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"Why am I here?

"Because the world needs you."
"That's not really an answer."

That is all Luhan feels at the moment. Like his head exploded and his limbs were
torn from him. He had his eyes closed, too heavy and tired to open them, so he
doesn't know where he is nor does he understand the reason for feeling this way.
He tries to remember what happened. He tries to remember what has lead him to
experience this ordeal. But all he got was an image of him emerging from his last
class at the university he goes to. Was he able to reach his apartment right after
that? Was he able to meet up with some friends for dinner?
He can't remember. And Luhan falls back to sleep in pain and frustration.
The next time Luhan realizes he's awake is when he finally has the strength to
open his eyes and he sees his room for the first time. It doesn't look like the cozy
apartment he had. Gone were his books, his laptop, his desk. What he has though
is just a bed. A small bed in a very large dimly lit room. No windows. No chairs. No
other decor lights up the place. It's just him and his bed. And Luhan feels scared so
he shuts his eyes and goes back to sleep.
Luhan finds himself waking up to the same room day after day. No one visits him.
No one talks to him. Luhan is desperate for sunlight. To see other things. He can
walk now and he tries feeling the walls to see if there are doors. But there is none.
His clothes are all white. And he walks around all barefoot. Everyday he wakes up
in bed, shaking. Not from the cold but from fear and he wonders if his parents

knows he's missing. Probably not though, he thinks, since he's just an exchange
student from China and his parents check up on him just once every month. And
that's when Luhan realizes that he doesn't even know how long he's been missing.
Luhan is afraid to go to sleep. He is afraid of waking up in the same place over and
over again. He longs for someone to tell him where he is. He knows someone is
keeping him because there are fresh bandages on his arms, his stomach, his chest
from wounds he doesn't remember having. He doesn't know what day it is and
sometimes he wakes up light headed and sore. Sometimes he feels relaxed. But
most of the time, he feels off.
Luhan sits there at times wondering if he's being drugged. That would explain why
he can't remember so much and why there are fresh injection marks in some parts
of his body. Like someone had been experimenting on him. But what he can't
understand is why had he never seen anyone. Why no one comes to talk to him.
And just as he thinks about this, he immediately falls asleep.
It is dark when Luhan wakes up. Darker than usual. There are no lights anymore
and Luhan feels... different. Luhan swallows so hard, knowing what this feeling is. It
isn't foreign to him and it sickens him to feel this way because now isn't the
appropriate time. Now is definitely not such a time to feel so hot and heavy. So...
aroused and turned on. By what even? Luhan frustratingly screams in his head and
he walks blindly around the room, willing himself to calm down. Willing his
hardness to go away. This isn't what he needs. This is sick and Luhan hits his back
on the walls of his room as he slumps down and falls back to sleep, careful not to
touch himself.
Luhan wakes up again and finds the place dark still. It scares Luhan because what
if he's blind? What if he can't see anymore? What if the drugs these bastards were
giving him had finally ruined his eyesight? But Luhan forgets all about it when he
feels the same way he felt the last time he woke up. It's still there. He groans,
wanting to find release from his throbbing erection. Should he do it? Here? Touch
himself? Luhan shivers from the cold and shakes his head, finding all this to be

He didn't realized that he had fallen back to sleep. But he wakes up with lips
ghosting over his neck and hands roaming around his body. Luhan moans as he
feels this person holding him, caressing his thighs. Luhan reaches out blindly and
tugs at the person's hair eliciting a small but satisfying sound of pleasure from
him. Him, Luhan realizes in the dark. He had slept with men and women before.
But this, this was different. Exciting. Thrilling.
Luhan can't see a thing but feels a finger sliding in and out of him and he tries to
relax, surprisingly trusting the person who's holding him. Luhan likes the feel of it.
The taste of his skin as he sucks on his neck and the smooth expanse of his chest
down to his small waist. He feels him inserting himself into Luhan and Luhan clings
to him, wanting this person to have all of him. It's been so long since Luhan has
had any intimate contact with anyone. He feels so desperate. So needy. And he
lets himself be controlled by this person. He is gentle and rough at the same time.
Luhan notices this in between panting and moving to meet his thrusts.
A hand covers his erection and Luhan bucks into it. He feels so sensitive and
wonders how long he can hold on. The person's hands pumps him slowly at first
but picks up speed as his thrusts starts to go faster with Luhan all the while holding
on to his neck.
Luhan climaxes and finds his release while the person does too and Luhan clings
to him, holding him, afraid that he would be gone and he'd be left alone confused.
He is the only person who has touched Luhan in days. The only person Luhan
knows is real. Luhan clutches on to him until he falls asleep.
Luhan wakes up naked and alone. He knows that what happened last night wasn't
a dream. There are marks all over his body from where that person had bit and
claimed him on his stomach and on his chest. He shivers both from the cold and
from what he could remember last night. At least that he manages to remember.
He finds solace in knowing that there is someone out there other than him.
The door suddenly opens and Luhan sees people for the first time. People dressed
in white. Lab coats. Surgical masks cover their faces and Luhan knows that they
aren't going to help him. He sits there in his bed, not even caring that he is still
naked as he stares at them entering one by one. One holds him by the arm roughly

and Luhan fights them off but the other pins his arms to his sides and Luhan gives
up, too weak to fight back anymore.
The last thing he remembers is being injected with something.
Luhan wakes up in the same room, fully clothed. But what makes this all different
now is that in the middle, there is a table, a glass of water on top, food and
someone sitting. The man smiles at him as he sees him and Luhan just stares
He doesn't have any surgical mask on. Luhan can see his face. He wears a white
lab coat like the ones who took him but Luhan can see that he is... kind.No, Luhan
thinks as he sits up to look at him. None of these people are kind.
"Who are you?" Luhan asks and he notices his voice coming out in a raspy tone
from not being able to use it for so long. The man, who doesn't even look that old,
maybe still a boy, the same age as he was, gesture towards the table and to the
seat in front of him.
It takes awhile for Luhan to find his legs. But he slowly walks towards him, feeling
the cold metal of the chair as he pushes it back. He sits down in front of him and
looks at him, noticing how young this doctor is.
"Eat." He says and Luhan likes his voice. It's soft and warm and Luhan finds
himself picking up a spoon as he eats. He drops it so many times, having forgotten
how to use them for so long and the man in front of him watches him silently.
Luhan is uncomfortable with this but eats up as he tries his best to ignore him.
The food isn't something that he recognizes. It's soggy and lukewarm. Luhan
doesn't like the taste of it but eats it slowly. He doesn't want the man to go. He
wants him to stay. Hell, he just wanted someone to stay and remind him he was not
alone and crazy. Maybe even this man could tell him where he is.
He finishes his food quickly and drains the contents of his glass. It is then that he

realizes that this is the first time he ever remembers eating.

Luhan was about to think of other things he doesn't remember doing when the man
in front of him clears his throat.
"How are you?" He asks and Luhan blinks up at him.
"I want to go home." Luhan answers, not wasting any time in getting his message
across loud and clear even though he knows that won't happen. He doesn't care
anymore where he is. Nor does he care about what they're doing to him. He wants
to go home. Away. Anywhere but in this place.
The doctor nods at him.
"I understand." He says. "But I'm afraid I can't let you go."
Luhan isn't surprised.
"Not unless you give me results."
Luhan looks at him confused. "Results? What do you mean? What kind of results?"
The doctor smiles at him sadly. "You should know by now."
Luhan continues to stare at him. He doesn't know what the doctor is talking about.
He's already confused enough as it is.
The doctor shifts in his seat and Luhan watches as he takes out a small orb from
underneath the table. It's crystal like and fits snugly into the doctor's hand.
He places the orb on the table between them.
"Make it move."
Luhan finds this such an odd instruction as he looks at the doctor and shifts his
gaze back to the orb. Without even thinking about it, Luhan reaches out for it when

the doctor takes the orb away. Luhan stops his hand in mid air and the doctor looks
at him.
"Without your hands."
Luhan looks at the orb again as the doctor settles it on the table a second time.
How in the world is he able to move this without using his hands? Is this a
joke? Maybe it is, Luhan thinks. But before Luhan can think about it any further, a
door from another corner of his room that he didn't know existed, opens and in
walks another doctor.
He is tall, Luhan observes, and has a stern but handsome face. He has golden
brown hair and beautiful eyes and Luhan watches as he places a hand on the first
doctor's shoulder.
"You're being too kind." The second doctor says, his eyes boring into Luhan's.
The first doctor then stands up and gestures to his chair. "You should handle this
The other doctor smirks and gladly takes it from him as the first doctor walks into
another door and leaves the two of them alone.
Unlike the first doctor, Luhan finds it uncomfortable to look at this one. He knows
he is studying him and Luhan looks to the side, avoiding his gaze.
"Experiment number four two oh," The doctor starts and Luhan cringes at this. So
he is an experiment.
"My name is Luhan." Luhan replies, hating the fact that he was just called like that.
The doctor smirks again. "I don't do names."
Luhan resists the urge to glare at him. He wants the other doctor back. He seemed

"Experiment 4-2-0, you must be confused."

Luhan's gaze changes and he looks desperately at the doctor.
"Not only confused but oh so desperate for answers." The doctor grins. "So I'll
make you a deal."
Luhan shifts uncomfortably in his seat, waiting to hear what he has to say.
"Move this without touching it," The doctor looks at the orb on the table then back
at him again. "And I'll answer one of your questions."
Annoyed, Luhan uses both of his hands and all his strength to tip the table over. He
had enough of this. They were playing with him. They wanted him to move this orb
without touching it, fine. Luhan weakly tips the table slightly so the orb rolls to one
side and Luhan hears the doctor laugh.
"Not like that." He says, amused. "But with what you have."
Luhan looks at him now confused more than ever. What the hell is he talking
The doctor must have had enough of this as he gets up from his chair and Luhan
finds himself wanting to hold on to the doctor. To stop him from leaving him all
alone again. But the doors suddenly open and scientists with surgical masks on
walk in and Luhan just stares at them as they take away the table, his empty food
containers and the chair the doctor was sitting on.
The doctor stares down at him, the orb in his hands and he hands it to Luhan.
"Play with it."
Luhan turns it around in his hands, noticing how it was a bit heavy. He looks up to
ask the doctor why is this so important when he finds him already by another door.

The doctor stops in his tracks but doesn't turn around to face him.
"I..." Luhan starts. "What if I can't move it?"
There is silence and Luhan is afraid the doctor isn't going to answer his question.
He isn't even sure why he is asking this kind of question. He already proved to the
doctor today that he couldn't move it without his hands.
"You'll move it." The doctor says silently and Luhan leans closer to where he is just
to hear him.
"I'll make you move it."
And with that, the doctor walks out of the room, slamming the door behind a very
confused and lonely Luhan.

Luhan knows moving the orb without touching it is a stupid thing to do yet he tries
to do it for days. He looks at it until there are tears in his eyes and he has a
headache but the orb doesn't move even an inch.
He once threw it across the room out of frustration, shattering it into tiny pieces.
But those men with surgical masks on just gave him another one.
Luhan had never been frustrated in all his life. He feels like he is in a cage, being
watched yet he doesn't know where the windows are for them to see him. He
spends some of his days feeling up the walls, looking for any means of escape. He
even slammed his fists so many times at the doors those doctors used to enter his
room, screaming for someone to get him out. But no one ever bothered to answer
Then one night, something happened. Something Luhan will never forget.
Luhan wakes up naked to someone feeling him, touching him all over and Luhan

knows it's not the same person who did that to him before. The person was also
naked and his dimly lit room showed this person wearing a mask and he was rough
and vicious, not as gentle as the first. Luhan knows the person can't see him for
the mask didn't have any holes where his eyes could see and he pushes him away,
scared that he was about to hurt him. But this person is strong and Luhan screams
in pain as he feels him enter him roughly. Luhan claws at the person's face, slams
his fist on his chest but the person thrusts into him harder. And with each thrust,
Luhan cries, pleading for him to stop.
The person holds him down, and buries his face on his neck, panting, still thrusting
and finding his release. He seems frustrated and it makes him go faster, pushing
inside Luhan harder. Luhan feels like he is being ripped open. It feels so raw and it
hurts so bad. Luhan looks away, helpless and with tears on his eyes and he sees
the orb on the floor by his side. Luhan reaches out to grab it. If only he could just
use it as a weapon, use it to hit this person's head, hit him until he stopped and
would leave Luhan alone, hit him untilThe orb moves an inch towards him and Luhan gasps in surprise.
It moved. Luhan looks at it, shocked. He couldn't believe he made it move without
touching it.
Just then the doors to his room open and the masked man stops what he is doing.
Luhan feels him slip out of his body and he lies there in shock from the ordeal he
went through and from what he just saw. He can't look at the man. He is scared of
him. But before the men with surgical masks on their faces take the masked man
away from him, he hears him utter a silent and soft "sorry" in his ear and Luhan
cries silently.
Footsteps resound and Luhan stops, wiping away the tears in his eyes as he
glances towards the doorway. It is the two doctors who had talked to him before
and Luhan grabs his blankets, covering himself with it. He can taste blood in his
lips from where the masked person bit and he resists the urge to cry again.
As the men in surgical masks pass by the first doctor, they stop. Luhan sees
through teary eyes as the kind faced doctor leans towards the masked man and

strokes his face tenderly, sympathetically, before they take him away from his room.
"You shouldn't get attached to your experiments like that, Suho." The stern doctor
says to him.
Suho just sighs. "You should attend to Luhan and stop being such an ass, Kris."
Kris rolls his eyes and shifts his attention back to Luhan who looks at them looking
all lost and confused.
"Get up and change." Kris says, handing him clothes.
"You made the orb move. We'll give you the answers you've been waiting for."

Chapter 2 Revolution

Luhan sits shakily on a chair in another room across from the stern doctor. His
body is still sore from what that person did to him and for the first time he wants
them to inject him with something that makes him fall asleep all the time. But then
flashes of what happened just awhile ago hit him and he finds himself finding
strength for the answers that Kris, his doctor, promised him.
Suho, the other doctor, the kind one, is gone and Luhan hears Kris telling him to go
watch over the other one. As if he was the victim and not him.
Luhan grips the edges of his chair tighter as he waits for Kris to begin.
"I promised you answers to your questions." Kris says as he sits back in his chair
looking pleased with himself and Luhan wonders if he was the one who made him
go through all that. "But I can only answer one."
Luhan glares at him for this.

"I could answer another one." Kris grins. "If you can move the orb again."
Luhan honestly doesn't know how he was able to move it. It scares him that he
could. What was wrong with him? Why was he here? What have they done to him?
These were just the few questions Luhan wants answers to. But he knows Kris
won't give it to him unless he does what he is told and at the state he was in, he
was tired as hell.
So he opts for the one question that matters the most to him at the moment.
"Why am I here?"
Kris looks at him for a long time before he answers.
"Because the world needs you."
Luhan blinks up at Kris and he knows he looks even more confused.
"That's not really an answer." Luhan frowns.
"But that is the answer." Kris says and Luhan resists the urge to throw the orb at his
face. How can he just give him that answer? It didn't help where he was at the
moment. It didn't help him understand things. And why the fuck does the world
need him?
"Now, you're up for some tests."
Luhan looks up at him. Has he heard him right? Tests? After what he just went
through? After what he just saw?
"What kind of tests?" Luhan asks weakly and one of the panels in the room slide
open and reveals men with surgical masks on their faces standing beside a
"We'll do speed first." Kris explains, motioning for his assistants to start and Luhan

pushes them away with what strength he has left.

"I can't. I'm too tired." Luhan argues but Kris ignores him and begins preparing the
machine. Luhan gives up on fighting them and lets them prepare him for this test.
But it seems like this wasn't the only thing that Kris has planned for him.
Luhan doesn't know how many tests he has been on but it is too much. They make
him run on the treadmill three times, make him throw objects with different weight
and sizes with his strength, and they even try drowning him to see how long he can
hold his breath. And when Luhan doesn't comply, they jolt him with electricity
through his body, zapping him awake.
It is in his fourth time running the treadmill that Luhan's body finally gives up. He is
bleeding in some areas and his legs just give way making him fall on the ground.
Luhan feels electric current through his skin and a few minutes ago he would've
jumped up and ran with all his might. But right now, he is too tired, too exhausted
for anything.
Luhan lies there on the ground, breathing heavily. No one touches him or picks him
up for awhile and he is thankful to be left alone. He hasn't passed out yet but it
feels like he has. He can still hear the machines whirring beside him, hears the soft
yet weak beeping of his heart. He sees someone hovering above him after some
time and he knows it is Kris.
"Take him back to his room." Luhan hears Kris say and he relaxes. "Have him back
up and alive in 15 minutes."
Luhan doesn't like the short amount of time he is given to rest but is nevertheless
thankful for the 15 minutes.

Luhan wakes up in another room hooked on machines. He doesn't know if his 15

minutes are indeed up but he feels better than before. His muscles ache from all

the tests he did the other time and he cringes as he moves.

Sitting up, he sees wires stuck to his body. Luhan feels them on his fingers and
looks up to where he is hooked to. Another set of machines.
Luhan takes them off when someone tells him not to.
Kris enters the room and looks at him. Luhan tries not to look scared, not giving the
chance to let Kris see how vulnerable he is but he knows Kris can see past that.
The doctor takes a chair out and sits by his side, examining him.
"I see you're well rested now." Kris says and he hands him an orb. "Make it move."
Luhan looks at it, frustration building up inside him. He stares at it, hating these
orbs and wishing them to just explode in the doctor's face. He sighs as the orb just
seemed to stare back at him, not moving.
"I can't." Luhan mumbles, his shoulders dropping. "I don't know how."
He hears Kris sigh heavily and Luhan looks at him.
"Why can't we get past this?" Kris shakes his head, a frown forming on his pretty
face. "The others seemed to progress much faster."
Luhan stares at him. "There are others aside from me?"
He wonders where they are and why he hasn't seen them. Were they held captive
and are they forced to move orbs without touching them too?
"You won't meet them at this rate." Kris leans towards him. "Only the ones who
progress can move on from this stage."
Luhan stares at the orb again. He understands what Kris is saying. He needs to
provide them with results if he wants to get some answers, see people, move away
from whatever cage they were keeping him. To where? Luhan thinks. But he can
only imagine one answer. A bigger cage.

Luhan gives all his attention towards the orb, making it move. He needs more
answers right now, desperately needs them and he feels a headache coming on
from concentrating too hard. After awhile, Luhan stops what he is doing, too
exhausted and frustrated to continue.
Kris looks disappointed, Luhan notes, and signals for his assistants to enter. The
men in white lab coats and surgical masks. They unhook him from the machines he
is attached to and take him back to his dimly lit room.
Luhan goes back to sleep.

No one visits Luhan anymore and it makes him worry. No one takes him out of the
room for tests. No one tells him to move the orb without touching them even though
he knows he's still tasked to do it. They have given him a shelf with hundreds of
orbs and Luhan desperately tries to move one of them everyday.
It frustrates him that he is back to being alone and confused. Back to being kept
this way. Luhan has had enough of this and goes to bang on the walls, telling them
to let him out. He doesn't care that his fists hurt from the thick walls that keep him
in and his voice is hoarse from yelling. He is willing to tire himself out for this rather
than spend the rest of his time making orbs move.
Suddenly, the wall he is banging on opens and Luhan shields himself as bright light
welcomes him. Luhan squints and is about to enter when something is being
shoved towards him. Luhan catches it and stumbles back before the door closes
leaving Luhan to look at what he is holding.
It is a boy. A young boy, very much like his age, he thinks. He is naked and weak
and Luhan shifts him so he is cradling him. And just when he does that, the boy's
hand weakly closes itself on Luhan's hand and something registers within him. At
that moment, Luhan realizes that this boy is the one who held him that night.

Not the masked man, no. Luhan knows it isn't him. This one was the one who
treated him gently. Who made love to him. At least, that was what Luhan felt that
night. Love. In its weirdest way.
He knows it's him as Luhan strokes his face. He is beautiful. Thin and frail at the
moment but beautiful. He wonders how this boy could have claimed him that night
when he looks this weak but Luhan is distracted as he remembers being caressed
and held. He shakes those thoughts away and carries the boy easily to his small
bed. He takes out extra clothes for him and puts them on him. He tends to him,
wondering why they sent him here. Luhan can't really take care of him. He has no
means how. All he has are clothes and some water. But he uses them to tend to
the boy anyway.
Luhan takes care of him everyday. He holds him at night and in the morning,
thankful for the company even though he just lies there so weakly. Sometimes the
boy shifts and groans in pain and Luhan can only hold his hand tightly and whisper
promises to him that he is going to be alright. Luhan does not know what's wrong
with him and it scares him that this boy might die in his arms.
One day, Luhan is taken out for tests again and Luhan fights them off. He doesn't
want to leave the boy alone. He's scared that when he comes back, he won't be
there anymore and he'll be left wondering what happened to him. But they carry
him out anyway, put him onto the treadmill, make him throw objects, drown him
again and tell him to make the orb move.
He still can't and Kris is frustrated at him. He yells at Luhan, tells him to move it.
"I. Can't." Luhan says, exhausted. "I don't know how."
Kris stares at him so hard and Luhan is afraid. Suddenly, Kris grabs his arm and
drags him off to somewhere, Luhan stumbling after him as he manages to catch up
with his pace.
Luhan finds himself being shoved inside his room and Kris enters and closes the
door behind him. Luhan glances at his bed and sees the boy still there and sighs in
relief. But as soon as he does that, Kris comes up to the boy and drags him off the

"What are you doing?" Luhan asks, his eyes wide at how Kris just handled him like
Kris lifts the boy by his neck easily and the boy chokes weakly against his hold.
"Stop it!" Luhan shouts, making his way towards Kris and Kris pushes him aside.
Luhan stares helplessly as Kris continues to choke the boy and Luhan is scared he
is going to kill him.
"Stop it!" Luhan yells again, tears forming in his eyes as he sees the boy struggling
to take Kris's hands off of him.
"Give me progress and I'll stop." Kris says menacingly at him.
"I don't know how!" Luhan cries frustratingly. "Stop it! Please! You're killing him!"
Kris smirks at this, tightening his hold around the boy's neck.
And Luhan suddenly feels angry. The way Kris wasn't listening to him. The way
Kris's fingers were choking the boy, the only company he had in this prison.
He hated Kris. Right there. He hated how he had so much control over Luhan. He
hated how he was being forced to do things he doesn't have any control over.
He wanted him to stop and Luhan glares at him helplessly on the ground.
Kris looks at him as his hands around the boy's neck tightens.
And that's when he smiles at Luhan.
Luhan is taken aback at this but sees Kris drop the boy to the ground. Luhan looks
at him, confused but thankful and Kris motions behind him.
"Turn around."

Luhan doesn't understand why but slowly turns around. He gasps as he sees what
made Kris smile.
The orbs that were on the shelf behind him are all hovering in mid air. And Luhan
stares at them all in disbelief.
"Well done Experiment 4-2-0." Kris congratulates him and Luhan turns back to him,
noticing the boy shaking on the ground.
Luhan clambers towards him as quickly as he can and gathers him in his arms.
The boy coughs and sputters and Luhan hugs him close, rocking their bodies back
and forth.
"Please be alright." Luhan whispers, forgetting for a moment that there are orbs
hovering behind him and Kris is looking all pleased. "Please..."
The boy wheezes and gasps for air and Luhan shakily holds him tighter.
"You made those orbs move again." Kris says from where he is standing. "You're
allowed one answer to your question."
Luhan raises his teary face at Kris and even though he knows he should ask
something more important, he opts for the one that matters the most to him again
at this moment.
Luhan's hold tightens around the boy as he asks, "Will he be alright?"
Chapter 3

Kris looks at Luhan, surprised at his question. Luhan is surprised for asking that as
"Out of all the questions you've always wanted to ask, you chose that?" Kris asks
and Luhan nods slowly, his arms still holding the boy protectively around him.

Kris looks at him. "Yes, he will be alright."

Luhan watches as Kris signals his assistants to enter and they try to take the boy
away from Luhan.
"No." Luhan pleads at them.
"If you don't give him to them now then he won't be alright." Kris explains and after
a moment or two, Luhan finally let's go and watches with a heavy heart as the boy
is taken away from him.
"Go rest." Kris says. "We'll have you up for another set of tests tomorrow."
Luhan is thankful for the rest but does not look forward to those.

In the next couple of days, Luhan gives Kris progress and it makes the doctor
happy. He goes through the same tests each day without knowing why they need
him to do it. And everyday, Luhan is able to move orbs an inch at a time.
He doesn't know how he does it. But he can. Kris tells him it has to do with his
Kris answers Luhan's questions every time he moves an orb. But not all of the
answers puts his mind at rest. He knows he is in a facility. Kris doesn't tell him
exactly where. He knows it's been approximately a month since his capture. But
Kris doesn't tell him the exact date. Luhan asks him how the boy is doing and Kris
tells him he is recuperating but does not tell him if he's entirely fine.
Kris answers all of Luhan's questions except one: for how long does he intend to
keep Luhan? To this Kris tells him he doesn't know.
Finally, they think Luhan has excelled in just three weeks. Luhan thinks he has too.

He can now move orbs a few feet away and can make them hover in mid air. He
still doesn't understand how he does this but it just makes him feel contented that
he is able to give Kris some progress.
Kris and Suho tells him he is now ready to be moved in with the others. A few
weeks ago this would have made Luhan happy. But now, he feels anxious. He
doesn't want company. He doesn't want to move. The only person he wants to see
is that boy. Luhan is afraid what the others might think of him. He has come to
classify himself as a freak. Maybe even freakier than the others since he can move
objects without touching them.
But they transfer him anyway and Luhan slowly walks with the men in surgical
masks as they escort him towards another room.
They open the door and it is dark. Luhan steps carefully towards it and the doors
closes behind him, leaving Luhan in darkness.
Suddenly, the room turns freezingly cold and Luhan wraps his arms around
himself, hoping that he doesn't die in his first night in this new environment.

Luhan wakes up to someone stroking his hair. At first he stays still, enjoying the
touch that these hands seem to give him. It makes him feel warm and all the ache
from his body seem to go away. But then he realizes that he was just transferred
with the "others" and Luhan sits up abruptly, only to come face to face with two
Both of them look like his age. One has black hair with a soft expression and a slim
face while the other has brown hair with small eyes. The slim faced boy looks softly
at him, his hand hovering and he knew he was the one who was stroking him while
the other just glares at him.
Luhan moves away from them, scared.

"It's alright." The slim faced boy tells him and Luhan stops. He stares at them for a
long time and Luhan knows it's rude. But he's still not used to having company and
to people touching him aside from Kris, his assistants and the other boy.
"Who are you?" Luhan asks carefully and the slim faced boy smiles.
"I'm Lay." He introduces himself and motions to the other one. "And this is Xiumin."
Xiumin continues to glare at him and Luhan shrinks at that.
"H-hi." Luhan says. "I'm Luhan."
Lay nods and motions to the ground where he was lying.
"You can go pick a spot that's more comfortable for you if you like. I lent you my
mat for a while." Lay explains and Luhan rolls the mat up neatly for him.
"Thank you." Luhan says and returns it to him.
"There are a couple of pillows by the shelf over there and another mat by the
corner. You can use those tonight." Lay says.
Luhan nods and thanks him again. All the while, Xiumin just observes them.
Luhan notices the room to be bigger than his old one. It's all white now and bright.
A glass wall separates them from another room that's similar to theirs but it is
"How... How long have you been here?" Luhan asks, wanting to know more about
"I don't know." Lay answers. "I've been here a long time. But I don't know how
long." Lay turns to Xiumin. "Xiumin has been here for two months though."
Luhan looks at Xiumin and only sees him glaring at him still.

Luhan wonders what his problem is when the door opens and men with surgical
masks enter. Xiumin is instantly to his feet blocking Lay in a protective stance as
Kris follows closely behind.
Luhan looks at them, expecting to be called when Kris motions for Lay to come
with him. Xiumin does not budge from his spot and Lay places a hand on his
"It's alright." Lay says in a tone that Luhan notices is assuring. "I'll be right back."
Xiumin relaxes and steps aside and Lay follows Kris and his assistants out the
All this time, Luhan observes how Lay wasn't being forced to come with Kris, unlike
how they handle Luhan.
"Does Lay go with them willingly like that?" Luhan asks as he turns to Xiumin but
the other just walks away to another side of the room, leaving Luhan to his

Luhan is woken up in the middle of the night and he's too groggy to see who it is.
He lets himself be carried away from the room he shares with Lay and Xiumin and
he passes out.
He comes to again and this time, he can't see. It's all dark and cold. He still feels
groggy and disoriented and just when he goes back to sleep, hands start taking
hold of his waist. Luhan freezes, realizing that he is naked and his heart starts
hammering against his chest, afraid that someone was going to force himself into
him again.
"Stop, please." Luhan whispers in the dark and the hands stop. Luhan listens and
waits for any sign of protest but there is none. Suddenly, a hand cups his face and
Luhan closes his eyes as he feels someone kisssing him tenderly.

It's him, Luhan thinks. The boy.

Luhan, relieved, sighs into his kisses and presses his body closer to him. Where
have you been? He thinks as he feels the boy's lips on his. What happened to you?
Are you alright?
Luhan doesn't ask him this out loud, too preoccupied and distracted by his tongue
in his mouth. Luhan tastes him eagerly, tugging at his hair and the boy's hands inch
upward to tease him. Luhan arches his back, enjoying the feel of his hands. He
missed him. This. His company. The feel of his touch and his warmth.
The boy does nothing except touch and kiss him and Luhan grips at his waist and
grinds against him. The boy, taking the signal, pins him to the bed and slowly
stretches Luhan. Gently, he pushes himself into him. Luhan hisses in pain as he
does so. It has been too long and the boy stops.
"It's okay." Luhan whispers, leaning close to his ear and the boy moves slowly,
cautiously inside him. Luhan moans in pleasure at each movement, never letting
go of his waist. This feels so much better than the last time, Luhan thinks. So much
better because now, he knows who it is. He knows it's him.
But Luhan wants more and he tugs at his neck, pulling him closer, letting their lips
touch and ravage each other. Luhan wishes there was even a small amount of light
just so he can see him, see his eyes when he thrusts into him.
And he wishes he knows his name. So he knows what name to cry out when he
Luhan lifts his legs, wrapping them around the other's waist, giving him deeper
access inside him. Luhan loves how they're going slow, taking their time but soon
enough, the boy is thrusting into him, moving faster and faster.
Luhan rakes his nails at the back of the boy's shoulder's, gripping him tighter as he
feels himself about to explode. But he wills it away, tries hard to control it. He wants
to let go, but he wants to prolong this moment knowing that when they're done, he'll

be gone. And he doesn't want him to go. He doesn't want to let go of him. He
needs him beside him. His company. His warmth.
Finally Luhan doesn't take it anymore and he allows the heat pooling inside him to
take over and he holds on to him as he comes long and hard. He feels it between
their stomachs and chests and after a few moments, the boy comes inside him.
Luhan can hear both of them panting and the sound of their heartbeats. He places
a hand atop his heart, feeling it pump against his chest and the boy rolls away from
But Luhan takes a hold of his hand and they both fall asleep, holding each other.

Luhan wakes up and it's next to no one. He shouldn't be surprised anymore

because he always wakes up alone. But he still wishes he could wake up next to
the boy.
Luhan sits up and sees Lay and Xiumin asleep in one corner and he wonders if
they ever knew where he went last night. Maybe he should ask them, he thinks
when the doors open and Luhan sees Kris' assistants enter.
Luhan backs himself up against the wall, not wanting to go with them but one of
them tells him he is scheduled for tests. Luhan sighs knowing they'll force him to
come with them if he doesn't go so he stands up and follows them to the testing
Luhan meets Suho as he is walking along the corridors and the men stop when
Suho talks to him.
"How are you?" Suho asks him and Luhan is surprised. Kris never asks him how he
"Better." Luhan replies, admitting that he indeed feels better for now. "Better than
the last time you saw me."

Suho smiles at him. "That's good. I'm glad you're doing okay."
Suho nods at the men in surgical masks and Suho walks quickly away from them
before Luhan gets the chance to tel him goodbye.
Luhan enters the testing area and Kris is there, waiting for him with a cup of what
smells like coffee. Luhan takes in the smell, forgetting how it actually smells like. It
really has been long since he's in here, Luhan realizes.
"You're not going to go on the treadmill today." Kris explains and Luhan feels
relieved at that. "Nor are you lifting anything or holding your breath."
Luhan wonders why he's here then.
"You're here because I have a lot of things to do but since I can't skip monitoring
your tests, we're going to skip everything else except this."
Luhan watches as Kris turns around and throws him an orb. Luhan stops it in mid
air and gently allows it to settle on the ground.
Kris watches all this with a grin.
"What do you want me to do with it?" Aside from the obvious, Luhan thinks.
"Throw it across the room." Kris says, sitting back to watch him and Luhan
concentrates at that.
The orb easily hovers and floats towards him and Luhan studies its weight with
how he feels. It seems heavier compared to the others.
"Use your hands if you have to." Kris says. "But don't touch it."
Luhan sighs but stretches his hands out and the orb comes to him. It hovers above
his palm and Luhan shifts slightly, giving in more strength because the orb doesn't
weigh lightly.

Luhan adjusts his stance and lifts the orb up to his head like how one would throw
a baseball and he gives his all, throwing the orb across the room. But the orb drops
just a few inches from him and it rolls on the ground.
Kris stares at the orb rolling towards the other end of the room and Luhan keeps
his head down.
"Again." Kris instructs him, not sounding too pleased.
Luhan concentrates on bringing the orb towards him and he carries it again, letting
the orb hover above his palm. He does the same thing, throwing it across the room
but it only drops and rolls away from him.
Silence envelopes the room and Luhan is too afraid to speak.
"What's wrong, 4-2-0?" Kris asks, sighing.
Luhan glares at him. "It would help if you call me by my name."
Kris looks at him and settles back on his seat. "Alright."
Luhan is surprised at that.
"I'll call you by your real name when you throw it across the room. How about
that?" Kris asks and Luhan nods, finally seeing a way for Kris to stop calling him by
his experiment number.
Luhan lets the orb come to him and he lifts it again. This time, he feels the strain of
the orb's weight on his shoulder and he cringes. But he prepares to throw it anyway
and when he does, it still drops to the ground and rolls away from him.
Luhan looks at Kris and the doctor rubs his temples.
"I don't have all day." Kris mumbles and stands up, pacing the room. Luhan
watches him, scared of what he is thinking because anything Kris does to him

scars him for life.

Kris stops just when Luhan's curiosity is eating up at him and Kris looks at Luhan
and grins.
"Maybe if we give you a little push." Luhan hears Kris say and his eyes widen in
horror at whatever he has planned for him.
"No, wait, let me try again." Luhan backs away from him but feels his assistants
lifting him up by his arms.
Kris ignores him and leads him into another room. Luhan is shaking from fear at
what he is about do and he prays that Kris would just give him something easy to
handle when his assistants push Luhan inside the room.
Luhan stumbles inside and loses his footing. He closes his eyes and braces
himself from the impact but just as he hits the ground, hands catch him by the
Luhan stays still, his heart thumping wildly inside his chest. These hands, he
thinks. They were the ones who held him last night... Luhan knows it's him. He's
already used to him holding him by the shoulders, gripping at him like that. It's him.
Luhan slowly looks up at him, wanting to see him closely this time, wanting to talk
to him, to ask him all sorts of questions. To see if he's alright.
Luhan finally stares up at him and he gasps because it's really him. The boy. The
boy who has held him, made love to him, shared with him every comfort and
warmth Luhan ever needed. The frail boy who Luhan took care of. It's him.
But as their eyes meet, Luhan could only see that this boy does not look all too
pleased to see him.
Chapter 4
Luhan doesn't understand what he is seeing.

At first he thinks it could just be a trick of the light. But how could it be when the
longer he stares at him, the more this boy's expression gets colder and colder. Like
they hadn't known each other, hadn't seen each other, slept with each other. Like
they hadn't shared what Luhan treasured the most during his horrific experience
inside this facility: company.
Luhan knows it's him. Because Luhan has held him countless times and has
touched his face. He knows it's him with how soft his skin feels like, how thin and
small he is. He knows because he has stared at his face so many times while he
was sleeping and how he used to trace the bridge of his nose and the shape of his
But why, he cannot understand, why was he looking at Luhan like that?
Luhan feels himself being steadied on his feet and the boy releases him so quickly.
As if he doesn't want to hold him. Luhan feels a slight pain in his chest as those
hands leave him.
"4-2-0," Kris starts from behind him and Luhan turns around to look at him.
"Shall we continue?"
Luhan just stares at him, wondering what he is talking about when he is handed an
orb. He then remembers what he is about to do but doesn't understand why the
boy is here. Luhan looks at Kris then back at the boy again, confused.
"Ah," Kris says. "I forgot. 4-2-0, This is 4-1-2."
Kris motions towards the boy.
"He'll be serving as your..." Kris waves his hand in the air as he tries to find the
perfect words to describe him. "Well, let's just say he'll be serving as the push you
"I don't think so."

Luhan turns to see Suho entering the room. Kris crosses his arms in front of him.
"And what are you doing here? I thought you had other stuff to attend to." Kris
"Well, I'm done with them." Suho says, looking at the boy then at Luhan. Luhan
sees him smile softly at him.
Suho then turns to Kris and smiles at him as well. "But I'm here to make sure you
don't choke my experiment to death like last time."
Kris rolls his eyes. "I wasn't going to kill him." "But still," Suho says, coming up to
experiment number 4-1-2 and lifting his head up, which was bent down, to look at
him. "He's not to be played with."
Luhan watches with another ache in his chest as he sees the boy looking at Suho
warmly. It makes Luhan feel jealous. Like why hasn't he looked at him like that.
Why was he avoiding him. Did he not remember him at all?
Suho cups the boy's face in his hands, looking at him and Luhan wants him to let
go. This boy, what was he to Suho? Luhan finds himself thinking how he doesn't
want anyone to touch him like that.
Kris sighs as he looks at his watch. "Fine. We'll do this next time. I'm up for another
meeting anyway."
Luhan doesn't watch when Suho takes the boy away. It hurts to see him leave like
this and Luhan lets himself be taken away as well, moving numbly as they lead him
out of there and back to his room.
But before he could exit the area, he hears Kris leave him a message,
"There should be progress next time... or else there will be consequences."

Luhan arrives back in his room and the first thing he sees is Lay and Xiumin
looking exhausted. Luhan worriedly comes up to the both of them asking them if
they're alright when Lay waves him off and smiles.
"We're fine." Lay says and Luhan sits cross legged across from them. Xiumin rubs
his shoulders and Lay turns to him and offers his hand. But Xiumin declines his
offer and Luhan wonders what it was that Lay was giving to him.
"Tests?" Luhan asks, curious at what made them exhausted and Lay nods.
Luhan is about to ask them what they do in the testing area, to see if what he does
is different than them when the door to the other end of the room, the one that is
separated by a glass wall, opens and a boy is shoved inside.
Shouts can be heard from him and Luhan, Lay and Xiumin watch as the boy
scrambles back up from the floor and begins to pound at the door.
"Baekhyun!" The boy shouts, his fists hitting the door. "Baekhyun!"
The boy is tall and has long hair, half of it was pulled into a ponytail. Like Luhan
and the rest, he was wearing white and looked thin and frail.
Luhan, Lay and Xiumin stay still, watching him pound at the door with all his might
and they pity him because they know no one will come. It doesn't work that way.
The boy seems to give up and as he looks around his room, his eyes spot the three
of them in the other room looking back at him.
In an instant, the boy's eyes turns dark and he faces them with both of his hands
on his sides. Luhan watches with eyes wide as he sees him produce a small ball of
fire in both of his hands and it hovers just above his palms.
Luhan sees Xiumin up in his feet so fast, covering Lay and himself. Luhan doesn't
know what is up with him and is about to think at how crazy he is for trying to go up

against this boy with fire in his hands when Xiumin's own hands starts hardening
like it was being frozen, like he was wearing hard gloves, and the room's
temperature was getting colder and colder.
"Stop it."
Luhan looks at Lay as he gets up to his feet and holds Xiumin back. But Xiumin
doesn't budge as his eyes are locked unto the boy in the next room.
"Stop it." Lay repeats. "The glass separating us between him is strong. None of you
can penetrate it with what you have."
Xiumin seems to lower his guard at that but still won't move away.
"You can't break those walls, Xiumin." Lay says softly at him and Xiumin slowly
Luhan watches as the boy in the next room seem to hear what Lay said and he
extinguishes the ball of fire in his hands. He then shoots them a threatening look
before retreating at the farthest end of the room and sitting down on the floor,
pulling his legs to his chest and wrapping his arms around him.
Lay goes over to Xiumin and Luhan sees him look all tired out. Xiumin sits cross
legged on the floor and Lay sits across from him. Holding his hands out, Lay
begins to cover it with his, sliding his own palms where Xiumin's hands are frozen.
Luhan watches in amazement as Xiumin's hands slowly start to... defrost. Xiumin
looks relieved too and starts flexing his arms and wiggling his fingers.
"Thanks." Xiumin mumbles and Lay nods, letting him rest. All the while, Luhan
watches this and realizes that all of them have these.. abilities.
"You..." Luhan starts, looking at Lay and then at Xiumin who are looking back at
him cautiously.
"We're all the same here." Lay tells him calmly and Luhan shakes his head.

