rich as he delive
rs the news
Sakura Emiya has her hands lightly clasped together
Sakura Emiya: Did he say anything... specific?
eldritch s.: you recall
Richard Owens: He had a lot to say about your physical appearance, for starters.
eldritch s.:
Sakura Emiya: ........
eldritch s.: it s on soundcloud, you know
Richard Owens: ....

Sakura Emiya: my theme song

Richard Owens: ....Perhaps I should be more descriptive.
eldritch s.: under: Egao Hitotsu de
Richard Owens details the conversation he had with Shirou
eldritch s.: not under image song or anything akin to that
Sakura Emiya: ...Okay, th-- that s enough.
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens stops
Sakura Emiya is very clearly shaken
Sakura Emiya shifts uncomfortably
Hiram Hegel: ...
You have a detailed memory.
Richard Owens: My mission was to gain information.
Hiram Hegel "he s going to remember I fucked up. I m going to have to try and ki
ll or him or they ll need to replace me or"
Hiram Hegel visibly frowns
Mobile L (GM): Shirou s theme
Space: c r e e p
Hiram Hegel: give him
sak s theme song
Richard Owens: ....I m certain he s very mentally disturbed. The social ostraciz
ation he suffers from both his appearance and his attitude likely makes it worse
Hiram Hegel: still night
was it actually called creep
i think it was
Space: i m a creep
i m a weirdo
Mobile L (GM): He s not sympathetic enough for Creep
Space: what the hell am i doin here
Mobile L (GM): He gets the redneck serial killer song
Sakura Emiya: ...Okay.
Thank you both for helping.
Hiram Hegel s listening has faded off, busy trying to find a way to weasel out
of this
Hiram Hegel: ...
Space: this song is makin me shudder now
Mobile L (GM): GOOD
Richard Owens: We ll make sure to try and keep you and him as distant as possibl
e, as often as possible.
Richard Owens looks at Hiram
Hiram Hegel: ... Yes.
Sakura Emiya: Thank you.
I.. I think I need to get some sleep.
Hiram Hegel has got this deep, profound frown
Sakura Emiya goes to close the blinds

Richard Owens: .....

Hiram Hegel takes his sunglasses off reflixivly to the decreased light level
Richard Owens: ...Would you like some sort of aid for that.
Sakura Emiya: I ll be fine.
Richard Owens: A glass of warm milk, or somesuch.
Hiram Hegel has very worrisome yes
Sakura Emiya: Thank you, but I ll be fine.
Hiram Hegel: *eyes
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: Goodnight, Sakura.
Sakura Emiya takes note of these, even in her freaked-out state
Richard Owens: ...If you need anything, don t hesitate to come see either of us.
Hiram Hegel rises, uncertainly
Sakura Emiya: Good night.
Mobile L (GM): It s honestly touching how nice the two asocial fucks are to her
Richard Owens: .......
Good night.
Space: they re trying, dammit
Sakura Emiya watches them go
Mobile L (GM): Makes my heart melt a bit :,)
Hiram Hegel squints in the hall and fumbles his way to his room
Richard Owens exits the room with Hiram
Sakura Emiya quietly shuts and locks the door behind them
Space: ffs shirou
Hiram Hegel is forced to put the glasses back on
Hiram Hegel blinks a few times
Richard Owens: ......
Space: i like how the
at least at this juncture
the robots and monsters and shit are kind of in the background compared to the c
haracters very real social and emotional problems
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens looks at Hiram
Mobile L (GM): That s Evagelionrobit for ya
Hiram Hegel rubs his eyes
Richard Owens: ....You look like you could use some sleep, too.
Hiram Hegel: It s not that, I m just photosensitive.
Hiram Hegel nearly fucking curses himself out for giving away something that cou
ld be used against him
Space: i picture hiram as havin this really
phlegmy voice
Richard Owens: ...I see.
....I ll see if I can t ask to have the lights dimmed.
Hiram Hegel: That would be very nice.
My own room has a dimmer.

Richard Owens: I
*I ll see what I can do.
Hiram Hegel nods
Hiram Hegel: Thank you, Richard.
Mobile L (GM): He is slugboi
Richard Owens: ....
...Thank you.
Hiram Hegel: Good night.
Hiram Hegel steps into his room and locks the door
Richard Owens: ......
Mobile L (GM): Can we hang up when they go to sleeps? I am become the sleepy mys
Space: what about the valued post-game discuss
Richard Owens , now alone, undoes his tie slightly and lets loose a heavy sigh
Mobile L (GM): Ah yes, we will have that as well
But after that I must pass out, hard
Hiram Hegel: richard s way of unwinding
loosening his tie
Mobile L (GM): I wanna hug all these damn kids already, god dammit
Richard Owens starts walking back to his room to water his babies and prepare fo
r bed
Space: what does richard think about this whole situation
Mobile L (GM): It s gonna be hard putting them through hell...
Space: do it
Mac D.: "building an effective team dynamic is hard"
Mobile L (GM): You done good, kid
Space: where did hiram fuck up i missed it
Mobile L (GM): He accidentally let on that his earliest memory was looking on MO
Space: hahahaha
eldritch s.: he is now afraid for his life
because richard shows he has good recall
Mobile L (GM): Poor child
eldritch s.: and if he digs too deep
things might get bad
Space: yay, my ED choice was chosen...!
sakura, despite being statistically the most empathetic, has no idea about these
interpersonal conflicts and is afraid of her adopted brother
Mobile L (GM): Poor girl
Mac D.: the irony
Space: i LOVE IT
Mobile L (GM): Mebbe... mebbe
eldritch s.: i want it
is this session canon
Mobile L (GM): Assuming I have the time, I will do my best to make it happen
eldritch s.: i am of the understanding the session in the mall was not
Mobile L (GM): I m gonna see if Oliver Tree allows it
It would make things easy
eldritch s.:
Space: i hope it s canon
eldritch s.: that s just a song
Mobile L (GM): I will do my best to make at least 80% of it canon

Sakura Emiya dramatically stands on the edge of a cliff

Space: i m gonna make that the new thing
sakura standing on the edge of stuff
Mobile L (GM): Death seeker
You don t think Olive would think it too self-indulgent that I shoved 3/4 of my
OCs in here, do ya?
eldritch s.: better self-indulgent then having an empty school
full of gabens and croenenbergs
Mobile L (GM): Tru tru train
Space: i approve of it deeply tbh
and i think it adds to it
eldritch s.: i was delighted to see thm
Space: saaaaaaame
Mobile L (GM): Eehee, that was my hope
eldritch s.: so are we doing character themes
Mobile L (GM): Hell fucking yes we are, get some songs and shit
You can have, like, six, I dun curr
Mac D.: wonder what richard s theme should be
eldritch s.: six
Mobile L (GM): Wasn t it Zero from Ace Combat?
Space: that reminds me of my headcanon voice for richard
i don t have ones for characcters a lot
Mac D.: oh no no that s for climactic duels
eldritch s.:
ars-so-long-my-love this feels hiram for me
Mobile L (GM): Ahhh, I see
eldritch s.: mainly i just really enjoy the song
Mobile L (GM): Fuck to the yes. Adding
Space: ...oh
the voice i was thinking for him isn t quite like i rmemeber
but i still think it kind of fits
eldritch s.: now space
eldritch s.: you said phlegmy
Mac D.: this is richard s go-time theme
Space: yeah phlegmy
eldritch s.: what does that mean
Space: like hes got a lot of phlegm in his throat
duff this is actually badass
and i need a badass theme for sakura
this is, of course, easy for me
eldritch s.: i don t understand
Mac D.: fact: the ace combat series has better music than that game you like
eldritch s.: probably
Mobile L (GM): It s got the best shit
Mac D.: the song title fits what i m tryna do with rich tbh
Space: you know like he has a cold or somethin
Mobile L (GM): It is fuckin dope-ass
eldritch s.: i do not understand that space
Space: guys pls help me
Mobile L (GM): Like, congested
eldritch s.: what does everyone who isn t space think he sounds like
Space: congested yes for sakura
eldritch s.: sakura was congested

Mobile L (GM): I think Hiram sounds like a higher-pitched Pilot Red Sun
Mac D.: like dende because he s a slug boy
"Medusa": B/
Shirou Emiya: ehehehehehehe....
"Heracles": B|
"Medusa" stomps on shirou
Mobile L (GM): Okay, I am sleepy as fuck and need to crash
Mac D.: go
Space: nite nite
Mac D.: die a peaceful deat
Mobile L (GM): Thank you all, I love you, hope for tomorrow. G night
Space: fuckin cash as hell sesh
you know it feels good when before
you weren t sure on how to write a chaacter
but there s a point when it just clicks
Mac D.: fuck yes i do
feels good to get back into the groove of richard after such a hiatus playing as
eldritch s.: i tried to differentiate hiram s brand of emotionally stundted stoc
ism from richard s
Space: it works
Mac D.: you did a great job meng
Space: i have high hopes for this evangelion roll0
eldritch s.: i m trying to a fighty music for hiram
browsing my likes on soundclouds
Sakura Emiya: they re here
outside of my room
Gustavo Fring: ayyy lmao
Mr. Milk: my, um... my sprite is pretty... pretty beige...
"Medusa" stomps on him
Mr. Milk: ...o-oh my... i m, um... i died...
oh dear...
Sakura Emiya: i am, it seems, exactly as tall as gunther
Gnther Glazkov: damn my shitty gaijin genes, making me short...
Sakura Emiya: theresa is taller
Theresa Fuentes: finally not tiny for once B)
Sakura Emiya: fuggin robot
Theresa Fuentes: beep boop, betch
Sakura Emiya: fuckin attack of the giant gila monter over here is hueg
Guillermo Fuentes: errything is too goddamn tiny
Sakura Emiya: you are the size of my worshing machine
Space: mrs minty
Sakura Emiya: ...ehehehe......
Sakura Emiya kill me now, she thinks
Space: sakura is a lot of fun i think
shes the person who is nice to everyone, but not genuinely close to anyone
Mobile L (GM): I fuckin love her so far. I can see the littlest bit of FG Sak g
leaming through, and it gives me a big ol smile
I wanna hug her so bad
Space: it ll be fun when she has a breakdown
Mobile L (GM): Ohhhh yes
All these damn kids are gonna have a breakdown
Even maybe the NPCs

Space: i m going through the list of traumas in the player handbook

and cackling
Mobile L (GM): They thought of everything, didn t they?
Space: yesssssssssssss
breakkdowns tooo
Mobile L (GM): Nyehehehehe
Space: Effect: The character becomes crippled by social anxiety to the point tha
t they become physically
unable to speak when agitated, pressured or surrounded by other people. This is
often frustrating for the
character, as they may wish to speak but cannot work up the will or the calm to
do so.
At the start of each session, the GM rolls 1d6. Later, the GM may (up to that ma
ny times per session)
invoke this Breakdown and force the player to test Composure. On a success, the
player may act
Space: normally despite their anxiety. On a failure, the character locks up and
loses the ability to speak or
otherwise communicate in words for the rest of the current scene, though they ma
y still hear and act
otherwise. Another player taking your character aside and away from stress or di
stractions to test
Persuade against you to successfully calm you down can end the effect early, but
otherwise you can only
wait until the scene changes to another time or location.
Mobile L (GM): Gordon
Space: yehhh
Effect: The character acquires a coping mechanism that they have to use to calm
down, but it turns selfdestructive.
This is usually something easily performed that doesnt raise too many alarms, unt
il some
stressful circumstance causes you to start performing it excessively and with vi
sible detriment to
yourself. Examples include washing your hands until they become raw, biting your
nails until you taste
blood, or eating until you throw up.
Mobile L (GM): Ohhhh fuck, ahahaha
Yeah, this is Eva as shit
Space: Effect: After an analysis of your brain and blood, the medical team enter
s a frenzy of activity. The result
is a hard thing to hear, especially for someone so young: you are dying.
Either your connection to your Evangelion or whatever other strange things you h
ave been exposed to
lately have overwhelmed your system in a way that is hard to describe or predict
. Exposure to LCL
seems to stabilize you, but only a little. With Nervs resources and medicine you
will probably live
another three years, but certainly not five. Without Nerv your condition will de
teriorate much more
Space: quickly, probably a year of life at most.
Modern medical science cannot cure you. It would take a legitimate miracle to sa
ve your life. Your only
consolation is that the disease might be named after you.
End Condition: None. You have no future. Plan accordingly.
Mobile L (GM): :,)
Space: Effect: The character begins to lose track of their own continuity, remem
bering things differently than
they used to or even remembering things that never happened to them at all. All

the while blissfully

ignorant that anything is wrong.
At the start of each session, go around the group and have each other player com
e up with a new detail
or memory. You must choose one of these presented options, and from now on your
remembers that thing as always having been true, becoming confused or disturbed
if the contradiction is
Space: pointed out to them. Over time, the cumulative effect of these new memori
es stands a good chance of
changing how your characters acts, feels, and views the world.
Mobile L (GM): These are diabolical
Space: love this fucking system
Mobile L (GM): It s perfect
Space: these sprites are good too
really add like a
visual cohesion
Mobile L (GM): Excellent. That was the intention.
I have to fuck with some of em to get the colors right and stuff, but that spri
ter is really handy
Space: isnt it?
i m just in deep approval
Mobile L (GM): :)
Space: and excited for this roll
Mobile L (GM): Same, same. Just gotta give it the final push, then we can actual
ly get people in the robot.
Sakura Emiya: gunther
my robot
is cooler than yours
Gnther Glazkov: ahahaha they won t even let me get in the robot because i fucking
Sakura Emiya: bitch
Gnther Glazkov: :,)
Mobile L (GM): I think it is telling
that I have an entire playlist for this thing entitled "Sad Shit"
Sakura Emiya: ah-ha
i m now taller than gila
Guillermo Fuentes: d-damn...!
Space: i m gonna slip up and call him gila in character
i just knw it
Mobile L (GM): That is A-okay. It can be a nickname
Theresa Fuentes: owww, my scalp...
Sakura Emiya: quit complaining
Theresa Fuentes: your shoes are digging into my headflesh...
Sakura Emiya: good
you re ruining america..
Theresa Fuentes: puta you d better quit or i ll take my prosthetic leg off and b
eat your ass with it
Space: Comes from a little Canadian city known as Belmont, even though she s eth
nically Vietnamese
Gabby Tran: i am confused about life...
illya is the best character and needs to be safe from harm
Mac D.: hi nerds
Illya Emiya: :D
Mobile L (GM): AYY LMAO
Mobile L (GM): Making sprites for motherfuckers
Space: shirou pls go

hello duff
Mac D.: does mobile know about my presence in distant lights yet
Mobile L (GM): Well, I know now, don t I?
Mac D.: what about my character
Elias Fontain de la Tour Dauterive
Space: redneck samurai
Mobile L (GM): Oh fuck a frenchie
eldritch s.: creole
Mac D.: creole
Mobile L (GM): Oh fuck a cajun
eldritch s.: he comes from sweetgrass dixieland
Mac D.: distant descendent of one Billiam Fontain de la Tour Dauterive
Mobile L (GM): Does he know how to make a kickass low-country boil?
Mac D.: you bet he does
Mobile L (GM): Fuck yes
Mac D.: unfortunately he has no one to share it with because all his friends and
family are dead
Mobile L (GM): Awww
eldritch s.: oh wow
they broken in
o ,eamt tp say
Mac D.: he lives in a quarantined garden district
eldritch s.: they broke in
Sakura Emiya: it s a raid
they re storming the bastille
eldritch s.: but they broken in works too
Mac D.: he used to have quite the circle of friends
Heath Hill
the charismatic, fast-talking propane salesman
Don Gribble
the hardboiled law enforcement officer
and Boomhaur
Mobile L (GM): Ohhhh my gawwwd!
Space: jesus christ
Mobile L (GM): Beautiful
Hiram Hegel: what time is it in evaland
Mobile L (GM): It ll prolly be morning again once I start up
You guys cool for more skle?
Hiram Hegel: sure
Sakura Emiya is sleeping on top of the television apparently
Mobile L (GM): Sakura no
Mac D.: will olive be absent agayn
Hiram Hegel lies in his bed, eyes wide open
Mobile L (GM): Sadly he shall, but that just means balls to the wall, anything g
uhp, not yet ya sillies
Gotta sprite a couple more fools
Richard Owens is going through his morning exercise routine
Richard Owens: HANDSOMELY shirtless
Space: let the people do morning routine shenanigans to placate them
Hiram Hegel: the dead body in his room
Space: so i can finish my math homework quick
Mobile L (GM): Yus, this works for me
Space: *spanish
Mobile L (GM): Spitball while I finish up
Richard Owens HUP HO HOO HAH

Mobile L (GM): I cannot go for as late, FYI, because I feel half-dead from last
night s bender
Richard Owens NO PAIN NO GAIN
Mac D.: drink caffeine
Mobile L (GM): I did... :,<
Mac D.: splash yourself with ice-cold water
Space: wuss
Mobile L (GM): fuk y all
Mac D.: stand outside naked for a while
Hiram Hegel slowly gets out of bed
Space: that s what duff does in the winter
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mac D.: unfortunately my eighty-six layers of fat makes the attempt in vain
Space: just hibernate for the winter
Hiram Hegel tries to remember what he dreamed about
Mac D.: that s what i do actually
Hiram Hegel: do androids dream of electric sheep
Richard Owens is doing push-ups like a motherfucker
Sakura Emiya slumbers in her room
Hiram Hegel can t remember
Hiram Hegel puts on his clothes
Hiram Hegel presumably after showering
Space: no bathrooms in here
he gets his own bathrroom
Hiram Hegel: golden showering
Space: holy shit why does hiram get his own bathroom
Mac D.: richard doesn t need to pee
he has trained his body to process waste into raw energy
Hiram Hegel: no i think that was established to be a walk-in closet
which is still unfair
Space: just give hiram his own bathroom so he doesnt get slime everywhere
Hiram Hegel: but you know what
he lives here
this is his life
sakura at least came from a house
Richard Owens accidentally knocks some books from his bookshelf during his routi
ne, making NOISE
Hiram Hegel: and owen came from the us of a
Sakura Emiya: i m the most normal fucker here
Hiram Hegel: hiram was born here
Sakura Emiya: " born "
Hiram Hegel: prokopis squeezed him out of his own btt
Hiram Hegel sits on his bed for a bit, all dressed up
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: ....

Richard Owens goes to pick up the books he knocked over

Hiram Hegel puts on his shades
Sakura Emiya: Zzz...
Richard Owens grabs his bathroom essentials and exits his room to hit the shower
Space: he walks out of the fridge
Hiram Hegel: look at this shit
the microwave
Space: what happens if you tore off hiram s sunglasses and shined a flashlight i
n his face
Hiram Hegel: is on the fridge
he d be in immense pain
Space: good
Hiram Hegel: might give him a seizure
Richard Owens: testicular cancer for sure
Sakura Emiya: weakness must be culled from this organization
Hiram Hegel: clubfoot
Richard Owens: we have no need for betas
Hiram Hegel: his prostate would fall out
Richard Owens: come sakura let us make out in front of him and make him extremel
y uncomfortable
Hiram Hegel gets himself some salt free breakfast and milk
Space: the game literally calls sakura an attention whore with this trait
Richard Owens look there hiram
Space: Attention Whore: This character lives to be the center of attention, and
they have gotten good at both
attracting the spotlight and thriving in it. They begin play proficient in the D
istract and Charm skills.
Sakura Emiya: get the fuck out of my room you midget
Richard Owens it s the man planning your eventual demise
Gabby Tran: frick u i do what i want
Hiram Hegel: oh shit
Sakura Emiya: now see here you fucking child
Hiram Hegel clenche his teeth slightly
Gabby Tran: frick all y all
Richard Owens look at those AAAAAAABS
Space: is gabby that short in third heaven
Hiram Hegel rules out the murder pln
Hiram Hegel: *plan
Mobile L (GM): She miiiiight be one year younger here
Hiram Hegel continues aquiring sustenance
"Heracles": hey guys is this a slumber party
Space: a year before... the belmont happenings
Hiram Hegel: no
"Medusa": you are not wleocme here
Space: oh right
Hiram Hegel: the timeline is just fucked up
Space: ten years before
Hiram Hegel: who gives a shit
Space: someone just went at it

"Heracles" crushes sak and gab under his foot

Space: with a hammer
Hiram Hegel: there are magical furies
"Medusa": fucker
Hiram Hegel: they fucked time up
Gabby Tran: friiiiick x_x
Hiram Hegel: a distortion
Gabby Tran dies
Hiram Hegel: in the timspace
Space: dr who roll20
Hiram Hegel: marty
Richard Owens goes to take a gatdam shower
Hiram Hegel: i need those gigawatts
man what would his salt-free breakfast look like i wonder
Mac D.: things i want to do as richard:
Mac D.: choke a motherfucker out with a tie as a garrote
Hiram Hegel: those all say
Hiram Hegel: low salt
Space: thats true
Mac D.: hiram just melts
Hiram Hegel: i think
he can take it
in very low levels
else i don t think he could eat at all
like there s trace amounts of sodium
in a lot of shit
Hiram Hegel: granted sodium =/= table salt
yeah it s just sodium chloride that does it
not sodium
Hiram Hegel continues his routine
Richard Owens is CLEANING himself
Sakura Emiya deep slumber
Richard Owens eventually exits the shower and dries off, clothing himself and wa
lking down the hall to obtain BREAK FAST
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens stops at Sakura s door
Sakura Emiya: Zzzz...
Richard Owens: .......
Richard Owens checks if the door is locked
Sakura Emiya yes
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens exhales out his nose slightly and just knocks
Sakura Emiya nothing

Richard Owens: .....

Richard Owens knocks louder
Sakura Emiya: Just a few more minutes...?
Richard Owens: We have to get to school.
Sakura Emiya sighs deeply
Sakura Emiya: Let me get ready...
Hiram Hegel: he kicks the door down
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel eats his food
Richard Owens heads for the kitchen to satiate his balanced diet
Hiram Hegel: sak hid the bong
Richard Owens numnumnums next to Hiram
Hiram Hegel observes him through his shades
Richard Owens is eating at a quick and efficient pace, making sure himself and h
is immediate area stays clean
Mobile L (GM): sorry about this song y all I didn t listen to it until now
Richard Owens: if this motherfucker doesn t stop talking to me
Mobile L (GM): There. Carry on!
Richard Owens classy military breakfast
Hiram Hegel: grg
Richard Owens: ....?
Richard Owens looks at Hiram, hearing the tiny noise he made
Mobile L (GM): Ah shit, I cannot tell if that s BRB or GTG
Mac D.: it could be EITHER ONE
Mobile L (GM): fuuuuuuk
his avatar isn t gone yet i assume it s a brb
Mobile L (GM): Maple syrup is a helluva drug
Space: holy shit it legit could be either one
b and g are close to each other, as are r and t
Mobile L (GM): He has created a hybrid
Mac D.: i can only assume he was typing drunk again
sakura s taking her SWEET-ASS TIME with her shower
Sakura Emiya: yes
Richard Owens: ......
Richard Owens notices the opened door to her room
Richard Owens: ........................
Sakura Emiya what do...
Space: ah, seer vanished
Richard Owens: .....
Mac D.: is this
the end
we must press on
in vain hope
Space: let s not do a scene change
only if he returns
Mobile L (GM): I ll say it s an hour to school

Space: i can always show you the cool musical, hamilton
Mac D.: i m going to strangle you
Mobile L (GM): I can actually filch some shenanigans up
Richard Owens: ...
Space: mobile duff hates hamilton
Sakura Emiya door s open........
Richard Owens WAAAAAALKS over and LOOOOOOKS into her room
Mobile L (GM): damn...
Sakura Emiya has a nice room
Sakura Emiya hasn t had a chance to put a bunch of stuff in it yet
Richard Owens: ......
Richard Owens: ...?
Richard Owens looks toward the doorway and walks over, opening the door
"Medusa": it s gendo
Gnther Glazkov: Good morning. Can I use your restroom.
Richard Owens: ....
Good morning. What s wrong with yours.
Space: gunther stands on the plant as he talks
Gnther Glazkov: I am prohibitively far from it, as I opted to walk into town to e
at breakfast.
Richard Owens: ...
There is someone using the shower, right now.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Hm. Troubling. Do you have an ETA on that.
Richard Owens: I am unsure of the typical lengths of her showers.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Well. May I wait here, then. I think I can hold it for, ah...

