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Annotated Bibliography

Eng 2116-090
Camila Moreira

Proving Feasibility
Fawley, Nancy. "Flipped Classrooms." American Libraries 45.9/10 (2014):
19. Education Research Complete. Web. 2 Dec. 2015.
Fawleys argument here is that these methodologies are not new, but say that literature
courses have already been doing this, and she takes the example of librarians studies
to prove the fact that flipped classrooms allows more room for hands-on activities. She
says that giving students the opportunity to think critically while being in the
classroom. A good contrast of this article is also that Fawley lists the hesitations of
why flipped classrooms might not be a feasible option because of the time
consummation that creating tutorials and web materials for students to read outside the
classroom might take. She then goes on to state that even though this may be a
hesitation with all the technological advances being created, this problem can already
be solved with new tools for librarians to create interactive podcasts for students.

Podcasts and web material hard to make/ time
Without a standard lecture to prescribe the
class format, control of instruction and content
is no longer in hands of instructor

Technological advancement more programs
such as TED-Ed creating easy to use video
editing software to create learning materials
Instructors assign material and limited course
work for students to gain credit for doing them
online before their class.

The reason this article would be helpful for my proposal is because the author does not
hesitate to draw reasons for why this method might not be realistic in a classroom
setting. She also goes to give solutions for how to fix those arguments, which helps in
my proving my case for the method to be implemented.

"Flipping the Classroom." Center for Teaching and Learning. University of

Washington, 2015. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
This article is to inform the reader of what a flipped classroom is, and the motivation
behind why flipped classrooms became a new approach in teaching. A very well
structured information source, it states the classroom is essentially being re-purposed

Annotated Bibliography
Eng 2116-090
Camila Moreira
to better meet the needs of students, and explains why this method should be
incorporated to learning environments.
I would use this source as the basic introduction of what exactly is a flipped
classroom, and the real mission behind it. This source would achieve the motivation,
and reasoning behind this new methodology.
Millard, Elizabeth. "5 Reasons FLIPPED Classrooms Work." University
Business 15.11 (2012): 26-29. Education Research Complete. Web. 2 Dec. 2015.
Turning lectures into homework to boost student engagement and increase technologyfueled creativity.
This article starts off by saying how flipped classrooms are starting to be used in many
more places than we might think. Millard also starts by listing a solution of the flipped
classroom by stating how it is used for students increased comprehension of a topic by
taking a quiz during lecture from the reading students were assigned to the night
before. The teacher can then access what questions the majority of the students are
having trouble on, and use that time to explain more about them for better
understanding. Her arguments are that flipped classrooms
1. Increase student engagement
a. Gives teachers experiences that are all positive, and created a dramatic
difference in students engagement.
i. Teachers report that students are engaged, and are compelled while
2. Strengthens team-based skills
a. Group dynamic is increased, students are able to learn how to work together
and use each others skill and knowledge base to solve problems, and work
together by fitting all pieces of the puzzle together.
b. Students are less willing to miss class because they know they are apart of team
and will not be alone in working out problems.
3. Offers Personalized student guidance
a. Students are treated individually by the teacher so that no matter what level of
understanding the student is on, the teacher can personalize their instruction to
help them.
b. Students are not limited in getting help from the teacher because they can still
email a question about topic they do not understand, and teacher will also see
who, and how many are struggling based on the simple questions from reading.
c. Clickers being a great way to gather large amounts of student data immediately
and for students to know what they do not understand right away.
4. Focuses classroom discussion
a. Prompts more focused discussions because of immediate feedback.

Annotated Bibliography
Eng 2116-090
Camila Moreira
b. Helps focus learning on various learning styles.
c. Increases complexity of what professors are teaching because there is a strong
understanding of what students are learning or not.
5. Provides Faculty Freedom
a. Allows teacher to create their own in-class activity based on what level the
students are on that topic in the class.
"The Teachers Guide To Flipped Classrooms." The Teacher's Guide To Flipped
Classrooms. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.
This article is a great information source on not only explaining the concept of flipped
classrooms, but also explaining the benefits, and the resources that can be used to
implement this strategy in schools. The authors tone is unbiased, and is easy to
understand for all readers who have never heard this type of teaching method. The
article also gives great examples of flipped classrooms that have been used around the
nation, and tells the different ways that teachers have implemented this method,
meaning that there is more than way to have the flipped classroom.
I feel as though this article would be great useful for my proposal because it covers all
aspect of what I need to explain to my audience for them to have a good analysis of
what this type of classroom is, and why they should incorporate it into schools.

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