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Silent Smiles

A Hunger Games fanfic

The Peacekeeper stalked through the snow, camouflaged in their
bright white uniform. A speck of blood would stand out more than
them if it werent for Prim, walking by their side, bundled in a dark
blue jacket trying to stay calm and warm. Fear paralyzed Peeta for a
few seconds as he watched the two approach his house in Victors
Village. He let out a breath and looked at the painting hed been
working on.
In it, Katnisss sleeping facewhich normally he found solace in for
its serenitywas marred by the welt shed received from a whip after
stepping in to protect Gale from further lashings. She slept in a chair,
her head cradled in her arms on the table where Gale fought to
recover from the whipping. Capturing the hue of Gales ruined olive
skin covered in blood soaked up by a once-white cloth in a dark room
proved challenging for Peeta. But hed have to postpone that
challenge, because now he had a new oneprotect Prim and himself
from the Peacekeeper at all costs, or be haunted by new nightmares.
After Peeta put his painting supplies down with care, three hard
knocks came at his door. While descending the stairs to the ground
floor, he quickly composed his face with an airy smile, like hed been
dreaming happier thoughts about Katniss than he actually had been.
When he reached the door, he didnt hesitate to open it.
Hey, Prim, Peeta said, stepping forward to hug her. Even though
theyd never hugged before, Prim wrapped her arms around his torso
and pressed her face to his chest with more urgency than hed
expected. The fear lingered between them as they broke apart. You
have your own Peacekeeper now? You must be even more special than
Katniss, Peeta joked.

The Peacekeepera middle-aged woman with short-cropped brown

hair that Peeta didnt recognizeturned to him. Speaking of Miss
Everdeen, she said, in a voice as cold but not nearly as fragile as the
snow, she wouldnt happen to be with you, would she? Her smirk let
Peeta know she already knew the answer.
I thought maybe shed come to see you, like she does sometimes,
so you can spend time alone, Prim added hurriedly. The absurdity of
her statement almost made him laugh. Katniss had stood on his
doorstep a few times before, like they were all doing now, but had
never set foot inside his house in search of private intimacy. The
Capitol had become quite good at killing his laughter and leaving the
tattered memories there to torture him, though. Surely his house was
bugged, and the Capitol knew Katniss had never come over, yet he
tried his best to play along with Prims game.
Im sorry, but shes not here right now, and Im not sure where she
is, Peeta said, hoping he wouldnt be forced to say much more on the
matter. The more details he gavelike that he hadnt seen her today,
or that he had been expecting her now, or anything elsewould make
the lie harder to coordinate with Prim and her mom.
Why dont you come over while we wait for Miss Everdeen to
return for dinner? the Peacekeeper asked.
Peeta forced himself to smile wider. Of course. I always love more
excuses to see Katniss. But why are you waiting around for her? Shes
not in some sort of trouble, is she? He felt powerless without
information, helpless with no way to get it, and despair at the
possibility of getting Prim into trouble with his questions.
We have a message for her from Head Peacekeeper Thread, the
Peacekeeper said.

Why not leave the message with Prim? It must be boring for you to
sit around in their house, Peeta said.
Head Peacekeeper Thread would like us to personally deliver the
Peeta nodded like this made perfect sense. Let me get my coat.
Once he returned, the Peacekeeper said, Were going to Mr.
Abernathys house as well to see if Miss Everdeen is there. She
turned on her heels and started crunching her way through the
packed snow. Peeta and Prim exchanged glances that said more than
their veiled words could. They would both be wary. They would work
together. They would free Katniss from this trap. Somehow, it didnt
appear to be as easy as taking a beating from his mother to toss her a
loaf of bread, or losing a leg to protect her from Catos sword. He
didnt know what he was up against. He only knew that Katnisss dark
humor was rubbing off on him.
Prim jogged a bit to keep up with the Peacekeeper, with Peeta
bringing up the rear. Prim was just as slim as Katniss, and even
shorter, but aside from that, Peeta saw no hints that they were sisters.
With her blond hair trailing behind her in pigtails, her blue eyes, and
her pale complexion, Prim looked more like she could be his sister.
And in a few months, once hed married Katniss, she would be his
sister, by law, anyway. It made him feel even worse about the
marriage being nothing more than a political power play than he
already did.
The one time hed had any meaningful conversation with Prim
happened only two weeks ago, when theyd been tending to Gale
after the whipping. Growing up, theyd exchanged nothing but smalltalk every once in a while. Much like hed done with Katniss, he
admired Prims kindness when surrounded by such despair from afar.

