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Taking Care of Your

Companys Future:
3 Best Practices for Succession Planning



I. Introduction
More successful businesses are embracing succession
planning to deepen their talent pool and ensure top talent
at every level of the company
Once viewed as a boardroom activity among executives to fill top leadership positions, succession
planning has evolved into a powerful tool focused on proactive and ongoing assessment,
promotion, and retention of key performers throughout the business. And the benefits are huge:
higher performance, improved morale, and a boost to the bottom line.
While company-wide succession planning and ongoing talent reviews are key to developing
employees and maximising the workforce, it is not uncommon for businesses to struggle with
this concept in the corporate culture, and more importantly, with the implementation. This
eGuide addresses these issues and provides a roadmap to make a succession planning
strategy successful.
Why is succession planning such a hot topic today?
What succession planning can do for your business.
Self-assessment: what to ask when starting the succession planning process.
Three best practices for succession planning.



Part 1 :

Snapshot of Success

6,300 Employees
CDW Corporation in Illinois, USA
is a reseller of computer
hardware, software and supplies.

The Situation
CDW recently faced a unique
challenge. The company had a
large majority of readycandidates for promotion,
however the internal succession
and talent management program
lacked the necessary process to
encourage growth and establish
strong leadership development
for future coworkers.

The Solution
To avoid the financial and
practical burden of a full-blown
talent search, CDW implemented
an internal succession
management program using
performance and talent
management software. CDW
developed individual employee
talent profiles with competencies,
certifications, mobility, interests,
career history and goals. From
there, the company built a
detailed organizational depth
chart that identified potential
successors for every key position
in the company.

Succession Planning: Everyones Talking About It Why Now?

In the past, succession planning was something companies did to plan for the worst-case scenario:
replacing senior leadership due to retirement or career change. This dialogue ensured the executive
team was taken care of, but ignored key contributors in lower ranks across the enterprises that were
also critical to the business.
While succession planning continues to play an important role in managing talent depth at the
executive level, times have changed. Industrialised countries are facing the challenge of a rapidly
aging workforce. In the United States, 64 million people, or 40% of the US workforce, will be poised
for retirement by the year 2020. The resulting talent gap will directly impact the future sustainability of
every enterprise. Given this reality, it has never been more important to develop and retain talent at
every level of the company. And that starts with a redefined perspective for assessing, grooming, and
placing the right talent throughout the company.
Companies are waking up to the fact
that there are costs and pain associated
Number of people 35-44 will decline by 10%
with not having a succession planning
Number of people 45-54 will increase by 21%
strategy in place. Think about the stress
of scrambling to find replacements when
Number of people 55-64 will increase by 52%
a key contributor walks. Or the financial
impact of hiring - in terms of time and
lost productivity when people are pulled away from their real job to interview candidates. Many
companies end up going external (using headhunters) to replace a key contributor, which is clearly
expensive when fees can range from 20-40% of the placed employees annual salary.
Finally, the recent emergence of ongoing talent reviews for employees at all levels of a company has
helped reshape corporate thinking. Much like performance reviews, this process gives companies a
qualitative snapshot of the talent pool and readiness of individual employees to step up to
leadership roles. And since todays workforce is more transient than ever, it becomes critical to
assess employees - from both a talent and performance perspective - and openly provide career
development opportunities to ensure the right people stay.



Part 2 :

What Succession Planning Can Do for Your Business

Effective Succession
Planning can help
ensure your company:
Maintains leadership in
key positions
Ensures business continuity
Retains and develop
intellectual capital
Encourages individual

Simply put, succession planning has the power to transform how companies manage the future of
their talent from top to bottom in order to positively impact bottom-line results. Done well, it
drives an ongoing, proactive dialogue between managers and senior executives that identifies and
tracks the individual talents in key positions. Companies can then put key contributors on a growth
path where they can be most valuable to the company. Key benefits include:

Strengthen the talent pool

By helping managers identify potential skills and competency gaps, companies can proactively train
and groom talent across all key positions in the organisation. For example, a contributor with deep
corporate smarts and knowledge of your business-critical processes is always difficult to replace.
A departure in this situation can create a serious business continuity issue especially when you
cannot hire someone with that same intimate knowledge through an outside party. Succession
planning provides proactive identification of these important go-to employees who can be further
groomed for the job without losing the knowledge base your company depends on.

Better Career Development

Succession planning facilitates genuine development of employees for both their own benefit
and that of the organisation. After identifying an employee with high potential, it is understandable
that a smart company will help train and support that individual in a way that also moves their
career forward.
There is a reciprocal aspect to this effort: open development compels employees to go the extra
mile and stick around longer with the understanding that they have a future in the organisation.

Time Savings
We have all seen the scramble that happens when an employee unexpectedly leaves. The time
and stress involved with interviewing, hiring, and ramping up a new employee is a burden to any
company. Effective succession planning translates to a definitive plan and reassurance that
your organisation can dramatically reduce the effort to replace a key contributor by literally having
the right replacement strategically engaged and ready to step in.

