On The Go 1 Student's Book

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Review of question forms writing formal and informal letters prepositions

Introduction Put on a piece of paper the name of three people who are important in your life: a friend, a
relative and somebody famous. Describe these people and say why they are important to you.

Tania and Anadila studied together at university.

Three years later, both were contacted to talk about how different their lives were.

Tania I first met Anadila when I was looking for someone to

share the apartment I was renting. I put an ad on the local
newspaper and she was one of the people who answered it.
When we met, we hit it off straightaway and I told her she could
move in.
Living with her was fun. We quickly found out we had many things
in common and soon became close friends. We used to have
good discussions about many things that were important to us at
that time such as cooking, politics, films. We also liked the same
music and that is very important when you are sharing a house.
We fell out a couple of times about the housework. She thinks I
am untidy, but I think lifes too short to worry about things like that.
When we graduated three years ago, we went our separate ways
and since then our lives have been very different. I went back to
my hometown and got a job as a designer. I like my job because,
it brings me personal satisfaction. I am living with my parents
because I am not earning very much. Anadila thinks I am crazy
because money is very important to her, but I still prefer to get
personal satisfaction. She is earning a lot of money; however, she
doesnt have time for her family and friends. I dont see her very
often nowadays. When she comes to see me, we have a laugh,
but our lifestyles are so different now that we dont have much to
talk about.

Anadila Tania and I got on very well together

at university. When we first met, we
immediately liked each other and we ended up
sharing an apartment for nearly three years. We
had the same attitude to the important things in
life and the only thing we argued about was the
house chores. I am extremely tidy, whereas,
Tania is the opposite.
When we left university, I moved to London and
got a job in a finance company. I have to work
long hours and sometimes I get fed up but I
earn very well and thats what motivates me. I
enjoy spending money on clothes, DVDs, and
eating out at good restaurants. Tania is working
really hard as well; however, she doesnt earn
much. I really cant understand that! Anyway, it
means that our lifestyles are very different now
so we have drifted apart. We havent fallen out
or anything. Sometimes we talk on the phone. I
know she will always be there for me.

Exercise 1 The text below is about a man talking about his relationship with Charlotte. Fill in the
blanks with the appropriate expression from the box.
People often ask me why Charlotte and I ___________________, although this wasnt the first time we had
___________________. When I first met her, we really ___________________. We __________________
and started going out and soon we ___________________. Then I had to go to America for my job and we
began to ____________________. When she called me and said she didnt want a long-distance
relationship I wasnt really surprised. In any case, I had already ___________________someone else. A











____________________ really well and I finally realized how much I had __________________. She told
me how important it was to share everything about our lives and I __________________ telling her about
the girl I met in America. I told her it hadnt been serious but she got really angry and said I was just a
typical man. That was the beginning of the end, but I still hope we will __________________ one day.
drift apart - ended up - get back together - split up - getting on - going out - were very close
gone our separate ways - had a lot in common - hit it off - missed her started seeing
Quiz Languages

On the go 1

Are you a good friend?

01. You have a ticket to go to your favorite singers
concert but it is on the same night of your friend's
birthday party. Do you ...
a. go to your friend's party, but tell him/her about the concert
you missed?
b. go to the concert but leave early, so you can go to the
birthday party too?
c. suggest your friend to cancel his/her birthday party and
come to the concert with you?
d. go to your friend's birthday party, and not tell him/her about
the concert?
02. Your friend meets you one Saturday, wearing a new
outfit that looks terrible. How do you react?
a. go out shopping with him, and hope that your friend can
learn from your good taste!
b. 'accidentally' spill your drink on the outfit, so that your
friend has to change it?
c. say something complimentary - you don't want to hurt his
d. tell him the truth - if you don't say something, then nobody will
03. Your best friend has started smoking. What do you do?
a. say nothing - it's his life
b. threaten to tell everybody about it, if he doesn't stop
c. have one as well - nearly everyone does it
d. try to persuade him to stop before he gets too addicted
04. What's your favorite way of spending time with friends?
a. you're happy to do whatever your friends feel like doing
b. chatting all day with your best friend
c. going out with a large group to shops or cafs
d. going out with a small group, doing something you all enjoy

05. Your friend wants to sing at a local karaoke night. You

know he is a really bad singer. What do you do?
a. have a quiet word about his terrible singing - he might be
disappointed, but that's better than looking like an idiot!
b. offer to do a duet. You'll sound terrible too, but it'll be fun!
c. make sure the mic doesn't work when it's time for him to sing
d. tell him that the karaoke has been cancelled.
06. What would you do if you saw your best friend's
boyfriend kissing someone else at a party?
a. confront the couple and tell them that they're doing
something wrong
b. nothing - it's none of your business what he does
c. phone your friend and tell her to come and see what's
d. say nothing, and hope your friend never finds out, as she
would be very hurt
07. Your friend plays a lot of sport, and sometimes comes
out without showering. What do you do?
a. give him your deodorant, hoping that he will understand
b. nothing, and hope that no-one notices
c. go out shopping and buy him an expensive fragrance as a
gift, saying that he will smell fabulous
d. tell him/her that the smell is terrible!
08. A friend has suddenly got a bit too self-confident.
How do you react?
a. have a heart-to-heart conversation, and say that he is
becoming arrogant
b. tolerate it - good friends are hard to find
c. make jokes about it until he realizes it's a problem
d. stop spending time with him - you don't need friends like that!

Exercise 2 Read the information about world hunger. Complete the sentences with THE or .
01. Mongolia is still suffering from the effects of ________ worst winter in 30 years. Several hundred
thousand animals died during ________ winter and farmers livelihoods are threatened.
02. North Korea is currently facing food shortages and severe shortages of ________ fuel and ________
fertilizer. Only international deliveries of ________ food have allowed the regime to escape mass
03. Haiti is ________ poorest country in ________ northern hemisphere. Because of ________ corruption
and civil unrest, about 80% of ________ population lives in ________ poverty.
04. Political problems in ________ Zimbabwe have led to a collapse in commercial farming, and millions of
people are in need of ________ aid. This years harvest is expected to be ________ worst on record.
05. Somalia is ________ poorest country in the world. Although ________ most recent harvest was good,
hundreds of thousands of people are threatened by droughts and ________ political instability.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Question forms

Inversions invert the verb when using the verb to be. Otherwise, use an auxiliary verb (do, did, can)
Ex. Where were you born?
Ex. Could you call me later, please?
Question words always in the beginning of the question.
Ex. Who is that man?
With prepositions the prepositions shall be at the end of the sentence.
Ex. What do you spend your money on?
Subject question when the question word is the subject of the sentence we dont use auxiliary verbs.
Ex. Who killed John Lennon?
Mark Chapman killed Lennon.

Exercise 3 Make questions to the underlined words or expressions:

1. The doctor is working with the nurse. _____________________________________________________
2. Ive talked to your boss. ________________________________________________________________
3. The teacher gave the student some advice. ________________________________________________
4. Shane could swim when he was a kid. ____________________________________________________
5. Im waiting for my daughter. ____________________________________________________________
6. Last night we were at the beach. _________________________________________________________

The perfect weekend interview Liz/ Cristina/ Rick

Listen to Lizs interview and check the words you hear.
o go around
o neither

o on foot
o sweatshirt

o tourist
o temples

o sandals
o teacher

o Geisha
o Spoil

o even tough
o attraction

Listen to Christinas interview and choose the correct answer.

Interviewer: So, who would your ideal companion be?
Cristina: My ______________ and her______________.
I: Ahah, and how would you get around?
C: On ______________ or on the underground.
I: And what would you wear?
C: I would wear all the new clothes my mum is going to buy for me there.
I: And what would you buy?
C: Apart from clothes, maybe a painting from one of those ____________ who sell their ___________
along the river.
I: And what would you eat and drink?
C: I would sit and drink lots of lovely coffee and watch the world go ______________.
I: Hmm. What essential items would you take with you?
C: Sunglasses. Not for the ______________ but because they look ______________.
I: Who would you most like to meet there?
C: Jean Paul Gaultier - I love him.
I: What sights would you like to see?
C: Well, I have been to all the obvious places, so I would just like to ______________in the Latin Quarter.
I: Er, who would you send a postcard to?
C: My dad.
I: Hah. What would spoil your perfect weekend?
C: If the ______________ were shut. Paris is a beautiful city, but for me the main attraction is the shopping.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1

Listen to Ricks interview and check the word you hear.

Interviewer: So, who would your ideal companion be?
Rick: ( ) grandmother
( ) son
( ) brother
I: Ahah, and how would you get around?
R: On foot. I will only be going from the hotel to the beach.
I: And what would you wear?
R: ( ) as much as
( ) as little as
( ) nothing possible
I: And what would you buy?
R: I would probably buy some souvenirs for my wife and children at he airport.
I: And what would you eat and drink?
R: Um, what is that special dish?....um moussaka?
I: Who would you most like to meet there?
R: ( ) piece
( ) quite
( ) peace
I: Hm. What essential items would you take with you?
R: ( ) son lotion
( ) sun screen lotion
( ) sun lotion
I: What sights would you like to see?
R: ( ) taverna
( ) Havana
( ) caravana
I: Er, who would you send a postcard to?
R: ( ) hard-working
( ) hard work
( ) nobody
I: Hah. What would spoil your perfect weekend?
R: Rain. Also, if the island was full of other English people. Greece is a popular destination for English people.

Exercise 4 Read the review of the TV series Friends and complete each question with a word
from the box.





a) __________ does Emily disappear?

b) __________ father gets drunk?
c) __________ is in love with Monica?
d) __________ do Monica and Joey go?
e) __________ do Monica and Joey want to see Phoebe?

__________ does Ross decide to do?

The season ends with Ross getting married to

Emily, but it is clear that he is thinking about
Rachel because he says her name! During the
party, Emily disappears and her father gets
drunk. Monica and Chandler are in love with
each other. She goes back to NY with Joey to
see Phoebe, who is pregnant. Ross goes to the
airport to his honeymoon alone. There he
meets Rachel and invites her to join him on his
honeymoon. Then Emily arrives and see them
together. Rachel finally takes the plane alone.

Exercise 5 Complete the questions about Friends with a suitable preposition from the box. Two
dont need a preposition:

about between to to with with up

a) How did the series end______________?

e) Who was Monica in love ________________?

b) What did the series end _____________?


c) Who did Ross get married ___________?

g) Who did Rachel meet at the airport ________?

d) Who was Ross thinking _____________?

h) Who did Ross have to decide ____________?

Which city did Monica go back____________?

friend colleague co-worker acquaintance business associate

Quiz Languages

On the go 1

According to airline industry statistics, almost 90% of airline accidents are survivable or partially
survivable. But passengers can increase their chances of survival by learning and following certain tips. Experts
say that you should read and listen to safety instructions before takeoff and ask questions if you have
uncertainties. You should fasten your seat belt low on your hips and as tightly as possible. Of course, you should
also know how the release mechanism of your belt operates. During takeoff you should locate the nearest exit
and alternative exit and count the rows of seats between you and exits so that you can find them in the dark if
necessary. In the event that you are forewarned of an emergency landing, you should put your hands on your
ankles and keep your head down until the plane comes to a complete stop. If smoke is present in the cabin, you
should keep your head low and cover your face with napkins, towels, or clothing. If possible, wet these for added
protection against smoke inhalation. To evacuate as quickly as possible, follow crew commands and do not take
personal belongings with you. Do not jump on escape slides before they are fully inflated, and when you jump, do
so with your arms and legs extended in front of you. When you get to the ground, you should move away from
the plane as quickly as possible, and never smoke near the wreckage.
1. What is the main purpose of the passage?
(a) to satisfy travellers
(b) to sell airline tickets

(c) to provide safety advice

(d) to give statistical evidence

2. According to the passage, which exits should an airline passenger locate before takeoff?
(a) the ones that can be found in the dark
(c) the nearest exit
(b) the two closest to the passengers seat
(d) the ones with counted rows of seats between them
3. According to the passage, airline passengers should grasp their ankles
(a) throughout the flight
(c) especially during landings
(b) during takeoff and landings
(d) only if an accident is possible
4. Travellers are urged by experts to read and listen to safety instructions
(a) in an emergency
(c) if smoke is in the cabin
(b) before locating the exits
(d) before takeoff
5. Which of the following are airline passengers advised NOT to do?
(a) locate the nearest exit
(c) fasten their seat belts takeoff
(b) ask questions about safety
(d) carry personal belongings in an emergency

Error analysis Correct the mistakes

1. Does Pedro walks to work every morning? _______________________________________________
2. What you are talking about? I am not understanding you.____________________________________
3. Did you finished your work? __________________________________________________________
4. My friend doesnt liking her apartment. __________________________________________________
5. Do you are you working for this company? _______________________________________________
6. What time your plane did it arrive? _____________________________________________________
7. How long are you living in this city? ____________________________________________________
8. My brother dont have no job. _________________________________________________________
9. Ali wont to be in class tomorrow. ______________________________________________________
10. I have thirty one years old. ___________________________________________________________
Quiz Languages

On the go 1

Where is the love Black eye peas

each other


most of us


What's wrong with the _____________, mama

_____________ droppin' bombs

People livin' like they ain't got no mamas

Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones

I think the ___________ world addicted to the drama

With ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young

Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma

So ask ________________ is the lovin' really gone

Overseas, yeah, we try to stop _________________

So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong

But we still got terrorists here livin'

In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin' in

In the USA, the big _________

Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends

The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK

Not respectin __________________, deny the brother

But if you only have love for your own race

A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover

Then you only leave space to discriminate

The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug

And to discriminate only generates ___________

If you never know __________ then you never know love

And when you hate then you're bound to get irate,

Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know)

________________ is what you demonstrate

And that's exactly how anger works and operates


Man, you gotta have love just to set it straight

Take control of your mind and meditate

I feel the weight of the world on my _______________

Let your soul ________________ to the love, y'all, y'all

As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people get colder

__________________ only care about money makin'


Selfishness got us followin' our wrong direction

People killin', people ________________

Wrong information always shown by the ___________

Children hurt and you hear them cryin'

Negative images is the main criteria

Can you practice what you preach

Infecting the young minds faster than _____________

And would you turn the other _____________

Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema

Father, Father, Father help us

Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity

Send some ________________ from above

_______________ happened to the fairness in equality

'Cause people got me, got me questionin'

Instead of spreading love we spreading animosity

Where is the love

Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity

That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under

It just ain't the same, always unchanged

That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down

New days are strange, is the world _______________

There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under

If love and peace is so strong

Gotta keep my faith alive till love is found

CIA Central Intelligence Agency
bloods street gang from LA, California
crips another street gang from LA, rivals to the bloods

KKK Ku Klux Klan, secret organization that

advocates white supremacy
Father God or priest
Quiz Languages

On the go 1

in Use

Letters and e-mails

How to open a letter
Dear Sirs
Dear Sir
Dear Madam
Dear Mr. Smith
Dear Mrs. Smith
Dear Miss Smith
Dear Ms Smith
Dear John

- to a company
- to man if you dont know his name
-to a woman if you dont know her name
- to a man
- to a married woman
- to a single woman
- for both married or single woman
- to a friend or someone you know well

WRONG: Dear Mr. John, Dear Mr. John Smith

How to close a letter
Dear Sirs-Sir-Madam
Dear Mr.-Mrs.-Miss -Ms Smith
Dear John

- Yours faithfully
- Yours sincerely
- Best wishes

Beginning a letter
We are writing to enquire about
We are interested in and we would like to know about .

Answering a letter
In reply to your letter of (date),
We have received you letter of (date),

With reference to
Further to

Giving good news

I am pleased to inform you that.
I am delighted to inform you that .
I am happy to tell you that ..

Ending a letter
I look forward to receiving your reply.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Saying what you cant do
We are unable to .
We have been forced to ..
I am afraid that we cant ..

Giving bad news

I regret to inform you that.
I am sorry to inform you that .
We regret that .

Quiz Languages

On the go 1

Nervous wreck


Present Tense review phone calls - ed X ing adjectives

Introduction How often do you

work until late?

wake up early in the morning?
work out?

arrive home early?

take your stress out on other people?

10 ways to relax

Do you agree with these

1 - spend time alone
2 - take a nap during the day
3 - have a massage
4 - drink a beer
5 - go out to dance

6 - watch a film
7 - meditate
8 - change the routine
9 - listen to music
10 - go shopping

How the OTHERS see you

was under the impression that I was a pretty relaxed person until I watched the video of my
sisters wedding. As I watched myself, I realized that I am not the cool, calm, sophisticated woman
I thought I was. In fact, Im the opposite, I fidget. I talk nonstop, fiddle with my hair, scratch my
nose, wave my hands around like a lunatic, and bite my nails, and I never sit back and relax on a
seat; I sit on the edge of it, ready to jump up and go somewhere else. So it was no surprise when a
friend gave me the The Little Book of Calm for my last birthday.
I read the blurb on the back cover. Feeling stressed? it asked. Need some help to regain balance in your
life? The little book of calm is full of advice to follow and thoughts to inspire. Open it randomly and read the
Wear white. Wear white! I havent worn white since my first child was born. This is not a good advice for
someone who has to deal with young children and their dirty fingers everyday.
I turned to another page.
Take a lesson in calmness from children. Watch how children live every moment for the pleasure of the
moment. Do you know my children? When one of them is screaming, Aargh! He is pulling my hair and
the other one is screaming, Aargh he has taken my sweets! the feeling I get is not calmness.
Make an appointment with yourself to deal with worries at a specific time in the future. Make an
appointment! I have already got too many appointments to worry about.
Get up early and watch the sunrise. Well thats nothing new. I wake up at the crack of dawn every day,
thanks to the children. I havent slept in the past six years.
For every ninety minutes of work, take a twenty-minute break. Yes, I like that. But theres a problem. Who
is going to look after my children?
Use a soft voice. With fighting children? I dont think so. In fact, my voice is getting louder every day. I
decided to try once more.
Rediscover milk. No problem. I love milk, and I drink it all the time . With a shot of espresso coffee in it,
of course.
(adapted from the Weekend Telegraph, November 15, 1997)

Oral production Self-help books

Just a way to take advantage of peoples weaknesses or a path to inner-peace?

Do you usually read self-help books? Why, why not?

What was the best one you have ever read and why?
Do you recommend this kind of book when someone is down or with problems at work?
Do you think it is possible to follow what these books usually say?
Read the review of a self-help book called Who moved my cheese? Would you read this book?
How would this book help you in your life?
Quiz Languages

On the go 1

Exercise 1 - Complete the adjectives with ed or ing.

a) When I am depress_______ , I often have headaches.
b) If people are confus______, they sometimes scratch their head.
c) It was a depress________ movie. I wish I hadnt gone to see it
d) I get annoy _______ with people who cant stop fidgeting.
e) Some people find it very relax_____ to have a massage.

It was the most embarrass_____ experience I have ever had.

g) I was so tir_____ , I decided to take a short nap.

h) He was so excit_____ that he talked nonstop.

My job is very bor______ so I am looking for another one.


We thought it would be more interest______ to take a different street.


Present Tenses

1 Simple Present
Facts I own a car.
Habits and routines I usually sleep late at night.
Opinions I think I am getting fat.
Feelings I like you so much that hurts.
2 Present Continuous
At the moment situations We are going home now.
Near future I am traveling to S.P tomorrow morning.
Repeated activities I am having Yoga classes every Tuesdays and Thursdays.
3 Present Perfect
Past without a specific time I have done my homework.
Action which started in the past and continues until the present I have been on a diet for 6 months.

