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Fifteenth Senate

Minutes Monday 6 February 2006

I. Call to Order
A. Meeting called to order at 8:44pm.

II. Roll Call

Senators in attendance: Baireuther, Balderas, Bartle, Delon, Ellingwood,
Janecki, Mueller, Reed, Spencer, Weiss.
Chair: Horsey.
Recorder: Reed.
Guests in Attendance: Ali Abdul-Aziz, Robert Cox, Brandy Fisher, Jenell
Johnson, Justin Riley, Chase Tornow, Casey Watters.
Excused absence: None.
Unexcused absence: Noble.

III. Additions or Corrections to Agenda

Balderas moves to add consideration of a new meeting time to the agenda, Reed
seconds, motion passes.

IV. Motion to Approve Agenda


V. Motion to Approve Minutes


VI. Reports
A. President Watters: None.
B. Vice President Horsey: None.
C. IT Director Chase Tornow: None.
D. Election Board, Brandy Fisher: Filing has begun for the general election. Packets
are available in Student Government and Office of Student Involvement.
E. External Affairs: None.
F. Programming: None.
G. Finance: None.
H. Rules: None.
I. Budget: None.

VII. New Business

A. Confirmation 15.07 – Activities Director: Confirmed 9-1-0.
B. Bill 15.17: Reed moves for a second reading, Spencer seconds, motion passes. Reed
supports the bill because it is a good price for speakers. Mueller asks if these lectures are
required for classes, Reed does not know. Weiss asks what topics the talks are about. Bill
passes 8-2-0.
C. Bill 15.18: Bartle moves for a second reading, Reed seconds, motion passes. Bartle notes
that money received from students will be returned to budget. Mueller asks about the
location of the event. Bill passes 10-0-0.
D. Bill 15.19: Reed moves for a second reading, Spencer seconds, motion passes. Reed and
Bartle note that these events are traditionally hugely successful. Spencer asks about how
Fifteenth Senate
Minutes Monday 6 February 2006
money is returned to budget. Balderas asks about substitution of events, Reed explains that it
is because Wayne Brown’s budget has been hard hit lately. Mueller explains that he will be
voting no because this benefits only 1% of student body and seems to be too much money for
too few students. Ellingwood asks about the liability issues for minors driving to Bend? Cox
notes they still have to sign same waivers. Passes 7-1-2.
E. Bill 15.20: Ellingwood moves for a second reading, Reed seconds, motion passes.
Mueller is concerned by date TBD. Balderas asks about retroactive reimbursement.
Ellingwood notes that a prior bill that just said “February/March” was passed. Date may be
TBD due to contract negotiations. Reed notes that the club can’t use money for other stuff.
Cox says the club can use money for similar lectures or it goes back to budget. Passes 8-1-1.
F. Bill 15.21: Bartle moves for a second reading, Balderas seconds, motion passes.
Ellingwood yields his time to Brandy Fisher. Fisher states that all money goes indirectly to
advertising, want to do full page insert in Vancougar, two pres/VP and one senatorial debate,
food/door prizes may increase attendance, iPod generated a lot of voter activity,
miscellaneous is for any advertising costs that may come up. Mueller asks if the Election
Board will consider giving away more than one iPod. Spencer asks how the debates will be
structured, and if there is a cap on Pres/VP tickets. Fisher says more iPods would be great,
will give equal time to parties. Ellingwood asks how much of an increase to the budget is
this request. Fisher says the Board currently has $700, and last year spent $470 on voters
pamphlets alone. Printing costs may go up this year, current budget only has $93 left. Reed
moves to change the bill to purchase 4 iPods for a total of $400, Spencer seconds, motion
passes. Baireuther moves to allow the Election Board to choose which model(s) and quantity
it wishes to purchase, Balderas seconds, motion passes. Bill passes 10-0-0.
G. Judicial Board Interviews: Reed moves for a recess for the purpose of an
executive session, Bartle seconds, motion passes, recess is called at 9:20p.m. Recess
ends at 10:30p.m. Riley states that he does not feel the process has been fair, that he
will not resign, that the process of nominating Ali Abdul-Aziz for Judicial Board was
in the best interest of the study body, that he (Riley) is the best person due to his
experience and knowledge of the rules, and that he would be willing to resign if Ali
Abdul-Aziz also resigns and the judicial board selection process starts over again.
Balderas states that he did not come in biased, that Riley’s lack of candor was the
deciding factor in his decision, and that dragging out this issue through the election is
not in the best interest of the students. Mueller states that he believes both candidates
are qualified, and asks if they would be willing to resign. Cox notes that the presence
of a full senate brings legitimacy to tonight’s actions, and current friendships between
Judicial Board members and others in ASWSUV are a threat to its legitimacy. Riley
does not like what he says are attacks on his character. Ellingwood notes that it has
been difficult to fill important positions, and moves to ask both Riley and Abdul-Aziz
to resign, Weiss seconds, motion fails.
H. Change Meeting Time: Due to Noble’s absence, no action may be taken. Please
e-mail schedules to Balderas.

VIII. Announcements
A. Senate Training will be February 24th, please mark calendars!
X. Adjournment
A. Meeting adjourned at 10:39pm.

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