His father was particularly fond of her, but hed always been a quiet
man, so he mostly showed his admiration by making favorable trades
with Katniss for squirrels. Now he gave them more cookies or cheese
buns than theyd paid for when they came to make more legal
There was no time even for small-talk on the short walk to
Haymitchs house. Peeta got in the quip Haymitch is coming too? So
much for a romantic evening with Katniss, and then they were at his
front door. The Peacekeeper knocked three times, just like shed done
at Peetas house. They all waited in silence on Haymitchs doorstep.
When he opened the door, his gray eyes lit up and he laughed.
Well, this looks like an interesting party were gathering here, he
said. Thank you for coming to invite me.
Were looking for Katniss Everdeen, the Peacekeeper said,
ignoring Haymitchs strangely jovial outburst.
Youre going to have to keep looking, then, Haymitch said.
While we wait for Miss Everdeen to return, youre invited to come
to her house for dinner, the Peacekeeper said.
As long as youre not cooking, Haymitch replied with a shrug,
retrieving his jacket from a hook right beside the door. He locked his
house and started leading the way back to the Everdeens. Despite his
inappropriate jokes, Peeta was glad Haymitch would be around while
they all waited for Katniss to come home. As District 12s once-lone
Victor, now a famous figure for public drunkenness and spectacle each
year when the Hunger Games rolled around, Haymitch got away with
saying pretty much anything he wanted. If he had held up a bunch of
berries and threatened to commit suicide, people probably would have
just laughed and let him die. Nothing he said was seen as a serious

Are you with the new shipment of Peacekeepers? Haymitch asked.
I was brought in by Head Peacekeeper Thread. You should address
me as Peacekeeper Septima, the Peacekeeper replied.
Its a pleasure to meet you, Peacekeeper Septima, Peeta said,
which may have been the biggest lie hed told so far.
The conversation died after that, and Peeta was almost glad to find
a second Peacekeeper, Titus, waiting at the Everdeens. Introductions
sustained the conversation a little longer before the Peacekeeperss
presence stifled it again. At least they could entertain each other while
Peeta thought of some way to put on a show of Prim and him being
close friends.
Haymitch wandered over to Mrs. Everdeen, to help put her at ease
with some tasteless jokes. The Peacekeepers sat at the long kitchen
table. The last time Peetad been here, Gale had still been recovering
on that table, laying on his stomach as his back throbbed in pain. Two
weeks ago Peeta and Haymitch had to drag Katniss away from that
table, away from her mother, at whom Katniss hurled curses that
werent nearly as accurate as her arrows. This catastrophe convinced
her they had to stay in District 12, had to do something to fight the
Capitol rather than run from it. Peeta looked away from the table and
instead focused his gaze out the window, on the setting sun. Had she
run away, or had she instead run straight into trouble?
Katnisss wedding dresses came today, Prim said to him. She
started walking towards the rockers next to the fireplace and he
Its a shame that Cinna made all these dresses, and only one will

ever really get worn, Peeta said.

Thats true, Prim said, sitting down in one of the rockers.
Buttercup, the Everdeens mangy orange cat, came scampering over
to lay in Prims lap. She stroked his matted fur with a smile on her
He should make another six dresses, one for every District. We
should hold a separate, live ceremony in each one, Peeta said. He
thought that was a pretty good idea, by Capitol standards, actually.
Effie would love it.
Hed need to make thirteen dresses. One more, for the Capitol
Thats right! We cant forget about the Capitol. His eyes shifted to
the Peacekeepers for a second.
You could start with the Capitol ceremony and end in Twelve. It
would be perfect! Prim said.
It really would, Peeta said, trying not to think of marrying Katniss
thirteen times when she didnt even want to marry him once. What
about your dress, Prim?
I dont think Cinnas had time to worry about that yet. And Im a
little nervous about getting all dressed up like that Even though
her current clothes were simplean off-white sweater and cozy black
pantsthey were such a step up from the threadbare or patched or
baggy clothes the Everdeens wore before Katniss won the Games. He,
too, had more clothing now, more clothes that didnt have stains from
cooking all day or painting. But none of their clothes competed with
the finery of the ones he and Katniss wore in the Capitol. Just one of
Cinnas dresses currently packed in a box in the corner probably cost

more than all of their clothes combined.