Exercise 2 Put each verb in parentheses in an appropriate present tense.

1 A man with a newborn baby!!!
I __________________ (wake up) three or four times every night. I _________________ (give up) smoking
and I __________________ (not-stay) out late in two weeks. I ____________________ (not-want) to go to
work, and I ________________ (hurry) home every night. I am the happiest man in the world.
2 A cat
I ____________ (sleep) a lot during the day and often ________________ (stay out) all night. I
________________ (visit) all the neighbors yards, but I _______________ (walk) softly so nobody
__________________ (hear) me. I ______________ (wash) myself at least twice a day, and I
________________(eat) as often as I can. I _________________ (use up) several of my nine lives already.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1

3 A waiter
I _____________________ (finish) college, but I _______________ (not-know) what I really
______________ (want) to do, so I _____________ (work) here until I decide. I ___________ (wear) a
uniform and a very silly hat. I sometimes ________________ (serve) 100 people in one day, and at the end
of the day I _______________ (smell) like French fries. I ____________ (work) here for less than a week
and I am already absolutely worn out!
4 A top Model
I am 28, so I _______________ (get) too old for this job, but I ______________ (make) a lot of money, and
I _______________ (invest) it wisely. I _______________ (travel) to some very exotic locations since I
started 12 years ago, and I _______________ (work) in at least ten capital cities, including Paris, Rome,
London, and Tokyo. I ____________ (eat) very healthy food and I _________ (drink) a lot of water. In fact, I
___________ (be) on a diet for 12 years.

Stressed to the limit

Listen to the first 2 interviews and check the words you hear:
A: According to statistics, around 75% of all visits to the doctor are the result of work-related stress. Do you
think you suffer from stress? Thats the question were asking in the streets of Edinburgh. Excuse me, Im
from the radio programme Work Today. Were doing a survey on stress. Would you mind answering some

) hurry
) gloss


) accountant
) aspirin


) shopping
) ill


) edge
) trash

Listen to the interviews 3 and check the complete with the missing words:
A: and you, sir. Do you ____________ from stress?
D: Well, to tell the____________, Im off work at the moment because of it.
A: Really, what do you do?
D: Im a teacher. I work with teenagers and I dont know why but every year they seem to
A: Yes, that does ____________ stressful.
D: Everyone thinks teachings an easy option because of the holidays, but you get to a point where you just
cant ____________ it any longer. You lose control. I almost hit a lad with a____________, so I went to the
doctor and he said it was stress.
A: Well, I hope things get better for you.
D: Thanks, but I ____________ that basically the solution is probably to change jobs. Fortunately, Im still
young ____________ to do that.
A: Right. Good luck, then.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Oral production Which of the following makes you feel



talking to someone you are really interested in

being stopped by the police
having a meeting with a client or boss
making a presentation
going on a roller coaster



taking an exam
finding out you have been stolen
being stuck in a traffic jam
going bungee jumping
finding out your boyfriend is seeing someone else

How well do you know your partner?

Read the questionnaire on the right and choose A or B according to which you think is true for him.



A I start worrying about Monday on Friday evening

B Its easy to forget work and relax on the weekend

A I am always fidgeting.

B I find it easy to keep still

A When I visit peoples home I sit on the edge of the seat

B When I visit peoples home I sit back and relax

A I am always fiddling with something

B I dont need to have something in my hands.

A I bite my nails

B I never, or almost never, bite my nails.

A I worry all the time

B If there is nothing I can do about a problem, I relax.

A When I make an appointment I think I will forget it.

B When I make an appointment, I write it down.

A I hate waiting in lines. If I can I push in

B I accept waiting in lines because it is fair.

A I lose my temper two or three times a week

B I hardly ever lose my temper.


A I usually arrive at appointments too early or too late.

B I usually arrive at appointments on time.

Exercise 3 - Complete the sentences with the verbs in the simple present or the present continuous,
and explain the meaning:
1. He __________________ the test is easy.


She __________________ about buying a new car.

2. I __________________ the cake. Its delicious!


The coffee __________________ good.

3. Jane __________________ a doctor because she is sick.
I __________________ a beautiful girl in front of me.


They __________________ each other.

4. Farah __________________ at the pictures.


Nancy __________________ very tired today.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Exercise 4 Paul Wilson is the author of The Little Book of Calm. Complete some facts about his
life with the appropriate present tense.
Paul Wilson, author of The little book of Calm, not only writes books. He also ________________ (work) for
an advertising agency and is the director of a hospital. From time to time, he also _______________
(produce) musical albums and he frequently _________________ (give) talks to business people. Because
of, or despite, this busy life, he __________________ (become) a world authority on calm. He
_____________________ (already publish) two novels and many books on the subject of calm. In the last
few years, he

_______________ (sell) more than any other Australian writer. So far, his work

__________________ (appear) in over twelve languages, and this number


(increase). As a result, he _______________ (become) very famous worldwide. National newspapers

regularly _______________ (write) articles about him and, at least once a month, there is a TV programme
which discusses his work. At the moment he __________________ (work) on a number of new projects, at
the same time, _____________________ (try) to find time to spend with his children.

Oral Production Movie Screen

 Think about a film you have seen recently. You are going to tell the story to your partner and afterwards
give your impression about the film-book.
 How do you choose a book to read?
 Think of some films of each of the types below. What type of film do you like best?
romantic comedy gangster action thriller science fiction
horror western love story war comedy

Exercise 5 Complete using a, an, some or -----.


The teacher made _________ announcement.


I saw_______ bird.


I saw________ birds.


Rosa borrowed__________ money from her uncle.


I had ________ accident.


I have______________ homework to do tonight.


There is___________ table in the room.


There is__________ furniture in the room.


There are_____________ chairs in the room.

10. My father gave me___________ advice.

11. Sonya is carrying_____________ suitcase.
12. Sonya is carrying______________ luggage.
13. There was ___________ earthquake in California.
14. I got ______________ letters in the mail.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


READING COMPREHENSION Stress in the offshore oil and gas industry

One of the main reasons why the offshore environment is potentially stressful is because the workforce lives and works
in a
restricted location for a significant period of time without a break. Life offshore has been described as dangerous, arduous
and socially isolating. The environment is characterized by constant noise and activity, in sometimes crowded and unnatural living
conditions. A wide range of hazardous duties are carried out in a confined space and in an environment which has the potential for
the rapid escalation of hydro-carbon related incidents. The element of uncertainty which is inherent in the industry brings added
pressure, since each new discovery area brings previously unencountered problems. While the above factors may create a
challenge, they can also constitute optimal stress-producing situations which have implications for productivity and safety
performance offshore.
Successful performance and productivity in the extraction of offshore oil and gas reserves are of vital importance to the economies
of all countries with interests in this unique, but potentially hazardous and dangerous industry. However, the financial benefits of the
industry can be seriously eroded by the costs of mismanaged stress, which is liable to give rise to a number of costly effects, such
as ill-health, premature death, forced early retirement, absenteeism, high labour turnover, poor job performance, poor productivity,
unsatisfactory employee relations, job dissatisfaction, a higher rate of accidents, alcohol problems, drug abuse, marital disharmony
and divorce, increased insurance premiums and litigation.

Exercise 6 According to the text, write T for true or F for false:

1. The only reason why the offshore environment is slightly stressful is because workers live and work in the same
place. ( )
2. A great variety of dangerous tasks are executed in a closed environment. ( )
3. Working offshore can be considered a stressful challenge. ( )
4. The profitability of the Oil and Gas industry compensates for the costs of mismanaged stress. ( )
5. The frequent changes on the crew can be considered a problem related to stress. ( )
6. Marital disharmony and divorce do not directly affect the offshore industry. ( )

Put your records on Corinne Bailey Rae

Three little____________, sat on my window

Blue as the sky

And they told me I don't need to worry

sunburnt and _______________

Summer came like cinnamon, so _________________

Sipping ___________ in the bar by the road side

Little girls double-dutch on the concrete

Don't you let those other boys fool you

Gotta love that afro _________________

Maybe ___________________
Weve got it wrong, but it's alright

Maybe sometimes

The more _____________ seem to change,

we feel afraid, but it's ________________

the more they stay the same

The more you stay the same

Oh, don't you ___________________

the _____________ they seem to change

Don't you think it's strange?

Girl, put your records on

tell me your favorite______________

____________ more than I could take,

You go ahead, let your hair down

pity for pity's sake.

Sapphire and faded jeans

Some nights kept me __________________

I _______________ you get your dreams

I thought that I was stronger

Just go ahead, let your hair down

When you gonna realize

You're gonna find yourself somewhere, ______________

that you don't ___________ have to try any longer?

Do what you want to.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


in Use

Phone Calls



Sorry, he is not available right now.

The line is busy. Will you hold?
Sorry, It is a bad line.
I will put you through
Anderson A as in apple, N as in

This is Peter Franks.

Peter Franks speaking.
Is that Julia Watts?



Would you like to leave a message?


Anna speaking
Hi, hello
IBM, Monica speaking how can I help you?
Good morning, IBM.

Could I speak to ..?

I would like to speak to..
Extension 505, please.


Could I leave a message?

Could you give him a message?
Tell him that

Exercise 7 Complete the phone call with a suitable expression:

OPERATOR ________________. Australian High Commission
PETER - I would like to speak to the Trade Commissioner, please.
OPERATOR I am afraid___________________________. Will you hold?
PETER Yes, I will hold.
OPERATOR The line is free now, I will_________________________.
SECRETARY Trade Commissioners Office,________________________?
PETER I would like to speak to Mr. Cody, please.
SECRETARY Who is calling, please?
PETER _______________Peter Clapton.
SECRETARY I am afraid the Trade Commissioner is in a meeting now.__________________________?
PETER Yes please, just tell him that I called.
SECRETARY Okay I will give your message. Bye.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1



Present Perfect X Simple Past CVs and letters of application

Introduction - Choose three of these firsts. What do you remember about them? Describe your
experience to the class.

First home
First friend
First hero
First dance

First crush
First car crash
First date
First job

First regret
First trip abroad
First kiss
First broken heart

Irina and Keith

Weve been inseparable ever since - Irina
Our love story began on the internet. I firstly got an e-mail from Keith saying he enjoyed
my profile I had put on the web and replied immediately asking him to send a picture. We
soon exchanged mobile numbers and sent text messages for the first couple of weeks.
Then he went out on a business trip to Switzerland. When he got back (a day late) we had
our first date and met for four hours.
I had two options: I could either pick up a TV I had bought or go on this date. I was a bit shy to ask for help
from a man I had never seen before, but I did. He was fine with it, so we went to buy my TV. Afterwards we
popped into two pubs where we drank and ate and chatted. It was starting to look like we liked each other!
Our next date was at Keiths home. He cooked and I got to know his only family member, a black cat called
Guinness. The food was superb. So was the cat (and his owner). In our free time we relax or go out and
about. Keiths best friend Helen also found the boyfriend of her dreams recently, so we are often out
Keith has met my parents and friends and weve visited his parents as well. Needless to say everybody is
pleased for us. We are planning to get married in September. We have arranged our honeymoon for almost
four weeks in Thailand, which we are looking forward as much as for the wedding day itself!

Debate What is the best way to meet new people?

on the internet
fancy restaurant

at work

casually on the street



in a blind date




Have you ever met anyone at any of the places above? Where?
Did the friendship/ romance started there, at that moment?
What is the worst place to meet new people?
Can you remember any interesting history about couples and about how they met?
How long have these relationships lasted?
How did you meet you partner? Was it love at first sight?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Whats the best way to keep the romance going on?
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Exercise 1 Complete the following love story with the appropriate verb and verb tense.
be (2x)





Sarah 86 and Frank, 87

I ___________ Frank when I was 23 and it _________ love at first sight. We _____________ out together
for over a year. We ___________ to get married, but my mother was against it because Frank is a
Christian Scientist so I _______________ seeing him. I (not) ________________ from Frank for a long
time, although he says he _____________ lots of letters. I _______________ other boyfriends, but I never
got married. I (not) ________________ anyone else. It was 60 years later, when all my other boyfriends
had died, that I _____________ to wonder if Frank was still alive. So I _____________ to a magazine for
retired people named Evergreen. Four days after my letter was published, I _______________ a letter from
Frank. He came to see me and after two days he ___________ . We ____________ married when Frank
was 85 and I was 84 and we ___________________ happily married for 2 years. I (not)
_________________ at another man since the day Frank came back into my life.

Oral production - Which of these adjectives could you use to describe

good-looking modest reliable generous broad-minded witty cheerful sincere
rich intelligent hardworking outgoing sexy easygoing faithful kind two-faced
open-minded self-centered bossy big-headed narrow-minded old-fashioned
over- sensitive busy-body poker-face funny absent-minded flexible demanding
independent stubborn shy aggressive determined courageous passive sensible lazy
meticulous serious ambitious fun efficient honest friendly

Yourself ____________________________________________________________________
a member of your family________________________________________________________
someone from your workplace___________________________________________________

Exercise 2 Use gerund or an infinitive to complete each sentence.

1. Were going out for dinner. Would you like ____________________ us?
2. Jack avoided ____________________ me.
3. Fred didnt have any money, so he decided ____________________ a job.
4. The teacher reminded the students ____________________ their assignments.
5. Do you enjoy ____________________ soccer?
6. I was broke, so Jenny offered ____________________ me a little money.
7. Mrs. Allen promised ____________________ tomorrow.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Radical - Bungee Jumping

Woman: Todays live program comes to you from Farrows Bridge in ________________. Were at the top of a bungee
jumping ________________ waiting to see the first jumpers of the day jump from 200 feet above the ground with only a
piece of ________________ to keep them safe. With us we have Kevin Wright, a professional jumper and instructor.
Kevin, hello.
KW: Hi! Is this high ________________ for you? Its a perfect day for jumping and we hope well get plenty of people
out here to jump today.
Woman: So how did bungee jumping get started?
KW: Well not as sport, thats for sure. It was used as a test of ________________ amongst the people of the Pentecost
Islands in the Pacific Ocean. For a boy to prove he had become a man he had jump off high cliff with a piece of rope tied
around his________________. This showed he had passed from boyhood to manhood.
Woman: So, how did it ________________ to the rest of the world?
KW: Well, the Oxford Dangerous Sports Club in England heard about it and were the first to try it out over
in________________. Soon after that it became popular in many countries and clubs all over the United States, Canada
and Australia began to appear as well as in numerous other places. These clubs have all built towers ranging from 70 to
________________ feet in height.
Woman: Right. 200 feet sounds pretty high to jump from. How dangerous is bungee jumping?
KW: Well, if the proper safety ________________ are taken it isnt. The most important thing is that the rope is elastic
with the right amount of bounce to allow the body to come back up after the fall. Its also important to make sure that the
rope is the right ________________ and has been secured properly. There have been a few accidents over the years,
but its no more dangerous than getting into a car, in fact it might even be ________________.
Woman: What sort of people does this sport appeal to?
KW: Well it certainly comes under the heading of ________________ ________________ and its not the kind of hobby
that anyone would take up. Jumping from a platform 200 feet above ground can be very frightening. Bungee jumping
tests a persons courage rather than ________________ strength so many jumpers tend to be natural risk takers and
like living dangerously. But because physical strength isnt tested there are almost as many women as men jumping.
The age of jumpers is also very ________________ you can get people from the age of 18 to 60 ready to jump. They
are people who want to be thrilled and their courage taken to extremes.
Woman: Wheres ________________ tower?
KW: That would be the one in Las Vegas. Its 201 feet high and Canada has a 200 foot tower in Ottawa, Ontario, but the
most beautiful place to jump from is in ________________. The tower theres only a 140 feet high, but its in the jungle
and jumping from it is an amazing experience.
Woman: Im not sure its for me, but Ill give you a call if I ________________ my mind.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1



Present Perfect X Simple Pas

Simple Past The past simple is used for events that happened in a determined time in the past.
Eg. When I worked for STB, I had many problems in running the office. (when determines the time of the action)
Eg. Last summer, we went to Buenos Aires in our holiday. (last summer determines the time of the action)
Present Perfect Differently from the Simple Past, the Present Perfect is used for past actions without a determined
time in the past.
Eg. I have had a problem. (In this case, when you had the problem is not important to be mentioned, so you shall use
the Present perfect tense)
Eg. I have done all my house chores.
For and Since Whenever the Present Perfect Tense is used with For and Since it determines situations which
started in the past and continues until the present moment.
Eg. I have worked here for 3 years.
Eg. I havent gotten another job since the day I was fired.

Exercise 3 Complete the sentences with Present Perfect of Simple Past.

1. I (attend, not) ___________________any parties since I came here.
2. Al (go) __________________ to a party at Sallys apartment last Saturday night.
3. Bill (arrive)
4. Bill (be)

here three days ago.

here since the 22nd.

5. Try not to be absent from class again for the rest of the term. You (miss, already) ________________
too many classes. You (miss) __________________two classes just last week.

6. So far this week, I (have) _________________ two tests and a quiz.

7. Alex is an artist. He (draw) ______________ many beautiful pictures in his lifetime. Last week he (draw)
_______________ a beautiful mountain scene.
8. Jack really needs to get in touch with you. Since this morning, he (call) __________________ here four
times trying to reach you. He (call) _________________ at 9:30, 10:24, 12:15 and 1:45.

Oral production - Choose a topic below and tell the others your opinion about them:

The political situation in Brazil

Having children

The nightlife in Rio

Having your own business


Living outside Brazil

Surfing the internet

Being fired

Giving a speech

Investing money

Learning English

Good restaurants

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Reading comprehension Numerology

How can a name, given to you at birth, reflect anything about you? Isn't that completely arbitrary?
Every metaphysical science pays attention to the hidden relationships between the visible and the invisible,
the obvious and the obscure, matter and energy. Nothing stands alone in this universe. Everything is
connected to everything else. It is simply a matter of following a thread. Sometimes the connections
are obvious. Sometimes they are not.
The concept that your name is given at birth reveals much about you as a human being; your
personality, your likes and dislikes, your talents and your weaknesses, may be somewhat strange on
the surface, but a closer look offers a clearer picture.
Numerology is a language that allows you to expand the horizons of your spiritual awareness. It
opens doors in your psyche that you may not have known existed.
Symbols reveal relationships. They are the images that define the arrangement of multiple, often
abstract, ideas. Symbols show us how important characteristics are related to each other. They
reveal how things are related by their very nature.
In the end, it's impossible to talk about patterns in life without symbols. Symbols serve to draw upon
themselves the vast amount of knowledge that exists in the archetypal world. Archetypes are unique
bundles of information, stored in the psyche until we have the means to attract their wealth into our lives.
They convey knowledge of things that we previously did not know, or were not conscious of.
Because we have these symbols, we have the clarity to ask deep and probing questions about life. For
example, were these symbols arbitrarily assigned to specific meanings, or is there an organic pattern
behind the numbers and their meanings? Are numbers a reflection of a greater truth that exists beneath the
surface of life?
This text was excerpted from the book, Numerology: The Key to Your Inner Self by Hans Decoz.

Exercise 5 - Choose the best answer according to the text:

1 According to the text Numerology:
(A) separates the visible and invisible, the obvious and obscure, matter and energy.
(B) has nothing to do with science itself.
(C) believes your name truly says something about your character.
2 According to the text Numerology is NOT:
(A) a recent-developed study of numbers.
(B) a language which analyses the symbolism of numbers
(C) a metaphysical science that enables a link with the invisible.
3 Who would be most susceptible to take advantage of the numerology support?
(A) sick people.
(B) people who would like to know more about themselves.
(C) people who would like to know about their future.

