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Ragnarok XXIX Has Been Brought to You By:

Event Coordinator:

Will Scarlit

Head of Troll:


Coordinator of Day Events (Battles):


Chief of Security:


Head of Weapon Check:


Coordinator of Night Events:

Dust n Bones

Headmaster of Ragnarok University:

Valkyrie Moonshadow- seraphim

Head Medic:


Merchant Coordinator:


War Council Chair:


War Council Secretary:


Survival Guide

The Ragnarok XXX staff would also like to thank all of the Dagorhirrim who
volunteered their time to assist with Troll, Weapons Check, Heralding, and/or
Medic. As well as all those who taught Rag U classes, hosted parties, and
provided other behind-the-scenes assistance in making Rag happen.
We would also like to thank everyone who participated in Ragnarok, fighter,
non-com, and Merchant alike, for making the event live and breathe. Ragnarok
exists for and because of you!
Have a safe journey on your extended town runs and we hope to see you next
year for Ragnarok XXXI . . . When the World Ends Again!

Ragnarok XXX Survival Guide layout and editing by: Grey Wolfcaller

Welcome to the
End of the World



Delights of Cathay
Chinese cuisine; breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks

10. Throne Room

Wooden furniture, boxes, feast gear, and other goods

Thank you for making the journey to participate in Ragnarok XXX, the largest
padded weapon event ever! Ragnarok is dedicated to you, the chapters, members, and
participants of Dagorhir. Dagorhir is the original padded weapon game and Ragnarok is
an entire week of fighting, fun, and excitement.
Throughout the week, be sure to remember Have Fun! Thats what Dagorhir and
Ragnarok are all about!

11. Darkwater Arms and Armory

Leather armor and accessories
Consignor: Callir Leatherworks
12. Badass Garb
Feast, fighting, fantasy garb and accessories
13. Knights of the Classroom
Chainmail, jewelry

If theres anything we can do to make your Ragnarok experience more enjoyable,

please offer your constructive input to any of the event hosts. Well do everything
reasonable to improve any oversights or issues. Thank you for the opportunity to host
Ragnarok this year and to share the fun with you. Dagorhir wishes you the BEST

14. Brothers Cross Trading Company

Fantasy & Historical garb, hats, and accessories
Consignors: The Thrifty Gypsy: Handmade and secondhand gar b & Melificent
Corsets: Under and over bust fabr ic cor sets
15. Crafty Celts
Jewelry, weapons
16. Gorg the Blacksmith
Foam weapons, shields, and accessories
Consignor: Alric: Plastidipped weapons, javelins, and shields
17. Pillaged Village
Costuming supplies, feast gear, home dcor, books, and knick-knacks

Table of Contents
The Newbies Guide to Ragnarok


Laws of the Land


Regarding Minors

A Note for Camp Masters/Mistresses

Parking Policy

Medic Services & Emergency Procedures


The Rag Tag

Field Customs

Weapon & Armor Check


Ragnarok War Council


Battle Schedule


Ragnarok University & Nightlife Schedules


Children & Family Events


Coopers Lake Map


Merchants & BTP


Midnight Madness
Midnight Madness will be held Friday night from 11 P.M. to 1 A.M. Join us on Merchants Row
for an evening of fun, games, and shopping. Check with merchants for special Midnight Madness
deals. Shopping, entertainment, and prizes await you at Midnight Madness!

Barbarian Trading Post (BTP)

Barbarian Trading Post will be located in the grassy circle in front of the old camp store.
Note: Failure to comply with these rules may result in the immediate removal of offending
person(s), or the disbandment of BTP.


No money is allowed to change hands.


Handshakes are a finalized deal.


ID must be checked for age appropriate items. 18 for weapons, adult materials and tobacco


The trading of alcohol is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN. Alcohol may not be traded at any
time, for any reason.



Lady Manners Guide to Dagorhir Etiquette

***Merchanting is allowed only within Merchants Row by registered Ragnarok

XXX merchants. There is absolutely NO MERCHANTING from camps!***

AKA The Newbies Guide to Ragnarok

Merchants Row

Greetings to newbies and veterans alike and welcome to Ragnarok XXX! If this is your first Rag,
then you are in for a week of unparalleled fun and excitement, and a plethora of new experiences.
As any Ragnarok veteran will tell you, youll never look at your home practices the same way
again. But in the midst of this end-of-the-world craziness, there are simple rules and etiquette that
go along with Ragnarok. Wed like to take a moment and share those with you. So, in no
particular order . . .

First and foremost, remember were all here to have a good time. Whether that comes in the
form of some of the largest melees in Dagorhir or sharing stories with friends, its all about
having fun.

That being said, ALWAYS exercise common sense. If it seems like a bad idea, it probably
is. If alcohol is involved and it seems like a good idea, its definitely a bad idea.

If you dont know, ASK! Find a veteran or a member of the event staff and they will either
answer your question or find someone who can. It is not better to ask for forgiveness than
permission. It is far better to look like the newb you are than the newb with the bad
reputation because you did something stupid.

Always hail camps before entering. This means stopping at the edge or gate of a camp and
yelling, Hail camp! When someone responds in kind (Hail!) or just invites you in, you
can enter. Its a courtesy we extend to one another, and shows respect for the camp you wish
to enter.

On the field, the word of the Heralds is law. Heralds wear yellow tabards and/or sashes.

Heralds are primarily responsible for the safety of participants and keeping order during
events. Heralds may call shots. If a Herald calls you dead, you are dead. Do not argue with
the Heralds. Please volunteer to her ald, so ever ybody has a chance to fight and help


Barbarian Trading Post

The annual trading madhouse tradition. See rules Page 26

When Heralds address the participants, please listen silently. If you do not, you and your
teammates may miss valuable information about scenarios.


Bored Housewife
Garb and accessories


Twisted Unicorn/ Lady Feri

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. Allergen-free meals available upon request
Consignor: Forged Foam: Foam weapons and shields

Never argue during combat; youll just end up dead. Discuss issues when the fighting is
over. Talk to a Herald afterwards, if necessary.

Worry about your own honor, no one elses. You cant control what others do, only yourself.


The Gothic Edge

Medieval and fantasy weaponry, jewelry, home dcor

Speaking of honor, the term rhino-hiding is a euphemism for cheating! Refusal to

acknowledge blows is cheating. Cheaters ruin the fun for everyone. If you cheat, you will
have the opportunity to watch from the side lines.


Valhallas Anvil
Jewelry, leather goods, miscellaneous crafts
Consignor: Todd Buck: Metal working

Someone in a Heralds tabard with a camera is a photographer. They produce the epic
pictures you can use later to show off to your friends/make them jealous they were not at
Rag. Be careful and respectful of them and their equipment.


Red Falcon
Leather goods, armor, accessories


The Knights Almoner

Feast gear, Ragnarok T-shirts

For new photographers: remember, you are there to take pictures. Unless you see an actually
dangerous situation occurring, do not interfere with combat, even if your friend is about to
get back-stabbed. You may cost yourself an epic picture and them a lesson in battle field


A Case of Random
Jewelry, Belly dance accessories
Consignor: Merchants Wares: Weapons, garb, supplies, home dcor, miscellaneous
accessories and novelties

When you die, fall to the ground and lay your equipment down or place it on your head to
indicate you are dead. Dont crouch or kneel!


