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Vol. 10, No.

Vol. 11, No. 12

October 1, 2014
November 1, 2015

Peanuts for Christmas

We will be offering a six week study called The Christmas Experience
beginning Tuesday, December 1. Each session involves a video
segment followed by group study and interaction. You will have two
opportunities to participate each week, as sessions will begin at
10:00AM and 6:00PM in the Deen Building. Choose the one most
convenient for you, and prepare your heart for celebrating the Christ
child. Be sure to check the weekly bulletin for scripture reading to
prepare for each weeks lesson.

December 24, 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Communion Service

You wont want to miss the annual candlelight service. It is
always beautiful. This year, we are hosting a baby shower for
Jesus. We are asking that you bring any baby items with you to the
service. All collected items will benefit the ABC Room.

In this Edition
Children and youth (pg. 2)
Methodist Day School (pg. 3)

Important Dates (p. 4)

Calendar (p. 5)

Part of our
family tradition at this
time of year is to watch
some of our favorite
seasonal shows and
movies. Among those is A
Charlie Brown Christmas,
which we watched this
past weekend. (Actually I
had to re-watch it since I
fell asleep the first time!)
Many of you are familiar
with this classic show that
celebrates its 50th
anniversary this year.
Since it is a favorite of so
many people, I want to
share a few thoughts from
the show that might
encourage us in this
holiday season.
1. You can't
out-decorate the dog.
(cont. on pg. 6)

Did you know that by taking a

moment to cut out a label from
some of your grocery items our
local schools can receive money
to obtain items they need? Simply look for the
Box Tops for Education label found on a variety
of products (i.e., cereals, paper products, office/
school supplies, produce, clothing, etc.), cut
out the label, drop it at the church office, and
our local schools will receive $0.10 per box top!

The Youth Group meets every Wednesday

night, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. This year,
they are starting a band! Come join us for the
fun, fellowship and FOOD (dinner is served
each Wednesday!)

K5 Kids Choir & K5 Kids

are off to a great start!
Join us on Wednesdays
for choir, then stay for
dinner and devotional
time from 5:30 p.m.
until 7:00 p.m.
Youth Service Project
Our Youth Group is looking for ways to serve
our congregation with possible service
projects. If you have any small jobs you may
need done, please contact Jerry Don Huff 214458-2004. Thank you all for your support!
Donations Welcomed
The Youth are looking for donations of soda to
help fill their machine in the
Deen Building. If you would like
to help, please bring some of the
following: Coke, Diet Coke, Coke
Zero, A&W Root Beer, Sprite,
Pepsi, Dr. Pepper and/or Diet Dr.
Pepper. Your support is greatly

Food Drive
We are sponsoring
the Middle School back
pack program once
again. This vital
program sends
backpacks filled with
food home each
weekend with
students in need.
Items should be easily
opened and consumed
by a child (nothing requiring a can opener).
Small containers and single-servings are
helpful, as well. I was hungry, and you gave
me food. (Matthew 25:35)

Methodist Day School

Our director Amanda Crawford celebrated her 15th year at the
Methodist Day School. She started working October 27, 2000.
She was hired by Kellie Padilla, and started working in the
Baby Room. She has worked in most of the class rooms and
now is our Director.
When Amanda is not at the Day School, She is busy with her
own family. Her 2 oldest daughters, attend Stephen F. Austin,
one is a senior and the other a sophomore. She also has 2
active boys, one in 8th grade and one in 4th grade.
If you have a chance, drop by and tell her congrats. She is doing
a super job and we appreciate her.
On November 18, 2015, our day school board helped serve
Thanksgiving dinner to the children and their parents and
grandparents. We had a feast: Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, cabbage casserole and mac & cheese,
home made by our youth in our church, and dessert. All was so
Speaking of our youth, they have volunteered to help paint
some of the class rooms in the Sowers building. Some of these
rooms are used by ours childrens Sunday school. Thank you youth and leaders.
At the present time we have 79 children enrolled in our Methodist Day School, with 9 full time staff.
Thank Yous
Dear Russell Family,
We appreciate the support and especially the prayers for us
since our accident. Your prayers continue to be answered.
We know that God has been with us every step of the way.
We are truly blessed and continue to improve.
We still miss all of you,
LaNell and Lawson

Community Outreach Program

Neighbor to Neighbor Lunch
11 am-1pm
Fourth Saturday of each month
Deen Building - George Hall

Please contact Gerda David for

details (214-538-0192).

