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Zero Budget
Natural Farming

What is this Zero Budget Natural

Zero Budget spiritual Farming means for all the crops, the production cost will be zero. In the Zero
Budget Natural Farming nothing has to be purchased from the outside. All things required for the
growth of the plant are available around the root zone of the plants. There is no need to add anything
from outside. Our soil is prosperous-full of nutrients. How much nutrients the crops takes from the soil?
Only 1.5 to 2.0 % is taken from the soil. Remaining 98 to 98.5% nutrients are taken from air, water &
solar energy. Agriculture Universities says false that we have to add fertilizers from outside. If science
says, that 98% crop body is constituted by air and water, then where is the need to add the fertilizers
from the outside? Every green leaf produces the food throughout the day. These green leafs are food
producing factories. What is used by leaves for producing the food? It takes carbon dioxide & nitrogen
from the air, water from the canal, river or well given by the monsoon clouds, and solar energy from the
sun for producing the food. Every green leaf of any plant produces 4.5 gram carbohydrates per square
feet surface, from which we get 1.5 gram grains or 2.25 gram fruits. For preparing this food, the plants
take necessary elements like air, water and solar energy from the nature, not from us. Monsoon clouds
do not send any bill for the water that he supplied. Neither air sends bill for the nitrogen it supplied or
the sun for the solar energy. All these are available free of cost. Green leaves do not use the technology
of the Agriculture University for taking CO2 from the air or solar energy from the sun. Whether monsoon
clouds use the technology of Agriculture University for giving rainwater? No! All these elements
constituting 98% body of the plant are available free of cost. Remaining 1.5% nutrients taken from the
soil are also available free of cost as it is taken from the prosperous soil which is enriched with these
nutrients. Moreover, for this it does not use the technology of the Agriculture University.
In the forest or on the bunds of our farm, there are huge trees of Mango, Tamarind or Plum with
uncountable export quality fruits in famine also without any application of chemical or organic
fertilizers, insecticides, without any cultivation by tractor, without irrigation. There is no existence of any
technology, any fertilizers, insecticides, cultivation and irrigation, still these trees are giving enormous
export quality fruits every year in famine also. That means, for the plants to grow and to give the
production there is no necessity of adding from outside.
If it the ultimate truth that without adding from outside, the plants grows and give the production. It
means that, all the nutrients needed for the growth and production are available around the root zone.
There is no need to add it from outside. In the forest, there is no human existence, but, even though the
trees are having enormous fruits. That means nature had supplied all the nutrients needed for the plant.
Our soil is prosperous-enriched with the nutrients! When I say that our soil is enriched with the
nutrients, then I have to prove it scientifically. Now we will see the scientific evidences for it. In year
1924, Dr. Clark and Dr. Washington, the world famous soil scientists came to India in search of crude oil.
Barmashell Company sends them in search of petroleum products in India. After studying the samples of
the thousand feet deep soil and tested it at the American laboratory, they found that, as we go deeper

in the soil, the nutrients needed for the growth and production of the plant are in the increasing
quantity. Our soil is prosperous-enriched with the nutrients.
Our soil is enriched with nutrients, but these nutrients are not in the form, which the roots want. These
nutrients are available in the form of grains not in the form of Chapatti or Roti. If there is enough
amount of grains in your house, but nobody (your wife, mother) to cook it. And you do not know
cooking, then either you have to be hungry or go to hotel. You will definitely go to the hotel. If we do
not want to go to hotel, then you have to bring back your mother or wife. These chemical or organic
fertilizers are the food from the hotel. This non-available form is converted to available form by the
millions of micro-organisms. In the forest, these micro-organisms are present in tremendous amount
(One crore or lack per gram soil) that convert these non-available form nutrients into available form and
make available to the plants. That is why there is no need to add any fertilizers from outside in the
However, in our farm these nutrients are not available because the micro-organisms which convert
these non-available from nutrients into available from are destroyed by means of poisonous chemical
and organic fertilizers, insecticides, weedicides and cultivation by the tractor. If these cooks are
destroyed them how the roots will get the nutrients? That means we have to re-establish these microorganisms in the soil. How it can be done? By applying the cow dung of our local cow. The cow dung of
the local cow is a miraculous culture. As our mother or wife add a spoon curd (culture) to the pot full of
milk and whole milk is converted into curd. Likewise, the local cow dung is a culture. One gram of cow
dung contains about 300 to 500 crore beneficial effective microbes.
After studying all Indian cow breeds like Gaulao, Lal Kandhari, Khilar, Deoni, Dangi, Nimari from
Maharashtra; Gir, Tharparkar, Sahiwal, Redsindhi from West India; Amrutmahal, Krishna kathi, from
South India and Hariyana from North India, PalekarJi have tested the cow dung and urine of all these
breeds on every crop, in each Naxatra, in each Charana of each Naxatra. After six years of research, he
found some conclusions.
First conclusion is that only cow dung of our local cow is effective not of Jersey or Holstein. We can mix
half cow dung and half the dung of bullock or buffalo, but not of Jersey or Holstein at any cost. Secondly,
the cow dung and urine of black colored Kapila cow is most effective. Thirdly, the cow dung should be
used as fresh as possible and the urine as old as possible. It is more effective. Fourthly, only one cow is
needed for thirty acres of land. You need not have to purchase the F.Y.M., chemical or organic fertilizers
like compost, vermi-compost etc. My six years experimental result says that for one acre land, only ten
kilogram of local cow dung is sufficient per month. One local cow gives on an average about 11 Kg of
cow dung, one bullock about 13 Kg of dung and one buffalo about 15 Kg dung per day. For one acre one
days cow dung is enough. That means thirty days cow dung for thirty acres. There is no need to
purchase the F.Y.M. in bulk quantity. I started thinking, what should be added in the cow dung? I
examined the forest. I found there the excreta of the animals, birds, earthworms, insects and their urine
around that huge tree with uncountable export quality fruits. I thought there must be definitely some
relation between the excreta of the animals, birds, insects, earthworms with the production and growth
of the plant. One gram of local cow dung contains 300 to 500 crore beneficial effective microbes. These

