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Topic : November 2015 Paris Attacks

Specific Purpose : To inform my audience about the places has been attack, the attackers and
the responses in Paris
Central Idea : Attack in Paris is a serious and dangerous attack and adverse impact on the

Anecdote / Speak French

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Ladies and gentleman my name is Hasif Afiq bin Hassan and today Im going to
persuade my audience about the places has been attack in Paris, the attackers and
the responses about this issue.

(Transition: Lets begin with the places that have been attacked in Paris)

The places has been attacked in Paris are Stade de France, a few street in
Paris and Bataclan theatre.
A. Stade de France explosions
1. Three explosions occurred near the countrys national sports stadium,
the Stade de France - four deaths including the three suicide bombers
- The explosions happened at 21:20, 21:30, and 21:53 - The first
explosion near the stadium was about 20 minutes after the start of an
international friendsly football match between France and Germany
B. Street shootings and bombing
1. There is four street that has been shooting and booming. First is Rues
Bichat and Alibert - The first shootings occurred around 21:25 - Le
Monde reported that 15 people were killed at these locations and 10
were critically injured.
2. Second street is Rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi and happened at 21:32 a man with a machine gun fired shots outside Cafe Bonne Biere and
five people were killed and eight were injured.
3. The third street is Rue de Charonne - approximately at 21:36, two
gunmen fired shots for several minutes before returning to their car and
driving away - Nineteen people were killed, and nine were left in
critical condition.
4. And for the last not least is the street of Boulevard Voltaire bombing
about at 21:40 - a man sat down in the Comptoir Voltaire cafe and
placed an order before detonating his suicide vest, killing himself and
injuring fifteen people, one of them seriously.

C. Bataclan theatre
1. Approximately at 21:40, a mass shooting and hostage taking occurred
at the Bataclan theatre - About an hour into the concert, a car pulled
up outside the venue and three dark-clad men with AK-47 assault rifles
entered the hall - and witnesses also reported seeing the attackers
throw hand grenades into the crowd
2. Around 22:00, the attackers took 60100 concertgoers hostage as police
gathered outside the venue - they threatened to decapitate a hostage
and throw the corpse out the window every five minutes.
3. Starting at 22:15, the Brigade of Research and Intervention (BRI)
arrived on the scene, followed by the elite tactical unit, RAID - the
assault on the theatre began at 00:20 and lasted three minutes - Police
launched the assault because of reports that the attackers had started
killing hostages - they initially estimated that 100 people had been
killed, but the toll was revised to 89
two attackers died by
detonating their suicide vests. Another was hit by police gunfire and his
vest blew up when he fell.
(Transition: So now we will move to the second main point which is the attackers)


The attackers
A.Stade de France
1. There are three attackers at the A Stade de France - There are recognized
by the police. There are Bilal Hadfi, Ahmad al-Mohammed and M al
B. Bar and restaurants
1. There are three attackers at the Bar and restaurants who are Abdelhamid
Abaaoud, Brahim Abdeslam and one more attacker cant be recognized
because he killed himself using bomb.
D. Bataclan
1. There are also three attackers at Bataclan but just one of them was
recognized and other two attackers cant be recognized - He is Samy

(Transition: So we will move to the last but not least topic which is the responses of the

The responses
A. Local response
1. Muslim organisations in France, such as the Union of Islamic
Organisations of France, strongly condemned the attacks in Paris

B. National response
1. French military response, On November 15 and 16
C. International response
1. These included the imam who heads the University of Al-Azhar in
Egypt, the Supreme council of Religious Scholars in Saudi Arabia,
Iranian president Hassan Rouhanil and the Ahmadiyya caliph Mirza
Masroor Ahmad.
2. Ahrar ash-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam, the major mainstream Islamist
rebels against the Syrian regime, both reprimanded the attacks
Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, the
leader of Hezbollah, condemned the attacks, and expressed his
solidarity with the French people.


As we have seen, Paris attack has brought a lot of negative impact to the country.
Today I have told you about the places has been attack, the attackers and the
responses in Paris.
I hope all the countries in this world will join and support them
I would like to end my speech today by give a quota:
I am extremely angry. These are criminal, barbarians. They have sold their soul to
hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out
united at the end of this. Iman Chalgoumi, at the scene of the Charlie Hebdo
That all from me thank you.


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