Belajar Kanji

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Day 1: Kanji 1-34

ONE: {Ceiling if above, floor if below}

TWO: Bottom is longer than the top
THREE: 1+2=3
FOUR: The monster ate the humans legs in 4 bites
FIVE: + || = 5
SIX: 8 - 2 = 6 ; A top hat with animal legs is clearly the work of the devil. 666!
SEVEN: Upside down 7 with a line though it. [Spoon : 7 cuts through]
EIGHT: (Hachi) begins with the sound of katakana ha, and its about the same


NINE: i e [ Power ] {Baseball team of 9}

TEN: {Needle}
MOUTH: {Mouth, open, entrance}
DAY: {Day, sun, tongue wagging in mouth}
MONTH: Months are longer than a day {Moon, flesh, part of body}
RICE FIELD: 4 plots of land from birds eye view {Rice field, brains}
EYE: See the {eye} in the emoticon: (_)
OLD: Tombstone {Old}
I: I have 5 openings in my head
RISKY: Sun in your eyes is risky
COMPANION: Flesh of my flesh (Adam and Eve). True companions stay month after


BRIGHT: Sun to rule the day, moon by night. Sun and moon shine bright
CHANT: With an open mouth he chanted 2 days. Day after day the same prayer
SPARKLE: Diamonds are sparkly like 3 suns
GOODS: Looks like shipping crates loaded with goods
SPINE: Spine connects head and body
PROSPEROUS: If you work sun up to sun down you will be prosperous
EARLY: {Sunflowers} bloom early before 10 Am

RISING SUN: Sunrises before 9 am

GENERATION: The new generations have 2 floors to support them in life. Generation is

10+10+10=30 years

the middle finger

STOMACH: The rice field is harvested once a month to fill our stomach
NIGHT BREAK: Sunrises over the horizon
GALLBLADDER: Aids in digestion while you sleep until daybreak
SPAN: Span of day sun up to sun down
CONCAVE: Concave box
CONVEX: Men are convex, women are complex. I knew he was vexed when he gave

Day 2: Kanji 35-70

RTK Lesson 3-4

OLDEN TIMES: once you pass 18 (see the picture) you are old. Old people (the walking stick) talk
about the good old days
ONESELF: point at self towards the nose between the eyes is the way Japanese people point at
themselves. Eye drops are best applied by oneself.
WHITE: a drop of sunlight is white
HUNDRED: looks like 100 turned sideways. 100-1=99. Japanese people celebrate white year when
99yrs old.
IN: in between the box
THOUSAND: 10 bought a fancy hat for 1000 yen. A drop of magic makes 10 become 1000
TONGUE: in your mouth is 1000 taste buds
MEASURING BOX: is it 1000 or 10? I need a measuring box
RISE UP: Measure the sun to decided when we should rise up
ROUND: Round up 9 to 10
MEASUREMENT: decimal system uses drops of 10 as a measurement
SPECIALTY: specialty or field may change 10 times before sticking to what they like to measure up
how good you are
DR: needle specialist is a doctor in acupuncture. after 10 specialties you should be a doctor. A dr.
with a dot.
FORTUNE TELLING: magic rod with a mouth
ABOVE: pointing up
BELOW: pointing down
EMINENT: eminent means a famous and respected person within a particular sphere or profession.
most eminent magicians is one who learned to use his magic wand early in life
MORNING: 10am is opposite of 10pm at night
ONLY: it has a big mouth and tiny legs its one of a king. The only one left; only one mouth per 2 legs
SHELLFISH: the beach has a freakish shellfish with a giant eye and slender legs [with
UPRIGHT: its only with magic can a clam/shellfish walk upright
EMPLOYEE: shut your mouth at work to keep your job put clams on your lips
SEE: I see better when I walk up close to it
NEWBORN BABE: Father time with a crawling baby (the circle of life) In olden times babies came
between the legs now we have c-section
BEGINNING: 2 humans were made in the beginning
PAGE:A drop of shellfish ink can fill a page. A pearl of wisdom on one page
STUBBORN: Genesis has Cain and able in their ways. Some are too stubborn to read the first page.
MEDIOCRE: A drop in the wind makes no difference. Mediocre people hide under tables.
DEFEAT: Shell to shell combat; shellfish are defeated with a hook in its head
TEN THOUSAND: Its over 9000!
PHRASE: Words bound up right to fit into mouth

