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Part A
- Question 1
When planning for human resource, it is vital to identify your requirements first, and then
draw up a strategy the roles required with the best person for the job, with the right skills
but above all the right attitude and personality.

- Question 2
Been a senior member of team, mid level everything (consultative, collaborative,
multidisciplinary, a member of network of peers to collaborate with about performance.

- Question 3
Measuring qualiKty of an organisation policies, products, programs and strategies.
Determining improvements.

- Question 4
Financial: Financial records, tax requirements, internal control requirements
Non financial: Advertising and direct marketing, reporting back sustainability reporting

- Question 5
A. Product failures: Customers ( product failures reports )
B. Variances to business plan: Investors, staff ( forecasting )

- Question 6
Testing performance measurement systems and refine if necessary. Monitoring
organisational performance against strategics goals.
Key performance indicator.

- Question 7
To learn and grow, to improve.
Because it will help us to define a measure progress toward organisational goal.

- Question 8

Participating in mentoring or coaching programs can help you develop a greater

understanding of business processes and practices, and a equip you with the skills you
need to grow and improve your business.

- Question 9
You must be a good communicator ensures understanding of performance requirements
and timeframes. You can use different mediums such telephone, reports, face to face.
Part of your job is to influence others to achieve a common goal.

- Question 10
- Balanced Scorecard
- Key performance indicators
- Meetings
Part B
Business plan review:
1. Good reputation for last 25 years: A competitive pricing strategy will be used in
the initial stage to win work and gain market share. This will be supported by
Peter Drews proven design capabilities and excellent reputation in the industry
for last 25 years.
2. Population: Brisbane was selected as a primary market because it is a large city
with a population of 1,8 million people. It is projected to grow by approximately
900.000 people in just 2 decades time.
3. Wealth and talent: The main source of competitive advantage is the wealth of
experience and talent of the architect himself in terms of proven design
capabilities, excellent reputation and delivery of service within agreed cost and
1. Crisis: The global economic crisis has caused a severe downturn in the building
and housing industry.
2. Competitor analysis: National firms with over forty years in business.
3. Industry analysis: The industry is going through difficult times at the moment, it
is fragmented, characterised by many very small scale firms which operate in
local niche market.

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