"No. We're not." Luhan tells him. "I can't do what you just did to Xiumin."
Xiumin rubs his arms as if they are sore.
"And I can't do what Xiumin did either. Nor can I do what that boy did with his
All this time, Luhan thought they were the same. Like they were all being forced to
move orbs without touching them. But this, this was all different.
Lay nods calmly. "No, we're not the same in terms of that. But we do have...
Luhan is suddenly curious at this.
"Tell me," Lay starts. "What can you do?"
Luhan doesn't know if it's a good idea to tell him. He just knew Lay and Xiumin for
a short while and he doesn't know if they'll think of him as a freak. But Luhan
realizes that they all might be freaks with what he saw earlier and he decides right
there on telling them.
"I..." Luhan looks at them carefully. "I can move things without touching them."
Luhan notices Xiumin sitting upright now, listening intently to him. Lay looks at him
for a long time before glancing at a corner where their mats and pillows are being
"Can you pass me a pillow?" Lay asks and Luhan nods. Staring at the corner
where their pillows are stacked, Luhan stretches his arms out and one of the
pillows slowly fly towards him. Lay catches it and then looks at Luhan, impressed.
"That's pretty cool." Lay says and Luhan smiles at him. At that moment, Luhan
knows he should stop thinking of themselves as freaks.

"You better be careful."

Luhan looks at Xiumin who is staring at him cautiously.
"What?" Luhan asks.
"Be careful." Xiumin repeats and Luhan doesn't like the tone in Xiumin's voice.
"I've heard powers like yours are what they're looking for."

Luhan finds out that Lay has healing abilities and Xiumin can freeze things
although among the three of them, Lay is the most experienced. Xiumin isn't that
developed and is still practicing how to freeze objects rather than freezing his own
Lay and Xiumin fall sleep right after that, too tired to talk to Luhan more about
these powers that they have. But Luhan can't go to sleep even though he too is
tired. There is so much going on inside his head and he doesn't know what to think
about first.
Powers, Luhan thinks. He can't believe he just started calling what he has powers.
What have they done to him, he wonders. What has this facility been doing to
Lay seems to be alright with what he can do. It's like he's used to it. Xiumin on the
other hand looks like he's between fighting what he has and coming to terms with
And Luhan... Luhan doesn't know what he thinks of these powers.
It makes him feel crazy. Like a freak. Because who moves objects without touching
them? Who?

Orange light flickers on the corner of Luhan's eye and he looks at the direction of it,
only to see the boy at the other room playing with his hands.
It's as if he is playing with a lighter, Luhan notices. He keeps on opening his palm,
producing a small amount of fire then closing it again to extinguish it. He does this
for so long and Luhan sits there staring at him, mesmerized at what he can do.
The boy notices he is being watched and looks up to find Luhan looking at him.
Luhan flushes at having been caught but doesn't look away. The boy, however,
shoots him a harsh look before turning away and playing with what he can do
Luhan looks at him and notices that he looks like how he did back then. Angry.
Alone. Confused. So Luhan slowly comes up to him, stops by the glass wall that
separates them and sits by it. The boy, seeing Luhan move, eyes him carefully, like
he is going to attack him at any minute.
"Hi." Luhan says and even though there is a wall separating them and he is far
away, Luhan knows he can hear him.
The boy just watches him, his hands balled into fists.
"I'm Luhan."
Luhan offers him a soft smile yet still the boy just stares back at him.
"Are you... okay?"
Luhan knows it's such a stupid question. None of them are okay inside this facility.
But he wants to know what he can do to help him. He knows how lonely he must
have been although he's not entirely sure he went through the same ordeal Luhan
did when he woke up the first time in this facility.
"Sorry for freaking out on you earlier." Luhan explains. "We were just kind of scared
of the fire in your hands."

The boy raises an eye at him and Luhan regretted saying that out loud. He knows
the boy was probably confused and feeling like shit already.
"I'm sorry." Luhan continues as the boy just listens. "I didn't mean it that way. It's
just that, it's not everyday one actually gets to see things like that."
Luhan notices that he looks interested and he continues,
"Xiumin's not exactly calm all the time. Lay is a little laid back. I'm..." Luhan
wonders about himself. "Well, I'm just confused about all this for now so I don't
really know what to act or feel around here."
Luhan sighs as he stares at the ground. "Everything's just... confusing."
He feels tired all of a sudden. Luhan knows it was from the test Kris made him do.
The orb he carried earlier weighed heavily than the others he had tried before and
his shoulders hurt from trying to focus all his energy into throwing it across the
But at the same time, that isn't it. Not entirely.
It's all these emotions Luhan is feeling. He doesn't really miss home that much
because ever since he left China to study in Seoul, he has never been homesick.
He misses his parents though, that one Luhan feels.
He misses the outside world too. The sun. Fresh air. Grass. It's odd, Luhan thinks,
missing on things like that but when you're cooped up for so long in rooms without
doors or windows, missing the sun and grass seems very reasonable at the
And the boy.
Luhan sighs, thinking about him and that ache in his chest starts to build up again.
He misses him. Misses his company even though they haven't even spent that
much time together. He doesn't even know his name! Luhan thinks frustratingly. But
here he is, wanting to just be with him.

But how could he when he seemed to hate me?

Luhan looks up and sees the boy from across the room look at him as if he knows
what he is feeling. And at that moment, even though Luhan knows it is not right to
feel that way, he feels thankful that he's not the only one who seems to be suffering
from all this.
"You can talk to us anytime you want." Luhan says to him. "Lay doesn't mind. And
Xiumin's okay once you get to know him. I- "
The doors to Luhan's side of the room opens and both Luhan and the boy are up
on their feet, waiting. Lay and Xiumin stay fast asleep, too tired to notice and Luhan
sees Kris's assistants enter.
They take Luhan by his arms and Luhan looks at the boy as if giving him a sign of
plea for help. But the both of them know there's nothing they can do and Luhan
bows his head as he is led out the door.
Luhan knows where they're going and it makes him curious and scared. They're
going through the hallways that leads them back to Luhan's old room. Where he
was kept alone all the time. Luhan doesn't want to go back there. He wants to go
back to Lay and Xiumin. To the boy with fire in his hands.
The doors to his room open and Luhan is placed inside. He finds his feet and
adjusts his eyes to the dimly lit room when he sees someone else is inside it as
The doors close behind him and Luhan steps forward, making his way to the figure
carefully. When he finally sees who it is, Luhan stops, relieved at having to see him
but at the same time, trying to understand why he was here again.
The boy.
Experiment 412.

The boy was kneeling on the ground, his head bent down. Luhan can't see his
face. The boy's hands were on his back and Luhan knows they're tied up.
Luhan rushes towards him, forgetting for a moment that the last time they had seen
each other, the boy didn't want to be anywhere near him.
Luhan tips his face up carefully, wanting to see if he was injured and as he does
so, their eyes meet and Luhan sees the boy's eyes look so dark and tired.
"What have they done to you?" Luhan asks softly, cupping both of the boy's face in
his hands. The boy doesn't reply, too weak to do so and Luhan shifts behind him so
he can untie his hands.
And that was when he saw that his hands were locked in cuffs.
They didn't look like ordinary cuffs to him. It looked specially made and heavy and
Luhan tries to open them but can't.
"Experiment 4-2-0,"
A voice sounds inside the room. It is Kris and Luhan looks around, trying to find
"I wasn't finished with you this morning when we met but now that I've given you
most of the day off, shall we continue our little test?"
Luhan still doesn't see Kris and decides to ignore him. He focuses his attention
back to the boy, trying to release him from his cuffs.
"You won't be able to help him." Kris says and Luhan can detect the voice coming
from the speakers on the ceiling of his room.
"Why can't you just use me and leave him alone?!" Luhan shouts, still fumbling at
the boy's cuffs.
"I already told you," Kris replies. "He's the push you need."

Luhan lets go of the cuffs and looks up at the ceiling. "What do you want me to
Suddenly, an orb rolls towards Luhan and he closes his eyes in frustration.
"Throw it across the room." Kris commands him.
"I already told you, I can't!" Luhan shouts. "I don't have the strength to do it!"
Right as he finishes saying that, the boy crumbles to the ground twitching in pain.
"What are you doing?!" Luhan holds the boys shoulders. "Stop it! Whatever it is,
stop it!"
The boy seems to calm down and Luhan watches as he breathes in and out
deeply, regaining whatever strength he has left.
"Then throw the orb across the room." Kris says like this was the easiest thing to
do. "Throw it or else 4-1-2 will suffer."
Luhan looks at the boy on the ground, his eyes closed.
"I told you there would be consequences." Kris says.
Without thinking about it anymore, Luhan picks up the orb and settles it steadily on
the ground. He then begins to lift it up, making it hover over his palms.
Luhan cringes as he feels it weigh him down again but proceeds to lift it. He
focuses on carrying the orb and when he does throw it, it just drops and rolls
across the room.
"Wait!" Luhan shouts but it was too late and the boy on the ground groans as
something is hurting him.
"Stop!" Luhan is desperate now and he stretches his arms out. The orb flies to him

so fast it almost knocks him from where he is standing.

"Make it stop!" Luhan shouts again but the boy just looks like he is in so much pain
than before. Luhan blinks away the tears that are forming in his eyes out of
frustration and focuses all his energy, his concentration into carrying the orb and
making it fly across the room.
Luhan succeeds this time, throwing it so hard that the orb crashes to the wall and
shatters to the ground.
Without waiting for further instructions, Luhan runs over towards the boy and
kneels beside him. Whatever pain he was feeling seemed to stop and Luhan
breathes in relief at that. But his relief is short lived as he realizes the boy isn't
"Wake up." Luhan pats at his cheeks, shaking him awake. "Wake up."
The boy doesn't move and Luhan starts to panic.
"Wake up!" Luhan shouts again and as he does so, the doors to the room open.
Luhan is expecting Kris to walk in. Or his assistants. But seconds tick by and
Luhan sees no one. Without waiting any further for them, Luhan picks up the boy
himself and carries him out the door.
The boy doesn't weigh much and that's what scares Luhan the most because he
feels lighter than the last time he carried him. Have they been feeding him? Have
they been taking care of him? Luhan entertains so much thoughts while he carries
the boy on his back towards the room he shares with Lay and Xiumin.
The door to their room is open and Luhan settles the boy on his mat, passing by
the boy with fire with a confused look on his face. He brushes away the hair in his
eyes and shakes him. But still, there is no response.
Lay. Luhan suddenly thought. Lay.

Luhan scrambles up and makes his way towards Lay hurriedly. Maybe Lay could
help him. Luhan saw what he did to Xiumin. He seemed to be able to help him
ease his pain and relieve his hands earlier. Maybe he can help this boy too.
"Lay." Luhan grabs both of his shoulders and shake him awake. Lay grimaces and
wakes up to look at him groggily.
"Luhan?" Lay asks and Xiumin stirs in his sleep by his side.
"Lay," Luhan says. "I need your help. Please!"
Lay sits up slowly, rubbing away sleep from his eyes and Xiumin, feeling Lay's
movement, wakes up as well.
"What's up?" Lay asks and stops when he sees the boy lying on the ground just a
few feet away from them. "What's wrong with him?"
"Help him," Luhan begs. "Please. I don't know what's wrong with him."
They go over to the boy and Luhan holds him while Lay checks his forehead.
"He's not breathing." Luhan whimpers. "Help him, please."
Luhan watches as Lay runs his hands over his face and his chest, all the while,
frowning at this. Xiumin is up and is sitting by his side, watching him carefully.
"What's wrong with him?" Luhan asks.
"I don't know." Lay replies, his hands hovering above his chest. "His heart is weak.
And his lungs too. There's something forcing him to feel this way and I don't know
what it is."
"Can you help him?"
Lay looks up at Luhan with sad eyes. "My healing abilities aren't that developed. I
can only heal cuts and wounds."

Luhan's lip trembles and he lifts the boy up, engulfing him in his tiny arms.
Luhan looks at Lay who is pointing at the boy's back.
"What are those?"
Luhan looks behind him and sees the cuffs still attached at the boy's hands.
"I've seen those before."
Luhan looks up at Xiumin who is pointing at the object.
"Lay used to wear that when they were trying to make me freeze water." Xiumin's
eyes turns to a look of hatred as he tells Luhan this.
"I have?" Lay asks.
Xiumin nods. "You don't remember because you passed out from the pain. It
electrocutes the body affecting the heart and lungs."
Luhan turns to look at the device again.
"He could die if you don't take it out fast."
Luhan fumbles at the cuffs again. "Help me!"
"I don't know how." Lay apologizes. "I'm sorry."
Luhan turns to Xiumin who shakes his head. "I can't do it. I'm afraid I might freeze
his hands."
Feeling helpless and angry at what they are doing to him, Luhan flips the boy
carefully and tinkers with the cuffs himself. Concentrating hard on it, Luhan

imagines it ripping it apart piece by piece, destroying every single thing in that cuff
that's making the boy feel that way.
His head aches as he does this but he doesn't stop, forcing his mind to open the
cuffs. Forcing the little tiny bolts inside it to open. It feels like his head is the one
being split open but he still continues. And when he thought that he couldn't do it
much longer, the cuffs break slightly and Luhan crumbles beside the boy while Lay
and Xiumin take the cuffs off of him.
Luhan raises a weak finger at the boy's cheek, stroking his face gently and feels
him calm down and breathe normally now.
He's okay. Luhan thinks as he watches his eyes no longer crinkle in pain while they
are closed. You'll be okay.
The door to their room open and Luhan doesn't turn around to face who it is. He
knows it would probably be Kris anyway.
But it is Suho who Luhan sees in his line of sight, kneeling beside the boy and
checking his pulse.
"Good job, experiment 4-2-0. Or as I promised, Luhan." Luhan hears Kris say
behind him and he ignores him, too preoccupied at what Suho is doing to the boy.
Luhan sees Suho breathe a sigh of relief at whatever he just checked and lifts the
boy in his arms.
"No." Luhan says weakly, holding the boy by his side. Suho stops and smiles at him
softly but pries Luhan's hands away from the boy's arm.
Luhan doesn't fight back, too weak and watches as the boy is being taken away
from him again.
Chapter 5
Everything is a blur to Luhan.

He knows Suho is there but gone the next, taking the boy with him. He knows Kris
is there as well, congratulating him for such fast results. He knows Lay and Xiumin
are sitting there quietly, pitying him.
As for Luhan, he doesn't know what is happening to him.
He feels so weak. Like he has just solved a really hard math equation while running
on a treadmill. He is panting heavily as Kris's assistants carry him somewhere and
he only wants to be left alone, to sleep until he recovers.
He is being led into some room again. He doesn't recognize where and he slumps
in his chair, with his hands in his face, trying to get rid of his headache.
Luhan looks up and sees Suho handing him a glass of water and some pill.
"Drink this. It helps with the headache."
Luhan stares at it but doesn't take it. Suho takes the pill and lifts it up to Luhan's
mouth, followed by the glass of water making him swallow it.
Luhan sputters as some of the water goes into his nose but after awhile, he has
managed to swallow the whole thing.
Kris and Suho sit in front of him with folders in their hands.
"I'd like to congratulate you again for doing such a good job." Kris starts, flipping
the pages on his folder like he was a teacher, checking his students' answers.
Luhan raises his eyes groggily at him. "What do you mean?"
"Oh, right." Kris looks at him. "We owe you answers."
Luhan smirks at them weakly.

"Answers." He says. "To be honest, I haven't really gotten any real answers since
I've moved those orbs. So I'm not really interested in what answers you're about to
give me now."
Suho sighs and stops what Kris is about to say.
"What is it?" Suho leans towards him calmly. "I'll answer them."
Kris rolls his eyes at this but doesn't stop Suho.
Luhan doesn't know if Suho will be able to tell him but he asks anyway.
"What's happening around here?" Luhan asks as the pounding in his head
escalates. "What is happening to me?"
Suho closes the folder in his lap as he answers Luhan.
"You're here because of so many reasons. But one of them is because the world
needs you."
Luhan has had enough of this and even though he is too tired to do anything, he
stands up and slams his hand down the table.
"Damn it!" Luhan seethes. "That's no better than Kris's answers!"
Suho looks at Luhan quietly and Luhan glares at him through his headache.
It didn't really make any sense to Luhan. Suho's answer is still the same and it
frustrates him so much.
The doctor sighs and turns to Kris.
"I told you we should've just made them all live together." Suho tells Kris. "It
could've saved us from explaining everything to them."

What? Luhan thinks and he waits for what Kris' reply is. But there is none and
Luhan looks at them.
"Please," Luhan says, tired, confused and impatient. "Why can't you just tell me
Suho then smiles sadly at him. "I can't. We're not allowed to do so."
We... Luhan notices.
"We can only give you limited answers.""Says who?" Luhan asks."By someone who
controls everything around here." Suho explains. "I'm sorry."
Luhan just sits back, defeated.
"But you are allowed one more question." Suho tells him and Kris sits upright in his
"No." Kris says. "If he moves an orb, he gets to ask one question. That was the
"Oh come on Kris." Suho argues back. "He pried open that cuff all by himself and
he looks like shit. Don't you at least think he deserves one more question?"
Kris glares at Suho for this but settles back down in his seat, arms crossed in front
of him. Suho then turns to Luhan and nods.
"Go ahead. I'll answer them."
Luhan thinks for awhile what he is going to ask. Again there is so much he wants to
know. So much he wants Suho to tell him.
But there is really only one question in his head for now.
"Who is that boy?" Luhan bravely asks and he is surprised to see Suho smile at

"He is your pair."

After that, Luhan doesn't know what happens anymore as he feels himself being
injected in the arm by some of Kris's assistants and he falls asleep.

Luhan wakes up with something bumping lightly against his head. It is cold and
hard and it annoys him. He just wants to go to sleep as his head still aches from
using up all his power yesterday. But something keeps on hitting him and Luhan
sits up to glare at whatever it was only to send it across the room and shatter it into
"Hey," Xiumin pouts. "You didn't have to do that."
Luhan is more surprised at seeing Xiumin pout for the first time than to see him
playing with his orbs, coating them in ice and using it to knock Luhan's head while
he's sleeping.
"He was sleeping." Lay says beside him, lying in one of the mats with an orb in his
hand, studying it.
"But it's fun." Xiumin grins and Lay kicks him playfully by his legs. All the while,
Luhan couldn't help but break out into a smile at having to see the both of them like
that. Like how... normal this morning seemed.
There is breakfast in one of the tables in the room and Lay, Xiumin and Luhan start
to eat. The boy in the other room, the one with fire in his hands, isn't there and
Luhan knows he is out for tests.
The food isn't good. It's the same soggy thing that Luhan ate a few weeks ago
when Suho came to talk to him. But Luhan eats it anyway and enjoys hearing Lay
and Xiumin bicker over the powers that Chanyeol, the boy in the other room, had.
They had managed to figure out what his name was when they were able to talk to

"Are you alright?" Lay asks Luhan when they are done with their breakfast and they
sit there just enjoying the rest they have for the meantime.
Luhan nods at this and gives Lay a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"They didn't put you up for more tests last night, did they?" Lay asks, concerned
and Luhan shakes his head.
"No. They knew I was too tired to do anything right after what they made me do."
Lay sits back in his seat. "Good. We honestly thought you were done for. And it
would've saddened us to see you gone."
Luhan raises his eyes at this. "Really?"
Lay nods. "Really. Xiumin and I like your company."
Luhan looks at Xiumin and sees him roll his eyes but doesn't deny this. Luhan
smiles because he didn't actually think that there would be people who cared.
"Thank you." Luhan says and Lay smiles back at him.
"That boy from last night, is he your bonded pair?" Xiumin asks and Lay elbows
him slightly.
"That is none of your business." Lay tells him. Xiumin rubs his sides from where
Lay just elbowed him and Luhan shifts his gaze between the two of them.
He is your pair. Suho's words from last night echoes in Luhan's ear.
"Bonded pair?" Luhan asks. "What is a bonded pair?"
Lay sighs at Xiumin and Xiumin grins sheepishly.

Luhan is about to ask them again when the door to their room opens and they turn
around to see Kris's assistants enter.
Immediately, Xiumin's expression darkens and like him, Luhan knows he hates
these people.
"You're up for some tests." Lay tells Xiumin, squeezing his hands and Xiumin sighs,
nodding that he gets it.
Xiumin pushes his chair back and walks over to them, following them out the door.
Lay and Luhan are left by themselves and Luhan faces Lay and asks him again
what they were talking about earlier.
"What is a bonded pair?" Luhan asks and Lay looks at Luhan for a long time before
"It is someone who has shared a deep connection with you intimately." Lay
explains and as Luhan hears this, he blushes. He remembers the boy again and
what they had done. His bonded pair.
But then he also remembers there was another one. That masked man. Luhan
shudders at the thought of him being his pair.
"So is he?" Lay asks Luhan and he looks at him.
"Is he what?"
"Your bonded pair." Lay smiles sheepishly. "I know I just said that it wasn't our
business to ask but seeing you like this makes me curious."
Luhan chuckles. "Yes, he is."
Lay grins and Luhan finds himself actually laughing and smiling for the first time in
this facility.

But he is still confused as to what these "bonded pairs" are.

"What do they do?" Luhan asks.
"They make each other stronger." Lay explains. "They share this unique link, by
being intimate, and without the other, they can't survive long."
Luhan's eyes widen at this.
"They don't die." Lay says quickly seeing Luhan panic. "They just tend to weaken.
They get their strength from each other, you see."
Luhan breathes a sigh of relief. "How do you know all this?"
Lay smiles softly at him. "Because Xiumin is my bonded pair. And I've been here a
long time to know all these things."
It doesn't surprise Luhan to know that Lay and Xiumin are pairs. They seem to fit
each other perfectly. Lay always looks out for Xiumin and Xiumin is protective of
him. This, Luhan finds himself being jealous of.
"Tell me," Lay asks, leaning towards him. "How do you feel right now?"
Luhan thinks for awhile and answers him honestly,
Lay nods. "This is what I am confused about."
Luhan looks at him. "What is it?"
Lay breathes in deeply before answering him. "I'm confused why the two of you are
separated. Bonded pairs need each other's close proximity all the time."
"Wait," Luhan closes his eyes, taking all of this in. "How do they know that that boy
is my pair? Like, how did they just... give me someone? Do you chose a pair

because you've slept with him? What if..."

Luhan slowly trails off, remembering the masked man again and he sighs, not even
bothering to continue.
"Pairs are carefully tested out to ensure that they are compatible." Lay starts. "They
do blood tests and experiments. It actually takes awhile for them to know if there is
a successful pair. Sometimes they're not even sure if it works."
This all sounds sick to Luhan but then again, none of what he has been through
inside this facility ever sounded pleasing to him.
"In some occasions," Lay continues. "There is more than one pair."
Luhan is suddenly afraid of this.
"Were... Were you ever compatible with someone other than Xiumin?" Luhan asks
and Lay nods.
This surprises Luhan. "Who?"
"Kris." Lay says but smiles at Luhan like this isn't a big deal. "But it is not as strong
as what Xiumin and I have. It's more than just blood tests and experiments in the
end. I've looked out for Xiumin a long while before we... bonded."
"Oh." Luhan thinks about something. "Is that why Xiumin hates Kris so much?"
Lay chuckles. "In a way. Bonded pairs do not want to share their other half."
Luhan nods at this. He remembers Suho touching that boy's face, Suho carrying
him away from Luhan. Suho...
He wonders if Suho is the boy's other pair aside from Luhan and he doesn't like it.
"His name is Sehun by the way."

Luhan looks at Lay. "Sehun?"

"Your bonded pair."
Sehun... Finally.
Luhan likes his name and knows he'll remember it for a long time.

Luhan thinks of Sehun all the time. Awake or asleep, his head is filled with all
thoughts of Sehun. His dreams are filled with him. He sees him just walking and
walking. And no matter how fast Luhan catches up to him, he still isn't able to reach
Luhan always wakes up and stresses over this.
Luhan knows Sehun has been here for awhile. Just like Lay. And he also knows
that Suho and Kris has handled their own set of experiments. Their room
determines this. The one where Lay, Xiumin and Luhan stays are under Kris while
the boy with fire, Chanyeol, and Sehun are under Suho. Sometimes, Lay asks
Luhan why his bonded pair is Sehun when that boy isn't even under Kris's
experiment team. Luhan doesn't know either and doesn't dare ask Kris because he
knows he'll never get a direct answer.
One day, someone new enters from the room at the other side where Chanyeol is.
Lay, Xiumin and Luhan watch as he engulfs the new boy in his arms, calling him
Baekhyun. Luhan can only deduce that this is Chanyeol's pair when he is
distracted as Sehun enters the room.
Luhan watches all this as if it is in slow motion. Sehun entering the room passing
by Chanyeol and Baekhyun, his head low and his bangs covering his eyes. Luhan
watches as his clothes make him look so thin and Luhan knows that he really is.
He looks so pale too but then again, Luhan knows all of them look that way from
being stuck here for so long.

Sehun goes to sit at a corner far from Chanyeol and Baekhyun, not even looking up
to gaze at his surroundings.
Luhan desperately wants to talk to him. He wants to know how he is and if he
blames him for not being able to take care of him better. For always being the
subject of torment by Kris who uses him to get to Luhan.
But Sehun gives off an aura like he doesn't want to talk to anybody so Luhan sits
there and just watches him, glad that at least he knows where he is and how he's
The next few days are easy. Luhan is able to comply to Kris's tests, giving him what
he wants and he has become friends with the two boys next door. Sehun still
doesn't talk to anyone though, even Lay when they are the two people who has
spent the longest time inside this facility.
But even though the days are easy, the tests are not. Although they are able to
provide results, they are just being pushed more and more into giving their all.
Luhan wonders what is going on whenever Chanyeol or Lay goes to their
scheduled tests together and comes back looking drained out. Sehun and
Baekhyun looks the same way too.
Luhan is about to ask Lay what they made him and Chanyeol do when he and
Xiumin are being called out for tests together.
Luhan walks with Xiumin alongside Kris' assistants as they pass through new
hallways. He knows they are taking him somewhere new since he hasn't been
down this wing before. Luhan spares a glance at Xiumin and the other looks at him
as he thinks about this as well.
Finally they arrive and the assistants lets them enter through a huge door. They
close it as soon as Luhan and Xiumin enter and they are surprised to find
themselves in a huge hangar.
"Why did they bring us here?" Xiumin asks and Luhan doesn't know either.

"Didn't they say we were taken for tests?" Luhan starts but before Xiumin could
answer, the doors to the other side of the room opens and in walks a monstrous
creature with blood red angry eyes and as soon as it looks in their direction, Luhan
knows it's after them.
Chapter 6

Luhan stares up at the monster, this alien like creature both in horror and in awe.
He isn't sure if it is real. It looks real. Its screeches and roars sound real. Even its
red eyes that were flicking back and forth between him and Xiumin look real. But
still, Luhan doesn't know what to believe.
Maybe because he knows things like this don't exist. This thing in front of him,
Luhan knows they only exist in movies.
But here he is now, facing it.
"What the hell is that?!" Xiumin says beside him.
"I don't know." Luhan eyes the monster's movements as he sees it walking slowly
now towards them.
"Luhan..." Xiumin starts, backing up. "What can you do?"
"What?" Luhan asks, confused at his question.
"This is a test, right?" Xiumin says.
"Well, I sure as hell would like to believe this is a test!" Luhan shouts as the alien
like monster starts picking up its pace. "Xiumin, what do we do?!"
Xiumin doesn't get to answer Luhan's question though as the monster starts for
him. Xiumin rolls to one side, escaping the monster's claws from digging into him.

"Xiumin!" Luhan shouts and Xiumin gets up and runs towards him.
"I'm okay." Xiumin huffs. "But it's going to attack real soon."
Luhan looks up as the monster whips it's head in their direction, saliva drooling
down from its sharp teeth.
"Luhan, can you stop things from moving?" Xiumin asks, eyeing the creature.
"What?" Luhan turns to him.
"I'm going to try to freeze it's feet." Xiumin says. "I need you to slow him down.
Make him stop moving."
Luhan looks at the creature which was now heading its way towards them.
"Luhan, I need an answer now!"
Luhan nods. "Yes! I'll try!"
With this, Xiumin runs towards the other side of the creature and focuses on the
creature's feet.
"Luhan! Now!"
Luhan stretches his arms out in front of him, palms facing the creature and trying to
block him off. The monster looks like it has hit a wall and is trying to bring it down
but Luhan focuses all his concentration into making him stop moving.
It feels like Luhan is pushing against something. His head starts hurting but he
continues to push against it.
"Xiumin!" Luhan shouts, wondering what Xiumin is up to.
"Almost there!"

Luhan forces half of his attention to Xiumin while still focusing on the monster
which was now raging from not being able to get through that invisible wall. Xiumin
is running between the monster's legs, freezing him in place. Luhan knows that
he's progressed faster than most of them these days, already having the ability to
freeze large objects without hardening his hands in the process like before.
The monster roars again, his feet almost frozen and it slams its claws into Luhan's
invisible force. Luhan feels as if someone just conked him on the head with a bottle
and he crumbles to the ground all dizzy.
"Luhan!" Xiumin shouts but Luhan immediately stands back up and stretches his
arms out to keep the monster in place all the while trying so hard not to lose his
focus. The monster screeches in frustration but Luhan is able to control it.
"Xiumin, I don't think I can hold it much longer!" Luhan says in between gasps. He
is not too developed for this yet and the strain of fighting something from moving
this strong is making him weaker and weaker.
"Done!" Xiumin yells and Luhan stops fighting the creature's weight. Xiumin turns to
him looking all proud when his eyes widen.
"You're bleeding!" Xiumin shouts at him and Luhan runs the back of his hand under
his nose and sees blood from it.
"It's just nosebleed." Luhan says. "I'm fine don't worry."
Xiumin runs over to him, "Are you sure? Because- "
"Xiumin watch out!"
Luhan watches in horror as the ice that's keeping the monster's leg frozen in place
starts to crack and it whips its huge body around, hitting Xiumin by its tail and
sending him flying across the room. Xiumin hits the wall hard and he slumps to the

"Xiumin!" Luhan yells, running towards him.

Xiumin isn't moving as Luhan turns him over and it scares him.
"Xiumin, wake up!" Luhan shakes him but the monster roars so loud that Luhan has
to look up at it.
The creature was now making its way towards them. Looking around for anything
that might help him, Luhan spots a small light bulb hanging in the ceiling above the
monster's head. Using his powers, Luhan forces the contents of the bulb to
explode, causing the creature to be momentarily distracted as the bulb shatters in
its eye.
"Xiumin." Luhan shakes him again but Xiumin doesn't move. Using every bit of his
strength, Luhan carries Xiumin, draping his arm over his shoulder and using his
waist to support him.
Luhan looks around for an exit and sees one. He quickly walks over to it, still
carrying Xiumin and twists the handle. It doesn't budge and Luhan cries out in
frustration knowing that it would take time for him to rip the door from it's lock.
The monster sees them escaping and heads in their direction again. With this,
Luhan settles Xiumin on the ground and decides to face it himself.
Stretching his arms out once more, Luhan focuses all his energy into lifting the
huge monster and throwing it across the room. He knows it is beyond his
capabilities, beyond what he can do but he has to try or else he and Xiumin won't
be able to escape.
The monster feels Luhan controlling him and it fights him off, pushing against it.
Luhan feels a headache coming on and shakes it away, focusing all his attention
towards the creature. The creature pounds its claws again, harder and harder until
Luhan finally gives up, the pain inside his head winning over.
Luhan lies there next to Xiumin, half of his eyes open. He sees the monster walk
towards them now in victory and all Luhan could think of is that he hopes the test

would end already, have Kris call it off and let them rest. But seconds tick by and
no one does anything. Luhan just shuts his eyes, waiting for the worst.
And then suddenly the doors open and a gust of wind hits him strongly. The door
then closes and Luhan watches weakly as someone strides in sending the monster
flying backwards on it's feet as if it was blown away. It hits the walls and a growl is
heard coming from it. Luhan forces his eyes to focus to see who it is and he
recognizes that it's Sehun.
"Experiment 4-1-2," Kris's voice sound over the speakers. "You are not allowed into
this hangar."
Sehun ignores him though as he walks over to where Luhan and Xiumin are lying
on the ground.
"Experiment 4-1-2," Luhan hears Kris again. "This is not your testing area."
Sehun still ignores him as he keeps a straight face on, eyes locked on Luhan.
Luhan holds his gaze weakly as he lies there on the ground, wondering what he is
doing here when the monster is suddenly on it's feet, rushing towards him.
"No!" Luhan shouts hoarsely but Sehun is quick and Luhan watches for the first
time as Sehun uses his own abilities to deal with the monster.
A gust of wind blows so hard again and Luhan holds Xiumin down with him. Trying
to lift his head up to see what Sehun is doing, Luhan watches as he pushes the
huge monster up against the wall. But he's not using his hands and it's as if the
wind is keeping him up there even though the hangar looks closed up. Sehun looks
like he is concentrating so hard on keeping him still and Luhan watches as he
directs his hands as if he is strangling the monster's neck. The creature coughs
and sputters, trying to claw at Sehun but he is too far up to reach him.
For a very thin and frail looking boy, Sehun is powerful, Luhan notices. Maybe this
is why Kris uses him to push Luhan. Because Sehun is strong and can withstand
any pain Kris does to him. But still, Luhan doesn't like seeing Sehun being tortured.

Sehun's hands close around like he is choking the monster. Luhan can't see
anything clearly as everything is too windy but as his eyesight focuses, Luhan sees
that there really is something choking it. Like the wind that Sehun is producing is
swirling around the monster's neck, tightening it's hold around him.
It takes awhile for the monster to give up but finally, it does lose its breath and it
slumps to the ground, dead.
Luhan sees Sehun on his knees, weak from all the strength he has mustered up
but he knows he's alright. Sehun is breathing heavily, slowly getting up to his feet
and to the door where he opens it and Lay enters quickly inside.
"Xiumin..." Lay breathes, eyes widening as he sees Xiumin lying on the ground
next to Luhan.
"Xiumin," Lay turns him over and Luhan watches him eyeing the boy from head to
toe. "Why isn't he moving?"
"I think his back is broken." Luhan mutters slowly, wincing at his headache and
trying to gather up his strength to sit. "He was hit pretty hard."
Luhan hears movement from behind him and knows it is Sehun. He ignores him
though as he watches Lay stretch his palms over Xiumin's body.
Lay heals Xiumin in seconds and Luhan breathes a sigh of relief when he hears
Xiumin groan.
"Xiumin!" Lay takes him in his arms and heals the cuts and bruises on his face.
"Thank you." Xiumin says to him and Lay nods.
"Heal him."
Luhan knows it's Sehun but the pain in his head makes it hard for him to
distinguish sounds now.

"I'm okay." Luhan argues but he hears his voice breaking. "You don't have to- "
"Heal him." Sehun says again and Lay just nods cupping Luhan's face in his hands.
Luhan can't see what Lay does to him. Maybe he has stopped his nose from
bleeding or ease the pain in his body. Although he does feel a little bit better, his
headache is still there. Lay helps him to his feet but Luhan's legs give way, not
having enough strength yet and he feels Sehun's strong hands support him from
behind. Luhan lets his head rest on Sehun's chest, too weak to move away from
"What's wrong with him?" Luhan hears Sehun ask.
"He's drained out." Xiumin explains, holding on to Lay as he stands up. "He's used
up most of his powers today."
"I thought you healed him." Luhan hears Sehun accuse Lay and he wishes he'd
stop because it's not Lay's fault.
"I have." Lay explains. "But what he's suffering from is something I have no control
over. You know that."
Luhan hears Sehun growl in frustration and feels him pick him up. He lies there in
his arms not knowing where they're going. No one stops them as Sehun carries
him away and Luhan is too dizzy, too disoriented to know what is going on.
Finally he feels Sehun stop and his eyesight tries to adjust to the surroundings. His
old room.
Sehun lowers him unto something soft. A bed, he thinks and he closes his eyes as
the pain in his head throbs.
"It hurts." Luhan groans, squeezing his eyes shuts and he's aware that he's
gripping Sehun's hand so hard.
The bed dips and Luhan feels Sehun leaning over him, brushing his hair away from

his face.
"They shouldn't have let you up against that." Sehun whispers and Luhan is just
confused. "You're not ready."
Luhan doesn't know what he is talking about and just when he's about to ask, he
feels Sehun's lips taking over him.
"Sehun..." Luhan mumbles softly but Sehun stops him.
"How developed are your powers?" Sehun asks, lifting Luhan up as he strips him
off of his clothes.
"Not... not much." Luhan shies away from Sehun's touches for the first time,
knowing how Sehun doesn't even look at him when they're in the room with the
others but Sehun pins his hands above his head.
"Look at me."
Luhan doesn't open his eyes. He's too afraid, too shy, too confused and his
headache is still there.
"Look at me." Sehun says firmly this time and Luhan slowly opens them and sees
Sehun above him.
Sehun looks at him for so long, like he's taking in every inch of Luhan and Luhan
also studies him. He's here, with him and he can now see him fully.
"Sehun," Luhan starts but Sehun cuts him off as he presses his lips against his
once again.
Luhan responds eagerly and Sehun takes him like he's hungry and desperate for
Luhan's touches as well. Luhan holds Sehun tighter, not wanting him to stop.
He knows Sehun still feels the same way. Like he is conscious of him, not wanting
to do anything that involves him. But his body seems to betray all that. Luhan can

feel it. It's different when they're against each other like this.
Luhan feels Sehun's erection pushing up against his thigh and Luhan tugs at his
clothes. Sehun strips them off in a matter of seconds and comes back to Luhan, his
mouth roaming over his neck and his chest.
Luhan gives in to Sehun that night, finally crying out his name as he comes.
Luhan wakes up and turns to his side, hoping to see Sehun. But again, he is not
there and Luhan just sighs, burying himself into his thin blanket.
Last night...
Sehun saved him last night. He was the one who took him, had him. He made
Luhan moan his name so many times, made him come twice and during all that,
Luhan swears his headache disappeared. It's funny thinking about it now but then
he remembers what Lay told him.
Bonded pairs... They make each other stronger.
It's sick and crazy and endearing at the same time and it just makes Luhan
Luhan pushes himself up into a sitting position and looks around the room. He
sees Xiumin still asleep and Lay is beside him, stroking his hair. Not wanting to
interrupt what Lay is doing, Luhan lies back down and easily falls back to sleep.
Luhan wakes up a few minutes later and sees both Lay and Xiumin awake.
"Good morning." Lay says to him and Luhan nods.
"Good morning."
"You okay?" Lay asks and Luhan nods.