TEXTURE: Body parts exposed to wing changes texture especially after a month straight bound up

DECAMERON: bound up for days, 10 days (decameron is a 10 day period)

LADLE: Bound up every last drip of soup
BULLS EYE: use ladle to paint white part of the bulls eye
NECK: nose and eyes go above neck
Non-kanji primitives/parts:

Animal legs
Human legs
Wrap, bound up (can be compressed)
Table, wind
\ / Animal horns
Walking stick, Rod, Stick, Lameness
Divining rod or enchanted stick, Prophesy
Drop, Dot

Day 3: Kanji 71-94

RTK Lesson 5

FISHGUTS: This is a fish hook that pulls out fish guts. FishgutZ by Zorro [fishhook]
RIOT: Riots are caused by silver tongued leaders who hook the public
STRAIGHT AWAY: Need to go to the hospital right away if you get a needle in your eye
TOOL: keep an eye on the table when using sharp tools
TRUE: Kid tool to measure the truth: cross my heart and hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye, 10
eye witnesses help determine the truth.
[CRAFT]: I craft in World of Warcarft. I beams are used to craft skyscrapers, [craft, I beam, artificial]
LEFT: looks like L for left
RIGHT: The voice that tells you right from wrong
POSSESS: Werewolves are possessed by the moon. My closest possession is my body.
: BRIBE: when people use money (clams) to get possessions - that a bribe
TRIBUTE: I volunteer as tribute said no shellfish (money man) ever. Tributes aka taxes are craft
ways to get clams (money)
PARAGRAPH: Paragraph=paracraft=page+craft. Crafting a page with paragraphs.
[SWORD]: sharp sword cut of ka from katana. Samurai have 2 swords on their belt. Slice pie with a
BLADE: see the blood on my blade
CUT: 7 samurai cut 7 opponents
[SEDUCE]: samurai seduced her with his shiny sword and sweet talking lips/ (also means to call to
send for) Lion-o summons Thundercats with his word and shouting Ho!
SHINING: The shining sun seduced poor Icarus. One day a knight in shining and seduced her with
his lips and sword.
RULE: Those with money and sword make the rules
VICE-: Shoguns second in command handles wages. One mouth controls the rice field to pay for
swords (samurai)
SEPERATE: looks like a praying mantisfemale mantis uses a saber to separate her husbands body
from his head
STREET: sTreeT has 2 Ts
VILLAGE: village (town) has lots of streets and rice field
CAN: I can speak street
PLACE ON THE HEAD: There is a bounty on my head. See the pages on the street with my face?
Non-Kanji parts:
Fishhook:, when at the bottom , Fishhook too the (right)
tool *see the table with the tools on top*
by ones side (example): the cross looking thing on the left

Day 4: Kanji 95-126

RTK Lesson 6-7
*Keywords in bold*

A child, from one to ten, before becoming a teen.

