1103 Proposal For Semester Long Project

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Valentine, Garcia, Maney 1

Savannah Valentine; Victor Garcia; Daniel Maney

Professor Lynn Raymond
UWRT 1103-015
October 1, 2015
The Evolution of Film Production Companies
Throughout the semester, our group is required to create a multimodal project. The term
multimodal simply means creating a presentation including varying elements of
communication to discuss a topic. Through conversations with each other, our group decided to
focus our project on the evolution of film production companies. Rather than just researching the
different organizations and how they differ, we decided to research how each company differs
from their own past productions and present ones as well.
Specifically, we have decided to focus on eight popular film production companies.
When briefly discussing our topic, we chose to concentrate on the top eight film companies, or
most frequently heard of; these eight include: DreamWorks, 20th Century Fox, Metro Goldwyn
Mayer, Universal Studios, Paramount, Warner Bros, Pixar Animation, and Marvel Studios.
Within each of these eight branches, we will be researching content regarding different aspects of
the filmmaking process. Therefore, in order to create a comparison, as well as propose
similarities, between each of the companies, we chose to elaborate on facets such as average
budgets, commonly hired actors or actresses, and popular locations the companies chose as the
setting of the story. By choosing to elaborate on such comprehensive topics, it is important for us
to maintain a meticulous plan of organization. Particularly, we have decided the best method of
breaking up the information in an understandable way would be to provide three slides per
organization. On the first slide concerning a specific company, we have proposed the idea of

Valentine, Garcia, Maney 2

providing background information unique to the company, such as the date it was founded and
by whom; this will allow the viewer to recognize the differences among each company and to
develop a timeframe of when the blossoming of the filmmaking business commenced. Secondly,
our group will elaborate on the varying phases of the filmmaking procedure, such as financial
preferences, following the history of each company.
In addition to the history and features of filmmaking, our group has decided to
complement our multimodal project by providing an additional intriguing piece. As a significant
portion of our project will be comparing each company to the others, we found it as equally
important to compare the company to itself over the course of a couple of years. Therefore, in
order to do so, we have decided to deliberate popular sequels each company has produced.
Precisely, we plan to display a clip from the first movie of a sequel, in comparison to one from
the last, to demonstrate the evolution of the individual company in regards to its productions. By
branching away from mere words on a PowerPoint slide, this characteristic of our project
provides a visual for our audience to be captivated by. In addition to the pictures and sounds of a
movie clip, we have chosen rather popular sequels from each establishment in hopes of
intriguing our viewers even further. These sequels include, Shrek from DreamWorks and
Jurassic Park from Universal Studios, as well as Warner Bros Harry Potter. By making these
comparisons from the first movie of a sequel to the last, we are able to discuss how budgets, as
well as filmmaking technology, have grown, or evolved, over a period of time.
As important as it is to elaborate on our topic as much as possible, it is equally as
important for us as group to develop a scheduled time frame of when to have our project
completed. Our first proposed idea was to break down the workload by company based on each
others schedules. For purposes of this project, Savannah will be researching the matters

Valentine, Garcia, Maney 3

regarding DreamWorks, Pixar Animations, and Marvel Studios; likewise, Victor will discuss
Paramount and 20th Century Fox, while Daniel focuses his attention on MGM, Universal
Studios, and Warner Bros. This delegation will in return make it easier for the overall project
creation because we each can focus on our specific slides and edit the others prior to presenting.
With that being said, we intend to use a 27 slide PowerPoint, including our names and resources,
with each slide containing images and sounds best representing the company at hand. We are
hopeful to finish compiling information about each company by October fifteenth so we allow
ourselves enough time to compose, and perfect, our PowerPoint by the beginning of
presentations, which is on November twenty-fourth.

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