EMEA Welcome Package - Security Booklet - Ethics Compliance - CIV Avril 2015 PDF

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General Policies and Security Information to be adhered to

during your Assignment in IVORY COAST
NOTA : This is a non-exhaustive and temporary document which gives the residents and the
missionaries a sound living and working basis which can evolve due to new local environment
changes under the responsibility of the local Security officer/the CSO/the GPM (depending on
the local ALU structure) and when necessary.

The purpose of this document is to introduce the Alcatel Lucent visitor to IVORY
COAST, the pre-arrival requirements, procedures to be followed after arrival and the
dos and donts of in country living.
It will also give a short history and basic information on IVORY COAST
This welcome package and policy document replaces all previous documents in this
regard and will be introduced with immediate effect.

Pre-arrival Checklist.

Citizens of most countries require visas to enter IVORY COAST. Appropriate

Visas should be obtained before arriving in the country.
NOTA : It is reminded that, depending your status in the country worker or tourist -,
you should have the appropriate visa , normal, business or tourist. In addition,
depending on the length of your stay and the nature of your activity, Work permit,
Residence visa are necessary to be compliant with the local legislation (labour &
immigration). The relevant regulations are very strict and any infringement can be
severely sanctioned up to imprisonment. NO appropriate Visa means NO Mission !

EMEA Welcome Package / Security Booklet / Ethics Compliance

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IVORY COAST visas are available at all major land borders.

All nationalities require an International Health Certificate (Yellow Card)
showing proof of a yellow fever vaccination within the past 10 years.
Ensure that you have a valid passport (minimum 6 months).
If you are on any special medication please ensure that you bring sufficient to
last you for a minimum of three months. And you must aware the ALCATELLUCENT office in Ivory Coast about it.
Please ensure that you are in a good medical condition. If in doubt visit your
local doctor to verify your condition, before departing for IVORY COAST..
Before you leave your countries of origin ensure that you forward the following
information to Christiane KOUASSI, administrative_cibranch@alcatellucent.com the administrative assistant of the Ivory Coast Branch; Phone
number : +225 20 22 15 07 / Mobile +225 08 13 58 83 and copy the acting
pnboni.logistics@gmail.com, phone number +225 08 08 59 12
Flight details, date and time of arrival.
Copy of your passport.

The IVORY COAST office of Alcatel Lucent has identified a number of suitable hotels
and secured areas where to live in the country. The hotels have been selected to
accommodate various budgets and where possible to group people for ease of security
and transport. Please ask Christiane KOUASSI for the list of Hotels prior to your arrival
to allow her to make the necessary reservations.

Any requests for hotel reservations at one of the Alcatel Lucent approved
hotels. Please state your budget amount.

Arriving at the Airport

27 73 22 or +225 21 79 75 01 /02 is the international airport for Ivory Coast and is
about 12 kilometers from the center of Abidjan. Depending on the time of your arrival
it can take between 30 and 45 minutes to travel to ALU WCA CIV office
1. On your arrival go through the normal airport procedure which is clearly
2. If you informed Christiane KOUASSI of the correct time of your flight, there
will be an Alcatel Lucent representative showing a company logo board, waiting
for you inside of the airport building.
3. Please report to him and identify yourself.
4. Under no circumstances must you leave the airport with a person who
doesnt show you an ALU LOGO BOARD.
5. He will assist you with your luggage to the company vehicle.
6. Depending on the time of your arrival, he will he take you either to the hotel or
to the ALCATEL-LUCENT office.

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7. If for any reason the company representative is not at the airport, or if you
cannot find him, please contact immediately the ALU WCA CIV office or the
following phone numbers :
1. Alcatel-Lucent Car Dispatcher phone number +225 08 135 908
2. Pierre-Nol BONI (acting security manager & logistic) phone number
+225 08 08 59 12.
3. Stephane EPONOU ( GPM & Branch Manager) phone number +225 08 08
46 56
4. Alpin VERLET ( Country Senior Officer WCA) number +225 09 140 327

Registration and Introduction.

If you arrive outside normal working hours and check in at a hotel, stay within the
hotel premises and contact your Local Program Manager (LPM), or Project Manager(
PM) or your Roll out Manager to confirm your arrival.

PM Optic & IP
Orange 2G,3G,4G
KAM Orange

Didier EKRA
Laurent AUTRIC

/ +225 07 205 099

/ +225 09 143 105
/ +225 07 042 500
/ +225 48 656 758
/ +225 07 055 787

The following morning, to get a driver to go to Alcatel-Lucent office, you can call at
any time:

Car dispatchers team

: + 225 08 135 908


Pierre-Nol BONI ( logistics & security): +225 08 08 59 12

They will manage and send you a vehicle to take you to the Alcatel Lucent office.

