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Update from Kathryn

November 2015

Things have been rather topsy-turvy for me lately and the year isnt slowing down for
anything. My draft of this newsletter was rather lengthy, none of it was fitting together
until I realized that I could write about the uncertainty and change. So, I suppose that
I will start with that
Everyone experiences seasons. You may have a different number of seasons in your life or your seasons
may be defined differently (say by temperature rather than rainfall), but everyone has seasons. No matter the
type, quantity or defining characteristic, all seasons change. The nice thing about astronomical seasons is
that you always know what is coming next. Spring turns into summer, which turns into fall, and then into
winter, and back to spring. In life, you dont always know what the next season will bring. Such is the case
for me right now. I am transitioning out of the role of house-mom and finding new ways to serve the community. This is not the first time that I have faced uncertainty, and although it is never easy, each time
God has pulled me through. Every day, what was is being transformed, and the unknown is becoming
known. A new thing is being created.
And so it is with life now. We are in our final
quarter of the school year. I do not know what
next year will bring. I do know that I enjoy and
seem to be gifted in working at the school and
soon will have more time to devote to it. Right
now we are still looking for teachers and
personnel. Several teachers are finishing their
commitment and one will be leaving to further
her education in a far-away city. I do not know
what will happen if we do not have the resources for the new school year which begins
in February. I do know that God provided
some great people last year, at the last minute!

For the7 girls at Casa de

Chicas and the new house
For students and teachers
to finish the school year
strong and have a safe,
rainy season break

More teachers!

Traveling missionaries

More monthly supporters!

Praise for ...

Sunrise over the school, the tallest building for miles

At the Childrens Center, too, the winds of change are blowing. I enjoy
living with the girls but I cannot give them the attention that they need
and deserve. I am interacting more with the younger children, and those
who have physical challenges. Iain, the Childrens Center director, asked
me to consider changing roles. So, although I will no longer be a housemom, I will be involved with the girls and be at the Childrens Center as
much as I like. Iain also asked me to spend several afternoons a week with
a few children here who have physical challenges.
So, I will expand my role at the school (but dont know what that will look
like), I will be an outside influence with the older girls, someone who invites them over to make cookies and learn how to behave as ladies, and I
will have an undefined new role in ministering to the people here. However, I have an idea for this new role
Trying to take a selfie when
holding a squirmy baby just
doesn't work so well...
Although born prematurely,
this little guy is doing so well
and is soooo cute that
everybody loves him.

Prayer for...


Although I do not know where my new home will be, my vision is to create an inviting, relaxing, rejuvenating, cozy-but-bright place. A place where
the girls would enjoy visiting and where, one Friday/Saturday a month, a
woman could come for a get-away to encounter God and replenish her spirit. I would share meals with
her, and follow her lead on how to spend time. She would feel free to visit with me while Im cooking, to
laugh, talk, play games, or be quiet and do her own things!
The roots for this idea go back to my college years when I saw a connection between hospitality and encountering God. Later, while living in a studio apartment, I wrote a poem for a guest bedroom, if ever I
should have such a room. Now, years later, still without a guestroom, I was hesitant about the coming
changes until it began to dawn on me that perhaps it is time for this vision of hospitality to come to fruition. I began to get really excited and started making plans.

A new season
Opportunities for
CornerStone Summit

Make checks out and send to:
CornerStone International
PO Box 192
Wilmore, KY 40390
Donate by Paypal, credit card
or sign up for monthly
donations from CornerStones
Thank you!


In preparation for this possible new area of ministry and housing, I have purchased several items from missionaries who are
If you would like to cover that cost, the total so far is $110
for these items: 20 good books, 3 maps, 2 bookcases, 2 end
tables, 2 bedside lamps, crockpot, 4 cutting boards, cake server
Speaking of finances, I am in great need of more monthly supporters. Last January, I sold my car and paid off my student
loan. But in February 2016, I will need to start buying my own
groceries, perhaps $200/mo, and my rent will increase. Above
the monthly living costs, I may try to get a Honduran residency
so that I would not be required to buy an airline ticket (about
$600) out of the country every three months. Legal fees to get
this accomplished would be about $2500.

How you can help...