ERROR ANALYSIS Correct the mistakes


Breakfast is an important meal. Im always eating breakfast.

During I was working in my office yesterday, my cousin stops by to visit me.
Portugal lays to the west of Spain.
Yuki staied home because she catched a bad cold.
My brother is looking like our father, but I am resembling my mother.
As a verb, sink is meaning move downward. What it means as a noun?
Sang-Joon, are you listen to me? I am talk to you!
I rewinded the rented video before I return it to the store yesterday.
Abdallah is want a snack. Hes being Hungry.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


What Are You ?


1 Its Sunday, and youre in the middle of a long walk in the country. It starts to rain.
a - It always rains when I go for a walk.
b - It could be worse. It could be snowing.
c - Great! I really enjoy walking in the rain.
2 You arrive home after a great vacation.
a I dont want to go back to work.
b Im going to start planning my next vacation.
c The vacation was great, but now Im looking forward to sleeping in my own bed.

3 Its your 40 birthday.

a The best years of my life are over.
b Im getting older , so what? It happens to everybody.
c I hope to live to 100, wheres the party?!
4 You have a cold.
a I need to see a doctor as soon a possible.
b I need to buy some tissues.
c Its just a cold, it wont kill me.
5 Your partner has ended your relationship.
a Ive had enough of men/women. Im never going to fall in love again.
b I know Ill get over it, but it might take a long time.
c He/She wasnt the right one for me.
6 You have to make an important life decision.
a Whatever I decide to do, it will be the wrong decision.
b Im going to take my time and think carefully about my decision.
c Whatever I decide to do, it will be the right decision.
7 Its autumn.
a I dont like autumn because it will soon be winter.
b Its just another time of year.
c Its a beautiful time of year.

8 You unexpectedly inherit $5,000.

a $5,000 isnt going to change my life.
b Great! I can buy a few luxuries that I couldnt afford before.
c This must be my lucky day. I think Ill buy a lottery ticket.

Rehab Amy Whinehouse

They tried to ____________ me go to rehab
But I said 'no, no, no'
Yes, I've been black, but when I __________ __________
You'll know-know-know
I ain't got the time
And if my ___________ thinks I'm fine
He's tried to make me go to rehab
But I won't go-go-go
I'd rather be at ____________ with Ray
I ain't got seventy days
'Cause there's nothing
There's _______________ you can teach me
That I can't learn from Mr. Hathaway
I didn't get a lot in class

But I know it don't come in a ___________ ___________

The man said "why do you think you're here?"
I said "I got no ____________.
I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby,
So I always keep a _______________ near."
He said "I just think you're depressed,
__________ _________ here, baby, and go rest."
I don't ____________ want to drink again
I just, ooh, I just need a friend
I'm not going to spend ___________ weeks
And have everyone think I'm on the mend
It's not just my ________________
It's just 'til these tears have dried
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


in Use

CVs and letters of application

Curriculum Vitae

Exercise 6 - Prepare a resume for yourself. Use

Personal information

the headings below to help you. Use your own

personal information:

Name: Susan Williams

Address: 10 Palace street, Guildford, Surrey
Telephone: (212) 3456-7890
Cell Phone: 8765-0990
Marital Status: Single
Date of birth: 24 March 1979

Personal information



2000 Studying for the French Chamber of Commerce Certificate

1999 - Graduated in Business Administration at UCSB.
1998 - Certificate in Microsoft office

Work experience

Work experience


2000 present Administrative assistant at EDS.

1998 -2000 Trainee at IBM computers.

Other relevant experience

Other relevant Experience


I speak French fluently and also have a very good level of Spanish.
I can both write and speak very well and I considerer myself excellent in
dealing with people and working under pressure.
Traveling and music.

Dear Sir-Madam,

Exercise 7 Complete the Letter of

Application which Susan sent together
with her CV using these expressions:
a As you can see..
b Regarding my interests
c I am looking forward to hearing from you
d I would like to.
e I am also interested in
f Your advertisement asks.
G Please let me know

Exercise 8 Based on the expressions

given in exercise 5, write your own letter
of application.

___________________ apply for the position of PA to

the Director advertised in The Evening Standard on 18
___________________ from my curriculum vitae, I am
presently working as an administrative assistant for
EDS, where I have been working for the last 5 years.
___________________ for a good knowledge of polish and
French. I am bilingual in spoken and written Polish.
My mother is Polish and I have visited Poland every
year since I was a child. I achieved grade A in Alevel French. I really enjoy using my languages and am
at present studying for the French Chamber of Commerce
Language diploma at the Alliance Franaise in London.
_____________________ dealing with people. I believe
we have great chances to improve when working under
_____________________, I am a very active person who
would appreciate the opportunity to work in a small
and fast-growing business.
_____________________ in case more details are needed.
Yours faithfully,

Susan Williams

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Review Units 1-3

1 Complete this text with a/ an/ the or .
I had _____ lovely morning. First I went to ____ bank to withdraw some cash. Then I went swimming at
____ local pool and saw Bob McGraw, ____ old school friend who I hadnt seen for____ years. Hes ___
professional musician and plays with ____ Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. After _____ lunch with Bob, I
went for _____ long walk by ____ River Thames.

2 Match each of the sentences from column A with a suitable context from column B.
1. I hope you enjoyed the launch party.
2. I hope you have enjoyed the launch party.
3. Has the post come this morning?
4. Did the post come this morning?
5. Has Max rung this week?
6. Did Max ring this week?
7. Has Mary finished that report?
8. Did Mary finish that report?


) Mary has gone home. It is 6 pm.

) The launch party is about to finish.
) Max rings on Monday or Tuesday. Its Friday at 6 pm.
) Mary is still at the office. It is 2.30.
) It is 10.00 in the morning.
) Max rings on Monday or Tuesday. Its Tuesday.
) Its 3.00 in the afternoon.
) The launch party was last week.

3 - Verb tense review

Dear Sarah,
I (receive)_________________your letter about two weeks ago and (try)____________to find time to write
you back ever since. I (be)________ very busy lately. In the past two weeks. I(have)________four tests,
and I have another one next week. In addition, a friend (stay)______________with me since last Thursday.
She wanted to see the city, so we (spend)_______________________a lot of time visiting some of the
interesting places here. We (be)______________ ________to the zoo, the art museum, and the botanical
garden. Yesterday

we (go)________to the park and (watch)____________a balloon race. Between

showing her the city and studying for my exams, I (have, barely)_________________enough time to
Right now it (be) _____________3:00 A.M. and I (sit)____________at my desk, I(sit)___________here for
five hours doing my studying. My friends plane (leave)____________at 6:05, so I (decide)___________not
to go to bed. Thats why I (write)_________to you at such an early hour in the day, I (get)___________a
little sleepy, but I would rather stay up, I (take)____________a nap after I (get)____________back from
taking her to the airport. How (you, get) ____________________along? How__________ your classes
(go) ________________?
Please write soon.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Review Units 1-3

4 Create questions:
A Mr Brown/write to/yesterday
Who _____________________________________________________? To his accountant.
B Mr Brown/ write to/yesterday
Who _____________________________________________________? His bank manager did.
C stress/usually/cause
What ____________________________________________________? Headaches and tiredness.
D stress/cause
What ____________________________________________________? Working too much does.
E happen/on the way to work this morning
What ____________________________________________________? There was an accident.

5 Prepositions
a. I saw her ______ the weekend.

e. He was born ____ 1978.

b. Do you ever work ____ night?

f. I think her birthday is ____ March.

c. The party is _____ the 24th.

g. I will be with you ___ Christmas.

d. I hope the ambulance gets here ___ time.

h. They arrived yesterday _____ the afternoon.

6 Complete with either since or for.

A _______ ages

E _______ 1999

B _______ five weeks

F _______ five minutes ago

C _______ last Friday

G ______ five minutes

D _______ 15th May

H _______ I came here.

7 Complete with the appropriate ending for the adjectives:


I have been interest___ in it for years.

That was the most bor_____ film I have ever seen.

You need a relax_____ bath.

He is really excit_____ about going on holiday.

I got extremely confus____ when I heard that.

It is very satisfy_____ to see them learning so fast.

You surpris______ me with the things you did.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1




Passive Voice make or do on time X in time About your company


Are you a Bridget Jones?

Are you a Mark Darcy or a Daniel Cleaver?

1. If you kept a diary, what would it contain?

a) My deepest worries and dreams.
b) A description of the days events.
c) My personal engagements.

1. What are you like with girls? (Be honest.)

a) I love them and leave them.
b) I am shy but usually get the one I want.
c) I am too shy to do anything.

2. What sort of boy do you go for?

a) A good-looking rogue.
b) Someone friendly and loyal.
c) One I can finish with when I want.

2. How would you react if your mum knitted you a horrible jumper?
a) Give it straight back.
b) Wear it one day, then hide it forever.
c) Wear it whenever she tells me to.

3. How do you behave around boys you like?

a) I flirt, but I always put my foot in it.
b) I am friendly and open but watch I dont blab.
c) Im loud and I scare them off.

3. Have you ever two-timed a girl?

a) Of course.
b) No, but relationships are never easy.
c) Never.

4) What is your body image?

a) I would like to lose weight.
b) Im not perfect, but Im happy.
c) Im really good-looking.

4. How do girls see you?

a) Lots of girls like me.
b) I think some girls like me.
c)I dont know if anyone likes me.

5) Do you fear being single?

a) Its my biggest nightmare.
b) Better to be single than with the wrong person.
c) No! I dont need anyone.

5. Are you afraid of commitment?

a) I dont know the meaning of the word.
b) Not if its the right person.
c) Not if I were given the chance.


Passive Voice

WHEN TO USE you use the Passive Voice when it is not important or obvious WHO or WHAT performs the
action; OR when we want to talk about a PROCESS or a PROCEDURE.
Verb to be
Same tense


Same Verb
Past Participle

Someone services the machine every year.

The machine is serviced every year.

to be (same tense = simple present) + same verb in the past participle (to service)


Peter runs the company.

The company is run by Peter.

Peter is currently running the company.

Peter ran the company last year.
Peter was running the company when.
Peter has run the company.
Peter has bee running the company for 5 years.
Peter will run the company next year.

The company is currently being run by Peter.

Last year the company was run by Peter.
The company was being run by Peter when
The company has been run by Peter.
The company has been run by Peter for 5 years.
Next Year the company will be run by Peter.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Exercise 1 Transform the following sentences into the passive voice:

1. Workers in China make these telephones. ________________________________________________________
2. They built that skyscraper in 1934. _______________________________________________________________
3. The students will finish the course by July. _________________________________________________________
4. I am redecorating my office. _____________________________________________________________________
5. He founded the company in 1848. ________________________________________________________________

Exercise 2 Transform the following sentences into the active voice:

1. The instructions have been changed. ______________________________________________________________
2. This car was manufactured in Japan by Toyota. ______________________________________________________
3. Casual clothes must not be worn. _________________________________________________________________
4. The test will be given at five o'clock this afternoon. ____________________________________________________
5. All work will have been completed by two o'clock this evening. ___________________________________________

Tips on time management

PR: . That was Sonny Best with Midnight in _________________. Now, do you make the best of your time? In the studio today
we have got Roberta Wilson, who is a time management consultant. Good morning Roberta
RW: Good morning Paul
PR: Roberta, what _________________ do time management consultants do?
RW: Well, Paul, its all about helping people to organize their work in an _________________ way: maximum efficiency, minimum
PR: Hah, sounds like _________________ I need. Er, who are your clients?
RW: Um, mainly business people, but I have also worked with _________________, civil servants and university lecturers.
PR: Um, quite a range, then. And what sort of things help people to organize their time? I suppose punctuality is important?
RW: Um, yes and no. Its easier to finish a meeting on time if it starts on time. But in international_________________, you do
have o be aware of cultural differences.
PR: For example?
RW: Well, in _________________ big, formal meetings usually start on time, but less formal meetings often begin a few minutes
late. In Germany, on the other hand, people expect all meetings to begin on time. In some countries, for example in Latin America,
there is a more_________________ _________________. So, you do have to adapt to circumstances.
PR: When in Rome
RW: Er, to some extent, yes.
PR: Um, it sounds like even if you _________________ your own time very well, you still cant control what other people do.
RW: Well, you can set limits. If you are meeting a friend who always arrives late, you can say, Well, I am going to wait for
_________________ minutes. If they arent there by then, I will leave.
PR: Humm I have got one friend who is always late. I dont think I would ever see her if I did that.
RW: Hah, but people who are always late are the ones you need to set limits with. If they know that you wont wait, then,
_________________ they will make an effort.
PR: Isnt that rather harsh?
RW: No, not really. Someone who constantly turns up late is putting a low value on your time. Let them know you have got other
things to do. And I am not suggesting you do that with everyone, just the persistent _________________. Though, again, different
cultures do have different viewpoints on what constitutes serious lateness.
PR: What about interruptions? I often come into the _________________ with something important I need to do. Then the phone
rings or someone comes to see me Before I know it, the day is over and I havent done what I planned.
RW: Um, you need to defend your time. If you are working on something important and someone drops in to see you, get your
diary out. _________________ tell them you are busy and make an appointment for another time. If it isnt important anyway, they
will just go away. If it is, They will make an appointment and you can deal with it properly.
PR: That sounds practical.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


RW: Um, again, you have to be careful. In some cultures, particularly Latin ones, this _________________ can upset people. But
here in the United States, almost no-one will be offended.
PR: Hmmm. So, does everything depend on culture?
RW: No. Attitudes to time are one of the big differences between cultures. But how you organize your _________________ work is
up to you. And there are lots of techniques here. For example, imagine you have got two important things to do. One of them is
pleasant, and the other one isnt. Always try to do the unpleasant task first. That way, the pleasant task is a _________________
for finishing. If you do it the other way round, you will tend to slow down the pleasant task because you dont want to do the
unpleasant one.
PR: I will remember that. Finally, what, for you, is a hard-working person?
RW: Oh, I am not very interested in hard-working people. You can spend _________________ hours a day in the office without
doing very much. I am interested in productive and happy people.
PR: And on that ________, I have to say we have run out of time. Thank you Roberta and over to Jasmine Dahar with the news.

Exercise 2 - Put the verbs in brackets into active or passive voice.

1 - The environmental group Friends of the Earth ___________________ (encourage) members of the
public to take action and protest about the testing of genetically modified (GM) crops. At the moment there
are about 30 sites where large scale trials___________________ (carry) out. Many environmentalists fear
that plants and animals near the sites_____________________ (affect) because proper safety measures









____________________ (do) everything possible to make the trials safe.

2 - At the Old Bailey yesterday, five men were found guilty of planning the most ambitious jewel robbery in
history. The gang had tried to steal the De Beers Millennium diamonds (worth over $200 million) which
___________________ (display) at the Millennium Dome. Four of the men smashed into the Dome early
one morning with a JCB digger, but over 200 policemen _____________________ (wait) for them because
they knew about their plans. They first arrested the others who _____________________ (stand) by the
glass case where the jewels__________________ (keep). While the men _________________ (take)
away, the police picked up the driver of the getaway boat who_______________ (wait) on the river next to
the Dome.

QUIZ Do the quiz and discuss your answers with a partner.

1 How long have you been using email and the Internet? ( ) 5 years ( ) 2 years ( ) 1 year
2 How often do you check your email? ( ) everyday
( ) every week
( ) every month
3 How many messages do you send or receive each day? ( )5
( ) 10
( ) 20 or more
4 Does all your family have email? ( ) yes
( ) no
5 Do you use it for work or for your own private interest? ________________________________
6 What are your favorite Internet sites? ___________________________
7 Whats the most unusual site that youve ever visited? ____________________________
8 Are there any companies whose sites you find particularly good or bad? ___________________
9 Have you ever logged on to a chat room? ( ) yes
( ) no
10 If so, do the people you meet there have similar interests to yours? ( ) yes
( ) no
11 Do you know anyone whos met someone through the Internet? ( ) yes ( ) no
12 Should the Internet, which is now used by millions of children worldwide, be subject to censorship
laws? Should these laws be international? ( ) yes
( ) no
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Oral Production The Internet

 The pros and cons of the World Wide Web
 The influence of the internet on kids

 Marriages ending because of the internet

 Future of peoples lives using the internet

On time X In time
On time punctually
In time soon enough

E.g. I arrived on time for the meeting.

E.g. I arrived in time to see him off.

Exercise 3 - Complete os espaos em branco com as expresses on time e in time.

1 He did not arrive _______________ to say goodbye to his cousin.
2 The police arrived just _______________ to catch the thief.
3 The 5:00 train never gets to the station _______________.
4 If we hurry we can get to the theatre _______________ for the second act.
5 I wish the Christmas card I sent her would arrive _______________.
6 Lets not wait for John any longer. I want to start the meeting _______________.
7 Brides are never _______________ shell be no exception.


Read this information about the Morgan Car company, a privately owned family firm
that makes classic sports cars. Complete the process with the appropriate form.

Every Morgan _______________________ (order) in advance and each one______________________(build) to the

customers specifications.
Body shop The first stage of production involves the construction of the frames. The frames__________________
(make) of wood, and they____________________________(put) together carefully by expert craftsmen.
Sheet metal shop This is where the panels of steel or aluminum _________ (cut) out. The sheet metal shop is the
main supplier for the assembly shop.
New Assembly shop This is where the wooden frame_______________________ (bolt) to the steel chassis.
Afterwards the aluminum panels_______________________(attach) to the frame. Then the wings, bonnets and
wheels______________________ (fit) and the car_________________________(prepare) for painting.
Chassis erection shop Here is where the engine_________________________ (assemble) to the chassis most
of the engines that__________________________(use) come from Rover, Ford or BMW. This is also where the gear
boxes and other parts_______________________________ (add) to the car. This part of the process takes a day.
Finishing shop Here the final operations__________________________ (carry) out. The leather seats, electrical
wiring, dashboard and windscreens______________(fit) to the cars. Afterwards the cars_________________ (take)
for a road test.
Dispatch department It is here that the cars______________________ (check) against a quality list. Then
they__________________________ (clean and polish) and______________________ (dispatch) to the customers.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Time enough to come up with an idea, to begin a new project, to do something differently. Time enough also to see new angles and
broadcast them, to project the future on a TV screen. This has been daily achieved by TV Globo since its foundation, in 1965.

