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Sarah Fuson
Kassiday Blevins
Tyler Martin
Aitya Thornton

Table of Contents

Social Media Footprint....
Goals and

Harris Dental is a dentist office located in Maryville, MO. It was founded
on May 5, 2009 by Markham Harris and his wife Christy. Dr. Harris is
originally from Idaho Falls, Idaho and went to Brigham Young University in
Provo, Utah, and then went on to continue his education at Creighton
University where he graduated from dental school. After graduation Dr. Harris
found employment in Columbia where he stayed for a year, then made the
move up to Idaho for four years before making the biggest move yet, to
Maryville where they reside to this day.
Harris Dental offers a lot of different services. They offer same day
crowns, implants, handle tooth decay they have quality general dentistry,
teeth whitening, and cosmetic dentistry. Harris Dental stays up-to-date with
the latest technology and have state-of-the-art equipment. Their services
offer a completely paperless office and provide digital x-rays and oral photos.
Along with Dr. Harris, Harris dental has three additional employees: Tracy
Beagle, Jeanie Schmidt, Sharri Wallace and Karri Genthe-Henderson.


The main mission for Harris Dental is to reach out in the community
locally and out of town to gain new customers.

Target Audience
Currently Harris Dentals main focus is to target mothers and families.
They want to target mothers because they are usually the ones who
schedule the appointments, mainly those who still have children that depend
on them (elementary, middle school, and high school). Their second focus is
to target college students and more specificity international students
because they dont have their dentist within reach, like domestic students.

Social Media Footprint

Harris Dental first started their Facebook page in 2009 and currently
have 61 likes on their page. Their current profile picture is of Dr. Harris
himself but their first profile picture is a photo of the front of their office here
in Maryville. They have stayed pretty consistent with their cover photo as
well. The first cover photo was a picture of Dr. Harris and employees, but
they updated it to their previous profile picture of the photo of the front of
the office.

Looking through their previous posts, it mainly consists of shared posts

of reviews that customers have made on their visit. They have recently made
a few fun fact posts on their page but dont have very many like or shares.
On their Facebook page they have 112 likes. Their site is down 70% with
only 3 new likes this past week. They have had 26 people check-in
through the site and have 13 people talking about them. As you can see
below they arent generating the engagement they would like to see with
their followers.

The photo to the right of the screen is just a few of their shared posts
of reviews that they have received form customers. This is where they can
work on engaging with their customers and followers.

Harris Dentals twitter account is much similar to their Facebook
account. They have 35 tweets, follow 11 accounts, and have 8 followers.
They have the same posts as their Facebook page, it is just a shared posts
from Facebook made into a tweet. Their presence on Twitter isnt a very
big footprint and just like their Facebook.

As you can see in each tweet, it is

linked back to Facebook.

Google +
Harris Dental is not active on their Google + account at all. Other than
their profile picture and general bio information, they have no content to
offer to their followers. Although they do have 11 reviews that have
been posted through their Google+, the most recent being about a
month ago. On a positive note this account has had 16,272 views but sadly
only has 2 followers. In the picture below you can see that they havent
posted anything on this social media site.

Compass Dental
Although Compass Dental is only on Facebook, they are very active
and interactive with their customers online. Like Harris Dental, they both
have customer review posts and fun posts but you are more likely to see a
new post on the Compass Dental Facebook page. One thing that Compass
Dental does that Harris Dental does not do is when a patient gets their
braces off, they take a picture with fun glasses and some candy as a
congratulations present as seen below in the picture. They have a total of
416 page likes with two new page likes, which is up half a percent from last
week. Along with 58 people talking about them they have had 123 people
check-in through Facebook.

Along with the photos of the patients who got their presents from
Compass Dental, they also share congratulations pictures of their employees
and customers. For example, an employee got married so they made an
announcement to the public to congratulate them.
Dr. Stan Snyder DDS
Dr. Stan Snyder takes a different approach to his Facebook page. When
a patient comes in they check in through Facebook and say why they are
in. His Facebook page is considered unofficial. There are only eight likes on
for his page but has had 45 visits. Due to this page being unofficial, there
arent very many statistics and numbers to evaluate the engagement with

In addition to the check ins that he posts to the Facebook page, he

also has a few photos of patients in the chair with a caption of their reason
for their visit. Friends and family can comment or like the posts and stay
connected with them on a different level.
Gardner Jeffery P DDS
This is one Dentist office located in Maryville that lacks any type of
content on their social media. They have the basic bio information but have
0 posts and dont have any photos/videos to share but have 3 likes and 1
visit. This page is also unofficial. It does provide some contact info such as
the address and phone number. Their social media presence doesnt even

Goals and Strategies

There are two goals we have set for Harris Dentals social media
presence. Based on the information we gathered, here are our plans and
suggestions to increase the social media presence with each goal broken
down into strategies.
Goal #1
The first goal is to market the business. For this goal we have multiple
strategies and tactics to help reach this goal.
Strategy #1 Increase Community Involvement
To carry out this strategy Harris Dental needs to have a presence in the
community and connect with them. They can achieve this by attending local
events, such as Spoofhound football, basketball games etc. At these events
they can distribute Harris Dental giveaways and host a drawing for a bigger
prize. They can integrate this tactic with their social media by posting ahead
of time about what events they will be attending and posting the prize they
will be giving away. After the event, they can post videos and pictures and
the winners. This can be done on either Facebook or Twitter.

