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Fifteenth Senate

Minutes Monday 20 March 2006

I. Call to Order
A. Meeting called to order at 8:44pm.

II. Roll Call

Senators in attendance: Baireuther, Bartle, Delon, Ellingwood, Janecki, Mueller,
Spencer-McDonough, Reed, Weiss.
Chair: Horsey.
Recorder: Reed.
Guests in Attendance: Casey Chapman, Robert Cox, Matthew Croose, Brandy Fisher,
Laurie Giaciomini, Casey Watters.
Excused absence: Balderas.
Unexcused absence: None.

III. Additions or Corrections to Agenda

Ellingwood moves to add the proposed budget to new business, Reed seconds, motion

IV. Motion to Approve Agenda


V. Motion to Approve Minutes

Balderas moves to change “not a necessary position” in Section VIII.B. to “not an
advantageous position with the resources available at this time”, Reed seconds, motion

VI. Reports
A. President Watters: Met with Washington Student Lobby and congressmen and
representatives in Washington D.C., higher education bills were killed by the Republicans,
will try again next year.
B. Vice President Horsey: None.
C. Activities Director – Jenell Johnson: Hypnotist and game night upcoming, need 10
volunteers, will send out e-mail soon.
D. Public Relations Director – Casey Herrick: None.
E. I.T. Director – Chase Tornow: CougVision is up and running, send Chase ideas for
things to go up. Working with VIT, working on online syllabus website.
F. Director of L. A. – Stacey Johnson: None.
G. Election Board – Brandy Fisher: None.
H. Judicial Board – Ali Abdul-Aziz: None.
I. External Affairs Committee, No Chair: None.
K. Programming Committee, Adam Bartle: Bartle is chair, Spencer-Mcdonough vice-chair.
L. Finance Committee, Ellingwood: None.
M. Rules and Regulations, Reed: None.
N. Budget Committee, Ellingwood: Have met a few times to discuss and set new budget.
O. Kappa Omicron Nu, Laurie Giaciomini: Honor Society for Human Development majors
and minors, will be doing an upcoming event at Red Robin to help provide childrens books
to new parents.
Fifteenth Senate
Minutes Monday 20 March 2006

VII. New Business

A. By-Law Amendment 15.10: Passes 10-0-0.
B. By-Law Amendment 15.11: Fails 4-5-1.
C. Bill 15.25: Reed moves for a second reading, Mueller seconds, motion passes. Horsey reads
various rules on the use of WSU trademarks. Reed asks whether we have permission to use the
Cougar logo and whether the condoms will be fully functional. Horsey responds that no permission
has been obtained, and that the condoms will be functional. Spencer-McDonough asks whether the
Senate should approve the bill and then obtain permission, or obtain permission and then approve the
bill. Horsey responds that either option will work. Bartle does not support the bill, says that the
condoms may not send the right message, and that the Senate can find a better use for $500.
Ellingwood notes that the packaging may not list ASWSUV as a sponsor. Reed does not believe the
condoms would send the wrong message. Reed moves to send to Rules and Administration, Delon
seconds, motion passes
D. Bill 15.26: Ellingwood moves for a second reading, Bartle seconds, motion passes. Reed says
this is a good and cheap way to get our name into the community. Passes 10-0-0.
E. Bill 15.27: Weiss moves for a second reading, Delon seconds, motion passes. Reed asks
if it is kosher to fund this event in the current budget year. Cox responds that it is acceptable.
Bill Kelly notes that this fills the vacuum left by the lack of Columbian events. Pass 10-0-0.
F. Bill 15.28: Baireuther moves for a second reading, Ellingwood seconds, motion passes.
Chapman notes that this event will be open to all students, will have four business major
alums speaking, and the mock interviews will have critique from four Human Resources
professionals. Mueller moves to correct “insight” in the Statement of Fact, Delon seconds,
motion passes. Horsey notes that such corrections can be done outside of meetings.
Ellingwood asks if any coordination has been done with Jessica Nelson. Crouse notes that
this is being organized solely by the SBO, and that the event will be on a first come, first
serve basis. Spencer-McDonough asks why what was originally two bills was combined into
one. Ellingwood responds that they were combined because they were for the same club.
Passes 10-0-0.
G. Bill 15.29: Ellingwood moves for a second reading, Delon seconds, motion passes.
Bartle asks if anyone from the club is present, asks when the event will occur. Bartle moves
to send to Finance Committee, Reed seconds, motion passes.
H. Ellingwood moves for a second reading, Reed seconds, motion passes. Passes 10-0-0.
Recess called from 9:16-9:20pm.
I. Resolution 15.05: Janecki asks what the hours will be extended to. Horsey responds that
this is not known yet. Passes 10-0-0.
J. Budget: Passes 10-0-0.

VIII. Announcements
A. Game night from 5-9pm, hypnotist at 7pm, please volunteer.
B. Spring Banquet: Tickets on sale at cashier, Anson Service’s band will be playing, ticket
price includes gourmet dinner.
C. Dodgeball: Sign up! Occurs next Thursday as a kick-off for Cougar Pride Days. Help
with trail maintenance.

X. Adjournment
A. Meeting adjourned at 9:31pm.

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