With every episode, another country falls in the web of appreciators of Brazilian audiovisual production. With a growth
of 70% in program hours exported in the last five years, Globo TV, the television channel with the largest number of
spectators in Brazil, has much to commemorate on the foreign market.
Every year, the company exports around 24,000 hours of programs. Of course such volumes of hours are due to the
sale of soap operas.
At the end of 2004, for example, products made by the television channel were aired in over 50 countries.
Globos international story started in 1973, when the channel sold O Bem Amado, a soap opera that showed the daily
life in the interior of the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia in a comic way, to Mexico and Uruguay. From that year to
date, over 300 TV programs have been sold in over 130 countries.
The influence of Brazilian soap operas on the foreign market surprises those traveling through such places.
After living in Brazil for three years, and watching soap opera O Clone North American Karen Keller was surprised to
discover that the translator she met during a trip through Yugoslavia had a copy of the soap opera soundtrack.
Globo soaps are transmitted regularly in countries like Portugal, Croatia, Italy, Romania, Israel, Argentina, Uruguay,
Peru, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Albania and Honduras.
Among the soaps most sold by the company are: Terra Nostra (exhibition rights sold in 84 countries), Escrava Isaura
(with exhibition rights sold to 79 countries), Laos de Famlia sold to 66 countries), O Clone and Sinh Moa (sold to
62 countries).
Terra Nostra tells the story of Italian immigrants who arrived in Brazil to work on coffee plantations, Escrava Isaura is
about an educated white slave, the victim of a cruel master, and Laos de Famlia shows the daily life of modern
families in Rio de Janeiro, in southeastern Brazil.
In soap opera O Clone a family of Arabs is constantly traveling between Rio and Morocco while business, love stories
and cloning take place in the background.
Sinha Moa, like Escrava Isaura, is one of the oldest soap operas and shows a forbidden romance during the period of
Globo was created on April 26, 1965, and reaches 5.441 Brazilian cities, via 11 broadcasting

Exercise 4 - Choose the best answer according to the text:

1. Globo has much to commemorate on the foreign market
a) when exports increase 70%.
b) because soap operas are being exported in large scales.
c) due to the decrease of spectators.
2. Globo started its international story
a) because O Bem Amado was aired.
b) because 300 TV programs were sold to 130 countries.
c) when O Bem Amado was sold to Mexico and Uruguai.
3. Karen Keller
a) watched O Clone in Brazil.
b) watched O Clone in Yoguslavia.
c) didnt watch O Clone at all.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


How punctual are you?

1) You have to attend a meeting which is scheduled to
start at nine oclock. Do you arrive
a) exactly on time?
b) ten minutes early?
c) anything up to ten minutes late?

b) invite the friend in but tell them that you havent got
much time to spare?
c) tell the friend youre busy and youll call them youve
got more time?

2) Youve arranged to meet a friend in the centre of

town. How long do you wait if your friend is late?
a) Five minutes.
b) Fifteen minutes
c) Half an hour or more.

4) You have to do a job thats difficult or unpleasant.

a) Do you accept that you have to do it and do it
straightaway so that you can forget about it?
b) Do you put it off to another day?
c) Do you leave it until the last minute because you
need to feel the adrenalin rush produced by stress?

3) Youre at home working on an important piece of

work that has to be finished for tomorrow when a
friend calls by unexpectedly. Do you
a) invite the friend in and hope they wont stay too long?

5) In your opinion, a hard-working person works

a) eight hours a day.
b) eight to ten hours a day.
c) twelve or more hours a day.

Debate: Do you agree with the following quotes about time?

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today
Better late than never Time heals all wounds
Theres no time like the present Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday Time is money

ERROR ANALYSIS Correct the mistakes

1. Since I came to this country, I am learning a lot about the way of life here.
2. Before I come here, I never was buying anything from a vending machine.
3. I arrive here only a short time ago. I am here only since last Friday.
4. I am not agree with your opinion. ________________________________________________________________
5. My understanding of this country changed a lot since I arrived.

Beautiful Stranger Madonna

Havent we _____________?
Youre some kind of beautiful stranger
You could be good for me
Ive had the _____________ for danger
If Im smart then Ill _________ ____________
But Im not so I guess Ill stay
_______________ forbid
Ill take my chance on a beautiful stranger
I looked into your eyes
And my ___________ came tumbling down
Youre the devil in ___________________
Thats why Im singing this song

To know you is to love you

Youre _________________ I go
And everybody knows
To love you is to be part of you
Ive paid for you with _______________
And ________________ all my pride
Beautiful stranger
If Im smart then Ill run away
But Im not so I _____________ Ill stay
Havent you heard?
I fell in love with a beautiful stranger
I looked into your face
My heart was dancing ________________________
Id like to change my point of view
If I could just ______________ about you
Quiz Languages On the go 1

About your company

Where it is
The company headquarters are based in..
We have subsidiaries in
Our plant is located in

in Use

We manufacture-produce..
We sell..
We employ..
The company has . employees.
Our annual turnover is
We have annual sales of.

Products and services

My company is specialized in
Our main products are.
We provide services for..

Exercise 4 Look at this article about Michelin, the famous tire-manufacturing company. Fill in the
gaps using the words below:

to be (2)

have (2)





Michelin is a famous old family company with a dynamic young chairman. Edouard
Michelin __________________ the great-grandson of the founder of this company, which
is based in Clermont Ferrand in the centre of France. Michelin ______________ tires and
____________ them all over the world. The company _________________ about 120,000 people and
_______________ annual sales of over U$14 billion. Goodyear and Firestone _________ Michelins main
competitors. Edouard Michelin _____________ the company using modern methods. At the moment,
Michelin ______________ tires to the BMW Williams team. The company has two main markets, Europe
and the USA, but it ____________ to develop the Asian market. In the USA it ___________ the Uniroyal
company. It ____________ a lot on TV and in magazines and ______________ racing events. It also
_______________ the famous Michelin guidebooks. Edouard Michelin and his wife _______________ five
children and ______________ just outside Clermont Ferrand.

Exercise 5 - Complete the sentences about your own company or about a company you know well.

Its name is
Its based in .
The company makes-provides
Its customers are.
Its a . Company.
It employs
7. It sponsors.

Writing Based on your sentences above write a text similar to Michelins about your own
Quiz Languages On the go 1


Dos and Donts

Modal verbs review adjectives + prepositions

Introduction What rules do you have to abide at:

The workplace




Correct the information on the table whenever necessary:

A law Office
We are supposed to start work at nine, but I often come in later because I have
to take my children to school first, but then I stay a bit later. Of course, if I have
Working hours are flexible
got to be in court first thing in the morning, my wife has to take the kids to school.
Women arent allowed to wear trousers
We are supposed to work a 40-hour week, but I think most people actually work
more than that. We are supposed to dress smartly, particularly if we have contact You can smoke in the cafeteria
with clients, so I always wear a suit and tie to work. Female lawyers arent
You are allowed to have your lunch at
allowed to wear trousers or even dark tights. They have to wear knee-length
your desk
skirts-no minis at all. The secretaries can wear tailored trousers, but no jeans. A
weekly dress-down has been introduced recently it is an idea from America, where everybody comes in casual dress
on a Friday.
Personally, I have no desire to come dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I like to make a difference between work and
home, and I can wear casual clothes at home. I think people should dress smartly for work it gives a good
impression. Smoking, eating and drinking are strictly forbidden in the office. Theres a non-smoking cafeteria
downstairs and smokers have to go outside. Personally, I think smoking ought to be banned in all public places.
You can smoke in the office even when
you dont work late
You have to go to the canteen in case
you are thirsty.
You arent supposed to have a break
during the day.

A Journal

It is a really busy office and we have to work long hours. Everybody works
different hours because people are coming in and out all the time. We can have
a drink at our desks but we are not allowed to bring food into the offices. Theres
a cafeteria downstairs. We are supposed to have a break every two hours, but
when you are working to a deadline, you cant afford to take time for a break.
Jeans are allowed at the workplace
Sometimes I work right through my lunch hour its mad really. In fact, you have
to be mad to work here. We are not supposed to smoke in the office but some of
the reporters and journalists do when they are working late. You know they have been smoking because the place
smells horrible the morning after. As far as dress is concerned, it depends. The editors and senior staff dress smartly. I
think our senior editor has two suits and about twenty identical striped shirts because I have never seen him wearing
anything else. The younger men are a bit more fashion-conscious and they dont have to wear suits. The women can
wear trousers or skirts, but we cant wear jeans. Smart-casual clothes are ok.

A Model Agency
As you can imagine, people who work here are pretty fashion-conscious. They
can wear whatever they like, but people usually choose to dress smartly for work. You dont have to dress smartly
They are the sort of people who enjoy dressing up and they are quite
You are supposed to start work at eight
competitive. Most people wear black its a bit like wearing a uniform really!
Black polo-neck pullovers, black trousers, black leather jackets and boots and
You cant smoke within the premises
thats just the girls. The men tend to be more imaginative with their colors.
If you want some coffee, you go to the
Unfortunately most of the young models who come to the agency are smokers
caf next door.
but they are not allowed to smoke in the building. In fact they cant smoke
anywhere near the building. It gives such a bad impression when you see people smoking in the entrance.
The agency is open from ten in the morning; however, the staff arrives any time after eight. They have to work a ninehour day, but the starting and finishing times are flexible.
Coffee is available wherever you want it, but food isnt allowed in the office. Nobody eats here anyway!!!

Quiz Languages

On the go 1



Modal verb review

Must X have to The modal verb must is used to talk about obligations and rules to be followed.
The modal verb have to is used to talk about things that need to be done.
E.g. You must send the reports every 10 .
E.g. You have to call me ASAP.
Mustnt X dont have to Mustnt is used for prohibition
Dont have to is used to express things that arent necessary to be done
E.g. You mustnt smoke in our premises.
E.g. You dont have to call me if you dont want to
Can-could- may Express possibility and permission.
E.g. Can I see you for a moment?
E.g. It may be good.
Should ought to Used to express advice.
E.g. You should see a dentist.

Exercise 1 - Read what these people say about their jobs. Fill in the blanks with have to, dont have to, or cant.
A Pilot
Being a pilot is a great job in lots of ways for a start, you _________________work 9.00 to 5.00 in an office but I
dont think I ever wanted a job like that. As a pilot you_________________________ be responsible, because a lot of
people depend on you. Health is important we have regular medicals and eye tests, because as a pilot
you_______________ be 100% fit and alert. You__________________ spend weeks in the gym or anything else like
that, but before any long flight you___________________________ make sure you get plenty of rest, and of course
you__________________ drink any alcohol. When youre flying, you_______________ be able to concentrate really
hard for long periods this is one job where you simply________________ make mistakes.
A Police officer
Being a police officer can mean very different things, depending on what area of the city you work in. In the suburbs,
its pretty quiet from time to time you_______________________ deal with car thefts or break-ins, but on the whole,
its very safe and you______________________ worry about getting attacked. But there are some areas where its
very dangerous lots of drug crime, armed gangs and that can be a problem for us because we
___________________ use weapons all we have is a truncheon. So if we _______________ go and deal with a
crime in an area like that, we ______________go alone because its too dangerous. We always
____________________ take a partner or go in larger groups, and we __________________________ stay in radio
contact all the time in case anything goes wrong.

Debate: Reality Shows

Read Ryans statement about being the biggest loser of the first season of the American reality show.

Since being crowned The Biggest Loser there is nothing I love to hear more than "Hey aren't you the biggest loser
guy?" Being a "big loser" is a title I wear with pride! I really worked myself to the bone the week before the final
weight in. I gave myself a couple of weeks off after that, but I noticed that I was really craving the
workouts (I also noticed the weight was creeping back on!). My exercise consists mostly of my
favorite new hobby, mountain biking. I usually ride 3 mornings a week for 90 minutes, then I do
spin classes at 24 Hour Fitness two days a week, I then finish off the week on Saturday with a long
3-4 hour ride. I'm in training to do a 1 day, 100 mile ride in Moab, UT in May - should be a blast! I
also train at Jillian's gym twice a week for good measure.
The best thing I've been doing since the show ended is working to help get kids as healthy as possible. I've been
speaking at elementary schools teaching kids about how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle. I know from growing up overweight
how tough it can be for kids these days, so hopefully I can help show them the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. I am also working on
producing and hosting a daily show for kids that would promote kid appropriate exercise, healthy eating ideas, and an all around fun
and healthy life.
I had an amazing experience on The Biggest Loser and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Thanks to all my teammates, my kick-butt
trainer Jillian, the producers, and most of all my amazing wife Mariah (is she a babe or what?!), for helping me become the person I
always knew I could!

Quiz Languages

On the go 1




On an average day, do you...

a - climb more than 100 stairs?
b do at least one hour of housework?

Yes / No
Yes / No

c walk or ride a bike to school or work?

How often do you walk 3 miles or more?

a- Once a month.
b Once a week.
c Never.

How much exercise do you get every month?

a- More than 10 hours.
b- 2-9 hours.
c- Less than 2 hours.

How often do you spend 20 minutes or more doing an activity that makes you hot or sweaty?
a- Three or more times a week.
b- Once or twice a week.
c- Not at all.

How long does it take you to walk half a mile?

a- Less than 10 minutes.
b- 10 20 minutes.

Yes / No

c- I cant walk that far

How many of the following activities do you do more than once a week?
a- Go for a run. Yes/No
b- Play a ball game (football, volleyball, etc. Yes/No
c- Do some aerobic exercise (jogging, bike riding, etc). Yes/No

7 Check the activities you often do when youre on vacation.

a- Go hiking.
b- Go swimming
c- Go sightseeing.
d- Go dancing
e- Lie on the beach.
f- Eat and drink a lot.

Do you smoke?

Yes/ No

A spy story The Man with the Golden Gun

James Bond __________ back to his hotel room at midnight. The windows were closed and the air conditioner was
on. Bond switched it off and opened the windows. His heart was still thumping in this_____________ . He breathed in
the air with ____________ , then the look a shower and went to bed.
At 3:30 he was dreaming, not very_____________, about three black-coated men with red eyes and angry white
teeth. Suddenly he woke up. He listened. There was a noise. It was coming from the window. Someone was moving
behind the ______________ James Bond took his gun from under his pillow, got quietly out of bed, and crept slowly
along the wall toward the window. Someone was behind the curtain. Bond pulled it back with one __________
movement. Golden hair shone in the moonlight.
Mary Goodnight! Bond exclaimed. What are you doing here?
Quick, James! Help me in! Mary _________________ urgently.
Bond put down his gun and pulled her through the open window. At the last moment the window ___________ shut
with a noise like a gunshot.
Im really sorry, James! Mary Goodnight_____________________.
Shh! Shh! said Bond. He quickly led her across the room to the bathroom. First he turned on the light, then the
shower. They sat down on the side of the bathtub.
Mary, Bond asked again. What on earth are you doing here? Whats the___________?
James, I was so worried. An urgent message came from HQ this evening. A top KGB man, using the name Hendriks,
is staying in this hotel. He knows youre here. Hes looking for you!
I know, said Bond. Hendriks is here all right. So is _________________ named Scaramanga. Mary did HQ say if
they have a description of me?
No they dont. They just have your name, Secret Agent James Bond.
Thanks, Mary. Now, I have to get you out of here. Dont worry about me. Just tell HQ that you gave me the message, OK?
OK, James. Mary Goodnight _____________ up and looked into his eyes. Please be careful, James.
Sure, sure. Bond turned off the shower and opened the bathroom door. Now, come on!
Suddenly a voice came from the darkness of the bedroom. This is not your lucky day, Mr. Bond. Come here, both of
you, and put your ________________ up!
Scaramanga walked to the door and turned on the lights. His ___________ gun was pointing directly at James Bond.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Exercise 2 -. Complete this story with a / an, the or no article.

It was ______ rush hour, and _______ long distance commuter train was full. Every seat was taken and _______
passengers were standing crowded together in _____aisles. In ______ corner seat, _____ young man in _____ blue
suit was talking loudly into _______ mobile phone, to _______ obvious annoyance of _______ passengers around
him. I dont care what they say, he shouted. Tell them its ten million or we dont have_______ deal. And he switched
off his phone. At that moment, ______ elderly man standing near ______ door clutched at his chest and collapsed.
For a moment there was _______ silence as ______ people stared at him in _______ horror. Then _______ woman
stepped forward to help him. Its all right, she said, Im ________ doctor. She turned to _______ young man in
_______ blue suit. Quickly, she said. Hes having ______ heart attack. Phone for ________ ambulance to meet us at
______ next station. I cant, said ______ young man. ________ woman was furious, and some of _______
passengers started shouting, Its _____emergency!. But _______ man still refused to use his phone. Meanwhile,
______conductor arrived to find out what all _______ noise was about. He instructed ________ driver to radio ahead
for _________ medical assistance. Once her patient was safely on his way to _____ hospital, _____doctor went up to
_______ young man. So, she said, Why wouldnt you use your phone? He looked very embarrassed...

Do you wonder why the man did not call the hospital? Discuss the possibilities with the group.

Oral Production Select 3 topics you would like to talk about. Then pick 4 expressions and start a
conversation using them about the topic chosen.
accustomed to
afraid of
answerable to/ for
attached to
aware of
capable of
dependent on
different from
doubtful about

enthusiastic about
excited about
famous for
guilty of
interested in
opposed to
pleased with
popular with
proud of

related to
rich in
satisfied with
serious about
similar to
suitable for
suspicious of
used to (=accustomed to)
worried about

Time expressions
1 If you cant repair the plug, ask Peter to do it. Hes so good and quick at repairing things - hell do it _______________
a) in time
b) in no time
c) in the nick of time
2 Students entered the classroom two ___________
a) at the same time
b) at a time
c) at one time
3 Ive told Mary ______ not to stay in bed all morning but she doesnt seem
to care.
a) time after time
b) all the time
c) for the time being
4 I dont think their best player will be fit _________ for the next game.
a) on time
b) at the time
c) in time
5 She caught the baby ________ before he fell down the stairs.
a) in the nick of time
b) on time
c) at the time
6 You will succeed ______, but you cannot expect success to come quickly.
a) in no time
b) in time
c) at the time
7 Everybody is working ________ to get the house ready for the party.
a) at all times
b) many a time
c) against time

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Exercise 3 - Complete these job descriptions with a word in the box.






I dont (1) __________ to start work at any particular time. I (2) __________ choose because I work by myself. In
England, youre not (3) __________ to work for more than eight hours a day because its dangerous people get
tired. To get license, you (4) __________ take a special test to show how well you know the town.







We (1) __________ work at the weekend, but we dont (2) __________ to work every day during the week. Weve (3)
__________ to have a special diet and we (4) __________ go to bed early, especially if were (5) __________ to play
a match the next day. But not everyone does!






In my job, you (1) __________ really do anything at all. You just (2) __________ to sit there, watching people,
because theyre not (3) __________ to touch anything. If they go too close, youre (4) __________to ask them to
move back, but mostly I just try to stay awake. The most important thing is that you dont fall asleep.

Crazy - Seal
shoot unlock miracles unless yellow gonna


touch church seventeen

In a____________ , by the face,

He talks about the people going under.
Only child know...

But we're never gonna survive unless...

We get a little crazy.
No no, never survive, ___________ we get a little... bit...

A man decides after seventy years,

Oh, a little bit...

That what he goes there for, is to ___________ the door.

While those around him criticize and sleep...
And through a fractal on a breaking wall,
I see you my friend, and _________ your face again.
Miracles will happen as we trip.

Amanda decides to go along after ____________ years...

Oh darlin...
In a sky full of people, only some want to fly, Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people, only some want to fly, Isn't that crazy?
In a ____________of people there's only some want to fly,

But we're never _____________ survive, unless...

We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive, unless...
We are a little...

Ain't that crazy?

Oh babe... Oh darlin...
In a world full of people there's only some want to fly,
Isn't that crazy?

...Crazy ___________ people walking through my head.

One of them's got a gun, to ___________ the other one.
And yet together they were friends at school
Ohh, get it, get it, get it, get it no no!

And then you see things

The size
Of which you've never known before
They'll break it

If all were there when we first took the pill,

Then maybe, then maybe, then maybe, then maybe...
____________ will happen as we speak.

