Low-Pro Le Antennas and Personal Communication Antennas - New

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Low-Prole Antennas and

Personal Communication
Dr Yousef Dama
An-Najah National University

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Wireless Personal Communications (WPC)

Which employ a communication device that a person can carry or
easily move from place to place.

These antennas should be low-prolethat is, of small

physical thickness.
Applications are cellular telephone communications; Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, and UWB communications; RFID (radio frequency
identication); position location (such as GPS) and asset tracking;
and body area networks (BAN).
A few of the applications permit the use of tunable antennas that
move a narrow frequency band over a large frequency range;
examples are TV and radio reception in which only one channel is
received at a time
The essence of the handset antenna challenge is to accommodate
an ever increasing number of wireless services and frequency
bands within a shrinking allocated volume.
Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


In a handset there are certain regions of the internal volume that

are designated as keep-out zones, where an antenna cannot be
located, thus restricting the possible antenna volume.
A typical volume maximum is about 5 3 with dimensions of
35 35 4
The printed circuit board size for a bar shape phone is 100
40 but smart phones often are larger.
The antenna is expected to support several cellular telephone
bands as well as Wi-Fi, TV and FM radio reception, MIMO modes,
and so on, in this small volume.
One technique used to relax the size constraint is to make use of
other handset parts for the antenna ground plane, such as a
printed circuit board.

However, handset antenna performance requirements are less

demanding than in many other areas of antenna design.

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Typical performance metrics for handset antennas are,

Impedance match:

< 3,

> 6

Antenna gain:

0 dBi

Radiation efciency:



8 to 12% (depending on the band)

The low gain specication is due to the need for a very low
directivity pattern to minimize signal variations as handset
position is varied.
The handsets themselves are generally one of two shapes, clam
shell (that fold in the middle) or bar (single block). The antenna
design differs for these two form factors.

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


The perfect handset antenna, albeit unobtainable, would be one

that can be made as small as desired to t into any allocated
volume; presents no biohazard; and experiences no frequency
shifting, pattern distortion, gain loss, or impedance mismatch due
to the presence of the human operator.

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


The Microstrip antenna is a special type of printed antenna.
The Microstrip antenna (MSA) consists of a metallic patch printed on
top of a thin substrate with a ground plane on the bottom of the

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


The MSA is usually less than 0.05 thick, where is the free
space wavelength.
The basic feeds for the patch are a probe feed using a coaxial
transmission line below the ground plane or an edge feed using a
coplanar microstrip transmission line connected to an edge of the

The edge-fed patch is a very low prole antenna that also can
include other components using microwave integrated circuit
techniques and the feed network when arrayed.
This offers the advantage of low-cost, controlled-dimension
The radiation pattern is a single, broad unidirectional beam
broadside to the patch due to the ground plane greatly reducing
the back radiation (zero for an innitely large ground plane).
The MSA it is narrowband, leading to its biggest design
challengeachieving adequate bandwidth.

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Other disadvantages include false radiation from the feed, poor

crosspolarization purity, limited power handling, and adjustment
difculty after fabrication.
The radiation pattern of the basic MSA varies slowly with
frequency, the impedance does not. Thus, impedance bandwidth
is the limiting factor of the basic MSA, because it is only a few

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


Microstrip Patch Antennas

Microstrip patch antenna consists of a radiating patch on one side of a
dielectric substrate which has a ground plane on the other side.
The patch is generally made of conducting material such as copper or gold
and can take any possible shape
In order to simplify analysis and performance prediction, the patch is
generally square, rectangular, circular, triangular, elliptical or some other
common shape

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antennas

The simplest MSA is a rectangular patch on top of a substrate
material with relative dielectric substrate of thickness
and backed by a large ground plane
The edge feed is a Microstrip transmission
line on the left side of the patch.
The patch is long (in the plane of the
feed line) and wide

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


For rectangular patch the length, L, of the patch is usually 0.3333 <
< 0.5 , where is the free space wavelength
The patch is selected to be very thin <<
The height of the dielectric substrate ,t , is usually 0.003
The dielectric constant of the substrate is typically in the range
2.2 12.
Microstrip patch antennas radiate primarily because of the fringing
fields between the patch edge and the ground plane.
For good antenna performance, a thick dielectric substrate having a low
dielectric constant is desirable since this provides better efficiency,
larger bandwidth and better radiation.
However, such a configuration leads to a larger antenna size.
In order to design a compact Microstrip patch antenna, higher dielectric
constants must be used which are less efficient and result in narrower
Hence a compromise must be reached between antenna dimensions
and antenna performance
Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Methods of Analysis
The most popular models for the analysis of Microstrip patch antennas
are the transmission line model, cavity model, and full wave model.
The transmission line model is the simplest of all and it gives good
physical insight but it is less accurate

Transmission Line Model

This model represents the microstrip antenna by two slots of width W
and height t , separated by a transmission line of length L

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


Most of the electric field lines reside in the substrate and parts of some
lines in air.
As a result, this transmission line cannot support pure transverse
electric-magnetic (TEM) mode of transmission, since the phase
velocities would be different in the air and the substrate.
Instead, the dominant mode of propagation would be the quasi-TEM
An effective dielectric constant must be obtained to account fir
the fringing and the wave propagation in the line.
The value of is slightly less than , because the the fringing fields
around the edge of the patch are not confined in the dielectric substrate
but also spread in the air.

