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Brief snapshots of Oracle EPM release 11.1.2.


Enhanced performance in Simple forms due to the latest client-side scripting

methods. Putting most of the work on the client instead of the server reduces
server requests and increases response times by 33%

Control the look and feel of the home page for example add your company
logo or a watermark

Manage the application with the console icon


Visual overview

View and add dimensions by plan types

Refresh an application

Set a schedule for backing up an application

New job scheduler give ability to launch or schedule automated functions like
import/export data or metadata, business rules, refreshing.

Manage Dimensions

Create, renames, view details

Set the order of dimensions to determine how calculations are


Set the evaluation order to specify which data type prevails when an
intersection has conflicting data types.

Easy Import and Export tab or comma delimited


After creating an import file for each artifact, you can import
dimensions, Smart Lists, and exchange rates. You can import from a
file or Planning Inbox.

After importing metadata, you can populate your application with data
by importing it from a file. The file can be on your computer, on an FTP
site, or the Planning Outbox.

Export metadata locally to your computer, to an FTP site, or to a

Planning Outbox.

Create Dashboards for a quick visual view of key data drag and drop

Format and save ad-hoc grids as reports for viewing in Planning or in Oracle
Hyperion Financial Reporting.

Format forms to emphasize certain data. For example, set the font size and
color. Bold, italicize, or underline data. Set the background color. You can save
or clear the formatting.

Visualize tasks by status or by type.

View planning unit status in a graphic.

Undo Feature but must set up the form to support it.

Instant save and automatic save (save when exiting a cell) must set up
form to allow this.

Navigation, data entry, and formatting key combinations shortcuts

Add new members on the fly must enable parents to allow dynamic

Public Sector Planning

PeopleSoft Commitment Control decision package users can reuse existing

revision members and track revision data in PeopleSoft by unique transaction

Planners can transfer employees and positions across decision packages and
reverse transfers made in error. Planners need not share a budget request to
transfer employees and positions.

You can generate custom decision package reports using templates.

Administrators create templates by downloading and modifying the provided
reports, and then uploading them and associating them with particular
reports. This action enables planners to report on a variety of decision
package data using a more personalized layout.

You can organize and present decision package data in reports using up to
three attributes.

You can report on three years of decision package data.

You can report on decision package totals for up to three versions and
scenarios, enabling you to evaluate total values and perform variance
reporting by specific budgeting scenarios or stages.

You can report on additional decision package and compensation budget data
in Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting and Oracle Smart View for Office using
the new Decision Package aggregate storage plan type (DP ASO). This plan
type provides robust reporting capabilities.

Project Financial Planning

Integration with Oracle Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management

Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio Management

In Release, Oracle Project Financial Planning integrates with Oracle

Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management (P6 EPPM). This
integration enables you to import projects from P6 EPPM into Project Financial
Planning and then export the approved project status from Project Financial
Planning back into P6 EPPM. You can also import the projects and resource
assignment details from Project Financial Planning into P6 EPPM.

Ability to enable features when creating an application

When you create an application in Release, you can select the
features that will be displayed in Oracle Project Financial Planning, based on
your project requirements.

Support for the Vendor dimension

Release includes support for the Vendor dimension. The Vendor
dimension is required when you have different labor, equipment, or standard
resource rates from different vendors, and if you want to see expense reports
based on vendors.

Predictive Planning

The Predictive Planning feature of Planning can now be used with Oracle
Hyperion Planning ad hoc grids, reports, Oracle Smart View for Office Smart
Queries, and saved ad hoc grids.

You can now use Quick Predict, an ease-of-use feature that enables you to run
and paste predictions with a few mouse clicks or keystrokes.

Prediction chart enhancements enable you to directly manipulate predicted

data series. You can now adjust predictions without retyping predicted values.

The following new forecasting techniques improve forecast accuracy,

particularly at long lead times: Damped Trend Smoothing Non seasonal,

Damped Trend Additive Seasonal, and Damped Trend Multiplicative Seasonal.

Each technique includes standard, simple lead, weighted lead, and holdout

You now have the ability to set the degree of parallelism rather than having
essbase dynamically create threads using CALCPARALLEL or FIXPARALLEL
including data load, export, and restructuring.

Make basic changes to database outlines using an XML file without the need
to use a rules files or invoke the Outline API.

Enhancements to Hybrid Time-balance members and Dynamic Time Series

members can be cacluate in hybrid aggregation mode

Optimizations for Exalytics

New Calculation functions

New Configuration Settings


WORKERTHREADSSee Thread Pool for Parallel Operations.

CRASHDUMPLOCATIONSets the location where Essbase saves a core

dump file when an abnormal termination occurs.

CONNECTIONTIMEOUTSpecifies the maximum time that Essbase

should wait for a SQL connection before timing out.

QUERYTIMEOUTSpecifies the maximum time that Oracle Essbase

should wait for a SQL query to execute before timing out.