Only child know....
Their things

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


in Use

Letters into practice

Complete the formal letter with suitable phrases-words below:
Dear Miss Pace

__________________________ the I.M. Conference in Copenhagen in October,

______________________________________ that I will speak on 16th October
and _____________________ an outline of my speech, for you to forward to Mrs.
______________________________ if you could send me the hotel booking details
and any other information.
_______________________________________ let my office know if there are any
problems with the booking arrangements, as I will be out of the country until 15th
_________________________________ next month.
Yours sincerely,
Janet Jenkins
I look forward to seeing you - with reference to - I would request you to
I am pleased to confirm - I hereby enclose - I would be grateful

Writing write a letter to a colleague working in another country. You have recently spoken to him on the
phone about a professional visit to his country. You would like some information about hotels. You also
want to confirm the exact days of your visit. Use some of the phrases from the previous exercise.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1



Relative clauses adjectives + prepositions passive voice

There are, experts say, only two man-made structures clearly visible from
space. One is the Great Wall of China; the other is Japans Kansai
International Airport, built on an artificial island five kilometers out to sea
and the biggest public construction project of the 20th century.
Building an airport in the sea had three important advantages: it solved the problem of land shortage, it
could operate 24 hours a day, and there would be no public opposition. The authorities wanted to avoid
protests like those in the 1970s which had delayed the building of Tokyos Narita Airport for nearly a
Construction of the airport island began in January 1987. To provide the landfill for the island, two
mountains were demolished. Special barges transported millions of cubic meters of landfill to the site and
dumped it on the sea bed. As is normal during the construction of an artificial island, tests showed that
the sea bed was sinking. However, experts became worried when they discovered the rate of sinking was
much faster than they had predicted. A lot more landfill was needed, so a third mountain was demolished.
The project was delayed by 15 months and another 50 million was added to the cost. By 1992 the
sinking airport had become a national scandal and the chairman of the airport company was forced to
Sinking was not the only problem. Work was often stopped by bad weather, which made it impossible to
transport thousands of workers to the site. It seemed that critics of the project, who had warned that
typhoons would close the airport for weeks at a time, had been right.
In April 1991, construction of the passenger terminal building began. The design, which had won an
international competition, was by the Italian architect, Renzo Piano. Shaped like an immense glider and
almost a mile long, it was built to resist earthquakes and typhoons and its design emphasized technology
and nature in harmony. Building the terminal was a huge challenge because during construction, tests
showed the island was sinking more under the lighter wing sections. Engineers solved the problem by
installing a system which made it possible to keep the foundations of the terminal building level.
When Kansai International Airport was opened on 4th September 1994 it attracted half a million visitors
in two days. For them the airport was not the embarkation point for a faraway destination but a
destination in itself. They came to see Japans 10 billion symbol of success, and to walk through this
futuristic gateway to the 21st century.

Exercise 1 Create questions for the following responses:

1 When _____________________________________________________________?
It began in January 1987.
2 Why ______________________________________________________________?
Because a lot more landfill was needed.
3 How long __________________________________________________________?
By 15 months.
4 How much _________________________________________________________?
Another 50 million.
5 Why ______________________________________________________________?
Because the sinking airport had become a national scandal.
6 When ______________________________________________________________?
On 4 September 1994.
7 How many _________________________________________________________?
It attracted half a million in two days.
Quiz Languages

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Exercise 2 Use the information to complete the description of stages in the construction of
Kansai Airport, using the passive voice when necessary:
The building of Kansai airport

The Ministry of Transport studies the possibility of a new airport for the Kansai region.


The CCA (Council for Civil Aviation) proposes the location of KIA (Kansai International Airport).


The Japanese government approves the KIA initial plan.


The Ministry of Transport gives permission of the construction of KIA.


Beginning of construction work on the airport island.


Decision on the passenger terminal concept.


Start of construction of the bridge linking the island to the mainland.


Finalization of the design of the passenger terminal building. Completion of construction of the airport island.


Selection of foreign companies for 13 airport construction projects.


Construction of control tower.


Completion of Access Bridge and railway. Opening of airport.

The first stage in the building of Kansai International Airport was in 1968 when the possibility of a new
airport for the Kansai region ___________________ by the Ministry of Transport. The idea developed from
there and in 1974 a location five kilometers out to sea ____________________ as the most suitable site for
the airport. Ten years later the KIA initial plan __________________________ and permission for the
construction of KIA _________________________ in 1986. Construction work on the airport island
____________________ in 1987 and a year later the passenger terminal concept _______________.The
next important stage was the construction of the Bridge linking the island to the mainland which













____________________ and the construction of the airport island ____________________. Foreign

companies competed for 24 out of the 81 airport construction projects and 13 of these
_____________________ in 1992. In the following year the control tower ______________ and 1994 the
access Bridge and railway _________________ and the airport ____________________.


Relative Clause review

Who Used before a verb. E.g. Clara, who invited me to the party, is one of my best friends.
Whom Used before a person. E.g. Thomas, whom I met yesterday, has gone bankrupt.
Which - E.g. The book, which my mother gave me, is a best-seller.
That Never used after a comma. E.g. The story that you told me is a lie!
Where - used for places. E.g. The house, where we went last summer, was stolen this morning.
When - used for time. E.g. I clearly remember the time when I was sick.
Whose cujo, cuja. E.g. The boy, whose father is a judge, was arrested.
Quiz Languages

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Exercise 3 Join these sentences with a relative clause. Adapt them whenever necessary.
1 The last record became a gold record. It was produced by this company.
2 The professor is not here today. You spoke to him yesterday.
3 Felipe bought a camera. It has three lenses.
4 The doctor is with a patient. The patients leg was broken in an accident.
5 This book contains some useful information. I found the book last year.
6 William wants to be a judge. His brother is a lawyer.
7 The director of the programme is planning to retire next year. The director graduated from Harvard University.

Making decisions
Listen and write down the name of the company or product referred to:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________

3. ______________________
4. ______________________

Listen again and complete with the missing words:

1. Asa Candlers best business decision was ________________ deciding to buy the ________________ for Cocacola from its inventor Dr. John Styth Pemberton. Unfortunately, in one of the ________________ business decisions
________________, Mr. Candler went on to sell Cokes bottling rights for just $1. Coca-Cola daily output is one billion
2. Between the mid-70s and the early 80s Swiss watch making companies saw their world ________________
________________ fall from 30 to just 9%. Then, in response to strong Japanese competition, came the decision
to________________. The result was the Swatch, and market share shot up to 50%.
3. In 1991 Dell Computers almost made its biggest mistake when it decided to ________________ and start selling
through high street stores. ________________, Michael Dell, quickly changed his mind and returned to selling PCs
directly to________________, a strategy which has put Dell, a company that now employs 21,000 people,
________________amongst the top three PC manufacturers in the world.
4. In 1955, small record producer, Sam Phillips sold the executive contract he had with a young ________________
singer to RCA for the grand sum of $35,000. Unfortunately for Phillips, the singer was Elvis Presley and he lost the
________________ to over a billion record sales.

Exercise 4 - Complete the sentences with on, in or at.

a) My mother was born ______ the 1950s.
b) I work best ______ night.
c) We always have a big family meal ______ New
Years Eve.
d) I spend at least two weeks by the sea ______ the
e) I start work every morning _____ 9 am.
f) I never have a nap ______ the afternoon.
g) I would like to have lived ______ the Middle Ages.

h) My birthday is _____ March. In fact its ____ 6th March.

i) I started learning English ______ 1995.
j) Nothing special happens in my family ______
k) I usually feel depressed ______ Monday mornings.
l) I spend a lot of time with my friends ______ the
m) Im enjoying life ______ the moment.
Quiz Languages

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It was my birthday recently, and as usual, I didnt get what I really wanted. I usually get a bunch of
flowers, a book, a box of candy, and electronic gadgets. My family always ask me what I want, and I
always say the same thing: I want a surprise. So this year I got flowers, books, candy, and gadgets.
Flowers are lovely, but they hardly ever last for more than a week, and a real present is something you
can keep. I always look for a diamond ring hidden in the flowers, but its never there. Books are a waste
of time, and I hate getting candy because Im normally on a diet. But gadgets are the worst. Most
women are not interested in gadgets. Men buy gadgets for women because men love gadgets. For my
birthday, my husband bought me a gadget that makes bubbles in the bath, like a Jacuzzi. Last year he got me one of
those things you put on the back of your seat and it massages your back. Whats he trying to tell me? That I deserve
some little luxuries? I agree with that, but the little luxuries I like are made of gold or silver.
But women are sensitive and intuitive, so they always know the right thing to buy. Right? Wrong. The big mistake that
women make is that they usually buy clothes. They buy clothes because they like them, and they want other people to
wear the clothes they like. You always wear dark colors, and I want to change you, so Im going to buy you a brightly
colored tie or a pair of Mickey Mouse socks.
This is a big mistake. Men usually dont want brightly colored ties or silly socks. The word to remember when youre
buying a present for a male is gadgets. Men like anything digital or electronic. Like one of those watches
that tell scuba divers the time in Atlantis.
For his last birthday, I gave my husband a small flashlight and a Swiss army knife, the same present that I
once gave to a 12-year-old nephew. He was overjoyed.
Its very simple. You cant ever go wrong if you always remember the G word for men and the J word for women
and thats J for jewelry, not J for Jacuzzi.

Ive had the time of my life Dirty Dancing Soundtrack

Now I've had the time of my life
no, I've never ___________ like this before
yes I swear it's the truth
and I __________ it all to you

So I'll tell you something

this __________ be love, because
I've had the time of my life
No I've never felt this way before,
yes I swear it's the truth,

I've been waiting for so long

and I __________ it all to you

now I've finally found someone to _________ _____ me

'Cause I've had the time of my life

We saw the writing on the wall

as we felt this _____________ fantasy

And I've _____________ through every open door

'Till I found the truth
And I owe it all to you

Now with passion in our eyes

there's no way we could ______________ it secretly
So we take each others hand cause
we _____________ to understand the urgency

With my body and soul

I want you more than you'll ever know
So we'll just let it go,
don't be ___________ to lose control, no

Just remember
You're the one thing
I can't get _______________ of,

Yes I know it's on your mind,

when you say \"Stay with me tonight\"
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Reading Comprehension The English Language

Most non-Americans assume that English is the official language of the United States, particularly as the USA
has the largest population of any English-speaking country. In fact this is not the case, and for more than two hundred
years Americans have got by without declaring English their official language.
Language diversity has always been a part of American culture. As early as 1664 when the island of Manhattan passed
from Dutch to British hands, 18 different tongues were spoken there, not counting any of the hundreds of Native
American languages spoken in North America at that time. Today it is estimated that there are 329 different languages
spoken in the United States, including English. The majority of official paperwork is completed in more than one
language. For example, California offers the drivers license exams in 30 different languages, New York in 23 and
Michigan in 20. In all, 38 states out of the 50 offer the exam in languages other than English. Most public offices, such
as the Social Security Administration, employ bilingual staff to help the non-English speaking members of the public.
Today, demographic research shows that now more than ever, there is a massive shift towards immigrants to America
learning English. Although the number of minority language speakers is increasing, all available evidence suggests that
todays newcomers are learning English and losing their native tongues more rapidly than ever before.
Answer the following questions according to the text:
1. What does the passage tell us about the official language of the USA?
a) The official language is English.
b) It doesnt have an official language.
c) English was declared the official language two hundred years ago.
d) The official language is American.
2. Which of the following statements best describes the main point of the passage?
a) There are still many people emigrating to America.
b) America has the largest population of any English speaking country.
c) English is the minority language in America.
d) English is still the main language in America.
3. According to the passage, different languages have always been
a) spoken more than English is.
b) present in America
c) spoken by bilingual immigrants
d) the official languages of America
4. Which place offers the largest choice of languages for the drivers license exams?
a) California
c) Manhattan
b) Michigan
d) New York

Error Analysis Read the sentences and mark the letter which contains a grammar mistake.
1. They are efficient as the other researches, but a careful analysis indicates they could produce
more than the others and get better results.
2. The woman, who was supposed to speak in Buffalo, asked her secretary renting a car for her to pick up
downtown and drop off at the airport.
3. Before he made his vacation plans, he asked the personnel officer about the amount of unused leave he
could have taken next month.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Business Presentations 1

in Use

Greeting, name, position

Good morning. My name is.. I am the new Finance manager.

Ladies and gentlemen. It is an honour to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished

Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my own background. I started out

Welcome to Standard Eletronics. I know I have met some of you, but just for the benefit of those I
havent, my name is..

Title subject

I would like to talk today about.

I am going to - present the recent.

- explain our position on.
- inform you about

The subject of my presentation is..

Purpose objective

We are here today to decide..

- agree ..
- learn about..

Outline main parts

I have divided this presentation in our parts.

They are.


I would be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk. If you have any questions,
please feel free to interrupt. Please interrupt me if there is something which needs clarifying.
Otherwise, there will be time for discussion at the end.

Reference to the audience

I can see that many of you are..

I know you have all traveled a long way.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Review Units 4-6

1 - The words in bold are wrong. Cross them out and write the correct words.
1. A vegetarian is someone which doesnt eat meat.
2. Holi is a Hindu festival where celebrates the beginning of spring.
3. Traditionally, Christmas is a time whose families get together.
4. A widower is a man who wife has died.
5. A boarding school is a school when children live as well as study.
2 - Put the verbs into an appropriate form of the passive. In some sentences there is more than one
1. I _________________ (born) in 1987.
2. The new factory ___________________ (open) by the Queen last Friday.
3. Our house ____________________ (burgle) twice already this month.
4. He _____________________ (dismiss) after he admitted stealing the money.
5. My car ______________________(repair) at the moment.
6. Clothes _______________________ (make) in this factory.
7. Real Madrid _____________________ (beat) twice this year by Manchester United.
8. Shes a little upset because she _____________________(not/invite) to the party.
3 - Each sentence contains one mistake. Find it and correct it.
1. Dont bother going to see the film Its really bored. ________________________________________
2. I was very terrified when I saw it! _______________________________________________________
3. The museum is absolutely fascinated. ___________________________________________________
4. He lives in the most biggest house Ive ever seen. __________________________________________
5. Are you interesting in Greek mythology? __________________________________________________
6. The photos were so embarrassed! ______________________________________________________
7. Im going home this party is completely bad. _____________________________________________
8. This one is much more easy than that one. ________________________________________________

Quiz Languages

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Review Units 4-6

4 - Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Accidental discoveries and inventions
Although companies spend billions of dollars on research and development, new products sometimes come
about just by chance.
SAFETY GLASS The idea of safety glass came to a French scientist, Edouard Benedictus, in 1903.
He___________(work) in his laboratory one night when he suddenly _______ (fall) over a glass jar
containing celluloid.
The glass broke, but did not shatter because it stuck to the celluloid, and this led to the idea of safety glass
two sheets of glass with a central sheet of celluloid.
TEFLON Roy Plunkett ____________(make) the first batch of Teflon while he_____________(work) for
Du Pont. He_____________(carry) out research into coolant gases when he_______(leave) one batch in a
container overnight. He came back the next day to find that the gas had turned into Teflon, the slipperiest
substance in the world.
PFIZERS LUCK BREAK Scientists at Pfizers laboratory in England_____________(test) a new heart
drug called Viagra when they_____________(realize) that, although it was of little use in treating heart
problems, it had some unexpected side effects. The result was a hugely successful new product that has
probably done more to save the rhinoceros than anything else in history.
5 - The following sentences are all about visiting the US. Complete them with have to, dont have to,
or should.
When you go to the United States,
1. you________________ book a hotel room before you go, because there are usually a lot of vacancies.
2. you________________ get a work permit if you want to work there.
3. you________________ visit San Francisco, because many people think it is the most beautiful city in the
United States
4. you ________________ change your money before you go, because there are a lot of ATMs.
5. you ________________ rent a car, because its the easiest way to travel, and gas is cheap.
6 - Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb in parentheses: the infinitive or the ing form.
1. I enjoy____________ (swim) very much.
2. John managed__________ (clean) his room before his mother came home.
3. There were no taxis so he decided____________ (walk) home.
4. Id like_________ (go) to India.
5. Its very difficult_____________ (learn) how to ski.
Quiz Languages

On the go 1



The Future

1 conditional 2



conditional 3 conditional

Introduction Discuss with the group the some pros and cons of being a child nowadays, compared to being a
child 30, 50 years ago.



Images from the past show us children playing out of doors...

Now they are imprisoned
By their parents fear of crime
In the 1970s, 80% of children in the UK walked to school unaccompanied. Now only 9% do. The rise
of the motor car, combined with terror of crime, has turned children into sedentary captives. Where
old-fashioned images show children playing out of doors, in the street or in parks, these days they are more likely to be
found slouched over video games and television sets. Children today use up an estimated one-quarter fewer calories than
they did in the 1930s and experts, worried about the long-term health effects of childhood inactivity, are warning of a future
health crisis.
One physiologist who checked childrens heart rates during school physical education activity found that only a handful
ever got their heart rates up through exercise sufficiently to be of any benefit. One researcher was struck with horror when
children came round to his door asking him to sponsor a four-mile walk, as if this was a great challenge. He used to walk a
four-mile round trip to school every day of the week in this own childhood.
Some researchers are now saying that an inactive lifestyle brings with it a risk factor equivalent to a packet of cigarettes a
day, or even that it may be a higher risk than either smoking or high blood pressure. If so, that is a serious cause for concern
for our childrens generation.
What has been the chief cause of this disastrous change in childrens lives? The car, the video game, and the TV have
played their part, but the most important factor is the unreasonable fear of crime. Children are imprisoned by their parents
fear. Women and old people are afraid to go out alone and at night, but the effect on children is far worse. Yet the chances
of a child being hurt or killed by a stranger are so small that it is a tragedy to think of all those millions of children living a
confined life indoors, because of the rare horror story that grips the imagination.
If it werent for this largely imagined danger, most parents would like the idea of their children walking to school and
learning independence at a suitable age. But the way crimes are reported by the popular press greatly
increases fear of crime. If something horrible does happen to a child, there is an implied question What
were the parents doing letting that child out alone? which is deeply unfair.
We have to start replacing fear of crime, largely unrealistic, with a new fear for our children: of
physical damage through idleness, and psychological damage through an over-protective attitude that
never lets them explore the world around them.

Reading Comprehension: According to the text mark (T) for true and (F) for false.
( ) Children used to take more advantage of cars in the past than they do today.
( ) Specialists are concerned about the effects of idleness on childrens health.
( ) A lot of children, who had been tested during physical activity, reached satisfactory heart rates.
( ) Kids are kept captive due to the increase of violence and due to their parents reasonable fear of it.
( ) Odds are kids get hurt or even killed as a result of violence.
( ) Parents arent the only ones to be considered guilty, in case a tragedy happens to their kids when on the streets.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


GRAMMAR SPOT Conditionals


Zero conditional General truths

If + present tense
If he calls,

present tense
I talk to him.

e.g. If I knew he was sick, I would have

called him.


1 Conditional Future possibilities

If + present tenses
If you give me more money,

In some cases If can be omitted and

replaced by an inversion.

will+ bare infinitive

I will work harder.

Had I known he was sick, I would have

called him.


2 Conditional Dreams, desires, present unreal

If + past tenses
If I had his number,

would + infinitive
I would phone him.


3 Conditional Regrets, past unreal

If + past perfect
If I had seen him,

would + present perfect

I would have spoken to him.

Exercise 1 - Complete the sentences using a verb in the present tense.

1 Dont worry, Ill go and see the lawyer before ______________________________
2 I think our Sales Director will leave as soon as ____________________________
3 You neednt wait for Mr. Takashi. Ill stay here until__________________________
4 My boss would be delighted if_____________________________________________
5 Everyone is very stressed, but things will get better when_____________________
6 - I am fairly sure that I will get promoted as soon as____________________________

Debate: Decision making

Are you good at making quick decisions or are you more methodical thinker? Answer yes, no or it depends to the
following in under 90 seconds.