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

The effective dielectric constant given by,

+ 1 1


. (1)

: is the width of the Patch
: is the height of the dielectric
: is the dielectric constant of substrate

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


Now lets consider a rectangular microstrip patch antenna as shown


Fringing makes the patch effectively longer than its physical length, so
the resonant length is less than a half-wavelength
In order to operate in the fundamental TM10 the length of the patch
must be slightly less than where is the wavelength in the
0.49 = 0.49

(half -wave patch).(2)

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

The microstrip patch antenna is represented by two slots, separated by

a transmission line of length L and open circuited at both the ends.

Along the width of the patch, the voltage is maximum and current
is minimum due to the open ends.
The fields at the edges can be resolved into normal and tangential
components with respect to the ground plane.

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


The normal components of the electric field at the two edges

along the width are in opposite directions and thus out of phase
since the patch is 2/ long and hence they cancel each other in
the broadside direction.
The tangential components, which are in phase, means that the
resulting fields combine to give maximum radiated field normal to
the surface of the structure.
Hence the edges along the width can be represented as two
radiating slots, which are 2/ apart and excited in phase and
radiating in the half space above the ground plane.

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

In practice, this formula is used as a starting point for an

experimental hardware model or for simulation.
Next, the input impedance is measured or calculated as a
function of frequency spanning the design frequency, and the
resonant frequency is noted.
Then, the model is scaled in size to shift the resonance to the
desired frequency, followed by a second measurement or
simulation for verication.
The fringing fields along the width can be modeled as radiating
slots and electrically the patch of the microstrip antenna looks
greater than its physical dimensions.
The dimensions of the patch along its length have now been
extended on each end by a distance , which is given empirically
by Hammerstad as,

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


+ 0.264

= 0.412

+ 0.8

Where is fringing length

+ 0.3

The design formulas begin with a more accurate equation for the
resonant patch length:
= 0.5

2 ..(4)

The effective length of the patch L now becomes

= + 2 ..(5)

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

The resonant frequency of narrow band patches is sensitive to

variations of material thickness and dielectric constant.
Thus, it is important to have a material that is manufactured with
proper quality control over material uniformity (especially ),
has low loss, and has a selection of thicknesses and sheet sizes.
As frequency increases, these are even more important
The total fringing length, 2, due to the fringing on both edges
is the amount the patch length should be reduced below a half
wavelength to achieve resonance.
Viewed another way, is the amount to be added to each edge
to form an effective patch length.
increases with substrate thickness approximately linearly.
This is because as the thickness increases, the electric elds
extend farther and fringe more.

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



As an example, at 10 GHz ( = 3 ) for a 0.01 thick substrate

with = 2.2 the preceding three formulas yield = 0.98 ,
which is in good agreement with the approximate formula (2)
that gives 0.99 cm.
Note that the Microstrip feed line will not radiate because the
width of the upper conductor of the Microstrip transmission line
is small compared to a wavelength, whereas the patch is large
relative to a wavelength.
Thus, the electric eld lines on the two sides of the upper
conductor of the Microstrip transmission line are oppositely

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

The radiated electric eld is linearly polarized in the plane

containing the feed.
The Microstrip antenna pattern follow the form as,
= cos

= cos

, = 0 ..(6)

, = 90 (7)

This simple H-plane pattern expression is based on a symmetric

standing wave with uniform elds along the radiating edges.
As a result there are no cross-polarized elds, but in reality crosspolarization can be signicant in MSAs

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



The input impedance at the edge of the resonant rectangular

patch ranges from 100 to 400
An approximate expression for the input resistance (reactance is
zero at resonance) of a resonant edge-fed patch is,

= 90


half -wave rectangular patch antenna .(8)

This formula reveals that input resistance decreases as the patch

is widened.
For example, for a dielectric with = 2.2, a patch width to
length ratio of = 1 gives an input resistance of 363 .
A very wide patch with = 2.7 is required to obtain an input
impedance of 50 .

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

A narrow band antenna such as a Microstrip antenna is limited by

impedance match to the connecting transmission line.
As operating frequency moves off resonance, the patch input
impedance increases rapidly, causing large mismatch.
The efciency of the MSA improves as the impedance mismatch
is reduced, which is accomplished by widening the bandwidth.
An empirical formula for the bandwidth is,

where B is the fractional bandwidth relative to the resonant

= 3.77

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



The final important parameter is radiation efficiency .

