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Personality Disorders (Cluster B)


What kind of behavior belongs to this disorder?

Also called the dramatic, emotional, and erratic cluster.

How to diagnose a person with a personality disorder (Cluster B)?

Symptoms should appear at least in early adulthood (age of 15)

A person must have 2 or more types of lasting problems from a list of four (cognitive, affective,
interpersonal and impulsive)

The pattern must not be better accounted for as a manifestation of another mental disorder, or to
the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g. drug or medication) or a general medical
condition (e.g. head trauma).

The person should at least have 4 or more symptoms of the personality disorder.

What causes this personality disorders?


Abnormal chemistry in the nervous system and impairment in the parts of the brain.
Family History of the disorder
History of abuse and neglect
Problems during the developmental years

Types of Personality Disorders under Cluster B

A. Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD)

Characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of other people that
is often manifested as hostility /aggression.
Usually people who have this disorder personally have a.
Low self-esteem
Fear of Closeness/Intimacy
Threat of being exploited, controlled and abandoned

Signs and Symptoms/ Pattern of Behavior

Always in conflict with the law and the society and shows truancy, expulsion,
vandalism and fights
Inability to sustain work
Failure to honor financial obligations
No plans for the future
Monopolizes conversation
High risk for substance abuse

B. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)


Characterized by wide fluctuation of mood, unstable self-image and poor impulse


Signs and Symptoms/ Pattern of Behavior

Reckless, impulsive sex, shoplifting

Self mutilation, used to block emotional pain by physical pain
Mood is labile
Relationship is unstable
Feelings of chronic boredom, isolation and emptiness
Projection is the key defense mechanism

Comparison between Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder

C. Histrionic
Disorder (HPD)


Characterized by a pervasive patterns of excessive emotionality, self focused and

dramatic attention seeking.

Signs and Symptoms/ Pattern of Behavior

Attention seeking
Hysterical reactions to certain situations
Overly concerned to impress and get approval of others
Flirtatious and seductive
Impulsive in a form of extravagance
Dependence on authority figures
Colorful theatrical talking, full of superlative objectives
Delusional belief of intimacy
Gives insincere flattery
Ignore old friends if someone new
And interesting has been introduced
Has suicidal ideations

D. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)


Characterized by exaggerated sense of self - importance

Signs and Symptoms/ Pattern of Behavior

Attention seeking
Preoccupied with thoughts of beauty
and intelligence
Rude, arrogant, intimidating, sarcastic and unwilling to wait for gratification
Very manipulative
Has a strong sense of being entitled to special treatment and privileges
Exploitation of others to elevate personal status

Lack of empathy
Envy and begrudge others for gaining recognition or material success
Hypersensitive to criticisms

Interventions for Personality Disorder (Cluster B)

Approach should be firm and consistent

Set limitations and explain that there would be a consequence if they would exhibit
unwanted behaviors
Handle manipulation on-the-spot
Give constructive ways to express emotions
Positive Self talk
Consult the Guidance Counselor for other options or refer to a Psychiatrist if needed.

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