Unit and Measurement: Worksheet of School Science 1)

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Unit and Measurement

Written to Fulfill Assignment of School Science 1)
Submitted to:
Rika Rafikah Agustin, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Written By:
Fitriani Sondari




What essential concepts need to be learned by SMP students on this topic?

What kind of methods are you going to use to teach the concepts?
What kind of teaching media are you going to use to teach the concepts?
What kind of learning experience will your students have when learning the concepts?

Main concepts/big
Teaching methods
Guided inquiry
process involving the approach
quantity, unit and
apparatus that
correlate each other.

Reason :
By learning this idea
the student will
know the basic
information of
measurement such as
the basic principle,
term definition,
aspect that involve in
the measurement
(quantity, apparatus
and unit) and its

There are several

kind of basic

Reason :
measurement is what
arround the students
daily activity.
Eventhough this is a
familiar task, but by
using inquiry
approach learning
the student are
expected to cast
about what
happended and what
aspect that involved
in measurement
activity by them self
in order to be more
comprehend about
the concept through
their own
TPS (Think-pair-

Students learning
Video that show
1. Watch the video
2. Work in group
activity in daily life 3. Discuss the
content of video
4. Fill the
5. Make the
definition by
them self
6. Make a
between aspect
that they found to
form a
Reason :
Reason :
Video will show the By guided inquiry,
student the acitvity
the students are
of measurement to
expected to be active
be investigate, so
and able to
they can identify
questioning the
what aspect that
phenomenon that
become the main
given to them. Here
focus in measuremet the phenomenon is
activity and how it
about the
correlate each other. measurement
Worksheet used as
activity. Teacher
the guideline of
raise the problem
students activity and about what is the
one of the tool used
main aspect of
to assess the students mesurement and
their corrrelation,
then the student do
the investigation or
observation to get
their own conclusion
Pieces of card that
1. Pay attention to
consist the name of
the teacher
Teaching media

quantity that can be

form into derived

There are two kind
of quantity which is
basic quantity and
derived quantity.
Basic quantity is the
most simple
quantity, by a certain
purposes, more than
one basic principle
can be reform to be a
derived quantity.
Student need to
know the origin of
the derived quantity
(where it was
derived), it will help
them to comprehend
more about quantity
and it will useful
when later they use a
certain formula.

share) model

several quantity
2. Get some pieces
(basic and
of card.
derivative) with its
Discuss and solve
unit. It will be use as
problem with
the tool to make
paired partner.
arrangement and see
4. Make
the origin of certain
arrangement of
derived quantity.
derived quantity
from basic
5. Make their own
conclusion about
the connection
between basic
and derived
Reason :
Reason :
Reason :
The teacher give a
By using those
Each pair of students
lecturing about how pieces of card,
are given a problem
is basic quantity and students will be
by a teacher about
derived quantity then more easier in
the origin of one
the next is students
arranging a simple
derived quantity,
activity by using
derived quantity and they have to discuss
TPS model.
see its origin.
it and by using
TPS will let the
pieces of card
student have to
brainstorming and
arrange and
share what they have
investigate from
got to their partner
what basic quantities
without feel ashame
that derived quantity
to the teacher an
is formed. Then the
others. It will more
student have to
involve them in
explain and make
discussing process
conclusion by their
rather in group
own .
discussion that have
more member.

Standard unit allow
us to do unit
conversion by
following the

NHT (Numbered
Heads Together)
1st rank game

By learning
Standard unit we are
able to do a
conversion as much
as we want
according to the
needs. It is important
for students and any
other person to
comprehend how to

Reason :
By using NHT,
student will be
encouraged to
answer the question
following the other
same head number.
This is able to use
when the student are
expected to do
exercise by
answering many
After NHT, then
student have to
compete each other
by 1st Rank game.
Laboratory activity

Each kind of quanity

can be measured by
a certain apparatus
with certain

Cardboard paper
1. Pay attention to
(as head number)
the teacher
Some piece of
2. Divided into
paper (for
answering question
Exercise to sove
of 1st rank game)
the problem
4. Play a game and
answer the
question in turn
5. Answer question
to compete each
Reason :
Reason :
Student need to
Doing conversion
show what number
we not only need to
they are so the game be understand what
will be easy to
was it and where it
was come from but
Student need the
also need more
paper as they answer exercise by compete
with other to raise
the spirit and
comprehend more.

Instruction video of
using apparatus

1. Follow the
laboratory rule
2. Watch the video
about how to use
3. Work in group
4. Read the
5. Do the
measurement by
using a certain
6. Fill the

As time goes by,
human need a
specific apparatus to
help them in
measuring or even
converting from one
quantity to another
quantity. By learning
this topic student
will know how to
use and how to take
care of apparatus

7. Make a
Reason :
Reason :
Reason :
By doing lab activity The instruction from Lab activity is
student will get more the worksheet is
important to
ability, such as skill
enough to represent
introduce the
to use apparatus,
the instruction, but
attitude to queue,
the additional video
environment, rule
communicate with
hopefully will show and practice more
other student, take
more clear direction about the theory that
care of others
and avoid the
have been explained.
belonging, etc.