micro-organisms decompose the dried biomass on the soil and get available the nutrients to the plants.
Nature uses the dung and urine of the various animals, birds, insects and earthworms in his selfdeveloping, self-nourishing system. That means the use of cow dung and urine is very natural and hence
I found in the shadow of that huge tree in the forest, few insects like ants working there. But in the
shadow only, not outside the shadow. He examined and studied this natures self-developing, selfnourishing system for six years. He saw that some sweeteners are secreted from the roots to attract the
micro-organisms. In addition, these micro-organisms get available the nutrients from the soil to the root
zone. There is symbiosis in the nature. Science had proved this. If nature uses the sweeteners to attract
the microbes, then why not we use it? He thought why not to add some sweeteners with cow dung? He
started adding Jaggery with the cow dung and urine and examined its effects on each crop in each
Naxatra. The results were fantastic.
PalekarJi found the various vegetation in the shadow of that huge tree in the forest. He verified those
vegetations. He found 268 different species. Among them 3 parts were dicots and one-part monocots.
He was surprised! Why this proportion 3:1? He understood that the dicot contains proteins and proteins
are saturated with solar energy. The matured seed falls down. They are decomposed and the energy
enclosed in it gets available to the micro-organisms and the micro-organisms are multiplied. He thought
why should not add the dicot flour to the cow dung, urine and Jaggery. He started experimenting with
cow dung, urine, Jaggery and dicot flour in different proportions. He found after continuous six years
experiments one formula, which he named as Jiwamrita. He had used those things in the Jiwamrita that
the nature uses. For preparing Jiwamrita, we have to use dung and urine of our local cows only and not
of Jersey or Holstein. Because the Jersey or Holstein is not cow, it is a different animal. It has not a single
character of cow (Zebu Family). In his experiments of Jiwamrita, he derived some conclusions. Firstly, we
have to use the dung and urine of the local cow only. If it is not available in sufficient quantity, you can
use half of Bullock or Buffalo, but not alone of Bullock or Buffalo. Secondly, the cow that gives more
milk, its dung and urine is less effective and which gives less milk, its dung and urine is more effective.

Four wheels of Zero Budget Natural

Since thousands of years, our farmers were treating their seeds by Local cow urine, cow dung and little
soil from the bund of the farm or land of the farm. This was the traditional method and also a totally
scientific method. But, after the arrival of Agricultural Universities, all good things in Agricultural sector
were destroyed and all unnatural and so unscientific techniques were imposed on the farmers and
indirectly on the urban consumers. When you apply any poisonous fungicides or medicines to the seed,
all useful effective (our friends) microorganisms are destroyed in the soil. When these poisonous
chemicals treated seeds germinate and grow, these poisons are also sucked by the roots with the soil

water solution and are deposited in the body organs of the plant i.e. vegetables, grains, fruits, tubers
etc. When we eat these produce, these poisons are transmitted to our body and causes T. B., Diabetes,
Cancer, Heart problems to the eater consumers. As well as, when farmers purchase these fungicides &
medicines for seed treatment, a big exploitation of the farmers occurs. Now we are going to stop this
nonsense. We are going to start our ancient techniques. On that ancient technique, I have done some
additional experiments. Because of highly poisonous soil, it was needed. After those research
experiments, final seed treatment formula was ready to hand over for farmers. That is Bijamrita.

