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Fundamentals of Karaka

Written by Visti Larsen

Saturday, 04 October 2008 19:29 - Last Updated Saturday, 04 October 2008 19:33

Published on the Sohamsa and Srijagannath forums.

Atma (soul), Mana (mind) and Tanu (body). These correspond to the i) Charakarakas, ii) Na
isargika karakas
and iii)
Sthira karakas
respectively. The dhi or intelligence is an addition to these three, which has been created by
Vasudeva (refer creation). Through the lagna we have Bhaava. Look up the sanskrit word for
this and you will find that it means much more than just house. It means approach or manner
of acting/condition, state etc.
So each bhaava in the chart shows:
i) how we approach a certain aspect of life (bhaava itself)
ii) how we are approached by those people indicated by those aspects of life (bhaavesha lordship)

For now i will omit the Chara karakas from this discussion. We are thus left with:
i. the analysis of the mana/mind ( karaka ) and its experiences with certain bhaavas.
ii. the analysis of the mana/mind ( karaka ) and its experiences with certain people (bhavesha).

Bhaava from Lagna shows how you approach those various activities in life. I.e. if you have
Mars in tenth you will be aggressive in work. If you have Saturn in tenth you will be very slow
and take your time to finish things. If you have nodes in seventh you may cheat on your wife
(ref: sarvartha chintamani). Now why do you think Parasara says that if Mars is in seventh the
native will have three broken marriages?
It has to do with ones approach, and naturally how you approach is what you get.

Bhaava in the rasi shows how I approach the various aspects of my life, but to get a detailed
understanding of the character and traits of other people i must see the divisional chart
associated with them. In a sense the Rasi is the self-centric view of everything, and thus
becomes the most important chart. I.e. Seventh house in rasi shows how I approach
relationships, but its the seventh house in navamsa through which i can describe the spouse
and his/her traits.
Bhaava from Karaka shows how we experience various activities in life. I.e. the sambandha


Fundamentals of Karaka
Written by Visti Larsen
Saturday, 04 October 2008 19:29 - Last Updated Saturday, 04 October 2008 19:33

between Venus and the fourth house shows how our experience of vehicles and similar
comforts impact our PERCEPTION of vehicles. The sambandha between Venus and the
seventh house will show how we see relationships and how they affect us. I.e. I have Venus in
the second house and have had to come to terms with a very warped idea about relationships
as the seventh house will sit in the sixth (celibacy, competitions, etc) from Venus. Had malefics
also been placed in the seventh (wrong approach), or the seventh lord was associated with
malefics (wrong partners) this could have been disastrous.
Bhaavesh from Karaka shows how we experience various people in our life. I.e. the
sambandha between Venus and the seventh lord shows how the specific partners affect us in
life and make us feel. Thus the experience of married life vs. the experience of having a
spouse/partner can be completely different things.

The Karaka -bhava, i.e. for Guru: ninth house/lord from Jupiter, or for relationships: seventh
house/lord from Venus, show how that specific person is brought to your Mana/mind. The ninth
house is there for every lagna, but yet not everyone has a Guru. So also if the ninth house/lord
from Jupiter is under influence this will affect how ones Guru comes into ones life, or is inhibited
from the same. Similarly everyone has a father, but if the ninth house/lord from Sun is afflicted
then one may be separated from the father. Thus here we are analyzing to the various people
coming to your attention/mind/mana.

Finally Karaka itself shows the overall nature of ones experiences related to that karaka . If
Venus is afflicted the person will not look very happily at the prospect of relationships, i.e.
Venus joined Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu can show: Ego, Anger, Sorrow, Shock and
Headlessness as problems in relationships respectively. The more of these afflicting the same,
the worse the situation, but this is attributed to the self and is a result of being in experiences
with other people, but not necessarily caused by other people.

Whew!.. there is a lot more such as the sambandha between lords Tithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga
and Karana with the various bhaavas, not to speak of the use of Chara karakas which are the
most important.

I have given examples of these karaka /bhava principles in the seventh house chapter in my
book. I do recommend referring to the same for further understanding.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


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