Esp News Anchor

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1. Anis Siti Halimah
2. Guntar Pati Baely
3. Novi Nur Hasanah




In this era the used of electronic media is very crucial. Almost all the people around
the globe grasp information needed by watching that powerful media. G. Lucky (2010)
explained that by getting information from news people could fooster their knowledge, figure
out their positions and roles in their society as well as understand the events in the society
and world. Now days, the greatest part of tv channels have their own news programme to
inform people what is happening either in their local area or other countries. News
broadcasted news to citizen by the tv channels which focus on reconstructing the reality by
using kinds of formal, measured and precise language. Hence, it can be concluded that news
has an important roles to create peoples opinion and thought. Available at
To broadcast the news, tv channels require skilful news broadcasters or at the present
called news anchors. On the other words, they need to employ a lot of people with the special
requirements needed. The used of English in this job is very important because, some local tv
channels also present the news by using international language, English. Moreover; the news
which is broadcasted in Indonesia comes from other countries, too. So, for the news anchors,
they have to master four skills of English, more slightly speaking skill. This situation can be
defined that there are many job vacancies as the news anchor. As the teacher we have to take
this great chance. Especially for the vocational teacher, we have to watch this oportunity to
make one of the major in the vocational school to train vocational school students to have a
basic skill required for news anchor and to make them easier to develope their basic skill
given before in a higher education. Moreover; they can compete with their competitor in the
real situation in the future
This course purposes generally to prepare the students to get ready to deal with the
National Final Examination and more slightly to train the give students fundamental skill for
being the news anchor which can be boosted in the future. And the obectives of the course
are, first at the end of the course or the school, students are able to get good scores when
conducting the National Final Examination. Second, they can continue studying in higher
education wich related to their ability parted with before. And the last in the real work world
they have ability and good confidence to compete with their competitor to be the news anchor
because they will have had the news anchor basic skills wich is gainned in the higher
The course will be run as long as the common senior high school, 3 years. Before
coming to the next concept deeply. The writer is going to explain briefly what news anchor is,
how to be the news anchor and the last is what requirements needed to be the news anchor.
News anchor is kind of occupation wich the person in charge is responsible for reading and
presenting the news. Not only for presenting the news, but also improving and giving
command of the news read. Furthermore; news anchor also handle live interview as well as

get involve in making the news script in order to suit the script it self with his or her
charateristic and convenient. They also sometimes interview the resource person in the studio
and take over discussion programme. So what the news anchor should have or should be,

Have a strong journalistic instinct

Able to conclude the hot issue happening
Not stereotif
Have a good articulation and expression
Have a good confidence
Understand the situation of socio cultural area
Figure out and understand international issue
Have a strong analytical ability and great motivation

(Sunanta Arif, 2012) available at

From the explanation above the writer enables to create the concept of the course in
brief. In the first year of the course students will have the syllabus called English
Development. In this first year students mainly will learn,

Social interaction (greeting,introduction,apologizing, and thanking)

Description (thing, human, and time)
Telling story
Samples of menu, memo and schedule
Conditional and capabilities
The invitation letter

with its standard competence students have to be able to comunicate in English as in

level Novice and learning activities which include four skills of English. Here, students are
supported to comprehend the subjects rather than the practice.

For the next year of the course, students still have general English Learning like,
Asking using WH-question, question tag and yes or no question.
How to take a note from messages or phone conversation (reported speech)
How to describe some thing (peoples job)
How to retell the story (past even)
Formal and informal letter
How to read short message or memo or instruction.
How to make the letter and other texts which have learnt before

But in this year, students are going to have more time in two receptive skills, reading and
writing. Students will learn the whole previous subjects in text then they have to practice
them in writing context and also read and comprehend all the texts given eventhough, the rest
two productive skills are also conducted in learning activites. The standard competence of
this second year is comunicating as good as in elementary level.

The last year is the hardest year for the students besides learning deeply and practice a
lot, they must be ready to deal with the National Final Examination. The subjects wich will
be learnt almost the same as the first and the second year. The difference is, this last year
more focuse on productive skills, speaking and listening. Here students will learn how to
comunicate with other people, how to share or tell something which is happening or had
done, how to interview people using question words (in second year), as well as how to
collect the data and comprehend the issues from what or who they are listening to. Other
additional subjects wich are very useful for the students are, first students will study how to
make a report and how to present it and the last they will learn how to make a document and
formal letter. Those three years will give them sufficient news anchor basic skills to be
developed in the next higher education.
Beside divided of material into three years, we have several program for the fourth of
English skill. There are
a. Listening
Bilingual listening half per day in school and half per day in out of school. Program
Listening dua bahasa setengah jam perhari di sekolah dan setengah jam di luar
To become a good news anchor and have international standard so the student must
often to listen how to delivering the professional news anchor not only in the country
but also in the out espesialy the country use English daily activity.
b. Speaking
The student must practice as news anchor for a week.
c. Reading
Reading program is giving material about news anchor suitable with achievement
target per semester. In this program the student will teach how to be critical reader,
because one of the ability that must master by news anchor is ability to analyze and
not easy to conclude.
d. Writing
Writing program giving student the material as news written suitable with
achievement target per semester and the reinforcement on the practice of read the
news anchor. Sometimes the student must read the news that is created by student.


The materials that are going to used might not be vary, the students might use English
school text book and they might use internet access learning to let them explore what they are
learning and what they are going to know.
For the Institute of School:
1. Have to supervise the learing activity
2. Have to join with the believable and bona fide comppany
For the management of school:
1. Have to arrange the suitable curriculum
2. Have to support good program
3. Have to fix the correct system
for the student of School:
1. Performance, assessment of delivering news ability
2. Competence, the ability of student to analyze a news, and ability to answer about
an illustration of the event.

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