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JOUR 346: Graphics

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Jenny Freitag, Maddie Takata, Hannah Amundson

Village Books

Eclipse Books

Village Books is an independent bookstore that began by Chuck and Dee Robinson in
1980. They picked Bellingham because of the great library circulation records in this location. The connection between the bookstore and the college has allowed Village Books
to continue for over 30 years. They accept new and used books, as well as help local,
independent authors publish their books. Village Books owns a print machine in which
they will print and bind books for these authors. They have helped many Bellingham
authors launch their books, as well as they have 12 books of their own in the bookstore.
The Robinsons have made it a priority for Village Books to be a place where locals feel
at home. Bellingham works really hard to build and maintain [a] sense of community
[it] is incredibly important and that everything that you can domakes it a place that is a
wonderful place to live, Chuck Robinson said.

Fairhaven Library

Eclipse Bookstore is an independent bookstore that began in 1990 by

David Carlsen, who still currently owns the store. The store in Fairhaven located on 11th Street, is its only location. It contains thousands of
books, sorted loosely by subject. The majority of the store is accompanied by stacks of books piled up from the ground. People sell their books
to Eclipse, so often, that the two-story building is filled with them everywhere you look. When we asked David what sets Eclipse apart from the
other Fairhaven bookstores, he remarked used book are superior to
new books. We interviewed Bob, a regular customer who raved about
the quality of Eclipse and the dedication of Carlsen. David is outside
the store every morning setting out books for everyone who goes by. He
cares so much about this store, it is evident, Bob said.

Fairhaven Public Library began in 1890 in the Fairhaven Bank building on

12th Street and Harris Ave. as a private reading room. After almost 15
years of financial downfall and trustee resignation, the Fairhaven Library
became its own building in 1904.



Library struggled to
remain open.

Lot was donated by
C.X Larabee, of
Fairhaven, off of
a Caregie grant
of $12,000, plus
$3,500 later on.


Fairhaven Library building construction completed July 1905.

Chuck and Dee Robinson opened Village
Books in 1980.


Village Books bought Espresso Book Machine - on demand printing machine, used
to print and bind books for local, independent authors. They publish books of their
own, which turned out to be successful.

Eclipse Books was born in 1990.

Private reading room

set up in Fairhaven
Banks building.


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