...Maybe eight more minutes, conservatively.

Mobile L (GM): Frig, BRB
Space: we can listen to hamilton while we wait
Richard Owens: ....
Mac D.: i notice that Richard has like, the smallest ego AND stress pools betwee
n the two other pilots
Space: sakura has the biggest stress pool
Mac D.: of course richard also is immune to fear and takes less damage to stress
than the other two
Mobile L (GM): Baaaaaackle
Mac D.: i m gonna say it s because he has emotional baggage from killing people
in the past
Mobile L (GM): Awww... :,(
Mac D.: the military breeds soldiers, not bleeding hearts
Mobile L (GM): War is hell
Gnther Glazkov:
Richard Owens: .....You can wait.
Gnther Glazkov looks as calm and patient as ever, despite needing to pee
Gnther Glazkov: ...Okay. Thank you.
Gnther Glazkov idly peers at the various dorms
Richard Owens: ...
Gnther Glazkov: ...It seems as though MIDAS was willing to make sizeable expendit
ures on your living quarters.
As perhaps they should.

Mac D.: s a good quote
Mobile L (GM): Quite
Richard Owens: Yes.
I assume it was built to accomodate more than three pilots.
Gnther Glazkov: So it seems. Do you play musical chairs with all the rooms or wha
Space: love this song
Richard Owens: No, we simply claimed rooms.
Richard Owens is wondering what is taking that girl so long
Gnther Glazkov: ...Hm. But if you ever got bored of one room, you could theoretic
ally just put all your stuff in another.
Sakura Emiya is singing in he shower
Sakura Emiya: *the
Sakura Emiya you can hear her from here
Space: i m going to roll for how good the singing is
Richard Owens: I suppose, yes.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Eheheheh. Does she take requests.
Space: what stat would it be
Richard Owens: Focus on holding it in, please.
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 64
Space: 50 + 41
[50 + 41]
so i have to get lower than 91 to succeed on an empathy roll?
Mac D.: i believe that s how it works yes
Space: fuck yes
Mac D.: it could be half your score that s the actual bonus i m unsure
Mobile L (GM): Sakura is fuckin pop idol
Daaaamn, Sakura, going all Disney Princess up in this bitch!
Gnther Glazkov: Oh, I am... Hehehehehehahaha, oh my god...!
Richard Owens: .....
Sakura Emiya: I DREAMED a DREAM of times gone byyyYYYYYYY
Gnther Glazkov: Areare you sure she s a Pilot and not an American Idol auditioner?
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens pinches the bridge of his nose like "great i have to deal with ano
ther stalker"
Gnther Glazkov: ...Hey. Why the long face. I m just trying to take our collective
minds off of the realities of the now.
Richard Owens: .....Wait here.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Very well. Mm.
Richard Owens walks over to the bathroom door and knock-knock-knocks
Sakura Emiya: But life has killed the dream I-Who is it?

Gnther Glazkov: ...I will never have coffee again.

Richard Owens: Richard.
Sakura Emiya: I m almost done.
Richard Owens: A classmate needs to use the bathroom, please hurry.
Gnther Glazkov:
Sakura Emiya: Okay, okay...
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens walks back over to gunth
Sakura Emiya: ...The dream I dreeeamed...
Richard Owens: She s almost done.
Sakura Emiya exits shortly after
Sakura Emiya goes to acquire breakfast
Sakura Emiya: out of the way slugfucker
Richard Owens: There, go.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Ah. Very good. Thank you again.
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh, it s Gunther!
Gnther Glazkov: Hellogoodbye
Sakura Emiya: He s funny, isn t he?
Richard Owens walks up to join the chumps squad by the fridge
Gnther Glazkov:
Sakura Emiya gets breakfast w/ salt
Richard Owens: I suppose.
Gnther Glazkov is validated a tiny bit
Richard Owens: He liked your singing.
Sakura Emiya: i got ur back
Sakura Emiya: Oh-- you could hear that?
Richard Owens: Yes.
Sakura Emiya is a little surprised
Sakura Emiya: ...Well-- I m glad he did.
Did you like it, Richard?
Richard Owens: .....
Gnther Glazkov:
Richard Owens: ..It was....fine, yes.
Gnther Glazkov smirks and puts fuckin googly eyes on the toilet lid before he le
Gnther Glazkov: Ah. There. My regret for consuming those dreadful espressos is no
longer bearing down on me like the grave.
Sakura Emiya brightens
Sakura Emiya: I m so glad!
Richard Owens: Good. See you at school.
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh-Gunther, would you like some breakfast?
Richard Owens: ...
Gnther Glazkov: ...Oh? That is certainly charitable of you, especially considerin
g that I probably already owe you.
Richard Owens: ...
Gnther Glazkov: Are you attempting to put me in the gratitude poorhouse. Heh.

Sakura Emiya: Oh, no. It s just hospitality.

Gnther Glazkov: ...Eheheh. Very well.
I promise I will only have a quarter of my usual portion, so you can have supper
tonight and everything. Eheh heh.
Richard Owens: ...
Sakura Emiya: Oh, no, it s fine.
Gnther Glazkov idly ogles Richayyy as he plods his way to the fridge
Sakura Emiya acquires a toaster strudel for gunther
Richard Owens has eaten his routine portion and just stands there
Gnther Glazkov nabs it up and smile-nods cordially
Sakura Emiya was a trick
Sakura Emiya it s one of those gross toaster strudels with eggs and cheese in it
... instead of delicious fruit filling
Richard Owens: ....
Gnther Glazkov bites into that mothafucka
Gnther Glazkov: ?
Sakura Emiya meanwhile is enjoying microwave bacon and microwave toast
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Gnther Glazkov: Pawning this old thing off on me, are we. That s smart of you, re
ally. You know I ll eat the whole thing.
Gnther Glazkov smirks warmly
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya: I m sorry, I don t understand.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Hm. Do you actually enjoy the toaster strudels with eggs and c
heese in them.
Gnther Glazkov has another bite of it. He dun give a shit.
Richard Owens: ...
Sakura Emiya: Oh - they re called toaster scrambles.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Heh. The proud, the few, the fans of the toaster scrambles.
Richard Owens: ...
Space: richard feels personally slighted
Gnther Glazkov: Probably better for you, anyway. There is actual protein in it.
Gnther Glazkov nom nom nom
Mac D.: he s just standing there quietly like a dork
Sakura Emiya: I think that they taste better.
Gnther Glazkov: Well. You would probably be alone in that regard, but not unfortu
nate. The sugary ones are basically just a slow, meandering death from diabetes
in a pastry shell.
...Not that I don t have them often. Heh.
Mobile L (GM): holy shit shinji
Gnther Glazkov: ...Well then. I think I have eaten enough of your time and food.
I probably ought be off.
Sakura Emiya: Oh -- yes, that s fine. Um, thank you for coming!
Sakura Emiya smiles at him
Gnther Glazkov: Heh. Thanks are not necessary, as I probably did not give you any
thing useful in return for your hospitality... besides nutritional information a

bout toaster strudels, that is. God knows we could always use more of that in th
ese strange days.
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya: Yes, definitely!
Gnther Glazkov slowly ambles for the door, moving with eerie grace for such a lar
Space: the shadow of him still remains
Richard Owens: ...
Gnther Glazkov: exactly according to keikaku. kehehehahahahaha...!
...Well. Goodbye, then, and I will see you at school.
Gnther Glazkov slips out the door
Sakura Emiya: Goodbye!
...He sure is a character, isn t it?
Richard Owens: ...Yes.
Sakura Emiya: Well, things are definitely more lively with people like him aroun
d, wouldn t you say?
Gnther Glazkov is glad you think that... :,)
Richard Owens: ...?
Richard Owens looks over and goes to get the door
It s...........
Gabby Tran: ...Hi, um. Frickin ... Do I got the wrong house? Is Sakura here?
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh!
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens nods
Richard Owens: She s here.
Sakura Emiya: Hello!
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens steps back
Gabby Tran: ...Oh, thank frick, I didn t wanna have walk any other places... Fri
ckin need to break these dang shoes in.
...Um, hi, yeah, I m friends with your sister, Illya.
Sakura Emiya: Oh! That s right, she s mentioned you before. Your name is Gabby,
isn t it?
Gabby Tran: Yep! Yeah, that s me. Good to finally meetcha, and, um.. and stuff.
Sakura Emiya: You can come in, if you want. We were just finishing breakfast...
Gabby Tran: Oh. Uh, sure, thanks...
Gabby Tran looks up at RICHARD as she walks in
Gabby Tran is veddy small and veddy veddy asian
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens has cold, frightening eyes
Gabby Tran: .......
Gabby Tran uhhhh... frickle frackle...
Richard Owens: ...
Sakura Emiya: This is Richard. Richard Owens, he s another pilot.
Richard Owens: ...Hello.
Space: he is risen, he is risen indeed
Gabby Tran: ...Oh. Uhm... Hey, yeah. Good to meetcha also...?
Mac D.: IS

Gabby Tran: ...So, uhm. I was gonna bring this by Illya s place, but I think she
was already gone or somethin ...
Probably went with her dad for breakfast...
Mac D.: i ve never been more happy to see a canadian
Gabby Tran: i m canadian too you fricker
Richard Owens: ...
Sakura Emiya: What is it you have?
Gabby Tran: ...But like, anyway. Grandma and Grandpa said that it s okay if I go
see Pride and Prejudice, and I got a ticket, buuuut...
...I actually didn t get a ticket, I got two tickets! Nyeheheheh.
Richard Owens: ....
Gabby Tran: ...So, um... so your sister can come, if she s able.
Gabby Tran eeeegh... scary frickin guy
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel: my eyes
Gabby Tran eeeeeep...!
Sakura Emiya: Well, I ll definitely be sure to tell her.
Hiram Hegel: i got cinnamon powder in my eyes
Gabby Tran: ahahaha fricker
Space: oh jesus
Mac D.: is that why you died
Hiram Hegel: no i got pulled into a shopping trip
what s even going on
Mac D.: oh ok
Mobile L (GM): They re HAVING A BREKFUSS before SKUUL
Mac D.: we ve been stalling for time in the vain hope that you would return to u
Gabby Tran: Okay, cool! And here s the ticket.
Gabby Tran gives it Sak
Richard Owens: ...
Sakura Emiya takes it
Hiram Hegel was presumably looking for his flashlight or something
Hiram Hegel exits his room
Sakura Emiya: Alright, thank you for stopping by!
Sakura Emiya bows
Richard Owens: We will see that this gets to Illya.
Space: just imagine richard saying that
Gabby Tran: Sure, okay, and um... thanks also. See you guys at school.
Space: in the most determined voice
staring down at gabby
Hiram Hegel: ...
Space: "...We will see that this gets to Illya."
Richard Owens: it is fucking go-time do you hear me you little shit
Hiram Hegel looks at this, silent
Space: dramatic music plays
Sakura Emiya: Be seeing you!
Gabby Tran waves and smiles dorkily and scurries out the door
Sakura Emiya: fuckkin midget...

Gabby Tran: that s racist

Sakura Emiya: ...Oh! Hiram, you re up!
Hiram Hegel:
Richard Owens: .....We should hurry, or we ll be late.
Mac D.: i m disappointed that Obsessive Compulsion is not a listed Trauma
Hiram Hegel: I ve been up this entire time.
Space: i could have sworn i saw it in the pdf
Mac D.: i was gonna give that to Rich as a trauma to start out with
Space: oh you don t start out with traumas
Mobile L (GM): I think the self-harm thing kinda counts? It s got obsessive hand
Hiram Hegel: just right out the gate
he has a trauma
Mac D.: war is unpleasant
Space: i think ur confusing
Hiram Hegel: rich IS a trauma
Space: traumas
and drawbacks
Gabby Tran: war is heck...
Hiram Hegel look at them
Sakura Emiya: thanks gabby
Hiram Hegel: We ll be late.
Sakura Emiya: Oh - have you already had breakfast, Hiram?
Richard Owens: .....We should hurry.
OHHHH SNAP, the big ol skoolbus is pulling up outside you dorms
Sakura Emiya: ...!
Hiram Hegel: Yes,
Sakura Emiya: No time gotta go!
Sakura Emiya rushes out the door
Richard Owens nods and heads for that fukkin buss
Hiram Hegel hastens to the bus, but not like a spaz
Hiram Hegel: you know
like sakura
Hiram Hegel: or that greasy italian spaz
Mac D.: hiram runs to the bus like "LEMMIE TELL YOU ABOUT FF7"
Hiram Hegel: do we roll
Nah, you re on the bus.
Mac D.: roll to not get hit by moving bus
Hiram Hegel: that greasy italian spaz who supported the crusades
and BROOM BROOM it drives your prissy young asses to SCHOOL
Richard Owens looked out the window stiffly the whole way
Richard Owens thought of Arcades.....
Shirou Emiya: eheheheheheheheheh........
Sakura Emiya wonders what excitement today will bring
Richard Owens: hiram i have hiv
YOU ARE AT SCHOOL and your first class is with... Mrs. Minty
Kiddoes start piling in the room, sleepily or otherwise.
Richard Owens is in the room and in a desk in a flash

Hiram Hegel: ...

Richard Owens ready for some god damn BOOKLEARNING
Sakura Emiya is still lying in bed it seems
Hiram Hegel tries to sit far away from Richard
Richard Owens oh shit it s the br
Iria Matos gazes fondly at Rich from her desk
Hiram Hegel: what
is a br
Richard Owens: brazillian
Space: the map, it must be swapped
Hiram Hegel: fucking racist
Richard Owens: huehuehue
Hiram Hegel: it is
it has been switched
Richard Owens: refress chumpass
Mobile L (GM): Uhp, forgot Space
Space: ther we go
Hiram Hegel: space just has a mental diability
Sakura Emiya sits in the back
Richard Owens makes an effort to keep the occasional eye on Sakura to make sure
she doesn t fall asleep in class again
Space: you ll have to look behind her in class...
what if the teacher se-oh my god that board
Heyyy, it s your stupid weakass teach from yesterday... and he s making small-ta
lk with the other teacher...
Richard Owens: good spatial awareness is one of the first things they teach you
at the acadamy
Hiram Hegel: weak
Sakura Emiya: milquetoast
Hiram Hegel: white-guilt
piece of human trahs
Richard Owens: they locked me in a pitch-black room and shot bullets at me at ra
ndom locations
Mr. Milk: A-and, um... Itit goes really withwith grapes and... sometimes crackers.
.. It s just, um, it s very versatile cheese...
Sakura Emiya throws a shoe at mr. milk useless fucker
Mr. Milk: owww...
Richard Owens: ...
Sakura Emiya smiles idly, watching the dorkiest teacher fucks you ll ever see
Hiram Hegel:
Hiram Hegel passively observes
Mrs. Minty: Oh my flaky crumpets!~ Well now, I ll be sure to keep that in mind,
Mr. Milk, and I hope you bring some to this year s Christmas party. I m going to
bring my famous butterscotch pudding!~
Richard Owens: ....
Mrs. Minty just sounds like the most stereotypical sweet old lady ever

Richard Owens pays rapt attention to her

Richard Owens with his
Richard Owens dead
Richard Owens lifeless eyes
Mr. Milk: O-oh my... That, um... that sounds simply divine...
Mr. Milk smiles dreamily
Mr. Milk: ...Uhm! O-oh dear, I d best... I need to get going. Um... B-be seeing
you around, M-Mrs. Minty...
Hiram Hegel: weak
Mr. Milk: milquetoast
Hiram Hegel: for
a second
i thought mrs minty s bio
said kinky
Mrs. Minty: Goodbye, Mister Milk! Hope you have a bright and cheery morning!~ Ee
Hiram Hegel: rather than kindly
Mrs. Minty: :-)!!!!
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mobile L (GM): holy fuck i m gonna die
damn you
Mrs. Minty:
Richard Owens: ....
Mrs. Minty is just really feelin it
Sakura Emiya: Good morning, teacher!
Sakura Emiya bright and cheery this morning
Mrs. Minty: I hope all of you spry little spuds had wonderful weekend. I am your
Biochemistry teacher, Mrs. Minty!
Hiram Hegel is just completly stonefaced
Richard Owens is also completely stoneface
Mrs. Minty: ...Ohhh my, I just remembered! You re going to my Pilot class, aren
t you?
Sakura Emiya nod nod nod
Mrs. Minty: Eeheehee! I wrote it all up on the board, but I was a silly billy an
d forgot.
Mac D.: are we gonna get in the robot
Mobile L (GM): we cannot robot until Oliver Tree
Richard Owens nods
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mrs. Minty: Allllrighty, then, my perky little Pilots, I m gonna go ahead and pa
ss out the syllabus for you!
Richard Owens nods again
Mrs. Minty shuffles around the room and hands out papers
Sakura Emiya looks down at el papel

Richard Owens READ

These syllabi, they... They have lace fringes... and kittens on the front...
Sakura Emiya oh, how... how sweet...
Sakura Emiya smiles fakely
The course description is there, in between two jolly clipart cherubs... Wow, th
is is almost some college-level shit.
Hiram Hegel: ...
Sakura Emiya slowly loses her smile
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens cakewalk
Hiram Hegel tries to analyze it himself
...The syllabus also smells like peppermint.
Somehow. Don t ask why.
Hiram Hegel: as in figure out how much he knows
Space: roll intelect
Mrs. Minty: roll, my dearie sweet
Hiram Hegel: are there any modifiers on this
rolling 1d100
= 78
Space: 82
Hiram Hegel: what was that
Space: 50 + hiram s intellect number
...Shouldn t be too bad, Hiram. You did good enough in Chem and Bio, this oughtt
a be just fine as long as you study up.
Mrs. Minty: Ooooookay, my little dumplings! Now that you all have your syllabus,
we can talk about... class policies!~
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya: ....
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mrs. Minty: There will be extra credit assignments throughout the semester, so d
on t get in a tizzy if you don t do so great on an exam or quiz! All you have to
do is write a two-page paper on the biochemistry topic of your choice, and you
get ten free points!~ Isn t that dandy?
Richard Owens checks if this information is on the syllabus
Sakura Emiya: ..............
Sakura Emiya oh god...
Hiram Hegel: ...
It IS. Right there next to the picture of the Precious Moments angel hugging a b
eldritch s.: look at that
the fucking racist
she drew a swastika
Mrs. Minty: why are you defacing my board, lovelies... :,(
Richard Owens: .....
eldritch s.: you drew that, you racist
Mrs. Minty: :C
Richard Owens looks back up at Mrs. Minty
Sakura Emiya: your board was like that when i came in

Mrs. Minty just looks like she wants to be your auntie really really bad
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel is not enthused
Mrs. Minty: As for attendance! Since this is an upper-level course, it s importa
nt that all you sweet little duckies come in regularly and on time!
Sakura Emiya is gonna try her best to soldier through this class
Mrs. Minty: But of course, life has its ways of tripping you up, and some of you
will probably get the flu, or the mumps, or the vapors!
Sakura Emiya: or we ll suffer horiffic mental breakdowns
Mrs. Minty: In that case, all you have to do is bring me a doctor s note, and I
ll excuse your absence and let you make up missed assignments and exams!
Hiram Hegel doesn t care much for any of this
Mrs. Minty smiles warmly
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mrs. Minty: Alllllright, my petite eclairs, if we re all caught up and ready to
put our thinking caps on...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mrs. Minty: Get out your textbooks and turn to page
There is a very loud, very antiquated sounding phone ringing noise.
Mrs. Minty: ...Ohhhhh my frosted socks!~ It s my cellular going off again! Wait
tight, my little angels, I ll be back in two shakes of a lamb s tail!
Mrs. Minty gets out her massive, outdated by 2005-standards phone and leaves the

Sakura Emiya: ...

Iria Matos: ...Is this woman for real, or...?
Hiram Hegel continues to foster apathy
Hiram Hegel: wow gabby is so small
The room falls to the low chatter of anxious students...
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya quietly yawns, covering her mouth
Gnther Glazkov is closer to the edge even than you, Sakura
Timoti Proudfoot: ...The hill was that old bird on about?
Hiram Hegel: proudfoot, i need some deck cleaner
Sakura Emiya looks over at the Gunth
Mac D.: so after doing my homework
Timoti Proudfoot: dick sealant
Mac D.: i have recalled how skill rolls ACTUALLY work
Space: tell the words
Mobile L (GM): Tell us, por favor
Mac D.: the base target number of a skill roll is the character s skill number
so if richard were to do a coordination roll, the target number would be 40
with modifiers making the number higher or lower at the GM s discretion dependin
g on the percieved difficulty of whatever task they re doing
Space: this makes more sense i think
Hiram Hegel: i don t
Mobile L (GM): Ahhhh, I see
Hiram Hegel: understand
Space: okay say sakura is trying to do an empathy roll

her empathy is 41
Hiram Hegel: you have tol roll udner yoru skill number
Space: so to succeed, it has to be 41 or lower
Mac D.: yes
Mobile L (GM): Yes
Mac D.: well
it depends on how tough the task is, in the GM S opinion
Mobile L (GM): And I could be a dickhole and say she d need to get under 50 beca
use it s a crackhead
Mac D.: if it was a brainless task for example, she could add +30 to the target
Space: adding numbers makes it easier, taking numbers away makes it harder
Mobile L (GM): Ah, yes
So that d be more "get it under 32" if I was being a dickhole
Mac D.: man we haven t even dealt with skills in our chargen yet have we
Mobile L (GM): Nope
Space hisses
Space: olive.......................
Mac D.: it will have to be done eventually
that son of a bitch and his essay hell
Gnther Glazkov is sloooowly nodding off, even though he allegedly had more than o
ne espresso
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya: ...
Richard Owens looks back at Sakura briefly
Sakura Emiya well if he s doing it, it s okay if you do too
Sakura Emiya yawns again
Richard Owens: ........
Gabby Tran stares at Hiram from her seat
Richard Owens looks back to the front of the class
Iria Matos is still mirin the Richard
Richard Owens: ......
Hiram Hegel looks at her from the corner of his eye
Gabby Tran mostly just seems befuddled by his shades
Space: he deflected her gaze
Iria Matos just can t help it with these Americans, man...
Richard Owens pays attention in class HANDSOMELY
Sakura Emiya lies her head down on the desk... just for a seond...
Richard Owens: ....
Iria Matos ...Mm... dreamy...
Richard Owens looks back at Sakura again
Hiram Hegel keeps sonefaced
Sakura Emiya: .........
Richard Owens: ....