Gotta check your child for cavities, so the dentist will use his/her dental explorer ( hook).
This child is not complete
When a woman becomes a ninja she is called a kunoichi ().
Women are fond of children.
A woman sees her likeness in the mirror. (pictogram).
When a woman becomes a mama her breasts grow and fill with drops of milk.
Shepierced her ear with a mama of pearl (shellfish).
My elder brother is just a big mouth on legs. He has freedom to speak and freedom to go out.
Caution: this means a spell, not to swear. I put a curse on my elder brother so that he can never
open his mouth.
Ten teenagers were chosen to OVERCOME all odds and save the world. The start of almost every
LITTLE baby penguin flippers.
Little!, few!, whats the difference? Few sounds like you are getting a dash more
That guy was thiiiiis BIG! That is ONE large person!
Two MOONs, or two EVENINGs? In either case, its two many.
Im home for the evening. !
In the eventide (nightfall), drops of water start forming in the evening.
Its dangerous to go (outside) alone (in the evening)! Here, take this (stick)! /Zelda.
Because its dark in the evening, you need to open your mouth and speak your name to identify
yourself. (This is a traditional mnemonic for this kanji).
Indiana Jones jumps up and grabs the lip of cliff just in time to evade the huge STONE rolling out of
the mouth of the cave!
This kanji has a resemblance to a dripping birthday cake with 3 candles. Little Chibi Moon has
a RESEMBLANCE of Sailor Moon.
Nitrate, or saltpeter, comes from rocks and is an ingredient in fireworks, like roman candles .
(cf , cannon.) shouen, gunpowder smoke.
When Hulk SMASH nine becomes ten/ A stone will smash a car-window nine times out of ten.
To make sand, start by grinding a few stones.
The jealous woman bashed the brains in of the guy who betrayed her, with a stone.
THIS means :to sharpen a pencil, or carve wood. Sparks will fly if you attempt to PLANE your sabre.
This is not an airplane.
Rays are just little legs of sunlight.
Take large, and add a drop of fat, and you get PLUMP.
Imagine four hungry mouths all sitting around the table. They are all banging their utensils on the
table waiting for a big meal to be placed in the center. Note: by itself means container/caliber/vessel.
And means eating utensils (food container).

If oneself allows a large amount of time between showers he ends upstinking.

Your mouth stinks: you need to sniff your breath.
A geisha is an exquisite and delicate (another meaning of this kanji) women, however, even in the
past there was only few of them.
To remember the order: When focusing, keep a few things your TOP priority, so only they come
UNDER your sight. You focus by concentrating your eye on fewer objects.
In Sparta we throw our Children over a Cliff. Under the Sun, they fight other Children. In the end, if
they survive, they sure have thick skin.
A man in a trash can is very strange.

Day 5: Kanji 127-156

Lesson 8 (part 1)

Three streams grouped together might cause a flood! Please note: the Japanese do not use this
as stream, they use it as river. It might be better to differentiate by thinking of river for this one and big
river or major river for is used for the names of Japanese rivers and places (ie. Xgawa Highschool).
is used for some foreign rivers and metaphorically (ie. [ginga]: Silver River - Milky Way / Galaxy).
All powerfulSTATES grew from a few small settlements along RIVER. The original meaning of this
character was sandbar, and for me this conjures up images of the Mississippi River, which is very wide with
many sandbars and which was used to define the borders in ten American states. Picture Huck Finn and
Tom Sawyer floating bystate afterstate as they adventure down the mighty Mississippi, occasionally
beaching their raft on sandbars.
In Japan, obeying means following the stream of collective opinion BEFORE using your own head.
Obey!" demands Fox News streaming page as they fill your head with lies.
water falls and splashes. the frequency of this primitive wont let you forget the meaning:water. No
need for a story. Its everywhere: anime, water bottles etc.
Icicles start with 1 frozen drop of water.
It would take an eternity to count all the drops of water. If time were water, this moment is just
a drop in eternity.
A spring is where pure white water comes from. Not the Spring season.
On a hot day sweat SPRINGs forth from my glands.
Heisig calls this kanjimeadow but used in compound words the most common meaning
is ORIGIN For those of you who cant decide whether to stick to meadow or go for origin, heres both.
Imagine a meadow that is shaded by a cliff being the origin of a special type of white flower that can grow in
a very small number of places.
Send your petition to the head manager of the white meadows apartment complex.
Lets petition to save that beautiful MEADOW from overdevelopment by signing on this PAGE.
Remember the movie water world? Imagine if you were in that movie and had no boat! Youd
literally be swimming for an eternity as you are surrounded by endless, eternal, water.
The marsh looks just like dry land. Really its water and it seduces people to step onto it and they
sink to their death.
When you are on the OPEN SEA, you are completely in the middle of the water.
This is pan- as in the prefix meaning all. I think of Pangea as being a mediocre continent with
water covering the rest of the planet. This was before it broke up into the first-class, well-distributed
continents we got now. In Pantheism, even little drops of water are not considered mediocre.
Creeks, inlets, bays and so on are examples of water that have been crafted for some purpose or
Remember Chihiro (Spirited Away): The water spirit was so plump from dirt he needed tocleanse.
A really good soup starts with stock just use water, and ten flavoring ingredients.
Each water wave washes away a few grains of sand. To keep this separated from sand
:Water erodes away stone a few grains of sand at a time until there is no stone left.
If its not Eventide ( ) it must be morningtide! The morning tide is basically, well, WATER in the