Try to stay hydrated! Drink extra water throughout the day. Prehydrate before you dehydrate.
Volunteer water heralds, the Cult of Hydration, are present at most field battles. Their time
and resources are donated, be respectful to them and to their equipment. Return any water
bottles you borrow!

Wear sunscreen and reapply often.

Dont eat questionable food . . . or people!

For those who are of legal age and do enjoy a drink with friends, trying new concoctions is
always fun. However, remember as always you are still responsible for your actions when
you are drunk and people will rightfully hold anything stupid you do while drunk against you

If someone asks you whats in a drink or dish you offer him or her, ALWAYS tell them.
Conversely, never be afraid to ask, Whats in it? if offered food or drink. Remember some
people are allergic to certain ingredients and your secret recipe is not worth someones
health. Make your allergies known if necessary.

Clean up your camp daily and strive to leave the site cleaner than it was when you arrived.

Maintain your fire pit and other open flames (tiki torches, etc.) safely. Do not leave open
flame unattended.

Take care of yourself and/or your children all week. Minors are, at all times, the
responsibility of their parents/legal guardians.

Security is there to help the event run smoothly with minimal incidents. If you find yourself
in a situation where security is involved, be cooperative and dont argue. Remember, they
are volunteers doing their job, and the faster theyre done the faster things go back to normal.
Never take matters into your own hands; that is what security is there for.

Merchants are a wonderful perk of Ragnarok. Treating our merchants well means they, in
turn, will treat us well. Always give the merchants, their products, and their vending spaces
the respect they deserve. Browsing through a merchants tent and leaving it a wreck is not
only not cool, but in many cases may be illegal and legal action may be taken, and you may
be asked to leave the event.

Regarding live steel: Everyone loves to show off the new toys they pick up from the
merchants at Ragnarok, and this includes blades. When looking at or drawing any sort of
blade, whether it is a pocket knife or a hand-forged claymore, ALWAYS yell Clear!
before drawing the blade. This alerts everyone around that a blade is out and to be careful. It
also reduces the chances of accidents happening. This goes for any sort of blade, not just the
ones you buy on-site during the event. Also remember that carrying a live steel blade is
never a good idea when inebriated and may get you kicked out of Ragnarok. Live steel
blades are never permitted on the battle field and bringing them on the field may result in
your being asked to leave the event or even having legal action taken against you.
Additionally, most official and unofficial parties at Rag ban weapons of any kind; steel,
foam, and/or costume.

No means no. It is not open to debate. A skimpy outfit is not an invitation. The genders of
the person asking the question and the person saying no are irrelevant. Treat everyone with
the level of respect you would like to receive.

Have a question? Ask! Your hosts have painstakingly worked to bring Ragnarok XXX to
you. If you have specific questions about Troll, Security, Battles, Rag U, Merchants, or
Nightlife, please ask directly, or check in at Troll.

With all that said, welcome to Ragnarok XXXHave fun, kill lots, and have an awesome


Sunday June 28

Laws of the Land

Even the End of the World ends. Please follow these simple steps to check out of your campsite:
1. Make sure your camp is cleaned up and all garbage has been moved to the dumpsters.
2. All fires must be completely out and the pits must be cleaned of debris.
3. There will be a final inspection of each camp before the last participants leave. If there are any
problems, the realm in question will be responsible for finding a solution. Please be pro-active!

Children & Family Events

1. The landowners and their staff have authority over the entire campground. Please comply with
any requests they make. Endangering the use of their property is unacceptable.
2. Follow all Coopers Lake rules. These rules are non-negotiable and failure of Ragnarok
attendees to abide by these rules could jeopardize our ability to continue to use Coopers Lake. If
placed in that position, event staff will choose Coopers Lake and maintaining a good relationship
with them over a Ragnarok attendee.
3. NO PETS are allowed at this event. The only exception to this are certified trained service
animals. All service animals must be registered with Troll. Proper paper work for a certified
helper animal must also be presented at Troll.


3:00 PM: My Rag Tag @ Classroom

An opportunity for children and families to create a custom necklace to display a
childs Rag Tag. Parent/Guardian must attend with child.
Crafter: Dominick Stoneskull

4. Minors are only allowed to be on site while their parent or permanent legal guardian is on site.
See Regarding Minors on page 5 for further details.


6. No public nudity.

3:00 PM: Childrens Storytelling @ Amphitheater

Myths, fairy tales, and new stories presented by a real world childrens entertainer.
Parent/Guardian must be present.
Storyteller: Dominick Stoneskull

7. No climbing the trees. AKA the Sirilay Rule.

5. No amplified music.

8. Stay within the designated Ragnarok boundaries. Coopers Lake is much larger than we are
currently using and we are not allowed in the areas we are not renting.

3:00 PM: Eggses, Eggses It Is! @ Classroom
Learn about natural dyes that people in the medieval period would have used, and try
out those and similar dyes on hard boiled eggsand keep your eggs! Eggs will be
provided, but in limited quantities, you may want to bring along a few extra. Parents/
Guardians must be present.
Dyers: Dominick Stoneskull and Gigglepants III
5:00 PM: The Pages Carnival @ RWC Bar n
Families are invited to attend Ragnaroks first annual childrens carnival. Face painting,
games, prizes and more! Every child will be entered in a door prize raffle. Parents/
Guardians must be present.
2:00 PM: Njordball! @ Lower Field
Njord, Norse god of the sea, wants you to cool off with these water-based games and
activities for the whole family! Swimsuits recommended, or clothes the children can get
wet in. Parents/Guardians must be present.
Referee: Dominick Stoneskull
3:00 PM: Little Dagorhirrim Jam Session @ Amphitheatre
Looking for something you and your child can do together this Ragnarok? Come make
some music with us! Easy instruments will be provided on first-come, first-serve basis.
Children of all ages welcome. Parents/Guardians must be present.
Conductors: Dominick Stoneskull and Mariner of House Tull
7:00 PM: Ragnarok Garb Exhibition Childrens Parade @ Amphitheater

9. Respect all Coopers Lake property. Do not trash the shower houses. If you are covered in mud,
body paint, etc. there is a swimming hole located at the bottom of the hill in the creek (access
through the Creekwood camping area). Rinse off in the creek before going to the showers.
traffic within the Ragnarok event site is on foot or via Coopers and event staff golf carts.
Pedestrians and the golf carts have the right of way.
11. Personal motorized vehicles are prohibited (golf carts, Segways, etc.), and no cars are allowed
in camps.
12. Please comply with all requests made by the event staff, Heralds, and Troll.