Dont worry. Youre very pretty, Prim. Youll look amazing in your
dress. Cinna will make sure of it.
Hes not going to set me on fire, is he?
He usually only sets fake fires, but you never know.
I thought you both looked beautiful during the Tribute Parade,
Prim said as she looked down at Buttercup.
Peeta smiled. Thank you. Honestly, making us beautiful was the
least Cinna could do after making us fear hed roast us alive before
the Games even began.
Whats the Capitol really like? Im nervous about leaving District
12, Prim said.
Peetas eyes flicked toward the Peacekeepers again, as they
remained silent, sipping tea or some other hot drink Mrs. Everdeen
had given them, clearly eavesdropping on their conversation. Nervous
about leaving District 12? Everyone should be grateful to leave the
clutches of the cold winters and coal mines for the finery of the
Capitol. The only reason he and Katniss left with any consternation
involved what they believed to be their fated death sentence.
The Capitol had wanted to kill Prim at one point, or at least, to make
it very hard for her to survive. Shed only been twelve at the time. The
rage District 12 felt after Effie called Prims name at the Reaping could
only be expressed through dead silence, and that assured that
everyone would hear Katnisss rebellion when she declared she
volunteered. Watching Katniss walk up on stage, insisting that Prim let
her goit was all so cruel and by the Capitols design.

What if he and Prim had fought in the Hunger Games together

instead of him and Katniss? His hand moved to his artificial leg. Theyd
probably both be dead right now, but hed still have fought Cato and
whoever else to keep her safe. He wouldve given his life for her.
Luckily, he and Prim survived and were simply talking about dresses
for a wedding that wouldnt have happened without the Hunger
Games. He would never be grateful to the Capitol, but he could keep it
together for this conversation.
Everyone dresses a little funny, but the food is delicious and
theyre all really nice, Peeta said, looking Prim in the eye. Plus, the
Capitol loves you already.
They dont even know me, Prim said.
Its okay, they have Katniss vision, Peeta said. And when they do
finally get to know you, they will still love you.
Again Prim turned away, focused on scratching Buttercup behind
his mangled ear. We should make dinner.
The sun had set sometime during their talk. The mention of dinner
brought a new sense of dread over Peeta, but he agreed to help Prim.
They set to work making a stewcutting up carrots and potatoes and
small chunks of meatand then Peeta showed her how to make a
slightly sweet but still hearty loaf of bread. Throughout, they hardly
talked, and when they did, it was of small things, like how Lady, Prims
goat, was handling the harsh winter.
By the time theyd prepped everything, Katniss still hadnt returned.
While the bread baked and the stew warmed on one of the lowest
settings on the stove, Peeta and Haymitch decided to play chess, with

Prim watching. She didnt know how to play so they briefly explained
the rules to her beforehand, and then reiterated them every time they
made a move. Haymitch provided snarky commentary every time he
took one of Peetas pieces. His humor wasnt enough to entertain Prim
for more than a half hour before she wandered off to see if the
Peacekeepers or her mother needed anything.
Another fifteen minutes passed. The Peacekeepers now stood in the
threshold to the kitchen, arms crossed, staring at the stove. Prim, can
you take the bread out of the oven for me? Id do it, but Haymitch will
cheat if I get up, Peeta said.
Ill have you know Im a very honorable man. Thats how I won the
Hunger Games. With honor, Haymitch replied.
Ill get it, Peeta, Prim assured.
Alright, next time both of you distrust me, remember that I helped
keep that Katniss girl you both love so much alive, Haymitch said, in
a light tone that proved he wasnt taking this at all seriously enough.
I know, Haymitch, and Im so grateful to you, Peeta began. But I
also really want to beat you at this chess game.
The older man laughed. You determined your fate about four turns
ago, boy.
Well see. And so they kept playing, pretending they didnt notice
time passing without the appearance of Katniss. How late would it
have to get before the Peacekeepers smiled at Mrs. Everdeen to report
that their comrades had killed her daughter hours ago? Peeta leaned
his head against his hand, covering his mouth. Any move he made on
the chess board led straight into trouble and an eventual loss. He
moved his knight anyway.