Table II A


What you intend the

students to learn about this

Why is it important for

students to know this

Measurement process involving the quantity, unit and

apparatus that correlate each other.
Measurement is an activity to compare the quantity of an
object by using the apparatus (another object that used as the
reference) and stated in a certain unit.
Quantity is the measurable or countable property or aspect of
Unit is standard of physical quantity which are used to
express its magnitudes.
SI is a system of units based on the metric system and
developed and refined byinternational convention especially
for scientific work
Measurement in ancient era was conducted by unapropriate
apparatus such as hand, span of the hand, step, etc, but now
we use the same standard unit and standared apparatus.
Measurement is a new topic for junior high school, each
definition is new and might be interchangeable later on
between basic quantity, derived quantity, unit and
International System Unit. Thus, the idea of aspect that
involved in measurement is important to be learnt in order to
avoid the misconception.

What else you know about

the idea that you dont
intend students to know yet
connected with teaching this
Knowledge about students
thinking which influences
your teaching of this idea
Other factors that influence
your teaching of this idea

Teaching procedures (and

particular reasons for using
these to engage with this
idea )

Specific way of ascertaining

students understanding or
confusion around this idea
(include likely range of
The use of technology (IT)
in teaching the idea
How to compensate the
absence of technology


The real implementation of each kind of quantity in daily life

Explain the transition from traditional era to the modern era of
measurement. Even if we seek on the internet, its hard to find
a proper resource, since it is not commonly discussed.
Students might think that the unit is not important since the
number is already state, its okay to interchangeable the unit in
stating a certain quantity. Exp : Her mass is 40 meter.
Local wisdom.A certain area must be have their own way to
measure something in conventional way before SI is known
and sometimes it is still used for simple purpose. This idea
will affect this teaching as the comparison between
conventional and modern measurement.
1. Students are divided into several group
2. Each group are given a worksheet to be filled
3. All member of the group have to pay attention to the
video that shown by the teacher
4. Student investigate what aspect that become the
keyrole in measurement activity and give the main
aspect of measureemnt
5. The last, students ahave to make the conclusion about
measurement basd on their investigation.
6. If there is still time remind, the student can present
their investigation finding in front of the class while
teacher give correction if there is a mistake.
When the student can explain the definition of the quantity,
unit and the apparatus used for determined quantity, then the
students are considered as understand.
When the student can fill the worksheet properly with a clear
and correct conclusion they will get the higher score
Laptop, LCD, projector, documentary video
Board and marker

Table II B

What you intend the
students to learn about this

There are seven kind of basic quantity that can be form

into derivative quantity.
Basic quantity consist of mass, time, length, current,
temperature, light intensity, number of substance.
Several basic quantity can reform to be derivative quantity
that has a different characteristic than before.
The existance of derivative unit help to explain the other

phenomenon, and it is related with several aspect of quantity.

(For example speed, consist of length and time quantity)
Why is it important for
The idea of two kind of quantity will lead student to
students to know this
understand that basically there are seven quantity that can be
measure, but then when those quantity is reform, they can
explain the other phenomenon and they are correlated ech
What else you know about
Th whole derivative quantity that able to form from basic
the idea that you dont
quantity. Only several familiar derivative quantity that will
intend students to know yet being taught as the example.
Eventhough the student able to differenciate two kind of
connected with teaching this quantity and they are able to memorize the seven basic
quantity, but the quantity itself is an abstract thing, more
conceptual, it will hard to explain the correlation between
them when forming the derivative quantity without students
high level of thinking.
Too much possibility that might form from the basic quantity,
teacher cannot explain the whole derivative quantity to the
students, only the most used quantity.
Knowledge about students Students might think that derivative quantity is another special
thinking which influences
property that has its own quantity and not related with basic
your teaching of this idea
Other factors that influence Phenomenon. Not all phenomenon of science that involving
your teaching of this idea
derived quantity is already known by the student. To avoid the
more confusion, the teacher only can explain the phenomenon
that considered have been experienced or known by the
Teaching procedures (and
1. Teacher give the explanation of basic and derived
particular reasons for using
quantity to the student.
2. Students are paired
these to engage with this
3. Teacher give the problem to each pair that have to be
idea )
solve. Example : Speed (m/s) from what basic
principle it formed? Give your reason.
4. Each group are given some piece of paper that contain
basic or derived principle, they can rearrange it to see
how its origin and the relation.
5. Each pair have to discuss and make their own
conclusion about this activity (the connection between
basic and derived quantity).
6. Each student have to present their findings in fron of
the class.
Specific way of ascertaining Teacher provides students a pieces card that consist of many
students understanding or
quantity, if the student can grouping the quantitiy correctly
confusion around this idea
and explain the reason why they grouping like that, then the
(include likely range of
student considered as understand. If the student can explain


The use of technology (IT)

in teaching the idea
How to compensate the
absence of technology

from what basic quantity is the derived quantity come from

they considered as understand.
Laptop, LCD, projector.
Card from carton.