The source of our villages water is the magic meadow deep in the enchanted mountains. There,
there is a white-water spring bubbling up at the base of a cliff.
Some water on the tongue makes a dehydrated person lively.
To extinguish fire, use water or something resembling it.
If your teenager keeps to drinking water (rather than anything stronger), it prevents a
bad situation developing. (This character means situation or condition.).
Artificial river - water from a can. Natural running water comes in many sizes: brooks, streams,
rivulets But a RIVER is one such with enough WATER that we CAN do useful stuff with it: move wheels and
turbines and transport loads. In short, a RIVER is running WATER that CAN.
Overnight water white (it rhymes). The water is white because it froze overnight.
Water-old-month: the lake's water is old in the sense that it has accumulated there over the course
of many months.
Fathoms beneath the water, a shellfish defends the depths with his sabre.
The grave was marked by a cross sticking out of the soil.
When you get dirt in your mouth, you have to spit it out.
The cliff exerts a lot of pressure on the ground beneath it.
This refers to LAND, not the STRANGE gear superheroes wear. A CAPE is a piece of LAND that stands
out STRANGLY in the sea.
Thehedge SPANS the castle GROUNDS. The kanji also means a fence. Think of a dirt wall that spans
your property. = = stone wall.
In a hole in the ground, the body of the victim was placed. And then the killer stuffed it up so that
the truth would not be found out, he hoped.
Square jewels are made by piling soil on top of soil for millions of years until square jewels are
formed. The pirate wanted to hide his square jewel well. So, he buried it in the soil, under the ground and
planted poison ivy over the spot.
The jewel is measured and given a SEAL of approval.

Day 6: Kanji 157-186

Lesson 8 (part 2)

Japan is a mountainous archipelago. When looking off into the horizon one can only
see water, cliffs, and more land.
It is ironic that the kanji for Buddhist temple is composed by two elements Buddhism is meant to
alleviate: earthliness and attachment.
In ancient Japan, TIME of day was announced at the Buddhist temples. They did this by ringing
large iron bells. This is similar to churches who ring their bells to announce the time of day.
soil equally spread with a ladle provides level ground. = equal, = ladle.
To be honest, it just looks like the flames of a fire to me. Looks like a camp fire actually.
An inflammation can often feel like FIRE upon FIRE burning. To fight fire with fire would
just inflame a situation.
Imagine the anxiety a librarian would feel if the library caught fire and all the pages of his books
were burning up. ANXIETY is like a slow-burning fire inside your head.
Drink water and burn twice as many calories as you eat youll definitely get thin. Imagine inside
your body, all those calories literally being burned from above and below THATs what it takes to
become thin. To stay thin, you need to drink lots of water and burn off calories.
A lamp is fire you can hang from a nail.
In Japan, ricefarmers are constantly making little fires on their ricefarms burning up all the old
stalks and things probably to be used as fertilizer
What a disaster! First a FIRE, then on top of it came FLOODs.
After the cremation fire, many prefer to scatter their loved-ones ASHES from seaside cliffs.
The FORTUNE TELLER was burned by FLAMES on the spot because she was accused of being a witch.
A night scene: The hunters faces were shining, illuminated by the flickering camp fire. Alternate
story: Though the sun is shining brightly, it will not illuminate the depths of a dark cavern; for that you need
a fire.
Fish dinner tonight: Step one bind up a fish on a rod. step two chop off the brains and scales. step
three roast it on an open fire and step four enjoy.
You need WATER and FISH for fishing.
Lesson 9