Gnther Glazkov: Zzz... Zzz... Zz

Richard Owens: ...Richard Owens looks back at the front
Mrs. Minty just Kool-Aid mans in there
Sakura Emiya quickly sits up
Mrs. Minty: I... Am going to have to leave early today, because my niece is havi
ng a baby at home and I need to be a good great-auntie and help the little dear
into the world!~
Richard Owens: ....
...Is there a substitute.
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mrs. Minty: Mister Milk has agreed to come in and present the lesson! Isn t he j
ust an angel?
Richard Owens: ....Understood/
Mrs. Minty: Alright, get out your textbooks and get ready! I have a baby to birt
h. See you little dearies another day, toodle-oo!
Mrs. Minty RUSHES outta there like a little ol bullet train
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens summons forth the TEXT BOOK
You could swear you heard a sonic boom as Mrs. Minty tore through the halls of t
he school...
Hiram Hegel already had his out
Sakura Emiya readies the textbook... looks over at Gunther to make sure he s awa
Gnther Glazkov: ...Mm...? Mruhh... Zzzz...
Sakura Emiya nudges the gunth
Mr. Milk: Um.
Hiram Hegel: "no this douchebag again"
Mr. Milk: Hello there, um... class...
Hiram Hegel casually stares at him
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens looks at Mr. Milk
Mr. Milk: ...Uh... I-I hope that baby is... um... a healthy one... don t you?
Richard Owens with his cold
Richard Owens dead
Richard Owens lifeless
Richard Owens eye
Mr. Milk: ..............
Richard Owens s

Hiram Hegel nods

Gnther Glazkov: ?
Mr. Milk: So, um... Biochemistry...
Is, um...
...The chemistry of... of life...
Sakura Emiya: (Class is starting...)
Mr. Milk just squints down worriedly at his frilly syllabus
Richard Owens: ...
Gnther Glazkov: (...Oh. Him again... Heh.)
Hiram Hegel pays more attention to the text in the book than this simpering imbe
Mr. Milk: If, um... If we could turn to page... page 15...
Richard Owens knows better than to disrespect an authority figure
Hiram Hegel turns
Richard Owens turns to page fideen
Sakura Emiya turns the page
Mr. Milk does not look like he feels or understands this at all
Mr. Milk: ...So, um... These are amino acids...
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: there
Space: its canon
Mr. Milk: accurate
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya quietly looks at this
Hiram Hegel okay
Hiram Hegel yeah those are
Mr. Milk: Um... Mrs. Minty gave me her notes... and, um... apparently she... cro
cheted a bunch of, um... crochets that look like amino acids... But they re all
with her, so...
Space: gabby is just
sitting on the top of her chair
back to the teacher
Gabby Tran: frick you all, i didn t skip two grades for this
brb, gotta get a drank
Space: hiram is 16
sakura is 16
richard is 18
Richard Owens: ...
Space: hes an elder
Richard Owens: sakura get off the desk
Sakura Emiya: i m napping
Richard Owens: sakura so help me god i will get the belt
Sakura Emiya: i m telling father
Richard Owens: i AM father
Sakura Emiya: hiram, richard is delusional again
Richard Owens: i am SMARTER than
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: the AVERAGE bear
Hiram Hegel: hiram is objectively smarter than richard

Mobile L (GM): Gone for just a moment more, gonna slip into some PJs
Hiram Hegel: intelligence score
Sakura Emiya: i m the ;east smart
Mac D.: richard is stronger and faster than both of you
Sakura Emiya: i m th
the most empathetic
Richard Owens: yeah empathy s really gonna help us win the regional basketball g
ame, sakura
Hiram Hegel: hiram has a better synch ratio
Sakura Emiya: i m how we ll get public support and funding
Richard Owens: yeah well i m immune to fear
Sakura Emiya: i can sing
can you sing
Richard Owens: can you sing when you re scared
Sakura Emiya: yes
Richard Owens: BOO
Sakura Emiya: im a sniper
Richard Owens: i m the juggernaut
Sakura Emiya: bitch
Richard Owens: that s right
Mr. Milk: ...Um... So.
Cancan anyone, um... as a refresher... tell me what amino acids do...?
Mr. Milk shuffles his papers nervously
Sakura Emiya is about as unsure as Mr. Milk
Mr. Milk: ...Um... A-anyone...?
It... it doesn t have to, um... spot-on, just, um... just your best guess...?
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens military education DON T FAIL ME NOW
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 57
Mac D.: i still love this after all these years
Mobile L (GM): I don t care what anyone says, Be Kind Rewind was genuis
Ummmm... SHIT, Richard, it was like... uhhh... the powerhouse of the cell...?
Mac D.:
Richard Owens: ......
Mobile L (GM): Ahahahaha
Richard Owens does not feel confident in his military education
Richard Owens stays quiet
Mr. Milk: ..........
Mr. Milk god, why have you not struck me dead...?
Mr. Milk is my necktie long enough for me to hang myself here and now...?
Mr. Milk ...the ceiling is, um... so high up, though...
Mr. Milk:
Richard Owens: .....
Gnther Glazkov raises his hand
Mr. Milk: ...Y-yes, um... M-Mister Glazkov...?

Gnther Glazkov: They were invented by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann in 1938 and la
ter popularized as the drug of choice during the countercultural movement in Ame
rica during the 1960s.
Sakura Emiya: ...?
Sakura Emiya doesn t get it
Mr. Milk: ...Um... Uhhh... I think... I think that s, um... that s the wrong kin
d of a-acid, Mister Glazkov...
Richard Owens: ....
Gnther Glazkov: ...Heh. At least I tried.
Mr. Milk: ...Um...
...Let me just...
Mr. Milk sighs defeatedly and looks down at his own copy of the textbook
Hiram Hegel: i m back
Mr. Milk: ...A-amino acids are, um... the building blocks of proteins...
And, um... proteins are... the building blocks of the... the other stuff needed
for life, so... so amino acids are pretty important...
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens LEARNING
Mr. Milk: ...N-now, um, according to figure 1.6, the essential amino aci
RRRRRING, that is the bell.
Sakura Emiya oh thank god
Mr. Milk: ...Oh... Um...
Hiram Hegel stands up and walks out
Mr. Milk: ...Uh... Everyone gets, um... ten points for Mrs. Minty s grand-niece.
Hiram Hegel: ten points to gryffindor
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens gets outta there
Sakura Emiya gets up to leave
Sakura Emiya: Gunther?
Gnther Glazkov: Hm?
Sakura Emiya: What was that you mentioned about the countercultural movement>
Gnther Glazkov: ...Oh. I was trying to be a smartass about the "acid" bit of amin
o acids.
Richard Owens: ....
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh! Oh, I get it!
Gnther Glazkov: ...Heh! Eheheh, good, good...
Hiram Hegel begins heading to next thing
ERRYBODY HEADS TO... another course that is to be determined because I am a lazy
buttface, but then timeskip to LONCHE.
Richard Owens waits for Sak to be done exchanging meth lab tips with Gunth
Sakura Emiya: gunth we need to cook
Gnther Glazkov: yeah, bitch
TODAY S ESPECIALE ITALIANO IS... burgers. They felt American today, it seems.
Richard Owens: oh good
the meat of my people
Hiram Hegel does not partake in the burg

Sakura Emiya carefully picks the tomatoes off her burger

Richard Owens has the burg but has yet to partake
Richard Owens: ....Are you not fond of tomatoes, Sakura.
Hiram Hegel gets out his pre-pakced lunch
Sakura Emiya: Not really, do you want mine?
Richard Owens: It would be wasteful to throw them away. And they re acceptable w
ithin my dietary constraints.
Hiram Hegel begins slowly consuming his salt-free food
Sakura Emiya scoops them up, setting them on his tray
Sakura Emiya starts to enjoy the cafeteria burg
Richard Owens takes one with a plastic fork and eats it
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: whagt
i thought
you meant
Richard Owens: ....Sakura, did you have trouble sleeping, again.
Hiram Hegel: he ate the burger with a fork
Sakura Emiya: Oh, not tonight.
Hiram, how s your lunch?
Hiram Hegel: Acceptable.
Richard Owens: You were struggling to stay awake in class, again.
Sakura Emiya: What are you having?
Richard Owens: .......
Hiram Hegel: what is he having
Richard Owens exhales, frustrated
Salad, mebbe? This place always has a salad option?
Hiram Hegel: it s salad
There s lively chatter from all around as people discuss the horror that is Mrs.
Minty and her Biochemistry class.
Hiram Hegel: Salad.
Richard Owens eats his burg, listening to the chatter of the other childrens
Hiram Hegel: you fat whore
Sakura Emiya: I see... what kind of salad do you like?
Saskia Frank: I-it was... i-it was... ow you say...? Really, the... the stupid.
Richard Owens: .......
Elise Giles: opp no that was me
...Really... really terrible..
Space: her italian is not good
Mobile L (GM): Fronch
Space: fuckin frenchies
Hiram Hegel: Chilean salad.
eldritch s.:
only without the salted water
Sakura Emiya: Ah...
Shirou Emiya: ...Man. Guess education really is going down the toilet, huh?
Sakura Emiya doesn t know what that is
Shirou Emiya kicks up his feets on the table

Richard Owens: .....

Space: so what happens if hiram swims in the ocean
Hiram Hegel: he
would suffer a terrible fate
Mac D.: immediate death
Space: imagine
Mac D.: he becomes one with the sea
Hiram Hegel: i think we said salt ccuases
his skin to sizzle
Space: his eva gets punted into the open sea
Shirou Emiya: A goddamn shame. But it s not like we re gonna live to see this ge
neration have to deal with that... Keheheheh...
Hiram Hegel: so his flesh would just
slugh off
and he d melt
Mac D.: good thing richard s eva is suited for deep sea exploration
Hiram Hegel: if he eats it he pukes blood
Mac D.: and deep space exploration
and being on fire
Hiram Hegel: ...
Gustavo Fring appears to have been responsible for today s Chilean salad... Odd,
a teacher who also cooks...
Richard Owens: .....
Gustavo Fring swings by the kiddoes


Richard Owens keeps a wayward eye on Shirou, still listening to the other tables
Gustavo Fring: ...Good afternoon, children. Is the meal to your satisfaction?
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens nods
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh, yes, it is!
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
eldritch s.: jon is sak, grimbo is g
Mac D.: sakky is HONGRY
sakky is HONGRY
Gustavo Fring: Good, excellent. I see you re trying out my salad.
I haven t made that recipe in forever, so I wanted to be sure I hadn t gotten ru
sty. Ehahah...
Sakura Emiya: grimbo lives another day
eldritch s. nods
eldritch s.: whatever
Hiram Hegel nods
Gustavo Fring
Richard Owens: ....
Gustavo Fring: Very good. Can t keep myself busy enough with the teaching, so so
metimes I have to subject you all to my cooking... If all goes right next week,
I ll whip up a big batch of my famous stew.
Richard Owens turns his tertiary attention on the Hue-Squad over here
Nicoletta Kistner is impassionedly filling the others in on the Minty thing, and
Iria is helping
Richard Owens: .....

Sakura Emiya: Oh, good!

What s in it? Oh, could you make a version of it without salt?
Richard Owens s mind wanders to Arcades again...
Richard Owens always wanted to try his hand at Pac Man
Gustavo Fring: It s a Chilean fish stew... Ah, yes, I believe I could. Too much
salt in most of the other fare, no?
Guillermo Fuentes: ...De veras?
Richard Owens once almost got the chance to play it on a handheld device a frien
d smuggled through back at the academy, but they were caught and beaten over the
course of several days
Richard Owens: ........
Sakura Emiya: That s right.
Sakura Emiya nods
Iria Matos: S, s. Era horrible.
Richard Owens turns his attention back to the Brazillians
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 92
Mac D.: military education continues to fail him
Hiram Hegel: I would appreciate that.
Iria Matos: [...blah blah blah YES blah blah blah MINTY blah blah BAD blah blah
blah DAY]
Richard Owens: ..........
Theresa Fuentes: [...Blah! blah blah blah blah REALLY blah blah blah STUFF blah
blah blah LEARNING ABOUT blah blah blah]
Richard Owens: ....................................
Guillermo Fuentes: [...I CAN T FINISH MY CHURROS WOULD YOU blah blah blah blah?]
Richard Owens: .................................................................
Nicoletta Kistner: [OH YEAH I blah blah blah! Blah blah ME blah blah RIGHT HERE
blah blah PLEASE.]
Richard Owens FUCKING
Richard Owens BRS
Hiram Hegel finishes his food
Iria Matos: [HUE HUE HUE HUE]
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens just starts eating his hamburg
Gustavo Fring: Good, good... Well. I ought be going now, but it was good seeing
you kids. Have a good day, and I look forward to seeing you all in class.
Richard Owens using their hideous hue-ing as background noise
Sakura Emiya: Yes, it was nice talking to you!
Sakura Emiya smiles
Gustavo Fring smile-nods cordially and heads off to make a phonecall
Richard Owens: .........

....Do either of you have change on-hand.

Sakura Emiya: Oh -- I might, what do you need it for?
Hiram Hegel: .me nods
Richard Owens: I was planning on spending some time at the arcade after school,
and was wondering if you wanted to come along.
Hiram Hegel roots through his person
Gnther Glazkov has fallen asleep on his burg
Sakura Emiya: Oh! That sounds like a great time.
Hiram Hegel: do i roll for money
Richard Owens: Good.
Richard Owens geez cold shoulder much sak
Mobile L (GM): What stat would money be?
Hiram Hegel is planning on coming only further to deflect suspicion
Sakura Emiya: Uh-- excuse me, okay?
Space: it should probs be okay to just
assume he has spare change
Hiram Hegel: but how much
Mac D.: enough for games
Sakura Emiya: Gunther?
Mobile L (GM): Enough to get by in THE CITY
Hiram Hegel: i m going to roll a d100
and however much that rolls
Gnther Glazkov: ?
Hiram Hegel: that s how many ccents he has
Mac D.: stay your autism boy
Hiram Hegel: you know i actually have asperger s
Sakura Emiya: You fell asleep...
Gnther Glazkov: ...Oh. That happens.
Mac D.: having [Cents] is enough
Hiram Hegel: i just enjoy overcomplicating it
Mac D.: making things so DIFFICULT.....
Hiram Hegel: i hope you develop crohn s
Sakura Emiya: Do you not get a lot of sleep, either?
Mobile L (GM): you both gotta hel
Mac D.: hang on let me look that up
Hiram Hegel: you don;t
want to look that up
Mac D.: oh how rude
Space: how do you not know what crohns disease is
Hiram Hegel fondles the change in his pocket
Gnther Glazkov: I have narcolepsy. So I get most of it during the day, when I wou
ld rather not have it. Heh.
The change moans sensuously and goes UGUUUUUUUU~
Space: s-sempai
Sakura Emiya: Ah... I m sorry, Gunther.
Sakura Emiya nods sympathetically
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel doesn t know what to do
Richard Owens: ....
what s the matter slug boy don t wanna be with FRIENDS
Gnther Glazkov: Heh, no need. It doesn t bother me so much. I m pretty accustomed

to it.
Hiram Hegel intends to go to the arcade but i m talking present tense
Richard Owens eats burg
Sakura Emiya: Do the teachers know?
Hiram Hegel: ...
Tell me about your training.
Richard Owens: ...?
Richard Owens swallows and looks at him
Richard Owens: ...Training....Do you mean my exercise routine.
Gnther Glazkov: Sure. Assuming they read my documents, which I probably wouldn t
bother with if I were them.
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
We were interrupted last time we talked baout it.
Sakura Emiya: There s no need to sell yourself short like that, Gunther.
Gnther Glazkov sleepily chomps his burger
Richard Owens: ..It is a typical series of physical conditioning repetitions, an
d stretches.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Eheh. Mm... The sentiment is appreciated, Miss Emiya.
Hiram Hegel maybe I could learn some tricks from him
Richard Owens: It also involves weight-lifting, but my room unfortunately does n
ot have weights, and I have not thought to purchase any as of yet.
Gnther Glazkov nom... nom...
Richard Owens: I make do by using my couch.
Hiram Hegel: I see...
Hiram Hegel "MIO DIO"
Sakura Emiya smiles at him
Sakura Emiya: We were going to visit the arcade later today, do you want to come
Hiram Hegel: I...
Gnther Glazkov: ...Sure. I go by there on occasion anyway. Don t challenge me to
skiball, though, unless you would like to have your life ruined. Heh.
Richard Owens: During weekends, I also do multi-kilometer runs.
Hiram Hegel: ...
I was wondering if you could...
Richard Owens: Ten every morning is my goal, but if I am suffering from illness
or an injury, eight is acceptable.
Sakura Emiya: ?
Richard Owens: Yes.
Sakura Emiya: Why is that?
Hiram Hegel: Assist me in, well, creating a morning routine like your own.
Richard Owens: AhSpace: richard: 100 PUSHUPS, 100 SITUPS, 100SQUATS, AND 10 KM RUNNING
Richard Owens: ...Have you any experience with physical conditioning before.
Hiram Hegel: has he
i d assume like some amount
Gnther Glazkov: I destroy anyone and everyone at skiball. I don t even intend to,
it just sort of happens.
Space: he probably wouldn t need overmuch
if hes meant to pilot an eva

Gnther Glazkov says this like he is merely stating facts

Sakura Emiya: Ah... my brother s a lot better than I am at skiball anyways, so I
know how it goes.
Hiram Hegel: some amount
Gnther Glazkov: Heh. Shirou Emiya? I about made him cry last night.
Hiram Hegel: Not much.
eldritch s.:
Sakura Emiya: You-- you did?
Richard Owens: ....Basic push-ups and sit-ups should be a suitable starting poin
t, then. Perhaps some stretches.
eldritch s.: vaffanculo
Gnther Glazkov: He was trying so hard... Eheheheheh...! He didn t stand a chance.
Hiram Hegel: I see...
Gnther Glazkov: ...Not to insult your kinfolk, mind.
I m sure Shirou has more going for himself than just skiball acumen. Which is mo
re than can be said for me. Heh...
Hiram Hegel: shirou: tryhard extraodinaire
Richard Owens: I would suggest starting at fifty of each every morning, and then
raising the required amount once that stops being painful.
Hiram Hegel slowly nods
Sakura Emiya: Well-- he does tend to get... excitable. Over games.
eldritch s.: spaghettoire
Gnther Glazkov: Eheheheh, that he does...
Richard Owens: Keeping a calender to mark in your room can also be helpful in le
tting you remember to do them.
eldritch s.: tony
Sakura Emiya smiles at this
Hiram Hegel nods again
Gnther Glazkov smiles as well, fondly
Richard Owens: Once you get into habit of doing it, we can discuss adding more s
tretches and lunges into the routine.
Sakura Emiya: Do you have any siblings, Gunther?
Gnther Glazkov:
Gnther Glazkov pauses just a hair too long before answering
Gnther Glazkov: ...Yes, one. He is back at home, in Sweden.
Sakura Emiya gets the hint
Hiram Hegel: Thank you.
Sakura Emiya: What s Sweden like? I ve only ever lived here and in Japan.
Hiram Hegel: you re in italy you stupid bitch
Mac D.: ira s just sitting there like "yeah you TALK about sit-ups MMPF"
Richard Owens nods
Iria Matos: oh s, siiiiiiiii
Hiram Hegel: ah but runing the view of rich is the disgusting albino
Iria Matos: move outta the way you re blocking the gun show
Gnther Glazkov: It s boring. And cold. And stuffy.
Hiram Hegel: I have little to offer you in return.
Gnther Glazkov: I prefer Sicily, I think.
Richard Owens: This information is not particularly dangerous or valuable, I see
no reason in not giving it freely.
Gnther Glazkov: The food also sucks.

Iria Matos it s valuable to meeeeeeee...

Richard Owens: here is a showcase to some of the benefits to a healthy diet and
exercise routing tears off his shirt and flexes
Sakura Emiya: Well, I m glad you re having a good time here!
Hiram Hegel: ...
Gnther Glazkov: Yes... Japan sounds interesting. Is it as busy as they say.
Richard Owens: I hope you make good use of it. A well-trained body is beneficial
in many aspects of both combat and everyday life.
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Iria Matos , :)
Richard Owens: ....?
Hiram Hegel looks behind him
Iria Matos:
Richard Owens side-eyes Iria past Hiram
Sakura Emiya: How busy do they say it is?
Iria Matos does that coy flirty thing where you smirk and put a hand over your m
Richard Owens: .........
Hiram Hegel wtf
Richard Owens she must have sneezed
Hiram Hegel just turns back around
Richard Owens looks back at Hiram
Richard Owens odd her hair wasn t particularly obstructing her vision from where
I see
Hiram Hegel: They way she...
Is behaving.
Iria Matos yaranaika_face.jpg
Hiram Hegel: Is not unlike Shirou Emiya.
Richard Owens: ....Do you think so. She seems neither aggressive nor bitter.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Mm. I think they said something like... Hella busy. Heh.
Sakura Emiya: That s fairly accurate, yes.
Space: oh god
Iria Matos giggles and whispers to Nicoletta
Space: shirou has a direct line of sight with sakura
Mac D.: "target locked"
Hiram Hegel: In the sense of his feelings towards Sak.
Richard Owens: ....?
Hiram Hegel: shirou begins howling "oppai" at the top of his lungs
Richard Owens: .....Do you need me to obstruct her vision of you.
Shirou Emiya is going back and forth between ogling his sis and staring hatefull
y at this fat Scandinavian fuck who is probably stealing his woman(?)
Sakura Emiya does not seem to notice thank jesus

Hiram Hegel: ... I do not know who she is looking at...