Table II C


What you intend the

students to learn about this

Why is it important for

students to know this

What else you know about

the idea that you dont
intend students to know yet
connected with teaching this
Knowledge about students
thinking which influences
your teaching of this idea

Other factors that influence

your teaching of this idea

Teaching procedures (and

particular reasons for using
these to engage with this
idea )

International Standard unit allow us to do unit conversion

by following the prerequisite.
International standard unit have several prerequisite to be
fulfill in order to be accepted by the peoples arround the
world, such as : the unit is constant (not affected by other
factor), easy to use and able to imitate by the other
By the acceptance from the people we have a constant unit
and then we can do conversion of the unit for a certain
This idea is very important because by learning this idea,
student will know the reason why SI is acceptable by peoples
in the world and how we can convert the unit of quantity for a
certain purpose. Thid is very important skill for students
future life.
Unit conversion of derivative quantity. Implementation of unit
conversion in complicated physics formula.
The additon or reducing the decimal when converting number
is also hard work for the teacher to make the student
understand and avoid the misconception.
Students might think that the conversion of unit are not
including the addition or reducing the decimal, only the unit
that stated after the number.
When a number times by 10, we only need the add 0 in the
back, but in decimal it might causing misconception.
Students thinking level. The student in the class might be
homogenous, thats why we cannot consider the whole student
will understand especially the conversion easily, we have to
give more guide to avoid misconception and disturbing their
understanding in the future.
1. Teacher introduce the conversion by giving the
analogy about conversion in daily activity, then give
the explanation about the real conversion in physics.
2. Students divided into several group and each member
group will have a number
3. Teacher will choose a number by drawing


Specific way of ascertaining

students understanding or
confusion around this idea
(include likely range of
The use of technology (IT)
in teaching the idea
How to compensate the
absence of technology

4. The student that have the choosen number have to

answer the problem that given
5. After NHT is over, the next game is 1st rank game to
train the student to solve the problem about conversion
while compete each other.
Teacher provide a conversion problem. For example 20 km
= .... cm, etc. If the student can answer the question including
the way to answer it properly, then they already understand.

Laptop, LCD, projector.

Using white board and marker or card.

Table II D


Each kind of quantity can be measured by a certain

apparatus with certain accuracy.
Measurement of a quantity need a certain apparatus to show
the amount number that state in a specific unit.
Different quantity has different apparatus, the way in use,
accuracy, maintenance and basic principle of the apparatus.
This idea is very important for the student to know the proper
apparatus to measure a certain quantity, how to use and how
to take care of it. This skill will be very useful in the future.
How to make a simple measurement apparatus. Exp : simple

What you intend the

students to learn about this

Why is it important for

students to know this

What else you know about

the idea that you dont
intend students to know yet
Not all apparatus provided by the laboratory at school and not
connected with teaching this all apparatus have a big number of it, so the student have to
share in using the apparatus or provide it by them self.
It is difficult to determine the exact accuracy from a certain
apparatus. Each apparatus has a their own accuracy.
Knowledge about students Students might think that all measurement apparatus have the
thinking which influences
same way tu use. One kind of quantity measurement apparatus
your teaching of this idea
have the same unit as the result of measurement. Meanwhile
the fact, there might be differences in the unit stated in
apparatus, we have to be careful.
Other factors that influence Availability of apparatus. The more apparatus provided by the
your teaching of this idea
laboratory, the more practice for the student and also the more
skill that they get.
Teaching procedures (and
1. Teacher asked the student to follow the laboratory rule
2. Teacher show the video how to use the apparatus that
particular reasons for using
being use today.
these to engage with this

idea )

Specific way of ascertaining

students understanding or
confusion around this idea
(include likely range of

The use of technology (IT)

in teaching the idea
How to compensate the
absence of technology


3. Students are divided into several group

4. Each group will be given a worksheet with the
different kind of quantity
5. Each group have to choose the apparatus and material
that going to use in the investigation by them self.
6. If they choose the right apparatus then they can fill the
worksheet correctly
7. If there is a mistake, they will lack of data in the
8. Student have to observe the all the aspect that
mentioned in the worksheet, such as the accuracy, the
unit and the result of the measurement itself.
9. Student have to fill all the data required in the
worksheet and make a conclusion by them self.
Teacher give a written test and performance test to the student
by give several question, the same apparatus and object to be
measured as representative of another apparatus, if the student
can measure the object properly, get the correct answer and
know the part of the apparatus, then the student considered as
Laptop, LCD, projector.
Using the poster that contain the direction how to use the
apparatus or use the real apparatus

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