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95 terms by coolman2013

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Four Fields of anthropology:

1. Archaeology: (reminicends of past

cultures, past human civilization) Focus
on past human civilization. They
focused on Midden which is trash as
shell middens remniscents of toys,
fabrics, or etc. by native americans
were collected to tell about their
nutrients and life styles.
2. Biological/Physical Anthro: Human
anatomy, human genome, dna,
evolution, primates
3. Linguistic Anthro: Language, such as
human language. Also, humans are
more sophisticated but animals such as
chimbs, whales, chickerns do
4. Cultural Anthropology: Study of
human culture, compare cultures
around the globe




Aspects/Characteristics of Culture :

1. Unconscious: like elevator culture,

like staring toward the front of you
2. Cultures are Artificial! Not Innate!
3. Cultures are Learned
4. Cultures are Shared- Interaction
between 2 or more people
5. All cultures change/Evolve over timeNo culture is static or in "The Stone
6. All cultures exhibit some level of
social inequality

Definition of Culture

System of meaning embedded in

symbols. For example, a burrito
represents Mexican culture. White
represents pure and bride wears white
compared to brides wearing red in East
Asian cultures.


different things mean differently in

each culture
associated with different meanings
no universal standard


The research report produced by

Anthropologists based on their


An anthropologist producing a report

based on their field work.

Edward Burnett Tylor

Scottish Anthropologist, published

"Primitive Culture" in 1871.
He is also a Unilinealist.
He used human progress. At end of
line are Animism, meaning spirit
worshipers such as Native Americans.
In middle of line are Polytheism, which
worship many Gods such as Asians. At
top of line are Monotheism, worship of
one God, but he didn't think all are
Equal. 1. Protestant Christians. 2.
Catholics. 3. Muslims and Jews.




Henry Lewis Morgan

An American Anthropologist published

"Ancient Society in 1877 claiming that
Human Progress in one line, which is
At end of line is savage, such as Native
Americans. In middle are Barbarians
such as MidEast, and at right or top of
line is Civilized which are Europeans.
-Claimed that if you taught these
inferior people, they can move up
through the line.
-Claimed European writing system
greater than others

Herbert Spencer

British socliologist who wrote

"Principles of Sociology" in 1876. He
used the phrase" Survival of the Fittest"
to claim that Western Europeans were
the most evolved humans in existence.
He claimed that Great Britain is the
Biggest Empire in the World because
the Anglo-Saxons are more evolved. He
also claimed that the poor are "less fit"
compared to the wealth.

Unilinealism/Scientific Racism

One line for human progress


Those who are richer survive and

reproduce and those who are poor
shouldn't be helped.

Charles Darwin

From Plymouth England, went to the

Voyage of the Beage where he would
look at different animals and
specifically the Galapagos Island.

Natural Selection

Some species would adapt to a

Changing/ Alteration Environment over

Voyage of the Beagle :

Charles Darwin went on this voyage to

study and came up with the theory of
natural selection from his examination
of the Galapagos Island.




"Origin of the Species"-1859

Charles Darwin wrote it arguing that

due to natural selection, some speices
would adapt to a changing alternate
environment over time.

Social Darwinism

Strong should see their power increase

while poor should be left to die off and
not helped.

"Survival of the Fittest"

Western Europeans were the most

evolved humans in existence.

Unilineal Evolution/Unilinealism

One line for Human Evolution

Animism - polytheism-monotheism

Animism is the belief in spirits such as

Native Americans. Polytheism is belief
in many gods such as Asians.
Monotheism is belief in one God such
as Christians which are Europeans.
Theory by Eduard Burnett Tylor.

Savage- barbarian - civilized

Theory by Lewis Henry Morgan, Savage

such as Native Americans. Barbarian
such as Mid East. Civilized were the
Europeans but if a savage is taught, he
can move up the rank


Belief that your own culture is superior

to any others.

Cultural relativism

A research tool or method where the

researcher strives to put aside their
own culture biases in order to better
understand another culture.


Understanding what other cultures do

what they do. For example, the
Xanomamo don't have idea of love for
wives because of arranged marriages.

Bishop Ussher

Claimed the Earth was created on Oct

23, 4004 B.C.

Sir Lightfoot

Calculated that the Earth was created

on Sept 17, 3928 B.C. at 9 A.M.




Charles Lyell

Geologist who wrote "principle of

Geology in 1830 claiming in his book
that the earth is at least 500,000 years
old when most scientists at that time
believed that it was about 6,000 years
old. He used Stratigraphy, claiming that
the layering caused by rain dropping
mountain part to ground and this being
buried means that Earth is older than
500,000 years.

Stratigraphy/ Stratification

Strategy of using layering of sediments

to claim that the Earth is atleast
500,000 years old.

"Principles of Geology" - 1830

Claimed that the earth is atleast

500,000 years old.
Charles Lyell claimed that Earth is
atleast 500,000 years old.

