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Fifteenth Senate

Minutes Monday 27 February 2006

I. Call to Order
A. Meeting called to order at 8:42pm.

II. Roll Call

Senators in attendance: Baireuther, Balderas, Delon, Ellingwood, Janecki,
Mueller, Spencer-McDonough, Reed, Weiss.
Chair: Horsey.
Recorder: Reed.
Guests in Attendance: Casey Chapman, Robert Cox, Matthew Croose, Jesus
Estrada, Brandy Fisher, Casey Herrick, Stacey Johnson, Jamin Jorgenson,
Stephanie Klein, James Kreiser, Scott O’Brien, Mariah Patterson, Dominique
Shauer, Adriane Tracy, Casey Watters, Nathan Webster.
Excused absence: Bartle.
Unexcused absence: None.

III. Additions or Corrections to Agenda

Spencer-McDonough moves to add the reading of a public statement to new
business, Mueller seconds, motion passes.

IV. Motion to Approve Agenda


V. Motion to Approve Minutes


VI. Reports
A. President Watters: None.
B. Vice President Horsey: Please sign petition for extended library hours.
C. Activities Director – Jenell Johnson: Singer coming April 12th, Spring Thing
Fiesta, John Ashcroft, motivational speaker April 20th.
D. Public Relations Director – Casey Herrick: Helping with Special Elections,
Banquet, working on Blazer and other events for SME club, movie tickets.
E. I.T. Director – Chase Tornow: Not present.
F. Director of L. A. – Stacey Johnson: Trying to enter Washington Student Lobby,
been actively lobbying, met with Governor Gregoire last week. Mueller asks what
have legislators, the governor, and the chancellor said about your duties? Johnson
responds that they said it is very important to have urban campus representatives.
Mueller asks if students talk to the DLA. Johnson responds that her conversations
with students have had a positive response, but that there is some confusion over the
job. Mueller asks what the Senate can do for the DLA. Johnson responds that she
will set priorities and present them to the Senate for their support. Balderas suggests
keeping this conversation to appropriate time in agenda
G. Election Board – Brandy Fisher: First debate done, second (Senate) and third
(Pres/VP) debates coming up.
H. Social and Environmental Justice Club: Dominique Shauer: New leaders,
changed mission statement, awareness event in April, Wild Oats coming to campus.
Fifteenth Senate
Minutes Monday 27 February 2006
I. Student Business Organization: Casey Chapman: 18 members, have had events,
helped with career fair, upcoming career advancement events, March 28th alumni
panel, April 20th Oregon CPA Society coming to talk about personal finance.
J. Minorities Reconstructing Club: Nathan Webster: Thanks for trip to Pullman,
was great. There are misconceptions of who is a minority, everyone who is not a
white male counts as a minority.
K. External Affairs Committee, Chair: No Chair: None.
L. Programming Committee, Chair: No Chair: None.
M. Finance Committee, Chair: Ellingwood: None.
N. Rules and Regulations Committee, Chair: Reed: None.
O. Budget Committee, Chair: Ellingwood: None.

VII. Old Business

A. Judicial Board Confirmation. Ali Abdul-Aziz confirmed 9-0-0.
VIII. New Business
A. Bill 15.22: Reed moves to second to Finance Committee, Baireuther seconds,
motion passes.
B. By-Law Amendment 15.09: Balderas moves for a second reading, Ellingwood
seconds, motion passes. Balderas states that the DLA is not an advantageous position
with the resources available at this time, and that a Student RSO Liaison would serve a
greater student need. Reed states that eliminating the DLA is not in best interests of
students, the Pullman DLA seems to have no interest in advocating for our campus,
the increasing size of our campus necessitates a student voice in Olympia, supports a
Student RSO Liaison but cannot support this bill due to elimination of DLA. Mueller
asks Robert Cox to address RSO Club Position he’s creating. Cox states that he
wishes to create a position similar to the Student RSO Liaison, but that position could
be created soon or several years down the road. Mueller moves to strike “provides
little more than an opportunity for ONE student to shake hands and serve their own
interests outside this campus.”, Reed seconds, motion passes. Balderas notes that
Wayne’s position was originally a student government position and only created as an
Office of Student Involvement position by Rob’s work and that of previous member.
Mueller calls the question. By-Law Amendment fails 4-5-0.
C. Resolution 15.04: Reed moves that “Student Union building” be changed to
“Firstenberg Student Commons,” Weiss seconds, motion passes. Reed notes that Mr.
Firstenberg has contributed a significant sum of money to WSUV, and this is an
appropriate way to thank him. Mueller moves to change WSUV to WSU Vancouver,
Delon seconds, motion passes. Mueller moves to change the title of the resolution to
“Resolution Honoring Mr. Ed Firstenberg’s Contributions to WSU Vancouver”,
Spencer-McDonough seconds, motion passes. Resolution passes 9-0-0.
D. Public Statement: Spencer-McDonough read the following statement:

“During the first debate and in the most recent edition

of the VanCougar, statements were made by Senator and
Presidential Candidate Randy Mueller and Senator and
Vice Presidential Candidate Marina Delon.
Fifteenth Senate
Minutes Monday 27 February 2006
These statements are in regard to the recently passed
Bill 15.19 which allocated $12,000 from the Student
Events Pool.

The facts cited by Senator Mueller and Senator Delon

in their official statements indicate that the Senate
spent $12,000 for the benefit of 20 students for a
total cost of $600 per student.

I consider these statements to be erroneous and false.

While $12,000 were allocated from the Student Events

Pool, there is an expected return of $4,600 making the
total expenditures from the Student Events Pool only
$7,400; not $12,000.

Additionally, the bill allocated money for four

separate events that would benefit a total of 138
students; not 20. The total cost per student is
only $53.62 per student.

The way Mr. Mueller and Ms. Delon chose to phrase

their campaign ad reflects poorly on the Senate as a
whole and is a misrepresentation of funding voted on
by the Senate.

Therefore I make a motion to add an item of new

business to allow a public statement of this
representation of the Senate to be made.”

Mueller states that an error in the official campaign statement put out by himself and
Delon was made, the error is not the responsibility of Delon, they did not intend to be
deceptive, they profusely apologize to the Senate and the students of ASWSUV, and
thank Spencer-McDonough for his help in resolving the issue. Ellingwood asks if the
Vancougar will be notified of this error. Mueller responds that he has not had a
chance to speak to Delon about that, and will notify us as soon as he knows.

IX. Announcements
A. Spring Banquet March 31st - Tickets going on sale: Please advertise to classes.

X. Adjournment
A. Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

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