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Fifteenth Senate

Minutes Monday 28 November 2005

I. Call to Order
A. Meeting called to order at 8:47pm.
II. Roll Call
Senators in attendance: Bartle, Brady, Ellingwood, Johnson, Kienow, Reed.
Chair: Horsey.
Recorder: Reed.
Guests in Attendance:
Excused absence: None.
Unexcused absence: Allen.
III. Additions or Corrections to Agenda
IV. Motion to Approve Agenda
V. Motion to Approve Minutes
VI. Reports
A. President Watters: None.
B. Vice President Horsey: None.
C. Activities Director Kimiyo Kanekoa: None.
D. Public Relations Director Casey Herrick: None.
E. I.T. Director Chase Tornow: None.
F. Election Committee: No report to give due to non-functioning Election Committee.
G. Transportation Director Randy Mueller: C-Tran created a University Pass which will cost $60 per
semester and $30 for summer session, Senate will need to decide whether to subsidize the pass, C-Tran
will be on campus to promote the pass and service.
H. External Affairs: Meeting Friday at 1:00pm.
I. Programming: None.
J. Finance: None.
K. Rules: Committee issues a “do not pass” recommendation for By-Law Amendment 15.08.
L. Budget: None.
VII.Old Business
A. Bill 15.08: Sent to Finance Committee.
B. By-Law Amendment 15.06 Veto: Johnsons feels that this is a sad state of affairs that the Senate
felt the need to pass this By-Law Amendment. Veto not overturned, 4-2-0.
C. By-Law Amendment 15.08: Rules and Administration Committee issued a “do not pass”
recommendation. By-Law Amendment fails, 1-5-0.
D. Bill 15.10: Johnson moves for a second reading, Brady seconds. Johnson moves to send to
committee, Bartle seconds. Bill passes, 5-1-0.
E. S&A Fee (Facilities) Confirmations: Reed moves to pass all candidates unanimously, Ellingwood
seconds. Motion passes, all candidates confirmed.
F. S&A Allocation Confirmations: Johnson moves to pass all candidates unanimously, Reed
seconds. Motion passes, all candidates confirmed.
VIII. New Business
A. Election Board Confirmation: Reed moves to table until next meeting, Brady seconds. Motion
passes by a majority.
B. Bill 15.11: Brady moves for a second reading, Johnson seconds. Bartle moves to change all
instances of “zero dollars” to “two hundred-forty dollars,” Johnson seconds, motion passes. Bill fails,
IX. Announcements
A. Blood Drive, December 1st.
B. Open House, December 7th.
C. Last Senate meeting of the semester, December 12th.
VIII. Adjournment
Fifteenth Senate
Minutes Monday 28 November 2005
A. Meeting adjourned at 9:32pm.

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