"Thank you for healing me yesterday." Luhan says and Lay smiles.
"It was nothing. I'm glad you and Xiumin are okay."
Luhan looks at Xiumin and for the first time, Luhan sees Xiumin smile at him.
Luhan is about to ask him how does he feel when the door opens and Kris strides
in. This time, none of his assistants enter.
"Good morning." Kris greets them and Luhan notices how... cheerful he looks. "I'm
glad to see all of you are awake."
Luhan sees Xiumin's hands are balled into fists and Lay calming him down.
"All of you are up for a meeting today." Kris says, ignoring Xiumin's dark look. "I'll
be expecting all of you up in the testing area in 15 minutes."
With that, Kris leaves and Luhan, Lay and Xiumin are left wondering what is about
to happen.
Fifteen minutes later Luhan is in the testing area, now converted into a conference
room with Lay and Xiumin by his side. Across from him is the boy with fire,
Chanyeol, the new one, Baekhyun, Sehun, and two more boys that Luhan hasn't
seen. One is sitting near Luhan's side while the other is sitting all the way at the
back with his head down.
Luhan looks at Sehun, trying to see if what happened yesterday took its toll on him.
But Luhan sees he's fine although he still doesn't catch Luhan's eye.
Suho and Kris enter and stand in front, gathering their attentions. Luhan waits
anxiously in his seat as he listens to what the two of them has to say.
"We've gathered you all here because we'd like to congratulate all of you for doing

exceptionally well in both training and testing areas." Suho tells them. "Kris and I
have worked so hard into bringing out and developing your powers and it is such a
marvelous sight to see all of you bringing out excellent results."
Luhan just stares at them like they are crazy. It makes Luhan feel disgusted and
sick. Like they're talking to experiments and not human beings.
Well, we are experiments, Luhan thinks and sighs.
"So we would like to offer all of you a..." Kris ponders on his words. "A reward of
some sort."
Luhan listens carefully.
"You are all being moved into a bigger facility." Suho says happily while Luhan just
slumps back in his seat. "A better one."
"All of you will be living together." Kris continues. "No more walls. No more tight
Luhan looks up at this.
"Well, the new facility's security won't be as tight as what you all have experienced
but you're all still being monitored. Escaping is not an option."
"Let us go."
Luhan sees Chanyeol speak up and Suho smiles sadly at him.
"I'm sorry, but we can't do that."
"Why not?" Xiumin asks and Kris looks at him.
"All of you may not understand things right now but what we're doing is for the

Luhan is about to ask them how all of this is better when Kris and Suho turn to
leave the room, telling them to follow behind. Luhan gets up quickly from his seat,
following behind Lay and Xiumin.
Sehun follows behind him. Luhan knows because he's been trying to keep tabs on
Sehun, wondering if he's alright from yesterday. Sehun doesn't look at him still and
Luhan again wonders what he has done for Sehun to treat him like this.
They are being led further and further up the hallways. Everything is all white and
clean and resembles a hospital but Luhan knows it isn't. People with surgical
masks on their faces are seen working on chemical experiments as they pass them
and Luhan wants to know what they're dealing with inside this facility.
They stop at a huge door and Luhan watches as Kris punches in a few codes to
open it. And as soon as he does, Luhan gapes as he sees a huge place inside that
doesn't even look like they're still inside a facility.
There is grass and a blue sky. White fluffy clouds move above them and Luhan
basks in the sunlight. He feels air around him and it makes Luhan tear up a bit. It
has been so long since he has seen anything other than the four walls of his white
There is a garden, a gym and a a small facility in one side.
"This will be your new home." Suho tells them and everyone walks in amazed.
Even Sehun looks around in disbelief, Luhan notices.
"Everything's artificial, of course." Kris says and to this, Suho elbows him. "What?
I'm just telling them the truth."
Luhan doesn't care if it's artificial. For now. He's too emotional and so
overwhelmed at the sight of everything.
"Anyway," Suho sighs. "You'll all be living here."
"There are four rooms located in this facility." Kris says and Luhan turns to him

wondering why just four.

"One for each bonded pair." Kris explains.
The boy who was sitting at the farthest end of the conference room from before
asks this like he can't believe it.
"Yes, Kai." Suho says. "You are to share a room with Kyungsoo."
Kai blinks at him. "How.. I don't understand."
"Same rules apply." Suho tells him and Kai closes his eyes and looks like he is
frustrated at this. The boy who was sitting next to Luhan before, the one who he
presumes is Kyungsoo, just turns away.
Sharing a room with Sehun, Luhan's heart starts beating at that. Why was this
getting so complicated?
But at the same time, Luhan can't help but feel relieved that he could at least keep
tabs on him.
"Here are the keys to your rooms." Kris hands them their key cards. "Breakfast,
lunch and dinner will be served at the same time as before in the common dining
room. You can go around anywhere inside this area but you are not allowed to go
out unless you are being called for tests."
"You can use your powers anytime you like." Suho adds. "Actually, we'd like you to
use them as much as you can. But we ask that you keep it under control."
Luhan looks at all of them and sees that they too are all overwhelmed and anxious
about the new place.
"Any questions?" Kris asks and Kai immediately speaks up.

"Can I have a word? In private?"

Kris motions to Suho. "Your experiment."
Suho nods. "Come. The rest of you, go settle in."
Kai follows Kris and Suho out the door while the rest of them stand there in the
middle of the new facility for a few seconds. None of them move, still getting used
to this new change.
It takes awhile for them to get a move on. Everyone is still looking around. Luhan
watches uneasily as Lay hands Sehun the key to their room and Luhan follows
behind him awkwardly.
Luhan enters their room and sees that it looks very homey. The walls are painted
light blue and there are windows, a first to Luhan for such a long time.
There is a small bookshelf and Luhan notices that it's all about nature. A desk is in
one corner and a small couch in the other.
There is one bathroom and one huge bed and Luhan looks at this, cursing at it
silently because it just makes everything even more awkward.
Sehun looks like he's taking all of this in too as he stands there with his back to
Luhan. His shoulders look tense and Luhan watches him eye everything. The
windows, the bed, the paintings and then slowly, Luhan sees him eye the
"Would you like to go first?" Luhan asks him carefully but Sehun doesn't
acknowledge him. It takes a while for him to give any sign of response. But when
he does, he goes back to the door that leads outside their room.
Luhan feels angry at him for not even answering and he places a hand to hold the
door in place. Sehun stops but still doesn't look at him.
"What is your problem?" Luhan asks, not even trying to hide the anger in his voice.

He's desperate for his attention. Desperate for him to talk about them. Not once
have they spoken to each other except for the times they've had sex and Luhan
knows that doesn't even count.
Sehun still doesn't answer him. He even looks unfazed at Luhan's outburst.
"Look," Luhan sighs, releasing his hold on the door. "If we're to live together, we
should at least talk to each other."
Sehun is close to Luhan and for a second, Luhan wishes he could touch him. Hold
him in his arms. In fact, he knows he can do it. But everything is still unclear to him.
Well, to the both of them, and he doesn't want to mess it up even further.
"Sehun..." Luhan starts but Sehun cuts him off.
"You should go get some rest."
Luhan just stands there looking at him, wishing he would look back but Sehun just
walks out of their room quickly, leaving Luhan alone.
Luhan spent the whole day sleeping. Yesterday's events still made him feel so tired
and it didn't help that the new bed Luhan slept in was so comfortable. After
sleeping in a mat for so long, to be able to sleep in a bed like this was such a
Sehun hasn't been back to their room, Luhan notices. He wakes up at night with no
one beside him. Luhan feels contented with this, at not having Sehun around him
but he knows he's just lying to himself when he wants Sehun beside him or
anywhere where he can see him. He feels so protective of Sehun after what Kris
has done to him in the past such as strangling him and using those handcuffs. But
how does one actually look out for someone when the person doesn't even want to
stay in the same room as him?
Shaking those thoughts away, Luhan trudges to the bathroom and takes a long hot

shower, the first time he does in awhile. He takes his time too, enjoying the heat,
the way it hits his back and the smell of the shampoo and soap engulfing his
As soon as he's done, Luhan opens the closets to find clothes that are all alike. All
white. The size fits Luhan perfectly and as he stares into the mirror, he frowns. He
looks so thin and pale and his reflection just scares him. Not wanting to think about
it, Luhan leaves his room to go find the others and see if there's anything
productive he can do for the day.
It still feels new to him, to have this kind of freedom. To be able to move around
freely and go places without people in surgical masks escorting him. Although
they're still stuck in this facility, at least, Luhan thinks, this feels a little bit easier to
deal with.
Luhan goes to the dining area for breakfast, his eyes wide at the food on the table.
There weren't any soggy porridge but pancakes, bacon, eggs and a pitcher of
orange juice and Luhan is just shocked to see real food, food that he recognizes,
right in front of him. But before he could come any closer, he sees one of the new
guys, Kyungsoo. The boy looks up as he walks in, eyes so round they look like
they're about to pop out and Luhan stops in his tracks, wary of how he's staring at
"Um... hi." Luhan starts carefully, cautious of him. He knows he can't befriend
people so easily now that he knows everone has powers. He doesn't know what
this boy's power is and he doesn't want to provoke him and cause damage in this
new place.
"Hi." Kyungsoo answers and Luhan sees him lower his guard. Luhan relaxes at this
and goes to sit across from him.
"Are we the only ones who haven't had breakfast yet?" Luhan asks, taking his seat
and the boy shakes his head as he swallows his food.
"Chanyeol and Baekhyun are still outside playing first rather than having breakfast."
Kyungsoo answers.

"Playing?" Luhan reaches for the pancakes and bacon.

"Well, fighting, if that's how you prefer it." Kyungsoo says. "Or showing off their
Luhan chuckles. "I can just imagine Chanyeol wanting to do that."
Luhan takes a bite off his pancakes, closing his eyes as the taste of it overwhelms
"You miss it too?"
Luhan opens his eyes and nods at Kyungsoo, the other boy handing him more
"I know how you feel. I don't even remember how they used to taste like."
Luhan swallows his food down and wonders how long Kyungsoo's been here. He
decides to ask this out loud.
"How long have they kept you here?"
Kyungsoo sighs. "Too long. Around the time Lay, Sehun and Kai have been here."
The slightest mention of his name has Luhan thinking about him, if he has slept
well, eaten breakfast already...
Luhan looks up at him, snapping out from his thoughts.
"The last time I asked, they said about a month. But now, I don't know anymore."

Kyungsoo smiles sympathetically at him.

Luhan and Kyungsoo spend their breakfast talking about each other's experiences.
Luhan found Kyungsoo to be an easy person to talk to but he could sense how he
was still closed off like he was wary of Luhan. Not wanting to pry, Luhan just asked
him instead about his tests and what he can do (Kyungsoo can move the ground
creating earthquakes).
Luhan likes talking to him. Like Lay, Kyungsoo is friendly and has a very nice voice.
They talk about the things they miss, Luhan drinking bubble tea, Kyungsoo cooking
food for his family and all the other stuff they used to enjoy and they both wondered
when they would be able to do it again.
After breakfast, Luhan and Kyungsoo decided to walk around the place and they
come across Chanyeol and Baekhyun playing around. Chanyeol was sending balls
of fire to Baekhyun but kept missing and he looked like he was throwing things
"Baekhyun that's not fair!" Chanyeol yelled. Baekhyun doubled over, laughing as he
dodged Chanyeol's throws. "Give me back my eyesight!"
Luhan watched in amusement as Baekhyun used a little trick, blocking the light
from Chanyeol's eyes. He kept on teasing Chanyeol, making him see again then
taking it back. Luhan was about to join in and laugh with them when he spots
Sehun and Kai walking towards the dining area across from them.
Sehun looks tired, Luhan notices. He's walking with Kai by his side, listening to
what Kai is telling him. His shoulders are drooping and even from afar, the dark
circles under his eyes can be seen. Luhan watches as Kai drapes an arm over him,
like he is comforting him and Sehun nods at what he is saying.
Luhan feels jealous. Jealous because Sehun just allowed someone to comfort him.
Someone to talk to him. And he looked like he was listening and that was all Luhan
wanted from him from the start: to be able to talk to him and make him listen. He
was still confused about this bonded pair business. He just wanted to be able to
talk about this with him.

And Kai touching him... He could never touch Sehun like that without the other one
going all rigid.
Sehun enters the dining area and Kai follows behind. Luhan sighs as he sees them
disappear and he focuses his attention back to Chanyeol and Baekhyun when he
sees Kyungsoo's head hung low, his eyes on the ground.
"Kyungsoo?" Luhan asks, checking up on him. "You alright?"
Kyungsoo snaps his head up, looks at him and smiles. "Yeah."
Luhan knows he's not but decides not to say anything about it.
"I have to go." Kyungsoo suddenly says and Luhan just nods as he leaves.
Luhan decides to explore the place more, going to the garden first when he sees
Lay sitting in the middle observing a flower. As Luhan comes close, he sees him
wave his hands slowly over it, bringing a wilted flower back to life.
"I thought all these were artificial?" Luhan asks and Lay turns to him and smiles.
Patting the space beside him, Luhan goes over and sits down.
"I thought so too." Lay says, waving his hand over another wilted flower. "But I
guess these aren't."
Luhan suddenly wishes the clouds, the sky and everything in this place was just
real. It made him feel... free.
"Where's Xiumin?" Luhan asks, noticing for the first time that Lay was alone.
"Tests." Lay says and Luhan detects a worried tone on his voice. "Kris called him
up today."
Luhan sighs. "Why are they keeping us here?"

"Because Suho and Kris needs us." Lay replies and Luhan looks at him, surprised.
He wasn't expecting an answer to that at all.
"You... you know why we're here?" Luhan asks carefully and sees Lay shakes his
"No, I don't." Lay tells him. "Well, a little. But not exactly. I'm not sure yet. But I trust
Luhan can't help but laugh at this. "Trust them? You? Trust Kris?"
Lay just looks at him, not getting the point at all.
"I would understand if you said you trust Suho. But Kris?" Luhan continues and still
Lay looks at him like there's nothing wrong with that at all. "Come on Lay. Don't you
remember what he did to Xiumin? What he did to you?"
Lay smiles softly, looking at his hands and turning his palms around. "They need
"For what?"
Lay looks up at Luhan. "I don't know. But I trust them."
Luhan ponders over this even if he and Lay part ways after that, Lay being called
for tests and Luhan going back up to his room.
The world needs you...
Luhan remembers Suho and Kris' words and he wants to know why. What does the
world need them for?
Luhan enters the room and closes the door behind him. He leans on it and rests
the back of his head on the hard wood.
Trust Kris... Luhan can't and won't trust him. After what he has done to him, after

what he has done to Sehun.

Just as the thought of him fills his mind, Luhan hears a faucet being turned and
sees the door to the bathroom open. Luhan watches as Sehun enters the room,
halfnaked. He's wearing just his pants on and a towel is hung around his shoulder.
His body isn't dried off completely and he looks like he's glistening. His hair is
damp and as soon as Sehun looks up, Luhan resists the urge to gasp because he
looks so beautiful.
Luhan has seen him naked before. He knows Sehun's body next to his. The feel of
his chest, how light he is... Sehun does look thin and Luhan worries for him but
right now, all he can think about is Sehun being so beautiful and it hurts to look
because he wants him and there's nothing he can do about it.
How can you want someone when he doesn't even want you back?
Luhan turns around quickly, facing the door instead.
It frustrates him. Bonded pairs... He was supposed to be his. And he belongs to
him in return. But why is this so complicated? Why is this so hard?
Closing his eyes, Luhan composes himself. "If you want some privacy, I can just
No answer is heard and Luhan wishes Sehun doesn't detect the shakiness in his
voice. Why is this so hard to talk to him?
The atmosphere inside the room is tense and Luhan feels like every inch of his skin
is burning. He needs to get out now before he hurts himself, he knows that, but his
legs stay rooted to the ground.
"I'll just..." Luhan swallows. "Go..."
Luhan reaches out for the doorknob when suddenly a hand pulls him around and

pins him to the wall.

Sehun's lips is on his in an instant, hot and wild and Luhan's eyes widens for a
second before it closes, surrendering to him. He takes him in, not even thinking
about what is going on but just goes with whatever Sehun is doing to him.
He is weak, weak for Sehun, Luhan realizes this as the boy reaches under his shirt
and slips his hand in, feeling Luhan's skin. Luhan feels like Sehun's touches burns
him yet he wants Sehun to keep on feeling him, explore him.
Sehun's lips travel to the side of his face then to his neck and Luhan arches his
head back. He doesn't know what to do to his hands and they lay there by his side.
He knows he can push him away, he has the strength to do it but god, Sehun
nibbling along his jawline just makes him stand there wanting more.
Sehun's hand travel downwards, his hands palming Luhan's front and his legs give
way. Sehun holds him, pinning him back to the wall and Luhan moans as he feels
his lips taste every inch of his skin. He's so hard and his whole body is craving for
him. He doesn't even remember the last time they've been this close together. Was
it yesterday? Or the day before that? Luhan doesn't know and doesn't even
understand why he wants to know at a time like this.
Luhan pushes his body against him and feels Sehun's hardness. Good, Luhan
thinks through all this, basking in the fact that he brings on the same effect he has
on him. Luhan reaches for his waist, to pull them closer when Sehun stops kissing
him and steps away panting.
"I'm sorry." Sehun says, his arm now pushing against the wall, holding his weight
away from Luhan.
No, Luhan looks at him, eyes searching for his but still he doesn't look at him.
"I shouldn't have... I didn't mean to.." Sehun looks like he's struggling for what to
say and at the same time, catching up with his breath while Luhan just stands there
with a pain in his chest from hearing those words.

Sehun is still close, the bridge of his nose almost touching Luhan's. Luhan catches
up with his own breathing, confused and his body still aching for him.
"Sehun," Luhan whispers and Sehun shakes his head.
"I'm sorry."
Luhan watches as Sehun's warmth quickly leaves him as he sees him exit the
room, leaving Luhan behind, hurt and forgotten.

part 7

To be able to forget what happened in that room, Luhan dives into tests which
everyone now calls trainings. As to what they are being trained for, Luhan still
doesn't know. He doesn't even care. As long as he's giving Suho and Kris results
and none of them are being hurt, he's okay with it.
One day, their trainings take a new turn as they're up against each other. Everyone
is gathered in the hangar where Xiumin and Luhan last battled off that alien like
creature, about to observe who gets to battle first. Up to this day, Luhan still doesn't
know where that monster came from and he shudders to think what could have
happened if Sehun hadn't been there on time.
Looking at the seat far from him, he sees Sehun sitting there staring blankly into
space. Luhan doesn't know what he's thinking and he wonders if he ever thinks
about that day.
Sehun hasn't been back to their room once. Or maybe he has but Luhan just hasn't
been in the same room as him. He sees him with Kai though. All the time. He
doesn't know what they do and he'd rather he didn't know. But again, Luhan knows
he's lying to himself because he wants to know why Sehun prefers Kai's presence
than his.

Luhan snaps out from his thoughts as he sees Suho and Kris take their seats
across from them and asks Chanyeol and Xiumin to come to the center.
"What do we do?" Chanyeol asks, standing there in the middle with Xiumin facing
"Just take each other out."
Suho's reply made Luhan look at Lay and he sees him shoot Xiumin a concerned
look. But Xiumin just smiles at him, assuring him he'll be fine.
"There aren't any rules." Kris tells them with a grin. "Well, aside from not killing
each other."
It takes awhile for Chanyeol and Xiumin to start, not really knowing what to do.
Suho had to step in and whisper something to Chanyeol to begin the battle and
Xiumin was caught off guard as Chanyeol extends his arm out so suddenly and
shoots fire from his palms at him. Xiumin ducks and rolls to one side, avoiding the
whole thing.
"I am so sorry." Chanyeol, says while the rest of them watch, amused at how he's
apologizing in the middle of a battle. "Suho told me I had to or else Baekhyun-"
Xiumin doesn't wait for him to finish as he runs to Chanyeol and freezes his feet.
"Hey! What the-"
Xiumin then freezes his arms to his sides so he can't move and then steps back to
admire his work.
"Not bad." Kris says, nodding at what Xiumin did but Suho nudges him.
"Wait for it."
Chanyeol just smirks at Xiumin and everyone watches as the ice melts off quickly
in his arms then his legs.

"Uh-oh." Xiumin says, eyes wide and Chanyeol suddenly lunges at him. Xiumin
holds his arms out creating a huge wall of ice to block Chanyeol but the boy
produces fire in his hands and throws it at the wall, causing it to melt off.
"He's gotten better." Kyungsoo comments beside Luhan and he nods. "Faster too."
Baekhyun on his other side just smiled at Chanyeol proudly.
Xiumin takes a new course of action as he spins around so quick and hits
Chanyeol's back. Luhan grimaces as he sees him fall to the ground but he knows it
doesn't hurt so much since Xiumin was being careful of him too.
Chanyeol turns to Xiumin and grabs his leg causing his pants to light up in flames
and Xiumin yelps.
"Okay! Okay!" Xiumin yells, freezing his whole leg so it won't catch on fire. "You
win! Now put it out!"
Chanyeol laughs and closes his palm, extinguishing the fire in his hands. He then
melts the ice on Xiumin's leg carefully and pulls him up to his feet.
"Good job." Suho congratulates them both and Chanyeol beams. But Kris on the
other hand doesn't look slightly pleased at this and Luhan gulps, hoping he
wouldn't lose his temper.
Next up is Sehun and Baekhyun and Luhan watches Baekhyun battle him out like
how he played with Chanyeol. He kept on blinding Sehun or taking out his eyesight,
making him miss hitting Baekhyun with a gust of wind. But eventually, after so
many tries, Sehun has managed to hit Baekhyun and he sends him flying to the
wall. But Sehun cushions him with the wind he was producing so Baekhyun was
fortunately spared from having his back broken.
Last one for that day is Luhan and Kai. As he steps up towards the middle, it is only
then that Luhan feels uncomfortable since he doesn't know what powers he has.

I should've asked Lay, Luhan thinks.

As they gather in the middle, Kris stands up behind Luhan and places his hands on
both of his shoulders.
"Kai is going to be a little tricky." Kris starts and Luhan is nervous as hell.
"Why what does he do?"
He hears Kris chuckle behind him. "I'm not going to tell you that."
Luhan frowns.
"But," Kris continues. "Since both of you can't actually take each other down, I'll
just ask you to do one thing."
Luhan stares at Kai in front of him as he starts smiling mischievously.
Kris then leans towards Luhan's ear and whispers, "Block him."
Luhan wonders what he means as Kris starts to go back to his seat.
Block him? Luhan thought. How?
Luhan looks up to deal with Kai when he realizes he's gone.
Luhan spins around and sees Kai grinning and crossing his arms in front of him.
"How did you- "
"Focus, Luhan." Kris says from the side and Luhan looks at him and nods. He turns
to Kai and sees him gone again and he looks around only to find him at the other

side of the area.

Luhan stops for awhile wondering what Kai can do. Fly? How did he get there so
Eyeing the small chair behind Kai, Luhan forces it to hover in mid air. He smiles
seeing Kai just looking at him, not noticing things and he makes the chair swing to
hit him. But as he does so, Kai disappears and Luhan misses.
Invisibility? Luhan still wonders and just as he thinks of another one., Kai appears
in front of his face, so close to him.
Luhan staggers backwards in surprise and falls on his back. Kai smirks at him and
Luhan glowers. Without wasting another second, Luhan forces Kai to stop moving.
Kai frowns at this but is quick to slip out from Luhan's "grasp" and he disappears
and reappears somewhere far from him.
"All you have to do is hold him down, Luhan." Kris instructs while Suho sits there,
looking all relaxed. "Stop him from moving just like how you would stop an orb if it
was thrown at you."
Luhan focuses on Kai's direction and finds that certain spot that makes him control
how he's moving. He concentrates, making sure he has him pinned down to the
ground. But every time Luhan does so, Kai seems to feel it and disappears.
It goes for awhile, Luhan stopping Kai from disappearing, holding on to him but Kai
still manages to slip away. It isn't until Kai has his guard down, looking somewhere
else, that Luhan was able to pin him down.
Kai closes his eyes, trying to move. Luhan can feel him struggling, fighting against
Luhan's hold. It was like holding on to a wild animal, trying to force it down but it
keeps on wriggling away.
"Good job, Luhan." Kris says, eyeing Kai whose face was sweating from being held

against his will. "Now try to move him towards you- "
As soon as Kris said that, Kai twisted under his hold so harshly that Luhan felt like
he was being elbowed in the head. His hold on Kai loosened and he managed to
disappear and reappear near Suho, hands on his knees and panting.
"So close." Kris grumbles and Suho claps at Luhan who is sitting on the ground,
"I think that went well. He's gotten better, don't you think?" Suho says but Kris just
"I guess." Kris replies but Luhan knows he has managed to impress him and he
continues to sit there grinning inside.
Luhan turns to Kai and sees him smile at him. He then nods at him and even
though Luhan doesn't like him a lot because of how he hangs out with Sehun, he
finds himself smiling back because he knows that the both of them has done
exceptionally well.
And Luhan has to admit that what Kai can do is awesome.
After Suho and Kris were able to congratulate them, they were told to head on back
to their area and Lay was tasked to heal all of them. Since Luhan didn't have any
scratches or bruises, he sat beside Lay, watching him run his hands over the small
bruises in Chanyeol's arm and the minor burns in Xiumin's leg. It still fascinates
him to see everyone of them use their powers. He isn't as freaked out as before but
it still amazes him at what he and the others can do.
"Sehun?" Lay asks around when he's done and Luhan looks for him among them.
"Have you seen him?
Baekhyun shook his head. "Nope. I haven't seen him around since we got here."
Lay frowns. "He's always away. Now how am I going to heal him?"

"He wasn't hurt." Baekhyun assures him. "I didn't do anything much to him."
Luhan stands up. "I'll go look for him and bring him back."
It took awhile for Luhan to find him. He isn't even sure if he wanted to find him
himself because what would he say? They haven't exactly talked to each other
after what happened.
Luhan eventually finds Sehun in the rooftop, sitting at the edge and looking down
at everything.
He turns around to see who it is and as his and Luhan's eyes meet, he turns away.
"Hey," Luhan starts, already feeling defeated.
He doesn't know if he should go to him. So he stays there on his spot, waiting.
"Lay wants to know if you're alright." Luhan continues. "He's been healing everyone
just in case."
There's still no response from Sehun and Luhan sighs.
"Look, we need to talk."
Sehun suddenly stands up and Luhan watches as he heads for the door, not even
sparing Luhan a second glance. Angry at him for ignoring him again, Luhan closes
the door using his powers. The door slams shut in Sehun's face and he makes the
locks turn as he stands there, looking at it.
Luhan has his hands balled into fists by his side. This is getting ridiculous, he
"Open the door." Sehun says, voice low with his back to Luhan.
"No." Luhan argues. "We need to talk."

"No, we don't." Sehun says.

"What is wrong with you?!" Luhan shouts, coming up to him. "Have I done anything
to offend you in any way? Because if I have, please, do tell me because I'm sick
and tired of you treating me like this."
Sehun still doesn't look at him.
"Suho tells me we're a bonded pair." Luhan continues. "I still can't understand what
exactly the hell that is but what I do know is that we're supposed to be helping each
Luhan breathes in as he stands there, looking at Sehun's back and wanting to get
his message across to him. How he wants him to just talk, help him understand
things, why he's here...
"I'm confused enough as to what I'm even doing here. Those doctros aren't telling
me anything. And you..."
Luhan lets go of the tension building up in his palms.
"I barely even know you." Luhan whispers. "But what you're doing to me... The
effect you have on me..."
Luhan doesn't understand what is going on between them and for Sehun to not
even care makes him feel frustrated even more. He knows the both of them can't
go on like this.
"I have nothing to say to you."
Luhan looks up as those words leave Sehun's lips and he glares at him.
"Right." Luhan answers back, not caring anymore if what he's about to say is going
to hurt. "Right. Because you're selfish and you're just in this for the pleasure and- "
Sehun slams his hand on the door with a bang and Luhan stops to look at him

exhale deeply. His shoulders are tense and Luhan knows his hand hurts. He then
turns around, his eyes dark with anger.
"You don't know what you're talking about." Sehun tells him, breathing in deeply.
Luhan looks at him and sees him shaking. He doesn't say anything and wants
Sehun to just explode. Tell him everything.
"You don't know what you're talking about." Sehun repeats. "You think it's easy?
You think avoiding you is easy? You think staying with you is easy?"
Luhan stares at him, surprised.
"Bonded pairs..." Sehun says darkly. "Pairs are supposed to be together. But I can't
do that."
Luhan looks taken aback at this.
"We can't be together. We don't belong to each other."
Sehun's words hits Luhan hard and he doesn't know why he is so affected by this
when this boy, this frail looking boy is someone he only met.
"Why?" Luhan asks, plucking up the courage to even question this.
Sehun looks up at him, eyes still dark but Luhan can see that beneath all that, he is
"Because... we're different."
Luhan is suddenly confused. "What does that even mean?"
Sehun lowers his head and turns around, facing the door once again.
"Why don't you ask Lay?" Sehun says quietly. "You two talk all the time anyway."

Luhan is still confused and as he lowers his guard down, Sehun unlocks the door
and leaves the rooftop.

That was the longest conversation he had with Sehun, Luhan thinks as he walks
over to the dining area for a glass of water. He's exhausted, having just come back
from battling Kai and then he had to deal with whatever that was that Sehun told
him. He was confused too and he just sighs because being confused a lot these
days is what he does best.
Luhan pours himself a drink just when Kyungsoo enters and Luhan nods at him.
"Hey," Kyungsoo starts, reaching for a glass himself. "That was awesome what you
did back there in that hangar. I didn't know you could control things with your mind."
Luhan smiles weakly at him. "Thanks."
Kyungsoo raises an eye at him. "You okay?"
Luhan nods. "Yeah, just a bit tired."
Kyungsoo holds up a hand to tell him to stay put and he goes to a cupboard.
Opening it, Luhan watches as Kyungsoo pulls out a small container, closes the
cupboard and walks back to Luhan.
"Here. I hope this helps." Kyungsoo says, opening the container and Luhan peers
in and sees chocolate chip cookies.
"Cookies?" Luhan takes one, admiring the snack. When was the last time he had
Kyungsoo blushes. "Yeah. They're my comfort food. I asked Suho if I could make
something around here just like how I used to do back home. He said yes and with
the ingredients I found, I managed to make a small batch. Chanyeol finished the

first batch though and Xiumin joined him in stealing the second. The rest I
managed to keep."
Luhan chuckles as he takes a bite out of it and he closes his eyes as the
overwhelming taste of chocolate hits his taste buds.
"This is so good." Luhan comments and Kyungsoo beams.
"Thank you."
"No, thank you." Luhan says. "It's really been a long time since I've had chocolate
chip cookies."
Kyungsoo smiles at him and Luhan continues eating his cookie. When he's done,
Luhan turns to Kyungsoo to ask him what else can he cook when he sees the other
look out the window, distracted.
Luhan turns his gaze to what he's seeing and sees Sehun and Kai walking along
the grounds, side by side. They look like they're deep in discussion again and
Luhan sighs silently, trying to forget that rooftop incident.
Beside him Kyungsoo sighs deeply and Luhan turns to him, forgetting about his
own troubles as he sees Kyungsoo look down on the ground.
"You okay?" Luhan asks and Kyungsoo looks up at him with eyes wide.
"You okay?" Luhan asks again. "You look... tired yourself."
"Oh." Kyungsoo shakes his head then smiles at him. "I'm fine. I'm just..."
Luhan hears Kyungsoo's voice trail off and he glances outside again to see Sehun
and Kai walking together. Luhan then looks at Kyungsoo and sees him looking in
the same direction.

"Are you..." Luhan starts and Kyungsoo looks at him. "I'm sorry I don't mean to pry
but is Kai your bonded pair?"
Kyungsoo looks at Luhan for a long time and Luhan thinks he's offended him. But
then Kyungsoo shakes his head and answers.
"No. Kai isn't my pair." Kyungsoo tells him quietly. "I haven't been given anyone
Luhan nods. "Oh."
But Luhan can't help but think that Kyungsoo likes Kai.
Luhan thanks Kyungsoo for the cookies and the company and heads on towards
his room to get some sleep. It was a bit early but then he needed the rest
considering that what he and Kai did was so tiring. But as he walked towards their
rooms, Luhan sees Lay out in the garden again, lying in the grass and just looking
up at the sky. Fake sky, Luhan corrects himself as he walks over to where Lay is.
Lay opens his eyes and looks at Luhan who is peering down at him and Lay smiles.
Luhan settles beside Lay but instead of lying there next to him, Luhan sits, bending
his knees and hugging them tight to his chest.
"What's up?" Lay asks him and Luhan stares up at the sky. Fake sky.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You already have." Lay chuckles. "But sure, go ahead."
Luhan pauses for awhile, thinking of what to say when he decides against it and
just goes with what he wants to know.

"Are we all different?"

Luhan's question makes Lay look at him.
"What do you mean?" Lay asks. "Because, yes we're all different. Like how I can
heal things and you can move stuff with your head..."
"No, no." Luhan shakes his head. "I mean us."
Lay continues to look at him.
"You, me, Xiumin..." Luhan continues. "Are we all different from Chanyeol,
Baekhyun, Kai and Sehun?"
Lay seems to understand this and nods. "I see. You're asking whether those that
are under Kris are different than those that are under Suho."
Luhan nods. "Are we?"
Lay looks at him for a long time and Luhan knows the answer even before Lay
could tell him.
Luhan doesn't understand why though and before he can ask, Lay pats his leg.
"You're going to ask me why." Lay says. "And I can tell you since I've stayed here
longer than the others."
Luhan looks at him as Lay sits, bending his leg close to his chest as well.
"But I can't. I shouldn't."
Luhan feels defeated at this.

"It's for your own good." Lay says, giving him a soft smile. "You'll know. Soon. But
now is not the time."
Luhan sighs heavily at this. Confusion and secrets... when is this all going to end?
Sounds of footsteps are heard behind them and Lay and Luhan turn around to see
who it is. It's Kris' assistants and one look at them, Luhan knows it's him they need.
"I'll see you later." Luhan pats Lay's shoulder as he walks with these men towards
Kris' office.
Luhan looks up as soon as he is left alone and he is surprised to see Suho rather
than Kris.
"Kris is a little busy at the moment." Suho tells him, smiling. "But he says you
shouldn't slack off and still need to train."
"You've got to be kidding me." Luhan's shoulders sag. He had just battled Kai this
morning and he really just wanted to get some rest.
"I know you're tired so let's just do this really quick, okay?"
Luhan knows Suho's only doing his job so he straightens his shoulders and face
him. And in all honesty, Luhan's actually relieved to have Suho train him than Kris.
"Alright then," Suho then stretches his palms out. "Let's start by having you block
my attacks."
Luhan raises his eye at this. Attacks? Wait, Suho hasIn a second, something cold and wet hit Luhan's face and as he found his focus, he
realizes he's drenched from head to toe.
"What..." Luhan wipes his eyes and see Suho looking at him. "You..."
Suho smiles. "Yes Luhan, even Kris and I have our own special abilities."

Water? Luhan thought.

Luhan watches carefully as Suho waves his palms in the air and water forms infront
of him. Luhan is surprised at this but concentrates.
Suho throws him his attack once more and Luhan focuses. Seeing the water fly
through the air and aim at him, Luhan moves it away having the water miss him by
a few inches.
"Very good." Suho beams at him.
Luhan shivers in his drenched clothes. "How are you able to- "
Suho shakes his head. "Not now, Luhan."
Luhan nods and they continue on their training for the rest of the evening.
Suho is gentle when it comes to treating them, the experiments, but when it comes
to training, Luhan finds that he's a lot like Kris, making sure they are able to do
well. But unlike Kris, Suho doesn't use torture to get to them.
Luhan can see that Suho is fast. And strong. He is able to hit Luhan a few times
and every time he does so, it is harder than before. It may just be water but when
the cold liquid slices through Luhan's skin or when it hits him roughly in the back, it
Luhan is able to push the water back too. It hits Suho a couple of times, surprising
him. And in one occassion, Kris walks in just as Luhan manages to send Suho's
huge wave of water back to him.
"I think we've had enough for today." Suho says after Luhan is exhausted. Luhan
nods and Suho grabs a towel from one of the cabinets and hands it over to Luhan.
"You've done really well."

Luhan thanks him with a smile as he covers himself and dries his hair. Kris sits in
one of the dry chairs as Suho comes up to him and whispers something in his ear.
Although it is faint, Luhan hears what Suho just said.
"Keep an eye on him."
Luhan wonders what he meant by that when Suho looks up quickly at him and
"You still need to concentrate and work on your speed but you've progressed so
much already." Suho then turns to Kris. "You should be proud."
Kris just nods and Luhan is relieved at what Suho said.
"We'll have you come back in a few days. Right now, you've earned your rest."
Luhan thanks Suho and just as he is about to leave, Kai materializes in the room,
surprising Luhan.
Kris and Suho seem surprised at this too.
"Kai, you know the rules. You can't just teleport in here whenever you like." Suho
tells him and Kai nods.
"I know, I know. You said to do that when I was in a hurry and if it was important."
Kai replies. "And it is."
Kris looks at him. "What happened?"
Kai smirks. "It's Chanyeol. He's playing with fire again and has managed to burn
down some of the gym equipment. Xiumin's keeping it under control but I just
thought you might want to know."
Suho sighs. "I see. Alright, we'll be right there. Thank you Kai."

Kai nods and sees Luhan. Luhan nods back at him.

"Well, seeing as you're here, would you mind escorting Luhan back?" Suho asks
and Kris stops him. Suho rolls his eyes. "Kris, Luhan won't go anywhere."
Kris looks at Luhan for a long time before surrendering. "Fine."
Kai beckons Luhan to follow him and they leave the two behind. As they walk out of
the room, Kai looks at Luhan looking all wet and chuckles, "Suho?"
Luhan nods. "Yeah."
"Well, he looks drenched back there so I take it you were able to get him too?"
Luhan grins. "Yeah, I did."
Kai laughs and Luhan finds himself feeling comfortable around him. "That's good.
It's always a challenge to fight Suho. I'm glad you're one of the few who can
actually put up a fight."
Luhan smiles at this.
"I'm Kai by the way." Kai says and Luhan is surprised at the sudden introduction. "I
didn't get to introduce myself properly before."
Luhan shakes his head at him. "It's okay. What with everything that's happened
around here..."
Luhan sighes and then continues. "I'm Luhan."
Kai nods.
"How long have you been here?" Luhan can't help but ask as they make their way
back to their quarters.
"Very long." Kai says, running his hand through his hair. "But I don't know how long

exactly. It's easy to lose track of time around here. Ask Lay and he'll say the same
Lay... Luhan realizes that he and Lay are among the oldest who have been here
and he notices that Suho and Kris trust the two of them the most.
Talking to Luhan makes him realize that Kai is a great guy. He likes talking to him
and he understand why Sehun likes his company. The way he talks, the way he
laughs, it makes you want to listen more and as they entered their base, Luhan
accepts the fact that if Sehun does like Kai's company more than him, if Sehun
likes Kai rather than him, then so be it.
He can never be Kai anyway.
"Holy shit."
Luhan looks up as he hears Kai and his eyes widen to see one part of the building
"What's going on?" Luhan breathes and he and Kai run towards the building,
checking to see what's happening.
"This wasn't like this when I left." Kai says as they neared the building.
The both of them find Kyungsoo and Lay pulling along a water hose and aiming it
at the building but it was no use. The whole thing was too big to be dealt with just a
small water hose.
"What's going on?!" Luhan exclaims.
"Chanyeol." Lay coughs as the smoke starts spreading out. "His powers got out of
"Where's Xiumin?" Kai asks and Xiumin runs up to them, face speckled with ash.
"I can't stop it." Xiumin sputters and Lay helps him stand up on his feet as he looks

exhausted. "It's too big to handle."

"What the hell happened here?!"
All of them turn around to see Suho and Kris staring at the sight infront of them.
"No, don't answer that." Suho says. "Where's Chanyeol?"
"In there." Kyungsoo points at the building that looks like it's about to collapse.
"Baekhyun? Sehun?" Suho asks, looking around for him.
"I called them for training earlier." Kris replies
Suho runs forward and in an instant produces water. He aims it at the building,
trying to put the fire out. At first Luhan thinks it's working but it still seems to be too
"I can't put it out with just what I have." Suho says angrily. "I need more water."
Kris nods. "Kyungsoo, Lay, come with me."
The both of them nod and follow Kris while Xiumin, Kai and Luhan stay.
"Suho," Xiumin coughs. "We need to get him out of there."
"I know." Suho bites his lips. "We'll do what we can."
"No," Kai says and they turn to him. "Let me. I'll teleport myself in there and bring
Chanyeol back."
Suho places a hand on Kai's shoulder. "Are you strong enough to teleport yourself
and one person now?"
Kai smirks. "You've been training me for this. You should know."