Youre writing a report. The deadlines tomorrow, but its your partners birthday. Do you work late to finish it?

Youre with a major client who wants to stay out clubbing all night. You dont want to. Do you politely say good night?

Youre shopping for a suit, but the only one you like costs twice what you want to pay. Do you buy it anyway?

A friend in banking gives you an investment tip. You could make or lose a lot of money. Do you take the risk?

Youre beating your boss at golf and hes a really bad loser. You could drop a shot or two. Do you?

A good friend is starting her own business. She asks you if she can borrow $10,000. You can afford it. Do you lend it to her?

Youre offered twice your current salary to take a boring job in a beautiful city. Do you take it?

Quiz Languages

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Joe Smedley, marketing executive

Children are much ____________ to reach with advertising than adults are they like it and they ________
up on it really fast. So, its the advertisers job to capitalize on this.
We have the term pester-powder, which means the marketing potential of children __________ their parents to spend
money. And I am not just talking about toys here our claim is getting children to pester parents to buy something for
the whole family, like a holiday or a car. The ____________ is to produce adverts that appeal to both children and
adults to ____________ the message in two.
Another key concept for _________________ is the playground pound. Children want what their friends have
playground credibility is very important. In other words, brands give children a sense of identity and help them fit in
with a peer group. For________________, if you have the wrong brand of trainers, you are excluded. Brands have the
power to show that you are the right sort of kid. If you get it a little bit wrong, it is completely_______________.
So you can see children are a very important market for us, and in return, we like to ____________ education. In fact,
we are _____________ into promoting our products directly in the classroom. This is something that is
______________ happening in America. Companies ____________ free computers and other school equipment in
_______________ for advertising their _______________ on exercise book covers, posters and that sort of thing. I
think it is fantastic - the kids benefit, and the companies get brand _________________ from a very early age.
I would love to be a child today. They really know what they want and they have so many more _______________.
Advertisers respect childrens opinion.

Exercise 3 - Read the email. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box in the -ing form.

Web- based publishing project




go hear set take write


Dear Frana

Im just writing to ask if you would be interested in___________ part in a new web-based publishing project that we
are planning. Its probably not worth ___________ into all the details at the moment, so Ill give you a quick overview.
The basic proposal involves ____________ up a website to give business students a web-based learning
programme. We are considering ___________ all sorts of different types of media text, audio, and video, because
we know that learners generally enjoy ____________a variety of different tasks. Our IT specialists have just finished
____________ the special programs that we will need, so were almost ready to start. Luis suggested ________ in
touch with you to see if youd be interested, and I thought that youd be great for the project too. Would you mind
_____________ me a ring some time in the week? Or just send me an email if thats easier.
I look forward to ____________ from you.
Best wishes

Exercise 4 - Read the replay to the e-mail above. Complete the sentences, using the verbs in the box in the
infinitive form.

Web-based publishing project

be change do finish go hear




Dear Carol,
Many thanks for your message it was great to hear from you and Id like very much _________more about the new
project and what you are planning______________ First of all let me fill you in with details of my schedule. Ive agreed
_____________Some students on a short English course at the Lake Enterprise Training Centre-Im starting next
Monday, but its only a short course and I expect ___________ on the25th. I was planning ___________ on holiday
the following week, but I can easily arrange ______________a break some other time.

How about meeting up on Monday 28 , say at 9.30 or maybe 10 oclock as the traffic tends__________ a bit better
later on? If you cant manage _________ me that Monday and want __________ it to some other day, just let me
All the best


Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Sunday Morning Marron 5

Sunday morning rain is ________________
Steal some covers, share some skin
Clouds are ___________us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy
Living life gets hard to do
And I would ___________ hit the road
Get up and go if I knew
That someday it would _________ me back to you
That someday it would lead me back to you
That may be all I need
In _______________ she is all I see
Come and rest your ____________ with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave.

Paint a picture with my hands

And back and ____________ we sway
Like branches in a storm
Change of weather
Still together when it ends
But things just get so crazy
Living life gets hard to do
Sunday ____________ rain is falling
And I'm calling out to you
Singing someday it will bring me back to you
Find a way to bring _____________ back home to you
You may not know
There's a flower in your hair
I'm a flower in your hair

Fingers ___________ your every outline

Oral Production- Think back to the last time you went abroad on business. What you would have done if the
following things had happened.
1 .. you had lost your passport while you were abroad?
4 ...you had fallen seriously ill?
2 ...someone had stolen your credit cards and money?
5 ...you had missed your return flight?
3 ...you had needed to contact the office urgently?

Error Analysis Identify one underline word, or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten.

1. Economic analysts they said that the decision not to request quotas could lower retail prices.

2. The strong advances on the stock market was credited to the accumulation of encouraging economic news.
3. Of all the obstacles we have encountered, this is certainly the big one.
4. Before I act on that proposal, I will need looking into additional possibilities.
5. The new procedure was meticulously explained in daily memo that was received by all employees yesterday
6. The products which are offered by the company and its subsidiary is described on the following page.
7. These are the facts which qualify me for the position advertising in the most recent journal.
8. Our products are formulated to meet the needs of local markets; however, it are based on common characteristics.
9. It has been asked how are the products valued by the customers.
10. The enclosing letter outlines in detail the problems the customer suffered.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Is there such a thing as the perfect face? Is beauty something you can
Recent scientific evidence suggests that the answer is yes. A new science, the science of attraction, has come to
the conclusion that beauty is objective and quantifiable and not, as the romantics believe, in the eye of the beholder.
For more than a century it was thought that a beautiful face was appealing because it was a collection of average
features. Using his computer system, Dr. David Perret of the University of St. Andrews has challenged the theory. In
a key experiment, photographs of women were ranked for their attractiveness by a number of volunteers. Two
composite pictures were then created: one, the average of all the pictures; the other made from those rated most
attractive. Although the faces looked very similar at first glance, a significant number said they preferred the
composite of most attractive faces.
The conclusion I reached, said Dr. Perret, was that the most attractive shape was not average. If you look at
famous film stars and supermodels, most of them have ideal features larger than normal eyes, higher arched
eyebrows, slightly smaller noses, cheekbones are a little more prominent. Even popular cartoon characters such as
Betty Boop, Yasmin from Alladin and Bambi have big eyes, small turned up noses, big mouths and small chins. And
if these features are exaggerated, the attractiveness rating goes up even more, Julia Roberts is a good example of
But what do scientists make of mens faces? Do men with large eyes, high cheekbones and a
small chin have the same irresistible appeal? Researchers were a bit shocked at the top ranking
male face. They expected it to have the classic square jaw and strong cheekbones, but instead,
women seem to prefer men with gentle faces. Although there is more pressure on females to be
perfect, research suggests that men and women look for many of the same things: for example,
expressive features such as arched eyebrows and a big smile were associated with attractiveness in
Dr. David Perret puts forward an evolutionary reason to explain why so many women now swoon over baby-faced
stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Cruise. Women like man with a feminine face because he is more likely to
have higher levels of the female hormone oestrogen and therefore to make a kinder and more trustworthy husband
and father.
But do these ideals of beauty manage to cross cultural boundaries? For instance, in some cultures, lips discs,
scars and tattoos are considered to be attractive. Professor Cunningham of the University of Louisville, Kentucky,
found that there were only very subtle differences between ethnic groups. For example, Asians tended to prefer faces
that were slightly less mature and slightly less expressive. Whereas blacks preferred faces that were a little more
plump. In other words, although there might be a little truth in the old adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder:
by and large, we all seem to be attracted to the same things.

Reading Comprehension
1) According to the text beauty
(A) cant be measured.
(B) can be determined in the eyes of people.
(C) in the romantics point of view is in the eyes of the one who loves
2) According to Dr. David Perret`s research:
(A) the most attractive shape has basically the same standard.
(B) the most attractive shape is composed of exaggerated characteristics.
(C) woman like Julia Roberts and cartoon characters like Betty Boop are considered ugly due to their exaggerated
3) It can be inferred from the text that:
(A) male beauty can be summarized in square jaw and strong cheekbones.
(B) the man who has baby-face has a higher amount of female hormone.
(C) men with higher levels of female hormone tend to be gay.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Business Presentations 2

1 Impact opening (choose one)

(Ask a question) Have you ever ? How would you ?
(Quote some surprising figures) Did you know ?
(Quote someone well-known) (Name) once said
(Use a newspaper headline) Have a look at this.


2 Give the background to the problem

Ok. (Time) ago we were having difficulties with
We couldnt
And we werent


in Use

3 Ask a rhetorical question

So, what was going wrong?

4 Describe the problem

Well, the problem we were facing was not,


5 Describe its effects

Now, obviously, this was having an effect on
as well as


6 Ask another rhetorical question

So, how did we deal with the problem?
7 Describe the action you took
Well, basically, there were three things we had to do.
Our first priority was to
The next thing was to
And, finally, we


8 Ask a third rhetorical question

The question is, did it work?
9 Describe the results (perhaps a graph)
Have a look at this.
Here are the results.
As, you can see


10 Close
Ok, Im going to break off in a second and take
To sum up,
Thank you


Quiz Languages

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Uncountable nouns another X other business letters and email practise

Introduction Who in the right mind would do this?

Case 4

Case 1

A forty-two year old woman inherited US10

million when her rich and famous parents
suddenly died in a plane accident. The
woman immediately donated all her
inheritance to various charities and lived in
poverty for the rest of her life.

A woman wrote a best-selling novel. As soon as it

was published she became a recluse, refusing all
interviews or contact with the outside world. She
never wrote another novel, nor did any other form of
work for the rest of her life.

Case 2
A man was diagnosed with cancer. He continued to
smoke twenty cigarettes a day, even though he had
been told by his doctor that continuing to smoke
greatly increased his chances of dying faster.

Case 5
A world-famous footballer
on a salary of U$65,000 a
week accepted financial
bribes from a bookmaker
to fix the results of certain

Case 3
A woman spent five years of her life applying for her
dream job as a journalist with a national newspaper.
Every time her application was rejected. When she was
finally given the job, she wrote a letter to the newspaper
saying that she had decided not to accept it.

Case 6
A professional pilot committed suicide by deliberately
crashing the plane he was flying into the sea. He killed
287 people with him. The crash investigation team
recovered the flight recorder from the crash site and
discovered that the pilot had said a prayer moments
before deciding to crash the plane

Case 7
A woman gave birth to a baby girl and abandoned her
within days. She left her wrapped up and warm in a
basket outside a hospital at 4 am. Nobody saw her
doing this. There was a bottle of milk and a note in the
basket. The note read: This is Sandy. Please look after
Quiz Languages

On the go 1



Uncountable nouns



room = space




a an
a few

a little

E.g. I have got a notebook

E.g. I need some information
E.g. I have many notebooks.
E.g. I havent got much information for you.
E.g. I have got a few books
E.g. I have got a little information for you.

Exercise 1 Write a/ an or some before the words.

_______ machine

_______ dollar

_______ money

_______ report

_______ letter

_______ cash

_______ accommodation

_______ news

_______ correspondence

_______ chance

_______ literature

_______ hotel

_______ water

_______ luck

_______ equipment

Debate Do you get enough sleep?

Work with a partner. Write five questions to ask people about their sleep habits using the words and expression below.
have nightmares
talk in your sleep
have a nap
alarm clock

feel sleepy
suffer from insomnia
fall asleep while travelling
fall asleep in front of the television
early bird
night owl

go without sleep
in a double bed
have a lie-in at the weekend
sleep on your back, on your side
or on your front

A survey into peoples sleep habits was carried out, based on the questions below. Answer
the questions and then compare your answer with a partner.
1) On average, do you think you get enough sleep?
a- Yes
b- No
c- Dont know
2) Do you need to be mentally alert in your work?
a- Yes
b- No
c- Dont know
3) How many hours do you usually sleep on weeknights?
a- Less than 5 hours
b- 5 to 6 hours
c- 6 to 7 hours
d- 7 to 8 hours
e- More than 8 hours

4) On average, how much sleep do you get on weekend

a- Less than 5 hours
b- 5 to 6 hours
c- 6 to 7 hours
d- 7 to 8 hours
e- More than 8 hours
5) When youre sleeping, what do you think your brain
is doing?
a- Resting
b- Working
c- Dont know

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


An interview about UFOs

I = interview C = Mr. Cooper
I Mr. Cooper, you _______________ to have seen a UFO. Is that right?
C Yes, thats right. It happened about a year ago.
I And where was this?
C It all took place near my home in _________________.
I And what time of day was it?
C It was about one oclock in the morning. I was having trouble sleeping, so I was awake watching TV.
I What was the _________________ like?
C It was a warm and clear night and there was a full moon.
I So, Mr. Cooper, what exactly happened?
C Well, like I said, I was watching TV. __________________, all the lights went out. And instead, there was this bright
light shining in the windows from the backyard. So I got up and went over to the window to see what it could be.
I And what did you see?
C I saw a __________________ light up in the air, coming toward the house. It was coming closer and closer and
getting bigger. Then it started to land. It landed behind some trees.
I Did anyone else see it?
C No. I live alone. So it was just me.
I What did you do?
C I went outside to see what it was. Maybe it was an airplane or a helicopter or something I couldnt tell. Anyway, I
saw two forms, you know, two _______________, coming toward me.
I What did they look like?
C They were pretty small, about the size of children. They were dressed in _____________ suits, and they were
wearing green helmets with red __________________ so I couldnt see their faces.
I Did they speak to you?
C Yes. The one on the right said, You must come with us.
I Werent you scared? I mean, __________________ you surprised that they spoke English?
C They spoke English with a funny accent. It sounded more like a machine talking than a person. At first, I was
amazed and very, very scared. But then, they touched me and suddenly I wasnt scared anymore. I dont know why.
Then they carried me ____________the light. But we didnt really walk, we just glided over the ground to the
I And what did their ___________________ look like?
C It was about 45 feet across. It was silver and it was very, very shiny. And there were round windows all around the
I Did you go inside?
C Yes. A door opened and there were _____________. So we went in.
I What did it look like inside?
C It was all black with lots of colored lights all around. I couldnt see any seats or controls or anything. All there was a
central column going up from the floor to the ___________________, right in the middle of the room.
I Then what happened?
C Suddenly, one of the aliens pointed and said, Stand over there. So I went over and suddenly a bright red light
started to ______________ on me. After a minute or so, the alien said What is your age? And I answered,
_________________________. He said, Turn around. So I did. After a few more minutes, the alien said, You are
too old for our purposes. You may leave now. So the two aliens carried me back outside.
I Then did the spaceship take off?
C Yes. I heard a very hi-pitched noise, almost like a scream, and the spaceship took off straight up in the air-zoom!and disappeared!
I So what did you do?
C The next morning I called the police and told them what happened. Then in the afternoon, someone from the
_________________ came to my house to interview me. He never told me his name.
I What did this government agent want to know?
C He asked me lots of questions about the spaceship and about the aliens. And he said, Please dont tell anyone
about this. It must _______________ a secret. I thought this was strange, but I didnt say anything to anybody.
I So, Mr. Cooper, why have you decide to tell everyone about it now?
C Because I want people to know what happened to me. I think the government is trying to keep
___________________ a secret. People have a right to know the truth.
I Thank you very much, Mr. Cooper, for ____________________ your story with us.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Exercise 2 Read the text bellow and underline the correct adjective usage ED x ING.

1 I judge the book by its cover. If the cover looks interesting/interested, I buy the book. Sometimes Im luck and
the book is good, and sometimes Im disappointing/disappointed.
I always read book reviews in newspapers and magazines and when I read about a book that sounds
interesting/interested, I write it down in my diary.
3 I dont take any risks. I always read books I know. I get really exciting/excited when one of my favourite
authors brings out a new book and I buy it immediately. This way Im never disappointing/disappointed.
4 I read the first page and if its boring/bored, I dont buy the book. If I want to turn over the page and carry on
reading, I buy the book.
Its easy. I never read fiction but Im fascinating/fascinated by biographies of famous people. I find strong
women in history particularly inspiring/inspired.
I tend to choose books written by women. They have a better feeling for characters and the relationships
between them, and thats what I find interesting/interested in a book. Having said that, Ive just finished a book and
it was brilliant!

Oral Production- Work in small groups and discuss these questions.


were on a five year space mission and could take one your possessions what would it be?
could have the answer to any one question, what would you want to know?
could change one thing in Brazil, what would it be?
could relive one week of your life, which week would it be?
won 1 million on the lottery , what would you do with the money?
could change sex for one year, what would you do with the time?
could be taken into the future, when and where would you like to go to?

Too little, too late - JoJo

Come with me, ____________ the night
You say the words but boy it don't feel right
What do you _______________ me to say?
You know it's just too little too late
You take my hand
And you say you've changed
But boy you know youre _____________ don't fool me
Because to you it's just a game
You know it's just too little too late
So let me on down
Cause time has made me ____________
I'm starting to move on
I'm gonna say this now
Your __________ has come and gone
And you know
It's just too little too late
A little too _______________
And I can't wait
Boy you know all the right things to say
You know it's just too little too late
You say you ______________ of my face

But you don't like me

You just like the ________________
To be real it doesn't ________________anyway
You know it's just too little too late
Yeah yeah it's just too little too late
I was young and in love
I gave you everything but it wasn't _____________
And now you wanna communicate
You know it's just too little too late
Go find someone ____________
In letting you go Im loving myself
You got a problem
But don't come asking me for help
______________ you know
I can love with all of my _______________ baby
I know I have so much to give(I have so much to give)
With a player like you I don't have a prayer
That's the __________ to live

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Carved into the southeast face of a mountain in South Dakota are the faces of four presidents, a memorial to American history.
The faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln look down from their stony
heights and remind everyone that even the impossible is possible.

