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Onychauxis is the medical term for thickening or overgrowth of the nail. This condition can be observed in both the
fingers nails and the toes nails. Onychauxis is otherwise called Hypertrophy of the nail.

Causes of Onychauxis
Onychauxis can occur due to various reasons such as:

Diabetic patients are frequently seen to experience the ill effects of this illness which makes doctors suspect
diabetes to be a cause of Onychauxis.
Any alteration to the nail root / bed / plate
Age i.e poor circulation and metabolic change
Onychauxis can additionally emerge from impeded blood flow in the hands and feet. Absence of legitimate blood
supply neglects to give the nails enough supplements fundamental for its development and support.
Psoriasis is a perpetual skin illness that offers ascent to red fixes over different districts of the body. It is thought to
prompt nail problem like Onychauxis.
Trauma to the nails can likewise bring about Onychauxis. This is especially seen in individuals who wear tight
footwear. Minimal shoes or shoes can put fingers of the toe under great weight and offer ascent to Onychauxis.
Bacterial / Fungal infections: Yeast or Fungal disease in the nail cot or the zones encompassing the nail plate can
additionally cause Onychauxis.
This condition prompts augmentation of bones in hands, feet and face. Acromegaly is additionally considered in
charge of the presence of this nail sickness.
This hereditary skin issue offers ascent to white injuries in the oral locales like sense of taste and tongue.

Onychauxis Treatment
The snappiest and most prevalent technique for treating this condition includes trimming the nails. Legitimate
trimming will make the ache subside and give space to nails to develop from the base. Continuous trimming can give a
flawless appearance to the nails and keep them fit as a fiddle. It will additionally evacuate the congested nail and make
space for new nail to develop from the base.

Treatment of Onychauxis really includes recognizing the accurate cause behind the condition. In the event that the
condition is found to come about because of maladies like Diabetes and Psoriasis, overseeing or curing the issue can
achieve a change in the nails. In great instances of Onychauxis, a fractional or complete evacuation of the influenced nail
may be needed.
Onychauxis cure can additionally be achieved with the assistance of home remedies. In the event that the ailment is found
to influence toenails as a consequence of wearing tight shoes, it is important to change footwear. Any footwear that is light
and gives adequate space to toenails ought to be decided on. It will keep the feet agreeable furthermore guarantee health of


Blue nails, or more formally azure lunula, are characterized by a blue discoloration of the lunulae, seen in argyria
and cases of hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson's disease), also having been reported in hemoglobin M disease and
hereditary acrolabial telangiectases. It is a condition wherein the fingernails turn blue in color. The most common cause
behind blue fingernails is cyanosis. Apart from cyanosis, it can also result from side effects of certain drugs and deficiency of
hemoglobin in the body.

Blue fingernails is represented primarily by a type of cyanosis. It occurs when blood oxygen levels go below normal.
The red blood cells are starved of oxygen which gradually changes the color of nails to blue. It can also be caused due to
presence of abnormal hemoglobin, i.e. methemoglobin or cyanide poisoning in blood. As a result blood vessels carry
deoxygenated blood in it.
A person who frequently faces difficulty in breathing and gasps for breath is more often observed with blue colored
nails. Profuse sweating and chest pain are some other symptoms associated with it. Numbness and paleness in arms,
hands, and fingers might also be noticed. He tends to faint often and feels dizzy almost all the time. In some cases, cyanosis
is a consequence of chronic lung and heart disease. Raynaud's phenomenon is a medical terminology for localized
cyanosis, resulting in blue colored fingernails.
Apart from low oxygen density and hemoglobin problems, other reasons behind occurrence of blue fingernails are:
1. Argyria
7. Subungual hematoma
13. Cardiac tamponade
2. Mepacrine
8. Trauma
14. Emphysema
3. Silver poisoning
9. Fracture
15. Pulmonary embolism
4. Wilson's disease
10. Adult respiratory distress syndrome 16. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
5. Asthma
11. Carbon monoxide poisoning
17. Pulmonary edema
6. Polycythemia vera
12. Lissencephaly
18. Chloroquine poisoning

Whenever you doubt that the tinge of your fingernails or the underlying skin is gradually turning blue, never hesitate
to visit a doctor. Oxygenation levels of the blood can be measured by a non-invasive pulse oximeter. Treatment begins after
the underlying disorder is confirmed.
Treatment of PDA in children is complicated and it depends on the age of the child and severity of the symptoms. In
infants the closure is often performed by medication (indomethacin dosage). Device closure or heart surgery is also
performed in older children and full-grown infants. Such kind of surgeries are very sensitive and should be performed by
expert surgeons. Blue fingernails is definitely a cause of concern. You must see a doctor to rule out the underlying cause
and get the necessary treatment done for complete cure.

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