This kanji means ri. Dont bother looking it up in your English dictionary; its a Japanese word for
measuring distances. One ri is about 4 kilometers or 2.5 miles. The kanji depicts how the measure came to
be used. Atop we see the rice field, and below the element for land. The four sections you see in the rice
field are actually measurements of land, much the same as farm-sections in the United States have given us
the notion of a country mile. The land division based on the size of a rice field is called a ri.
If you burn the GROUND of a RICE FIELD with FIRE, eventually it will turn black. If
your computer isnt on a firewall, youll get a virus and your screen will go black.
Black ink comes from black soil.
Robocarp!!! Part fish, part computer! Visualize him flapping and clanking down the street, with
bullets ricocheting off his scaly armor. What does a Fish get when it uses a computer? CARP-al tunnel!
A carp is very clever, its a fish first and a computer second. If you are Japanese, fish in the pond near
your parents house are most likely to be carp (koi, in fact).

A quantity can be a measure of time or space (day/ri). At night break a larger quantity of people
log onto their computers.
RIN Another Japanese only word. The Square Root of 1 RI = 1 RIN just kidding. But it looks like it.
Actually One rin is equal to about 1/1000 of a yenor rather was worth that much when it still made
economic sense to mint them. While inflation took its toll on this kanji as a monetary unit, it survived with
the not at all surprising sense of something very, very tiny.
In China, they BURY someone under the GROUND, one RI outside the village. When
your computer becomes old, theres not much you can do but bury it under the soil and buy a new one. As
the world moves on, we have to bury the old logic under the ground and keep up with the times.
Monks speak in one voice (mouth) under a hood to say we are all the SAME.
Animals always build their den in the same place - beside the water.
The trunk of your body looks the same as most peoples, once you chop the limbs off.
Yonder.there is a DOT of light over the mouth of the cave.
We are created the SAME but its our SPARK of uniqueness that gives us our self ESTEEM.
The first kanjicharacters you will learn in Japan is probably learnt at home (in the house of your
family) when you are still a child.
A GUARD is usually glued to the house he watches. A guard gives those under a roof a measure of

Day 7: Kanji 187-216

Lesson 9 (Part 2)

The house of Adam and eve was perfect in the beginning.

You can proclaim your opinions from the comfort of your HOUSE and have it SPAN the entire globe
these days via The Internet. Parents proclaim: In the span of time youre under our roof youll abide by our
After practicing kanji in the wee hours of your home, kanji start resembling one another.
Cheapest place for a woman to relax is in her own home.
An entire day of work for the banquet stands between the woman and the relaxation in her house.
The strange house has a sign saying DRAW NEAR" in its window, instead of a Beware sign. It must
be a trick! Why in all horror movies, the actors are always drawn near the strange house, where theyll soon
In ancient Japan, a RICE FIELD is a unit of wealth as it can produce enough to feed all the MOUTHs
in ONE HOUSE. Remember Ducktales? That rich duck had that room in his house where he kept all
the wealth! He had so much in that house you could even swim in it!
savings = money kept under the roof rather than spent on the street.
Lesson 10 (Part 1)

