CURR - Concept Attainment Lesson Plan

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Presentation w/ Adv




Concept Attainment Lesson Plan (10 pts)

Lesson Background:
Your Name: Haley Mayer and Classmate

Grade Level: 3

Subject: Science
Lesson Title: Natural Disasters
Content Standards:
Understand and apply knowledge of processes and changes on or in the earths land,
oceans, and atmosphere.
The surface of the earth changes. Some changes are due to slow processes, such as erosion and
weathering, and some changes are due to rapid processes such as landslides, volcanic eruptions,
floods and earthquakes.
Materials Needed:
-notecards with the content attribute words written on them
-concept chart as displayed below
-2-3 computers or iPads for the students to use, access to a printer
-various books on natural disasters from school library
-Approved websites on natural disasters
-ELMO projector
-teachers premade poster on Wildfires for an example
-markers, crayons, pencils, glue sticks for each group
-poster boards for each group
Prerequisite Skills: general knowledge of basic weather, slow processes that change the Earth
(erosion, weathering), how to go to an assigned webpage to access information
Lesson Objective:
Third grade students will be able to explain changes that occur on or in earths land, oceans or
Concept Label: Natural Disasters
Critical Attributes: [yes] Earthquake, Tsunami, Landslide, Flood, Volcanic Eruption, Mudslide,
Avalanche, Tornado, Hurricane, Wildfire
Non-critical Attributes: [no] Thunderstorms, Fog, Overcast, Snow, Hail, Freezing Rain, Flurries,
Sleet, Sunshine
Definition of Concept:

Natural Disaster= any event or force of nature that has catastrophic consequences, such as
avalanche, earthquake, flood, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, and volcanic eruption
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interaction with Students:
1. Provide examples and non-examples to the class: (yes/no attributes)
Time: 5 minutes
Ok class, I am going to need your help figuring out what our next topic in our weather unit is going
to be. I am going to give you some words in the yes category. Those words are all things that are
part of the new concept we are going to learn more about. I am also going to put some words in
the no category, which are all words that do not fit with the new concept. Your job is to figure out
what the words have in common, which will give you our new concept! Does everyone understand
what I want you to do?
Put the following chart on the ELMO. Have a card with each word from above and place them one
at a time in their proper categories. Do this slowly and ask students to give a brief definition of
each word.



2. Test for attainment: (Do the students understand the concept?) Time: 5 minutes
After about 4 words in each category have been revealed, do a thumbs up check to see who is
beginning to think they know what the concept may be. If you think you know what the concept
might be, give me a thumbs up. If at least half of the class has their thumbs up, have the students
turn and talk to a partner and share what they think the concept is and why. Walk around the room
at this time to listen and check to see if the students are on the right track for the concept.
3. Analyze student thinking processes and integration of learning: Time: 5 minutes
(Are they able to provide additional examples and non-examples?)
Wow class, I heard some pretty good ideas when I was walking around. (If most of the students
have a general idea of the concept, continue on with the discussion. If they are way off, guide their
thinking into the right direction: What do these words have in common? What is different about
them?) Most of your ideas seem to be pretty similar, so now I want to see if you can come up
with some more words under the yes side and the no side. To start, can someone give me
another word they think belongs in the Yes category? Call on 2-3 more students, and if the
answers are correct write it down on a blank card and place it in the list. If they cant yet suggest
words teacher will help provide a couple more examples. With each addition more students should
start to figure out the concept. After all words are revealed ask for a show of hands to tell what they
think the concept is. Call on one student at a time until someone guesses correctly.
4. Clarify lesson objectives: (What are students going to DO with these?)