Suho smiles uneasily and nods. Luhan watches as Kai disappears from their eyes
and they wait for him to come back.
"Water's here." Xiumin points and Suho and Luhan help out. Suho handles the
water flowing from the hose pretty well, aiming it at the building.
"Better." Suho says.
Suddenly, Kai materializes in front of them with Chanyeol's arm around his
shoulder. They both stumble down on the ground and Lay rushes forward to help
"Your shoulder's burned." Lay says and Kai cringes as Lay rips out his sleeve.
Chanyeol looks fine although he is coughing uncontrollably and his hair looks
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Chanyeol sputters and Luhan helps him up.
"It's okay. Suho's doing everything he can-"
"Sehun..." Chanyeol coughs and Luhan looks at him.
"Sehun what?"
Chanyeol raises his head at him and Luhan can see tears from his eyes from
where the smoke got to him.
"Sehun, he's in there." Chanyeol says and Luhan's eyes widen. "He came back
earlier and was helping put out the fire but the room collapsed. I don't know what
happened to him."
Luhan laid Chanyeol back on the ground and rushes off to the burning building
without thinking twice.
Xiumin grabs his shoulder from behind. "What are you doing?"

"I'm coming after him." Luhan says, already shaking from wasting so much time
just standing there.
"No." Kris says, "We don't know where he is and you could get hurt. We'll put out
the fire first and then we'll get him out."
Luhan glares at him. How can they just tell him to wait? Sehun is in there!
Luhan turns around and rushes back, ignoring Kris when Kai stops him.
"I'll do it." Kai says. "I can do it much faster."
"You're still hurt!" Lay shouts but it's too late and Kai is already gone.
Sehun... Luhan chants his name over and over again in his head, feeling numb as
he thinks about him.
What if he's burned badly? What if he's trapped? What if he didn't make it?
Luhan's heart starts banging against his chest and each time it does it sends him
close to tears.
Seconds pass, minutes... Suho has done a great job in putting out the fire but
there's still a lot and just when Luhan thinks there's no way Kai and Sehun is going
to get out alright and that he should run after them, Kai materializes with Sehun in
his arms.
Luhan feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of him as he runs to meet them.
But Kai shoots him a worried look as he approaches and Luhan wonders why when
he realizes Sehun isn't moving.

part 8

Luhan stares at his lifeless body in Kai's arms. Sehun...

Kai settles him on the ground and medics in the form of Kris' assistants are
suddenly there surrounding themselves around him.
No. Luhan thinks as he pushes his way towards him. He doesn't care how many of
these men with surgical masks on their faces are already there as he pushed them
away with his head. The men moved like a force has pulled them aside and Luhan
quickly passes by them. He stops as he finally finds himself staring at Kai hovering
above Sehun.
Luhan sinks to the ground beside him and cups his face in his hands.
"His right leg is slightly burned." Kai explains, cringing at the burn in his own
shoulder. "And so is his left arm."
Luhan's hand is shaking as he studies his burns. It looks deep.
Luhan hears footsteps approaching and hears Kris yell for Lay. In an instant, he is
beside Luhan, inspecting Sehun's burns.
"I'm on it." Lay says, running his hand over Sehun's wounds. All this time, Luhan
watches and holds on to Sehun's good hand as Lay heals him.
It takes a lot of time for Lay to heal Sehun. Maybe because he's already too tired
from healing Xiumin and Kai earlier. But he manages to work on Sehun bit by bit.
Sehun's burns are more severe than Kai and it makes Luhan wonder what had hit
him when his insides churned from thinking about it. There's a long gash on the
side of his cheek and Luhan can only stare helplessly. Little by little, Lay has
managed to heal Sehun's leg, arm and the scar on his face but there are still
pinkish marks from where the burns had been.
"I can't heal it completely." Lay apologizes. "The burns are almost fine but we need
to get him some air. He's inhaled too much smoke and passed out.

Kris nods and motions for his assistants to take him.

"No." Luhan says, fighting them off. He didn't want them to touch Sehun.
"Luhan, we're going to help him."
"No!" Luhan glares at him, holding an unconscious Sehun near him. "Let Lay heal
him. The last time you touched him he almost died."
Lay touches Luhan hand and he looks at him. "Luhan, Sehun needs help. Kris will
help him."
Luhan bites his lip and shakes his head. "No."
"Let Kris and Suho help him." Lay says softly. "You know I'm all drained out. I can't
heal him completely. But Kris and Suho can. Trust them."
Trust them... Luhan doesn't know how to feel about this. Trust them.
Luhan looks at Sehun and finds him still unconscious. If he wants him to get well
soon then he needs medical attention quick. He knows that.
But in the hands of Suho and Kris.
Finally, Luhan gives up. He knows those two can help him. Oddly enough he finds
that he does trust them. A little bit.
With a defeated expression, Luhan nods.
Instantly, Kris' assistants take Sehun away from Luhan and Luhan watches as they
take Sehun away from him once more.

"You should get some sleep."

Luhan lifts his head up and sees Xiumin handing him a glass of water.
They're outside the burned up building, sitting at the benches across from it.
Luhan, not wanting to go to sleep unless he knows if there is any progress with
Sehun, sits there, waiting.
"I'm not sleepy." Luhan replies, taking the drink from Xiumin.
"You've been up for more than 24 hours already. Battling Kai, tests with Suho... I
know you're tired." Xiumin says.
Luhan looks at him. "How about you?"
Xiumin shrugs. "I can't sleep. Lay is being treated right now since he was drained
out and I can't sleep if he's not beside me."
Luhan manages to grin at him. "Aren't you supposed to give him strength or
something? He's your pair."
Xiumin chuckles. "Done with that. As soon as everyone left."
Luhan makes a face at him. "Okay, I did not need to hear that. Please don't tell me
next time."
Xiumin laughs. "Well you asked!"
Luhan smiles and Xiumin pats his shoulder.
"He's going to be fine."
Luhan knows he means Sehun and he sighs. "I know. But I still can't help but feel
Xiumin nods and they sit there quietly, watching the aftermath of what happened
earlier reduced to smoke.

Luhan feels inadequate. A failure. He knows he shouldn't feel that way and it's not
his fault. But he still can't help but feel like such a failure for not being able to
rescue Sehun. To protect him.
It was Kai who did. Kai with his amazing ability. Kai with his speed. Kai with his
Luhan doesn't hate him. How can he when he saved Sehun. But he would like to
be Sehun's guardian. To be able to take care of him just like that time when he was
tossed in his room and it was only the two of them.
Footsteps coming up from behind them made them turn around and Luhan sees
Lay walking slowly looking tired. Xiumin is instantly beside him, supporting him.
"Are you okay?" Luhan asks and Lay nods.
"Thank you for earlier." Luhan says and Lay waves him off.
"It was nothing." Lay says. "In fact, I should apologize. I wasn't able to help him
Luhan shakes his head and places a hand on his shoulder. "It was more than I
could ask. Thank you."
Lay nods and smiles.
"How is he?" Luhan asks.
"He's fine." Lay says. "And Kris sent me to tell you you're needed."
"They're joking right?" Xiumin says angrily. "Luhan hasn't slept at all. He's been to
two trainings today and now they want him to do more?"
Lay shakes his head. "Not trainings or tests, no. They need him for Sehun."

Xiumin looks at him. "Oh."

Luhan walks alone towards Kris' office. Every step he takes, he feels confused. On
one side he is happy. Happy to be the one being called. Not Kai. Not Suho. But
him. It suddenly makes him feel important.
But on another note, it makes him feel anxious. Sehun made it clear today that
they're different. They couldn't be together even if they were pairs. Sehun doesn't
want him because he's different.
Luhan realizes he has been standing outside of Kris ' office for a long while just
mulling things over. Slowly, he musters up the courage to knock on Kris' door.
"Come in."
Luhan enters and sees Kris pacing around his couch while Suho sitting and flipping
through papers. As soon as Luhan closes the door behind him, Kris and Suho look
"Good. You're here." Kris motions him towards another door on the left of his office.
"When you enter, go straight, take a left and the first door on the right is Sehun's
Luhan looks at them. "Is he okay?"
Suho smiles at him as he settles the papers down beside him. "Yes. He's fine. Very
weak. But better than he was before."
Luhan nods, thankful to hear this. "Thank you."
"Go on. The earlier you see him the faster he's going to recover."
Luhan nods again and makes his way towards Sehun's room.
There are glass doors and men with lab coats and surgical masks on their faces
scurrying about the hallways as Luhan enters. Luhan can't see what they're all

doing but he sees all sorts of experiments. Chemical formulations being tested,
animals in cages... Luhan looks away as the growing need to find out what this
facility is up to builds inside of him. This is his chance to find out what's going on.
He knows that. But he also knows that it's not the time. There are a lot of people
who might see him and he still needs to find Sehun.
And besides, Lay said he trusts Suho and Kris. Luhan trusts what Lay says and he
knows everything will be shown to them in the end.
Luhan finds Sehun's room and slowly walks in, closing the door behind him. It
looks like a hospital room but there are no machines and windows. There is only a
bed and Luhan sees Sehun lying there, sleeping.
Luhan walks up to him and sits beside him on the bed. He looks so peaceful, he
notices. But he also looks like the first time he saw him. Skinny, pale, his lips
chapped and there are dark circles under his eyes. The gash on his cheek is gone
and his burns too. Luhan knows he has to thank Lay again for this.
The bed, Luhan knows, is of ordinary size. But it looks so huge for Sehun. He looks
so tiny.
Luhan wants to touch him. To just stroke his cheek. Brush his fringe away from his
eyes and watch him sleep. He suddenly feels dead tired and realizes that Xiumin
was right. He does need to rest.
But Sehun is here and he's not going to waste his time sleeping. He hasn't watched
him sleep for days. Hasn't studied him closer. Does he even eat? Does he even
sleep? If so, where? Not with... Kai... right?
Unconsciously, Luhan reaches up and strokes Sehun's face. Sehun stirs and
Luhan stops, afraid he might wake up and push him away. But Sehun turns to
where Luhan's hand is, nuzzling his face slowly to where his touch lingered.
Like a magnet being attracted to him, Luhan can't help but lean in closer. Brushing
the fringe away from his eyes, Luhan musters up the courage to place a soft kiss
on Sehun's forehead.

Sehun's eyes open slightly. Luhan looks at him and sees that he is still weak.
"Lu...han." Sehun's hoarse voice makes Luhan cringe.
Luhan silences him with his finger even though he would like to hear more. He
doesn't remember if Sehun has ever called him before with his name but it makes
him feel wanted.
"Go back to sleep." Luhan whispers in his ear but Sehun holds his wrist. His touch
is cold and Luhan hates that his hold on him feels weak too.
Maybe the drugs they made Sehun take has taken over his body causing him to
say this, Luhan thinks. Maybe he's too disoriented to know what he's talking about.
But Luhan can't leave him now what with those words being said. Slowly, he climbs
up to Sehun's bed and lies there by his side.
"Go to sleep." Luhan tells him again, pulling him gently towards him. It's easy with
Sehun being so small in his arms and him not pushing him away. He smells of
antiseptic and freshly laundered clothes. Luhan finds this oddly comforting and
presses his front to Sehun's back, giving him warmth.
And Luhan doesn't know how it happened. One minute he was just holding Sehun
in his arms and the next his lips has found purchase on Sehun's shoulder. Maybe
it's because it's been so long since he has held him like this so freely.
At first it is just a soft kiss to the shoulder then on the back of his neck. But Sehun
slowly turns to him and Luhan finds himself staring at his half lidded eyes. In a
second, Luhan is kissing him, pouring everything he has been feeling into that kiss.
How angry he was at him for pushing him away in that rooftop. How he missed him
ever since he kissed him in their room and left him hanging. How worried he was
when Chanyeol told him he was stuck inside the burning building. How jealous yet

thankful he was when Kai materialized infront of him with Sehun in his arms. How...
Luhan clambers over him, careful not to place all his weight lest he crushes him but
Sehun tugs him down and Luhan gasps as he feels Sehun hard underneath him.
Sehun's hand grips weakly at his waist and Luhan assures him with a kiss that he's
not going anywhere. Luhan's lips travels down to Sehun's neck and Sehun arches
his head back, allowing Luhan to explore more of him.
This feels new to Luhan as he tastes every inch of Sehun. He's in control. Sehun is
the one who usually initiates these things but here is Luhan, having the choice to
either stay or leave him. He feels Sehun's cold skin underneath and they both
shiver from the touch.
He knows Sehun doesn't want him. They can't be together, he said. They don't
belong to each other. They're different. But right here, right now, Luhan wants to be
selfish. Luhan wants Sehun to himself. He doesn't care if they can't be together.
Sehun doesn't even have to feel the same way towards him. He can love him in his
own terms.
Luhan helps him out of his clothes and stops as he stares at Sehun's thin body.
The burns that once scarred him before are gone and Luhan places a kiss on it. He
slowly travels downwards, leaving a trail of kisses on Sehun's chest down to his
Sehun, although lying there still weak, is panting and gripping at Luhan's shoulder
now. Luhan takes the rest of his clothes off and Sehun's erection is standing there
before him. Luhan peeks up at Sehun and sees him looking at him with half lidded
eyes still. Bending his legs and holding them, Luhan licks him slowly, taking his
time to do whatever it takes to pleasure Sehun. To make him feel what he does to
Luhan hears him gasp as he tastes him. Holding him down, Luhan engulfs him in
his mouth slowly, taking his time to make sure that he has every inch of Sehun.
Sehun grips at Luhan's hair and it feels good. It turns Luhan on even more.
Pleasuring Sehun makes Luhan feel better. It's because Luhan is in control and he

knows where this is going. When Sehun takes him, Luhan is scared he'll leave
halfway. Nothing is certain when Sehun pleasures him. But with Luhan in control,
he somehow knows what the both of them wants.
Luhan releases Sehun and presses his thumb to his tip. Sehun's breathing comes
in gasps and Luhan knows he's so hard right now. The both of them are.
Taking off his own clothes, Luhan prepares Sehun. He inserts a finger inside him
and he hears Sehun hiss in pain.
Luhan silences him with a kiss, plunging his tongue down his mouth. Sehun sucks
and kisses him greedily and Luhan moans, wanting to kiss him forever.
Luhan inserts another finger and finds that Sehun is so tight. His throbbing erection
presses against Sehun and he grinds against him. Luhan holds him down easily,
closing his eyes as he wills his orgasm away. It's been so long.
The last thing Luhan wants is to hurt Sehun. If he could prepare him better than
this, he would. But right now, with the lack of resources, Luhan can only take him
this way. Being intimate with your pair strengthens them, that's what Lay told him.
He needs Sehun to get better.
Positioning himself, Luhan looks at Sehun. His cheeks are flushed and his lips are
glistening from where Luhan kissed him. Resting his forehead on top of his and
closing his eyes, Luhan pushes his way inside him.
Sehun gasps as Luhan enters him and Luhan holds on to the sheets as he does.
Sehun is so tight and Luhan pants and controls himself before he can come. He's
shaking. The both of them are. Sehun because Luhan knows it's been awhile for
him and Luhan because god he wanted to explode.
Panting, Luhan pushes further, burrying himself inside Sehun, taking him like he
belongs to him. For now, he belongs to him.
Sehun's hand reaches out to cup Luhan's face and he looks at him. Sehun...

Luhan moves, thrusting inside Sehun. Sehun moans everytime Luhan meets him
and Luhan 's head is spinning from the feel of Sehun tightening around him.
Sehun's hard member between them pokes at Luhan and reaching down, Luhan
pumps him as he moves.
They're uncoordinated. Rough. There is no rhythm. Luhan is lost in his own world
wanting to fill Sehun up. The sounds of skin slapping aginst skin can be heard as
well as their moans fill the room and Luhan thinks it's a very beautiful sound
coming from the both of them.
Finally, Luhan finds his own rhythm, thrusting inside Sehun while Sehun meeting
him. In that moment, they fit perfectly and Luhan wants this forever. Wants Sehun
to himself. Sehun is his. He belongs to him.
Sehun's cock twitches in Luhan's palm and Luhan feels him tighten around him. In
seconds, Sehun comes and Luhan follows, releasing everything inside him.
The thought of Sehun in that burned building flashes through Luhan's head as he
pulls out of him and it makes him shiver. Sehun is no longer cold but Luhan holds
on to him, scared of letting him go.

Luhan wakes up and the first thing he sees is Sehun awake and lying beside him.
He is staring at the ceiling, lost in his own thoughts.
This surprises Luhan because he has never woken up with Sehun beside him. He's
always gone the next day and for him to find him still there with what happened last
night makes Luhan think that this is all a dream.
But it's not because Luhan finds the muscles in his leg ache from what they did last
night and he knows it's real.
Luhan doesn't speak for awhile, anxious at what Sehun is thinking. What would he
say? Would he take everything back? Would he still want him to stay?

Luhan closes his eyes, not knowing what to do. Leave, his insticts tell him. Give
Sehun some space eventhough he probably has enough of that all the time.
Luhan opens his eyes and decides to leave. Now is not the time to talk to him,
Luhan thinks. He's just getting better.
Luhan sits up and turns his back to him. Putting his clothes on, Luhan remembers
last night and how Sehun told him to stay. He reminisces how those words
sounded in his ear as he stands up to leave.
A hand closes in around his wrist and Luhan turns to Sehun. His hold is stronger
than last night, Luhan notices and is glad to see that he doesn't look so pale
Sehun doesn't look at him, his eyes fixed on the ceiling and Luhan stays still.
"Stay." Sehun says after a long while and Luhan feels like yesterday when he heard
it for the first time. He wants him to stay.
Luhan slowly goes back to bed and sits there looking at Sehun.
"Are you okay?" Luhan asks and Sehun nods.
"Thank you." He says. "For saving me."
Luhan's heart drops.
He didn't save him. Sehun has it all wrong. He didn't want him to think that. If the
reason he's asking him to stay was because he saved him then it should be Kai by
his side right now. Not him.
Luhan swallows the anxiety in his voice before he replies.
"You should thank Kai. He was the one who saved you."

Sehun closes his eyes and then opens them again and Luhan knows he's getting
sleepy. He's still recuperating.
"No." Sehun answers back. "You saved me."
Luhan wonders how when Sehun continues,
"You gave me back my strength."
Ah. Luhan thinks, finally understanding what he means. His strength.
So this is what he is. Luhan is just some sort of pleasure for him. His bonded pair
indeed. The person who gives him strength. Just that. Not the person he's looking
for to keep him company. Not the person he can love. Just some person who can
give him pleasure. Give him that kind of strength.
Luhan's heart aches from this new realization but shakes it off before Sehun sees
him like this.
"You should go back to sleep." Luhan whispers and Sehun nods, closing his eyes
The hold Sehun has on Luhan's wrist loosens and as soon as he knows he's
asleep, Luhan pulls up the blankets over his chin and leaves the room.

Luhan trudges back up to their area, walking along the hallways with his head
What Sehun told him lingers in his head for awhile. He hates it. Being his bonded
pair. He hates how that's the only thing he's good for to him. Nothing else.
He wants out. Whatever this facility has done to him, he wants out of it right now.

Turning around the other corner, Luhan walks over to Kris' office. He knows what to
do. He'll have to force Kris to let him go. He'll make him. He'll do whatever he can
to allow him to leave. He can't live like this anymore. HeLuhan stops as he sees the door to Kris' office open with Kris on the couch, staring
at a clock on the wall in front of him. Luhan sees his shoulders hunched like he's
tired, a first for Luhan.
The clock isn't ticking. Both hands are set at twelve and Luhan notices Kris just
sitting there, staring at it. After awhile, Kris shifts in his seat and places his hands
on his face.
To see Kris with this kind of emotion, to see him tired, makes Luhan pity him. He
doesn't know why. He hates Kris. For the things he did to him and continues to do
to him. But why does he feel sorry for him from what he just saw?
"Are you alright?" Luhan asks him and it surprises him for even showing concern.
Kris sits up and turns around. Luhan sees that there are dark circles under his eyes
and his hair is a mess.
Kris nods. "I'm fine."
Luhan stands there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
"How's Sehun?" Kris asks and Luhan tells him he's fine. Kris nods at this. "You
should go rest then."
Luhan looks at him and nods. Kris turns back to the clock and Luhan backs out of
his office. But before he leaves, Luhan asks him a question.
"When will you let everyone go?"
Luhan isn't sure if Kris is going to answer him. He might not since he likes keeping
them here. But after awhile Kris answers and it surprises Luhan to hear it.

"Be patient."
Days have gone by and Luhan still wonders about Kris' answer. Be patient. So
does that mean he will let them all go? When?
And what about their abilities? If they go, will they take it away? Luhan likes what
he can do. But it still freaks him out that he can move things with his head. What
about Chanyeol? He just can't go around burning stuff with his hands. And the
others too.
Their area is back to normal after that fire incident. Chanyeol has apologized so
many times to everyone that Baekhyun just tends to pull him away from the group
to stop him from apologizing over and over again.
Sehun is back and on his feet too. He still doesn't talk to Luhan nor meet his eye
and he still doesn't sleep in their room. Where he goes and what he does, Luhan
doesn't know and doesn't bother to find out although he finds himself wondering at
times how he is.
Luhan finds himself hanging out in the dining area again one afternoon when
Kyungsoo emerges from the kitchen with an apron.
"Hey," Kyungsoo smiles at him and Luhan, surprised to see him cooking
something, hops off from his chair.
"Hi. What are you making?" Luhan asks, desperate for some distraction from his
Kyungsoo pulls out a small bag of sugar from underneath the cupboard that Luhan
doesn't even know about.
"Cookies." Kyungsoo replies. "Want to help out?"
Luhan smiles and nods, following Kyungsoo to the kitchen.
Luhan can see that Kyungsoo does enjoy baking and for awhile there Luhan feels

like everything is normal. He feels like Kyungsoo is just a friend who doesn't have
any powers. He feels like he's just visiting him in his own apartment on a Saturday
without any school work.
As soon as they finish, they take it out to the dining area and lay them on the table
to cool. Luhan munches on some of them though while still hot and Kyungsoo
pesters him for comments. Luhan teases him they taste awful and tells him to just
give it all to him and spare the others.
They laugh and tease each other when Luhan sees Sehun walking across the
grounds with Kai by his side. The both of them are talking to each other and Luhan
can see playful nudges coming from the two of them. Luhan's laugh slowly quiets
down as he sees them and he looks away.
"What's wrong?" Kyungsoo asks, worried.
Luhan looks at him and smiles, shaking his head. "Nothing."
Kyungsoo scowls. "You're lying. Is it my cookies? Do they really taste that awful?"
Luhan manages to laugh at this. "No, they're not. They're really good, Kyungsoo."
"Then what is it?"
Luhan looks outside again and sees Kai throwing his arm casually around Sehun's
"Do you," Luhan starts. "Do you ever feel lonely?"
Kyungsoo seems surprised at Luhan's question and then shakes his head slightly.
"No." Kyungsoo answers. "You're with me right now, keeping me company."
Luhan chuckles. Kyungsoo smiles at him and turns around to what Luhan is
looking at.

"Oh." Kyungsoo says when he sees Kai and Sehun together.

Luhan looks at Kyungsoo and notices his smile fading. He wonders why. Is it
Sehun? It can't be, Luhan thinks. He doesn't look at Sehun like that. But at Kai...
"Do you like him?" Luhan asks Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo stares for awhile at the two of
them outside before turning to Luhan.
But instead of answering him, Kyungsoo just picks up a cookie and offers him
Night comes and Luhan, Kyungsoo, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Xiumin are having
dinner. Sehun, Kai and Lay are out for tests and wanting to have a nice change,
Kyungsoo has them sitting out in the garden for a barbecue night.
Luhan relaxes for the first time in days as he listens to Baekhyun and Chanyeol
sing some rock song and going out of tune. He laughs as Xiumin makes fun of
them and Kyungsoo just hands everyone more food.
The laughter and the banter coming from everyone makes Luhan miss the outside
world. But as he thinks about it more, Luhan finds himself wanting to spend a night
like this outside of this facility with the same people. These people, Luhan thinks,
now coming to see them as his new family.
Chanyeol chasing Xiumin around the table causes some of the drinks to spill and
Luhan laughs and yells for them to stop it. But as soon as they did, the drinks still
continue to spill and Luhan realizes the ground is shaking slightly. Everyone stops
what they're doing as they feel it getting stronger and stronger.
"Do you feel that?" Baekhyun asks and Luhan nods.
"Kyungsoo?" Xiumin turns to him and Kyungsoo shakes his head.
"Don't look at me. I'm not doing anything." Kyungsoo answers.
Luhan looks around, wondering what is causing the earth to move when something

huge hits the tree beside them.

"Look out!" Xiumin yells at all of them and Luhan stretches his palms out to stop
the tree from crushing them.
Either the trainings Kris has been giving him is making Luhan powerful or Luhan
has just enough rest but he handles the tree easily, making sure it doesn't crush
him. He focuses on letting it hover above the ground, careful not lose his
Kyungsoo grabs Chanyeol's arm who's still standing there in shock and Baekhyun
pushes them out of the way. As soon as everyone's out from the table, Luhan
releases his hold on the tree and runs.
The tree crushes the table and Luhan shudders to think that it could have been
"Is everyone okay?" Luhan yells at all of them and he hears the rest reply that they
are and asking what happened. But among those voices, Luhan doesn't hear
"Xiumin?" Luhan looks for him when he sees him perfectly fine. But as Luhan
comes closer he sees him staring at something behind him, his eyes wide in horror.
"What the fuck is that?!" Luhan hears Chanyeol yell and Luhan turns around. He
gasps as he sees that it's the monster like creature they've battled before only this
time, Luhan knows it's another one.
"It can't be." Luhan breathes, staring at the monster coming towards them. Didn't
they just fight off this creature awhile back? Why was there another one? Where do
they keep these things?
"How many of these things are there?!" Xiumin exclaims as the monster screeches
Baekhyun turns to them. "You've seen this thing before? Where?!"

Luhan nods. "Yes, but now's not the time. Quick, run!"
Everyone runs away from the garden as the monster destroys everything in its
path. Kyungsoo grabs Luhan and the others, hiding themselves behind a wall.
"We need to call for help. We don't know how to deal with this thing." Xiumin says,
panting. "I don't even remember what Sehun did last time."
"He killed it by choking it." Luhan explains to them. "But right now we don't have
Sehun. And I don't think we should call for help just yet. What if this is a test?"
Baekhyun nods. "But we should do something."
They hear the monster's screech coming closer and closer and the ground starts
shaking from it's footsteps.
"Luhan," Xiumin says. "Throw every huge object you can find. Throw it at him hard.
Try to distract it."
Luhan nods. Xiumin then turns to Baekhyun.
"Play with its eyesight. If you can blind it, the better."
The footsteps start getting closer and closer.
"Chanyeol, all you have to do is burn it down."
Chanyeol's eyes widen. "What?! I can't burn that thing down. I don't know how!"
"You've managed to burn down a whole building. You can do it." Xiumin says and
Chanyeol shakes his head in panic.
"That was an accident! I don't know how- "
Chanyeol stops as the wall they're hiding is suddenly hit.

Everyone runs away before it crumbles beneath them, separating everyone from
each other and revealed in plain sight.
Luhan looks around for the rest of them and sees them busying their selves in
distracting the monster. Spotting one of the benches, Luhan focuses and lifts it up
and aims it at the creature.
The bench hits it in the chest and the monster whips its head at Luhan. Smiling in
triumph, Luhan lifts a large trash can and throws it hard on its head. The monster
growls and comes after him.
"Baekhyun!" Luhan yells and Baekhyun stretches his arms out. The monster stops
what it's doing and claws at his eyes, wondering what is going on.
"Chanyeol!" Xiumin shouts from across them. "Burn it down!"
Chanyeol stands there with his eyes still wide. "I.. I don't know how."
Luhan shifts his gaze back and forth at the monster and at Chanyeol. They need to
act fast. Luhan knows Baekhyun can't distract it much longer.
"Chanyeol, do it now!" Baekhyun yells, eyes still on the creature.
"I..." Chanyeol looks at him, and Luhan sees he is scared. "I can't. I don't want to
hurt anyone."
Luhan knows Chanyeol can't do it what with just happened recently. Chanyeol still
blames himself for that fire going out of control and with everyone here, Luhan
knows Chanyeol doesn't want to burn everything down. Especially since Baekhyun
is in the way.
Xumin, realizing the same thing, runs forward. Luhan watches as he concentrates
and freezes the monster's head.
"What are you doing?" Baekhyun turns to him.

"Killing it." Xiumin says, continuing to freeze the monster's head making sure that
the ice is thick enough.
The monster's roars are cut off as its head is wrapped in ice. It staggers from the
weight of the ice and starts holding his head.
"Quick thinking." Luhan tells him and Xiumin nods.
"Watch out!"
Kyungsoo's yell makes him look up and sees the monster swaying back and forth.
Not knowing where to go and with the weight of the ice on its head, the alien like
creature stumbles upon rubble after rubble and without knowing it, it's coming after
"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol yells rushing forward but Luhan is much closer. Running
towards him, Luhan realizes that the both of them aren't going to make it in time.
Luhan shoves Baekhyun hard to the side as the monster stumbles and lands on
top of him. Using his ability, Luhan stops the monster from hitting him completely
but is too late as it lands on his lower half, crushing him.
Luhan screams in pain but has his mind still focusing on the monster's now limp
body hovering slightly above him. The monster isn't moving anymore, probably
from the lack of oxygen that Xiumin had placed on his head.
He wants to let go. Just give up and let himself be crushed completely. He is so
tired and his body is in pain. Would it be okay to let go?
Shouts coming from the others makes Luhan gather up the last of his strength and
moves the creature away from him. Exhausted, Luhan lies there on the ground. He

doesn't know if he's passed out but it doesn't seem like it when he could still hear
footsteps coming towards him.
"Luhan?" Luhan hears Kyungsoo's voice shaking as he cradles him. "Luhan! Wake
Luhan keeps his eyes closed, not bothering to open them anymore. He is so tired
and his legs hurt. Not to mention his head feels like it's being split open again from
using up all of his powers.
"Oh god, Luhan." Luhan hears Baekhyun now. "Luhan, I am so sorry. Wake up.
Luhan wants to wake up and tell Baekhyun to stop apologizing. It isn't his fault for
standing there at the wrong time.
"Luhan..." Baekhyun whimpers and Luhan wants to tell him to stop. It's not your
"We need Lay." Chanyeol says.
"He's here!" Kyungsoo shouts and Luhan can make out more footsteps rushing
towards him.
"What happened?!" Luhan hears Lay now. "And what is that thing doing in our
"We should ask Kris later." Xiumin says. "But right now..."
Silence seems to envelope the place and Luhan wonders if he has already passed
out or not. The pain seems to be getting better, he notices, and he can breathe
better now. It was like lifting a huge weight off from him and he can finally breathe.
But his headache... It's still there.
"I have never mended bones and ribs this crushed before. This is the first time."
Lay says on his right and Luhan feels like vomiting. It's that bad. He wants to thank

Lay for healing him this fast. But as he raises his eyes to look at him, pain shoots
through his head.
"He's in so much pain." Lay whispers, stroking his face. "If only I can heal his
headache too."
But everyone knows that is not what Lay can do. Luhan lies there, closing his eyes
and enduring the pain.
"We need to call Sehun." Luhan hears Kyungsoo say that and he wants to tell them
not to. He is going to be fine without him. He just needs rest.
"They're still not done with him." Lay sighs. "I was the first one to leave."
"What are we going to do?" Baekhyun asks.
It's silent for awhile again before Lay speaks up.
"Xiumin and I will help Luhan to his room. He needs rest. If any of you don't have
any serious injuries for now, I need someone to tell either Suho or Kris what just
"I'll do it." Chanyeol speaks up and Luhan hears Kyungsoo and Baekhyun go with
Luhan feels himself being lifted carefully by Xiumin and he lies there with his eyes
still closed, slipping in and out of consciousness. He can't wait to just go to sleep,
be left alone and wake up when there's no pain anymore.
"Xiumin," Lay's voice is quiet and Luhan wonders why it sounds apprehensive.
"I'm going to ask you to do something." Lay says. "You won't like it. But for

"Tell me." Xiumin says, determined. "Anything to help him."

They're walking along the hallways now up to their room. Luhan knows because of
the familiar sounds of their heels on the tiled floors.
"Luhan needs strength."
Luhan feels Xiumin stop as Lay says this.
"I don't know if you're compatible with him."
"Lay..." Xiumin's voice sounds wary.
"Hear me out." Lay explains. "Kris once told us we were compatible with one other
person. I know that you haven't bonded with anyone other than me-"
"-And I don't know if Luhan has with someone other than Sehun." Lay says. "But he
looks so weak. Weaker than the last time and I don't know how long Sehun's going
to be away."
"You're asking me..." Xiumin whispers.
"Yes." Lay answers back. "Bond with him."
No, Luhan thinks. Not Xiumin. He belongs to Lay.
Luhan can only imagine how a request like this sounds. Xiumin will do anything Lay
asks of him. But he knows how this will hurt Lay too.
"Lay... I..." Xiumin's voice comes out in strangled whispers. Luhan wants to speak
up and tell them he's fine but everytime he does so, it's like something is drilling
into his head.
"For Luhan." Lay says quietly.

There's nothing but silence once again as they continue on their way and Luhan
lies there in Xiumin's arms, still listening.
They stop and Luhan hears Lay opening a door.
"I'll be in our room. I'll wait for you to get back."
"Lay, please-"
But another door being closed is the only thing Luhan can hear and he knows Lay
has entered his own room, the one he shares with Xiumin.
It's frustrating, Luhan thinks, to know how Xiumin and Lay are doing what they can
to help him. He curses at himself for being this weak. For not training harder when
Kris calls him for tests.
He feels Xiumin settle him down on a familiar bed and he knows he is in his room.
The bed dips and Luhan feels Xiumin beside him.
Luhan wants to talk to him. He wants to talk him out of it. He wants to tell him Lay
didn't want him to do it. Luhan knows because he can hear how Lay's voice was
shaking as he was suggesting it to him. Xiumin belongs to Lay. Xiumin can't do
this. Xiumin and Luhan can't be pairs.
Luhan feels Xiumn's hands shaking as he unbuttons Luhan's clothes.
Xiumin... Stop...
Xiumin's hands travel downwards to his pants and Luhan gathers up all his
strength again to move Xiumin's hands away.
"Xiumin..." Luhan cringes as he manages to speak. "Don't..."
Xiumin's hands leave him and Luhan can hear a choked up sob.

"I'm sorry." Xiumin whispers. "I can't do it."

Luhan relaxes. It's okay, Xiumin... It's okay.
"I'm so sorry."
Luhan squeezes Xiumin's hand weakly to let him know it's fine and he should go
back to Lay.
Suddenly, Luhan hears the door open. He feels Xiumin turn around to see who it is.
"Sehun," Xiumin breathes.
A gust of wind blows strongly inside their room and Luhan hears someone being
thrown against a wall.
"Get out." Luhan hears Sehun seething and he knows it's Xiumin who was thrown
back. Sehun stop.
"Get out." Sehun says again and this time, Luhan hears the door close right after.
Luhan is about to wonder what happened when hands are gripping his waist tightly
and lips are claiming his neck.
"You're mine." Sehun growls in his ear and Luhan reaches out weakly to stop him
and explain to him what just happened.
"No." Sehun pins his hand as he sucks and bites on his neck. Luhan, eventhough
weak, manages to moan at this thrilling sensation Sehun is suddenly giving him.
His clothes are gone in an instant and Luhan feels cold. But Sehun wraps him up in
their own world and Luhan surrenders to him.

part 9
Luhan dreams that he is floating. Like he is suspended in air and just floating high
up the ground.
It feels nice, Luhan thinks, to be able to float like this. It doesn't hurt. It makes him
feel relaxed.
But as he lies there, he suddenly feels worried. Worried about the fall. Worried
about the crash. Will it hurt so bad? Or will he pass out before even feeling the
intense pain.
Luhan's eyes flutter open and he breathes a sigh of relief as he sees his familiar
room. He can feel the soft sheets beneath him and although floating in his dreams
felt so good, to be able to find reality sometimes feels better.
Something moving beside him makes Luhan turn and he sees a familiar back
facing him.
This is the second time Luhan wakes up to Sehun beside him and he thinks again
how this must be a dream because Sehun never sleeps in their room. Maybe he's
not really awake. Maybe he's still floating.
It's a dream. Luhan thinks as he reaches out shakily to him.
I can own him even in my dreams, right?
Luhan wraps an arm around Sehun's tiny waist, holding him. He's warm, Luhan
thinks and smiles as he presses himself closer and places his forehead on his
back. His skin is smooth and he smells like the soap Luhan uses in their bathroom.
Has he been coming here often?

Slowly, Sehun turns and Luhan sees him looking at him. It still feels like a dream to
see him up close and beautiful and Luhan doesn't know what to say except just
look at him as Sehun reaches out and runs a finger down his cheek.
"How do you feel?" Sehun's voice is low but Luhan can hear how worried he is.
Worried... Luhan allows himself to be delusional and think that Sehun actually is
worried about him.
"Better than last night." Luhan replies. The pain in his lower half is gone, all thanks
to Lay, and his headache has disappeared. He's still weak, that he can feel, but
compared to last night's events, Luhan would say this is better.
Sehun closes his eyes and breathes in deeply.
"Last night..."
Luhan looks at him as he says this.
Sehun opens his eyes and Luhan is surprised to see they are dark and filled with
"When I found you like this... With Xiumin beside you... His hands on you..."
Luhan cups Sehun's face. "Xiumin didn't do anything to me."
"I know." Sehun replies. "But he almost did."
Luhan doesn't know what to think right now. For such a long time, Sehun has been
pushing him away. He was the one who told him that they didn't belong together.
They couldn't be together.
But what he just said makes him think that he wants him. What Xiumin does to him
should not concern Sehun if he doesn't want anything to do with Luhan. But here
he is, telling him stuff he wants to hear like asking him to stay and getting mad
when someone other than him almost touched Luhan.

"You're mine." Sehun's voice is low, warning him. "No one can touch you. No one is
allowed to touch you."
There it is again. Luhan doesn't know what this is.
Luhan drops his hands from his face and sits up slowly, clutching his head.
"You alright?" Sehun says immediately, sitting up too but Luhan doesn't answer
Instead, he settles his hands on the bed and looks him in the eye.
"I'm confused."
Sehun looks back at him.
"I don't understand you at all." Luhan breathes. "Are you really concerned about
me or just pretending to be?"
Sehun doesn't answer him and he lowers his gaze.
"You keep pushing me away." Luhan states. "And now you tell me I can't belong to
someone else."
"I know." Sehun mutters under his breath and he sounds... frustrated. "It's hard."
Hard... Luhan thinks, closing his eyes as the word sinks in. It must be so difficult
being with me...
"You should've bonded with Kai then, not me." Luhan says before he could even
think clearly. But as the words leave his mouth he knows it's true. If Sehun has a
hard time being with him then he should be with Kai. He seems better off in his
Sehun looks at him. Is that hurt in his eyes?

"Is that what you think?"

Luhan looks away. No. He doesn't know what to think.
"You think that being with Kai is going to make things easier?" Sehun asks, his
voice rising.
Luhan doesn't want to answer him. He knows where this conversation is going. But
he wants Sehun to know. To make him understand how he feels.
"Yes." Luhan says, looking away. "Yes I do."
There is silence in the room as soon as Luhan answers him. Minutes pass and
they stay there just sitting on either side of the bed, contemplating each other's
"Maybe I should've."
Sehun's answer stings and Luhan bites his lower lip from showing any emotion.
"Maybe I should've bonded with Kai." Sehun whispers and Luhan wants to leave
the room. Stay away from him for awhile.
"Yeah. Maybe you should've."
Luhan leaves the room quickly after answering him and as he closes the door
behind, he knows everything isn't a dream anymore.
Only reality could be this painful.

