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Audition Monologue - Aldo

(Huey: My life dont mean anything without her.)

ALDO: Im not gonna argue with you there. I dont know whether your life means anything or
not. Maybe it doesnt mean anything. Who cares? Why you want your life to mean something?
Okay, with you, your life meant something when you were with Janice. It meant heartache,
screaming, bad food, and finally, a dead dog. Is this something to miss? Listen, Huey, a lotta
people have an expression of this problem. They had something horrible for a long time, and
then they get away from it, and then they miss it. They want the horrible thing back. but only in
the very very blindest stupidest way. This is where friends come in. Friends are those people
appointed in your life to blow the whistle when youre insane. So Im your friend, Im here to do
my job. WAKE UP.

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