13. Remember, on the field the word of the Heralds is law. They have both the right and the
responsibility to kick you off the field if you are violating the rules.
14. Safety is our number one priority. All weapons must pass weapons check before they may be
brought out onto the field. People that sneak unchecked weapons onto the field will not be
allowed to participate and may be asked to leave the event.
15. Do not touch anyone elses property without their permission. Do not enter camps, tents,
pavilions, etc. without the permission of their owners.
16. As a corollary to rule 15: Yes, you can fish in Coopers Lake. No, you cannot enter someone
elses camp without their permission in order to do so. If there is no one there to give you
permission DO NOT ENTER. There are plenty of places along the lake shore that are within the
Ragnarok boundaries that are not blocked by camps from which you can fish. Fishing is catch and
release only.
17. Dagorhir has a zero tolerance policy for illegal activities. This includes but is not limited to:
underage drinking/serving alcohol to under-aged individuals, illicit drug use, stealing, brawling,
fighting, or any act of violence against any attendee or staff member, as well as breaking any
other state or federal laws we havent listed. Breaking the law is grounds for immediate

dismissal from the event. In addition Rag Security and Coopers Lake reserve the right to involve
local law enforcement at their discretion and/or as required by law.
18. Real weapons of any kind are not allowed on or near the battlefield.
19. Alcohol may not be sold or bartered on Coopers Lake property.
20. Trash must be maintained in a reasonable fashion. Place bags of trash in dumpsters for pick
up. Dumpsters are located near the Barn, at the corner of the Lower Field, and between campsites
D14 and D15 on the Coopers Lake map.

hearts. But there are those who have passed on, who will not rise again to fight with us
or feast in Valhalla: our friends and family who have passed from this world.
If you wish to honor one of your own, or someone for whom you had a great
admiration, or just as a sign of respect to those who have lost, join us at Pahmoten camp
where we will start our procession. As we pass throughout the campground, even if you
do not join the march, please pause your activities, or stand at your camp's entrance, and
let us pass in silence. We heartily encourage bringing banners and other such relics into
the march.

21. Dont over use the ground water. The ground water is shared by the entire camp ground and
may not be safe for drinking. Overusing it will cause the water level to drop and we will be
unable to access it. Absolutely no swimming pools filled with ground water

Evening: Dead Mans Party @ Lower Field

Loosely based on the Dead Men of Dunharrow, this party is open to all. Food, fighting,
Drinks. This event has something for everyone, and is everything to someone. Come

22. There must be visible boundaries (sheet walls, rope walls, etc.) around each campsite. This
will prevent people from cutting across your camp uninvited.

Dark: Night Fighting @ Night Fighting Field (Meadow)

11:00 PM: Midnight Madness on Merchant's Row

23. Non-consensual vandalism, theft, or destruction of property is strictly prohibited.

24. No means no. It is not open to debate. A skimpy outfit is not an invitation. At parties do not
touch anyone without their express, verbal consent. If someone is drunk the safe policy is to take
yes, maybe, and no to mean no.
25. Do not cut the campsite's timber for firewood. Under no circumstances may garbage, refuse,
hay, or straw be burned. Remember it is illegal to bring firewood into the campground from
outside of the state of Pennsylvania.

Regarding Minors

A minor is any individual under the age of 18.

The minimum age to take the field at Ragnarok is 16 and requires a notarized waiver signed
by the minors parent or permanent legal guardian.

When arriving at Ragnarok and registering on site, proof of parentage (a copy not the
original ) of the minor s birth certificate listing the parents name or status as permanent
legal guardian (a copy of the order of permanent guardianship) must be presented to Troll.

For a minor of any age to be present at Ragnarok his or her parent or permanent legal
guardian must be present at all times.

In addition, a minor is only allowed to be on site while his or her parent or permanent legal
guardian is on site. This means that if the parent or permanent legal guardian leaves the site
for any reason, even a town run for a few hours, the minor must go with them.

Join our Rag Merchants on the Row until 1 AM for an evening of fun, games, and
shopping. Check with merchants for special Midnight Madness deals. Shopping,
entertainment, and prizes await you at Midnight Madness!

Saturday June 27
2:00 PM: Garbing for the Genderqueer @ Classr oom
A group discussion about gender preference based and/or gender neutral costuming.
Discussion will also cover issues of safety at Dagorhir events with a focus on safe
spaces at Ragnarok. We will conclude with a Q&A andbout any LGBTQ topic brought
up by attendees.
Moderators: Galadriel and Matches
3:00 PM: Mead Brewing @ Lower Field Tent
Learn how to brew a simple sack mead. If you are already a brewer, come by to share in
a drink and some constructive criticism.
Brewmasters: Brewers Guild
4:00 PM: Proper and Advanced Spear Techniques @ Lower Field
Class will cover the basics of how to spear and work with a shieldman and will move
into advanced technique and shots.
Spearmen: Batman and Troan

Minors receive a colored Rag tag. They must have their Rag tag on them at all times. In the
case of infants/toddlers it is acceptable for the parent/legal guardian to carry it.

Parents/legal guardians are responsible for the minors in their care at all times and will be
held responsible for the behavior of the minors in their care. Behavior that would result in
ejection from Ragnarok will result in the ejection of the minor and their parent/legal

6:00 PM: Sword and Board @ Lower Field

Combat Instructor: Sir Brennon
Dark: End of the World Party @ the Lower Field
Hosted by Brittania Faire
Its the end of the world as we know it! Fire, Drumming, Dancing, Drinking. All
musicians and revelers will gather for one last festival of survivors, the End of the
World, Ragnaroks final celebration! Were going to bring this party baclk to the good
old days, when everyone would gather in the middle of Spring Valley and have the best
party of Ragnarok! A week of chaos ends in one final inferno. Be there!
Dark: Night Fighting @ the Night Fighting Field


Friday June 26

A Note for Camp Masters/Mistresses

10:00 AM: Campfire Cooking @ Merchants Wares (Merchants Row booth 8)

Chief Cook: Gwen of Merchants Wares

Camp Masters/Mistresses serve as the point of contact for each camp and Ragnarok event staff
and bear ultimate responsibility for their camps.

10:30 AM: Archery Safety Training @ Upper Weapons Check (Backyard)

Bow Master: Silk

The responsibilities of a Camp Mistress/Master are as follows:

11:00 AM: Intermediate Two-Sword Fighting @ Lower Field

Directed toward fighters who have some fighting fundamentals down and want to learn
how to fight more effectively with two swords or clubs. We will cover hand placement,
what to do with your hands during a fight, how to bait and riposte, how to block with
two weapons, fakes, and hopefully answer any questions about two-sword fighting.
Bring two swords.
Dual Wielder: Arczhidea of the Amyr

Coordinate with Troll in establishing camp location and boundaries during land grab

Coordinate setting up individual camp and camp walls.

Serve as point of contact with Ragnarok Medics and/or Security as necessary and assist them
in addressing any situations that may involve Medics and/or Security and her or his camp.

Before departing Coopers on the final day of Ragnarok Camp Masters/Mistresses will:
Ensure that his or her camp is clean and all trash has been taken to the dumpsters.