Strategy #2 Provide Facts about Dentistry for Clients

For clients to better understand the dentistry field and why dental
hygiene is important, Harris Dental can post tips and tricks to help with
dental hygiene. They can also post terms that they use when speaking with a
client. For
example, a dental word of the week. These posts can be serious but can also
be used a humorous post. This proposal is directed more towards Twitter and
the younger community.

Strategy #3


Ways for Discounts

and Deals

In order to accomplish this strategy Harris Dental can provide a way for
clients to post on their page. An example of this is providing a life-size cutout
in the office that clients can take pictures with or by attending an event that
Harris Dental attends. They can post those pictures on the Harris Dental
Facebook page to be entered into a giveaway. The winner could receive a
discount on the next service along with other Harris Dental giveaways. This
campaign can run every few months.

Strategy #4 Get to Know the Staff

So the clients get to know their dentist and hygienists on a more
personal level and help clients feel more comfortable, we came up with the
Guess the Employee Game. This game helps the client get to know the
staff on a more personal level and put a personality to the staff member. This
game will only take place every 3 months or so. To begin they will post a
picture along with the bio of a staff member. Here the client has to
keep track of the social media pages of Harris Dental and the
employees that have been posted. After all the bios have been revealed the
game begins. A clue will be posted and the clients/followers have to guess
who they think it is. The winner will be given a
prize of Harris Dentals choosing. This tactic is directed for both Facebook
and Twitter.

Strategy #5 Increase Location Awareness and Office Hours

There are people in the community that arent quite sure where Harris
Dental is located and what their office hours are, especially college students.
They can increase this awareness by sending out reminder posts about how
late they are open and when they are open during holidays as well as busier
times of the year. For example, right before school starts during the summers
when students are at home.

Goal #2
The second goal is to ensure client retention and knowledge.
Strategy #1: Target Mothers and Families
Mothers are the ones in the household that usually set up and make
the dentist appointments. That is why they are the main target for this part

of the social media campaign. They can target moms by posting about six
month check-ups around the busy times of the year such as before school.
They can also post facts about why it is important for their children to get
their six month checkups. This campaign is focused more towards Facebook
because that is the social media that most mothers use. Twitter can also be
integrated every now and then for the younger mothers.

Strategy #2 Provide Testimonials

Something that they already post on their social media is testimonials
and reviews. These are the main posts on their social media right now. They
should continue to use these posts but there are ways they can improve
upon them. For example, they can make them more visual by adding before

and after pictures. They can also improve by adding some kind of incentive
to their liking. They can use this on all their social media platforms.




Events of

By recognizing life events it makes the client and doctor relationship
more personal. It makes the client feel special and allows for connection
outside of the office. The point of these posts is to congratulate clients on big
live events such as having a baby, marriages, and birthdays. This campaign
is directed



Strategy #4

Creating a Reward System

People should be rewarded for their healthy teeth. They can do this by
providing and creating their own rewards system that can be used on their

social media and in the office. They can create their own criteria for the
reward system, for example a cavity free club or the flossing superstars.
They can write post about new people they add to the reward system as well
as having a board to post pictures on in the office. They can also add
incentives so people want to make the rewards group. These posts can be
used on their Facebook and twitter that way they target all audiences.

Measurement Strategy
Goal 1: Market the Business

One of our strategies for this goal is to increase community

involvement by throwing out t-shirts at basketball or football games then
once they bring in the t-shirt the client will receive 10% off for their visit or a
coupon for their next visit. One way to measure this is to count the amount
of coupons used from the t-shirt toss each month. A goal is to increase
customers by 20% in a four month






Goal 2: Target Moms of Dependent Children

One of our strategies is to ensure client retention. One tactic for this
strategy is to post reminders about six month checkups. A way to measure
this would be to track the amount of six month checkups over a period of
time. A goal could be to increase the amount of six month checkups by 20%
over a four month period time frame.




Goal 3: Increase Social Media Presence in General



One way to easily measure the social media presence is to keep track
of followers, retweets, and likes on Twitter and likes, comments, and shares
on Facebook. A goal is to increase the amount of Facebook and Twitter
activity by 20% over a four month period.



Measurement Tools
Facebook Insights




Facebook insights is a great tool to utilize when looking at the activity

and progress of a Facebook page. Using this Facebook tool is an easy way for
Harris Dental to keep track of their activity.
Twitter Analytics:
Twitter analytics is another tool to use to calculate your activity and
engagement with followers. Below is a screenshot of what this tool looks like.

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