Age of the earth

Atleast 500,000 years old.

Franz Boas

German born Jew who migrated to US

in 1880th. Went to University of Berlin
studying Physics. While working on his
PH. D, he went to Baffinland (Artic), and
became interested in Inuit (Eskimos)
people and culture. He would later
argue that the Eskimos are as
sophisticated as the Europeans. He
developed the Multilinealism, meaning
all cultures were sophisticated and
developed their own way. He
developed the 4 Fields of
Anthropology. He wrote " On the
Growth of Children in 1896 arguing
that the size of the skull was not a
factor of race but a factor of
nution/environment, causing the
Scientific community to be angry.

Multilinealism/Multilineal Evolution

Multiple Lines for Human Evolution,

and every culture are sophisticated and
developed in their own way.




Four Fields of Anthropology

1. Archeology- use this to show that all

humans groups have developed
civilization over time, no group stuck in
stone age.
2. Physical/Biological Anthro- Use this
to show that no human group is less
biologically developed than another,
such as Boas study of skull.
3. Linguistic Anthro- This can be used
to demonstrate that all human groups
have complex
, fully functional languages.
4. Cultural Anthro- Used to
demonstrate that all human groups
have complex, fully functional cultures.

Studies of Immigrant Children

Franz Boas claimed that head sizes are

different due to nutrition and not race.

"On the Growth of Children" -1896

Written by Franz Boas where he argued

that skull size of children wasn't a
factor of race but a factor of nutrition

The "genius" of each culture

Also called "Geist" and means that each

culture had it's own unique specifics
and no one culture was superior to



James Rachels


"the challenge of cultural relativism"

dangerous to the too culturally relative
logic and morals each society has a set
of different standards of morals
ex. eskimo killing their youngest baby,
westerners may see as immoral, but
the reason for this may be justified
if you don't know the reasons, it may
seem more moral and logical than at a
first glance
cannot be too culturally relative bc
there are just some things that cannot
be overlooked
ex. genocide, war

Horace Miner

"nacirema" - american backwards

etic approach to what americans did
"how anthropologists explain other
might seem more "exotic" on how
anthropologists explain/describe other

Nacirema - Exoticism

America backward to show how exotic

cultures could be due to anthropolgists


star trek film

how incommensurability was over
come:through contact and interaction
associations/language - has no
meaning unless symbols and
associations are known

Napoleon Chagnon

studied the yanamamo

field-work - participation observation




A.R. Radcliffe-Brown

In 1922, publishes "The Andaman

Islanders" He developed a theory
known as "Structural Functionalism,
argueing that the structures of society
functions together to maintain and
reproduce that society. Focused on
power that society holds over the


Structures of Society function together

to maintain and reproduce that society.
The power the society holds on the

Bronislaw Malinowski

British Anthropologist who wrote "The

Argonauts of the Pacific" talking about
the Trobriand Islanders, calling them
Argonauts as they had great sailing
skills. He came up with Functionalism,
meaning that the function of society is
to meet the needs of the Individual.


Function of the society is to meet the

needs of the individual.

Participant Observation Method

Fieldwork, to live with a culture you are

studying for some time whether it is
month's or years. Accidentally
discovered by Bors.


Participation observation, to study

culture for some time.

N!ai (film)

!kung used to be hunters and gatherers

but were forced onto reservations
were affluent people before
reservations, but not they know they
are poor
married off at age 15, did not like her
husband and did not want to sleep
with him (usual behavior, expected to
feel this way)





1. Worked 20 hours per week.

2. Women, Children, and Elderly supply
about 70% of food by Gathering.
3. Young and middle aged men supply
30% of food by hunting.
4. !Kung homicide rate is no higher
than our society.
5. "Sharing the Arrow" meaning arrows
hunters use belong to non hunters so
the person who the arrows belong to
gets a share of the meat. This is a way
for the hunter not to be prideful.
6. No relative poverty in !Kung society.

Marshall Sahlins

He claimed that Hunter and Gatherers

Socieites like the !Kung are actually
Affluent, meaning rich in their own

"Original Affluent Society"

bias westerners have about hunters

and gatherers being primitive and
hunters and gatherers are affluent bc:
few wants and needs that are easily
no relative poverty (egalitarian)
resources are shared (no individual
level of violence low (some forms of
violence against women are rare)

Thomas Hobbes

English philosopher, wrote "Leviathan"

in 1651, arguing that people are nasty,
selfish, and Brutish, so they need a
strong ruler to keep negative behavior
in check. Also, since hunters and
gatherers don't have political rulers,
Westerners assumes that their
societies are violent and dangerous.

"Leviathan" (1651)

Written by Thomas Hoppes were he

argues that people are nasty, selfish,
and Brutish.




Adam Smith

British economist/ capitalist who wrote

"Wealth of Nations" in 1776, arguing
that people are naturally greedy and
selfish- they want to accumulate
wealth, calling them homo economicus.
He argued that society needs a way to
control people's wants and a market
system (capitalism) was a way to
control human greed.