Radiation efciency is as high as 95% for thin, low dielectric
constant substrates and decreases with increasing substrate
The design process for a MSA focuses on optimizing performance
values for the application at hand such as having an input
impedance of a certain value (often 50 O), achieving a specied
bandwidth, or having high efciency.
The rst step is to nd the patch length L for resonance at the
center frequency of the desired operating band using,

Next, the patch width is found by back solving,

0.49 = 0.49

= 90


Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

If the substarit is assumed to be PTEF (Teflon), = 2.1),

then to obtain a 50 input impedance we need = 0.3723,

since 0.49 , we have = 1.316

for achieving a desired bandwidth,
= 3.77 2

If high efciency is the goal, the following width is selected at

+ 1 2
The length is then recalculated using the more accurate formulas
in (1), (3) and (4)

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



Techniques for feeding Microstrip patch

Microstrip Line Feed
In this type of feed technique, a conducting strip is connected directly to
the edge of the microstrip patch

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Matching patch antenna to 50 coaxial cable

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



If is the Microstrip patch, is the coaxial cable or Microstrip

line and the impedance of the short quarter-wave line
connecting the microstrip line and the patch should be,

This special case is called the quarter-wavelength transform since

the load impedance is transformed (after a quarter wavelength)
to the input impedance given by this simple equation.
Hence, the length of the transition should be

It provides ease of fabrication and simplicity in modeling as well
as impedance matching
as the thickness of the dielectric
bandwidth of the antenna hampers

substrate increases the

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Coaxial Feed OR Probe Feed

The Coaxial feed or probe feed is a very common technique used for
feeding Microstrip patch antennas.
The inner conductor of the coaxial connector extends through the dielectric
and is soldered to the radiating patch, while the outer conductor is
connected to the ground plane

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



The main advantage of this type of feeding scheme is that the feed
can be placed at any desired location inside the patch in order to
match with its input impedance.
This feed method is easy to fabricate and has low spurious radiation
Its major disadvantage is that it provides narrow bandwidth and is
difficult to model
Also, for thicker substrates, the increased probe length makes the
input impedance more inductive, leading to matching problems
As the probe from the patch edge, ,
is increased the input resistance decreases
as follows,

= 90

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Example: Design a rectangular Microstrip antenna using a substrate

(RT/duroid 5880) with dielectric constant of 2.2, t = 0.1588 cm so as to
resonate at 2 GHz, taking into account the fringing, also calculate the
achievable bandwidth and the input impedance.

3 108
= 15
2 109

0.5 = 0.5
= 0.5
= 5.06

For high efciency the following width is selected at resonance,

+ 1


15 2.2 + 1


= 5.929


+ 1 1

2.2 + 1 2.2 1
10 0.1588


= 2.133

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



+ 0.264
= 0.412

0.258 + 0.8

+ 0.3

+ 0.264
= 0.412
0.1588 = 0.084
2.133 0.258
+ 0.8
2.133 + 0.3

= 5.06 2 0.084 = 4.892 (patch length include fringing)

2.2 1 5.929 0.1588
= 3.77

= 0.012
= 3.77

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Note that 0.012 is the fractional Bandwidth

= 90



= 90 2.21

4.892 2

= 247.124

If the Patch is to be connected to a 50 ohm Microstrip line

using the same PCB board, design the feed to this antenna.
The characteristic impedance of the transition section
should be

= 50 247.124 = 111.16

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



Then we use the following equation to determine the transition line





8 0.1588

= 111.16

4 0.1588

By solving the above equation we get,

= 9.833 0.082
We take the shortest wdith

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

To obtain its length, we need to calculate the relative effective

permittivity for the line as follows,

+ 1 1

2.2 + 1 2.2 1
10 0.1588


= 1.73

Hence, the length of the transition should be

= 2.85
4 4 1.73

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



The width of the 50 Microstrip feed line can be found by,



+ 1.393 + 0.667 ln + 1.44

L=4.892 cm

2.85 cm


W=5.929 cm


Generally speaking, a /4 extension from the edge of the patch is

required for the ground plane.
Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University

Since the width of the quarter-wave transformer might be too

thin to make properly in practice, an alternative design is to
employ an probe feed

Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University



Example: A probe-fed rectangular patch antenna of 0.3-cm-thick dielectric

of 4.53 dielectric constant is 1.74 cm long and 2.31cm wide. The resonant
frequency is 3.72 GHz.
(a) Calculate input impedance in Ohms for an edge feed.

(b) Calculate input impedance for a probe feed 0.55 cm in from the edge.

3 108
= =
= 8.065
3.72 109
= 90


b) = 0.55 cm
= 90

= 88.68

= 90

4.532 1.74 2
4.531 2.31

= 296.85

= 296.85 2


Antennas Lecture Notes, prepared by Y. A.S. Dama, An-Najah National University


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