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A380 Dreamliner.......................................................................................................... 1

Design Requirements:.......................................................................................... 1


Engineering Material Requirements:.........................................................................3


Selection of Materials:.......................................................................................... 3


Properties of Materials:......................................................................................... 4


Atomic Structures:............................................................................................... 5


Fatigue:............................................................................................................ 6


Yield:............................................................................................................... 6


Modulus:.......................................................................................................... 7


Linear Elasticity:................................................................................................. 7


Environment and Intended Condition of Use:..............................................................7


Creep and Oxidation:........................................................................................... 8


Thermodynamics:................................................................................................ 8


Heat Stress:....................................................................................................... 8

A380 Dreamliner

The A380 Dreamliner is mainly a passenger as well as cargo aero plane. The aero plane has
luxurious facilities for passengers because the plane is used for long journeys. The world's largest












developed. Airbus claims its fuel efficiency, control system and sound-reduction technology also
make it the most advanced airliner ever built

Design Requirements:

There is three types of design considerations which is used in the manufacturing of Titanic
which are stated as follows:
The structural design requirements of the air plane is as follows:
1. The design should be aero dynamically correct as the plane experience high wind speeds
during its journey.
2. The design should be according to the estimated maximum load and there should a proper

factor of safety.
The design should be compact according to the given dimensions.
The structure of the plane should be able to withstand the maximum load.
Beams and Columns used in the structure should up to certified standards.
Proper structural designs of the residential parts of the plane should be done.
Tensile testing as well as other structural tests should be done for the material used in the

structure of the A380.

8. It must be checked that there is no leakage of air from outside otherwise the plane will
The material design requirements of the plane as follows:
1. The materials used for the manufacturing of plane must possess the minimum level of
corrosion and erosion because the it is exposed to high speed wind and open atmosphere
as well as high temperatures are also involved.
2. Sensitive parts such as blades of rotor of the engine and whole body must have a
minimum level of creep and induced stresses and least corrosion rates due to exposure of
these parts to harsh environment
3. Proper heat treatment of the material which has exposure to atmosphere should be done
so that there should be no induced stresses in the material.
4. Processes should be done in order for the prevention of corrosion or to minimize the level
of corrosion.

The mechanical design requirements of the plane is as follows:

1. There should be proper drag and lift force calculation according to the load of plane.
2. Engines should be designed according to the demanded power as calculated from load.
3. Rotor and stator should be designed according to the required power and propellers
blades should have a proper aerodynamic structure in order to give maximum power
4. In case of welding is done according to standards and the stresses induced due to welding
must be calculated.
5. Proper air conditioning, insulation and proper heating of the plane is done.
The safety requirements in the plane is as follows:

There must be an auxiliary power source for electricity.

There must be a Mustard Point in case of emergency.
There must be fire alarms and fire extinguishers in every compartment in the plane.
There must be an adequate of safety parachutes in the plane.
There must be a proper telecommunication system in the plane and it must be
continuously checked.

(Budynes & Nisbet, 2011)


Engineering Material Requirements:

The material required for the manufacturing of the plane should be very rigid and of high
In the designing of the mechanical parts of the plane material should have a higher melting point
and higher corrosion resistance because of higher temperature in the combustion chamber of the
engine and the exposure of blades to the high speed wind. Moreover material should be
machinable so that desired design shapes can be obtained with ease. In the designing of the plane
engines we have used high carbon steel and other steel alloys for the manufacturing because
these materials have high melting points and by proper heat treatments and other corrosion
reduction processes these materials can be used effectively.
The material used for planes should be resistance to wear and tear and it should be able to carry
the designed load of the plane. The beams and columns are made of carbon steels whereas mild
steel is used in the body manufacturing of the plane. Base plates which are used as a base

material for beams and column are made of mild steel and nuts and bolts are made of high
carbon steel (Groover, 2010).

Selection of Materials:

The selection of material for mechanical parts of the planes should be done primarily on the basis
of the following factors:

Rate of corrosion.
Rate of erosion.
Availability of the material.
Temperature points (Melting Point, Freezing Point, and Critical Point).
Thermal stress level.
Machinability of materials.

The materials that is used for the manufacturing of the mechanical parts are alloy steels,
aluminum, mild steels and high carbon steels.
The selection of the material for structural point of view will be done on the basis of the
following factors:

The load which needs to be applied.