How to Prepare & Use Bijamrita

1. Take 20 liter Water, 5 Kg Local Cow Dung, 5 liter Local Cow Urine, 50 Gram Lime & Handful soil
from the bund of the farm
2. Take 5 Kg Local Cow Dung in a cloth and bound it by tape. Hang this in the 20 Liter water up to
12 hours
3. Take one liter water and add 50 gm lime in it, let it stable for a night
4. Then next morning, squeeze this bundle of the cow dung in that water thrice continuously, so
that all essence of cow dung will accumulate in that water
5. Then add a handful of soil in that water solution and stir it well
6. Then add 5 liter local cow urine or human urine in that solution & add the lime water and stir it
Add Bijamrita on the spread seeds of any crops, treat these seeds well by hands, dry it well and use for

How to Prepare & Use Jiwamrita


Take 200 liter Water in barrel

Take 10 Kg Local Cow Dung and 5 to 10 liter cow urine and add it in the water.
Then add 2 Kg Jaggery, 2 Kg Pulses flour & handful soil from the bund of the farm in it.
Then stir the solution well & keep it to ferment for 48 hours in the shadow. Now Jiwamrita is
ready for application.
5. Apply the Jiwamrita to the crops with Irrigation water OR directly to the crops.
6. Spray 10% filtered Jiwamrita on the crops.
7. Ghana-Jiwaamrita: Take 100 Kg Local Cow Dung, 2 Kg Jaggery, 2 Kg Pulses flour, Handful soil
from the bund. Then mix it well by adding small amount of Cow Urine. Then spread it & keep it
in the shadow for drying. Afterwards make its powder by hand & apply to the crops in the
proportion of 100 Kg FYM & 10 Kg Ghan-Jiwamrita.


When we apply Jiwamrita to the soil, we add 500 crore micro-organisms to the soil. All these are
beneficial effective microbes. Our soil is saturated with all the nutrients. But these are in the nonavailable form to the roots of the plants. These micro-organisms convert these non-available form
nutrients into available form, when we add Jiwamrita to the soil. These micro-organisms available all the
nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash, Iron, Sulphur, Calcium etc) to the roots of the plant. After
applying Jiwamrita to the soil, the local earthworms start their work. These earthworms bring the
nutrients from 15 feet deeper soil to the upper surface and get available to the roots. How the trees
from the forest get all these nutrients? These local earthworms and other insects do this work. These
uncountable micro-organisms, insects and earthworms work only when they have a favorable definite
microclimate i.e. 25 to 32 C temperature, 65 to 72 % moisture and darkness, warmth and deception in
the soil. When we much mulch the soil, this microclimate is created automatically.
There are three types of Mulching
1. Soil Mulching
2. Straw Mulching
3. Live Mulching

Soil Mulching (Cultivation)

There are three purposes of the cultivation. To circulate the air in the soil, to stop the raindrops to flow
and to conserve them in the soil and to control the weeds. Because, the oxygen is essential to the roots
and micro-organisms in the soil. Conserved rain water storage is essential for the growth of the crops
and the stoppage of the rainwater flow to restrict the topsoil erosion. Weeds are to be controlled to
stop the competition of the weeds with the crops for water vapour and sunlight. Not for food. Because
mother soil is Annapurna. In the nature, there is no any competition for food in between any two
plants. If, it is the truth that, the aeration and soil moisture is essential for the roots and soil microorganisms, then, the cultivation should be practiced in that soil layer, in which, these feeding roots and
micro-organisms are active. In which layer these roots and soil biota are active? They are active in the
top most 4.5 to 6 inch (10 to 15 cm) topsoil layer. So, the cultivation of the soil should be practiced in
only this 10 to 15 cm layer. Bellow this layer, there are stock roots, not feeding roots! Air and moisture is
essential for only feeding roots, not for stock roots.

Straw Mulching (Cultivation)

In Hemanta Ritu, the seeds become matured. At the same time, the leaves start to mature totally. The
green leaves now start to change in pale yellow and then whitish yellow colour. During this colour
changing process, the tap roots and secondary godown roots lift up the four nutrients i.e. nitrogen,
phosphate, potash and magnesium from the yellowish leaves and deposit them in to their godown
(Godown roots). But, rest of the nutrients remains in the leaves. Why the roots lift these nutrients from
the leaves and deposit in the godown roots? There is reason. Please, understand one thing, that nature
never does any thing without purpose and preplan. Nature wants to supply these four prominent
nutrients to the ratoons in next generation by this uplifting and depositing in the godown roots. This
cover of dried straw biomass of the previous plants or crops is called straw mulching. By this straw
mulching cover, the nature has achieved so many targets. First, the seeds are covered by this straw

mulching to save from birds, insects and animals. Second, the microclimate is created to activate the
micro-organisms and local earthworms. Third, the favorable condition is created to decompose the
godown roots and to prepare the humas stock in the soil for future new crop generation as a reserve
bank. Fourth, the soil moisture is conserved in the soil and transpiration of soil moisture is restricted for
the continuous soil micro-organisms utilization. Fifth, the humas saturated soil particles and soil biota in
the upper most 10 cm layer of soil surface are saved from the severe heat waves of sunlight in Grishma
Ritu (summer), from cold winds in Winter Ritu and from heavy stormy rain drops of pre-mansoon and
mansoon raindrops; which spring forward with the dreary demon speed of 7 meter (30 feet) per second
on the soil!

