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Test#1: Study Guide

1.) Definition of Communication The exchange of meaning.

2.) The Source- Message Channel Receiver (SMCR) model of mass
communication describes the exchange of information as the message
passes form the source to the channel to the receiver, with feedback to
the source.
Communication Model
Source, Message, Encoder, Channel , Decoder, Receiver
(Sour Mess En Chans Dvd Recorder)
Model Flaw: Feedback
In 1455, The Gutenberg Bible was published (Movable Type/
Mechanical Printing)
In 1910, U.S transitions to an industrial society.
In 1960, U.S. transitions to information society.
In 1991, World Wide Web is launched
In 1996, Telecommunications Act of 1996 reforms U.S. media policy
In 2009, US adopts digital TV
Analog Communication uses continuously varying signals
corresponding to the light or sounds originated by the source.
( Ex. Listening, Talking in facial expressions)
Went from a Analog Age> Digital Age
Digital Means computer-readable information formatted in 1s and 0s.
4.) The most essential technology in our lives: The Computer
5.) Gatekeepers: Controllers of the messages we receive.
6.) Information Society: The exchange of information is the
predominant economic activity.

Dominant resource: actionable knowledge Alvin Toffler

Getting resources quickly and accurately
Communication across stages of economic development

Agricultural Industrial Information Society

Pg. 13Descriptions of Each Society
8.) The Digital Divide
The gap in Internet usage between rich and poor.
Economic Development of Digital Divide. Pg. 19
Read Diagram
9.) ConvergenceThe integration of mass media, computers and
Narrowcastingtargets media to specific segments of the audience
Copyrightis the legal right to control intellectual property.
GutenbergPrinting Press (1455)

Chapter 2
1.) All media companies strive to produce media products more
efficiently to reduce their costs.
The Perfect Media Business Model
2.) Cost a little bit, but grabs a huge audience
3.) Effective vs. Excellent
Reduction of innovative content
EffectiveCant be copycat content
4) Barrier of Entry
-Sources of Revenue
Wall Street
A lot of media that are owned by a corporation rather than mom and
Radio Example
5. Economies of ScaleResult when unit costs go down as production
quantities increase. (Slashing Staff)
6. Monopoly

One dominates the marker

Does this apply to major media companies?
7. Oligopoly
A few firms dominate the market
8. Sources of Revenue:
Direct Sales
Subscribers Fees
Usage FeesSingle payment (Movies)
Syndication-The rental of content to media outlets, rather than the
consumer. Reruns of old tv shows are syndicated to the media outlets
to distribute them locally.
License Fees
Subsidies/Donations-Desirable, but not Profitable-PBS subsidized by
federal, state, and local taxes.
9. *Profit Motive
As a Company you have the obligation to make a profit, but you dont
have an obligation to be greedy. Doug Balogh, former owner WOXY-FM
10.Feminist Studies-Underrepresented in all media
Ethnic Media StudiesSterotypes
11. Diffusions of Innovations Pg 47 Diagram

Functions of the Media

*Interpretation- Media helps us to interpret our world
*Values transmission/socialization
(Ads, obsession with beautiful people, patriotism, individual effort)
Others to consider:

--Build Community
--Support Political System
^Citizens need to be informed
13.) What are the major issues addressed by feminist media scholars?
Ex. Men are always highlighted in sports
14. Diffusions of Innovations
The story of the VCR.
15.) Q: What are the ethnic media scholars concerned about?
16.) What are political economists concerned about?
We can look at representation.
The media are not very good at telling us what to think
but they are very good at telling us what to think about.
Its a matter of focus.
Mostly concerned about: (Impact of Media)
*Negative Impact
*Impact on social structure/values
*Impact on children

Chapter 14

The Powerful Media Model

Hypodermic Needle or Bullet Theory
(effects are similar across all people)
*Catharsis Purifying ourselves. We become less violent because
were purging ourselves.

Popular in the 30s and 40s

No consistent research evidence to support this perspective; more in
*Cause and Effect
A researcher must establish 3 things:
1. Presumed cause and presumed effect must co-vary or go
2. The presumed cause must precede the presumed effect (This
happened, therefore, it came up with this result.)
3. Must eliminate plausible rival explanations.
(Cant just say, Its the music)
The best research technique for establishing connections(?)
Very Common Approach to studying media effects
Think Janet JacksonAlbum: Control
The Study of the Effects of Variables
manipulated by a researcher.. in a situation where all other influences
are controlled
and completed for the purpose of establishing casual relationships
Independent VariablesWhat the researcher is manipulating
Dependent Variables Things you are looking for
Confounding VariablesAll the other things that got in the way
Mood Management Theory
-Dr. Dolf Zillmann
-Born out of selective exposure research
-We use media to manipulate our mood.
Humans are hedonistic (He dough nistic) Pleasure-seeking
Humans learn what works: for us over time.
Our choices are NOT always mindful, but many times are unconscious
based on psychophysiological factors.
Content Analysis Is a quantitative description of the content of the

Albert Bandura- Bobo Doll Study

Led a Child-Violence-Reaction Experiment
(Kids watched a video of an actor beating up a bobo doll and took on
the same behaviors once they had the chance to play.
Uses and gratificationsTheory that media are actively selected to
satisfy our needs.

studied violence in television and how it shapes

perception of society. Also, The ''mean world syndrome,'' a
phenomenon in which people who watch large amounts of
television are more likely to believe that the world is an
unforgiving and frightening place.
George Gerbner

Cultivation TheoryArgues that mass media exposure cultivates a

view of the world that is consistent with mediated reality.

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