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Fifteenth Senate

Minutes Monday 03 April 2006

I. Call to Order
A. Meeting called to order at 8:41pm.

II. Roll Call

Senators in attendance: Baireuther, Bartle, Delon, Ellingwood, Moon, Mueller,
Spencer-McDonough, Reed, Weiss.
Chair: Horsey.
Recorder: Reed.
Guests in Attendance: Robert Cox, Ramin Eshragh, Casey Herrick, Stacey Johnson,
Kathy Stewart, Chase Tornow, Casey Watters,
Excused absence: Balderas.
Unexcused absence: Janecki.

III. Additions or Corrections to Agenda


IV. Motion to Approve Agenda


V. Motion to Approve Minutes


VI. Reports
A. President Watters: None.
B. Vice President Horsey: None.
C. Public Relations Director – Casey Herrick: Assisted the SME and another engineering
club to get box tickets to a Lumberjax game, helping with Spring Fling.
D. I.T. Director – Chase Tornow: Have been working with VIT on creating a student
listserv and online syllabus page.
E. Director of L. A. – Stacey Johnson: In process of compiling list of accomplishments and
information for next year’s DLA, have been trying to meet with Watters but have been
unsuccessful, want to meet with incoming president, upcoming meeting with WA Student
F. Golf Club – Ramin Eshragh: Have two new members, planning upcoming tournaments.
G. External Affairs Committee, Delon: None.
H. Programming Committee, Bartle: None.
I. Finance Committee, Ellingwood: Met to discuss Bill 15.29.
K. Rules and Regulations, Reed: Met to discuss Bill 15.25.
L. Budget Committee, Ellingwood: Student government has received approximately
$160,000 from S&A Fee Allocations.

VII. Old Business

A. Bill 15.25: Rules and Recommendations Committee recommends do not pass. Fails 0-9-
B. Bill 15.29: Ellingwood: Date of event is April 27th at 4:00pm, location still to be
announced. Finance committee recommends to pass as amended. Ellingwood makes a
motion to pass as amended, Reed seconds, motion passes.
Fifteenth Senate
Minutes Monday 03 April 2006
VIII. New Business
A. Bill 15.31: Reed moves for a second reading, Bartle seconds, motion passes. Reed
moves for the section beginning “This event features…” to the end of the paragraph to be
moved to the Statement of Fact, Baireuther seconds, motion passes. Baireuther notes that the
performance itself is free, and we would only be funding food, decorations, etc. Spencer-
McDonough moves that any unused funds be returned, Horsey points out that this is already
provided for. Passes 8-1-0. Horsey asks Mueller if he would like to explain his vote,
Mueller declines.
B. Bill 15.32: Mueller moves for a second reading, Spencer-McDonough seconds, motion
fails. Bill sent to Finance Committee.
C. Bill 15.33: Reed moves for a second reading, Delon seconds, motion passes. Ellingwood
asks Eshragh what his highest priority bills are, Eshragh responds that Bills 15.34 and 15.36
are highest priority. Fails 3-6-0.
D. Bill 15.34: Reed moves for a second reading, Moon seconds, motion passes. Spencer-
McDonough asks what expenses will be covered by the club and whether the club will be
advertising. Eshragh states that the club will pay for the advertisements. Mueller asks if the
club has done any fundraising. Eshragh says that the club has not done any fundraising
because it just started this semester. Passes 8-1-0.
E. Bill 15.35: Reed moves for a second reading, Delon seconds, motion passes. Fails 3-6-0.
F. Bill 15.36: Bartle moves for a second reading, Reed seconds, motion passes. Passes 9-0-
G. Bill 15.37: Mueller moves for a second reading, Spencer-McDonough seconds, motion
fails. Bill sent to Finance Committee.
H. Bill 15.38: Delon moves for a second reading, Reed seconds, motion passes. Spencer-
McDonough requests that Kathy Stewart speak. Stewart says they are a new RSO on
campus, want to provide outreach and do a student survey to see what needs are. Ellingwood
asks how many bookmarks will be purchased, Stewart responds that as many as can be will
be bought. Delon asks where the event will be held, Stewart responds that it will be held on
the veranda or SSB 129, depending on weather. Bill passes 9-0-0.

IX. Announcements
A. Two more meetings!
B. Ellingwood: Finance Committee meeting after adjournment.

X. Adjournment
A. Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm.

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