Hiram Hegel "but it makes my skin crawl"
Richard Owens: Your hair color could be considered exotic. She might find that a
Iria Matos just thinks he s being COY AND MYSTERIOUS and giggles harder
Hiram Hegel you know in anime how
Hiram Hegel: sometimes
there s like a sharp piano cord
Gnther Glazkov: ...I would not mind a visit there sometime. It really does seem i
Hiram Hegel: and their face goes all purple and shit
Mobile L (GM): Ahahahaha
Hiram Hegel that s happened here
Mobile L (GM): That totes happened in the animu version of Furies
eldritch s.:
Richard Owens: .....Are you alright.
Sakura Emiya: I think... you might stand out.
Hiram Hegel: ...
I am...
S-simply nervous again.
Iria Matos ew who is that pale motherfucker tho?
Richard Owens: ....Ah-...I understand.
Let s switch seats
Richard Owens stands up
Iria Matos why is he hanging out with THAT HUNK RICHARD?
Hiram Hegel quickly does so
Iria Matos ohhhhhh there we go...!
Space: i hope that becomes the running joke this entire campaign
Richard Owens positions himself so that he obstructs her view of Hiram
Space: everyone thinking ira has the hots for hiram
Hiram Hegel begins examining what s going on in the other side of the room
Richard Owens: ...
Gnther Glazkov: Heh. I am certain I would. I bet there aren t a lot of fat Swedes
there. Would they put me in a museum.
eldritch s.: mannaggia
Richard Owens makes frequent glances back at Iria so he knows where to readjust
Iria Matos oh man... gotta play it cool now, can t let this SLY AMERICAN BASTARD
WHITE DEVIL HUNK get a date THAT easy... she looks... the other way........
Richard Owens: .....
Sakura Emiya: I m sure there d be a lot of hushed whispers.
Iria Matos: [are you seein this, theresa LOOKIT IM]
Richard Owens stalker diverted mission accomplished
eldritch s.: indiana jones
Iria Matos: [ahahahahaha i am gonna die holy shit]

Richard Owens looks back at Hiram

Iria Matos: [get me his phone number]
Richard Owens: I think she s given up on staring at you.
Hiram Hegel: ... Good.
Gnther Glazkov: Heh. That sounds fun, though.
Richard Owens: .....You could ask to be excused to the nurse s office, if you d
Hiram Hegel: No.
I m just nervous.
Theresa Fuentes: [ok, ok you gotta take it slow though, Iria]
Richard Owens: This condition seems to grow to physicl illness if left unchecked
for too long.
Sakura Emiya: In that case, feel free to visit!
Theresa Fuentes: [you need to make sure he s good stuff]
Hiram Hegel: I have doctor s orders.
Richard Owens: I would suggest leaving the vicinity of women until you can compo
se yourself.
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel stands up and walks out
Richard Owens watches him go
Theresa Fuentes: [just kinda play casual and let im MELT all over you like butt
er... man... the one in shades is kinda cute, actually]
Iria Matos: [ahahaha, you can fully have him]
Hiram Hegel hyperventilates slightly in private
Richard Owens finally has been LISTENED to and quietly celebrates internally
Richard Owens goes back to his burger
Gnther Glazkov: If I ever get the opportunity, I will...
Sakura Emiya: Maybe if we get vacation time.
Space: mr. milk is just
standing in the classroom
in a puddle of his own urine
Iria Matos: [...ohhhh man, that is actually exhausting, being next to someone so
HOT. i dunno if i can keep this up...]
Space: oh guys pyro says the rp is moving
Mac D.: he should find hiram and bond over their mutual panic attack
Richard Owens a pickle falls down his sleeve as he eats
Richard Owens: ........................
Space: richard vomits and cries
Richard Owens attempts to guide the pickle out of his sleeve but is unsuccessful
Theresa Fuentes: [like i said, girlfriend, CASUAL. let him think he s off the ho
ok for now....... then BAM]
Richard Owens: ..........
Richard Owens exhales and rolls up his sleeve to get at it
Guillermo Fuentes: [...getting boyfriends and girlfriends must be very hard...]
Richard Owens revealing S T R O N G A R M
Iria Matos looks over and OHHHHHHSHHHHIIIIIIT
Iria Matos just fuckin

Iria Matos just

Hiram Hegel rushes to wash his face in the bathroom
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens manages to get the pickle out
Hiram Hegel: These... t-the... No, that s enough.
Someone else is in there, Hiram... also washing his face... and he looks like he
s been crying a little bit...
Richard Owens picks up a napkin and tries to tactically guide it in to wipe the
inside of his sleeve
Hiram Hegel looks at his neighbour, nearly having a heart attack
Mr. Milk ALSO almost has a heart attack
Hiram Hegel: ...
Mr. Milk: A-A-Ahhhh...! O-oh...
...H-hello there, um...

Richard Owens: .....

Hiram Hegel is just fucking nonplussed
Mr. Milk: ...H-Hiram...?
Richard Owens can still feel the pickle juice stains
Hiram Hegel: ... Mr. Milk.
Space: "gonna have to take my shirt off"
Hiram Hegel: rich rips it off
Richard Owens is UNENTHUSED at this prospect and does not intend to let his slee
ve down again
Richard Owens the asymmetry is equally bothering to him, however
Richard Owens: .....
Mr. Milk: ...Um... h-hi...
Hiram Hegel: he puts it on his other nipple
Richard Owens decides to just roll up his other sleeve and be done with the whol
e mess
Iria Matos would snap pics if she could afford a camera phone
Hiram Hegel: ... H-...Hello...
Richard Owens: ...?
Richard Owens looks back towards the Hueble
Iria Matos is sure she ll remember this moment, though, even when she goes to He
Iria Matos ooooooh sSHIT he is LOOKIN


Richard Owens: ......
Richard Owens is trying to fake him out, clearly
Mr. Milk: Um... Did... Did you have a good lunch...?
Richard Owens she is
Richard Owens: ...
Hiram Hegel: ... Yes.
Richard Owens decides two can play at that game, and keeps his eyes on her
Richard Owens: .....
Hiram Hegel: rich is so angry
he stares with killing intent
Richard Owens narrows his eyes MYSTERIOUSLY and HANDSOMELY
Iria Matos just HAPPENS to strike a kawaii uguu pose as she reaches down for her
Capri Sun pouch
Richard Owens: .....
Mr. Milk: ...That s, um... That s good...
...Lunch is, um... important...
Richard Owens that is an unorthodox pose to retrieve a drink. Does she have some
sort of physical disability.
Hiram Hegel: ... Breakfast is cited as the most important meal.
Iria Matos only physical disability i got is not being there to FEEL OF YOUR PHY
Iria Matos gives a playful little smile
Hiram Hegel: ... Are you... ahem, alright?
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens a CHALLENGE, is it
Sakura Emiya has taken note of the two lllovebirds by now
Sakura Emiya: ...!
eldritch s.: "that bitch is taking my man, gunther"
Mr. Milk: ...U-um... Y-yeah, I... I m fine... I just, um... I just have a-allerg
Richard Owens do not show emotion. do not give her the satisfaction
Gnther Glazkov: ...Oh?
Iria Matos oh my god YUSSSS so serious so MACHO
eldritch s.:
Sakura Emiya: Look...
Richard Owens: ...........
Richard Owens she knows what i m doing
Sakura Emiya: I didn t even know Richard was interested in those things.
Richard Owens this woman is dangerous

Hiram Hegel: ... I hope you get well soon.

Gnther Glazkov: ...Heh! He is a ladykiller, it would seem.
Hiram Hegel: I too have allergies.
Sakura Emiya: I never even would have seen it coming...
Gnther Glazkov: ...Not that it s any surprise, though, with that figure.
Sakura Emiya giggles at the lovebirdness...
Sakura Emiya shirou... the swede is making your sister laugh...
Iria Matos SMILES HARDER and BLOWS A LITTLE KISS... just a little one, though...
Shirou Emiya: ............
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens what gesture was that
Richard Owens some brazillian curse
Shirou Emiya i m gonna literally murder you... ya sick sonnuvabitch...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Sakura Emiya: ...Hm...
Iria Matos sighs dreamily and turns the other way
Sakura Emiya sighs in an exaggerated way
Richard Owens ohhhh no you don t
Sakura Emiya: I don t think he s getting it at all...
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh, um... Th-thank you... Hiram...
Richard Owens you re obviously too dangerous to be left alone with Hiram, and mu
st be monitered
Mr. Milk: ...It s... Allergies can be, um... pretty... painful...
...B-but it s okay! I, um... I m... I... I m used to them............
Richard Owens let s see you counter THIS social blockade
Richard Owens gets up and walks over to the table
Hiram Hegel: I cannot ingest or come into direct contact with salt.
Gnther Glazkov: ...You mean he is inadvertently flirting with her.
Richard Owens: Excuse me.
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh! Hold on a second...
Iria Matos: ...Oh... Why... hello there...
Richard Owens think you re so clever......
Sakura Emiya: No, maybe I was wrong. He s definitely forward...
Guillermo Fuentes has gotten nervous and is looking away
Richard Owens: ...I m going to the arcade after school, and was hoping that you
could come with me.
Richard Owens GOT YOU

Iria Matos: ...Ohhhhhhhh... Rrrreally?

Sakura Emiya covers her mouth
Hiram Hegel: what is richard even trying to do at this point
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh... Um... I-I m sorry, that... that sounds like it must be... u
m... hard for you...

Space: observe the enemy

gather intel
Mac D.: keep iria where he can see her on their future public outing
Hiram Hegel: What are you allergic to?
Richard Owens: Yes.
Mr. Milk: U-um... Pollen grains...
Hiram Hegel: ...
My condolences.
Enjoy the remainder of your lunch.
Iria Matos: Wellllll... Let me see if I have a free spot in my schedule... Mhmhm
Richard Owens ......the crafty she-devil
Mr. Milk: ...O-oh... Thank you, H-Hiram... a-and you too...! Um... Eat plenty of
... healthy things...
Richard Owens alright retreat retreat
Hiram Hegel nods and steps out
Gnther Glazkov giggles quietly
Richard Owens: .....That is alright. If you cannot, I ll find someone else.
Iria Matos: ...Ah ah ah, hold on...!
Richard Owens: ...?
Iria Matos holds out a SEXY FINGER
Hiram Hegel stops before heading back in
Iria Matos: ...Seems like I do. When s a good time for you... handsome?~
Sakura Emiya: ...They re just the perfect couple. Look at that...
Hiram Hegel looks around in case people are watching him or something akin to it
Richard Owens ........Success?
Gnther Glazkov: Eheheheh... They are both so intense...
sCeRq1s2wio8o1_540.jpg look at han
he s just
Mobile L (GM): Chewy looks betrayed
Richard Owens: ......I was planning on going right after school. When can you be
Theresa Fuentes is just :D
Hiram Hegel slowly steps back into the cafeteria
Hiram Hegel loathes standing while others are sitting, it draws attention, makes

them look at him, can t have that

Iria Matos: Mmm... Right after school sounds good to me... Guess I ll see ya ro
und then... huh?
Iria Matos is not looking at you at all Hiram
Richard Owens: ...Alright. I ll see you then.
Hiram Hegel breaths easy
Richard Owens turns and walks back to his table
Iria Matos winks and giggles gleefully
Richard Owens sits back down
Richard Owens: ...Ah-...Hiram, are you feeling better.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Wow...
Hiram Hegel: ... In the bathroo.
Gnther Glazkov: His second day here and already he has scored. Heh.
Hiram Hegel: Mr. Milk was there.
Richard Owens: .....The teacher?
Hiram Hegel: He looked as if he had been crying.
Yes, the teacher.
Sakura Emiya: ...Maybe being direct really is the way to go...
Richard Owens: ......Hm....A personal issue, maybe.
Hiram Hegel: Probably.
It is... unsettling.
Gnther Glazkov: Heh. Only if you look like him. I mean... Damn.
Richard Owens: Hopefully it will be resolved in a satisfactory way in due time.
In the meantime, I suggest that you avoid contact with me while we are at the ar
Hiram Hegel: ... What...>
Gnther Glazkov: Can I cast him as James Bond in the next 007 movie. I think he s
earned it.
Sakura Emiya: He needs the English accent.
Hiram Hegel "He s not going to be there, that idiot, he s going to be diggning..
Space: hiram just does not trust richard at all and it s great
Gnther Glazkov: We could get him a voice coach. I m sure his larynx is just as mu
scular as the rest of him.
Richard Owens: I ve put your stalker in a position where I can closely monitor a
nd redirect her at all times while we re there.
Hiram Hegel: ... I see.
Hiram Hegel "That is a massive crock of shit."
Sakura Emiya: Why don t we ask?
Richard Owens: Ideally, she will be near me at all times, so avoiding me during
our time there would be proper.
Hiram Hegel: I see...
Hiram Hegel "I ll keep an eye on him..."
Richard Owens: I would also suggest asking faculty if you can dine in a more pri
vate area in lunch from now on.
EMIYA SHIROU THE BONE OF MY BONER ARCHER SWORDS is still brooding very hard over
Gnther Glazkov: Eheheh. Think we could even find one, here. I haven t spoken to h
alf the people here.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, I hardly know anyone here.
Hiram Hegel: ... Maybe...

Gnther Glazkov: I guess we have ample time, do we not.

Hiram Hegel: I ll look into it.
Richard Owens nods
Richard Owens: With time, she might place her interest into something or someone
Shirou Emiya looks over at Richard, hoping to distract himself from the ANGER WI
Sakura Emiya: There s that one British guy somewhere around here, isn t there?
Shirou Emiya what is that cool bastard doing
Hiram Hegel: It s possible.
eldritch s.: richard: everyone loves him
Richard Owens: everyone is an enemy
eldritch s.: sakura: she has a stalker
Gnther Glazkov: ...Yes. That is true. What was his name again...
Space: its because he s coola nd musiclar
eldritch s.: hiram: ew
Sakura Emiya: I don t know yet.
Gnther Glazkov: ...It started with an H, I think...

eldritch s.: hitler

Richard Owens: ....
..Can you see what Shirou is doing right now.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Harway...? No, that wasn t it...
Hiram Hegel looks at Shirou
Mac D.: hazuma huwabara
Sakura Emiya thinks
Hiram Hegel: shirou zips up his pants
Space: i say, dammit urameshi
Shirou Emiya how does the albino get his vitamins... does he like... bury himsel
f in soil and absorb the nutrients...?
Shirou Emiya ...he s probably p metal, if Jarhead is his buddy and all...
Hiram Hegel: is shirou looking at them
Shirou Emiya ...wonder how I would look with white hair...
Shirou Emiya yes
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
He s staring at us.
Shirou Emiya just kinda casting his delinquent gaze, COOLLY
Richard Owens: ...Good, his attention s off Sakura.
Let me know if he starts to stare at her again.
Hiram Hegel nods
Gnther Glazkov: ...Perhaps he would also be at the arcade. Assuming it does not o
ffend his English sensibilities.
Hiram Hegel begins looking over all the cliques
Sakura Emiya: Do you think he s too rich for that kind of thing?
Richard Owens: ....Can you tell me anything about the people he s sitting with.
Gnther Glazkov: Perhaps. But perhaps I am wrong and he s a chav.
Hiram Hegel: They re both wearing hoods.
Sakura Emiya: A chav?

Richard Owens: .....What else.

Hiram Hegel: One is a girl.
They just look, um... like miscellaneous asocial weirdos.
Hiram Hegel: They seem...
the girl looks awful timid
Hiram Hegel: How do you say it,,,,
The girl seems withdrawn.
Like mad hella timid
Hiram Hegel: Unhealthily so.
Gnther Glazkov: You know, like British white trash.
Richard Owens: ...Their mutual status as outcasts might draw them together.
Hiram Hegel: It s likely.
Richard Owens: I d like to know more about their relationship with one-another.
Sakura Emiya: Ah...?
Richard Owens: Healthy friendships might be beneficial towards Shirou s mental s
Hiram Hegel makes sure the light is making his glasses go gendo so people can t
see where he s looking
Mobile L (GM): I like how Gunth and Sak s sprites both look like they re just ca
sually sitting on the bench
Sak s swinging her feet or whatevs
Mac D.: the perfect couple
Mobile L (GM): So sugoii
Hiram Hegel tries to extrapolate some relationships
Hiram Hegel: i m going intellect
Sakura Emiya does that a lot when she s sitting on stuff
Hiram Hegel: the study of body language
Mobile L (GM): Do it
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100
= 62
Space: idk that seems like it d be more empathy-related.......
Hiram Hegel: space just wants me to fail
Mobile L (GM): Hiram s more of a look at from afar-er
Mac D.: cold, scientific analysis
Mobile L (GM): Is that above or below the line?
Hiram Hegel: well let s see
Intelligence: 32
Mac D.: depends on what the line IS, miss GEE EM
Hiram Hegel: what modifier
Mobile L (GM): Hoookay, then he overshot
Time to have fun
Hiram Hegel: he did too good
now his brain will explode
Mac D.: overanalyzed it
Hiram Hegel: he s internally made like
the davinci code conspiracy map
Space: he is shipping all these people
Hiram Hegel: of red tread
Well, Hiram, Elise is sitting kinda funny, so maybe she s on her period...? And,
um... Simon is quiet. He might be the pack leader... Shiiiit, what is that stai
n on his hoodie...? Shirou is Shirou, and is picking his nose ew ew ew

Mac D.: you re altering the target line based on percieved difficulty right mobi
Mobile L (GM): I, um... I have not. But I will.
I can subtract, yes?
Mac D.: and add
Mobile L (GM): Gotcha. Good it goes both ways.
Mac D.: so like say if you decided this would be an easy thing for him to do
you might add ten or twenty to the target line so it becomes 42/52
or if it was a super tough thing for him to reasonably do it d be something like
Mobile L (GM): Ahhhh, yes. Makes sense, many thank
eldritch s.: shirou
Mobile L (GM): Let s just say it was hard, though, because he is an asocial fuck
Space: what s the skill roll to get duff to like hamilton the musical
Mac D.: 1
Mobile L (GM): And roll with a d1000
Hiram Hegel: ...
The boy, he seems to have some kind of dominance.
Richard Owens: Any theories.
Space: rolling 1d1000
= 864
Hiram Hegel: ...
Space: damn
Mac D.: it was worth a try
Space: duff what would you have done
if i got 1
Mac D.: you met the target line and still would have failed
Hiram Hegel: Logically, the girl would be on the bottom of the hierarchy, she s
timid, and would likely fall there.
Space: what if i got 0
Hiram Hegel: Shirou is then middling.
Richard Owens: ...I see.
Hiram Hegel: He s blatantly picking his nose.
Hiram Hegel: So their social contract is obvious very liberal.
Space: pls...
Mac D.: oh i like broadway musicals
i just don t like SHITTY ONES
Hiram Hegel: just not that one
Gnther Glazkov just seems really content and hasn t even finished his burg
Space: ;-;;
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh, Gunther, are you going to finish that?
Richard Owens: It could be that they simply have no one else.
Hiram Hegel: glutton
Gnther Glazkov: ...Oh. I suppose I must. Heh. I nearly forgot it.
Richard Owens: And are together more out of obligation than anything.
Gnther Glazkov NOM... nom... nom
Hiram Hegel: It s possible.
Richard Owens has long since finished his borgor
Sakura Emiya mildly disappointed but easily hides it
Richard Owens: god you fat bitch

Hiram Hegel tries to determine the stain s source

Gnther Glazkov you wouldn t want it anyway, it s been sitting in his sweaty paws
for the past several minutes
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100
= 38
Intelligence: 32
that was so fucking close wasn t it
look at that
Mac D.: he s a smart boy it should be an easy task
Hiram Hegel: im science
i get a 2
Mobile L (GM): Sure. Plus ten.
So you GOOD
Hiram Hegel: it s
"shirou s special sauce"
Sakura Emiya: unf
Mac D.: his burn scar is bleeding
from the PAIN INSIDE
Hiram Hegel: bleeding semen
It s, um... It s ketchup. He had a terrible mishap assebleling his burg.
Mobile L (GM): *assembling
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: ....
Iria Matos is just happy as goddamn clam about now
Hiram Hegel: It doesn t seem like the healthiest group.
Space: i read that as assbleeding
Hiram Hegel: is sakura fat
Gnther Glazkov same, yo
Space: nyet
Richard Owens: not YET she s not
Hiram Hegel: her destructive appetite will destroy her
Mobile L (GM): Don t you remember Don Duan s show? She s a woman of carriage
as you can clearly see here
her body type is anime
Mobile L (GM): Slim n sugoii
Mac D.: i dunno have you seen her recently
Hiram Hegel looks at the other cliques
Mac D.: she s put on some weight if you know what im saying HEPHEPHEPHEPHEPHEP
Space: she just enjoys good food duff
like this:
Gabby and the nerds seem to be happily discussing... something... That African b
oy is just giggling like a dweeb.
Richard Owens: ....
This period is always strangely long.
Hiram Hegel nods
TEAM BRITISH ISLES plus murrican girl are being white and delightsome.
Space: preps
sakura tohsaka would flip them off
Mac D.: why cause they re white

you racist
David and Timoti are David and Timoti.
Space: no look at them
theyre obviously rich
Mobile L (GM): prepz
not goff
Hiram Hegel: ...
There is nothing else to observe.
Mac D.: bottom right girl looks like a cockney orphan what are YOU smoking
Space: wut
She s welsh, give her a break
Mac D.: i guess all white people just gotta be rich HUH SPACE
SKIP and ah fuck I wish I had an arcade map...
Space: she doesnt look white
Hiram Hegel goes about his day, WATCHING Rich
Mobile L (GM): She s welsh, are you BLIND>>>>
Mac D.: she s shaded by her big hair you god damn racist
like holy shit space i can t BELIEVE you
Space: yall are smelly
that s what i think
Mobile L (GM): das raciss, your raciss
Mac D.: maybe see the painting of human suffering in color palette OTHER than mo
nochrome for once in your fucking life HUH
Space: take a shower lately
Mac D.: this morning
Mobile L (GM): racialism
judgin me by da color of me skin
Richard Owens goes through the school day doing his school work and paying atten
tion dutifully
Mobile L (GM): Hup, BEERB while I put my babby dogs to bed
Wow nobody said anything
Space: doin math homework
Mobile L (GM): Let me seeeee if I can find an arcade map real quicklay
Mac D.: my cat s just sittin in my tub for some reason
went to the bathroom and turned on the lights and she was just sitting there sta
ring at me like "hai"
Mobile L (GM): awwww
Cats are goofy
Okay, I found an isometric doohickle
But it has ICKY HUMENS all over it
Could I bribe you to pretend they aren t there/are patrons?
Mac D.: bribe accepted
Mobile L (GM): YUSSS
One moment
Hurrrrrf hold on a sec, it is being DIFFICULT
wait warmly
Space: im so cold
Mobile L (GM): son of beesh
Fuckin tging is being an anus
Mac D.: be strong
Mobile L (GM): fffffff
It refuses to upload
Space: pls do not die mobiel
Mobile L (GM): I am gonna come out and go back in and see if I can force it to t
If I cannot

then it is imagination time

Mac D.: be strong
Mobile L (GM): AH
Hiram Hegel: good
Mac D.: awwww yera
Hiram Hegel: dunky
After a walk to the seedy part of Syracuse...
Hiram Hegel: wow
Hiram Hegel: this is where tony s wife died
Sakura Emiya had not gone with the party just yet
Sakura Emiya instead, searching for her sis
Hiram Hegel snkeaily followed Richard
Space: this isnt habbo
Mac D.: my god there s even a nigra
Space: i know bcause i know what habbo looks like
Mobile L (GM): Isometric is all there was
Space: they have fuggin
Hiram Hegel: it s similar to it
Mobile L (GM): Pool s closed
Space: the old star wars game
i wanna go to this place
Mac D.: it doesn t exist anymore
Hiram Hegel: no it s in the bad part o syracruse
Space: i ll be fine
Hiram Hegel: hey it s biker
Space: it is
Richard Owens walks in, looking around
Hiram Hegel is being metal gear solid
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: He actually went.
g-man hangs out at the arcade with kids
Richard Owens spots Iria and walks over to her
It... Is an arcade, and it has mad hecka machines, yo...
Richard Owens is KEEPIN AN EYE OUT
Sakura Emiya is outsie the arcade still, searchin for her sis to give the ticket
Iria Matos: ...Hey.~ I was wondering when you d show, mmmhmhmhm...
Richard Owens: Sorry if I was late. I m still getting used to finding my way aro
und the city.
Sakura Emiya: Oh--!
Sakura Emiya hurries to approach
Iria Matos: Oh, it s no trouble, no trouble at all.