Only a few turns before Haymitch could take Peetas King, Katniss
came home. He and Haymitch continued to stare at the chess board
like her arrival didnt matter as much as their rivalry. They heard her
greet the Peacekeepers with a curt Hello, and her mother claimed
she was just in time for dinner, even though the bread has been ready
for a while, and even on a low heat setting, the stew had cooked
The Peacekeepers asked where shed been, and she dodged the
question with easier to ask where I havent been as she headed into
the kitchen, passing between the two guards. Then they all started to
enact some sort of comedy sketch, one of those low-brow ones
Peetad seen on TV from time to time that he supposed were popular
in the Capitol, where only laughs came cheap. He played the teasing
but kind and caring boyfriend as Katniss insisted Prim gave her the
wrong location for the Goat Man.
While Titus seemed quite amused by their incompetence, Septima
frowned and asked Katniss what was in her bag. Clearly she hoped to
trap Katniss with a bag full of dead game. Peeta got up after Katniss
dumped the contents of the bag on the table, ready to jump to her
defense if a squirrel came rolling out.
Instead, shed gotten a bunch of fresh bandages and a bag of
candy. Peeta came over and opened the candy bag, again hoping he
didnt find a dead squirrel inside. Ooh, peppermints, he said, taking
one for himself. Katniss tried to get them back but he tossed them
over to Haymitch, who stuffed a handful in his mouth. Probably only
part of his punishment for Katniss making him wait around for her all
Peeta tried to calm Katniss down before their comedy act started to
wear thin. He wrapped his arms around her gently, yet she yelped like

she was a dog hed just kicked. To cover it up she turned the sound
into something of a snarl, a sound of anger rather than pain. All the
more reason to placate her. He admitted Prim gave her the wrong
directions, and theyd been idiotic for trying to fool her into thinking
otherwise. Begrudgingly she accepted this apology and his kiss before
asking the Peacekeepers what exactly were they doing in her house,
They relayed the message theyd been withholding from Prim and
their mother all daythat the fence bordering the woods of District 12
would now be electrified at all times. So that was it. Theyd been
hoping Katniss would get stuck on the other side of the fence, thus
proving she was a punishable lawbreaker. They could do more than
give her one good lash to the face with that kind of evidence. Peeta
continued to hold her gently, being careful not to touch the small of
her back.
Katniss thanked the Peacekeepers for contacting her about this
patch in security, and nearly collapsed on the kitchen table as soon as
they left. With care Peeta led her to one of the rockers by the fire and
lowered her into it while she explained that shed slipped and fell on
some ice. He didnt believe her for a secondthe girl who had berated
him constantly in the Games for snapping every stick, who walked
through leaves so swiftly and soundlessly, would have to be taken by
complete surprise to fall hard enough for these injuriesbut they all
let it slide. He and Haymitch stayed for dinner, suspicious when
Katniss asked for a third bowl of stew. Save some for the rest of us,
Haymitch said halfway through his second bowl. Katniss didnt
The only person she talked to after dinner was Prim, who sat on the
floor next to her older sister, resting her head in Katnisss lap. Prim
popped a peppermint in her mouth and handed another to Katniss.
They sat in silence for a bit, Katniss stroking Prims silky blond hair.

Then they started talking about school and wedding dresses. Peeta
watched them from the kitchen table, feeling like a child as he
listened to Mrs. Everdeen and Haymitch talk about all the mangled
bodies seeking her healing hands with this new regiment of
Peacekeepers. District 12 didnt need Muttations or fancy technology
to be riddled with deadly traps. Compared to the people who came
with whip marks or burns from the mine or frostbite and any number
of other horrors lurking in District 12, Katniss had minor wounds.
While Peeta and Prim cleaned up the dishes, Mrs. Everdeen checked
Katniss over again, bandaged her up, and gave her a cup of tea with
sleep syrup. Navigating the stairs would have been hard with her
banged-up heels, but became impossible when the sleep syrup
started to take effect while she still sat in the rocker. Knowing sleeping
while sitting up wouldnt be good for her tailbone, Peeta volunteered
to put Katniss to bed. Initially she simply leaned on his shoulder.
Halfway up the stairs, though, he decided this would go much faster if
he just carried her. So he picked her up, making sure her feet didnt hit
the wall. He remembered the time in the Hunger Games shed
dragged him into the cave, their hiding place, when he couldnt walk.
The strength contained within this small girl endeared a whole nation
to her, made him keep loving her even if she didnt feel the same
about him.
He tucked her in and wished her good night, but as he turned to go,
she grabbed his hand and asked him not to until she fell asleep. How
could he say no? He sat down on the edge of her bed and took her
hand in both of his, expressing how hed thought shed run away
today in the vaguest of terms. A few seconds passed before she
understood and assured him shed never leave him just like that. As if
to prove it, she brought his hand to her cheek and smiled as she said
Stay with me.
Always, he whispered, feeling the faint pulse in her fingers fire up

