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HRD Atlantic News

April 2015

The Quarterly Newsletter of the HRD Atlantic Team

Volume 1, Issue 1

Spring Cleaning
By Kaitlyn Phillips

Whats Inside:
Feature Story
Spring Cleaning
Did you know
Messages from our
HRD Leadership
Recipe Corner

Kristas last day with the
Office of EE/Diversity &
HR Planning was on
March 31st, 2015,
however you can now
find her on the 3rd floor,
working in AER. It was
also Corys last day on
March 31st, so now hes
back in Acquisitions on
the 5th floor.
Just a reminder, the new
learning management
Learning, was
implemented on April
1st, 2015. If you would
like more information on
this program, click here.
The Email
Transformation Initiative
(ETI) is well underway.
The first wave of
renaming started on
March 9th, 2015 and the
second wave began at
the end of March. For
more information, check
out this Breakers article.

As you wake from a long slumber, something catches your eye. Your hands reach out, slowly
pull the curtains apart and suddenly your eyes are hit by an intense light. No, its not the
headlights of your neighbors car, nor the blinking lights of a snow-plow as it drives by and
then you realize this bright luminous sphere is...the SUN.
Spring is finally here.
For most people, spring means more sun, lighter clothing and more time outside, yet for
many individuals, it also means that its time for spring cleaning. Now that a new fiscal year
has begun, here are some simple tips to organize your workspace and electronic files:

Reduce if you feel like your office has

been hit by a paper tornado, then its
time to shred and get rid of any
documents that are outdated and/or
you no longer need.
Organize invest in some simple
organizational products like folders,
dividers, book ends and tacks so you
can stack, file and pin up important
go Gruyere
through your computer files
and emails and delete
documents/emails you no longer need.
This may take quite a bit of time to do,
however divide the work into
manageable pieces, so you dont feel
overwhelmed. After youve completed
this task, make it a priority to continue
deleting documents and/or emails you
dont need; trust me, your future self
will thank you for it!

Categorize create new folders in your

computer and email account to easily
store important information. That way
you wont have to waste time searching
for documents you havent worked on
in awhile.
De-clutter if you have too much
clutter crowding up your workspace,
sort it into three piles: bring home, give
away or throw out. Once you have
removed said piles, your workspace will
be free from distractions.
Refresh brighten up your cubicle with
a few pictures or posters or a new seat
cushion. The possibilities are endless,
but remember that less means more,
and a cluttered desk can mean a
cluttered mind, so stay away from
things that may distract you from your

Did you know?

Although Prince Edward Island was the seventh province to join

confederation, Charlottetown is considered the birthplace of Canada,
because leaders met there to discuss the formation of the country.


The Bank of New Brunswick was the first chartered bank in Canada


In 1964, Canadians received their first social insurance cards.


In 1982, Canada got a new Constitution Act, including a Charter of

Rights and Freedoms.


Did you know that St. Johns is as far from Halifax as Halifax is from


HRD Atlantic News

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Messages from our HRD Leadership Team

Theres a lot on the go in Learning and Programs, so here are a few
highlights of whats been going on throughout the past few months.
A significant change occurred for Wendy and Sherry in our
Newfoundland and Labrador office. The Career and Learning
Centre in St. Johns officially closed its doors at the end of the
2014/15 fiscal year. This has been a while coming, especially for
those close to the operation, as we gradually came to terms with a
lot of changes that didnt indicate a continuation under the same
business model. When we sat back to analyse what had happened,
there was a realization that the Centre had basically done all it set
out to do when it began over 17 years ago. Essentially, the job was
done. The Centre served its purpose and then some, so now its
time to move on. Wendy and Sherry are staying with HRD-Atlantic
and are continuing to make valuable contributions in new ways.

Additionally, Corys assignment ended on March 31 . He was called

back to his substantive position in Acquisitions on the 5 floor. We
enjoyed having him as part of the team and will definitely miss him.
You are probably already aware that Linda has taken over the
responsibilities for regional awards and recognition. She has
jumped into it enthusiastically and has successfully gotten up to
speed on the function and the many challenges that go with it.
Diane has faced significant change as well after losing her ITS. Now
its Saba from here on in, not only for Diane but for everyone! Lots
to learn, but I must say she is approaching it with an open mind.
We decided early on that whatever Saba entailed, wed deal with it
together and at this time we can confidently say, so far, so good.
Noella and Laura remain in their action positions this fiscal year
after a very busy first year in those positions especially after taking
on the full weight of their responsibilities. Im happy to have them
for another year since they have been able to learn and develop a
comfort level in the positions.
As for me, I try to help keep it all going by supporting the team in
various ways and ensuring we contribute to the public service,
departmental, and regional objectives in the best way we can. Our
environment, like most others, is subject to constant change,
however I feel fortunate to be working with a great group of people
not only in L&P but also in HRD-Atlantic.

As we continue to dig ourselves out of one of the heaviest snowfall

winters in recent memory, its a great time to look forward to warmer
weather. Alas, spring has arrived (maybe) and brings with it another
year of change, challenge and opportunity for our region, and our HR
We can certainly appreciate the hard work, energy, and innovation we
provide in supporting the region through a multitude of transformation
initiatives and projects. Now more than ever, we see the importance of
having an engaged, capable and inclusive workforce where diversity of
skill, background, and thought are not only accepted but embraced and
2014-15 was a busy year for Atlantic Regions diversity agenda. We
exceeded our Regional Business Plan objectives for the number of lunch
and learn and diversity events and we also helped lead the organizing
efforts of the first regional inter-departmental diversity forum in over
seven years.
Our Diversity Leaders Network continues to be one of the most active
and engaged networks in the region and has led several events and
initiatives with more on the way for 2015-16. The DLN is particularly
excited about the upcoming talking circles, an initiative which will
include informally facilitated discussions on a variety of topics.
This past fiscal year also marked the end of a chapter for Atlantic
PWGSC and HR as Barb Davies officially retired on March 31 (after
some 39 years of public service). As all of you know, Barb was our
regional HR planning expert and was responsible for developing the
regional Dashboard and Discussion Model tools. Her work continues to
be invaluable.
We have also been fortunate to have had the opportunity to hire
students under the Mount Saint Vincent University Co-operative
Education Program. Our current student, Kaitlyn Phillips, has done a
great job so far including developing this newsletter you are now
reading; thanks Kaitlyn.
On a sadder note, Krista Clark who has worked with us over the past 15
months has returned to her substantive role with AER. Thank you Krista
for your dedicated contributions to HRD - you will be missed.
Wishing everyone a happy and warm spring season,

Until next time,


Recipe Corner: Asparagus, Leek and Gruyere Quiche

1 tablespoon butter
1 leek, thinly sliced on the diagonal
1 pound asparagus, thinly sliced on the diagonal
4 large eggs

1 cups half and half

Ground nutmeg
9 inch pie crust
1 cup shredded Gruyere cheese (4 ounces)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees, with rack in lowest position. In a large skillet, melt butter over medium heat.
Add the leek and asparagus; season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until asparagus is crisptender, 6 to 8 minutes; let cool.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, half and half, teaspoon of salt, teaspoon of pepper and a pinch of
nutmeg. Place pie crust on a rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle with cheese; top with asparagus mixture. Pour
egg mixture on top.
3. Bake until the centre of the quiche is just set, 50 to 60 minutes, rotating sheet halfway through. Let stand for
15 minutes before serving.

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