Cost Savings
There are two primary ways that succession planning delivers measurable cost savings. The first
and most obvious is in avoiding the significant out-of-pocket expense incurred by using a
third-party placement agency or headhunter. The second way is more subtle, and often unrecognised:
the cost of reactively focusing on hiring and ramping-up a new employee. When a key contributor
leaves, it can often take 6 9 months to bring a replacement up to speed clearly, a huge hit to
productivity at many levels of the company. While some organisations might dismiss this as a cost of
doing business, they would certainly think differently if they could get a real-time report providing hard
figures on the cost of employees spending time on trying to fill a position, instead of working on their
revenue-generating responsibilities.

We saved over $150k by implementing a

succession plan focused on internal employee
placement, rather than sourcing candidates
from external placement agencies.



Part 3 :
Snapshot of Success

11,700 Employees
Arrow Electronics is a global
provider of electronic
components and enterprise
computing solutions.

The Situation
Realising the company lacked an
effective succession planning
process, Arrows CEO started
calling talent retreats in which
130 of the top VPs in the company
met for two days to discuss talent
at all levels.

Building a Foundation for Effective Succession Planning

Many companies see the value of building a succession planning strategy but simply do not know
where to start. The first step is to assess what you are doing now to take care of your future talent.
These questions can help you gain insight into potential liabilities in your current process, and
validate the importance of investing in succession planning:
What is the average age of your employees? What percentage of your employee base is retiring
within the next five years?
What is your current process for identifying employees with a high potential to take on leadership
How do you identify internal candidates who may be ready to step into key roles today?
How do you ensure that you are training the right individuals for the leadership roles and measuring them accordingly?
What if a key contributor or member of the executive team left unexpectedly?
With these key insights, the next step is designing and implementing a succession strategy and
process that is tailored to your company.

The Solution
As a result of these discussions,
Arrow moved to implement
company-wide succession
planning and talent management
evaluate bench strength in every
department. This allowed the
management and the executive
team to easily create succession
plans, move people from region to
region to better suit their
strengths and goals, and fill
talent gaps.



Part 4 :

Effective Best Practices for Succession Planning

Effective succession planning relies on three best practices, regardless of your industry:
1. Defining a process
2. Continuous review
3. Technology

1. Define The Process

There are several key elements to designing a process that is both comprehensive and tailored to
your company.
The first step is the assessment of key positions. What are the roles in the company that are critical
to your business? This is a thorough survey of key positions across the company from a top
software programmer to a manufacturing supervisor to a line of business manager to a vice
president of sales. Once you have assessed key positions, then the next step is to thoroughly
assess the key talent in the organization. In the past, this was thought to be only in the first one or
two levels of the company, but it clearly needs to extend to every level.
Once these first two steps are completed, you can begin to generate development plans for
grooming individuals and strengthening your position in all the critical areas of the business. The
focus is on the high potential employees and how to develop and retain them. It also allows you to
identify areas of improvement.
Finally, creating a consistent, ongoing monitoring and review process is crucial to solid succession
planning. Keep in mind that any well-designed succession plan requires ongoing review and
scrutiny from senior-level executives and other key leaders as well as HR.
The following chart illustrates the key elements for effective succession planning:

Assessment of
Key Positions

Succession Planning:
High-Level Key Elements

Identification of
Key Talent

Assessment of
Key Talent

Monitoring & Review

Generation of
Development Plans



2. Continuous Review
Once the process of assessing and identifying employees at all levels of the company has taken
place, managers should have a good idea of the depth and scope of available talent. The next most
critical step is discipline. While succession planning can effectively guide identification, development
and retention, the process breaks down if the data is not analysed, evaluated and updated
One way to reinforce a consistent succession planning process is to tie a talent review process to
performance reviews. This allows you to piggy-back on an already-defined event and adds
important insight: simultaneous measurement of current performance against a talent assessment
helps validate decisions and planning for those employees you feel will be of most value to the
organisation. In fact, you are not receiving the full benefit of a performance review process if you do
not take action to address gaps surfaced during the review and to develop the skills employees
need to succeed in their current or future roles.

3. Applying Technology
Designing, implementing, and executing an effective succession planning process can be time
consuming and challenging. A paper-based system is not viable because there are simply too many
variables to be assessed. Just collecting and analysing data on its own to drive assessments for
every employee is alone a massive undertaking. Once information is collected, keeping it current,
centralised and easily accessible to managers with the right permissions is very difficult when
documents are kept in binders or file drawers throughout the organisation.
Fortunately, there are innovative performance and talent management technology solutions available
that dramatically facilitate the entire succession planning process. And, applying technology allows
managers to have intuitive and easy to understand views of their team including readiness and
risks of someone leaving as well as greater access to successor candidate pools through flexible
search tools. But this comprehensive view of a companys talent pool and bench strength is only
possible using todays powerful technology designed especially for succession planning.



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delivering innovative solutions, content and analytics, process expertise, and best practices insights
from across our broad and diverse customer base. SuccessFactors solutions are supported by a
global partner ecosystem and the experience and commitment of SAP.

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v. March 28, 2014 3:38 PM

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