Pictograph of a tree.
A grove has at least two TREEs.
Many Trees make a forest.
The Japanese Judas Tree, with Ivy hanging in nooses, it is where the betrayed will be hanged by
Judas. A tree covered in poison ivy will quickly betray you, thus the name JAPANESE JUDAS-TREE.
An oak tree is what Gandalf the White made his staff from. Professor Oak, the Pokmon scientist
with the white coat, was named after the oak tree.
Nine out of ten picture frames are made out of wood. The rest are made of metal or plastic.
If you cut off the treetops, they still resemble the trees they used to be part
of. Treetops=tree resemblance. This also means the end of a branch or twig. In English, the name for each
years new growth at the end of every branch is a candle. Same in Japanese.
A shelf is a wooden companion to books.
I lay under the apricot tree and let the delicious apricots drop into my mouth. apri-caught
In Japan, a paulownia (is known as the princess tree. It was once a traditional TREE planted
at the SAME time as the birth of a daughter. It would grow fast enough that, at the time of her wedding, it
could be used to make a dresser as a wedding present for her.
Plant the tree straight away.
To the Japanese, the first time they saw a chair, it looked like a strange use of wood! Probably why
they still like to sit on the floor
. When a tree gets old it withers. The Great Deku TREE withered and died once it was cursed with
OLD, dark magic.
A beginner magician starts with a crude wooden magic wand. Later hell upgrade.
If youve ever played an old 8 bit or 16 bit RPG, youll remember that every town was all bordered
off by a line of trees with no space in between to get out through. Imagine that the trees were glued

together so you could only exit town through the main or side gates, (so you couldnt escape the important
scripted scenes.).
The biblical proverb about maintaining good inter-personal relationships says to first take the plank
of wood out of your own eye, before removing the splinter from your brothers eye. The Ent, minister of
trees, watches over the interactions of different creatures in Middle Earth.
The tree was knocked down by the wind. Now I can carve it into a desk! Ancient Japanese used to
use tree stumps as desk where wind was a constant battle. A tree paperweight on the desk, will prevent
the wind from blowing the papers away.
The origin of a book is paper made out of TREEs. ONE tree can make many books.
Someone put a tag on that tree with a hook. Oh, hey, its actually paper money! Dont mind if I
This is just a picture of a wall calendar with a page for each month. The bottom half has the grid of
days, the top half has a pretty picture of a forest this month. The cliff radical here is the top and left edges of
the paper. You can see the paper curling up at the lower left where a breeze is trying to turn the page. I love
those nature CALENDARs with all the photos of cliffs and trees and the setting sun.Bottom of FormBottom
of Form
As long as you have a plan, you can relax on trees as much as you like. Just RELAX! And stay in the
TREE. Everything is going according to the PLAN!
A fires heat willparch/dry out any goods made from wood. You need to leave milk out for Santa. If
not, he will be so parched when he comes down the FIRE place that he will put the GOODS on top of the
This TREE is not yet fully grown: its only ONE year old.

Day 8: Kanji 217-249

Lesson 10 (continued)

Remember these as a set: The tree ( ) has not yet ( ) reached theextremity ( ) of
its vermilion ( ) foliage. The tree has reached the extremity of its growth and no longer produces small,
new branches at the top. Instead the existing top branch just grows longer and longer. The trees top
branches have grown to extremities. {be careful looks just like }

Something that is obscure has not yet been brought before the light ofday.

My mouth has not yet swallowed the food because the flavor is so delicious that I keep chewing it.
= = flavour = = beautiful flavor = delicious. [ flavor = mouth + not yet ] - the pastry
chef, after testing the flavor by putting a small sample in his mouth, declared that the confection was not
yet ready.

My younger sister is NOT YET a fully grown WOMAN.

SPLASH = water being scattered to the extreme

Its autumn: only one vermilion leaf on the tree has not yet fallen. Ill try dropping by the Cerulean
gym, as Im not yet able to enter Vermilion City.

Ideally, one buys stocks when a company is young, green, and rapidly growing then sells them
just before the last vermillion leaf falls off, and a period of dormancy or limited growth begins. Instead of
thinking of the stock-market, imagine the wooden medieval stocks used to hold a prisoners head and
hands between two blocks of wood. The wood in this case is vermilion colored, as it often was.
Imagine SHOOING away the guards and blowing the stocks open with a big kaboom sound. (ON reading
SHU, Kun reading kabu).

Young love puts a flower in her right hand (true love puts a ring on her left!!). Young single women
in Hawaii wear a FLOWER over their RIGHT ear signifying they are available. Wakai.

