KinEsthetic Learning PLC Notes

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2015-2016 Valley High School PLC Ongoing Meeting Notes

PLC: an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of
collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve.
DuFour, DuFour, Eaker, and Many (2006)
PLC Members: Allison Koontz, Stacy Hansen, Ryan Penning, Carol Engelmann, Karen
Downing, Pam Thomason (Student Teacher-Hayley Nybo)
Group Agreements for Interaction (norms): Be professional
Group Goal and its connection to district/building goal/Initial Action Plan: Increase student
engagement and learning through kinesthetic learning strategies.

Date: 10/14/15

Group Members Present: Pam, Ryan, Stacy, Carol, Hayley, Allison,


Meeting Purpose/Goal (complete before PLC meeting):

Everyone will bring in an artifact demonstrating kinesthetic learning to share with the group.

Agenda (complete before PLC meeting) :

What is to be discussed / considered?
Protocol/Structure to be used
Agenda item notes


Stacy Hansen ICTE report (explain key note and how it connects
to our current work in PLC)


Share artifacts (Allison, Ryan, Stacy, Carol, Pam, Haley, Karen)


Discuss next steps for PLC (do we want to pick a strategy to try in
our class?)
Stacy Hansen presented at ICTE (connects to our PLC work) Way to go!


Check the PLC question(s) connected to todays meeting:


What do we expect our students to learn?

How will we know when they have learned it?

How will we respond when some students do not learn?

How will we respond when some students already know it?

Resources needed/group questions/notes:

Notes from Stacys Keynote at ICTE: Theatre and play in the classroom engages our
students. It can educate them and you can use it in the classroom. It can entertain.
Sometimes students needs a brainbreak. It is important to let our inner-child. We grow up so
fast; learn so much our first three years. A lot of activities let your inner-child out and we learn
to say yes! These activities allow you to experience life in a safe, permissive environment.
We can experience life in honest failure. These activities are low risk and help to secure
emotional safety in the classroom.
Everyone can be successful
Lesson after the keynote included activities with balls:
Always establish a pattern for safety
Establish plot (throw the ball around the room)
Way to popcorn answers/discussion
Name game activities
Process order games
Snowball moment (something someone said to me in middle school)
Ryans Artifact
5 warm up games in 8 minutes
physical, mental, vocal
Energizing Brain
2-3 minute activities get you up and moving
Carols Artifact
Pictures (tell a story of how this picture is a representation of themselves); great get-to-knowyou activity
Move-it (helps to take a break)

Chrome extension
popsicle sticks (color-code); share comments; get into groups
six word stories (create a visual to go with this)
playdough (make something out of playdough to demonstrate that word)
Teach Like a Pirate
Choral reading (two minute)

Action Items:
What work will be done?

Who is directly

By when?

Parking Lot--as needed (items to discuss at the end of the meeting that are separate from the
meetings purpose):

Copy and paste a blank template into the beginning of the document to record purpose
and tentative agenda for the next meeting.

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