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SageCrowd Partners with Dalhousie University Researchers to Study Online Learning

Halifax, December 2, 2015 SageCrowd has partnered with the Department of Psychology and
Neuroscience at Dalhousie University to conduct research that will explore the impact of specific
science of learning training methods on the efficacy of online learning.
This study, funded by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC) Engage
grant, will test how different variables impact learning, such as: content assembly, unit volume,
reflection, and time between learning and testing. In conducting this research, sageCrowd and
Dalhousies NeuroCognitive Imaging Lab will find out what specific variables help students
learn course content more effectively.
Enterprises spend $140 billion annually on employee training with more and more of that
spending moving online. E-Learning has grown to a $93 billion industry growing annually at
double digits. Despite all this spending, most training programs are executed with little to no
efficacy that the intended results were achieved. The Training and E-learning industries are now
paying close attention to a new discipline co-created between Psychology and Education referred
to as the Science of Learning.
This project will strengthen our SAGECROWD WAY methodology providing direct input into
how we refine and optimize our learning experiences, sageCrowd CEO, Sean Sears, says. The
research will be invaluable to both the NeuroCognitive Imaging Lab and sageCrowd, because it
will demonstrate how specific learning methods impact skill adoption and permanent memory
NSERCs Engage grant will provide $25,000 in funding for this research. The study will take
place over the next six months and involve 80 participants over four experiments.
This project is significant in how its bridging a gap between academic research and business,
Dr. Aaron Newman, Director of the NeuroCognitive Imaging Lab and principal investigator of
the study, says. SageCrowd is dedicated to developing a learning platform that is scientifically
validated, and are eager to follow evidence-based design. This project is also an excellent
opportunity for the scientists were training at Dalhousie to learn how to apply science outside of
academia and understand the relevance of their work.
About sageCrowd:
SageCrowd is a software company transforming enterprise training by leveraging breakthroughs
from the 'science of learning'. SageCrowd believes that aligning training to the brains natural
learning process is the key to better results. They have built the science-based learning
methodology, SAGECROWD WAY and a Collaborative Learning Platform. The goal is to help
enterprises implement their most mission critical training projects. It is a whole new way to
About Dalhousie University:

Dalhousie University is Atlantic Canadas leading research-intensive university and a driver of

the regions intellectual, social, and economic development. Across 13 faculties, Dalhousie
researchers and students conduct more than $135 million in funded research each year with
hospitals, industry, governments, non-profit agencies and universities around the globe.
About NSERC:
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) is the primary
funding agency supporting Canadas science and engineering research community. The agency
supports almost 30,000 postsecondary students and postdoctoral fellows in their advanced
studies. NSERC promotes discovery by funding approximately 12,000 professors every year and
works with over 3,000 Canadian companies that are participating and investing in postsecondary
research projects.
Kaitlyn Phillips, PR & Marketing Assistant
Nikki Comeau, Communications
Dalhousie Universitys Faculty of Science
(902) 494-8443

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