Iria Matos smiles warmly

Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens nods
Illya Emiya: ...Hey! Sis, there you are!
Hiram Hegel is very nervous being in this place
Richard Owens: .......Was there a game you wanted to try.
Hiram Hegel doesn t understand games
as you should be, because damn if it don t got hella misfits
Sakura Emiya: I ve got something for you! It s from Gabby...
Sakura Emiya searches in her pocket for the ticket
Illya Emiya: ...Oooh? Gimme, gimme!
frig I gotta do dishes, BRB
Hiram Hegel carefully tries to observe Rich
Richard Owens is scoping the joint Hiram QUICK HIDE
Sakura Emiya: ..Ah, here it is!
Sakura Emiya hands it over
Sakura Emiya: It s for a play. Gabby got two tickets, so she wants to see it wit
h you.
Hiram Hegel tries hiding in the STAR WARS machine
Hiram Hegel: semen everywhere
the whole place is coated in it
look at that man there
Space: i saw one of those old star wars machines irl
Hiram Hegel: he s coated in it
Space: those little kids
Hiram Hegel: just covered
his name
is looey
Space: the open fridge
Mac D.: i have never seen arcade with this many cool shit in it
Hiram Hegel: filled to the brim
sad that it s been taken over by freaks
Mac D.: this is an arcade from a long-dead era
Hiram Hegel: well with
people take solace
Mac D.: oh arcades were always like that
Hiram Hegel: in the old ways
gunth s sprite looks sinister
Space: hes watching the kiddies
Hiram Hegel: aqualung
Space: so hey seer
i know that hiram loathes and distrusts richard
what does he think of ska
Hiram Hegel: he doesn t loathe rich
he doesn t trust him
Space: i like ska music
Hiram Hegel: he is neutral on her
mostly curious
Space: "a... a fabled girl "
Hiram Hegel: he s curious about everything
Space: why is that hair an unnatural shade for a human

Mac D.: out of curiosity i googled "arcades in Cleveland"

there are two
in the entire city
Space: what the fuck
i know ther s like a huge arcade in eau claire
Iria Matos: Well... Back in So Paolo, I always used to play Bubble Bobble with my
friends... Perhaps you wanna be my player 2?~
Space: but that s the only one i can think of
in all of wisconsin
oh my god i love bubble bobble
Richard Owens looks at the machine
Richard Owens: .....
...I ve never played this one before. How do you play.
Hiram Hegel begins eyeing Rich from his machine
Illya Emiya: ...Ooooooh, Pride and Prejudice, frick yes! She told me about this
Thank you so much, eeeheeheehee!
Sakura Emiya: Oh, don t mention it!
Anyways, I ve got to go now, okay? I hope you two have fun!
Sakura Emiya is secretly pleased that the younger generation still appreciates g
ood plays
Iria Matos: Oh, it s pretty simple. The two little dragons have to work together
to trap all the monsters in bubbles and pop them.
Mac D.: has sakura ever actually seen/read pride and prejudice
Iria Matos: This button here is your bubbles, and this one s jump.
Richard Owens: ...I see. Alright, I ll try.
Space: i dunno is it required reading in japan
Mac D.: i doubt it
Illya Emiya: We re gonna have a HECKUVA good time, sis, believe you me.
Space: probabably not then
Richard Owens goes to his battle station
Iria Matos stoooops down low to put the quarters in... b-booty...
Iria Matos YARA... NAIKA...
Richard Owens looks the quarter slot and realizes he also needs to
put quarters in.
Iria Matos ohhhh myyyyyy~
Richard Owens waits for her to put in hers and then slots his in
Sakura Emiya: Alright, see you!
Sakura Emiya waves as she walks to the seedy part of town
Iria Matos yusss, ahahaha...
Hiram Hegel doesn t like this cramped boot
Hiram Hegel quietly moves to a different spot to watch
Illya Emiya scurries off with Famther to the home
Richard Owens looks at the screen and gets ready to BOBBLE THOSE GOD DAMN BUBBLE

Space: richard: on a hot date

Elise Giles: ?
Space: hiram: "this x-wing is uncomfortable"
Mac D.: "my feet hurt"
Hiram Hegel: porkins help me
Space: "this music sucks"
Mac D.: "i wish i was at home being paranoid"
Elise Giles looks from her Sega vidyagameem at Hiram
Hiram Hegel is just
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 99
Sakura Emiya arrives in the loud arcade
Hiram Hegel visibly high-strung
Sakura Emiya: ...!
Space: holy shit
Hiram Hegel: wow
Mobile L (GM): ...Ohhhh man. Should I even bother with a modifier?
Mac D.: his Video Game Playing skill is 100
Space: he still failed
Mac D.: boosted by coordination :^)
Mobile L (GM): I am tempted to accept that, damn you
Space: no
be firm
Mac D.: are you going to make the shellshocked war veteran sad mobile
Sakura Emiya looks around for any body she knows
Space: make duff sad
make him cry
Rich, he... He isn t so great at the vidya that doesn t involve shooty guns. Doe
sn t help that his joystick is sticky... Iria doesn t seem to mind at all, thoug
h, and finds this very cute.
Richard Owens: ........
....This is more difficult than I anticipated.
Iria Matos: Aww, mhmhmhm!~ Here, you just have to get the hang of it. Lemme buy
you another life.
Iria Matos CHACHING more booty
Hiram Hegel looks over his shoulder, seeing the girl seeing him
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens has his eyes glued to the screen
Elise Giles: ...A-allo...
Richard Owens exhales.....he will not fail again
Sakura Emiya tries to find someone that she knows (preefereably not her creep br
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 25

Richard Owens: rolling 1d100

= 3
Space: jesus
what the fuck
Mac D.: he s a fast learner
Mobile L (GM): What stat was that for, Space?
Space: empathy for navigating a socail situation
Hiram Hegel: ... Hello.
...Hooooly God, Rick, the joystick... IT FEELS LIKE YOUR OWN WEAPON. YOU ARE THE
ITTLE FUCKOS. Iria is even more enthused and is giggling contentedly.
Richard Owens will WIN THIS WAR
Well, lookie, Sak, it s that fat fuck you pity-befriended, tearing it the FUCK u
p on some skating game. Shirou is watching The Other Swede do Sega Rally and doe
sn t see you yet.
Elise Giles: ...Um... I do not think... I have seen you ere before...?
Sakura Emiya: ...Hey, Gunther!
Sakura Emiya approaches
Mac D.: do i gotta make another vidya roll
Gnther Glazkov: ...Ah, Miss Emiya.
Hiram Hegel: No.
Gnther Glazkov smiles warmly
Hiram Hegel: You haven t.
Sakura Emiya: I m glad you could make it!
just lemme get to iria hold on
Hiram Hegel: My name is Hiram.
Mac D.: ah k.
Iria Matos: Ahahaha, look at you! God, wow, it s so unfair, y know...
...That a guy can be both handsome and extremely smart.
Space: i just downloaded a 1995 television background song entitled the interne
Iria Matos: wow
Richard Owens does not respond, being IN THE ZONE
ernet-a-1995-track-from this is what it sounds like
Iria Matos just smiles more biggerer
Gnther Glazkov: The feeling is very much mutual. Do you frequent arcades often.
Richard Owens s eventually bites it
Sakura Emiya: No, actually... there are plenty of them in Japan, but they re mos
tly just for pachinko machines.
Elise Giles: ...A-allo, Hiram... My name, it is, um... E-Elise...
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens lets go of the joystick

Iria Matos dies shortly after

Hiram Hegel: ... It is good to meet you.
Iria Matos: ...God, wow. All the way to Round 87. Did you see us? Mhmhmhmhm!~
Richard Owens: How many rounds are there in total.
Gnther Glazkov: Ah. What are those like.
Iria Matos: 100. I got there a few times, but only playing solo... I never reall
y had great chemistry doing co-op...

Sakura Emiya: Well, they re just... gambling, essentially.

Iria Matos: ...That is... until I met you.
Hiram Hegel: shirou is right behind sak
Richard Owens: I see....
Richard Owens stares at the high score board
Space: iria is just getting
more and more overt
yes but he is CONVENIENCE DISTRACTED 5 now because I am juggling
Iria Matos puts her HIGH SCORE NAME as "IRI"... wow she is on here a lot
Richard Owens: ......
Richard Owens narrows his eyes at the screem
Space: guyyys
in the rp
the battlefield group is gonna fight the demifiend
Richard Owens will return......and conquer this machine.
Richard Owens but for now....the Mission
Hiram Hegel: i have nothing to do in the combat
Elise Giles: ...Good a-also to meet you... Do you, um... do you come from MIDAS?
Mac D.: god fucking dammit if only i had the drive to urp
Elise Giles: i am too distracted r/n, a shame
Hiram Hegel: I come from MIDAS, yes.
Richard Owens looks back at Iria
Richard Owens: ...Are there any other games you want to play.
Gnther Glazkov: ...Oh. That sounds rather boring.
Gnther Glazkov FINALLY DIES and inputs his obscene initials
Sakura Emiya: They re not really my kind of thing.
Iria Matos: Well, s only fair to give you a turn, yeah? C mon, what looks good
to you?
Iria Matos IS IT ME
Richard Owens: .....
Space: tone deaf test
Richard Owens looks over at the Top Skater machine
Richard Owens: How about that one.
Elise Giles: Oh... It... It is interesting, to me... I do not think... Most of t
he MIDAS pilots even are from here?
Iria Matos: Ooh, sure. That s a nice change of pace... Get to actually move arou
nd and stuff.
Hiram Hegel: No, most are not.
Richard Owens walks over
Gnther Glazkov: Mm... So. Anything here that interests you.

Richard Owens "RIC" has come onto your turf, Gunther......

Sakura Emiya: Uh... I don t know most of these games. Do you know if there s any
thing easy around here?
...Oh, look who it is!
Elise Giles: ...That is... That is interesting, to me, because... We, um... most
of us are from our respective areas, yes?
Gnther Glazkov: ...Eheheheh... Oh my.
Richard Owens looks at The Machine
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens looks back at Iria
Richard Owens: Do you want to go first.
Sakura Emiya: (Oh... hehe, we d better not interrupt.)
Gnther Glazkov frowns faintly at the prospect of having his initials be displaced
, but ahahahaha, love, it s so fuckin silly
Gnther Glazkov: (Heh. Right.)
Iria Matos: Mhmhm, sure... You can watch, eh?
Richard Owens: Yes, so I can see how the game is controlled.
Space: i m 100% not tone deaf
Hiram Hegel: Yes.
Sakura Emiya: Okay! Let s go find something...
Hiram Hegel: i m 97 percent
Iria Matos: Mhmhmhm.~ Alright, I ll warm it up for ya... Hey.
Don t think I ever got your name. I m Iria.
tX4Nx1rcj3xeo1_500.png adeva
Richard Owens: ...Richard Owens.
Gnther Glazkov nods and HUNTS FOR A THING
Sakura Emiya follows the swede
Mobile L (GM): perf
Hiram Hegel: ...
Richard Owens: I apologize for not giving it sooner.
Hiram Hegel: ... Do you often come here?

Hegel just cannot exist gathering information

Hegel: *resist
Giles: ...Yes... With, ah... with my friends.
a very noisy place, but... I like, um... the video games.

Elise Giles is just sooooo timid

Space: i feel bad for elise
Iria Matos: Hey, no worries. You re a busy man, I can tell... Alllllright, here
we go.
Richard Owens watches her and the screen, his arms on the bar
Hiram Hegel: It is very loud, yes.
Iria Matos is all toned and stuff. She probably swims or something
Iria Matos: rolling 1d20

= 5
oop, fuk
Mac D.: clearly she also skateboard
Space: just multiply it by 5
Hiram Hegel looks out of the corner of his eye, sees that Rich has moved
Hiram Hegel: 25
Mobile L (GM): Under the 50 I had planned, so is GOOT
HOLY HELL... She is shhhhhredding.
Richard Owens: ...
...and workin that butt
Hiram Hegel: how freudian can we get
Richard Owens is her skill at the game, assuming she also skateb
oards in real life
Yeh, she probably skates.
Hiram Hegel: it s freud
Richard Owens wonder why she s posing after every ollie though.....
Richard Owens self-imposed challenge, perhaps. She seems like a confident woman.
Elise Giles: ...Yes... I, um... I like the quiet better... But is okay...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Gnther Glazkov:
Hiram Hegel quietly considers his options
Gnther Glazkov fuckin falls asleep halfway to Daytona USA
Hiram Hegel: ...
Yes, it is.
Sakura Emiya: --Oh.
Hiram Hegel: I don t play many games, myself.
Sakura Emiya is not sure what to do with narcoleptics like this
Sakura Emiya just kind of settles for
Iria Matos intentionally dies so she can see HER BOY have a go
Richard Owens: Do you skate?
Sakura Emiya kneeling down and prodding at him
Iria Matos: Oh, yeah, a little bit. Mostly when I was youngers. I was part of a
little... Well, can you rightly call a buncha skater kids a gang?
Hiram Hegel: oh i see i
misread something
Space: iria matos
Richard Owens: It depends on what you did.
Space: iria matou
Hiram Hegel: i thought sakura s thing was
Richard Owens gets on that skateboard
Hiram Hegel: "doesn t know what to do with NARCOTICS like this"
Space: oh mu god
Richard Owens alright, private......time to live SKATE
Iria Matos: Just your standard mischievous kid stuff. We shredded the favelas up

Hiram Hegel: looey there is a narc

Iria Matos you can do it... sexy...
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 76
I see. Civilian youth sounds interesting.
what stat was that, G
Richard Owens: coordination
Elise Giles: ...Games, they... They are nice. Makes you, uhm... ow you say...?
...Forget. Forget your troubles.
Yeh, man, you re kinda flopping around
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: ...
Iria Matos: It has its ups and downs... What s it like on the other end? Growin
up military?
Hiram Hegel: How?
Richard Owens: We were allowed little free time.
eldritch s.: sorry now looey is my favorite charcter and he s liuterally just a
piece of the make
Space: he needs to become a real man
Richard Owens: What we did get was closely monitored.
eldritch s.: "ooooh igotta stop these kids from doing the CRACK"
Looey stands at attention, watching for any signs of a transaction. Godspeed, Lo
Richard Owens is not enjoying this sensation he is feeling. This "being bad at v
ideo games...."
Elise Giles: ...You... You play the game, and it... it is everything, for you, r
ight then. Life is not exist, outside, it is just you... winning...
Elise Giles smiles sadly
eldritch s.: looey and tony are enemies
Richard Owens he must train......he must become stronger...
Hiram Hegel: ... I see...
Gnther Glazkov snores softly... God, he is a heavy sleeper
Richard Owens narrows his eyes slightly, to indicating that he is now extra-seri
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 83
Iria Matos: Man. I dunno if I could handle that.
ouch bruh
Sakura Emiya: ...Gunther?
Sakura Emiya prodding intensifies
Richard Owens: ....It is a difficult life to adjust to, even if you know little
eldritch s.: super cereal
Richard Owens: ......
Iria Matos: ...Mm.

Iria Matos s eyes soften a bit

Iria Matos: ...Well. Ya made it this far, right? You must be forged from some to
ugh stuff.
Gnther Glazkov:
Gnther Glazkov the faintest stirring... gawd, this guy...
Richard Owens: I did what I had to to survive.
Sakura Emiya: Gunther, wake up!
Richard Owens: ....I need more practice at this.
Richard Owens gets off the skateboard
Richard Owens ......first Bubble Bobble.....then YOU, TOP SKATER......
Iria Matos: Hey, least it s realistic. First time I tried boarding, I broke my
right front tooth into... God, however many pieces.
Mhmhmhm! I was only seven.
Richard Owens: ....Must have been painful.
Iria Matos: Oh, Jesus... And, see, my folks weren t the most well-to-do, so... I
just kinda had to yank the remainder out with some pliers.
I thought I was gonna die. Mhmhmhm!
Richard Owens: When I was seven, I needed to pull a bullet out of my left thigh
due to an accidental misfiring in a training exercise.
Iria Matos: ...Owwwwch, oh my God. Man...
Gnther Glazkov: ? Ehhhh...?
Richard Owens: It wasn t a significant wound, so it was simple to remove.
Elise Giles: ...Um... H-hey...
eldritch s.: ... Yes?
Iria Matos: Still. Fuckin bullets...
eldritch s.: fuc
Hiram Hegel: stan
Iria Matos: Can t imagine, man.
Hiram Hegel: satan
Richard Owens looks at her
Richard Owens: ....Were you interested in playing anything else.
Sakura Emiya: C mon, get up already. Those kids are watching...
Elise Giles: ...Do you want to, maybe...
...Play, um... Marble Madness with me...?
Elise Giles timid smile
Gnther Glazkov: ...Eheheheh... Ah God...
Gnther Glazkov scrapes himself from the floor and gets to the fuckin car game
Hiram Hegel: ...
... Certainly.
Sakura Emiya: Is there, uh... medication you can take for that?
Iria Matos: ...Well. I think some of your friends are gonna try their hand at Da
ytona USA. That one, man, those graphics...
Elise Giles:
Richard Owens looks over
Hiram Hegel steps over
Elise Giles eeeee so happy, ohn hohn hohn
Elise Giles: ...Th-thank you... Um...

Richard Owens: .....Are all of those connected to a single machine.

Iria Matos: Damn straight. Everyone gets to race each other.
Cool, right? Technology is so amazing.
Richard Owens: Is that the one you want to play.
Gnther Glazkov: Nothing that works consistently.
Hiram Hegel: It is nothing.
Gnther Glazkov: Who cares, though. Hasn t killed me yet. Eheh.
Hiram Hegel steps up to the death machine and inserts some currency
Sakura Emiya: Yeah... you probably shouldn t drive in real life, though.
Gnther Glazkov: Probably not, no. But that s what public transportation and naggi
ng your friends over the phone are for. Eheh.
Iria Matos: Hey, why not. I probably suck at driving, so you might have a chance
Richard Owens nods
Richard Owens: Let s go, then.
Richard Owens walks up to the machine and HOPS IN A SEAT
MARBLE MADNESS... you gotta get your marble through the maze. Are YOU a bad enou
gh dude?
Iria Matos follows suit... sexily
Hiram Hegel gives it a go
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100
= 7
god is on my side today
Mac D.: the absolute marble madman
Sakura Emiya: Yeah, that s true...
Sakura Emiya looks over at the approaching pals
I was gonna set the bar high, but not THAT high... HOLY GODDAMN ZUT ALORS LOOKIT
Richard Owens is SLOTTIN HIS COIN IN
Elise Giles: ...Mon Dieu...
Richard Owens side-eyes the others like "let s go manlets"
Gnther Glazkov: ...Oh? It appears as though we have competition.
Iria Matos picks some random car because she doesn t know jack about cars
Sakura Emiya: Looks like it s on...
Hiram Hegel: ...
Sakura Emiya does the eact same as Iria
Richard Owens picks the most technically efficient car he can select
Gnther Glazkov gets some kinda Volkswagen or something equally goofy
Hiram Hegel: Was that good?
Richard Owens BROOM BROOM
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100

= 64
Elise Giles: Oh... Oh my God, you are a natural...
Iria Matos: rolling 1d100
= 63
Hiram Hegel: That s... good.
Gnther Glazkov: rolling 1d100
= 62
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 24
Hiram Hegel: It is a good sign for my piloting.
Mac D.: tokyo drift
SAKURA... you are leaving these clowns in the dust, holy god.
Sakura Emiya: B/
Sakura Emiya is actually kind of surprised
Richard Owens: .......
Sakura Emiya keeps doing what she s doing
Elise Giles: Um... Oh, p-probably...? It is... it is very amazing, the control y
ou have over the marble...
Richard Owens tightens his grip on the wheel....he has failed TOO MANY TIMES ton
ight to crash and burn now....!
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 72
Iria Matos: Ahahaha, wow, I dread the day I get my lisence.
rolling 1d100
= 96
Iria Matos fuckin gets stuck on an obstacle
Iria Matos: Awwww fuck. Mhmhmhmhm!~
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 3
Gnther Glazkov: rolling 1d100

= 81
Mac D.: unstoppable
Space: pllay a song from the redline ost
Richard Owens: .........
Gnther Glazkov: ...Heh...
Hiram Hegel: I would like to see how you do.
Sakura Emiya grins
Richard Owens: ......
Elise Giles: ...Eeheehee, what, i-in the game or in the cockpit?
Hiram Hegel: In the game.
Elise Giles: Oh, I am... I practice much, but my fingers do not always cooperate
with me...
Ere, let me...
Hiram Hegel: bby i ll get into your cockpit
Richard Owens grits his teeth beneath his closed lips.....and tries to unleash t
he Eurobeat within...!!
Elise Giles: o-oh i am not that kinda grill
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 98
Hiram Hegel: buy some deck sealent
Richard Owens: ..............
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 61
Elise Giles: rolling 1d100
= 4
Hiram Hegel: holy
...Damn... She HAS practiced.
Mac D.: elise is the queen of the underground arcade circuit i can tell already
Iria Matos: rolling 1d100
= 44
Hiram Hegel: ...
Sakura Emiya: wheres that soundbyte
Gnther Glazkov: rolling 1d100
= 70
Sakura Emiya: of the guy going

Hiram Hegel is deeply impressed

Sakura Emiya: in the ZONE
Hiram Hegel: ... You did that very well.
Poor Rich just cannot get his military mentality to translate to peacetime racin
g and he fuckin crashes. Gunth literally falls asleep at the wheel. Sakura look
s like she s gonna do it, but... IRIA SNIPES IT OH MY GOD THIS BR IS JUST GOOD A
Iria Matos: ...Whoa, fuck... Lucky break.
Sakura Emiya: --?!
Richard Owens: .........
Sakura Emiya looks over at her
Iria Matos: Man, um... IIIII did not expect that.
Sakura Emiya: That was really good!
Richard Owens leans back in his seat and exhales
Iria Matos: Mhmhmhm, you were great competition.

Iria Matos wants to HUG richard about now but feels it d be too much
Richard Owens: ...I need to spend more time here.
Elise Giles: ...O-oh, really...? Um... That... II got lucky, I think...
Richard Owens hops out of his seat
Sakura Emiya tries to nudge Gunther to wake him up
Iria Matos: You oughtta. And you did great, y know... I mean, for a first-timer.
...Damn, though, can t get over how you did at Bubble Bobble.
Richard Owens: I
Hiram Hegel: I doubt it.
Richard Owens: *I m convinced it was a stroke of good luck.
Gnther Glazkov: ?
...did I win...
Richard Owens s eyes wander over to the street fighter 2 cabinet
Hiram Hegel: Let me try now that I no longer have beginner s luck...
Richard Owens: .....
Sakura Emiya: No, you fell asleep at the wheel.
Hiram Hegel gives it another shot
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100
= 29
Iria Matos: Oh man, but what luck it was! I mean, holy hell, eighty solid rounds
Richard Owens: I ll need to try for all one hundred next time.....What game is t
Richard Owens POINTS
Iria Matos: ?
Iria Matos LOOKS
It gets tougher, but ol Hegel has STILL GOT IT
Elise Giles: I... I really love this one...
Richard Owens is pointing across the arcade at street fightan too
Iria Matos: ...Heyyyy. Now there s something rip-snortin enough for ya.
Richard Owens: ...?

Iria Matos: C mon, I am 90% sure I m rusty at it.

Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens follows behind
Hiram Hegel: I see...
Richard Owens: .. looks like... THE GOVERNMENT MAN... is about to start
Richard Owens: ....Looks like we ll have to wait for our turn.
eldritch s.: looey: "oh, shit, is that a pedophile..."
Gnther Glazkov: ...Oh. Troubling... But, I am probably never going to be on the r
oad, so there is that.
Hiram Hegel allows her to try her hand at it
Sakura Emiya: Do you want to try it again? Maybe it d be fairer now.
Space: hey mobile and duff
Gnther Glazkov: Sure. Might as well. Just promise to pass out if I do. Heh.
Sakura Emiya: Sure thing.
Mobile L (GM): Yeeeees
Sakura Emiya puts in the dosh, picking her same car
Space: 2007 was 8 years ago
Hiram Hegel: 2008 was 7 years ago
Government Man: ...You there....
Mac D.: wh
Hiram Hegel: heil
Richard Owens: ...>?
Hiram Hegel: 87 - 69 = hitler
Government Man: I... was impressed at your ... ssssshow of courage yesterday... d
o you wish to... play me.
Elise Giles gives it the ol Paris try
Richard Owens looks at him
Elise Giles: rolling 1d100
= 14
Hiram Hegel: she s a fucking witch
Richard Owens: ......Alright. I haven t played this game before, though.
Elise Giles: Eeheehee... Oh... I really do love this game, I do...
Government Man: Mm... Well. No time like the... pressssent.
Government Man PUTS IN THE MONEY
Hiram Hegel: ... Very good...
Gnther Glazkov gets his broom broom car
Hiram Hegel goes at it once more
Hiram Hegel: rolling 1d100

= 40
Sakura Emiya ride or die. you ride. or you die.
Richard Owens nods and steps the fuck up
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 71
yo i am gonna pass out right at one, a ight
Hiram Hegel: it s getting
and harder
Space: same
i really need to sleep at 12 but this is 2fun
Shit, um... Marble Madness gets insane tuff later on. You tried, but you died.
Space: @hiram: well it s simple
all this hardcore gaming is wearing out their weak constitution
Richard Owens slots in his shekel and cycles through the characters
Government Man: I... quite enjoy the opportunity to take... control of a mute, f
aceless avatar... cause it to... do my will...
Space: pick vega
Hiram Hegel: ...
Space: vega s the coolest
Richard Owens , ever the patriot, picks Guile
Space: god damn you
Government Man gets Zangief
Mac D.: shit he plays grapplers
Mac D.: he s gonna churn butter like a motherfucker isn t her
Government Man: ...Working at the government is... boring, sometimessss... Video
games... they help. To ease. The monotony.
Richard Owens: .....I agree, they re enjoyable.
eldritch s.: and then
it is revealed
g-man is this world s version of keel lorenz
Government Man: ...Now... Let usssss see... if you are able to... endure... my g
rapple onslaught...
Mac D.: guile s theme on standby
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens nods and gets ready to FIGHT
Elise Giles: ...You see what I mean, though... don t you? It... It just makes yo
u forget...
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100

= 47
Government Man: rolling 1d100
= 91
Space: he doesnt know how to fighters
...Oh... That old snake is kinda... kinda rusty... He hisses with every blow Ric
k lands.
Gnther Glazkov: rolling 1d100
= 4
Mac D.:
Government Man: Hssssssssssssss...
Sakura Emiya: ...!!?!??!???!??!!?!
Richard Owens is laser-focused on the game, hitting buttons and making subtle mo
vements with lightning precision
That fucking Swede is OWNING YOU Sak you gotta do something
Hiram Hegel: Yes...
It does.
Government Man is just addled from the weakness of his morning s coffee
Hiram Hegel: Thank you, Elise.
Sakura Emiya RIDE OR DIE SAK
Sakura Emiya YOU RIDE
Sakura Emiya OR YOU DIE
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 95
Space: she dies
Elise Giles: ...Mhm... And... And thank you, Hiram... I enjoyed.
Mac D.: magic s gone
Gnther Glazkov: rolling 1d100
= 80
Richard Owens SONIC BOOM
Gnther Glazkov starts to get fatigued, but Sakura is still STRUGGLING
Government Man: Hsssssssssss...!
Government Man tries to STEP IT UP. Roll, Rick

Sakura Emiya you can overtake him... you can do it....!!!

Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 27
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 38
Government Man: rolling 1d100
= 93
...oh man, this is sad... That poor, poor old man... thing...
Government Man: ...Hsssss...
Richard Owens what is this rush.....this tension!? s been so long, he s f
orgotten......the exhiliration of a real fight!!
Gnther Glazkov GRITS THOSE TEETH and tries to OVERTAKE
Gnther Glazkov: rolling 1d100
= 39
Richard Owens has found it.....his calling
Richard Owens fightan games
Hiram Hegel nods
...He clings close, Sakura... but you make it past the finish line first...
Sakura Emiya: Heh...
Gnther Glazkov: ...Hoof... Hahhh...
Sakura Emiya: rolling 1d100
= 55
Iria Matos: ...Oh my God...
Government Man: ..........
Richard Owens: .....
the gummint stooge gives ONE FINAL PUSH CMON RICK FINISH HIM OFF
Richard Owens HaaaaaAAAH-!
Richard Owens: rolling 1d100
= 38
Hiram Hegel: g-man loses
he teleports rich
to a room
full of aliens
Government Man: rolling 1d100

= 50
Mac D.: he teleports rich to the tekken tournament
Hiram Hegel: to outworld
Mac D.: to defeat shao khan
Hiram Hegel: g-man is shao khan
...The old man tries his best... But it is no use. Richard is a natural. He s in
his element... He is... a Street Fighter. And G-Man... must go home and be a fa
mily man.
Government Man: ...Hssssssssigh.
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens lets go of the joystick
Richard Owens: ...Good game.
Government Man mechanically wipes the sweat from his brow and steps back
Government Man: ...Yesssss... Valiantly... fought.
Hiram Hegel: looey: "okay asshole, you re going to jail now."
Richard Owens nods
Richard Owens: Thank you, sir.
Hiram Hegel: looey: "no pedophiles allowed in wonderland"
Government Man: The pleasssssure... is all mine... young man.
Mac D.: adeva subplot where richard goes to EVO y/n
Hiram Hegel: he tazes him
what is evo
Government Man: what is evo
Gnther Glazkov: rolling 1d100
= 7
Hiram Hegel: it doesn t exist anyway, the world is still in shambles, remember
Space: fighting game toruney
Mac D.: s the biggest fighting game tournament in the world.....c
mon guys, f real.....
Space: even i know what itis
Mobile L (GM): Ah
Hiram Hegel: my point still stands
Mobile L (GM): We will see
Mac D.: it s like the super bowl of fighting games you lumps
Space: also i did something cool, want to see
Mac D.: yes
Government Man: ...You know, you...
Hiram Hegel: no
Richard Owens: ....?
e_nym8eq41OW1r1nkm5_540.png full size
Government Man: fabulous
...mayhave a future... in government work...
Mac D.: i love the phrase "six string samurai"
Richard Owens: ....
*I ll consider it, Sir. But my duty as a MOT pilot comes first.
Government Man: ...Of courssssse... Perhaps. Down the line... When you are grown.
Richard Owens: Perhaps. Thank you for offering, Sir.

Government Man adjusts his tie mechanically

Government Man: ...Yesss, of course... Now. I have a... train to catch. Farewell.
Hiram Hegel: g-man is really a fury
Mac D.: hahahah the screen on the cabinet is gief vs. guile
Government Man steps out of the arcade
Government Man: duuuude sick
Richard Owens watches him go
Richard Owens: ....
Hiram Hegel: ...
Hiram Hegel checks the time
Richard Owens looks at the cabinet, then at Iria
Space: @duff: i love it too
sorry i was busy writing gilgamesh getting bodied
Gnther Glazkov: ...I am actually legitimately tired now.
Richard Owens: .....This game...It felt good to play.
Sakura Emiya: Where did you get all of that from, Gunther?
Richard Owens: What kind of game is it called?
Iria Matos: Felt almost as good watching you, y know? That s what you call a fig
hting game.
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens looks back at the cabinet
Richard Owens: ....A fighting game...
Iria Matos: Yep. And I betcha anything that if you re good at this one, you re g
ood at lots of em.
Richard Owens: ......
Iria Matos gives him... ooooh... a playful shoulder pat
Richard Owens gives this some THOUGHT
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens checks his watch for the time
Gnther Glazkov: All of what.
...Gettin late, yo. You burned up some nice hours here.
Richard Owens: ......
Sakura Emiya: That... energy, I guess. I didn t know you were so good at racing.
Richard Owens hiram has likely returned by now
Richard Owens looks back at Iria
Richard Owens: ....I have to return to my dorm. I am almost past curfew.
Gnther Glazkov: Eh. I don t know. I have always been mediocre-to-above average at
hand-eye coordination.
e_nym8ovbELk1srjzqb_540.png spaz drew rennor in return
Gnther Glazkov: he looks like he is screaming
Space: he is
Mac D.: he always is
Iria Matos: ...Ah, right. Cool, well... Guess I ll be seeing you around, then, h
Iria Matos smiles warmly
Richard Owens nods to her

Richard Owens: I hope you had an enjoyable time.

Iria Matos: Oh, you d better believe I did, mhmhmhm... And I look forward to man
y more with you, Rich.
Richard Owens: .....Right.
I will see you at school tomorrow, then.
Iria Matos: Alright, look forward to it. Have a good night, man.
Iria Matos is just so satisfied. COOLEST FIRST DATE EVER
Richard Owens nods and heads out the door into the BAD PART OF TOWN, on his way
back to the dorm
The shadows hold many seedy and unsavory sights... Yet you know, in the core of
your being, the corruption has poverty and sadness at its root.
Richard Owens: ......
...And the sadness is only amplified by the looming dread of the Furies. Yes, th
eir next attack has not happened yet, but it is like a great, gleaming hatchet o
ver this island s head...
Richard Owens: ..........
...The same could be said for the world at large. But hey. That s what you re he
re for, isn t it?
Richard Owens: ........
Mac D.: let us have a moment of silence
for our dearest friend eldritchseer
Mobile L (GM): also probably space
Mac D.: taken before his time by the vice of alcoholism
space is probably just postin in the rp
Mobile L (GM): ah
Mac D.: ....i hope
Space: no i m drawing fanart for tats
Sakura Emiya: I think you re selling yourself short...
Gnther Glazkov: ...Hm. Well, if you think I have some modicum of a future in the
competitive Daytona USA circuit, then I suppose I cannot protest so intensely.
Gnther Glazkov smirks tiredly
Sakura Emiya: Is your house far from here?
Richard Owens wonders if Hiram is okay at the dorm
Richard Owens and then wonders if Sakura is okay on her own at the arcade
Richard Owens: .....
Gnther Glazkov: It s about a twenty minute walk. I can manage.
Mac D.: i like this piano piece
Mobile L (GM): :)
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens realizes that he still doesn t have sakura s number
Richard Owens: .....
...You, Richard, eventually make it back to your dorm. The inside is quiet, comf
orting. Tomorrow is another day, and nobody knows whether life will continue as
normal, or if the hatchet will fall. Nonetheless, you need your rest.
Sakura Emiya: Are you sure? This is the rough part of town and all...
Richard Owens: ........
Richard Owens checks to see if the others have arrived
Gnther Glazkov: ...Heh. Of course. I know I probably don t look it so much, but I
am a good sprinter.
Sakura Emiya: Well, what if you fall asleep midstride?
Sakura Emiya smiles

Richard Owens: .....

t think

Owens nobody...
Owens: ......
Glazkov: Eheheh. That is what possums do, in nature, isn t it? They ll jus
I m diseased.

Richard Owens pulls up a chair by the door and sits down

Sakura Emiya: Yeah, but then they ll take your wallet anyways.
... S quiet. Just your breathing, the air conditioner... the faint sound of a vi
olinist playing for money on a streetcorner.
Richard Owens: ......
Gnther Glazkov: ...Eheheh. Well, if you are so intent on walking me home.
Richard Owens keeps his eye on that front door
Sakura Emiya: Alright, lead the way!
Gnther Glazkov nods and heads out into the crisp, quiet Sicilian night
Richard Owens: ....
Yep. Twenty minute s walk, and they re there. Gunth is visibly tired.
Gnther Glazkov: ...That was fun, wasn t it.
Sakura Emiya: Go on and get some sleep, okay?
Richard Owens: ....
Gnther Glazkov: Heh. I think, for once, I will... And...

...Thank you.
Sakura Emiya: Thank you too! Tonight was fun.
Richard Owens begins to grow nervous
Gnther Glazkov: ...Heh. Perhaps we can make this a regular-ish thing... Goodnight
, Miss Emiya.
Richard Owens: ......
Gnther Glazkov heads on into his sketchy little condo
Sakura Emiya: Goodnight!
Sakura Emiya starts walking home herself
The night is clear and quiet. Even with the ambient city lights, you can see a w
ealth of stars.
Richard Owens: ....
...You re going to have to Pilot soon. No telling when, but the idle life of a c
arefree youngster will melt away all too fast.
Sakura Emiya likes this a lot
Sakura Emiya can t really see the stars in her hometown at night
Sakura Emiya: ...
Sakura Emiya thinks that she s going to be okay with this
Sakura Emiya is okay with a lot of things
Richard Owens curses himself for not remembering to ask for her number again
Sakura Emiya takes a moment to stop and enjoy the cool night air
Richard Owens: .....
...That kind of attitude works for some. Sometimes it is better to accept harsh
realities rather than fight them...
...But you d best get home and in bed so you don t hate yourself tomorrow. Gawd,
you are TIRED...

Sakura Emiya yawns quietly

Sakura Emiya: ...Mmh.
Sakura Emiya starts walking back
Richard Owens: ....
Space: this has a contemplative air to it
Gnther Glazkov: IKR
It s a cover of a song, but I actually like the instrumental better
Richard Owens: ....
Gnther Glazkov: Nobody even knew it existed on Soundcloud
Space: its good for this last bit
Eventually, you too find yourself in the safety of the dorm. The warm, gentle li
ght from your bedroom hearkens you. The faint scent of that lavender air freshen
er room service likes to use so much lingers. You re home now. You re home...
Richard Owens: ...!
Sakura Emiya shuts the door behind her
Richard Owens visibly relaxes slightly when she sees her come through the door
Space: switch me 2 the dorm map plez
Sakura Emiya: Good evening, sempai!
Richard Owens: ...
Richard Owens nods to her
Richard Owens: ...Did you have any trouble getting here.
Sakura Emiya: Oh, no. I just had to walk Gunther home.
Richard Owens: .....Alright....Have you seen Hiram.
Sakura Emiya: Oh-- no, I haven t.
Richard Owens: .....
Sakura Emiya: I m sure he s fine. Was he at the arcade as well?
Richard Owens: ......I m unsure. I didn t see him.
....Though, that was the point.
Sakura Emiya: It was?
Richard Owens: He s being stalked by a woman.
I was to divert the stalker s attention away from him while he was at the arcade
Sakura Emiya: ...Oh... is that what that was?
Sakura Emiya giggles
Mobile L (GM): Poor fucking Richard is just gonna see romance as an endless cycl
e of stalking now
Richard Owens: ....
Mobile L (GM): also you need to wrap it up soon, I am feeling the grave pulling
my soul
Richard Owens: ...I will stay on watch for him until he arrives.
Sakura Emiya: Oh... you don t have to do that.
Richard Owens: I have to know he s safe.
Sakura Emiya: Hey, hey.
Weren t you the one going after me for not sleeping?
Sakura Emiya smiles tiredly
Richard Owens: ........I have to know he s safe.
Mobile L (GM): awww gawd
i-if only Hiram knew... :,(
Space: yet
hiram thinks he s out to get him
it is the hedgehog dilemma
Mac D.: the life of a soldier is unforgiving

Sakura Emiya loses the smile a little

Mobile L (GM): Shit s so fucking eva already I LOVE IT
but i am sleepy...
Sakura Emiya: Do you... want some hot chocolate while you wait? I m going to go
to bed soon, but I can make you some.
Space: it s fucking wondrous i have insta high hopes for this campaign
Richard Owens: .....You don t have to. I am sure he will arrive soon, and then I
will head to bed.
Sakura Emiya: I know I don t have to.
Richard Owens: ....
Space: it s really sad
that the site that had all the fsn sprites
all their links are dead now
Richard Owens: .....If you want to.
Sakura Emiya smiles at him and gets to making it
Richard Owens: .....
Richard Owens keeps his eyes on the door
Sakura Emiya minutes later, Sakura gently sets the mug down by him
Richard Owens: .....Thank you.
Richard Owens said that a lot softer than his usual tone
Sakura Emiya: It s no trouble, Richard.
Mobile L (GM): aaaaa :,)
Sakura Emiya: I m going to bed now, okay? I hope you see him soon.
Richard Owens: ....
Richard Owens nods
Richard Owens: ........Please get some sleep.
Sakura Emiya: I will if you will.
Good night.
Richard Owens: ....Good night.
Sakura Emiya heads to her room, quietly shutting and locking the door behind her
Richard Owens keeps watching that dooor
...All is well. You re all safe and settled in. Time to go to bed... Get up. Do
it all over again... Well, I mean, if you re not Richard... Poor Richard.
Space: poor richard s almanack
Mobile L (GM): Y escena
Space: c:
Mobile L (GM): That was sugoii and I already feel really bad about the things th
at will happen to these kids
Space: like i told duff i m already emotionally invested in them
which is why it s gonna be so fun to see the bad stuff
Mobile L (GM): Oh yes
Mac D.: i want to use this picture
in some context at some point
Mobile L (GM): Fuckin bookmark it and I ll make sure it happens
Because I know a moment like that is down the road
OKAY I hope nobody fusses at me for sleeping long tomorrow. That was awesome, y
all are awesome, I am excited as shit and will prolly gab about things over Skyp
e in the morn. GUDNACHT
Mac D.: see u in distant lights...
Fawkes M.: Ach

Hans, run
It s the Mobile Leprechaun
Behold our roster
So, as you can see, a colorful assortment
Fawkes M.: Yus, it looks great
Whose MOT is Herc?
Mobile L (GM): That s Rick s
Fawkes M.: Fan-cee
Iria Matos: hello yes i wanna have sex with rick
Fawkes M.: Oh hai, Illya
(I know it s not Illya)
Iria Matos: fuckin JP phonetics
Fawkes M.: Illya Matou
Iria Matos: ahahaha, IKR
Kiritsugu Emiya: you re not my daughter, gal
Kiritsugu Emiya shoots her
Iria Matos: ack...! you re not my dad... guy...
Iria Matos DIES
Kiritsugu Emiya: you re not my guy, friend
Kiritsugu Emiya double-taps
Iria Matos: fuk u i m already dead
Kiritsugu Emiya: i need the crit stars for next battle, fuk u
Kiritsugu Emiya triple-taps
Kiritsugu Emiya: why, yes i am!
Kiritsugu Emiya is now quintuple-tapping
Kiritsugu Emiya: i know, right? they re great!
Kiritsugu Emiya collects all the stars
Kiritsugu Emiya: especially when i want a crit...
Kiritsugu Emiya fires at Ms. Minty
Mrs. Minty dies
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...oh no
i m precious
and small
Kiritsugu Emiya starts yelling on a boat
Mr. Milk: o-oh my god, you... you killed her...!
Mr. Milk faints
Kiritsugu Emiya is all like
Kiritsugu Emiya: SHUT UP
Kiritsugu Emiya wails harder

Mr. Milk mercifully sleeps through kerry s weak moment

Mobile L (GM): hhhholy shit, though, kerry
Fawkes M.: That s what you get when you choose "Out of Context" for $1000, and i
t s a Daily Double
Mobile L (GM): Eeheeheehee
I wanna hug him, though. Poor Kerry.
Fawkes M.: He celebrated Mother s Day the only way he knew how
By taking an A12 and shooting down the plane she was on
Mobile L (GM): Now I know where Emiya gets it from
Fawkes M.: It was infested with vampiric bees
Fawkes M.: Nicolas Cage s worst nightma-- yes
Fawkes M.: Caster Cu suffered more that day
Mobile L (GM): Tragically beautiful
Fawkes M.: Sup, G?
Government Man: I got my... assssssss kicked at... Street. Fighter last... night.
Kiritsugu Emiya: git gud
Government Man: ffffffuck you... missssster emiya
Kiritsugu Emiya: hey, i ain t the one who doesn t have time magic, and the godli
ke reflexes that come with it
Government Man: ....fuck. you....
Kiritsugu Emiya shoots him - with a light gun
Government Man teleports Kerry to a dimension full of aliens, but then is shot a
nd dies
Kiritsugu Emiya: oh, cool, a railshooter! i love these...
Fawkes M.: Also, school
Looks awfully familiar
Government Man: Eeheehee, ya think?
Fawkes M.: I can trust the word of anyone who dies to a light gun
Government Man: good, good
Fawkes M.: Also, I gotta go for about 20 mins
Government Man: A ight, kool
hello swee
hello swee
Space: aggressively cool, like me
Hiram Hegel: hiram likes his food like he likes his comrades
not salty
Mobile L (GM): Eyyyy
Hiram Hegel: if chris
ever spoke to hiram
he d just melt
Space: just immediately
Hiram Hegel: im melting
im melting
oh what a world
Mobile L (GM): And then his melted remains would crystalize into salt deposits
Hiram Hegel: sakura would eat one
Sakura Emiya: ...Hm... needs more salt.
Hiram Hegel: she gently salts it
it s pure sodium
Mobile L (GM): Sak you fat lard
Sakura Emiya: That s better!~
Hiram Hegel: doesn t that mae it explosive
i think it does
Sakura Emiya: yes
Mobile L (GM): Just how she likes it, the fucker

Hiram Hegel:

that happens inside sa
Sakura Emiya: tasty...
Mobile L (GM): Oh gawd, I am so excited, uuuu guuuuuise
Hiram Hegel:
Sakura Emiya: this roll20 is gonna be great
Gnther Glazkov: WORTH THE WEIGHT
Space: swedish gaben
Mobile L (GM): Theme of the first official session
Hiram Hegel:
Mobile L (GM): Jesus christ Sakura you ANIMAL
Hiram Hegel: that happens in her innards
Mobile L (GM): She just pauses a second
Then lets out the tiniest, most polite burp
Sakura Emiya: 8)
Hiram Hegel: kotomine junior
i remember
a while ago
flippign throug the adeva gm book
and finding
the most
Hiram Hegel: bullshit angel
i believe it was called keter
Mobile L (GM): More bullshit than the kickstarter one?
Hiram Hegel: it was just fucking ridiculous levels of unfair
no it wasn t lie
eyeball tits
i mean
increadibly unfair to fight
Mobile L (GM): That sux
Hiram Hegel: no it was amazingly op
Space: i have the gm doc here
lemme look for it
cannot find
but i remember seeing what you were talking about
i think it was in the old version
the dark heresy version
Mobile L (GM): Must be in an older edition, yeah
Hiram Hegel: yeah
i checked myself
not there
Mobile L (GM): Refresh and LOOKIT ME
Hiram Hegel: no big loss
Space: holy
Space: it you
Mobile L (GM): >:)
Got yer Skype message, Eldy
Space suspicious face
Mobile L (GM): > : )
Space: so will richard get into a MOT fistfight with iria
Mobile L (GM): Shit, it d be cool, but IDK
Sakura Emiya: turns out... they re enemies

i remember one of the scenarios in the book

is an EVA dance-off
Mobile L (GM): Ohhhhh snap!
Sakura Emiya: obviously i, sakura emiya, will be the victor
Mr. Milk: u-um... i m... i don t really know how to pilot, but i... i ll try...
"Medusa" steps on Mr. Milk
Mr. Milk: ...ow...
Sakura Emiya: whoops
sorry, mr. milk
Mr. Milk: i-it s okay, maybe it ll kill me
"Medusa" stomps again, for good measure
Sakura Emiya: did it work
Mr. Milk: ...y-yeah, um... thanks, miss emiya...
Mr. Milk expires wimpily
Sakura Emiya: gunther
get the shovel
we ve got a body to hide
Gnther Glazkov: awww yeah, i am good at corpse disposal
Sakura Emiya: don t fail me...
Gnther Glazkov throws Mr. Milk into the shallow grave where Gnthers IIV lie
Sakura Emiya: ...good.
Gnther Glazkov: :D
Mobile L (GM): I find it weird how Sak befriended him, of all people
Does she feel the astral connection and want to be his wrestling manager?
Space: that must be it
i think she just finds him funny
and felt a little bad to see him sitting along
Mobile L (GM): Pity-friendship
She is his Kuwabara now
Sakura Emiya: "let s take over this town, punther"
eldritch s.: you know there s one macbeth quote that i really like
Gnther Glazkov: I... WILL NOT FAIL YOU... my master......
Mobile L (GM): Ooh?
eldritch s.: because it is just the most nihilistic quote
said by macbeth when his wife dies
Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
eldritch s.: Signifying nothing.
Space: the sound and the fury
that reminds me of (i think) that one quote from king lear
Mobile L (GM): I think that quote is maybe applicable
Hello again, Fawkes
Space: As flies to wanton boys are we to th gods,
They kill us for their sport.
Fawkes M.: Near nooooo
Sakura Emiya: welcome fox... to die
Kiritsugu Emiya: this is it, soraya
we throwing down again
Kiritsugu Emiya: i don t speak french, sorry

Sakura Emiya: father, use your... your time alter! quintuple accell!
Kiritsugu Emiya: or mexican
eldritch s.: see in a catholic school i could not help but think it very like
standing out
that in a play
they main character
literally calls god an idiot
eldritch s.: full of sound and fury
Kiritsugu Emiya turns into a pile of goo
Sakura Emiya: ...oh...
eldritch s.: also
Kiritsugu Emiya: whooooooo
eldritch s.: let me ask
Kiritsugu Emiya: i m a ghooooooost
Mobile L (GM): Yeh?
Space: brb to laundry
Kiritsugu Emiya: aww, i wanted to haunt the daughter that killed me...
Illya Emiya: it s ok dad, you can haunt me
Kiritsugu Emiya: yaaaaaay
eldritch s.: on a scale of 1-15 freuds, how freud is this going to be. 1 being l
ike, uh, fuck, pacific rim or something, 10 being end of eva, 15 being the faile
dgy monsters in the humungous mecha rp
Kiritsugu Emiya inhabits her stuffed bear
Mobile L (GM): Hmm. I d say a solid 8 or 9. We re not gonna get too sex creepy.
We have some suggestive shit
Illya Emiya: yayyyyy, killing!
Illya Emiya KILLS THEM ALL!!!!!
Kiritsugu Emiya: my mot/eva/whatever is a giant penis
Gnther Glazkov: mine is literally a fleshlight
eldritch s.: i see
so just short of eoe
Mobile L (GM): Yeah. There s really no topping the hand-vagina
eldritch s.: there will be no masturbation in a coma
Mobile L (GM): Not unless you wanna ;)
Space sideeyes shirou
eldritch s.: patrick stweart is there
and he just says
Kiritsugu Emiya: Masturbation without the coma
eldritch s.: "The line must be drawn HERE."
"This far, no further!"
Gabby Tran: i m so fricked up...
Gabby Tran spilled elmer s glue all over her hand
Space: gabby NO...
eldritch s.: but it s gabby with the voice of patrick stewart
Space: sanguinas et furias
Mobile L (GM): Ohhh my gawd
It even sounds folksy enough
Welcome to your gilded cage, children. Enjoy the pasta, and remember, suicide is

an instant ticket to hell.

