Artifact 3 - Pre-Post Tests

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Artifact and Reflection Form

Name: Tiffany Embry

Artifact number: 3

Title of artifact: Pre-Test/Post-Test *see attached test samples as well as data analysis

Course number and name: MAT 728 Engaging Learners with Brain Compatible Teaching

Type of artifact: Work samples and analysis spreadsheet

Write a brief description of the artifact

This artifact is composed of pre-test and post-test work samples as well as a data analysis
spreadsheet. The pre-test was given at the beginning of the unit. Students were not permitted to
have any supports (calculators, number lines, multiplication charts) to complete the test. The test
was timed at 3 minutes. The post-test was given on the last day of the unit, again with no
supports. When grading the pre and post tests, I looked at the repeating equations and if the
student answered all attempted correctly, I marked as acquired. From these tests, I created the
data analysis spreadsheet. This spreadsheet allows for analysis of growth and knowledge

Professional and/or Learner Outcomes Represented by this Artifact

Professional Outcomes
1. Teacher will use music to aid in the memorization of multiplication facts.
Success Criterion: Teacher will purchase the program Smart Shorties. Teacher will teach the
lyrics and participate in the singing of the program. Teacher will also create assessment (verbal
and written) opportunities to assess learning.

2. Teacher will set up real world situations for students to practice/extend learning.
Success Criterion: Teacher will participate and evaluate through observation students abilities to
use learning from outcome 1.

Learner Outcomes
1. Students will use song lyrics/melody to learn multiplication facts.
Success Criterion: Students will actively participate in Smart Shorties program.
2. Students will be able to recite multiplication facts from memory on-demand as well as in real
world situations (i.e. games, problem solving, etc.)
Success Criterion: 4 of 4 students will be able to successfully recite via written as well as verbal
3’s multiples. (If time, they will also be able to recite 4’s multiples.

Relate this artifact to your listed professional and/or learner outcomes.

The pre and post test to prove acquirement of skills are present in real situations where the
ability to recite immediately is present in the timed tests. The data analysis spreadsheet allows
the teacher to visually see where the holes in learning are so that emphasis and re-teaching can
occur. The data analysis spreadsheet also is a great tool for the students to “see” and
understand areas of growth/struggles. The percentages allows for concrete evidence of

Report of Outcomes Attainment

After analyzing the data I came to the following conclusions:
• Each student showed growth in the acquirement of multiples of 3’s. The table below shows
the growth.
Pre-Test Test Pre-Test Post-Test Pre-Test Post-Test Pre-Test Post-Test


7/13=54% 13/13=100% 3/13=23% 6/13=46% 3/13=23% 5/13=38% 3/13=23% 7/13=54%

• The students with the lowest performance was also noted as having the highest absenteeism
during the program – information can be found in Artifact 1

Research Quotes
• “learning is more meaningful when students are given the opportunity to play with, apply,
manipulate, and assimilate new ideas into their own schema.” (Nunley, 2004).
• “help students retain more information and provide them with multiple modes or information
retrieval.” (Brewer).
• “…students are expected to master basic multiplication facts. In order to conquer higher
order mathematical problem solving, these basic facts should be recalled automatically
(Caron, 2007; Woodward, 2006; Lerner, 2003).
• “Our brains are structured to remember novel events are unexpected.” (Willis, 2006).

Reflection on the process

1. What does this artifact demonstrate as far as your learning?
 This artifact allowed me to compare the growth of the students on an individual basis.
My original goal was for all students to pass the test with 100% accuracy, I discovered
that all students had some growth during the program. This concrete evidence proved
that at least some aspects of the program worked, thus giving me the research proof that
this program is useful in my classroom.
2. What does it represent in relation to the changes you have made in your classroom?
 When I started this class, when someone asked me about my teaching style, I would have
replied “traditional”. I was the paper pencil type of girl. Bringing music, especially rap
music into the classroom scared me. It took me out of my comfort zone. I have
discovered that a mix of “old-school” style learning and brain based strategies have a
place in my classroom. The kids really look forward to doing the Smart Shorties program
and this artifact proves it.
3. Describe why you chose this artifact.
 I chose this artifact because it shows the growth of all students in the program. It
provides that data driven, research that my administrators are always looking for. It also
was a great tool for my students to see their growth. They often struggle when I start
spitting out percentages, but they understood the color coded graph and were able to
identify where their areas of improvement were, so that together we could come up with a
plan to learn this material.

4. Link the action research process, these results, the research you used to back your
decisions and the program and/or course outcomes.
 Candidates utilize measurements and evaluation accurately and
systematically to monitor and promote learning.
 Candidates demonstrate the ability to be reflective practitioners by
identifying a problem, examining research, advocating solutions, implementing a
plan, and measuring and evaluating outcomes.
This artifact allowed me to evaluate the performance of each student. It allowed for an
individualized plan to be formed for each student. The data analysis spreadsheet also
provides for concrete statistics which were used to reflect on the goals. From this
analysis, I will be able to implement additional re-teaching strategies to assist all students
in becoming 100% successful in the acquirement of 3’s multiplication facts.

5. What does this artifact demonstrate about you as a teacher? Link what you found to the
NBPTS Core Propositions?
 Proposition 1: Teachers are Committed to Students and Their Learning
 Proposition 3: Teachers are Responsible for Managing and Monitoring Student Learning.
 The spreadsheet allowed me to see the growth of a student’s performance
over the course of the unit.
 Proposition 4: Teachers Think Systematically about Their Practice and Learn from
 I have learned a great deal from this unit and have analyzed and reflected
on the performance of the students as well as revised my expectations
from students. In my reflection, I have learned that it is important to try to
incorporate brain based strategies so that all learners can be reached.

Brewer, C. (n.d.). Music Memory Activities. Retrieved October 17, 2009, from

Bruer, J. (1997). Education and the brain: a bridge too far. Educational Researcher, 28(8), 4-16.

Chipongian, L. (n.d.). - Education Connection - What is Brain Based

Learning?. Retrieved September 11, 2009, from

Chipongian, L. (n.d.). - Education Connection - What is Brain Based

Learning?. Retrieved September 10, 2009, from

Jensen, E. P. (n.d.). Kappan Magazine. Retrieved September 16, 2009, from

Jensen, E. P. (2008). Brain-Based Learning: The New Paradigm of Teaching. Thousand Oaks,

CA: Corwin Press.

Kathie. (n.d.). Dr. Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum Web Site for Educators. Retrieved

September 16, 2009, from

Nunley, K. F. (n.d.). Dr. Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum Web Site for Educators. Retrieved

September 16, 2009, from

Nunley, K. F. (n.d.). Dr. Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum Web Site for Educators. Retrieved

September 16, 2009, from

Nunley, K. F. (n.d.). Dr. Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum Web Site for Educators. Retrieved
September 19, 2009, from

Nunley, K. F. (n.d.). Dr. Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum Web Site for Educators. Retrieved

September 19, 2009, from

Willis, J. (2006). Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning: Insights from a

Neurologist and Classroom Teacher. Alexandria, VA: Association For Supervision &

Curriculum Deve.

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