"Wealth of Nations" (1776)

Written by Adam Smith where he

argues that people are selfish and
greedy, they want to accumulate
wealth calling them homo Economicus.
He also argued that a way to control
people is through market system.

"Homo Economicus"

Self interested, people want to gain


Human Nature considered Greedy

Homo economicus as humans are

greedy and resources are limited.

Hunter-Gatherers (Foragers)

They don't live in one place and are

following the food sources with the
seasons practicing transhumance.

Insulting the Meat

Method for a hunter to show humility

after a successful hunt. Hunters cant
be prideful and have to say the animal
is not worth the people's time so the
rest of the people could help him
butcher it.

Annette Weiner

"marriage and the politics of yams"

responds to malinowski's earlier piece
trobriand islanders
yams = currency = power
each man has a yam house
if respected, given a lot of yams
chief always given biggest yams





Live in Islands in the S. Pacific. They

practice Slash and Burn. Men own one
type of garden and women own
another type of garden. The woman's
garden is used to grow everyday type
of food eaten by the woman's family.
The man's garden is used to grow only
yams which are given away as gifts.
There are two major rules.
1. The Biggest Yams are given to chiefs
as a sign of respect
2. Most men give yams to their sisters
husbands as a sign of gratidue for
taking good care of their sisters. The
yams received as gifts are publicly in a
man yam's house. The more yams
received as gift, people know that this
is a great husband.


Seen as prestige and power, a currency

and power. Symbol associated with sex
and prestige. The more yams you have
the greater you are seen in this society.
Also, a couple can't share yams in

Prestige Gifts

Yams given to chiefs as sign of respect

and to sister's husband as gifts for
taking good care of their sisters.

Slash and Burn (Swidden Agriculture)

You destroy a small jungle and grow a

garden for 5 to 7 years and the jungle
would start to grow back by that time
so you move on to another area. Not
bad because these small groups don't
destroy forests.


Small scale family farming where they

work 30 hours a week.


How a society meets their needs (

Economic needs)


Raising herds animals.




Masai - Nuer

These two are African tribes that

practice both Pastroalism and


Moving with the seasons, following

food sources with the season.

Herd Animals

Raising animals

patriarchal ownership

Male Dominated, the male owns the


gender inequality

Males are considered more dominant

to females.

Intensive Agriculture

Growing surplus amounts of food

which will be consumed by othersusually associated with a market

large-scale societies/Empires

These societies that practice both

intensive agriculture and industrialism
such as America.


Mass production of goods and services

for sale in a market

Market System

Goods and Services.


Everything is shared and people are


Stratified Society

in western societies
people are grouped into classes: lower,
middle, upperclass

Video Clip - Charlie Chaplin's Modern


Uses humor to show how people were

treated in these factories in the 1930th.
He showed how harsh these
environments are breaking the people,
both physically and mentally.

Religious Reformers

Religious Reformers




The "Enclosures"

Land owners stopped renting out their

land to peasants so they left to work in
factories. Land owners found it more
beneficial to raise sheep and sell their
wools to factories instead.

Lengthening of Work Week

Hours have increased, workers work

inside in factories and work shifts. They
work between 12-16 hours for little pay
due to many people in need of jobs.

Rise of Clocks

With factories, people no longer

worked by the season but by time, so
the clock was now of major importance
to the factory workers as it set up their
time and it is of major importance to us

Charlie Chaplin Video

It showed the harm the factories have

done to their workers both physically
and emotionally.

Time Discipline- Rise of Factories

Factories were functioning 24/7 so they

were time discipline, meaning workers
worked for a certain amount of time.

E.P. Thompson

time discipline"
farm life oriented around seasons and
natural cycles
factory life oriented around the clock

Shift from Task Orientation to TimeDiscipline

Now that people were moving from

agrictulture to industrialization, they
were time- disciplined as life was based
on the clock and not the seasons and
natural cycles.

Rise of the Use of Clocks

With the emergence of industrialization

and factories opening for 24/7, the rise
of the clock occurred as people's lives
were based on the clock.




Exploitation of Workers

Workers word in hardship

environments and paid less as many of
these working in agriculture had to
now move on and try to get jobs in city
and factory workers used that against

Lengthening of work hours and work


Owners abused their power and made

workers wages be low causing them to
work many hours to try and make a


emerged in 1800s
mass production of goods and services
lead to market system
goods and services sold in a market

Rise in Crime and Poverty

Crimes and Poverty increased and

wages went down.

Luddite Rebellions

1811-1812: referring to a period when

angry mobs known as Luddited burned
down factories in England.


referring to a period when angry mobs

known as Luddited burned down
factories in England.

Meredith Small

"our babies, ourselves"

different societies have different
parenting skills that best fits their

Kenyan Child-Rearing

have their other children, as little as six

care for their babies
this is because most had 10+ children


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