On arrival at the offices please report to Christiane KOUASSI or at reception,

desk attendant who will give you a registration check in form to be completed
by yourself.
She will also make a copy of your passport, international drivers license if
applicable to be kept on file.
After you have completed the form, and all administrative issues have been
cleared she will introduce you to the local Security and logistics manager.
He will brief you on the security situation in the country and the dos and
donts. He will also introduce you to your LPM, and to the rest of the team and
You need to be registered in your home country Embassy in IVORY COAST

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Policies & Information

Selection of Hotel / Accommodation.
The IVORY COAST office of Alcatel Lucent has identified a number of suitable hotels
(see the hotel list in annex) and secured areas where to live in the country. The hotels
have been selected to accommodate various budgets and where possible to group
people for ease of security and transport. Please ask Christiane KOUASSI to allow her
to make the necessary reservations in the currently recommended:

Hotel Pullman, avenue Abdoulaye FADIGA, PLATEAU PO Box 01 BP 2185

ABJ 21 tel +225 20 30 20 15 fax +225 20 21 20 28

Hotel IBIS PLATEAU, 7 boulevard ROUME, 04 BP 1185 ABJ 04

Hotel NOVOTEL, 10 avenue du Gnral DE GAULE, PLATEAU PO Box 01

BP 3718 ABJ 01 tel + 225 20 31 80 00 fax +225 20 31 80 20

Hotel TIAMA, boulevard de la Rpublique PO Box 04 BP 6443 ABJ 04 tel

+225 20 31 33 33 fax+ 225 20 31 31 31

If you decide after arrival to move to another hotel/guest house/flat/house, please

before moving ask before for the formal approval of ALU authority & security, then
update the information in your registration check in form.
Refer to your Local Program Manager, before moving.

Transport Policy
All ROAD transport after arrival will be handled by the local Vehicle Dispatch Centre.
Contact number:

Car Dispatcher

: + 225 08 135 908 or

Pierre-Nol BONI

: +225 08 08 59 12

Vehicles will be made available under the following basis:

Dedicated vehicles will be affected to you for the execution of your task, in
correlation with your DPS or contract. In cooperation with the specific Project
/ Rollout Manager or LPM, Management will decide which vehicles will be
allocated to you.

It is forbidden to remain outside beyond 22:00 for private purposes.

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It is strictly forbidden to use affected vehicles for private trips outside ABIDJAN

For all the trips, a car with a driver will be affected to you.

Only the driver is expected to drive the vehicle.

In case of accident, You must call back the emergency numbers

NOTA: Our Legal department reminds you that in case of a car accident, You and
Alcatel-Lucent may be civilly liable and prosecuted eventually for criminal acts.

If for any reason you require transport outside the times between 08:00 and
22:00 you must inform your local project manager or Pierre-Noel BONI (security
interface) and wait for their formal approval before any action.

Never take motorbikes

AIR transport:
1. International flights : never use under any circumstances international
flights with company blacklisted by European Union, cf
2. Domestic flights: domestic flights booking should be done with companies
offering a serious warranty of safety and endorsed by local ALU administrator in
charge of flight booking.

Conduct of FIELD Operations

Special security procedure is contained in any respective Security Project

Plan issued by the GPM/LPM and validated by local SEC manager if any.

NOTA: Furthermore, refer to EHS guidance issued by our CEO on 05 DEC 2008
regarding the obligation to provide safe working conditions for the workers on ALU

Cell Phone Policy & Usage.

On arrival, you will be issued with a company sim card. It will be a prepaid card.
The company will give you vouchers per month for both business and private use.
However you must manage never to run out of credit for business usage. For the
refills of credit, it will be necessary to see with your Local program Manager.

Internet Policy & Usage

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To ensure that available bandwidth is used for the purpose intended it is necessary to
implement an internet usage policy.
No voice over IP connections will be allowed during normal office hours or when
additional hours are worked.
Surfing the net will be limited to work related research and not for private use or

Working hours.
Normal office hours are between 08:00 and 18:00 daily from Monday to Friday and it
is expected that you will be at the office or place of work between these hours.
However your task might require extra working hours or working shifts outside the
normal hours.
Due to the local political situation, you must refer to your local project manager or
Jerome KADIO ( HR manager) for additional information.
If the workload demands working Saturdays and Sundays you might be asked to do so in
full agreement with your Line Manager and in respect of local/national labour laws.
There will be a break when the workload allows such a break or when your Local
Program Manager sees it fit.
It is strictly recommended to have a formal approval from the local security
management before going to work somewhere.