12:00 PM: The Basics of Embroidery @ Classroom

Learn several different basic stiches for everyday embroidery! Take the samples you
make and a how-to hand out home! Make your garb look amazing with some extra
Embroiderer: Valkyrie Haldane Moonshadow

Ensure that all fires are extinguished

Be present for final inspection of their Camps site and address any problems that event
staff may find.

2:00 PM: Build a Blue @ Classroom

Foam Forger: Cade Moonshadow
3:00 PM: Little Dagorhirrim Jam Session* @ Amphitheater
Looking for something you and your child can do together this Ragnarok? Come make
some music with us! Easy instruments will be provided on first-come, first-serve basis.
Children of all ages welcome. Parents/Guardians must be present.
Conductors: Dominick Stoneskull and Mariner of House Tull

After vehicles are unloaded, they are to be moved to the designated parking area. We are allowing
a 30 minute drop off time limit for cars entering the campground. Troll may utilize tags with the
date and time of entry on them to be displayed in the drivers side window, depending on traffic
levels. Otherwise it is on each drivers honor to respect the time limit.
Cars that have been observed to have stayed longer than 30 minutes, or more than 30 minutes
from the time on the pass will be subject to towing.

4:00 PM: The Art of Plasti-Dip @ Classr oom

Demo/Lecture with Q&A on plasti-dip, painting, and sculpture for full-contact
medieval combat. Bring question. Attendees will have the chance to see and touch
some projects and try some painting techniques.
Plasti-Artist: Acorn Collins

No cars will be permitted to remain in camp.

5:00 PM: Single Sword @ Lower Field

Learn the basics of single sword and a few tips and tricks with a great group of single
sword fighters.
Blade Masters: Khazon Mander, Snojoo, Archidea, Jeremy Desentz, & Grafiki
6:00 PM Sword and Board @ Lower Field
Combat Instructor: Sir Brennon
7:00 PM: Ragnarok Garb Exhibition @ Amphitheater
Competition to showcase the best garb in Dagorhir. Starting with a Childrens Parade.
Categories include: Non-Human, Themed Group, Mens/Womens Feast, Fight, Armor,
and Best Beard! Fabulous Prizes!
8:00 PM: March of the Fallen @ Pahmoten Camp
Ragnarok is the end of the world. For we fortunate mortals, it is a time to celebrate
friendship, skill, service, tales around a campfire, honor, and many things hidden in our

allowedno foam, no steel, no prop. No cameras or recording devices of any kind,

including phones! Violators will be removed from the party.

Medic Services & Emergency Procedures

Dark: Night Fighting @ Night Fighting Field (Meadow)

Thursday June 25
10:30 AM: Archery Safety Training @ Upper Weapon Check (Backyard)
Bow Master: Silk
During Ragnarok XXIX the Medics treated over 400 patients and as Rag has grown, so has the
number of sick and injured. With that in mind, we have come up with a few suggestions and some
helpful info

We can only provide first aid. No matter how highly trained our staff is, we are constrained
by the Good Samaritan Law.

Medics cannot give ANY medications, set bones, suture or give IV Fluids. Please br ing
your own Aspirin, Motrin, Tylenol, Benadryl, Inhalers, Aloe, Antibiotic ointments and Insect
sting pain control. We can give nothing!

People with chronic disease processes, please bring your medication and make the time to
take care of yourselves.

Asthmatics should always carry your inhalers, Diabetics please eat protein and complex
carbs, and people with Bee allergies should always be armed with their Epi pens.

Attendees with mobility issues should camp at the top of the hill, in or near Medical Camp.
Medics are not available to provide transportation.

12:00 PM: Essential Oils @ Lower Field Tent

Essentialist: Miss Widow

1:00 PM: Intro to Chainmail @ Classroom

Armor Weaver: Aldvarg Egilsson
2:00 PM: Njordball!* @ Lower Field
Njord, Norse god of the sea, wants you to cool off with these water-based games and
activities for the whole family! Swimsuits recommended, or clothes the children can get
wet in. Parents/Guardians must be present.
Referee: Dominick Stoneskull
3:00 PM: More Than Just Jingly Bits: A Breakdown of Belly Dance Clothing @ Lower Field
A general overview breaking down the stylizations of belly dance costuming across
cultures and time periods. Class will cover both the real historical clothing items people
wore as well as modern interpretations of costuming elements used in stage
productions. Class will also discuss the balance between fantasy and historical aspects
of belly dance costuming and garb as well as include some suggestions on how to
seamlessly blend these elements within the Dagorhir context.
Instructor: Svava
4:00 PM: Leather Working 101 @ Classroom
Leather Shaper: Corethryl Callir

In Case of a Medical Emergency (Chest pain, Shortness of breath, Allergic reactions and
People with Confusion) Call 911 FIRST !
Call Rag Medics second. Due to the constraints noted above Medics can provide only limited
assistance but will do what they can for the 20-30 minutes it takes for EMS to arrive. Maps to the
local ERs will be at Troll.

5:00 PM: Fitness @ Lower Field

Instructor: Rabhas (Dr. Danny McLane D.C.)

Medic Aid Stations:

6:00 PM Sword and Board @ Lower Field

A class on the common openers, counters, and styles utilizing sword and shield. Class
will cover both punch and strap shields. Max class size 15.
Combat Instructor: Sir Brennon

#1 in or near the lower field weapons check tent (12pm-2am)

#2 near the Barn in Medical Camping (24/7)

8:30 PM: Bardic Competition @ the Amphitheatre

A long standing and time-honored Ragnarok event, the Bardic has awards for Best
Story, Best Song, and Best Comedy. Come share tales and songs of battle, glory and
valor - and hear the deeds and prose of others.

Final Advice
Please wear shoes! of the people Medics tr eat usually have pr eventable foot injur ies/
rashes/blisters or bug bites/stings

If a Medic pulls you from fighting for ANY r eason, you must stop until they say it is safe.
The Heralds and Security will be brought in if necessary!
Camp Masters should ar r ange for ever y one of their fighter s to have water on the field, have
a first aid kit ready in camp and remind people to wear SPF 20 or higher and reapply!

Post-Bardic Competition: Bardic Circle @Springwood

Once the competition is over, head over to Springwood Forest for an evening of singing
and storytelling. No competition, no judges, just good company and entertainment. All
are welcome to perform or spectate.
Dark: Night Fighting @ the Night Fighting Field


Wednesday June 24


10:30 AM: Archery Safety Training @ Upper Weapon Check (Backyard)