Luhan walks over to the dining area, desperate for something to do. Maybe he can
help out with Kyungsoo. Or play around with Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Luhan is

even desperate for tests with Kris right now even though he hates it. But he'll take
anything as long as it can take his mind off of what Sehun told him
Luhan bumps into Xiumin as soon as he enters and Xiumin's eyes widen as he
sees him.
"Luhan," Xiumin says and takes a step back. Luhan frowns at this.
"Xiumin, about yesterday- "
Xiumin shakes his head. "I know. It was so stupid and careless and- "
"No, it wasn't." Luhan assures him and smiles. "Well, yeah, it was kind of careless
of you and Lay to even think about doing that. But it's okay. Nothing happened,
Xiumin sighs and nods as they walk over towards the dining area together.
"Yeah. I'm just really sorry for thinking about it and almost going through with it. I
mean, I know how it feels like whenever Kris would use Lay. And for Lay to actually
almost see it happening last night to me..."
Xiumin shakes his head as if erasing the thoughts away from his eyes. "I'm just
really sorry."
Luhan smiles at him. "It's okay. I'm actually thankful for the two of you. For even
going that far to help me."
Xiumin pats his back. "Just please tell Sehun I am so sorry for last night. I didn't
get the chance to explain."
Luhan doesn't know how he'll be able to talk to Sehun after this but nods anyway.
After eating, Xiumin is called for tests and as much as Luhan wants to go with him
to watch, he knows he can't and proceeds to walk towards the garden to find Lay.
He needed to thank him for healing him last night but as he enters, Luhan sees Kai

cross legged on the grass and leaning back to look up at the sky.
Luhan hesitates, not knowing what to do. He doesn't actually want to talk to him
right now when he just fought about him with Sehun but Luhan knows it's not his
fault and decides to go and sit beside him.
"Hey," Kai smiles at him and Luhan gives him a small smile back. "Are you alright?
I heard about what happened last night."
Luhan nods. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"It was stupid for one of the scientists to let it loose around here." Kai says and
Luhan looks at him.
"They let it loose?"
"Accidentally, that's what I heard." Kai answers. "I heard those creatures were
being transferred to another facility. One must've gotten away."
Creatures. Luhan notices that there are many and shivers.
"What are they?" Luhan asks and Kai shrugs.
"I don't know. One of the few things I actually don't know about here."
Luhan remembers what Lay told him. How Kai used to be here longer than the
others. Him and Sehun.
Thinking about this, Luhan musters up the courage to ask.
"Do you know Sehun a lot?"
Kai looks at Luhan, surprised at the change in topic but after awhile nods.
"A little. He's been here awhile too. Right after me."

"Oh." Luhan replies.

They both sit there in silence and Luhan finds it comfortable. He never thought a
day would come wherein being with Kai's company would feel this comfortable.
He doesn't hate him. There's nothing to hate about him, Luhan thinks. He
understands what Sehun sees in him. How comfortable it is to hang out with him
and Luhan knows it isn't even Kai's fault if people like Suho or Kris likes him. Or
even Sehun. They trust him enough. Maybe Luhan should too.
"Does Sehun hate me?"
These words leave Luhan's lips before he could think. Luhan doesn't know where
these questions are coming from but he finds himself wanting to know. And the
only person who can tell him is Kai.
Kai looks at him, surprised again by this.
"What?" Kai sits up straight. "No. Sehun doesn't hate anyone."
Luhan doesn't believe this.
"I've been hanging out a lot with Sehun to know that hate doesn't fit him." Kai stops
and thinks about this. "Well, he does hate some people. People like the ones who
are keeping us in here. But to say that he hates you or anyone of us... I don't
believe it."
Luhan looks at Kai as he looks back at him and smiles.
"He just doesn't want to hurt you."
Kai knows. Luhan thinks. He knows of him and Sehun. How they aren't seeing
each other or speaking to each other.
He should be infuriated. It's their private life and how dare Kai knows about this.
But then again, they never had any privacy to begin with ever since he was taken

into this place.

Luhan decides to talk about this further.
"Why?" He asks. "What could possibly hurt me if we're to be together?"
Kai looks at Luhan for a long time before explaining.
"You know, we're made like this, with these abilities, because the world needs us."
This Luhan knows.
"But it comes with a price."
Kai looks away and stares at the sky.
"You'll know everything soon." Kai breathes. "But right now, Sehun is doing his
most stupid way of protecting you."
Luhan wants to laugh. How is staying away from me, protecting me?
Kai turns to Luhan and smiles. "Sehun loves you."
Luhan looks at Kai for awhile then looks away. Loves me... He finds that hard to
"But there will come a time where the two of you will be separated." Luhan looks
back at him. Kai's voice is suddenly low, like he doesn't want anyone to hear even
though Luhan knows it's just the two of them right now. "You won't be able to see
each other until times stops again."
"Like how time has been stopped right now."
What does this mean?

Kai plays with the grass he's sitting on as he continues.

"Sehun just doesn't want to hurt you or himself when that someday comes. When
time moves and everything will continue on with its pace. " Kai says. "So right now,
you're being ignored. You're being shoved to the side, anything that Sehun can do
to make you get used to the fact that you won't be able to see each other soon."
Luhan stares blankly at Kai, taking this all in.
"You know, I have no idea what you just talked about." Luhan says frustratingly. "I
didn't even understand half of what you said."
Kai chuckles. "I don't expect you to. But hey, you asked."
Luhan ponders over this as he walks towards the lab rooms when he's called for
tests. He doesn't even remember going through it. All the while, he keeps on
thinking what Kai said to him. About time. How time isn't... What was it that Kai
said? How time isn't moving right now? And how when it moves, he and Sehun will
be separated?
Luhan grits his teeth at the headache he has again. Not from the tests he has done
but from all this information Kai just gave him.
And the thought of being separated with Sehun.
Luhan shakes his head. Whatever.
"When is the right time?!"
Luhan stops as he hears Suho's angry voice coming from inside Kris' office as he
passes by them.
"When exactly is the right time, Kris?!"
Suho? Angry? That's the first time Luhan has heard him like this.

"We can't just sit around here waiting for something to happen when we're not even
sure." Suho continues. "We're wasting resources!"
Luhan walks closer to the door and presses his ear against it. It's a good thing that
the hallways seem empty now and no one is able to spot him listening in.
Kris sighs and Luhan can hear that he's tired. "I'll know."
Know what?
"I'll know when the right time is." Kris says. "When the hands of the clock move one
digit. Just one. That's when we know. That's what he told me."
Who's he? Luhan wonders.
Suho sighs as well and Luhan hears him flopping down on the couch.
"Kris," Suho starts. "Maybe... Maybe we should stop waiting for him."
Luhan presses himself closer to the door.
"What?" Kris' voice is low but shocked.
"Look. It's been so long. And we're running out of time although that's pretty much
"You're telling me to stop trusting him?" Kris' voice is now angry.
"I'm not saying that." Suho tells him. "I'm just saying that maybe we should stop
waiting and do whatever is necessary. Take matters into our own hands."
"We can't. I told him we'd wait."
"Kris- "

"I'm not talking about this anymore."

Silence fills the room for a few minutes before Suho sighs.
"Alright." Suho sounds tired as well, Luhan notices. What are they talking about?
Time. They're talking about time. Kai told him earlier that time has been stopped
right now. Is Kris waiting for it to move? What happens when it does?
"How's Chen?"
Suho sighs heavily. "Still recuperating."
Who is Chen?
Another scientist? Luhan wonders. A friend?
"Do you miss him?" Kris asks and it takes awhile for Suho to answer.
Luhan can hear desperation in Suho's voice. Whoever this Chen person is, Suho
clearly cares about him.
"Lay is helping in healing him day by day." Suho says. "I don't know how much
progress Lay has made but he seems to look better."
Luhan thinks of asking Lay who Chen is when Kris starts talking again.
"You know, you and Chen are different. Like Sehun and Luhan"
Luhan freezes in his spot as he hears his and Sehun's name.
"You won't be able to see each other once this is over."

This is what Kai just said...

"As long as he's going to be alright," Suho says softly. "It's okay with me."
Luhan places a hand on the door, wanting to go in and demand what it all means.
"Besides, once this is over, I trust that you'll look after him."
"Of course." Kris almost whispers and Luhan stands there for a few more minutes
hoping that they'll talk more about this. When they don't, Luhan walks away deep in
They'll be separated. Once this is over. Luhan knows that now. From what he heard
and from what Kai told him, they'll all be separated soon.
But when time moves, that's when it starts? Luhan doesn't get this part. How does
time stop anyway?
To be separated from the others. From Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Xiumin, Lay,
Kyungsoo, Kai... everyone. To be separated from them leaves Luhan feel even
more lonely when he first came here. He's already known these people, already
cared for them. To be separated from them...
And from Sehun.
He was lying to himself whenever he thought about not caring for him. He was lying
when he thought about giving him up for someone else. No. He doesn't want to be
separated from him.
But it'll happen. When time moves.
Luhan looks up with a burning feeling in his chest and runs towards their area.
Sehun knows this. Sehun knows they'll be separated. This is why he's pushing him
away. He doesn't want Luhan or himself to get used to each other's presence. To

depend on each other.

Luhan knows now too and when they do, when they do get separated, Luhan will
just live a life of regrets, of not ever telling Sehun that it was okay to be with him. It
was okay to spend the last remaining time they have together.
It's okay to depend on him.
He doesn't care if it's going to hurt, Luhan thinks as he rounds a corner, depserate
to find Sehun and tell him this. He'd rather have a few seconds with him than not
be with him at all.
Luhan runs into someone as he almost reaches their base and he staggers back
and falls.
"I'm sorry." Luhan cringes, rubbing his forehead and standing up. "I wasn't looking."
"Well, well. What do we have here?"
Luhan looks up at the deep voice he just met and finds a tall, well built man in a
suit. His hair has streaks of white, and his face is sharp. Luhan notices he must be
in his 50s. He wears a neatly pressed black suit and a grin that Luhan does not like
at all.
"An expirement." The man says this like he has discovered some extraordinary
treasure and Luhan frowns.
I have a name.
"Are you one of Kris' or Suho's?" The man asks and then laughs. "It doesn't matter.
Every one of you has the same purpose anyway."
Luhan looks at him. He knows who they are...
The man leans down as he looks at Luhan and Luhan turns his head away. He
wants to run seeing as this man is wasting his time but a part of him tells him to

stay and not get on his bad side.

The man reaches out and grips at Luhan's chin, forcing him to look at him. Luhan
struggles at first but gives up.
"You're a fine specimen." The man says, running a finger over his cheek. "I've
picked well."
Luhan's heart is racing. So this is the man responsible for capturing them.
He has finally met him. And Luhan has only one thought going on his head.
How he wants to hurt him.
Right there, Luhan wants to hurt him and make him feel how much he hates him.
For keeping them locked up and for playing with their bodies. Treating them like
they're nothing.
But Luhan also feels afraid of this man. And he hates how he feels this kind of fear.
He feels so weak.
"President Kim,"
Luhan can hear Kris behind him and he breathes a sigh of relief.
The man gives Luhan one last smile and releases him. Luhan keeps his head low
and wishes he could be like Kai and disappear in front of him. Teleport to
somewhere else
"President Kim," Kris approaches them with a smile. "It's a pleasure for us to have
you come down here although it is quite a surprise. We haven't seen you in
"I thought I'd make a surprise visit." The man says. "Check up on all the progress
that we've made."

Kris nods. "Well, you don't have to worry about anything. Everything's fine."
The man looks at Luhan and grins. "I can see that."
Kris looks at Luhan and then at the man. "Well, you must be really busy. I'll just
take experiment 4-2-0 from you and we'll be on our way."
The man smiles at the both of them. "Good job Kris. I'll see you and Suho soon."
With these words, Kris bows and leads Luhan away from him.

part 10
Kris' hold on Luhan's shoulder hurts as he leads him back to their area. Luhan
wants to ask him to stop gripping hard at him but the way Kris is leading them feels
like he's running away from someone and it makes Luhan think that maybe it's a
good idea to complain later.
The walk towards their base feels so long but they soon arrive and as they enter,
Kris locks the door behind them and pulls Luhan into an empty room.
"Ow," Luhan cringes and rubs his shoulder. "You didn't have to push me that hard."
Kris runs a hand over his face. "I had to. I needed to get you out of there."
Kris catches up with his breath as Luhan stares at him. He suddenly looks so tired
and weak and Luhan takes pity on the once strong and strict scientist.
"Who was that guy?" Luhan asks and Kris looks up at him.
"He's the one who controls everything around here."
"Your boss?" Luhan asks and Kris nods.

"In a way."
They stay silent and Luhan watches as Kris seems to be thinking about something.
"Luhan," Kris starts. "I don't want you using your powers around here for now."
"What? Why?" Luhan asks.
Kris sighs. "Just listen to what I say. Don't use your powers. And that goes for all of
you. I'll make sure to tell Suho to tell his experiments the same thing."
"Experiments..." Luhan mumbles as he hears that term again. "Is that what you still
see us?"
Kris looks away from Luhan. Even after everything he still sees us as experiments.
After awhile, Kris stands up and opens the door.
"Tell Lay and Xiumin not to use their powers. And stay here unless you're all being
called for tests."
"But- "
Kris slams the door shut behind him and Luhan just sighs in all this new found

This feels stupid. Luhan thinks as he finishes his tests with Xiumin.
The both of them were called at the same time and before they could begin, Kris
had pulled them aside secretly and told them to play dumb and not use their
And they did exactly as they were told. They went ahead with tests, baffling the rest

of Kris' assistants as they see how much they have declined in over a day. They
had to exert more effort in their part though by lifting huge objects, running, and
with Xiumin even being sloshed down with a bucket filled with ice. Like that was
going to trigger Xiumin's abilities. But they kept their promise to Kris by not using
their powers.
And it wasn't just them. For two weeks even those that are under Suho weren't
allowed to use their abilities. It left everyone wondering why and Luhan had to keep
his mouth shut since Kris didn't exactly tell them the reason. Luhan had an inkling
and it was because Kris didn't want the big boss to know what they can do. As to
why he's even keeping it from him, Luhan doesn't know.
It's actually a bit uncomfortable, Luhan realizes, to live everyday without using their
powers. It keeps all their energy bottled up and at the slightest touch Luhan
sometimes sends objects flying across the room. He's managed to break the
shower glass doors when he unconsciously nudged it open in his head and has
broken two ketchup bottles as he was passing them over to Kyungsoo. Not using
his powers makes him feel all edgy and he understands now why they constantly
need to train and use them always.
It's Luhan's turn to be called for tests and for once Luhan wishes that Kris would let
him throw a car across the room (they have managed to upgrade to bigger objects
since Luhan can now throw and stop orbs easily). But as Luhan enters and catches
Kris' eyes, he knows by the look he gives him that they're still not allowed to do so.
Luhan does his tests lazily much to Kris' satisfaction and just when they're about to
finish, the doors open and in comes the man Luhan saw a few weeks back.
President Kim.
He is flanked by two huge men that look like they're his body guards and he's
wearing a frown on his face which Luhan is anxious of.
"What is this?" He asks sounding annoyed and Kris stands beside Luhan.
"President Kim, I didn't know you were coming."

"Of course you didn't." The man snaps. "I don't exactly report to anyone what I do."
Kris stays quiet at this.
"I've been observing these tests for quite some time." He continues, sitting on a
stool and looking at Luhan, eyeing him up and down. "They were doing fine before
I came here but now they're not giving me the results I want to see."
"They're just new," Kris explains calmly. "They can't do much yet."
"Oh but I don't believe that." The man gives Kris one of his smiles that Luhan
doesn't like.
Luhan sees him pointing at him. "Show me what you can do."
Luhan looks at Kris and Kris eyes him again and tells him not to with his eyes.
Luhan stands there looking so dumb that the man stands up quickly.
"Follow me."
Kris nudges Luhan to follow him and he does. The two of them walk through a
series of hallways until they reach a huge room.
"You," The man tells Kris. "You stay with me."
Kris looks at Luhan and for a second there, Luhan thinks Kris isn't going to leave
his side. But after a few seconds, Kris nods and ushers Luhan to the other door
while Kris and the man goes through another.
Luhan enters the room and sees that it is big. It's also empty and in the far corner,
a glass separates him from the other room and Luhan can see Kris, the man and
two of his body guards standing there.

"Experiment 4-2-0," The man says, his voice booming across the room. "Show me
what you can do."
Luhan stares back at him, not knowing if he should do something or not but Kris
still looks at him and he knows he shouldn't.
"Show. Me." The man says impatiently but Luhan still doesn't do anything.
Suddenly, a loud gunshot is heard and Luhan feels his arm being grazed by
something. Luhan gasps as he feels it sting and staggers backwards as he
clutches at his arm. As he holds out his palm, he sees that he is bleeding.
"Sir," Luhan hears Kris' shocked voice. "What are you doing?"
The man smirks. "Getting him to show me what I want to see."
Luhan looks up, fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall in his eyes and
sees that there are men aiming their weapons at him. He can take them all in one
go. He can lift them high up in the air and rid them of those weapons. But by doing
that he would have to show the man what he can do and he wouldn't want to give
him the satisfaction of seeing it.
Luhan braces himself and feels him being shot in the shoulder and in the leg.
Luhan bites his lip from crying out in pain and falls as he feels the bullets graze
him. It doesn't hit him completely and he knows they were ordered not to do so. But
the pain makes his skin burn and he lies there gasping.
"Sir!" Kris shouts but the man laughs.
"This is a very impressive experiment you have here, Kris. Stubborn too."
Luhan glares at him as he heard that.
"Show me what you can do." The man says again but Luhan just looks at him,

staying still. Luhan wants to take him out. He wants to destroy this this
monster right now.
The man shakes his head in disappointment. "The things I have to do around
The man presses a buzzer and the doors to Luhan's side opens. There are men in
lab coats pushing someone inside and as Luhan sees who it is, he swears his
lungs have stopped working.
Sehun seems surprised to be dragged into this room but when he sees him, Luhan
can see the color draining from his cheeks. His eyes slowly travel down to his arm
and leg. He sees Luhan with blood all over him and rushes to his side but as soon
as he comes closer, a gunshot sounds and he suddenly falls.
"Sehun!" Luhan shouts.
Sehun stumbles and he clutches at his leg which is now bleeding.
"So this is your pair." The man says and Luhan looks at him unable to move closer
to Sehun. "Interesting."
Sehun is suddenly seized and Luhan watches as they make him kneel in front of
the man. Luhan grits his teeth as he sees them forcing him to stay still when his leg
is wounded.
"Listen up, experiment 4-2-0," The man says. "I'm going to shoot him right in front
of you if you don't show me what I want to see."
"Sir," Kris speaks up, his voice shaking. "They are my experiments- "
"Which I funded." The man says.
"Yes, you have. But they aren't going to be able to show you what you want to see

if you hurt them like this."

The man turns to Kris. "Hurting and threatening them is the only way for them to
show me results."
Kris lowers his head.
"Like that other experiment I ordered to be let loose in their base a few nights ago."
The man smiles.
Luhan looks up as he hears this.
So it was him. He let that monstrous creature inside their area.
And he called it an experiment.
"That wonderful sight I saw when one of them froze it's head and this one here, this
lovely lovely experiment, was able to carry a huge creature like that and save his
friend from being crushed."
"You see, threatening their kind allows you to see results."
Luhan wants to destroy him now for doing this to them. Baekhyun was almost
crushed to death because of what he did.
"Now, why don't we start- "
"Sir -"
"Enough, Kris." The man snaps. "You and Suho have been lacking in some areas
and I have yet to deal with the both of you."
Kris quiets down and looks at Luhan and Sehun and he can see how sorry he is for
doing this to them.

"On the count of three, if none of you show me what you are capable of, I will shoot
one of you until you're dead."
Luhan looks at Sehun helplessly and he sees him on his knees, his head low.
Luhan looks at Kris desperately and sees him looking at him now like it doesn't
matter anymore. It's as if he's telling Luhan to do what he can to save himself or
But Luhan doesn't want to show the man what he can do. He'll just be so happy
and Luhan doesn't want that.
Luhan shuts his eyes and looks away, staying still.
Nothing is heard inside the room except for Luhan's heart pounding in his ears
"Nothing?" The man asks. "Well then, I guess one of you will have to pay the
Luhan's eyes widen.
"Besides, I can always find a suitable replacement."
Luhan hears the men lifting their weapons and aim it at Sehun.

Luhan pushes himself up as he hears gunshots from all over the room. Running
towards Sehun, Luhan covers him and feels his back, his legs, everything of him,
being hit.
Sehun's voice is the only thing he hears and suddenly there is wind all over the
room. Luhan gathers up his strength and looks at what is happening. Sehun has
his arms outstretched and has sent the men and their weapons flying all over the
"Sehun, don't." Luhan groans as he feels his back hurting. It also feels damp and
he knows he's bleeding.
"Stay still. Hold on a bit longer." Sehun says through his teeth. "I'll kill them. I
swear, I'll kill them all."
"Don't." Luhan pushes himself up again and embraces Sehun, throwing his arms
around him and holding him down.
"Stop it." Luhan whispers in his ear. "This is what they want to see. What he wants
to see. Stop it Sehun, please."
Sehun is panting heavily and Luhan doesn't have to turn around to see how he has
everyone thrown against the walls, choking them.
Sehun drops his arms and he cries out in frustration for giving up. Luhan feels his
arms wrap around him, holding him now and he feels Sehun shaking.
"Oh god Luhan," Sehun whimpers and Luhan hates hearing him sound like this.
"Luhan I don't know what to do. You're losing so much blood."

Luhan closes his eyes, willing the pain away. He holds on to him so hard as if he'll
slip away into unconsciousness when he let's go.
"It's okay. Ssssh, don't be like this."
Sehun rocks him back and forth and just when Luhan assures him he'll be fine, he
feels himself being pried out of Sehun's hold.
Sehun reaches for him but someone steps on Sehun's back, holding him down and
aiming something at his head.
Luhan watches in horror as more men enter and aim their weapons at Sehun.
"No!" Luhan yells. "Please, don't!"
Laughter booms throughout the room and Luhan looks at the man. Beside him,
Kris has a shocked expression on his face and has his fist slamming against the
glass wall.
"Stupid kid." The man says. "Using his own abilities when I didn't ask to see his."
The man then turns to Luhan. "Look at what you've done. If you can just show me
now what you can do I can let the both of you go back unharmed."
Unharmed... It's a little too late for that, Luhan thinks.
Luhan looks at Sehun who is struggling to push himself back up but the man
pushes him down, stepping on him.
"Nothing?" The man shrugs then turns to Sehun. "Then watch him die."
Gunshots are heard a second time and Luhan feels rage course through his body.

Luhan hasn't used his powers for so long but all of his energy, all of his
concentration is still there and he unleashes it, stopping the men's bullets from
reaching Sehun. It's a lot and Luhan controls them, stopping them in mid air. He
concentrates on each bullet, making sure it doesn't push its way further. It feels as
if they are shooting at his head instead and Luhan cringes but stays strong, feeling
those bullets and controlling them from reaching Sehun.
Sehun has his eyes shut as if he is anticipating it but opens them when he doesn't
feel anything. He looks up at Luhan and Luhan looks back at him, eyes drooping
from exhaustion.
"Impressive!" The man exclaims, clapping and Luhan seethes. "Very impressive!
This is just what I wanted to see."
Luhan shifts his gaze at the man and as the man smiles at him, Luhan directs all of
those bullets and sends them flying straight towards him.
The man doesn't flinch as the bullets hit the glass. The bullets aren't able to
penetrate it, only denting it and Luhan falls to his knees when he sees that it was
no use sending it to him. Defeated, Luhan lowers his head and catches his breath,
willing the pain in his head to subside.
"Congratulations!" The man pats Kris on his back while Kris stands there looking at
Luhan and Sehun in horror. "You and Suho have done a wonderful job. Experiment
4-2-0 is perfect."
The man exits the room while Luhan slumps to the ground, the last of his strength
leaving him. The last thing he remembers before fading away is Sehun reaching
out to him.

Luhan wakes up all groggy and disoriented. His vision is blurry and he hears
beeping sounds on his side. He tries to look at what it is when he suddenly feels

sleepy again and passes out.

It's like this for awhile, Luhan waking up and then falling asleep again and the only
thing he can remember in between consciousness are beeping sounds and how
stiff he feels. When he wakes up completely moments later, he finds that the
beeping sounds are coming from the machines hooked into his body.
The first person he sees is Lay who is peering down at him, smiling.
"I'm glad to see you're awake." Lay tells him. "But stay still, will you? I can't heal
you completely if you keep on trying to move."
Luhan relaxes as he hears this. Lay is here... He stares up at the ceiling as Lay
moves his hands across his body.
"All those bullets have been taken out of your back." Lay sighs. "And I've managed
to close up your wounds. But you still need lots of rest. Losing that much blood..."
Lay shakes his head and Luhan is once again thankful for Lay's healing abilities.
"Se...Sehun?" Luhan asks, his voice coming out raspy.
"He's okay." Lay replies. "He got hit in some places too but not as much as what
you've had to go through. Don't worry. He's fine."
Luhan nods and closes his eyes, falling back to sleep.
Luhan wakes up and notices that the beeping sounds are gone. He's no longer
hooked in machines and Luhan gathers up his strength as he manages to sit.
Luhan winces as he feels a headache coming on and he sits there, waiting for it to
subside. When it does, Luhan slips on his slippers and slowly walks out of his
He's in the same room Sehun was in before when he was burned, Luhan notices.
Holding on to the walls for support, Luhan makes his way towards Kris' office to ask

if he can go back to their base quickly. Every second he spends alone in that room
makes him feel uneasy. He feels safer there with the others than with those people
in lab coats and surgical masks treating him.
Luhan arrives in Kris' office and his door is slightly opened. But before he could
step inside, he sees Sehun slamming Kris up against the wall, hands curled around
his collar.
"What the hell are you doing?" Sehun says through gritted teeth. "Huh? What are
you waiting for?"
Kris doesn't fight Sehun back and Luhan wonders why when Kris is bigger and
taller than him. Not to mention stronger too. Sehun looks so thin compared to him
yet the strength he has to push Kris up against the wall so hard is evident.
"It's time to move." Sehun seethes. "Luhan is in danger. They're going to use him if
you won't make a move."
Kris looks away, his eyes lost and tired.
"It's not the right time."
Sehun slams Kris against the wall again. "Damn it! How can it be the right time
when time isn't even moving!"
Kris doesn't answer for awhile and Sehun releases him when he realizes Kris isn't
going to tell him anything.
Sehun runs a hand through his hair and sits down on the couch, his shoulders
"You need to make a move." Sehun quietly pleads. "You have to, Kris."
Sehun looks up at Kris, his eyes desperate. "We can't just wait for them to take him

away. You of all people should know how that feels like."
Kris nods and he looks so tired.
"Just wait. Please." Kris whispers.
Luhan turns around and slowly walks back to his room, forgetting about going back
to the base. He needed to think. He slumps to the ground as soon as he's inside
and rests his head on the door.
So they're going to take him away.
Why me? Luhan thinks frustratingly. Not that he wants it to be someone else from
them. The thought of Lay being used. Or Kyungsoo. It just makes him sick. Do they
not see them as human beings? Do they just see them as mere experiments? Like
those animals they have in cages?
Luhan wants to be free. He wants it so damn much and he slams his fist on the
floor. Not knowing what to do with all this hate, Luhan stretches his palms and
sends the bed crashing across the room. It leaves a huge crack on the walls but
Luhan doesn't care. He sees the machines stored to the side and as he sends
those flying across the room too, his headache comes again and Luhan places his
hands on his face and cries.
He wants out. He wants to get them all out. That man, that monster, was going to
use them all. He doesn't know for what. All he knows is that one day everyone will
be used and it's going to start with him.
Pushing himself up, Luhan opens the door and slowly walks back to their base. He
can't stay here longer. He doesn't feel safe. Nothing makes him feel safe anymore.
Except for Sehun.
Luhan arrives in their own area and drags himself up to their room. Sehun won't be

there, he knows that but he'll wait. Maybe he'll sleep there tonight. Or tomorrow. Or
the next day...
Luhan opens the door to his room and he breathes a sigh of relief at seeing Sehun.
"Luhan!" Sehun starts towards him but then stops.
No, Luhan thinks. He's doing it again. He doesn't want to be near me.
"Are...Are you alright?" Sehun asks silently and he looks so frustrated. Like he
wants to hold Luhan but is fighting himself from doing it. His hands are balled into
fists by his side and it hurts Luhan to see how he's still contemplating whether or
not to come closer.
"Yeah." Luhan nods, standing there.
He feels so cold. And weak. All he wants is Sehun to hold him and tell him
everything is going to be fine even if he knows it isn't.
Sehun nods. "You should get some more rest."
Luhan watches him look away. They stand there in silence when Sehun walks away
from him and goes for the door.
Luhan grabs him from behind and pulls him closer to him. He knows he looks
pathetic right now, chasing after Sehun but this has to stop. Sehun has to stop.
Sehun stiffens under Luhan's hold as Luhan wraps his arms around him from
"Stop it." Luhan breathes into his back. "I know what you're trying to do. Stop it."
Sehun's hands are shaking by his side.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Sehun's voice cracks as he says this, a
sure sign that he is lying.

"Stop pushing me away." Luhan says. "I know what you're trying to do. You're trying
to protect me. But this isn't the right way."
Sehun has his head low and is still rigid.
"You're afraid." Luhan whispers. "You're afraid of hurting yourself. Of hurting me."
Luhan holds him tighter.
"You want me to get used to not being with you. You want yourself to get used to
not being with me. But it's too late for that because we both need each other."
Luhan fists Sehun's clothes.
"You're afraid that one day we'll no longer be together and it's going to hurt the both
of us."
Tears start forming in Luhan's eyes as he says this.
"But wouldn't it be better to start spending the rest of our time with each other than
you pushing me away?"
Sehun chokes back a sob and Luhan presses his cheek against his back.
"We don't have time left, Sehun. So stop it." Luhan's voice is shaking now too.
"Stop fighting me. Just, stop."
Sehun clutches at Luhan's hand and pries himself away. Luhan watches as Sehun
turns around and faces him instead of fleeing and Luhan sees Sehun like a little
boy looking lost. He sees him look so tired, just like Luhan, and Luhan cups his
face in his hands.
"Stop it, Sehun."
Sehun's tears run down his face and Luhan wipes them away.

This boy. This boy has been Luhan's first taste of reality. To see him like this hurts
him and he knows he can't let him go.
"Time isn't moving, am I right?" Luhan asks and Sehun closes his eyes and nods.
"When it does move, we'll be separated." Luhan says and Sehun nods again,
Luhan swallows the anxiety in his voice. He needs to be strong for the both of
"Then have me."
Sehun opens his eyes and looks at Luhan sadly.
"Have me." Luhan whispers. "Even for just a little while."
Sehun swallows back a sob as he reaches for Luhan and Luhan lets himself be lost
in Sehun's lips.
It's all a mess. Tears streaming down both of their faces. Hands reaching out
everywhere trying to feel more skin. Luhan tastes Sehun's tears and kisses them
away as Sehun pulls them both down on the bed, tearing at Luhan's clothes.
Luhan arches his head back as Sehun sucks on his neck and he moans so loud as
Sehun claims him. The sounds of his moans mixed with Sehun gasping and
panting builds up a fire in the pit of Luhan's stomach and it makes him hard. Sehun
reaches down and his hands pumps both of them together, thumbing his wet tip as
pleasure builds inside of him.
He's hard and needy and Sehun pleasures him. What finally feels like making love
to him, Luhan thinks as he grips at the sheets, trying hard to keep his orgasm from
exploding around him so soon.
It's a wonderful feeling, Luhan thinks as Sehun thrusts inside of him harder than
before. Even if it hurts. A lot. But whenever it does, Luhan only remembers how

he'd rather feel this pain than the pain of being separated from him.
Luhan allows his tears to fall as Sehun buries his face in his neck. He can't see him
but he knows Sehun is crying too. Luhan holds him as he moves faster inside of
him, thrusting harder and harder and Luhan wraps his legs around his waist,
meeting him.
Luhan finally comes, hands clutching at Sehun and nails digging into his back and
Sehun follows shortly after.
And for the first time, it's Sehun who's holding on to him now, not wanting to let go.

Waking up to Sehun's arms is one of the most beautiful mornings Luhan has ever
had. And to think that he has given up on allowing himself to experience anything
this beautiful in his life ever since he was captured.
Luhan doesn't see his back nor his straight face the moment he opens his eyes but
he only sees Sehun sleeping peacefully, face close to his and arms around Luhan.
Luhan wonders if this is the first time Sehun is sleeping this well. The dark circles
under his eyes are almost gone and his skin looks healthy now rather than pale.
His breathing is easy and Luhan watches him sleep for awhile, not bothering to
wake him up.
But Sehun stirs as if he knows someone is watching him and his eyes flutter open
slowly. Luhan looks at him and carefully places a hand on his cheek and Sehun
closes his eyes, feeling Luhan's touch.
"Hi," Luhan says quietly and Suhan opens them and gives him a small smile.
Luhan's breath hitches when he sees it.
A smile.

It's a small one. But Luhan finds it breathtaking. When has Sehun ever smiled for
"Hi." Sehun replies and Luhan presses himself closer to him. Sehun stiffens for a
moment and Luhan stops, waiting for this beautiful morning to come crashing
down. But slowly, Sehun holds him tighter and Luhan sighs.
"You're doing it again." Luhan mumbles. "You're fighting me."
Sehun sighs as well, breathing into the top of Luhan's head.
"I know." Sehun replies. "I'm not exactly used to this."
Luhan wishes he can help Sehun with that. It pains him to know how he's
struggling to even just hold him like this.
Sehun slowly releases Luhan as he looks at him.
"I'm not used to this kind of happiness."
He's happy. Luhan's heart explodes just hearing it. I make him happy.
Sehun closes his eyes. "I've been here for so long. I've already forgotten how it
feels like to be happy."
Luhan plants a soft kiss on the base of his throat and Sehun sighs.
"How does it feel?" Luhan whispers. "To be happy?"
Sehun strokes his back. "It feels good. So good. And it scares me."
Luhan looks at him and frowns. "You're not supposed to be scared of happiness."

Sehun nods. "I know. But I am. Because I'm scared it'll be taken away from me."
Sehun buries his face in Luhan's hair. "I'm scared you'll be taken away from me."
Luhan wants to lie. To tell him it's going to be alright. That he'll be here as long as
Sehun is with him. But how can he actually say these things when the both of them
knows what's going to happen.
Luhan stays silent and it pains him again that he can't even comfort Sehun.
They'll be separated... Luhan closes his eyes as those words sinks in.
"Sehun?" Luhan asks and Sehun hums in his ear to let him know he is listening.
"Don't push me away anymore." That is all Luhan can say for now. That is the
easiest thing Luhan can say at this moment.
"I'll try." Sehun answers and they both lie there, worried for what tomorrow will
Their tests start again. And this time, Kris tells them to use their powers.
But not to their full extent. Kris is still wary of things around him and he makes sure
that their trainings are private.
One of their trainings start with battling each other again and this time Luhan is up
against Chanyeol. The rest aren't there seeing as their trainings are done
separately so Luhan doesn't have the chance to battle Baekhyun and the rest. He
had also wanted to battle Sehun, to know if he can take him but he is up against
Xiumin in another location.
At first, Chanyeol doesn't use his powers at all, still scared of what might happen
but Luhan assures him he can handle it. Chanyeol starts off by throwing little balls

of fire towards Luhan and Luhan stops them and throws it back. In one instance,
Luhan accidentally throws it at one side of Chanyeol's hair and he yelps causing
the others to laugh. Chanyeol laughs as well and they all relax as they finally see
Chanyeol enjoying himself.
Kyungsoo is up against Luhan next and it is the first time Luhan sees what
Kyungsoo can do. He's powerful and fast and Luhan doesn't know what to do to
him. He can't exactly stop the ground from moving so Luhan gives up on fighting
him and allows Kyungsoo to win over this round. Kyungsoo pats him on the back
but not before Luhan teases him that he'll find a way to defeat him. Kyungsoo
laughs as he keeps what Luhan says in mind.
Next is Kai and Luhan grins at him.
"You sure you can take me?" Kai teases and Luhan quickly throws a chair at him.
Kai's eyes widen and disappears before it can hit him and he teleports somewhere
"Hey!" Kai shouts while Luhan laughs. "No fair! We didn't start yet!"
Luhan smiles and uses this chance to pick up the chair again and aim it at Kai but
he disappears quickly. Luhan takes a wild guess and aims it on the opposite side.
Kai teleports somewhere near it and yelps when the chair almost hits him.
Chanyeol laughs behind them. "Luhan's getting better at this Kai. You're getting
Kai smirks and disappears. Luhan waits at what he's up to and then sees him
behind Chanyeol. Chanyeol, oblivious to what is happening, stands there grinning
at Luhan when Kai wraps his arms around him and disappears with him.
"Hey-!" Chanyeol's last words cut him off and Luhan looks around wondering where
they are when the two of them appear at one of the platforms at the top of the
base. Luhan looks up and watches with eyes wide as Kai pushes Chanyeol to the
edge and Chanyeol yells.

"Save him Luhan!" Kai shouts, grinning and Luhan stretches his arms out and
carries Chanyeol's weight as he falls. Luhan settles Chanyeol gently on the ground,
ignoring all the curses Chanyeol is now throwing at Kai.
Kris would be angry if they knew they were playing instead of training. But Luhan
hasn't had this much fun and the look on Chanyeol's face when he fell was
Luhan continues to laugh at him as Kai appears breathless, smiling and facing him.
"Nice save." Kai comments and Luhan takes this moment to hold him down. Kai
feels this and struggles under his hold but Luhan has him where he wants him.
"That's not going to work." Kai smirks and Luhan watches him slip away and
disappear. Kai is so fast and Luhan sees him appearing then disappearing closer
and closer towards him until he is so near and Luhan doesn't have the time to
block him as he stumbles back grabbing Kai with him.
They laugh as they fall and at first Luhan is about to concede defeat when he
suddenly remembers.
These hands...
Luhan's heart hammers inside his chest as he feels Kai holding him, keeping him
from hitting the ground hard. Kai's face is close to Luhan's neck and he feels him
breathing roughly from the fall.
This feeling...
Luhan feels Kai's weight on top of him and he shuts his eyes as he remembers
how it felt like.
It's him. Luhan gasps as he realizes who Kai is.
It's him.

The masked man.

part 11

Luhan pushes Kai away hard and Kai looks at him surprised.
No... It can't be.
Luhan is shaking as he pushes himself up. The way Kai was holding him when they
fell, the way he was breathing into his neck... It's all the same and Luhan can still
remember how he touched him, how he forced himself on him.
Luhan can't breathe as he realizes who Kai is and without leaving anyone an
explanation, Luhan runs away from the training grounds and back to their area.
A part of him wants it to be a lie. Kai isn't that kind of person. Kai is a good friend.
Kai is... Kai is...
But flashes of that night with him in his mask, his hands roaming around his body,
violating every inch of him makes Luhan feel sick.
It's a good thing no one is inside their base. Everyone is still out for tests and
Luhan runs to the garden for some air. But as he arrives, he chokes because all he
can see is that night and he feels dirty and wasted.
Luhan kneels on the ground, clutching at his stomach as he heaves and throws up.
He coughs and staggers back dizzy.
He gasps for air, willing himself to calm down. It can't be Kai... It can't.

But it is. He knows it's him.

Kai materializes in front of him so fast that Luhan stumbles backwards. To see his
worst nightmare right in front of him...
"Luhan, are you alright? Are you hurt?"
Kai approaches him but Luhan stretches an arm out to stop him from moving. Kai
looks at him confused and Luhan wonders if he even knows what he did to him.
"Luhan?" Kai forces himself to come closer but Luhan holds him down in his head.
Luhan hates how he's afraid of him.
"Don't." Luhan chokes. "Don't come any closer."
Kai looks at him, hurt and confused but Luhan doesn't care.
"Don't come any closer." Luhan breathes and Kai stops fighting against his hold on
"Would you please tell me what's wrong?" Kai asks and Luhan looks at him, eyes
dark and angry.
"You don't remember me, do you?" Luhan says slowly, his eyes locked on Kai and
ready to block him if he ever comes close.
"Remember what?" Kai asks, bewildered and Luhan doesn't know if he's playing
innocent or not.
"You..." Luhan starts. "That night. In that room."
Kai continues to look at him, confused.
"That night. You... that mask."