Incident Reporting
All unusual incidents must be reported immediately by cell phone to:
- Your Local Program Manager or your Project Manager for Technical aspects
- Pierre-Nol BONI (The local security Manager, tel + 225 08 08 59 12) or Jrme KADIO
(The local HR Manager, tel +225 07 87 55 98) or Stephane EPONOU (Branch Manager +
+225 08 08 41 36) for Security aspects.
This call must be followed up by a written report.
Depending on the severity of the incident, they will report it to Management.

Information on IVORY COAST

Country Background

Area : 322.463 sq km
Population: 21,1 million inhabitants

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Gross Domestic Product/Inh : 1.035 USD

French is the official national language, taught in grade schools, used in courts of law
and by most newspapers and some radio broadcasts. Nearly of 60 ethnic languages
are used in the country. MALINKE, AKAN, MANDE and KROU, are the significant native
languages spoken.

Floods - Dangerous Areas

From May to July, heavy rains can lead to flooding in some parts of the country.
Travellers should seek local advice on roads and transport conditions.
Some peripheral areas can be risky: Adjam Black Market, Abobo Mairie , Anyaman
and Yopougon Rue Princesse. These areas should be avoided.

Position in Africa

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Time Zone: GMT

Religion: Christians (50%), Muslims (50%)

FRANCS CFA (XOF) / 655,957 FCFA = 1 EURO

Electricity: 220V / 50Hz

Country Dialling Code: + 225

Local Health Conditions

Schistosomiasis (bilharzia)
Also known as bilharzia, this disease is carried in freshwater by tiny worms that enter
through the skin and attach themselves to the intestines or bladder. The first symptom
may be tingling and sometimes a light rash around the area where the worm entered.
Weeks later, a high fever may develop. A general unwell feeling may be the first

EMEA Welcome Package / Security Booklet / Ethics Compliance

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symptom, or there may be no symptoms. Once the disease is established, abdominal

pain and blood in the urine are other signs. The infection often causes no symptoms
until the disease is well established (several months to years after exposure), and
damage to internal organs is irreversible.
Avoid swimming or bathing in dirty freshwater. Even deep water can be infected. If
you do get wet, dry off quickly and dry your clothes as well. A blood test is the
most reliable test, but it will not show positive until a number of weeks after

HIV (Human Immune-deficiency Virus) develops into AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome), which is a fatal disease. Any exposure to blood, blood products or body
fluids may put the individual at risk. The disease is often transmitted through sexual
contact or dirty needles - body piercing, acupuncture, tattooing and vaccinations can
be potentially as dangerous as intravenous drug use. HIV and AIDS can also be spread
via infected blood transfusions, but blood supplies in most reputable hospitals are now
screened, so the risk from transfusions is low. If you do need an injection, ask to see
the syringe unwrapped in front of you, or take a needle and syringe pack with you.
Fear of HIV infection should not preclude treatment for any serious medical
Most countries have organisations and services for HIV-positive folk and people with
AIDS. For a list of organizations divided by country, plus descriptions of their services,
see www.aidsmap.com.

Yellow Fever
Yellow fever is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. There is an
effective vaccine against yellow fever, so if you have been immunised, you can
basically rule this disease out. Symptoms of yellow fever range from a mild fever
which resolves over a few days to more serious forms with fever, headache, muscle
pains, abdominal pain and vomiting. This can progress to bleeding, shock and liver and
kidney failure. The liver failure causes jaundice, or yellowing of your skin and the
whites of your eyes - hence the name.
There's no specific treatment but you should seek medical help urgently if you think
you have yellow fever.

This serious and potentially fatal disease is spread by mosquito bites. If you are
travelling in endemic areas it is extremely important to avoid mosquito bites and to
take tablets to prevent this disease. Symptoms range from fever, chills and sweating,
headache, diarrhoea and abdominal pains to a vague feeling of ill-health. Seek
medical help immediately if malaria is suspected. Without treatment malaria can
rapidly become more serious and can be fatal.

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If medical care is not available, malaria tablets can be used for treatment. You should
seek medical advice, before you travel, on the right medication and dosage for you.
If you do contract malaria, be sure to be re-tested for malaria once you return home
as you can harbour malaria parasites in your body even if you are symptom free.
Travellers are advised to prevent mosquito bites at all times.
The main messages are: wear light-coloured clothing; wear long trousers and longsleeved shirts; use mosquito repellents containing the compound DEET on exposed
areas (prolonged overuse of DEET may be harmful, especially to children, but its use is
considered preferable to being bitten by disease-transmitting mosquitoes); avoid
perfumes and aftershave. Use a mosquito net impregnated with mosquito repellent
(pyrethrum) - it may be worth taking your own.