Bow Master: Silk
1:00 PM: Stage Presence 101: How to LOOK Like You Know What Youre Doing (Even When
You Dont) @ Amphitheater
Calling all musicians, dancers, people who talk at the theater, and anyone else that
wants to learn to be more comfortable in front of an audience! Learn some tricks to feel
more confident on stage! Come one, come all, seasoned performer and shy storyteller
alike! For anyone who wants to run through their Bardic performances, we will have
time after class to run through pieces and give each other pointers.
Stage Manager: Mariner of House Tull
2:00 PM: Tribal Arms and Shimmies @ Lower Field
A beginner-level tribal fusion belly dance class focused on developing proper posture,
learning basic beginner's arm positions, and working on moving with intent in order to
project poise and own your space. From there we'll get into walking combinations and
basic beginner layering. Wear comfortable clothing and bring water.
Dance Mistress: Ran Case
3:00 PM: Eggses, Eggses It Is!* @ Classroom
Learn about natural dyes that people in the medieval period would have used, and try
out those and similar dyes on hard boiled eggsand keep your eggs! Eggs will be
provided, but in limited quantities, you may want to bring along a few extra. Parents/
Guardians must be present.
Dyers: Dominick Stoneskull and Gigglepants III
4:00 PM: Lefty 101/Hand Matching Class @ Lower Field
Tips and tricks for fighting left handed, hand matching an opponent, and fighting off
hand after losing your dominant arm. Bring a sword and water.
Sword Masters: Jarek Mander and Cade Moonshadow
5:00 PM: Advanced Red Sword: The Art of the Stab @ Lower Field
Red weapon class emphasizing advanced techniques and mindsets, emphasizing
stabbing skills and battle tricks. Question and answer section at the end. Bring your
favorite red weapon, water, and your hunger!
Sword Master: Sue da Half Orc
5:00 PM: The Pages Carnival* @ RWC Bar n
Families are invited to attend Ragnaroks first annual childrens carnival. Face painting,
games, prizes and more! Every child will be entered in a door prize raffle. Parents/
Guardians must be present.
6:00 PM: Metal Casting @ Gwynedd Camp
This class will cover the casting of small metal objects using pewter with molds made
from soapstone. Event tokens, badges, trinkets, and pendants can be created easily using
this technique. Creating the mold from soapstone and heating and pouring the molten
pewter will be covered. Wear Non flammable garb. Wool, Linen, or Cotton. No
synthetic fibers.
Metalsmiths: Kensman Cormac and Kensman Theas

Volunteers make Ragnarok run. In addition to all of the various coordinators volunteering to give
up large chunks of their vacation to provide you with Ragnarok XXIX, shift volunteers are
needed to make the various aspects of Rag run smoothly. There are volunteer opportunities
available for all ability levels. Find out how to sign up at Troll. All Rag attendees should sign up
for at least one shift in any of the following areas.
Troll: Tr oll volunteer s wor k four hour shifts checking attendees into the event and ser ving
as a point of contact for attendees with questions, concerns, or trying to reach Security or
Medical. Lost and found is also kept at Troll. Troll volunteers are responsible for any monies
taken in during their shift and are required to sign for both the cash box and to verify the count at
the end of their shift. Working Troll is a great way to meet new people. Troll requires 24 hour
staffing while Ragnarok is running, so offers good opportunities for night owls. Head of Troll:
Security: Secur ity shifts walk the Ragnar ok event site making sur e that attendees ar e safe
and that the Ragnarok rules are being followed. Security shifts are also a great way to meet people
and to familiarize yourself with Coopers Lake. Security requires 24 hour staffing while Ragnarok
is running, working 6 hour shifts. Head of Security: Grom

Medic: Medics bandage our wounds and help keep us going. A gr eat place for Fir st
Responders, EMTs, Paramedics, Nurses, etc. to put their skills to use for the benefit of their
fellow Dagorhirim. Even if you dont have a medical background, sign up to be a shadow and
assist the medics. Medical requires 24 hour staffing while Ragnarok is running and works 48
hour shifts. Head Medic: Rayne
Heralding: Her alds ar e the r efer ees of Dagor hir . Ever y Dagor hir Chapter is r equir ed to
provide veteran heralds according to the following scale, based on the number of participants
attending Ragnarok: 0-4 Participants from the Chapter -- no Heralds required; 5-20 Participants -at least one Herald each day; each additional increment of 20 participants (21-40, 41-60, etc.) -- at
least one additional Herald each day. Heralding briefings will be given each day. Day Events
Coordinator: Jari
Weapon Check: Weapon check is necessar y to assur e the safety of our equipment and
thereby our participants. Learning proper weapon check skills often translates into being a better
foam smith. Every Dagorhir Chapter is required to provide weapon checkers according to the
following scale, based on the number of participants attending Ragnarok: 0-4 Participants from
the Chapter -- no weapons checkers required; 5-20 Participants -- at least one weapons check staff
person each day; each additional increment of 20 participants (21-40, 41-60, etc.) -- at least one
additional weapons check staff person each day.
Weapon check training will take place each morning at weapon check. Arrive early and ask
for the head or assistant head of weapon check. Head of Weapon Check: Falgor

Dusk: Mardi Gras! @ Mirkwood Camp (Grove)

The 14th and FINAL installment of this Ragnarok tradition! Mirkwood opens its doors
one last time to host the masses of Dagorhir in their annual revel. 18 and over only, 21
to drink. NO ID! NO ENTRY! NO EXCEPTIONS! No weapons of any kind

The Rag Tag

The Rag Tag is your proof of your paid admission to Ragnarok. You must have it on your person
at all times. Minors must also be able to show their Rag Tags at all times as well. The Rag Tag is
necessary to go through Weapon & Armor check, access and return from the battle field, and to
re-enter Coopers Lake if you make a town run. So, its kind of important.
When you register you will be given both your Rag Tag and a receipt. The receipt is also very
If you lose your Rag Tag:

Go to Troll, take your receipt along and check to see if your Tag has been turned in as lost &

If your Tag has been turned in, it will be returned to you. You may get a side of goodnatured mocking.

If your Tag has not been turned in, your receipt will be collected and you will be issued a
new Rag Tag. If you lose the replacement you will be charged that days admission rate or
you will need to leave the event.

Return to Troll with the new Rag Tag and the original.

Troll will collect the replacement Tag and return your receipt to you.

2:00 PM: Book Binding 101 @ Classroom

Students will learn a simple bookbinding stitch called Coptic stitch binding. This stitch
is a non-adhesive binding and is commonly used to make handmade art journals. The
history of this binding method will be briefly covered as well as how to sew five folios
(paper pamphlets) into a hard cover book. Once students have made their books,
contemporary book binding stitches as well as medieval paper making processes that
students can further pursue will be covered. The class is limited to 15 people! It will be
first come first serve!
Bookbinder: Fiddles the Hobbit
3:00 PM: Childrens Storytelling* @ Amphitheater
Myths, fairy tales, and new stories presented by a real world childrens entertainer.
Parent/Guardian must be present.
Storyteller: Dominick Stoneskull
4:00 PM: Basic Sword and Board @ Lower Field
A class designed for new to intermediate fighters to learn the basics on using a shield.
Covering stance, guard and working into aggressive shield work. This class is not
about using a weapon and shield combo, this is about knowing what to do with a shield.
Maximum participants, 15, first come first serve. Please bring a Shield, a Blue, and
Shield Master: Matt Baldi

If you find your original Rag Tag after obtaining a replacement:

1:00 PM: American Tribal Belly Dance Duets @ Lower Field

So you know a few ATS moves but add a buddy and what happens face to face? Learn
a few duet moves to up your game and make your dancing more interesting.
Dance Mistress: Jennifer Senn

5:00 PM: Basic Two Sword Fighting @ Lower Field

Learn the basics of the two sword style. Topics include: Equipment, Proper Footwork,
Training Drills, Becoming Ambidextrous, Fighting Against Other Weapon Types, Role
On The Field. Please bring two swords and water.
Sword Master: Durrok Thunderaxe

Field Customs
The Field Customs checkpoint will inspect every person heading onto the field-- both combatant
and noncombatant participants.