As Luhan mentions it, Kai's eyes widen and Luhan knows he remembers. Kai
places a hand on his mouth, shocked and he kneels in the ground in horror. Luhan
sobs as he sees him finally realizing what he did.
"I am so sorry." Kai says quietly.
"You're sorry?!" Luhan yells, his hands balled into fists. "After what you did to me?!"
"I know-"
"You forced yourself on me!" Luhan continues to yell. "You had no idea how that
hurt! I already felt like shit back then and you- "
"I'm sorry!" Kai cries. "I didn't know it was you. They made me do it! I didn't want to,
Luhan, believe me! But they made me do it."
"Who? Suho?" Luhan demands. "Kris?!"
"No." Kai shakes his head. "Someone else. A man. I can't remember."
The one who's incharge around here.
Luhan closes his eyes as hate and deep loathing for that person who shot him and
Sehun courses through his body. Him. How dare he do this to him.
Was it not enough to play with his body? Was it not enough to experiment on him
that he had to force other people to use him too?
"Suho and Kris knew." Kai continues to sob. "They didn't like it. But he threatened
them and I had to do it. I am so sorry Luhan."
Luhan closes his eyes, willing all this to be just some sort of sick nightmare. Kai.
The masked man. The man who raped him in this very facility.

"I'm so sorry Luhan." Kai begs. "Please, forgive me."

Kai has his head low and sobbing while Luhan just looks at him coldly.
"Why?" Luhan asks although he doesn't even really want to know. "Why did they
make you force yourself on me?"
Kai shakes his head. "I don't know. Everything was a blur back then. They forced
me into taking all these drugs and I couldn't remember. But it was something about
experimenting on you. To make you stronger."
Luhan feels sick to his stomach again and clutches at it.
"I'm so sorry."
It's not his fault. He knows that now. It wasn't Kai's fault. It was them.
But still, he can't forgive Kai for what he did to him. He can't.
"What does this make us?" Luhan quietly asks, his voice shaking. "Are... are we
pairs now? Are we.. bonded pairs?"
Kai shakes his head. "No."
Luhan nods, thankful that they aren't because if they are and if Kai ever needed
him to live, Luhan doesn't know if he can help him now.
"You pushed me away." Kai continues. "Our bodies weren't compatible."
Luhan thinks back to that night again as he remembers Kai thrusting inside him,
frustrated and finding his release. He wasn't able to come that night, Luhan
"I'm sorry." Kai says again. "I swear, Luhan, I didn't want to do it.."

"I know." Luhan replies and he stands up.

Kai looks at him, his eyes all red. "Luhan, forgive me."
Luhan looks away. He can't look at Kai anymore and not think about what he did.
"Let's not talk about it ever again." Luhan mutters silently as he leaves Kai sobbing
in the garden.

Luhan curls into a ball in his bed, holding his knees as he brings it up to his chest.
He feels spent even though battling Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Kai wasn't that hard.
He knows it was because of what he just found out and he closes his eyes wishing
Kai hadn't touched him. Wishing he hadn't grabbed Kai at the last minute.
But then, would he want that? To live the rest of his life not knowing who that
person was?
They say the truth makes you feel better. But knowing what Kai did to him doesn't
make him feel any better. It makes him feel sick.
The door to his room opens and Luhan stays still. He knows it's Sehun but he
doesn't want him to know what's wrong. He doesn't want to talk to him.
The bed dips as he feels him climbing beside him and his arms wrap around his
waist. Sehun sighs and breathes into his neck and Luhan wants to turn around and
But he can't. He won't. He's not that weak.
But the image of Kai with his mask and that night invades his mind again and

before he knows it, he's sobbing hard into his sheets.

Sehun doesn't ask him what's wrong but holds Luhan as he cries. It's the weakest
thing to feel, being afraid of the truth, having to face it and then being forced to
accept it. What he found out today can never be erased from his head and all he
can do is cry.
Luhan turns around and buries his face in Sehun's chest as he cries himself to

Luhan doesn't see Kai for days. And he is contented with that. He doesn't know
how he would face him if they ever met.
It's easy for awhile. Sehun doesn't ask Luhan what happened to him even if he was
the one who held him all through the night while he cried. Even when Luhan wakes
up in between his sleep and cries again, Sehun just hugs him tightly, willing him to
go back to sleep. Sehun doesn't need to know, Luhan thinks. It was all in the past,
But even though Luhan is contented at not seeing Kai anymore, it's Sehun who
worries about him.
One morning, when Luhan emerges from the shower and puts his clothes on, he
sees Sehun sitting on the bed, spacing out.
"Are you okay?" Luhan asks and Sehun looks at him and nods.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"You don't look fine." Luhan says and Sehun sighs.
"Well, it's Kai."

Luhan stops putting his shoes on as he hears him.

"I don't know what's wrong with him." Sehun continues. "He's been avoiding me
these days, telling me he has tests but when I ask Suho how he is, he tells me he
hasn't been called in for awhile."
Luhan just sits there quietly, listening to him.
"I don't know if he's sick and that's what worries me because..."
Because what, Luhan wonders.
Sehun runs a hand through his hair. "He's not like us. He doesn't have a pair to
depend on. To get strength from if he's weak."
Oh. Luhan always thought that Suho and Kai were pairs. But apparently he was
"Maybe he's busy." Luhan says, continuing to put on his shoes.
"Yeah, I guess." Sehun sighs and stands up. "Come on, we're late for tests."
Luhan can see that Sehun is distracted while the two of them take their tests.
Eventhough they're in the same room, they're separated by a glass wall. Suho and
Sehun in the other and Kris and Luhan in the next room. Luhan keeps glancing at
him to check whether he's fine and Luhan can see that Sehun keeps spacing out,
missing his targets.
He knows Sehun and Kai have been here the longest and Sehun cares about him.
He's not jealous. But he also doesn't like seeing Sehun like this. He'd be pretty
devastated if anything happened to Lay or Xiumin too without knowing about it.
"Okay, we're done for today." Kris closes his folder and looks at Luhan. "We're
lifting and throwing old servers next week. How does that sound."
"Fun." Luhan says sarcastically and Kris chuckles, patting him on the back. The

door to the glass walls open and Suho and Sehun enter having finished their own
"Done?" Kris asks and Suho nods. He then looks at Luhan and smiles.
"You look better." Suho comments and Luhan thanks him. He then motions to
Sehun. "You too. Distracted during training but your wind power is getting stronger.
You look healthier too. There's color on your cheeks now."
Sehun nods at them.
"Congratulations." Kris says. "You two are doing it right as a pair."
Luhan blushes at this and so does Sehun.
Suho laughs as he sees them. "Aren't you two cute."
Sehun scowls as he hears this and without another word, drags Luhan back to their
area with Suho laughing behind them.
Luhan spends the rest of the afternoon with Kyungsoo while Sehun looks for Lay.
(Maybe he can find Kai and heal him if he's sick, that's what Sehun said) and the
both of them decide on what to eat for dinner when Kyungsoo is called for tests.
"I'll see you later." Kyungsoo says and Luhan just goes up to the rooftop to be
alone for awhile.
It is there that Luhan sees Kai.
He sees him sitting on the edge, looking down at everything. His shoulders are
hunched and Luhan freezes in his spot not knowing what to do.
The very sight of Kai scares him and he hates feeling that way. He should be
brave. Not frightened.
The door closes behind Luhan as it slips through his fingers and Kai turns around

quickly. Luhan stays where he is, unable to move and Kai's eyes widen in surprise
to see him standing there.
"Luhan," Kai says, standing up. "What are you doing here?"
Luhan bites his lower lip wondering if he should answer but then decides he
Kai sighs. "I'll just be on my way."
"No, Kai, wait." Luhan stops him and they both look at each other for a long time
before Luhan continues. "How are you?"
He doesn't understand why he's asking. He's scared of him, yes, but then again
this is Kai. He was a friend. Is. Was. Luhan doesn't know.
Or maybe he does care for Kai still. A little.
No, Luhan shakes those thoughts away. This is nothing.
Kai ponders for awhile. "Not that good."
Luhan nods and after thinking carefully about it, after making sure he can protect
himself, Luhan walks up to him carefully. Kai eyes him warily but relaxes when
Luhan doesn't do anything but leans down on the railing a little further away from
They don't talk for awhile because none of them knows what to say to each other.
For Luhan, it still hurts to know. And he doesn't know for how long will the hurt stay.
He can't just forgive him this easily. But then again, it wasn't Kai's fault.
Kai shifts on his side and Luhan suddenly has his arms outstretched, holding him
down. Kai, realizing that Luhan has blocked him, sighs.
"I'm not going to hurt you, you know."

Luhan, ashamed for even showing Kai how he's scared of him, lowers his guard
down and places his hands on his sides.
"Sorry. I..."
Luhan doesn't complete his sentence. Because what could he possibly say? I'm
sorry because I thought you would touch me again?
Kai seems to understand though as he nods.
"No, I'm sorry. I did this to you. I can only imagine what you must feel like every
time you're around me."
Luhan hears the guilt in his voice.
"I just want you to know that I'm really really sorry, Luhan." Kai says, looking at him.
"I don't know what else to do. Or say. I don't expect you to forgive me so fast either.
Or ever, for that matter."
Luhan looks back at him and he knows he means it.
"But I want you to know that not a day goes by do I ever stop thinking about it. If it
scarred you for life, it did the same thing to me too." Kai's voice sound so tired as
he says this. "I never got to see your face that night. But the cries that I heard and
the screams..."
Luhan closes his eyes as he remembers them as well.
"It still haunts me." Kai whispers and a tear falls down his cheek. "I'm sorry."
Luhan doens't know what to do. He's confused because he knows it wasn't Kai's
fault yet he can't just accept this. What he did will always come back to him.
Luhan blinks away the tears that were starting to fall from his eyes. "I know."
Kai looks at him, surprised.

"I don't forgive you entirely." Luhan sighs. "I don't think I can for awhile. But maybe
Kai nods. "Thank you."
Luhan looks at him. "You shouldn't ignore Sehun though."
Kai seems surprised at this but then lowers his head. "I had to."
Kai looks back at him. "Do you really not know how pairs work?"
Luhan manages to smile slightly at this. "I do. But why ignore Sehun when this was
between us?"
Kai turns around and leans his back on the railing.
"Pairs don't like it when their other pair gets used. Look at Xiumin. He hates Kris all
the time because he keeps on using Lay."
"Even until now?" Luhan asks, wide eyed.
Kai nods. "Yeah. Well, not as much as before. Kris understands this too and tries
not to use Lay if he doesn't need him. But don't get him wrong. Kris isn't heartless.
He has his reasons for using Lay. Kris cares about him too."
"And does Xiumin and Lay know these reasons?"
"Yeah." Kai says. "That's what frustrates Xiumin. Because he knows there's nothing
he can do. He sees how important Lay is to Kris too."
Kai leans down on the railing again. "Like I said, pairs don't really like their other
pair being touched. That's why I'm keeping my distance from Sehun. He's my
friend. I'm embarrassed to show my face at him. If Sehun finds out that I forced

myself on you, he'd- "

Luhan looks at Kai as he suddenly stands there facing the sky with eyes wide.
Kai isn't moving but has a hand gripped at the railing while he sputters.
"Kai?" Luhan asks. "What's wrong?"
Kai clutches at his neck as he continues to sputter and gasp for air and Luhan can
see that he is choking.
Luhan is about to help him when Kai's eyes turn towards the doorway and Luhan
stops as he sees Sehun, one arm stretched out infront of him.
Kai looks at him while he falls on his knees, still clutching at his neck.
"What did you just say?" Sehun asks, his voice low and angry and Luhan can see
his eyes dark as he stares at Kai.
"Sehun, stop- "
"What did you just say?!" Sehun exclaims, ignoring Luhan as he lifts a choked up
Kai up in the air with the sudden wind around them.
"Sehun, you've got it all wrong- "
"Did he touch you?" Sehun turns to Luhan and Luhan looks at him unable to
answer. He doesn't have to know...
"Did he touch you?!" Sehun demands and Luhan flinches as he stands there, not
knowing what to do. He knows he needs to give an answer fast. But should
he? Does Sehun need to know?

After a few agonizing seconds, Luhan nods.

Sehun looks at Kai and lifts him up higher. Luhan watches helplessly as Sehun
angrily throws him against the wall and Kai lands hard on a few pipes.
Kai groans in pain and Sehun walks up to him, holds him by his neck and slams
him against the wall.
"I ought to kill you." Sehun says through his teeth and Luhan watches in horror as
Sehun punches him in the face.
"Stop it!" Luhan runs towards them but Sehun uses his ability to keep Luhan from
getting closer. Luhan continues to watch as Sehun beats him on his face, his chest
and Luhan wants to yell at Kai to just teleport somewhere. Away from Sehun. He
knows he's strong enough and fast.
But Kai doesn't fight back.
"Sehun, it's not his fault!" Luhan shouts and Sehun stops but not before picking Kai
up again and throwing him on the ground.
"I really ought to kill you." Sehun threatens and raises another hand to punch him.
"Sehun, no!"
Sehun stops before he can hit him and Kai just stares back, weak. His nose and
lips are bleeding and he looks like he still can't breathe.
"No," Sehun let's go of his neck. "I just ought to tell Kyungsoo."
Luhan sees Kai's eyes widen and his hand grips at Sehun's.
"N-no, please don't. Sehun -"
Sehun flicks his hand away and Kai struggles to get up.

"Sehun, please." Kai coughs. "Beat me up. Beat me up till I can't walk. Don't let Lay
even heal me just please, please don't tell Kyungsoo."
Luhan looks at Kai wondering why is that so when Sehun just turns around and
grabs Luhan's hand.
"Wait, we can't just leave him- "
But Sehun ignores Luhan as he pulls him along with him. They leave the rooftop
and head for their room, Luhan stumbling along the way because Sehun is walking
so fast and still has a tight grip on Luhan's arm.
They enter the room and Sehun let's go of Luhan. He walks towards the end of the
room, his back on Luhan and Luhan stands there watching him seethe in anger.
"It wasn't his fault, you know." Luhan musters up the courage to speak, rubbing his
wrist where Sehun grabbed him.
"He was forced to do it." Luhan explains, desperately trying to make him
Still, Sehun paces around the room, running his hands through his air.
"Sehun," Luhan starts. "Please talk to me."
Sehun turns around and looks at Luhan and before he can ask him what's wrong,
Sehun comes up to him, grabs his face with both of his hands and kisses him.
"Seh- unnnhhh" Luhan's voice is muffled as Sehun kisses him hard, pushing him
up against the wall.
It's uncomfortable and Luhan can't breathe. He feels Sehun's tongue down his
throat and it feels so forced.
Luhan pushes him away but Sehun has a strong hold on him. His hands are

gripping at his waist so tightly and Luhan squirms, trying to find a way for him to let
"Sehun!" Luhan finally manages to exclaim as Sehun stops kissing him but is
suddenly moving downwards. Luhan looks away, trying to make him stop but
Sehun continues on sucking on his jawline.
"Sehun, stop-" Luhan gasps as Sehun pulls him down on the floor and tears at his
clothes. Luhan pushes at his shoulders as Sehun hovers above him. He teases
Luhan's nipples while tasting his neck and Luhan has tears in his eyes because
this isn't how Sehun does this. It feels forced. Heartless.
Sehun's teeth graze over Luhan's ear and he cries as Sehun suddenly bites him in
the neck. His hand is on Luhan's cock, pumping him and Luhan doesn't want this.
This is exactly how it felt that night, Luhan thinks as Sehun pulls his pants off
completely. When Kai was forcing himself on him. When Kai was being rough with
him. This isn't what he needs right now. Of all people, he doesn't need this from
Luhan doesn't notice that Sehun has stopped what he is doing and he wonders
why there are sounds of someone crying. It isn't until he's back to his senses does
he realizes that he's the one who's crying and Sehun has stopped because he
heard him.
"No... no..." Sehun's eyes widen and he shakes his head and sits up, pulling a grief
stricken Luhan to his lap. "No, no, no. Luhan please I'm sorry. Please don't cry."
But Luhan can't stop and his body is wracked with sobs as he curls into a ball in
Sehun's arms.
"I'm so sorry Luhan. Please, stop crying. I'm so sorry." Sehun rocks him back and
forth as he says this, his arms holding him tight.
Sehun's voice is shaking as he coos at Luhan and they sit there on the floor,
Luhan's sobs filling the room and Sehun just cradling him in his arms.

Luhan loves him. He loves Sehun but not like this. It hurts for Sehun to do that to
him because all he can remember is that night and he never wants that to happen
again. Not from him.
Luhan doesn't know how many minutes have passed, maybe an hour, Luhan
doesn't know exactly how long they stay that way.
Luhan's sobs finally die down and Sehun peeks at him.
"Did I hurt you?" Sehun asks and Luhan wants to punch him and tell him yes but
he's too tired to even move so he just nods.
Sehun closes his eyes in frustration then opens them again. "Where?"
Luhan looks to the side and shows him the bite mark he gave and Sehun cringes
as he sees it. It's probably red now and by tomorrow, violet and blue.
Sehun leans down and presses a soft kiss to it leaving Luhan to giggle slightly.
This surprises the both of them because one, Luhan is still angry and two, it's
supposed to hurt but Luhan feels the soft pressure of Sehun's kiss tickling him.
Sehun looks at him and smiles sadly.
"I'll let Lay heal it." Sehun shifts him so Luhan's legs spill to the side and Luhan
buries his face in his neck.
"I'm sorry." Sehun whispers and Luhan nods.
"It's just that," Sehun starts, his voice frustrated again. "I just can't believe Kai, of
all people, would do that."
"It wasn't his fault." Luhan interrupts.
"But still. The thought of him touching you, forcing himself on you, I- "

Luhan squeezes his hand and Sehun tries to calm down as he breathes heavily.
"The thought of him inside you." Sehun continues, his voice strangled. "The
thought of him having you..."
"Ssshhh." It's Luhan's turn now to comfort him and the both of them sit there in
silence again.
"You're mine." Sehun snarls and Luhan leaves him soft kisses until he feels the
tension in Sehun's neck calm down.
"I know."
Luhan plays with Sehun's hands, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles and tracing
the veins on his arm. He doesn't know what to say to him to comfort him when
everything's all done.
Maybe it's because it's none of their fault which has all three of them so frustrated
over this. They're all just experiments to these people. They don't have choices. No
free will.
"Can... Can I ask you something?" Sehun starts and Luhan nods.
"Did he.. Kai..." Sehun swallows hard, struggling to ask and Luhan lifts his head up
to look at him.
Sehun looks at the ground. "Did he... come... inside you?"
Luhan cups Sehun's face in his hands, making him look at him.
"I just want to know if he did."

Luhan places his forehead next to his and shakes his head. He feels Sehun
breathe a sigh of relief and Luhan kisses his nose.
"No, he didn't."
After awhile, after Sehun and Luhan are finally sated with each other and in bed,
Luhan rolls on his stomach beside Sehun and props himself up on his arm.
"Can I ask you something?"
Sehun looks at Luhan and nods, allowing the other to draw circles with his finger
on his bare stomach.
"Why did you threaten Kai earlier with Kyungsoo?" Luhan asks.
It was bothering him. Why Sehun had to threaten Kai with Kyungsoo and that was
all it took for Kai to freak out.
Sehun intertwines his fingers with Luhan's.
"Kyungsoo and Kai are pairs." Sehun explains and Luhan's eyes widen.
"But Kyungsoo told me he doesn't have any pair- "
Sehun places a finger on Luhan's lips silencing him. "You talk too much."
Luhan scowls as Sehun lowers his finger and he sticks his tongue out at him which
makes Sehun chuckle. Luhan smiles at this because every little thing he does to
make Sehun look more relaxed and happy makes him happy too.
"Kyungsoo and Kai are pairs." Sehun continues to explain. "But they haven't
bonded yet."
"They're not allowed to." Sehun says, playing with Luhan's hair. "The thing you

should know about Kyungsoo is that he's very powerful. You've seen how he is in
trainings. That's just a minimum of what he can do. One time, he actually wrecked
the whole northern wing of the facility."
Wow, Luhan thinks. For a very calm guy like Kyungsoo, Luhan doesn't imagine that
he can do that.
"He can even escape if he wants to. Bring the whole area down. Destroy it himself.
But he doesn't. Because he knows Suho and Kris need him someday."
"Kyungsoo may be Kai's pair," Sehun continues. "But they aren't allowed to bond
because that man, that man who runs this place, as well as Suho and Kris, fears
that if Kyungsoo gets more strength, he becomes more powerful and no one would
be able to stop him. So he doesn't allow anyone to touch Kyungsoo just yet."
Luhan frowns. "But that's unfair. The both of us know how it feels like to be weak.
Where does Kai and Kyungsoo get their strength from?"
Sehun sighs. "Nowhere. Just through food and rest."
Luhan feels sorry for the both of them. Maybe that is why Kyungsoo is rarely called
for tests because Suho doesn't want him drained out entirely.
"Kai and Kyungsoo long for each other. But they're forbidden to bond." Sehun says.
"Imagine how much you want someone, so bad. And you spend every day with him
in close proximity. Yet you can't touch him."
Sehun looks at Luhan. "Imagine me not having you when we're this close all the
Luhan swallows hard. "We already went through that ourselves. It was...
"Exactly." Sehun says.
Luhan now knows why Kyungsoo looks at Kai sometimes like that. Like he's sad.

He's lonely like how Luhan used to be.

"They can cheat you know." Luhan says. "We aren't being monitored around here.
Only outside."
"They would know. Through tests." Sehun replies. "But it will end soon. For now, all
they have to do is control theirselves around each other."
Luhan looks up at him.
"Will you really tell Kyungsoo? What Kai did to me?"
Sehun looks back at him. "No. As much as I hate what he did to you, telling
Kyungsoo will only hurt the both of them more and they already have enough to
deal with."
Luhan nods back, thankful that Sehun changed his mind as he lies there, resting
his head on Sehun's chest.
The next morning, Sehun and Luhan join everyone for breakfast and they see
Kyungsoo and Kai in one area. Kyungsoo is treating Kai's face, dabbing some ice
on his swollen cheek. There's also a cut on his lower lip where Luhan remembers
Sehun punching him.
Kai looks away as he sees them and Sehun ignores him, sitting down at the table
and starting on his breakfast.
"Would you hold still?" Kyungsoo complains as Kai keeps on cringing and moving
his head back as Kyungsoo tends to him.
"Stop dabbing so hard." Kai grumbles and Kyungsoo grips at his chin harder. "Ow!"
"I should thank whoever did this to you." Kyungsoo mumbles under his breath.
"Bratty kid."
Kai doesn't talk back and this makes Luhan smile as he drinks his orange juice.

Seeing them bicker reminds Luhan of Baekhyun and Chanyeol who are in their
own little world, flicking bits of hash browns in each other's faces.
"This is ridiculous." Lay turns to Kai and Kyungsoo, shoving his unfinished toast to
the side which Xiumin takes. "This is like an insult to me. Just let me heal you."
Kai shakes his head. "I'm fine."
"Yes, because nothing says fine than a swollen cheek, a bruised up black eye and
a cut on the lip." Lay says standing up and walking to him. "Come on it'll take just a
second to fix that."
"No." Kai teleports towards the end of the room away from Lay but since he's too
weak to teleport that far he only manages to teleport halfway and appear
accidentally between Chanyeol and Baekhyun. This scares them causing Chanyeol
to choke on his food and cough, spitting bits of egg and toast at Kai's face.
Baekhyun laughs and Kai sighs.
"Just, I'm okay." Kai says, wiping at his face slowly, careful not to hit his bruise.
"Come on, Kai," Lay says, "Stop being stubborn and let me just- "
Lay stops as he sees someone on the doorway. Luhan watches as Lay breaks out
into a smile and rushes forward, throwing his arms around this person.
This is Chen? Luhan sees a boy dressed up like them. He's like Luhan's age. He
has droopy eyes but they widen as Lay hugs him.
"Chen," Sehun stands up, surprised to see him as well and smiles. Kai too has
looked in his direction and has forgotten for a moment that his face hurts as he
smiles too.

"Are you alright? When did you wake up? How are you?" Lay asks him all these
questions so fast that Chen just blinks at him.
"Guys, give him some room." Suho walks in and ushers a still surprised Chen
inside. Everyone takes their seats and Suho introduces him.
"Everyone, this is Chen. He's from Kris' team."
Team... Luhan likes this term more than the word 'experiments'.
"Hi," Chen bows and smiles. "I'm Chen. I'm pleased to meet everyone of you and I
hope you'll all take care of me."
Lay laughs. "Why are you so formal with us? You know everyone! Well, not the
others yet but us."
Chen just stands there looking confused at what Lay said and this is when Lay
stops laughing slowly.
"Wait..." Lay looks at Chen and then at Suho. "What's going on?"
Luhan sees Suho stand at the back just watching all of them with a sad and tired
face on. He then steps forward and pats Chen's back.
"Chen here is our newest member." Suho says and Luhan hears Sehun beside him
whisper silently 'New?'
Sehun, eventhough still angry at Kai, looks at him and Kai looks back, confused
"I'd appreciate if everyone could give him a warm welcome."
Chen beams at them but the smile from Lay's face is gone as he stares back at
"Chen, don't you remember us?" Lay asks.

"Lay," Suho interrupts as he steps closer to Lay and whisper something in his ear.
Luhan doesn't hear it but seeing how Lay's eyes widen in disbelief, Luhan knows
it's something bad.
Lay looks at Chen sadly and Chen looks back, wondering what it is.
"What is it?" Sehun speaks up for the first time. "Suho, you better tell us what
happened to Chen- "
Everyone turns around as Kris enters the room looking like he ran all the way into
the area, voice out of breath.
"Kris? What's wrong?" Suho asks.
"The clock." Kris pants. "The clock just moved."

part 12

"The clock just moved."

Suho's eyes widen as he hears this. There is silence all over the room except for
Kris who is still trying to catch up with his breath.
Luhan can't help but notice that Sehun's hand, which is holding his, suddenly
tightens around him.
"A-are you sure?" Suho asks. "You aren't just seeing things, are you?"
Kris shakes his head and there's this fire and energy in his eyes that Luhan hasn't

seen before.
"No. I was sitting there looking at it and then it moved. Just one digit." Kris says,
smiling. "Just like he said."
Suho looks at him before turning towards everyone. Luhan, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun
and Chanyeol look confused but Kai, Lay, Sehun and Chen look like they've been
expecting this. Surprised, but they know it was going to happen.
"I..." Suho eyes everyone worriedly but then nods. "I guess now's the right time to
tell everyone why they're here."
Finally, Luhan thinks.
"Kyungsoo, Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun, follow me."
Sehun doesn't move as the rest move out and Luhan knows he's anxious to leave
him. But Luhan squeezes Sehun's hand, making him look at him and Sehun nods
"I'll see you later." Sehun murmurs and Luhan let's go.
Luhan doesn't know why but even though he has waited for a long time to finally
know why they're here, he's suddenly scared of the answers.
"The rest of you, follow me." Kris says and everyone follows him.
They don't leave the facility. They go up to where their rooms are and in a far
corner, Kris ushers them inside one room. Luhan sees that it looks like a mini
conference area and they all take a seat, with Kris standing at the far end of the
Kris looks a little nervous but excited at the same time and this makes Luhan
wonder even more what he's about to tell them. Lay looks out of it though. And
Chen. Only Luhan and Xiumin look interested.

"Where do I start?" Kris mumbles, pacing around and Lay stops him.
"Kris, you're wasting time."
Kris looks at him and nods. He then looks at everyone in the eye and takes a deep
"I wasn't lying when I said that the world needs all of you. In fact, to be completely
honest, you're all here because you need to save the world."
Luhan and Xiumin exchange glances. Lay and Chen are sitting up straight now,
listening. They, Luhan realizes, don't know the whole truth too. Maybe just some
parts of it.
"Right now, we're not on Earth."
Kris words makes Luhan want to snort and laugh at his joke but he seems serious
and Luhan sits down quietly and continues to listen.
"We're far away from it. In a secret facility. Funded and facilitated by one scientist
who seeks control."
Kris sighs. "His main purpose for putting up this facility is to take over Earth.
"Why?" Xiumin asks.
"Power. Revenge." Kris explains. "Such a very dangerous combination."
Luhan sees him look sad. "How did you and Suho end up with him?"
Kris looks at all of them. "Suho and I... we were young and ambitious. We were so
eager to play with change, see how much the world can offer. What we can do with
our knowledge... We both played God."
"We were such young and great scientists." Kris then smirks. "We still are. But we

should've learned that what we were doing would lead to this."

Kris looks at Chen briefly before shifting his focus back on all of them.
"We were addicted with messing with things that shouldn't have been messed with
in the first place. We were like children given blocks to build and crayons to color
everywhere. We experimented on change... And we succeeded."
The longer Kris talks about this, the sadder Luhan sees him.
"We experimented on ourselves first. It was a painful process but we were able to
do it. We were shocked at what we can do. Amazed at our abilities..."
"And then we added another one. Our first experiment other than ourselves, had
the most amazing ability to stop time. It was... beautiful. The things he can do. He
can make sunsets last for how many hours you want it to. He can make rain stop
from hitting the ground."
Kris smiles as he thinks back to this. "He can make a moment last forever."
"We saw that what he did was beautiful and Suho and I were very much proud of
our experiments. So proud that we presented it to scientists around the world."
"But what did we get in return?" Kris sad eyes were replaced with anger. "Mockery.
Hate. Disgust."
"They didn't accept the fact that what we did was great and beautiful. They were
horrified. They saw our experiment as a freak. They saw us as freaks. They took
away our titles and our work. Our life."
"We were left with nothing. They captured us. They studied us." Kris sighs. "We
wanted to escape. Worse, we wanted to die."
"And then this man came along, offering us a wonderful deal. To keep on living. To
continue making experiments. And in exchange he'll show us more wonders."

"And like children given new toys to play with, we readily accepted. He was our only
hope at that time. We didn't know he only wanted to use us as weapons. Weapons
to kill those who removed him from office over one mistake that he made. He too
was a very prominent scientist who sought for change, like us, but was humiliated
as his experiments didn't work."
Everyone around the room were listening intently now and Kris sits down at the far
"He sent us here. To this untouched planet and secret facility that he and a bunch
of other people knew. He gave us top of the line equipments and state of the art
technology. He gathered a few... people to experiment on."
"Don't you mean captured?" Xiumin says angrily, refering to themselves and Kris
"Captured. Yes, he did that. He captured a lot of people to experiment on." Kris
shakes his head as he says this. "Suho and I didn't want that. We wanted people to
voluntarily agree to what we were about to do to them. To make them understand
that it is a huge risk to participate in this. Our experiments were always dangerous
and there's always a huge chance they could die. We didn't want that. Suho and I
aren't murderers."
"But he threatened us, telling us he'd expose us. Give us back to them and be
studied like animals in cages. We actually considered it rather than killing people."
Kris clenches his fists. "Then he took our experiment away. The one who had the
power to control time. He took him from us."
Luhan sees Kris grit his teeth. "He forced him to stop time on Earth so that we can
move and continue experimenting. So that we can progress and Earth would not.
So that Earth won't be able to figure out where we were and what we were doing,
how many people were missing..."
"He threatened us that if we weren't able to follow his orders, he would kill him."
Kris breathes. "He would kill my pair..."

His pair... Luhan feels pity on Kris. To have his pair be captured and threatened to
do this.
"So he stopped time for us. And we experimented."
"What happened?" Lay asks.
"A few of the experiments were successful. Namely, all of you."
"And the ones who weren't? Did they... die?" Luhan asks.
Kris lowers his head. "They turned into monsters. They were unstable."
An image of the first alien like creature that Luhan and Xiumin battled entered
Luhan's head and he gasps.
"Yes, Luhan." Kris says. "Those creatures were an example of experiments gone
"And we killed them..." Luhan breathes in horror. "We killed humans. We killed two
of them."
Kris shakes his head. "No. We did. They were already dead when they turned into
those alien like creatures. All their memories, everything that they have control over
their human selves, gone. They were gone when we experimented on them."
Luhan shivers in his seat just thinking about how close he was into changing like
"But this man, this scientist, he liked the idea of these creatures. And he had us
make a lot."
"What for?" Xiumin asks.

"To conquer the world." Kris explains. "His plan is to set them loose all over Earth.
Kill the scientists who condemned us all and then start attacking the cities."
"How is that going to help him?" Lay looks at everyone inside the room. "Where do
we come in?"
Kris sighs again. "When everyone is being attacked, when everything is being
destroyed and when panic has spread across the globe, all of you are to enter and
save it from being destroyed completely."
"I don't understand- " Luhan starts but Kris holds up a hand for him to stop and let
him continue.
"Once all of you have saved it, you are to prove to everyone that we were right.
That he was right. That all of our experiments weren't nothing. That we weren't
freaks. That because of him, Earth was saved."
"That's unfair!" Lay stands up angrily. "Staging his heroic acts? We are your
experiments. Not his. He's going to take credit for what you and Suho did?"
Kris nods. "Sadly. I kept on wanting to fake all of your abilities, pretend that all of
you weren't that developed yet at the same time I kept on training all of you to use
it secretly. But to be honest none of us wants the world to know of all of your
existence anymore. Earth isn't ready for something this great."
"Wait," Xiumin speaks up. "You said his plan is to set all these, these creatures,
into Earth. How are they going to bring a lot of them?"
"They won't."
Luhan looks at Kris.
"He'll be releasing a missile tomorrow containing all chemicals that are necessary
to contaminate some of the population. It will cause them to turn into these

No... Luhan thinks. All those innocent people.

Kris looks at all of them. "That's why we need to stop him. That's why Suho and I
need all of you. To help us stop him."
Them... Luhan looks around at all of them. But they're not ready. They're not ready
to handle this.
"How did you know when all of this would happen?" Chen speaks up for the first
"Before my pair was captured, he passed me a message telling me that I would
know when the right time is to start a revolution. You see, they have him captured
up in one of the facilities high above us. Where the scientist stays. He knows
what's happening, what the plans are, when they're going to execute it. He said he
would warn me by looking at the time. That was his last promise."
"Why didn't you start fighting earlier?" Xiumin asks. "Before it got out of hand."
"We did." Kris answers. "And we paid a very painful price."
Kris looks at Chen again briefly before continuing. "Another one of our successful
experiments managed to fight him down but he wasn't given the proper trainings
and tests. So his powers backfired and attacked his own self, causing his body to
shut down. He was in a coma until he woke up this morning. But sadly he couldn't
remember anything any more. Not even his own pair."
Luhan knows Kris is talking about Chen. So this is Suho's pair, he thinks and he
can't imagine how Suho must be feeling right now. To have your pair forget you. To
have him wake up and not realize who you are.
Luhan remembers seeing Suho sad and tired as he introduced Chen earlier.
"So we're fighting." Xiumin starts. "What's the plan?"
Kris looks at all of them. "We fight if they fight back. But if we could manage to stop

them without spilling any blood, the better. I know that I've tortured you all enough.
But I ask this last thing to all of you. Help Suho and I stop all of this. Help us fix our
own mistakes."
Luhan sees everyone nod and smiles because after everything that Kris and Suho
had done to them, they are still willing to help them out. Lay's choice to trust Suho
and Kris when nobody didn't is finally paying off.
"What do we do?" Lay asks.
"Here's what Suho and I know of their plans so far." Kris explains. "When they send
those missiles that contain the chemicals to contaminate Earth, we are to follow
and standby until they've destroyed almost everyone. When they have and when
Earth is desperate for help, that's when we arrive and save them."
"But instead of waiting for Earth's destruction, we prevent it from happening. We're
not going to standby and watch. We go on ahead and protect them. Stop it from
contaminating those people."
There is silence around the room as they take in what Kris just said.
"Wow," Xiumin breathes. "I can't believe we're going home."
Home. It's been a long time since Luhan has ever thought of home. What would it
feel like? For a long time home is here with the rest. How can he just go back to
living life like all this, this facility, this hidden motive to destroy people, didn't exist.
"I'd like to apologize deeply for what I have done to all of you." Kris says. "But I
want you all to know that Suho and I have never viewed all of you as test subjects.
Experiments. It was all an act."
Luhan sees Kris look at them warmly.
"We see all of you as beautiful and gifted human beings. We never intended for all
of you to be used as weapons." Kris lowers his head. "I'm sorry."

Luhan shakes his head at him.

"We understand now why you did it. And to be honest, I like these powers." Luhan
says sheepishly.
"Me too." Xiumin says and grins.
"That goes the same for me." Lay adds.
"And me." Chen says quietly looking at his palms. "Even though I still don't
understand how to use them."
Kris nods. "Thank you. This means a great deal to us. Suho and I have waited for a
long time for people to appreciate what we created. I'm glad that in the end, all of
you did."
Kris stands up signalling the end of their discussion. "Now if everyone doesn't have
any questions, I think you all need to rest today. Prepare yourselves for what we
are about to do tomorrow."

The walk back to their own rooms is a blur to Luhan. All this new information. All
these motives...
It isn't enough that they have powers. It isn't enough that they are being
experimented on. But to be on some other planet other than Earth? To have their
future all laid out in front of them just now?
Luhan enters his room and flops down on the bed. It's a good thing Sehun is still
out, Luhan thinks. He doesn't want him to see how he looks right now. Like a mess.
A confused fucked up mess.
So he was captured. Used. Almost became one of those monstrous creatures had
the experiment on him turned out to be unsuccessful.

And now they were going to save the world.

None of this makes any sense to Luhan. Well, he understood everything
completely with what Kris told them. And one would think that with all the times
they've spent using their powers, Luhan would be accustomed to anything bizarre
by now. But still, he has a hard time grasping reality now that he knows the truth.
Luhan pushes himself off the bed and slowly trudges towards the bathroom. He
has a headache coming on as he lets the water run on the tub and he places both
of his hands on the bathroom sink, lowering his head down and trying to make it
Saving the world... Will he and the others be able to do this?
Luhan looks up and stares at the foggy mirror in front of him. This, he thinks, this is
how he sees himself right now. A blur. Unclear. He doesn't want that. He wants to
see things clearly. He wants to see himself look strong for this.
Luhan reaches out and wipes it slowly, letting his hands glide over the mirror. As he
finishes, he sees Sehun, standing behind him.
He doesn't hear him enter. He was probably too distracted. But as he looks at him,
he sees his eyes are tired and sad. Just like Luhan's, he seems messed up and
Luhan understands why. What Sehun found out from Suho today, the truth and
what they are about to do, has taken its toll on him too.
Luhan looks at the both of them in the mirror. The both of them look the same now.
Thin, frail, eyes dead tired and skin so pale.
But all that is about to end, right?
Sehun approaches him from behind and wraps his arms around him. Luhan cocks
his head to the side, letting Sehun plant a small kiss on his neck.
"You're here." Sehun whispers, his hands kneading Luhan's shoulders.

"Where would I be?" Luhan answers back, relaxing at Sehun's touches.

"I thought you left." Sehun says, resting his chin on Luhan's shoulder as he stares
at their reflections.
I could never leave you, Luhan wants to tell him as he stands there looking at him.
But he can't really say that when he's not sure anymore. Especially when they're
going into, what exactly are they going into tomorrow? A battle? Can he promise
him they'll be together when he's not even sure what's going to happen to himself?
Sehun stands up straight and tugs at Luhan's hand. Luhan looks at him and Sehun
motions towards the bathtub.
They stay there, Luhan with his back to Sehun's chest as the warm water tries to
soothe the both of them. But Luhan knows it isn't working as the both of them are
still tense from all the revelations they just heard.
Slowly, Sehun reaches out for the soap and starts lathering up Luhan's back.
Luhan is surprised at first but lets him do it. He feels Sehun's hands in his hair as
well as he washes that too with shampoo and he closes his eyes, relaxing.
"What are you doing?" Luhan whispers, feeling his hands travel back down and
massaging his shoulders.
"Taking care of you." Sehun answers. He then pulls him up carefully and leads him
out of the tub.
Sehun makes him stand under the shower and rinses his hair. Luhan shuts his
eyes so that the shampoo wouldn't hurt him.
"Why are you doing this?" Luhan can't help but ask.
"I've always wanted to do this." Sehun answers back. "My way of saying thank you
for taking care of me back then."