The Alcatel-Lucent office in IVORY COAST has made special arrangements with the
following units of care for emergency treatments:

Doctor Nafi TOURE: Alcatel-Lucent Ivory Coast office doctor

tel +225 40 33 16 82 or + 225 03 13 55 56 or +225 07 88 02 10

(For medical consultation and light wounds)

Polyclinic AVICENNES

Fixed tel + 225 21 21 13 00

Mobile +225 05 07 70 00 or +225 07 60 61 01
fax + 225 21 21 13 13

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Address : Marcory residential, 81 Bd Achalme / 01 P.O Box 4061 Abidjan 01

(For Hospitalisation and heavy surgery)

Alternatively please ask Christiane KOUASSI (+225 20 22 15 07) or Pierre Noel BONI
( +225 08 08 59 12) or Jrme KADIO (+225 07 87 55 98) for the latest list of
recommended hospitals, clinics and treatment centres.

Weather Overview.
Ivory Coast has a heady tropical climate tempered by altitude/dryness/moisture, with
tops of more than 1000 meters (3281 ft). February to April are the hottest months,
with the heat lingering around 29C (84F) during the day. The rainy seasons in the
south are from April to August and from October to November, the wettest month
being jully. In the north the wet season is from May to September.


1. DO NOT change money on the streets. Dedicated money changing facilities are
available in hotels & shopping centres.
2. DO NOT eat fruits and vegetables without a previous disinfection.
3. Be discreet in all your professional activities.
4. Do not keep large sums of money ON YOU
5. Be careful of pickpockets and thieves, especially in places like bars, markets,
6. Never walk alone in town at night.
7. make sure that you have always enough credit for your mobile phone


At the Office or at the Hotel

Listen to the radio / TV for information.

Do not leave the hotel or office.
Phone your Line manager or the General Project Manager for information
before taking a decision

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Outside the office or in the Field

If possible get into the offices of a Company (where it is possible to use a

telephone or fax)
Call the Alcatel Lucent office or the Consulate and give your location and
means to contact you.

In the Car or on a Trip

Drive to a safe location if possible.

Do not hesitate to take refuge in the offices of a Company, if continuing your
journey may prove dangerous.
Call the Alcatel Lucent office or the Consulate and give your location and
means to contact you.

In All Cases

Stay calm.
Place yourself under safe conditions.
Try to join either Alcatel Lucent, the Consular authorities or our security
Report your position.

Emergency Numbers

Acting Security manager : Pierre-Nol BONI

(+225 08 08 59 12)

Human Resources Manager : Jrme KADIO (+225 07 87 55 98)

FSO country manager: Donadebe YEO ( +225 08 08 89 06)

GPM & Branch manager: Stephane EPONOU (+225 08 08 46 56)

Country Senior Officer WCA: Alpin VERLET ( +225 09 140 327)

Police : 111 / 170 / +225 20 25 87 80

Firemen : 180

USA Embassy : +225 22 49 40 00

FRANCE Embassy : +225 20 20 04 00 / +225 20 20 04 04

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1. PERSONAL INFORMATION required locally for Security reasons (Crisis,

evacuation) to update the Representative office Excel sheet Staff Listing
Family Name .
Surname .

Passport Number ..
Family members (name)
ALU Department .
Date of Arrival .
Date of Departure

Area .
Address .
Company .
Contact (s)
Contract Number
Name / Relationship

Ethics Compliance
The CSO/HR/GPM/Security Manager would like kindly to remind you that ALU has an
Ethics compliance policy in line with United Nations and European Union policies with
regard to human rights which must be respected by all ALU employees along with ALU
sub-contractors. Any witness of an offence to those fundamental rights/ethics should
immediately take the appropriate action to correct the ethics breach and report
through the chain of command depending on the seriousness of the breach. . Cf
Compliance Alert Global Human Rights Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility
in Purchasing Policy
Thank You for your understanding and co-operation.
Stephane EPONOU
GPM/ Branch Manager

Pierre-Nol BONI
Acting Security Manager

Welcome Package / Security Booklet validated on 30 JUL 2014 by:

HADJ-CHAOUCH Habib Security Director for EMEA
EMEA Welcome Package / Security Booklet / Ethics Compliance
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I __________________________________ hereby acknowledge receipt of the AlcatelLucent France Ivory Coast Branch Welcome Security Package and confirm that I
have read the document, that I understand the content and that I will adhere to the
policies at all times.

Signed: _____________________________


Date: _______________________________

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