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Discoveries involve seeing the world and self through new perspectives as we

rediscover things we have forgotten or lost. Explore.

Discovery is the process of uncovering new/forgotten ideas or concepts that are only
developed and understood through personal experience, from this we can also rediscover
things we have previously forgotten.
New interactions and realisations have to be encountered in order to discover either
physically or mentally, or rediscovered through new perspectives on the things we have
forgotten or lost.
New perspectives developed from interactions with ourselves and others, offer renewed
understandings that allow us to rediscover things we have previously forgotten.
Discoveries are ultimately explored and discovered, due to the fact that an individual's
internal / external influences affects the mind of the person in either a positive or negative
way. These discoveries can come from long lost experiences, etc. this can be supported by
their curiosity and the means of wanting to explore the unexplored.
Scene 1: (Pis discovery of 3 religions/ festival of lights and dinner scene)
The Gods were my superheroes growing up. - Pi grew up with wonder and
awe towards the Gods, discovering all the worlds wonder as a creation of theirs.
Her religion was the only link she had to her past. - Rediscovery through
something she has lost, in order to connect with her past.
I came to faith through Hinduism, and I found Gods love through Christ. The discovery of Hinduism led Pi to discovering Christianity, which he uses to
rediscover the world in a new perspective.
I found a feeling of serenity and brotherhood- Islam. Further discovery
which leads to new perspectives on the world.
Believing in everything at the same time is the same as not believing in
anything at all -Father brings the voice of reason, yet the voice of reason takes away
all the wonder in Pis life at that moment.
Hinduism- Mystery and wonder
Christianity- Love
Islam- Physicality of spirituality.

Scene 2: (Richard Parkers attack on the goat to Pi reading The Outsider)

This scene involves the revelation of the true nature of Richard Parker
Pis father teaches him a lesson to explain the concept of animalistic nature
and survival instincts
You think he is your friend? Hes an animal, not a playmate - Pi is taught that
animals DO NOT have souls, that they will turn on you and that they have no sense
of loyalty or affection

The CGI Tiger is shown to be an elegant, balanced and beautiful creature that
is so quiet that it seems peaceful. However this peacefulness is soon replaced with
horror at the aggressive and brutal actions of the tiger
Scene 3: (What are you looking at Richard Parker)
Pi is able to rediscover his past through a new perspective of Richard Parker
Through this perspective, Pi is able to realise that all things they have
discovered are the same - fades from Pis face to Richard Parkers face
The use of magical realism illustrates Pis transition to the acceptance of the
different side of himself and that he needs Richard Parker to survive.
Sees: various animals from the zoo, religion, his mother and the ship that
sunk. - shows how Pi rediscovers the things he had forgotten from the new
perspective of his alter-ego offering new understanding as to why he is alive
Ends with the life raft in the ocean and stars
Scene 4: (The Storm Scene)
Why are you scaring him!?Pi experiences a raging storm in which he
believes to be planned by god, and asks why is he scaring R.P, this can relate to Pis
frightened emotions as he experiences both spiritual and frightening emotions.
At the start of the scene, it shows Pi trying to keep all hes survival needs safe
before the storm hits, this represents Pi trying to keep the things that keep him alive,
as its some of the only things that give him hope during this journey
Pi loses his survival diary, this tells us that he has just lost all he has to
survive, the effort to stay alive.
The storm has a great impact in the sense of Pis spiritual discovery, he
witnesses something so powerful, which makes him second guess his purpose and
whether or not to give up.
Scene 5: (The interview with the Japanese reports to which story do you prefer/ and so it
goes with God)
There are two stories, and as humans we believe the worst and ugliest story.
The Japanese reporters that hear this story do not believe Pi and ask for a more
believable story that they can use in their report. This suggests that maybe we dont
take time to discover the other more spiritual side of the story
Very white setting in hospital, basic colours, possibly representing the
revelation of the truth?
The audience is presented with a choice, the choice to believe in the spiritual
story with animals and carnivorous islands; or the believe in the cannibalistic survival
of Pi as he fought for his own survival.
The choice between fact or faith is important, although the story begins and
ends in the same way, the audience learns that perspective is significant to
discovery. The writer chooses to believe in the spiritual story, in which Pi closes with
and so it goes with God, highlighting the faith aspect to the story.

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