his own.
Had she asked him more directly, he would have crawled into bed
with her, like he used to on the train, to make sure that when she
woke to the screech of her own screams, shed be greeted by his
soothing whispers about everything being okay. But she was drugged,
and hinted that shed prefer Gales company, so he just continued to
hold her limp hand while watching her sleep.
Soon after dozing off, Katniss appeared at ease, her hair in a
blissful, disheveled state from the snow and her brows no longer
creased with worry. The lash mark on her face still stuck out
prominently to Peeta, but it was no longer so angry or ominous. The
new skin came in a lighter, more tender tone than the rest of her
tanned face. This blemish did nothing to diminish her beauty, and
Peeta could only that this was the Katniss who haunted his dreams
Peeta, Mrs. Everdeen whispered from the doorway. She said it
with some mix of pity and a light admonishment. Pity for his pathetic
puppy love after watching her daughter come home happy after
secretive jaunts with Gale out in the woods. Admonishment for taking
advantage of her daughters affection while in a drug-induced sleep.
Im sorry, he whispered. She asked me to stay until she fell
Mrs. Everdeen just stood in the doorway nodding, unsure what else
to do. The obvious response would be shes asleep, so you can go
now, but instead she said, The syrup should help her stay asleep
tonight. I dont give it to her on other nights because I I dont want
that to be the only way she can sleep. She glanced at him again.
You can stay as long as you want. And if you ever need anything

Thank you, Mrs. Everdeen, he said softly.

It only hit him then how awkward his romantic advances on her
daughter must have seemed during the Games, especially since he
told the whole nation that his father had been in love with Mrs.
Everdeen. What did she think when she looked at Peeta? Did she see
his father in his youth, too shy to act on his crush? Did she think he
was pathetic? Did she like him well enough? Mrs. Everdeen had always
been perfectly cordial to him, but shed never treated him like he
could possibly be her son, and he didnt think it was all part of her
Katniss is too young to marry act.
Another shadow stretched across the room from the doorway. Peeta
expected Mrs. Everdeen to reprimand him this time, but instead Prim
walked into the room and sat down beside him.
Do you have nightmares, too? she whispered, even though
Katniss couldnt be pulled out of her sleep by their normal speaking
Yes, Peeta admitted. I dont wake up screaming like Katniss,
though. I wake up silently, overcome with fear, or sadness, or anger.
I try to comfort Katniss, Prim says, staring at her sisters peaceful,
limp body. I dont think I help that much, though.
No, Peeta said, shaking his head. Its just hard to calm Katniss
down afterwards. But Im sure seeing you when she wakes up
reassures her.
How do you know? Prim asked. It wasnt accusatory, like he could
never know what Katniss wanted more than Prim did. She said it
sadly, like she needed to be reassured she did somethinganything
useful for her sister.

Katniss entered the Hunger Games to keep you safe, Prim, he

said, also leaving out any accusations. And she did keep you safe.
Seeing you after a nightmare would remind her of that.
She nodded a bit to this and remained silent. Had he made it sound
like everything that haunted Katniss was Prims fault? It hadnt been
what he meant, but he couldnt think of how to say it without making
it sound like it really had all been her fault.
After a moment of silence, Prim said, But you live alone. So what
do you do when you have nightmares?
Peeta shook his head. I just try to convince myself its not real. I
look out the window and see your house across the way and I remind
myself that Katniss is there.
Again Prim nodded, and before the conversation could get into any
more of a terrible territory, he said, And I really should be going
They walked down the stairs together. The cat meowed at their
presence. Goodbye, Buttercup, Peeta said, giving the cat a quick
scratch. Ill see you tomorrow. Slipping on his shoes with his
prosthetic leg still made him feel self-conscious. It was always obvious
he was missing a limbone of his pants legs looked much less filled
out than the otherbut when putting on shoes, he actually had to
look at the leg, had to reveal it to others. Prim didnt say anything, but
he knew she was watching.
He opened the door and stepped outside before turning around to
tell Prim goodbye. But before he could say his handful of words, she
whispered, She wants to protect you, too. To keep you safe. Because
she loves you.

First Peeta frowned at this, trying to decide whether he should

laugh or cry. He did neither; he settled for a smile and a gentle joke.
Yes, but we all know who she loves the most. Not Gale. Not him. Not
her mother. Prim. It had always been Prim.
In the pale blue light from the reflection of the moon off the
snow, Peeta watched Prims face flush a dull red. He assured her hed
visit tomorrow and trekked back to his house. Knowing what
nightmares awaited him in his bed, he went back to his painting from
earlier. He stared at it a bit before getting a new canvas and starting a
happier painting, one where Katniss held his hand to her face, smiling
and covering the scar on her cheek.

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