Each weapon and piece of armor will be checked for pass stickers. Please have all your gear
out and ready for inspection.

Each person heading to the field, both combatant individuals and noncombatant will be
checked for adherence to garb rules (i.e. 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and all of their sub-headings).

The Day Event Coordinator and the heralds on the field are supporting Field Customs; please
alert them if you see anything or anyone that slips past the Field Customs check.

Address all other questions and concerns to Svava and Hundr, Field Customs management

6:00 PM: Filipino Martial Arts @ Lower Field

Workshop on using Filipino Martial Arts (Kali, Arnis, Escrima, etc.) concepts may be
used in Dagorhir.
Masters: Seiichiro & Inox
6-8 PM: Ragnaroks Hafla @ Amphitheater
Back for its sixth year, the Ragnarok Hafla brings together internationally-known and
Dagorhir-raised dancers and musicians for a Middle Eastern show and dance party!
Ends at 8 PM
8 PM to Masquerade Ball @ War Council Bar n
Midnight: A mysterious Prince has planned a grand ball and has invited everyone! He feels that
for too long the land has suffered under the yoke of classes and cliques, Units and
Chapters. The only catch is that in order for everyone to see one another as equals,
everyone must be anonymous. Therefore, he has decreed that everyone attending this
ball must wear some sort of mask and dress to impress. Hosted by Ragnarok.
Dark: Night Fighting @ Night Fighting Field (Meadow)


Weapon & Armor Check

6:00 PM: American Tribal Style Belly Dance Framework @ Lower Field Tent
American Tribal Style Belly Dance is an improvisational group dance built around a
vocabulary of moves with cues. Come learn some of the basic movements of this
wonderful dance as well as leading, following, and cueing. Come warmed up for
dancing, we will not spend time on warm-ups. Please wear comfortable clothing that
you can dance in. Nothing about belly dance dictates that your belly needs to show!
Please bring your own water and sunblock.
Dance Mistress: Lady Svava

Mission Statement: To ensure the safety of all fighters at Ragnarok, by performing accurate and
consistent quality assurance on all weapons which are to be used in Ragnarok sanctioned battles,
and by interpreting and enforcing the rules set forth by Ragnarok War Council as outlined by the
Dagorhir Manual of Arms.

7-9 PM: Agarhoths Blood Carnival Adjacent to Blood Hor de Camp (Meadow)
The nomadic Agarhoth (Blood Horde) travels city to city, never staying anywhere for
more than a fortnight. At each city we set up a mystic carnival of fun and delights to
entice city dwellers to fund our tribe- either with money or souls.
Featuring carnival entertainments performed by members of Blood Horde and friends
such as: drumming, dancing, poi, apple bobbing, blackjack, fortune telling, Dagorhir
archery, bean bag toss, fire walking, controlled pick up fighting (challenge a Blood
Horde member in a controlled area). There will be ONE drinking activity with shots
which will be closely monitored for underage activity. Think of it like Russian roulette.
There will be several safe shots and several danger shots (super spicy, super sour,
just plain gross, etc).
Attendees will be given a set number of colored baubles at the entrance as pieces of
their soul to gamble with for their entertainment and to add to the story. Additional
soul pieces can be obtained for a small donation to continue playing games. All
donations will be given to Fiat Lux as part of the Rag XXX charitable donation. Family
friendly for adults and children over 10.
Dark: Poisoners Guild 10th Anniversary Party @ The Stagger Inn (D12)
The Poisoner's Guild has been a behind-the-scenes institution for a decade! Or, maybe
they should have all be institutionalized for a decade? Either way come join the
celebration! Dancing, Drums, Drinks, Fire, Booze, Shenanigans! Don't miss this party
if you're 18+. 21+ to imbibe. Valid ID required.
Dark: Night Fighting @ Night Fighting Field (Meadow)

Tuesday June 23
10:00 AM: Campfire Cooking @ Merchants Wares (Merchants Row booth 8)
Tips on fire building and grill set-ups, properly preparing and cooking edible, nonpoisonous foods. Bring a cup, plate, and utensils. We will cook bacon and wings, and
possibly more. Food limited to the first 12 signed up. Sign-up at A Case of Random/
Merchants Wares booth on Merchant Row.
Chief Cook: Gwen of Merchants Wares
10:30 AM: Archery Safety Training @ Upper Weapon Check (Backyard)
Bow Master: Silk
11:00 AM: Essential Oils @ Lower Field Tent
Come learn the benefits of certified pure therapeutic grade essential oil . Learn how
they are extracted, used, and how to care for mini emergencies in your own home.
Discussions will be on pregnancy/birthing, medicine cabinet make over, emergency
preparedness/bug out bag, children, pets, cooking, plants, aliments from A-Z, emotional
needs, and how to make homemade products using EO's.
Essentialist: Miss Widow

Time: Mon-Sat 10 AM 12 PM
Locations: Upper Check, Near the Medic Tent. Backyard on the Coopers Map
Lower Check (Except Arrows), Site D1 on the Coopers Map
Spot Checking: May be done on the field, or garb gates, to determine if a weapon has been
damaged or has broken down and now fails, but will not be used to pass weapons that have not
been checked by the Weapons Checking Staff. The only place that you can get a passing band
from is a weapon check authorized by the head of check.
How often do I need to get my stuff checked?
Armor?: All armor is required to be checked, and passed, once before being worn into battle.
Melee Weapons?: Every other day. (EX Sun., Tues., Thur., Sat. or Mon., Weds., Fri.)
Missiles? Every Day.
Bow? Every other day.
Melee Check: In order to get weapons checked and returned as quickly as possible, multiple lines
are formed. When it is your turn to have your equipment checked, you will be asked to show
your Rag Tag then hand your weapons to the checker that is heading your line. They will look it
over and give you feedback. If the item passed then it will be marked with a Passing Band. If
it has failed, then it will be handed back to you, with an explanation as to why it failed and
possible solutions to fix it. You can fix failed weapons and get them re-checked that day, if you
can get it done by 12pm
Missile Check: The archery station will be using a pile method for arrows, bolts, javelins, and
rocks. Bows will be checked for weight via a line set up. Get in line, string your bow and when it
is your turn, hand it to the bow checker. The bow is checked for draw weight, labeled pass or fail
and handed back. Having you there will keep your bow from walking off with someone that does
not own it.
Armor Check: Operates in two lines, one at Upper and Lower Check. You must be WEARING
your armor. Measurement tools including calipers may be utilized. A tamper proof sticker is
placed in an unobtrusive area on every piece of armor that has passed Check. As with weapons, if
anything is wrong an explanation will be given and suggestions provided on how to fix the
problem so that you may repair your armor and return to have it re-checked.
If you feel your weapon/armor has been failed unfairly, you may appeal to the Head of Weapon
Check for a final decision. Remember that the Head of Weapon Checks decision is final whether
you agree with the ruling or not

Ragnarok War Council

Ragnarok War Council makes all decisions affecting Ragnarok as well as voting on changes to
the Manual of Arms. Voting representatives from all registered Realms present proposals, debate
using Roberts Rules of Order, and vote on proposals as well as the Ragnarok staff for the
following year. While only officially registered representatives may present, debate, and vote, all
Ragnarok attendees are welcome to respectfully observe.
RWC meets Monday and Thursday at 6 PM in the new Barn adjacent to the parking area.