My Dad said Cut thegrass early, and watch out for the FLOWERS!!!

Flowers for the old mansuffering in the hospital

In a perfect world, giving someone flowers can stop them bullying you. But most likely he will stuff
the flowers in you because he can.

Kanji Zen: See the flowers in the house. See the good in people. Be TOLERANT.

Oh no! The doctor forgot his needle at home, so he can only treat his patients with
a diluted herbal remedy! { After the -, complete first, then | and then the , lastly followed by . Most
Japanese do not know how to write these three Kanji correctly so heres your chance to really impress

The flower generation were leaf smoking tree-huggers.

You try to sell meimitation WOOD again, and Ill put you in the GRAVEYARD

Vague, vague, watery grave. (Repeat this phrase several times).

In the cemetery, graves are marked with a cross in the soil.

Before you complain about your livelihood, think about spending your days in a graveyard. I work
GRAVEYARD shift and an all DAY shift for my LIVELIHOOD. Hey, its a living

Flesh eating zombies rising from the graveyard to eat your membranes in the moonlight

If you plant seedlings in a FIELD eventually they will FLOWER. When i was a keep i was told not to
swallow seedlings or flowers will sprout out of my brain!
Lesson 11

A bad omen/portent, makes the hairs on your legs stand up. A cracked turtle shell is
a portent or omen that Mario has been, and will continue to be, jumping on Koopas as he goes to save
Peach from Bowser. Think of this as Bowser, but also keep Peach in mind for the next one.
Princess Peach is up a tree, Bowser is try to climb it to get her. The pits of a peach tree look
like turtles.
With fire in his eyes, Bowser is staring at you, ready to attack. Better run before he puts everything
else on fire, too. Dont STARE at me with your EYE, you evil TURTLE!
A large dog, dripping drool.
Who controls the status quo? Politicians, because they are as slow as turtles and as dumb as dogs.
The status quo is controlled by the big dogs.
Want silence? Throw your noisy black chihuahua in the fire for good. The basement fire burned
the computer AND the dog. Now there is onlySILENCE where the house once stood.
Flesh of a dog roasting over a fire. They actually eat that sort of thing in some countries.Flesh of
a dog over a cooking fire = hotdog. There are all sorts of things in hot dogs. Believe me, you dont want to
know what sort of things . Visualize the hotdog curling as it cooks, to remember the unusual way the flesh
primitive curves in this kanji.
A reed is a flower that looks like a hot dog. Reeds are a type of flower that can be used as a Snorkle,
hiding in the swamp till danger has passed. This is especially useful when hiding from a Pack of Wild
dogs and forest fires.
In every prison escape movie, the hunt for the escapees involves a pack of WILD DOGS unleashed
by the GUARDS.
The crafty cat hid from the pack of dogs among the seedlings in the flowery field
A cow bleeds vermilion when you cut off two of its legs.
Cows are onspecial at the temple!
The revelation makes the cows mouth drop down, Hamburgers are made of what?! In ancient
times, the words from a primitive cows mouth were considered a REVELATION because they were the
udder truth..
Remember before sounds like beef or. Before this cow sat on my legs I was doing fine! This is me
in my before picture. I look like a cow with human legs.
In Japan, you always wash with water from the shower before you enter the bathtub. You
need water before you can wash.

Day 9: Kanji 250-276

Lesson 12

J and I are Jammed Into an UMBRELLA.