Maximum allowable stress of the material.
Life of the material.

The materials that is used in the structure of the plane is carbon steel and is used in the sheets
beams and columns. Wood and aluminum is used for flooring of different portions of plane.
Chequred plates of aluminum is used in the flooring of the top floor which is exposed to sky.
Rooms are made of wooden walls or different composites because of the less weight of these
materials (Budynes & Nisbet, 2011).

Properties of Materials:

High Carbon Steel (HSS) is used to make mechanical parts due to following reasons:

High Melting Point.

High Corrosion Resistance (due to coating Titanium Nitride).
Can stand at high temperature without losing structural integrity.
Smooth Surface.
Easily Malleable

Base plates for beams and column are made of mild steel due to following reasons:

High Melting Point.
High value of allowable stress.

Carbon steel is used for manufacturing beams and columns for the following reasons:

High Strength and Density.

Easily machinable.
High structural integrity.
Resistant to wear.

The wood is used for in construction of rooms and floors due to following reasons:

Easily available.
Low weight.
Easily machinable.
Structurally strong.

(Groover, 2010)

Atomic Structures:

Carbon steel is a metallic alloy. It contains iron and control amount of carbon. Other elements are
found in traces. Carbon content in the Carbon steel increases the yield strength if the steel
because they settle into the interstitial crystal lattice sites of the BCC arrangement of molecules
as shown in the figure. This carbon lessen the movements of the dislocations which in return
gives the hardening effect on the iron.
Mild steel is a type of carbon steel which contains 0.25% of Carbon, 0.4-0.7 % of Manganese
and 0.1 to 0.5 % of Silicon and traces of other elements in it. It has a BCC structure as carbon

The wood mainly consists of organic compounds in their structure. According to atomic
structural pint of view wood can be classified into two types:

Soft Wood
Soft Wood mainly consists of long cells called Tracheid which are 20 80 m.
Hard Wood
Hard wood mainly consists of two type of cells wood fibers and Vessel Elements.
Wood fibers are elongated cells which are similar to tracheid cells except they are small
as compared to tracheid cells. The vessel element serve for fluid transport in a living tree.

(Callister, 2012)


When a material or a structure is subjected to repeated or cyclic load i.e. loading and unloading,
it causes the fatigue. In the case of Titanic Plane there is a fatigue in structural as well as
mechanical parts of the plane.
The engines of the planes are operating at high temperature and pressure and the combustion
phenomenon occurs periodically so there is chances of heat stress induced in the material due to
cyclic loads because the engines are operated at different speeds according to the desired
requirement. Due to this different stress level is obtained inside the combustion chambers of heat
engines. Fatigue in structural parts is induced due to the vibrations caused by mechanical parts
which are periodic thats why structure should be designed in such a manner so that it could bear
the vibrations caused by mechanical parts.
(Budynes & Nisbet, 2011)


Yield point is a point in a stress strain graph of a material above which the material deforms
plastically or permanently or you can see material is not obeying Hooks law any more i.e. after
removal of the applied load material will not return to its original shape.
In order to have a safe and failure free design material should have operated below the yield
point. The yield stress of the material used in the manufacturing of the mechanical parts of the
plane must be determined by using different standard techniques. The stresses induced in the

material during the maximum load must be less than the yield stress of the material so that there
should be no probability of failure (Callister, 2012).
The shear stress and transverse stresses applied to the material under maximum load conditions
must be less than the yield point of the material. Once the yield point is crossed the shape of the
material changes which alters its structural stability and there is a possible chance of failure then
(Callister, 2012).


The elastic modulus of a material is defined as the ratio of stress applied to the strain observed
due to that stress. It is denoted by the following formula:


In the designing considerations Elastic Modulus is readily used in different calculations of the
design parameters of both the mechanical parts as well as the structural parts.
(Callister, 2012)

Linear Elasticity:

When a stress is applied on a body or a material, corresponding strain is produced in it. As long
as the stress and the strain remains directly proportional i.e. Hooks Law is obeyed the material is
said to be in the elastic region and the material will comes into its initial position when the load
is removed.The region of the linear elasticity of a material varies from material to material. The
stresses produced in the combustion chamber of the reciprocating engines and propellers of the
plane should remain within the elastic limit so that the material remains its structural integrity
and dont deform plastically. Once the fuel starts to burn and plane starts to move the stresses
will be generated in both mechanical and structural parts. The material of the plane should be
selected so that it can bear both the thermal stresses induced due to high temperature gradient
and shear stresses induced to the loads of the planes without crossing the elastic limit. The
maximum level of all types of stresses should remain within the elastic region of the material
(Callister, 2012).