The carving history

South Dakota state historian Doane Robinson conceived the idea in 1923 to attract more
people to the Black Hills of South Dakota with colossal carvings of western heroes.
Robinson gained support from major players in South Dakota and Washington DC with
the help of Senator Peter Norbeck and Congressman William Williamson. Congress
passed legislation authorizing the mountain carving in Harney National Forest Preserve
(now Black Hills National Forest).
After trying to get another sculptor to do the work, Robinson contacted Gutzon Borglum.
Borglum, who agreed to come out to the Black Hills in 1924 to look at the area and see if the carving was possible. The plan was
to carve the Needles area into tall granite figures. When Borglum inspected the Needles, he found them to be too thin and
weathered to support sculpture on a grand scale. Borglum and the other carving supporters needed to find a new place to carve or
abandon the project. It was then they were told about Mount Rushmore. When Borglum saw the mountain he pointed to it and
said, "America will march along that skyline." A place had been found to do their carving. Borglum liked Mount Rushmore
because it faced southeast which meant it would receive good light throughout most of the day. It was the highest peak in the
immediate vicinity, and the granite was very resistant, eroding one inch every 10,000 years. Borglum told Robinson they needed
subjects of a national focus. Robinson agreed and Borglum selected George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt,
and Abraham Lincoln.
Once they had a carving plan and a location was set, the work could begin. Borglum created a plaster model from which
measurements were taken using the pointing system. On October 4, 1927 the first actual work of carving began. Dynamite was
used to remove rock from the mountain until there was only a thin, three to six inch layer of granite left. This final layer of granite
was removed by a process called "honeycombing". Then the surface was worked smooth with a bumper tool. This left the faces as
smooth as a sidewalk.
Work began on Mount Rushmore with George Washington. His head was first carved in an egg shape, and his features added
later. Thomas Jefferson was started on Washington's right. After about two years of working on Jefferson, the granite was found to
be badly cracked and Jefferson had to be blasted off the mountain. He has started again on the left side of Washington.
In 1933, the Memorial came under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service. Julian Spotts, a National Park Service Engineer,
was sent to the site to work with Borglum. Spotts made suggestions on some of the technical aspects, and upgraded the tram to the
top of Mount Rushmore so workers could get up and down the mountain safely, conveniently and quickly. Spotts made
improvements to the efficiency of the air compressors as well. Spotts' reports are on file at Mount Rushmore.
With fanfare Washington's face was dedicated on July 4, 1934. Borglum was a genius at creating interest and excitement in his
mountain carving. Local women from Rapid City made a 39 by 70 foot flag to cover the face before it was revealed to the public.
Thomas Jefferson was dedicated in 1936 with President Franklin Roosevelt attending the dedication. Franklin Roosevelt had no
intention of speaking at the dedication but was inspired by what he saw, and gave a brief speech.
Text adapted from the national park service site

Reading Comprehension
1) It can be inferred from the text that
(A) Borglum was the second option for the carving.
(B) The state historian Doane Robinson had the idea of building the colossal monument in Washington D.C.
(C) The Mount Rushmore has always been the designed place for the monument.
2) The Mount Rushmore was
(A) considered the highest mountain in the state of South Dakota.
(B) Located in a privileged position due to the number of hours of daylight it receives.
(C) The ideal place for the carving because its rocks werent susceptible to any kind of erosion.
3) The phrasal verb blasted off used on the can be replaced for:
(A) enhanced
(B) destroyed
(C) removed

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


in Use

Business English
Formal letter

Formal letter

when you do not know the

name of the recipient

Semi formal letter

Informal letter

when you know the name of showing respect for the

to a friend / member of
the recipient
recipient with whom you are family
on friendly terms



Dear Sir/Madam


Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Smith


Dear Mr/Mrs Smith


Yours faithfully
Helen Parker

Dear John


Yours sincerely
Helen Parker


Best wishes
Helen (Parker)

Best wishes

Exercise 3 - Here are some examples of phrases often used in business letters. Complete the sentences
with the words in the box.


hearing response



16 May





a) Thank you for your letter of the _______________ which I received this morning.
b) I would be _______________ if you could send me some information about summer courses at your school.
c) I _______________ my curriculum vitae for your attention.
d) _______________ I am not available on the date you suggest in your letter.
e) I would be _______________ to attend an interview at any time convenient to you.
f) I am writing to _______________ about the damage caused by your company when they delivered a sofa to me
last week.
g) We look forward to _______________ from you as soon as possible.
h) We would be grateful if you could _______________ your reservation in writing.
i) I am writing in _______________ to your advertisement in The Guardian.
j) I would like to _______________ for the position of IT assistant in your school.

Error Analysis Identify one underline word, or phrase that should be corrected or
1. The determination and ambition are qualities which impress the board when they are shown in job interviews.

2. In the future the investors did contact the vice president of corporate affairs in order to seek information.

3. An assessment should be made to identify the more compatible computer to match our system.

4. The quality control department is waiting anxiously for the arrival of the new equipment which were ordered three

weeks ago.
5. County police who was asked to investigate were able to apprehend the suspects immediately.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1



Money Talks

Introduction - How much does a person living in Rio with an average life spend on:
R$_________ food
R$_________ medical care
R$_________ rent
R$_________ transportation
R$_________ telephone

R$_________ education
R$_________ clothing
R$_________ utilities
R$_________ entertainment
R$_________ others

SO what do billionaires spend their money on? Paul Allen may not be a household name, but he is
one of the worlds richest and most influential men, with a wealth of interests and a gift for ideas.
Paul Allen is the computer genius who, with Bill Gates, launched Microsoft, the worlds largest producer of software, in
1975. Since then, he has built up a fortune estimated at the turn of the century to be worth over $30 billion.
Allen was Vice-President in charge of research and product development when he was diagnosed with Hodgkins
disease, a form of leukaemia. He underwent radiotherapy successfully, but the experience forced him to evaluate his life
and to rethink its direction
Until that point he had been wholly focused on his work with Microsoft, but decided to leave the company in 1983. Before
moving on, however, he secured a seat on the Microsoft board. As he retained a seven per cent share of the companys
stock, the money has continued to roll in.
Allen has dedicated much of his life since then to the causes he cares about. He gives away millions of dollars each
year. He has established charitable foundations to boost the arts, save the trees, promote literacy, build swimming pools,
and fund medical research. He has financed numerous development projects, in and around the city of Seattle, and put
$60 million into Aids research, and to modernizing libraries and theatres.
As soon as an idea is formed, it is translated into action. Typical of Allens approach was his idea for saving and
resurrecting the Cinerama Theatre. While buying laser discs from a video store near where he had grown up, Allen
noticed a Save the Cinerama petition on counter. The Cinerama was once a hugely popular entertainment centre, but in
recent years it had become sad and run down. After learning that it might become a dinner theatre, a rock-climbing club,
or even a parking lot, Allen signed the petition. Then he bought the theatre-for &3.75 million. Americas third-richest
person owns a movie house. The Cinerama was part of my movie-going experience growing up here, he says. I thought
it was important to keep.
In his free time, Allen enjoys surfing the Internet, scuba diving and reading science magazines. He has his own Boeing
757 jet, a yacht with a helipad and recording studio, and a fleet of cars. He owns in Beverley Hills, Manhattan, France and
elsewhere. What he seems to like best, though, is playing guitar with his six-piece band, The Grown Men.
Because Allen is private and generally inaccessible, as billionaires tend to be, he is often described as shy and
reclusive. But he also has an outgoing lifestyle, rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. His lavish parties are
legendary, and his friends include tennis star Monica Sales and musicians Peter Gabriel and Dave Stewart.
Characterized by one friend as smart, modest and likeable, the man whose vision inspired the worlds most successful
company is using his great wealth not only to enrich his own life, but to improve the lives of thousands of others. As a
biography of Bill Gates puts it, Allen is probably the nicest billionaire youll never meet.

It is all about money!!! Match the pairs of expressions about money

A to blow money
B It isnt worth a fortune
C I am flat broke
D He is filthy rich
E It costs nothing
F It costs an arm and a leg
G It isnt worth a bean
H He lives like a king

1 It is priceless
2 to squander around
3 he is wealthy
4 It is a bargain
5 It is worthless
6 I havent got any money
7 he lives in wonderful conditions
8 It is extremely expensive.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1



Singular expressions of quantity

One, each and every are followed immediately by singular count nouns. E.g. One boy was late to class
E.g. Each boy has a schedule
E.g. Every boy has a schedule.
One of, each of, and every one of are followed by specific plural count nouns.
E.g. One of the clients was here
E.g. Each of them has brought a bottle of coke.

Exercise 1 - Some (but not all) of the following sentences contain errors. Find and correct them.
1. Its important for every students to have a book. _____________________________________________________
2. Each of the students in my class has a book. _______________________________________________________
3. Spain is one of the country I want to visit. ___________________________________________________________
4. The teacher gave each of students a test paper. _____________________________________________________
5. Every student in the class did well on the test. _______________________________________________________
6. Every furniture in that room is made of wood. ________________________________________________________
7. One of the equipment in our office is broken. ________________________________________________________
8. I gave a present to each of the woman in the room. ___________________________________________________
9. One of my favourite place in the world is an island in the Caribbean Sea.
10. Each one of yours suitcases will be checked when you go through customs.

Oral Production- Unusual situations Read these stories and discuss what you would have done.
a) I was in the supermarket yesterday and I saw this elderly woman shuffling up and down the aisles.
She didnt have a trolley, and was putting her shopping straight into her basket. Anyway, I thought
nothing more about it and carried on doing my shopping and when I went to queue up to pay, there she
was in front of me. I watched her put one tin of cat food on the counter and pay for it, then she walked
out with her basket full of unpaid shopping.
b) Something awful happened to me last week. Id invited six people round for dinner and you know how
I hate cooking. Anyway, I spent all afternoon preparing the meal and actually I was quite pleased with how
it turned out. I even managed to get all the vegetables ready at the same time as the chicken. So, the
vegetables were on the table and I dont know how it happened, but I dropped it on the kitchen floor and
before I could pick it up, the cat had licked it. She regretted it afterwards, because she burnt her tongue.
c) My friend put me in a really difficult position the other day. Shed bought this dress for a special do and I dont know
why she had to ask me what I thought of it. I mean, she wouldnt have bought it if she didnt like it, would she? And she
paid a fortune for it. Anyway, she put it on and I immediately thought, No, orange is not your color. Not only that, but
some people just havent got the legs short skirts. To be honest, she looked ridiculous.
d) On my last birthday, my husband just gave me an envelope. I was really excited. I thought it was
going to be tickets for a holiday to Egypt. He knew that it was my ambition to see the pyramids.
Anyway, when I opened the envelope, there was a cheque inside for $5,000 and a little note saying,
Happy Birthday darling. Ive booked you a face-lift.
e) I had a very strange experience the other day. I was up in London for a meeting and it was lunch time. It was a
lovely day, so I bought a sandwich and went for walk. I was just on my back to the office when I noticed a scruffy,
bearded man begging in the street. I recognised him immediately. It was someone Id been at university with, a brilliant
rugby player. Hed always been a bit of a rebel, but a very clever man. Wed been very good friends, but Id lost touch
with him when we left university.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Listening Comprehension 9 The pros and cons of the American dream

Few cases tried in a _______________ of law are absolutely black and white. Although justice may seem to favor one
side in the beginning, ultimately there is often a fine line between right and wrong, innocent and ______________,
victim and criminal. Take, for example, the case of two Southeast Asian refugees in Los Angeles who were accused of
killing their pet dog for food. Were these men guilty of committing a _________________ crime against an animal, or
were they victims of a __________________ culture with they were not sufficiently familiar?
Most Americans readily eat the meat of various animals cows, chickens, pigs, even ________________ little ones
like ducks and rabbits but certainly not of dogs or cats; and because many Americans feel so strongly about their
pets, there are laws protecting the animals from negligence and ________________. Where the two men came from,
however, dogs were routinely turned into dinner, and the refugees did not know they would be offending American
sensibilities by eating their dog. In fact, they killed the animal right under the nose of their American neighbor, who, to
their surprise, immediately called the police. The two men were charged with ___________________ to animals.
Animal rights activists, who for years have loudly proclaimed that animals also deserve protection under the law, were
________________ over the act. Using the trial to make a plug for their cause, they picketed the court proceedings,
demanding that the evil criminals pay heavily for what they had done. They even sent death ________________ to
the two men. Their position was clear: The men should be severely punished or expelled from the country,
no____________, ands, or buts about it.
Others, more inclined to measure the weight of the crime against the trauma that the refugees were undergoing, tried
to focus on some of the cultural ____________ involved. They pointed out that those who were obsessed with the
dogs death could not see the forest for the trees; in their passion for revenge, the dogs defenders could not recognize
the broader cultural issues of this case. If Americans were ___________ ethnocentric, it was said, they might see the
refugees crime in a whole new light. In fact, they might begin to understand that their American cultural values were
not necessarily defined by universal moral truths. And if those self-righteous Americans ever lived in another country
and had to ____________ strictly by that countrys cultural standards, they might change their __________completely.
While both sides argued vigorously against each other in the media, the case presented by the lawyers for the
prosecution and the defense would ultimately decide the ___________ of the two men.
The defense attorney first established that because his clients could not have known they were doing anything wrong,
any intent to deliberately break the __________ must be ruled out. But he also argued that the charge of cruelty to
animals would only apply if the men had tortured the dog before killing it. After all, he said, we kill animals every day to
eat them, and no one would suggest that a steak dinner resulted from _________________ to animals!
On the other hand, the prosecutor claimed that immigrants should be held responsible for understanding and obeying
the laws of the land in which they live._________________, there could be no uniform standard of justice for the
country, and chaos would ensue. Although be acknowledge the cultural differences in their background, he said the
men could not have it both ways; if they broke the law, they should be punished, regardless of their country of origin.
Were the two refugees innocent or _______________? The outcome of the trial was up in the air while the jury
deliberated. They carefully considered the ___________ and ___________ of each side and the implications of
convicting the bewildered men of their crime or of letting them go. Finally, they rendered the _________________:
The two men were found not guilty.

Exercise 2 - Combine the sentences, using the second sentence as an adjective clause.
1. The meeting was interesting. I went to it.
2. The man was very kind. I talked to him yesterday.
3. I must thank the people. I got a present from them.
4. The picture was beautiful. She was looking at it.
5. The man is standing over there. I was telling you about him.
6. I ran into a woman. I had gone to elementary school with her.
7. The topic was interesting. Omar talked about it.
8. The people were friendly. I spoke to them.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Debate How to be organized

How do you organize your closet, and your workstation?

Do you consider yourself good at organizing things?
Do you consider yourself an anti-paper person? Why?
Do you consider boring the people who are extremely organized?
Have you ever forgotten an appointment because it wasnt written?

Oticon headquarters is an anti-paper anti-office with mobile

workstations and networked computers. There are plenty of
workstations, but no one is sitting at them. People are
always on the move. One reason employees are free to
move around is that they dont have to drag lots of paper
with them.

1 Do you wish you could get away from your desk more?

Every morning, people visit the companys second-floor

paper room to sort through incoming mail. They may keep
a few magazines and reports to work with for the day, but
they run everything else trough an electronic scanner and
throw the originals into a shredder that empties into
recycling bins on the ground floor.

2 Be honest. How much of your own paperwork is basically

just rubbish?

Its hard to imagine a more disorganized organization than

Oticon. But, over the years, Lars Kolind and his Danish
colleagues have built a business so successful that they have
captured the imagination of business innovators around the
world. At Oticon, teams form, disband and form again as the
work requires. The company has a hundred or so projects at
any one time, and most people work on several projects at

3 Do you like multi-tasking or do you prefer to work on one

thing at a time?

The most important communication is face-to-face

communication, says Torben Petersen, who led the
development of Oticons new information systems. When
people move around and sit next to different people, they
learn something about what others are doing, says Poul Erik
Lyregaard, Oticons R&D leader. They also learn to respect
what those people do. Theyre not just those bloody fools
in marketing.

Do you agree that face-to-face communication is the
most effective? Do you think that cross-functional teams

Kolind sums it up: To keep a company alive, one of the jobs

of top management is to keep it disorganized.

5 Can you sum up the article in a sentence?

Did you know that..

due to = because of

In order to = to

IF = whether
should = ought to

would rather = prefer

had better = should

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Error Analysis Identify what that should be corrected or rewritten.

1. Those having problems with mathematics, which are an exact science, have to train themselves to be analytical.
2. Economics are considered one of the most important subjects that business majors take in graduate school.
3. The company that offers incentives and additional benefits to its employees are more successful than the
one that does not
4. Because our flight was filled to capacity, we were unable to get the sets we had requested and which
had been reserved for ours.
5.The most sophisticated computers should challenge the sharpest minds to develop the more efficient and cleverest
programs possible.

Sorry, blame it on me Akon

As life goes on, I'm starting to _____________ more and
more about responsibility.
And I realize that everything I do is affecting the people
around me.
So I wanna take this time out to apologize for
_____________ that Ive done,
Things that haven't occurred ___________,
And things that they dont wanna take responsibility for.
Im sorry for the times that I ___________ you home
I was on the road and you were alone
Im sorry for the times that I had to go
Im sorry for the fact that I did not _____________
That you were sitting ____________ just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
Im sorry for the times I would neglect
Im sorry for the times I ____________________
Im sorry for the wrong things that Ive done
Im sorry Im not always there for my ____________
Im sorry for the ____________ that Im not aware
That you can't sleep at night when I am not there
Because Im in the _______________ like everyday
Im sorry for the things that I did not say
And how you are the best thing in my world
And how Im so proud to call you my ______________
I understand that theres some problems
And Im not too _____________ to know
All the pain you kept inside you
__________ _____________ you might not show
If I can't apologize for being wrong
Then its just a _______________ on me
Ill be the reason for your pain
And you can put the ______________ on me

Im sorry that you had to go and sell those ___________

Just trying to stay busy until you heard from dad
When you would __________ be home with all your kids
As one big family with love and bliss
And even though pops treated us like ______________
He got a second wife and you didnt agree
He got up and left you there all alone
Im sorry that you had to do it on your own
Im sorry that I went and added to your ______________
Im sorry that your son was once a thief
Im sorry that I grew up way to fast
I ____________ I would of listened and not be so bad
Im sorry that your life turned out this way
Im sorry that the feds came and took me away
Im sorry that it took ______ ____________ to see
What they did wrong, trying put it on me
Im sorry that it took so long to speak
But I was _____ ___________ with Gwen Stefani
Im sorry for the ____________ that she was dealt
And for the embarrassment that she felt
Shes just a little young girl trying have fun
But daddy should of never let her out that ___________
Im sorry for Club Zen getting shut down
I hope they ______________ better next time around
How was I to know she was ___________________
In a 21 and older club they say
Why doesnt _________________ wanna take blame
Verizon backed out, disgracing my name
Im just a singer trying ________________
Because I love my fans, Ill take that blame
Even though the blames on you
Ill take that blame from you

Im sorry for the things that he put you ______________

And all the times you didnt know what to do

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Good Money Management Begins with an Allowance

The best tool parents have for teaching financial responsibility is an allowance. Even very young
children should have discretionary funds to spend as they see fit. Saving, decision-making, planning,
sharing, charity, and responsibility are just some of the lessons that can be taught through an
It's important to clarify that an allowance isn't money a child earns for doing chores. Children should have ageappropriate tasks they're expected to do without pay simply because they are members of a family.
An allowance is part of the parents' responsibility to meet the needs of the family. The amount of the allowance depends
on the child's age and the parents' income. It should be adequate to meet the child's needs but not necessarily every
want. Perhaps the most important benefit of an allowance is learning to develop independent thought. Expect children to
do some unexpected things with their money, but allow them to make their own mistakes. The important thing is not to
rescue them with more money. Help them work through their own solutions.
We suggest the following tips for teaching financial responsibility:
Teach philanthropy at an early age. A portion of a child's allowance 10 percent should be allocated to
charity. Encourage children to participate in canned good, clothing, or toy drives for charities. Help them to respond to
natural disasters, such as hurricanes or earthquakes, outside their community by donating money to help.
Teach saving at an early age. It's important to put something aside for the future. Teach your children that saving
isn't for leftover money. Both the allocations for charity and savings should be made before any discretionary spending
takes place. As with the donations to charity suggested above, the child should be encouraged to set aside the same
portion of allowance 10 percent for savings. Children should have savings accounts by the time they're 8 years
old. If older children don't have savings accounts, remember it's never too late to start a savings account for a child.
Encourage an entrepreneurial spirit. If children have a special goal, encourage them to find ways to earn the
necessary funds. Don't create unnecessary jobs just so they can meet the goal. That's the same as giving them the
money. Let them find a job and make the offer. If it meets a need and the price is right, hire them.
Never reward good behavior with tangible gifts. Goodness is its own reward. Your approval and words of praise
should be sufficient. Paying for good behavior leaves parents open for juvenile blackmail. Parents don't want to hear, "I'll
stop crying if you take me to the toy store," or "I'll come home on time if you buy me a new stereo."
Don't try to compensate your children for your own deprivation as a child. There are some purchases that
signify changes of lifestyle and qualify as rites of passage. Allow your children the pleasure and pride that making those
purchases for themselves can bring.
Teaching children financial responsibility can be an exciting and fun-filled experience. It's not always easy, but when
parents are consistent, the rewards are immeasurable. Parents will be giving their children skills that will benefit them for
the rest of their lives.
Reading Comprehension
1. Allowances should help kids...
a) having financial responsibility.
b) doing charity.
c) being kids.
2. The amount a kid should receive from their
parents has to...
a) be exactly what kids want.
b) meet kids needs.
c) rescue them when they need.