Time: 5 minutes

As you have just uncovered, today we are going to be learning more about natural disasters
around the world. We have already learned about different types of weather and the slow
processes that can change the Earth. Natural disasters are different from the slow processes,
such as erosion and general weathering, in that they occur very rapidly. A lot of the time they can
cause a lot of damage and are sometimes referred to as catastrophic. When I say catastrophic do
you know what I mean? Catastrophic means that something causes great damage. All of the
cards we placed in the yes column are examples of natural disasters. (Point at the column to
direct students attention).
5. Procedures for Using the Concept in a meaningful way? Time: 35 minutes
So, for our activity, I am going to split you all into groups of 4. That means will we choose 6 of the
natural disasters to research and present. Each group will research their specific topic and make
a poster to represent their natural disaster. I made an example earlier on Wildfires. I included
pictures that I found on the internet. I will provide you with approved websites that you will be able
to use to find information and pictures. You can also draw pictures if youd like or use these books
from the library to find information. On my poster I included a description of the event, pictures,
safety tips, and where they are most likely to occur by using a map of the US or world to show the
regions. You can follow my example or come up with other ideas that you find important. After all
of our posters are created we will then share them in small groups. We will rotate groups until
each group has heard all of the other groups information. This will be a fun way for you not only
to have a chance to teach your peers, but your peers will help teach you as well. We will have
about 30 minutes to work on the project today. If we need more time, we will use 10-15 minutes to
finish them up tomorrow before we present.
6. Assessment / Closure (How do you evaluate student progress or provide closure for this
lesson?) Include rubric, checklist, assessment documents.
Time: During presentations (30 minutes on Day 2)
Students will be evaluated by turning in their group posters to the teacher. The teacher will
evaluate them using the scoring chart provided below. Additionally, the teacher will monitor
progress informally by walking around the room while the students are working on their poster and
listen to each groups presentation.
7. DIFFERENTIATION of Content, Process or Product:
a. Adaptation for students who need extra help, time, or attention?
Students will be working in groups of 4. The teacher will assign the groups as to place learners
who need extra time in groups of higher ability students. The students will be collaborating to
achieve the completion of their project. The students who may need extra time will be able to
choose their task within the group. The teacher will also be walking around the room during
creation and research of the posters to assist any students that may be struggling.
b. Extension for students of high ability?
Students of high ability will be placed in a group of students with similar abilities. They will also
have the option to work alone if they choose. If needing more of a challenge with the research,
students will be able to include more information on their poster relating to current events of

natural disasters. With teacher guidance, they will be able to access other approved websites to
access natural disasters throughout history.
TOTAL LESSON TIME:___80 minutes over two days/lessons___
8. References Consulted (Curriculum books in Drake SOE curriculum lab, previous teachers as
resources, online websites, your past experiences, or your own initiatives, etc):


5 points

4 points

3 points

2 points

0 points

Research and
Facts (Accuracy)

Time on Task


Students used the

approved sites to research
their natural disaster. The
accurately recorded facts
that were relevant and
factual. Students
displayed 2-3 facts on their
poster with accuracy.
Students used most of the
approved sites to research
their chosen natural
disasters. Students
displayed 1-2 facts on their
poster with accuracy.

Students were on task

during the allotted work
time. They were
continually researching
their topic. When
presenting, the students
were talking of the topic at
Students were on task for
most of the time. Students
needed 1-2 reminders per
group to stay on task/topic.

Students worked well in

assigned groups. Each
group member took part in
various tasks of the

Students used only 1

approved website to
conduct research.
Students displayed only 1
fact on their poster with
Students did not use any
approved websites or tried
to find their own. Students
displayed 0 facts on their
poster from the approved

Students needed 3-4

reminders per group to
stay on task/keep working.
And/or to stay on task
during discussion.

Half of the group members

completed all aspects of
the project. Group
members did not work
together and combine
Group members needed
jobs assigned to them to
function well as a group.
Students did not
collaborate to complete the

Did not finish project.

Did not finish project.

Students were off-task a

majority of the time. 5+
reminders were given to
the group to stay on
task/on topic.

Total Points

Group #:


Most of the group worked

collaboratively and helped
with each part of the

Did not finish project.



Group Members:

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