1. Become a monthly supporter! (see Support on pg 1)

$600 more/mo needed

$110supplies for next house
$2500legal fees for residency

2. Pray! (see Prayer for: on pg 1)

3. Spread the word...

About whats happening at the Childrens Center,

El Camino School and Loma de Luz Hospital
Recruit prayers and givers!



January 7 February 5, I will be spending 4 weeks at my

sending agency in Kentucky for training. Upon completion,
I anticipate changing status from short-term to long-term
missionary. This month-long training will be extra airfare
and food expenses as well.

Every five years, my new sending agency holds a

Missionary Summit at their office in Kentucky. I attended this
year and met many wonderful people from the USA and around
the world, including intercessors who pray regularly for
CornerStone International missionaries.

Spread the Word

Soon after I arrived in Honduras, I closed an email update with,

Love wins. Well, that is not true. God wins. God is love, but
God is so much more than that. During the first worship session
of the Summit, the point was made that God is love, but he is
also justice, mercy, righteousness and so many other attributes,
some of which can be terrifying. In the end, God wins. I am so
glad that I know whom I have believed, He who is an anchor
for the soul, both when the winds of change begin to stir and
when we find ourselves in the midst of a full-blown tempest.

It would be a humongous help if you would spread the word

about what is going on here. Let me know if you want information that you can hand to people and I can have something
printed for you to pick up at your nearest Wal-mart or
Office Depot.
My email address:
My sending agency:
Honduras ministries:

Yes! I would like to support Kathryn in Honduras.

I will pray for her faithfully.

Enclosed is a gift of $____________ .

Enclosed is a monthly gift of $___________.

Name: ______________________ Phone: _____________________ Email:_________________________

Address: ________________________ City:________________________ Zip:______________________
Please make checks payable to and send to: CornerStone International, PO Box 192, Wilmore, KY 40390,
(1-800-859-4578). Please note Goodloe-ST on the memo of your check. Thank you!

...from a short excursion to the town where the paved road starts:

Bird in a box (apparently a parrot in a cut-out cardboard container) on a bursting-at-the-seams bus

Spending most of the day with friends
Woman accepted Christ
Pale pig head being carried down the street
Almuerzo (lunch) with animals (some type of zoological collection)
Missing the bus and having no mototaxis in the area
Running across the one-lane-former-railroad bridge at Jutiapa to jump in the bed of a passing trucksomebody who works at the
hospital and happened to be passing by
Getting to the gate of home sweet home
While waiting at the bridge at Jutiapa, there was a little girl (probably about 2nd grade age) who came and stood looking at me for a
long while, and finally said with excitement, "una gringa". Was I the first woman from the US that she had seen? I don't know, but
her name was Genesis, and she kept looking at me and said "adios" when her mototaxi pulled away from the curb.
Spending the night with Dr. Judy because she was on call and could not leave the baby if she had to go to the hospital in the
middle of the night (one of the two pre-mature babies that Loma de Luz is fostering -- now 6 months old).
So interesting an experience!

At the zoo-like place

...from the childrens center

Hanging out with some of the boys

One of our second-graders at the children's center

had a severe infection and had to spend some time
in the hospital for IV antibiotics, but was able to
return home for a few hours in the afternoons. It
turned out that I had one morning off from school
so I had the privilege of spending a few hours with
her at the hospital reading, working on puzzles and
playing the Memory game. She is so sweet and it was
wonderful to see her laughing. The day prior, I was
touched to see that her brother (also in 2nd grade) was
really worried about his sister. I felt badly for him
because I know that he has already had to deal with
the death of one of his friends who had cancer and
spent a lot of time in the hospital. The brother
seemed to do much better after his sister came home
for a visit. And, he even wrapped his left hand in
green dinosaur tape-stuff just like his sister had on
her left hand where the IV access was.

...from the school

Kids from the school and Children's Center

marching in the Independence Day parade

While outside with some of the firstgraders, one of

the girls told me that in the light my hair looks grey,
and then another one said, and white. At least
theyve learned their colors.
One day one of the secondgrade boys put on a red
mesh soccer "jersey" and then put on top of that a
blue mesh soccer "jersey" and said look, it is purple.
They had learned about mixing colors earlier in the
year. Another student, after overhearing someone say
"my goodness" in a completely unrelated conversation piped up and said, "gentleness, self-control,

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