The world is just one big ol RICE FIELD with billions of people JAMMED IN.
The flowers from 10 different bushes were put together to make this blend of tea.
Thespinal column holds your flesh together, just like the metal rod of this umbrella holds the
umbrella together. This kanji illustrates a horrible car accident a pedestrian was walking along carrying an
umbrella, when the wind blew so strongly that the umbrella pulled her into the grill of a car! The only body
part left was a spinal column lying on the road
Only one mouth can fit under an umbrella. Remember when we kissed passionately under that
tiny umbrella? I got soaked because only one of us could fit under it!
Obviously a very romantic kanji. Picture a pagoda draped in flowers and underneath the flowers, a
couple engaged in a kiss. The soil is there to give the flowers a place to grow. A pagoda is a place of
harmony in Japan. This means that even the soil where flowers are planted must fit together (good for
remembering the order of writing).
A King is one who rules over the land soil. The king unites heaven and earth. (imagine
heaven being the top line over the soil).
The jewel dropped off the kings scepter.
Put a roof" (lid) on your jewels and voila! Youve got a treasure chest.
The vermillion colored jewel on the kings right hand is actually a rare pearl.
The KING can SEE clearly the PRESENT state of affairs in the land. The wise king can see beyond
the present.
And so it was, the ball marked the beginning of all the toys that were to come. A king is just like the
rest of us in the beginning - he plays with toys just like any other kid.
Oh no ! A pack of dogs has bitten the king. He has turned into a rabid lunatic ! Think
of King Nebuchadnezzar, who for 7 years lost his sanity and had to live like a wild animal. FF7 Reference:
The wild dog king (Red XIII) had an awesome limit break - Lunatic High!
effulgent means to shine forth brilliantly; to be radiant. The sun is theeffulgent king of stars.
The emperor of Japan is the Sun king (it was believed that the imperial family was an offspring of
the Sun goddess, Amaterasu). The drop at the top is his crown.
The king opened his mouth in a grandDISPLAY of power. After defeating the enemy king, we put his
mouth on a stick and put it on display for all our enemies to see. This also looks like a big TV display on an
entertainment system.
You need a king sized umbrella to keep your whole body dry. Top of FormThe king has
the whole kingdom under his umbrella.Bottom of Form King Arthur united the whole of England under his
umbrella. (The umbrella works pretty good here, due to Englands miserable weather).
To plug the hole, you need to use a whole piece of wood - like a cork or something. Best example of
a plug is a cork. A piece of wood that covers the whole opening (else it would leak).
The king of LOGIC is the computer.
A lord is a little drop down from King in hierarchy. A lord only has a drop of the kings power.
The lord always pours for the king. Water Lord - Jesus, our Lord, came to be living water for us
by pouring out his blood. The lord, Jesus took jugs of water and when he poured it, it had become wine.

The main pillar in a house should be made of the biggest and strongest tree - the lord of the trees.
This wooden pillar is like the lord of the house (remove it and the whole house will collapse). Samson took
hold of the WOOD PILLARS and with the strength of the LORD, tore them down. The Tree Lords, or the Ents,
are the PILLARs of the LOTRs forest community.
King Midas shelters from the rain under his umbrella. Every now and again he reaches out with his
hands to turn a couple of raindrops into gold, and puts them in his pockets. The king has lost
his whole fortune, he is homeless and keeping dry under his umbrella with only two drops of gold left to his
Pig-iron is crude metal () before () it is refined. If you have trouble with this character, envision
a big minotaur (cow head with human legs) as a blacksmith, smelting metals and making swords for war.
The winners of the super bowl get gold rings, while the losers just get a mention in the record book.
Next to the mixing bowl you have metal utensils and a cook book to help you prepare the meal.
Copper is metal which looks almost the same as gold.
Angling using something made of metal, you try to bind something that is in the water with a little
bait (the drop). In Ocarina of Time (N64), dont even try angling until you find the golden lure.
Rumpelstiltskin used a golden needle to spin straw into gold.
A piece of metal with a name on it. Well, this is basically the definition of inscription.
This kanji makes sense as long as you think of tranquilize in the spiritual sense - just reflect on that
tranquil peaceful stillness of the heart associated with spiritual places in Japan. Thats a very different image
than the medical one which is more about sedation than tranquility. (Specifically, I picture Kinkakuji, the
temple of the golden pavillion in Kyoto). Wonder woman used her GOLD lasso to TRANQUILISE her subjects
and make them tell the TRUTH.
Lesson 12 Kanji 250-276

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