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DELBELLO DONNELLAN WEINGARTEN WISE & WIEDERKEHR, LLP rman — eet a counstiuons arLaw oS ‘Tue GATEWAY BUILDING cee eae (Ow NORTH LEXINGTON AVENUE amen iron ‘Heo Wirs.ow WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK 10601 ‘counsen w le (ou) 6.0200 eras FACSIMILE (914) 684.0288, ‘tzpngn cn va crnans Reneneeeeeta January 7, 2015 anon aera Via E-mail: ‘Wood Partners Mr. Richard Dickason 80 Hayden Avenue, Suite 110 Lexington, MA 02421 Re: Engagement of DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP ‘Dear Richard: You have requested that the firm of DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP (*DDWWW") represent Wood Pariners, and its affiliates (the "Client") in connection with providing counseling, and state and local lobbying services, The purpose of this letter is to state the terms and conditions of our agreement, This will confirm that DDWWW has been retained to represent, advise and counsel Client with regard to the Services. DDWWW shall monitor, track and advise Client, review subject, background and pertinent materials, advise Client with respect to strategies, schedule end participate in meetings with Client and the Client team and/or appropriate government officals upon reasonable notice and review and comment upon draft submission materials produced by Client, Such Services may include “lobbying activity" as defined under New York State Law. Client agrees to pay DDWWW as compensation for the above-described Services as follows: a) The sum of $5,000.00 per month for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months from January 7, 2015 through December 31, 2015, unless extended by both parties; b) Client will reimburse DDWWW for certain costs and expenses, including but not limited to, travel expenses, long distance telephone charges, photocopying, support staff overtime (when necessitated by the demands of the matter), computer assisted research, overnight express services, messenger services, and postage. aa273 doe 10000385001 Richard Dickason Page 2 DDWWW will bill Client on a monthly basis for Services performed and costs incurred, Payment is due not later than thirty (30) days following the invoice date, Past due amounts will be shown on the invoice and the firm reserves the right to charge interest on any delinquent amount atthe rate of 10% per annum compounded monthly. It is understood that this engagement letter in no way guarantees any specific government action or result. Since Services contemplated by this agreement may constitute "lobbying" as defined under New York State Law, a copy of this retainer will be filed with the New York State Joint Commission on Public Ethics. Client shall haye, at all times, the right to terminate DDWWW upon written notice to that effect. DDWWW shall have the right to terminate Services to Client upon written notice to that cffect in the event that it failed to cooperate with the Firm in any reasonable request, failed timely to pay any fees or disbursements due to DDWWW in connection with this agreement, or if DDWWW is required to withdraw because of ethical or legal considerations as it determines in its sole discretion. If the foregoing terms and conditions accurately summarize and confirm your understanding of our agreement, please indicate your approval and acceptance by signing, dating and returning a copy of this letter by facsimile or e-mail and returning the original in the enclosed, stamped, self-addressed envelope. Enclosed for your records is an executed copy of this letter. This agreement will not become effective and we will have no obligation to provide Services until you sign and return a copy of this letter. As always, we look forward to working with you, Very truly yours, Lii- MARK P. WEINGARTEN ce: Anup Misra — via e-mail - ‘Mark Theriault - via e-mail - Accepted this (3_ day of January, 2015. WOOD PARTNERS By: LEY ZO RICHARD DICKASON DELBELLO DONNELLAN WEINGARTEN WISE & WDEDERKEHR, LLP Mave, Weingarten Cameeiy Somat ote, ee ‘Tue Gareway Bupa Snag os oe Ows Nowrt Laxmaton AVENUE ananowe ‘WHITE PLAINS, NEW Yort 101 (914) 681-0200 FACSIMILE (714) 684-0288 ‘November 20, 2015 Vie E-Malt Mail Richard Dickason ‘Wood Partners 80 Hayden Avenue, Suite 110 ‘Lexington, Massachusetts 02421 i Re: Extension Agreement - Wood Partners Dear Richard: As you now, by engagement letter dated January 7, 2015 (the “Engagement Agreement”), Wood Portners (“Wood Partners”) telained DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP “DDWWW", to perform lobbying services on Wood Partners’ behalf, ‘This letter is intended confirm our agreement to extend the terms and conditions of the Engagement Agreement. A capy of the Bogagement Agreement is annexed hereto, and ineorparated herein. ‘Wood Partners and DDWWW acknowledge that the terms and conditions sot forth in the Engngement Agreement are hereby extended from January 1, 2016 through and including December 31, 2016, unless terminated earlier by agreement of the parties. All other provisions of the Engagement Agreement between the patties shall remain in force and effect, | | ‘DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP DELBELLO DONNELLAN WEINGARTEN Wisk & WIEDERKEDR, LLP Se aaa commmzons aria et Ecremrctwer isthe” “Ta Gar WAY BUILDING Some Het steele, Ercan On NORITLEAINOTON AVINUE aes tear Sata Waarre PLamNs, New Yorac 10601 ne ‘oreriestim (919) 681-0200 =a. waco ees ere Star ‘era ae soeniooaray January 7,2013, SHomnetormnin, cra oe Perret ‘Mr. Richard Dickeson 80 Hayden Avene, Suite 110 Lexington, MA 02421 Re: Dew Richard: You have requested that the fim of DelBello Domnellan Woingarten Wise & i Wiederiehr, LLP CDDWWW") repeesent Wood Partners, end its afilisice (Ihe "Client") in ‘soumection with providing counseling, and state and loce! lobbying services. The purpose of | ‘this letter is to state the terms end conditions of our agreement, i This will coufinm that DDWWW has been retained to repzesant, advise sd counsel ‘ (Cent with regard to the Services. DDWWW shall moniter, track and ailvise Client, review : subject, background and pertinent material, advise Client with respect to strategies, 1 schedule and participate in meetings with Client tnd the Clleat team and/or appropriate ‘Soverument officials upon reasonable notice and review end comment upon draft submission, rateriels produced by Clfent. Such Services may include "obbying activity" as defined : ‘uuler New York State Law, Client agrees to pay DDWWW as compensation for the above-described Services as follows: 8) The sum of $5,000.00 por mont for a period sot to exceed twelve (12) months from Januaty 7, 2015 through December 31, 2015, unless «extenced by both panies; +). Client will xeiniburse DDWWW fr ceriin costs and cxpenses, incfudin but ! not limited to, travel expenses, long distance telephone charges, photocopying, support staf? overtime (whien necessitated by the demands of t the matisr), computer assisted research, overnight express services, | Richard Dickason Page DDWWW will bill Client on a monthly basis for Services performed snd costs incued, Payment is du aot later dhan tity (30) days following the invoice date, Past due mounts wil be shiovm on the invoive and the frm reserves the right to charge interest on auy delinquent amount af the rate of 10% per anaum compounded manthly. tis understood that this ongngement Teter in n0 way guacantees any specific govetnment action or result. Sineo Scrvices contemplated by this agreement may constitute "lobbying" as defined uncer New York State Laws, a copy ofthis retainer wil be fled with the New Vouk Stet Joint ‘Commission on Publio Bthics. Citent shal heve, at ell times, the sight to terminate DDWWW upon written notice to that cffeet. DDWWW shall have the zight wo teminete Services to Client upon written notice to that ‘fet in the event that it filed to cooporate withthe Finn in eny reasonable requst, filed tinely to pay say fees or disbursements due to DDWWW in connaotion with this agreement, or if DDWWW is required to withdraw beesuse of ethical or legal considerations as it determines in its sole discretion, If the foregoing terms and conditions accurately summarize and confirm your undectending of our egreement, please indents your aproval anil acceptance by signing, dating and roturniag @ copy of this latter by facsimile or e-mail and retuming the original in the enclosed, stamped, selfaddressed envelope, Enclosed for your records isan exeouted copy ofthis letter. This agreement will not become effective and we will have no obligation to provide Services ‘uni you sign end retura & copy of tis letter, As always, we look forward to working with you. ‘Very truly yours, vif MARK P, WEINGARTEN Aamp Misra ~via oxal - munis Mack Theriault — via e-mail ~tark.therian! Accepted this (3_ day of January, 2015, ‘WOOP PARTNERS: wy LEAL. RICHARD DICKASON

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