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CSEC PHYSICS 2009 WhichofthefollowingisanSIbaseunit? 5. (A) Ampere (B) Volt (©) Ohm (D) Coulomb 3.1415926 expressed to TWO significant figuresis 6 wa) 3 ®) 314 © 32 ©) 31 ‘When used in front of aunitthe prefix ‘mega’ means (A) 10° (B) 10° 7. © 0 ©) 10 ‘Thetimeperiodofasimple pendulum vibrating withasmall amplitude dependson the (A) massofthependulum bob 8 (B) amplitude ofthe oscillation (©) __lengthofthependulum (D) force with whichthependulumisset intomotion A slice of bread is squeezed into alittle ball. Which quantity does NOT change? (A) Mass (B) Volume © Density () Width The relative density of brassis8.4. Whichof the followingisthe BEST statementthatcan be made? (A) Brassisheavier than water. (B) Water is heavier than brass. (C) 100cmof brassis heavier than 100 cm of water. (D) —100cm*of waterisheavierthan 100 cm of brass. ‘The force which keeps the moon in orbitis, (A) magnetic (B) centrifugal © reactive (D) gravitational ‘Which of the following, when displaced, is seentobein neutral equilibrium? (A) Aheavy weightsuspendedonastring (B) — Apencil balanced onits point (C) A beamofa balance in use (D) — Acone resting ona slanted edge GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE ltem9 referstothe followingdiagramswhich 10. depictsome simple machines. Nut eracker a ‘Tweezer used for pulling out hair hair rr Human forearm Wheel barrow In which of these machines would the effort applied be LESS than the load? (A) Tand only (B) _ Tand IV only (©) Mand tMonly a (D) Hand IV only he diagrams below, drawn to scale, represent two forces S and Tacting atO. In which of the following is the resultantin the direction, OX? (A) ---x ®) (On which of the following does the pressure atapointina liquid depend? L Density oftheliquid I. Depth from the surface Tl, Area of the cross-section of the container (A) only ®) — Monly (©) Iandllonly (D) 1, Mand 12. Which of the following speed-time graphs could represent the motion of acricket ball which is thrown vertically upwards and caughtby thethrower? eu 7 t ® "| | 7 7 (eo) | \ of . | © * 9 t 13. 14. 15. Aglassmarble, X, moving with aspeed of ms‘, collides *head on’ with an identical stationary glass marble, Y. What is the velocity of Y aftercollision assuming that X isbroughttorest? (A) Omst B) 3ms" © 6ms" (©) 2ms" Whenanobjectis loating onaliquid, whichof the following wouldbetrue? 1. The object weighs the same as the volume of waterdisplaced, I. Theupthruston the objectis slightly greater than the weight of the object. II, Theaverage density of the objectis just equal to thatof the liquid. (A) only (B) —Ilonly (©) TandIfonly () 1, Mand it Abook of weight 12Nisrestingonatable. ‘The force thatthetable exerts on the book is (ON @) 12N (©) greaterthan12N (D) greater than ON but less than 12N 16. 7 18. oe A particle moving with constant speedina 19. uniform circular path, hasa a) B) © ©) constant velocity constantacceleration alongtheradius ofits path variable acceleration constantaccelerationtangentialtoits path Which of the following is NOT true about the moment of a force? a (B) © (D) Itismeasuredin unitscalled newton metres, 20. Itis the amountof force needed to keepabody turning, Itis the turning effect that a force has when it acts on a body. Itis the product of the force and the perpendicular distance of its line faction from a point. Which of the following is/are renewable source(s) ofenergy? 1 UL, mL, a) (B) © )) Solarenergy Windenergy Geothermalenergy only Land Il only Mand Itlonly 1, Mand UL Which of the following implements is/are designedtotake advantageof alargemoment provided by arelatively small force? 1. Clawhammer I, Crowbar II. Pair of tweezers IV. Pair of wire cutters (A) Mlonly (B) Tan IV only (©) L.Mandtifonly () Land 1Vonly Which of the following would be characteristic features of a clinical thermometer? I, Narrowconstriction in the tube just above the bulb IL Limited range of temperatures Ill, Large bore to make the mercury more visible (A) Tonly (®) —_LandIonly (©) Tandiflonly (D) I, Mand I 24. 22. 