Financial Management

New Architecture

Now supported on Exalytics (HFM linux is only suppoted on Exalytics)

Create and edit application profiles and configuration settings on the web

Select multiple Load Data, Load Documents, Load Journals, and Load
Intercompany Transactions up to 10 at a time

Reorder tabs in applications

Launch OFMA from HFM

EPM Mobile application (Apple, Android)

Manage Governace Requests With Data Relationship Governance

Perform Period-End Activities in Close Manager, a Financial Close

Management Module

Search for Financial Management Entities

configure the Session Timeout

Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition

Support for Profitability and Cost Management (HPCM) and Tax Provisioning

In Data Load Rules, you can now specify target application options specific to
a location. For example, you can select different data protection values for
each location.

FDMEE has been enhanced to support write-back from all EPM applications
(except the Accounts Reconciliation Manger) to Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) applications.

New POV lock options are available in this release that enable you to lock the
POV for all locations or to lock the POV for an individual location. Locking the
POV prevents locations from modifying the data.

A new Import Format Builder feature has been added in this release to Import
Formats. When the source system is a file-based data load, use the Import
Format Builder feature to map source fields graphically to target dimension
members instead of typing the starting position and the field length.

In the Data Load Workbench, you now have the option to view mapping errors
and fix them instantly

Integration with Financial Close Manager FCM can trigger FDMEE

Calculation Manager

Support for Parallel Processing in Member Range Components

Running Essbase Calculation Scripts with Runtime Prompts in Essbase

Importing Essbase Calculation Scripts including those htat have runtime


New Custom Defined Functions se a MaxL script file that can be accessed
from the Essbase calculation engine or embed the MaxL script into the calc
script itself

Several script editor enhansements

search for, and replace, text within the Variable Designer.

Calculation Manager has a view called Filter View/List View in which you can
define the filter criteria and display (in a list) only the objects matching the
given filter criteria.

analyze any business rule, not just graphical rules.

Create a cell text range component that is a type of loop comprised of a

range of cell text from Financial Management applications

customize the columns that display and the order in which they display.

compare the script of a saved rule to the changed version of the rule.

create, edit, delete and display a list of location aliases for a block storage
database and application.

Compact a database outline by removing the records of deleted members,

reducing the outline file size to improve performance.

You can merge all incremental data slices of an aggregate storage database
into the main database slice, or merge all incremental data slices into a
single data slice while leaving the main database slice unchanged.

calculate aggregations for aggregate storage databases that contain data

and for which you have Calculation permission.

You can set any aggregate storage dimension as the compression dimension
if it is a dynamic dimension, with a single dynamic hierarchy, and no

Manage sessions to display, end log-off user sessions and requests for
aggregate storage applications.

Data Relationship Management

Better Architecture resulting in higher concurrency of read operations and

lower data transfers for better performance

A workflow model can be configured to conditionally alter the workflow path

for individual requests.

Segregation of duties in workflow

Request files, attachments, and details for transactions in workflow

Improved Handling of Request Exceptions

Workflow Request Page Improvement

Import and Export enhancements with Planning

Accessibility enhancements for people with disabilities

Smart View

Note: the version recommended is version a bit weird

Submit data without refresh and submit data range

POV and Pivot enhancements

customize the extension update process so that Smart View end users can
control when they install, update and remove extensions

New Diagnostics tool allows users to create and collect log files and
screenshots to send to Oracle Support.

An Essbase administrator can require that users specify a user name and a
password when logging on to the data source to access drill-through reports.

OBIEE filter and prompt enhancements

Financial Close Management

New Module: Supplemental Data Manager, the new Oracle Hyperion Financial
Close Management module, helps you collect, organize, update, edit, and
manage supplemental data, typically transactions, for financial analytical
applications such as consolidation.

User interfaces enhancements tabs are converted to tabbed objects in FCM

and ARM, and users can have multiple instances of each open at the same

Regionalization enhancements reconciliations and task scheduling to take

into account regional differences in close schedules and holiday dates

Report Writer can report on reconciliation and task information in a variety of

output formats: Excel, RTF, PDF, HTML

Email notification s in Close Manager through close process

Close Manager mobile application

the 2,000 task per schedule is removed, improved validation on setup

mistakes due to configuration mistakes, and improved memory utilization.

Team and Group Assignments

Power task actions enable multi-selection of tasks and performance of the

Submit, Approve, and Reject actions

display multiple schedules in list views and portlets. And business day labels

Close Manager includes the Account Reconciliation Manager

features: multi-line text with attachment attribute, enhanced attribute
security, Approver questions.

Close Manager has new integrations for EBS Journal Entry Monitoring and sub
ledger open/close events

Profitability and Cost Management

New Management Ledger Application Type A new application type,

Management Ledger, offers management reporting and modeling with data
structured similarly to Oracle General Ledger and Oracle Hyperion Financial
Management implementations.

System reports are now available for all application types

use SQL scripts to set up model data for Detailed Profitability sample model
BksDP30 in Microsoft SQL Server.

Process Automation Support with REST APIs

Essbase Studio

Clearing Deployment History from Essbase Studio Console

Alternate Data Sources for Drill-through Reports

Requiring a User Name and Password to Perform Drill-through

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