Space: ok you know something weird
Mobile L (GM): Yeh?
Space: you know how prisma illya is creepy as fuck
Mobile L (GM): Yeh
Space: the manga is apparently kind of badass...???
Mobile L (GM): Oh my
That is weird
Shirou, yeyyyyy!
eldritch s.: i d say
of our main cast
hiram is the most shinji of them
Fawkes M.: A world where Issei is the main villain
Space: i agree with seer
richard is like
eldritch s.: but i d say he s not quite as
Mobile L (GM): He is a sad little friend
eldritch s.: "MOTHEEEEEER"
Space: inverse asuka
Mobile L (GM): Rick is Rei with Asuka s strength
eldritch s.: sak is anti-rei
Mobile L (GM): Sak is Rei with Asuka s charisma
Space: accurate
eldritch s.: what is hiram with this mxture method
Space: (u should add the italian eva theme to this roll20 its hella)
hiram is like
one part shinji
one part rei
mix with a slug and stir
eldritch s.: and a bit of gendo even
Mobile L (GM): Shinji s sorrow and fear, Rei s coldness and existential problems
, Gendo s quiet self-hatred
eldritch s.: like pussy gendo
and a bit of slug
just to make him gross
also since he has
a subcutaneous lair of slime
Gnther Glazkov: and i m rei with keel lorenz s devilishly good looks B)
eldritch s.: could i get
an extra modifier to wriggling out of grips
Mobile L (GM): Sure, why not
eldritch s.: imagine how fucking repulsive that would look and feel
Mobile L (GM): Gotta escape those hugs
Yeah, holy fuck
Like pressing on a very rotten tomato
eldritch s.: a little bit of pee would come out of the gripper
Mobile L (GM): They d run to get the salt
eldritch s.: mr mil
*mr milk
is middle aged shinji
Space: so is hiram like a vampire in that
if you make a line of salt
Mobile L (GM): That is why he s here
Space: he can t cross
eldritch s.: no he can cross
it just can t touch him
Mobile L (GM): Who better to teach an Eva class than middle-aged Shinji?
eldritch s.: if you throw it at him
that would cause him an issue
but he s not like a fucking tool

Space: a room where the water in the fire sprinkler system

is replaced with salt
eldritch s.: skin would literally sizzle off
Mobile L (GM): Poor fucking Hiram, seriously
I want to hug him
Very badly
eldritch s.:
Space: he d scream
Mobile L (GM): Kehehehe, Asuka
Space: i need to finish this thrice-damned seires
Mobile L (GM): DO IT BOY
It will give you The Ideas
Space: maybe in a rabbit
Mobile L (GM): Hellz yeah
I am just, like
Shunting all the instrumental covers of sad songs I like that I can find in here
eldritch s.: i m eager
to have
angel mindfuckery
and normal mindfuckery
Mobile L (GM): We have some special fuckery in both regards planned
Space: same
am i gonna go oh SHIIT"
eldritch s.: sakura becomes literally kotomine
eldritch s.: he grows a mullet
and starts saying rejoice a lot
Mobile L (GM): I actually threw something very OH SHIT together just today
Space: what is it
Mobile L (GM): A secret
eldritch s.: it s the excrement of princess peach
Mobile L (GM): Ahahahaha
Sakura Emiya dies immediately
Mobile L (GM): That s the final Fury attack
That fucking fic
eldritch s.: fart noises
Mobile L (GM): Death everywhere
eldritch s.: this is the song
a giant ass descends from the sky
and rains shit down onto the world
Humanity is forever ended... By the excrement of Peach Princess...
eldritch s.: mr milk gets it right in the mouth
Space: so it goes
Mr. Milk: OH FUCK
eldritch s.: just imagine
he drops the nervous man thing
and just
at the top of his lungs
eldritch s.: filled with rage
Mr. Milk: you know i would if a fucking ass came down from the sky
i am gonna set the fucking school on fire, i am beyond pissed
Space: turns out the nervousness is all an act
Mobile L (GM): I finally get to use Milk and Minty in something, and it s a fuck
in serious work
Space: n reality
he s bridling with rage

what is milk and minty from

Mobile L (GM): Making Fiends
eldritch s.: makinf fiends
Space: you re a fiend
Mobile L (GM): Best cartoon
Made by my life s hero and sempai, Amy Winfrey
eldritch s.: imagine mr milk
just getting out a gas can
and dousing the school with it
as like the world is ending outside
the mots are fighting te giant ass
he s walking around dousing things in gas as he s lighting the school on fire
eldritch s.: i cannot imagine sak driving a mot
"Medusa": i m gonna build medusa to be a sniper
Space: hey mobile
Mobile L (GM): Yeh?
Space: do you have sprites made for the players in the jumpsuits
Mobile L (GM): Oh, I just thought about that today. I do not yet, but I can get
some done up.
eldritch s.: i also thought about that today
Mobile L (GM): I ll even put the little syncro clips in their hair
Sakura Emiya: sickh
Mobile L (GM): I always thought the synchro clips were so cute
I want some of my own
Space: you can probably buy them off of amazon
just go around town wearing em
Mobile L (GM): Look like an idiot weeb woman
But a stylin one
eldritch s.: has sak had
any training
or did italian keel lorenz just get high and stamp her sheet
Space: i feel like she was probably picked solely to be a sociable face
given the other pilots being
eldritch s.: italian keel lorenz is just keel with a mustache and a racist accen
Mobile L (GM): She prolly has been trained a bit, but not like, too much.
It s tony
eldritch s.: it is actually tony
Mobile L (GM): It was Tony all along
The bastard
eldritch s.: "Oh you thought I just a own the gelato!"
"It sa me! Tony!"
eldritch s.: i remember
a long while ago
you mentioned the version of keel here
was young
and still a real piece
Mobile L (GM): Yeah, this one is not much nicer than Keel himself
Maybe even more of a douche
Space: gein
eldritch s.: he s actually gein
the seele council are the kids
Mobile L (GM): Eeheeheehee
Space: gunth...
Gnther Glazkov: hell yeah, mister mender, let s dissolve everyone

eldritch s.: "let s get schwifty with instrumentality"

Gnther Glazkov: take off your pants and your panties
eldritch s.: "take a shit on the floor"
Gnther Glazkov does the tambourine
eldritch s.: imagine keel doing that song
who would be his tambourine
Mobile L (GM): I have a disturbingly easy time imagining that
Probably either Gunth or Tsubasa, given that she s pretty Morty
Well, then again, Kuwabara is also Morty
eldritch s.: no i mean keel s
Mobile L (GM): Ah
The smurf man
eldritch s.: fuck that guy
Mobile L (GM): His giant nose
eldritch s.: he was actually a mustacheod smurf
and there was like josef mengele and tucan sam s love child
Mobile L (GM): Eeheehee
eldritch s.: and a guy who looked like he was a superhero
Mobile L (GM): Fuckin Seele
I love em
eldritch s.: it s like anno said
"fuck uh we re out of time, just repurpose the comic relief characters with the
silly faces and put them on seele"
Mobile L (GM): Eeheeheehee
eldritch s.: "but anno, sir, they look retarded"
"we have to draw the last episode with marker, shut the fuck up"
Mobile L (GM): you bastards
Gone for a bit, I am gonna have a bath to cleanse the devious scheming from my b
Back soon, but I will be turning in early
eldritch s.: i see
Space: villain
Mobile L (GM): > : )
Space: when mobile comes back how about watching nge in a rabbit
eldritch s.: sure
so i noticed there was a list of ships made
Space: ys
eldritch s.: hiram will not have any of them i suspect
Space: why
eldritch s.: he s an asocial slugboy
Space: so
eldritch s.: he would not aquire a ship as an asocial slugboy
Space: elise
Fawkes M.: Rei
eldritch s.: i do not think even a french would tap that
Space: shy one would
eldritch s.: yeah we ll see when he gets saddled with a trauma and becomes compl
etly unpalatablee
follow me, space, to another time, another land
Space: but my math hmoework...
Space cries a single tear
Mobile L (GM): Oh, hallo
Don t mind me, just adding a shitton of music to this bitch
eldritch s.: good
Mobile L (GM): Yus
eldritch s.: the song that might play when you fight gunther

Space: ah, hello

Mobile L (GM): Song that might play if you try to beat ASS s high score
eldritch s.: he comes and kicks the shit out of you
Mobile L (GM): He fuckin pulls an assault rifle on your ass
eldritch s.: like this
Mobile L (GM): Get up on outta heeeeere, with my eyeholes
Rick and Morty is such a lovely show
Space: the improv commercials are my favorite part
Mobile L (GM): They re beautiful
eldritch s.:
Space: the struggle: making a ringtone for skype, but it s too large
eldritch s.:
Mobile L (GM): Oh my
The strawberry smiggles guy is me
eldritch s.: i m more irish than yous
Space: Mr. Tophat Jones
Space: oh my god i see demons holy shit
Mobile L (GM): YOOOO, SICK
eldritch s.:
Mobile L (GM): Popcorn
Demons, suck his life out
And then one kinda fucked song
Space: forget about all those religions
Mobile L (GM): Forget about Jesus Christ, forget about Mohammed
eldritch s.: "Get that orthodox out of here."
Mobile L (GM): "I don t give a shit."
eldritch s.: que sera sera
whatever will be will be
Space: ok im gonna get my math done then i ll try to drag you all into a rabbit
Mobile L (GM): Drag, mah boi
eldritch s.:
Mobile L (GM): Ooh
Space: romantically apocalyptic is so great
i wonder if its still updating
...That kind of attitude works for some. Sometimes it is better to accept harsh
realities rather than fight them...
Mobile L (GM): brb dishes
Distracted by remembering that it s trash day/delicious soup brought home from a
Japanese restaurant
Space: i hunger
Mobile L (GM): If I could fax you the container, I would
Space: lemme just get somethin 2 drink an ill make the rabbit
Mobile L (GM): A ight
eldritch s.: hello
Mobile L (GM): Yooooooo
Mobile L (GM) KICKS DOWN THE DOOR and enters the
MrEForEccentric (GM): oh god
You can have the ganders at my new maps and shit
MrEForEccentric (GM): You put it there, I had to
Mobile L (GM): Eeheheehee
That s one of Sak s J-pops
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh good you have the first
Mobile L (GM): Yepper

fucking robot
if you like
press play
battle set up

MrEForEccentric (GM): I still enjoy Chen Gong s bar being a thing

Mobile L (GM): Fuck, I can t hear the music no matter how much I refresh
Oh, same
That is gonna be fun
OH there it goes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Oh lordy SIMON AT THE ARCADE
Mobile L (GM): The place for the miscreants
MrEForEccentric (GM): The place for depressed swedes
Mobile L (GM): Where Scandinavians go to stave off the Viking suicide urges
Iria has a huge crush on Richard
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good
Mobile L (GM): She is also a sk8r girl
From the poorest favelas
I think she may be the coolest coolkid
Besides maybe Hal
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hal is the best
his surname is Hightower
Hal mothrfuckin Hightower
Mobile L (GM): He is the spirit of Great Britain
MrEForEccentric (GM): IIRC this is chen gong s bar music
Mobile L (GM): Oohoohoo
Everybody hurts in the bar, sometimes
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes it is
Mobile L (GM): brb
MrEForEccentric (GM): aight
Mobile L (GM): Back-ish, had 2 groceries
MrEForEccentric (GM): Good
Mobile L (GM): Poor kid
Oop. Ahaha, that isn t spoilers tho
MrEForEccentric (GM): YEAH
These kids be POOR
Mobile L (GM): YEH
Simon Solberg issues intensify
Elise Giles: chill, my man, have a croissant
Simon Solberg: My sins though...
Crashing down on me
Elise Giles: sins go away if you eat a croissant :^)
ew wtf are you growing boobs
Simon Solberg: I m turning into a lizard
Elise Giles: grossssss x(
Simon Solberg: Nah, I m kidding.
I just cut myself at night!
Simon Solberg fake laughter
Elise Giles: oh okay that is more acceptable
still have a croissant tho
Simon Solberg: But it s- French
Elise Giles: so what, bitch, so am i
Simon Solberg: Ugh... Sorry- I don t like French things. The people are okay, I
guess- but...
Elise Giles: fair nuff.
Simon Solberg: Yeah- sorry. It just- physically repulses me to be near french th
Elise Giles: that is a damn shame
Simon Solberg: Yeah, I guess so.
Mobile L (GM): Richard, noooooo!
Master Chen Gong: Everybody burns

Illya Emiya: e-even me?

Master Chen Gong: Especially you Jimmy Olsen- I mean, Illya Emiya
Illya Emiya: noooooooo! :,(
brb again 3: THE REVENGE
Master Chen Gong: Good. RUN.
Illya Emiya: BUT I RETURN
oh no he s HUGE
Master Chen Gong: I am the final Fury
Illya Emiya: dammit!
Master Chen Gong: Behold how I summon fireballs from my sleeves!
Illya Emiya: YOU MADMAN
Master Chen Gong: I am not mad- I am a genius!
Illya Emiya: YOU RE CRAY
Master Chen Gong: GENIUS
Illya Emiya: GOTTA HEL
Master Chen Gong: No you!
Master Chen Gong burns Illya
Illya Emiya: d-damn it...!
Illya Emiya DIES
Fawkes M.: I thought Hollow Night was loaded
Should I stay or should I go?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Hm?
Hollow night s happening?
Fawkes M.: Nah, I just wanted to look over the map
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ahh. I was just plannin with Mobile
Fawkes M.: Next week is finals week, so I can t run with a good conscience
Secrets, eh?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Many many secrets
Master Chen Gong: Like me being the final boss
MrEForEccentric (GM): Though I think Mobile is ded
Kiritsugu Emiya: Hey, I thought I was the final boss
I mean, I did shoot Mobile
"The Mole": Damn.
I thought I shot her
Kiritsugu Emiya: I possessed you when I did
"The Mole": I thought it might have been the work of a ghost
Kiritsugu Emiya: Sakura pressured me into using Time Alter - Octuple Accel
And I became a pile of goo
Now I m a ghost
I like it
"The Mole": I always thought being a ghost is pretty cool
Mobile- is being a ghost cool
Yes it is
Had to help clean up a chili mess
Kiritsugu Emiya: Hey, I was a ghost BEFORE it was cool
That was me
Mobile L (GM): Damn you, Kerry
Kiritsugu Emiya: YES
"The Mole": REJOICE
"The Mole": I know that when I pway hat my wedeemer ives
Kiritsugu Emiya: SEE, YOU GET IT


"The Mole": Yeah
Mobile L (GM): rejoice betch
MrEForEccentric (GM): Over 88 milesper hour
Arnaud Abandonato shouldn t be drivin this car
Mobile L (GM): I almost want this one to be used in a commercial or something
Also, Olive
If it
MrEForEccentric (GM): What
Fawkes M.: Y know
If it
It s a common American idion
MrEForEccentric (GM): I don t know it...
Fawkes M.: It s simple
If it
If it
MrEForEccentric (GM): Circular logic is bad for your health
Mobile L (GM): Uhp, had to dinner
*it s cool, and I find the time this evening, can I do One More Final BS sesh?
MrEForEccentric (GM): no problemo
Fawkes M.: One More Final
Mobile L (GM): Yeyyyyy. thank!
You Need Me!
Fawkes M.: I m gonna say that when I actually do have one more final
Mobile L (GM): Fuck yeh
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ya-ya
Fawkes M.: How goes the NOBU TREK, Mobile?
Mobile L (GM): I haven t tried in a couple days, but I will attempt to get back
on the horse
Fawkes M.: Get on the fucking horse, Mobile
Kirei Kotomine: Rejoice motherfuckers
o look who it b
Kiritsugu Emiya: Yeah, look who it be...
Kirei Kotomine stares intently
Kiritsugu Emiya: TIME ALTER
Kirei Kotomine: Who is this fucko
Kiritsugu Emiya goes supernova
Gnther Glazkov: your best friend
Kirei Kotomine: You are truly a mysterious person, Kiritsugu....
Kiritsugu Emiya: I should have run up to you before exploding, right?
Kiritsugu Emiya is a ghost again
Kirei Kotomine: Yes
No you are dead.
Like everyone else.
Kiritsugu Emiya: Sod off, this isn t the Nasuverse anymore
Gnther Glazkov: you will never die as much as me :^)
Kirei Kotomine: Who said
I was referring to those fuckos
Kiritsugu Emiya: Oh

Gnther Glazkov: >:D

Theresa Fuentes: aaaaaa fuck, this universe is scary, bro
Demifury: I am extra dead
Theresa Fuentes: good
you re dangerous
Kirei Kotomine: This is why we pway
Kiritsugu Emiya: i hope you can at least swim
Theresa Fuentes: my prosthetic leg will weigh me down
Kiritsugu Emiya: good
Kiritsugu Emiya blows up a dam, causing water to flood the place
Theresa Fuentes: noooooooo...!
Guillermo Fuentes: i will save you, my sister
Guillermo Fuentes POWERSWIMS over to theresa
Kirei Kotomine: I m used to hypothetically drowning in bitches- water will have
no effect.
Kiritsugu Emiya sprays lizard repellant in Guillermo s face
Kiritsugu Emiya: it ain t you i m trying to kill
Guillermo Fuentes: aaaaaaaa dammit, i am lizard-kin...!
Kirei Kotomine: Oh.
Guillermo Fuentes explodes
Kiritsugu Emiya s ghost is blown up in the explosion
Kirei Kotomine remains
Kiritsugu Emiya is now the ghost of a ghost
Kirei Kotomine: Rejoice- I am the survivor
Kiritsugu Emiya: Who am I...?
Gnther Glazkov drowns nonchalantly
Kirei Kotomine: Yes- Who are you, Kiritsugu...
Guillermo Fuentes: aw shit, now i am lizard-kin AND a ghost
Kiritsugu Emiya: my name
is shirou
Misor: No- water, my greatest weakness
Kiritsugu Emiya: shirou von matou-fujimiya
Shirou Emiya: Hey that s my name! Except the rest of it!
Kiritsugu Emiya: shut up, shirou, go back to your siscon world
Shirou Emiya: Aw...
Kiritsugu Emiya: i am the champion of the ninjas
Kiritsugu Emiya powerwalks away
Shirou Emiya: At least I have you- reality marble of my deep thoughts.
Fawkes M.: His reality marble proceeds to stab him from the inside
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes, because the swords are disgusted by his siscon
Fawkes M.: Why did you have to use a badass Shirou as a faceclaim for a Shinji?
MrEForEccentric (GM): Because he looks fuckedup
Simon Solberg: A-almost like me...
Kirei Kotomine: man
Simon Solberg: Except I m just depresed.
Kirei Kotomine: it s been almost a year since i ve used this character
[komm susser tod softly playing in the background]
Mobile L (GM): Rejoice, Fawkes MacLeod
Kirei Kotomine: i wonder if i could make for a good rp character next plot...?

You noticed me Fawkes-Sempai!!!!
Mobile L (GM): Assuming direct Kotrol
Kirei Kotomine punches himself across the face
Kirei Kotomine: I live inside you forever- with Satan by my side!
Mobile L (GM): Sad music plays as Kotomine tries to repress his inner sadist
Kirei Kotomine: Turns out you re as fucked as Jekyll
So you re saying you re worse than me.
Kirei Kotomine: NO
Gustavo Fring: stop hitting yourself! stop hitting yourself!~ keheheheheheeh
So I m still better than you?
Gustavo Fring: sorry, i don t deal drugs anymore
Kirei Kotomine: Here s a scenario- there s a man called Kariya and he likes this
married chick. Do you force him to strangle this girl.
Because it s fun
Mr. Milk: u-um... i... may have tried to OD on your pills...
Kirei Kotomine: WHAT.
Mr. Milk: um...
Mr. Milk counts
David Solberg: Same actually.
I had the rest.
Mr. Milk: ...there s, um... half a pill...
Kirei Kotomine: OKAY, YOU KNOW WHAT.
Kirei Kotomine gives Milk a gun
Kirei Kotomine: SHOOT ME WITH IT.
Mr. Milk: o-oh! oh, thank you, um...
David Solberg: I d do it.
Mr. Milk shakily draws a bead
Kirei Kotomine: DO IT.
David Solberg: Aw- come on, you re too shaky.