Luhan remembers that time Sehun was shoved into his room all naked and weak.
He remembers holding him at night, the only company he had in that empty room.
For Sehun to still remember...
"Of course I remember." Sehun tells him as if he had just heard his thoughts. "I
remember everything with you."
Sehun spins him around when he's done, letting him face him and Luhan opens his
"I'll always remember." Sehun mumbles as he leans in and starts kissing him.
Luhan closes his eyes as Sehun's kiss swallows every fear, every anxiety in
Luhan's body. The water cascading down on them hides Luhan's tears as he
presses himself closer to him.
He doesn't know why he's crying. Maybe it's because he's so tired and helpless.
He just wants everything to be done with. To let them all live in peace. But no, they
were created this way. Captured. Experimented on. And for what? To be a part of
someone's revenge?
Sehun pushes him against the cool bathroom walls, lips still kissing him slowly,
tenderly. It's different, Luhan thinks as he lets his hands travel down Sehun's tiny
waist and holding him there. His kisses are slow, like he's taking his time and
Luhan kisses back, wanting this moment to just go on forever.
Kissing Sehun like this feels new. They always rush into things but now, Luhan
feels like he's purposely taking it slow. Savoring every press of his lips against his,
every taste, every sensation. If the both of them didn't need air to breathe Luhan
doubts they would ever stop from time to time.
Sehun releases him after awhile and Luhan opens his eyes to look at him. He's so
beautiful, Luhan thinks. His hair wet, his eyes looking at him like he's taking
everything in. His cheekbones are prominent now and Luhan makes a mental note
to shove more food down his plate. But then he realizes he doesn't have much time
to do that either.

Luhan places his forehead on Sehun's chin and Sehun's arms wrap around him.
The water from the shower hits his back and it feels so relaxing being in each
other's arms like this.
"You need to eat more." Sehun tells him, stroking his back.
Luhan looks up at him. "I should be the one telling you that. You look so thin."
Sehun smiles at him softly. "We both do."
Luhan likes it when Sehun smiles. His eyes disappear and it makes him smile back
Luhan pours shampoo on his hands and washes Sehun's hair quickly. He squirms
under his hold and Luhan laughs as Sehun backs away from him looking
"Come here." Luhan chuckles, pulling him under the shower and Sehun stands
there while Luhan continues to bathe him.
Minutes later, Luhan is sitting on the bathroom counter, putting on a clean shirt
while Sehun is brushing his teeth, a towel wrapped around his waist.
Luhan looks at him and it feels so... normal. Like the world isn't in danger. Like
they're just enjoying a normal afternoon together.
Sehun finishes brushing his teeth and catches him looking at him.
"What?" He asks and Luhan smiles and shakes his head.
"Nothing. I just like looking at you doing normal things."
Sehun raises his eyes as he comes up to him. "Normal things?"
Luhan nods. "Yeah, like this. Brushing your teeth."

Sehun comes up between Luhan's legs and places his hands on either sides of
him on top of the counter.
Sehun then looks up at him.
"How about this, is this normal?"
Luhan watches as Sehun kisses his chest and even though he's wearing a shirt, he
shivers at the slightest touch Sehun is giving him.
"Mmmhmmm..." Luhan wraps his legs around him, bringing him closer and Sehun
reaches up to kiss his neck.
"How about this one?"
Sehun grips at his waist as he leaves small harmless bites on his jawline and
Luhan gasps as each one sends a tingling sensation on the pit of his stomach.
Sehun is careful not to touch his bruise, the one he bit on last time, as he lets his
lips travel all over him.
"Or this one?"
Sehun's hands travel down to Luhan's thighs, parting them and Sehun lifts up
Luhan's shirt, rolling it up to his stomach. Luhan watches as Sehun's head dips and
engulfs him and Luhan's toes curl as he feels his tongue tasting every inch of him.
"Sehun..." Luhan pants as Sehun's head bobs up and down and Luhan feels
himself getting harder and harder. Sehun's hands are digging into Luhan's thighs,
keeping it parted and their reflection on the shower glass doors across from them
turns Luhan on even more.
Sehun's teeth graze him and Luhan shudders, his moans reverberating throughout
the bathroom walls. Luhan reaches out and grips at Sehun's hair to stop before he
comes but does he really want to stop? Sehun's mouth on his erection feels so
good and Luhan squeezes his eyes shut, controlling himself.

The fire in his stomach grows stronger and stronger and Luhan is on high as
Sehun continues to suck him. He's going to come soon, he knows and just when
he's about to, Sehun releases him.
No, Luhan opens his eyes and it's all hazy and Sehun looks up at him. His lips are
glistening and it looks so pink and god does that turn Luhan on even more. Sehun
makes sure not to touch him, lest he comes and Luhan aches for him, aches for his
mouth, his body, his touch.
Sehun lifts him up easily and Luhan wraps his legs around him. He carries him out
of the bathroom, their lips locked and into their bed, not caring if Luhan's hair is still
wet as he lays him down on the soft mattress. Luhan doesn't let go of him, looping
his arms around his neck as he continues to kiss him deeply. Sehun seems fine
with this as he clambers on top of him, lifting Luhan's shirt and feeling his skin
Sehun's touches are something that Luhan will never understand. It's a cross
between feeling like you're burning and feeling like you're being frozen. It's ice cold
and then fiery and Luhan is caught in all these emotions that he doesn't know what
to feel exactly except that it feels so good.
Luhan's shirt is gone as Sehun's hands teases his nipples and the fire in Luhan's
stomach starts again. Tugging the towel off Sehun's waist, Luhan strokes him and
Sehun bucks into his palm willingly.
They're comfortable with each other's touches now. Luhan knows what turns
Sehun on and likewise Sehun knows how to drive Luhan over the edge. Luhan
wishes they could have enough time to do other things than this. Not that Luhan
doesn't want this at all because fuck Sehun pleasuring him all the time is what
Luhan wants as well. But he can't help but wish that he could have more. Like the
simple things. He wants that.
Luhan hisses as Sehun spreads him and inserts a finger inside him. He stops
when he sees Luhan's eyes crinkle in pain.

"I hate it when I do this to you." Sehun murmurs in his ear. "I hate it when I hurt
But Luhan tells him to keep going. He likes it when Sehun fills him up and buries
himself inside him afterwards. The pain he can take. He can always withstand it.
Just as long as it's with him.
Sehun's thrusts are slow and Luhan meets each thrust with want and need. He
wants to come so badly that his body aches for him. Sehun has been building up
this fire inside him since earlier but it seems like he doesn't want him to come just
yet as he pulls out of Luhan everytime he's about to explode.
"What are you doing?" Luhan pants in his ear, frustrated, as Sehun stops then
continues again, slowly at first then faster the next as he nibbles on his shoulder.
"Making love to you." Sehun answers and Luhan swears he could come with just
those words. "God Luhan what you do to me..."
Luhan doesn't answer as he feels him thrust harder now and just when he's about
to find his release, Sehun stops again and holds him in his arms.
"Sehun..." Luhan pleads, shaking, his body so needy. "Sehun, please..."
"Not yet." Sehun whispers as he strokes his cock and it twitches in his palm. Luhan
is so sensitive and spent and he hates Sehun for doing this to him. He wants him
so badly. Needs him...
"I love you." Sehun whispers in his ear and Luhan looks at him. "I know it took me
a long time to say it but I love you."
Luhan quivers in his hands and before he can say anything else, Sehun moves
again, stroking him as he pushes inside him.
Luhan's nails dig into Sehun's back as Sehun lifts his legs up. It's more deeper this
way and Luhan is holding onto him, meeting him. Each time Sehun thrusts inside
him he feels him hit that glorious spot and he can't take it much longer.

"Sehun," Luhan gasps, squeezing his eyes shut as he feels the fire in his stomach
threaten to burn him. "Fuck, Sehun, I swear to god if you stop..."
Sehun pumps him, thumbing his slit as he moves and Luhan clenches around him.
"Come for me Luhan," Sehun whispers as he thrusts harder. "Let go."
And Luhan releases himself into Sehun's hands. He's coming long and hard and
he can't think anymore. He can't hear anything except his heart pounding in his
ears and he can't feel anything except wave after wave of his orgasm leaving him.
It's more intense than what he has ever felt than before and he holds on to Sehun,
moaning and quivering.
Sehun comes right after, holding Luhan close to him as he fills him up inside.
Luhan knows Sehun's grip on his thighs are going to leave bruises the next day but
he doesn't care.
They lie there, panting in each other's arms. Sehun pulls out of him and Luhan
shivers when he feels Sehun's warmth leave him. But he rolls to his side and
Sehun gathers him, his chest to Luhan's back and they stay that way.
Minutes, hours... Luhan doesn't know how long but he's still wide awake. He's
exhausted but not quite. Mentally he is but physically he feels better. It's like he has
all this energy inside him that he doesn't know what to do with it. Luhan stretches
his palms out and the orb resting in one of their shelves come to him. Luhan lets it
hover in his hands and he plays with it for awhile.
"Go to sleep, Luhan." Sehun murmurs in his ear and Luhan settles the orb back
into the shelf.
"You're not sleeping." Luhan says back at him and Sehun sighs.
"True. But please try and get some sleep. You'll need it tomorrow."

"I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow." Luhan sighs. "I never thought that day
would come."
Luhan feels Sehun stiffen as he says this.
Luhan turns to him. "Yeah. Didn't Suho explain to you what the plan was?"
Sehun looks at him for a long time before closing his eyes then opening them
"Luhan," Sehun breathes in deeply. "I'm not going with you."
Luhan feels like someone just kicked him in the chest.
Sehun looks at him. "I'm not going with you. We're not going with you."
Luhan blinks at him. "What do you mean? Kris said we were all going back to
Earth. To stop those missiles from landing. To -"
Sehun shakes his head at him. "No... That's what you and, Xiumin, Lay and Chen
and Kris are going to do."
Luhan looks at him like he is crazy. If they're the only ones who's going, then what
happens to them?
Luhan cups his face in his hands. "No. No, you're not staying here, Sehun. They'll
hurt you. And Kyungsoo. And Baekhyun. Everyone."
Sehun leans in and kisses him. Luhan stops for awhile and calms down.
"Sehun... you can't stay here." Luhan whispers and Sehun sighs.

"We need to. We're serving as a... backup, if you can call it that."
Sehun nods. "All of you are going to stop the missile from reaching Earth, aren't
Luhan nods back.
"Well what happens if they send another one when they realize that the first missile
Luhan had not thought about that.
"What if they come after you?" Sehun says. "What if they send these monstrous
creatures after all of you?"
Luhan shakes his head. No, they still can't leave them here.
"We're staying." Sehun continues. "Kyungsoo, Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Suho and
I... we're staying to destroy this facility. So that none of these experiments, all these
research, land into the wrong hands again."
"What if I join you?" Luhan looks at him desperately. "Suho can exchange with me.
Chen is with us surely Suho wouldn't want to be separated from his own pair."
Sehun raises a hand and cups Luhan's face. He looks at him sympathetically as he
brushes Luhan's fringe away from his eyes.
"You can't separate Suho from us. Nor can we separate Kris from all of you."
Sehun sighs. "Did you know that Kris can also be your pair? And Suho can be

Luhan looks at him in surprise and shakes his head. "No."

"Suho is like... our parent pair. There's a little bit of him in every one of us.
Whatever it is, it was mixed in with the experiment that gave us these abilities. All
of us are linked through Suho. He can be our pair if we want him to."
The way Suho treats them, the way Suho looks after all of them... Luhan
remembers it all.
"We don't need to bond with him if he doesn't want to. He may be compatible with
all of us but oddly enough he feels more at ease with Chen. Just like you are to
Sehun strokes his face. "You know that separating someone from his pair weakens
them. Suho is already weak enough as it is without Chen. We are the only ones
who can help him. Even though we haven't bonded with him, it helps Suho feel
alive whenever we are in close proximity with him. It's the same for Kris with all of
Luhan looks at him helplessly. "Is this what you meant before? That we can't be
together? Because we were... different?"
Sehun slowly nods and drops his hand. "I can understand if you want to stop now.
Get used to... not being with me."
Luhan shakes his head. "Don't even think about pushing yourself away from me
again. We barely have enough time left."
Sehun nods and rests his forehead against Luhan's. "Sorry."
Silence envelopes them once again as they stay that way. Luhan can't help but
think of a lot of things now and it's all just too tiring to take into.

When time starts, he and Sehun will be separated.

So that's what it means. Now that time has started to move, they need to do their
own part in saving the world.
He doesn't want to be separated from Sehun. But this is how it is.
Luhan tips Sehun's head to look at him.
"What happens to us?" Luhan asks and Sehun stares back at him sadly.
"I don't know."
Luhan closes his eyes. "Maybe there's still a way for all of us to be together. Maybe
there's still time. Maybe- "
"Luhan- "
"Maybe..." Luhan chokes back a sob. "Maybe..."
But there's nothing. Luhan can't think of anything else and he feels angry at himself
for being so weak.
"Luhan..." Sehun holds him and presses a soft kiss to his forehead. "I'm sorry. But
please. Go to sleep. You'll need every ounce of your strength tomorrow."
How can I sleep? Luhan thinks. When tomorrow...
He knows Sehun is trying to distract him. Trying to evade talking about it. But
doesn't he realize they don't have much time?
"Please." Sehun begs of him.
"But what if I wake up and you'll- "
"I'll be right here." Sehun whispers. "I promise."

Luhan, even though still anxious, lets himself be comforted by those words and
tries his best to fall asleep.

Everyone gathers the next morning waiting for Suho to return from his lab and
Luhan can see that they all look nervous. Chanyeol, for once, behaves and is
sitting there in one corner looking all anxious. Baekhyun is pacing in one area while
Lay is standing there like a rock. Xiumin keeps on fidgeting and Chen keeps on
staring at his hands.
The only people who look calm are Kris, Kyungsoo, Kai and Sehun. Kris because
Luhan knows he needs to be otherwise if he falls apart then the rest will too. And
Sehun, Luhan knows he's just staying strong for the both of them.
Kyungsoo and Kai on the other hand look ready. Kyungsoo is sitting on one of the
benches and Kai is sitting by his feet, leaning on his legs. Kai's face is healed and
Luhan knows Lay has managed to get to him. Luhan watches as Kyungsoo places
a hand on Kai's shoulder and Kai looks up at him and smiles.
Luhan looks at Sehun and sees him looking at the both of them.
"Finally." Sehun smiles. "They've bonded."
Luhan intertwines his hand with his. "Won't Suho and Kris find out?"
"I don't think they would care." Sehun says looking at him. "They've waited a long
Luhan nods and leans his head on Sehun's shoulder.
"You know," Sehun starts. "The first time I saw you I thought you wouldn't last."
Luhan looks up at him. "The first time you saw me?"

Sehun nods, "We were already being experimented. Kai, Lay and I... We passed by
in one of the laboratories on our way for tests and we saw bodies, lots of them in
Those rooms, Luhan thinks back to those rooms he saw before with animals in
cages and lots of scientists in them.
"That's when we realized we were being experimented on. I remembered Lay
throwing up right there and Kai had to help drag him somewhere so he wouldn't
see it."
Luhan shivers as he hears this and Sehun rubs both of his palms in his.
"And I... I don't know why I stayed. I kept looking at the pods and out of all the
people in there, I saw you."
Sehun looks at him warmly.
"You were sleeping. You were so little too. So thin and bony that I thought you
wouldn't be able to handle any of the experiments and tests we were going
through. You looked so weak and I ended up spending the rest of my time just
staring at you that Suho had to come and get me."
Sehun tips his chin up to look at him.
"But you proved me wrong. You're actually one of the most powerful and the
strongest among us now."
"Me?" Luhan gapes.
"Yeah." Sehun smiles at him. "You."
Just then the doors open and Suho comes in. Luhan forgets for a moment what
Sehun just told him as he sees Suho coming up to them quickly. If he's anxious or
nervous, he doesn't show it and everyone looks up at him.

"All clear?" Kris asks as Suho comes up to him. Suho looks at him for a long time
before looking at all of them.
"He wants to see someone."
The man.
Kris looks at Suho. "Who?"
Suho's eyes travel to Luhan's and Luhan feels Sehun's breath hitch.
"He wants to see Experiment 4-2-0."

part 13

Luhan feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as he hears this.
Experiment 4-2-0... That's me.
What could he possibly want from me? Luhan thinks, sweat building up on his
forehead. Why does he want to see me?
"No." Sehun growls, his hand tightening his hold on Luhan.
"What for?" Kris asks, confused. "He's never made a request like this. Not even
when he had his eyes set on Kyungsoo."
"I don't know." Suho replies. "I was checking to see if we could all go ahead as
planned when I bumped into one of his men. They were on their way here to fetch

him and I told him I would do it myself."

Kris glances at all of them and Luhan tries his best not to look scared.
"No." Sehun shakes his head at him. "You can't let him meet him alone."
"Sehun-, "
"No. You can't."
Luhan tugs at Sehun's hand and he looks at him. He's worried, Luhan can see that.
And scared too.
But if Luhan doesn't move fast, if Luhan doesn't go to him and see what he wants,
he'll come get him himself. Suho knows this. Kris knows this. Sehun knows this
"Sehun," Luhan starts and Sehun is shaking his head.
"No... No... Luhan don't even think about it."
But Luhan pries his hand away from him.
Sehun looks at him with pleading eyes not to go but Luhan knows it's not his
decision to make.
"He only wants to see me, right?" Luhan looks at Suho and Kris.
Suho nods. "That's what he said."
"And you believe him?" Xiumin says, standing up. "I'm with Sehun, we can't let
Luhan go."
"But he won't hurt me." Luhan starts, looking at them. "I'm too... valuable for him to
hurt me."

"He has a point." Suho says and Sehun slams his fist on the wall.
"Damn it!" Sehun seethes and looks at Kris. "And you're okay with this?!"
"I'm not." Kris says. "But Luhan's right, he won't hurt him."
Sehun runs a hand over his hair in frustration. "I knew it. He's going to use him for
something. We should've made our move earlier."
"Is there anything else we can do?" Kyungsoo asks. "We can't just let him go
There is silence around them as everyone starts thinking of what to do and Luhan
looks at all of them with an ache in his chest.
They care for him. He can see that. Just like he cares for all of them. But Luhan
knows there's no other way to do this except just go meet him alone.
"Look," Luhan starts. "I'll go see him."
"No- "
Luhan cuts Sehun off with his stare. "If he's going to hurt me or do anything, I'll get
out of there."
Kris raises his eye at him. "Do you even know how?"
Luhan shakes his head. "But I know how to protect myself."
Sehun laughs like this is a joke. "You're not ready."
"None of us are ready." Luhan glares at him. "If I don't go now, who will?"
None of them answers and Sehun is shaking his head, pacing beside Luhan.
"No," Sehun continues. "There has to be another way."

"I'm going." Luhan says, dedicated and Sehun looks at him like he's in pain. "Why
don't all of you just get a move on and I'll come meet you guys. Let me serve as a
"You know what, he's right." Suho says. "Whatever he needs Luhan for, he can
distract him while we go ahead with the plan."
Everyone looks uneasy at this but doesn't say anything.
Kris nods. "I'll bring him up to him."
"Let me do it." Sehun says but Kris shakes his head.
"You won't be able to leave his side. You need to stay here where Suho can see
you." Kris tells him and Sehun just closes his eyes in frustration.
Luhan's palms are sweating. He's really meeting him. Alone.
Suddenly the idea of facing those alien like creatures to him are nothing compared
to facing this man.
"Come on." Kris says, leading him out. Luhan looks at everyone of them and sees
them staring back at him giving him soft smiles of encouragement.
"Wait," Sehun pulls him aside and before Luhan can ask what, Sehun cups his face
in his hands and kisses him.
Luhan closes his eyes and relaxes. He'll never get used to this. He'll never get tired
of kissing Sehun like this, with his hands stroking his face and his warmth...
Sehun releases him and places their foreheads together.
"I need to go." Luhan whispers and Sehun nods.
"Be careful." Sehun murmurs and with one last reassuring squeeze on his hand,

Sehun lets him go.

Luhan turns to Kris and nods and he swears he could feel his legs shaking at every
step. Nothing is going to happen. Luhan assures himself. He just wants to see me.
And then while walking towards Kris, Luhan remembers something. Something that
Sehun told him last night that he didn't get to answer. Something he wants Sehun
to know before everything is too late.
"Hey," Luhan looks back at him and Sehun, who had his back turned already, not
wanting to see Luhan leave, looks back at him in surprise. "I love you too."
Sehun blinks at this then smiles Luhan's favorite smile. He then nods and Luhan
feels at ease because now Sehun knows.
Luhan turns his back to him, not wanting to waste any more time and follows Kris
out the door.

They're riding some elevator Luhan hasn't been on before and he knows they're
way up high. His ears have popped and it was getting uncomfortable. Luhan looks
to his side and sees Kris standing there looking tense.
"How- how much longer?" Luhan asks quietly. He doesn't really want to know the
answer. The elevator ride can go on forever. All he wants is a distraction for feeling
this nervous. Like talking.
"Just a little more." Kris answers back and Luhan nods.
Say something, Luhan thinks as Kris leans against the elevator walls. Anything...
"Luhan," Kris starts and Luhan looks at him, thankful for hearing his silent pleas. "I
need you to do something for me."

Kris breathes in heavily. "If you do this, I'll be eternally grateful."

Luhan wonders what it is and waits for him to continue.
"My pair... He'll be there."
The one who controls time...
"If you can get him out..." Kris' voice sound strangled as he fights off the anxiety
building in his voice. "If you can save him..."
Luhan reaches out and places a comforting hand on Kris' shoulder.
"I'll try." Luhan tells him and Kris nods.
They arrive a few seconds later and Luhan breathes in deeply as he leaves the
elevator. Kris, however doesn't leave with him.
"Luhan, listen," Kris says quietly. "The sky outside is grey."
Luhan looks at him, confused.
"The sky, the real one, it's dark and grey. The weather is dry and sometimes
"Why are you telling me this?" Luhan asks and Kris leans a little closer to him.
"Do you still remember what sunsets look like?"
Luhan nods.
"When you see it turn that color, like red or orange, that's when you know we're on
the move." Kris explains. "Baekhyun knows how to create illusions from light now.
But just for a short while. Suho told me before we left that that would be your signal

to leave."
Luhan nods. "Okay. But how do I know if the sky will turn red when we're in another
closed facility?"
"His facility isn't like ours. We're buried underneath while his area is filled with wide
windows. Like I said, he likes change. He likes seeing a different sky than the one
on Earth." Kris stops as he checks to see if anyone is listening then continues,
"When you see it flicker or you think it looks off, I want you to get out of there and
"Jump?" Luhan asks, wide eyed and Kris nods.
"Trust me."
If Kris had told him to trust him awhile back, Luhan would've said no. But now he
does trust him. Completely.
"Be careful." Kris tells him before the elevator doors close and Luhan is left alone.
Luhan looks around, wondering which way to go where men like the one that shot
him and Sehun before show up. Luhan braces himself but notices that they aren't
holding any weapons.
"This way."
Luhan follows them through a series of hallways, much like the ones they have
underneath and just when Luhan thinks of opening one of the doors just to take a
peek at the rooms, they stop.
"In there."
The men stand guard over the door and Luhan reluctantly opens it.
Luhan walks in carefully and he sees that everything looks gloomy. At first Luhan
thinks this is the color of the room and that's when Luhan sees machines outside

moving, mountains in the distance, dark clouds, people in lab coats walking to and
from facilities... This isn't artificial anymore, Luhan thinks.
This is what it really looks like outside.
"You like it?"
Luhan turns around and sees the man, the scientist, coming up to him, smiling.
Luhan backs away and the man stops.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." The man says, walking past him and sitting
down at the huge chair behind a desk filled with papers that Luhan doesn't notice
before. "Why don't you sit down?"
The man motions towards a chair in front of him and Luhan eyes it for awhile
before moving. Finally, he does find his legs and walks towards him.
"My pet," The man motions to his side as Luhan sits and right near the man's feet
is a small skinny boy with a collar around his neck. His leash is chained to the wall
and his hands are in cuffs. He's lying there, eyes closed and skin ghastly pale. His
hair is a mess and he's wearing nothing on top but ripped pants and Luhan realizes
this is him.
Kris's pair.
"Isn't he beautiful?" The man snickers. Luhan can see that he once looked
beautiful. His jawline, his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose... But now all he sees
is a boy fading away.
"He does everything I say." The man purrs, reaching down to stroke his hair and
Luhan sees him stir from his sleep.
The boy's eyes flutter open drowsily and Luhan sees that it looks hauntingly empty.
He looks worn out too and as their eyes lock, the boy raises his head slightly to
look at him.

He looks... lost. Luhan notices. He pities him and what he has gone through.
The man lifts this boy easily into his lap and like a cat, he curls into him.
"Look, a playmate." The man coos at his "pet", stroking his hair and the boy's eyes
bore into Luhan's. It's like he's trying to figure him out.
There is no way he is going to end up like him, Luhan thinks and he looks out the
window hoping to see the sky turns a different color already. He doesn't like being
here this long.
"Experiment 4-2-0," The man starts and Luhan looks back at him. "You're probably
wondering why you're here."
"I was told you wanted to see me." Luhan tries his best not to let the fear creep into
his voice.
"I did. I want you to play messenger for me."
The man stands up and lays the boy down in his seat as he walks towards the
huge window.
"I'd like you to send a little gift."
Luhan stands up, eyes the boy to see how he's doing and when he sees that he
looks alright, follows the man behind him.
"A gift?" Luhan asks.
The man nods and points at a group of scientists outside fixing something.
"Yes, a gift. A gift to the people on Earth."
Luhan watches as the scientists disperse as the man motions for them to show him

and his eyes widen as he sees what it is.

The missile.
It's big. Luhan sees that it's still in the process of being filled with chemicals and as
his eyes travel to the sides, he sees that there are many more like it.
"What is it?" Luhan asks, feigning innocence.
"Just a little gift I'm planning to send to Earth." The man says, turning to face him.
"I'd like it to be sent today."
No, Luhan thinks. He won't be responsible for this. He won't.
"Why don't you send it?" Luhan asks back. "It's your gift."
The man laughs at him. "Oh but I don't want them to know it's me. Think of it as a
very special gift sent by an anonymous and generous person."
Luhan wants to kick him in the shins to stop him from laughing.
Luhan has an inkling as to why he doesn't want to send it himself. He doesn't want
it to be traced back to him.
"So what do you say, Experiment 4-2-0?" The man asks, coming up behind him
and stroking his back. It disgusts Luhan to have him even this close.. "A gift with
that size should be easy to carry out."
Luhan looks at the missile again. Judging by its weight, it would probably feel like
lifting a car. Just what he had learned in trainings.
"I know you can do it." The man continues, whispering in his ear. "You were made
for this purpose. Trained to carry out what I ask of you to do."
Luhan tries not to shiver from his touches. He doesn't want to see him as weak.

"In fact you should probably thank me. I did everything I can to make you this
No, Luhan wants to tell him. It's Kris and Suho who trained me. Not you.
"I even wanted to give you more than one pair."
"But you pushed him away." The man sighs. "Pity. You could have even been more
You're wrong, Luhan thinks.
"But I think you're ready." The man claps his hands together in glee. "You are the
only experiment I was waiting for to be fully developed. The power to control things
with his mind. You and that other kid who can shake the Earth and cause
The man beams at him like a proud parent.
"All you need to do is do as you are told. And I know you can't resist me. Because
if you will, shall I remind you what happened to your pair last time?"
Luhan glances at the sky again. Let it turn orange now. Please.
A knock is heard from outside and Luhan breathes a sigh of relief when the man
walks away from him.
"What is it?" The man snaps and the guards bow their heads.
"We have a situation."
Luhan looks in their direction to see the man walking out of the door. As soon as it

closes, Luhan rushes towards the boy in the chair.

"Hey," Luhan whispers, shaking him. The chains rattle and Luhan stops, afraid the
man would hear it from outside. "Hey, wake up."
The boy opens his eyes slightly and Luhan taps his cheek. "I'm going to get you out
of here. So stay awake."
The boy nods and rests his head on the chair again but Luhan shakes him. "No,
don't fall asleep. Kris is waiting for us."
At the mention of Kris' name, the boy's eyes slightly open. "K... Kris....?"
Luhan feels like he gave every strength he had with just saying his name.
"Yes, Kris." Luhan says while his eyes travel downwards to his cuffs.
It's the same ones Sehun used to wear.
Luhan lifts it up and inspects it. It's the one that keeps on torturing the body, the
one that Sehun wore when they needed Luhan to show them his abilities.
This is what is causing this boy to weaken.
Luhan then runs his hand over the chains attached to the wall. They look like
ordinary chains, he thinks. He can easily pull them free.
The doorknob rattles and Luhan looks up. He knows the man is coming back and
he tucks Tao's hands safely behind his back.
"Stay awake." Luhan whispers before returning to his spot and trying his best to
stay calm.
The man enters and Luhan notices he looks harassed.
"You," The man says. "Send that missile today and I will spare all of your friends'

Luhan stiffens. No. It can't be.
"I have them all locked up as we speak." The man continues. "Send that missile
now and I'll let them go."
He's lying. Luhan thinks. If he has them locked up he wouldn't look this panicked.
Suddenly, something changes in the corner of Luhan's eye and he glances outside
to see the sky flicker in red and orange.
And just like that, it turns back to it's gloomy state.
Luhan looks at the man again and sees him too caught up with the annoying fact
that Suho and Kris and the rest escaped that he wasn't able to notice anything.
"Send it." The man seethes. "Or I will have your pair be killed right in front of you."
Luhan tries his hardest not to flinch but only nods.
I need to jump. But where?
Luhan stretches his hands out as if to pick up the missile from below. But his mind
is somewhere else.
The man smiles as he sees him look like he's concentrating but Luhan has other
Turning towards his desk, Luhan sends the papers stacked on it flying across the
man's direction, obstructing his view.

Luhan runs towards the boy, pulls out the chain from the wall in his head and
concentrates on prying his cuffs open. It's easier than before seeing as he already
did this with Sehun and as soon as he is free from it, Luhan picks him up in his
arms and throws the huge chair into the window.
It breaks easily and Luhan holds the boy tightly, running towards it.
Luhan closes his eyes.
And then he jumps.

It feels like he is in his dream again. Floating. It feels so... relaxing and calming and
Luhan considers the fact that maybe he actually did hit the ground. Maybe he's
already dead.
It wouldn't surprise him. When Kris told him to jump, it sounded so stupid.
But if he's dead, then why is someone telling him to wake up?
Luhan opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is the boy in his arms. He, like
Luhan looks out of it as his head lolls in someone's other arm.
Someone's... other arm...
Luhan looks up and gasps as he sees Kris holding the both of them.
"Good. I thought you passed out on me." Kris says and Luhan holds on to the both
of them as he sees that they are actually... flying.
"What- where..." Luhan sputters, trying to ask the right question. "How?!"

But Kris doesn't answer him. He's concentrating so hard in finding a place to land.
Luhan stares at the ground and sees that they are way up high. Higher than the
facility in that man's office.
That man... he's probably in a terrifying fit of rage right now and Luhan still can't
believe he has managed to get themselves away from him.
Kris finds a safe place to land and gently lowers them on a rooftop. Luhan
stumbles, not quite finding his balance yet and he holds on to the railing.
Luhan looks to where Kris is and he sees him laying the boy gently on the ground.
Kris then removes his lab coat and wraps the boy in it.
"Tao, wake up." Kris says, his voice strangled as he strokes his face and brushing
away his fringe from his eyes. "Tao, it's me. Kris."
Tao's eyes flutter open again and Luhan sees him lift a weak finger to Kris' cheek.
"Kris..." Tao murmurs and Kris smiles at him. Luhan sees him holding back his
tears and even though Luhan has always known Kris to be harsh, strict and
emotionless, he knows the young scientist has a heart and it actually feels new to
see him look like this.
"What did they do to you?" Kris murmurs, his eyes turning dark and angry now as
he sees the leash on his neck and the marks on Tao's wrists where the cuffs had
Suddenly, Kai materializes in front of them, jolting Luhan back to reality.
"Take Luhan to the others." Kris commands him, still holding Tao.
"What about you?" Kai motions to him and Kris holds Tao closer to his chest.
"We'll follow behind."

Kai looks at Luhan and Luhan stares back. None of them makes a move and Kai
knows why.
In order for them to teleport back, Luhan has to hold on to him. That means being
in his arms and Luhan doesn't know if he's ready for that.
"I'm not going to hurt you." Kai assures him, extending his arm for him to take. "I
Luhan stares at it for awhile. If there was any other way, he would take it. Just not
this. Not with Kai.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Luhan." Kai says again and Luhan carefully steps closer.
Kai waits for him to place his hands in his palm and when he decides to do so, Kai
slowly wraps his arms around him. The familiar feel of Kai around him makes
Luhan feel scared of him again and Luhan squeezes his eyes shut, willing himself
to calm down.
"Ready?" Kai asks and Luhan nods.
In a second, Luhan feels light. It's as if each part of his self has been taken away.
His arms, his legs... It isn't painful. Just... light.
And as soon as they disappear, they materialize again and Luhan is on the ground.
He opens his eyes and the first thing he sees is Sehun rushing towards him.
Kai let's go of Luhan and Sehun engulfs him in his arms.
"You're okay," Sehun breathes, holding Luhan close. "You're okay."
"I told you I could do it." Luhan says back at him and Sehun smiles.
"I know." Sehun then looks at Kai who's staring at him awkwardly. "Thank you."
"Come on, we have to go." Kai leads them towards the others and Luhan sees that
they're approaching two small aircrafts. Xiumin, Lay and Chen are already inside

one of them and from the looks of it, the rest are on a look out.
"Wait, we can't leave." Lay says, "Where's Kris?"
Just as he says this, Kris lands harshly on the ground a few meters from them with
Tao in his arms. At first, Luhan thinks Kris is leaving a few specs of dirt behind. But
as he comes closer, he sees that his arm is bleeding heavily.
"What happened?!" Suho shouts, coming up to him. He then gasps as he sees the
person Kris is holding. "Is this... Tao?!"
Kris nods. "They know we're leaving. They shot at us from above."
Xiumin immediately takes Tao from Kris and helps him inside one of the aircrafts
while Lay heals Kris' arm.
"Thanks." Kris says. He then looks up and sees where they are. "We have to go."
Luhan turns towards Sehun. "Come with us."
Sehun shakes his head. "I can't. I told you, we're staying behind. We need to stop
them from sending out these missiles."
Luhan looks around and sees Chanyeol already producing fire in his hands, getting
"Let me stay then. Let me help." Luhan pleads and Sehun shakes his head again.
"Kris needs you."
Luhan watches as the first aircraft where Lay, Xiumin and Chen are starts to close.
Kris is tucking Tao in safely in the other and as he finishes, he looks up at Luhan,
waiting for him.
Luhan doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to leave. He doesn't want to be
separated from everyone. From Sehun.

"Luhan, you're wasting time!" Sehun shouts through the roars of the aircraft's
"I don't want to leave!" Luhan shouts back, holding on to his arm. Sehun doesn't
want him to either, Luhan can see it.
But Sehun pries his arm away from him and stares at him painfully. "You need to
Luhan feels like his heart is being ripped out. He can see Kyungsoo behind Sehun
gripping at his other arm now because he knows that if Luhan leaves, Sehun will
come after him himself and won't let go.
Luhan squeezes his eyes shut as he turns away and walks towards the aircraft. He
feels so numb. Kris doesn't say anything to him as he settles beside him and
places on the safety lock on his seat.
I can't believe we're leaving.
The doors to their own aircraft closes and Luhan tries to breathe, tries to calm
down. Hands clasp his and Luhan looks to his side to see that it's Kris trying to
comfort him through that and Luhan grips at it hard, trying to not think about going
"Lay, we're ready to leave." Kris says over the radio. He turns to check if Tao is
safely tucked in and when he sees that he's okay, Kris presses a few buttons.
Luhan can feel them moving, hovering above the ground.
Suddenly, a huge commotion occurs just a few meters below them and both Luhan
and Kris look out the window to see Suho go down. Someone has managed to
shoot him and Chanyeol, in a fit of anger, sets his attackers on fire.
"Suho!" Kris exclaims and Luhan watches helplessly as Baekhyun checks him
while Sehun and Kyungsoo stand on guard.

"No." Luhan breathes as he sees more people coming to attack them.

"We have to go back." Luhan says and Kris looks back at him like he is both sane
and crazy.
"It's too late. We need to do our part now."
Luhan wrenches his hand away and glares at Kris. "Suho was just shot!"
Luhan can see Kris contemplating so hard about this but he knows what his
answer is going to be. Just by looking at his face fall, he knows they need to turn
Grabbing the radio from Kris, Luhan speaks into it. "Lay, we're going back."
"What?!" Lay's voice on the other end of the line sounds confused and panicked.
"We saw Suho go down. We need to help them." Luhan explains.
"Alright. We'll follow behind."
Kris, still in a state of shock at having to see Suho being shot, lands the aircraft
carefully and opens the doors. Luhan unstraps himself from his seat and dashes
outside just in time to see more people firing at the others. Stretching his palms
out, Luhan pushes them away and beside him, Xiumin freezes their arms and legs
to the ground, trapping them.
Sehun and Kyungsoo look towards their area in surprise and Xiumin and Luhan
nod at them, grinning to show them that they've got their back.
Kai appears right beside Baekhyun with a couple of bandages and some medicine
but Lay beats him to it as he carefully runs his hand over Suho's stomach. Suho
winces for awhile, his lab coat soaked in blood and after a few seconds, Lay has
managed to heal him and close up his wound.
"Thank you." Suho looks up at Lay and Kris who has managed to catch up. "I didn't

think you guys would come back. Where's Tao?"

"Chen's looking out for him." Kris says, helping Suho up. At the mention of Chen,
Suho's eyes widen.
"Don't worry. Chen's strong enough to handle a couple of people. He can take care
of the both of them." Kris assures him and Suho nods.
"Guys," Kai starts. "While I was trying to steal some bandages, I heard they're
sending the missiles anytime soon. What do we do?"
"Stop them." Suho starts. "Luhan, Chanyeol, can you destroy those missiles?"
Chanyeol nods and tugs at Luhan's hand.
"Kyungsoo, Sehun, go with them." Kris says and the four of them dash off.
Luhan leads the way. He knows where those missiles are. Chanyeol can melt them
in seconds and Luhan can dismantle the others.
"I didn't think you would come back." Sehun says beside him as they run towards
the area.
Luhan smiles at him. "I didn't think we would either."
Suddenly, someone starts shooting at them from afar and Kyungsoo stops.
"Go on ahead. I'll distract them."
"Kyungsoo, don't -" Sehun starts but Kyungsoo smiles at them.
"I can handle it. Trust me."
Sehun nods and leaves him to deal with it while he watches Luhan's and
Chanyeol's back. When they're a few meters ahead, Luhan, Chanyeol and Sehun
feels the ground shake and they turn around to see that Kyungsoo has the ground

opened up, leaving a huge crack, causing the men to fall.

"Come on!" Chanyeol exclaims.
They arrive to where the missiles are being launched and Luhan comes face to
face with a dozen people working on them. Chanyeol has a ball of fire ready in his
hands but Luhan stops him.
"Don't. These people are innocent." Luhan says. But one of them suddenly presses
a buzzer that starts an alarm and Luhan covers his ears.
"They've alerted security!" Chanyeol yells through the alarm and Luhan, seeing a
way to get these people out, pushes them roughly through a huge exit. As soon as
everyone is inside, Luhan closes it tightly and brings the gates down.
"Quick thinking." Sehun remarks and motions at the five missiles all lined up and
ready to use. "Destroy them fast so we can get out of here. I'll stand watch
Luhan and Chanyeol work fast, dismantling each missile. Chanyeol melts them
easily, leaving no trace of the chemicals while Luhan throws everything else in that
laboratory into the fire.
It doesn't take them that long and in minutes, Chanyeol and Luhan step back to
admire the mess they've made.
"Good job." Luhan pats him and Chanyeol nods.
"You too."
Chanyeol then looks around and motions for Luhan to go back. "Come on, we need
to get to the others."
Chanyeol runs off and Luhan follows but before he could exit the area, someone
shoots him down.

"Some experiment you are."

