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Medical Personal Statement

The complex structure of the human body is a unique

beauty.However,when witnessing my gradfather deteriorating due to
cancer it showed that complexity inescapably meant that problems
arise.I realized the effects such illness can have on the patient and
their families and appreciate how fulfilling being a doctor would be in
such circumstances.
Having doctors in my family, I was able to work closely with
patience.This made me aware of their specific healthcare needs are
influenced by various others factors including gender,ethnicity and
social class.Doctors need to demonstrate the capability of recognizing
these specific healthcare needs and addressing the appropriately.
Many patience were in a poor state of health and usually in terminal
phases of their illness.My experienced with Red Cross and the
internship I have done at the community hospital, provides me the
special requirements in order to adapt to such a challenging
Having attended a medical summer school , I had the
opportunity to speak to medical professionals and students. Speaking
to them made me aware of the challenges associated with a career as a
doctor such as the proactive balanced between work with long hour
shifts with social and family life .
I am an involved member of my schools debate club from
which I have learnt methods of critical thinking and respectful
discourse which may benefit my career in multidisciplinary meetings
and caseconference. My experience in Betzavtaprogramme allowed
me to determine how to manage a conflict democratically , and persue
people on their decision. I have achieved a certificate that gives me
the competence to increase my knowledge as a democratic person.

Biology and chemistry allowed me to develop analytical skills

and informatics and mathematics have developed my deduction skills
in following logical processes to infer results.I love reading as a
hobby to increase my knowledge and as entartaiment. To relax I enjoy
sports , including swimming , for which I represented my school in
contests and won two bronze medals for both front crawl and
To be given the opportunity to read medicine, will not only
fulfill my ambitions, but also allow me to be a credit to the medical
institution. I am a dedicated learner and I have the ability to listen
diligently to people.
The medical world is full of intellectual , ethical, physical and
emotional challenges which doctors face on a daily basis , but yet this
creates a dynamic profession which one of the most rewarding. My
aspiration for excellence and to succed within the medical profession
will no doubt help make a difference to the lives of the future.
I am a self motivated, determined individual and I look forward
to the social and academic challenges of university. I am aware of te
demands of a medical career but my commitment and desire to
become a doctor has only been strengthened through my experience
and work in a voluntary capacity.

Sahleanu Diana , 12th grade A

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