Happy Birthday!
Kellie Caldwell
Jack Golden
Robby Groover
Theil Shastid
Nelda Currie
Kelles Miller
Stan Reed
Kay Crosby
Tony Glover
Mary Helen
Claira Huff
Clark Shupp


Suzey Caldwell
Katie Keller
Jim Lamb
Jared McDonald
Nancy McDonald
Jerry Don Huff
Jim Sandifer
David Berry
Margie Aston
Patt AuBuchon


November Worship Assistants

Altar Guild: Carolyn Hawkins (Chair), Marigrace Lang, Maxine
Page, Barbara Lamb, Molly Brittain
Ushers: Barbara Lamb (Head), Cathy Wilcoxson, Carolyn
Hawkins, Ron Butler
Our Presence and Our Gifts
Nov. 1
Nov. 8
Nov. 15
the early service
Sunday School
Traditional Worship

Nov. 22


Calendar of Events for December

Dates to Remember!
December 1, 10:00am or 6:00pm Start of The Christmas Experience Study
December 2, 7:00pm White Gift Service at WPHS
December 6, 12:00pm Church Potluck and Ladies Hand Bell Christmas Concert
December 6-11, George Hall Closed for Angel Tree Sorting
December 11, 8am-2pm, 6pm-8pm, Angel Tree Hand Outs
December 12, Christmas on the Bricks, Downtown Wills Point
December 13, 11:00am All Choir Christmas Program
December 16, 6:00pm Kids Christmas Program and Spaghetti Supper
December 24, 7:00pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (Baby shower for Jesus benefiting
the ABC Room)



10:00am The
Christmas Experience





7:00pm White Gift 12pm-2pm
Art Class
7:30pm Adult Choir

9 Angel Tree
10 Angel Tree
5:30pm K5 Choir
6:00pm K5 Kids/
Art Class
Youth Group
6:00pm Ladies
Hand Bells
7:30pm Adult Choir

11 Angel Tree
8am-2pm Angel
Tree hand out

6:00pm Kids
Christmas Program
and Spaghetti

Art Class




Christmas Eve
7:00pm Christmas
Eve Candlelight

Christmas Day


10:00am Cake at

6:00pm The
Christmas Experience

6 Angel Tree
8:30 am Early
9:45am Sunday
11:00am Worship
12:00pm Potluck/
Bell Concert

7 Angel Tree
10:00 am Ladies
Prayer Group

8 Angel Tree
10:00am The
Christmas Experience

13 All Choir
8:30 am Early
9:45 am Sunday
11:00 am Worship
2:00pm Crestwood

10:00 am Ladies
Prayer Group
6:00pm Day
School Board
7:00pm Finance

10:00am The
Christmas Experience

8:30 am Early
9:45 am Sunday
11:00 am Worship

10:00 am Ladies
Prayer Group

10:00am The
Christmas Experience

8:30 am Early
9:45am Sunday
11:00 am Worship

10:00 am Ladies
Prayer Group

6:00pm The
Christmas Experience

6:00pm The
Christmas Experience

6:00pm The
Christmas Experience



6pm-8pm Angel
Tree hand out

Christmas on the
Bricks, downtown
Wills Point

Neighbor to
Neighbor (?)
Lunch 11 am1pm

New Years Eve

Angel Tree Food

Dont Forget! We are collecting peanut butter
and canned fruit, all sizes and quantities are