1.10 Environment and Intended Condition of Use:

The plane is used in the normal atmospheric conditions except the wind speed is greater in the
sea. Due to higher value of wind speed the plane should be properly aerodynamically designed
so that the wind speed could not alters the equilibrium of the plane. There will be higher level of
moisture in the wind. The flue gasses coming from engine zone due to the burning of fuel is left
into the atmosphere via chimney.
1.11 Creep and Oxidation:
Creep is defined as affinity of a solid material to deform slowly under the influence of high
stresses. Creep occurred due to long term exposure of the stresses that are beyond the yield point
of the material. Materials subjected to high heat levels for long periods encounter severe creep
.This factor should be taken care of when designing the cylinder of the chamber of the engine
used in this plane to minimize the level of creep for the longer life of the engine. Creep is a
deformation mode which may or may not cause failure for example in beams and columns creep
is welcomed because it relieved tensile stresses which may cause cracks in the beams and
columns. Creep is Time dependent phenomenon. At higher temperatures the material of the
cylinder would become nascent to the oxygen and it reacts with primary air (air require for
complete burning of fuel) and oxidation would occur. This will make a layer of metal oxides on
the cylinder walls which may cause rusting and it will lower the heating capacity of the fuel
(Groover, 2010).
1.12 Thermodynamics:
The heat generated inside the cylinder walls of the engine would move towards the walls of the
furnace following the phenomenon of the forced convection. It is necessary to reduce heat loss as
much as possible .For this purpose the combustion chamber needs to be properly insulated so
that there should be no heat transfer to the atmosphere. Heat from the outer walls of the engine
cylinder move into the environment through convection and radiation as well while the heat
within the wall and the insulation through conduction. Proper calculations of temperature,
pressure and specific volume and enthalpy should be done during the different processes of the
heat engine cycle (Cengel & Boles, 2009).

1.13 Heat Stress:

Heat stresses are induced where there is high temperature and pressure. In the plane considering
the max temperature of 450 C a high level of heat stresses would be generated in the combustion
chamber of the reciprocating engine that is used. Maximum heat stress will be induced at a point
where the fuel will be initially ignited (the cylinder region). The heat stress level would be based
on the temperature gradient inside the combustion chamber. Once the fuel would start burning in
the combustion chamber stresses will be induced in the cylinder walls due to heat rejection.
These stresses would be localized as well as distributed along the cylinder walls.The stresses in
the walls would vary depending on the temperature gradient in the furnace. Heat stresses
generated in any materials depends on the type of the application. In the case of reciprocating
engines of the plane the combustion chamber where the fuel burns would be subjected to a
constant heat flux as a result of the heat released by the combustion of the fuel. The heat stresses
generated in the cylinder walls also depends on the composition and heating value of the fuel
used. The energy released also depends on the heating value of the fuel and mass flow rate of the
fuel (Cengel & Boles, 2009).
Air planes dump massive amount of dangerous pollutants over our homes and into our
atmosphere every day. One of the most important problems of airplane is that they run on toxic
fuels and they exhaust toxic pollutants into the atmosphere. The burning of incredible quantities
of toxic fuel has impacts that extend beyond the climate.
Air planes are a great source of globalization for people they carry people with different cultures
and different areas into different areas with different cultural integrity.
CENGEL, Y.A & BOLES, M.A (2009) Thermodynamics an Engineering Approach. 5th Edition.
America: John Wiley & Sons
GROOVER, M.P (2010), Fundamentals of modern manufacturing Materials, Processes and
Systems 4th Edition. America: John Wiley & Sons

BUDYNES, R.G & NISBET, J.K (2011), Shigleys Mechanical Engineering Design. 9th Edition
America: McGraw Hill
CALLISTER, D.W. & RETHWITCH, D.G (2012), Materials Science and Engineering an
Introduction. 8th Edition. America: John Wiley & Sons

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