23. -6- Jtem 21 refers to the diagram below which shows water boiling at the top ofa glass test tube whilea piece ofice remains unmeltedat thebottom. water Bunsen <—fan \) * ] Ice wrapped in gauze Which of the following is a reason for this (A) Water is a poor conductor of heat, (B) Gauze isa poor conductor of heat. (C) Water is a good conductor of heat. (D)__ Glassisagoodconductor of heat. Which of the following types of radiation is, responsible foranatomof "$C changinginto an atom of '3N? cy ®) © © sxwe Aflask contains airunderpressure. Some of the air is let out slowly over a period of 10 seconds. When the flask is closed the (A) pressure of the air in the flask will have increased (B) volume of air in the flask will have decreased (C) temperature in the flask will have increased (D) _numberofmotecules stiking the wall per second will havedecreased The heat capacity of a body depends on (A)__itsmassandthe specificheatcapacity ofthe material (B) _itsmassandthetemperature change “the body undergoes (©) the density and temperature of the ‘material (D) the density and expansivity of the material Somemolten naphthalene at 100°Cisallowed to cool down at room temperature. If naphthalene has a melting point of 80 °C, which of the following BEST represents the coolingcurve? arc. 100 (A) 80. min are @) 108) in enc 100 © *0 f amin orc 100 @) 80. } dimin “7. Anelectrickettlefull of wateris plugged into themuains. The process by which heattravels through the wateris (A) electification (B) evaporation ©) convection (D) radiation tem 27 relersto the followingdiagram which shows longitudinal wave, where, C and R represent compressions and rarefractions respectively. WP Pe I= wavelength, the distance between C, and R, is on 1 Cd (B) 4A 4 (Cian (Dy 2h 28. tem 28 refers to the following diagram. The circular wavefront shown above is, progressing towards the reflecting surface xy. Which of the diagrams below correctly shows the shape of the wavefront after reflection? “ ly @) y © y x ° C | 7 GOON TOTHR NRX Pace: 29. 30, 31. Poe Which of the following statements about sound waves, water waves and electro- magnetic waves isNOT correct? (A) They all transmit energy from the source tothe surroundings. (B) — Theyareall examples oftransverse waves. (©) Theyallundergoreflection, refraction and diffraction. (D) They all have different speeds of propagation. In which of the following are the electromagnetic waves written in order of INCREASING frequency, starting withthe lowest? (A) X-rays,ultraviolet, infrared, radio. (B) X-rays, infrared, ultraviolet, radio (©) Radio, x-rays, infrared, ultraviolet (D) Radio, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays Which of the following demonstrates the straight line propagationof light? (A) Thespreadingoflightwhenitpasses through anarrow opening (B) —Thedispersionof lightby aprism (©) Aparallelbeamof lightcomingtoa point focus after reflection from a spherical mirror (D) __Theoperation ofthe pinhole camera 32. 33. 34, ‘The image formed ina plane mirroris (A) realandupright (B) _realandinverted (upsidedown) (©) virtualandupright (D) _virtalandinverted (upside down) Aray of lightinair strikesa glass blockatan angle of incidence of 0°. The light will be (A) undeviated (B) _ totallyreflected (© refracted at 90° tonormal (D) refracted atanunknownangle Which of the following statements about waves is true? (A) Only transverse waves undergo reflection. (B) All waves undergo reflection, refraction anddiffraction. (©) __ Diffractioncanonly take place with lightwaves. (D) Longitudinal waves donotundergo reflection, but may be reflected. Which of the following diagrams BEST Item_36 refers to the diagram below. shows the behaviour of light rays passing theougha glass lensin air? ‘The converging lens has@ focal length of 10 ry 8) 36. Atwhichofthe points (P), (Q),(R),or(S) in front ofthe converging lens should an object beplacedtoobtaina virtual, magnifiedimage? oO m4 “a P = B® Q —— © R —— ms 37. Whenapolythene rodis rubbed withacloth, itbecomes ©) asl (A) positively chargedby gaining protons al (B) _positivelychargedby losingelectrons (© negatively charged by gaining electrons ()__negativelychargedby losingprotons 38. = 10- item 38 refers to the graph below which 40. shows the variation of alternating current ‘with time, Current The value of the current], attimet, iscalled the (A) sinusoidalvalue © B) —_ peakvalue (©) rootmeansquare value (D) average value Which ofthe followingequations CANNOT be used to determine the power dissipated in aresistor? 