Social Media, Persona and Prayer

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Social media, Posting and Prayer - What do they have in common?

Around a year ago a friend" told me (face to face), You post too
many prayer requests and things about your health issues PEOPLE dont want that". I was embarrassed by this comment so I
searched my previous posts. Were 6 health status/prayer requests
in one year "too many"? Do people perceive me as pathetic, weak
and faithless? Was it one person's opinion or that of many others?
It confused me and caused me to question myself. By sharing
vulnerable moments or events with friends on Facebook, am I so
self-absorbed with my own afflictions that I have tarnished my
persona before God and Man? Does the act of asking for prayer
make my friends and family uncomfortable? Should I keep silence
and just conform to a scorning post-modern era posts of edgy
comments, informative links or lewd/offensive poster shots?
Perhaps I should succumb to the publishing of only superficial
images and opinions that portray The Good Life which is
perpetually full of faith, fortune and food; vacations and family/friend
love-fests? Maybe I should just be the observer/stalker who's
mission is to FRIEND thousands of Familiars" for the purpose of
gathering "Intel and later twist their truth or say, I knew THAT!.
Creepy, right? I believe it was formerly defined as gossip. I should
just not careor find a different mode of communication. I took a
break from FB for awhile and opened Twitter. WOW! I guess I really
do like social media! You do too or you wouldnt have found this
blog :-)
In the spirit of honesty, I use the Who can see this" Facebook
options for every post you see. I have 5 categories. I invite you to
follow me on FB but as in real life, I filter your perception (or my
disclosure) of me based on whether you are a family member,
friend, close friend or acquaintance. I got careful about disclosing
information about prayer via FB posts even though it wasnt actually
private. I also narrowed my close friends on FB. Lets be honest,
most of us dont really jive with THAT many people! My public
image may be widely exposed but those I actually let into my world

image may be widely exposed but those I actually let into my world
are extremely narrow. They live all around the country and world so
FB is quite convenient at times. I dont read friends of friends posts.
Whats the point? I dont have time and generally - I really dont
care and why would I. People get weird when they have a platform.
WHY would I post or read dirty laundry that includes information
that would harm others? Thats disgusting! Butso goes Millennial
Man/Woman. Is the post youre reading here Public or Private? Its
Public. Its even part of a blog. Friends and family keep insisting,
Write a book, Gail. Why? And what would I call it? Mrs.Job Part
II? But I do choose to be an Influencer. You never know - I might
come out with something really profound! Some say that would be
quite egotistical. I just call it, I Have Something to Say.
Back to my point. Today, I got to thinking about prayer. Prayer is an
interesting practice or discipline of life. Our concept of "talking to
God" comes from religious teachings, cultural background and
experience. I believe that if God isn't someone personal, then
prayer holds no real meaning. Jesus Christ made God "personal"
for me. And if I don't perceive His nature to truly care about ME or
YOU, then what would be the purpose of praying? You dont have
to get personal or specific but whatever means of communication
you use to request prayer so that I can take it to our Heavenly
Father - use it. The Bible teaches us to pray one for another. It goes
along with loving one another (which happens to be Jesus second
commandment to his disciples). Therefore, I promise not to insult or
belittle you or your posted need.
Facebook and Twitter are a platform where hate-speak can be
statistically analyzed and defined based on one's reaction to the
latest political ruling, religious or moral standing or bad-boy scene
some drunk actor made. I find that disconcerting, dont you? I have
an idea. Lets flood Twitter and Facebook with prayer requests and
prayers answered. What a lovely Gallup poll that would be - proving
Gods Amazing Grace.

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