Battle Schedule
Warm ups begin at Noon, all scheduled battles begin at 1 PM on the Main Field unless otherwise
Battles this year will have a plotline running through the entire week. Each scenario will have a
Protagonist and an Antagonist side. Roleplaying well during battles can possibly earn your team
rewards going into the next scenario, or even the next day. Asymmetrical battles will have teams
running the scenario in each role. Symmetrical scenarios will be run twice.

A Note on Heralding

A heralding class will be conducted by Jari or Oddayin each day for those volunteering for
heralding duty and will cover what to look for on the field, specifically unsafe behavior and where
the lines need to be drawn and how people that are acting unsafe will be handled. Heralds will
also be spot checking for violations of garb rules, and of course, unsafe or unchecked weapons.
Unsafe acts Heralds will be monitoring for include, but are not limited to: arrows shot from to
close, and javelins thrown from to close, overhead straight down swings. While engaging in an
unsafe act may not result in immediate action, depending on whether or not it results in injury,
those engaging in unsafe acts will be watched more closely by the Heralds. If action is deemed
necessary, the following procedures will be observed:
-The first time a Herald sees a fighter engaging in something unsafe behavior, they will
take their Rag tag number and send them to the nearest resurrection point.
-A second offense will see the fighter sent the Head Herald who will radio it in, and the
fighter will be pulled from the field for the battle.
-Determinations for more serious or continued unsafe behavior will be made as needed
by the Head Herald and/or the Head of Day Events.

6-8 PM: Redwall Potluck @ Dr entha camp (D34)

Meet up with friends old and new to share food and tales of battle! Cost of admission is
a prepared dish to pass. Please bring your own feast gear and something to sit on.
Anyone is welcome. Ends at 8 PM
Dusk: Welcome Revel @ Springwoods Tilted Tavern (Springwood)
After a long day of travels and setting up camp, start the week off right by joining us in
Springwood Forest on Sunday evening for the Welcome Revel. Reconnect with old
friends and make new ones. Bring camp mates, instruments and libations.
Dark: Night Fighting @ Night Fighting Field (Meadow)
Who needs sleep at Rag? Fight through the night under the lights. Battles are selfdirected by the participants (i.e. no official Heralds). Exercise of individual honor is
expected of all fighters. Fight at your own risk.

Monday June 22
10:30 AM: Archery Safety Training @ Upper Weapon Check (Backyard)
All Rag attendees wishing to do archery on the battlefield MUST attend this mandatory
class. Participants will review the Dagorhir archery rules along with proper archery
etiquette for large scale battles. Remember, archery is the most dangerous Dagorhir
combat style, therefore combatants who fail to attend this class and receive an archery
band will not be allowed to use a bow on the battle field. You must only attend once.
Bow Master: Silk

11:00 AM: Intro to Chainmail @ Classroom

Beginners guide to making chainmail. Bring two pairs of pliers, there are a limited
number available as loaners.
Armor Weaver: Aldvarg Egilsson

At the end of each day the Head herald will review the Rag tag numbers collected to check for
repeat offenders. These individuals will be observed more closely through the remainder of the

12:00 PM: Leather Working 101 @ Classroom

An overview of the history and basics of leather working. How to take a piece of
leather, and turn it into something beautiful. Class will cover history, basics, wet
forming, carving, and design.
Leather Shaper: Corethryl Callir


2:00 PM: Printmaking @ Classroom

Learn the art of printmaking! Create your own stamp and see it come alive on paper.
Printmaker: Ripper Staruk

Headbands this year will be using Green and Orange.

3:00 PM: My Rag Tag* @ Classroom

An opportunity for children and families to create a custom necklace to display a
childs Rag Tag. Parent/Guardian must attend with child.
Crafter: Dominick Stoneskull

A Note on Roleplaying
A with last year there will be free on the spot resurrections for good deaths. At minimum to earn
this reward a Herald must observe a fighter falling to the ground screaming as the die. However,
the bigger the death the more likely the reward.

4:00 PM: Red Sword 101 @ Lower Field

Introduction to red sword technique and theory.
Sword Masters: Ragefire the Red & Chris Price
5:00 PM: Fitness @ Lower Field
Learn how to get strong, agile and build endurance. All of these traits will make you
less susceptible to injury on and off the field. This class designed, tested and proven by
a Doctor of Chiropractic and fellow Dagorhir fighter. Bring water and towel/mat/
ground cover; a weight of some kind between 1-30 lbs (such as a can of
beans, large stone, bag of copper, or a gallon of water.)
Instructor: Rabhas (Dr. Danny McLane D.C.)

In addition there will be belt favors given out to those that best Roleplay their character during
fighting, one given for each main battle, 12 in all.



Head Herald: Cermit, Commanding the Northeastern Alliance

Rag U and Nightlife Schedule

Dont forget to check the notice boards scattered around Ragnarok for daily schedules and any
last minute changes and/or updates.
Ragnarok University Locations: All classes r un one hour unless other wise noted. Details in
parentheses ( ) indicate a Coopers map location. Starred* events are child-friendly.
Classroom: Located in the second floor of the upper shower house. Enter from the
porch off of Merchants Row.
Amphitheatre: Down the hill from Merchants Row. Access by following the path
around the lower floor of the upper shower house.
Lower Field: The field across from the lower shower house and site of the Lower
Weapons Check. Classes will take place either in the field or in the Weapons Check
tent. Labelled Lakeview on the Coopers Lake map.
Full Week Nightlife Events
Banner Wars: Hosted by J ack Angelfoot
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
Banner wars has a long and storied history in Ragnarok. After last years
reintroduction its time for the biggest Banner Wars in Ragnarok history! Fight for your
team! Destroy the other teams! Find total victory! Signups are with Jack, at his camp
just at the top of the hill to the west.
Thieves' Tournament: Hosted by Canis, NightRhor ne, Fae Mellor i
Four Factions will battle for supremacy. Players enlist in a Faction and then will receive
their Marks from their respective Faction leader . . . all while also being hunted by
members of the other three factions. Thats right, while youre hunting your Mark you
too are being hunted by your rivals! Prizes will be awarded to the four top Assassins in
each Faction, as well as the four runners-up from each Faction. The Faction with the
highest number of confirmed kills will win a party to celebrate their success.
No personal property may be stolen or damaged.