Luhan cringes and clutches at his side where he was shot. He then looks up and
sees the man, the scientist, aiming something at him.
"You were supposed to help me. Not them." The man glares. "Now look at what
you've done!"
The man shoots again but Luhan manages to avoid it. Luhan staggers to find a
hiding place, clutching at his wound.
"All my research and experiments.... gone." He seethes. "And all because of you."
"No." Luhan says, managing to stand up and face him. "You had no help in this.
This was all Kris' and Suho's work."
The man shoots at him again but Luhan ducks behind a table. Luhan feels how
damp his shirt is and he knows he's bleeding a lot.
"They did nothing. This is all mine! They had no help- "
The man's eyes widen as Luhan stretches his arm out to control him.
"What are you doing?" The man asks as the weapon he is holding is now aiming at
his head, not at Luhan.
Luhan doesn't answer back as he forces him to stay put. The man looks scared
and for once Luhan feels strong. If he has once scared them by threatening them
then it's Luhan's turn to scare him now and he sees that it is working.
"You think, you're so powerful." The man suddenly says and Luhan looks at him. "I
don't think you can even kill someone."
"You want me to try?" Luhan threatens back, not willing to back down. Here he is.
The man responsible for everything Luhan and the rest has been through. And
now, he's finally in Luhan's hands.

"No," The man says, smirking. "You shouldn't be wasting your time on me, 4-2-0.
You should go save your world."
Luhan wonders what he means by this and unconsciously lowers his guard. And in
those moments, the man frees himself from Luhan's grasp and hits a button on his
side. Luhan doesn't have the time to stop him as he sees a panel on the wall slide
open and a missile emerges from it.
The man laughs and Luhan watches in horror as it launches itself in the air.
"Goodbye Experiment 4-2-0." The man says placing the gun back on his head. "I'll
leave the blame to you."
And then Luhan watches as the man aims it at himself and pulls the trigger.

Luhan is shaking. He just saw the man kill himself right before his very eyes and a
missile has already launched itself in the air. Luhan was too late. He was too late.
I'm to blame. Luhan thinks. I was too slow. This is all my fault. I wasted time.
Luhan runs back towards the area where Sehun and Chanyeol are, still clutching at
his wound and he stops as he sees the both of them fighting off some of the men.
Judging by the looks of it, Luhan knows they can take them down themselves and
he quietly slips past them as he returns to the aircraft.
No one is there, Luhan notices. He only sees the others far away fighting off some
men as well and Chen is standing over Tao making sure he's alright. But as Luhan
runs towards Lay's aircraft, Chen sees him and yells for him.
"Luhan! Where are they?!"

"They're okay!" Luhan yells back. "Wait for them!"

Luhan climbs up the aircraft, heart pumping fast with adrenaline.
"What are you doing?!" Chen shouts, wide eyed.
"Stay with Tao!" Luhan shouts. "I'll be right back!"
Luhan hates lying to Chen as he sits in the pilot seat and closes the aircraft's door.
He remembers how Kris started their own aircraft earlier and mimics the way he
did it. In seconds, he has the aircraft hovering above the ground and ready to go.
I'm sorry, Luhan thinks to the others as he controls the aircraft. It's all my fault.
He needs to stop that missile. He needs to chase after it. Bring it
around. Anything! He needs to take care of this.
Luhan is already in the air and coming after it when the radio starts to cackle.
"Luhan!" Kris' voice on the other end of the line sounds frantic. "What are you
Luhan doesn't answer back, concentrating on where the missile is.
"Luhan!" Kris yells again. "There's nothing you can do about that missile. Come
They saw, Luhan thinks and he feels even more ashamed. He let that missile go. It
was all his fault.
Luhan forgets the wound on his side as he hears the radio being passed on to
someone and the next voice he hears makes his heart ache.
"Luhan, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" Sehun demands. "Get the fuck
back here, right now!"

Sehun's voice... Luhan smiles as tears starts falling down his cheeks. I'll miss him.
"Luhan- "
"I'm sorry." Luhan answers, pressing the radio to his lips. "I have to stop it. It was
my fault."
There is silence on the other end of the line and Luhan takes this time to speed
after the missile.
"Luhan," Sehun starts slowly. "It's not your fault. Okay? Whatever happened back
there, it's not your fault. So please, come back."
Luhan shakes his head. "I can't. I have to do this. Or else Kris and Suho are to
blame for everything. For what they've worked for. I need to stop this."
Luhan hears Sehun yelling for Kai to teleport and bring Luhan back but Kai
answers that he can't because the aircraft is moving and he doesn't know where to
appear exactly. Even Kris can't chase after him when Luhan's moving too fast.
Luhan sees the missile and heads for it, picking up even more speed.
"Luhan," Sehun starts again, his voice filled with panic and Luhan wishes he'd
stop. He doesn't like hearing him like this. "Luhan there's nothing you can do. So
come back. What are you going to do with the missile anyway?!"
Luhan doesn't answer. But he knows what to do. He'll pull it back to him. With his
ability, he'll pull it back to himself. He can't risk letting it hit Earth or the planet
where the others are. They can't be contaminated.
"No," Luhan hears Sehun's alarming voice and he knows he has realized what
Luhan is about to do. "No! Luhan, don't. Come back. Stop being like this and come
back right now!"
"I'm sorry but I'm the only one who can stop it."

"Stop trying to be a hero!" Sehun shouts angrily at him.

I'm not, Luhan thinks as he stretches an arm out to feel the missile's speed. It's fast
but Luhan concentrates, controlling it.
"The world doesn't owe you anything!" Sehun continues, his voice cracking. "You
don't have to do this."
True, Luhan thinks. The world doesn't owe me anything. But I can't just let this
happen to billions of innocent people.
"Luhan," Sehun's voice sounds like he's pleading now. "Please. Come back. I'll let
you stay. You can stay here. With me. Or I'll even come with you. Just please,
please come back. Don't do this."
Luhan smiles through his tears as he hears this.
"Hey Sehun," Luhan starts, finally holding the missile in his head. Luhan controls
it's speed, turning it around. "Remember to smile a lot okay?"
"No. No, no! Luhan stop it! Come back!"
Luhan hears Sehun sobbing now and it hurts for him to hear it. Because even
though Sehun acts so strong outside, Luhan knows he'll always be the little boy
Luhan took care of in his dark and lonely room. The little boy who he held in his
arms and the one who gave him company.
"Listen to Suho. Start forgiving Kai."
"Luhan, stop it. Stop it!"
The missile is now in Luhan's control but it's too strong and Luhan only knows he
can control it for such a short time.
"Take care of Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Spend more time with Kyungsoo." Luhan

"Luhan," Sehun's voice isn't the same anymore and Luhan's heart hurts that it
doesn't feel like it's working right. "I love you. Okay? So come back. Please. Come
back to me. I won't push you away so don't push yourself away from me either."
Luhan waits until he knows he's far away from the others and he turns the missile
around. He sees it aiming towards him.
"I love you Sehun." Luhan whispers into the radio.
"Luhan, no- "
Luhan turns the radio off and releases his control over the missile.
He then closes his eyes.
And seconds later, he feels the crash.

part 14
"How's he doing?"
"Good. All vital signs seem normal."
"Any abnormalities? Irregular breathing patterns?"
"He's fine, Kris."
"I know but why isn't he waking up?!"
"Give it time. His body still seems weak."
"It was a good thing he wasn't contaminated. It was stupid of him to do that."

"Stupid but brave. You should be proud of him."

"I am, Lay. So proud. But I can't even feel happy about this. Not when he's like
"It's not your fault- "
"Sometimes I think it is."
"... I need to go. I'll be right back. I still need to check up on Tao."
"I'll leave him to you, Lay."

Luhan wakes up in what feels like ages. His eyes feel so heavy and it's that same
feeling again. Like he hasn't used them in such a long time.
He's thankful for the dim light. It makes him remember his old room at the facility.
As much as he's scared of that place, as much as he feels alone in there the most,
at least he knows he's still there.
But as he blinks and gets accustomed to his surroundings, he sees that he isn't in
his old room. It's different. Cozy. There's a huge window to his side and he can see
that it's night time. The moon is shining brightly, giving the room a soft glow.
There's decor in one side, paintings, a flower vase, bookshelf... Like this room has
been used in awhile and as Luhan looks to his side, he sees someone is sleeping,
his head resting on his arms on the bed.
Luhan places a weak hand on this person's head. He stirs and wakes up to look at

him and Luhan sees that it is Lay.

"Hey," Lay says, rubbing his eyes and smiling at him. "You're awake."
Luhan blinks at him for awhile and nods.
"Stay still, okay? I need to get Kris."
But as Lay stands up to leave, Luhan grips weakly at his arm to stay. Lay looks at
him for a long time and slowly sits back down beside him.
They don't talk to each other for awhile because Luhan is too weak to even say
something. He knows he's fine though. He remembers the wound on his side and
knows it's all gone by now. Lay just sits there, rubbing a comforting hand over
Luhan's. He's not healing him, Luhan realizes but keeping his hands warm and
assuring him he's there.
"L...Lay..." Luhan mumbles at first, still trying to find his voice and Lay looks at him.
"We can talk in the morning." Lay says. "You still need to save your strength."
But Luhan doesn't want to talk in the morning. He wants to know what happened to
him. To everyone.
"Wh-where... am I?" Luhan asks, his voice hoarse. Lay rubs his arm comfortingly.
Earth... Home...
No, Luhan thinks. This isn't home to him anymore. It doesn't feel like home to him.
Lay smiles at him. "It's saved because of you."
Luhan relaxes. What he did wasn't for nothing then. Everyone's fine...

But there's something else nagging at Luhan's head. Something he needs to know.
"Is time... Is time moving?" Luhan asks. He's getting sleepy now but Luhan stays
strong and awake just to hear his answer.
Lay reaches out and brushes away the hair from his eyes.
Luhan waits for Lay to say more but he doesn't.
"The others?" Luhan asks. "S-Suho... Chanyeol, Baekhyun... Kyungsoo, Kai..."
Lay bites his lip.
Luhan watches as Lay looks away from him and he squeezes his hand slightly,
willing him to answer him.
"Lay... tell me." Luhan pushes. "Please."
Lay looks back at him. "They're fine. Don't worry about them."
Luhan sighs, relaxing again. He was worried Lay was going to say they weren't.
"Can... Can I see them? Can I see Sehun?" Luhan asks and he watches with a
heavy heart as Lay shakes his head.
"They're not here." Lay replies. "They're not on Earth."
Luhan's heart suddenly feels like it weighs a ton. It's like he can't breathe and he
doesn't know if his ribs are crushed. One, he's glad they're okay but on another
note... they're not with them.
"There's still a lot of those research and experiments left behind and Suho wants to

be able to get rid of them all. They stayed behind to help."

Luhan can't hear him now. His thoughts are all messed up.
But he listens. He tries to listen as Lay tells him what happened. That the missile
didn't hit him completely. Xiumin was able to freeze it into a huge block of ice
before it could hit Luhan. Only the side of his aircraft was destroyed because
Sehun had mustered up all his strength, all his wind power, to move the aircraft
away from target. He was able to spare him but it wasn't enough because Luhan's
aircraft was too fast and he crashed into some rock formations.
Luhan continues to listen as Lay, Kris, Xiumin, Tao and Chen all piled up into the
other aircraft and rescued Luhan's body from the wreckage. They had wanted to
turn around but the rest of the men were everywhere that Kris had no choice but to
continue to Earth.
"But the others?" Luhan chokes.
"They managed to send them off." Lay explains. "We saw Kyungsoo use his ability
and opened up the ground. Some fell, others surrendered. We had to leave
because we weren't sure if there were other missiles coming. We're still waiting but
so far, everything's fine."
"And Sehun?" Luhan dares to ask.
Lay pauses for awhile before he continues, "The last we saw of him he was passed
out in Baekhyun's arms. He used up all his energy. He gave everything he had not
to let the missile hit you."
Luhan is shaking now. He feels a headache coming on and the more he tries to will
it away, the more it escalates.
But now, it's not his head that's hurting anymore. It's his heart as well. And his
lungs. And Luhan doesn't know what to do except allow the tears to start falling
down his face because Sehun isn't here. As well as the others.

Sehun passed out.

Sehun needs him. Luhan needs to take care of him. He can't leave him like that.
Suddenly the books from the shelves start falling and the vase from the table falls
down and breaks into tiny pieces. The chandelier above them starts swaying and
Lay stands up and grips at Luhan's shoulders.
"Luhan, calm down." Lay says, looking alarmed as Luhan continues to sob. "You
can't stress yourself out like this."
But Luhan can't. He doesn't know why it hurts so bad. Both physically and
emotionally. Like someone is hammering inside his head and his heart is being
beaten to a pulp.
"Luhan," Lay shakes him. "Luhan control yourself."
"I can't." Luhan sobs. "It hurts. It hurts so bad."
So I'm the one doing this, Luhan realizes. He's the one causing the curtains to flap
around wildly, who keeps swaying the paintings on the wall...
He can't control it. He's stuck in between not wanting to use his powers but at the
same time unleash everything. He's so frustrated and emotionally exhausted. He
doesn't know what to do.
He wants Sehun. He wants him to hold him and tell him he's going to be okay. That
he'll be here. That he's going to stay.
But he isn't anywhere near him and Luhan is just sobbing even harder into Lay's
"Luhan," Lay's voice isn't comforting anymore but scared. "Luhan stop using your
powers. You haven't fully recovered yet."

But Luhan just continues to cry. He feels so weak yet he feels like a human time
bomb about to explode soon.
"Xiumin!" Lay yells and in an instant, the door to Luhan's room opens and Xiumin
sees everything falling apart.
"What's going on?!" Xiumin asks, wide eyed as the lamp on the table falls off the
"Get Kris!"
Lay continues to hold Luhan as if he'll fall apart even more if he let's go of him and
Luhan just sits there, crying.
Kris rushes towards them as soon as he enters and Lay let's go of him.
"No, no." Luhan panics as he feels Lay leave him. He doesn't want to be left alone.
He doesn't want to deal with this by himself.
"Ssssh, ssssh." Kris' hands are suddenly on his face making him look at him and
Luhan looks back. "Luhan, calm down. Calm down."
"I... can't." Luhan answers back in between sobs. His headache is getting more
and more intense. "It hurts... I can't breathe."
"Luhan you just woke up and your body is still weak. Stop trying to use your
But Luhan doesn't know how as the glass on the window shatters.
"Luhan," Kris makes him look at him. "Luhan I'm going to sedate you. I'm telling
you this because I want you to know what I'm about to do. If you don't want me to
do it, it's fine but you have to calm down."
Luhan stares up at Kris with tears in his eyes. "Make it stop."

Make the hurt stop.

Kris looks back at him sympathetically and nods. Luhan suddenly feels a tiny prick
on his arm and just like that, the room slowly stops moving.
"Don't leave me." Luhan only whimpers, his eyes starting to close. In truth, Luhan
wants to be left alone. He wants to be in his own silent world away from everything
that reminds of him of this, of Sehun. But at the same time he's scared of losing his
self. He's scared of forgetting completely like what Chen did.
"We won't. Lay and I will be here." Kris tells him, laying him back down on the bed.
"P...promise...?" Luhan asks drowsily.
And Luhan closes his eyes and falls asleep.

Kris and Lay stay true to their word. When Luhan wakes up a few hours later, Lay is
beside him on a chair asleep while Kris is on the couch across from him sleeping
too. Luhan wakes up before them and remembers again where he is and what just
happened. He doesn't bother to wake them up as he lies there and cries quietly by
It takes a long time for Luhan to fully recover. Without Sehun near him, Luhan's
body can only depend on food and rest. Kris' presence makes it bearable though
and as his parent pair, Kris makes sure that Luhan spends enough time around
him. Kris doesn't force himself on Luhan even if he knows he can give him strength
and Luhan is thankful for this. He wouldn't know what to say to him if he ever
offered his self to him.
They all live in a newly abandoned house by the sea. Kris says it's perfect because

no one comes up in their area a lot and it's away from the city. The house isn't big
but it's enough to accommodate them all and Kris' new laboratory.
They still go for tests everyday. Even Kris and this helps them stabilize their
abilities. They don't do their trainings as much as they once did in the facility for
fear that someone might actually see them but once in awhile, Kris encourages
them to use it.
Except for Luhan and Chen.
Luhan and Chen have a lot of restrictions out of everyone. They are not to use their
powers if it's not necessary because if it drains them, it would take longer for them
to recuperate seeing as their pairs aren't with them. Chen doesn't understand this
yet though since he can't even remember his own pair and Luhan finds himself at
times pitying him.
Luhan lives his life emotionally exhausted everyday. To not being able to know
what happened to Sehun, if he's doing fine than him, if he eats or if he has gotten
any better by now. It frustrates Luhan and saddens him and he cries a lot at night
when he knows everyone is asleep.
No one talks to him about it. They all understand. They too are saddened like
Luhan to be separated from the rest but they know it's Luhan who feels more
depressed about this. No one mentions their names around the house because
just the slight mention of them brings the household in a gloomy state.
One night, Luhan is awakened in the middle of his sleep by someone stumbling
around in his room. Luhan is too groggy to see who it is but as soon as he hears
him complain about how dark it is, Luhan is immediately awake as he realizes it is
Luhan turns on the lamp by his side and sees Kai by the bookshelf looking
exhausted, one hand supporting himself.

Kai looks up at him and smiles weakly and Luhan pushes himself off the bed and
rushes towards him, throwing his arms around the tall boy.
Kai stiffens in his arms and Luhan looks at him, wondering why when he
remembers what happened between them before.
"I've forgiven you a long time ago." Luhan says breathing into his chest. "It's okay."
Kai relaxes and holds Luhan against him as Luhan silently sobs.
To see Kai makes Luhan remember everyone. Sehun especially. It's been so long,
a couple of months actually and he still hasn't moved on from the separation.
"You look like shit." Kai says as Luhan releases his hold on him and makes him sit
down on the couch. Luhan chuckles in between sobs and Kai reaches out to wipe
his tears. Luhan lets him seeing as he's not afraid of Kai anymore.
"It's not exactly easy around here." Luhan whispers and Kai nods.
"It's the same for everyone back there."
To this, Luhan looks up at him.
"How is everyone?" Luhan asks desperately. "Is Suho okay? How about Baekhyun
and Chanyeol? Kyungsoo?"
Kai squeezes his hand to calm him down.
Saying Sehun's name makes his heart ache again and Luhan resists the urge to
break down in front of him.
"They're fine. We have to be. " Kai sighs. "Suho... well, he tries to look fine but we
can see that he isn't. He buries himself in his work and laboratory all day."

Luhan raises an eye at this. "Laboratory?"

"We've decided to make use of what's left of the facility for now. The people who
work there, the ones who've had a change of heart, works for Suho now."
"Not making more tests, I hope?"
"No," Kai smiles. "Suho's using his knowledge to create something we can all use.
A better energy source, how to grow edible food using the planet's soil... stuff like
Luhan breathes a sigh of relief. "Good... good..."
Luhan takes a good look at Kai for the first time he has arrived and sees that he's
dressed in black. It's stylish and he looks different, much better compared to the
white boring clothes they used to wear
"Don't ask." Kai says. "We're all dressed differently now. Suho doesn't like seeing
us in those plain white clothes. He hated seeing us in those."
Luhan nods. He remembers Kris giving them normal clothes to wear too, telling
them to burn the white ones. It was like he hated being reminded of it.
Kai nudges him. "How are you holding up?"
Luhan looks at him and smiles. "I'm okay."
"Liar." Kai smirks and Luhan drops the fake smile he's holding. "We were all
worried about you, you know. When we saw you crash..."
Luhan tries not to think about it.
"We thought you were dead." Kai says, lowering his voice. "Sehun, he... He did
everything he could to save you."
Luhan nods, looking out the window. "I know..."

There is never a time when Luhan doesn't think about Sehun. Everyday his mind is
filled with how his hair feels like in his fingers, his flawless skin, the way his eyes
look all droopy wherever he goes. Luhan remembers the small mole in his neck
and the way Sehun unconsciously drapes his arm over Luhan's waist in the middle
of the night while they're sleeping.
And most of all, Luhan remembers his smile. His favorite smile.
"How..." Luhan starts carefully. "How is he?"
Kai sighs. "He's like you. Thin. Pale... Weak."
"Does he eat?" Luhan asks quickly and Kai nods.
"Kyungsoo makes sure he eats." Kai says then smiles. "Kyungsoo feeds all of us."
Luhan smiles back. "Thank him for me, will you?"
Kai nods.
They sit there again in silence, Luhan still bothered by the fact that Sehun is like
him. He doesn't want him to be like him. He wants him to get better.
"I miss him." Luhan admits for the first time out loud. "I miss him, Kai."
Kai nods. "He misses you too even if he doesn't talk about it. He woke up a few
days after you were gone and when he realized that you weren't there, he almost
wiped away everything in sight with his ability. Not intentionally, of course. Suho
called it 'emotional stress' and had to sedate him a couple of times."
Luhan knows this was what he went through as well.
"He blames himself every day for letting you go. He's pretty much isolated himself
from us all, not wanting to be a burden."

Luhan feels sad to hears this. "Does he know that you're here?"
Kai shakes his head. "Nobody knows I'm here. Suho sent me. This was actually a
little experiment to see how far I could go. I wasn't sure if I could reach this far so
we didn't tell anyone. We didn't want to keep their hopes up."
Luhan can see that teleporting all the way here has taken it's toll on Kai. "You
should rest up before you leave. Kris and the others would be glad to see you."
Kai shakes his head and smiles sadly. "I can't stay for long. Every moment I spend
away from Kyungsoo and being this far from him makes the both of us weak. If I
stay longer I might not have the strength to go back anymore."
Luhan nods, understanding this.
"How did you know where to find us?" Luhan asks and he sees Kai look around
and smile.
"Didn't Kris tell you this used to be my house?"
Luhan looks at him surprised. "No."
"I used to live here. My parents passed away and left it to me. I moved out though.
But I don't have any other close relatives so nobody checks up on this place. I told
Kris he can use it as soon as I knew about the plan."
Luhan nods. "Thank you for lending it to us."
Kai smiles and they sit there again in silence. There's so much Luhan wants to tell
Kai to relay to Sehun. But he doesn't know where to start.
"Here," Kai reaches into his pocket. "I hope you could give this to Kris for me. It's
from Suho."
Luhan takes a small envelope from Kai. "What is it?"

Kai shrugs. "I don't know. He said not to open it. Only for Kris."
Luhan sighs. "And here I thought we were done with all the secrecy."
"It's probably experiment and research stuff again." Kai says. "Kris and Suho know
better than to keep stuff from us anymore."
Luhan stands up and places it on his bedside table to give to Kris tomorrow. As he
turns back, Kai is on his feet, ready to leave.
"You sure you don't want to stay?" Luhan asks, hoping Kai could spend a few more
minutes with them and tell them what's been happening.
Kai shakes his head. "I have to go."
"Will you come back?" Luhan asks.
"I can, seeing as teleporting this far was successful." Kai explains. "But it's a little
hard and I'm not that powerful and experienced to do it yet. When I can, I'll come
back soon."
Luhan nods and comes up to Kai. Kai takes him in his arms and Luhan hugs him
"Hey Kai," Luhan starts, finally knowing what message to give to Sehun. To make
him feel better. To stop blaming himself for what Luhan did.
"Yeah," Kai murmurs softly in his ear.
"If you see him, if you see Sehun... tell him I'm doing fine."
Kai releases Luhan and nods, promising him he will.
Luhan steps back and watches as Kai gives him one last smile and disappears.

Luhan thought that Kai's visit would make him feel better. But now everything just
feels worse. It just made him miss everyone and now he sometimes stays up late
at night just to wait for him to bring more news even though he knows he can't
teleport back so soon.
One gloomy afternoon, Luhan walks towards the beach at the back of their house,
desperate to be away for just a moment. Kris has decided they should all have a
mini celebration for everything they have gone through. For Luhan saving the
world, for everyone's smooth escape, for Kai's recent news on Suho doing better
experiments and for Tao's recovery. It's all a mess at the kitchen right now with
Xiumin and Lay preparing food and stuff so Luhan decides to go and take a walk.
He hasn't been such a good company these days and he didn't want to mess up
the atmosphere.
Luhan kicks off sand from his shoes and as he looks up to find a place to sit, he
sees Chen sitting on a log. His back is turned but Luhan can see that he's deep in
his thoughts.
"So this is where you hide from all of us." Luhan starts. Chen, like him, didn't hang
out with the rest. Nobody knows where he goes to. At first, Kris was worried but
Chen always assured him that he'll be back before night would fall.
Chen turns around to face him. He looks surprised to see Luhan out and about and
Chen scoots over and pats the space next to him. Even though Luhan doesn't
really want to talk to anybody, he feels Chen is an exception.
Luhan walks over to him and sits by his side.
"I'm glad to see you're okay." Chen says. "We were all worried about you."
Luhan swallows hard, not wanting the conversation to lead to that moment again.
That moment when he left.

"Yeah. I'm okay. How about you?" Luhan asks, desperate for a change in topic.
"Better." Chen smiles, turning towards the sea. "I remember some stuff now."
"You do?" Luhan asks, surprised.
"Not a lot." Chen sighs. "But Kris is giving me therapy these days and sometimes I
get flashes. Like I remember going on trainings, tests... lots of drugs..."
Luhan looks at him sadly. Of all things to remember.
"Hey, don't look at me like that." Chen smiles. "I know they're not really good
memories but at least they're coming back."
Luhan slowly smiles, admiring Chen's positive attitude.
They sit there quietly, Chen back to his thoughts and Luhan back to his. They don't
notice time slipping away and Luhan only realizes how long they've been there
when he looks up as he sees the sky turn a gloomy shade of grey and feels the
light rain on his skin.
"We should head on back." Luhan says, standing up. "It's going to rain really hard
in a little while."
Surprisingly, Chen looks up at him and smiles.
"I think I'll stay here a little longer."
Luhan doesn't want to leave him though and stares back at him worriedly. "Are you
sure? There's nothing to see here and you might catch a cold."
Chen looks back at the horizon and smiles.
"It's okay. I like looking at the water."

Luhan sees Chen lean back, relaxing.

"And the rain. It feels... nice."
Suho... Luhan thinks.
"There's something about it I... I don't know exactly but being in the water. Looking
at it..." Chen says dreamily. "You should try it Luhan. You should try walking in the
Luhan smiles sympathetically at him though and doesn't sit back down to
accompany him. He knows this is where he needs to be. Alone. He knows Chen is
more comfortable being around water. Luhan just hopes he realizes and
remembers why soon.
Luhan heads on back, leaving Chen again to his thoughts and as he approaches
the house, all the emotions that he was keeping from bursting out finally makes its
way out of him.
He's confused. And lonely. And Luhan stands there in the rain crying again for what
feels like the thousandth time. He's so tired and empty and he doesn't want this
He doesn't want to cry but yet he does. He doesn't want to think, breathe, eat or
sleep. He wants to fade away. He doesn't want to be a burden to anyone but he still
can't move on. He's tired of lying to everyone, tired of smiling.
He's too tired to live life anymore.
Luhan squeezes his eyes shut, hands balled into fists by his side. He can end it.
Stop the pain. He can stop feeling this way anymore. Right here. Where no one's
looking. Where only the rain can wash away all evidence of what he is about to do
to himself...
The rain.

Luhan opens his eyes as he notices that it has stopped. He sees that the rain has
frozen in its place and Luhan watches in fascination as it stops in mid air. Luhan
raises a hand, taking the droplets into his palm.
"I don't know how much longer I can keep it that way but it would be really helpful if
you come back inside now."
Luhan looks up and sees Tao in front of him.
He's no longer the weak and bony little boy Luhan saw before. He looks healthy
now. Luhan can see color in his cheeks and his eyes look alive. This is the first
time Luhan has seen him well and walking around. A few meters behind him,
Luhan sees Kris by the front porch, waiting for the both of them.
"I haven't had the chance to thank you for saving my life." Tao says with a soft
smile. He's beautiful, Luhan thinks, blinking away the rain from his eyes.
"Because of you, I get to live again." Tao continues. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Luhan says softly. Tao looks at him and then notices his hands
"I know what you're trying to do." Tao walks towards him slowly. "I know how you
"You don't." Luhan chokes, his sobs threatning to burst its way out again. "You
don't know how it feels like."
"I do." Tao says comfortingly. "Stopping time for five years is no joke. Not being
able to see your pair... Being touched by someone else... Touched in places you
don't want... The number of times I wanted to end my life too..."
Luhan looks at him, feeling sorry for the both of them but Tao shakes his head and
"Don't. It's okay. You'll be fine, Luhan."

Luhan blinks away his tears as fresh ones start falling. "How can you say that?
How can you even say that when I don't even know what's going to happen to me."
"You'll be fine." Tao says, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You have to
be fine. "
Luhan looks at him.
"You're alive because of Sehun. Sehun did everything he can to save you. Don't tell
me you're going to throw your life away. He wouldn't want that."
Luhan bites his lower lip as he hears this. He's right. He's right.
He hates how weak he is and he hates himself for even thinking about taking his
life away a moment earlier. But he understands now.
"Stay strong, Luhan." Tao whispers and Luhan sobs. "You've lived up to this point
in your life. You can live longer."
Luhan cries there in Tao's arms. Crying... that's all he ever does these days and
even if he feels so tired of it all, he knows Tao is right.
"So will you come back inside with me?" Tao says in his ear. "I'd hate for you to get
sick. It would take a long while for you to get better."
Luhan nods, still crying and Kris comes up to them with an umbrella as Tao throws
a comforting arm around his shoulder and lets the rain pour.

Luhan sits down by the fire, a cup of hot chocolate in his hands. Tao is fast asleep
on the couch, already exhausted at having to use his powers earlier. Everyone is
fast asleep as well, full from what Xiumin and Lay prepared. It was a small feast
and some of the stories Luhan heard from Kris about the old days, when he and

Suho first met during school, made him smile and forget for awhile what happened
"Can't sleep?"
Luhan looks up and sees Kris joining him. Luhan shakes his head as Kris sits down
on the couch by Tao's side, a cup of hot chocolate with him too.
"You should though." Kris says.
"I know." Luhan replies. "I'll go sleep in a little while."
Kris nods, taking a sip from his mug. Luhan looks back at the fire, trying to relax at
the silence.
"Those stories you told... During dinner," Luhan starts after awhile. "It was nice
hearing about it. Thank you for sharing it to us."
Kris smiles. "You're welcome."
Luhan looks at Kris and sees him look relaxed for the first time. The fire's glow
casts a nice warm look on Kris' face and he can see that he really is young despite
the amount of knowledge he holds.
Kris settles his mug on the table and turns to Luhan. "Would you like to hear
another one?"
Luhan nods, relaxing in his seat, feeling the warm mug in his hands as the rain
softly pours. He can use this, Luhan thinks, use these stories to forget the pain.
"It's about Kai."
Luhan looks at Kris, surprised. He was expecting it to be another one of Suho and
Kris' adventures when they were just students. But Luhan sits back anyway and

"The first time Kai woke up after we experimented on him, he was scared." Kris
starts, staring at Tao sleeping beside him and brushing away his hair from his face.
Luhan continues to listen even though he doesn't understand why Kris is telling him
Kai's story.
"He was so scared that he didn't know what to do. He wanted to go home so badly,
wanted to escape... and eventually he did."
Kris looks at the fire and Luhan stares at it too.
"He thought he was on Earth though and his first instinct was to go home. So he
teleported even though he didn't know he could do that."
"To Earth?" Luhan wonders.
"He tried," Kris says. "He didn't realize it was too far from him and seeing as he had
just woken up with this new ability, he was too weak to reach Earth. So he was
"Where?" Luhan asks.
"We don't know." Kris shrugs. "He was stuck in some place between Earth and our
Luhan tries to think of a place. "Like another planet?"
Kris shakes his head. "No. Some place that doesn't exist on any map. On any solar
system... It was a place that only Kai knew."
"He was so lost." Kris recalls. "Suho and I were worried about him and we didn't
sleep a wink till he got back. He just suddenly appeared in his closed up room one
day looking all weak and exhausted. He was gone for about three days."
Luhan brings his mug closer to him, feeling it's warmth.

"We asked him where he went," Kris continues. "He couldn't answer. He didn't even
know himself. All he said was that it was dark, save for the moonlight shining down
on him and it was cold... and there was water everywhere..."
Poor Kai, Luhan thinks, sipping on his drink. To be all alone...
Luhan looks back at Kris.
"What if I told you there was a way to see Sehun again?"
Luhan almost chokes on his drink as he hears this.
Weren't they just talking about Kai's story earlier?
Kris smiles softly at him. "What if I told you that you can see Sehun again? What
would you do?"
Luhan weighs all his answers and then finally settles on the one thing that seems
important the most.
"I'd try to live." Luhan breathes. "I'd try to continue to live just to see him."
Kris looks at him and then nods. "I like that answer."
Luhan sees Kris contemplating about something and it makes Luhan sit on the
edge of his seat, waiting for him to continue.
"Kris, what is it- "
"Will you really?" Kris' gaze at him is serious. "Will you really continue to live if
there was a chance that you'd see him again?"

"Yes." Luhan answers.

"Will you promise me that you won't take away your life like what you planned on
doing earlier this afternoon?"
Luhan lowers his gaze at that, ashamed. Kris sounds angry at him and Luhan
knows he has every right to be. Kris doesn't own him but Luhan knows that as a
friend, it hurts to see someone thinking of ending his life like that.
"Yes." Luhan answers. "I'm sorry I even thought of doing it. Tao was right. Sehun
saved me. I shouldn't just waste away my life like this."
Kris closes his eyes and nods. "You shouldn't, Luhan. Your life is valuable. I almost
took that away from you once by experimenting on you. I don't want to see you
even think about doing that again."
Luhan sits there and nods. "I know. I'm sorry."
Kris then looks at him. "I'm going to tell you something now and I want you to listen
Luhan stays still and listens.
"There is a way for you to see Sehun."
Luhan's breath hitches as he hears this.
"But the only way you can see him again, see the rest, is when time stops."
Luhan looks at him, confused. "Well, I can't ask that of Tao. He can't stop time for
long these days. He hasn't fully recovered yet."
Luhan looks at Tao sleeping and remembers the rain and how he can only stop it
briefly. Tao is still weak. Stopping time for five years...
Kris then smiles. "I wasn't talking about Tao."

Luhan sees Kris lean towards him.

"Time has to stop naturally for all of us to see each other. For you to see Sehun."
Luhan doesn't dare breathe. "How?"
"An eclipse." Kris says. "When the moon covers the sun, time will stop naturally. It's
been known throughout the ages but none have been able to understand it better
than we do."
Luhan's hands are shaking. A chance to stop time. A chance to see him again.
"Why do you think there are leap years? Why do you think there are daylight saving
times? Why do you think that in some countries time is delayed by an hour or
"An eclipse, Luhan." Kris continues. "All you have to do is wait for it."
A chance...
"How... how are we going to see each other?" Luhan whispers.
"When an eclipse happens, that's when Kai is at his strongest. It's because time
stops and he can teleport in a world where nothing is moving. It's hard for him to
teleport on another moving place apart from where he is now because he doesn't
know where to appear exactly. Think of it as someone jumping on a very fast
moving treadmill and trying to find balance. That's how Kai feels when he telports
Luhan nods, understanding now.
"But during this time, during a solar eclipse, he can."
Kris looks at him, holding his gaze seriously.

"An eclipse is coming soon. Suho has been observing and testing Kai," Kris
produces an envelope from his pocket and Luhan can see that it's the one Kai
brought. "Suho sent me a message. He told me Kai has been back to that place
again, that place between Earth and between their planet."
Kris shows him the letter Suho sent him and all Luhan can see is Suho's
handwriting, explaining everything and a drawing of two orbs, one covering the
"When the eclipse happens, Kai can teleport here and bring us all to that place. It's
a world only Kai is familiar of that's close to Earth and close to their planet. It's right
in between and it saves Kai's strength."
Luhan feels the paper, skimming his eyes over it again. "Why can't Kai just bring
them all here? Or Kai can bring us all there?"
Kris shakes his head. "Kai isn't that powerful to carry everyone across. And Suho
still has a lot of work to do over there. The same thing for us here. Aside from that
letter, Suho attached another one telling me that there are men still loyal to that
scientist and are in hiding. Suho and the rest are looking for them but until then, we
still need to do our part and protect the world and not risk them from sending
anything back here.
So much is going through Luhan's head. So much he wants to know...
"An eclipse..." Kris reminds him.
Luhan looks up at him. "And will I see Sehun? Will I see everyone?"
Kris smiles, folding the letter back. "Yes."
A chance to see him again. A chance to see Sehun again.
"How long?" Luhan asks. "How long would we able to see each other?"
"It depends. It depends on how long the eclipse last. Sometimes just a few

seconds. Minutes..."
Seconds... Minutes... Luhan swallows. He'll take it. It doesn't matter. He'll take it.
Luhan looks at Kris desperately. "What if it won't work?"
Kris smirks at him. "Are you really doubting mine and Suho's knowledge?"
Luhan shakes his head, laughing softly for the first time. "No."
There's so much Luhan is feeling right now that he doesn't know what to do. A
chance to see all of them again. Sehun...
Kris continues to look at him and smiles. He pats Luhan's shoulder before turning
around and lifting Tao gently in his arms, careful not to wake him up.
"Get some rest. It's late." Kris says as he bids Luhan good night and carries Tao up
to their room.
Luhan sits there by the fire still thinking about all this. He doesn't know how long he
sits there but all he can think about is how there is a way. There is a way to see
And Luhan lives the next few days like a fire has ignited from within him. He eats
better now, helps around the house, gets a job with Xiumin and Lay helping out at
some children's day care. Even Tao and Chen help out sometimes when Kris gives
them the day off from helping him on his lab.
He even manages to contact his parents, telling him he's fine and on a trip with
friends. To them, it was only a day since Luhan was gone. But to Luhan, it's been
It's a different feeling, Luhan thinks. It's like he was a given a reason to start living
again. He knows he should've done it a long time ago even without Kris telling him
all these revelations.

Luhan counts the days till the eclipse, spending every moment watching and
waiting. He gets impatient at times and Tao has to remind him to calm down. Even
Kris threatens to sedate him if he doesn't stop rushing outside at odd hours and
stand outside the house just staring at the sky.
And then it happens.
It's three in the morning when Kai appears in the middle of Luhan's room. Luhan
has never been more ready and anxious in his entire life. He has waited for this
moment, this single moment, to see everyone. To see him.
"The others?" Luhan asks as he takes Kai's hand, preparing to leave.
"We'll come in about a few minutes." Kai says. "I'll come back for Kris and the rest.
We decided to give you two some time alone first."
Luhan can't contain himself as he fidgets in Kai's hold. "Sehun?"
Kai smiles as he looks at Luhan.
"He's waiting for you."
Kai holds Luhan and disappears with him and Luhan takes in the familiar feeling of
being light again. He remembers the last time he did this with Kai and it was filled
with anxiety and a lack of trust. But now, he holds on to Kai, trusting him with his
life completely.
They appear again and Luhan feels cold. He opens his eyes and can see that it's
dark. There's a full moon peeking among the dark clouds and his shoes are soaked
seeing as there's water everywhere.
Kai let's go of him and Luhan sees him stepping back.
"I don't how much time you have." Kai says. "Make the most out of it."
Luhan nods. "I will. Thank you."

Kai smiles and motions behind him. "I'll see you later."
Kai disappears and Luhan breathes in deeply, turning around. Slowly, he lets his
eyes adjust to the moonlight and sees that someone is standing there.
Luhan hasn't seen him for so long that he has forgotten how beautiful he is. Like
him, he looks weak and thin and Luhan remembers a time when he told him he
should eat. But Luhan forgets all that because all Luhan can see is how beautiful
this person is. Luhan looks at him, mesmerized.
He looks up at Luhan, slowly and carefully and as their eyes meet, Luhan's tears
start falling. He doesn't know if it's a dream. A beautiful dream.
Slowly at first then rushing the next, Luhan meets him, throwing his arms around
Sehun holds him tight, breathing into his hair and Luhan clings to him like he's
They don't let go of each other. They don't talk. There's so much to say anyway that
they don't know where to start, afraid of wasting time. All they do is listen to each
other's heartbeats, listen to each other's sobs, feel each other's touch.
For now, this is all Luhan can ask for. For now, Luhan is contented with this.
And as Luhan looks up at him, cupping his face in his hands and studying every
little detail, he doesn't care anymore if they only have a few seconds left... a few
Because Sehun is with him, smiling his favorite smile.
And for Luhan, that's all that matters.

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