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United Nations

Security Council
10 Permanent Members

Republic of France
Agenda Item I: Russian Expansionism
Following Russias behavior since the actions from its president Vladimir Putin
taking decisions that did not concern him in respect to the government of Ukraine, the
imminent threat that the Russian military generates and the speculations that suggest that
Russia is currently developing its most potent weapon, some nations such as Poland,
Lithuania, and Romania have been pleading for assistance. The Security Council as well as
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have been intervening in this matter, and it
remains clear that the international community is not willing to get in the midst of an armed
In despite of the sanctions assigned to Russia by the International community, its
economy sustained because of their exports; there were many investments in military and
technology which made them a powerful nation. According with the nearest countries, not
complying with Russia will cause putting the entire population at jeopardy.
The republic of France is an active member of the Security Council and NATO but is not
directly involved with the current situation in Russia. Having considered that, France
expresses its hope that this conflict can be resolved in peace, and further resolves to provide
any help if needed.
Agenda Item II: World War III
Since the partition of India, that was the partition of the British Indian Empire that
led to the creation of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan and the Union of
India; in 1947,and the conflicts after that, those nations have issued numerous nuclear
threats to each other, alerting all nations around these borders to be prepared for an
evacuation. The resulting effect after a nuclear exchange will be radiation and soot in the
atmosphere, and a consequential global famine.
Having considered that France and Pakistan are historically bonded and friendly, the
relationships are based on military, defense, cultural, educational cooperation and economic
ties. And those bonds have strengthened with time. But France is also fully aware that their
relationship with India is as well in good terms with the establishment of the strategic
partnership they made.
Several Nations such as China and the Russian Federation, have been taking part in
this war between India and Pakistan, but have nothing to do with the situation. France, as a
member of the permanent 10 supports both nations, emphasizing what Alexander Hamilton
once said Even to observe neutrality, you must have a strong government.

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