Our Protagonist army has stumbled into another Kingdom while scouting. Our
Antagonist army has noticed and sought fit to meet them in the ruined city of Osgiliath.
The Armies arrive close to the same time, at midday, seeking to capture this once noble
city, neither knowing abilities of the other.
Hold onto as many Holy Points as possible on the island city of Osgiliath for thirty (30)
minutes. Resurrections happen in groups. If you can manage to capture a Holy Point near
one of the siege weapons, your team gains control of that siege weapon. Boats will be in
play. The length of time the points are controlled will determine the other teams
resurrection counts in the next scenario.
Prison Break
Our Protagonist army has surrendered, being outmatched by a greater army, and has been
taken prisoner. They plot a daring escape and manage to liberate their gear from prison
guards and are fighting their way out of the castle to gather reinforcements and avenge their
fallen comrades.
Protagonists starts inside the castle and have to break out through the castle, the village
outside, the open fields beyond that, and into the forest. This is a death tax battle with the
Antagonist defenders running out of deaths at each stage to ensure the escaping
Protagonists can continue. The team with least number of deaths wins. Run twice, once
with each team as the Protagonists. Both sides of the castle and its gate will be open to
escape through. The time is takes for all escapees to make it out will determine how far
each team is from the resources in the following day's battle.
Clash Of Kings Ball
Take one of several yoga balls and score by putting it in the through the uprights,
touching the ball with anything but your hands. Most points wins. Runs for 15 minutes
then sides change.
Battle for Evermore
We must keep fighting! At this point two res points will be set up and the heralds will
leave the field for the day. Fight for as long as you can.

Tuesday Location: In the upper woods

Head Herald: Gorg the Blacksmith, Commanding the Keepers of the Obsidian Stag

A note about the schedule format: Recur r ing events only have their descr iptions listed on the fir st day they occur .

Sunday June 21
10:00 AM: Brewing Ale @ Kingdom of Jerusalem camp (between Runestone Hill and Lakeview)
See beer made in front of your eyes.
Brewer: Tzvy Varyag
2:00 PM: Build a Blue @ Classroom
Simple to advanced construction methods of blue weapons.
Foam Forger: Cade Moonshadow
3:00 PM: Creating a Bell Tunic @ Lower Field Tent
Did you somehow make it all the way to Ragnarok without a decent tunic? Come on
over and learn how to make a simple bell tunic. Please bring at least two yards of plain,
neutral colored fabric, as fabric will not be provided by the class. Scissors, pins, thread,
a sewing machine, and other sewing supplies will be available.
Seamstress: Lady Svava


Capture the Flag

Each army is trying to prove they have the upper hand by acquiring support and proving
their worth against the other enemy.
A typical flag capture. Both teams are lined up across from each other with a load of flags to
capture. At right angles to the direct line between the armies are two other "forts" abandoned
for all intents and purposes. Each one of them also has a load of flags and a herald to
distribute them, but not faster than one every minute. These represent allies. Each
captured ally flag is worth half of a captured opposing army's flag.
Resource Capture
Each team has various resources (wood, gold, iron, food, etc.) and must capture said
resource (rocks, colored coded and marked) from a mine near the middle of the woods
and bring it back to its designated storage place. Only one resource item can be carried
at a time.
TBA - A local southern favorite.

Battle for Evermore (See Monday)

Head Herald: Crowe, Commanding Mirkwood
Three Rivers Battle
A large portion of our Protagonists have been caught flat footed once again and are trapped
between two enemy armies. They must fight while retreating, fleeing in the one
direction available.
The Protagonists must hold out as long as possible to keep the Antagonist armies from
reaching their side of the river. Multiple bridges and fords will exist on all three rivers.
Defend the Fort
Our Protagonists have gotten a raven to the rest of their forces and rescue ships are on
the way. They are thirty minutes upstream. Hold out as long as you can to give some of
your army a chance to escape.
The Protagonists hold a town to which they have retreated with a creek between them
and the Antagonists. Three bridges cross that creek, and there are two entrances into the
town. Inside the town are three barracks, and each barracks resurrects every minute. The
barracks can be destroyed. On the Antagonist side are three heralds walking slowly to the
bridges. As they start its a 20 man count before res, halfway to the bridge it's a 10 man, 3/4th
of the way it's a 5 man. When they hit the bridges they stop and its touch and go.

Rescue the General

A general has been lost behind enemy lines in the rout. He was left for dead, but managed to
get a message to the Protagonist army: he is wounded and needs rescued.
The general will be a dummy weighed down by sand and built onto a stretcher. The
Antagonist army will have him behind their lines. They will have several res points
throughout the field at the start, but these points can be disabled by the Protagonists as they
make their way to the general. These points cannot be reactivated. The Protagonists have to
get the general back to the home res point in the least amount of time.
Holy Relic Battle
There is a mysterious relic on an island in the middle of the sea. It brings great power but also
bestows a curse upon its wielder as a penance from the gods.
Inside the ruins is a sword of power. It enables the wielder to do black damage while carrying
it but they also take black damage while holding it. They can hold no other weapons while
handling this power. Weapons can block the damage but not shields. A Herald with a timer
will follow the wielder around and carry a flag to make sure everyone can see the power
coming off the weapon. If the wielder can hold the sword in the Inner area of the ruins they
get 5 points for every 10 seconds. The Middle area accrues 3 points per 10 seconds. And the
Outside area of the ruins 1 point per 10 seconds. It pays to stay where the fighting is hardest,
but is it worth it?
Modified Black Knight Battle - Rules TBA
Battle for Evermore (See Monday)

Pillar Battle - Details TBA

Head Herald: Illisai, Commanding the Army of Valinor

Battle for Evermore (See Monday)

Island Battle
Protagonists flee to small group of islands where they try to keep the Antagonists at bay
as they continue to move across the islands.
KotH battle with multiple hills, points awarded on timed interval. Boats will be in play. Lasts
for 30 minutes. Resurrection points dictate the length of resurrection. Team who wins gains
control of the island and pushes back opposing force.

Head Herald: Jari Kafghan, Commanding the Free Cities and Mercenary's Row
Classic Three Team Capture the Flag

Shrinking Island Battle

Either army will then move to finish off the other leaving the smaller islands for a single
larger island. This island will be shrinking in size during the battle due to volcano and the
magic of the cursed sword.
Single death. Last army on the battlefield wins. Plan on running this one multiple times if it
ends quickly.

Head Herald: Lukan
Blue Weapon
Red Weapon
Green Weapon
Weapon and Shield
Two Weapon
War God Unlimited in an open Grand Melee style
Seven Man
Twenty-One Man

Final Battle
Back on the mainland now both armies are looking for the final strike to finish off the other.
Neutral Assault game, bomb and torch are in the center, when both items reach an opponents
base it is destroyed and their resurrection is closed.
Touch and go resurrection until resurrection is shut down.
King Battle
Final battle of Ragnarok. Any and all kings willing to challenge King Exo for the Crown are
encouraged to form their own armies throughout the week and bring his reign to an end.
Single death battle. Best two of three.

Head Herald: TBA

Battle for Evermore (See Monday)



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