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Civil Service Commission Professional or Sub-Professional

Reviewer - Page 1/159

in Civil Service Commission Professional or Sub-Professional Reviewer - Page 1/159 - on 11:23
Mathematics Test I - Page 1
Select the best answer for each and write the appropriate letter in the blank.
_________1. 16 + 4 x (7 + 8) - 3 = ________?
a. 117
b. 145
c. 73
d. 65
_________2. (18 + 17) (12 + 9) - (7 x 16) (4 + 2) = ________?
a. 53
b. 63
c. 321
d. 323
_________3. The sum of 73, 2891, 406 and 98 is _______?
a. 3468
b. 3486
c. 3648
d. 4648
_________4. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 24 ?
a. 192

b. 268
c. 248
d. 596
_________5. Which of the following numbers is prime?
a. 57
b. 87
c. 89
d. 91

a. 1304
b. 1324
c. 1314
d. 1342
7. The difference of 476 and 182 is _______?
a. 654
b. 86632
c. 314
d. 294
8. Evaluate


a. 0.213
b. 0.312
c. 0.123
d. 0.231

+ 2 + 3 = ______?
1000 10

9. Evaluate + + _________.
a. 3/14
b. 3/16
c. 3/12
d. 7/8
10. Seventy-one and twenty-one ten thousandths is written in standard form as :
a. 71.2100
b. 71.0021
c. 71.210000
d. 71,2100
11. One thousand forty two and seven thousandths written form is _____?
a. 1042.7000
b. 10,427,000
c. 1042.007
d. 1042.0007
12. 1 + 5 + 1 = _______?
a. 1 and 2/3
b. 7/11
c. 1 and 1/3
d. 3/5
13. 3 - 1 = ________?
a. 1 and 1/6
b. 5 and 1/6

c. 6 and 1/5
d. 1 and 5/6
14. 900 x 0.09 = _________?
a. 0.81
b. 8.1
c. 81
d. 810
15. 7 21 = ___________?
a. 1/6
b. 1/3
c. 1 and 1/2
d. 2/3
16. 3 x 10 = ______?
a. 13/15
b. 2
c. 1/2
d. 3/25
17. 3.156 x 0.12 = ________?
a. 0.37872
b. 3.7872
c. 37.872
d. 378.72

18. 5 2 = ______?
a. 2 and 5/14
b. 12 and 5/6
c. 6/77
d. 2 and 2/3
Civil Service eligibility is one of the most highest exam that a public servant must have in order
to be promoted or work in many government offices available here in the Philippines. But for
others who took the exam so many times already, they said that the test was very difficult that's
why they didn't pass it.

Is that really the reason or they just took the test for granted? I am also a Civil Service exam
passer and I only took the examination once last May 2012. For me there is nothing special that
you need to do in order to pass the exam but I can give you some tips that might help you pass
the Civil Service examination.
You may consider reading the following advice.
1. You do not need to buy reviewer books, go to review centers, or whatever mediums just to
study the style of the exam given, the types of the exam, or whatever. There are so many online
websites that offer free reviewers for you to be able to have some tastes of what the exams
maybe. You can check an example here at
2. How about if you do not have a personal computer or laptop? Well, that's not good but, you
can also read books about Mathematics, English, Filipino, and other books that you have. If you
don't have books then go to your municipal or city library. There are so many ways that are
available if you really wanted to study.
3. Actually, the first 20 questions given in a Civil Service exam are "Personal Questions". This

part 1 of the exam is really a gimme, you will actually have an automatic 20 points already for
your score.
4. In addition, here are the lists of the categories of the exams given in a Civil Service
professional examination. I am not sure whether the same format is given to the non-professional
exam because I didn't take that exam.

Mathematics tests

Analytical ability tests

Number sequence

Clerical operations alphabetizing

Abstract reasoning

Current events and general information

Vocabulary and idiomatic expressions




Verbal reasoning

Identifying errors

Reading comprehension


Wastong Gamit

Please be noted that the categories given above may also change as the Civil Service
Commission may also update their type of examination each and every year.
5. During the examination, do not waste too much time in a single question. You have to
remember that the timer ticks down. If you do not know the answer then just make another
reading and just answer it with any letter. You have to remember that not all the questions are
really made for you, but also, there are a lot of questions that you can answer correctly.

5. The next advice is, do not expect to much about the exam. Like boasting that you got a
question answer correctly. Just wait for the result first (about 45 days after the exam) before
saying anything else to your friends or co-officemates so that if you failed you will not be
6. And the last tip that I can give and what I also did, pray before taking the examination. Yes,
prayer is the most powerful tool that you can have during the examination. To be honest, I really
never made or took any reviews when I took my examination last year but I did pass it. Why?
because my family and I, really prayed a lot, and that's my main weapon. Pray before taking the
exam and pray after taking the exam.
That's it! There are no formulas or dedicated, hard and focused reviews needed in order for you
to pass the Civil examination. Just a simple scanning of related books will do and tail it with a
simple prayer. After all, exams here are those lessons and subjects that you already tackled
during your elementary, high school and college days.

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