41 (A) PEER ®) (© PeV (D) P=R ye Which of the following statementsistrueofa secondary cell? (A) __Itis formed by connecting two or ___ moreprimarycells. ) _—_Itcan be recharged by passing a direct current in the opposite directiontowhichitdeliverscurrent. (© Kean be recharged by passing a directcurrentin the same direction asitdeliverscurrent. (D) _Itcanberecharged by ‘topping up’ with dilute sulphuricacid, Item4l refers to the diagram below which, shows a battery connected across three resistors connected in parallel. Itis ALWAYS te that the (A) potentialdifferenceisthe same across eachresistor ©) currentis the same ineach resistor (C) applied voltageis proportional tothe netresistance ) voltage across a given resistance is dependentonthe value ofthe resistors “ue 42. Which of the following gives the correct 45. Asuspendedbarmagnet.afterswingingfreely, colour code forelectrical wiring? alwayssetties LIVE NEUTRAL (A) __withitspoles pointing the same way (B) __withitsNpolepointing geographic (A) Brown Blue Green/ South yellow (©) perpendiculartothe Earth'smagnetic (8) Red Blue Green field (©) Blue Green/yellow Brown (D) _oppositetothe directiontrom which (D) Green Brown Blue itstarted 43. The resistance of an IDEAL ammeter is 46. Magneticinductionoceurs when assumed to be (A) aNpole attracts aS pole (A) 20 (B) iron nails near a magnet become (8) O.lohm magnetised (C) — 1to2ohm (©) amagnetissuspended and pointsin (D) infinite theNS direction (D) _anelectroscopeis charged Which of the following circuits can be used forhalt-wave rectification? 47. Which ofthe following shows the magnetic field berween a bar magnet and a piece of iron? “ 2 b Output « s eS Iron ®) w@ [x sz y Iron Output tye ss © Ey tren SS «) ——— Output @ [Nn DE Tron Se (D) | 1 2 Output 48. os Item 48 refers to the diagram below which Tepresentsa straight wire carrying a current into the plane of the paper. Which of the following diagrams BEST representsthe magnetic field around the wire? w Vo —&)}—_—- —™ 8) : © () 49. 50. 51. ‘Item 49 refers tothe following diagram. ‘The flexible wire shown inthe diagramabove is loosely supported in the strong magnetic field. When the switch, X, isclosedthe wire moves (A) downwards (B) upwards (© _towardsthenorth pole (D) _ towardsthesouthpole Item 50 refersto the following diagram, i ‘Thecurrentin wire Pis0.9A. The current in wire Qis (A) OA @) 08a (C) 094 @) 10a Aconductor, rotating in auniformmagnetic field, induces maximum instantaneous current when the conductor cuts the magnetic field lines at (A) 30° (45° (©) 90° () 180° -1B- The device for changing the voltage of an alternative supply iscalleda (A) tansformer (8) wansducer (©) tansistor (D) — cansposer Item 53 refers to the following diagram of a simplea.e. generator. > ‘The parts labelled X inthe diagram are known as the (A) coils (B) armatures (©) sliprings (D) commutators In the scattering experiment conducted by Geiger and Marsden, some of the apha particles were deflected, Theexplanation for thisphenomenon isthat (A) electrons haveasmall mass (B) __eleetronshaveasmall charge (©) themetal foil was only afew atoms thick (D) the nuclear charge and mass are concentrated ina small volume 55. 56. 37. Item.S5 refers o the following table. Nuclei_[ Atomic Mass [Neutron Number| P 16 8 Q B 9 R 18 10 5 21 a Which pair of nuclei are isotopes? (A) Band Q (B) — QandR © PandR ) — Qands When alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays from a radioactive source are subjectedtoatransverse magnetic field, which of them would NOT be deviated from their original path? L Alpha 1. Beta Tm. Gamma (A) Honly (8) Wonly (©) TandIlonly (D) Dandi only Which of the following equations for nuclear reactionsiscorrect? (A) -3SRa—> *ZRn + f- particle (B) YC EN + B-particle (© Ra > “Rn + @-parice (@) {C+ EN + a- particle ee 58. N,radioactivenucleiarepresentinasample 59. Whichofthe following aredefinitions ofthe at time t=0. term ‘half-life’ of radioactive nuclide? Which of the following graphs BEST 1. Thetimetaken forthe activity of any represents the variation with time of the siyesampleto fall tohalfits original number, N, of undecayed nuclei present? value, I. ‘The time taken for half the nuclei (A) ON presentinany given sample todecay. N Mi. Half the average number of disintegrations persecond. (A) IandIionly a ®) — TandIonly ad (© Mand only ©) [Wand (B) 60. Intheequation AE = Amc? (A) ; ®) Time (©) ¢ = specific heat capacity of substance, Am=mass lost © oN ©) = specific heat capacity of N, substance, Am=mass of substance : time Ore Ny IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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