Live Mulching (Symbiotic Intercrops & Mixed Crops)

Live mulching means that intercrops and mixed crops, which give the symbiosis to the host main crop. In
the nature there is a symbiosis. All vegetation is a whole family and each member plant is dependent to
other plant. In forest, you will see that, there is a five-layer system. Big tree, medium tree, bush, grasses
and layer of fallen dried leaves on the surface of land. All five layers are dependent upon each other.
Grasses are growing in the shadow of bush or shrub. Shrubs are growing in the shadow of medium tree.
Medium tree is growing in the shadow of big tree. All are living. If they are living without any family
disputes, without any debates, it is the symptom of symbiosis. Nature has managed all vegetation family
members in two groups. Those like shadow and those do not like shadow. The grass family monocot
crops like paddy, wheat, Juar, sugarcane, Bajra, Ragi, Maize, millets and monocot grasses do not like
shadow. They like full sunlight. They can grow in highest intensity of sunlight also. But, spices crops do
not like straight sunlight. They want shadow or low intensity of sunlight. Some fruit trees like Grapes,
Pomegranate, Orange group, Banana, Sapota, Mango, Areca nut, Betel nut, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Clove
tree, Coffee and other do not like full sunlight. They live and grow in low intensity of sunlight. The mixed
crop pattern of Monocot in Dicot & Dicot in Monocot helps to supply the essential elements to the
crops. The Dicot supplies Nitrogen by means of nitrogen fixing bacteria & Monocot supplies other
elements like Potash, Phosphate, Sulphur etc.

In Vedas water is defined as a life of the soil. If there is Waaphasa in the soil, the water is life. If there is
no Waaphasa in the soil, water is death of the plant and soil biota. Waaphasa is that microclimate in the
soil, by which the soil organisms and roots can live freely with availability of sufficient air and essential
moisture in the soil. In one sentence, shortly, the Waaphasa means the mixture of 50 % air and 50 %
water vapours in the cavities between two soil particles. Why water vapour ? Why not water ? Because,
any root takes the molecules of water vapour. 92 % microorganisms and 88 to 95 % root hairs are
working in the upper most 10 cm surface soil. So, the air must be circulating in this surface layer and
vapour molecule must be available in this 10cm surface layer. When this will happen? When, we give
water outside the canopy of the plant. When you give water outside the canopy of the plant i.e. outside

the shadow of the plant at 12 O clock, then only Waaphasa will be maintained. The roots that take
water are situated at the outer canopy.

Insect And Pest Management

How to Prepare Agniastra (Agni Missile)

Take a pot.
Add 10 liter Local Cow Urine in it.
Then add 1 Kg Tobacco by crushing it in the Urine.
Crush 500 gram of Green Chili & add it in Urine.
Crush 500 Gram Local Garlic & add it in the Urine.
Add 5 Kg Neem leaves pulp.
Then boil this solution well 5 times continuously.
Let this solution to ferment for 24 Hrs.
Filter this by cloth.
Spray this medicine Agniastra on the pest like Leaf Roller, Stem Borer, Fruit borer, Pod borer.

How to Prepare Bramhastra (Bramha Missile)



Take a pot.
Add 10 liter Local Cow Urine in it.
Crush 3 Kg of Neem Leaves & add this Neem pulp in this water.
Then Add 2 Kg pulps of Sitafal (Custard apple) leaves, 2 Kg pulps of Papaya leaves, 2 Kg
Pomegranate leaves pulp, 2 Kg of Guava (Jam, Peru) leaves pulps, 2 Kg Lantena Camella leaves
pulp & 2 Kg White Dhatura leaves Pulp in it. (Use Lantana Camella and Dhatura leaves if
Then boil this solution for 5 times.
Filter this by cloth.
Let this solution to ferment for 24 Hrs
Spray this medicine on the trees to control all the sucking pests, pod borer, fruit borer etc. For
spraying take this medicine Bramhastra 2 liter in the 100 liter water.

How to Prepare Neemastra (Neem Missile)


Take 100 liter Water.

Add 5 liter Local Cow Urine in it.
Add 5 Kg Local Cow Dung in it.
Crush 5 Kg of Neem Leaves & add this Neem pulp in this water.
Let this solution to ferment for 24 Hrs.

6. Stir this solution twice a day by any stick.

7. Filter this by cloth.
8. Spray this Neemastra as it is on the plants for sucking pests & Mealy Bug.

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