Mr. Milk has piglets "PULL THE TRIGGER" face

Don t do it.
Mr. Milk: aaaaaaaaaa...!
Kirei Kotomine: If you don t do it- you ll win a 500 dollar amazon gift card!
Mr. Milk BAM
Kirei Kotomine slumps over
Kirei Kotomine: Well.
It turns out
Mr. Milk: y-you re, um... you re welcome...
Kirei Kotomine: That I wasn t you
Mr. Milk turns the gun on himself
Kirei Kotomine: I was actually..
Mr. Milk BAM
"The Mole": ME
I was inside you.
It was gross.
Kirei Kotomine: Lewd
Gnther Glazkov: holy fuck, what a twist. even the twists have twists in this stor
Kirei Kotomine: It s a twistception
"The Mole": It is just the power of my StandKirei Kotomine: eww, no
get those outta here
Gnther Glazkov: what d you think this is, some kinda WEEABOO ANIME FOR NERDS?
"The Mole": Aww...
Gnther Glazkov: tch...
"The Mole": Well...
I guess I ll
Shirou Emiya decapitates ZA MOLUU
Shirou Emiya: I fixed things!
I m a hero!
Kirei Kotomine: Thank you.
Now, doom the world to save your sister.
Gnther Glazkov: sakura still won t fuck you
Kirei Kotomine: She will soon.
Shirou Emiya: Hmmm... getting laid... or saving the world...
It s a tough choice...
Gnther Glazkov: >tfw no human to fuck
Kirei Kotomine: You can t save shit, hero.
Y know?
Try saving your shit.
Gnther Glazkov: >you will never be in the same room as jim carrey
Kirei Kotomine: That s a good start.
Gnther Glazkov: >you will never play one-on-one prison rules b-ball with him

Shirou Emiya: Saving my shit just means I don t flush right?

Kirei Kotomine: Well, you also have to put it in a jar and refrigerate it.
Maybe label it with "FUDGE"...
Shirou Emiya: Yes! Perfect!
Gnther Glazkov: >you will never hear him sing jefferson airplane s "do you want s
omebody to love" at your party
why live
Kirei Kotomine gives his signature YORUKOBE thumbs up
Shirou Emiya gives a thumbs up as well
Kirei Kotomine: Heheh... I love my new lot in life...
Shirou Emiya: Same!
Kirei Kotomine: It certainly beats an unceremonious death at the hands of vampir
es, does it not?
Shirou Emiya: Oh yeah, but I could do without the fact that I have more than one
Illya Emiya: hey, fuck you too, pal
Kirei Kotomine: Even if they don t have a timeskip to reach adulthood?
Shirou Emiya: I will cut you, Illya!
Illya Emiya: fuck. you.
Shirou Emiya: Yes
Illya Emiya throws a gang sign and tokes up on a blunt
Kirei Kotomine: You know that you are enabling him, correct, Illya?
By telling him to "fuck you".
Illya Emiya: motherFUCKER i have had it
Shirou Emiya: Hey- I was wanting to cut her, not fuck her!
Illya Emiya jumps into her low-rider and drives off
Kirei Kotomine: Oh? You are not saying "motherfricker"?
I do not know the difference with my age.
Gabby Tran rides off along with Illya, flipping the bird
Kirei Kotomine looks to see if it s the actual middle finger, not the ring
Gabby Tran ...oh snap. it IS just her ring finger
Shirou Emiya gesticulates with a knife
Shirou Emiya: Grrr
Kirei Kotomine: ...She still has a long way to go.
Gabby Tran: FRICKERS
Kirei Kotomine: You do realize that blades are phallic, right?
Shirou Emiya: Only bollock knives!
And it s just that Scottish punk that has one of those.
Kirei Kotomine: Then why does it have a testicle-shaped guard?
Shirou Emiya: That is the Bollock knife!
Kirei Kotomine: You are not helping your case at all, shounen.
Gnther Glazkov: Are you sure it isn t "The Strangely Dildo-Shaped Black Keys".
Kirei Kotomine: Yes, are you sure?
Shirou Emiya: I know my knives like I know my Sakura!
Kirei Kotomine: Oh?
Then answer this question.
How old was she when she first got herpes?
Shirou Emiya: That s a trick question!
Kirei Kotomine: What is the answer?
Shirou Emiya: The answer is she has no herpes!
Gnther Glazkov: No, look, see.
Kirei Kotomine: Incorrect.
The answer is pi times Euler s constant.
Shirou Emiya: You are incorrect!
Kirei Kotomine: How do you know?
Shirou Emiya: The simple honest way- stealing from her!
Kirei Kotomine: ...You stole herpes from her.
Gnther Glazkov: How does one take herpes.
Shirou Emiya: I stole it and shoved it onto Gunther!
Kirei Kotomine: I thought herpes could only be shared. After all, it is knows as
"the gift that keeps on giving."
Gnther Glazkov: ...Oh SNAP.
Kirei Kotomine: How did you steal these herpes? I wish to know.
Gnther Glazkov: now I will never lose my virginity to a human...
Shirou Emiya: I used- an ancient Tibetan technique!
Because the ancient Tibetans had a techniue for everything!
Kirei Kotomine: ...
...Touche, Emiya Shirou.
Gnther Glazkov: Do they have one for getting rid of herpes.
Shirou Emiya: Yes- but you have to give it to someone else!
Gnther Glazkov: ...Hm.
Gnther Glazkov looks at Kotomine
Kirei Kotomine: ...
Shirou Emiya: And that someone else can t have had it before!
Kirei Kotomine: Well, I always wanted to give someone herpes...
Kirei Kotomine smirks
Kirei Kotomine: I will do it.
Gnther Glazkov FWOOSH
Kirei Kotomine: ...Oh!
Shirou Emiya gives a giant thumbs up
Kirei Kotomine: This sensation - it is nothing like I have felt before!
It is the closest I have ever gotten to my Origin of Douchebaggery!
Shirou Emiya: Is this what you have been looking for in life???
Kirei Kotomine: Yes
Gnther Glazkov: Let the herpes incubate within you, Holy Father.
Yes, it is!
I will.
Thank you, children.
Kirei Kotomine kisses both of them on the foreheads
Shirou Emiya: See- I am one step on the road to making everyone happy!
Gnther Glazkov: It is your instrument of light against the darkness of sin.
Gnther Glazkov blushuu
Gnther Glazkov: ^_^
Kirei Kotomine: ...Did that not return a piece of the gift you have given me?
Shirou Emiya: I am immune thanks to my ancient Tibetan techniques!
Kirei Kotomine: ...I see.
Shirou Emiya teeth shine
Gnther Glazkov: ...Hm. That explains the cold sore.
Kirei Kotomine: I will allow this "herpes" to adapt, then.

Gnther Glazkov: Worth it, though.

Kirei Kotomine: Make it grow so it can be shared by anyone.
Even Tibetans.
Gnther Glazkov: Now I can say I have been kissed.
Shirou Emiya: G-gghh!!! I won t let you do this...!!!
Tibet is sacred- just ask China!
Kirei Kotomine: Stop me if you can, Emiya Shirou!
Kirei Kotomine teleports away
Shirou Emiya: Gh!!!
FATHER kill him with your ghost powers!
Kiritsugu Emiya: ...wuh?
i thought i was shirou
Shirou Emiya: No, you re Kiritsugu
Kiritsugu Emiya: kerry... kirito?
Mike Ehrmantraut: Mrgh. I m the Dalai Lama, and I don t really approve of this.
Shirou Emiya: Yes- go for it
Kiritsugu Emiya: yaaay
i will spread my two years worth of ectoplasm
Shirou Emiya: Condense it!
Kiritsugu Emiya: lewd
Illya Emiya: yay dad, you can do it
Shirou Emiya: Oh hey you re back!
Shirou Emiya tries to stab Illya
Kiritsugu Emiya floats around, squirting ectoplasm all over the place
Illya Emiya: aaaaaa damnit fuck
Illya Emiya dies and turns into a ghost
Shirou Emiya: Told you I d cut you!
Illya Emiya: hey, but now i m cool like dad!
Kiritsugu Emiya: nuh
Shirou Emiya: Exactly!
Kiritsugu Emiya: you re just a ghost
i m a ghost of a ghost
Illya Emiya: ...daaaaad why do you gotta be so MEAN
Shirou Emiya: Oh- do you need me to stab you again?
Because I will!
Kiritsugu Emiya: no
Illya Emiya: STAB ME BRO
Shirou Emiya stabs Illya again
Illya Emiya dies AGAIN and is now a ghost of a ghost
Illya Emiya: YEH BOI
Shirou Emiya: Yaayyy I m making everyone happy!
Maybe Sakura will accept me, now!
Sakura Emiya: i m getting a restraining order
Shirou Emiya: Aww...
What do I have to do???
Illya Emiya: it s my jam
Sakura Emiya: not be emiya shirou, my creepy brother
Kiritsugu Emiya: yeah, creep
i m emiya shirou but i m not a creepy bro
Sakura Emiya: you re emiya shirou, my cool father

Kiritsugu Emiya: B)
Shirou Emiya: D-damn... I ll- I ll get a name change!
Kiritsugu Emiya: i don t know if they can legally remove the "my creepy brother"
Sakura Emiya: yeah, WHAT NOW BITCH
Shirou Emiya: If I m adopted by someone else they can!
Kiritsugu Emiya: take it to congress
Kiritsugu Emiya: become a politician
Master Chen Gong: No
Shirou Emiya: D-damn... YESAdopt me
Shirou Emiya: I will become no longer- Shirou Emiya- Sakura s well-meaning broth
er- but Shirou Minty- Sakura s well-meaning stalker!
Sakura Emiya: d-damn... why are you suddenly really hot when you re shirou minty
Shirou Emiya victory pump
Kiritsugu Emiya: oh my god she s right
Sakura Emiya SWOONS into shirou minty s arms
Shirou Emiya: Yes! I knew it would work!
Shirou Emiya forgets to catch her
Kiritsugu Emiya tries to kick Sakura away
Gnther Glazkov: Please fuck me, Shirou Minty.
Shirou Emiya: Good thing I didn t ask Dong Zhuo!
Sakura Emiya is DROPKICK
Sakura Emiya: aaaaAAAAAAAAAA
Kiritsugu Emiya: WAIFU
Shirou Emiya: Then I d be Shirou Dong!
Kiritsugu Emiya: that s hot
Shirou Emiya: Or Dong Shirou!
Kiritsugu Emiya: HOT
MrEForEccentric (GM): Excuse me whilst I find Dong Zhou art that I know exists
Gnther Glazkov: Please give me the Shirou Dong, Shirou Minty.
Mobile L (GM): Eeheehee
Fawkes M.: Does the art look penile?
Shirou Emiya: If it makes everyone happy!
Gnther Glazkov yaranaika_face.png
Iria Matos yaranaika x2 combo
Fawkes M.: Was she named that on purpose?
Iria Matos: Nah, it was from a generator, I think
Shirou Emiya: Look at my luck now Kotomine!
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah it was behindthename
I think
Fawkes M.: Illya Matou
Paul diBlartti: C mon, Shirou Minty, let s make this a 4-way!
MrEForEccentric (GM): Fo

und it
Mobile L (GM): That is a sketchy Dong
I would not trust that Dong
Will four teachers do it, or should we augment a bit more?
Shirou Emiya thumbs up
Mobile L (GM): THE DONG
I fucking love this song
Dong Zhuo: BWA-HAHAH!
Mrs. Minty: hello don t mind us, just being fuckos and enjoying dongs
eldritch s.: hi dong
is dong zhuo s tactic
to expand
Mr. Milk: o-oh man... all the nice ladies... just want dongs...
Mr. Milk recedes into the friendzone
eldritch s.: what is mr milk s nationality
Mobile L (GM): Murrican
So is Minty
eldritch s.: i like how unidas just kind of
moves people around
"we like you better in uzbekistan, frank"
"you live there now"
Mobile L (GM): They just gotta put everyone in their right place
eldritch s.: that s what the mongols did
to adminster their land, they didn t like doing the work themselves
they were busy conquering the world on horseback
so they just
took people who seemed to fit the job
Dong Zhuo: Bwa-ha-ha-ha!
eldritch s.: and moved them to where they needed bean-counters
Dong Zhuo: Excellent policy!
eldritch s.: what the fuck happened to yoy
Dong Zhuo: What do you mean?
eldritch s.: the hat
Mobile L (GM): He s a Nice Dong
eldritch s.: that s his real name
Dong Zhuo: M Subjects!
eldritch s.: "I m Nice Dong."
i bet looey doesn t like that
he s massive
unlike his dong
Mobile L (GM): Expand
eldritch s.: right so oliver tree my commonwealth broter
Mobile L (GM): Lonk Beeg Dongs
Fawkes M.: He showers you with coconut cream pies
MrEForEccentric (GM): Ye
eldritch s.: i want to know which DAS runs what area

MrEForEccentric (GM): NSIDAS- North Sea

POIDAS- Pacific Ocean
eldritch s.: pie patrol
MrEForEccentric (GM): AIIDAS is Austra-Indian
eldritch s.: eyyy, das
MrEForEccentric (GM): SAIDAS is South Atlantic
So South America and South Africa
eldritch s.: did any countries not sign on
MrEForEccentric (GM): There- are a few I think?
eldritch s.: north korea
Mobile L (GM): I m fairly certain Papua New Guinea is not on the train
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yeah
Some countries in the middle east too
Some might have support but not monetary
Mobile L (GM): Have I mentioned that I fucking love this fucking song
eldritch s.: king jong un fought a fury with a sword
Mobile L (GM): That s what the media says, anyway
eldritch s.: i meant to say kim but he s basically the king anyway
Mobile L (GM): Little King Jong
eldritch s.:
5 the hair
Mobile L (GM): Please kill it
MrEForEccentric (GM): But he did
We don t say what the result is
It doesn t look good for anyone
Mobile L (GM): Ahahahahaha
Dear Leader fought a fury and prompty ascended to heaven
eldritch s.: the fury did not
Fawkes M.: I gotta go for a while, now
Mobile L (GM): Adios, Fawkes
eldritch s.: midas is the best das
Mobile L (GM): All other DASes have inferior potassium
eldritch s.: the others ones are all filled with evil looking old men
especially nsidas, very nosy people with bone in brain
Gnther Glazkov: don t talk about my father that way...
MrEForEccentric (GM): I ll have you know NSIDAS is run by Nick Clegg
Mobile L (GM): Who he
MrEForEccentric (GM): Precisely
eldritch s.:
MIDAS greatest das in the world
all others run by little girls
MrEForEccentric (GM): the leader of
Mobile L (GM): it fucking always cracks me up, that song
oh gawd
MrEForEccentric (GM): we would vote against any rise in fees... that went to UNI
Mobile L (GM): Best of intentions
MrEForEccentric (GM): You learn from your mistakes
and that s what we ll do
MrEForEccentric (GM): NSIDAS theme
Elise Giles: r-represent... :,(
Simon Solberg: Represent.
I guess.
David Solberg: Same.
Gnther Glazkov: I would say represent too, but they kind of gave me off to MIDAS,

Comandante Alessandra Sandra Capello: B)

eldritch s.:
that s the old midas spokesman
Hal Hightower: Well- you know that NSIDAS is a cool place. It ha me in it.
eldritch s.: he got canned after that
they sent him down to poidas
eldritch s.: the poidas spokesman trying to impre
ss the americans
Dong Zhuo: I AM A FURY NOW
eldritch s.: you always were
Mobile L (GM): He tried, he really tried
Like Florian
eldritch s.: he s the kazakh florian
Dong Zhuo: YES
Ru Cheung: man, china will never catch a break...
Dong Zhuo: NO, NEVER
eldritch s.: so can npcs develop traumas
Elise Giles: honey you know it
eldritch s.: i m so orry for you, dong
Ru Cheung: quit ruining my country you FAT FUCK
Mike Ehrmantraut: I m gettin pretty sick of having to clean up after these teac
hers when they turn into Furies...
Dong Zhuo: NEVER
Mike Ehrmantraut: Don t you go turning into a Fury, Gus.
Gustavo Fring: Why, I would do nothing of the sort, Michael. :)
Mike Ehrmantraut: Yeah. Let s hope.
Mike Ehrmantraut grumpily mops the floor
Dong Zhuo bankrupts China with his sheer size
Ru Cheung: go straight to hell
burn there forever
give mao a fuckin blowjob
Dong Zhuo: NO, YOU
Ru Cheung: no... your mom
Ru Cheung: ...ew.
Ru Cheung: you sick fuck and your sick fuck family...
Mobile L (GM): Gone for just a bit.
Dong Zhuo: I AM YOUR FATHER...
eldritch s.: the shin sen yu
Master Chen Gong: Fun fact- if you kill Dong Zhuo you instantly get to talk to m
eldritch s.:
musical whiplash
happy pep ubeat chptune
to kotomine out of nowhere
Kirei Kotomine: Its how I roll
eldritch s.: i fucking hate you
Kirei Kotomine: Good.
Let the hate flow through you.
Empower you.
Rejoice, Eldritchseer

MrEForEccentric (GM): Hi space

Space: ayo the chatlog is fucked
this fuckin giuseppe-looking motherfucker right here
MrEForEccentric (GM): We were just messing around
Space: holy shit
Space: oh we need to finish MOT building as well
needs resilience eva martial eva firearms
MrEForEccentric (GM): oh shit we do
Space: i blame duff personally
Sakura Emiya: i m hiding...
Hiram Hegel: i m just going to sleep until this fuckkass bitch goes home
Mac D.: my darling, beloved bestest friends
Dong Zhuo: HIDING?!??
"Medusa": fucker
Mac D.: you know it s occured to me that if i devote a single page to one crusad
e there s been enough crusades that i can hit the minimum no problem
"Medusa": yeah but a lot of the cursades were shittier and less interesting
Mac D.: i could probably fart out enough for a page
Hiram Hegel: the ones that interest me are the first and fourth
Space: i have this good book on the first crusade, i could loan it to you
Hiram Hegel: just stick it in your disk drive
MrEForEccentric (GM): I like the one where it ended in a bro way
Mac D.: SO
has our good friend olive been caught up
oh goddammit church on the hill
MrEForEccentric (GM): I have not entirely caught up
Space: scenario:
MrEForEccentric (GM): Because you fuckers did a lot
I have the gist tho
Mac D.: read that chatlog fucko
Space: hiram wakes up to find sakura standing on top of these dressers
MrEForEccentric (GM): I ll get around to it eventually...
Mac D.: did YOOOU catch up from where you suddenly vanished, seer
Hiram Hegel: yes
there wasn t much to do it
Mac D.: how late did hiram get home
"The Mole": Word up
Space: no
Sakura Emiya: i... i want to join your organization!
"The Mole": Good.
Our initiation ritual- is taking a bullet to the head. That s how you know we re
Hiram Hegel: uh
good question
i have no idea
Sakura Emiya: oh thats metal
Hiram Hegel: olive answer this question for me
MrEForEccentric (GM): Shoot
Mac D.: okay first off get this shit off the jukebox
Hiram Hegel: the qustion duff asked
Mac D.: SECONDLY it would have to be some time after rich and sak came home
Hiram Hegel: yeah i know that
what time did they get home

Hiram Hegel looks at the men

Space: late-ish
Mac D.: after dark
Hiram Hegel: maybe twenty minutes after them
Mac D.: ah good okay
Space: how did hiram feel, that richard got hot chocolate and he didn t
Mac D.: richard was sitting in a chair right by the front door when hiram walked
in, looking right at him
"The Mole": Yeah. Pretty metal.
Space: yo mobile
Hiram Hegel: hiram would have wanted
to run away
at that sight
Mobile L (GM): Hei hei
Space: the chatlog is phucked
Hiram Hegel: FIRE
Space: and hiram is on fire
Sakura Emiya: burning down the house
in the fire
Hiram Hegel: really i ve loaded the chatlog before
Sakura Emiya: in the fire
bathe in the fire
Hiram Hegel: in the fiiiiire
Mobile L (GM): Tragic
Lemme archive that bitch
Sakura Emiya: i sure am a...
Hiram Hegel: it s amazing
Gnther Glazkov COOLGUY points at her
Gnther Glazkov: MY MAN.
Space: he s the mailman
Hiram Hegel: exploding terrorists
Mac D.: oh god it s isis
Hiram Hegel:
Sakura Emiya: i m hiding
Mobile L (GM): BRB while I archive the logs and use the restroom, then I think w
e can get going
Mac D.: since when did we get THESE neat-o visual effects
Sakura Emiya: olive has a membership
Hiram Hegel: olive payed
MrEForEccentric (GM): Yes
Mac D.: oh ok
Mobile L (GM): SInce Olive gabe munie
MrEForEccentric (GM): And because I own this roll20
Hiram Hegel:
MrEForEccentric (GM): You get to see these neato effects
Mac D.: okay so after hiram walked in on Richard sitting there staring at him
he asked him if he was okay
and then when he got his answer, got up and went to bed
Hiram Hegel:
i just
lost it
what does rich think hiram was doing
Mac D.: rich was just concerned hiram wasn t back yet
he was the first to get home and he was all alone so he got worried and waited b
y the door for them to get back
MrEForEccentric (GM): I heard that Hiram thinks Simon is the head of the Outcast

Hiram Hegel: yes
Sakura Emiya: the boss
Hiram Hegel: he is their
Richard Owens: the head honcho
Hiram Hegel: perhaps even
Sakura Emiya: cown-seller
Hiram Hegel: cow-n-seller
MrEForEccentric (GM): He teaches them how to have problems
Richard Owens: the big cheese
Sakura Emiya: our local radio station is called the big cheese
Hiram Hegel: emo scandinavian kid
MrEForEccentric (GM): He has a brother
Mac D.: fucking wisconsin
MrEForEccentric (GM): addict scandinavian kid
David Solberg: Gotta get those pills
Mac D.: so will we be doing an olive-run sesh tonight
MrEForEccentric (GM): I have no idea
Mac D.: if not we can always pressure seer to start distant lights early
Hiram Hegel: agamemnon is the best eva
fuck you
"Agamemnon": pardon me, mot
Mac D.: you will be bullied
"Agamemnon": look at that sick colour scheme
"Heracles": u wot, mot
"Medusa": im rider
"Agamemnon": you can t shoot it
it s small
"Heracles": yea well lets see how well YOU do on fire
MrEForEccentric (GM): I would throw in an NPC MOT but sadly none of em have the
ir own sets yet
"Agamemnon": who named the mots
Mac D.: what do you think is the appropriate course of action, space
Desislava Chillikov: I did
Mac D.: the us government named Richard s MOT
Space: we have us some choices
"Agamemnon": chillikov named the mots, did she name the furies
Space: 1. finish building characters
Dr. Charalampos Prokopis: That d be me.
Space: 2. finish building characters and then do a session
Mac D.: 3. bully seer
"Agamemnon": they split up the duty
Space: 4. do a session, then finish building characters
Mobile L (GM): don t bully Seer pls...
Space: seer: don t pick on me
"Agamemnon": i think
we should set up
characters first
and then do the ession
Mac D.: i agree with this course of action
"Agamemnon": so if something happens today
Mobile L (GM): Olive, are you game, my bro?
"Agamemnon": at least we can set it up
Mac D.: i sure hope olive has an idea of what to do with SSSSKILSSSSS
MrEForEccentric (GM): I suppose I could...??
Space: skills are easy
lemme just get a drank and i can probably do mine myself
"Agamemnon": space you are so arrogant

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