3. Children are supposed to...

a) separate money for charity first of all.
b) spend the money the way they want, and then
allocate some for charity.
c) allocate 10 percent for charity and saving
before they start spending the money.
4. According to the text:
a) parents should encourage good behavior with
b) when kids say they want to go to a new store,
parents should take them.
c) parents reward due to good behavior should
be of approval and words of praise.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


in Use

Being polite

Exercise 3 - Youve just got a new boss. Your old boss was rude and a nightmare to work for. Fortunately, your
new boss is much nicer. Look at some of things your old boss used to you below and change them into what your
new boss would probably say using a polite question form. Think carefully about word order and grammar.
1 Coffee!

1 Could you ________________________________________

2 Remember to use the spell check in future!

2 Would you please __________________________________

3 I want a word with you in private!

3 Could I ___________________________________________

4 Where do I plug this mobile in?

4 Is there somewhere _________________________________

5 Check these figures again!

5 Would you mind ____________________________________

6 How does this damn computer work?

6 Could you tell _____________________________________

7 Whats the phone code for Greece?

7 Do you happen ____________________________________

8 Youll have to work overtime this evening.

8 Do you think I could ask _____________________________

Exercise 4 - When youre rushing around on business, its easy to sound more aggressive than you mean to. The
business traveller on the right is rather stressed. Use polite question forms or indirect questions to make him sound
more polite.
a) I want a window seat. _______________________________________________________
b) Help me with my bags! ______________________________________________________
c) Wheres a cash point? _______________________________________________________
d) Change this twenty-pound note! _______________________________________________
e) Dont drive so fast! __________________________________________________________
f) Lend me your mobile! ________________________________________________________
g) I need to recharge my laptop somewhere. ________________________________________
h) Youll have to give me three separate receipts. ____________________________________
i) What time is it? _____________________________________________________________
h) How far is it to the airport? ____________________________________________________

Exercise 5 - Create a conversation with polite requests.

1. You and I are good friends. Were in my apartment. You want to use the phone.
2. Im your instructor. You want to leave class early.
3. You call your friend. Her name is () I answer the phone. You and I dont know each other.
4. Im your supervisor at work. You knock on my half-open office door. Im sitting at my desk. You want to come in.
5. Im Dr. Norths secretary. You want to make an appointment to see Dr. North.
6. Were roommates. You want to tape (a particular program) on the VCR tonight while youre away at a meeting.
7. Im a stranger next to you at an airport check-in line. You want me to save your place in line and keep an eye on
your luggage while get a drink of water.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Heal the World


You drink it, wash in it and flush the toilet with it every day.
But how much do you appreciate the finer points of the liquid that sustains life?
Try our quiz to test your knowledge of the uses - and diminishing supplies - of water around the world.
1. The average African uses the same amount of
water in a day as someone in the USA uses when

5. How many people in the world do not have

access to clean drinking water?

a) Brush their teeth for two minutes with the tap

b) Run a lawn sprinkler for a minute
c) Flush a toilet
d) Any of the above

a) 1 in 3
b) 1 in 6

6) What proportion of the worlds major rivers are

seriously polluted or depleted?
a) 10%
b) 25%

2. The number of people dying from waterborne

disease is equal to how many large passenger jets
crashing every day?
a) 8
b) 24

a) Russia
b) India

3. Most of the Earth is made up of sea. But exactly

what proportion of our planets water is not salty?

c) Egypt
d) Germany

8) The World Commission on Water estimates that

it would cost an extra $100bn a year to tackle global
water scarcity. What is this roughly equivalent to?

c) 4.2%
d) 2.5%

a) The amount spent on ocean cruises, make-up and

ice-cream yearly
b) The net worth of Microsoft chief Bill Gates
c) The estimated value of the worldwide bottled water
d) A quarter of the US budget deficit

4. It takes between 0.4 and three cubic metres of

water to produce a kilogramme of cereals. How
much does a kilo of grain-fed beef need?
a) 3
b) 5

c) 50%
d) 75%

7) Which of these countries uses most water per

person per year?

c) 46
d) 69

a) 0.5%
b) 15%

c) 1 in 10
d) 1 in 20

c) 10
d) 15

Oral production Environmental biggest problems




 Climate change

ever words

The following ever words give the idea of any. Whenever, whatever, whichever, wherever,
whoever, however.

E.g. Whoever wants to come is welcome.

Anyone who wants to come is welcome.
E.g. You may go whenever you want to.
You may go anytime that you wish.

E.g. He always says whatever he wants to.

He always says anything that he wants to.
E.g. You may put it wherever you want to.
You may put it in anyplace you want to.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Exercise 1 Complete the sentences below with ever compounds.

1. You are welcome to come and stay with us _________________ you like.
2. I'd like to speak to __________________ is in charge of sales.
3. ___________________ you do, don't forget to call me as soon as you arrive.
4. It comes in three colors; choose ___________________ you prefer.
5. What do you want to do on Saturday? I don't mind - ____________________ you like!
6. He always makes friends quickly, ___________________ he goes.
7. _______________ borrowed the dictionary should return it as quickly as possible.
8. The teacher says I don't participate enough, but ____________________ I try to speak, someone
interrupts me!
9. There is no entrance fee; you give ___________________ you can afford.
10. He says he's from Brookstown, ___________________ that is.

Exercise 2 - Combine each pair of sentences. Use the given time words if they are possible and
appropriate to the meaning. Cross out inappropriate ones. In the new sentences, omit unnecessary
words, make any necessary changes (paying special attention to verb forms), and punctuate
1. Susan sometimes feels nervous. Then she chews her nails.
a) whenever b) before c) every time
2. Their frying pan caught on fire. I was making dinner at that time.
a) by the time b) while c) as soon as
3. We were sitting down to eat. Someone knocked on the door at that moment.
a) just as b) just after c) just before
4. The singer finished her song. The audience immediately burst into applause.
a) as long as b) as soon as c) immediately after
5. We have to wait here. Nancy will come.
a) as soon as b) after c) until
6. Nancy will come. We can leave for the theatre.
a) after b) as soon as c) when
7) My roommate walked into the room yesterday. I immediately knew that something was wrong.
a) just as soon as b) when c) whenever

Woman: Today we are broadcasting live from a recycling _____________. We have with us Mr. Lloyd Andrews, the
manager of this plant, who is going to tell us more about what recycling involves and why we should all get into the
_________________ of doing it.
LA: Thank you for giving me this opportunity to tell more people about the benefits of recycling because our
______________ at this plant is to make everyone more conscious of the need to become involved in recycling. In
particular, we hope to persuade children and teenagers to volunteer their services to this much needed task.
Woman: But why should we recycle?
LA: Our planet is becoming a ______________ garbage dump. By recycling we can reduce the amount of garbage
we put into landfill sites and cut down on incineration.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Most people, if you ask them, will tell you they are definitely in favor of recycling, but when it comes down to doing it
collecting their newspaper and magazines and putting them in the _______________ container down the street its
a totally different matter. Everyone is good in theory but not in practice.
Today I would like to make people _______________of how easy it is to get into recycling and just how important it is
that you do so.
Woman: Is everything recyclable?
LA: No, not everything, but much of our _____________ is. Here at this plant we recycle glass, aluminum, paper,
plastics and even things like fruit and vegetable peels and the grass you cut from your backyard. You can buy a
home compost machine, which is very cheap and turn all these bio-degradable waste products into
_________________ for your plants. Governments the world over are aiming at recycling 25% of their waste
products. the Germans have reached 30%, but Switzerland and the Netherlands are the world leaders in __________
recycling. The former recycling 84% of the glass they use and the latter ____________________%.
Woman: how can we get people interested in recycling?
LA: Well no one can make you recycle, and in this country we are generally badly informed about environmental
issues. We need to start young, with schools teaching our children about the necessity of recycling. People must be
made aware that ________________ sites are filling up and soon well have no more room for dumping our waste
like this. Not only that, but its becoming expensive to get rid of household wastes in holes in the ________________
and recycling is becoming economically necessary.
One of the problems has had is one of image. Traditionally it has been seen as the job of do-gooders and many
people still see it as that. Also for some people recycled products are inferior its like using
________________________ materials and theyd rather buy new goods. Weve got to tackle this negative attitude
and show people that recycled products are as good as new ones.
Woman: So where do we take our recyclable items?
LA: Most neighborhoods have recycling containers nowadays and there are different containers for different
materials one for _______________, one for glass, one for paper, and one for aluminum. And you know, it is
possible to limit our household waste by 50% if we recycle. If dont want to go a dump there are companies who will
come and collect your waste from your house. These companies are in the business of collecting recyclable materials
door to door and selling them on, so not only are they helping our environment and people who would not recycle on
their own they are also turning over a _________________.
Woman: Thats brilliant.

Exercise 3 Read this letter from Dorothy to her friend Sam. Complete the letter with appropriate words
Anyway news but Well apparently feel soon hear what getting Apart pleased heard thing sorry
forward applied loads embarrassing By the way

Calabria, 14 July
Dear Sam,
It was great to (1) __________ from you. Im (2) __________ I havent written sooner, (3) __________ my mother hasnt been
very well, so Ive been looking after her. Shes a lot better now.
I was so (4) __________ to hear about your promotion. You deserve it youve worked so hard at that job. (5) __________ done!
I wish you were still living in Calabria so we could go out and celebrate.
Actually, Ive got some good (6) __________too Ive got a new job! You know I was fed up with my old job. Well, one day I was
just looking through the ads in my local newspaper when I saw a job for an English School administrator. As you know, Ive been
looking for a job where I could use my English. So I (7) __________for the job and got it. Im really enjoying it and Ive already
learnt (8) __________ of news things. I have to answer the phone (sometimes in English!), send out information about the school
and deal with any problems the students have. And the best (9) __________ is that Im getting more money!
(10) __________, have you (11) __________ about Anna and Giorgio?
Theyve called off the wedding. Ive no idea why, but (12) __________ Giorgios gone back to Italy and Annas refusing to talk to
anybody about it, even her old friends. I (13) __________ sorry for her parents theyve sent out all the invitations and now
theyve got to tell everybody that the weddings cancelled. How (14) __________! I wonder if shes given him back that gorgeous
ring? (15) __________, I suppose its better that theyve split up now rather than after the wedding!
(16) __________ from that, everythings fine here in Calabria. Its getting hot and Im looking (17) __________ to going on holyday
in August. Dont forget that youre always welcome to come and stay wed love to see you.
Anyway, I must go now. Write (18) __________ and tell me how youre (19) __________ on.
Love, Dorothy
PS Guess (20) __________! Ive finally finished my Spanish course!.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Exercise 4 Complete the table.





Exercise 5 - Complete the following sentences by choosing another form from the box.
1 Industry has been growing fast in East Asia. ____________ Growth has been particularly rapid in China.
2 The National Trust was established to conserve what was interesting and special in the British heritage.
Its establishment in 1895 led to an early popular interest in the ____________________ of the national
landscape and its greatest buildings.
3 In the past the islanders always depended on fishing as their main source of food. Recently, however,
this ____________________ has been considerably reduced, while their reliance on farming has become
significantly greater. The reduction in fishing has been caused over-fishing in the waters around the island.
4 The directors always knew that the investment was a fairly risky one, but they were also aware that















____________________ was acceptable. As it happened, their decision turned out to be a very good one.
5 Clearly, pollution cannot be cannot be stopped altogether in todays world. But just as obviously, we
could expect some of the worst environmental damage to be prevented if we require those who
____________________ to pay the harm they do to the environment.

Produo Oral
We will need 60% more food to meet the needs of the world's growing population in the next 30 years, according to
UN figures. Although the world's population has doubled since 1960, food production has more than kept up. But
pressures are mounting on the land and water resources we need to feed the planet. BBC News asked a range of
experts how we can meet our growing demand for food without destroying the environment.
"The best way is through the economies of scale in
corporate farming"
Dennis Treacy, Smithfield Foods

"If people eat less meat then yes it's quite possible to
feed the world in a sustainable way"
Peter Melchett, Policy Director, Soil Association

"We need to recognize the consequences of what we

buy and where we buy it"
Tom Oliver, Campaign to Protect Rural England

"More food must be produced while using and

degrading less water"
Anders Berntell, Stockholm International Water Institute

"Urgent attention must be given to better policies,

investments and incentives"
Stan Wood, Senior Scientist, IFPRI

"There is a whole host of technical and political

options which can be combined" "
Josef Schmidhuber, Senior economist, FAO

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Fantasy Mariah Carey

I'm so deep in my __________________
When you walk ________ every night

But its just a sweet sweet fantasy baby

Talking _________ and looking fine

Images of _____________

I get kind of __________ inside

______________ into me slowly

Baby, Im so _____________ you

As you're going through my head

Darling if you only knew

And my heart __________ faster

All the things that __________ through

When you take me over

My mind

Time and time and timeagain

But its just a




Sweet sweet fantasy baby

Im in heaven

When I________ my eyes

With my boyfriend

You come and take me

My lovely boyfriend

On and on and on

There's no beginning and theres no end

Feels like Im dreaming but Im not sleeping

CRASH! Dotcom
Boo.com was one of Europes biggest dotcom disasters, and looking back, its not hard to see why it all went so wrong.

In May 1999, the company had about $120 million from investors and seemed to be one of the brightest stars of the
new company. The founders spent $25 million on advertising, which meant that they ran out of funds very quickly.
They took on hundreds of employees, leaving the company with a huge wave bill every month. They had no
competent financial director and wasted millions more on jetting round the world, staying at expensive hotels and
giving large parties. The website itself was far too complicated and this made it much too slow. They sold very few
clothes because their prices were much too high. In May 2000, with a weekly income of $500,000, weekly expenses of
$1.500, 000, and no more money in the bank, it was clear that the game was up and the company collapse.

Exercise 2 - Read the passage about the collapse of the online sports clothing retailer boo.com.
Say what the company should or shouldnt have done, and explain why.
1 (advertising) _______________________________________________________________________________
2 (employees) _______________________________________________________________________________
3 (financial director) ___________________________________________________________________________
4 (complicated website) ________________________________________________________________________
5 (prices) ___________________________________________________________________________________

1 The teacher told the little girl to make do her homework if she wants to make do any progress.
2 The salesman made did his best to persuade the young lady to buy the postcards.
3 The maid makes does all the housework but she always forgets to make do the beds.
4 Do you think he will make do good impression in the interview?
5 Whos going to make do all the arrangements for the party?
6 Drinking so much can only make do him a lot of harm.
7 How long have you been making
doing exercises?
8 Could you make do me a favor, please?
9 - We often make do business with that tall blue-eyed man from Germany

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Planet Under Pressure - We are a successful breed. Our advance from our hominid origins
has brought us near-dominance of the world, and a rapidly accelerating understanding of it.
Scientists now say we are in a new stage of the Earth's history, the Anthropocene Epoch, when we ourselves have become the
globe's principal force. But several eminent scientists are concerned that we have become too successful - that the
unprecedented human pressure on the Earth's ecosystems threatens our future as a species. We confront problems more
intractable than any previous generation, some of them at the moment apparently insoluble. We are going to take a detailed look
at six areas where most experts agree that a crisis is brewing:
Food: An estimated 1 in 6 people suffer from hunger and malnutrition while attempts to grow food are damaging swathes of
productive land.
Water: By 2025, two-thirds of the world's people are likely to be living in areas of acute water stress.
Energy: Oil production could peak and supplies start to decline by 2010
Climate change: The world's greatest environmental challenge, according to the UK prime minister Tony Blair, with increased
storms, floods, drought and species losses predicted.
Biodiversity: Many scientists think the Earth is now entering its sixth great extinction phase.
Pollution: Hazardous chemicals are now found in the bodies of all new-born babies, and an estimated one in four people
worldwide are exposed to unhealthy concentrations of air pollutants.
All six problems are linked and urgent, so a list of priorities is little help. It is pointless to preserve species and habitats, for
example, if climate change will destroy them anyway, or to develop novel crops if the water they need is not there. And underlying
all these pressures is a seventh - human population.
There are already more than six billion of us, and on present trends the UN says we shall probably number about 8.9 billion by
2050. Population growth means something else, too: although the proportion of people living in poverty is continuing to fall, the
absolute number goes on rising, because fecundity outstrips our efforts to improve their lives. Poverty matters because it leaves
many people no choice but to exploit the environment, and it fuels frustration. Above all, it condemns them to stunted lives and
early deaths - both avoidable.
As many see it, we are not doing too badly. More people are living healthier and longer lives. For increasing numbers, the future
offers living standards undreamt of even a generation ago. But we do have to think through the implications of our success and to
realize its weaknesses. Living within the planet's means need not condemn us to giving up what we now assume we need for a full
life, just to sharing it. The challenge we
face is not about feeling guilty for our
consumption or virtuous for being "green"
- it is about the growing recognition that,
as the human race, we stand or fall
Ingenuity and technology
continue to offer hope of a better world.
But they can promise only so much.
You do not need ingenuity and
technology to save the roughly 30,000
under-fives who die daily from hunger or
easily preventable diseases. And facing
up to the planet's pressure points is about
their survival, and ours.
Reading Comprehension
1. Prestigious scientists agree that
a) Earths population puts the planets future in danger.
b) Earths ecosystem has become too successful.
c) food, water, nuclear energy, climate change, biodiversity and pollution are our biggest problems.
2. Population is growing
a) because we make an effort to improve their lives.
b) and the number of people living in poverty is also rising.
c) even tough the number of people living in poverty is falling.
3. From the charts, we can conclude that:
a) the fertiliser consumption only increase from 1925 to 2000.
b) the population increased 1 billion from 1825 to 1925.
c) the number of cars increase 400 million in 25 years.

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


General review
1 Pam got a job __________ a cashier in the supermarket on weekends to earn extra money.
(a) doing
(b) like
(c) being
(d) as
2 Much to everyones surprise, the two sisters ________ a fortune in the bank when they died.
(a) were having
(b) had
(c) had had
(d) to have
3 If I __________ there, I would have helped her with it.
(a) have been
(b) could be
(c) was
(d) had been
4 This is the street ____________ I live in.
(a) when
(b) it
(c) where
(d) which
5 ____________ of us had never seen such a fantastic fireworks display.
(a) some
(b) one
(c) not any
(d) none
6 I am going to NY on the weekend. You ___________ see my sister, Louise, while you are there.
(a) must
(b) ought
(c) will
(d) be able to
7 Some children ___________ by their parents to learn to read and write before they go to school.
(a) are being helped
(b) are helping
(c) helped
(d) are helped
8 Joshua hasnt looked well since he _________ on a diet.
(a) went
(b) gone
(c) goes

(d) go
Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Irregular Verbs

Past simple

Past participle


Past simple

Past participle


burnt / burned
dreamt/ dreamed
knelt / kneeled

burnt / burned
(been able)


lay / lied
lit / lighted
hand to
read / red
smelt /smelled
spilt /spilled

lied / lain
lit / lighted
(had to)
read / red /
smelt /smelled

Quiz Languages

On the go 1


Quiz Languages

On the go 1


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