YHM Support Letter

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February 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

The summer before beginning my time at Wheaton I was blessed with the opportunity to go overseas on a mission
trip to Honduras. For me, that 11 day trip painted a greater picture of the global church and the beauty in the many
styles and languages in which God is worshiped. God has given me the opportunity to travel abroad again this
summer to Spain. I will be going with a group of 3 other Wheaton students with the purpose of sharing the gospel
with travelers. We will begin our trip by backpacking in Spain, after which we will spend the majority of our time
there working in a welcome center at the end of a trail and talking with travelers about their experience on El
Camino de Santiago. The trip were taking is planned by a campus organization called Youth Hostel Ministry.
Youth Hostel Ministry (YHM) is a student-run organization which began in 1971. Since then many students have
been sent to minister to the traveling communities of Europe. This year 20 students were selected and placed with
various partners in Europe. Our January retreat was the kick-start for weekly orientation meetings, small group
meetings with our teams, and fundraising projects for our summer partnership. Although YHM is an outreach
program of Wheaton College, we receive no financial support from the College. As a result, the budget of $102,000
for the 20 students will come from churches, individual gifts from friends and family, and fundraising projects that
we work on during the year. We are confident in Gods faithfulness as we look forward to this adventure.
I am writing this letter to you to ask first and foremost for your support of prayer. It is through prayer that we will
be strengthened and the Lords heart will be revealed to us. We can rely on your prayers no matter what the
circumstance, and therefore it is important to pray before the trip, in preparation of how God will use us; during the
trip, for safety and effectiveness; and also after, for continued outreach. I ask that you would pray on behalf of
myself and my team that those we interact with would be receptive to Gods word, the Holy Spirit would give us
clear communication, each member of my team would be strengthened in their own faith through this process, but
also that the Lord would uplift Nate and Faith Walter who run the welcome center. Most importantly, our greatest
desire is that God would be glorified through us as we are humbled by this experience. I am also asking for a
financial gift, if possible, for YHM. It would help to fund our ministry, however, do not feel obligated to give as I
believe that God will provide for the students going. It would be helpful for planning if I received your response by
the end of March. I appreciate your time and consideration in reading this letter. Be blessed!
In His name & for His Glory,

Alley Kammer

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