(cont. from pg. 1) obsess about your decorations. In the show Snoopy decorates his dog
house and enters it in a display contest. As you can expect, Snoopy wins first prize. Putting up
Christmas decorations can be quite fun and rewarding. If it becomes anything beyond that,
something may be wrong. If you are one of those people who go "all out" with decorating, let me
say first that my family and I appreciate it, as I am certain many others do as well. We love to drive
around and enjoy the Christmas lights displayed by others. Keep this in mind: the appreciation of
others, or even your own compulsion, should not create an oppressive burden for you. Decorate
to the extent that you enjoy it. Beyond that, let it go! Remember, Snoopy will always win the
2. A little love can go a long way. Perhaps the most iconic part of the show is the tree
that Charlie Brown selects. He is drawn to the tree because of his compassionate Christmas spirit,
not being overly-impressed by the glitz and sparkle of the other trees. He brings it to his friends,
only to endure their scorn. He then takes it home and tries to decorate it, but it loses its stature
under the weight of a single ornament. Dispirited, Charlie Brown walks away. For some people this
year - possibly ourselves - the Christmas season will bring similar feelings of hopelessness.
Whatever high hopes we had and plans we have attempted come to nothing. This is where a little
love goes a long way. Linus has the right attitude about the tree: "Maybe it just needs a little love."
He puts his blanket around the base of the tree and straightens the branches. Others follow his
lead, working with the tree until it stands impressive and beautiful. You may encounter someone
this year who is feeling pretty "Charlie Brown-ish." A little love from you may change their whole
3. Jesus puts everything else in focus. Charlie Brown's struggle from the beginning of
the show is that he is searching for meaning. He is trying to make sense of it all: Christmas cards
(or his failure to receive them), decorations, school plays. Someone must be able to offer an
explanation of why we endure so much fuss. Once again Linus provides the answer. "Now there
were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by
night." Linus goes on quoting from Luke chapter 2, telling the story of an angel announcing the
birth of a Savior. Jesus is the answer to the "why." So when you feel stressed and distraught this
month, let your mind dwell on Christ. He will provide the peace and focus you need.

Pastor Dave
Opportunities to Dedicate
Are you looking for a special way to honor or memorialize a special person or people? We have a
great way to do just that! You can donate a 1/2 pew ($300), a hymnal ($30), and/or a Bible ($15) in
honor/memory of your loved one(s). Contact the church office if you are interested.

Remember in Prayer:
Allen Thompson
Andy Anderson
Annette Clemmons
Audrey Cairns
Ben Carter
Bennie Scott
Billy & Dorothy Bruster
Chris Cagle
Cody Clark
Conner Mitchell
Crestwood Residents
David Cartwright & Family
Debbie White
Mr. Cory
Denise Reed
Dennis & Beth Basham
Desiree Rector
Edna (Ms. Galopes sister)

Gerda David
Harry Reaves
Henry McNair
Homeland Security
Jean Allred
Jim & Diane Sandifer
John Buffington
John Neil
Jonny Wade & Family
Joy Bills
Ken & Rosa Davis
Liz Ellis
Loulie Hunsecker
Margaret & Ron Butler
Mark & Betty Batchel
Mimi Miles
Missionaries in Iraq
Molly Curtis Case

In memory of
Vic Jordan
Given by
Sammy & Donna Gunter, Dr. Bob & Fritz
Gilbreth, Charlie, Stacey, Sarah & Elizabeth Ellis,
Fred Smith, Ted Deen, Sr., and Robert & Linda
In memory of
Vic & Marlene Jordan
In honor of their November birthdays,
Given by
Jim & Margie Rodriguez.
In memory of
Betty Reinhardt
Given by
Billy & Dorothy Bruster.
In memory of
Kenneth Willoughby
Given by

Nancy Pride
Norma Hundley
Our Armed Forces (America)
Our World
Mark Brown
Pat Mitchell
Students, Teachers, &
Theresa Turner
Thomas Roddy
Tracey Kinney
Tricia Wyatt
Trish Brian
Vicitims in Paris & Mail
Windy Howard

Ted Deen, Sr.

In memory of
Arbee McKnight
Given by
Sammy & Donna Gunter.

Rev. David Cartwright, Pastor

Nancy McDonald, Office Administrator
Theresa Turner, Ladies Hand Bells Director
Denise Ross, Pianist
Amy Skinner, K5 Choir Director

Dr. Bob Gilbreth, Music Director

Fritz Gilbreth, Organist
Kelli Huff, K5 Kids Coordinator
Jackie Cockerham, Financial Administrator
Jerry Don Huff, Youth Director

Join us Sunday Morning!

Contemporary Worship @ 8:30
Sunday School @ 9:45 Traditional Worship @ 11:00
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday

The Russell Report

Russell Memorial United Methodist Church
A Family Rooted in Christ and Reaching Out in Love
201 S. Fourth Street
P. O. Box 335
Wills Point, TX 75169


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